Hello! I’m Silver Tooth! I go by she/they pronouns and I am asexual. Im also autistic and I’m currently an adult. I’m a huge anime, animation, indie horror, and comfort fan. I do like soft/comfort vore and I’m a furry (displacer beast to be specific) I sometimes draw, but I mostly write, feel free to ask for any requests!

396 posts

Hi, I Am A Shy Anon..May I Requested A FNAF G/t Vore? I Would Like To See A Hungry Giant Moondrop Gulping

Hi, I am a shy anon..May I requested a FNAF g/t vore? I would like to see a hungry giant Moondrop gulping down a couple of tinies.(fun part: your choice to pick how many tinies you want him to eat, you can add burping, and since Moondrop is silly, you can make him tease or do other things with the tiniest before he eats them.) Hope you have fun!

(Hello Anon! Sorry this took a while. I went on vacation and was also dealing with a lot, but I got your request done! I had a lot of fun writing it. I’m honestly surprised that this is my first FNAF request, but hey. Least I got one now! Also Ellie, Sorif, and Frankie are my original characters from my original stories that I decided to throw in this fic!)

Shelter in a Strange Place

(A FNAF Moondrop vore fic)

Warnings: Slight teasing, slight fearplay, and soft vore

“Damn it, Frankie! Why the hell did you lead us into the Pizzaplex?” The angry Tiny growled. He was dripping wet as he crossed his arms. The Tiny had short, sandy blonde hair, green eyes, and he wore a cami jacket.

“I’m sorry, Sorif. We needed to get outta that thunderstorm!” Frankie hissed back. He had long black hair that he always put up in a low bun. Frankie’s eyes were blue and he had to wear glasses. He wore a plaid shirt and plain blue jeans.

“I know. It’s just I don’t want any of those freaky animatronics to find us.” Sorif grumbled. “Oh come on. They’re not that bad.” Frankie said as he took a few steps into the Pizzaplex. “Maybe one of them could help us.”

“Help you with what?” A harsh female voice called out. The duo turned around to see a female tiny peeking her body out of a vent. She had a slightly chubby belly, but she also had muscular arms. She wore a sleeveless shirt with leather fingerless gloves. Her eyes had a darker color and her hair was dark brown and messy. Her most notable feature though was her white cat mask that had a smug grin on it.

“Who are you?” Sorif asked with a little growl. They slowly moved closer to the woman. “I’m a tiny, just like you.” She chuckled to herself. “Well that’s obvious.” Frankie muttered. “Okay, okay. My name’s Ellie and I live here.”

“Why is a tiny living he-“ “Do you know anyone who might help us? We need somewhere to stay for tonight.” Frankie interrupted Sorif. Ellie laughed harshly at the boys. “Believe it or not. I do.” She then motioned for them to come. “Follow me.” She then went back inside the vent.

“Wait!” The duo yelled as they chased after Ellie. Frankie opened the vent door and Sorif crawled inside. Frankie then followed suit. “Hey! Wait up!” Sorif yelled after Ellie. The vents were dark, but they were dimly lit by the purple neon lights of the Pizzaplex.

The duo followed Ellie as she crawled through the vents. “This way.” She called out as she continued through the vents. Frankie turned to Sorif. “Do you really think we should trust her?” He asked nervously. “What choice do we have?” Sorif sighed.

After a bit of crawling, Ellie stopped in front of a vent door. “We’re here, boys.” Ellie said calmly. The duo looked through the vent door to see a dimly lit room. There were fake glowing stars on the ceiling and there was a massive playground on the ground. It was the Pizzaplex’s daycare.

“Why did you take us to the daycare?” Sorif asked, puzzled. Ellie chuckled softly. “To get help from an old friend.” Frankie and Sorif exchanged looks of confusion before looking back through the vent door.

Then, a pair of red eyes blocked the view of the vent door. “What the?!” Frankie shrieked as he fell back. Sorif just stared at the red eyes in shock. “Well well well. What are you little ones doing here?” A harsh, raspy voice echoed through the vents.

Sorif and Frankie were speechless as they stared at the thing in terror. Ellie glanced at the duo and chuckled. “Hiya, Moondrop.” She said as she waved at the robot. Moondrop tilted his head and gave her a soft smile. “Ah, Ellie. Has your insomnia been acting up again?” He purred as he looked over at the petrified duo. “Who are your friends?”

“Oh, they’re just other Tinies who need shelter from the rain. They’re drenched.” Ellie said blatantly. She turned to the two boys. “Come on, introduce yourselves.” Sorif gulped as he tried to speak. “I’m Sorif..and..Frankie is my f-friend.” His voice trembled and his knees were weak.

Moondrop chuckled as he opened the vent door and took all three of the Tinies in his palm. “I can definitely keep you two safe.” He chuckled more as he held the Tinies. Frankie and Sorif held each other out of fear. Ellie giggled to herself as she watched the boys. “W-what’s he gonna do?” Frankie stuttered.

“I’m gonna eat ya!” Moondrop’s voice almost hissed as he laughed. Frankie and Sorif held each other tightly. Ellie rolled her eyes as Moondrop laughed. “Don’t worry. It’s harmless. I let him eat me all the time. Trust me, you’ll be fine.”

Moondrop stopped laughing as he looked down at Ellie. “Oh come on, El. The fun just started.” Ellie shook her head. “Come on Moon. It’s getting late.” Moondrop nodded as he held the Tinies. “Fine, fine.”

Sorif and Frankie let go of each other. “Wait, this is harmless? How can being eaten be harmless?!” Sorif yelled. “A robot can’t digest anything. Their stomach is just a pouch made of stuffing and fluff.”

“Ellie installed those pouches in all of us.” Moondrop explained. “They help her sleep.” He purred softly as he smiled at Ellie. “Wait, you really built those?” Frankie asked curiously. Ellie nodded as she scratched the back of her neck. “Yeah I made them.”

The fear melted away from the boys. They turned to each other and nodded. “Alright.” Sorif said. “We’re ready.” Moondrop smiled and chuckled lightly. “Alrighty!” He moved his hand closer to his maw and carefully placed the Tinies inside.

The inside of Moondrop’s maw was cushioned and soft. It felt like they landed on a large stuffed animal. “Woah!” Frankie yelped as he landed on the soft surface. “Careful not to move around too much. You might rip the cushion if you do.” Ellie said calmly. The boys nodded as they looked around.

Moondrop tilted his head back and swallowed. The three Tinies were gently carried down by the synthetic throat. It was just as soft as the maw and it moved them further and further into Moon’s robotic body.

Soon, the Tinies slid into Moon’s stomach. It was just like Ellie described it. Moon’s belly was just like a soft pouch that felt like the inside of a stuffed animal. “This is..actually kinda nice.” Sorif said as he and Frankie shuffled to one side of Moon’s belly. “That’s not even the best part.” Ellie teased as she shuffled to the other side.

Then, the plush pouch started to warm up like a heating pad. “Here, I hope that this’ll keep you warm.” Moondrop cooed as he rested his body against the daycare’s playground. “This is great. Thank you!” Frankie purred as he relaxed into the soft walls.

Sorif looked at Ellie and gave her a soft smile. “And thank you, Ellie.” Ellie shrugged. “It’s no problem. Now let’s get some sleep.” She turned around and snuggled into the plush walls. Sorif nodded and did the same. Together, all three of the Tinies slept in peace.

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More Posts from Silver-tooth-the-panther

Note that this is for when you return*

May I request a hanako Kun x male reader who is bullied a lot at said bullies chase him into the bathroom hanako resides in

The reader can look like whatever,bit his name is hilluka.

(Here ya go! I absolutely love that I got a TBHK request! I definitely loved writing this and I hope you enjoy it! Fun fact, my younger brother read my copy of the first manga of TBHK before we left for vacation.)

The Ghost’s Shelter

(A Hanako Kun vore fic)

Warnings: swearing, bullying, and soft vore

“Why must this happen?” Hilluka thought to himself as he sped through the school hallways. His heart raced with every step. “Get back here, you motherfucker!” A larger boy yelled as he chased Hilluka. Unfortunately, this was nothing new for Hilluka.

Hilluka was constantly bullied due to a strange “x” shaped birthmark on his left cheek. The students believed that he was cursed by a demon, so they used that as an excuse to beat him whenever they wanted to let off steam. Today was no different. Hilluka accidentally ran into a group of thugs who were vaping outside. They wanted to make sure that he wouldn’t tell anyone about them, so they decided to beat the daylights out of him.

Luckily, he managed to get away when they weren’t looking. However, they quickly realized that he escaped and gave chase. That’s where Hilluka was now. Running away from the group of thugs. He looked about for a place to hide. Somewhere they wouldn’t dare to go into.

“Hanako’s bathroom! That’s it!” Hilluka thought to himself as he ran up the stairs. Hilluka ran quickly through the hallways, reached the bathroom door, and shut the door behind him. He pressed his back against the door as he tried to catch his breath.

“Hm? Who’s there?” A playful voice called out from behind one of the stalls. Hilluka nervously turned his head in the direction of the voice. There, he saw a boy similar to his age, floating over the stall. He had short black hair, yellow eyes and a black uniform and hat. “My my..what are you doing here?” He said as he gave him a teasing smile.

“Wh-who are you?” Hilluka trembled in fear. “Oh, why I’m Hanako-kun, the bathroom ghost.” Hanako gave Hilluka a soft smile. He studied Hilluka’s body and saw the bruises and scratches on him. Something deep inside Hanako irked him. His voice softened as he spoke, “Who did that to you?”

Hilluka’s eyes widened as he stared at the ghost. So this was Hanako. He was wondering why Hanako was a boy when he heard the thugs rushing up the stairs. “Please! You gotta help me! They’re coming! I need to hide!” Hilluka fell to his knees and begged the ghost.

Strangely, Hanako’s heart felt sympathy for the boy, but he couldn’t figure out why. However, Hanako knew that he didn’t have much time to dwell. “Come here. I can help you.” Hanako manifested his physical form and dragged the boy in the stall.

Hilluka huffed as he was ushered into the stall. He quickly regained his breath as he turned to face the ghost. “Listen, I know where I can hide you, but I need you to trust me.” Hanako said calmly. “I can’t have you panicking, okay?”

Hilluka nodded. He didn’t know what to expect, but if it meant getting away from his bullies. Then he’d do anything. “Alright. Here goes nothing.” Hanako sighed as he grabbed Hilluka by the shoulders.

Hilluka glacéd at Hanako, but before he could process what was going on, his head was trapped inside of the ghost’s jaws. Hilluka tried to refrain himself from panicking as he was being swallowed by the ghost. Hanako’s throat was soft and plush like. It gently dragged him down into Hanako’s body.

Hanako’s throat wasn’t too constricting, but it was quick. Hilluka didn’t have enough time to fully take in the environment around him. He was then gently deposited into Hanako’s belly. The ghost’s stomach was soft and warm. It felt like a plush cocoon that was able to keep Hilluka safe.

There were a variety of noises that Hilluka could hear. Hanako’s heartbeat, the sounds of his stomach, and the ghost’s breathing were all prevalent. Hilluka assumed that Hanako made his body to make those noises in order to soothe him.

Despite all the noises, Hilluka was still able to hear Hanako’s muffled voice. “Keep quiet.” He said harshly. Hanako then made his body invisible from anyone else. “Where are you? Are you hiding in here?” One of the thugs said as he approached the bathroom door. “Guys, isn’t this Hanako’s bathroom?” Another thug questioned. “Who cares? I’m not afraid of no ghosts!”

The first thug kicked the door open and ran inside. “Kick the doors down!” He ordered his gang. “You can’t hide from us forever!” Before any of them could start investing, a butcher’s knife flung only inches past the first thug’s face.

“What the-?” He yelled as he leapt away from the blade. “You son of a-“ A sudden chill filled the room. “Well well well, look at the mess you’ve made.” Hanako’s chilling voice echoed through the room. To the thugs, the voice was bodiless.

“Who the hell are you?!” The thug shouted with a little fear. “I think you know very well who I am.” Hanako’s voice sounded like it was everywhere at once. “I don’t take violence lightly, so GET OUT!” A loud roar echoed through the room.

The thugs shrieked and they ran out of the bathroom as fast as they could. Once Hanako knew they were out of earshot, he sighed and sat down on the ledge next to the window. “There, I don’t believe that they’ll hurt you anymore.” He smiled to himself as he rubbed his belly.

Hilluka sighed in relief when the thugs ran. He gently relaxed against Hanako’s stomach walls. “Thank you! Thank you so much!” Hilluka said gleefully. Hanako chuckled to himself. “It was no problem, really.” Hilluka listened to the soft sounds of Hanako’s belly. He yawned, feeling drowsiness taking over.

“Oh my.” Hanako teased. “It seems like you’re tired. Tell you what, you can stay in there as long as you wish. Does that sound good?” Hilluka nodded. “That sounds great.” Hanako purred softly. “Alright, sleep tight then.” Hilluka then closed his eyes, letting his mind wander elsewhere.

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Can I request some Sekido noms?

Prompt: Reader gets easily scared from anything that moves and accidentally stumbles upon Sekido. Reader gets spooked and makes an attempt to get away.

Take your time!

(Hello again, friend! I’m sorry this took pretty long, but I know you understand. I’ve been pretty backed up on requests, so yeah. I still had a lot of fun writing wand I hope you enjoy it! For those who don’t know, those story tales place in my AU)

In The Belly of The Beast

(A Sekido and Scared! Reader Fanfic)

Warnings: A lot of fearplay, mention of death, pleas for mercy, and soft vore

“Damn it! How did I get lost?” You cried as you wandered through the dark forest. You hated it here. Everything in the dark woods terrified you. Even the sound of an owl’s hoot would be enough to make you jump out of your skin.

You were sent here to find a better way to the city. You lived pretty far off from the nearest city and it would take you hours to get there if you needed anything. So finding a better way was pretty much necessary. “If only I had brought a map.” You huffed. *I hope that there aren’t any demons out here.”

You continued to make your way through the woods. Every crack and chirp made you tense and feel uneasy. With every woodland creature that crossed your path came another heart attack. You eventually came to a clearing where a river stood.

“Finally, fresh water! Maybe that’ll calm my nerves!” You were about to step into the clearing when you saw a figure sitting on a rock ledge. It’s body shone perfectly in the moonlight. You gasped before covering your mouth, but that still attracted the creature’s attention.

Sekido, Hantengu’s manifestation of anger, sat on the ledge quietly. This was his place to go when he wanted to blow off steam. Ever since Tanjiro had become the new demon king and he became a half demon, life had been a lot more peaceful. The demons were allowed do to as they pleased and everyone was much happier.

Unfortunately, that doesn’t mean that Sekido didn’t get annoyed anymore. Usually it was either Douma and Enmu or Urogi and Karaku who were the culprits. Today, Urogi and Karaku were badgering him about the lack of sweets in the Infinity Castle. Don’t get him wrong, Sekido loved his brothers dearly, but they really did act like children sometimes.

Since he couldn’t find Aizetsu to vent to, Sekido decided that going out here was the next best thing. Sekido was admiring the beauty of the moonlight and enjoying his own little thoughts, when he heard a gasp. He turned his head quickly to see a human. “What’s a human doing here?” Sekido growled as his red eyes bore into the human.

“A-a a demon!” You screamed as you backed away. Sekido glared at you wrathfully. “Yes I am a demon. So what?” He was annoyed by your words, believing that they were rude.

He suddenly realized that you were truly afraid of his presence. “I know that you must not know this, but we demons don’t ea-“ “Ahhh!” You yelled as you fumbled backwards. You needed to get away from this beast.

Sekido rushed after you. He didn’t want you to cause a ruckus in the woods. Possibly so you won’t alert any carnivorous animals. He was much faster than you were. Sekido quickly grabbed you by the arms and held you tightly against his chest.

You squirmed in an attempt to break free. Your fear of being ripped to shreds overcame you. “Would you knock it off?!” Sekido growled, angrily. “If you would listen to me, then you would know that demons don’t eat humans anymore! Least not in the way you would think.”

“What the hell do you mean by that?!” You yelled as you continued to squirm in the demon’s grasp. “Well, nowadays we eat them in a way that doesn’t hurt them. We do this rarely though.” Sekido huffed as he tried to hold you.

“You expect me to believe that?!” You scoffed. “That’s not possible!” Sekido was getting more and more irritated by the second. He understood why you didn’t believe him, but it still frustrated him.

“Do you want me to show you, then?! Fine!” Before you could even understand what was going on, Sekido showed your upper body into his maw. “Wait! Please don’t kill me!” Your yells were muffled as the beast continued to swallow you.

Sekido’s throat was tight, yet soft. You thrashed about, trying to get out. “Please! I’m begging you!” You cried as you went further and further into Sekido’s body.

The demon felt guilty as he heard your muffled pleas. The real reason why he was doing this was so you wouldn’t alert any wolves or bears. Sekido truly had no intention of hurting you.

In a few seconds, your body reached the demon’s belly. It was oddly warm and soft, but you didn’t let yourself relax. You covered your face and cried. You were finished, stuck in a demon’s belly.

Sekido’s heart broke as he heard your muffled cries. He truly didn’t want to scare you. The demon sat back down on his ledge and started to rub circles on his tummy.

“Now, now. There’s no need to be upset.” Sekido tried to make his voice sound soothing. That was what Aizetsu did for him after all. “No need?! You just ate me!” You cried. You had no idea what the demon was talking about.

“I’m not going to hurt you. I just..couldn’t have you waking a bear or a pack of wolves. Then you definitely would’ve been dead.” You were surprised at Sekido’s words. “You did this..to protect me?” You sniffled as you wiped your tears away.

“Yes..” The demon slightly purred as he continued to rub his slightly bloated belly. You let your body ease on the soft walls. Sekido’s stomach felt like a soft pouch that cradled your body. It was..surprisingly soothing.

“Sorry..for panicking.” You sighed as you snuggled into the soft walls. “No no. I understand why you did. Most humans don’t know that we demons have changed.” Sekido’s voice was oddly reassuring.

“Would it be okay..if I stayed in here a little longer?” You asked anxiously. The demons tummy was relaxing and the sounds of his heartbeat and stomach were soothing to listen to. A soft purr came from Sekido. “I wouldn’t mind that at all.”

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Where you did do that (I'm talking about the half-demon Tanjiro AI) you can pass it, please?

It’s on character. ai or c.ai Here a picture

Where You Did Do That (I'm Talking About The Half-demon Tanjiro AI) You Can Pass It, Please?
Where You Did Do That (I'm Talking About The Half-demon Tanjiro AI) You Can Pass It, Please?

Let me know how it goes! I hope you love him just as much as I do!

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This is my first time with this. Request where Aizetsu comforts Genya after having a fight with Sanemi. Vore = yes. I’m sorry I’m not good with at all…

(No need to apologize! I understood your request completely fine! I would just like to note that this is not a ship thing. I know that there is some stigma with people shipping these two and I just wanted to say that they’re just friends in my AU. Anyways, enjoy the fic!)

Brotherly Troubles

(A Genya and Aizetsu Fanfic)

Warnings: Swearing and soft vore

This fight had been pretty brutal. Sanemi had insulted Tanjiro once again and Genya couldn’t just sit back and let him do it. Lately, Tanjiro had been insecure about his role as demon king. Sure, some of the demons liked him, but quite a few of them weren’t sure of his ability to lead.

Sanemi took this opportunity to dig into Tanjiro’s skin. The two of them had been rivals since the day they first met, so this came as no surprise. However, Tanjiro seemed to be really hurt by Sanemi and Genya, being Tanjiro’s friend, couldn’t let it continue.

“Get off of him!” Genya yelled angrily as he pushed Sanemi away from Tanjiro. “He’s trying his best!” Sanemi grabbed Genya by the arm. “Don’t tell me that you agree with him! Those demons are nothing, but repulsive rats! He should cut his losses while he has the chance!”

“Well he has faith in them and that’s all the matters!” Genya growled angrily. “I know that he can keep them under control!” Sanemi laughed in the boy’s face. “He couldn’t even turn his sister completely back into a human!”

A wince came from Tanjiro. Genya turned to see a pained expression in his eyes. He clenched his fists in anger. “Now that was too far! How dare you say that!” Genya roared as he pushed Sanemi back.

“I knew that your half demon blood would’ve made you soft in the head. You mangy mutt!” Sanemi scoffed as he walked out the door and slammed the door behind him. Sanemi’s words cut through Genya like a knife. He turned to look at Tanjiro with an empty expression.

“Genya..I’m.” Tanjiro stumbled before Genya put up his hand to stop him. “No. We may not agree on everything, but I can’t just let him insult you like that.” Genya’s voice was cold and calm. He opened the door that led outside. “I just need a minute. Don’t come for me.”

“But Genya!” Tanjiro was about to head after him, but Genya closed the door before he could. Once Genya was outside, he ran. He ran and ran until he ran out of breath. The trees looked like blobs of color as he ran past them.

When Genya finally stopped running, he put his hands on his knees to breathe. He felt tears running down his cheeks as he stood there. Genya quickly rubbed off the tears as he took a seat in front of a rock. “I’m not a mutt.” He grumbled to himself as he continued to wipe his tears away.

“There’s no shame in crying.” A soft voice called out. Genya jumped up, startled, and pulled out his gun. “Who’s there?!” He shouted as he pointed the gun towards the forest. Then a demon walked out into the clearing. Strange thing is, Genya knew this demon.

Aizetsu stood in front of the boy and tilted his head. “Aizetsu?!” Genya growled as he held the gun tighter. “What the hell are you doing here?!” Aizetsu nodded and then spoke. “I just came out here to relax. The full moon’s lovely tonight. “ The demon then looked at the gun. “There’s no need for that. I’m converted. All of my brothers are.”

Genya didn’t let down his guard. “You could still stab me if you wanted to!” Aizetsu tilted his head in confusion. “Now why would I do that? I don’t hate you and we’ve regained our humanity. I would never do that again.”

Genya backed up closer to the rock. “Then why the hell did you approach me?” He was a bit more calm, but he didn’t want to take his chances. “You were upset. You were crying.” Aizetsu gave a look of empathy and kindness.

Genya shook his head. “I wasn’t crying!” He yelled through bared teeth. “Please don’t lie to me. You’re making me sad.” Genya sighed as he lowered his weapon and returned it to his side pocket.

Aizetsu nodded as he saw this. “Please I’m only trying to help.” Aizetsu said warmly. “What’s wrong?” Genya huffed as he sat back down. “My brother..”

Aizetsu’s eyes widened. “Your brother..what did he do?” Genya turned his head to the side, making an upset growl. “He was insulting Tanjiro, calling him useless and what not. I tried to step in to get him to stop, but he ended up insulting his sister and calling me..a mutt.”

Aizetsu put a hand to his mouth. “I’m sorry. He shouldn’t have said that to you.” Genya huffed as he looked up at him. “It’s not your fault.” Aizetsu sat down next to Genya. “You know, me and my brothers get into it sometimes.”

Genya looked up at the demon. “Yeah you guys seem like you fight a lot. I still remember your arguments at the sword smith village.” Aizetsu chuckled lightly. “Yeah, we actually don’t fight too much unless we're put under pressure. No matter what though, we’re always sure to make things up in the end.”

Genya nodded before looking back down at the ground. The demon knew that his words didn’t work in comforting him, so he had to think of a different way. Then an idea popped in his head.

Aizetsu turned to face Genya. “Hey, I have a method that I use when I comfort my brothers whenever they’re upset. Would you like to try it?” Genya seemed intrigued. “Umm okay. I don’t see why not.”

Aizetsu then stood up and kneeled in front of Genya. He then grabbed Genya by the shoulders. “What are you doi-“ Before Genya could finish his sentence, his head and torso were inside the demon’s maw.

“What the?!” Genya struggled to get free, but his body was being carried deeper into Aizetsu’s body. “Hey! Let me go!” Genya muttered before being completely swallowed by the demon.

Aizetsu’s throat was like a soft fleshy tunnel that gently guided Genya into the demon’s belly. It had just enough constriction to hold Genya, but it didn’t suffocate him. It was only a matter of seconds before he reached the demon’s belly.

Aizetsu’s stomach felt like a warm and soft hammock. The walls moved with every breath Aizetsu took and the sound of his heart beating was rather nice. However, Genya doesn’t fall for any tricks.

“There you are. Nice and tucked away.” Aizetsu said as he gently rubbed his belly. “Why the hell did you just eat me?! I thought you were converted!” Genya’s yells were muffled by the stomach walls.

“I am. This is just what I do to help calm people down. Some people may call it different things. Pouching, nomming, and vore are a few examples.” Genya stopped struggling when he heard Aizetsu’s words. “Wait, pouching?”

Aizetsu nodded. “Yes, I’ve heard some demons call it that. Have you heard someone call it that?” Genya let his body relax against the stomach walls. “Yes..yes I have. Tanjiro says that to Zenitsu sometimes.”

“I see.” Aizetsu continued to rub his tummy gently. “I guess I’m safe here, aren’t I?” Genya curled up inside the demon’s tummy. “Of course you are. I’m not going to hurt you.

Genya purred softly as he let his body succumb to the warmth and soothing sounds. “Thank you..” Those were the last things he murmured before he fell asleep.

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Gift For @silver-tooth-the-panther. Hope You Like It! I Worked Super Long On This Just For YOU!

Gift for @silver-tooth-the-panther. Hope you like it! I worked super long on this just for YOU! ☺

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