simp4konig - ๐™–๐™ ๐™ž๐™ฃ๐™œ10592_
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386 posts

To The Two Anons That Sent Me The Nikto Asks: Those Are Works In Progress!!! Just Putting This Out There

To the two anons that sent me the Nikto asks: those are works in progress!!! Just putting this out there so neither of you think that I'm ignoring your asks <3,, i want to flesh out my response/hcs before i post !

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More Posts from Simp4konig

5 months ago

Words can't describe how much I love this.

Honestly, you๐Ÿฉต and @lizzy019๐Ÿ’ž are two of the most talented Nikto writers, and it's reached a point where words aren't enough anymore to convey my adoration for your works. Every post โ€” fanfic, drabble, headcanon and otherwise, no matter how short โ€” is so well done and totally accurate to what I would imagine Nikto to be like that there's genuinely nothing else I can add without regurgitating the same statements.

Your characterization of Nikto as a whole is wonderful. His speech? Behaviour? Gestures? How his actions speak louder than words, and convey through them what sentences never could? How I as a reader feel wanted, despite it being a short scenario, and how I don't have it in me to refuse him, either, since it's nice to be wanted like that, is just... ๐Ÿฅน

Anyways. Only going to be reblogging w/o tags or comments. But just know that your work has been so wonderfully written that words couldn't convey how much I enjoyed it.

Nikto who just doesn't let you leave his home after a one night stand.

You had a general idea of how one night stands went; you get in, you fuck, you get out. It wasn't really something you did often but when your neighbor who, in all honesty, has had your interest for a while asks... It was hard to keep your mouth from saying 'hell fucking yes'. Prior to this your interactions consisted of little more than pleaantries but you knew, from other neighbor's accounts, that he was more talkative with you than anyone else. And now you knew why.

Your neighbor did not disappoint. Nikto fucked the senses right out of your skull. Your clothes crumpled and discarded along with your inhibitions. You'd be feeling him for days; between your legs, in your mouth, in every bruise left on your skin and random twitch in your thigh. It was one hell of a good time but you knew how these things ended. Knew that once the breathing died down and the adrenaline left your senses it was time to put your clothes back on and skedaddle.

However Nikto finds every excuse for you to stay;

You shift to leave the bed but his arm casually wraps around you, pulling you back against him. You look back at him confused but his eyes are already closed and he only says one word. "Sleep."

The next morning you go to put on your clothes only to find they're nowhere in the room. Instead one of his shirts was left on the side of the bed you slept on. You tug it on and when you find him, he's doing laundry. "Hospitality. I clean them for you." He grunts. And so you end up chatting with him in the laundry room, helping out by seperating the clothes.

When that's all done you make one last trip to his room to double check you've left nothing behind. You announce your departure but Nikto stops you from in the kitchen, declaring he's already made breakfast for two. "Don't waste food." He says putting a plate in your hands. To his credit; it was a good hearty breakfast.

Another attempt to leave? He's rented a movie you mentioned, it has to be watched within 24 hours. "You wanted to see this, da. Come, we watch now?"

And another? "You've been wanting to learn how to bake, da? Let me teach you this recipe."

Another one? You can't leave without letting him show you one of his collections

Another? How about another movie?

And the final attempt? "It's too late to be out, better to just spend the night here." He says as if your home wasn't a hop, skip and a jump away from his.

You caught on, of course, but you don't really mind. It's been a while since you've felt wanted and the flattery had you beaming inside. You probably should be alarmed but he hasn't used any force, no intimidation, just a socially inept man trying to convince his pretty little neighbor to move in in the most roundabout way possible.

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5 months ago

also do u think eating someone's ashes counts as cannibalism

Technically, consuming someone's ashes is cannibalism (or, at least, in my opinion, it is):

Sure, you aren't cutting up someone and consuming them with a knife and fork or freezing their body parts to preserve them for the coming months like a typical cannibal, but you can't deny that you are still consuming a human being's remains โ€” intact, or cremated.

You could say that they were just... severely... "overcooked"... Kind of like how you can do that with regular meat if you're clumsy enough to leave chicken or other in the oven for too long. ๐Ÿ”

Yet, just because the state of matter is different, it doesn't change the fact that it was a person, even if their physical state has changed drastically and they are no longer human but ash in a vase collecting dust.

...Very macabre (as if cannibalism wasn't already ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€ miss what the fuck????!! @?@?? Anyways keep these coming ill answer any one <3).

Makes me you wonder: if you would go about it by the spoonfuls, what body part[s] would you be eating? Their eyeballs? Face? Leg? Arm? Hand? Maybe in that spoonful it was their left hand mixed with their bicep. Or a foot with their ear which was once pierced. Or a finger on which a ring was worn. You wouldn't ever be able to differentiate. You'd have to use your imagination.

Still, you'd be eating their eyes, tongue, teeth, hair, skin, nails, and bone, in addition to their flesh and muscle.

I remember a woman on TLC eating the ashes of her late husband โ€” that, to her, it tasted like pepper and mouldy eggs. What if each human being's ashes taste slightly different? What if its less bitter for someone, and more sweet? What if instead of eating it by the spoonfuls raw like her, you mixed it with porridge? In a soup? Used it as a substitute for icing sugar in a cake?

What a great topic to conclude my Friday evening omg,, LMAOOO๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€ I never really considered this before, but this was a creative ask ! Anywyas blink twice if you need help pooks ๐Ÿ†˜

5 months ago

hmmmm โ€œwakes up with amnesiaโ€ trope but instead itโ€™s Ghost that wakes up after you found him half dead in a ditch somewhere and thinks that you must be his if you were out looking for him. even convinces himself that he can almost remember the first time he ever saw you. wonโ€™t hear of it when you try to tell him that the two of you have never even met before.

5 months ago


I love this so fucking much oh my Fucking GOD



Go get him Krueger!!! No one else wants him!!! You have no competition!!! We're rooting for you, even!!!!!

Ah, Yes. Krueger Is A Professional When It Comes To Dating Those Physically Repulsive Sexy Russian Men!

Ah, yes. Krueger is a professional when it comes to dating those physically repulsive sexy Russian men! You can trust his approach

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5 months ago

pookie. do u want more nikto thoughts from my pink gummy.