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Skeken-the-conductor - SkekEn - Tumblr Blog
SkekSo: Everything I say is backed up by whatever the opposite of facts and logic is.
SkekMal: This date is boring.
UrVa: This is not a date. I said I was going for a walk.
SkekMal: Then why did you invite me?
UrVa: I specifically told you not to come with me but you said, "I do what I want, Archer" and followed me here.

The OkLach brainrot returns and leaves once more.
Crackship Idea:
I haven't interacted with The Dark Crystal fandom in forever but it's been on my brain.
Anyway, the idea of Skeksil's true love being Skeksa just tickles a fancy I didn't know I had. Kinda has the same appeal to Skeksil x Skekmal with the prestigious member pining over the one who is "wild and free".
Plus, it's just juicy juicy angst.
I might dive more into this who knows.
SkekOk: It must be nice to be rich instead of having to develop a personality.
SkekShod: Sssssshut up.
SkekOk: Buy my silence.
I swear I haven't been dead, just posting most of my art on Instagram lol
So lemme just yeet this quick doodle I did a few nights ago of murder turkey emperor skekso

Okay, I love the skeksis being their asshole selves, I really do, but GOD I have a weakness for them being soft with eachother. Maybe it's because those instances are so rare, or because it's possible that, with time, they've just grown used to not being all the affectionate with eachother due to hierarchy among eachother, but I adore the moments where they let themselves care about eachother and have genuinley sweet moments. The moments that show that, despite everything, they genuinley care about eachother, because in the end, the other skeksis are all they have. They're their family and companionship.
This, a million times. They bitch and they shove each other under the bus and they let Zok make up rituals where he cuts pieces off of them while failing to hide his erection, but they're a messed up family and they're the only company they've got as they go through the centuries together. There's a reason they find the idea of seriously killing each other unthinkable, and why Ekt comforts Ok when Lach dies.
I firmly believe that is Skekso hadn't been fuckimg around with the darkening and the skeksis hadn't every gotten hooked on essence, they would have been able to live completely normal lives (normal as far as skeksis go) and would have been seen as slightly dickish leaders instead of murderous dictators by the Gelfling and basically everyone else on Thra. They probably would have even gotten along fine with their mystic counterparts.
Agreed. They didn't make it almost 900 trine by behaving the way they do once they get addicted to essence.
They were never going to be selfless, benevolent rulers, but people don't give them credit for how amicable and reasonable they are before the essence corrupts them.
SkekSo: I will not have my honor questioned by someone below me!
Rian: I'm not questioning your honor. I'm denying its existence.
[At the tithing ceremony]
SkekOk: It is no concern of mine whether or not your family has... what was it again?
Farmer Gelfling: Umm... food?
SkekOk: Ha! You really should have thought of that before you became peasants!
SkekTek: I'm playing a new drinking game. It's called "every time I'm depressed, take a drink."
SkekSa: That game already exists. It's called alcoholism.
I don’t dress to impress. I dress to depress. I wanna look so good that people hate themselves.
In my opinion of all the skeksis the most threatening are Shod and Tek.
Let's think, most of the skeksis see Shod as a hindrance and for that reason they don't take him seriously... he could take advantage of that to see everything from a safe distance and would only approach at critical moments to make a deal. Tek not to mention, if he could he could make them sick and easily manipulate them...
Tek's too beaten down and timid to poison every last one of them and the Skeksis are too stupid to realize he very easily can. It works out for no one.
Meanwhile, Shod's just kind of like...

“I think we’re bad people.”
- The Skeksis when they do anything
Speaking of SkekShod, where did ZokShod even come from??! I’m quite interested in it as a ship, but I’m a bit confused as I have no idea how it even started, considering that SkekShod is one of the Skeksis least acknowledged in canon.
I have literally no idea. The only thing I can think of is that they're both "spare" Skeksis who aren't consistently shipped with anyone, and also that Shod has this air of vulnerability that's a magnet for disgusting perverts like Zok.

Meant to draw them doing smth else but ended up w cuddles alas im a softie. Skekmal weighted blanketed by urtum....
SkekMal: What are your concerns?
Brea: Well, you kidnapped me.
SkekMal: Hmm, noted. Go on.
Brea: And you threw me into a tiny cage.
Brea: Oh, and you're using me as bait.
SkekMal: I see. Anything else?
Brea: Uh, no. But...hmm. No, I guess those are the main three.
SkekMal: Thank you. I appreciate the feedback.
SkekSa: Get away from me.
SkekMal: *coughs blood*
SkekSo: Don't die, Hunter!
SkekMal: Don't tell me what to do!
Aah so now you finally ship someone with Zok ! So tell me, how do you see ZokShod ?
Protective in a twisted way. He won't subject him to any rituals or punishments, and Shod is probably the safest of anyone in the castle barring the Emperor, but their sex life is equal measures tender and horrifying. That Shod is totally into it doesn't change the fact that their sex life involves a lot of towels to sop up all the blood.
SkekMal: You're annoying.
UrVa: Then stop holding my hand.
SkekMal: No.
Trial By Stone - Dark Crystal scene
I love how this movie tells story and histories by detail, look at the stone, its nicked, scratched, damaged, and worn down in some areas, the stone and this contest have been in use for some time, implying that the goal of the trial is not neccessarily to break the stone, but to hit it in a way that impresses the other Skeksis, and to keep doing so until all of them come around to one contestant or the other, thus its a contest of endurance, who can outlast the other and/or win over the crowd, and that also shows precisely why the general wins, by “shattering” the conventions of the ritual by breaking the stone, in doing so he not only proves himself stronger, but by destroying the central piece of the contest he makes it so there is no point in continuing
SkekSo: Sometimes, even the devil on my shoulder asks "what the fuck are you doing?".

Skekmal i looov u i miiiisss u...