she/her. 24. found at different sites under the same name. probably not an active poster.
504 posts
People Can Do Whatever Harmless Stuff They Want To Online Or Whatever But One Of The Weirdest Things
people can do whatever harmless stuff they want to online or whatever but one of the weirdest things I see is on deviantart where people do like. one sided role plays under an art piece, and usually they're fine but some are either horny or weirdly detailed (but not like. good details). idk I just don't get it
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thought I told this bitch to GET OUT

like to be frank, it's so quick and easy to be polite. it makes the transaction so much longer to have someone talking over you and having to ask them to repeat because whoops, couldn't hear them over the actual fucking question being asked especially on top of any other noise going on in the store
so idk I think penalizing rudeness by making it take longer would just be great. either people get the gist and get nicer or they don't come back which really isn't a loss if they were inconsiderate and rude
I think rude interrupting customers should be presented with the Talking Stick and have to have the rules of the Talking Stick explained before their transaction can continue. if they can't be polite on their own then kindergarten tactics will have to do
tf2 should make an emote where the character pulls out an easel or a sketchpad or a box or crayons or whatever (maybe different materials depending on class?) and just starts doing drawing/painting motions and have it continue like an idle animation
I say this entirely because I think it'd be fun to get as far into an enemy's territory as possible and then just set up there and hang out. I think it'd be fun to try and actually draw during that too, see how far into a peice you can get before someone decides you've overstayed your welcome

Happy Holidays to all who celebrate ๐งก๐๐๐๐