Safe Vore - Tumblr Posts
ok voreblr. confession.
i have. a character on the minecraft origins server im in (won’t name drop the server but i’ll name drop my oc)
his name is judas (yes, bible judas), and he is a giant. you may or may not see where this goes.
i’ve been in my vore mood (vood if you will) so by extension judas now has vore thoughts.
that’s it that’s the confession
idk why i posted this other than the server has a rule against n/sfw content and, although to me, vore doesn’t constitute as n/sfw, i dunno what the server views on it are so i’d rather not risk it.
anyways. judas hungy
thinking about the time someone tried to tell us "BUT VORE IS INHERENTLY SEXUAL!" while being a kink blog.
buddy i hate to tell you this. but you are talking to a MINOR! YOU ARE ARGUING IF SOMETHING IS SEXUAL OR NOT WITH A MINOR!!!
also since i have newer followers from aspen drama and other things, yeah occasional vore posting is to be expected dont worry about it theres tag filters here if you need em.

Was in a big(no pun intended) G/t mood~
So I doodled some giant hungy boi eating a certain tasty faun :3
My personal favorite one is where I’m getting squished into the side of his big tummy

I’d like to introduce my newest pred oc: Seamus the sheep.
I was in the mood for some very soft and cuddly vore so I made Seamus for when I’m in that mood. I figured making him a sheep would up the cuddle factor and also since sheep aren’t traditionally predators I felt it would give a fun softness to him as a pred.
He will *only* eat willing prey, and he never eats someone with the intention of digesting them unless they specifically request it. He *is* however prone to accidentally digesting his prey if they decline his many offers to spit them back up(If they refuse his many offers to be spat up they must wanna be permanent sheep food, right?). For him it’s all about making sure the prey enjoys the experience so he lets them stay in his belly for as long as they like(even if that means sometimes permanently).
Seamus would never admit it, but he really does love digesting his prey. His favorite stage of digestion is when the prey is long gone and all that remains is a meaty soup in his gut. He loves the feeling of sloshing the soupy remains around in his belly and that feeling is all the more enjoyable for him if the prey wanted him to digest them, since that means he made his meal happy by breaking them down.
As for his behavior outside of vore, he is a very affectionate and cuddly person. He loves hugging friends and potential meals and smothering them in his soft, wool covered body. He also loves cuddling even as just friends, though be warned his affection may soon turn to licking/tasting you absent mindedly(If you ask him about it he’ll get all shy and embarrassed about it, but he might mumble a quiet “Y-you just taste good...”)
Overall Seamus is a very soft pred and is a bit of a comfort character <3

Seamus and his human friend were hanging out for a cuddle session when Seamus' belly gets a bit grumbly for something to eat.
Looks like his friend is all too happy to help him out <3
Now that his tummy's been sated Seamus thanks his friend for the meal and decides he's gonna take a nap~ His friend might let him digest them or they might have him spit him up and order a pizza(or a hundred) for him to digest instead~ Who knows ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Wrongful Kidnapping
Male Mafia Fox Oc (Niki Cherri ) x wrongfully kidnapped reader (soft vore and cuddles)

It was a cold winter’s day and you were just returning home. The snow starts to fall as you make your way inside a building and up a flight of steps, your legs aching after the first 5 flights.
“Mmmh…” You groan, seeing that you were level 7. You sigh in relief as you turn to look at the hallway next to you. There were 5 doors, each having numbers to correlate with them.
You walk towards the 3rd door, the one with a dent next to the doorknob after your crack head of a neighbor decided to try and break in last night after you refused to let them use your spoons for something. “I gotta get that fixed soon, it’s ugly to the eyes.” You mumble, grazing your fingers against the large dent.
You fumble in your pocket for a bit, finding your keys in the right one. You take them out and unlock the door, immediately running inside as you heard your crackhead of a neighbor’s voice from down the hall, rambling on about needing spoons for their meth. You quickly lock your door, making sure it would stay locked for the night.
The lights of your apartment turn on as you flip the switch, yawning as soon as the lights hit your eyes. You take your coat off and kick your boots off as you start to unwind, putting your fluffy slippers on to get in your comfy state. The lights of your apartment slightly burn your eyes as you had to adjust to them from being in a white hellscape snow storm for the past hour. “Nggh, bright.” You groan, blinking rapidly as you make your way towards your room.
It was a messy, well slightly one. Your clothes were all over the floor but not on your neatly made bed, your closet was clean but it had stuff shoved in a corner, your floor was clean but there were still remnants of dust on the ground, your dressers were closed with some pieces of socks and shirts sticking out since your knobs were broken and had to be removed. All in all, your room was like ying and yang, one part clean and one part dirty.
You undress and grabs the sides of your middle drawer to pull it out, revealing your poorly folded pjs. You pick out a large XXXL t-shirt you got from a local amusement park and a pair of comfy shorts on to go with it. You put the articles of clothing on before shuffling into your bathroom, brushing your teeth and cleaning your face before it gets ruined by drool and pieces of fallen hair. “I feel fresh.” You mumble to yourself, making a goofy smile in the mirror before heading back to bed.
Your bed happily awaited you as you did one final stretch before plopping onto it, snuggling into your fluffy pillows and getting under your equally fluffy and comfy blanket. Snug as big, you curl up and turn your bedroom light off. The snow outside falls harder and faster as you heard it plop on the roof above you, making you more drowsy. You drift off just a couple minutes later, secure in your own comfy and dark world of your bed.
Until 2 hours later~
12 am.
“Wh-What the hell!” You jump out of bed, fumbling around your dark room as you try to figure out what the fuck is going on.
“OPEN UP!” A gruff voice yells from outside your apartment, the sound of banging getting harsher.
“Why?” You groan, putting your slippers on. You shuffle fiercely towards your door, grabbing your house keys in the process.
“Hello?!” You say, opening the door.
Two large men with a shorter guy in the middle stand in your doorway, giving you stern yet scary looks. They had guns, meaning they were ready for some business, the guy to the left of the one in the middle seemed a bit trigger happy as his hand twitched above the gun which seemed very ready to grab it and aim.
The man in middle walks towards you, smirking. “You thought you could hide from the boss? Didn’t cha.” He says in a Brooklyn accent, the smell of tobacco, smoke, and alcohol hits your noise.
“Come again?” Confused at whatever the hell they came for, you just tilt your head.
The man in the middle groans, grabbing your wrist tightly. “You thought that by simply running away, our boss wouldn’t find ya. Well, we did.” He growls, a bag immediately covers your head.
“ I don’t even know who you people are!” You yell, struggling as the two men grab you and bring you down the flights of stairs. “Let me go! I don’t even know who this boss guy is!”
“Tom! Matt!” The man in middle yells, apparently saying the two guys’ names. “Hush the tramp up!” He orders, the sound of the building door opening follows.
You felt a breeze of fridged and harsh winter air hit your knees as one the men grip you by both arms tightly. You squirm as your head is steadied before the feeling of something hard and metallic hits the back of your head. You black out with blood gushing down the back of your neck. With your limp body in one of the tall guys’ hand, the man in the middle escorts them and you into a huge black car. The guy who was on his right, named Matt, shuts the door behind himself as the car speeds off somewhere.
“Wake up, tramp!”
The feeling of cold water hits your face. “Ngggghhh….wha….?” You groan, slightly mumbling as you slowly gained consciousness. All you could see was a light above your head, rope tied tightly around your wrists with your hands balled up in fists, and the guy who called you a tramp earlier holding an empty water bucket.
“Wh-Where….ngh….Wh-Where am I?” You manage to say, the feeling nausea and head pain hits you like a truck.
“Somewhere. Where no one can find you.” He replies, pulling your head back to get a good look at him. “And I’m happy to report that my boss arrived to see you. He’s never had an escaped target get so far from his house. You must’ve been a quick runner to be able to get 10 miles away from him. Let alone get that far and still alive long enough to get recaptured.” He chuckled darkly.
“I-I swear to you, I never ran away from anywhere. A-And why want me so badly?” You exclaim, yelping as the man socks you in the nose.
“Oh you better shut up about this "I don’t know what you’re talking” crap or I swear to god I’ll-"
"That’s enough Johnny."
A softer yet stern voice says from somewhere. The sound of heels click against the floor as whoever was talking approaches.
"But Mr. Cherri, I-"
”I said, that’s enough. Leave me alone with them." A growl followed, the Johnny guy walking away begrudgedly.
Whoever ordered him finally comes into your blurry view, it being a feminine male fox. He was very tall, 7 foot something being, and pretty large despite his slim fogure. Black lipstick and dark eyeshadow were on his white and orange furred face, making his expressions pop as his eyes looked down at his hands. Covering them was dark leather gloves that matched his black and white suit snd tie, faint blood stains adorning his adorments.
A scowl on his face formed as he took out a cigarette and lighter from his back pocket, igniting it. He walks towards your tied up self, blowing a puff of smoke into your face as he crouched in front of you.
”Gods damn, Johnny. Ya got the wrong person again! “ He harshly whispered, disappointment and anger washing over his face. He takes another hit, blowing out another puff as you shakily open both eyes wide.
"Wh-Who are you?” You ask.
“All you should know is that I’m Mr. Cherri. That’s it.” He responds, using the cigarette to burn through your restraints. “And it seems my goons kidnapped the wrong person. Aka you. They thought you were one of my runaway targets."
You watch the ropes fall off your wrists and legs, getting helped to your feet by the fox. "Can I g-go home?"
He shakes his head, letting you lean against him for support as he leads you towards another part of the space you were in. Your eyes making out a flight of steps that led to metal doors.
“No...not yet atleast. You’ll be staying with me in my penthouse until you completely heal from your wounds." His tail curls around you securely as you nod, watching him open the doors. Behind them lay, a mirror walled pathway that led to a small elevator, a button on the wall being pressed a to open the elevator doors, letting you walk in first.
The very bright lights sting your eyes as you lean again the cold metallic walls. He pressing the top button and watches the doors close before turning his attention back to you. He got a good look at you, seeing your hair all a mess and matted with scent of blood coming from you.
“What happened to you before my men brought you here?" He asks, seeing you shake at the notion.
“I-I’m not sure. A-All I know is th-that he and two men took me out of m-my apartment harshly, put a bag over my head and knocked me out with something hard and metallic. I awoke in chair, tied up, with my vision blurry and my head hurting like hell. I was punched in the face by him after I told him that I had no idea who you were and what was going on.” You simply explain, seeing that you two were two floors away from his penthouse which you guessed was at the top.
“Well, I’m still sorry for all the pain my dimwitted and stubborn as hell henchman did. He gets very intense and I guess he mistook you as a target of mine who escaped here 5 hours ago. They were spotted running in the same direction as wherever he found you.” Mr. Cherri says, walking out the elevator as the doors finish opening. He leads you down a long and pretty wall, seeing art and photos hanging from the sides. There were many of Mr. Cherri and this small bunny girl with him, he looked very happy in them.
“Uh..Mr. Cherri. If you, uh, don’t mind me asking…who is this?” You ask sheepishly, pointing over to one of the pictures. He turns to look at you, letting out a soft sigh.
“That’s my adopted daughter, Bonnible. She’s not here at the moment so she doesn’t know about you being here. That picture-” He says, taking it off the wall. “was when I took her out for the first time. She had just been adopted and I said to her that I would give her a day of fun. We were up until 3am that day, just having a blast.” He say, smiling happily at the picture. He then puts it back on the wall and keeps walking.
“She seems lovely” You remark, surprised at Mr. Cherri’s soft side showing so easily. I guess he talks about his daughter alot so he didn’t mind. The two of you get into the front foyer and living room of his penthouse, seeing how beautiful and pretty everything truly was.
“Your penthouse is wonderful, Mr. Cherri.” You say, looking at everything in awe.
“Thank you. And since we’re alone you can call me Niki.” He says, smiling at you as he takes his heels and gloves off. “I want you to get as comfy as you can during your stay. You can sit on the couch if you’d like.” He’s acting less stern and tense know, odd but comforting. He was in his kitchen area, making some tea for you. “
He sets you on his couch, making sure you sat uo comfortably before naking you some tea in the kitchen nearby. He hands it to you, watching you take some sips. You let out a sigh of content. “Oh what’s your name dear? If you don’t mind me askin’. ” He pondered, curling his fluffy tail around me.
“ Y/N.” You say between sips, soon finishing it. You hand him the empty cup.
“Well, that’s a wonderful name dear. Now, come with me, I’m gonna show you to my bedroom. You’ll be resting with me in there.” He says, walking right back over to you and gently picks you up with ease. He smiles at you and places his paw like hand on your face, gently stroking your cheek. “Christ, he really beat the shit out of you, huh hunny.” He coos, feeling ever so sorry at how bad you looked and all the pain you must’ve gone through.
“Mmmmh, Niki….do you have anything to help me with my soreness. The wounds still irritate me” You ask, enjoying being carried as he heads up his spiral staircase.
“Yes. I do……..but you might not like it.” He says, cringing a bit as he makes a turn down this hallway to your right and towards the door at the end of it.
“Wh-What is it?” You ask, seeing him stop at the door and do some security sequence with a laser scanning his eye.
“You’ll see...” He simply responds. You see his door slide open, closing immediately behind him as he walks into a dark room. He flicks a light switch, illuminating the area. You two were inside a romatic red, black and white bedroom with the curtains down. The bed looked all velvety and comfy with nice satin pillows near the headrest and a pretty red and white blanket. The room itself had a great view of his patio and the city at night with the windows slightly tented so the surrounding apartments could see inside.
He smiles as he sees you gawk at his pretty bedroom, placing you on his comfy bed. “Now, let’s get you out of those dirited up clothes of yours and into something way comfy.” He purrs, walking over to his drawers and pulling out a pair of pink and white pajamas. “My daughter wanted me to through these away but I was gonna keep them to use to as scraps for an outfit I was working on.” He says, handing the pajamas to you. “You can change in my bathroom.” He points over to an open door by his closet.
“Ooooh. What were you working on?” You ask, heading into the bathroom and changes.
“Oooh this nice blanket for her. But I couldn’t finish it since I didn't have enough of her old clothing to make finishing touches” He says, rummaging around his drawers. He pulls out just a pair of silk boxers and changes quickly so you don’t see him nude.
“Awww…” You say, cleaning the blood off your face and notices how swollen your cheek was. “Ow…”
“You okay in there, darlin’. ” He asks, his voice sounding worried.
"Y-Yea it's just..everything hurts." You huff, Niki gently wrapping his arms around you suddenly.
“Okay……….I know how to heal you. I only hesitant since I don’t want you to freak out once I show you my healing process.” He says, sitting on his bed with you now in his lap.
“Whatever you do, I don’t care. I just want to be healed, Niki.” You say, finally feeling more confident. You liked it.
“Alright..please don’t freak out.” He asks, licking his lips a bit. He positions you towards him, being leveled with his mouth perfectly. You nod and gasp slightly as his mouth opens wide in front of you, revealing wet, warm, and dripping maw. It was drooling rapidly, probably waiting for something to go inside it. You maybe. “Aaaaah…” Niki moans, his long tounge comes out and gently licks your cheek to get a good taste. “Ooooh….you taste soooo sweet…”
“U-uh… thanks Niki…” You say, feeling him tightly yet gently grab your arms and pick you up. He tilts his head back as he lowers you head first into his maw, making you drenched in his saliva. His tounge wringling around as he gets all of your taste all over his tounge, moaning at the wave of flavour.
“Nghh….” You groan softly as your head and soon shoulders get pushed to the back of his wet maw and down a long, tight, and wet tunnel. You hear him let out a groan as he makes a giant gulp which pushes you further down. The sound of something gurgling echoes loudly in your ears as an opening soon appears, revealing a large, wet, and dark space with a mysterious smell coming from it. Loud gurgles and groans surround you as your head plops into the space, making a wet thud. The smell if nasty hits your noise like a punch in the face as you feel your shoulders soon land with you.
At this point, your waist and abdomen were in his maw and partially down his throat. Your legs were sticking out and move a bit as he makes five very large and quick gulps to push you down quickly. Niki’s gut expands as your arms land in the space with you, his walls tighten around you to make you secure inside. His moans could be heard, muffled from inside as he licks your lower half and legs all over.
“It’s really smelly in here.” You say, seeing your chest and waist land inside with you. You slightly moved to get more comfy as your legs finally plop down with you.
“URRRRPPPPP! ‘Scuse me.” Niki chuckled looking down at his human sized gut. It was 16x it’s normal size, something that didn’t even phase him. “Sorry about the smell, I can’t really change it at the moment but the healing process will distract you from it.” He coos, hugging his gut while scooting back towards his pillows.
You were in a fetal position, feeling the liquid below you slowly rise up to your ankles. “It’s alright but what’s with this liquid?” You say, feeling it but not seeing it due to the dark.
“Oh! That’s just my healing liquids! I can make them glow for you so you can see.” He beams, sounding very proud of himself for this special occasion. The liquid do glow as he stated, revealing to be red and orange respectively. You gasp at how pretty and sparkly they were, seeing some of the liquid stick to your skin as the act like bandaids.
The clothes Niki gave you weren’t affected at all, not drenched/soaked by the liquids but your skin was. It was all slimy and smelly from the liquid but also numb and untense. His gut walls gently move around you, giving you a massage as the liquids do their thing. “Ooooh…….that’s nice.” You murmur, slowly relaxed and getting sleepy. “Then that means I’m doing good job.” Niki purrs, laying on his back to get more comfy since he wanted fo get under his covers. “Well, you get some rest dear.” He yawns, turning his lights off with a clap since he was to lazy to get up.
“Mmm…...…..okay.” You yawn. Nikk giggles as he turns to his side, making you get drenched by the liquid. It wouldn’t both you as your black eye was starting to heal from the liquid was, the pain subsiding.
“Good night, sweety. I’ll let you out in the morning.” He coos softly, falling asleep too.
How about a Egyptian prince x Explorer reader
Oooooh okay, that's a good one
I Had a Nightmare
Gentle male pred x scared smaller prey
The sounds of the living room tv echoed through your apartment, your predator boyfriend sleepily staring at it as you snored in his arms. Curled up against him, you nuzzled into his soft chest just as your favorite tv show turned on, making him chuckle as you sunk a bit into his t-shirt.
Before you passed out from sleep exhaustion, he had been petting your cute little head all night to help destress from the day. Work and troublesome people for 8+ hours had took its tole on you, making you worn and pissed off at everything when the day ended. Now home, your hubby did what he does best and snuggled you. Getting relaxing kisses and massages as you unwinded, his larger hands doing most of the work as he whispered cute nothings into your ears.
He kept you snug against him as you slowly drifted off to a restless sleep, the only thing keeping him from joining you in slumberland was your obnixous snoring. It sounding like a cheese grater shreding a tuba while it was playing "Hot Cross Buns" backwards. He tried to block it out with TV noises but nothing worked.
You, on the other hand, was compketely unbothered as cute images in your dreams danced in your head. That is until the cuteness started to die as you began to shift in his arms. Whimpering and fidgeting came from you as the dream turned weird nightmare played in your head, alerting your pred as he slowly sat up and stared at you.
"Mmmmh....N-No! Please! I-I don't wanna die!" You whimper, tears dripping down your sleeping face as you suddenly kicked his soft tummy. Him stiffling a pain filled groan as he gently grasped your small shoulders. "AAAAAAHHH!" You scream, tears still flowing down your face as you tried to break fear.
The nightmare getting intense as you though that something was strangling you, spazing and shaking in your hubby's grasp. His deep voice of your pred caling out to you as he tries waking you up, shaking you as you struggled.
"A-Are you alright, little one?" He gently asked, kissing your forehead and gripping you firmly. His warm wet tiubge suddenly going across your face as yiur salty tears tasted sweet to him, using his saliva as a calming agent. It helping calm you down as its scent woke you.
"N-No! DON'T...oh....I..." You look at him, feeling his soft gaze let you relax once more as he stared at you intimately.
"You had a nightmare hun. Tell me about it." He reassured, settling you down on his large lap.
"it was...weird and scary. I thought somethung was trying to kill me." You explain, sighing a bit. " sounded like you...and acted like you too.."
I-I had a scary and weird nightmare. I-I though that I was going to be killed and chewed up/eaten alive b-by........." You look up at him in shock and got a little hesitant as you continued. "...........b-by...........b-by..........." "By who, dear? Spit it out, lil one." He say, rubbing your back. "You." You start to cry even more as you couldn't hold anything back. Your pred made a slight gap as he heard this. "Look at me." He says a bit sternly. You shakily look up at the pred, wiping the tears from your face hurriedly. He tilts your chin for you to fully look at him, his tounge slowly coming out of his mouth. "I would never hurt you." His deep yet gently voice says as he gently gives you licks of love. "I-I know. But my instincts and fears must've made me think the worse in my sleep." You say softly as he licks you gently. He nods and holds you against his soft belly, letting you lay down on it. "Well, I am going to eat you gently just to put you in my chamber for you to feel comfort and to show that no harm will come to you whenever I eat you." He gently says, nuzzling you all over. He makes soft purrs as he does so, just to add to his cuteness. You nod and shakily get ready, sitting on his soft gut. You felt his hands massage and caress you gently as your slowly lifted up to his lips. He gives you a quick kiss as his mouth opens up for you, giving you the view of his wet and dripping maw. You could feel his warm and gentle breathe all around as he slowly pushes you into his mouth, licking you all around. You moan softly as he slurps you halfway into him, your legs still sticking out. He tilt his head back and gulps you down slowly as his throat gently squishes you tightly as you slip down. He moans at your taste and does a second gulp, your legs following you down his throat. You land head and shoulders first into the fleshy and soft place as you slip even more down. The rest of your body soon follows as his gut welcomes you happyily. Your pred licks his lips at your taste and rubs his belly comfortably. "You okay in there? Hope it's not to tight?" He asks softly as his belly caresses you all around. "Mhm. It's pretty cozy and safe in here." You respond, nuzzling his belly walls gently. "Uuuurppp! That kinda tickles little one." He giggles softly, continuously rubbing his gut. He enjoyed eating you and wanted you to relax before you fall back asleep. You smile softy as the gurgles of his spacious gut echo in your ear as you're caressed all around. You purr softly and yawns. "Hehe...I'm getting sleepy against." You giggle as your eyes get droopy. "Rest now, little one." He purrs, rubbing his gut and lays down. His belly gently squishes you. You smile softly and drifts off, the sound of his heartbeat and belly gurgles act like a lullaby as you sleep.
In response to your spooky vore requests, I NEED some good good safe fluffy stuff, preferably with a vampire or some other undead if you’ve got one. Maybe a borrower prey? Up to you
ooooh maybe borrower prey in a vampire's mansion
Could you do a platonic story about a protective big brother pred?
ooooh I could
Might do Halloween vore story
ok so
i'm literally working on a novel, like a real actual book, and like I'm composing this scene of the main character listening to a story about a run-happy jackalope who meets her match of a quick witted wolf and like...why does this part radiate vore energy (pictures are in story order, read from top left to big third picture)

i guess its time for me to crawl out my crypt and write vore again.
Hello people

Ik I haven't msde official posts in a long time but do you guys want vore stories again? Idk
Another Marathi (Golden Gorgon) story
I never thought I'd get another vore story request. I actually might do a sequel
Omg the goof thought he was actually dead;;;; he’s too adorable for his own good!
And special appearances by belly bunny! And he’s grumping at the puppy, just proof that Hans is really awake! 8D

Oh, whew. It was all a dream after all! Thank goodness.
:) And you all were worried he was actually a goner! (Special cutaway version with Caelum the bunny, who belongs to @itsawrites )
HERE’S A STORY after so long;;;;;; I’m sorry for the wait!
I was really hoping to get more done, but then I got stricken with the worst case of writers block... I still have more stories in the work, so once they’re all done I’ll try to post them all together in a big bundle!
ANYWHO, this was just a story I wrote when I got a cute idea, and then it got even better >>b
Tachibana the Labrador belongs to me, and Iggy the giant nerd sweetheart belongs to @animalkingdxm
I hope you enjoy!
It was a warm, pleasant day in the city. The sun shining brightly with nary a cloud in the sky to block its beautiful rays. A gentle breeze blew through the air, and on it was a most delicious, warm, delightful smell, wafting through the open door of a local bakery. Inside, the owner, a tall, lean labrador named Tachibana, wished his customer a good day as they left through the door.
He wore a nice, form fitting black turtleneck that showed just how trim and fit his body was, and on top of that he wore his clean white apron. His hair was a light blonde, and he had two soft ears of the same colour, as well as a soft, fuzzy tail that hung behind him.
Tachi smiled as he stood behind the counter, appearing way more confident and outgoing than he really was; in truth, Tachibana was actually rather shy. True he was very kind and very gentle, but when put on the spot he'll be under a great deal of stress and go quiet, or stutter up a storm.
But behind the counter, doing what he was good at, Tachi was much more comfortable. Baking and selling his delicious baked breads, he was fine at his craft and made it look easy. Tachi had a large majority of his baked goods on display around his store showing just how wide a variety he had in his shop.
The store was quiet now, filled with the warm smell of bread. Tachibana waited patiently for his next customer to come in, until the silence was broken by a loud growl from within his stomach. The lab looked down at his flat stomach in surprise as he gently ran his hand over it. The poor dog was starving, but sadly he had already eaten his lunch earlier, and though he loved baking bread he didn't much care to eat it when he was starved. His stomach preferred something… more.
Tachibana had an awful habit when he ran out of lunches to hold back his hunger; he'd swipe a snack from off the street. He couldn't help himself, he needed a full stomach even if he'd regret it afterwards. It was generally okay in the end, as he'd let them out eventually, but he was deeply ashamed of his voracious appetite.
“Oh no... “ Tachi muttered, his ears drooping in dismay, “Not already. I can't…” he whined. “... But I'm so hungry…” Tachibana looked up as something out of the corner of his eye caught his attention. Walking past the window was a bright head of hair which made the dog's stomach growl harder. “... just... one snack.” the lab quickly tossed his apron on the counter and dashed out the door, quickly slowing his pace as he followed his snack.
The labrador looked around, making sure it was just him and his target, a face of uncertainty plastered on the poor dog's face. Luckily, the person turned down an alleyway, and Tachibana quickly followed behind them. He sped up his walking speed so that he caught up to them right away. They seemed to be a young man, and wore quite a bit of green as well as had quite a bright colour of orange, messy hair. And they hadn't even noticed they were being hunted.
Taking a gulp and with a face of remorse, the big dog grabbed his prey from behind. “I-I'm so sorry!” he quickly said to them, before quickly shoving their head into his mouth.
Oddly enough, the young man didn't seem to put up any struggle. But Tachi didn't hold back, and quickly started to lift them up and swallow them faster, the lab could feel his throat swelling as they traveled down to his growling stomach. He didn't like to admit it, but he did enjoy the taste of prey, though he didn't like when he gave into his hunger so his feelings on this matter were mixed.
His vibrantly coloured meal started to make his stomach bulge outwards as he was gulped down hurriedly, stretching Tachi's turtleneck as the dog's belly grew with their presence. Tachibana was already down to their legs in no time, and his belly was starting to show from under his stretching shirt.
Soon enough he was down to just the young man's feet, and with a big slurp and an even bigger gulp, Tachi released a sigh of relief and gently rubbed his large belly, watching it gently jostle as his meal shifted around and fully emptied into it. “Ahhhh, I couldn't help myself.” the labrador sighed, stifling a gentle burp. He ran his hands along the surface of his belly, feeling his prey inside move beneath the stretched skin.
But he had a store to watch and couldn't just stand there! With a look of disappointment in himself, the dog carefully and quickly waddled his way back to his bakery, gently closing the door behind him. He was incredibly surprised by the lack of struggling and shouting coming from his large middle, but it almost felt like the man who was in there was… feeling around his stomach?
Tachibana sat himself down behind the counter and ran his hands over his big belly. “I am so sorry! I-I couldn't stop myself, I was just so hungry.” the lab explained to his prey, who seemed to stop moving in order to listen to him. “I promise I'll let you out as soon as I'm done working tonight, so please don't worry.” he tried to assure his snack. He wasn't lying, though most people who were suddenly eaten wouldn't believe him.
What happened next was something that none of his meals had done for him before. The person in his belly had actually started to rub his belly! This almost startled the dog, but it felt so good, the dog's tail gently wagging behind him against the chair while his foot started to kick weakly. “It's alright, relax!” his prey said to him through his stomach, still gently rubbing his belly. “I'm fine with this, don't worry yourself! I can stay in here as long as you need!”
“W-what?” Tachi was astonished by this. He'd never eaten a person who was so okay with it before. However, before he could ask his belly anything more, he saw someone approaching the door. Gasping, the lab jumped to his feet, jostling around his belly in his rush, and the person inside as well. Tachi grabbed his apron and as he started to try putting it on over and around his large belly, he said, “I'm sorry, but could you please stay quiet until work is done, please?” his apron did nothing to hide his large belly, and was hard enough just to put on.
He didn't receive any verbal response, but he swore that one of the bumps on his belly looked like a thumbs up. Tachi let out a relieved sigh, quite thankful to his well behaving snack.
As his customer came through the door, Tachibana leaned against the counter, trying to hide his large stomach out of view. His belly sagged under him, and he could feel its occupant gently trying to adjust themselves from the sudden drop. He gently whispered sorry to his belly before his customer came to the counter. “Welcome, how can I help you today?” He greeted, hoping that his belly would be hard to notice for his customer.
Unfortunately for him, his customer requested a certain bread that was on a higher shelf behind the counter, which compromised his belly camouflage. With reluctance, Tachi straightened himself back up, his belly gently bouncing as he moved. He was forced to press his belly against the shelves as he reached for the bread, and he could feel his lunch gently squirming against him as he was squished in his stomach. “Sorry, sorry!” he whispered, quickly grabbing the order and starting to run it through.
His customer giggled at his large belly which looked as though it was making his work harder for him. “Oh my, we're certainly looking full.” they joked, surprising the dog and making his cheeks turn a gentle red.
“O-oh, just a big lunch.” he stuttered, trying to joke about his big stomach, which he swore started to giggle softly from within after he spoke. His customer laughed, before paying him and going on their way. Tachibana heaved a sigh of relief, leaning back on the counter as he stroked his belly.
The fullness was indeed amazing, but the size of his belly was just so embarrassing to him. He tried to pull his turtleneck down over his belly, but the stretchy fabric just couldn't do it, much to the dog's dismay. And his apron was barely fitting now; Tachibana was barely able to tie it before the customer came in.
The lab sighed, giving up on hiding his belly under his clothes for now. Gently rubbing his belly, he could feel his prey moving around in his stomach, and it almost felt like he was poking around at his stomach walls. “I'm so sorry about squishing you.” Tachi apologized, resting his arm on his belly. “I'm not used to working around… M-my belly.” the big dog's face went a gentle red as he talked about his stomach. In truth, even though he had done this so many times he was just never used to working around his big belly.
Inside his stomach, the dog's snack could feel the stomach grow warmer, and he had enough knowledge on stomachs to know what that meant; the poor dog was blushing. With a laugh, the young man started rubbing the dog's stomach again, trying to help him relax. “Don't worry yourself, it sounds like you just need more practice with a full stomach.” he said to the big dog as he moved his hands along Tachi's stomach walls.
Tachi laughed uncomfortably as he enjoyed the belly rubs he received. “I-I suppose that could be true.” the labrador admitted. “But… is it really alright for me to give into my hunger like… this?” He pulled his hands over his embarrassingly large belly as he said that, his guilt washing over him as he looked at his handiwork.
“Oh, I think that's fine!” The young man said, rather enthusiastically. “And I'd be more than willing to help you out with that too, if you'd want!” he chuckled, “I'm kind of an expert with stomachs.”
“R-really?” Tachibana gasped, a mix of relief, astonishment, happiness, and confusion coming over the big dog. He placed a hand on his belly as he spoke. “No one has ever been so alright with this. Just who are you?” it was then that the lab realized he had forgotten to even introduce himself to his meal. He placed a hand on his head as he felt almost ashamed of his lack of manners. “Oh, I'm so sorry, my name is Tachibana.”
Tachi's stomach gently jostled as his prey moved around to rub as much of his belly as he could. “My name is Iggy, nice to meet you!” The orange haired snack responded cheerfully. The dog felt much more comfortable now with the friendly introductions. But before Tachi could say anything more, the door jingled as another customer came into the bakery. Iggy heard this and silenced himself instantly.
Tachibana straightened himself up and faced his customer, not having any time to even try to hide his large belly. His customer eyed his stomach as the labrador greeted them, giggling as it gently bounced from him turning around. Iggy listened to everything going on outside the stomach, and felt the belly sway around as Tachi moved about to help his customer. “So this is what it's like in the belly of a working predator, huh?” He whispered to himself as he took mental note of everything going on. “And not just that, but an overly shy predator too.” he stifled his chuckle as best he could before gently rubbing Tachibana's belly again.
Tachi could feel Iggy rubbing his stomach, right as he asked for his payment. The dog's tail started wagging happily behind him, making the customer chuckle. “We seem quite happy today.” they said, giving him his money as his face turned a gentle red.
Tachibana laughed and patted his belly. “O-oh, just happy to be of service. Please have a wonderful day!” he responded as the customer made their way out the door. However, before the labrador could even relax, there came a ringing from the kitchen. “Oh, sounds like the next batch is done.” Tachi said to himself, turning around and strolling into his kitchen, this room too full of the delicious and warm scent of bread, if not more so. The dog made his way to his oven, picking up and putting on his soft oven mitts before he opened the oven door.
Iggy was casually readjusting himself around in Tachi's belly, the belly shifting outside as he did so. But suddenly, just as he was finding a nice spot in the dog's stomach, something hard whacked him in the head. The nerd winced in pain and held the back of his head, “Ow ow ow! What was that?” He asked as he gently patted at the spot on the stomach where he felt the impact.
Outside, Tachibana had lowered the oven door and had accidentally whacked it against his big belly. He winced at the sudden pain, but when he heard Iggy responding to the impact, the lab grabbed his belly and stroked it, still wearing his oven mitts. “I'm so sorry! My belly was just bigger than I had thought and I… hit it with the oven door.” he moved his hand over the spot where he could feel Iggy's head and gently rubbed at it. “Are you alright?” He asked his orange haired snack, using his free, still-oven mitt clad hand to retrieve his fresh baked bread from the oven. With his bread out of the way and the oven turned off, Tachi gave his full attention to his stomach and its occupant.
Iggy rubbed his head and laughed. “Oh yeah, I'm fine, don't worry about it!” he told the big dog, patting the stomach around him to help Tachibana relax. He could feel when Tachi ran his hands over his big belly, moving with gentle and cautious rubs, probably trying to make sure he doesn't accidentally bother Iggy in his stomach. It was truly interesting being in the stomach of such a cautious and shy predator.
Tachi sighed, “That's a relief.” he said as he ran his hands across the surface of his belly. “If there's something wrong, I can let you out immediately.” he told Iggy as he waddled back into the storefront. Thankfully no one had come in during their time in the kitchen to hear
Iggy scoffed and laughed. “It'll take more than an oven door to get me out of someone's stomach!” The young man said, practically boasting. Tachibana chuckled; he certainly found a very, very unique snack today. The dog hadn’t felt this relaxed after a meal ever before, even if he still didn’t seem that relaxed.
“A-alright, as long as you're comfortable in there.” Tachibana rubbed his belly. The rest of the day went rather smoothly from there, well as smoothly as a day could go with a shy predator who's shy about his belly.
Finally, the bakery closed. The labrador flipped the sign to closed and heaved a relieved sigh. “Finally…” he muttered, stroking his stomach as he felt himself relaxing a little more.
“That was some pretty good work today!” Iggy cheered, rubbing the dog's belly as a reward for a job well done.
The big dog's tail wagged as the young man in his stomach did his work. “Th-thank you, Iggy.” Tachi chuckled, holding his belly in his hands. “But the work day is done now, s-so you can come out now.” he told the human, who seemed disappointed to hear this.
“Awwwwww, alright.” Iggy said, patting the dog's stomach. “If I gotta get out, I gotta.” he added, chuckling.
Tachi laughed softly, certainly an odd fellow. “Alright, a-are you ready then?” the dog asked his big stomach, receiving a rather hard pat in confirmation. The dog sighed and readied himself to bring Iggy back up.
The human sat in the dog's belly, waiting for the stomach to shift and send him back up. He didn't need to wait long. The stomach started to shift and soon enough Iggy was being pushed back up Tachi's throat.
The dog could feel Iggy passing through behind his chest before bulging his throat out as he came up. His belly shrank as its occupant gradually left his stomach, much to its dismay.
Tachibana opened his mouth as Iggy's head entered from his throat. The goof smiled as he stared past the dog's teeth, looking into the bakery.
The lab carefully carried the human out of his mouth, taking his time as more and more of the young man exited his body. Finally, Iggy's feet left Tachi's mouth, the dog sighing and wiping saliva away from his mouth. “There we go.” he chuckled. “I'm sorry if that was not enjoyable.”
Iggy laughed, drying himself off with an apron Tachibana gave him. “No worries! It was great!” The young man cheered, nudging the big dog in the side of the stomach. “We should do this again, you could practice working with a big full belly!” Iggy said, and excited glimmer in his eyes.
Tachibana chuckled awkwardly, but before he could reply his empty stomach gave a deep grumble, wanting food. The dog's face turned red as he patted his flat stomach and chuckled. “Th-that could actually be pretty good.” Tachi said, probably thinking more with his stomach at the moment. The lab paused for a minute before asking, “W… Would you like to work here? Y-you can help me practice working around my big stomach.”
Iggy laughed and nudged the dog's stomach again. “Don't you mean, work /here/?” He joked, making the dog laugh awkwardly since he wasn’t wrong. “But that'd be sweet! Getting a job being eaten?!” The young man got himself more and more excited just thinking about the job. “There couldn't be a job I'd want more!” he cheered. “I accept! When do I start?”
Tachibana was a little surprised by Iggy's enthusiasm. “Y-you can start tomorrow, or whenever you would like.” He chuckled, almost looking forward to the next day. Iggy danced around excitedly, and as he did that Tachibana took a warm loaf of bread off of the shelf and put it in a bag for the orange haired goof. “Here, have this as a thanks for your hard work today.” Tachi said, smiling warmly.
Iggy stopped his dancing and took the bread from him. “Aww, sweet! This smells great!” he laughed. Tachi was glad that Iggy was such a happy and interesting fellow, it definitely made this time much more comfortable.
“Come on.” Tachi said, holding the door open for Iggy. “I'll walk you home, since it's gotten late.” he said, knowing full well that there are some people out there who would just pick a person right off the street and devour them. He knew that embarrassingly well.
“Sure, sounds good!” he said, walking out the door of the bakery. “And if something happens, you can protect me by eating me!” Iggy laughed. Tachibana chuckled softly with him, closing the door and locking it behind them before they started their walk towards Iggy's home.

Huh, having a good meal today, Orion?

-"Go right there in.. little prey"