Totty - Tumblr Posts
Todomatsu - Nice And Simple
"[Y/N]! You'd look so cute in this! Look, look!"
You scrunched your face up in frustration, glad that you weren't facing Todomatsu in that moment. Slowly, you relaxed your face and put on a smile, albeit a small one, and turned to face your boyfriend.
"Oh.. Wow! That's really cute, Totty..." you trialed off, watching as he got distracted by more cute clothing, putting them on top of the already mountainous pile of clothing.
It was your first date. You were both very excited to start your relationship, seeing as you had both been smitten over one another for a long time. You suggested a simple date to the mall, do some window shopping, go to a cafe, maybe go watch a movie; just a simple and memorable first date.
Clearly, however, Todomatsu didn't have that in mind.
He had dragged you to every single clothing shop in the mall, constantly buying you clothing and cute items that he thought suited you. When you had went to the cafe, he bought multiple desserts just to take selfies with you beside them, wanting to 'show you off on Instagram!' And you had already missed the screening for the movie hours ago.
It was sweet, at first. He wanted to give you a few gifts? Okay! You could deal with that! You appreciated the pampering and acts of affection. It was to be expected, too, since he had never had a girlfriend before. In the beginning, you brushed it off as him being considerate.
But now? It was bordering over-excitement, and now verging onto being straight up annoying.
You kept trying to subtly tell him over and over again that he didn't need to do this; he didn't have to impress you! You just wanted to tone things down a little bit and do something else that wasn't as stressful as this.
Your words had fallen on deaf ears.
"Oh, I know!" Todomatsu took hold of your hand, dumping the clothing carelessly onto the floor. "Let's go to that plushie shop over there! You really like those cute toys, right?" He giggled cutely, already dragging your stumbling feet over to it before you could say anything.
That was the last straw for you.
You grasped his hand tightly before yanking him away to a more secluded area, not stopping when he began asking questions.
"[Y-Y/N]? What are you doing?" You stopped suddenly, crossing your arms over your chest as you looked up at him with a tired look. His eyes widened, suddenly becoming scared.
"Did.. Did I do something wrong? Did you not like the stuff I bought? I can make it up to you-!"
"No, Todomatsu. That's not it," you cut him off quickly. You took a deep breath before continuing.
"Totty... This is our first date, and I know you haven't done this before. I really love the stuff you bought for me, really, I do. But..." you stepped closer to him, holding his softer hands in your own.
"But this is all too much. Taking me to every shop and trying to spoil me with clothes or things I like is a little over the top. You don't need to impress me by buying tonnes of stuff for me."
You leaned up and placed a chaste kiss on his lips, smiling at his blushing face.
"Just doing something simple is enough for me. You don't need to worry, okay?"
He stuttered for a moment, eventually nodding in understanding, his round eyes locked onto yours in a daze. He swallowed thickly before speaking.
"C-Can we.... Can you do th-that again?"
You giggled, lacing your fingers through his, leaning up to kiss him again, keeping it for a little longer this time as you felt him relax against you. You broke away slowly with a smile, tugging him along behind you.
"Come on, let's go to the park. It's still sunny out!"
Todomatsu - Kill her? Why Would I?
𝘛𝘰𝘥𝘰𝘮𝘢𝘵𝘴𝘶 𝘟 𝘚𝘪𝘤𝘬!𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
(Can you tell I'm running out of title ideas)
"[Y/N]!" Todomatsu sang from outside your front door, rocking back and forth on his heels excitedly. "We're gonna hang out today, remember?"
It was silent from the other side of the door. His smile faltered for a split second before he knocked again.
"[Y/N]...? Y-You haven't forgotten, have you?" His laugh was tense while he fidgeted with his fingers, shifting from one foot to the other. He tried again, louder this time.
"Hey! Did you sleep in? You're at home, right?" He hated how desperate he sounded, but this was you he was talking about. One of the few people (if not, only person) he truly cared about. The one person he wanted to keep by him for as long as he could before those five demons came along and messed everything up for good.
The thuds on your door echoed throughout your apartment before shuffling was heard from behind the door. Todomatsu froze as it began to unlock and open slowly, squeaking on its hinges. He gasped, quite dramatically.
There you stood. Still donned in your pyjamas, with your hair very dishevelled and eyes rimmed a pale pink. You were breathing a little heavy for someone who just walked a few feet to their door. All in all, you didn't look good. Todomatsu would never say it out loud, but you looked horrible.
"[Y/N]? Are you okay?" He quickly asked after a split second of silence. You clutched onto the door frame, a guilty frown on your lips.
"Todomatsu.." he flinched at how dry your voice sounded, "I'm so sorry.. I didn't forget about our plans today, but I got sick. I meant to call, but my mind's been all fuzzy..." At those words, your legs wobbled dangerously. Although you were using the doorframe as a stand, you began sliding down to the ground as all strength dissipated from your body.
The man leapt into action, hastily wrapping his arms around your waist and holding you against him. He could feel your body heating up through your clothing (which he tried not to let get to him. It wasn't the right time).
"S-Sorry.." you mumbled. You tried to push him away with feeble hands, only for him to hold you tighter. "Don't, Todomatsu! You'll just get sick, too!"
"It doesn't matter," he stood up carefully with you still in his arms, leading you back inside with no struggle. "I can just pass it on to my brothers. I'm not gonna let you stay like this on your own, though. Who do you think I am?"
You were taken back to your bedroom, and you thanked your past self for at least managing to keep it tidy, save for your bed. Todomatsu straightened it out a bit before helping you sit back down. His cheeks flushed a light pink as he moved away.
"I'm gonna get some stuff from back home. My mom has some kind of homemade remedies for this kind of stuff. In the meantime, you..." he cleared his throat. Now was not the time to act like some kind of virgin. "Y-You should change out of your c-clothes, since you're probably... s-sweaty. I'll be back later!"
He cursed himself for stammering and that damn squeakiness in his voice, hoping you hadn't seen too much of his now flushed face. If you didn't know any better, you would think that he was the one who was ill.
You let out a small smile as you slowly went about gathering a fresh set of pyjamas, the image of his pretty pink cheeks and quivering lips stuck in your mind.
»»----- ♔ -----««
The door to the Matsuno home slammed open and shut in a hurry, startling the five others in the living room. They watched curiously was the youngest brother rushed through to the kitchen, making quite the racket as he rummaged through various cupboards and shelves.
"Todomatsu?" Choromatsu called from the doorway, squashed by the others. "What are you doing?"
"Nothing." He replied blankly, pointedly ignoring them as he reached up for a small container. Ichimatsu glared at his younger sibling, knowing he was hiding something.
"What a dry monster..." he murmured darkly.
"Totty!" Osomatsu leaned against the small table in the kitchen. "C'mon! You can tell your favourite older brother what's going on, right?" He cooed.
"Of course he will tell me!" Karamatsu jumped in, pushing Osomatsu out of the way. "Dear burazza, whatever the issue is, just know that I, your absolute favourite older brother, am here for-!"
"Why are you getting the homemade medicine?" Jyushimatsu asked, covering his mouth with along sleeve.
"I don't know what you're talking about." Todomatsu shoved the small containers and numerous other medicines into his bag before adjusting the strap over his shoulder, preparing to walk out as if nothing had happened. However, he knew that a fight was to be fought as the aura of his demonic brothers flooded the doorway, blocking his escape.
"Now, now, Totty," Choromatsu grinned darkly. "Just tell us what's going on and we'll let you go."
"Don't try to bluff your way out of this," Ichimatsu toothily smiled, placing a hand on Todomatsu's shoulder with a painfully obvious tight grip. "Play nice with your onii-sans, okay?"
Todomatsu's expression was blank as he stared down at the ground. He flexed his fingers around the strap of his bag, taking a deep breath.
"[Y/N]'s sick."
A tense silence filled the room.
"So.." His face contorted into fury, eyes practically bulging from their sockets as he suddenly grabbed the kitchen table, chucking it across the room towards his shocked brothers. "Get out of my way!!"
His screams echoed through the house as he took off at a sprint, leaving his brothers in the dust. They all squirmed to get out of the pile of heavy bodies and wooden bits of table crushing them down.
"What the hell was that about?!" Osomatsu wheezed as Jyushimatsu pressed his body weight further into him instead of getting up, laughing giddily.
"Totty's gonna kill her, probably!" The yellow clad boy chuckled.
"How can you sound so positive when you say something like that?" Choromatsu scolded, being the first to squeeze out of the pile.
"Get off me, Shittymatsu!" Ichimatsu growled, kicking at his older brother as he scrambled out next. Karamatsu fell to the ground with a light thud, groaning as he rubbed at his head.
"M-My apologies, burazza..."
"This is an emergency!" Choromatsu cried.
"Shouldn't that be my line..?" Osomatsu mumbled underneath his breath, sitting up.
"If we don't hurry, Todomatsu's gonna kill [Y/N]!"
"What if Todomatsu's actually trying to help her, though? We shouldn't doubt our youngest this quickly," Karamatsu contemplated, cupping his chin. He felt a hand grab his shoudler, finding Osomatsu staring at him with a tense smile.
"Don't you remember what he did to us the last time we got sick?" He reminded. "He set us on fire, the little bastard."
"...True." Karamatsu began to sweat, worried for your safety like the others. They all leapt to their feet, rushing out the door together.
"We're gonna save [Y/N]!" Jyushimatsu announced excitedly, waving his arms around as they all took off down the street, heading towards your apartment.
»»----- ♔ -----««
"I'm back!" Todomatsu sang happily, as if he hadn't just ran for his life. He popped his head into your room, smiling softly as you tried to sit up.
"You didn't have to do this, Totty.." you clutched your head, feeling dizzy. The man came over and guided you with soft hands, fluffing the pillow behind you so that you were comfortable.
"You're right, I don't have to. But I want to look after you," you were a little surprised by how soothing his voice was, only for him to snap back out of it. "Doesn't that just make me the best? Teehee!"
You rolled your eyes playfully, swatting weakly at him with your hands. He chuckled as he rummaged through his bag, bringing out the medicine.
"I'll just go and grab a spoon.." he mumbled, leaving for a moment and returning with the utensil in hand. He settled beside you, pouring the liquid onto the metal.
"Say 'aah!'" He teased mischievously, making you giggle. You took the spoon into your mouth, face scrunching up almost instantly at the weird, tangy taste lingering in your mouth.
Todomatsu laughed loudly at your reaction, pressing a kiss to your temple.
"That was adorable! I should've taken a picture!" He nuzzled into your hair before pulling away, sure that the redness of your cheeks wasn't entirely from you being sick.
You covered your face with a whine, wishing you could hide in your bedsheets if it wasn't so warm. Todomatsu smiled fondly at you, opening his mouth to say something else.
There was a loud bang from the other room, startling you both heavily. Todomatsu shot up out of his seat, running over to the front door to find his brothers on the floor in a heap once again, the front door barely hanging on its hinges with a large crack in the wall from where it hit.
You stumbled after him, gasping at the wreckage of your home.
"What the fuck are you guys doing?!" Todomatsu screeched, seemingly more frustrated than you.
"We came to save [Y/N]! What else does it look like?" Osomatsu replied with a pointed look. All heads whipped towards you, taking in your appearance.
"[Y/N], are you hurt?" Choromatsu asked, trying to crawl towards you only for Todomatsu to kick his face.
"Did he actually give you poison and not medicine?" Ichimatsu asked next, earning himself a smack.
"Did Totty try to set you on fire?!" Jyushimatsu called, crying out after he get pushed back out the door.
"Did he-"
"Shut up, Shittymatsu!!" Todomatsu screamed, attempting to push everyone out. "Why do you all think I'm trying to kill her?!"
"Because that's just who you are!" They all responded.
You watched on in shock as they continued to argue violently in front of you. Releasing a heavy sigh, you massaged your forehead. A really bad headache was coming on...
"Guys!" You yelled suddenly, freezing everyone in place. "Todomatsu's looking after me! He hasn't done anything to hurt me and he never will, okay?"
"I think we all know that if he, or anyone, tried to do anything, I would kick your asses harder than Totoko can punch."
Your threat hung heavy in the air, making them gulp. You dragged your feet over to the pile of bodies in your doorway, removing Todomatsu from their clutches and looking down st the others on the floor.
"Thank you for being concerned, but there's no issue other than me being sick. I trust him to take care of me, so there's nothing to worry about, okay?"
You were met with silence. Another sigh, you tugged at your door, thankful that it was still somewhat intact. You began closing it up, offering a final goodbye to the Matsuno brothers before shutting it completely.
Todomatsu was tense behind you, eyes worriedly darting from you to the door.
"I-I'm really sorry about that.. You know how idiotic they can be!" He pointed at the door, hoping you wouldn't get mad at him. Instead, you turned to him with a tired hit gentle smile.
"I'm not mad, Totty," you weaves your hand into his, intertwining your fingers and tugging him back to your room. "Let's just forget about it. You're still gonna take care of me, right?"
"Todomatsu!" Osomatsu yelled from behind the door. "If you don't come back a virgin, then don't come back at all!"
You both rolled your eyes, Todomatsu's deathly aura increasing slightly. Way to ruin a sweet moment...

Look at this magical Todocorn!

Day 4: Favorite Facial Expressions
The facial expressions in this series are seriously amazing. Picking only five was so hard, there’s so many good ones to choose from ... The first two were a given; they’ve practically become memes in their own right. The other three are ones that I feel go underappreciated; Totoko doesn’t get a whole lot of love (in the Western fandom at least,) and that face in Ep. 25 caught me off guard. Choromatsu ... that face combined with Hiroshi Kamiya’s desperate whimpering is comedy gold, at least to me. And Jyushimatsu’s ‘serious’ face is probably one of my favorites, just because of how out of place it is, especially on someone like Jyushi.
Previous Day: Here.
Next Day: Here.
Challenge Start: Here.




A bunch of Oso san stuff i did hope y’all enjoy these idiot NEETs

so i saw this text post and thought "ah yes, totty" so heres this
(b*matsu dni)
i hate his stupid ass face but he cursed me for giving him my period cramps (every time i tried to draw kara it looked like utter balls) so i gave up and drew him

made w wigglypaint