What will My hyperfixation will be?We shall see,LOL
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Shrikevibe - Reblogging & Commenting - Tumblr Blog
if youre my mutual you have to stay alive and stay safe and take care of yourself. no exceptions idc
feeling very frustrated about the ways people are talking about hurricane Milton. lots of needless, borderline fear mongering language with very little actual helpful information.
information about Milton that might ACTUALLY be helpful:
Hurricane Milton is shaping up to be the third strongest hurricane ever recorded.
Make sure you have an evacuation plan if the order is given or if you've already been told to leave.

there is also a code for free Ubers to evacuate effected counties, as well as shuttles from evacuating counties to nearby storm shelters

Prepare/secure your home

Find your nearest shelter and be prepared to leave
If you want to stay in the loop about the hurricane, WESH 2 News has ongoing coverage ad-free on YouTube.

General resources/information:

Please for the love of God stop preying on people's fears and causing panic. Know what resources are available to you and how to access them. If you approach this hurricane carefully YOU WILL BE OKAY!!!!! YOUR LIFE DOES NOT HAVE TO BE RUINED!!!
Please link other resources you find or think other people might find useful!
Fandom is so different now and it’s becoming un-fun with how quickly shit moves.
I just want to enjoy things. I don’t want to have to play a game of Artist-Race that seems to be afoot lately.
Ya’ll eat up fandoms, leave artists and writers bone dry and then move on so fucking quickly then fucking wonder where all the Good Fandom Stuff is.
Idk Maybe cherish some things for longer. Reblog stuff. Interact with people. Comment and share.
Fandom is Capitalism now and I’m not being nuanced.
i've had so many conversations with people in fandom/creators' circles who are genuinely afraid to make the stories or art they want because they fear (often with good reason!) that their friends might kick them out of their circles, or worse, launch a public harassment campaign against them.
as someone recovering from this fear-based mindset, i want to affirm:
- friends who use implicit or explicit threats to maintain social control are not your friends
- communities that monitor your social media and ao3 to surveil you for perceived transgressive content are not safe communities
- the vast majority of people are NOT going to hate you if you make the art you want
- if you find yourself in a friend group that makes you feel afraid to speak your mind, it's in your interest to disentangle yourself from that group as quickly as possible
- real, honest disagreements between friends can be solved respectfully without the use of public shaming
- if you're feeling afraid in a community, it's likely that others are feeling afraid too. support your friends who may be struggling to leave an abusive fan or creative community, and let them know you're a safe person to voice doubts and disagreement to.
- if you're feeling like you'll never find a safer community of people, i promise there are others who feel that way too. it may take some time, but you'll find people who treat you and your ideas with respect. a good place to start is the people who make the type of art that you admire but that you're too afraid to make yourself.
ok that's all, take care of each other and be nice 💜
*Shaking fist toward the clouds* bring back the AMVs that are 4 minutes long. When the song is fitting the anime and the words actually match the actions. Not these 30 second abominations on tiktok that are just popular song + 3 same scenes of the character being hot on the loop.
be normal about people who wear diapers. be normal about people who need colostomy/catheter bags. be normal about people who need to wear pads or pad their mattress. be normal about incontinence. it’s not funny or weird or gross, it can happen to anyone of any age, and it’s frankly embarrassing that some of y’all can’t be normal about the aspects of disability that ick you out
having online friends who are busy is just like. I LOVE YOU. I miss you. YOU GOT THIS. I'm giving you space to work. I LOVE YOU.
'i should draw' 'i should paint' 'i should write fic' 'i should read' 'i should embroider' 'i shou-
*stares at a wall for 8 hours*
…because this movie is living in my head rent free.

reblog to give somebody a fucking hug because we are all struggling to get through it. solidarity in this tough ass world.
Gotta defend Orion Pax here but spoilers below the line.
Orion didn’t get the chance to explain why he thought killing Sentinel even after he was exposed was a bad idea. We get to see for ourselves why it was a bad call. D-16’s anger and rage were not quelled. It just expanded. He started destroying the city. He fired his death cannon at a random building that could’ve easily been filled with people who agreed with him about Sentinel.
In that moment it stopped being about what Sentinel and his followers deserved. It became D-16 taking out his anger on others and trying to prove to everyone all at once not to fuck with him because he, Megatron, was the strongest now.
When Optimus appeared, Megatron is pissed that the Matrix chose him. There is no “OMG you’re alive,” no. It jumps straight to “this is BS why did you get the power?” Megatron’s sense of entitlement is key, and it’s with him from the second he realizes his tcog lets him fight back. The high guard’s “one bot triumphing over another,” bit just gave D-16 an ideology to channel his anger through. A new code to replace Sentinel’s but one he actually believed in.
I believe Orion could see this and maybe could’ve stopped it had they not been caught by the high guard. At the very least I think Orion knew that killing Sentinel would lead to a sort of reign of terror and was trying to communicate that to D-16. Of course by the time we get there it’s too late.
Big picture is I do believe Orion was in the right here. This isn’t a Batman refusing to kill the Joker scenario. This is Europe refusing to kill Napoleon because it would martyr him and could cause France to riot/tear the continent apart again.
To quote Arcane, you can’t make a deal with a snake by cutting off its head.
And the thing is we don’t know if everyone unanimously decided to follow Optimus excluding Megs and his goons.
A potential sequel could very much show people still loyal to Sentinel decide to betray everyone for the Quintessons.