I Want It So Bad - Tumblr Posts
this! this this this! this is my dream and i want it so bad!

Polesden Lacey gardener's cottage and garden. (@wander_linaa IG)
i just love the idea of being a gentleman and a hopeless romantic for my femme. bringing her flowers every day when i come home from work, giving little soft kisses and saying how much i love her and appreciate her being there for me. taking her to the fanciest restaurants every weekend, giving her presents, spoiling her completely, paying for her nails and helping her choose which color, helping her get dressed, giving her massages after a long day, spooning her and pampering her with kisses, carrying her when she says that her feet hurt because of her heels, simply being the best boyfriend for her because she deserves it.
i love spoiling the woman i love. i love the idea of giving her the world and beyond. i just want to show her how much i love her.
stray kids performing I'll be your man is going to be the thing that kills me, there i said it.
holding hands?????? yes. Long warm hugs?????? yes. caressing hair?????? yes. comparing hand size?????? yes. YES PLEASE. I want all that.
but I am too scared to ask
do you ever see a piece of technology that you want more than anything else. like daydreaming about having it. what am I doing without it, when alternatively I could have it.
adding it to a cart simply to admire it, not knowing when it can finally go to check out
i want to fight chris evans and sebastian stan in the parking lot of a Denny's at 2am.
Backpacks & Purses


Flower Harvesting??

Workbench in a villager’s home

Blinds for a window!

Seasonal specific weeds?? Or plants


Feel free to add to the thread!

But wait, there’s more! I loved this S02 Steve, and putting him under the autographed Duran Duran poster seemed right, and the skull Eddie is so bad ass.
Fan artists, I bow to you!

I can’t believe FE remembers the 5th Anniversary for Fire Emblem Three Houses by announcing our first lord scale figure. Dimitri is best boy so I see you Instsys!!!
can't wait till I'm an adult and i can blow all my money on really stupid stuff
Early season 1 when Aang is talking to Roku instead of being chained up sokka katara and zuko are thrown into a cell together
Zuko: oh spirits this is bad. Fuck fuck fuck my father’s going to kill me
Sokka: wtf??? How is this bad for you?? Ur the prince?? Like we’re w/ the avatar obvi this is bad for us but why the fuck are you even in the cell??
Zuko: I’m banished, idiot. By going into fire nation waters I’ve committed treason and greatly disrespected my father! He’ll be furious with me!!
Katara: ur his son I’m sure it won’t be that bad
Zuko: the last time I disrespected him he burned half my face off
Katara and Sokka: *horrified silence*
Sokka: oh my fucking spirits that’s awful
Zuko: what? No it’s not. It was my fault
Katara: *repeatedly under her breath* wtf wtf wtf wtf-
Sokka: zuko I cannot stress enough how much that was not your fault
Zuko: yes it was I spoke out of turn and disrespected him in front of his whole war council. He had every right to punish me how he saw fit, including banishing me
Sokka: he banished and burned half your face off just because you talked out of turn??!?????
Zuko: I mean I insulted one of his generals but the man was planning on sacrificing an untrained unit for no reason! It would have been a massacre! Quit judging me!!
Sokka: tui and la what the fuck
Katara: ok. zuko we’re adopting you now
Zuko: what?? No you’re not???
Cue zuko going along with them when aang busts them out bc he has no other options, having to stay with them cus they’re lowkey kidnapping him/he has no other option, and our boi slowly joining them/realizing what happened was fucked up. Also katara introducing him to their dad as “sokkas boyfreind slash your new son and my new brother”
I just finished watching the final episode of the second season of "Under the Vines."
What can I say? I'm in tears.