smolthealmighty - Spazz Hands
Spazz Hands

This is a bad idea, but okay let's do it.

707 posts

Here, Look At Tomuras Version Of The Heroes And Villains Design Big Tapestry 2019.

Here, look at Tomura’s version of the Heroes and Villains Design Big Tapestry 2019.

Here, Look At Tomuras Version Of The Heroes And Villains Design Big Tapestry 2019.

he doin a slav squat

Here, Look At Tomuras Version Of The Heroes And Villains Design Big Tapestry 2019.
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More Posts from Smolthealmighty

3 years ago

Yeah I can definitely see Shigaraki as an aye-aye.

Yeah I Can Definitely See Shigaraki As An Aye-aye.

Crazy ass gremlin with the fingers, that is also sort of adorable... like in a “so ugly it’s cute” kinda way.

Yeah I Can Definitely See Shigaraki As An Aye-aye.

Aye-Ayes are nocturnal so they’re used to the dark. The middle finger is for foraging, so the hands and fingers are very important. They are also the only living species of its genus and family on the evolutionary tree of life. And on that note, please check out this aye-aye folklore:

Yeah I Can Definitely See Shigaraki As An Aye-aye.

Wow, a being that is accustomed to the dark, relies heavily on their hands, is the only surviving member of their family, is seen as a symbol of evil, and everyone wants to kill them so no one else they love dies and the status quo keeps going. What a bunch of coincidental parallels.

Cool animal association Horikoshi! Very nice!

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3 years ago

Spinaraki Week Level 2 Day 6: Free Day

Stuck On You

Spinner wants to show his beloved boyfriend some good old fashioned love and affection. Unfortunately, his quirk decides to get in the way at the worst possible time.


Tomura Shigaraki was gorgeous, both inside and out, and the fact that Spinner seemed to be the only one to see that both thrilled him and frustrated him. Thrilled him because that meant he got to keep his boyfriend all to himself and no one was going to try to take him away. Frustrated him because come on, Tomura was an absolute catch and undoubtedly deserved to have crowds of people fawning over how perfect he was.

Take right now for example. It was the first time in a while that they got to have a break, and Spinner was trying to catch up on the new GTA game that he hadn’t been able to buy when everything went to hell. Tomura had been sitting flush against him on the couch, taking the time to mentally relax from the everything in his head, when Spinner had offhandedly mentioned that he’d probably need to pause the game to grab something to drink soon, and Tomura –thoughtful, compassionate, gorgeous Tomura– casually said that he’d go get something for him so he could keep playing.

It was during times like this where Spinner would be able to see the parallels in his relationship with those of the few couples he had seen in his town growing up, having never had any romantic experiences himself to compare anything to. In this particular moment, he saw a sentimental gesture often expressed by his mom to his dad. It went like this: Every time his dad was heavily invested in the show he was watching after a long day’s work, his mom would wordlessly grab a drink for him to sip on as he relaxed. Of course, that was only her half of the routine, because every time she turned to go back to taking care of the house, his dad would reach out and slap her butt –a love tap as he’d called it– with a cheeky grin, always eliciting a tiny snicker from his wife.

Spinner was well known to be the more impulsive one of the two. Hell, his impulsive act to blurt out a confession in the middle of a battle was what kickstarted their relationship in the first place. So, when he recognized the kind act Tomura was doing for him, he instantly wanted to show his appreciation and love for this wonderful man who made him happy every single day. And well, he already knew of at least one way to go about doing that. Without a second thought, Spinner reached out and gave his boyfriend a love tap.

Now, Spinner didn’t use his quirk that often, mainly because it wasn’t really useful except for certain situations. However, his quirk did have the tendency to unconsciously activate when his emotions ran high, and especially when he was feeling a little possessive. He could still remember the exasperated look on his mom’s face when she couldn’t get him to let go of whichever cool toy had caught his fancy at the store each week. Even with this knowledge, he wasn’t really ready for what happened next.

The moment his hand made contact with his boyfriend’s butt, he got stuck.

Spinner had all of two seconds to realize that his quirk had activated, and that Tomura was still walking with his hand firmly attached. All he could think as he started to be pulled off the couch by his own arm was ‘Well, shit’. And with that, Spinner was unceremoniously dragged off the couch and tumbled onto the floor, promptly taking Tomura down with him as he let out an undignified “oof”.

It took a moment for Spinner to come out of his dazed state, but once he did, he immediately started babbling apologies and half-baked explanations. “Oh shit! Oh fuck! I’m sorry! I can explain! It was an accident! My quirk just–”

“Whoa, whoa, calm down I’m fine!” Tomura assured his boyfriend, as he twisted around to reach out and hold Spinner’s beak shut. While the scaled man was forced to focus on his breathing, Tomura moved from lying on the floor to kneeling in front of his clearly embarrassed boyfriend.

“Now,” he asked as he let go of Spinner’s mouth, “What exactly happened that landed us here?”

Spinner covered his face with his hands and sighed, “You’re gonna think I’m a dumbass. I got all caught up in my feelings and I did something stupid because of them!”

Tomura gave him a skeptical look. “Spinner, how many times have I broken up with you because you did something stupid?”

“Um, zero?”

“That’s right, zero. Besides, you know there’s been plenty of times that both of us have done stupid shit ‘in the name of love’. Remember when I found Stain, shoved him into a box, gift wrapped it, and gave him to you as a birthday present?”

Spinner burst out laughing at the memory. The look of confusion on Stain’s face at the time was hilarious, though it couldn’t compare to how priceless it was to see the smug grin Tomura wore as he presented the gift. “I still can’t believe you willingly did that for me! I know how much you hate even hearing his name,” Spinner chuckled, “Okay, I’ll tell ya, just don’t laugh when I’m done. I don’t think I can get anymore mortified without having heart palpitations.”

So, Spinner spent the next few minutes laying out his thought process, from Tomura’s gesture, to how much it meant to him, to wanting to show his appreciation, and finally to the action itself. When he was done, the first thing out of Tomura’s mouth was, “Well, that explains why your hand is still attached to my ass.”

Spinner glanced down and, yep, his hand was still glued to his boyfriend’s butt, and he somehow didn’t notice it even when Tomura was maneuvering himself. “Oops,” said Spinner, “Hold on I can–”

“Nah, don’t bother. Freaking out about it is probably just gonna make your quirk grip harder from the stress.” Tomura said, clearly trying and somewhat failing to stop himself from snickering.

“Tomura!” Spinner whined, “I told you not to laugh yet!”

At this, Tomura couldn’t hold it in and started giggling, having just enough restraint to keep himself from laughing outright to spare Spinner’s feelings. “Sorry, I can’t help it! You just– you were trying to be all cute and affectionate and– oh my god! You’re so– you’re fucking adorable when you’re flustered!”

Hearing that only made Spinner flush up even more, but he couldn’t stop himself from smiling tenderly at the beautiful sounds floating from his boyfriend’s chapped lips. After getting a hold of himself, Tomura calmed down and softly smiled as he brushed his long, delicate fingers up and down Spinner’s scaly, muscled arm. “You can call yourself a dumbass all you want, but you’d still be my dumbass. I love you.”

 Tomura Shigaraki was gorgeous, both inside and out, and the fact that Spinner seemed to be the only one to see that both thrilled him and frustrated him. But right now, the thrill far outweighed the frustration, because that meant Spinner got to keep his boyfriend, this wonderful man who made him happy every single day, all to himself.

Especially because that meant he could do what he was doing right now, which was peppering a barrage of kisses onto every available surface of Tomura’s beautiful face, now free of all self-restraint to laugh as loudly as he pleased while he basked in his boyfriend’s expression of adoration.

The television had been displaying the “Wasted” screen for a while already, but Spinner wouldn’t be picking up the controller again any time soon.

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4 years ago

I’d like to think that bnha 304 is mostly gonna be about Midoriya in the vestige world learning two important things:

- Nana’s relation to Tomura and how she feels about the plan she had to keep her family safe backfiring spectacularly (Does she regret leaving Kotaro behind, now knowing who he grew up to be? Is she conflicted with how All Might and Gran Torino technically did what she asked only for their inaction to contribute to the problem? Will she want to reach out and save her grandson even after all of this?)

- OFA’s knowledge of how manipulative AFO can be and what that means in terms of the awful conditions Tomura must have grown up in for the past 15 years (along with the very likely chance that he may have had a hand in guiding the outcome of Tenko’s situation in some capacity)

It’d help to flesh out Midoriya’s decision to save Tomura and solidify AFO as the worst villain since he’s one of the root causes of everything that’s going wrong (with the problems inherent to hero society that haven’t been corrected being the other big root).

An ending to the chapter I’d like to see is Midoriya and the vestiges trying to make a plan on how they’re gonna reach out to Tomura to help him, not outright making him switch sides and join the heroes but more like getting him completely out from under AFO’s thumb...

... only for Tomura to accidentally walk right into the vestige world right as the chapter ends.

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3 years ago

Ok, two memes to acknowledge the new chapter:

1. Dabi the next time he sees Best Jeanist.

Ok, Two Memes To Acknowledge The New Chapter:

hee hoo long neck

2. The first reaction I had when seeing Best Jeanist in his suit.

Ok, Two Memes To Acknowledge The New Chapter:


And yeah, can’t wait to see where the story’s gonna go from here. Really excited!

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