Sir-ramic - All My Doubts And Cringe - Tumblr Blog
Saw this frankly very uneducated baby on my walk today

You know how knights used to swear to be brothers.
One knight swears to brotherhood to another and the other swears back. Their brotherhood is close. They protect eachother. They worry for eachother. They have eachother's backs.
One of them begins to blur the line between the brotherhood love and love love.
On the fields, they come back late. The sun dresses the land in a lazy orange while it sets. He stops to admire the sunset.The other watches him. The shadows light up his face handsomely. Ladies would be swooning at the curl of his smile, they note.
They go out for drinks every week. Each night at the inns they stay in, one of them looks at the others back in the room they share. They touch him with their eyes. Commit their shape to memory.
In the practise arena, one of them stops themselves from telling the other to put a shirt on for a moment. They trace the lines of sweat on his chest. They let the passing maids stare a little longer before throwing him a shirt. Thanks, he calls back.
A skirmish with a neighbouring valley. There's some blood trickling into his eyes. They reach out and wipe it for him. He grins and swings his sword again. The touch of his furrowed brow lingers in their mind.
At night, at camp, it's their watch. They watch the stars. They're thinking of their brother. Each time his skin prickles at each memory they've touched in.
At a hunt. The boar was vicious. A shallow, but long gash blooms at the torn shirt. One of them helps the other. His hands are steady while he leans over him. The other watches his face closely and he looks up. He doesn't move while the other leans in closer. Their lips meet. Just briefly. That was a brotherly thing to do, one of them flusters, while the other is paralyzed. But curious.
They're brothers. They insist. Their actions inbetween journies and inns strengthen their bond. They insist. They love eachother. They take care of eachother. They'll always be together. Their sworn brother.