{*REQUESTS OPEN*}18+ only I will block you if I find you are a minor. I’m 27 , It/Itself/they/them, polyam/bisexual.I put gross naughty stuff about sexy fake men here, Yes I post dark content, no I don’t proofread anything, we die with honor I run a sfw blog, good luck finding it lmao.
405 posts
Hey Dont Listen To The Haters :( Your Writing Is What I Go To When I Need To De Stress. How Do They Think
hey don’t listen to the haters :( your writing is what I go to when i need to de stress. how do they think it’s okay to tell you to kys but it’s not okay for you to write what you want ??? it’s not affecting them. pls continue writing <3
Awe thanks so much, My writing is very therapeutic for me, and I’m so glad I can help others de stress ☺️ I’m never going to stop writing, I may be a bit slow but it’s something I enjoy doing so I’d never stop.
z-ombi3z liked this · 4 years ago
thediamondgirl17 liked this · 4 years ago
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Sleepy Headcanons for Aone or Bokuto
Bokuto sleeps with a shirt on but no pants, he needs a fan/noise machine to sleep, he’s actually a light sleeper though, if you try to get up to go potty he’ll wake up and sleepily badger you about where your going.
Aone like silky pjs, only uses a top sheet no comforter, very heavy sleeper and snores like a bear so good luck there haha.
Tanaka has a wicked scar on the back of his head, tries to act like he got it in a fight, but kiyoko is quick to let everyone know he just fell really hard and split the skin while trying to show off when they were on an ice skating date.
Kenma has a really light scar on his forehead from when he raged on a game and the controller he threw bounced back and smacked him in the head. He hides it wil his long hair, only kuroo and hinata know about it
does anyone have any good scar headcanons
Hey! I don't know wtf is up that last anons ass, but you are a totally great person and NOBODY deserves hate or being told things like that. I'm sorry some people are idiots. Sending you all the love in the world and my inbox is always open if you ever need to vent <3
❤️💕♥️thanks so much lovely!! It really means a lot!
I know it was in a ABC post, but I saw that you posted a pic of what you think Bokuto’s dick would look like, and I was just wondering if you had any ‘references’ for what you think Aone’s dick would look like 👉👈🥺🥵
Omg I’m sorry this took so long haha, but Yes I do HERE (real D) and HERE(hentai D)
You know you’re really disgusting right? Incest,rape, body fluids 🤢 🤮. You’re an awful human being and you’re right you DONT deserve any kind of happiness sweeaty 🙃.
Kindly KYS ❤️
Oh wow, I really don’t know how to deal with hate like this
All I have to say is this is never okay to send anyone for any reason. If you don’t like me or my writing you can leave, you can block me and my tags, and you don’t even have to come back. But to come here and say this to me is what’s awful, I have been having the worst couple of weeks so far this year, and this is kinda the last straw for me.
I’m not going to stop writing what I write not for you or anyone else. So just leave me alone.