Sesquimorph, n. A creature comprising one-and-a-half bodies, usually possessing six or more limbs. [sesqui- "one and a half" + -morph "shape, form"] This is my collection of dudes with a bevy of limbs, and other stuff I find interesting.
205 posts
Sesquimorphism - Limbs Everywhere - Tumblr Blog
Please Reblog This If It’s Okay To:
Send questions about yourself
Ask questions to/about your characters
Ask about your headcanons
Send questions about your works (fanfics, art, music, RPs, etc)
Ask about popular ships/headcanons
Ask about plot ideas you’ve had but haven’t acted upon yet (snippets of AUs, a scenario you wish to write/draw but haven’t gotten to yet)
Questions about other ships/headcanons that aren’t as popular or are rarepairs
Questions or comments about favorite tropes, headcanons, characters, foods, weather, or anything else you are okay in answering!
Or you could, you know, not threaten me with that shit.
Mo’ money for errybody
if you’re reading this
a lump sum of money is on the way to you
Relog if you need this energy
this is the money ammy. reblog for blessed funds
If you see this on your dashboard, reblog this, NO MATTER WHAT and all your dreams and wishes will come true.
Help Stop Trump’s Supreme Court Nominee & Protect Rule of Law
This is about checks and balances and the rule of law.
July 11, 2018
There is an important reason why Senators should refuse to confirm 45′s Supreme Court Nominee that very few people are talking about: the president is under investigation for stealing the election.
“Never before has the selection of a Supreme Court nominee been so thoroughly compromised by the President’s profound personal interest in appointing a judge the President can count on to protect the President. This is DEFCON 1 for the rule of law in this country.”
This is an especially important argument to make since it may help to convince even conservative senators who don’t support abortion rights, gay rights, etc. Every American should be interested in protecting democracy.
What can you do?
Fax your senators, especially republicans! Just customize the letter below with their names and your name and use to send your fax for free online. It’s easy! And once you fax your senators PLEASE also fax: Senators Murkowski (AK-R), Collins (ME-R), McCain (AZ-R), and Flake (AZ-R). They may be possible to flip on this issue, especially Collins and Murkowski! (Just remember to delete “I am a constituent” if you’re not one. :)
Dear Senator [NAME]:
I am a constituent and I write to encourage you in the strongest possible terms to reject the President’s Supreme Court nominee. My plea is based not on abortion rights, gay rights, or any other highly politicized social issue.
Rather it is about protecting our increasingly fragile democracy.
The president is currently under investigation to determine whether he conspired with a foreign power to win the presidency and whether he obstructed the investigation into this possible crime.
As Josh Marshall points out (, the Supreme Court will very likely be called upon to determine essential legal questions especially relevant to this President who is currently under investigation. Some of the questions the Court may determine include:
· whether the President can pardon himself or others to protect himself,
· whether a sitting President can be indicted
· whether a sitting President can be compelled to testify before a federal grand jury
· whether the appointment of the Special Counsel somehow violated the Appointments Clause
· whether a President can ever obstruct justice.
· whether the President’s acceptance of significant foreign funds through his businesses violates the Emoluments Clause.
Since the 45th President’s election, the EIU has downgraded the United States of America to a “flawed democracy” for the first time.
Our courts are crucial to this country’s system of checks and balances.
Since taking office, the President’s power has frequently been limited by the courts. Consider what America might look like if this particular element of our checks and balances were eliminated.
Senator [NAME], please protect our democracy from this existential threat. History will remember this moment and your actions.
Okay, Anxious Activists! Let’s do this. And please signal boost far and wide!
If you LOATHE someone you are probably LOATH to spend time around them
So You Still Think Homosexuality Is A Sin?
via my mother
Reblog In 5 seconds for good luck
Scammer Targeting Tumblr Artists
The title says it all really. So if nothing else, please share and reblog this post to raise awareness for those that might be caught out - both artists and followers. For a TL:DR, please look at the bottom of the post
What is happening?
Right now, there is at least one person actively impersonating multiple artists across tumblr in an effort to scam their followers into paying for fake ‘cheap commissions’. The scammer will clone a tumblr, usually using a slight change to the url/account name to look like the real deal. They will then message people directly through Tumblr with messages along the lines of “Hey, i’m doing cheap commissions right now. DM me to get one”. Naturally, this is ends up just being a way to take their money without giving anything back in return.
Who does this affect?
Everyone. Simple as that. As long as the scammer in question works unopposed, they are free to spread their influence and continue to scam more people. Even if you haven’t been targeted yet, it does not mean you are safe or immune. Several artists have already fallen victim to this scammer, and I encourage any artists that have to reblog this post with the details of their affected account(s) and the ones the scammer has set up.
How can we stop this?
Tumblr, like many other social media platforms, seems to care very little about ‘minor’ occurences like this one, and despite reaching out directly to them over a week ago through multiple avenues of contact - they have refused to comment on the situation, provide a recommended response for users, or take action on behalf of those already affected. Despite this, there are still tools at our disposal that we can use to make this scam more difficult, and to increase its visibility to those within Tumblr staff that are required by policy to take action. Tumblr has the following to say on the topic of impersonation: Confusion or Impersonation. Don’t do things that would cause confusion between you or your blog and a person or company, like registering a deliberately confusing URL. Don’t impersonate anyone. While you’re free to ridicule, parody, or marvel at the alien beauty of Benedict Cumberbatch, you can’t pretend to actually be Benedict Cumberbatch. They then provide a link to this online form that you can fill out if you suspect someone’s identity is being confused. Unfortunately, this can only be filled out if you are the victim of impersonation. In other words, only the artists can fill this out legitimately. So, what about the followers and users of tumblr whom aren’t being impersonated? Our most valuable tool in this online platform is the platform itself. It enables us to spread our word near-virally across all the many sub-communities on Tumblr with remarkable efficiency for a user-driven system. We can take advantage of that effect to increase awareness of the situation. Even if you - the one reading this right now - aren’t an artist or don’t know an artist, the act of reblogging this post or sharing it directly with friends improves it’s ‘ranking’ in popularity increasing its chances to be seen by more people. We don’t need everyone on Tumblr to see the post for it to be effective, just like we don’t need the entirety of the human population of the world to be immune to a disease for that disease to be rendered ineffective or eradicated. If enough people are aware, the likelihood of pulling off a successful scam increases dramatically reducing efficiency to a point that it no longer becomes profitable to continue.
Why should I care?
It disheartens me to say this, but of the many artists I contacted directly over the past week to warn about this issue many of them refused to listen or dodged the responsibility with lines like;
“I’m not being impersonated, so it doesn’t affect me”
“I’m just one person. I can’t make an impact”
“I need to take care of my community. Other people can look after theirs”
This is honestly disappointing that so many artists or art-rebloggers care so little as to intentionally wave the responsibility of keeping their followers and fellow artists safe from this, that they cannot spare 10 seconds of their time to share an informative post. I’m not here to bash artists, but it is time that everyone takes responsibility for their own communities, and of those around them. Artists: You have a responsibility to ensure that your followers and fans aren’t being abused by someone who may impersonate you. If they succeed, your reputation will be damaged, and your followers will resent you. Your followers are also almost guaranteed to be following other artists meaning your efforts can spread beyond your own circle of influence, so don’t be naive when you think you have little effect. Followers: You have just as much responsibility to be aware of those that might try to scam you or your fellow followers. Don’t just sit in silence when you see something wrong: Ignoring the issue only makes it more resilient to our efforts to stop it. You are the vocal majority if you just use your voices to be heard!
A scammer is impersonating artists and scamming money from their followers under the guise of ‘cheap commissions’. If we ignore the issue, it will get worse. Every single person that reads this can afford to spend just 10 seconds to reblog and share this post. Those 10 seconds can save others from being scammed for hundreds of dollars. Reblog & Share
I’ve always wondered why people make a thing sound so final. Like, who decided what the maximum number of attempts should be. Hasn’t, not didn’t.
I had to read this three times to realize it didn’t say “the power of YEET”
Police officers explain how they’re encouraged to act in racist ways
These NYPD officers are the plaintiffs in class-action lawsuit alleging the department is violating a 2010 state ban on arrest quotas.
“We’re the predator. They’re the prey,” Pedro Serrano told NBC4 in New York. “The worst thing you can have is a police officer that needs an arrest for the month.”
I would like a job I love AND deserve.
I remember first learning that you can cry from any emotion, that emotions are chemical levels in your brain and your body is constantly trying to maintain equilibrium. so if one emotion sky rockets, that chemical becomes flagged and signals the tear duct to open as an exit to release that emotion packaged neatly within a tear. Everything made sense after learning that. That sudden stability of your emotions after crying. How crying is often accompanied by the inability to feel any other emotion in that precise moment. And it is especially beautiful knowing that it is even possible to experience so much beauty or love or happiness that your body literally can’t hold on to all of it. So what I’ve learned is that crying signifies that you are feeling as much as humanely possible and that is living to the fullest extent. So keep feeling and cry often and as much as needed
This is Money Snake. She only appears every 312 years.
If you reblog her picture within the next twenty-five seconds you will have good luck and fortune for the rest of your life.
this is the money dog, repost in the next 24 hours and money will come your way!!
Trump should be impeached immediately and today I'm calling on Congress to hold him accountable. #NeedToImpeach
This moth was the highlight of my day. I had to take it off my truck and move it to a better spot.
reblog if ur mom is smart and beautiful