Daniel - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

I had a dream, about a little guy, in a scary world

I Had A Dream, About A Little Guy, In A Scary World
I Had A Dream, About A Little Guy, In A Scary World
I Had A Dream, About A Little Guy, In A Scary World

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It lacks a soul. It lacks a Claudia :((((((

kind of want daniel's interview with the vampire book to be bad, not like quality wise or whatever, but just that it's unable to capture something he had in his previous works. the show and books have a theme of vampires being unable to make 'good' art that captures the human experience: marius and his paintings, louis and his art, lestat and his music lmao. daniel bases a lot of his identity on the idea that he's a "bright young reporter with a point of view", but does that still apply when he gets turned into a vampire? really like the idea that the book is well written but is still not quite Right because it's made by someone so detached from his humanity, like it doesn't have the same quality that had louis memorizing every line from his memoir

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6 years ago
The Best Verse By Verse Study Of The Book Of Daniel You'll Find. Discover The Prophetic And Amazing Life

The best verse by verse study of the book of Daniel you'll find. Discover the prophetic And amazing life of Daniel in a biblical way. Check out this great Podcast: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/daniel/id1152517237?mt=2

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4 months ago

Now I suddenly remembered that in "Julie and the Phantoms" there are three actors from "Descendants": Jadah Marie (Flynn/Celia), Booboo Stewart (Willie/Jay) and Cheyenne Jackson (Caleb/Hades). What am I getting at?

I had a feeling that someone was missing. I'm currently rewatching the "Julie e Os Fantasmas" episodes (still infinitely grateful to the authors of the English subtitles) and mentally comparing the two series. Yes, I still love Daniel more than Luke, but I decided to think about it more. Daniel, or rather Bruno Sigrist, has brown eyes and black curly hair. Cameron Boyce also has brown eyes and black curly hair. Yes, I thought it would be interesting if he played Daniel (if the character hadn't changed in the remake)! I'm sure he could have played up both the sarcasm and the tenderness towards Julie in a stunning way.

Now I Suddenly Remembered That In "Julie And The Phantoms" There Are Three Actors From "Descendants":

For some reason I also thought that Luke could have been played by Mitchell Hope or Ross Lynch. Not so much because of appearance, but because of character.

Now I Suddenly Remembered That In "Julie And The Phantoms" There Are Three Actors From "Descendants":
Now I Suddenly Remembered That In "Julie And The Phantoms" There Are Three Actors From "Descendants":
Now I Suddenly Remembered That In "Julie And The Phantoms" There Are Three Actors From "Descendants":

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11 years ago

There shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation, even to that time. And at that time your people shall be delivered, every one who is found written in the book."

--Daniel 12:1

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11 years ago

Son of man, understand that the vision pertains to the time of the end.

Daniel 8:17

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10 years ago

Now at that time Michael ['who is like God'], the great prince who stands guard over the sons of your people, will arise [from the dead]. And there will be a time of distress such as never occurred since there was a nation until that time; … and many of those who sleep in the dust of the ground will awake … and those who have insight will shine brightly … and knowledge will increase.

Daniel 12:1-4

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9 years ago


By Author Eli of Kittim

There are some who clearly misinterpret and misrepresent my view. I never said, as some have claimed, that “the Gospels are just figments of the writers’ imagination,” or that they “are just made up stories.” On the contrary, they have their rightful place in the Bible, provided we understand what that role and function is. Actually, the gospels present an overview of Jesus’ life, not through biographical data, but rather through stories that are filtered down from the Old Testament. And they are inspired by God! They tell of the Messianic story in advance, so that it can be passed down from generation to generation until the time of its fulfillment. In my view, the gospels are true, not historically, but theologically, or, as I would argue, prophetically! What we have is, the Messiah’s history written in advance in story form.

What is the difference between my view and the classical Christian perspective? I am convinced that there are not multiple comings and multiple returns of Christ, but only one decisive coming at the end of the world, which includes the resurrection, the rapture, and his appearance in the sky! If there truly was an incarnation, a cross, a death, a burial, a resurrection, and ascension of Jesus two thousand years ago—then we’d have to tear many pages out of the Bible that directly contradict the Jesus of Antiquity. For example, we’d have to throw out Luke 17:30; 1 Pet. 1:5, 20; 1 Cor. 15:22-26, 54-55; Heb. 1:1-2; Heb. 9:26; 2 Tim. 2:18; Rev. 6:2; Rev. 12:1-5; Rev. 19:10-13; Rev. 22:7, 10, 18, 19, not to mention many Old Testament (OT) passages, such as Zeph. 1:7, 15-18; Isa. 2:2, 19; Isa. 9:6; Isa. 34:8; Isa. 63:4; Zech. 12:9-10; Dan. 12:1-4, and so on. Even the gospels themselves imply that the New Testament (NT) account of Jesus is prophetic. In Jesus’ own words, his presence on earth (which includes his passion and death) signifies the end of the world, and the commencement of the Day of Judgment:

“Now is the time for judgment on this world; now the prince of this world will be driven out.” —John 12:31.

In Acts 1:6, a book often referred to as the fifth gospel, there is a terse passage in which Jesus’ coming is associated with the restoration of Israel (1948). Compare that to Daniel chapter 9 and verses 24-27 (the so-called 70-week prophecy) where Daniel also prophesies the death of the Messiah after the restoration of Israel. Israel’s restoration is in fact prophesied in many places of the Old Testament, most notably in Ezekiel 38:8!

In Luke 17:20-27 Jesus offers a discourse on the end of days in which he implies that his own passion and death are set for an appointed time in the future:

“Now having been questioned by the Pharisees as to when the kingdom of God was coming, He answered them and said, ‘The kingdom of God is not coming with signs to be observed; nor will they say, ‘Look, here it is!’ or, ‘There it is!’ For behold, the kingdom of God is in your midst. And He said to the disciples, ‘The days will come when you will long to see one of the days of the Son of Man, and you will not see it. They will say to you, ‘Look there! Look here!’ Do not go away, and do not run after them. For just like the lightning, when it flashes out of one part of the sky, shines to the other part of the sky, so will the Son of Man be in His day. BUT FIRST HE MUST SUFFER MANY THINGS AND BE REJECTED BY THIS [implied, future] GENERATION. And just as it happened in the days of Noah, so it will be also in the days of the Son of Man: they were eating, they were drinking, they were marrying, they were being given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all.” (Emphasis added).

Notice that during his discourse on the end of days, the Jesus character of the gospels promulgates a prophecy which most scholars attribute to his second coming: “For just as the lightning, when it flashes out of one part of the sky, shines to the other part of the sky, so will the Son of Man be in His day” (Luke 17:24). What is surprising, however, is that this omen is then expanded by a most intriguing appendage to the previous verse: “But first He must suffer many things” (17:25). In other words, while “the literary Jesus” is predicting his supposed second coming, according to the common view, this terse statement shockingly reveals that his incarnation must necessarily precede his coming from the sky! And since the entire prophecy is set in the future, the sentence pertaining to Christ’s suffering and rejection “by this [chronologically implied] generation” cannot possibly be understood in any other context except as a reference to a future event. Otherwise we would be dislocating this sentence from the end times setting of the prophecy, thus creating a bizarre anachronism. After all, Jesus prophesies that a long time will pass before we behold “the Son of Man” (Luke 17:22), an idiomatic phrase that is deeply tied to his incarnation (cf. Ps. 8:4; Ezek. 2:1; 12:27; Matt. 9:6; 17:9; 24:44; Gal. 4:4). As a matter of fact, Luke continues by saying that “the Son of Man is revealed” for the first time in the last days (Luke 17:26-30). Thus, the latter portion of the oracle paints Christ’s coming in a very different light and calls for a reexamination of scripture. It sets the prophetic timeline in its proper chronological perspective as it supplies fresh new insights into the future incarnation of Christ: what ought to be called, “the first coming of Jesus!”

The under mentioned verses cannot be understood apart from this future context:

“Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass away, till all things be accomplished.” — Luke 21:32.

But which generation is Jesus referring to? Answer: the last one! These verses only make sense within a future context, the implication being that Jesus’ contemporaries are part of the last generation on earth:

“Verily I say unto you, That there be some of them that stand here, which shall not taste of death, till they have seen the kingdom of God come with power.” —Mark 9:1.

If the gospels were historical, then we would have expected Paul to reference at least some of the purported events. Yet there is complete silence from Paul with regard to the gospel narratives. Paul never once mentions Jesus’ birth, the virgin birth, or Bethlehem as his birthplace, the flight into Egypt, the slaughter of the innocents, the Magi, the star of Bethlehem, etc. Paul does not mention this gospel material at all! Why? Paul had many revelations from God and knew about the true mystery of Christ. He knew that we are saved by faith in Jesus’ death and resurrection, which would take place “Once in the end of the world” (Heb. 9:26-27).

Read 2 Thessalonians chapter 2 again. Paul implores us not to be deceived by any rumors claiming that Jesus has already appeared, as though the day of Christ had come! Contrary to popular belief, Paul’s disclaimer insists that these conventions are divisive because they profess to be biblically-based, as if from us, even though this is not the official message of scripture. That is why there is a prophecy of Jesus’ incarnation in Revelation 12:1-5!

Similarly, 1 Peter 1:10-11 tells us unequivocally that the NT writers (prophets) “PREDICTED [or prophesied] the sufferings of Christ and the glories to follow” (Emphasis added). Otherwise, Philippians 3:20-21 would not say, “We eagerly wait for a savior, the Lord Jesus,” if he had already come! Hence why we find an explicit verse that introduces us to “The Revelation of Jesus Christ” in Revelation 1:1. And that is why we await the white horse of Rev. 6:2 (who is Christ) with such eager anticipation (cf. Rev. 19:11). The previous verse (Rev. 19:10) tells us that the Jesus account is not historical, but prophetic! Revelation 22:7, 10, 18, and 19 further reiterate that this book is all about prophecy, lest we disregard it as nothing more than a historical composition of its time. In fact, the entire New Testament can be summed up in three words: The Jesus Prophecy!

If we read Isaiah 53:1-9, we would swear that this passage refers to past history, and that Isaiah is recounting an event which occurred before his time. For his verses are saturated with past tenses: “He was despised and rejected by mankind”; “Surely he took up our pain and bore our suffering”; “But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities,” and so on. But, surprise, surprise! Despite all of the past tenses, it’s a prophecy that Isaiah is writing about! This passage teaches us that a) past tenses in the Bible do not necessarily reflect past history, and that b) prophecies themselves could equally be set in the past. That is why biblical events are assumed to have taken place – since the authors often use past tense to describe them – even though these events contain prophetic import concerning the future.

If you think that a surface reading of the gospels will give you understanding, you are deeply mistaken:

“The disciples came to him [Jesus] and asked, ‘Why do you speak to the people in parables?’ He replied, ‘Because the knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of heaven has been given to you, but not to them.’” —Matthew 13:10-11.

Some refer to Galatians 4:4 about Jesus being incarnated during the so-called “fulness of the times,” but they fail to mention that this same idiomatic phrase is defined in Ephesians 1:10 as the end of the world, “that is, the summing up of all things in Christ, things in the heavens and things upon the earth.” So, if you think you have it all figured out, think again. In the deepest sense, the Bible is not meant to be interpreted, but rather revealed! Whether you know it or not, the Bible is still a mystery:

“But you, Daniel, keep these words secret and seal the book until the time of the end.” —Daniel 12:4.

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11 months ago

The Last Generation

20 till 2 The world went through a sudden impact of population growth after the second world war. (See Past, Present and Future Chart.) In the United States we are known as “The Baby Boomers”. [Born in 1954, I’m 68 now.] People born between the years of 1945/1950 to 1965/1970 are considered “Baby Boomers”. ( A 20 year span or 1 JST > See “Cosmic Clockworks I” in main menu.) There were two big…

The Last Generation

View On WordPress

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11 years ago
So Verb And I Have Challenged Each Other To A Month Of Drawing Our Favorite Characters, Since I Have

So Verb and I have challenged each other to a month of drawing our favorite characters, since I have been a non-drawing slacker and I need to get out of a slump. So, here's the first of the characters-that-make-me-go-eeeeeeeee:


Daniel from Amnesia

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10 years ago
Friend Verbokinesis And I Have Started A Multi-fandom Horror Askblog. I Have Made Some Arts For It. It's
Friend Verbokinesis And I Have Started A Multi-fandom Horror Askblog. I Have Made Some Arts For It. It's
Friend Verbokinesis And I Have Started A Multi-fandom Horror Askblog. I Have Made Some Arts For It. It's
Friend Verbokinesis And I Have Started A Multi-fandom Horror Askblog. I Have Made Some Arts For It. It's
Friend Verbokinesis And I Have Started A Multi-fandom Horror Askblog. I Have Made Some Arts For It. It's
Friend Verbokinesis And I Have Started A Multi-fandom Horror Askblog. I Have Made Some Arts For It. It's
Friend Verbokinesis And I Have Started A Multi-fandom Horror Askblog. I Have Made Some Arts For It. It's
Friend Verbokinesis And I Have Started A Multi-fandom Horror Askblog. I Have Made Some Arts For It. It's
Friend Verbokinesis And I Have Started A Multi-fandom Horror Askblog. I Have Made Some Arts For It. It's

Friend verbokinesis and I have started a multi-fandom horror askblog. I have made some arts for it. It's meant to be something fun and a bit goofy. 

It's askspookyhouse.tumblr.com. Please check it out if you like goofy horror crossovers. 

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4 years ago

I recently found out through anon detective work that @hideawayintheimaginationworld Nightmarionne was a shape shifter and the Crying Child of there AU. I knew right then and there that I needed to draw this.

Also I don't know what you like to be called person I tag, but permission to call these two multi-verse pals? Also sorry if Night looks weird I tried doing your style the best I could-

What there saying under the cut because I can’t make clear handwriting worth anything-

Daniel/Nightmare(Current Form)  :  You Make Me Look Like A Bald Snake Person Who Ware’s A Ribcage.

Sammy/Nightmarionne(Current From) : And You Make Me Look More Like One Of Those Large Store Teddy Bears.

IDK How to come up with insults for two people who are just messing with each other-

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1 year ago
Would You Believe This Groupchat Is Called The Billpaul Trenches (ft @ccrptechnical @finchmund)
Would You Believe This Groupchat Is Called The Billpaul Trenches (ft @ccrptechnical @finchmund)
Would You Believe This Groupchat Is Called The Billpaul Trenches (ft @ccrptechnical @finchmund)

would you believe this groupchat is called “the billpaul trenches” (ft @ccrptechnical @finchmund)

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1 year ago

if there's one thing I like about polyamory is the ability to talk about crushes and stuff with. you know. my girlfriend.

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1 year ago


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6 years ago
Two Types Of People At Yoga Class
Two Types Of People At Yoga Class
Two Types Of People At Yoga Class
Two Types Of People At Yoga Class

two types of people at yoga class

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6 months ago

why is daniel ep3 so underrated like thats his BEST design

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4 years ago

he cheated //

He Cheated //

Taeyong one shot

Lee Taeyong x female reader || sad, angst, anger, revenge, friendship

warnings: Swear words are used here due to anger issues, mention of scratching fingertips, bleeding, blood

|| word count: 3.2K


[8:30 am]

After pulling off all night I wanted to meet Taeyong, hoping that Taeyong will be home, I tried calling him since yesterday but he didn’t even pick up. He’s partially avoiding me four to five months. He rarely asks for a meet up. Who will say we are together and it already three years? I thought to meet him directly and ask him what’s going on. I didn’t want to doubt him but when my bestfriend Daniel said he saw Taeyong with a girl in the bar frequently, they drink and get wasted. I was ignoring it by thinking it must be any colleague I will definitely believe my bestfriend over Taeyong. We are bestfriend for 12 years already. If Taeyong had a problem, he should come over and say.

I unlocked his door, and I entered. I saw his shoes and-

 Another pair of heels.

I was in doubt, what’s going on. I took out my airpods from my ears and walked over, I walked towards his bedroom and I saw clothes here and there. I saw wine glasses over the floor. I went straight near his bedroom door, battling over to open the door or not. My mind was a mess. I was shocked, I wanted to get rid of his thoughts. I sat on his couch, and waited for him to come out. I wanted to see the girl but at the same time I didn’t. I wanted to get out of this, everything was disgusting. I didn’t even think twice and went out of apartment. He was disgusting.

As I took steps out of his house, I was in tears. I wanted to tell me maybe this was a misunderstanding but I couldn’t. My mind was unstable and my emotions; they were a mess right now. I wanted to see that asshole infront of me regretting whatever he did. I went home straight, crying all the way. I want LEE TAEYONG to understand how much it is hurting right now.

I took a cab from his apartment and went straight to my home, thanks to Sunday, I don’t have to go to work because I don’t know what will I do if I see someone infront of me. I reached home after 30 minutes, I was holding back my tears in the cab for the whole time. I wanted to talk to Taeyong and ask him numerous questions. But this isn’t the right time.

I paid to the cab, I went to my apartment and opened the door. I entered and threw my bag on the floor in anger. I broke down, I loved him and he did what? Cheated on me. I was sobbing sitting on the floor.

I was hugging my knees and scratching my fingertips, due to my sharp nails, it was bleeding. It started hurting, my sobs were louder. I heard footsteps approaching me. I didn’t even want to face him now, he told me numerous times to go and check but I didn’t because I was busy in work and believed Taeyong.

“Yah, Y/N what the hell dude?!” I heard Daniel’s voice.

“Y/N, stop” he came over and hugged me. I held him tight, he pulled me into his embrace. He was holding my hands stopping me from scratching my fingertip. I was shivering, “Dan- Daniel he did” I was crying harder, my tears didn’t want to stop. It was painful, even thinking about Taeyong was painful.

“I should’ve listened to you and asked him, it’s better to stop before finding out later” he was patting my back and there was no way I could calm down.

Was everything a joke to him? I decided to give him my love and I received what? betrayal. Were those happy moments meant nothing to him? We were so happy with eachother, those small and cute moments with love.

I wanted to hit myself hard for being a fool to believe him everytime, he gave up excuses, like meetings, conference and what not. I believed him and he betrayed me. I don’t know how long I cried after that

“You know what, get up right now.” He was definitely pissed on Taeyong, “If you are not going to get up, I will drag you to your bedroom. Choose whatever you want” When he says something, that means definitely he will do that. I got up and Daniel dragged me to sit on the couch. He brought the first-aid box and cleaned the blood, and after covering it with the band aid, he went back to keep the first-aid box.

 My phone, flashed a message; it read “Baby sorry, I came home a bit drunk yesterday after company’s dinner.”

My eyes started to get blur; tears started falling again. I was holding the phone tightly, in anger.

Daniel came near me, “Yah, you know what? You should go and hit Taeyong’s head. How dare he cheat on my bestfriend? And stop crying now” he said and looked at me. How much I want to hit that guy for ruining me right now.

“Hey, don’t cry. Let me make something for you, don’t cry please.” hugged me. I hugged him back, I couldn’t stop crying. How can I possibly smile when my boyfriend is cheating on me.

 “Daniel, I will go and sleep. I am bit tired.” Daniel looked at me, with an unsatisfied look on his face. I went to my bed directly; I looked at my phone’s gallery, it was full with our pictures.

All the pictures from our first date to our date of this month. He loved to go visit botanical garden with me and café dates too. There were adorable memories with him, I never thought it will turn out to be like this. If he wanted to break up, I would’ve done that too but cheating wasn’t necessary. He could’ve told me anytime, I would’ve done that. There was no reason to stay with me, if he found someone else who is giving him love. I swear, that girl. I want to see what kind of girl is she.

I want to erase everything I saw today. I was crying and I drifted to sleep.

 [4:00 pm]

“Get up!! I brought chocolate ice cream!” I heard Daniel screaming at me, I woke up. I sat on bed and looked at him. “You know what? Go and take a shower, right now.”

“What? Why? What’s the time?” I asked, of course not keeping the track of time.

“It’s 4:00 pm dumbhead. Get up”

“Yah! You can’t talk to me like that right now, do you know what I am going through?”

“Okay, okay. MADAM PLEASE GO AND TAKE A SHOWER, and let’s eat ice cream after that”

I lazily woke up and came out after taking a shower. I went to the couch, and Daniel came with big bowls of chocolate ice cream. I started eating silently. I had no mood to talk with anyone.

“Y/N do you know the girl?” he asked and I choked on my own saliva.

“No, I don’t know”

“Don’t you think you deserve an apology? After what that Taeyong asshole did?” I kept the bowl on the table, “Daniel, I want to see him with his girl. I want to know why he did all this shit. I want to know the damn reason. I was sad and crying over everything but now my anger is boiling up. No one deserves this shit.” He blurted out everything.

“Play along with him, take out the information and then, catch hold of him; red handed. Don’t break up right now.”

“Wha- what do you want me to do? Play along? With that asshole?”

 “Yes, play along and wait for the right opportunity.”

“What’s your plan Daniel?”

 My phone buzzed, ‘baby, what are you doing today?’

 I showed this to Daniel, “he still has guts to talk to me, bro. Tell me what to do”

 “Play along, go and meet him. Talk like nothing happened and don’t show any emotion like you are broken or hurt or sad. I know you can do it.”

 “You know it’s hard, how can I just go and talk sweetly with him after what he did. Do you want to get confirmed? Whether this is all true or just a one-night stand?” I nodded, no matter how hurt I was, I’m not getting sad or gonna self-loath myself before I teach him a lesson.

“Take his phone, check for deleted pictures and the call logs. I’m sure he would’ve deleted everything, but there’s a chance he didn’t delete today’s picture or something. Just a small hope. Now go and meet him.” I agreed to this, and texted Taeyong.

“Nothing much, how about we meet today? Since it’s Sunday?”

“Sounds good. At our usual place?”

“Yes. Let’s meet up after an hour”

“Daniel, he agreed. I should get ready and meet him.”

“Finish the ice cream and then head to him. I know you can do it.”

I completed my ice cream and went to dress up. I wore white shirt and black skirt; applied light make up and gave it a finishing touch with cherry lip tint and perfume, I took my black sling bag. I came out of my bedroom and saw Daniel watching TV. “How do I look?” I asked him.

“You look sweet and adorable. You don’t look like you were crying earlier. Now don’t be late go”


[5:15 pm]

I reached the café, I took deep breath before entering inside the café. This café is the place where I met him three years ago and our story started.

He Cheated //

“Taeyong!” I called him out, he saw me and waved at me with his biggest smile. I looked at him and it was killing me inside, how much I wanted to keep him by my side.

“Y/N, how are you?” he asked with that adorable smile, which is my weakness since first day.

“I am all good after pulling up all night. But yea, I slept well” only if you know what happened and how hard I am trying to not get fooled because of your smile and cope up with everything.

“What do you want to eat?”

“Order what we did when we first met. How does it sound?”

“Sounds good.” He went to order.

“How was your weekend?” I was curious.

“It was good, but you must be tired because you have work on Saturdays.” he looked worried and right now I don't know he was faking it or not.

“Nothing like that, you seem busy.”

“Yes, a bit busy with managing team. Barely managing time.” how should I take it Taeyong? Explain me.

“I see, but take care of yourself”

I heard the foorsteps, pretty sure it was our order; since he also ordered cherry juice for himself, I had any idea and that was to trip the worker. I took out my phone,

“Oh no, what to do now?”

“What happened? Something’s wrong?” he looked at me.

“The network is not stable and I need to call Yona for work, can I use your phone?” he nodded and unlocked his phone; perfect timing. I tripped the worker and the juice feel on his t-shirt. He got up, “Sorry, really sorry”

“No no it’s okay.” Both of us said.

“I will bring another one and sir you can use the washroom.”

“Taeyong you should clean it or it will stain”

“Yes, I will be back soon” I opened the gallery as soon as he left. And checked everything and when I went to recycle bin; there was just two pictures enough to rip my heart. Both of them were drinking together and in another one they were in bed, both of them were smiling, I was holding back my tears. I kept his phone on the table. I am done being strong. How can he just how can he, I saw him coming towards me.

“Taeyong I need to use washroom and thanks for your phone, I didn’t use it because Yona just called me and I talked to her” he nodded and I went straight to washroom. I was looking at myself in the mirror and my tears started falling automatically. I didn’t know I was holding my breath too. I am done with acting all good. I want to slap him badly. I want to see him how idiotic I feel for believing him and bring a fool. I whipped my tears. I can’t ruin everything not after getting proof.

I went back and saw our orders were on table, “Come and let’s eat.” I smiled at him.

“You are okay? Y/N”

“yes, why? Do I look not okay?” I asked him

“No, nothing like that. Just felt like asking. Now let’s eat.”

After paying we parted our ways, I straight away went home in a cab. I went home and saw Daniel talking over phone. He saw me and hung up the call. I removed my shoes and looked at him.

“Are you okay?”

“No. I AM NOT. DO I LOOK OKAY? NO RIGHT? I LOOKED MESSED UP; HECKED UP. They were in bed, I saw the picture, there were no more that he definitely forgot to delete it” I threw my phone, on the floor tears were running through my cheeks. I broke down there, I saw Daniel picking up the phone.

“Y/N listen”

“I don’t want to Daniel. I am done. I am not meeting him ever again”

“Don’t say like that. Teach him a lesson, dude you can’t break down into millions of pieces because of an asshole. Okay?”


He held my shoulder, “Don’t run away and give up now. Take some rest, I will call you during dinner. Okay?” I nodded, he handed my phone to me and I went to my room, I didn’t even bother to change and flopped on the bed.



“Are you ready yet?” Daniel asked me.

“Hold on, let me get ready.”

“Okay. I need to work too; I CAN’T BE LATE. And did you call Yona?” he asked again.


“Don’t be angry, I am calling Yona. Why do you get so worked out everytime?”

I was searching for my black leather jacket, I am ready with black shirt, and denim jeans. I took my sling bag and my phone and went out.

I saw Daniel, “You look like a girl who is out for serial killing, honestly.”

“Stop joking, okay?”

“I called up Yona and she is on her way” he said and the doorbell rang, I went to open. She hugged me, “You give a gangsta vibe. Gangsta in an angel’s face”

“not you too, Yona”

“Okay, now what’s the plan?” Yona asked walking towards the couch. She was wearing all denim, her style.

“Listen, I will text you as soon as I spot them, yesterday they came and definitely they will come today because yesterday night he made up the excuse of a team dinner and today he said is he busy because of some sort of meeting. After I spot them, do whatever you want. I leave that to you. Now let’s go. It’s gonna be 9pm soon.”

We agreed to it and went to “Paradise” bar. After reaching, Daniel left us because of work.

Me and Yona were sitting in the corner, from where can’t be spotted easily. We ordered red wine, the expensive one. I was looking at my watch from time to time. “Are you ready?” I took deep breath and nodded. After suffering for past two days, I am ready to smack his head. Our wine arrived, I took the class and sipped. I was about to take another sip; I felt my phone vibrated. I looked at the screen and it was Daniel. “They arrived; they are in their usual place.”

I looked at Yona, I spotted them. They were giggling, and their orders arrived. I saw her kissing him. I stopped looking at them, they just disgusted me. After sometime, I saw they started to kiss eachother and small makeout. I couldn’t watch anymore; they were busy with eachother to notice anything in their surroundings. I got up from my seat, both me and Yona went to sit infront of them.

I was disgusted to look and I was holding back my tears and anger. I wanted him to look at me. The girl broke the kiss, and her eyes widen when she saw me. Taeyong’s eyes followed her gaze and he spotted both of us. I got up from the chair, so did both of them and Yona.

“So, this is a meeting? Lee Taeyong?” I asked him calmly, as sweetly as possible.

“It’s nothing like what you think.. Y/N”

“Then what should I think you asshole? Cheating on me? Or meeting? EXPLAIN LEE TEAYONG?” I was losing my control over my anger and body.

“Y/N It’s nothing like that… this is all..”

“SHUT THE HECK UP LEE TAEYONG. Give me a reason why you are cheating! I don’t want to know anything else. Give me a reason. Give me a reason or I am going to kill this girl right now; you know how violent I can get. Right?” I smirked, I couldn’t hold my anger anymore

“I didn’t love you anymore!”

“I swear to god Taeyong, if this was the case we could’ve end everything between us. WHY DID YOU CHEAT? You know what? Daniel was correct about not dating you.”

“I couldn’t. It was just the thing that I-”


I looked at Yona, I was on a verge of tears, my anger was turning into tears. I can’t anymore. I saw the soju bottle on the table. I picked it up.

“Do whatever you want” Yona said and looked at me. I took that and smashed the bottle on his arm with the force I had.

“Yah Y/N! What do you think you are doing?” I slapped him hard on his face.

“What am I doing? Making you feel the hell and humiliation to whatever you did with me.”

I went near the girl and slapped on her face too, “You don’t even deserve to be called my ‘friend’ you should know it. That’s why people say to be careful of scumbags because of people like you.”

“Both of you are piece of trash. Go burn in hell. I don’t care anymore.”

“Baby girl, you can keep your honey for your life; go ahead and do anything you want, if you want to sleep with eachother again. Do it.” I said that girl and turned to look at Lee Taeyong, “Here everything ends. END OF THE STORY AND IF YOU DARE TO SHOW YOUR FACE, I will make sure you live in hell. I will chase you till the end of your life. Don’t dare to mess with me boy”

I walked away from them and went out. Yona came after me. I looked at her. She gave me hug, a warm hug. “You did well. I am proud of you.” I nodded, my tears were making it’s way, no matter how pissed I was, I am hurt.

“Did you bring what I asked to?” she nooded and smiled.

“Here’s soju, let’s go home. And let’s order chicken once we are home.” Yona smiled at me.

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4 years ago

No Time to Die #JmesBond #UniversalPictures #Daniel Craig https://www.instagram.com/p/CGG6ox8JOmC/?igshid=135wjmvp6gyzw

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