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Todomatsu - Kill Her? Why Would I?

Todomatsu - Kill her? Why Would I?

𝘛𝘰𝘥𝘰𝘮𝘢𝘵𝘴𝘶 𝘟 𝘚𝘪𝘤𝘬!𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳

(Can you tell I'm running out of title ideas)

"[Y/N]!" Todomatsu sang from outside your front door, rocking back and forth on his heels excitedly. "We're gonna hang out today, remember?"

It was silent from the other side of the door. His smile faltered for a split second before he knocked again.

"[Y/N]...? Y-You haven't forgotten, have you?" His laugh was tense while he fidgeted with his fingers, shifting from one foot to the other. He tried again, louder this time.

"Hey! Did you sleep in? You're at home, right?" He hated how desperate he sounded, but this was you he was talking about. One of the few people (if not, only person) he truly cared about. The one person he wanted to keep by him for as long as he could before those five demons came along and messed everything up for good.

The thuds on your door echoed throughout your apartment before shuffling was heard from behind the door. Todomatsu froze as it began to unlock and open slowly, squeaking on its hinges. He gasped, quite dramatically.

There you stood. Still donned in your pyjamas, with your hair very dishevelled and eyes rimmed a pale pink. You were breathing a little heavy for someone who just walked a few feet to their door. All in all, you didn't look good. Todomatsu would never say it out loud, but you looked horrible.

"[Y/N]? Are you okay?" He quickly asked after a split second of silence. You clutched onto the door frame, a guilty frown on your lips.

"Todomatsu.." he flinched at how dry your voice sounded, "I'm so sorry.. I didn't forget about our plans today, but I got sick. I meant to call, but my mind's been all fuzzy..." At those words, your legs wobbled dangerously. Although you were using the doorframe as a stand, you began sliding down to the ground as all strength dissipated from your body.

The man leapt into action, hastily wrapping his arms around your waist and holding you against him. He could feel your body heating up through your clothing (which he tried not to let get to him. It wasn't the right time).

"S-Sorry.." you mumbled. You tried to push him away with feeble hands, only for him to hold you tighter. "Don't, Todomatsu! You'll just get sick, too!"

"It doesn't matter," he stood up carefully with you still in his arms, leading you back inside with no struggle. "I can just pass it on to my brothers. I'm not gonna let you stay like this on your own, though. Who do you think I am?"

You were taken back to your bedroom, and you thanked your past self for at least managing to keep it tidy, save for your bed. Todomatsu straightened it out a bit before helping you sit back down. His cheeks flushed a light pink as he moved away.

"I'm gonna get some stuff from back home. My mom has some kind of homemade remedies for this kind of stuff. In the meantime, you..." he cleared his throat. Now was not the time to act like some kind of virgin. "Y-You should change out of your c-clothes, since you're probably... s-sweaty. I'll be back later!"

He cursed himself for stammering and that damn squeakiness in his voice, hoping you hadn't seen too much of his now flushed face. If you didn't know any better, you would think that he was the one who was ill.

You let out a small smile as you slowly went about gathering a fresh set of pyjamas, the image of his pretty pink cheeks and quivering lips stuck in your mind.

»»----- ♔ -----««

The door to the Matsuno home slammed open and shut in a hurry, startling the five others in the living room. They watched curiously was the youngest brother rushed through to the kitchen, making quite the racket as he rummaged through various cupboards and shelves.

"Todomatsu?" Choromatsu called from the doorway, squashed by the others. "What are you doing?"

"Nothing." He replied blankly, pointedly ignoring them as he reached up for a small container. Ichimatsu glared at his younger sibling, knowing he was hiding something.

"What a dry monster..." he murmured darkly.

"Totty!" Osomatsu leaned against the small table in the kitchen. "C'mon! You can tell your favourite older brother what's going on, right?" He cooed.

"Of course he will tell me!" Karamatsu jumped in, pushing Osomatsu out of the way. "Dear burazza, whatever the issue is, just know that I, your absolute favourite older brother, am here for-!"

"Why are you getting the homemade medicine?" Jyushimatsu asked, covering his mouth with along sleeve.


"I don't know what you're talking about." Todomatsu shoved the small containers and numerous other medicines into his bag before adjusting the strap over his shoulder, preparing to walk out as if nothing had happened. However, he knew that a fight was to be fought as the aura of his demonic brothers flooded the doorway, blocking his escape.

"Now, now, Totty," Choromatsu grinned darkly. "Just tell us what's going on and we'll let you go."

"Don't try to bluff your way out of this," Ichimatsu toothily smiled, placing a hand on Todomatsu's shoulder with a painfully obvious tight grip. "Play nice with your onii-sans, okay?"

Todomatsu's expression was blank as he stared down at the ground. He flexed his fingers around the strap of his bag, taking a deep breath.

"[Y/N]'s sick."

A tense silence filled the room.


"So.." His face contorted into fury, eyes practically bulging from their sockets as he suddenly grabbed the kitchen table, chucking it across the room towards his shocked brothers. "Get out of my way!!"

His screams echoed through the house as he took off at a sprint, leaving his brothers in the dust. They all squirmed to get out of the pile of heavy bodies and wooden bits of table crushing them down.

"What the hell was that about?!" Osomatsu wheezed as Jyushimatsu pressed his body weight further into him instead of getting up, laughing giddily.

"Totty's gonna kill her, probably!" The yellow clad boy chuckled.

"How can you sound so positive when you say something like that?" Choromatsu scolded, being the first to squeeze out of the pile.

"Get off me, Shittymatsu!" Ichimatsu growled, kicking at his older brother as he scrambled out next. Karamatsu fell to the ground with a light thud, groaning as he rubbed at his head.

"M-My apologies, burazza..."

"This is an emergency!" Choromatsu cried.

"Shouldn't that be my line..?" Osomatsu mumbled underneath his breath, sitting up.

"If we don't hurry, Todomatsu's gonna kill [Y/N]!"

"What if Todomatsu's actually trying to help her, though? We shouldn't doubt our youngest this quickly," Karamatsu contemplated, cupping his chin. He felt a hand grab his shoudler, finding Osomatsu staring at him with a tense smile.

"Don't you remember what he did to us the last time we got sick?" He reminded. "He set us on fire, the little bastard."

"...True." Karamatsu began to sweat, worried for your safety like the others. They all leapt to their feet, rushing out the door together.

"We're gonna save [Y/N]!" Jyushimatsu announced excitedly, waving his arms around as they all took off down the street, heading towards your apartment.

»»----- ♔ -----««

"I'm back!" Todomatsu sang happily, as if he hadn't just ran for his life. He popped his head into your room, smiling softly as you tried to sit up.

"You didn't have to do this, Totty.." you clutched your head, feeling dizzy. The man came over and guided you with soft hands, fluffing the pillow behind you so that you were comfortable.

"You're right, I don't have to. But I want to look after you," you were a little surprised by how soothing his voice was, only for him to snap back out of it. "Doesn't that just make me the best? Teehee!"

You rolled your eyes playfully, swatting weakly at him with your hands. He chuckled as he rummaged through his bag, bringing out the medicine.

"I'll just go and grab a spoon.." he mumbled, leaving for a moment and returning with the utensil in hand. He settled beside you, pouring the liquid onto the metal.

"Say 'aah!'" He teased mischievously, making you giggle. You took the spoon into your mouth, face scrunching up almost instantly at the weird, tangy taste lingering in your mouth.

Todomatsu laughed loudly at your reaction, pressing a kiss to your temple.

"That was adorable! I should've taken a picture!" He nuzzled into your hair before pulling away, sure that the redness of your cheeks wasn't entirely from you being sick.

You covered your face with a whine, wishing you could hide in your bedsheets if it wasn't so warm. Todomatsu smiled fondly at you, opening his mouth to say something else.


There was a loud bang from the other room, startling you both heavily. Todomatsu shot up out of his seat, running over to the front door to find his brothers on the floor in a heap once again, the front door barely hanging on its hinges with a large crack in the wall from where it hit.

You stumbled after him, gasping at the wreckage of your home.

"What the fuck are you guys doing?!" Todomatsu screeched, seemingly more frustrated than you.

"We came to save [Y/N]! What else does it look like?" Osomatsu replied with a pointed look. All heads whipped towards you, taking in your appearance.

"[Y/N], are you hurt?" Choromatsu asked, trying to crawl towards you only for Todomatsu to kick his face.

"Did he actually give you poison and not medicine?" Ichimatsu asked next, earning himself a smack.

"Did Totty try to set you on fire?!" Jyushimatsu called, crying out after he get pushed back out the door.

"Did he-"

"Shut up, Shittymatsu!!" Todomatsu screamed, attempting to push everyone out. "Why do you all think I'm trying to kill her?!"

"Because that's just who you are!" They all responded.

You watched on in shock as they continued to argue violently in front of you. Releasing a heavy sigh, you massaged your forehead. A really bad headache was coming on...

"Guys!" You yelled suddenly, freezing everyone in place. "Todomatsu's looking after me! He hasn't done anything to hurt me and he never will, okay?"


"I think we all know that if he, or anyone, tried to do anything, I would kick your asses harder than Totoko can punch."

Your threat hung heavy in the air, making them gulp. You dragged your feet over to the pile of bodies in your doorway, removing Todomatsu from their clutches and looking down st the others on the floor.

"Thank you for being concerned, but there's no issue other than me being sick. I trust him to take care of me, so there's nothing to worry about, okay?"

You were met with silence. Another sigh, you tugged at your door, thankful that it was still somewhat intact. You began closing it up, offering a final goodbye to the Matsuno brothers before shutting it completely.

Todomatsu was tense behind you, eyes worriedly darting from you to the door.

"I-I'm really sorry about that.. You know how idiotic they can be!" He pointed at the door, hoping you wouldn't get mad at him. Instead, you turned to him with a tired hit gentle smile.

"I'm not mad, Totty," you weaves your hand into his, intertwining your fingers and tugging him back to your room. "Let's just forget about it. You're still gonna take care of me, right?"

"Todomatsu!" Osomatsu yelled from behind the door. "If you don't come back a virgin, then don't come back at all!"

You both rolled your eyes, Todomatsu's deathly aura increasing slightly. Way to ruin a sweet moment...

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More Posts from Shimmeringclouds

3 years ago

✧ Choromatsu - By The Pool Side

𝘔𝘢𝘧𝘪𝘢!𝘊𝘩𝘰𝘳𝘰𝘮𝘢𝘵𝘴𝘶 𝘟 𝘚𝘩𝘺!𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳


Choromatsu's voice rang softly through the air, catching your attention. You were stood nervously at the door to his back garden, unsure if you could really bring yourself to step out of the shadows.

"Aren't you going to come outside?" He raised a brow at you, moving the book that he was reading away from his face. There was a chair waiting for you right beside his for you both to lounge on by the pool, yet you weren't even stepping out of the door.

He was no mind-reader, but he had a feeling that you were just nervous. He wasn't sure why, since you had been dating for a while now. Maybe he would have to coax you out gently in order to figure out the problem.

He lifted a hand in your direction, the corners of his mouth lifting into a light smile as his eyes caught yours, waiting patiently for you to come to him.

You glanced down at yourself, taking a deep breath. You could do this. There wasn't anything to be afraid of, right? It was normal to wear this when you're going to a pool, right? Right! There was nothing wrong with it!

Slowly, you stepped out of the doorway, blinking as the sunlight hit your face so suddenly. You kept your gaze averted to the tiled flooring, walking carefully over to Choromatsu and taking his hand, your fingers slotting perfectly between his.

At first, the man didn't say anything. His eyes were raking over your body, taking in the sight before him. You looked gorgeous.

There you were, wearing a one-piece bathing suit, in his colour, that wrapped tightly around your body. The upper curves of your chest were peeking out of the material teasingly, making Choromatsu lick his dry lips quickly. Trailing downwards, he could see the sides of your stomach were on display, and a little further, your lower regions seemed to sit a little too tightly on the suit, stretching every time you shifted around.

You looked too delicious for him to handle.

"D-Does it look... weird?" You mumbled anxiously, taking his silence as a bad thing. Immediately, Choromatsu shook his head.

"No, no, darling! Quite the opposite, actually.." he breathed, a dreamy tone in his voice. He had always thought you looked beautiful, but there was something about how hot your body looked, contrasting with your shy and apprehensive nature that just really turned him on.

Was this a dream? Well, he always felt like he was dreaming when he was with you. You were too good for a Yakuza member such as himself.

Choromatsu tugged on your hand, taking a hold of your waist and settling you down on his lap. The feeling of your bare thighs against the sides of his waist made his loins heat up rather quickly.

"Were you nervous to wear this?" He asked first, rubbing his thumbs soothingly against your hips. Your cheeks burned in embarrassment, hands trembling as they rested on his shoulders.

"I didn't want to disappoint you, or anything..." you began quietly.

"Disappoint me? How would you ever be able to do that, love?" He tilted his head, a few strands of his slicked back hair falling across his forehead.

"I-I mean, you're a part of the Yakuza, so I thought... I thought your expectations would be high, or something?" The reasoning was stupid, you knew that more than anyone, but it was still a worry of yours nonetheless.

A puff of laughter came from your boyfriend, and he brought your body closer.

"You should know that I don't have high expectations for anyone. And especially not for you," he reminded you. "I fell for the lamb that you are, [Y/N]. You don't need to change yourself to impress me; your perfect already. For example..."

You felt his calloused hands travel from your hips down to your ass, cupping you through the material of your bathing suit, fingers tracing the small amount of flesh around the ends of the suit. You tensed, cheeks reddening further at the feeling.

"I love how you fit onto my lap so nicely, straddling me like this," he grinned mischievously, eyes searching your face for every reaction. He then moved to your thighs, gripping the meaty flesh on the inside, close to your heated core.

"And your thighs... I love how you wrap them around my head when I'm eating you out-"

"Ch-Choromatsu!" You squealed, burying your face into your hands.

"But it's true! I really, really, love it." He leaned up to your ear, murmuring against your skin. You shuddered as his lips barely brushed over the sensitive flesh of your neck.

"Did you know? How hard it was to control myself as soon as you stepped out, wearing this scandalous thing..." he tugged at the neck of your suit, exposing the top half of your breasts completely.

"Can you feel how hard I'm getting right now, darling?" Choromatsu bucked his hips upwards, grinding his hard on into your pussy. You whimpered, biting your lip. He felt so hard.

"I think I need to hear more than that."

He held the back of your head, pulling lightly on your hair as he pushed you forward to meet his lips, moving eagerly against them as his other hand moved to fondle your tits. He bucked into you again, more throughly this time, and you feared that you would end up soaking your new bathing suit.

You pulled away from him with a gasp for air as you felt his fingers begin to move the fabric away from your entrance.

"N-No! Not here! We're outside!" You panicked, whipping your head around the garden for any figures that may be watching. Choromatsu hummed, amused.

"Who's house is this again?" He held you firmly in place, his Cheshire-like grin and mischievous eyes never once leaving your face.

"No one is here except for us. We're completely alone, [Y/N]. Which makes things a lot easier."

With swift movements, he pulled down his trunks just enough for his hardened cock to spring free, and with deft fingers, he moved aside the garment and rubbed against your wetness.

You moaned loudly, only to cover your mouth to muffle the noises.

"You're really enjoying this aren't you? Already this wet for me." He smirked as you moved your head away from his teasing gaze, thighs trembling with need and want.

"Ah, you're so cute, babydoll!" He whined with a froggish smile, heart jolting from the adorable display. However, it was quickly replaced with pure lust as he lifted you up just enough for the head of his dick to tease your soaked entrance, already feeling it dripping down his length.

You braced yourself, holding onto his shoulders once more for support as your eyes glanced around again, still unsure. Choromatsu called to you, connecting your gaze.

"Just focus on me."

With that, he sank your body down onto him, watching as you shut your eyes in blissful pleasure. He fit so nicely inside of you, filling and stretching your insides, twitching and pulsing with every shift of your hips. Your walls instantly clamped around him, your body demanding more.

Choromatsu began to guide your hips up and down over his cock until you got used to the rhythm, steadily bouncing your thighs off of his in order to chase the waves of pleasure that rolled up your back and through your body every time he pushed back into you, hitting your g-spot over and over again until you saw stars.

Your tongue was lolling out of your mouth, panting and moaning loudly without a care now. You couldn't even say Choromatsu's name anymore, the word coming out as a stuttering mess of incoherent words.

Choromatsu watched you rode him, his stronger hands holding your hips so tight that there were sure to be bruises tomorrow. He grit his teeth, deep groans rumbling through his chest as he felt his release coming nearer.

He felt you were close, too, with the way the walls of your pussy began to tighten further around him. You buried your face into the crook of his neck, allowing Choromatsu access to your own, nipping and sucking away at the sensitive flesh under your jaw and the junction between your neck and shoulder.

With one final bite to your skin and a hard thrust into you, you spilled over the edge, coming over his pulsing cock with a lewd moan of his name. The man continued to pound into you before coming inside you, pumping large spurts of seed into your pussy until it dribbled down your thighs, making them slick with both of your come.

You allowed your body to relax on top of his chest, wrapping your shaking arms around his neck, the both of you still breathing heavily. Choromatsu held you just as tightly, peppering light kisses against the deep purple makes beginning to form across your skin.

Eventually, he would gather your hazy form into his arms, taking you inside to clean up. And maybe have another taste before allowing you some proper rest.

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3 years ago

Ichimatsu - Gamble

𝘊𝘢𝘴𝘪𝘯𝘰!𝘐𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘮𝘢𝘵𝘴𝘶 𝘟 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳

'Was it really a good idea for me to come here?'

That was the only thought that ran through your mind as you stood nervously inside the buzzing Casino beside your friends, who were gushing in awe at your surroundings.

Your eyes darted nervously from person to person, table to table, ceiling to floor. Anything to keep you distracted from the absurdly large amount of butterflies fluttering in your stomach.

"Look, you guys!" Homura gasped, catching your attention. She directed your gaze upwards, towards the upper floor of the Casino. Just behind the glass balcony stood six figures, all dressed extremely wealthy (or extravagantly, in some cases) with styled hair. Their identical gazes were directed downwards onto the mass of people below them, watching carefully.

"The Matsuno sextuplets! I told you they would be here!" she squealed, cheeks slightly red.

You gulped, eyes studying them carefully. Of course they would be here, it was their Casino, after all. You weren't even close to them , yet you could feel their powerful and intimidating aura from where you stood. You shuffled closer to your friends, your timidness kicking in.

They weren't bad to look at, if you were being honest. Well, that was another reason why they were so famous. Not only were they filthy rich because they owned the biggest Casino in Akatsuka, but they were also very attractive. Although, you had heard rumours that their personalities were what drove people away, which was why they still couldn't get girlfriends.

'That can't be true though, right?' you thought to yourself as you continued to gaze at them, not even listening to the plans your friends were making right beside you.

'Surely they're not still virg-'

Your train of thought came to an abrupt stop as your eyes connected with one of the sextuplets. The bottom half of his chin was covered by a black face mask, his mouth still visible. His brown hair was slicked back, leaving his hooded eyes to bore into your own, his deadpan expression not changing in the slightest as he straightened up from his slouched posture.

When you realised you were staring, your face burst into a deep red hue, feeling thoroughly embarrassed. You quickly averted your eyes, only to have Homura cling onto your arm, pulling you into the mass of people to get the night of gambling started.

If only you understood the games; then maybe you would be having fun at winning or losing a few hundred Yen. Instead, you muttered to your friends that you wanted to sit down instead, making your way over the bar and taking a seat on one of the stools.

You rested your chin in the palm of your hand, sighing. If only you were as outgoing as your friends, or if you paid attention to them when they explained how to gamble. Maybe you would also be confident enough to sit at the table and have a few rounds of fun. Or maybe you'd be able to have a few drinks and really allow yourself to let loose. If only you weren't so shy, and timid, and anxious, and nervous, and-


You paused. Slowly turning in your seat, you see the same man from before sitting beside you leaning against the countertop. He continued to stare at you with the same blank expression.

"...S-Sorry?" was all you could say whilst you were still confused.

"Drink. I'll buy you one." His voice was deep and gravelly, a little tired but still authoritative.

'It suits him.' Was your immediate reaction, only for you to remove it swiftly from your mind so that you didn't accidentally blurt it out.

"I-I, uh..." you swallowed thickly before trying again. "S-Sorry, I don't drink much..."

"Water, then." He pulled out a couple of bills from his dark pinstriped trousers, placing them onto the table with his gloved hands. The bartender placed your drinks in front of you- water for you and some kind of alcoholic beverage for the sextuplet.

...Were you supposed to say something? Were you supposed to be treating them a certain way because of his status? You had no idea what to do as you stared adamantly at your drink, nibbling away at the skin of your lower lip.

'I don't even know his name!' you panicked internally, feeling your palms becoming slightly clammy. Was it warm in there? Or was that just you?

"Matsuno Ichimatsu."

"Huh?" you almost gave yourself whiplash as you snapped your neck over to look at him. His drink was gone, but he didn't even look like he had moved an inch. Realising that he had given you his name, you opened your mouth too, looking like a goldfish.

"[L-L/N] [Y/N]. Nice t-to meet you!" you squeaked, cursing yourself for stuttering.

Silence, the only noises coming from the people chattering and cheering around the Casino.

"Let's go." Ichimatsu spoke finally, standing up from his seat, staring at you expectantly.

"Where?" you replied, hesitantly getting out of your seat.

"Over there," he pointed to a corner of the Casino, with a large sign dangling overhead saying:


"M-Me? But I don't have a VIP ticket!" you told him. "Besides, I don't know how to gamble! It'd be a waste of time to take me..." you trailed off as you watched him take a step closer towards you. You realised then that, despite him slouching, he was still taller than you.

"I want you to come with me. Watch me play against my shitty brothers."

With that, he took a hold of your hand, clasping it firmly in his own before leading you over. Even with the millions of thoughts rushing through your head, your feet still followed his figure, and your fingers curled around his tightly.

Maybe this man, Matsuno Ichimatsu, could teach you how to break out of that shell and have some fun.

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3 years ago

✧ Choromatsu - Surprises

You were meant to surprise him by showing up to his house uninvited, knowing that he was alone since you had seen the rest of his family wandering around the city.

You walked up to the house, straightening out your green skirt and black top before you slid the front door open, casually removing your shoes. You were about to call out for Choromatsu, knowing he'd be able to hear you through the thin walls. Until you heard something else echo through the hallways.

"...more... ah! Ha...."

You froze. That was him. You knew that voice from anywhere. It was definitely him. He was meant to be alone. It was meant to be just you and him.

So who the hell was he talking to?

You tightened your hand into a fist. No. You shouldn't jump to conclusions. Choromatsu wasn't the type of guy to cheat, right? He hadn't even dated anyone before you. You were his first. On top of that, he wasn't all that confident. There was no way he just walked outside and brought another girl home by himself.


You were outside his bedroom now. Listening to his moans and whimpers. There didn't sound like anyone else was in the room. You became confused. For a moment.

Then it clicked.

You slid the door open harshly, letting it bang against the wall break as a startled cry followed.

In the middle of the room was Choromatsu. Sitting on his knees with a box of tissues beside him and his phone (which he somehow managed to buy) open to a scandalous picture of you, wearing his favourite set of underwear and smiling innocently up at the camera.

His trousers were pulled down slightly, his hand wrapped around his throbbing shaft as he stared up at you with teary eyes full of guilt, his face crimson.

"[Y-Y-Y/N]!!" He practically yelled after a brief moment of surprise. He scrambled to put himself away, wincing as he struggled to adjust his boxers around his hard on, babbling nonsense all the while.

"I-I can explain! I didn't— I-I wasn't—!" He was desperate to redeem himself, ashamed that he had done such a foul thing behind your back and, out of all the people he knew, you had caught him.

You didn't speak for a short while. Your cheeks were burning, as well as the rest of your body. It wasn't like you hadn't done anything like this before. It was something that you had slowly began to teach Choromatsu, bringing him out of his virgin shell and allowing him to try something new. To try you.

Carefully, you slid the door closed behind you, walking towards the man who was on the verge of crying his eyes out and standing over him. He stopped talking, staring up at you with a mixture of emotions.

You knelt down onto your knees, moving his hands away from the tent he was trying to hide and hooking your fingers around the waist band of his boxers, rubbing them along them edge of the material. You glanced up at him through thick lashes, a slight smirk on your lips.

"Now I know why they call you 'Chorofappyski,'" you teased, making him flinch. You chuckled lowly. "That's okay, though. It's not like I'm any more innocent than you are..."

It was true. Of course you had many fantasies of you and your boyfriend together, acting on them the same way he was doing a moment ago.

You felt him twitch heavily. Leaning upwards, you placed a gentle kiss on his trembling lips, moving slowly, sensually, passionately against him. He leaned into you, chasing your lips as you pulled away. His eyes were half lidded, heavily clouded with a desperate need for something. Anything.

"I can help you, if you'd like..." you trailed off, waiting for him to decide. He was still nervous, after all.

Choromatsu glanced away from you, sweating bullets as he carefully nodded, seeing your smile widen from the corner of his eye. He shivered as you pulled his boxers back down, his cock springing upwards, slightly wet from his precum leaking from his tip.

"[Y/N]...." Choromatsu breathed, "Please..."

Your thighs rubbed together at the slight moan in his voice as he already began to melt in your hands, barely even being touched. Lowering your head, you placed your lips against his tip, pecking a few light kisses against him, tasting him on your tongue.

His hand tangled itself into your locks, gripping them not too tightly, but not too loose as he readied himself.

You ran your tongue from the top to his base in one long lick, a hand on his thigh whilst the other aided you in stroking his length. You traced over the bumps and veins of his dick, sighing as he moaned deeply, finally finding satisfaction.

You continued to lick at him before deciding to take him into your mouth, inching him in before you reached the hilt. Your name left his lips through sweet whines and whimpers as you began bobbing up and down, taking him in over and over.

Choromatsu's hips began bucking upwards as his climax neared, groaning loudly as he felt his tip hit the back of your throat. You moaned around him, knowing full well how sensitive it would make him.

You allowed him to take a firm grasp of your hair and take control, a heat pooling in your stomach as his dominating demeanour began to take over.

After a few more harsh thrusts, he called your name out lewdly as he came, thick spurts shooting into your mouth as he rode out his climax roughly, your eyes locked onto his beautiful expression as he peaked.

Slowly, he relinquished his hold on you, allowing you to move off of him, wiping some of his juices that spilled from the corner of your mouth with your thumb, locking eyes with his as you licked it clean with your tongue.

"Feel better?" You asked softly, smiling as he nodded bashfully.

"Th-Thank you, [Y/N]... You really didn't h-have to do that for me..." he stuttered, giggling as you began to pepper his cheeks with kisses, finally placing one on his lips.

"I wanted to make you feel good. I love seeing your face like that," you grinned. You placed your hands on his shoulders, gently forcing him backwards to lie on the floor. He squeaked as you began to crawl over him, planting your legs on either side of his head and placing yourself directly over him.

You lifted your skirt, using your fingers to push aside the damp fabric of your panties to reveal your dripping core, grin widening at the bright red cheeks beneath you.

"My turn, Choromatsu~" You purred, lowering yourself over his mouth, sighing as he immediately lapped at your clit, holding your thighs firmly.

This was definitely a day full of surprises.

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3 years ago

Karamatsu - Special Treatment

Karamatsu hummed patiently, fingers tapping against the wood of the bench he sat on. His hidden gaze wandered around the park, searching for the one person that made his heart race.

Soon enough, he spotted you walking up to him, a wide smile on your face as you were being pulled along by your dog.


"Hey, Karamatsu! I didn't keep you waiting too long, did I?" You greeted him as you attempted to slow yourself down, your leg gently bumping into the bench. You sat down with a sigh, only to groan as your dog jumped onto your lap.

"Riko, stop! You're so heavy..!" The dog only barked happily, its tail wagging as it continued to paw at your clothes. You noticed Karamatsu staring wide eyed beside you, not saying anything.

"Kara..? Are you okay?" You did your best to face him with the heavy weight on your lower body. "I hope it's alright that I brought her along, I couldn't find anyone to look after her while we're out," you explained.

Karamatsu snapped out of his surprised stupor, instantly moving to kneel down next to your dog, striking one his cool poses.

"Heh!" His sunglasses were now on his face. "It is no trouble at all, my dear! In fact, I had no knowledge of you having such a beautiful companion!" Riko turned to your boyfriend, barking louder at the praise as she nuzzled into him next, causing Karamatsu to laugh softly.

"I didn't tell you?" You tilted your head. "I'm sure I showed you pictures... I guess I forgot, sorry!"

"No worries, darling. At least I can meet her now- oof!" He was cut off by Riko jumping suddenly into his arms, licking his cheeks vigorously.

"Riko!" You gasped, only to chuckle as Karamatsu began giggling, his cheeks red from the attention of such a cute animal. He continued to give your dog rubs and scratches around its ears and back, switching to her belly as she rolled over for him.

You watched from the sidelines, head resting in your palm. It was cute. You even took a few pictures. But it had been fifteen minutes, and Karamatsu had barely given you any attention.

...You scoffed internally. You were getting jealous over your own dog. Had you really become this petty?

Abruptly, you stood up from your seat, standing over the two on the ground, hands on your hips. It took a moment for Karamatsu to notice you were there as he stared up at you with a child-like giddiness in his eyes.

"Aren't we going for a date?" You asked with a pout, averting your gaze as he raised a brow. He smirked, standing up and resting his hands gently on your hips, leaning in close to your ear.

"Maybe I should stay here just to see how jealous my love can get," he teased, chuckling at your flushed cheeks. Leaning away, he placed a chaste kiss on your lips.

"Don't worry, I haven't forgotten. It seems that I have kept my princess waiting long enough." He held his arm out for you to take. "Shall we?"

You wrapped your arm around his bicep, blushing as he placed another gentle kiss on your cheek. Riko bounced around your legs, barking joyously as she finally was able to run around freely as you began making your way to your destination.

You secretly hoped that you would get more special treatment from Karamatsu's loving words and soft touches.

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3 years ago

Ichimatsu - Patch You Up With Kisses

A few soft knocks on your front door alerted you from the living room. You stood up with a stretch, ignoring the slight dizzying head-rush as you made your way over.

You smiled immediately at the sight of your boyfriend, who stood with one hand in his pocket and the other over the side of his neck. You tugged him inside, greeting him with a gentle kiss.

"This is a nice surprise," you started, leading him inside to settle on the couch. "Planning to stay over again?"

"Why not.." Ichimatsu mumbled, leaning heavily into the cushions behind him. His hand still hadn't left his neck, making you curious.

Carefully, you began crawling over onto his lap, surprising him as you pressed your knees into his hips and wrapped your arms around his neck. You leaned in and placed a soft kiss on his lips. He hummed, pressing back into you, his own hands coming to rest on your waist.

You smirked into the kiss as he took the bait, slowly trailing your lips down to his neck before moving away. You gripped his chin, making sure he wouldn't be able to move back as you examined his skin.

He had been trying to cover a patch of small scratches, each mark leaving his skin red and burning. However, it didn't appear to have broken the skin.

"Did a stray cat do this?" You asked, brushing a finger gingerly around the wound. Ichimatsu flinched at the touch, nodding.

"It was a kitten. I think I scared it on accident, but it's fine," he tried to remove his head from your grasp. "It doesn't hurt or anything. Trash like me probably deserved it."

You raised a brow down at him.

"Again with the 'trash-talk?'" You sighed, placing another chaste kiss to his lips. "Just for that, I'm gonna have to treat this. Stay here." You left the red faced Matsuno on your couch as you got up and headed into the kitchen, rummaging through your cupboards until you found your small first aid kit.

Upon returning, you smirked at his cherry-red face, his eyes staring hard at the floor with his knees tucked to his chest. You refrained from teasing him any further, knowing he would most likely end up running away like the stray cat he appeared to be. You seated yourself beside him, gently cupping his warm cheek and turning him to you. His lip was trembling slightly as your brushed your thumb lightly over the skin.

You began busying yourself with disinfecting the scratches and placing a band-aid over it, covering the red markings. All the while, Ichimatsu stayed silent, wincing slightly at the pain but keeping his eyes focused on you this time, tracing over the curve of your brow, your bright eyes, your enticing lips, the plumpness of your cheeks. His fingers trembled, aching to hold you, yet he kept them clutched against his hoodie.

Once you were done, you smiled, satisfied.

"All done! See, that wasn't so bad now, was it?" Ichimatsu said nothing, seemingly in a trance as he continued to gaze at you. You raised a brow, then rested your hands over his, making him jerk in surprise. "Good boys deserve a reward though, don't you think?"

You leaned closer, your lips barely brushing over his own, and paused. Half-lidded eyes glanced towards his, waiting for him to make a move. "Take it," you whispered. You both sighed in relief as he quickly pressed against you, lips fitting together oh-so perfectly. He slowly moved against you, taking his time to savour the moment.  His hands finally pressed against your sides, grasping desperately at your clothing to try and hold you close to him.

You brought a hand up to his hair, scratching soft, small circles onto his scalp, just the way you knew he liked it. He broke away with a whine, resting his head into the crook of your neck, shaking all over. His flustered reaction made you giggle as you eased back into the sofa, allowing him to use you as a cushion. He hugged you tightly, not planning on moving anytime soon, but you didn't mind. You held him just as tight, pressing small kisses on his crown.

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