showyoursclf - —they share the same sky.
—they share the same sky.

KOU 27, she/her, est.

873 posts

Fideliusincantahq Is An Original Rp Set In The Wizarding World, All Characters Are OC.

Fideliusincantahq Is An Original Rp Set In The Wizarding World, All Characters Are OC.

fideliusincantahq is an original rp set in the wizarding world, all characters are OC.

the town of lulach is a small, inclusive hidden gem located on the outskirts of edinburgh, if you know just where to look. a place once quaint and quiet, now blossoming as more and more hide away from the fear-filled muggles.

    full plot. owlery. taken faces. application. resources. full nav.

  • showyoursclf
    showyoursclf reblogged this · 5 years ago

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5 years ago
Franz Xaver Winterhalter -The Empress Eugnie Surrounded Her Ladies In Waiting (details), 1855
Franz Xaver Winterhalter -The Empress Eugnie Surrounded Her Ladies In Waiting (details), 1855
Franz Xaver Winterhalter -The Empress Eugnie Surrounded Her Ladies In Waiting (details), 1855

Franz Xaver Winterhalter -The Empress Eugénie Surrounded Her Ladies in Waiting (details), 1855

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5 years ago

Hey if you’re schizophrenic/psychotic I just want you to know that you’re a wonderful person and that you deserve so much better than the demonization, marginalization and stigmatization you face in this society.

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5 years ago

Just a reminder

Just A Reminder

This is no joke! My fellow gardeners and anyone else who spends a lot of time outdoors, try to pay attention to your body in addition to your other tasks or hobbies.

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5 years ago

Hey, SORA! Could we please have a shoutout? After the Great Wizarding War, muggles have found out about the wizarding world, and are terrified. Fearing their safety, the wix fled to a small town on the outskirts of Edinburgh, concealing themselves from the outside world. We are fideliusincantahq, a new semi appless entirely oc Harry Potter rp! Thank you!!

SHOUTOUT! i definitely suggest checking out them out if you’re into hp rps, but for ocs!


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5 years ago
Thats Okayby @scftlcves

that’s okay by @scftlcves​

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