Don't worry about it
457 posts
Sir-ramic - All My Doubts And Cringe - Tumblr Blog
As far you can tell, you're one of the few "regular" folks left in the royal court. Everyone with any notoriety, influence, or special abilities seems to have been replaced by one of what you call "the isekai people", none of whom seem to realize that they're not the only one like them here.
The pact was signed between the King and the Fairy Queen, 1,000 years of prosperity for his kingdom, in exchange for his yet-to-be-conceived first born. The Fairy Queen however did not expect the king to slit his own throat and die on the spot seconds later.
The dragon snorted. "You're a dumbass that's why."
"I- hey if I'm a dumbass what does that make you?"
"The benevolent teacher who can raise even the ones who outrun wisdom to greatness." The dragon said sarcastically., twirling it's claw in the air for dramatic effect.
You frown. "You're not gonna shapeshift into one of those hot dragons-in-human-forms and have this lomg drawn out romantic and possibly sexual storyline with me are you?"
The dragon choked on a puff of smoke. "I- what the fuck are you reading? You're 12!"
"I'm 15. I just look small for my age."
The dragon groaned. "No you idiot, I'm using you for political gain. I need an easy-to-influence figurehead to make sure the human oligarchs aren't going cause the rest of the dragons to burn all of human civilization to the ground." It paused. "And frankly, some of us actually enjoy -erm. Spending time with your kind in human form." It said with a cough.
"Yes your majestically hot dragon in dragon form."
Every 500 years, the dragon who founded the Academy arrives to choose a student to tutor directly. You are the weakest mage on record and she has chosen you.
''what if my writing isn't good eno--'' what if it's a reflection of your of your soul. what if it has a place in this world. what if you write it anyway
"can't they kill you? Haven't they done it to your ancestors before?"
"yeah I mean they did, but that was before. Now we take care of them because they can't survive in the world we changed." Amir responded.
X9sl-1f stared at the beast that Amir was petting. Amir had assured them that it was prepared for transfer and it wouldn't wake for several hours after inserting a carefully measured chemical concoction into its body to make it sleep.
X9sl-1f was still wary for Amir's sake though. It's maw was too similar to the extinct predators from their planets stories for them to be comfortable.
"I thought your species believed in natural selection"
"well it's not so natural when one species is doing all the selecting, unintentionally or not."
"but you are the top predator. It is your duty. You out perform all other species."
"I think they remind us of ourselves. Y'know, sort of like our grandparents. We need them to remind us that we were just a part of their world once and they take care of the world that we came from."
The beast gave a yawn and X9sl-1f hissed. Amir chuckled and let transporter take the beast away into the next freight carrier.
I just had a thought. In most "humans are deathworlders" stories I've read aliens either don't have any major predators on their planet or advanced to a point, then wiped out their preditors before ascending to the stars.
What if humans are the hippies of the galaxy? We are constantly seeking peace and harmony with ourselves and our environments for one. But it's not just that. We have conservation, breeding, and rehabilitation programs for many animals on our planet including some major predators and competitors for resources and food.
So here we are. Going into space. And just baffling our galactic neighbors when they find out that not only do we still have animals that can eat us, but we actively fight to keep these animals alive and off the extinction list.
"How did you even-"
"You probably don't want to know. Also, duck."
Yusef blinked blankly at his dad, followed by a loud THUNK and a bruise swelling in his forehead.
"YOU'RE DOING GREAT MIRANDA, KEEP IT UP" his dad screamed proudly with his squeaky voice. The orc was struggling against Miranda's clenched thighs turning shades of blue that they weren't supposed to.
Yusef stared at the lady and marvelled at how her broad shoulders rippled with muscle as she held the orcs grungey hands away from her. He look at his own hands that had always felt too big at father's home, but just right at school. He asked a again.
"Dad how did you, a halfling, even manage to do it with a giant? And how did I turn out to look like a human? Am I adopted?"
"Wait,which one was your ex?" "Firstly, we didn't breakup and to answer your question it's the three meter tall women thats currently winning the fight against an orc."
I'm a train! I love trains.
@ceasarslegion @skipppppy
tag game!
Your last emojis are your gender
@erikaskblog @fymo-blogs
Hey remember when i said that last item sale post was the last one? Well I didn't TECHNICALLY sell it since I traded it in, so I get to make ANOTHER last sale post cause I have this Sony FE 20mm F/1.8 G lens to sell! look I took fancy pictures for it so you can't be mad:

I will include a uv filter free with the price of the lens and have other filters I can add for cheap if u so desire
well i wanted to make the chillest, sweetest slice of life warriorcats fanfic but i ended up making a murder mystery hhhh how did this happen
I love our fat king pesto

I saw him recently and my dad almost couldn't believe he was real

hey! you!
do you love yuri? gorgeous art styles? sick ass action scenes with unbelievably stupid stakes? a solid mostly female main cast of characters that play off of each other really well and are also funny as fuck?
Introducing "Love Bullet", the GL manga about cupids! with GUNS!

The series isn't officially localized in english yet, but luckily fan translators are hard at work on a real-time english translation (I won't share a link here, but you can find it easily enough)
*flowey voice* huh? why am i doing all this? because love bullet is at risk of being cancelled!
the author's said she already has the entire story planned out, but due to bad marketing and a lack of official english translations, the sales for volume one have been pretty low, and the story risks being discontinued
the chapters out so far aren't many, they're a relatively quick read, and really entertaining all the same. i am DYING to see more of these characters, they're loads of fun and there's some genuinely interesting hypotheticals about love, romance (and lack thereof) the series could get into... but only if it stays running!!
so please, give this story a shot (lol) and if you like it, consider supporting the original mangaka. other fans of LB have been resourceful enough to put together a way for you to do that, even as a western fan, so it's the least i can do to spread the word.
do it for yuri... and also insane women and heart grenade launchers


Day 422: +168
Oh little pinky toe, why do you delight in finding sharp corners?
Imagine an alien sharing a cool human fact they just learned like âhey guys did you know that the silvery markings on humans actually arenât true stripes? Theyâre called stretch marks, they happen when the human is growing fast enough to actually outgrow their skin, which is apparently something that just fucking happens to almost all of them at some point of their life.â
and another one is like âwait so youâre saying humans donât have stripes.â
âactually they do, but the stripes are invisible. Thereâs genetic code thatâd give them stripes but theyâre just the same colour as the rest of the skin. So the visible stripes are not real stripes and the real stripes are invisible.â
âI swear if you tell me one more weird human thing today Iâm beating your ass.â
[Thought of You - by Ryan Woodward]
[The Weepies - The World Spins Madly On]
Itâs Music Monday! Iâve never met an animator who didnât love this video. But I realized it probably doesnât extend far beyond us, so I hope someone not in animation clicks this today and has three minutes of feeling like your body exhaled peacefully. I will add this is not the official music video for this songâcome to think of it Iâve never seen the official video. This is just one manâs passion project of a video, and itâs lovely.
If you had to make a trailer for your life so far what are some top moments you would add? What would be the soundtrack?

Sometimes if I find someone trying to say something I'll stare at them and wait for them to finish their story and while I do that other people start to listen as they finish their own little chats

I want to be cursed too can I have a curse

im so sick of this ugly cat @littleguysdaily
burning text gif maker
heart locket gif maker
minecraft advancement maker
minecraft logo font text generator w/assorted textures and pride flags
windows error message maker (win1.0-win11)
FromSoftware image macro generator (elden ring Noun Verbed text)
image to 3d effect gif
vaporwave image generator
microsoft wordart maker (REALLY annoying to use on mobile)
you're welcome

where's that masterpost of quotes that have no right going as hard as they do. I'd like to submit "Protagonism is best left to teens and the insane"
Throwing a Molotov that's actually just a bottle of hornets into the base of your enemy is absolutely evil yet cartoony behaviour

yuri beams ur labru
It was a sweltering afternoon when I decided to kill my friends.Â
I was waiting for them at the back gate to our school, idly flipping through the news as I lounged against the wall.Â
It was the same as usual. The 'Vile Villain', Lord Subjugator, had begun causing chaos in the city, and our resident superhero trio, the Rangers, had to step in and save the day. Lame.
Call me odd, but I'd never liked supers. They were always so self-righteous, pretending to be so morally superior and perfect. They acted as though their vigilante justice was a gift rather than a pain in the ass, and that we all ought to kiss their feet.
Jeannine popped up in the corner of my vision, and I greeted her with a smile. But her normally sunny face was set in a frown. I turned to quiet Cel and broad, athletic Vic, who were equally solemn. "Guys? What's going on?"
Jean sighed. "Perhaps it's best to tell you at your place. I think you're going to need a seat for this," she admitted.
What had happened? Had they been expelled? Had Mrs Leo found out about the chalk incident? Had someone's parents died? "Okay," I said, patting her on the arm reassuringly.
The walk home passed in disturbing silence. Vic twitched at every little move, Cel sulked and Jean strode on with grim determination.Â
I had known these guys since we were in diapers. We kept no secrets between ourselves. I knew them like the back of my hand, and I knew of nothing that could have them so spooked.
I led my best friends into the house, only to find my parents staring at me sternly. "Alright, what the hell's going on?"Â
My mother, still beautiful in her fifth decade, shook her head sadly. "There's something important you need to know, Mara," she said.
"We're the Rangers!" Cel blurted the words out, and I stared at her in blank shock.
"Is this a joke? You're kidding me, right?" I gave her an incredulous smile and turned back to my mother. "What's the actual news?"
My mother's lips quirked downwards. "We're the Rangers. Well, to be precise, they're the Rangers and your father and I are their auxiliaries."
Misunderstanding my expression, she added, "That means we help out when they need extra manpower."
I didn't move, but I could feel anger bubbling in my chest, thick as molasses. They had to be pulling my leg. My parents, my best friends, were all supers? I waited for them to stop joking.
"Mara," my father said patronisingly, "it was for your own good. If you knew when you were younger, you'd only feel jealous that they had things you didn't. And it would make you a target! We were just trying to keep you safe."
For my own good, I thought. Like I didn't know well enough to decide for myself. Like I was some sort of child or pet, to be coddled and lied to. I could see it now, how my parents always deferred to them, how my friends were always babying me. Had they only befriended me because of my parents? Were they the children my parents always wanted?
I met Jean's gaze and forced a smile. "So, you must be Yellow Ranger, then?" The words practically choked me with their false friendliness. I wanted to scream at them, to curse them out. How long had they known? Had I been nothing but a pet to them this whole time? Was my whole life a lie?
Still I forced a sickeningly sweet smile when Jean nodded enthusiastically. "Cos I'm sunny and cheerful, you know? And Cel's blue cos she's the calm one. And of course that makes Vic the Red, cos he's passionate." She heaved a sigh of relief.Â
"I'm so glad you're taking this well," Vic told me. He had the softest heart; how could he have betrayed me like this? Where had his empathy gone? "Your father was afraid you wouldn't be sensible. But we know you. You're so understanding."Â
Understanding? Yes, I understood. I understood they had lied to me. Sensible? The only sensible response was to scream my lungs out. But I held my ground. They saw me as a fool, a pet they kept around out of⌠What, pity? Amusement? To affirm their egos?
And now I supposed they expected me to fawn over them. Even as the rage in my chest built to a steaming, broiling cauldron, I smiled. "So," I said, feigning awe, "Why'd you decide to tell me now?"
Cel grasped my forearms. Her fingers burned with falsehoods, but I matched her expression like the pet they thought I was. "Because we found the Subjugator's hideout, and we're going to stop him tomorrow. And you know, we were kinda hoping you'd celebrate with us. Bake us a cake, since your food's so good. I just want you to be a part of our festivities, even though you're not a super like us."
A super like them. There it was again, the damn supers thinking themselves superior to me.
Did they think I was a good dog, to run about at their feet, adore them, play fetch and roll over? Well, they were about to find out that this dog was all bite and no bark.Â
No, this dog wasn't going to give them a warning bark at all. This dog would play nice until it sunk its teeth into their traitorous super flesh. "Of course! But I'm curious: Where's his hideout? Surely it must have been really well hidden?"Â
My mother laughed. "Can you believe it was hidden in plain sight all along? Right in the skyscraper over there. He's listed under Evil Inc. It was like he was waving himself right under our noses." She shook her head. "Honestly, I'm embarrassed that we didn't see it sooner. Even a normie would have been able to catch him."
Normie. The word sent a paroxysm of pure lividity through my veins, like a shot of adrenaline. Of course supers had a degrading nickname for the people they supposedly protected. I let out a hollow laugh, bile rising at the back of my throat. I'll kill you all, I promised myself. I'll make you pay for your lies.
But I went into the kitchen like a good little girl and began taking out the ingredients for a cake. "Why don't you guys go and plan your big event? I'll just be here baking. I'm sure it was a pain to keep everything from me all those years ago," I said casually, even as my hands itched for the knife lying tantalisingly within reach.Â
"Oh, it's not all that hard for us supers to hide things, what with our x-ray vision and invisibility powers," my mother said cheerily. "Maybe someday your father can take you flying! Now, wouldn't that be fun?"
Her words hit me like a metal slug to the chest. Of course I couldn't kill a super, let alone five of them. They had super-speed, super-strength, super-whatever. Anything I could do, they could do better. If I wanted to take them down (and gods I did, I wanted them to know they weren't the all powerful nigh-gods they thought they were), I had to be smart.
I took out my sieve and placed it on a metal bowl. In went two hundred grams of flour and a teaspoon of baking powder, a recipe repeated into muscle memory. Preheated the oven to a hundred eighty. Quietly, bitterly, I tapped the sieve. It thwacked satisfyingly but failed to drown out the excited voices just outside my door.
I knew what they thought. I was just a normie, what could I contribute? No, better to simply give me a minor chore to look cute on the news when they discovered me. That was the truth. I was just one little toy dog to trot out for the press to coo over, one more example of the stellar kindness of the supers. I slapped the sieve with renewed fury.
So the press wouldn't help me. They were too busy kissing the ass of my lying traitors. The police? No, they were worse than useless. They were grateful that the supers were doing their job for them. I couldn't do it on my own, of course. So that left just one thing.
Lord Subjugator. He would help me. And I didn't care if he was a genocidal psychopath with a fetish for mass enslavement, so long as he brought those bastards down. They thought I was harmless, that lying to me didn't matter? They thought I was a toy to take out of my box and put back in as they pleased, a little diversion from their 'true' lives. They would be proven wrong.
I pulled two eggs out of the fridge. I knew where he was. I could look for him. I smashed their shells against another bowl, picturing my parents' heads shattering, their selfish super brains leaking out.Â
I didn't bother bringing out the electric whisk. I had too much pent up resentment, poured into the whirring of my whisk like it was another ingredient.
No, I didn't care about good or evil, law or chaos. I just hated them for lying to me. I added in the milk, and the butter. The mixture turned a frothy yellow. Melted Yellow Ranger, I thought vindictively, and folded in the flour.Â
It was done, and all too fast. I poured the batter into an oiled pan. That went into the oven. 17 minutes.
Outside, I heard them discussing their responses to the press. The idea of introducing me to them. Discussing me within earshot, as though I weren't intelligent enough to understand. I dumped the bowls, whisk and spatula into the basin and began scrubbing them.Â
"Smells wonderful," my father said, ruffling my hair. I resisted the urge to snap at him. "We ordered some pizza, come eat with us when you're done." He began to walk out of the room, then turned around. "You know, most kids dream of being friends with the Rangers. I know it's a big shock, but you should be more grateful, Mara sweetie. We're doing a great service to the city."
I didn't want to be friends with the Rangers. I wanted to be friends with Vic, Cel and Jean. I didn't want to be in their shadow, pattering after them and offering up baked treats. I wanted to be their equal. But I didn't say that either, only continued scrubbing the bowl.
There was a veiled warning there, however. I had to be more convincing. I plastered on a grin. As the final bowl was doused in water, I heard the doorbell ring. It was the pizza, of course. The very idea of eating with those traitors made me want to hurl, but I forced myself out of my little kitchen-sanctum.Â
Settling down in a corner of my dining room, I had never felt so much like a stranger in my own home. The pizza tasted empty, like soggy cardboard. The buzz of my traitor-friends' voices scratched at my ears.Â
Barely forcing down two pieces of pizza, I dashed for the cake when it was done, grateful to be free from the inane lies of those bastards, who persisted in pretending they had not betrayed me. It hurt, a hollow gnawing anger-sorrow that made me feel cold, alone and helpless.
I wanted to grab the cake with my bare hands, to feel the burn, to imagine the pain was theirs and not mine. But I put on my gloves and emptied the tin onto a cooling rack.
"Mum, Dad, guys," I said, the words sour and rotten on my tongue, "I'm gonna take a walk while the cake rests. See y'all later."Â
And then I was out the door. The evening gust of wind was cooling on my face. It whipped my clothes, tossed my hair about, and blew away my sorrows.Â
I wanted to be picked up and carried away by it, to leave these liars who wore my beloved family's faces and ate at my table. I didn't know what they got out of lying to me my whole life. Now that they were out of sight, the rage in my veins had congealed to loss.Â
Nonetheless, my grief changed nothing. They, those bastards who thought themselves the arbiters of my life, had to go. I pulled out my bike, a reminder of all the great moments my friends-who-were-never-my-friends had with me.Â
Tears welled up in my eyes as I rode down the street, headed for the building where the Subjugator resided. I wanted to run back into the arms of my parents, to confide in my friends. But they were dead to me. "Dead, and six feet under," I told myself, and nearly believed it.
I mean, what was I supposed to do? Roll over like a good dog and spend the rest of my days at their heels, forever lesser than them? No, I wasn't that sort. I was the star student, the winner of competitions, the perfect kid. I was better than them. I was the best, and if I wasn't, I would be. The idea of everyone around me being supers; the idea of them being better than I could ever be; I couldn't deal with it. I just could not.
So I pedalled faster, pumping my legs, swerving around curbs, ignoring red lights and cars with reckless abandon. A part of me wondered if I could just die here, flying down the streets to betray those who betrayed me. I couldn't close my eyes and pretend nothing had changed, but perhaps I could close my eyes permanently.Â
I didn't, in case you were wondering. I made it all the way to the home of Evil Inc. and parked my bike with a sense of resignation.Â
The skyscraper hung ominously above me as I walked into the lobby. A bored receptionist raised an eyebrow as I went by, but said nothing. Apparently she wasn't paid enough to stop suspicious teenagers in their school uniforms.Â
I stared at the directory, scrolling until I found Evil Inc on the list. #66-6. Of course it was, I thought, stifling a laugh.Â
The lifts were arranged neatly, and opened with sleek smoothness. Their innards were lined with mirrors, creating a dozen clones of me still in a greying school uniform. We stood together in silent solidarity as the lift glid up, arms crossed, ever so slightly hunched in anxiety.
When the doors opened, I reluctantly left my mirror images behind. It had been comforting to see them by my side, the friends I never had, the ones who wouldn't leave me. But they did, as all friends were wont to do.
As I stood in the lobby of Evil Inc., looking at the glossy signs, I realised my mother was right on one account: How the hell had anyone missed this?
It screamed evil genius with an temerity that almost amounted to insanity. The jet black linoleum floor, with its streaks of blood red, was by far the worst offender, though the metal inventions, often spiky and threatening, gave it a run for its money. I would have been scared, or at least intimidated, but the overall effect was too frivolous.
"Hello? Anybody in here? I've got some information that-"
"Shut!" The Subjugator walked out, waving a long finger at me. He looked exactly like a stereotypical villain, with slicked back dark hair and a monocle. The overall effect was surprisingly handsome, in a lanky, well dressed way. "I know what you're here for, Mara, daughter of the Ranger Auxiliaries. You understand, don't you?"
I paused, thinking through all that I knew of him. Then it occurred to me. "Yes," I said, "I think I understand. This- This whole evil thing, it's just a facade. You're like me. You hate the supers." The curling smile on his lips told me all I needed. "Was it the press who made up all the crap about you, or the supers?"
He shrugged. "Whoever made it up, they made sure to make me as vile as possible. They'll make one out of you too, when they find out you've defected." He gestured. "Come in, child of the supers. Come in and leave your sadness behind. This is a place of revenge, not regret."
I followed right on his heels. The inner rooms of Evil Inc abandoned all pretence at villainy, adopting a bland, beige palette. "What made you do this?" I meant: Who betrayed you?
"Your father did, of course," the Subjugator said. "I was trying to analyse the genetics of the supers, work out what made them different. So I took his samples, us being the best of friends, and mine, as controls." He snorted. "Some controls they were. It took a while to realise that my machine was working just fine, and your father had ruined my experiment with his faulty super genes! Of course, he and his precious hero friends silenced me and threw my life's work away in the name of 'the greater good', to protect their identities. Truth is, they think a super's life is worth more than a normal person's."
Thinking back to their treatment of me, I nodded. "We're just dogs to them. Roll over, sit and beg for them. That's all they think us capable of doing."
The Subjugator smiled again. "You truly are a kindred spirit. Let me show you around. Perhaps I shall find myself in need of an assistant."Â
I gave him a hopeful grin in return. "I was wondering something. If you knew who the Rangers were all along, why haven't you stopped them yet?"
He paused just before the door, turning around with a confused expression. "I don't know who the Rangers truly are. Why would you say that- Unless?" He raised an eyebrow at me.
I nodded. "My closest friends, believe it or not. Celia Naretza, Jeannine Vera, and Victor Lee. Blue, Yellow and Red respectively."
The look of sympathy that came over his face told me that I had chosen the right confidante. "So those closest to your heart are supers, then? I can only imagine how much it must sting, to be trapped in their shadow." He rested a hand on my shoulder. "I bet they told you because they thought you insignificant. We'll prove them wrong. Completely, utterly wrong."
The sudden ferocity in his gaze startled me, but it kindled a kindred fury within my chest, rewarming the sluggish loathing that had settled on my ride out. "Bet," I said, and grabbed his other hand to shake it.
The Subjugator nodded. "In that case, call me Dale," he told me. "That's my true name."
"You already know who I am, Dale," I said, mostly just to try the name out. Its plainess sounded odd on such an audacious man. "So are we going in there?" I put my hand on the door handle that led even deeper into Evil Inc.
"Of course," he said, opening the door to reveal yet another bland hallway. "I'll bring you straight to my invention room. You can tell me about the Rangers there."
The invention room turned out to be dominated by a laser, with various tools scattered about. It was huge, practically the size of my school gym, but possessed only a single chair. I perched on it while Dale made us tea with a small, well used boiler in the corner of the room. "I know coffee is more typical, but I've never gotten accustomed to the bitterness," he confided, sliding a chipped cup over to me. "So, tell me, little Mara, who are the Rangers?"
"They're my classmates," I began, not willing to call those traitors friends, "and are all in the 10th Grade of Bleugarde Secondary. Victor is on the basketball team, Celia plays the flute in the school band, and Jeannine is a member of the theatre club. They do decently in school, but I've always gotten higher than them. We met when I was 4 years old. My family had just moved into the house in between Jeannine's and Vic's, with Celia's just across the street. We all started 1st grade together." I caught myself abbreviating Victor's name and swallowed. I had been closest to him, after all. His betrayal stung the most.
"Their parents? Pets? Anything we could use against them?" Dale scribbled a few notes on a scrap of paper and looked up. "Personal information is good and all, but I'm going to need their weaknesses."
I paused, thinking. "Victor's dad lost his job recently, and Celia's mother cheated on her husband a couple years back, so they're divorced. Apart from that? Nothing. They're a pretty normal bunch, if you don't know about their powers. In any case, I doubt you've got enough time to stop them before they attack tomorrow."
He froze. "They're attacking tomorrow? And you didn't see fit to tell me earlier?" His voice cracked, though with horror or rage, I was not sure.
"I- I thought you already knew," I said, instantly defensive. "You said you knew why I came, so I thought you knew about it all." Was I already going to lose him, so soon?Â
He sighed. "I suppose that was my mistake. At least we found out now, rather than tomorrow morning. As it stands, our timeline has just been shortened significantly. I hope you're as smart as you claim, because this stuff isn't for fools." He didn't sound particularly angry with me, only resigned. "If they're attacking first thing tomorrow, there's no time to recall my staff, not without alerting them. Which leaves just you and me. Never thought I'd be leading an attack on the Rangers alongside a fifteen year old."
I coughed awkwardly. "I'm only 13. I skipped two years, took the placement test early. My mother always said it was good of the others to look after me. I had thought it was because they were older, but I suppose it was truly because they were supers and I wasn't." I hated them for that too. I would have rather been mercilessly picked on than be sheltered by those who thought less of me.
Dale shook his head ruefully. "This is a disaster. An absolute disaster, but we shall make the best of it." He put his cup down and walked over to the laser. "This is honestly all you'll need to know about. It's my second best workâ The first, of course, being the one I was never allowed to publish." We shared a moment of bitter silence in the name of everything the supers had destroyed. "I call her Athena. She's quite simple, honestly. An honest-to-badness disintegration ray. Voice activated. Just say 'execute', wait a minute for it to power up, then say b-e-g-i-n. Works best if you yell, of course."Â
I watched, fascinated, as the laser slowly whirred to life. It was so subtle, I would hardly have realised it was activated had he not told me of it. "That's one quiet machine," I told him. "It's amazing."
Dale grinned at me, the expression handsome enough to make me blush. "I know," he said, sighing in delight. "I thought about flashiness, but there's just style in having it this way. It autotargets supers, too!"
He regarded his inventions with the pride of a father. "In my earlier prototypes, it heated up a great deal. A little liquid cooling, piped to the air conditioning vents outside, fixed that. My secretary always said she knew when I power it up, because we end up paying a fortune in electrical fees."Â
"Wait, how did you get the money to fund all this?" It did not appear as though a poor inventor could possibly finance such hefty equipment and an office in the central business district. "Are you rich?"
"Rich? Heavens, no. I'm afraid the truth is rather more dreary. I sell my inventions to munitions companies. This darling is one of the few I kept for myself. It would have made a fortune, but I cannot bear to part with it. Perhaps, when I invent something greater, I will find it within me to sell my precious away." He rested his hand on my shoulder. "So, Mara, what do you make of this? Of the scourge of Metropolis?"
I shrugged. "You're cool. Cooler than I thought some crusty old dude holed up in his office making lasers would be." I giggled at his feigned outrage. "And it's nice to have a friend who I know isn't a super."
"It is, isn't it? I can't stand how well they blend in with us proper folk. That's why I kept my genetics test around. All of my employees take it, so I can root out all the supers," he told me.Â
I nodded my approval. "Thank goodness for that. I can't imagine-" My words were cut off as the door slammed open, revealing my traitor family and friends, accompanied by a horde of armed police. Dale thrust me behind him, as though he wanted to protect me from them.
"Ladies. Gentlemen. Supers," Dale said, reverting to his facade of the over-the-top villain. "How can I help you?"
"You can start by returning my daughter, you bastard. Don't drag her into our feud," my father snarled.Â
"I came here of my own will! I'm not some dog for you to control, and I won't spend the rest of my life waiting on you and the Rangers!" The words escaped my mouth in a yell, far more whiny than I would have liked. "You'll have to drag my cold, dead corpse home."
"Why?" Victor still looked bewildered. "What did we do wrong?"
"Wrong?" I practically shrieked the words. "You're supers! You lied to me, this whole time. Was any of it ever real? Was I just some fucking pet to you? Did you even care about me?"
Celia wept. "No, Mars, we never meant to hurt you. Mum told me I had to keep everything under wraps, and your parents said not to tell you. Please, come back to us."
For a moment, I almost believed them. "Don't ever call me Mars again. You aren't my friends. You aren't anything except a bunch of traitorous supers. Dale's my friend now." I grabbed his hand and stepped shoulder to shoulder with him. Well, it was more shoulder to chest, but the thought was what counted.
"Are you insane? Kid, get back! What if they shoot?" Dale pulled me in closer, trying to get me behind him.
"Then we die, together. I'm done being their pet. I am my own person, and I will not cow to them," I told him. "Kill me or leave me be!"
The police deferred to my parents, who looked increasingly distraught. Of course they did. The PR fallout from this would be terrible. My father shook his head sadly. "Mara, did we not pay you enough attention? Is that what this is? A cry for help? We've tolerated enough selfishness from you. Come home, now." The force put into his voice made me flinch, but I stood my ground.
"No. You heard me. I'd rather die." I lifted my chin. "Kill me or leave me be."
"This is all your fault, Dale. You corrupted her," my mother snarled, her mascara streaking down her face. "You let me daughter go, this instant."
Dale, bless his heart, shook his head. "She's not some toy. She's a person, and people belong together, not surrounded by your kind."
My mother's eyes went wide, as though she had been shot. I could see the murder in her eyes, and threw myself in front of Dale as she grabbed the nearest gun. But I had forgotten: Supers had super speed and super aim.
He never stood a chance, toppling to the floor like a ragdoll, with me clutching him in my arms. "You killed him," I whispered, staring at the hole in his forehead in disbelief. "You killed him. He was my friend!" All friends left me, I had thought earlier, and Dale was no different. We had a million futures together, as friends, as student and mentor, as partners, and it was all gone in the blink of an eyes.Â
"You." I stumbled to my feet, the last pieces of my plan falling into place. "This is all your fault. You supers are a blight on humanity. All of you." My lips quirked into a smile. "Begin."
"What?" Jeannine shook her head. "You've gone bonkers, Mara. We're people just like yo-" Athena's laser sliced through her, swift, silent and deadly. Her severed head fell like a stone, and the laser instantly moved on the Victor. He had no time to register his death either, the only mercy I was willing to give him.Â
It came as a pleasant shock to watch Athena decimate the bastards who had turned my life upside down. One by one, they fell, with only my mother seeing her death come at her. She died looking as betrayed as I felt. I took two steps forward, until I stared at the police. "Scram, before I decide to point my laser at your lot."
They didn't wait a second, fleeing like the cowards they were. "Good," I murmured, once they had left. "I didn't know how to train it on them anyways." I turned to Dale and smoothed back a stray hair. "I'm sorry, my friend. You don't deserve to die alongside super scum. I'll make it up to you, I promise."
I took a deep breath. "The world will come to rue the day it angered The Bitterness, and the supers will quake in their lycra suits. For I will exact my revenge, and it shall be long and agonizing."
I strode out to the glass window. It had a wonderful view of Metropolis, the sprawling city of the supers. I opened the window, letting the wind run through my messy, bloodsoaked hair. I inhaled the breeze. Then I screamed.
"Down with the supers!"
For men, a woman is a ticket at throwing their genes further down the line in hopes that part of them might see a better day in the world they created for themselves.

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