shadowofahope - Shadow of a Hope
Shadow of a Hope

Hi! You can call me Nym (She/They). My 2 ult groups are BTS and StrayKids.  M.list || Taglists

431 posts

How Far

How Far

How Far

Warnings: mentions of a cheating spouse

Pairing: JHope!Idolxreader

Premise: No matter how far or how much time has past memories still follow you.

Word count: 975


How Far

Maybe this may have been because of heartbreak, maybe it was about time you discovered yourself again. Whatever it was that lead you to using your couples package refund to book a round-trip flight to Korea, you should be thankful for. 

Should you be thankful for finding out your longterm boyfriend was cheating on you? That because of his sloppiness you found out before your planned trip to Mexico, one you had talked about getting engaged while there. You guess it was better knowing now then later. But it still stung nonetheless. 

The question really was: would you have said yes? Was he someone you’d want to spend the rest of your life with?

Probably not. That’s why it didn’t hurt as much as you knew it should have. 

Boarding the plane, you stow away your carry-on in its designated space, buckling your seat as you made yourself comfortable. Earphones in, music set to a special playlist you had made while sitting at your gate, trying to calm your thunderous heart.

The old crumpled photo your parents took over a decade ago lingering in your sweater pocket. It being one of the reasons you chose your new destination. One summer family trip that never really left you. Someone who never left you.

Remembering the boy who’s smile caught your eye. One you never forgot. Wondering now what he was doing, what he was up to in his life. Was he happily married with kids? Did his dreams to dance come true? The language barrier making it harder to really get to know him, but still that summer you had spent every free moment with each other; whether it be you reading and him play games. You keeping him company as he studied. Watching him dance at a youth centre. Playing games at the local arcade. Only using nicknames with each other as a fun little inside summer joke between you. Life felt so easy with the cute boy leading you around on fun day trips. You had promised to write to each other but life has a way of getting away from you. 

The memories now shrouded in a haze, along with his face now a blur. His smile still as radiant as ever, but his features began to slowly fade over time. The question always remained; why in times like these did his memory always resurface. Was a first love failing by impossibility call for a constant reminder when each relationship crumbled? When each one broken worse by the last, yet not hurting as much as it should. You guessed never getting over your first made it really hard to fully accept the others. No matter how you tried to convince yourself you had forgotten, you never really had. 

The presence of a figure sits beside you. You don’t bother removing your gaze from a cloudy spec on the window. Allowing yourself to be absorbed into a silent calm in your mind as they also got comfortable for the flight. 

Your music is cut by the vibrations of your phone, glancing down to it sitting in your lap. The number memorized even if the contact itself was erased. 

You let yourself answer, hopefully for the last time. Allowing your airpods to connect.

“Hello.” You sigh, chin resting on your hand as you leant towards the window. 

“Y/N! Thank god you answered. Please just hear me out, I’m begging you. I’m sor-.” Your ex boyfriends voice rings in your ears.

“Stop.” You cut him off, hand fumbling to your pocket to pull out the photo. “I’ve heard all the voicemails you left me, I’ve read every text. I know.” 

Your gaze shifts to the boy in the vanishing moment of time. Your fingers run over his figure, giving you a sense of reassurance. 

“I know.” You breathe deeply. 


“It’s not ok what you did, but I’m ok with us ending. I’m ok with you wanting to be with her, I’m ok with walking away from you. I just-” What exactly did you want….you weren’t even sure. “I just wish you had told me before I found out like that.”

“I didn’t mean to hurt you…”

“You didn’t mean a lot of things. I was shocked yes, but more hurt you wouldn’t communicate that something was wrong with us. Regardless, I’m ok now.” A soft smile plays on your lips as you study each crease of the photo, the outline of the boy next to you, the ice creams in hand and the smile on your face. “We can say goodbye and we’ll both be alright. Just be happy, ok?” 

A long pause before you hear a light sniffle on the other end. He may cry, but you won’t. Not now, not later. 

“You too, Y/N.” His voice breaks.

“Goodbye.” You hang up the call. 

“This is your fault you know.” You roll your eyes at the boy, giving a chuckle. “If only you hadn’t made me fall in love with you all those years ago, maybe I’d find a decent guy. No one wants to be second in someones heart.” 

The pilots announcements cut through the rest of the passengers, settling everyone down before the plane heads to the runway. 

“As long as I’m still first, Sunshine. Because you’ll always be first for me, no matter how far apart we are.” A voice comes from the person next to you. Stunned you turn to look them for the first time. A radiant smile beams at you, the same smile that lives in your memories. 

“Jay” A gasp escapes you.

“Hoseok.” He corrects, his smile almost becoming too bright to look at. You scan over his face, recognition fully hits you as an older version of the boy in the photo. 

Not only that, but a new wave of recognition hits you causing a joyful laugh to escape you. 


How Far


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More Posts from Shadowofahope

2 years ago

WIP Challenge

Rules: “post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have wips. (You can make your own post or reblog this one!) I have deemed that this isn’t just for writing either. Sketch titles? Comics? DND campaigns? If you have an unfinished project, it counts!!”

Not you draggin me into this craziness, @jiminiesfavouritecolourisblue, regardless this turned out hilarious. I'm clearly living in Deluluville because I swore I only had a handful... for this game these are my active WIPS!

In no particular order (cause I love chaos)
























@girlinthemikrokosmos @alpacaparkaseok @ppersonna @jjungkookislife @untaemedqueen @ladyartemesia @kimnjss @personasintro

I tagged everyone who came to mind in the moment. There might have been more, but sleep deprived brains are mush.

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2 years ago

Lucid || 02

Lucid || 02


; a hiding place; a place of safety and comfort

Pairing: Idol!Kim Taehyung x undefinable her


Premise: What if this lucid dream isn’t his? What if he isn’t the only one brought here? What if she’s the one deciding? Either way, she never speaks a word.

Wc: 1k

masterlist || 01

Lucid || 02

Spending the day with his Hwarang Hyungs, was always fun. Joking around in interviews, teasing each other, making funny faces in for the photoshoots. Taehyung tried to keep up with the others, he really did. But his focus kept slipping back to her.

He can’t get the image of the girl out of his head. The twinkle in her eyes filled with so much wonder. the freckles decorating her face like constellations. Her light brown hair dancing in the warm winds, mirroring her white, soft dress. Skin untouched by the sun, white as nothing he’s ever seen, white but glowing warmly. 

It wasn’t just her though. Whatever world he is seeing in his dreams, he knows there’s so much more. More he wants to see, past the field, the meadow and carousel. More than he would give anything to see. His mesmerizing, vivid hiding place. Safe from the loneliness of the real world. The pain from feeling less than before, unnecessary in a world that keeps moving, but also stands still. Buzzing with excitement for the last half of his work day, he manages to finish, offering apologies to his hyungs for not going to dinner with them. His need to return to his world stronger than anything he’s ever felt. 

Through each day he had sworn he had lost his ability to smile. His anxiety and dark cloud loomed overhead, never giving him a moment of peace. It was an isolation he didn’t know how he could explain. When the world shut down, maybe he did too. The only thing dragging him through they day was the thought of sleeping that night. As the minutes ticked by the more he was itching to go.

Upon reaching the dorm, forcing himself to eat a cup of instant ramen and take a shower, his excitement turns to worry however, instantaneously as a realization swarms him. What if he doesn’t go back tonight? What if that was it? Two nights of finally feeling rested. Two nights of finally feeling not alone. Panic stricken mid shower, Taehyung frantically finishes getting ready for bed. 

“Please go back, Please go back.” He chants while lying in bed. This time choosing to not send a goodnight message to the GC. Why did he always have to be the one who made the effort? It only made him feel more alone. 

“Please, please, please.” Hugging his pillow to his chest, a single tear slips, catching on his nose. His eyes close slowly, letting himself be enveloped by fear of never seeing his beautiful world again. Knees coming up to huddle into the fetal position, as he loses consciousness.

His eyes fly open, breathing in the warm air as it passes through the grass. Instantaneously he’s on his feet. Taking in the beauty of the world around him. The vibrant pastels, the delicious comforting air, the aura of safety. Wearing the same muted clothes as before, almost as if they are out of place within this beauty. But he knows better. This is for him. This is his world. 

Before he can take a step, he realizes something is missing. Where’s the hum? The feeling of being drawn to the meadow with the carousel? It’s not there. Was the girl gone? She always hums for him. 

With confusion filling his mind, he almost doesn't notice the song returning. But he does hear it. But it’s not coming from the usual direction. He spins around with a smile already on his face. 

She’s standing in the tall grass just like he is, a few meters away. Wearing the same flowy white dress, as she has done before. She’s been waiting here for him. When he makes eye contact with her, she returns his smile. 

Taehyung bounds over to her happily. This is new, this is different. 

“What are we doing today?” He asks her excitedly. So many questions flooding his mind, but giving her silence instead. Knowing she always seems to know what he's thinking.

She extends her hand out for him to take, without hesitation he reaches out. Grasping her hand as she intertwines their fingers, turning away from him she takes off away from the field into the trees, pulling Taehyung behind her. 

He keeps his pace slower than hers so he can take in the surrounding forest, letting her lead him. The forest is beautiful. Trees seem to reach higher than they did on the outside. The canopy high above, blocks out most of the sun, but still lets enough light in to make the forest look like it’s almost glowing.  

The magic of this world was almost too much to be perceived. Was the world worth running through if it didn’t feel like this? Her warmth in his hand, the calming excitement in the air. This was what he wanted to draw breath in, to feel like he was alive again…finally again.

She keeps their speed as they run past  what looks like glowing rock formations in a small clearing. All he can do is take it in, as much as he can. 

His gaze lands back on her as she slows them down. She gives his hand a little tug as they breach the other side of the forest. Light blinds Taehyung momentarily. Blinking rapidly to refocus, he feels a strong breeze rush past him. He brings a hand up to his cheek, feeling a dusting over wetness hit him. 

His eyes adjust and he gasps. 

A cliff's edge, built of rocks lining a racing sea. The sun catches on the surface of the crystal water, making it look outlined with gold. Pastel clouds drift around them, it’s as though they are a part of the sky now. Beneath the water there looks like twinkling stars, glowing softly in red, blue, purple, green, yellow, pink, and somehow..even the dark almost black ones share the same glow.

Looking to his left the cliff was met with dense trees. Almost as if closing off that area of this world. To his right, more trees, but not enough to block anything. Shifting his gaze slightly upward he sees an even taller cliff. This one really seeming to form into the sky. 

He almost cant believe what he’s seeing. 

“This place-” Can he even find the words? 

She pulls him over to the cliffs edge. Seating herself, legs dangling over the water. He sits with her, truly taking it all in, perching there for what felt like forever. 

Even in his anxiously lonely state of being, here it was as if it all melted away. An inability to remember what he was worried about, what scared him or what was causing him so much inner turmoil. Why were his members so lucky to continue living like they haven’t been affected by the global shift. The lockdown separating everything he loved and cherished. 

Every day during their schedules, they still laughed freely. Told light hearted jokes, like his heart wasn’t breaking just sitting with them but not fully connecting anymore. What was he doing wrong? Did they just not feel the pain of it all, were they ok with this forced break? 

Too many questions flooded his brain during the day, second guessing everything they did, everything he did. 

But here….here it was hard to recollect why he cared. 

His gaze drifts over to her not sure of what he’s expecting next but it wasn’t the mischief in her eyes.

He knows that look.

“There’s more isn’t there?” 

Her smile breaks out into a giddy wave as it rushes from her. Before he can ask, all too soon that all too familiar tug in his core is there. 

“I’ll see you tomorrow?” He gets out before he lets himself be pulled back. “Can you show me more?”

Before his eyes flutter softly shut, he sees her nodding at him.

Lucid || 02

masterlist || 01

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2 years ago

100 NOTES?!?!

Thank you so much 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼




Warnings: Fluff

Pairing: Yoongi!BTS x reader

Authors notes: so I wrote this on a 4 hour plane ride to visit my bestie I made through BTS. So enjoy the jetlagged brain dump 😅

Premise: Just a figure in Yoongi's studio, that is until someone finally asked about you.



“I have to ask-” Namjoon muffles himself, low enough that only Jungkook and Hoseok could hear him. “Who is that?”

The two youngers exchange glances. Uncertainty flashing across their faces.

“Umm.. we’re not sure” Hoseok whispers back.

Namjoon shoots him a look, brows furrowing in the centre of his face.

“Yoongi-hyung acts almost like she’s not there.” Jungkook pipes in. “She’s been here for two weeks and she just paints. Headphones in head down. I’ve never seen them actually interact.”

Namjoon looks back at the man in question. Straightening his shoulders, he was going to have to be the one to find out.

He walks over to Yoongi, who is adjusting sound bars on the monitor. Headphones also deafening him to the conversation.

Stepping to the side, he taps the man on the shoulder. Yoongi responds immediately, taking his headphones off to give his leader his full atttention.

“What’s up?”

“Who’s the painter?” Namjoon motions to you on the floor, head bobbing to whatever music you were listening too, paintbrush in hand.

“Oh, a friend of mine.” Yoongi shrugs nonchalantly. Acting as though this isn’t some strange occurrence for his studio. That he always has a female foregnier painting on a canvas, ignoring everything and everyone coming and going.

He spins back to the monitors, continuing to adjust the track he’s currently working on.

Namjoon looks at the two men, all mirroring a look of utter bewilderment. How is this normal?

“A friend of yours?” Namjoon manages to repeat. When did Yoongi become friends with you. They new almost all of each others friends. So how did have a female friend that none of them knew about. He doesn’t think he’s ever mentioned a name-but maybe he missed it?

“Yep.” Yoongi doesn’t take his eyes off of his work, but continues to answer the trios unanswered questions. “She’s visiting from overseas. But I still have work to do before I can show her around, so she’s just staying busy until then. But honestly it’s super helpful having her in here.”

“How do?” Namjoon looks back over to you. Still not looking up, fully entranced in your painting. He doesn’t even know if you know that they were there, in the room.

He gives jungkook and Hoseak a weary look, shaking his head in confusion.

“I’ll show you.”

Yoongi clicks on the settings of his audio file, changing the speakers to a set of wireless headphones. After hitting play, he turns his chair to look at you. The trio also turning to look at you.

Your head shoots up, locking eyes with Yoongi you cock your head. Silently asking him something that wasn’t known to the other three. Yoongi nods his head in response.

Shrugging your left shoulder, you focus back on your painting. Painting dimension and depth into the purposefully placed circles.

Next thing they know you begin humming. Humming turns into ooooo’s, next thing they know you’re singing the lyrics of the song Yoongi had been working on, for a solo project. An unfinished project.

They can’t believe it. Your voice coming out soft, but strong, velvety smooth as you continue ignoring them.

Once the music stops. You stop singing and the boys are back in silence.

No one can talk. Maybe they’ve forgotten how. Your voice so haunting but still so sweet, they weren’t expecting it.

Eyes wide they turn back to Yoongi who’s now smirking in his seat.

“Sometimes it’s hard to get an idea of how the lyrics are going, especially it being my own voice.” He explains. “So she sings for me and I can figure out what I’m doing wrong or in this case right.”

“She’s-shes-“ Hoseok tries.

“Good right?” Still that damn smirk is plastered on his face. Enjoying the shock on his fellow band mates a little too much.

“Good? Try AMAZING!” Jungkook claps excitedly.

Now Yoongi begins to laugh. He was just as shocked long ago when he first heard you sing. Getting over the initial shock took some time, your voice like nothing he’s heard before. But eventually it became one of his favourite things. In his excitement he mentioned you recording a song, putting it out there, sharing your voice with the world.

But you declined. You’re dream wasn’t to be famous. You had other goals in life. You wanted to focus on finishing your degree in university. Working in your chosen field. Your friendship with the world famous rapper staying a secret between you two. Occasionally you could hear your voice in the backing track of one of his mixtapes, he always asked for permission. So to keep the secret, you wouldn’t sing. You’d stay quiet, to stay hidden.

But for him you’d sing.

In this small room of his, with his headphones on.



2 years ago

Did you make a club on bts island? I only started playing yesterday so I'm still working out how to play 😅

I have! I didn’t post it yet so I’m glad you asked!

My user is Nymz, and my club is MySweets with the purple ghost icon!

I am still new too so don’t worry, I don’t have a lot of time to play but I’ll be on when I can 💜💜

Did You Make A Club On Bts Island? I Only Started Playing Yesterday So I'm Still Working Out How To Play

I tried to lower the level needed to join a club but it wouldn’t let me 😭😭

If anyone can’t join just yet because of their level just send me a message and I’ll wait patiently for you!

2 years ago

Coming Soon



Fleeting Tempest


We are Liars

Fallen Star


In Too Deep

Gambler's Ruin

Eucalyptus - pt 2

Endlessly Yours,

How Far



To Breathe Again - chapter 01

TBA - Chapter 01


The Restricted Collection
