Rp Recs - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago

cool rpg 101

hey tags i just wanted to say please join @syfyhq​​ 🌈 two weeks inactivity 🌈 right now the movie plot is Sharknado 🌈 there’s a new theme monthly 🌈  it’s frustrating that everybody who joins immediately goes inactive because the admin has put in so much work and dedication 🌈 to those that have seen it around and are too scared to join don’t be it’s really chill & everyone is so so kind 🌈 to those that have left please come back i miss all your characters 🌈 take care & please join because this is the coolest rpg i’ve seen around for years and if it closes i’ll be super mad at everyone who complains for a diverse & original rpg but let this one slide 🌈

please reblog this (click) post to promote it!


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5 years ago
Fideliusincantahq Is An Original Rp Set In The Wizarding World, All Characters Are OC.

fideliusincantahq is an original rp set in the wizarding world, all characters are OC.

the town of lulach is a small, inclusive hidden gem located on the outskirts of edinburgh, if you know just where to look. a place once quaint and quiet, now blossoming as more and more hide away from the fear-filled muggles.

    full plot. owlery. taken faces. application. resources. full nav.

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5 years ago

⌜‧ ˔ ✧ʾ hi fam !! i’m online, and i will be for a couple more hours – so if you have any questions or you’d like to send in an app or two, now is the perfect time to do so. we currently have 10 MUN SPOTS and a lot of room for all sorts of roles here at this APPLESS, ‘ THE SOCIETY ‘ INSPIRED SMALL TOWN ROLEPLAY !! xoxo

 Hi Fam!!im Online, And I Will Be For A Couple More Hours So If You Have Any Questions Or Youd Like To

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5 years ago

we now have 9 MUN SPOTS OPEN, so come grab them while you can !! we’d love to see your character(s) on the dash !! so if you’re into a plot based on the society, then you can check more about the plot here. 


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5 years ago
Come Get One Of Our Last 3 Spots While Theyre Hot, Aka Before We Take This Road Trip To A New Destination

come get one of our last 3 spots while they’re hot, aka before we take this road trip to a new destination tomorrow! i’ll be online all night to accept!

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5 years ago


The verdict is in! We have an opening date & time! FIDELIUSINCANTAHQ will be opening it’s dash for interactions TODAY (wednesday 14th) at 8PM GMT !!

If you can’t make it, don’t fret, feel free to queue/schedule starters for that time!

If you want to apply/haven’t been accepted yet, don’t fret! We should be having another acceptance, before we open!!


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5 years ago


Hello!! Welcome to the release of Violl’s Cove! A brand-spankin’-new rp! We’re a skeleton rp that combines slice of life with magical realism! I’ll be around all night to answer questions and get started on seeing the rp unfold. At 4PM CST, the list of skeletons will be dropped, and you can request orders in which you’d like them to be seen in. At 5pm, skeletons will begin posting. Until then, here’s what you can do!




Keep reading

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5 years ago

we’ll  be  announcing  our  first  ever  event  tomorrow  ,  and  the  admin  team  is  super  stoked  about  it  !  to  join  in  on  the  thrills  ,  why  don’t  you  come  check  us  out  ?  we’re  a  euphoria  -  inspired  college  rp  with  a  bunch  of  twists  and  turns  ,  and  we’d  love  for  you  to  join  us  !

Well Be Announcing Our First Ever Event Tomorrow , And The Admin Team Is Super Stoked About It ! To Join

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5 years ago
 * / Are We There Yet ?

                                     * / are we there yet ?

another year of exams, papers, and maybe one too many cups of coffee has come to an end for college students across the country. another academic calendar done is always bittersweet as tassles turn and the new season washes everyone’s lives with changes, but 13 friends from north carolina are determined to make the most of the summer ahead. for the next three months, they will road trip across the country, leaving no campground or novelty museum untouched, until they reach their final destination: san francisco. enough chit chat, grab your suitcase and jump in the van! we’re officially westbound!

                                                           main   ✱  plot   ✱  nav

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5 years ago
Welcome To Your Life.

welcome to your life.

NEW YORK, 2019. Underneath the busy streets lies a dangerous secret. A war rages on between New York’s most notorious mobs - Olympus, who must continue to honor the legacy of their fallen leader, Cronus, and Elysian, who promise a new path of glory. Survive, or disappear. Kill, or be killed. You are a fighter, a friend, a lover, a killer, a rebel, a legend. This is your story, and the choice is yours - but you’d better make sure that you make the right one.

headquarters. plot. characters.

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5 years ago

Are you in any rps atm?

yup! you can find the rps i’m in over here.


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5 years ago

hello, lovely tag lurkers ! we’re a new group heavily inspired by netflix’s the society. why don’t you come check us out & send us an app/ask ! 

Hello, Lovely Tag Lurkers ! Were A New Group Heavily Inspired By Netflixs The Society. Why Dont You Come

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5 years ago
showyoursclf - —they share the same sky.

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5 years ago


SWAMPHQ is a semi-appless, small town 25+ roleplay set in marais, louisiana. we offer a unique environment to host an array of characters, focusing on development and creating a tight bond as writers.

                                                 AND PEOPLE T A L K.

home. plot. rules. characters. application. map.

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5 years ago

    hi there tags ! after 12 years of email and tumblr troubles we are here and dropping in the tags ! my coadmins and i have been dying for a small lil rich kids group, and thus theroseshq was born ! we are a small appless group based the kids of famous hollywood stars who formed a lil squad called the roses … if that interests why not come give us a look ? i’ll  be here the rest of the day to answer any questions you may have or accept any applications !


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5 years ago
 Thats What People Never Understand: They See Us Hard Little Pretty Things, Brightly Lacquered And Sequin-studded,

            “That’s what people never understand: They see us hard little pretty things, brightly lacquered and sequin-studded, and they laugh, they mock, they arouse themselves. They miss everything. You see, these glitters and sparkle dusts and magicks? It’s war paint, it’s feather and claws, it’s blood sacrifice.”

― Megan Abbott, Dare Me

when a practice stunt gone wrong takes the life of a beloved member of the waverly college wolverine’s cheer squad, the team took the rest of their first semester off to grieve and work through their emotions about what happened. returning to the gym this semester will be one of the hardest things they will ever have to do, but it’s the right thing to do. it’s what leah would have wanted and we have another championship to win.

                                                              INDEX / PLOT 

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5 years ago

I’m just out of a very long night at work and I’ll be around for a little while longer! We need 10 apps to open and we’re at 4 right now! 

Im Just Out Of A Very Long Night At Work And Ill Be Around For A Little While Longer! We Need 10 Apps

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5 years ago

                           THE CALL TO ADVENTURE ! 

It’s the family business: treasure hunting. And you’ve been training in it since you were a child. It started with rock climbing. But then you got your boating license, scuba license, and pilot’s license. Every after school activity from riding dirt bikes to learning latin, you were being prepared for the day you went on your first hunt. And you were hooked from the first day. The call of the adventure was too strong to ignore, and with your family at your side you belonged. Even now you can’t bring yourself to stop. And the family keeps growing - transcending blood. Bonds formed in the crisis of crumbling buildings and booby traps are not easily broken,

The job seemed too good to be true: a recent discovery had led you and your associates to believe that somewhere in the Caribbean the last remnants of Samuel Bellamy’s plunder remain hidden. But it seems that his personal stash remains unaccounted for, and you and your associates have an idea where it can be found. 

With over 20 million dollars on the line, you can’t say no.


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5 years ago
New Rp Dropping In 3 2 1 Were Here ! Hello ! Originhq Is A Brand New Multifandom Town Rp But Where All

new  rp  dropping  in  3  …  2  …  1  …  we’re here  !  hello  !  originhq  is  a  brand  new  multifandom  town  rp  —  but  where  all  the  magical  or  superpowered  characters  keep  their  abilities  ,  because  the  town  they’ve  landed  in  is  just  as  magical  as  they  are  .  of  course  ,  that’s  a  gross  oversimplification  ,  if  you  want  the  whole  story  you’ll  need  to  come  pay  our  town  page  a  visit  ,  but  i  hope  that  leaves  you  sufficiently  intrigued  !

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5 years ago
Dewhq Is A Small Group About 25+ Muses Daily Lives In Stardew Valley. We Have 10 Spots Left, And Id Love

dewhq is a small group about 25+ muses’ daily lives in stardew valley. we have 10 spots left, and i’d love to see them snapped up this week! check out our plot and new appless format!

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