✨️She/Her✨️30+✨️Pretending to be creative, one fandom at a time~♡
830 posts
I'm Actually Really Proud Of This Chapter. Iy Has Charlotte And Benny In It, And I Love Them. I Hope
I'm actually really proud of this chapter. Iy has Charlotte and Benny in it, and I love them. I hope I did the justice...
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"The red... it's everywhere... Can't you see it...?!"
If I don't draw for a few days, I start getting rusty, so I have to fart out something like this to remind my hand how to art.
By the end of both branches of The Road Not Trekked, Nerr is suffering from serious, irreperable brain damage, both traumatic and hypoxic (as a result of actually dying rather than almost dying, and being brain dead for several minutes). She suffers from near constant migraines and her fine motor skills have taken a hit (she can walk, but she has difficulty feeding herself), to say nothing of the insomnia, mood swings and hypogeusia (a taste disorder that reduces your ability to taste... well, flavor). She can deal with all that, and had been dealing with most of it for months already, but the thing that bothers her is the red. She occasionally experiences hallucinations, mostly triggered during moments of extreme stress when she sees warm colors (reds, oranges and yellows- if you read my fic, you'll know why that triggers it). She occasionally has violent outbursts at these times, but usually goes into a catatonic state for several minutes.
It doesn't matter what side she's on; Nerr never wins the war.
When the house is on fire and you just say, sorry, but I need some "me" time first
i just realized that i have a roommate and its april fools im going to turn a bunch of things in the house upside down and hide dinosaurs everywhere goodnight

Say what you will about Fates, but it’s art presentation is phenomenal. The music, art direction, character designs, and environments are stunning.
Couldn’t stand that fic?
Think that fanartist draws your favorite character all wrong?
Wish you’d never hear about your least favorite pairing ever again?
Ask your doctor if Shutting Up ™ is right for you!
From the makers of Self-Control and Being a Decent Person, Shutting Up™ is the revolutionary new treatment, clinically proven to make sure you don’t end up looking like a heartless dickbag! Shutting Up™ will help you discover a whole new side of fandom – a life where you seek out the things that appeal to you and leave everything else alone. Nobody gets hurt, and everybody wins!
Users of Shutting Up™ may experience some temporary frustration and feelings of disgust. This is normal. Supplementation with Talking Privately With a Sympathetic Friend™ may ease those symptoms.
Long-term side effects of Shutting Up™ may include perspective, a sense of belonging, and a deep understanding that not everything in the fandom world is within your control or meant for your personal enjoyment. Shutting Up™ has been known to cause flare-ups of peace, friendship, and positivity. Not recommended for cases in which you actually like things and want to leave positive feedback.
Try Shutting Up™ today, and see how fandom can become a better place for you!
*Not available on anon memes.