Spoilers LoT
Spoilers LoT
He could have just frozen his hand in place and get out of there!
Brake of the frozen off arm and survive this.
But since Wentworth Miller is officially still working for CW next year across the shows I am not sure if they didn’t save him. Somehow.
spn-legends-broke-out-of-prison liked this · 8 years ago
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More Posts from Sethmacenzie
Too many OTPs, but I immediatly thought of Pete and Gary (Bully) as I was reading the first one. Pete always steals the blankets and it always wakes Gary up at some point, because he’s freezing (medication and all). But he just gets up and gets more blankets from his bed, because he likes to see Pete sleep. At some point all the blankets they have end up being wrapped around Pete in some way and Gary just starts sto sleep in warmer pyjamas.
They both stub their toes all the time. But Pete is more the quiet suck it up and cry the pain inside guy, while Gary curses around the whole dorm.
Gary doesn’t have a car, but if he would, he’d be the one to crash it, because Pete would be a really horrible driver, because he always does what you are supposed to do, so driving with him is boring as hell, but also really save. Gary is the lightweight. Because of his meds he should not drink any alcohol, but he still does, since he’s a teenager after all, but he can’t drink much at all. Pete is not extremly alcohol-proof, but after years of drinking with Gary he is quite good at keeping himself at a level of drunkness, that he can still bring Gary and himself home save.
Gary makes snacks loudly. But only if he is freezing so much that he actually needs something warm to eat/drink. And if he has to get up, Pete has to get up too, since it was his fault all along.
There is no suggesting in pets. If someone brings home an animal it stays. Even if it is a garden spider.
Gary drinks blck coffee, because that’s the only way he is able to gget enough cafeein, after month of plotting against Jimmy he became unable to drink anything but black coffee. Pete on the other hand enjoys trying out new weird coffee combiantions.If he is already in Starbucks, at least he can get a coffee wich does not acutally fit the description anymore.
Pete is bringing up buying healthy food, but never does it, because if they have to pay to get something eatble (and not from Edna!) they can at least enjoy junk food.
They would both run though the street to pet any dog. But Pete is the one who actually does it. Gary just walks after him and if he is already there he can pet the dog too. Not that Pete doesn’t know it any better.
They both make sure to be very perceise at using words right, if for some reason they use new words. Because they wouldn’t let the other live it down soon. Pete would be all smug about Gary saying something wrong, while Gary would just tease Pete for using such a word at all.
Okay but have you considered THESE for your OTP:
Who steals the whole fucking blanket in the middle of the night and leaves the other without any?
Which one is always stubbing their toe and screaming about it?
Who crashed a car and made the other pick them up at 3AM?
Which one is the lightweight that needs to be watched over at all costs?
Which one likes to get up in the middle of the night and (loudly) make themselves a snack?
Who is always suggesting they get another pet?
Who drinks straight up black coffee and teases the other for their overly-flavored Starbucks?
Which one insists upon buying unheard-of health foods?
Which one would run through a busy street just to pet a small dog?
Which one always mispronounces words and gets constantly corrected by the other for it?
Seamus Finnigan
Imagine movie-Seamus going to movie-Ollivanders. If Harry smashed a vase and blew around a bunch of feathers, what on earth happend with Seamus and his affinity to blowing things up?
Everyone should reblog this! There is literally no reason not to do it!
Just an experiment. Reblog if you actually give a fuck about male victims of domestic violence and rape.
Of fucking course
What sick bastard doesn’t
Captain Cold future
At this point I am really afraid that, while they will bring Wentworth Miller back - wich is awesome, because he is one of the best actors on the CW and actually my favourite- they will not bring our Captain Cold back.
But instead they might bring Earth-2 and Earth-8 Captain Cold and past Leonard Snart from the Flarrowuniverse, but I think his cahracters deserves to get brought back from the dead. From a pure character-development point it would be much more interesting to see him after the sacrifice, rather than different versions of Leonard Snart.
I’m not watching arrow, but didn’t he bring back Vandal Savage?

Ok, I’m officially dying on the floor… of laughter.
Misunderstood hero? I’m sorry, Mr Barrowman, but he’s not. If he ‘wants to do well’, that means only ‘well for him’. It’s not what heroes are doing, they think first about other people, not themselves. Malcolm is the most selfish person in this series.
Also, nemesis? Pretty evil? Need to still have manipulative control? Oh, Malcolm, my hero.
Difference between Malcolm and Damien is simple - Damien has family he cares for. Malcolm made his son killed, and manipulated his daughter into being murderer. Both still evil af.