Ok Time For A Round Of Last Minute MHA Reblogs To Get Them Out Of The Drafts Before The Finale Ok 3 2
Ok time for a round of last minute MHA reblogs to get them out of the drafts before the finale ok 3 2 1 GO!!!
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Mob no what are you doing here?! This manga isn’t safe for you to be in, it’s nowhere near the perfection of your story! Run before it tries to drag you down too!
The League of Villains book being sold??? 🥺🩷
My Hero Academia spent its 10 year run concerned with the power of reaching out to others, but in the end, how powerful was it? Reaching out was not a miracle, it was not enough to save the people the climax concerned itself with. Even if it helped some characters along the way, at the peak of the narrative, it couldn’t do the job. What can reaching out do? Not a lot, says My Hero Academia, but maybe it can help in small ways. And isn’t that just anti-climatic. Of course the story feels unsatisfying; the thesis of the manga wasn’t even enough at the end.
Reaching out could have meant so much if Deku reflected on the power of extending your hand as Shimura Tenko stood beside him, alive and saved by that help. He could have continued a cycle of reaching out by continuing to be a hero to villains, coming to them with empathy and reaching out his own hand, finally able to save and heal instead of kill and destroy.
Instead, we learn that it might be enough, so long as it isn’t too late. It’s not just about the villains dying, it’s about the core of the story falling completely flat.
I still can't believe that this is probably be the last time we'll ever see Shigaraki, despite everything I held out hope that his death would be a fake out and he would make a grand return. In truth I've been mourning him ever since his official death in the manga but I couldn't accept this was how his story would end.
With that being said I don't hate Hori for this as it became clear near the ending that he was burnt out and desperate to end his story. Most likely due to the inhumane working conditions he and most other manga creators have to face. I'm certin that if he was given prober time and breaks to work on MHA we would have had an incredible finale.
But sadly that wasn't the case the only thing I can say now is thank you Hori and I hope you can finally get the rest you deserve, MHA has been an incredible series and even though you didn't stick the landing that doesn't invalidate all the incredible things that have come from this series and all the work you put into it.

If heroes are supposed to help those in need, comfort the distressed and protect the vulnerable, then Tomura Shigaraki deserves the title of the greatest hero. Not because he had the highest ranking or saved the most lives or was the "goodest person" but because he did that shit. He gave a place to the disenfranchised he kept them safe and fed to the best of his ability and fought for their happiness. Not out of want for fame or glory. Not even because of some grand sense of altruisim. But because he saw the league as people, as his friends.
In spite of AFO's schemes, in spite of hero society's apathy, in spite of the fucking narrative both in universe and in our lives, Tomura Shigaraki was a hero. And even when he failed he never stopped trying.
Tomura Shigaraki is the greatest hero in the series.