Basically, most of random things that my brain generates at 2AM. Thoughts, (not so) short stories an questions.

16 posts

In My Flat, There Is A Specific Place, Where You Can Catch Other People's Phone Calls. Usually, It Just

In my flat, there is a specific place, where you can catch other people's phone calls. Usually, it just a white noise or some barely audible words, but in some cases, you can hear the conversation vividly. I was talking with my cousin, when I heard a woman arguing about something. I asked cousin to stay on the phone for a while and put my call on hold. I could hear every word. I tried to tell them I could hear their conversation, but they could not hear me. Later I asked my cousin if she heard something, and she didn't

More Posts from Sleepy-owl-nella

9 months ago

Imagine the playable character, that has their own personality, thoughts, intentions, basically a human, yet they have to be the player's marionette.(someone like Kris from the Deltarune) They don't bend to players will, they have own oppinion an actions and situations, their thoughts are not replaced. They can disagree, rebel, be unwilling to do something, but they can't do anything.

I guess I can at least partly understand this character. I do exist onlt because somebody wanted a child, all my choices are not mine, most of my actions are dictated, everything that i say is either an etiquette like a scripted dialogue or things others want me to say. If i fail, it is my fault, like a character lacking stats. If i succeed, than it is "the player's" success, praise them and be grateful for achieving something despite having these porr stats.

And the consequences are not for "the player" to meet. I am the one dealing with them, even though I knew exactly how this wpuld end up. "tne player" knows better. I don't have a voice in this. I am not allowed to speak freely. I am not allowed to choose. I am not allowed to talk to anyone without their permission. I am not allowed to express emotions they don't want to see at the given moment. I have to be only grateful for my existence and my lifepath being not as terrifying as some other people's.

I wonder when this little rpg will end. when they will inally get bored. when i can try to live MY life. or if they break me and get me killed someday. most likely they will throw me away like an inanimate obejct

Sorry for a long post, thank you if you read all of this

6 months ago

So I used to take part in biology olimpyad. we had a task, where we were shown different animals pics and had to write the nomenclature of the one showin. and i remember back than i questioned if this thing was even real, so i tried to fing this thing on internet later but found nothing. and six years later i come across the exsct picture. with the name and explanation for this

for those intrested: Pyrosome - Wikipedia

1 year ago

A few weeks ago my mom told me that she decided to analyze the problems in our relations. She googled every my trait that she saw as wrong and googled what I was insisting on being reevaluated. She came to the conclusion that it was something called hyperprotection. So, the following dialogue happened:

Mom: you sit down here and right now you search what should be done with it

me: sorry, i have some tasks to finish right now, could you please read that by yourself?

mom: what? no, i mean you should search for the ways for YOU to deal with it

me: ...

me: you know that search results will only show the advice for parents, because children can do nothing with that, right?

mom: surely not. it's a children's fault that parents overprotecting them.

So after literally an hour and a half and none of the advice for children found she got angry and told me that i had done something with the search engine and that i had to recheck my behaviour. I asked her to think about what we just read. Guess if she had changed anything. Nope

10 months ago

I just hate my luck. From approximately 50 people in my studying group, only I have encountered the problem. When installing MathCad 15, some people across forums encountered a problem with the installer. Guess who the lucky one in the group! It's almost 2 AM, I have 6 labs due tomorrow and broken installer, which won't allow me to install the software

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5 months ago

idk if i should put a warning on this one, but.

So I've heard about hte uncanny valley effect, and at the very bottom of the plot for inanimate objects is the corpse. Which is quite understandable, you do not want to go near the dead because of the decease or possible danger nearby. But. The question which was kind of bugging me is whether cannibals would be less affected by the uncanny valley.

why, when or how i got to this question is a mystery for myself. pure curiosity out of nowhere

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