Smarts And Crafts - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

This is just so I remember:

Magnetic Duo = Raph and Leo

Brains and Brawn = Raph and Donnie

Sunset Duo = Raph and Mikey

Disaster Twins = Leo and Donnie

Baja Blast Duo/Portal Pals= Leo and Mikey

Smarts and Crafts/PB&J Duo = Mikey and Donnie

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1 year ago
Digital illustration of Mikey and Donnie from TMNT 2003 with a caption in the corner reading Post-I, Monster.  Mikey stands in front of a sink counter which is littered with first aid supplies.  He has several blue band aids on his arms with uncovered cuts and bites littering his body and wounds from cuffs around his wrists.  Donnie grips onto his left arm and inspects it with shaking hands and a worried expression as Mikey smiles nervously at him saying "Woah!  I'm fine!  Look, I'm not even using the Good Band-aids!"
Digital Illustration of 2003 Mikey and Donnie with the corner caption reading Grudge Match.  Mikey, with a blanket covering his legs and his mask pulled down around his neck, sits up clutching his plastron which is almost completely wrapped in white bandages with some blood leaking through and cracks showing from what little is exposed.  He looks pained but tries to smile at Donnie who is leaning his head on Mikey's shoulder, mask pushing up a bit as he cries and shakes.  One hand clutches at Mikey's shell while the other drapes over Mikey's left arm which has an orange cast around the wrist.  Mikey speaks to the silent Don saying "Aw, Don... Like the healers said, I'll be Fine in a few hours!"

03 Mikey + Arm Injuries + Don's SAINW trauma

I actually had these sketched out several months ago cuz I was inspired by something a buddy said about Don not reacting well to his bro's receiving injuries similar to the ones their SAINW counterparts have, but I decided to clean them up a bit cuz I have a fic titled Ramifications where I explore the potential consequences of things that happen in 03 and these two episodes are part of that. So feel free to check it out and yell at me about how kids show + run time = undealt with trauma ;P

Links: I, Monster chapter | Grudge Match chapter TBA

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1 year ago

:) love the doodles as usual smol. Keep up the hard work!

Sorry for not reposting sooner I was really busy with stuff happening at home.

Doodles weh

Doodles Weh


Doodles Weh
Doodles Weh
Doodles Weh
Doodles Weh
Doodles Weh

Idk what the hell im doing


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