shooting-starry - ~ star~
~ star~

✰she/her✰LGBTQ+✰ I love Akaashi so much omg ✰can you get water poisoning? ✰ I have aged to adult

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Hey! Can I Please Be Added To Your Atsumu Fic Taglist (also Its So So Good Ahh!!)

hey! can i please be added to your atsumu fic taglist ≧◡≦ (also its so so good ahh!!)

Of course! I’m adding you right now!! (>^ω^<)

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    jojowantstocry liked this · 3 years ago

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4 years ago

Update: I woke up this morning and fell. I can’t walk like a single step. Please help me.

Does anyone know what I should do with a very possible sprained ankle?

3 years ago

Trust me. Love me. Shoot me

Trust Me. Love Me. Shoot Me

Atsumu Miya x female reader

Warning: extremely unedited, mentioned blood, implied fire, implied violence,


Trust Me. Love Me. Shoot Me

Well almost perfect. The only problem was that he didn’t own any silk sheets. He had scratchy cotton ones. In alarm, Atsumu sat up straight and looked around the room. He was is a room with lightly coloured walls and a few plants which hung from the ceiling. Beside the door was a body length mirror with two coat hooks beside it. Next to where he sat was a beige bedside table with two drawers and a single daisy in a small glass jar and 2 doors which he guessed led to the closet. Directly across from him was a  desk with a small stack of books, a spiral bounded notebook, and a few pens. It was all crazy. How did he end up in this strange room, that was not his. And what baffled him more was the fact that he was on a bed. With silk sheet?!

Still in confusion, he walked up to the mirror,  wearing the slippers that were left by the bed. The distance could not have been more than 3 meters, but his legs felt stiff and wooden. Every step he took sent lightning bolt into his brain and breathing was the hardest task.

When he looked in the mirror, he could hardly recognize himself. He was wearing a pair of sweat pants that rod up to his knees, with bandages covering his thigh and knee poking out from the sweatpants. Large bandages were wrapped around his chest, covering some of his tattoos. His face wasn’t looking great either, there was a large cut from his eyebrow to his cheekbone that had straight looking stitches keeping it shut along with a swollen lip and a bruise above under his other eye. His arms also were heavily covered in bandages and stitches. His blond hair, which was typically swept to the side of his face neatly, was covered in soot and messed up. Memories of the pervious night flashed through his mind.

“Wait, then why am I here?”  He thought to himself. After what could have been an hour of careful deliberation, he reached the conclusion. He was kidnapped. He ran through the house of who ever took him and flew down the stairs and ran to where ever the front door was. In his crazed search for an exit. He hear a voice behind him.

“Oh good you are awake! Do you want anything to eat?” The voice asked. Astumu turned around to see the kidnapper, and he saw a girl. Her y/h/c framed her face and her y/e/c eyes stood out from the rest of her facial features. Maybe he wasn’t kidnapped? He doubted a lovely looking girl like this couldn’t have kidnapped him.

“Uh who are ya?” He asked. His throat was scratchy and his accent was much heavier than normal.

“I am L/n Y/n. Anyways what do you want for breakfast, eggs, porridge, onigiri ?” She asked. At the mention of food his stomach growled. He felt like he had not eaten in over a year. L/n laughed at this as she turned around and walked towards the fridge. Atsumu gingerly followed L/n, not sure if he should trust her or not. Well maybe he should. He is in an unknown with someone who is willing to make him breakfast? That sounds great. Except for the fact that he was covered in bandages, felt extremely weak, and was in this unknown lady’s house in an unknown location. He was pulled out of his thoughts when he heard a plate being set down onto the long kitchen island. On the plate was an omelette with some vegetables. He sat down in front of the inviting meal. He decided he should at least know this woman if he was going to eat her food.

“Wait who are ya again?” He asked again. He was sure he sounded like an idiot.

L/n looked at him for a minute before responding. “Do you want to know my name or who I am?” She asked cheekily. Her question took Atsumu aback. Her eyes seemed to be peering into his soul as he looked at her. “The second one.” He responded when his mind finally comprehended her words.

“Well I am technically a doctor. I grew up in Tokyo and know I am here.” L/n said an expression of great thought. A doctor. That is a well respected profession. And besides doctors are trusted. So maybe he should trust her as well.

The omelette stared back at him with its beautiful yellow hue and the reds and greens of the vegetables she added. The first bite was heavenly. The explosion of flavours the egg was exquisite and the texture that the vegetables added? Perfect. He took another and another and another bite of the dish until there was none left. When he finally looked up, she were still looking at him.

“So maybe as a thank you, could you tell me who you are and what happened to you?” She inquired. It was a perfectly just question, but if she knew then the Boss would kill her. And someone who made such delicious omelettes should not die. So maybe he could lie. Yeah that was the best option. To lie.

This decision was a good decision, except he wasn’t good at lying. He was the fighter, while his twin brother, Osumu, was the manipulator. Even as kids, his mother could always tell when he was lying. In fact everyone could. But of course Atsumu didn’t even think about this. What a silly boy.

“A was umm, uhh m m mugged. Yeah totally. A was mugged.” He lied. L/n looked at him with great dissatisfaction spread across her face.

“So why was a yakuza mugged?” She asked. Damn. How did she know. Atsumu knew that he wasn’t as good as lying as his brother, but he was still decent. Astumu looked at L/n with a shocked expression coating his face, stuttering out “How did ya know?”.

L/n just pointed at his tattoos which went down both arms, across his back and some of his chest. His mouth hung open in surprise, or maybe shock at his own stupidity. Of course you would have known he was yakuza. He had the tattoos to prove it.

L/n walked around the kitchen island and got on her knees right in him.His mind raced in both anticipation and confusion. She placed her small dainty hands on his thighs and looked up at him with her doe eyes. While batting her eyelashes, she moved her hand to his bandaged thigh and squeezed. Atsumu doubled over  in pain and fell to the ground. Shrieks of pain escaped his mouth as she held him knee. It felt like electricity was firing through his body as he convoluted on the ground in pain on the cold, hard ground. He screamed as she mercilessly held his thigh in her small hand.

“Fine I will tell ya, ya crazy bitch!!” He screamed in an attempt to surrender. She let go of his thigh and let him catch his breath.

“Good. When ever you are ready.” She stated in a very matter-of-fact tone as she stood up from his body, which was spread on her kitchen floor. As Atsumu started to catch his breath, he attempted to stand up only to feel a wet patch growing on his bandage. When he looked down at his leg, the blood had already seeped through his bandage and his one-size-too-small sweatpants. He looked up to see L/n’s alarmed face as he lost more blood.

“Hey Dr. L/n, if ya could please help?” He asked as he gestured toward his leg.

“Wait, what? At least give me your name first.” She said stubbornly. Atsumu’s vision was starting to blur and he felt as if the world was spinning. 

“Can ya please help me first?” He asked, with the same stubbornness. The patch of blood on his leg was growing and he felt the blood trickle down to his ankle and onto the slipper under his foot. The slipper felt entirely soaked. In the background of the entire scene, he heard a door open.

“No. Tell me your name and then I will help you.” She retorted, oblivious to both the squeak of the door and the small puddle of blood on her kitchen floor. Atsumu felt his mind spinning faster than a merry-go-round, and his vision was blurrier than any selfie he had ever taken. Maybe this was the end. His vertigo was not doing to well as he felt his body shutting down.

“Miya Astumu” he said as he fell to the floor. The last think he remembered was your y/e/c eyes and a tall man with messy black hair and piercing cobalt blue eyes.

3 years ago

I think one of the reasons why tsukishima is a middle blocker is because h realized that trexs can’t cuz their short arms

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3 years ago

Trust me. Love me. Shoot me

Trust Me. Love Me. Shoot Me

Atsumu Miya x female reader

Summary: Atsumu is a hot mess a/n: Howdy y'all! I hope this isn't as horrible as I think it is, but yay! I finished one of my exams and now I feel kinda free!

warning: Atsumu is hot, alcohol is mentioned, suicicde scars, implication of suicide,

Masterlist Previous//Next

Trust Me. Love Me. Shoot Me

What the hell was Akaashi thinking. Why did they get the room with only one bed.

"I am going to kill him. I'm going to kill him." y/n thought as she dragged Miya-san though the hotel. After jamming the "down" button and hopping into the elevator with the 6 foot man behind her, they descended to the third floor. Finding Akaashi's room was easy. It was right next to the elevators. Y/n pounded on the door which lead to room 303. Bokuto opened the door, and Y/n barged in. Anger radiating off of her.

"What the hell 'Kaashi?"

"I don't know L/n-san"

"Why is there only one bed in our room?"

"I don't know L/n-san"

Anger, or maybe frustration, rolled off of Y/n in waves. Only one bed was very inconvenient. She glared at Akaashi as Miya-san and Bokuto entered. Akaashi held her gaze with his uninterested eyes. Goddamit.

"Akaashi-san", Miya-san said, trying to break the tension.

"I honestly thought there would be two beds. We can't switch rooms either. L/n-san and Miya-san need to be as high foo the ground as possible" Akaashi explain. Bokuto was on the bed, with the head and arms hanging off the bed. "So just working something out. You're smart L/n-san" he finished with the slightest smirk, which most, including Y/n, failed to notice.

Y/n was pissed, but maybe it wouldn't be smart to kill Akaashi just yet. Dejectedly, she turned around and left the room, with Miya-san hobbling behind her.

When they reached their room, Y/n walked in, followed by Miya-san, who locked the door and locked the deadbolt.

"Miya-san, we need to establish a bed schedule and rules. We can alternate who will sleep on the bed and the couch, because I don't feel like sharing with you" Y/n said


"And every morning and night we each get an hour in the bathroom to change and shower"


"Good. We are in agreement. You can have the bed first"

Night 1:

Y/n sat outside of the bathroom, on the coach with a blanket and pillow placed next to her. Takeout boxes, which Kuroo brought to their room, sat nearby on the desk. The large glass screen, which looked into the bathroom, was covered with blinds and fog. The coach was next to the large window, giving Y/n a perfect view of the city.

Y/n was scribbling notes in her note book. Her handwriting covered the page. She wished she could write something normal, like her goals or dreams. But nope. She had never been normal. Instead, she wrote about the possible escape route incase of an attack or the location of possible allies who could help. But her notebook was also filled with detailed descriptions of her nightmares. Most days she was lucky if you could get 3 ours of sleep. But then again, that's what a caffeine addition is for.

The sound of water stopped as the shower was turned off. After a few minute, Miya-san walked out with a towel wrapped around his hips. his wet hair was slick against his forehead, and his chest and abs out on display. The glisten of the water made his muscles shine in the light, making him look just so much better. His body was deliciously ripped with toned muscle. "Wait no. Y/n do not think that. He is not good for you. But he is kinda hot."

"So Y/n do you think you could take the stiches out?" The topless man asked as he gently patted the wound dry. Y/n really didn't understand why he insisted on using the crutches. The wound had closed really well, and he honestly didn't need them.

"No need. They should have dissolved already." she replied, not looking up from her notebook. Behind her, Miya-san's jaw was unhinged. He probably didn't know that some stitches could dissolve. What a silly goose. "You also won't need the crutches so maybe just not use them" she added before walking to the bathroom with an oversized hoodie and shorts in hand.

She walked into the bathroom, and locked the door behind her. The mirror which directly faced the door, had completely fogged up, leaving Y/n blind to her own reflection. she placed her clothes on the counter and wiped a small spot on the mirror. Looking back at her, were her own eyes, which may thought were beautiful, but none of them could would see any of the terror she had seen. Of course she also got complements on her skin, even though she really didn't think her skin as that nice. Those who complemented her skin would never feel the hits or slaps or punches she had to endure. Not to mention that her nose and lips were also complimented, because apparently she was beautiful. But those ignorant fools could never understand the stench of alcohol which her father always smelt of or the number of split lips she had because her father got mad at her and decided violence could fix her. But it was ok, because they were compliments, not insults. And Y/n loved compliments. They were always better than insults.

She covered the mirror with a nearby towel. She did not want to see herself. Especially the organized scars on her arms and stomach. She dimmed the lights, just enough so she couldn't see her own body. She stepped into the shower and turned on the water until the water was scathing. She felt her muscles relax as she rinsed her hair and body.

When she was done. She turned off the water and stepped out of the shower. She grabbed another towel and dried off her body and hair. She then pulled her sweater over her head and pulled on the shorts and walked out of the bathroom.

Miya-san was sitting on the bed, wearing grey sweatpants, and watching the news.

"Police have confirmed that the house fire which left 6 people dead was not an accident. If there is any information or tips, please call the number on the screen"

On the screen was drone footage of the burned down house. Miya-san turned off the TV and stared at Y/n.

"Good night Y/n" he said while pulling the covers from the matress.

"Good night Miya-san" Y/n replied turing off the lamp which sat by her head.


"Good night Atsumu"

Taglist: Please request to be added to taglist:

@kayleighbeccaa @jojowantstocry @m1lfluv3r

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3 years ago

Master list

When the haikyuu boys wanted to turn back time

Karasuno squad

Warnings: death, and angst

You are drunk silly

Tsukishima Kei x female reader

Warnings: stripping and alcohol. Other than that fluff

My heart died with you

Akaashi Keji

Warnings: Angst and character death

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