Jhope X Y/n - Tumblr Posts
Seeds of Hope (JHOPE) CH4 - An Unexpected Morning

I woke up and slowly ran my hands through my hair. Pulling out my phone I check the analytics on my most recent chapter of my fan fiction.
"Haha, I really surprised them with that twist!" I laugh to myself, "I'm sure they weren't expecting for Stacy to actually be the one writing it!"
Not bothering to put much effort into my appearance, I grab an oversized sweatshirt and put it on along with some sneakers. Grabbing my keys and my phone, I leave my apartment.
After a short walk, I walk into my favorite cafe. A few people sit at the small tables outside working and drinking their beverages. There's a long line since everyone wants their coffee before their busy day at work.
After ordering, I wait off to the side of the counter. My drink comes swiftly and I thank them, leaving the small cafe to begin my walk. Not even a few steps out of the building, I trip and spill my drink all over a table next to the doors.
"Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to!"
"Oh, no worries!" The man at the table says, showing me a smile. I notice his dimples as he does, immediately recognizing my favorite idol but too afraid to say anything.
I glance to the table now covered with my vanilla latte along with many papers spread onto the small surface.
"Oh no, all your work..." I trail off.
"It's okay, they're still somewhat legible! I'll just copy them onto new paper"
"Can I at least help? I feel so bad, that's so much work to redo"
"Are you sure? I don't want to make you late" He asks concerned, "It's really fine, I can do it"
"I won't be late!" I say, knowing in my head that I will be late, but choosing that Namjoon is more important than my job.
"Alright! Well first maybe we should pick up the spill to prevent anything more getting damaged..." He suggests.
I ran back into the cafe and got some napkins. I throw away the nearly empty cup and wipe down the table before sitting back down across from him.
"Ah, I guess I never told you my name! I'm Namjoon" He says.
"Y/N" I respond, even though I already know who he is.
I examine the papers on the table, "are these, lyrics?"
"Ah! Yes!" He replies, "They are, I'm a musician"
"That's so cool!" I reply, careful not to reveal that I am in fact an ARMY.
And we stayed like that, copying the work onto new paper until around noon. Just chatting and getting to know each other. I didn't mean to spill my latte all over his lyrics, but secretly I was a little grateful that fate brought me to him. Eventually we had finished, and it was time to say goodbye.
"Well, I hope your song turns out well!" I say, "I read some of your lyrics. They're really good, I can't wait to hear them in music form"
"Thank you" He says a bit flustered.
"I guess, I'll see you around?" I mutter, a bit heartbroken that our exchange is over.
"Wait!" He calls out to me, "C-can I have your phone number?"
I tell him my phone number slowly as he writes it in, pausing to look up at me.
"Thank you, I'll contact you again soon" He says with a smile.
"Okay! It was nice meeting you today"
"I enjoyed it too, Y/N!"
I awkwardly wave and turn to walk away. Once I'm a few steps further on the sidewalk, I turn to find him still there, and already looking at me. A blush forms on my face as I smile and give one last wave. Then I walk home, the smile still on my face long after I walk through my door.
Falling for You (JHOPE)
Hoseok stands idle in the locker bay, watching her from afar. She grabs her notebooks and slams the door shut, promptly walking away to class.
"What are you- oh" Jimin says as he tracks Hoseok's gaze.
"What?!" He jumps in surprise. Awkwardly, he fixes his hair and adjusts the straps of his backpack.
"Dude, if you like her, why not just ask her out?"
"I don't like her! N-not like that. We're just... friends"
"When was the last time you talked to her"
Hoseok pouts, "I... haven't"
"Well then," Jimin straightens his back, "you wouldn't mind if I asked her out?"
He jumps, "y-You're not... not really her type. I wouldn't" the bell for class suddenly rings out. Hoseok begins racing to his class, yelling out a quick, "I gotta go! I'll talk to her today!"
He then proceeds to drop his notebook, and then trip directly after picking it up. Flashing a thumbs up to Jimin, he stands and continues the race.
Jimin smiles softly, "you got this, Hobi"
Hoseok shuffles into class late.
"Jung Hoseok, you're late again," the teacher scolds, "one more and you'll have after school detention"
"Sorry.." he stumbles to his seat in the back. Glancing to where you sit by the window, he sighs. You're busy highlighting your notes, and didn't even notice him. Do you ever notice him?
Class seems to go by quickly, but maybe that's just because he fell asleep. Suddenly, that wretched bell is screeching through the small classroom.
Hoseok is sleepily walking to the door to exit, when a book falls flat at his feet. He goes to pick it up. Unfortunately, he drops his books as well, making a mess.
"Ah, I guess I just made it worse" he laughs, "maybe I'm not the one to be..."
He looks up to see who he's talking to, finding your eyes staring back at him.
"Two peas in a pod, aren't we?" You laugh.
You sit down next to him and sort the books.
"I'm Y/N" you said.
"I kno- I mean, I am.." He stutters out, mesmerized by your smile, "I'm Hobi"
He doesn't even realize he offered you his nickname until the syllables spill out sweetly from your lips.
"It's lovely to meet you, Hobi"
With a smile, you stand and walk out of the classroom, leaving Hoseok lovestruck on the ground with his pile of books.
"Ugh, why does math always have to assign so much homework?" He mutters to himself as he opens his math book.
As he works his way through the assigned problems, he finds a slip of notebook paper folded between the pages. He curiously opens it, finding a drawing of his side profile. You must have sketched it while he was asleep in class today.
The drawing is paired with a short note: I can't seem to tell you how I feel in person, so this is the best I can do. I like you, Jung Hoseok.
His smile grows into a big grin, eyes shimmering, "she's liked me all this time?"
He lovingly holds the drawing to his chest, pacing around his room.
"Wait," He stops, "did she... drop her books on purpose?"
"So she beat you to it?" Jimin laughs.
"Don't make fun of me! I still talked to her, didn't I?"
"Sure.." he laughs. Something catches Jimin's eye in the distance, "it looks like you'll get another chance"
"What? When?" Hoseok asks.
On cue, Jimin walks away. Hoseok's eyes focus, and he gasps as soon as he sees you walking towards him. It must have really shocked him, because he steps on his shoelace and falls face-flat on the ground. His math textbook falls from his hands. The carefully-folded drawing he cherished also flies out right as Y/N got to him.
Her eyes widen. He makes a grab for the drawing, but she scoops it up quicker and hides it in her pocket.
"Wait! Give it back, I-"
"N-no.. it's stupid. It was a dumb idea" she looks away.
"Hey!" Hoseok defends, "it was not dumb! I loved it, and it was a perfect way to confess! It was unique, it was you"
She looks at him a bit confused, probably thinking something along the lines of, so do you like me back? Or do you just like my drawing?
He brushes off his knees and stands. Trying to muster up as much confidence as he can, he says, "I like you, and I know that I haven't had many proper conversations with you, but I've been watching you for a while and... no! That sounds weird. What I mean is- I notice when you talk in class, I love your smile, especially when you laugh, I always check to see if you notice me, and I wish I didn't fall so much in front of you"
You stand there shocked. Hesitantly, you pull the drawing out of your pocket and hold it out to him with both hands. He takes it gracefully. You two stand there for a moment, just two kids in love.
Then the bell rings. "We're going to be late!" You say.
"That's okay. I don't wanna miss this moment"
You walk together through the empty hallways.
"So, I didn't know you were an artist!"
"I dabble. Now, I have to know, do you fall so much in front of every girl?"
"No, I save that just for you"
Sunlight peers in from the windows as two pairs of shoes tap through the halls. Notes of their laughter can be heard, soft echoes on the hazy afternoon. In this moment of bliss, Hoseok thought, falling really isn't so bad when it's into love.
all my works for J-Hope!!

Seeds of Hope:
When Y/N's mom needs to move to Korea for work, she finds herself in a completely new environment. As the boy next door tutors her in dance, what will he teach her about herself?
CH1 - The First Seed
CH2 - Sunlight
CH3 - What?!
CH4 - An Unexpected Morning
CH5 - Your Number
CH6 - A Traced Reflection
Falling for You
𝑷𝒐𝒗: 𝑩𝒇!𝑩𝑻𝑺 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒚𝒐𝒖'𝒓𝒆 𝒑𝒓𝒆𝒈𝒏𝒂𝒏𝒕 (𝑯𝒚𝒖𝒏𝒈 𝑳𝒊𝒏𝒆)
Synopsis: The BTS boys end up mistaking a thermometer for a pregnancy test and think they're going to be dads
Your status:

Kim Seokjin:

Min Yoongi:

Kim Namjoon:

Jung Hoseok:

Do I do the maknae line part?
I hope you liked it, sorry for any mistakes💜
Where there's Sunshine, there's Midnight Rain
Pairing: Idol!Hoseok x Reader
Warnings: angst, mentions of struggle, fluff, established relationship, no mentions of reader's gender.
Summary: J-hope is sunshine in human form, but that makes him the midnight rain too. A short imagine of the reader helping Hoseok understand this.

Another night, tossing and turning alone in a big bed. Waiting.. hoping, for the one who is the hope for a million people around the world. Another night spent reaching the cold side of the empty bed, staring at the sky counting down the minutes till daylight, sighing endlessly. Another night hoping hobi would return to you.
He's been home for a week since the tour but he hasn't been home since then. Even the bags were dropped off by his manager, who has visited three times since to collect the things he needed. As far as you knew there was no comeback anytime soon. There was effectively no requirement for him to stay over at the dorms at least for the next two weeks. Especially when he has a home studio set up in the house you both had bought together and decorated.
His not being home has become a routine, a habit even- albeit an excruciating one. What hurts more is the silence, even when on tour he texts or calls at least once a day. Sighing you open the same old chat to see the latest message from a week ago, the same text you have seen a million times till now.
Boarding the plan home. See you soon.
You scroll up the familiar chat screen and see that the messages become less expressive as the tour progresses. You also remember how the news articles and fan tweets raved more about J-hope the idol’s brilliance on stage at the exact same time. Another pattern you are used to, for every emoji his messages as j-hope had, Hoseok's messages became curt and to the point.
Once again, this isn’t new to you or him. In fact, you both met at the peak of j-hope and the absolute low of Hoseok. You might not have been a die-hard fan of the group but you knew enough to know j-hope was not the same shy, anxious and silent Hosoek you’d met by chance in that café. The contrast between who he has on stage and the person you grew to love were stark opposites. Not that you never saw the sunshine hobi, but he was present almost in equal parts as the Hoseok who walks around with a cloud on his head.
But Hoseok never went silent on you in this way. He might be verbally silent for days or weeks together but expressed his feelings in other ways. This time he was completely absent and that simply wouldn’t do. You gave him a week to himself and he still hasn’t returned home. This will simply not do.
And that’s how you find yourself at the door of his studio, at 2 AM, covered in layers of jackets and holding a bag of the dinner you’d made him today- just like you have done every day the past week.
You hesitate outside the studio, looking intently at the door as you contemplate knocking. You know he’s there, instinctively and also because you asked his manager. Huffing out another deep breath you knock on the door.
That’s all there is for a minute before you try to open the door yourself, surprised to find it unlocked. You enter the room which reeks of the familiar scent that screams everything hobi- sunshine, flowers and carefree happiness, only to find your boyfriend curled up on the couch hugging his knees with his head down. You close the door slowly and go near him, he's shivering. The sight of him shatters your heavy heart and you reach out to caress him.
"hobi...", your voice comes out as a meek plea.
He shudders for a second and lifts his head up to look at you. His eyes are bloodshot, his usually plump cheeks stained with tears and his heart-shaped mouth in a frown. You drop to your knees and hold his face in your hands, helping him look at you eye to eye. His eyes immediately dart down and he lowers his knees. Just as he can try to push you away you sit next to him on the couch and turn him towards you. You hold his hand with a grip that tells him that he cannot run anymore.
"Please leave me alone." He begs, more tears streaming down his exhausted and ashamed face. You offer him a smile, not one of pity or empathy, just a smile of love.
"You had enough time. I won't let you hurt on your own."
Your voice comes out harsher than you intended but it works as he looks up, eyes now curious. In that second of pure vulnerability, he looks like a child. You reach out and wipe those damned tears away from his face and he leans into your touch.
When he talks again his voice cracks, "I knew I would end up hurting you eventually."
"You didn't hurt me hoba." He looks at me pointedly, "Of course, I did... look at us. I spent a week in the studio because I am too fucked in the head to be with you. All the other guys went home and are happily resting with their partners and I left you alone after months of being away... all because I feel like a fraud. Because I can't figure out why I am this way and why I never have any of me to give you. When I should be giving all of me to the one I love with my whole heart."
By this time he is on your lap, your fingers running through his hair, his hands holding your other hand for dear life.
"Everyone is a little messed up in the head. But it is even harder for someone like you who spends all his time giving every bit of happiness and kindness to everyone around you." You hear him sigh and he starts drawing patterns on your palm as you do the same with his scalp. "I don't really do all that you know..", he sounds unsure and you sense the venom of self-hate dripping in his tone.
"They call you human sunshine for a reason hobi."
He freezes in place for a second and nods slightly. You pause for a minute to look at him, really look at this exhausted, loving human who does so much for everyone around him and so little for himself. He notices the long pause and starts with his patterns again on your palm and settles on your lap. You realise that he needs to see himself for all he is and accept all that as it comes. And you hope he will let you stand with him the whole way.
"Hobi, you are human sunshine. I know it makes you happy to make everyone smile, to take care of your brothers and friends. I know you love being the reason to light up someone's day and being their hope. I also know that you do that because it's what gives you hope for yourself. But...". You pause to gauge his reactions but he shows none and taking that as a good sign you continue.
"But the thing is you are not sunshine... you are human. To be human is to understand that where there is sunshine there is also midnight rain. The more you give, the more you need to. To be sunshine is to burn yourself for others and that is not good for you. So it is okay for you to take your time. To soak in your rain, to be silent and just receive. It's okay for you to rest and pause... Hobi, it's okay for you to receive my love and happiness so that you can give it back tenfolds. You are human and you need your own dose of sunshine too."
He looks up at me with wet big eyes, this time the heart-shaped mouth turned upwards. He slowly gets up, never letting your hand go and moves closer and pulls you in a hug. He holds on to you until there is no space between both of you and rests his head on your shoulder. You reach out one hand to caress the back of his head and hold him by the waist in the other hand.
Time ceases to move as you both sit there, him slightly whimpering into your shoulders and you trying to ease all the pain from him. Hoping that the personification of hope himself will learn to accept himself- one deep breath and a tear at a time. Hoping that he can learn to embrace the rain that follows Hoseok by being the sunshine that j-hope is.
Happy birthday hobi 🌞❤️❤️🩹
Where there's Sunshine, there's Midnight Rain
Pairing: Idol!Hoseok x Reader
Warnings: angst, mentions of struggle, fluff, established relationship, no mentions of reader's gender.
Summary: J-hope is sunshine in human form, but that makes him the midnight rain too. A short imagine of the reader helping Hoseok understand this.

Another night, tossing and turning alone in a big bed. Waiting.. hoping, for the one who is the hope for a million people around the world. Another night spent reaching the cold side of the empty bed, staring at the sky counting down the minutes till daylight, sighing endlessly. Another night hoping hobi would return to you.
He's been home for a week since the tour but he hasn't been home since then. Even the bags were dropped off by his manager, who has visited three times since to collect the things he needed. As far as you knew there was no comeback anytime soon. There was effectively no requirement for him to stay over at the dorms at least for the next two weeks. Especially when he has a home studio set up in the house you both had bought together and decorated.
His not being home has become a routine, a habit even- albeit an excruciating one. What hurts more is the silence, even when on tour he texts or calls at least once a day. Sighing you open the same old chat to see the latest message from a week ago, the same text you have seen a million times till now.
Boarding the plan home. See you soon.
You scroll up the familiar chat screen and see that the messages become less expressive as the tour progresses. You also remember how the news articles and fan tweets raved more about J-hope the idol’s brilliance on stage at the exact same time. Another pattern you are used to, for every emoji his messages as j-hope had, Hoseok's messages became curt and to the point.
Once again, this isn’t new to you or him. In fact, you both met at the peak of j-hope and the absolute low of Hoseok. You might not have been a die-hard fan of the group but you knew enough to know j-hope was not the same shy, anxious and silent Hosoek you’d met by chance in that café. The contrast between who he has on stage and the person you grew to love were stark opposites. Not that you never saw the sunshine hobi, but he was present almost in equal parts as the Hoseok who walks around with a cloud on his head.
But Hoseok never went silent on you in this way. He might be verbally silent for days or weeks together but expressed his feelings in other ways. This time he was completely absent and that simply wouldn’t do. You gave him a week to himself and he still hasn’t returned home. This will simply not do.
And that’s how you find yourself at the door of his studio, at 2 AM, covered in layers of jackets and holding a bag of the dinner you’d made him today- just like you have done every day the past week.
You hesitate outside the studio, looking intently at the door as you contemplate knocking. You know he’s there, instinctively and also because you asked his manager. Huffing out another deep breath you knock on the door.
That’s all there is for a minute before you try to open the door yourself, surprised to find it unlocked. You enter the room which reeks of the familiar scent that screams everything hobi- sunshine, flowers and carefree happiness, only to find your boyfriend curled up on the couch hugging his knees with his head down. You close the door slowly and go near him, he's shivering. The sight of him shatters your heavy heart and you reach out to caress him.
"hobi...", your voice comes out as a meek plea.
He shudders for a second and lifts his head up to look at you. His eyes are bloodshot, his usually plump cheeks stained with tears and his heart-shaped mouth in a frown. You drop to your knees and hold his face in your hands, helping him look at you eye to eye. His eyes immediately dart down and he lowers his knees. Just as he can try to push you away you sit next to him on the couch and turn him towards you. You hold his hand with a grip that tells him that he cannot run anymore.
"Please leave me alone." He begs, more tears streaming down his exhausted and ashamed face. You offer him a smile, not one of pity or empathy, just a smile of love.
"You had enough time. I won't let you hurt on your own."
Your voice comes out harsher than you intended but it works as he looks up, eyes now curious. In that second of pure vulnerability, he looks like a child. You reach out and wipe those damned tears away from his face and he leans into your touch.
When he talks again his voice cracks, "I knew I would end up hurting you eventually."
"You didn't hurt me hoba." He looks at me pointedly, "Of course, I did... look at us. I spent a week in the studio because I am too fucked in the head to be with you. All the other guys went home and are happily resting with their partners and I left you alone after months of being away... all because I feel like a fraud. Because I can't figure out why I am this way and why I never have any of me to give you. When I should be giving all of me to the one I love with my whole heart."
By this time he is on your lap, your fingers running through his hair, his hands holding your other hand for dear life.
"Everyone is a little messed up in the head. But it is even harder for someone like you who spends all his time giving every bit of happiness and kindness to everyone around you." You hear him sigh and he starts drawing patterns on your palm as you do the same with his scalp. "I don't really do all that you know..", he sounds unsure and you sense the venom of self-hate dripping in his tone.
"They call you human sunshine for a reason hobi."
He freezes in place for a second and nods slightly. You pause for a minute to look at him, really look at this exhausted, loving human who does so much for everyone around him and so little for himself. He notices the long pause and starts with his patterns again on your palm and settles on your lap. You realise that he needs to see himself for all he is and accept all that as it comes. And you hope he will let you stand with him the whole way.
"Hobi, you are human sunshine. I know it makes you happy to make everyone smile, to take care of your brothers and friends. I know you love being the reason to light up someone's day and being their hope. I also know that you do that because it's what gives you hope for yourself. But...". You pause to gauge his reactions but he shows none and taking that as a good sign you continue.
"But the thing is you are not sunshine... you are human. To be human is to understand that where there is sunshine there is also midnight rain. The more you give, the more you need to. To be sunshine is to burn yourself for others and that is not good for you. So it is okay for you to take your time. To soak in your rain, to be silent and just receive. It's okay for you to rest and pause... Hobi, it's okay for you to receive my love and happiness so that you can give it back tenfolds. You are human and you need your own dose of sunshine too."
He looks up at me with wet big eyes, this time the heart-shaped mouth turned upwards. He slowly gets up, never letting your hand go and moves closer and pulls you in a hug. He holds on to you until there is no space between both of you and rests his head on your shoulder. You reach out one hand to caress the back of his head and hold him by the waist in the other hand.
Time ceases to move as you both sit there, him slightly whimpering into your shoulders and you trying to ease all the pain from him. Hoping that the personification of hope himself will learn to accept himself- one deep breath and a tear at a time. Hoping that he can learn to embrace the rain that follows Hoseok by being the sunshine that j-hope is.
Idol! Hoseok x Reader: Look at me, Look at her

A/n: I was inspired to write this on seeing I.U and Hobi's video where she asked him why she wasn't invited to the listening party. Also, I don't have anything against I.U might make her look bad and it's just for plot build up.
Summary: Hoseok and you have been friends for a long time, and as a result you are quite close to the boys as well. This story takes place after Jack in the box release and the I.U and J-Hope video comes out. Basically, you hated I.U and thus the boys avoided her, specially Hoseok who didn't invite her to his party. He loved you to pieces so he never bothered to ask the reason behind your hatred, but things change after the video, for better or worse? Read to find out.
You're in general a really reasonable person, you believe in treating people the way they deserve no matter who they are. And you have done that, and that has also lead you where you are right now, a holder of one of the most popular Indo-turkish food restaurant in Gimpo. Well, the business was basically your mothers, along with 6 food trucks running through the streets of Korea.
It was a typical Tuesday evening, right before the rush hour. The restaurant was more of less empty apart from 2 groups and 3 couples. That was when you heard the back door open and close, you went to check who it was and you were met with a very familiar face.
"Yn!!!!!!" He called in his normal cheery voice and you rushed to hug him.
"Yn Noona!" You noticed Jungkook behind Hobi, you left Hobi to squeeze the big muscle bunny into an embrace.
"C'mon up" you lead the both to the special 2nd floor lounge which is generally closed for special reservations as the restaurant was often visited by a lot of idols. The greatest reason behind that being Hoseok liked to take you with him to events and always acted as your walking free advertisement. On being asked he said it was something about his duty to your mother for the food she fed him and you never asked twice.
"So why didn't you call before?" You asked as Hobi always comes preceded by a call or atleast a text.
"Jungkookie said he missed your food and we both have off today so we came to surprise. Suprise~" he said with a wink and you just looked before shaking your head and kept walking on, facing away from them, trying to hide your blush.
As they sat and they ordered, the duo asked you to sit down if you're free to chat, which you did and started talking about whats going on with eachother. Which involved you and Jungkook praising Hobi's new album and talking about his upcoming performance in Lollapalooza and other stuff. Jungkook also told about how he has been spending hours at stretch in the studio "insfired" by Hobi hyung's music and he wanted to do better.
"So um, what did you do yesterday?" Suddenly Hobi asked as he scooped up some rice from his biriyani and put it in his mouth.
"Nothing much had a meeting with the franchisee and stuff like that" you said as Jungkook offered you a spoonful and you gladly took it.
"Hows the franchise location going?" Kookie asked.
"It's a lot of planing and presentations and stuff but Mingi has been helping me alot. I'm glad we hired him" you said. "What did you do yesterday?"
"He had an interview and performance" Jungkook said, a sound of mmmm was heard in the end.
"Great. With whom?" You asked, the boys were behaving fishy and the answer told you why.
"I.U sunbaenim" Hobi said.
"Wow thats great" you said. Of course, at some point they are supposed to cross paths. The fact is you've never liked I.U since once you crossed paths with her, about 9 years ago. But, the boys never knew the reason, but you never asked them to not engage with her. Even before the listening party you had told him yourself that he should invite her. But, he knew you very well and knew that you'd ditch his party with some reason and he did not want that.
"That's it?" Hobi asked
"What?" You asked confused
"You won't say anything else? Just Wow great?" He said almost looking pissed. What did he even think of you to say.
"Yeah? Like what do you want me to say? Me wanting to avoid I.U has nothing to do with your engagement or any activities with her Hoseok. And I have told this to you a lot of times." You said.
"But Noona. Why don't you like I.U sunbaenim?" Jungkook asked but you like always, smiled and were about to give an ambiguous answer but you heard you name being called and you turned to see Mingi.
(This is how I imagined Mingi)

"Mingiya! Did you go through the report?" You ask, as you gave one last smile to the 2 other boys and went up to talk to him.
And before you knew the two of you indulged into a deep conversation about the business and various stuff. Occasionally laughing at his dark humour.
From far 2 pair of eyes were looking at you both quite intently.
"I hate that guy" Hoseok whispered.
"Hyung, you don't even know him" Jungkook said while stuffing his face.
"I don't need to, look how he's hogging Yn" Hoseok said bitterly.
"They are working" Kookie said and they both looked at the two of you again, you where lightly giggling at something that Mingi said.
"But Hyung, why do you think Yn Noona never tells us why she dislikes I.U sunbaenim?" Jungkook asked looking like a lost bunny.
"I'm sure she has her own reasons Jungkookie~" Hobi answered.
"But don't you think we deserve to know it too? She was so sweet to you, and she is so sweet in general. I think you should ask her that." Jungkook insisted.
A few nights later you received a text.
My Hope 🌸 sent you a message:
You're free tomorrow afternoon 2ish? :)
> Depends why? ;)
I want an army point of view on the order of my set list
Also I wanna show you a new choreo
> I'm down
See youu
> Yeppp
So the next day you got ready a bit early to grab some food for the boys from your restaurant on the way. You actually reached quite early, as you entered the building the receptionist greeted you knowing you very well due to your often visits. You went straight towards Hobi's studio knowing very well thats where he'd probably be.
You were about to push the door open but the conversation going on inside made you pause.
"Why didn't you invite her?" From the voice you recognised it to be Namjoon's
"You know Yn has a feud with her. So I just didn't" Hobi's sound was heard.
N- Hobah you don't even know why? For all you know she could just be jealous.
H- Why would she be?
N- Cause she is I.U, the I.U. Why else would someone dislike such a sweet human. Even Suga hyung worked with her and she is such a sweet person. Why else would she hate her. Did you know having her at your party would be such a huger boost.
H- But Yn wouldn't have come then, I know that as a fact.
N- Then I guess that would have been for the better.
Suddenly, you felt a tap on your shoulder, you were almost scared to see Yoongi and Jimin behind you.
Jimin signalling you and asking whats up?
"I am early so I was waiting and I-" you were almost fumbling
But Yoongi just pushed the door and pulled the three of you in.
"Hi Yn" Namjoon said his lack of enthusiasm could be heard from his voice.
"Hey Yn~" J-Hope said scanning you from up to down. "What happened? Whats wrong" Hobi asked, just by looking at you he knew something was wrong.
"I am not jealous of I.U" you mumbled.
"What? Where did that come from?" Yoongi asked clearly confused.
"Yeah I heard your conversation Namjoon".
"Good! Cause I wanted to ask Yn dont you think thats a bit selfish on your side for how Hobi always considers your side?" Namjoon said
"I have always told you guys that you've gotta do what you've gotta do. My likes or preferences shouldn't matter there." You said getting more agitated by the minute.
"He atleast deserves the reason. We all do! Cause her being there would have been a greater boost and statement. More than your petty grudge!" Namjoon said harshly.
"I have MY REASONS TO FEEL WHAT I WANT AND I AM NOT EXPLAINABLE TO ANYBODY! IF YOU THINK MY ABSENCE WOULD HAVE BEEN FOR THE BETTER, THEN YOU SHOULD HAVE FCKING SAID SO." With that you turned around, shoved the bag of food you brought in Jimin's hand and stormed out of the building with tears brimming your eyes.
What hurt you more than Namjoon's words were that Hobi just stood there, as if he agreed to all that. Did he feel that way too?
Your phone was vibrating constantly, you pulled it out, only to see Jimin calling. But, you did not pick up, you were too deep in your thoughts. You hailed a cab, all the way to your home, wondering how did things go this way. You never wanted to impose into Hoseok's career. Were you a burden?
Meanwhile your phone kept blasting up with notifications, mostly from Yoongi, Jimin and Jungkook who heard what happened from Jimin. Most of them were from Jimin, you weren't surprised though, he was the only one who knew why you hated I.U. More like, why you were scared of I.U or intimidated by any female Idol. Why you rarely spoke or even interact with any female idol, because of what I.U had done to you.
Meanwhile in Hybe Building 🏢
"What was THAT?! Namjoon hyung?" Jimin spoke out in shock as be put down the bag of food.
"What? I just finally spoke out what all of us had been thinking" Namjoon said shrugging.
"Speak for yourself" Jimin said.
"What do you mean? You don't wanna know this reason?" Namjoon said, putting stress on the word reason.
"I.U sunbaenim did something to Yn Noona? They've met?" Jungkook asked who recently came to the studio after hearing that Yn was seen rushing out of the building.
"Yes. I know, but Yn had made me swear not to tell anyone."Jimin said, and he began "You remember our 1st MAMA in 2014? How Yn had rushed home in the middle of the award ceremony because she said she wasn't feeling well? And then evaded us for over 2 months? Then turned up with short hair?"
"Don't forget how she was a caffeine addict and after that I never saw her touching any form of coffee" Jungkook added and Jimin nodded.
"You mean to say somehow I.U sunbae caused that?" Yoongi asked.
"Yn had walked off to find the ladies room. And she was talking too long, so I went after her as Hobi hyung asked me to check. I was walking towards the corridor and noticed Yn Noona and was about to call out to her and suddenly I.U sunbaenim walked out of a room, arguing with someone and literally collided with Yn Noona. It wasn't Noona's fault yet she said sorry and was about to walk away but I.U sunbaenim threw a fit. And in moments she started calling Yn Noona names and suddenly pushed her off. I was so shocked that I didn't know what to do! But before I could react I.U grabbed a cup of coffee from the other person and dunked the whole damn thing on Yn's head and stormed off. I ran to her, but she forced me to go back, but I didn't I took her to one of our stylist who let her borrow a hoodie I was carrying and asked her to take Yn to a cab. Did you know, Yn never speaks or goes near any female idol even if they visit her restaurant. She doesn't hate I.U she's scared of her. She told me how even after shampooing her hair she could remove the smell of coffee from her hair and it nauseated her." Jimin paused
"She loves her hair" Hobi just said.
"And she chopped them off to reduce the smell and damage" Jimin said flinching.
"Why didn't she tell us?" Yoongi asked.
"Cause she didn't want to ruin her image in all our eyes." Namjoon said softly. "Even our Jungkookie had a crush on her, she couldn't bring herself to tell this to us. Right?" He asked looking at Jimin, who nodded. Jimin watched the look in his eyes, which was full of regret.
You never replied to any of them, apart from Jimin and Jin. You were the closest to Jimin after Hobi and Jin literally gave you a 5 minutes long lecture as to how you should have atleast told him or return his texts as he is the oldest and loves you too much and doesn't wanna loose you just because two of his members were stupid enough to be a dick to you.
"You are more important to all of us than I.U and I mean ALL OF US" Jin assured you constantly.
Hobi texted you everyday, you read them, but you couldn't reply. You just felt really hurt at how that day He didn't even utter a word, how he also might be thinking the same as Namjoon.
You were scared.
One night you checked your messages to find.
My Hope 🌸 sent you 2 messages:
Ik you won't reply, but atleast you read them.
I'm leaving for Chicago tomorrow, for Lolla.
I wish you'd come with me. <Error undelivered>
I'm sorry. <Error undelivered>
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Taglist: @jung-nika-hoseok
Click here for part 2
Idol! Hoseok x Reader: Not for the World

You need to read the part One if you haven't read that yet.
A/n: Thank you for the notes.
Summary: Hoseok and you have been friends for a long time, and as a result you are quite close to the boys as well. But after the occurrences of the last part, what turn will your relationship with him take now that the truth is out. Can you both make the ends meet?
"She still didn't reply hyung she hates me!" Hobi exclaimed through video call followed by Namjoon's "Aah! This is all my fault!"
"It is" Tae and Jimin where heard saying spontaneously in sync.
"Calm down. Calm down. She doesn't hate you okay? She can't. Neither of you, I'll talk to her." Jin assured the panicked Hobi.
And here he is, following you around through out the whole restaurant saying "Please! Please!"
"While you went no..no.. oppa no." To a point where even Mingi was tired to keep on hearing both of you whine.
"Why?" Jin whinesmd
"He just said he's going, and with how much I have ignored him, what if he doesn't wanna see me?" You asked with glassy eyes.
Jin just went on and hugged you, he seriously was the older brother you never had. "He want you their trust me. Besides, don't YOU wanna watch him rock Lollapalooza?”
You sniffed and nodded.
"Then you can just go under cover with Jimin. Only Jimin and I would know? Will it make you feel more at ease"
"Yeah" you said.
Jin just smiled.
And here you were
(Jimin's expression when he noticed another staff guiding you to the jet)

"I'm glad you're coming with" Jimin said.
"Of course I would, I love Tomorrow by Together!" You said scoffing.
Jimin just smiled at your childishness, both of you ended up binge watching Marvel movies and sleeping throughout the flight. After all its 13 hours. When you walked out of the flight along with the staff you felt like running about shouting freedom at last.
Jimin had also explained the pd nims and staff how they aren't supposed to speak about Yn being in Chicago to J-Hope.
You stayed in a complete different hotel than the others to decrease the risk of running into Hobi. You went to watch TxT perform and being a MOA it was a proud moment for you. The whole time you stayed incognito, wearing a long hair wig, mask and specs.
You had also watched a lot of other artists like Dua Lipa, Green day, Kygo, Charlie xcx.
Finally, the day and time had arrived, a huge bunch of ARMY were waiting and then, the screen came alive and you felt adrenaline rush through your body. It has been quite long since you saw him, let alone, see him perform live.
Suddenly you felt a vibration from your phone.
My Hope 🌸 sent you a message:
I wish you were here
And within 10 seconds.
(What an entry!!!)

As soon as he started rapping, you gazed at him in awe how his demeanor was completely different from that of 'J-Hope the Sunshine' the dark makeup making him look all the way more sexy. You noticed his eyes go up to the VIP box and infront of the crowd. Even through that rough exterior he wished and hoped that you were here close to him. He hope that Jin was successful in the job he took.

Watching him scan the crowd, made you feel bad for him. Was he really looking for you? Finally after quite some contemplation you took off your hat and wig and put it in your bag. And the moment came when your eyes connected for a brief moment and you felt like time paused for a few seconds and he just:

He performed with more force. He blew your mind, to a level where you were watching him teary eye'd. During the break you rushed to stand by Jimin in the VIP stands. You greeted Scooter and Hitman Bang, and went ahead to stand beside Jimin. You made sure to not react much as you noticed cameras aligned this way capturing every moment of Jimin. The second part of the performance was light themed in comparison to the dark theme of the first half.
You were mesmerised to watch him, dance around with so much energy and light. He seemed radiant and beautiful, at that moment as you watched him dance away to Hope World, you realised you don't have a crush on him anymore how you had since you both accidentally became friends through you common friends back when he was a street dancer. No, your crush on him is gone, what is left is a far more stronger feeling, that only was blossoming more and more as you kept it suppressed all these year. You were in LOVE, with Jung Hoseok, your best friend.
You cheered, jumped and had the best time of your life along with Jimin and the others. You had an accidental eye contact with Hitman Bang and in his eye you found utter adoration and pride, and yours mirrored the same. You and Jimin were probably the loudest even during the New Dynamite performance, that was probably the surprise he was talking about in one of his text.
As his performance ended, you dispersed with the staff to the back stage, and waited for Jimin who was saying his thanks and good byes to the Armys. Once in he caught your arm and dragged you to the green room, and there you saw him, the one, you haven't been responding to and you felt a strange fright in your heart of various bad 'what ifs'. But, all that stopped the moment hie eyes landed on you, it felt like time stopped and all that was going was just you and him. You noticed the relief and happiness in his eyes, the exhaustion that his sweaty body showed. And before you knew he was rushing in your direction, you both were so lost in each others eyes that you didn't even noticed a grinning Jimin who was standing with his arms wide waiting to engulf his Hobi hyung into a hug and congratulate him. Neither did Hobi as he walked past him and grabbed you face within his palms and smashed his lips to yours.
You felt all you worries and insecurities and thoughts wash away and all that was left was Jung Hoseok, of course you didn't even take a minute to kiss back. You both didn't care about the jumpy Jimin who was a little pissed for being ignored but nonetheless happy that his ship was finally sailing. You both didn't care about Hitman Bang or Scooter Braun or the staff who were staring at you mouth open wide. All the two of you cared was for each other, conveying every emotion through that connection, and you knew he missed you as much as you missed him. That, he loved you as much as you loved him, and nothing else matter.
When you both parted the two of you were slightly breathless, he connected his forehead to yours and grinned and said "You came? I almost was scared that you'd miss it"
"I'd never miss such a moment Hobi. Not for the world" you said and the two of you hugged tight.
That was when you heard a groan in the background "Are you done? Can I hug and congratulate you now?!” From a whiny Jimin, that made the two of you laugh.
Hence, here you were sitting on his bed as your now, boyfriend's (he asked on your ride back to his hotel) bed, waiting for him and Jimin to finish their Weverse live.
You were just sitting and admiring how humble and down to earth he is even for an artist so huge. That was when he said something to Jimin, but the direction of his eyes told you that it was not only meant for Jimin alone.

Even with his chirpy attitude and hopeful mindset, there are times when he felt darkness. And at thise moments you helped him, being his light.
Other works
Taglist: @jung-nika-hoseok @bbl32
Idol! Hoseok x Reader: Not for the World

You need to read the part One if you haven't read that yet.
A/n: Thank you for the notes.
Summary: Hoseok and you have been friends for a long time, and as a result you are quite close to the boys as well. But after the occurrences of the last part, what turn will your relationship with him take now that the truth is out. Can you both make the ends meet?
"She still didn't reply hyung she hates me!" Hobi exclaimed through video call followed by Namjoon's "Aah! This is all my fault!"
"It is" Tae and Jimin where heard saying spontaneously in sync.
"Calm down. Calm down. She doesn't hate you okay? She can't. Neither of you, I'll talk to her." Jin assured the panicked Hobi.
And here he is, following you around through out the whole restaurant saying "Please! Please!"
"While you went no..no.. oppa no." To a point where even Mingi was tired to keep on hearing both of you whine.
"Why?" Jin whinesmd
"He just said he's going, and with how much I have ignored him, what if he doesn't wanna see me?" You asked with glassy eyes.
Jin just went on and hugged you, he seriously was the older brother you never had. "He want you their trust me. Besides, don't YOU wanna watch him rick Lollapalooza?”
You sniffed and nodded.
"Then you can just go under cover with Jimin. Only Jimin and I would know? Will it make you feel more at ease"
"Yeah" you said.
Jin just smiled.
And here you were
(Jimin's expression when he noticed another staff guiding you to the jet)

"I'm glad you're coming with" Jimin said.
"Of course I would, I love Tomorrow by Together!" You said scoffing.
Jimin just smiled at your childishness, both of you ended up binge watching Marvel movies and sleeping throughout the flight. After all its 13 hours. When you walked out of the flight along with the staff you felt like running about shouting freedom at last.
Jimin had also explained the pd nims and staff how they aren't supposed to speak about Yn being in Chicago to J-Hope.
You stayed in a complete different hotel than the others to decrease the risk of running into Hobi. You went to watch TxT perform and being a MOA it was a proud moment for you. The whole time you stayed incognito, wearing a long hair wig, mask and specs.
You had also watched a lot of other artists like Dua Lipa, Green day, Kygo, Charlie xcx.
Finally, the day and time had arrived, a huge bunch of ARMY were waiting and then, the screen came alive and you felt adrenaline rush through your body. It has been quite long since you saw him, let alone, see him perform live.
Suddenly you felt a vibration from your phone.
My Hope 🌸 sent you a message:
I wish you were here
And within 10 seconds.
(What an entry!!!)

As soon as he started rapping, you gazed at him in awe how his demeanor was completely different from that of 'J-Hope the Sunshine' the dark makeup making him look all the way more sexy. You noticed his eyes go up to the VIP box and infront if the crowd. Even through that rough exterior he wished and hoped that you were here close to him. He hope that Jin was successful in the job he took.

Watching him scan the crowd, made you feel bad for him. Was he really looking for you? Finally after quite some contemplation you took off your hat and wig and put it in your bag. And the moment came, your eyes. Connected for a brief moment and you felt like time paused for a few seconds and he just:

He performed with more force. He blew your mind, to a level where you were watching him teary eye'd. During the break you rushed to stand by Jimin in the VIP stands. You greeted Scooter and Hitman Bang, and went ahead to stand beside Jimin. You made sure to not react much as you noticed cameras aligned this way capturing every moment of Jimin. The second part of the performance was light themed in comparison to the dark theme of the first half.
You were mesmerised to watch him, dance around with so much energy and light. He seemed radiant and beautiful, at that moment as you watched him dance away to Hope World, you realised you don't have a crush on him anymore how you had since you both accidentally became friends through you common friends back when he was a street dancer. No, your crush on him is gone, what is left is a far more stronger feeling, that only was blossoming more and more as you kept it suppressed all these year. You were in LOVE, with Jung Hoseok, your best friend.
You cheered, jumped and had the best time of your life along with Jimin and the others. You had an accidental eye contact with Hitman Bang and in his eye you found utter adoration and pride, and yours mirrored the same. You and Jimin were probably the loudest even during the New Dynamite performance, that was probably the surprise he was talking about in one of his text.
As his performance ended, you dispersed with the staff to the back stage, and waited for Jimin who was saying his thanks and good byes to the Armys. Once in he caught you arm and dragged you to the green room, and there you saw him, the one, you haven't been responding to and you felt a strange fright in your heart of various bad 'what ifs'. But, all that stopped the moment hie eyes landed on you, it felt like time stopped and all that was going was just you and him. You noticed the relief and happiness in his eyes, the exhaustion that his sweaty body showed. And before you knew he was rushing in your direction, you both were so lost in each others eyes that you didn't even noticed a grinning Jimin who was standing with his arms wide waiting to engulf his Hobi hyung into a hug and congratulate him. Neither did Hobi as he walked past him and grabbed you face within his palms and smashed his lips to yours.
You felt all you worries and insecurities and thoughts wash away and all that was left was Jung Hoseok, of course you didn't even take a minute to kiss back. You both didn't care about the jumpy Jimin who was a little pissed for being ignored but nonetheless happy that his ship was finally sailing. You both didn't care about Hitman Bang or Scooter Braun or the staff who were staring at you mouth open wide. All the two of you cared was for each other, conveying every emotion through that connection, and you knew he missed you as much as you missed him. That, he loved you as much as you loved him, and nothing else matter.
When you both parted the two of you were slightly breathless, he connected his forehead to yours and grinned and said "You came? I almost was scared that you'd miss it"
"I'd never miss such a moment Hobi. Not for the world" you said and the two of you hugged tight.
That was when you heard a groan in the background "Are you done? Can I hug and congratulate you now?!” From a whiny Jimin, that made the two of you laugh.
Hence, here you were sitting on his bed as your now, boyfriend's (he asked on your ride back to his hotel) bed, waiting for him and Jimin to finish their Weverse live.
You were just sitting and admiring how humble and down to earth he is even for an artist so huge. That was when he said something to Jimin, but the direction of his eyes told you that it was not only meant for Jimin alone.

Even with his chirpy attitude and hopeful mindset, there are times when he felt darkness. And at thise moments you helped him, being his light.
Other works
Taglist: @jung-nika-hoseok @bbl32
Non-idol! Hoseok x Reader: Saddle

A/n: I hold this one close to my heart for a few reasons. I'm sad that I am not as bold as I wrote this OC and may be I will never be in this situation. But I hope you like it.
Summary: Being a stable boy Hoseok knows "his limits". But, Y/n doesn't believe in such stuff, if she likes someone she'll act on it. How long can Hoseok ignore Y/n?
"Hoseok! Hoseok!" You called out.
"Yes, ma'am?" he stepped out of the stable.
"Get my horse and yours" you said with a smile.
"It's night time ma'am" he said, hesitating
"And? We are going for a ride, the moon is so beautiful today. Let's go" you said.
"Okay ma'am" he said and went inside and brought out your brown horse and his black one. He helped you to mount it after putting on a saddle.
"Follow me" you said and rode away with Hoseok following you looking around to make sure there are no possible threats on the way. The night was indeed beautiful and you slowed down your horse to match pace and steps with Hoseok's.
"It's a beautiful night, it's more beautiful to spend it with you" you said, but Hoseok just looked afar, not even looking at you.
It's been like this for the past year since Hoseok started working at your stables. You took an instant liking towards him. Two months of warming up and you started dropping hints, but he never caught on to them. So you decided to be a bit more upfront. You're parents hardly stayed home anyway. Your father being a Duke and a close advisor of the king was always away and your mother was busy in meetings and parties with other noble ladies. You were left alone with the maids and your little brother Jimin. So nobody really stopped you, when you starred at Hoseok without any intention to look elsewhere even after he caught you starring multiple times, neither did anybody witness the way your hand would linger a bit longer when he helped you mount or unmount your horse. Or all those times when you leaned in close to his face to speak to him, so close that Hoseok could feel for breath fanning over his lips, his breath intertwining with yours. Well, nobody but Hoseok, who seemed to freeze initially, but never reacted to your advances, what you never knew was that it took every once of his self control to not react to how you drove him crazy.
You had once asked him "Hoseok, are you married?"
"No ma'am" he answered
"Spoken for?" You asked to dig more.
"No ma'am" he answered yet again.
"Can you not call me Ma'am?"
"Should I call you My Lady then? Ma'am?"
"No, just stick to ma'am" you deadpanned and walked away. What you didn't notice was the way he looked away and smiled to himself, finding your annoyance very cute.
You always found it strange as to why a young man didn't even bat his eye leads at the level of flirting that you did with him. Did he really not like you? You thought at times and cried to yourself about it. All your life, you've only wanted to be loved, growing up friendless and ignored by parents untill they wanted you to meet some nobility only made you crave for love more and more. So when you met Hoseok and the way he was with you from the start, so soft and wordlessly going possible extra miles for you, even the ones that he could have easily evaded. Yes, because he wasn't obliged to bring you a croissant or donut of your favourite flavour just because you told him you were craving it. Or take you to rides are such odds hours like he was taking you now. Even though he never responded to your advances you felt like this was his way of portraying that he cared.
Small incidents like when he's brushing the horses and your simply standing at the balcony and he looks up and your eyes connect and he'd return your smile with a little smile from him. Or the random moments when your eyes met and he'd just quirked his eyebrows to which you winked before he'd break into a smile.
"No" you said firmly standing your ground.
"Y/n dear, we are not asking you!" Your mother said sternly.
"But, I said No!" You repeated.
"You will meet the Earl tomorrow and you will marry him when we decide that for you. As long as you are under this roof you will do as we say" your father said and left.
You broke into tears crying, you didn't know what to do, you can't just meet someone and marry them, you wanted to marry someone you liked.
"What's wrong ma'am?" You suddenly heard the voice that you could identify with your eyes closed.
"Do you really not know?" You asked.
"Well the maids were gossiping" he said shrugging.
"I don't want to do this. I can't" you said wipping your eyes.
"But why?" He asked
"Because when I marry I want it to be out of love and I don't even know this Earl, I can't just marry him!" You said "Beside you know that I only-"
"Why don't you meet him" Hoseok said, not letting you complete "maam"
"Ma'am, this what you feel for me is just a phase and may be the Earl is what you needed to-"
"Yeah, you're right" this was your turn to cut him off. You simply got up and left to your room to cry your heart out. So, this is what he felt? Nothing?! You couldn't help it that night, you hugged your pillow tight and cried, let all your pain out. All this time you thought he felt something, and you were wrong. You could feel the ache in your heart and there was nothing you could do about it but to cry it out.
Hoseok thought he did great, that this is what was supposed to happen. Because, you were like a forbidden dream to him one he couldn't even think of dreaming. He tried his best to hold his composer with your not-so-subtle flirting, he tried to smile your glances off. He'd always avoid eye contact if you ever corner him to talk to him, or tell him something. But, these were all an act on the exterior and he could barely keep that up.
He however, took pleasure in running your errands, bringing you your favourite cake or donut, or chocolate from the town, taking you to rides. But that was all to it. And this was his chance to give you the chance you needed, to get a better life. No matter how much he loved you, he had to let you go for your sake. So he did it, he requested you to meet the Earl your parents wanted you to marry. An Earl, someone you belong with, not with someone like him, you couldn't, he couldn't.
"It's a pleasure to meet you Earl" you said, in the perfect manner as you were always trained since you were a child.
"The pleasure is all mine" he said as he kissed the back of your hand in a courtesy manner. As you gave him a very practiced shy smile.
As you were greeting each other, Hoseok could see from afar, how out of the place you seemed to be and how fake each and every smile was. Did his heart just swell a little to think that you always smiled open and wide around him?
That was when Hoseok was summoned and told that he was to accompany you and the Earl to a trip to the town. Hoseok brought out your, his and the Earl's horse, when your mother spoke out "Why would you bring three horses? Y/n can just travel with the Earl that would be easier, if he has no problem. Do you Taehyung?"
"No, not at all" he smiled. Hoseok went to the horse to help you mount it but the Earl or Taehyung beat him to it and helped you climb up his white horse, poetic right?
As the horses went at a slow pace and Hoseok followed Taehyung's horse, he watched as you pointed at various places and told him stuff that he of course could not hear. He also noticed how Taehyung whishpered something into your ear and you gave him a shy smile, well a fake shy smile, but that made his heart ache.
You three reached the market and took a halt at the bakery and Taehyung once again, helped you down the horse instead of Hoseok. What Hoseok found really odd that you didn't glance at him. Not even once, not even for a fraction of second did you spare a glance towards Hoseok. 'Its for the better' he told himself, but he knew he was falling apart on the inside. He knew watching you with someone else would hurt, but he never knew it would hurt this much.
The two of you took a seat as Taehyung called out "Stable boy, get us two croissants" he said
"Hoseok" you said in a low voice, "He is called Hoseok"
"I'm so sorry Hoseok, please don't mind" Taehyung said correcting himself
"No, sir, It is fine" he said "Two croissants? But-"
"Two croissants, Hoseok" you said sternly, still not looking at him. And he did as he was told.
He followed you around the rest of the day as the Earl and you walked around the market, and around the estate.
Later, the evening Hoseok heard the maids talk about how Taehyung had asked your father the permission to court you. 'Of course he did, he'd be a bloody fool if he didn't', Hoseok thought.
He found you sitting on the swing at night, alone, he was about to walk past you, but that's when he noticed your tear stained face and red eyes, you were crying. In an instant all resolves he made were blown away and he rushed to you.
"Ma'am?" He called out, you almost flinch and the suddenly call, but you never answered. But he knew you were listening to him.
"Ma'am, why are you crying?" He asked, earning an instant glare from you.
"You're the last person who should ask that don't you think? You must be happy that I met the Earl and now he will court me! My parents want me to marry the Earl! So, Thank you Hoseok!” with each word you stepped closer to him only to turn and walk away in the end. But, Hoseok held your wrist to stop you. You didn't know he could ever do that tbh, even he didn't.
"Why did you have rhe croissant when you hate it?" He asked
"That's what I have been taught my whole life, to take whatever is offered by a prospective suitor" you said.
"I didn't like it" he said.
"Yeah it was horrible" you said, looking away from him.
"I hated to see you with someone else" he took a pause before he said "Y/n"
Your eyes went wide in surprise as you looked at him.
"But, what can I do?" He asked, you noticed his eyes were glossy.
"Take me away" you said.
"I could, but I am just a stabble boy, no tittle and -" he went on but was interrupted by you.
"Whatever you are Hoseok, you are enough" you said, using your free hand to cup his cheek, as he leaned in to your touch, while he intertwined your fingers.
"Also I have a plan, more like half of it. But, where would we go?" You asked.
"I know someone who could help us, in the capital" Hoseok said "but what plan do you have?"
"You wont have to worry about that, Just be ready tomorrow, we leave as soon as mom does" you said and he nodded.
The whole night Hoseok could not sleep, was he doing something wrong? But, this would mean your happiness, can that really be wrong? Well, love isn't a crime, so this is going to work out.
"When you spoke about help in the capital I didn't think it would be in the palace" you whispered.
"Yeah and when you said you have a plan I didn't think you'd actually sell the new mares of the stable in double price" Hoseok whispered.
"I'm a good seller?" You said as you bowed st the passing lady.
"This way" he said as he knocked at a door and a voice was heard asking them to get in.
As soon as they entered Hoseok was heard to say "Jwaaaan" and the other man rushed to hug Hoseok calling him "Hobah"
Meanwhile, Y/n just stood there, too stunned to speak. This was nobody other than the Crowned Prince of Bangtania.
"Y/n, meet Kim Seokjin, we grew up together actually, my mother was the queen's handmaiden before my parents passed" he said.
"Your highness" you said bowing.
"Please don't bow, I'm not that high, and call me Jin, Jinnie, or Oppa" he said kissing the back of your hand
"Ahm" Hoseok cleared his throat.
"Sorry! Bad habit" Jin said laughing out, rather he was making windscreen wiper noises.
"Wait how is any of this useful?" You asked still confused
"I will give you immunity again the Duke of Seom, your dad and-" Prince Jin was interrupted by a knock and he shouted a "Who are you?"
"It's me" was heard the voice sounded vaguely familiar to you.
"Ah, come in" Jin said and the man that walked in almost froze your blood.
"E-e- earl?" You stuttered
"C'mon Lady Y/n I know you weren't interested but you couldn't even remember my name?" He said
You just looked at him still too stunned to speak, but what happened next shocked your whole mind out if you, the Earl walked up to the prince kissed his cheek and asked "You called for me babe?" And Jin simply slid his arm around Earl's waist and nodded.
Not just you even Hoseok was shocked at this exchange.
"But-but-you" you pointed at Taehyung looking like a lost puppy.
"It was all just for show. I knew you didn't like me a bit and I thought you'd reject me. I was actually thrown aback when your father said that you said yes. Actually, I dont swing that way, I have always rejected every woman but when I saw you, rather I saw your disinterest in me I planned to ask for your hand and get rejected so I can act a bit heart broken and get my family off my back for sometime" he said giving a boxy smile.
"Wow, you're smart" you said "I wasn't even asked before my father said yes to you"
"Figured" He said.
Hence, the four of you planned that Taehyung will help you hide for 4 days. Why 4? Because Jin was getting coronated in 4 days, he said he would personally conduct his bestfriend's marriage as only the king or a Priest can bind someone in holy matrimony. Additionally, even after alot of declination, Jin declared that he would dubb Hoseok and You Baron and Baroness of Armivile, the town area in the east of the kingdom, that would be his gift to the two of you.
And thus, with secrecy Earl Taehyung lead the two of you to his carriage after hiding your horses in the royal stables. You could see Hoseok was visibly worried "Hobi?" You called
"What did you call me?" He said, lips pressed in a heart shaped smile
"Hobi?" You repeated "Do you like it?"
"I love it, my mother used to call me that" he said. You intertwined your fingers and leaned your head on his shoulder and said "Its gonna be okay"
And just like that, the 4 days passed. On the 2nd day Taehyung had brought news that her father was searching the whole estate for you and Hoseok. Strangely, the plan worked and nobody suspected you to be at the Earl's house.
On the day of the coronation, Jin or King Seokjin, bound you and Hoseok into holy matrimony, well, he did have to escort your father and mother out with guards, but your brother was very happy for you. Your father had disowned you infront of the whole kingdom, but your brother promised that you would never loose each other.
"So? Baroness?" Hoseok said, his hair in a mess for just waking up, eyes still droopey from sleep. You shifted in you sheets and placed an open mouthed kiss on his beautiful lips. He grabbed your waist to get you on top of him when you winced and he asked in worry "Are you hurt? Was I too rough? Did I-" you shut him up with a kiss.
"I like it just the way it is. Okay. Now shut up and cuddle I dont wanna wake up just yet" you said and Hoseok gladly complied and hugged you from the back drawing circular patterns on your bare back, lulling you to sleep.
Other Works
Check out my special Hogwarts Diaries
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Taglist: @jung-nika-hoseok @bbl32
Non-idol! Hoseok x Reader: Saddle

A/n: I hold this one close to my heart for a few reasons. I'm sad that I am not as bold as I wrote this OC and may be I will never be in this situation. But I hope you like it.
Summary: Being a stable boy Hoseok knows "his limits". But, Y/n doesn't believe in such stuff, if she likes someone she'll act on it. How long can Hoseok ignore Y/n?
"Hoseok! Hoseok!" You called out.
"Yes, ma'am?" he stepped out of the stable.
"Get my horse and yours" you said with a smile.
"It's night time ma'am" he said, hesitating
"And? We are going for a ride, the moon is so beautiful today. Let's go" you said.
"Okay ma'am" he said and went inside and brought out your brown horse and his black one. He helped you to mount it after putting on a saddle.
"Follow me" you said and rode away with Hoseok following you looking around to make sure there are no possible threats on the way. The night was indeed beautiful and you slowed down your horse to match pace and steps with Hoseok's.
"It's a beautiful night, it's more beautiful to spend it with you" you said, but Hoseok just looked afa, not even looking at you.
It's been like this for the past year since Hoseok started working at your stables. You took an instant liking towards him. Two months of warming up and you started dropping hints, but he never caught on to them. So you decided to be a bit more upfront. You're parents hardly stayed home anyway. Your father being a Duke and a close advisor of the king was always away and your mother was busy in meetings and parties with other noble ladies. You were left alone with the maids and your little brother Jimin. So nobody really stopped you, when you starred at Hoseok without any intention to look elsewhere even after he caught you starring multiple times, neither did anybody witness the way your hand would linger a bit longer when he helped you mount or unmount your horse. Or all those times when you leaned in close to his face to speak to him, so close that Hoseok could feel for breath fanning over his lips, his breath intertwining with yours. Well, nobody but Hoseok, who seemed to freeze initially, but never reacted to your advances, what you never knew was that it took every once of his self control to not react to how you drove him crazy.
You had once asked him "Hoseok, are you married?"
"No ma'am" he answered
"Spoken for?" You asked to dig more.
"No ma'am" he answered yet again.
"Can you not call me Ma'am?"
"Should I call you My Lady then? Ma'am?"
"No, just stick to ma'am" you deadpanned and walked away. What you didn't notice was the way he looked away and smiled to himself, finding your annoyance very cute.
You always found it strange as to why a young man didn't even bat his eye leads at the level of flirting that you did with him. Did he really not like you? You thought at times and cried to yourself about it. All your life, you've only wanted to be loved, growing up friendless and ignored by parents untill they wanted you to meet some nobility only made you crave for love more and more. So when you met Hoseok and the way he was with you from the start, so soft and wordlessly going possible extra miles for you, even the ones that he could have easily evaded. Yes, because he wasn't obliged to bring you a croissant or donut of your favourite flavour just because you told him you were craving it. Or take you to rides are such odds hours like he was taking you now. Even though he never responded to your advances you felt like this was his way of portraying that he cared.
Small incidents like when he's brushing the horses and your simply standing at the balcony and he looks up and your eyes connect and he'd return your smile with a little smile from him. Or the random moments when your eyes met and he'd just quirked his eyebrows to which you winked before he'd break into a smile.
"No" you said firmly standing your ground.
"Y/n dear, we are not asking you!" Your mother said sternly.
"But, I said No!" You repeated.
"You will meet the Earl tomorrow and you will marry him when we decide that for you. As long as you are under this roof you will do as we say" your father said and left.
You broke into tears crying, you didn't know what to do, you can't just meet someone and marry them, you wanted to marry someone you liked.
"What's wrong ma'am?" You suddenly heard the voice that you could identify with your eyes closed.
"Do you really not know?" You asked.
"We'll the maids were gossiping" he said shrugging.
"I don't want to do this. I can't" you said wipping your eyes.
"But why?" He asked
"Because when I marry I want it to be out of love and I don't even know this Earl, I can't just marry him!" You said "Beside you know that I only-"
"Why don't you meet him" Hoseok said, not letting you complete "maam"
"Ma'am, this what you feel for me is just a phase and may be the Earl is what you needed to-"
"Yeah, you're right" this was your turn to cut him off. You simply got up and left to your room to cry your heart out. So, this is what he felt? Nothing?! You couldn't help it that night, you hugged your pillow tight and cried, let all your pain out. All this time you thought he felt something, and you were wrong. You could feel the ache in your heart and there was nothing you could do about it but ti cry it out.
Hoseok thought he did great that this is what was supposed to happen. Because, you were like a forbidden dream to him one he couldn't even think of dreaming. He tried his best to hold his composer with your not-so-subtle flirting, he tried to smile your glances off. He'd always avoid eye contact if you ever corner him to talk to him, or tell him something. But, these were all an act on the exterior and he could barely keep that up.
He however, took pleasure in running your errands, bringing you your favourite cake or donut, or chocolate from the town, taking you to rides. But that was all to it. And this was his chance to give you the chance you needed, to get a better life. No matter how much he loved you, he had to let you go for your sake. So he did it, he requested you to meet the Earl your parents wanted you to marry. An Earl, someone you beling with, not with someone like him, you couldn't, he couldn't.
"It's a pleasure to meet you Earl" you said, in the perfect manner as you were always trained since you were a child.
"The pleasure is all mine" he said as he kissed the back of your hand in a courtesy manner. As you gave him a very practiced shy smile.
As you were greeting each other, Hoseok could see from afar, how out of the place you seemed to be and how fake each and every smile was. Did his heart just swell a little to think that you always smiled open and wide around him?
That was when Hoseok was summoned and told that he was to accompany you and the Earl to a trip to the town. Hoseok brought out your, his and the Earl's horse, when your mother spoke out "Why would you bring three horses? Y/n can just travel with the Earl that would be easier, if he has no problem. Do you Taehyung?"
"No, not at all" he smiled. Hoseok went to the horse to help you mount it but the Earl or Taehyung beat him to it and helped you climb up his white horse, poetic right?
As the horses went at a slow pace and Hoseok followed Taehyung's horse, he watched as you pointed at various places and told him stuff that he of course could not hear. He also noticed how Taehyung whishpered something into your ear and you gave him a shy smile, well a fake shy smile, but that made his heart ache.
You three reached the market and took a halt and the bakery and Taehyung once again, helped you down the horse instead of Hoseok. What Hoseok found really odd that you didn't glance at him. Not even once, not even for a fraction of second did you spare a glance towards Hoseok. 'Its for the better' he told himself, but he knew he was falling apart on the inside. He knew watching you with someone else would hurt, but he never knew it would hurt this much.
The two of you took a seat as Taehyung called out "Stable boy, get us two croissants" he said
"Hoseok" you said in a low voice, "He is called Hoseok"
"I'm so sorry Hoseok, please don't mind" Taehyung said correcting himself
"No, sir, It is fine" he said "Two croissants? But-"
"Two croissants, Hoseok" you said sternly, still not looking at him. And he did as he was told.
He followed you around the rest of the day as the Earl and you walked around the market, and around the estate.
Later, the evening Hoseok heard the maids talk about how Taehyung had asked your father the permission to court you. 'Of course he did, he'd be a bloody fool if he didn't', Hoseok thought.
He found you sitting on the swing at night, alone, he was about to walk past you, but that's when he noticed your tesr stained face and red shit eyes, you were crying. In an instant all resolves he made were blown away and he rushed to you.
"Ma'am?" He called out, you almost flinch and the suddenly call, but you never answered. But he knew you were listening to him.
"Ma'am, why are you crying?" He asked, earning an instant glare from you.
"You're the last person who should ask that don't you think? You must be happy that I met the Earl and now he will court me! My parents want me to marry the Earl! So, Thank you Hoseok!” with each word you stepped closer to him only to turn and walk away in the end. But, Hoseok held your wrist to stop you. You didn't know he could ever do that tbh, even he didn't.
"Why dif you have rhe croissant when you hate it?" He asked
"That's what I have been taught my whole life, to take whatever is offered by a prospective suitor" you said.
"I didn't like it" he said.
"Yeah it waz horrible" you said, looking away from him.
"I hated to see you with someone else" he took a pause before he said "Y/n"
Your eyes went wide in surprise as you looked at him.
"But, what can I do?" He asked, you noticed his eyes were glossy.
"Take me away" you said.
"I could, but I am just a stabble boy, no tittle and -" he went on but was interrupted by you.
"Whatever you are Hoseok, you are enough" you said, using your free habd to cup his cheek, as he leaned in to your touch, while he intertwined your fingers.
"Also I have a plan, more like half of it. But, where would we go?" You asked.
"I know someone who could help us, in the capital" Hoseok said "but what plan do you have?"
"You wont have to worry about that, Just be ready tomorrow, we leave as soon as mom does" you said and he nodded.
The whole night Hoseok could not sleep, was he doing something wrong? But, this would mean your happiness, can that really be wrong? Well, love isn't a crime, so this is going to work out.
"When you spoke about help in the capital I didn't think it would be in the palace" you whispered.
"Yeah and when you said you have a plan I didn't think you'd actually sell the new mares of the stable in double price" Hoseok whispered.
"I'm a good seller?" You said as you bowed st the passing lady.
"This way" he said as he knocked at a door and a voice was heard asking them to get in.
As soon as they entered Hoseok was heard to say "Jwaaaan" and the other man rushed to hug Hoseok calling him "Hobah"
Meanwhile, Y/n just stood there, too stunned to speak. This was nobody other than the Crowned Prince of Bangtania.
"Y/n, meet Kim Seokjin, we grew up together actually, my mother was the queen's handmaiden before my parents passed" he said.
"Your highness" you said bowing.
"Please don't bow, I'm not that high, and call me Jin, Jinnie, or Oppa" he said kissing the back of your hand
"Ahm" Hoseok cleared his throat.
"Sorry! Bad habit" Jin said laughing out, rather he was making windscreen wiper noises.
"Wait how is any of this useful?" You asked still confused
"I will give you immunity again the Duke of Seom, your dad and-" Prince Jin was interrupted by a knock and he shouted a "Who are you?"
"It's me" was heard the voice sounded vaguely familiar to you.
"Ah, come in" Jin said and the man that walked in almost froze your blood.
"E-e- earl?" You stuttered
"C'mon Lady Y/n I know you weren't interested but you couldn't even remember my name?" He said
You just looked at him still too stunned to speak, but what happened next shocked your whole mind out if you, the Earl walked up to the prince kissed his cheek and asked "You called for me babe?" And Jin simply slid his arm around Earl's waist and nodded.
Not just you even Hoseok was shocked at this exchange.
"But-but-you" you pointed at Taehyung looking like a lost puppy.
"It was all just for show. I knew you didn't like me a bit and I thought you'd reject me. I was actually thrown aback when your father said that you daid yes. Actually, I dont swing that way, I have always rejected every woman but when I saw you, rather I saw your disinterest in me I planned to ask for your hand and get rejected so I can act a bit heart broken and get my family off my back for sometime" he said giving a boxy smile.
"Wow, you're smart" you said "I wasn't even asked before my father said yes to you"
"Figured" He said.
Hence, the four of you planned that Taehyung will help you hide for 4 days. Why 4? Because Jin was get coronated in 4 days, he said he would personally conduct his bestfriend's marriage as only the king or a Priest can bind someone in hole matrimony. Additionally, even after alot of declination, Jin declared that he would dubb Hoseok and You Baron and Baroness of Armivile, the town area in the east of the kingdom, that would be his gift to the two of you.
And thus, with secrecy Earl Taehyung lead the two of you to hus carriage after hiding your horses in the royal stables. You could see Hoseok was visibly worried "Hobi?" You called
"What did you call me?" He said, lios pressed in a heart shapped smile
"Hobi?" You repeated "Do you like it?"
"I love it, my mother used to call ne that" he said. You intertwined your fingers and leaned your head on his shoulder and said "Its gonna be okay"
And just like that, the 4 days passed. On the 2nd day Taehyung had brought news that her father was searching the whole estate for you and Hoseok. Strangely the plan worked and nobody suspected you to be at the Earl's house.
On the day of the coronation, Jin or King Seokjin, bound you and Hoseok into holy matrimony, well, he did have to escort your father and mother out with guards, but your brother was very happy for you. Your father had disowned you infront of the whole kingdom, but your brother promised that you would never loose each other.
"So? Baroness?" Hoseok said, his hair in a mess for just waking up, eyes still droopey from sleep. You shifted in you sheets and placed an open mouthed kiss on his beautiful lips. He grabbed your waist to get you on top of him when you winced and he asked in worry "Are you hurt? Was I too rough? Did I-" you shut him up with a kiss.
"I like it just the way it is. Okay. Now shut up and cuddle I dont wanna wake up just yet" you said and Hoseok gladly complied and hugged you from the back drawing circular patterns on your bare back, lulling you to sleep.
Other Works
Check out my special Hogwarts Diaries
Comment or send an ask to be in my tag list of any group
Taglist: @jung-nika-hoseok @bbl32
Reread and fixed the typos lol
Idol! Hoseok x Reader: Look at me, Look at her

A/n: I was inspired to write this on seeing I.U and Hobi's video where she asked him why she wasn't invited to the listening party. Also, I don't habe anything against I.U might make her look bad and it's just for plot build up.
Summary: Hoseok and you have been friends for a long time, and as a result you are quite close to the boys as well. This story takes place after Jack in the box release and the I.U and J-Hope video comes out. Basically, you hated I.U and thus the bous avoided her, specially Hoseok who didn't invite her to his party. He loved you to pieces so he bever bothered to ask the reason behind your hatred, but things change after the video, for better or worse? Read to find out.
You're in general a really reasonable person, you believe in treating people the way they deserve no matter who they are. And you have done that, and that has also lead you where you are right now, a holder of one of the most popular Indo-turkish food restaurant in Gimpo. Well, the business was basically your mothers, along with 6 food trucks running through the streets of Seoul.
It was a typical Tuesday evening, right before the rush hour. The restaurant was more of less empty apart from 2 groups and 3 couples. That was when you heard the back door open and close, you went to check who it was and you were met with a very familiar face.
"Yn!!!!!!" He called in his normal cheery voice and you rushed to hug him.
"Yn Noona!" You noticed Jungkook behind Hobi, you left Hobi to squeeze the big muscle bunny into an embrace.
"C'mon up" you lead the both to the special 2nd floor lounge which is generally closed for special reservations as the restaurant was often visited by a lot of idols. The greatest reason behind that being Hoseok liked to take you with him to events and always acted as your walking free advertisement. On being asked he said it was something about his duty to your mother for the food she fed him and you never asked twice.
"So why didn't you call before?" You asked as Hobi always comes preceded by a call or atleast a text.
"Jungkookie said he missed your food and we both have off today so we came to surprise. Suprise~" he said with a wink and you just looked before shaking your head and kept walking on, facing away from them, trying to hide your blush.
As they sat and they ordered, the duo asked you to sit down if you're free to chat, which you did and started talking about whats going on with eachother. Which involved you and Jungkook praising Hobi's new album and talking about his upcoming performance in Lollapalooza and other stuff. Jungkook also told about how he has been spending hours at stretch in the studio "insfired" by Hobi hyung's music and he wanted to do better.
"So um, what did you do yesterday?" Suddenly Hobi asked as he scooped up some rice from his biriyani and put it in his mouth.
"Nothing much had a meeting with the franchisee and stuff like that" you said as Jungkook offered you a spoonful and you gladly took it.
"Hows the franchise location going?" Kookie asked.
"It's a lot of planing and presentations and stuff but Mingi has been helping me alot. I'm glad we hired him" you said. "What did you do yesterday?"
"He had an interview and performance" Jungkook said, a sound of mmmm was heard in the end.
"Great. With whom?" You asked, the boys were behaving fishy and the answer told you why.
"I.U sunbaenim" Hobi said.
"Wow thats great" you said. Of course, at some point they are supposed to cross paths. The fact is you've never liked I.U since once you crossed paths with her, about 9 years ago. But, the boys never knew the reason, but you never asked them to not engage with her. Even before the listening party you had told him yourself that he should invite her. But, he knew you very well and knew that you'd ditch his party with some reason and he did not want that.
"That's it?" Hobi asked
"What?" You asked confused
"You won't say anything else? Just Wow great?" He said almost looking pissed. What did he even think of you to say.
"Yeah? Like what do you want me to say? Me wanting to avoid I.U has nothing to do with your engagement or any activities with her Hoseok. And I have told this to you a lot of times." You said.
"But Noona. Why don't you like I.U sunbaenim?" Jungkook asked but you like always smiled and were about to give an ambiguous answer but you heard you name being called and you turned to see Mingi.
(This is how I imagined Mingi)

"Mingiya! Did you go through the report?" You ask, as you gave one last smile to the 2 other boys and went up to talk to him.
And before you knew the two of you indulged into a deep conversation about the business and various stuff. Occasionally laughing at his dark humour.
From far 2 pair of eyes were looking at you both quite intently.
"I hate that guy" Hoseok whispered.
"Hyung, you don't even know him" Jungkook said while stuffing his face.
"I don't need to, look how he's hogging Yn" Hoseok said bitterly.
"They are working" Kookie said and they both looked at the two of you again, you where lightly giggling at something that Mingi said.
"But Hyung, why do you think Yn Noona never tells us why she dislikes I.U sunbaenim?" Jungkook asked looking like a lost bunny.
"I'm sure she has her own reasons Jungkookie~" Hobi answered.
"But don't you think we deserve to know it too? She was so sweet to you, and she is so sweet in general. I think you should ask her that." Jungkook insisted.
A few nights later you received a text.
My Hope 🌸 sent you a message:
You're free tomorrow afternoon 2ish? :)
> Depends why? ;)
I want an army point of view on the order of my set list
Also I wanna show you a new choreo
> I'm down
See youu
> Yeppp
So the next day you got ready a bit early to grab some food for the boys from your restaurant on the way. You actually reached quite early, as you entered the building the receptionist greeted you knowing you very well due to your often visits. You went straight towards Hobi's studio knowing very well thats where he'd probably be.
You were about to push the door open but the conversation going on inside made you pause.
"Why didn't you invite her?" From the voice you recognised it to be Namjoon's
"You know Yn has a feud with her. So I just didn't" Hobi's sound was heard.
N- Hobah you don't even know why? For all you know she could just be jealous.
H- Why would she be?
N- Cause she is I.U, the I.U. Why else would someone dislike such a sweet human. Even Suga hyung worked with her and she is such a sweet person. Why else would she hate her. Did you know having her at your party would be such a huger boost.
H- But Yn wouldn't have come then, I know that as a fact.
N- Then I guess that would have been for the best.
Suddenly, you felt a tap on your shoulder, you were almost scared to see Yoongi and Jimin behind you.
Jimin signalling you and asking whats up?
"I am early so I was waiting and I-" you were almost fumbling
But Yoongi just pushed the door and pulled the three of you in.
"Hi Yn" Namjoon said his lack of enthusiasm could be heard from his voice.
"Hey Yn~" J-Hope said scanning you from up to down. "What happened? Whats wrong" Hobi asked, just by looking at you he knew something was wrong.
"I am not jealous of I.U" you mumbled.
"What? Where did that come from?" Yoongi asked clearly confused.
"Yeah I heard your conversation Namjoon".
"Good! Cause I wanted to ask Yn dont you think thats a bit selfish on your side for how Hobi always considers you side?" Namjoon said
"I have always told you guys that you've gotta do what you've gotta do. My likes or preferences shouldn't matter there." You said getting more agitated by the minute.
"He atleast deserves the reason. We all do! Cause her being there would have been a greater boost and statement. More than your petty grudge!" Namjoon said harshly.
"I have MY REASONS TO FEEL WHAT I WANT AND I AM NOT EXPLAINABLE TO ANYBODY! IF YOU THINK MY ABSENCE WOULD HAVE BEEN FOR THE BETTER, THEN YOU SHOULD HAVE FCKING SAID SO." With that you turned around, shoved the bag of food you brought in Jimin's hand and stormed out of the building with tears brimming your eyes.
What hurt you more than Namjoon's words were that Hobi just stood there, as if he agreed to all that. Did he feel that way too?
Your phone was vibrating constantly, you pulled it out, only to see Jimin calling. But, you did not pick up, you were too deep in your thoughts. You hailed a cab, all the way to your home, wondering how did things go this way. You never wanted to impose into Hoseok's career. Were you a burden?
Meanwhile your phone kept blasting up with notifications, mostly from Yoongi, Jimin and Jungkook who heard what happened from Jimin. Most of them were from Jimin, you weren't surprised though, he was the only one who knew why you hated I.U. More like, why you were scared of I.U or intimidated by any female Idol. Why you rarely spoke or even interact with any female idol, because of what I.U had done to you.
Meanwhile in Hybe Building 🏢
"What was THAT?! Namjoon hyung?" Jimin spoke out in shock as be put down the bag of food.
"What? I just finally spoke out what all of us had been thinking" Namjoon said shrugging.
"Speak for yourself" Jimin said.
"What do you mean? You don't wanna know this reason?" Namjoon said, putting stress on the word reason.
"I.U sunbaenim did something to Yn Noona? They've met?" Jungkook asked who recently came to the studio after hearing that Yn was seen rushing out of the building.
"Yes. I know, but Yn had made me swear not to tell anyone."Jimin said, and he began "You remember our 1st MAMA in 2014? How Yn had rushed home in the middle of the award ceremony because she said she wasn't feeling well? And then evaded us for over 2 months? Then turned up with short hair?"
"Don't forget how she was a caffeine addict and after that I never saw her touching any form of coffee" Jungkook added and Jimin nodded.
"You mean to say somehow I.U sunbae caused that?" Yoongi asked.
"Yn had walked off to find the ladies room. And she was talking too long, so I went after her as Hobi hyung asked me to check. I was walking towards the corridor and noticed Yn Noona and was about to call out to her and suddenly I.U sunbaenim walked out of a room, arguing with someone and literally collided with Yn Noona. It wasn't Noona's fault yet she said sorry and was about to walk away but I.U sunbaenim threw a fit. And in moments she started calling Yn Noona names and suddenly pushed her off. I was so shocked that I didn't know what to do! But before I could react I.U grabbed a cup of coffee from the other person and dunked the whole damn thing on Yn's head and stormed off. I ran to her, but she forced me to go back, but I didn't I took her to one of our stylist who let her borrow a hoodie I was carrying and asked her to take Yn to a cab. Did you know, Yn never speaks or goes near any female idol even if they visit her restaurant. She doesn't hate I.U she's scared of her. She told me how even after shampooing her hair she could remove the smell of coffee from her hair and it nauseated her." Jimin paused
"She loves her hair" Hobi just said.
"And she chopped them off to reduce the smell and damage" Jimin said flinching.
"Why didn't she tell us?" Yoongi asked.
"Cause she didn't want to ruin her image in all our eyes." Namjoon said softly. "Even our Jungkookie had a crush on her, she couldn't bring herself to tell this to us. Right?" He asked looking at Jimin, who nodded. Jimin watched the look in his eyes, which was full of regret.
You never replied to any of them, apart from Jimin and Jin. You were the closest to Jimin after Hobi and Jin literally gave you a 5 minutes long lecture as to how you should have atleast told him or return his texts as he is the oldest and loves you too much and doesn't wanna loose you just because two of his members were stupid enough to be a dick to you.
"You are more important to all of us than I.U and I mean ALL OF US" Jin assured you constantly.
Hobi texted you everyday, you read them, but you couldn't reply. You just felt really hurt at how that day He didn't even utter a word, how he also might be thinking the same as Namjoon.
You were scared.
One night you checked your messages to find.
My Hope 🌸 sent you 2 messages:
Ik you won't reply, but atleast you read them.
I'm leaving for Chicago tomorrow, for Lolla.
I wish you'd come with me. <Error undelivered>
I'm sorry. <Error undelivered>
Other fics
Taglist: @jung-nika-hoseok
Click here for part 2
... Don't Blame me: Hoseok x Reader

A/n: sorry, it's dumb, just a random inspo. Long time no ses though!
For you, I would fall from grace, Just to touch your face
“Are you sure you wouldn't go? Its Mr. Manolo it's his 50th birthday and he is a great dealer” dad said.
“I thought when you said then I will be managing your business it means that I would decide these things. Isn't that what passing the business means dad? Besides, I am already having dinner with him tomorrow and I'll be giving him his gift. Don't worry I have it all in control” Y/n said.
“But why aren't you going? Ma’am if I may ask” Tracy asked me later in the car curiously.
“you will see, Tracy” I said and smiles.
“Mr. Manolo! I can't believe it's about to be your 50th Birthday. You barely look a day more than 30” Y/n said and smiled, flattering the man. “Oh.. don't flatter me” the old man said.
“I heard you'll be away for a few days” he asked. “Yeah, I'll have to go to Thailand for some emergency dealings, I wish I could postpone it until your party but alas” She said.
“Y/n! You bitch! It was you. Wasn't it?!” ûand head of security Hyunwoo after her.
“What is it?” Y/n asked nonchalantly, not even looking up.
“How dare you?” Somin said glaring at her. “How dare I do that? Oh I heard about the article about your drunk activities after Mr. Manolo’s pary? It's sad” Y/n said and shrugged.
“So out of everything you've resorted to this?” She barked angrily.
“Whatever do you mean? I wasn't even in the country” Y/n said calmly, which only riled Somin up further.
“ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!” Somin screamed again.
“DO NOT! RAISE YOUR VOICE INSIDE MY OFFICE!” Y/n said angrily and ushered Hyunwoo to escort her out.
“You didn't need to do that” he said.
*Oh no I did, she need it a lesson” she said. And Hoseok threw himself at the back of the couch laughing.
“You should have seen her face when I passed her on the lobby today” he said. “Hobi, you do realise that you shouldn't have to bear with this just because she's your father's trustee's daughter, you wouldn't have to bear with this. All this is just a temporary solution” She said patting her boyfriend's head.
“I know. But you know I could never stand up to them in these matters considering-” he was cut off.
“Don't say that” Y/n said “you're a musician, a good one, you don't owe them this” Y/n said, deep down she knew that he wouldn't. That's just how Jung Hoseok was, giving, always giving. Yeah, they first connected when he gave his only umbrella to her in the rain, back in their university days, when they were assigned for a project together. That's the Hoseok she's always loved, the softest person Y/n knew.
“You don't have to give it to me” Y/n said, refusing the umbrella. “You can't let your laptop get wet!” He insisted.
“Then share it” Y/n said. Back then she told herself that it's not like she felt anything for Hoseok, she just didn't want to owe him.
And the rest was history.
It's been 5 years since your dating and his parents don't know. He couldn't tell them because Somin had her clutches over his parents' head.
So, now she has to jump to play. Game on Choi Somin.
“Tracy” she called her assistant, “did you do the research I asked you to?”
“Yes, ma'am. I have also fixed a plan for reaching the goal” Tracy said and Y/n smiled.
“Why do I have to attend the meeting? I thought this month's scheduled meeting was done” Somin whined.
“Our new director arrives, she owns the most number of shares, you need to be there to greet her” the assistant informed. Somin entered the room and found none other than, L/n Y/n sitting inside the room, with Mr. Choi, a smirk appeared on her face when her eyes fell on Somin.
“Good morning, Somin-ah! It's so good to see you again” she said with a smile.
And the meeting went on, Somin glaring at Y/n every few minutes.
Y/n was casually leaving when Somin called her from behind. “What do you think you're doing?” Somin demanded.
“Getting you back in the line that you've been crossing for a long time. One wrong move and your family and company are done for.” Y/n said, looking deep into her eyes and then walked away.
It's safe to say that Somin didn't have a good time at their wedding that her parents forced her to attend.
To add salt to her “wounds”, she heard 2 staff talking.
“I don't know how he is marrying her, she seems so heartless all these months I worked for” a young looking staff whispered. “That's because you don't know her, and never saw her when Mr. Jung is around. Ms. Y/n smiles, and is so caring for him. It's a wonder to watch” the elder staff said, a fond smile on her face. Ad the two gazed upon the way you and Hoseok laughed at God knows what, while sharing your first dance as a husband and wife.
Don't blame me, love made me crazy, If it doesn't, you ain't doin' it right. Lord, save me, my drug is my baby, I'll be usin' for the rest of my life.
Don't Blame Me by Taylor Swift
How Far

Warnings: mentions of a cheating spouse
Pairing: JHope!Idolxreader
Premise: No matter how far or how much time has past memories still follow you.
Word count: 975

Maybe this may have been because of heartbreak, maybe it was about time you discovered yourself again. Whatever it was that lead you to using your couples package refund to book a round-trip flight to Korea, you should be thankful for.
Should you be thankful for finding out your longterm boyfriend was cheating on you? That because of his sloppiness you found out before your planned trip to Mexico, one you had talked about getting engaged while there. You guess it was better knowing now then later. But it still stung nonetheless.
The question really was: would you have said yes? Was he someone you’d want to spend the rest of your life with?
Probably not. That’s why it didn’t hurt as much as you knew it should have.
Boarding the plane, you stow away your carry-on in its designated space, buckling your seat as you made yourself comfortable. Earphones in, music set to a special playlist you had made while sitting at your gate, trying to calm your thunderous heart.
The old crumpled photo your parents took over a decade ago lingering in your sweater pocket. It being one of the reasons you chose your new destination. One summer family trip that never really left you. Someone who never left you.
Remembering the boy who’s smile caught your eye. One you never forgot. Wondering now what he was doing, what he was up to in his life. Was he happily married with kids? Did his dreams to dance come true? The language barrier making it harder to really get to know him, but still that summer you had spent every free moment with each other; whether it be you reading and him play games. You keeping him company as he studied. Watching him dance at a youth centre. Playing games at the local arcade. Only using nicknames with each other as a fun little inside summer joke between you. Life felt so easy with the cute boy leading you around on fun day trips. You had promised to write to each other but life has a way of getting away from you.
The memories now shrouded in a haze, along with his face now a blur. His smile still as radiant as ever, but his features began to slowly fade over time. The question always remained; why in times like these did his memory always resurface. Was a first love failing by impossibility call for a constant reminder when each relationship crumbled? When each one broken worse by the last, yet not hurting as much as it should. You guessed never getting over your first made it really hard to fully accept the others. No matter how you tried to convince yourself you had forgotten, you never really had.
The presence of a figure sits beside you. You don’t bother removing your gaze from a cloudy spec on the window. Allowing yourself to be absorbed into a silent calm in your mind as they also got comfortable for the flight.
Your music is cut by the vibrations of your phone, glancing down to it sitting in your lap. The number memorized even if the contact itself was erased.
You let yourself answer, hopefully for the last time. Allowing your airpods to connect.
“Hello.” You sigh, chin resting on your hand as you leant towards the window.
“Y/N! Thank god you answered. Please just hear me out, I’m begging you. I’m sor-.” Your ex boyfriends voice rings in your ears.
“Stop.” You cut him off, hand fumbling to your pocket to pull out the photo. “I’ve heard all the voicemails you left me, I’ve read every text. I know.”
Your gaze shifts to the boy in the vanishing moment of time. Your fingers run over his figure, giving you a sense of reassurance.
“I know.” You breathe deeply.
“It’s not ok what you did, but I’m ok with us ending. I’m ok with you wanting to be with her, I’m ok with walking away from you. I just-” What exactly did you want….you weren’t even sure. “I just wish you had told me before I found out like that.”
“I didn’t mean to hurt you…”
“You didn’t mean a lot of things. I was shocked yes, but more hurt you wouldn’t communicate that something was wrong with us. Regardless, I’m ok now.” A soft smile plays on your lips as you study each crease of the photo, the outline of the boy next to you, the ice creams in hand and the smile on your face. “We can say goodbye and we’ll both be alright. Just be happy, ok?”
A long pause before you hear a light sniffle on the other end. He may cry, but you won’t. Not now, not later.
“You too, Y/N.” His voice breaks.
“Goodbye.” You hang up the call.
“This is your fault you know.” You roll your eyes at the boy, giving a chuckle. “If only you hadn’t made me fall in love with you all those years ago, maybe I’d find a decent guy. No one wants to be second in someones heart.”
The pilots announcements cut through the rest of the passengers, settling everyone down before the plane heads to the runway.
“As long as I’m still first, Sunshine. Because you’ll always be first for me, no matter how far apart we are.” A voice comes from the person next to you. Stunned you turn to look them for the first time. A radiant smile beams at you, the same smile that lives in your memories.
“Jay” A gasp escapes you.
“Hoseok.” He corrects, his smile almost becoming too bright to look at. You scan over his face, recognition fully hits you as an older version of the boy in the photo.
Not only that, but a new wave of recognition hits you causing a joyful laugh to escape you.

The amount of delulu journey I had
Thanks girl you made my day
(BTW its the girl who requested you to do this it's mah side blog)
A sincere ask for the fluff alphabet with jhope
I know you said that it should be 1-3 but I got excited,
C, E, L, T, W
I love you writing cause it is really hard to find chubby!reader fics over here
Have a nice day ahead \(^o^)/
Well, since you ask so nicely! But they will have to be shorter😆
fluff alphabet: j. hoseok x chubby!reader
Comfort- How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
Jung Hoseok!! Best boyfie/hype-man!!
He’s so silly, he’d definitely try and distract you or make you laugh when you’re sad, and it works 99.9% of the time.
He’d make funny noises, stupid jokes, and is definitely the type to just grab you by your round cheeks and pepper kisses all over your pretty face.
“You,” peck. “Are,” peck. “So,” peck. “Cute,” peck peck peck.
Equal- Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
Come on. Hoseok? Passive? Psh.
Of course he’s the dominant one. You are his lil darling. He’s taking care of you, he’s spoiling you, he’s protecting you.
Sure, he’s bright and bubbly and such a ray of sunshine, but he’s also mature and protective and is so willing to step up and be the person to care for you.
Love Confession- How would they confess to their s/o?
You two would be watching a movie at his place, cuddled up with his arm around your shoulder because that’s just how you were as friends.
Poor Hobi would be soooo so nervous. Telling the prettiest person in the world about his stupid little (huge) crush on them and risking making it awkward and ruining their friendship and never seeing each other again? Especially after how he’d been hurt in past relationships? He must be a masochist.
But fuck. He had to get it over with, he couldn’t stand another minute not knowing whether or not you could ever see him as anything more. He was desperate, he needed you all to himself.
He’d be shaking, his heart beating so fast that he figured it was going to explode. And you would know something was up because you could feel his chest tensing against your back, his heart beating rapidly behind yours and his fingers trembling on your shoulders.
“Hobi?” You turned in his arms to face him and caught the red tint coating his face and ears.
“Shit, uh, you know, I-I have something to tell you, but I don’t want you to, uh, god, I don’t-”
You were stuck between letting him ramble about what you already knew he was thinking, or just kissing him.
And the latter sounded a whole lot easier, so you did.
He sighed relief into your mouth before turning his head to kiss you deeper, pushing into you and taking your bottom lip between his.
Hobi caught his breath after your lips parted from his. “You like me, too?”
“Yeah.” You played with his fingers. “I do.”
Thrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
Hobi loves trying new things!! He is incredibly spontaneous and fun, and I really think he’d especially love going new places with you.
He’s said before that his favorite type of skinship is hand-holding, so he’d love walking down the beach with you hand-in-hand, or dragging you around some new store in town and picking things for you to try on that he would love to see you in.
Wild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
“You’ve got to be joking.”
“What? It’s not that hard!” Your boyfriend laughs loudly because he knows it is that hard.
“I can’t do that! Do you see me? I physically cannot do that, Hobi.”
Welp, this is the last time you ever try dancing with your boyfriend. The splits? Mid routine, he wants you to do the splits?
“Okay, okay. Listen to me,” your boyfriend, sweaty and flushed after hours of teaching you the new sexy choreo he put together for you both, approaches you and reaches for your face.
He thumbs your soft jawline, looking down at your pleading eyes.
“You can do it. It will only take some practice, but just like you’ve learned eeeverything else so far, you can learn this. Seriously!”
You close your eyes and breathe in deep. Shit, you’ve made it 3/4 through the entire routine and that’s way more than you ever thought possible, so why stop now? All you needed was to prove to yourself that you’re more capable than you assumed, and you did that, so why not learn how to do the splits, too?
“Alright.” You look back up at Hoseok and watch his eyes light up, his smile growing huge and proud. “Show me how to- fuckin’- you know-“
He grabs your chubby cheeks and pulls your forehead to his lips. “That’s my baby!”
Thinking about Jealous Hobi
Hobi x Reader
Warnings: Suggestive, not proofread
A/N: Thank you to the lovely anon who requested this, I hope you like it!
Requests are open
He can never understand how you manage to bring out this side of him, trying desperately to push down the green-eyed, possessive feeling rising in his chest, but he knows it's useless.
Normally he loves seeing you enjoying yourself with the others, but there are certain gazes from certain people that make his blood heat beneath his skin, nearly burning him from the inside out.
He becomes unusually quiet as he watches you, eyes growing darker with each moment, until he can't take it anymore.
Wordlessly, he slips over to you, winding his arms around you waist, shooting what start off as passively hinted looks at the target of your attention, but will increase to poisonous glares if they don't get the hint and back off fast enough.
He knows he should feel guilty, he honestly wants to, but all he can feel in that moment is satisfaction at having you to himself again.
He suggests going home earlier than usual, his sudden possessiveness making his grip a little tighter, hands roaming a little further. You can hear the shift come over him, his voice growing deeper with each mumbled endearment. "My angel." "My sweet baby." "Mine."
Heeled Boots - JHS (18+)

Pairing: Hoseok X Fem!Reader
Theme: PWP, SMUT, established relationship au
Wordcount: 1.2k+
Summary: A little something about Hoseok's heeled boots from MAMA 2022.
Warnings: boot riding (you read that right), dom!hsoeok, slight degrading, she calls him Mr. Jung, cock riding, creampie, unprotected sex (wrap it up). NSFW!!
Minors are not allowed in this blog!!
A/N: been a minute since I have written anything for the love of my life.

“I…. Like these…” Your words evaporate in the thin air, partly because you can’t even focus on what you are saying, partly because the words come out of your mouth without your consent.
“These?” Hoseok wiggles his boot-cladded feet. His eyes go a little wide at your sudden confession.
“Mmmm..” you reply absent-mindedly - eyes never leaving his heeled boots.
“Should I get a pair of matching ones for you?” he proposes lovingly, his long arms secure around your waist even more tightly as he subtly pulls you towards him.
“Ah- no. I mean I like these on you. These are kinda- I don’t know - hot? Irritatingly so? Makes me wanna ride these?” you ramble without hearing yourself properly.
At first Hoseok tries to register what you are saying but when his ears send each of your words to his brain, his blood rushes south. At once his cock starts twiching inside the shiny leather outfit that has been chosen for his MAMA performance.
“Then do it.” He suggests slowly, voice already dipping by an octave.
Your eyes shoot up. You have been zoning out for the past half an hour, especially because Hoseok’s outfit and his heeled boots have been too much to take for you. He looks so breathtakingly hot that your brain.exe has stopped responding long ago.
You gulp at his suggestion. Not that you haven’t been thinking about asking him to take you then and there but his performance is scheduled within 45 minutes and you definitely don’t want to exhaust him now.
Moreover, there are a ton of people running behind these closed doors. The last thing you want is to get caught.
“We can’t.” you mumble, throat getting dry already.
“That’s not a choice now, baby. You gotta take responsibility for your words.” Hoseok places his free hand on your thigh, gliding it up towards your crotch painfully slowly.
“But your per- ah” Hoseok pinches on the meat of your thigh, pain shoots on your skin even through the rough material of your jeans.
“Take your jeans off, baby.” your boyfriend orders. Even though the sentence is simple, it comes out as a low growl. And you know it’s better not to disobey him.
So you do as you’re told. You stand up on your legs and start unbuttoning your jeans.
Hoseok’s eyes rake through your thighs and get stuck on the wet patch of your red cotton panties.
He smirks, “Such a whore.”
“For you.” you add to stroke his ego.
His hand circles around your left wrist as he pulls you towards him dangerously close, so much so that you can feel his breath on your belly.
His free hand hooks on the waistband of your panty, he dips one finger inside, plunges that inside your folds.
Your breath shudders at the touch of his cold finger.
Pulling that finger out, he puts it into his mouth. His eyes close as he hums at the taste.
Your boyfriend’s action makes a pool of hotness gush out of your hole.
“This has to go too” Hoseok eyes your panty again. Knowing what to do, you strip it off.
“Good girl. Now rub that greedy cunt on my boot.” he wiggles his foot again. He sits cross legged to hike his right leg in the air.
You lick your lips. Fuck you are perched.
When you stand still, without obeying his command - Hoseok’s face darkens. He raises one of his eyebrows as if to threaten you.
You show your obedience without thinking anymore.
You squat, hands grabbing the edges of the sofa for support. Your folds come in contact with the tip of Hoseok’s heeled boot. You inhale sharply.
You know squatting like this won’t be enough, so you part your pussy lips with two of your fingers, letting your clit grind against his boot.
“Rub it.” Hoseok orders again. His eyes pierce through your already watery ones as he sits there casually.
There is no change in his posture, not even a single limb of his body is tensed - unlike yours.
You start moving your hips in circles. At first lightly but then when your body starts asking for more and more friction - your grinds get harder as well.
Your breaths are now short and ragged. Hoseok’s shiny boots turn even more shiny with your arousal over the tip.
Your legs threaten to give up but the coil in your stomach has just started to tighten. You can’t give up now - you won’t give up now.
As if reading your contorted face and rigid body language, Hoseok winds a hand around your bicep and starts pulling you up.
“Hoseok I-”
“Is that what you should call me?” Hoseok interrupts, glaring at you through his dark locks.
“I’m sorry. Mr. Jung.” you correct yourself hastily.
“Good girl.” he mutters, pulling you down on his lap, “take me out.”
Your mind runs wild. You are really getting to fuck him when he looks this hot? Such a lucky girl you are.
Your hands find the button of his leather trouser as you walk your way through the garment and pull his semi hardened length out.
You pump it until his cock is hard enough for your cunt to swallow. Hoseok groans, rests his head on the backrest of the sofa.
“Can I ride you, Mr. Jung?” you ask him sheepishly.
“Yes, baby. Go ahead.” he permits a little breathlessly.
You line his cock on your entrance, the tip nudges your clit making you moan. Once his cock is lined, it isn’t tough to slide down.
Once he is rooted inside your velvet walls, you start moving.
Hoseok sometimes think that his cock was made for your hole because he has never fucked anyone who could swallow his cock as good as you.
He loves it. He loves you.
He eyes the spot where his shaft is disappearing in your wet heat. Then his eyes fall on your face, the satisfaction is clearly written on your pretty features.
Your little melodic sounds are making it tough for him to restrict his own sounds of pleasure. So he grabs you by your neck and seals your lips with yours.
The kiss is as hungry as his cock.
Your energy starts running low when your walls start clenching around his cock. Your legs really can’t take it anymore.
“Mr. Jung, I can’t- h-help me.” Your voice breaks. Hoseok understands what you are asking for right away and wraps his hand tightly around your waist.
He thrusts up, slapping his torso on your downside.
It takes only three thrusts for your release to wash over you - you cream his cock.
“Gonna cum inside you. Can’t ruin the outfit.” he speaks into your mouth. You nod agreeing to his proposition.
Two more thrusts later, Hoseok cums in you.
Both of you stay still, mouths wet with the messy kiss, breathe too heavy to calm yourselves down.

“Noona, I’m taking these home.” Hoseok points at the black shiny heeled boots that are now kept inside a pretty looking leather box.
“Oh? But those are sponsored. We have to return those.” the stylist stops what she was doing. Confusion evident in her face.
“Don’t worry. I will take care of it.” Hoseok replies before he leaves the room. You can’t help but smile as you follow him outside.

Permanent Taglist:
@phenomenalgirl9 @variety-is-the-joy-of-life @chimchimmarie @coffeedepressionsoup @meowstake @vonvi-blog @nochuel @chimmisbae @i-have-no-life-charlie @mikrokookiex @jjk174 @lallataegi
Steal The Show - Jung Hoseok

Synopsis: He was amazed by her. He knew how hard she'd worked for this moment, so being able to see her do her thing made him feel complete. She outshined the sun.
There was just one thing left he had to do.
Pairing: idol! Jung Hoseok x idol! fem reader
Genre: fluff, tiny bit of angst, friends to lovers
Word Count: 2.8k
"J-hope! J-hope! J-hope!" The sound of cheers made Hoseok's heart shake with excitement. If there's any place he loved the most, it was being on stage.
Hoseok was wearing a pair of baggy jeans, an olive green tee-shirt, a black hoodie, and a black and white bomber jacket. Tonight, he was performing on the street (with J. Cole) for the first time. He was excited to showcase this stage for not just for Army, but for everyone. Especially for you.
You initially met Hoseok when you both were at an all-intensive dance class in New York City. He was shooting a music video, and you were attending university for dance. He was impressed with your dancing abilities, stepping back to watch just you when it wasn't his turn to dance. You moved as if you were made out of water, very fluid yet so in control of your body. He was amazed.
At the end of the lesson, Hoseok asked if you wanted to grab lunch. To be honest, you didn't really hear of BTS before meeting Hoseok. You figured he was your average guy from Queens who loved to dance. However, watching the dance practice videos he showed you at the cafe next door, you were amazed.
You didn't think the K-pop industry was for you though. You originally were trying to make it on Broadway, that's why you decided to attend school in the city. You wanted to network and make connections, wanted to go to auditions when you had free time. The politics involved in the Western music industry turned you off completely.
When JYP announced they were doing auditions across America, you decided to take the jump. It also helped that Hoseok pushed you to just try out.
"I'm not saying I want you to become an idol. I'm not saying I want you to move here to Korea. Even though I'd love living in the same part of the world as you," he said over FaceTime, laughing. "But it doesn't hurt to audition! Worse case, the audition is good experience for the next one you do."
He was right there. You just needed to put yourself out there. You've only done a few casting calls for ensembles, but you wanted a challenge. You wanted to attempt to go for a lead. And to an extent, auditioning for a music company was a challenge. It was out of your wheelhouse, but Hoseok reassured you that the k-pop industry drew people from all over the world from all sorts of backgrounds.
And somehow, you made it past the first audition. You sang "Fast Car" to showcase your singing abilities, even though you come from a dancing background. You were then asked to freestyle a dance, which honestly was the easiest part of the audition. It probably was easy considering you and Hoseok often freestyled with each other over FaceTime when you were in your own respective dance studios.
He looked over his shoulder, a smile immediately on his face. He knew that voice anywhere.
"Y/n." You were wearing a light blue dress. There was a cutout in the shape of a heart surrounded by silver rhinestones. hugged around your thighs, showing off the white fishnet stocks. You wore a matching pair of white block-heeled boots that stopped short of reaching your knee. Your hair was down in curls, framing your face. You looked divine.
Before he knew it, you walked right up to him and hugged him tightly. He immediately wrapped his arms around you, holding you close to him. He got a smell of your perfume, something that he's grown very fondly over. It smelled like cherries and vanilla. A scent he favored resonated with you.
"I've been looking for you all over," you giggled. His heart swelled at the thought of you searching for him.
"Well know you've found me," he winked. "You ready to go kill it out there?" "And know that you're watching me? Of course."
Hoseok wasn't sure what the line-up was. He only knew that he was geared towards the end of the showcase. He always loved watching what other artists and groups came up with, sometimes making their usual performances extra special. Hoseok also liked being the one to watch smaller acts, giving them a source of encouragement as they were just at the start of their careers.
He also strategically placed himself here, right at the side of the stage, so he could watch you. Not only did he want to watch you perform, but he wanted to be the first and last person you saw before and after being on stage. He wanted to cement himself as your biggest supporter, in more ways than one. "Y/n, five minutes. Let's get you into position," one of the backstage crew announced.
That's how it always goes when it comes to performances like this. It was hectic all over. People were running around, making sure the appropriate stages were in place and artists were ready to go. It was one after the other, no real break until the last performance.
You looked up at him, a slight frown tugging onto your lips. You were hoping to have more time to catch up with Hoseok before taking to the stage.
"Promise to be here when I get back?" "Angel, I'm not going anywhere."
This time, he kissed you on your cheek before moving his lips to your ear. He could feel the eyes on him, not wanting to tell him to hurry up but also getting a bit antsy. Hoseok was a gentleman, so he could be quick.
"I'm always going to be here. Go rock that stage so you can return back to me."
I feel so much lighter like a feather with you out my life With you out my life
The crowd screamed as you were twirled around the stage. If anyone was born to be on stage, it was you. You were smiling wide during the instrumental part of your song, your backup singers the harmonies.
You were done by the stage extender, interacting with your fans. Truth be told, you were surprised people were that responsive to you. You felt like you were at the start of your career, still trying to build a name for yourself. Of course, you took nothing for granted.
Hoseok wasn't surprised. He has seen your rise to fame happen both in person and online. People were captivated by you, but he wanted to make sure you knew he was front of the line.
Right now, you were performing a song you had written to your ex-boyfriend. Hoseok remembered that night so vividly. He had never seen anyone write a song that quickly besides Yoongi. You used all your anger to channel into this particular song. Your ex doubted that you could make it, he didn't see your potential.
But Hoseok did. He knew you were a shining star. You just needed the right support system to boost your confidence and help you pursue you dreams.
And you were blessed to have someone like Hoseok in your life. Not even someone, a man like Hoseok. He made it easy for you to forget your ex boyfriend. He was the one who reassured you, uplifted you, and showed you love. You weren't sure if there was a chance of you two getting together, but you were a wishful thinker.
it feels so good not carin' where you are tonight And it feels so good not pretending to like the wine you like
Your hips were swaying as you strutted back up to the main part of the stage. The crowd went wild for you as you ran your hands through your hair, letting it fall back down to your back.
Once you were center stage, you glanced over your shoulder. You grinned to see Hoseok still to the side of the stage, watching you. You winked at him before looking towards the crowd again.
I slam the door
You kicked up your foot as you were closing the door. You wore a smirk. Here goes nothing. I hit ignore
With your back towards Hoseok, you bent over slightly. The amount of times you ignored texts and calls from your ex were too high too count. You knew one thing for sure though. You would always pickup for Hoseok.
Hoseok's eyes widened as he watched you. That's new. Was that intended for him? Were you responding to what he said to you before you were whisked away to get on stage? He bit his lip gently, a smirk on his lips. He was proud of how far you've come, both in your personal life and professional career. But he couldn't help but feel his ego swore as he thought you were showing off for him.
Well played, y/n.
I'm saying, no, no, no, no more I got you blocked Excited to never talk
You were standing up straight again. You popped your hip slightly. The hand not holding your bedazzled microphone also resting on your hip. You wore a smirk.
I'm so sorry for your loss.
The stage lights went dark as you bowed to the crowd. There was a loud roar of cheers, fans begging you to stay. You blew a kiss though before you were escorted off stage. Your mind was in the clouds, overjoyed by the outcome of your performance. That couldn't have gone any better!
There was just one thing left to do to truly make this a night to remember. Someone handed you a water bottle as your chest rose and fell rapidly, your heart racing from the performance and adrenaline rush you were experiencing. You grabbed the water, but kept your eyes locked forward.
From the moment you left the stage, your eyes were locked on Hoseok. You didn't have to go searching for him. He stayed as he promised. He wore a wide smirk as he waited for you, members backstage of the production and your manager checking in with you. "Y/n, we can either stay to watch the rest of the show or head back to the hotel." "I'm staying."
Once you finally were away from the staircase leading to the stage, the crowd around you began to disperse slightly. You passed the water bottle in your hand to your manage before you took off running towards Hoseok.
You weren't thinking straight. All you knew was that you needed to get to him. It was as if something had possessed you because before you knew it, you were jumping into his arms. He caught you easily, the two of you in a fit of laughter. "That was amazing, y/n! You are amazing," he said, grinning. You grinned back at him. Your hands rested on his shoulder as he twirled you around a bit. Everyone around you figured you had a close friendship. A very close one, indeed. But after the exchanges between the two of you, that was going to take a step up. You were sure of it, but just not in the eyes of public.
"Come on, I think we got some talking to do, sweetheart. I got a little bit before going on stage."
Hoseok gently set you back down to your two feet, but had a hand securely on your lower back. People eyed the two of you as you passed by. Artists that you admired, friends, and others congratulated you on a successful stage. All you could do was smile and bow politely, both out of breath but also trying not to stop too long for a conversation. You weren't trying to be rude. You just had other priorities.
His thumb caressed your lower back. You didn't have to question where you were going. You always put all your trust into Hoseok. He has prove time and time again his loyalty and his sincerity towards you. He was a rare find in a world that tended to be more cruel than kind.
After a few moments, mainly with you focusing on the feeling of his touch, you found yourself out of his dressing room. He pushed it open, motioning for you walk through the threshold first.
"Always the gentleman, aren't you, Hobi?"
He chuckled and shrugged, watching as you walked in first. Once he made sure you were safely in the room, he closed the door behind him. He locked in, not wanting to get interrupted again like before.
This time, he let his heart take over rather than his mind. He came up behind you, wrapping his arms around you from behind. You giggled in surprised, letting out a soft gasp as he lifted you up with ease. Wow, he's gotten stronger since the last time you saw him.
Carefully, he had you sit on the counter of the makeup vanity set up. His makeup team from the company already had done the makeup they needed to do earlier. They opt for a more natural look, seeing as this song was personal for Hoseok. And much to your happiness, you got his bare face all to yourself.
Your legs were slightly parted, allowing Hoseok to slip in between them. Biting your lip gently, you gazed up into his eyes. You were trying to cipher what could be going on in his mind. You were getting all the right signals from him to confirm your assumptions, but you wanted to make sure you weren't jumping to conclusions. One of your hands gripped the edge of the counter, the other hand resting on his forearm.
"Y/n, I think I'm done playing games," he murmured. One of his hands rested by yours. Not exactly touching, but your want to feel his skin on yours burned within you. His other hand lifted up to brush the hair out of your face. He tucked a few strands of your hair behind your ear. His hand then gently rested on your cheek.
The confidence you had on stage melted away. You could feel your body warm up, seeing how close you were and how alone you truly now. The chaos outside was white noise. All your attention was on Hoseok without any interruptions. He smirked seeing the shy side of yourself starting to appear once again.
He loved witnessing all the sides of you. While yes, you two were prominent in each other's lives, he wanted to learn more about you.
"I'm not sure I know what you're talking about," you said softly.
He scoffed. "Really? You don't remember that little stunt you pulled on stage? Come on, darling, you trying to tell me something?" "But what about you, Hoseok? What was that you told me earlier?"
He hummed, nodding his head. "That's the games I'm talking about. Why don't we cut to the chase, huh? Stop torturing ourselves?"
This time, you nodded in agreement. You were onboard to full send, to take this friendship into uncharted territory for the two of you. Yes, it was scary to take this friendship into a level that most friends don't go. However, if Hoseok was willing, so were you.
Wanting to take back a bit of control of the situation, you slightly tilted your head. Your lips hovered right underneath his. His breathing seemed to hitch, which caused you to smirk.
Look who is now turning soft.
Truthfully, you made him weak and he thrived off being your weakness. It was as if subconsciously you two always knew you had feelings for each other. Yet, for the sake of the friendship, you oppressed any feelings you had. You were at the point now that you were boiling over and it was all seeping out. Everyone else saw how you two stared at each other with hearts in your eyes. You both were just catching up to speed.
"How do you propose we stop torturing ourselves, huh? Tell me, Hobi. What's been on your mind?" "You're the only thing ever on my mind, y/n," he murmured.
The way his voice dropped an octave made you want to whimper. You felt small with him towering over you. He knew the little things to do to make you weak in the knees.
"I'd just like it if you no longer live in my fantasies and were actually mine. That way I can make every thought I have into a legitimate plan with you." "Then make it happen."
Hoseok's eyebrow raised yet he was intrigued. His hands moved to your hips, pulling you slightly closer to him until you sat right at the edge of the counter. Your legs wrapped around his waist, keeping him close to your as well.
He began lean in, his lips grazing yours. You both sighed in contact. So close yet not quite there.
Before his lips could fully press against yours, there was a knock at the door. "J-hope, 5 minutes!" Dammit! He smirked as he pulled away while your frowned, disappointed to not get to kiss him quite yet. You raised an eyebrow, surprised to see him not more disappointed. "All good things come with time. Just had to get one more game in before winning you over. I'll see you after my set."
Note: I originally got inspired from listening to Steal the Show by Lauv. since seeing Elemental a few months ago. I also have been obsessed with Sophia Carpenter's performances of Feather while she's been the opening act for Taylor Swift's Eras Tour in South America so my mind got a little creative haha
Hope you enjoyed it!!

The Pact - masterlist
Premise: You learned a few days ago that the boys have pact that doesn’t allow them to make a move on you. What happens when they find out that you know?
Warnings: none as far as I know! lol except for this reader. she has no idea what she just got herself into
Pairing: OT7 BTS x reader (not poly tho)
Uploading schedule: Saturday’s
Did you know that this could classify as a small book? The Pact currently totals: 115 pages.
Spooked (important, the oneshot that started it all. read this first.)
Well, this is awkward…
Date #1 ✨✨
Date #2 🌉🌉
Date #3 📖📖
Date #4 ✈️✈️
Date #5 🥡🥡
Date #6 ☔☔
the pact 📃📃
Date #7 🌟🌟
I loved her first 💔💔
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❁ pictures you've taken of your boyfriend, hoseok

More of the boyfriend pictures series