Monhun - Tumblr Posts
Finally got somewhere im happy with w this lil bugger >:3
Opala Arsithe, the culling star, a scavanging elder dragon whos secretions melt most living things into a nutrient slush for Opala to sip up!
They appear rarely, only in enviroments where springtime has run rampant, and plantlife chokes the land.
Their gravity sac allows them to easily float over mountains in search of suitable prey, and their long tail and whiskers aid in balancing and precise movements in midair.

Prolly gonna be the next creature I write a wikia for :)
gonna see if i can start compiling these monsties into a whole fangame article!!!
older Opala Arsithe concepts ^^

I know this wouldn`t be to everyone taste, but i personally hope mh wilds use the open world format to expand upon the tracking and explorations elements of the series. Have the large monsters be more rare, requiring players to go on long journeys to find them, kind of like those parts of shadow of the collosus where you quietly travel the land in search of the next boss. To go with that, id like if the large monsters had very detailed interactions with small monsters and their environnements, both during and outside of the fight. Similarly, elder dragons should be affecting the weather and mess up the ecosystems, wherever they go.

Grandfather Mantagrell smallest crown.
Original figure by l_oimo_l

CEADEUS, The Ocean Dragon

AGNAKTOR, The Fire Pike Wyvern
If you could have a domesticated monster from the Monster Huner roster, what would it be and why
⚔️ Great Sword ⚔️ Tried and TRUE. The iconic Great Sword delivers powerful, satisfying chops that'll send foes reeling. Harness Focus Mode to target weak points & carve through with the business end of your blade.
Here's a little debut post for this account; the Blueberries collection! Some of my favorite characters from across games and shows, all of which wear plenty shades of blue, from hair to drip.
(Kocia is a bit greener but that's ok.)

I hope great wroggi is in wilds, I want to be a cowboy in the desert
Also great maccao
I hope great wroggi is in wilds, I want to be a cowboy in the desert
I wish estrelion from monster hunter online made it to mainline, sadly, he belongs to tencent.

little a gore magala, as a treat

Daily draw #29
I drew the best boi from monster hunter world, the dodogama. I love this boi so much and after playing the usj event I’ve loved him even more.

Daily draw #32
So I’ve been having fun looking at art and stuff and I saw this new to drawing done by @space-dragon14 of the pickley boi. I’m gonna try and get something more creative and good tomorrow but I’m tired and hungry so I’m sorry.

Daily draw #34
So I’ve been feeling really hype about my character in monster hunter world, so I decided to draw him in his gear. Damascus helm and Kulve Taroth chest. I love my biggie boi.

Daily draw #38
So I’m doing all of my friends favorite monsters from all monster hunter games and since I already did mine (dodogama btw) I figured so my buddy Ashe’s. This is the tobi kadachi, the lightning squirrel.