showyoursclf - —they share the same sky.
—they share the same sky.

KOU 27, she/her, est.

873 posts

Under The Cut You Will Find SEVEN ( 7 ) Dash Icons Of The Singer / ActressBECKY G, As Suggested By Sora

under the cut you will find SEVEN ( 7 ) dash icons of the singer / actress BECKY G, as suggested by sora ✩ ( @somethingncw). none of the pictures used are mine but i cropped and edited all of these from scratch so please don’t repost and claim as your own. please like and/or reblog if you use or find them helpful!!


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More Posts from Showyoursclf

5 years ago

Descendant rps are becoming popular since the movie came out. I have already seen so many problematic things so I would like to post a reminder that: YOU SHOULD TAKE THE ETHNICITIES OF THE PARENTS INTO CONSIDERATION WHEN YOU CAST. Disney has mixed race couples as well as couples that share the same ethnic background. 

Tiana and Naveen are a mix race couple. Tiana is black and Naveen is Indian. Their children are Black and Indian! 

Mulan and Shang are Chinese. Their children are full Chinese.

Jasmine and Aladdin are Middle Eastern. Their children are Middle Eastern.

Pocahontas is Native American and John Smith/John Rolfe is white. Their children are half Native american and half white (unless you are implying that John is of a different ethnicity. Either way, the fcs should be half Native American).

Mowgli and Shanti are Indian. Their children are full Indian.

Kida is Black and Milo is white. Their child is half black and half white.

Please remember that Hiro and Tadashi are half Japanese and half white. If you have descendants of either of them in your rp, please cast them accordingly.

Please remember that Ursula is Black.

Please remember that Gogo Tomago is Korean.

Please remember that Honey Lemon and Fawn are Latina.

I can go on and on, but the point is that unless you plan on having an adoption storyline, please keep these things in mind when you cast. 

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5 years ago

gif tutorial: from scratch to colored gif

So here is how I make gifs as it was requested by anonymous. The result:


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5 years ago

Me after spotting all the spelling and grammar mistakes only after my partner replied

Me After Spotting All The Spelling And Grammar Mistakes Only After My Partner Replied

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5 years ago

my name is dani  /  ivy , i’m a former admin of glitterati & unholy , & i am also someone who has had so many bad experiences with uchis / kali / saint / sage / cin / blossom / cam . you may ask , well why were you an admin or why were you friends with her if you were eventually going to make this psa ? saint ( as i knew her first & how i’ll be referring to her in my experiences ) had this tendency of making everything seem so SHINY & bright when you were friends with her . she was incredibly enthusiastic , she always had great ideas for characters , & she had a good sense of humor .  and as someone who has struggled with insecurities about herself for ages , i appreciated someone who was so amazing . but those feelings didn’t last because saint started to change & do things that went against her being nice & a good friend . 

it took me a long time to realize that the friendship was one - sided & that she was an undoubtedly toxic & manipulative person .   i debated for a long time about if i wanted to do this or not . but after receiving advice from numerous people ( all of whom have had bad experiences ) , i made the decision to come forward & share mine . hopefully , this will change something . and even if it doesn’t , i’m tired of getting anon hate & losing close friends to her behavior .  below the cut , i have provided my experiences with her as well as some screenshots that cover her behavior . DISCLAIMER : i know that my behavior isn’t 100 % perfect & i never claimed to be . but as you can see in these screenshots , i try to acknowledge that & even now , i’m continuing to learn & grow . 

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