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Osomatsu - Cherry Boy

✧ Osomatsu - Cherry Boy

Aggressive knocking on your front door.

You knew instantly who it was. Many would find them a nuisance. You, however, couldn't help the grin that stretched across your lips, feeling a little more than glad at the unexpected company.

He stood in your doorway, cheeks a cute cherry red, matching his hoodie, his signature cat-like smile on his face as he rubbed his index finger under his nose shyly.

"Mind if I crash here for a couple'a hours?" Was all he asked, and you instantly opened the door wider for him.

"Even if I said no, you would've started begging for me to let you in, anyway," you teased, taking great pleasure in the way his brows furrowed in embarrassment.

"O-Oi! That's not-"

"But I'll always say yes. Just for you, Osomatsu."

You left him in the entrance hall of your home, snickering over your shoulder at his wide-eyed, slack jawed response. He spluttered, a hand reaching out for you, but you had already disappeared around the corner and into your living room.

You were always out of arms reach for him. He hated it. He wanted to be closer. Closer than he was never enough to admit. He didn't want you to push him aside, deeming his advances as purely "sexual-desires," and as his way of "desperately trying to get laid."

He still wanted those things, for sure. With you. He just wanted more than that.

Fuck, was he terrible at getting his thoughts together.

"Osomatsu? Are you planning to lounge in the hallway, or what?" Your voice called, which he followed like a moth to a lightbulb. He stumbled slightly, his hands flailing, trying to find your figure. Yet you were just too far away.

"C'mon! That show's on again!" You patted the seat beside you on the couch excitedly, legs bouncing against the side of the furniture. Osomatsu couldn't help but chuckle, wasting no time with flopping lazily into the seat, wrapping an arm around the seat behind you.

His fingers grazed your exposed shoulder, and it was only then that he realised how loose your clothing was. It was baggy. So baggy that the neck sagged off of your shoulders. Revealing clear, smooth skin. Skin that he wanted to feel, and caress, and hug, and kiss-

"Are you okay?" Once again, you snapped him out of his daze, large and curious eyes peering into his own. He jolted, not noticing how close he had leaned into you.

"Uh, y-yeah! How could I not be, when I'm sat here with you?" He winked, a sleazy grin wobbling it's way across his cheeks. You huffed out a laugh, shaking your head.

"Honestly..." you muttered, although you didn't appear to be annoyed. On the inside, you were overjoyed. You wanted to smother this NEET so bad with hugs and butterfly kisses, wanted to bury your face into his neck and peck away at his slightly chubby skin. Your fingers twitched in your lap. You were desperate.

But, you remained calm. You remained to appear unaffected. You didn't want to overwhelm him. You wanted to take it slow, despite knowing how desperate he was for wanting to at least have sex before dying. He was a hopeless virgin, after all- they all were.

Glancing over to him again, you chanced a look at his lips. The bottom lip was slightly plump, pink and soft-looking, just like the rest of him. It was adorable. Looking a little more closely, you saw that his lips had lines of red, chapped and chipped.

"Your lips dry," you mumbled absentmindedly. Osomatsu almost snapped his neck looking over to you, humming confusedly.

"Your lips. They're a little dry," you pointed to your own, running a finger across the bottom for emphasis. His face lit up in understanding, and he laughed.

"Yeah, Todomatsu yelled at me for that already."

"He yelled at you?" Amused and intrigued, you knew a good story was bound to come out of it. Osomatsu chuckled, eyes closing as he recalled.

"He sure did! Said somethin' about it making me look even worse than I already do, which is a complete lie!" He whined, throwing his head back. You laughed, a hand covering your mouth out of habit.

"He gave me this chapstick thing though- which I thought was for girls, but he apparently uses one all the time. Tastes like cherries, though! So I can't complain," he ended with a shrug.

"Cherries, huh? Perfect for you!" You drawled, still giggling as his face flared up.

"H-Huh?! What're you tryin' to say?!" He demanded, pouting. You carefully began to move a little bit closer to him, hand resting casually on his thigh.

"What do you think I mean, dumby?" Your voice dropped a little lower, and you peered up at him through thick lashes, appearing innocent. Though, you both knew you were far from innocent.

"You and your brothers are well-known cherry boys. I suspected for a long time that you'd probably taste like cherries, too. Am I wrong?" Tilting your head, you were pressed right up against him now. Plump thigh flush against his.  Shoulder pressed against his chest. Hand resting just above his heart, feeling it think rapidly.

It was too much. You were too much. He didn't stop you. He would be insane to stop you.

Sweating and red faced, he tried his best to frown down at you. Key word being: 'tried.'

"How am I supposed to know? And h-how would you know that I taste like... like ch-cherries?" Osomatsu stammered. His fingers were clenched very tightly against his trousers, hoping- praying- that you wouldn't look downwards. Or maybe he wanted you to. He wouldn't complain.

"I can prove it to you. Right now, if you'd like."

"...Show me."

That was all it took. A small push of your body upwards, and your lips connected with his. You felt him tense instantly, and you couldn't help but smirk against him. He was trembling. He was just too cute for you.

You continued for a little longer, tilting your head to the side, caressing his cheek with your thumb, moving sensually against his lips. Chapped as they were, the way the cuts grazed against your lips felt good.

Tongue darting out quickly to swipe at his lips, you leaned away with a small breath. Looking him in the eyes, you licked your lips once more before smiling devilishly up at him.

"Mmm... yup. Definitely tastes like cherries." You manoeuvred your body, swinging your leg gently over his lap to straddle him. His hands instantly flew to your hips, gripping them tightly, yet rubbing soft circles with his thumbs. He was calming his own nerves.

"Did I ever tell you I love cherries?" You leaned in again, voice soft and low, music to his ears.

"N-No..." he replied quietly, eyes blown wide in shock. You laughed again, fingers tugging at the baby hairs at his neck.

"You're too cute, Osomatsu..."

You delved in for another taste. You wasted no time in nibbling against his lip gently, happily slipping your tongue inside and exploring his hot cavern. A blank slate for you to mark. An opportunity you've been waiting so long for.

He tasted like old beer and smokey cigars, a tinge of cherries left behind. You didn't mind it though. What else did you expect? It was who he was. And, if you were being honest, you were too into to care much.

Osomatsu were fidgeting beneath you, not entirely sure what to do. He wanted to make you feel good too. But how? He didn't know anything about this kind of stuff. He was a virgin, for crying out loud.

Suddenly, he felt your hands wrap around his, softly prying his hands away from your hips and onto your bare thighs, all thanks to a pair of shorts. You rubbed them up and down slowly, then let go to resume their place in his hair, tangling and griping onto it.

He continued to move his hands, barely registering what he was doing through his clouded daze. His calloused hands pressed into your soft flesh, causing your hips to grind down against his, moaning into the kiss.

You moaned.

You moaned.

Osomatsu felt his soul slip out of his body, and as much as he begged for it to come back, it was just too far gone. You felt the man go limp underneath you, causing you to reluctantly break away from him, breathing a little heavy.

"Osomatsu?" You called, hands cupping his cheeks. You shook him a few times, figuring out that he had passed out. Probably from excitement. You couldn't help but smile.

And then, as you moved to get off of his lap, something brushed against your inner thigh.

Something hard.

You stifled a laugh, spluttering giggles into your palm. He really was excited.

You struggled to calm down even as you laid him properly on the couch, covering him with a blanket. He would probably have an aneurism if he found himself in bed next to you the following morning.

Glancing over your shoulder one last time, your fingers traced your lips, curving into a small grin. Cheeks warm, as well as your lower regions, you practically skipped over to your bedroom.

"My sweet cherry boy~'"

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More Posts from Shimmeringclouds

3 years ago

✧ Osomatsu - Cool down

"[Y/N]-chaaaan..." Osomatsu whined from beside you, crawling across the couch to rest his chin on your lap.

Glancing down at him, you returned your gaze back to your phone as you hummed, letting him know you were listening. He didn't seem satisfied with that, however, and he placed his entire upper half of his body into your lap, effectively squashing your legs.

"[Y/N]! Stop ignoring meee!" He cried, pouting his cheeks. Sighing, you turned your phone off and put it onto the table in front of you before running a hand through his brown locks.

"I'm not ignoring you, you idiot. What is it?" You grinned slightly as you watched his face morph into a content smile, nuzzling his head into your gentle caresses.

"It's so hot in here, right?" He mumbled after a small pause. A lazy grin stretched onto his lips as he peered up at you through lidded eyes. "D'you think you could get me some ice?"

Face blank, you stared at him, his grin never faltering.

"...You know you could get it yourself?" You pointed out, only to receive a shrug in response.

"I know, but we're at your apartment. I'm the guest, y'know?" He chuckled. You rolled your eyes, pushing him off of you and reluctantly getting off the couch, mumbling:

"How do I even put up with you, again?"

"Cuz you know you love me!" He called after you as you entered the kitchen. You couldn't help but smile secretly at that. For once, he was right.

A few moments later, you returned to your living room with two bowls of ice in hand, making sure to hold the edges of the bowl so that your hands wouldn't freeze.

Osomatsu had made himself comfortable (obviously) by laying his legs onto the couch, allowing his upper body to fall off onto the floor. His cheeks were slightly red from all the blood rushing to his head, but he was still smiling childishly. Upon seeing you enter the room, his eyes lit up and he quickly swung himself back into a normal seated position.

He patted the spot beside him enthusiastically, making you raise a brow.

"Are you really that desperate for some ice?" You teased, setting the bowls down.

"You bet!" He giggled, rubbing a finger under his nose mischievously. Sighing out a laugh, you picked up a cube of ice and popped it into your mouth, feeling relieved as your face began to cool down a little.

"Ah, but [Y/N]?" He called, and you hummed in acknowledgment again.

"..I don't want ice from this bowl."

Confused, you looked over to him, only to be pushed down onto the couch by the shoulders. You felt a weight on your legs, and you realised that Osomatsu had straddled you. A blush crept onto your face, as well as his, and you waited anxiously for him to do something.

"I want my ice from here," he spoke lowly, and lowered his lips into yours.

Almost instantly, he pried your lips apart and slipped his tongue into your mouth, exploring your cool cavern with force. Your hands clutched the back of his red hoodie, fingers trembling slightly at the feeling of him against you.

He placed his thumb onto your chin and moved you away slowly, leaving the both of you panting heavily as you tried to bring oxygen back into your bodies. Both of your faces were flushed by now, although Osomatsu was still grinning boyishly down at you.

"Thanks for the ice, [Y/N]-chan," he purred, the nickname causing you to blush further.

Osomatsu made no move to get off of you, but it's not like you wanted him to. Instead, he swallowed his piece of ice and reached over to grab another one.

He held it up to his lips, rubbing the ice along them gently, and you watched as small drops of liquid began to trickle down his chin. Chuckling again, he called out to you, grabbing your attention.

"C'mon, [Y/N]-chan. Are you really going to let me get away with stealing your ice like that? I thought you would put up more of a fight..."

Pushing the ice past his lips, he leaned closer to you once more. You couldn't help but notice something hard brush against your thigh, and Osomatsu made no move to hide it.

You gasped lightly as he grounded his hips softly against yours, his dark eyes watching your facial expression carefully.

"Here..." he mumbled.

"I'll let you take one from me, yeah?"

He descended onto you once again, his hands wandering your body shamelessly, causing your thighs to shake in anticipation.

The ice in your bowls were beginning to melt as the room grew ever more heated. Looks like you'll have to get more later if you wanted to continue.

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4 years ago

「𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐫𝐲 ⇀ 𝑪. 𝑴𝒂𝒕𝒔𝒖𝒏𝒐」

── ❝𝗜𝗧 𝗔𝗜𝗡𝗧' 𝗙𝗢𝗥 𝗠𝗘           𝗧𝗢 𝗥𝗢𝗟𝗘 𝗜𝗧 𝗢𝗨𝗧           𝗜𝗧'𝗦 𝗝𝗨𝗦𝗧 𝗙𝗢𝗥 𝗠𝗘           𝗧𝗢 𝗥𝗔𝗜𝗦𝗘 𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗗𝗢𝗨𝗚𝗛❞

     〡𝑪𝒉𝒐𝒓𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒔𝒖 𝑴𝒂𝒕𝒔𝒖𝒏𝒐 𝑿 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓〡

◉ ┅ ┅ ┅ ┅ ┅ ┅ ┅ ┅ ┅



[ 1. ]  [ 2. ] [ 3. ]

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3 years ago

✧ Osomatsu - Deal

𝘋𝘦𝘷𝘪𝘭!𝘖𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘢𝘵𝘴𝘶 𝘟 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳

You stared at the worn paper in your hands with a raised brow.

'Why did she give me this?' It was given to you quite suddenly, but Totoko wouldn't accept no for an answer. She wouldn't even give you an explanation as to what it was.

Reading over the paper's contents again, you couldn't make heads or tails of it. There was just a lot of jumbled writing in a script you had never seen before. It looked ancient. But why would Totoko even have something like this? It wasn't cute at all.

At the top of the paper, there was a symbol of some kind. It looked like a pine tree. Was it instructions on how to grow a tree?

With a roll of your eyes, you left the paper on the table in front of you. Grabbing the tv remote, you flicked over to the series you were in the middle of watching, aiming to forget about the weird and probably useless piece of paper.

»»----- ♔ -----««

The only thing that made being a guinea pig for Dekapan even remotely worth it was the amount of money you were given. Even working for a single hour in one day gave you enough money to last the entire week.

Now, though, you were starting to wonder if you should even be helping him anymore.

Laying on your bed, with blankets thrown onto the floor and your legs clamped together, you hissed curses at the crazed old man.

"Damn you Dekapan..." a shudder ran through you at the slight movement of your body. Temporary, mild side effects, he said. Nothing too serious, he said. He knew all that, but forgot to tell you that the disgusting concoction of a drink he had made was basically viagra.

What were you supposed to do? Touching yourself wasn't helping — you needed something inside you that would satisfy you. In the back of your mind you wished you had taken your friend's advice and gotten some toys. Your cheeks burned at the thought.

Gritting your teeth, you slowly sat up on your bed, panting heavily as each movement of your body sent heat straight down to your core. You didn't know what you were planning to do, but you had to get your phone. You vaguely remembered it falling onto the floor in your living room.

It was then that you saw the paper on your bedside table. How did that get there?

You were drawn to it instantly. A shaky hand reached out to it, clutching it tightly in your fingers and bringing it close to you. You still couldn't understand what it was. But something was telling you that you needed it. For what, though? How could a piece of scrap paper help you?

"It's not the paper that's gonna help you, babe."

You gasped, hurriedly scrambling off of the bed as you turned to the unfamiliar voice, your shaky legs causing you to collapse to the ground. You bit back a whimper as a needy jolt ran up your spine, and you could just about ignore it so that you could focus on... whatever was in front of you.

It was a man, with a set of dark horns on top of his brown mop of hair and a pitch black wiry tale protruding from the back of his blue suit. He hovered over your bed with a cheeky grin on his lips, the small bat-like wings fluttering gently behind him to keep him up.

"How cute!" He cooed at the bewildered expression on your face. "Don't freak out, doll, I'm just here to help. That's why you summoned me, right?"

"Wha— Who..?" You were sure you had gone insane, a possible side effect of the drink. Who was this guy? What was he? And where did he come from?

The man raised a brow at your stuttering questions, eventually lowering himself to sit casually on your bed. He rested his chin in his hand as he glanced you over, staring at your legs for a moment too long before he chuckled.

"You humans are so weird!" He began. "You summon me, but you don't even know who I am? I should probably punish you for that, but I'm feeling extra generous today. Especially since I haven't been called for a job like this in ages," he dragged out the word, spreading his arm wide over his head for emphasis. He then pointed a thumb at himself, his smug smile revealing a pair of sharpened fangs.

"You can call me Osomatsu. Others know me as the Devil himself. You can call me master, too, if you want. I'm not that picky." He chortled at his own joke, rubbing a finger under his nose. He then continued.

"That piece of paper in your hands is a little summoning spell. Although, the one you've got right now is usually only used by witches — since they're, y'know, pros at that sort of thing. I'm really curious as to how it got into your hands.." he trailed off for a moment before shaking his head.

"Anyway, long story short: you summoned me for something. Whether it was on purpose or by accident, it doesn't matter. I'm here now, se let's get down to business." He grinned mischievously, sitting up straight as his legs hung over the side of the bed, facing you.

"...I-I don't even know why I summoned you.." you mumbled truthfully. You were still unsure about what was going on, but if this was the effect of the drink, then there was no use fighting it. It would all wear off later, right? No harm done.

"Seriously? I mean it's kinda obvious.." Osomatsu moved off of the bed to kneel before you. His pale hand came up to run along your exposed calf, trailing higher and higher until he reached the bottom of your shorts. He played with the material, looking you straight in the eyes. You could see speckles of red in his dark gaze. It mesmerised you. So much so that you didn't notice the same hand move your leg far away from the other, and you yelped as a finger pressed against your clothed bud.

"I can feel the heat coming off of you like fire." He watched in amusement as you practically became putty in his hands when he barely moved his finger over the same area, bucking into him and whining. "So desperate..."

You felt him scoop you up off the floor and into his arms, laying you back onto the bed onto your back.

"Poor thing.." His words were teasing, but the deep rumble in his voice sent shivers up your spine violently. "You summoned me to help you, didn't you? Don't worry.. I'll take very good care of you.."

In a flash your clothes were stripped off of you, leaving you bare on top of the bed sheets, your skin covered in goosebumps from the sudden chill of air. Osomatsu grabbed a hold of your thighs, pushing them apart to take a good look at your pussy, and he licked his lips at the sight of your entrance already drenched.

His fingers returned to fondle at your outer folds, never quite touching your clit. Tears pricked your eyes as the swelling heat inside of you burned your body, the need for him to touch you becoming too much. You tried bucking your hips into his hand, but he only pinned them down with a strength you didn't think could exist, making your squirming uselessly.

"Patience, sweetheart," he leaned over you to plant firm kisses at your neck and under your jaw, his fangs pressing into your skin. His hand slowly dragged itself down towards your entrance, prodding at the wet skin before slipping two fingers inside easily.

You moaned loudly, hands coming up to clutch at the back of his suit in a tight grip. You were already so close, you needed just a little bit more.

"Please.." you begged into his ear, your walls clenching around his thicker fingers. Osomatsu hummed against you, grin widening as he nipped at your earlobe.

"You want more? Isn't this enough for you?" He began pumping his fingers in and out of you at a quick pace, curling them against your warm walls relentlessly, watching you writhe underneath him in pleasure.

"I need more..! Please, please I need more!" You cried. Tears streaked down your cheeks as your orgasm began to build up inside of you, threatening to burst. It was painful, how much you wanted to cum, but he wasn't letting you.

He immediately removed his fingers from you, sitting up to lick at the essence sticking to his fingers. You watched in embarrassment, cheeks ablaze as his gaze bore into your own, his tongue wrapping around his fingers as he took in every last drop. Your thighs were quaking, and your cunt throbbed with pleasure. If possible, you would have came then and there.

Once he was done, he shuffled back away from you, just enough to be able to bend down and place his face between your legs. His hot breath fanning over your sensitive mound caused more of your wetness to drop out of you. His smug grin returned to his face after seeing the effect he had on you.

Without warning, he licked a stripe up the length of your cunt, holding your squirming body still as he did it again. Your mouth hung open as you moaned lewdly at every move he made against you. You almost screamed with ecstasy as he pinched your clit between his teeth, making you see stars.

He continued to suckle at the bundle of nerves before he pushed your lower body upwards, easily accessing your entrance and slipping his tongue inside. He ate you out thoroughly, not once slowing down as you twitched in his hold, bucking against him and forcing him to go deeper, his nose pushing against your clit with force.

Your orgasm was sudden, crashing down on you heavily as you clenched at the sheets beneath you. You panted and gasped wordlessly, legs spreading further apart as you attempted to ride out the waves of pleasure.

Slowly, Osomatsu removed himself from you, catching the few drops of wetness on his moist lips. He stared at your panting form before huffing a laugh.

The heat was still there.

"You humans are so greedy nowadays.." he sighed. He began unbuckling his belt, unzipping his slacks and pulling his boxers down just enough so that his cock was able to spring out, erect and stiff. Your eyes widened at his length and girth, the image of him filling you up making your pussy clench tightly.

Grabbing a hold of your waist, he easily flipped you over onto your stomach, raising your hips into the air as he pressed his tip at your overstimulated entrance. He leaned his chest against your back, his mouth coming close to your ear.

You shuddered, feeling him all around you, encasing you in euphoria. Your mind was fogged with pleasure, focused solely on wanting to reach that high again and again. You didn't want this to stop.

"Y'know.." Osomatsu slipped his head into you, inching his way in at an agonising pace.

"These favours are a two way street. I do something for you, and you do something for me." He paused once he was sheathed inside of you; the feeling of your tight, burning walls constricting around him was a sensation he hadn't felt in a long time. He had forgotten just how good it felt. You had never felt so full.

"You want me to take care of you, right?" He murmured, his voice lowering a few octaves. You nodded quickly, eyes squeezed shut as you felt him twitch heavily inside of you.

"Then be mine and please me. Agree to these conditions, and I'll give you what you so desperately need for as long as you need it."

His simple offer made your skin tingle with excitement. Your hazy mind quickly came to a decision for you.

"Yes, yes please, I— I want this so much, I want you, please," You drooled, begging and needy as you turned your head to look at him through teary eyes. His eyes were no longer dark, they had been overtaken completely by a glowing crimson, bleeding into your own coloured orbs.

As soon as the words left your lips, he pulled his length out of you before pushing into you again in one movement, his swelling length stretching your walls. You cried out as your whole body moved along with him, his hands grasping tightly at your breasts to use them as some kind of handle as he thrusted into you quick and hard.

His hips slapped against your ass as he ploughed into you, your face shoved deeper into the mattress whilst his cock impaled you without mercy. The coil in your abdomen came undone suddenly once more, a white screen covering your vision as he continued to fuck you through your orgasm, triggering another one to follow soon after.

You came over and over again, the sound of your wetness slipping in and out of you with his cock only spurring you on as he took you from behind. You were no longer forming words, only moans and whimpers escaping your throat with each jostle of your body.

You felt Osomatsu's hand clasp around your throat as he groaned, finally stilling as a new warmth filled your insides, coating your already white walls in a new layer of cum. Strings of semen were unloaded into you heavily, seeping out of you and down your slick thighs as he pulled out with a wet pop.

He turned you over, and you suddenly found yourself looking at a ceiling that wasn't your own. It was a deep red, just like the bedsheets underneath you. You faintly furrowed your brows in confusion, your tired mind beginning to wonder where you were until you were picked up from the bed.

You mewled quietly as you were placed into Osomatsu's lap, his arms pulling you into his chest. He grinned down at you, the glow in his eyes still present as he ground your hips against he hardened rod.

"Our agreement starts now, babe. Show me how good you can be, and maybe I'll give you a reward."

Your hands quickly settled against his shoulders as you lowered yourself onto him, sighing as you felt your walls stretching once more.

The effects of that drink wouldn't be disappearing anytime soon.

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3 years ago

im going to post my oneshots! just a heads up that you might get spammed lol, sorry about that! the masterlist will also be updated <3

Quick question for my tumblr followers!

Would you guys like me to post my Osomatsu-san oneshots to tumblr? I only have them posted to my wattpad and ao3, but for anyone who doesn’t use these sites, would you like to see them here too?

Please let me know! Thank you all for the support! ♥️♥️♥️