skittylover3-vj - Vj's Daydream Factory
Vj's Daydream Factory

 Male /21 years old / Black/ Gay/  This blog is old as fuck and I have not thought to update it in years. Blog Under construction 

67 posts

Lets Just Say Rachel Isnt Aarons Mom In This Universe Ok?

Lets Just Say Rachel Isnt Aarons Mom In This Universe Ok?

Lets just say Rachel isn’t Aarons mom in this universe ok? 

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More Posts from Skittylover3-vj

6 years ago

I would buy it-



6 years ago
I Am Currently Working On An Aphmau Au Atm. This Is A Placeholder ((aphmaus Design Will Change)) But

I am currently working on an Aphmau Au atm. This is a placeholder ((aphmau’s design will change)) But here’s the jist. Its kinda an RPG au? Like it works simularly to delta rune, or Persona 5 where there are 2 worlds. One where you fight and one where you improve your relationships with people and like talk and stuff.

 If I do write the au I’ll do like 5 different versions. ((Also Ein Aphmau & Claire are just the potential starter crew. You get ALOT more party members)) All 3 versions will have a VERY different story and a different aphmau.

 In anycase in the first version i’ll be working on ((I’ll just copy paste my amino post

 Here are some sibling headcanons for Aphmau and…Ein in an au were they were raised together ((taking some ideas from )) ((Like Eins parents being missing so he’s raised by sylvanna, and Ein dying aphmaus hair, ect))

- Werewolves don’t exist

-Forever potions don’t exist

- Ultimas don’t exist

- Meifwa don’t exist

- Witches don’t exist

- Ein is overprotective and will fite any boy who tries to court Aphmau.

- Ein & Sylvanna once plotted against Aaron together

.- Ein used to bully aphmau when they were younger but doesn’t really anymore

-Sylvanna put Ein into Aphmau’s life at the age of about 5. Ein was 4 years old at the time. And he had nobody in his family with the money to take care of him. Sylvanna being a saint took him in. Claire came into Aphmau’s life a bit later when she was 7 Claire was 8

- Ein loves photography and has an entire collection of still life photo & landscape photo’s that he scribbled on with crayon

- Aphmau is the stronger then Ein. She had to get tough to keep this boy in line.- Aphmau’s older and loves her baby brother to bits….even if he can be a little bit of a dick sometimes he’s still..her baby brother. But Claire’s the strongest sibling

- Aphmau sometimes gives Ein huggle attacks and he either hates them or severely appreciates them depending on his mood.

- Ein styles aphmau’s hair all the time for her. He loves doing it. Most of the time he does what she likes which is giving it an ombre purple. ((Though he thinks she should get streaks))

- Aphmau is similarly protective over Ein and once threatened both Ein & Aaron to not hurt eachother telling Aaron “If you hurt my baby brother I will beat you to death with your own bloody femurs” and telling Ein “If you hurt my boyfriend I will break your kneecaps”

- Aphmau loves painting Eins face, Claire will never let aphmau paint her face.

- Ein is completely fine with Aphmau painting his face. He wears whatever look she gives him with pride. No matter how stupid it is. If you make fun of it he will DESTROY you for making fun of his little sisters work

- The Ein & Aphmau  rough house sometimes but not very severely. More like playfighting if anything. Claire usually just avoids the fighting or hides

- When they were younger Aphmau would always play the villain while Ein played the hero. Ein was a bratty kid that always wanted to be a hero since he loves being in the spotlight. Claire would be the Damsel in distress. She thoroughly enjoyed playing the princess-

Aphmau sometimes paints Ein’s nails and does his make up. He is her testing dummy. he’s fine with this. As long as he gets to do her make up. Claire Also lets Aphmau do her make up. As long as she follows her instructions

- Aphmau was shitty at being a villain

- Ein got a tattoo (on his butt) and never told Sylvanna about it. She still doesn’t know to this day

- When Ein got his ears pierced & hair dyed without Sylvanna’s permission she almost had a heart attack. She literally felt like the world was ending.  She tried everything in her power to stop him from expressing himself this way but…in the end she couldn’t. She could however course him into not hurting others.- Ein somehow got Sylvanna to be okay with Him and Aphmau dying their hair.

- Ein & Sylvanna talk shit about Aaron behind his back all the time. They also do it in front of his face!

- Ein was the one who got Aphmau into Gaming, Sylvanna had bought him a game console before Aphmau because…he was a boy and Sylvanna didn’t think Aphmau would be interested and Ein loved it. Aphmau would always watch him and try to get Ein to teach her how to play the games he had. He did of course. Aphmau believes if Ein had never gotten her into gaming she would have never met Aaron..this isn’t true of course but. Yeah

-Claire Has that big sister pride. And enjoys being in charge

- Ein’s into photography

- Ein can’t spell for the life of him and is horribly dyslexic

- Aphmau’s entire bloodline has a tendency to get overprotective ((weather it be from jealousy or not. You don’t hurt their children/siblings. Just the ones she’s blood related to though. ))

- Claire likes smooth Jazz and Tea

- Zack has like 20 kids and only knows like 3 of there names. Ein isn’t the first child born from an affair he had and Ein won’t be the last.

-  Claire is one of those babies. ((She’s a canon character watch the fnaf rp. (Also it appears to be an au of Mystreet possibly since Laurence is present in one of Aphmaus photos )))

- Claire hates horror movies, and is absolutely terrified of anthropomorphic animals.

- Claire  has depression and honestly has a hard time getting up in the morning

- Claire often falls for horrible people and has bad tastes in men. She has had her heart broken many times

- Claire had a stillbirth baby in the past. it was a boy. The death of this baby kickstarted her depression

- Aphmau babies Ein sometimes because when he was a little kid he had to be pampered and she can’t get out of that thinking style for the life of her.

- Ein has a therapist he goes to who helps him with his problems. He has medications he has to take to keep him calm and such. Without them he becomes slightly creepier to be around…only slightly- Ein eventually warms up to Aaron over time. alongside Sylvanna

- Ein is a furry and he got a fursuit one day Aphmau is okay with this cause it makes him happy

- Aaron is disturbed by it and Aphmau once called him out for furrsicution. And lectured him for hours on it

- Ein broke Aphmau’s game boy when they were little. It was an accident but still

- Ein gets really passionate about things and has a tendency to obsess. He can get lost in fantasy for hours on end.  He is very obsessive.

- Ein disliked Garroth for a some time….until Garroth took off his shirt. Then he liked him all of a sudden. Aphmau was very weirded out by how fast Eins mind changed.

- Ein sometimes has mini panic attacks when Aphmau goes out on dates.  he realizes he can’t intervene but he can’t help but worry. He knows what monsters are like and he doesn’t want Aphmau to get hurt by one.

- If you break Aphmau’s heart Ein will come for you with an ax , & Claire will post nasty things about you on the internet

- Aphmau is slightly more violent in this au. Ein had some influence on her as a kid. Its not by alot though. She just has very harsh threats

- Ein makes sure Aphmau can protect herself, They have work out days were they get BEEFY!

- Aphmau worries about Eins future constantly and often has nightmares about it. Sylvanna does too sometimes but less.

- Aphmau can be super sweet at some points but suddenly enter drill sargant mode if your acting like a little kid . She uses tough love, and gentle guidance. She uses both when she see’s fit.

- Aphmau paints Eins nails and does his make up sometimes. He enjoys it. it’s fun for him.


Alright now for some of the things in the Combat world

- Team attacks are possible. You can use special moves with another party member

- Summoning is also possible. But only if your not related ((You’d summon a “Child” like If Aphmau and Aaron did a summon it’d be Alina, If Aphmau and Laurence did a summon it’d be Malachi, If Aphmau and Garroth did a summon it’d be Levin, so on so forth. )) The summon vanishes after the battle. And the summon has the appearance of an adult

 - Ein gains Wolf ears in the combat world and he is very happy about that Very excited

- Aphmau gains bunny ears in this world

- Claire Gets cat ears

- Ein howled and Aphmau was very confused. Just because you gain animal ears doesn’t mean you gain their tendancies. Ein’s just howling cause he wants to be a dog furry.

- Claire has the highest attack, she has low defence though, she Also has HORRIBLE magic attack. She has higher speed then Ein

- Aphmau has medium defense, higher attack then Ein, alot of Sp, and alright magic. Her stats can change and you can improve them manually (She’s the only one you can do this with. The others stats are predetermined ((Unless your counting Armor and stuff)). Aphmau has the highest speed

- Ein Has high magic attack, High defense, but also the lowest attack out of the 3. This does NOT mean he’s weak however.

- Most of Eins attacks are magic ones, Though he does have a few attacking moves. Some being really brutal. But he usually just shoots lasers at you, or little blasts.

 - Aphmau has alot of healing spells, but she also has some fire spells. Her attacks are really fast and Jumpy

-  Claires Attacks are really direct, and they hit hard. She has little to no magic spells, But she does have some…distracting moves. It’s not really magic though but she can drag attention to herself very easily. And lower her enemies stats

And that’s all for now I hope you like the au

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6 years ago

What happens in the big chungus video

What Happens In The Big Chungus Video

Everyone vores eachother and its disgusting

Jason says small pregnant women are tasty 

& I have a sexy you can USE ME ((Then kestin responds with that didn’t come out right)) 


Chunga wunga is said a bunch for some reason? also

What Happens In The Big Chungus Video

Ein is hot stuff now I fucking love his outfit

Like- God Ein is looking good and I love the light white theme he’s got going on it fits well next to Aaron dark red & moody theme. I <3 and the little sun just shows how much like a ray of sunshine he is as in anyone who gets to close to him burns to death.  Ahhhh ~ <3

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