skeken-the-conductor - SkekEn

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Skeken-the-conductor - SkekEn - Tumblr Blog

1 year ago
Skekgra And Urgoh

skekgra and urgoh <3 #gaymarriedtoliterallyyourself #haveyouseenmywonder #lookuponmywonder #relapsingintomydarkcrystalobsession #skekgra #urgoh #gragoh #digitalart #procreate #fanart #darkcrystal #darkcrystalageofresistance #skeksis

1 year ago
1 year ago

A unfortunate thing you must understand with your skeksis husbands and bringing them to earth, is that they WILL get into NFTs, I’m so sorry, but they would.

1 year ago

SkekMal: My "hyperfixation" is murder and I will be "info-dumping" your body in the lake.

1 year ago

trying to figure out how I wanna draw The Stupid tm

Trying To Figure Out How I Wanna Draw The Stupid Tm
1 year ago

Skekso holding a frying pan cuz he got scared by Skekmal

Skekso Holding A Frying Pan Cuz He Got Scared By Skekmal

No one wants your rabies, skekMal.

1 year ago
Good Thing This Isn't About "who Would Win In A Fight" Voting!!
Good Thing This Isn't About "who Would Win In A Fight" Voting!!
Good Thing This Isn't About "who Would Win In A Fight" Voting!!
Good Thing This Isn't About "who Would Win In A Fight" Voting!!

Good thing this isn't about "who would win in a fight" voting!!


1 year ago
Okay Listen I Saw This Post Earlier And Could NOT Let This Slide

Okay listen I saw this post earlier and could NOT let this slide

1 year ago

It has come to my attention...

That since getting into the Dark Crystal fandom, people have come up with their own different phrases to describe the Skeksis. And honestly, they are all freaking hilarious.

These are what I've found thus far:

Bird Aliens


Decaying Dinosaurs



Nasty Birds

Incomplete Dinosaurs

Plucked Chickens

Angry Birds

Angry Lizards

Shriveled Hell Spawns

Grandpa Vultures

Vulture-Crocs (what I call them)

Please, I am asking, if any TDC/AoR fan out there has anymore of these gems, please comment down below. These are too priceless 😂

1 year ago

2 and 4 of the OC meme? 😁

2. Do you have a personal favourite among your OCs?

Already answered this but I'll elaborate! SkekRhot is probably my favorite because 1) I've had them the longest out of my skeksis OCs and 2) they have some traits that are highly relatable to me, but other traits that are the complete opposite of me. They are shameless and impulsive and that makes them behave in ways I never would. There's also a lot of sadness and regret lurking inside them and they have a tendency to deal with those feelings in the worst ways possible, which can be entertaining OR heartbreaking for me. They're like a train wreck I can't look away from.

4. A character you rarely talk about?

There's a whole bunch of OCs I don't talk about because they're just not that interesting to me, lmao. All of my gelfling OCs for example. They exist and they play their roles in the stories I make up in my head but I'm just not that invested in them. Have I mentioned skekRhot has two favorite gelfling guards who make sure nobody enters their chambers without permission?

Someone I DO want to talk about more is skekEn (and their counterpart urNen). I think about them a lot but finding the words to describe them and their situation is difficult. I relate to them pretty hard, so talking about them makes me feel a bit vulnerable, I think. But I wanna.

2 And 4 Of The OC Meme?
1 year ago

I don't know if you have answered this question already, but who is your favourite skeksis and why?

Ooooh, this is my first Dark Crystal ask! Honestly, I am really bad at picking just one favorite, all of the skeksis are delightfully twisted, bombastic, and uniquely homicidal! 😇

The most iconic of course is skekSil the Chamberlain, from his simpering Hhhhmmmm, to the fact that his silver tongue drives the whole plot in the movie and the tv series, the guy goes from sissy coward to being genuinely terrifying in a matter of seconds (see his torture of Rian).

I also love his mystic counterpart, urSol, because we know so little about him; only that his voice can shake the very stones of Thra and can apparently stop waterfalls. In secondary sources, he is described as being "impatient by urRu standards and a rogue." Plus, he's the Chamberlain's counterpart, he's got to have an interesting personality!

Next is skekTek the Scientist, who started off as one of the most sympathetic of the skeksis only to turn into a literal mad scientist who is one of the more sadistic. He experiments on himself FOR SCIENCE! He used to be somewhat normal, he even had a pet that he cared for. Too bad he went insane. Pray for urTih, who has to accept the fact that his counterpart is habitually losing body parts.

Now, you may be wondering are all the skeksis evil? The answer is no. Skekis and Mystics are not split into the good half and evil half, it's more complicated than that. It's more like the UrSkeks were split into their more proactive/impulsive half and their more spiritual half and both end up the worse for it.

The skeksis/urRu who realize this the most are skekGra and urGoh, who help the Gelfling fight back against the reigning skeksis and seek to merge back into one being. SkekGra started off as a conquering war lord only to see the light and atone for his crimes by turning against his kind. He's still impatient and rude, especially toward his slower mystic half, but can you really blame him? UrGoh, we love you, but you gotta pick up the pace.

Last but certainly not least, is skekSa the Mariner; do you like big beefy women? Do you like pirates? Fluffy lizards? Morally nuanced tragic villains? This is the skeksis for you. Unlike the other skeksis, skekSa actually likes the Gelfling and is rather protective of them. She still has a patronizing attitude toward them and expects her clan to obey her but that's rather typical of the skeksis. Also, despite being a pirate captain commanding a literal living ship, she still needs the Gelfing and her mystic counterpart's help when navigating the seas.

So those are my favorite skeksis, as you can see, I tend to gravitate toward the more layered characters but they're all great to be honest.

1 year ago
Super Quick Doodle Of Skekvar And Some Random Ass Gelfling Because I Do What I Want

super quick doodle of skekvar and some random ass gelfling because I do what I want<3

1 year ago
Drew Skekung

drew skekung

he looks like someone's semi-estranged uncle who only shows up for family gatherings when there's bbq involved, and he also spent some time in prison a decade ago but nobody dares to ask why

2 years ago
Couple Of Skeksis Sketches From The Last Two Days ! Ft Dadvar ( Seismic ) To The Left , Dadmal ( @domibomz
Couple Of Skeksis Sketches From The Last Two Days ! Ft Dadvar ( Seismic ) To The Left , Dadmal ( @domibomz
Couple Of Skeksis Sketches From The Last Two Days ! Ft Dadvar ( Seismic ) To The Left , Dadmal ( @domibomz

couple of skeksis sketches from the last two days ! ft dadvar ( seismic ) to the left ,  dadmal ( @domibomz ) in the center, and skeklach ( @candythemew ) to the right !

2 years ago
A Little Preview Of An OC Commission I'm Designing For A Close Friend. I Think You'll Like Him Once I

A little preview of an OC commission I'm designing for a close friend. I think you'll like him once I finish.

2 years ago
It Has Been A Hot Minute Since Ive Drawn Skeksis S Oi Got Back Into The Habit With Everyones Favorite

it has been a hot minute since i’ve drawn skeksis S O  i got back into the habit with everyone’s favorite woodland rat man wondered what he would look like if his face got hit by the blade when his mask was cracked off :0

2 years ago

Rian, t-posing in the doorway: Good morning, parental figure

Ordon, not looking up from his coffee: Good morning, problem child

2 years ago

Can I please have a love at first sight hc with Skekso.

Coming right up! Kinda short to help me get my mojo back going. 

Skekso’s love-at-first-sight is more of an obsession-at-first-glance. 

Once he sees you, he wants you; perhaps not as much as power, but he wants you in his court.

He needs you to be around him, for council and comfort, and he insists you sit next to him at meals; which in turn makes SkekSil give you the shadiest looks possible. 

You don’t outright become his adviser, but all questions he has, he goes to you first. The Emperor wants to make an eternal empire you’d be happy to stay in. To stay with him. 


2 years ago

SkekSil x Honest/Hardworking!Female!Human!Reader

SkekSil X Honest/Hardworking!Female!Human!Reader
SkekSil X Honest/Hardworking!Female!Human!Reader

I also made her super buff cause I enjoy that mental image XD

SkekSil X Honest/Hardworking!Female!Human!Reader

Being with SkekSil, someone who lies for a living, and you being the element of honesty, is interesting. While you both share the hardworking gene, you go about getting your goals in different ways. SkekSil would rather manipulate with cunning to get what he wanted, meanwhile you prefer to work hard and reap the benefits in a honest, clean way.  

“Nothing gained the easy way is worth it.” You say with a frown and raised brow. You’d both gone toe-to-toe on this subject before.

“Mnnnn, my heart was easily gained, yes?” SkekSil smirks as he wraps his arms around you; adding nuzzles to the top of your head. 

You chuffed and held him back. “Hardly! The first few weeks we knew each other, you planned out how to get rid of me.”

“Greatest mistake of life.” SkekSil closed his eyes and his smirk faded into a smile. While lying was part of the Chamberlain’s core, he preferred never to lie to you. You were strong, strong enough to handle the messes he got himself into. Plus, he knew if someone gave him gruff for a failed plan, you’d be there to defend him. Like you had with the General after that spithead smashed his hand. You sent the General head over ass into the air. On top of being hardworking and honest, you were also a being of bodybuilding; something Skeksil used to his advantage. 

SkekSil likes to watch you work out and improve yourself, blushing to himself as he adores your tone form. Those arms, the legs, and that a- You toss a towel at him if you catch him gawking. 

He commissions a matching red cape for you to wear, with pointed shoulders to make you already sharp shape more striking. 

Activites you two like doing together are playing board games or mind games, like chess or puzzles. Gift him a rubrics cube you made by hand and he’ll genially be taken back. He’ll always carry it on him, in the depths of his many layers. 

He also floods you with gifts and tributes like no one’s business; almost as much as SkekSo might. SkekSil just seems to know on hand all the things you like, sometimes even before you know. When the two of you visited Harar for a tithing many trines ago, you saw a metal headband that caught your eye; something you’d not normally wear. When you leave the Capital and head back to the castle, he presents the gift with a devious smile. 

“Did … did you nick that?!”

“Oh, my flower, how you hurt SkekSil so!” He feigns hurt and tosses his head to side. “Am hurt, so very hurt, mnnn!” And he didn’t steal it … it was given. 

2 years ago

Could you please do some headcanons on how the skeksis would react to experiencing love at first sight with the reader?

i say boomboomboom now let me hear you say wayho...wayohh

SkekSo was meant to see you as the Vapra’s odd find. His fingers dug into his temple as he impatiently await the arrival of this “human” that a pair of farmers had found and brought to the All Maudra. He almost did a double take as he glanced up at you as you approached, escorted by castle guards. You walked towards him and something in his chest stirred, his eyes widened and his posture rose from the slump into an intrigued upright perch as you gave him a polite bow.

SkekTek coughed and fanned smoke away from his beak with a groan, blinking harshly as unsure if that noise was ringing in his ears or the whining of one of his animals that may have gotten trapped under debris from his machine’s fatal error. When he looked up, he yelped as something large moved from behind the haze and scrambled out into the clear. He grabbed a chunk of the machine as a weapon and crept back... That was when you turned to him. You were disheveled, eyes red and glassy from the dust, flushed face, completely out of place in his lab... And beautiful.

SkekSa looked through her spyglass atop Omerya Staba. The dark shape in the water floated closer to the ship and she squinted, making out the shape of a body. She called to the crew and shucked off the heaviest of her garb before diving in. Sure enough, it was a gelfling like creature, incredibly big, slumped over from exhaustion on top of flotsam. She helped you awake and when you finally coughed up the rest of the sea water, she wasted no time getting you to the gelfling to be taken care of. It wasn’t until later that night that you found her to thank her. In the evening lantern light with the smell of the sea heavy in the ship air, she finally saw you conscious and the first smile you gave her was all it took.

2 years ago

SkekVar: I am a simple Skeksis. I enter the kitchen. I eat four servings of cake. I leave.

SkekAyuk: It's one serving if you serve all of it to yourself at once.

SkekVar: I like the way you think, Gourmand.

2 years ago

SkekSil: Emperor hates everyone.

SkekSo: I know. It's the only thing that gets me out of bed in the morning.

SkekSil: Hatred?

SkekSo: Yes, Chamberlian. The hatred.

2 years ago

-while Rian is captured, he is ignoring him while Chamberlain pesters him-

Chamberlain: Riaaaan…. Riiiiaaaan… Don’t ignore me, Rian… Rian, please! You ignore me just as Emperor ignored me! -starts sobbing- You bring back memories of unhappy youth, Rian! Please, Rian—! -chuckles- I jest. Had a very happy youth.

2 years ago

SkekGra the Conqueror, blindfolded with a baby nebrie balanced on his head: Do it! I believe in you!

SkekMal: *throws a hunting knife at SkekGra’s head, aiming for the nebrie*


SkekGra, with the knife now lodged into his shoulder: Throw it!! I believe in you!!!