Alright, welcome to my blog, we got loads of TMNT, rbs w/ my moot Percy, and a side of shit posts. Who wants some????
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(Again, I Know The Arm Scars Are Wrong And Im Sorry )

(Again, I know the arm scars are wrong and I’m sorry 😭)

Closeup ⤵️ (tumblr murdered the quaLITY SO BAD OH MY DUCKING GOD-)

Magma doodles I forgot to post
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More Posts from Smol-bean-boi13
Can You Carry Your Twin?
Leo can still hardly believe his eyes. This has to be some sort of epic and strange fever dream he’ll be adamantly questioning his subconscious on until the end of time. Though, when he really thinks about it, well- he was, to a certain degree, sort of expecting something akin to this to happen at some point? It all adds up now. Casey’s frequent meanderings and disappearances after the whole memory spell shebang with Draxum and Mikey- sometimes for days on end, the entire “Uncle” situation, Casey’s argument with Donnie… Something like this was bound to happen, but… so soon? Now? Why their future selves? Why here? Why now? None of the ideas that had conjured up in his mind about who Casey’s uncle might have been looked quite like this. He’s not complaining? But he is confused as all hell. How did Donnie end up being an uncle, of all people?
Not that he’s disappointed in the slightest by this unexpected and surprising, yet completely baffling turn of events. Quite the opposite, as a matter of fact. Leo really, truly, genuinely feels quite… quite proud of his twin. Granted, he’s always been proud of him, but knowing he becomes an uncle in the future makes his heart jump and dance and soar and sing and feel all sorts of happy, joyful, special little things inside. Even if he doesn’t become one in the way Donnie might have envisioned himself to. The how, though, doesn’t matter. Not when Leo now knows that his twin in the future becomes an uncle. It makes all the sense in the world to him the more he thinks about it. His twin was born to be an uncle. His twin was born to be part of a family. His twin was born to love and be loved.
Who knew? Leo did.
He always did.
Future Donatello only chuckles at Leo’s realization. “Bravo, Lion! I’d give you a gold star but I already gave you some cotton candy.”
“Did you just call me Lion-”
Donatello frowns, eyebrows furrowing in confusion. He looks disappointed and… a little sad? Leo doesn’t know what he said wrong but he wants to take it all back and apologize immediately.
“Did I lose my nickname privileges in the past?” Donatello asks.
“I should’ve known I did,” Donnie chuckles and it sounds almost self deprecating. “I was… not the best brother in the past so I understand if we weren’t as close. I was terrible, wasn’t I?”
“Wait, what are you-”
Leo’s eyes widen.
“What?! No no no!!” Leo throws the hand that’s holding the cotton candy out and shakes it frantically, keeping the other clutching his crutch for balance. “I just- this is just so weird, I’m so so so sorry, I didn’t-”
Future- no, just Donnie -as Leo’s decided to keep calling him disregarding the future confusion that might occur, lest he lose his mind any further- snickers, his shoulders jumping up and down with his barely contained laughter. But it wasn’t a condescending one. He was amused.
“You’re even more gullible than I remember, Lee.”
Leo’s jaw drops, gasping.
“Wait a minute!” he throws his hands out.
“Did you just- LIE? To MY face?”
“What? You thought my acting and theatrical skills had no hope?”
“No, it’s that- you’ve never successfully lied to me before.”
Donnie snorts. “Successfully?”
Leo grins, nodding.
Donnie cackles, Leo joins in the laughter, and a curious thought occurs to him. A very curious thought.
This isn’t his Donnie, and he knows that. Not exactly, at least. Yes, he’s from a different timeline, yes, his Donnie might not turn out exactly like this… But even now, Leo looks at his confident yet kind smile, his biting remarks that never hold any real poison or disdain, his eyes that hold a familiarity and trust and- well, love that only his twin’s eyes could have, and… and it all feels so right.
Like all of this is meant to be. Like he is where he belongs. He feels the same connection to this Donnie as he feels with his own.
Leo feels, that no matter what timeline it is, he and Donnie were meant to be twins.
Nothing and no one can change that.
“SO THAT’S WHY MY TWIN SENSE WAS GOING OFF!” he spits out, stopping in his limping tracks and startling Don- future Donnie, who gives a little jump.
“That’s it, isn’t it? Why Don-Tron and I have been feeling weird these past freakin’ weeks? It was because of YOU, wasn’t it?! You’ve been- mad sciencing and Donnie-ing all this time, haven’t you?”
Donnie chuckles. “You’re smarter than I remember.”
Leo beams “Thanks- wait a minute-” he furrows his eyebrows. “Is that an insult or did future me lose brain cells or something?”
Leo gasps.
“Did I…”
“Did I regress?”
Donnie laughs a jovial laugh that lights up his entire face and straightens his posture, and for a second Leo can see his Donnie shining through again. He looks so young at that moment, so unburdened, uncaring, and free. Things Leo suspects he wasn’t exactly allowed to feel in the future from whence he came. A future in which every shared smile or laughter held guilt and grief and so much pain. A future in which every laugh or smile or “I love you” could have been your last. A future where you didn’t get to have a second chance. Many didn’t. But they did.
And that alone makes Leo smile again. Because this Donnie can finally be allowed that second chance. He can finally be allowed to be what he is. What his Donnie was always allowed to be. What his Donnie was always meant to be, even if at times he felt he didn’t deserve it. Even if at times he felt he didn’t deserve to be.
Donnie wipes a tear from his eye- that laugh really lit up his entire being, Leo can’t help but continue emphasizing that fact. He loves seeing his twin be happy. Donnie takes a deep breath that releases a tension from his shoulders that Leo hadn’t realized was there. He slouches over a bit and pats Leo’s head.
“I’m only kidding- you’re just… I don’t remember teenaged you being this deductive. I should have paid more attention to you, you’re an absolute menace, Lee-Love.”
Leo scoffs. “As if my Donnie hasn’t realized that already, Dee-Darlin’.”
“What, that you’re a menace? Pff, he knows that, trust me.”
Leo giggles. “Yeah, I bet he does.”
“Anywhizzle, yes, I have been in a life or death quest for the past couple of weeks- successfully bringing back my brothers from my timeline back from the dead. And keeping a distant eye on you and your leg and becoming your new favorite person.”
“Basically you were playing God.”
“And I won,” Donnie adds smugly.
“As I expected, MY twin is a genius- WAIT A MINUTE!” Leo’s eyes widen again. “DOES THIS MEAN FUTURE ME IS HERE TOO?!”
Donnie chuckles. “Duh-uh.”
Leo gasps.
“I have to meet him!”
“You already have. He’s you. Only… bigger. Lots bigger.”
“As big as you? Or a few inches taller than you-”
Donnie gasps, putting a hand on his chest in faux offense. “You DARE!”
“Everyone knows I’m taller than you!”
“By two inches! TWO!”
“My goodness, an eternity later and you’re still bitter about being the shorter twin, some things never change,” Leo smirks.
Donnie rolls his eyes. “You’ve just met the older, more mature future version of your twin, yet the barbs continue!”
Leo wheezes.
Donnie snickers. “You make a compelling point, good sir.”
Leo does a little hand flourish very much akin to his twin’s, and Donnie’s chest swells with pride.
“As always,” Leo responds in his usual flamboyant tone.
“Oh yes,” Donnie nods approvingly. “You are, indeed, going to love him.”
“I bet,” Leo chuckles. “So much must have changed about me, I don’t think I’m ready to-”
“You’re still you, y’know.”
“Gee, whizz, I’d sure hope so!”
“No, I mean it! You’re still you, just a little wiser.”
Leo tilts his head to the side. “A little?”
Donnie flashes him a smile.
“You already are.”
“Am I?” Leo says in the smallest voice possible. “Cause sometimes… I don’t know. I mean, I’m the reason why everything went down, and-”
Donnie puts his hands on Leo’s shoulders.
“Hey, c’mon, none of that, ya dumb dumb. Actually, I take back the latter statement because it is wildly contradictory- but in any case. You are. Wise. You are! Alright? Sure, you made and still make mistakes, sure, you’re not a perfect leader, sure, you don’t always evaluate the consequences of your actions, sure, you’re not always using more than a quarter of your brain at a time, and sure, you opened the gates of literal hell, but you know what else you did?”
Donnie gestures to the city around them.
“This. All of this. You sacrificed yourself and saved everyone. Sure it was a dumb dumb move. Sure, you’re a stupid, selfless idiot no matter the timeline. But, I’ve gotten to thinking, as Donnie does, and maybe that’s why you’re wise. Because only a wise person would sacrifice themselves every time they have the chance to. I know it doesn’t sound that way- but wisdom comes from experience. And experience tells me, and it tells you, that there’s nothing more important than family. And that it isn’t about me. That it isn’t about you. Alas, you already knew that.”
Donnie gently nudges Leo’s shoulder.
“Didn’t you?”
“Of course I do! But I-”
“Well, then,” Donnie gives Leo a proud smirk.
Leo tries. He tries to argue. Tries to tell Donnie he’s wrong. Tries to tell him the one hundred and one ways in which he is lacking in every possible way and why he’ll never amount to anything and why he isn’t enough. He isn’t enough for his team, his family, his brothers. Tries to tell him how unworthy of everything he feels because if it weren’t for him he wouldn’t have endangered the people he felt worthy of, once upon a time. Leo tries to disprove everything Donnie has said. Because he’s- he’s wrong. He is. Leo can prove it! But he isn’t. He never is. Never has been. And Leo can’t prove Donnie wrong. He’s spent so much time convincing himself that he isn’t and probably never will be good enough that he’s begun to believe it. Leo looks down at his hands, the ones that have messed up so many times, and will continue to do so. But those are also the hands that saved his brothers. That hold his brothers’ hands when they need him. That will always be there to offer support, and, most importantly, love- but…
But… but… but…
Leo groans, burying his face in his hands. He chokes back a small sob.
No matter how hard he tries to look for a loophole in Donnie’s argument, he can’t. He’s only been able to prove Donnie wrong once when it counted. But only once. All the other times? When it’s really counted? Donnie’s always been right. He lowers his hands and looks at them again. Then he looks at Donnie, who’s got that stupid overconfident smile he smiles when he knows he’s right about something but it’s also so warm and kind and affectionate and true and real.
This is his twin telling him that he is enough.
This is his twin telling him that he has been and always will be enough for him. For him, for Raph, and for Mikey, and April, and Casey, and Splinter, and Draxum… for everyone.
And maybe, for just this once, for Leo, all of that is enough too. So he repeats that phrase over and over until he’s brave enough to face Donnie again. Leo, you are loved, and you are enough. Leo, you are loved, and you are enough. Leo, you are loved, and you are enough.
He is enough. For Donnie, and for his family.
He is enough.
And once he comes to that realization and begins to actually believe it…
Leo chuckles and his eyes begin to water.
Donnie’s smile turns into a wholehearted grin.
“See? You are wise. And I’m not gonna allow my dumb dumb twin to keep beating himself up about dumb crap when that’s supposed my job. And don’t worry, Nardo’s gonna love you. Much to my chagrin, but alas. The world is an unfair place, and if the barbs must now double, then so be it.”
“Wow, Dr. Feelings really has made a number on you, hasn’t he?” Leo teases, wiping his tears with his unoccupied arm. He’ll worry about getting on his future self’s good side later.
“Ugh, don’t get me started. He’s ruined me forever.”
The twins laugh. Again, no weight on their shoulders. No burden to be carried anymore. Just bliss. Pure bliss. And then it's companionable silence. Also pure bliss.
Then, amidst the pure bliss, something unexpected happens.
Leo genuinely does not know what compelled him to do this.
Maybe it was because, despite everything, this is still his twin and feels as connected to him as he does to his own Donnie. Screw him being from a different timeline completely. Maybe it was because he felt safe and he trusted this Donnie enough to let his guard down. Maybe it was because he wanted some much needed impromptu comfort from his twin for no reason in particular. Maybe he was craving some much needed love from his twin. Maybe it was simply because the sheer size of him turned him into a mischievous 8 year old. Maybe it was all of those things. He doesn’t know, and he probably never will.
What does Leo do, exactly?
He drops his crutches without giving it a second thought, gently lifts his arms at Donnie, and opens and closes his hands as if he were a child begging for his father to carry him.
He immediately stumbles.
“LEO!” Donnie makes a move to catch his twin from the present. “What were you thinking you stupid idiot?”
“I’m sorry. I don’t know what came over me. I just- I, mean, I wanted- I’m sorry about that. Let me grab my-”
Donnie doesn’t give Leo the chance to say another word before he picks him up by his waist, and balances him on his hip. Much like Raph does with them most of the time. Donnie carefully kneels down to reach for Leo’s crutches and he can’t help but smile for the umpteenth time when Leo nuzzles into him, lips curling up in content.
“Gracias, Dee,” Leo churrs. Donnie chirps back.
“No probbles, Lee.”
Of course Donnie would understand. What was he even afraid of?
Leo pulls back and lightly grabs Donnie’s cheeks. “You get so squishy and comfy in the future!”
“And you’re so tiny,” Donnie retorts fondly.
“Good! So that means I can do this!”
Leo giggles as he grabs on to Donnie’s arm and lets his legs swing, using his arm as a monkey bar- though he struggles to hang on as one of his hands is currently still occupied with his cotton candy. Donnie indulges his twin by swinging his arm back and forth gently and spinning. Donnie’s jacket comes quite undone by the end of it, when Leo wraps his arms and good leg around Donnie’s arm and carefully climbs his way up to sit on Don’s shoulder. The climbing makes Donnie’s jacket slide off halfway, exposing his upper arm.
Leo looks down instinctively to Donnie’s arm, still grinning like mad.
But the joy doesn’t last for long. Leo goes silent.
It’s scary when Leo goes silent.
“Leo?” Donnie says, his neck craning up to look at a frowning Leo, who’s tracing his fingers over his arm with a look he can’t exactly read, but an alarm is going off in his head and his twin sense in sending him distress signals he can’t ignore.
“What’s wrong, Lee, why so quiet all of a sudden? Does your leg hurt again? Need painkillers? More of my-”
“You have scars.”
Donnie gives a single chuckle that doesn’t really hold any humor to it. “Yeah, I do. The future was harsh, kid. Try eating rats.”
“Wait. Did you eat Dad?”
An empty look suddenly fills Donnie’s eyes.
Leo’s eyes widen.
“You didn’t-”
Donnie snickers. “No- gross, no.”
Leo doesn’t laugh with him this time. His fingers linger on Donnie’s skin, tracing the scars on his arm. Leo’s head rests against Donnie’s and now he’s realizing that the expression he holds is one of melancholy. Of guilt. And Donnie decides right then and there that he absolutely hates it as much now as he did back then.
“… They’re not your fault, you know.”
Donnie gestures to his arm with the hand that’s holding Leo’s crutches.
“None of this is your fault. M’kay?”
Donnie slides up his jacket to cover his shoulder again, Leo lifting himself up slightly to help. He sits back down and leans his head against Don’s again. Donnie reaches up with his free hand to give Leo a small head scratch.
“You’re not the only stupid, selfless idiot in this family. Don’t let me catch you blaming yourself for my own stupid, selfless choices, hmm?”
Leo smiles.
“Okay. I believe you.”
Leo plants a smooch on the side of Donnie’s head with a big and audible “MWAH!”
Donnie lets out a small boyish squeal- the same kind his Donnie always makes when he ambushes him with one of his signature obnoxious kisses. And so this Donnie follows it up by looking up and giving Leo the same snout nuzzle his Donnie always gives him after one of Leo’s said obnoxious kisses. Leo nuzzles him back and presses another kiss to his head. He couldn’t help himself. Donnie deserves it. His twin deserves the sun, the moon, the stars, the world, the entire universe and Leo wishes he could give it all to him. To all of his brothers.
“I’m still sorry about ‘em.”
“Don’t be. They make me look cool.”
“Hell yeah they do!”
“Wait till you see yourself.”
“NONONONONO! NO SPOILERS! I want to be amazed.”
“Oh, you’ll be amazed alright! His stupid, selfless butt has got him looking like-”
“Like you?”
Donnie wheezes. “HAHAHA! HE WISHES!”
“Let me guess. You kept all your limbs, didn’t you?”
Donnie stops laughing.
“How did you- wait, right, Casey Jr. That adds up nicely, yes, yes it does.”
Leo snickers as Donnie strokes his chin, then another thought comes to his mind.
“Do I have your beard in the future?”
Donnie looks at Leo and cracks a smug grin.
“You wish.”
“AW, C’MON!” Leo protests as he takes a bite of his cotton candy. Donnie laughs triumphantly.
“Hey, I guess you did beat me in something besides the Lair Games after all, huh?”
“Huh. I guess I did!” Donnie realizes. “In your FACE, Leon!” he shouts.
“Yeah! In future me’s face!” Leo cheers. Both erupt in laughter once again.
Once the laughter passes on, Leo beams. For the hundredth time, he leans his head against his future twin’s with all the trust in the world.
“I’m proud of you, Donnie.”
Donnie’s heart skips a beat, his eyes widen, and his grip on Leo’s crutches tightens. He looks up at Leo, who’s giving him back all that he, himself, has given and more. So much more. Leo’s beaming and his eyes are glowing and his entire face is simply lighting up with all the joyful, happy, sweet little things Donnie’s always loved and always will love and adore and cherish about his twin, this Leo being the past version of him notwithstanding. The love, the trust, the genuineness, the happiness that always emanated from him in a way that wasn’t present in anyone else quite like it was in Leo. Or his other brothers.
He can’t stop thinking about how miraculous it was to have gotten all this back. He got this all back twofold, no less. What a goddamn blessing. He has plenty left to save this time, but he doesn’t have to. Because, for just this once, there’s nothing he has to save anyone from. He’s got everything he needs. Everything he wants. He can’t ask for more because he’s got nothing more to ask for. He’s got it all. Truly.
It is in this train of thought that Donnie realizes that he is, in fact, the luckiest turtle in the world. No one will ever take that away from him again. Ever.
Unable to think of one of his usual snarky responses -and not even bothering to- Donnie, again, raises his head to give Leo another nuzzle, which Leo wholeheartedly returns. Donnie chirps, and Leo chirps back. Once more, it’s pure bliss.
“I’m proud of you too, Leo,” he whispers back. The chirp that Leo responds with tells Donnie all he needs to know. Words left unspoken because they didn’t need to be.
And it all feels so very right to the both of them.
Because, yes. No matter what timeline it may be, Leo and Donnie were meant to be twins.
Nothing and no one can change that.
“… So.”
“Guess we know who the older twin is now, huh?”
“Yeah, I guess this whole situation does make me your older brother.”
“You got what you wanted! Congratulations, Dee! You deserve this win. Really, you do.”
“… Can we undo this whole conversation?”
“Yes, please.”
This is my official gift to @somerandomdudelmao because Leo meeting Uncle Tello SENT me and I just had to write a little something for it! I’m always a sucker for Disaster Twins content so I hope you like this!!! I also wanna draw Leo using Uncle Tello as his own personal jungle gym and Donnie secretly enjoying it XDDD
Also, and I cannot stress this enough, you’re such an inspiration Cass!!! You have no idea how much this comic means to me. It’s literally helping me get through college to some degree XD It’s such a joy to read what you’ve created and to realize that it’s inspiring me to create more too! So thanks a bunch- truly, I wish that only good things may come your way <333
🧡🎃 It’s Halloween Time Babes 🎃 🧡

Here’s a picture of Witch!April from last year! The design was done by the one and only @elitesheepi!
I actually wrote a little something something for the design here, so feel free to take a look whenever you want ^^
They were so close.
rb to knead your mutual with your paws