Beekeeper, closet foodie, novice chef, mostly liberal, wx geek, yearning for greatness and enjoying the finer things in life. @curvaceousbees elsewhere
154 posts
Zodiac Doodles (february) - Enlarge The Images For Better Quality

zodiac doodles (february) - enlarge the images for better quality
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Half of this lovely #brisket will be served on Sunday. The other 1/2 will be #smoked on a future day off (Lexi!!). #cookingwiththeking #meat #beef

the signs at their best//worst
ARIES: curious, a born explorer, hidden strengths and talents, not what they appear, able to take on many roles and forms, cheerful in hard times//rude, prone to “bad” language, uses insults, hard to understand, devil’s advocate, uses their strengths the wrong way
TAURUS: incredible potential, stronger than they look, takes what life throws at them and rolls with it, kind, able to speak with/make friends with all different circles, good sense of humor//refuses to take responsibility, ignores their own faults, lacks a backbone, tries to worm out of issues instead of addressing them correctly, takes the easy way
GEMINI: adaptable and resourceful, good at what they do, smart, tries things anyway even when they don’t think they’ll work, honest and frank, helpful (even if they complain about it), lives many lives//jumbled and scattered, doesn’t make an effort to correct themselves/thinks saying sorry is enough, inappropriate, doesn’t watch their mouth and doesn’t care to
CANCER: tries so hard at all they do, more sensitive than they let on, tries their best to protect everyone, incredibly witty, works with what they got, resourceful, cares so much//doesn’t practice what they preach, gives back-handed compliments, will butt into matters that don’t concern them, judgemental, “holier than thou”, treats others as children
LEO: strong as heck but won’t brag about it, shows great care for their friends, does what they must even when scared, thoughtful, friendly, thinks of others happiness, likes to share and collaborate//overly excitable, hangs around the wrong crowd, hard to understand at times, doesn’t listen, little volume control, easily swayed, does wrong without knowing it
VIRGO: meticulous, refined, skilled in many areas, eye for beauty, inner strength, protective and will always do their best for others, maintains peace, thoughtful and moves with purpose, patient//unyielding, hard to get to know, suffocating, over-protective, martyr, prone to gossip
LIBRA: thinks ahead, not to be underestimated, knows when to have fun and knows when to get serious, observant, weird but in a fun way, clever, very colorful, artistic//hides behind a mask, puts an overly confident front up to hide behind, self-doubting, lazy, too chill at times, avoidant
SCORPIO: confident and determined, full of surprises, clever, always has something new up their sleeve, great vision, incredible willpower, able to see things through to the end, fights their own battles, doesn’t let anything stop them//tends to ramble, thinks their path in the best and only path, over-confident at times, forces others to think and do what they like, sneaky, controlling
SAGITTARIUS: incredibly STRONG, loyal and faithful, sticks to their beliefs, has a wide range of interests and talents, keeps trying even after things don’t work, knows how to move on and rebuild, frank and uncomplicated//hears what they want to hear, can steamroll others, doesn’t allow people to talk, weird in a weird way, takes things too far, doesn’t pick up on the feelings of others
CAPRICORN: generally mild, just likes to talk and chill out, always open to listen to you vent, checks up on you, takes things as they come, faithful, tries to believe in the best, silly, knows how to lighten the mood//probably planning on killing you, undercover, uses silence to their advantage, manipulates others, incredibly angry, extreme
AQUARIUS: strong convictions, world-changing views and goals, fights until the end, will go after what they want, takes chances, intelligent, seems serious but is really just kinda goofy, is a kid at heart, cares a lot but doesn’t always know how to show it//can come off as kind of a creep, panders for sympathy and attention, can’t pick up on cues from other people, invasive, takes things too far
PISCES: cares about so many things, will take care of you, treats people as equals, cheerful and bubbly, great sense of humor, good with puns, stronger than they look, treats people like they want to be treated, kind, fun//takes things to extremes, can be reckless, such escapists they would hide on the moon if they could, selfish at times, shirks responsibility, sailor mouth

AHS actress Jamie Brewer walked a catwalk in New York as part of the ‘Role Models Not Runway Models’ Campaign. She is the first ever model with Down Syndrome to walk in New York Fashion Week.
I love this woman so much.
Haha. I wish we had a chalkboard at our shop!

(photo via ruffboom)