Twice Bnha - Tumblr Posts
guys like hear me out

i feel like if the league didn't fight back against overhaul, shigaraki and chisaki would be like bffs
like they would both be germophobic and itchy and play LoL together
and like chisaki would show shigaraki what like looks cool fashion wise and shigaraki would nOT give a FUCK bc lets be fr all that man wears is black shirts and pants and then he gets a cool black coat
liek chisaki would be the weird-but-still-cool-fashion friend and try to get shigaraki to wear smth more than just black
(they both also have pants that are TOO FUCKING SHORT)
i also feel like toga and overhaul would be kinda silly together bc like toga ACTUALLY knows what looks good and would try to get chisaki to wear smth NORMAL and now a GREEN JACKET with PURPLE FUR but he'd be like ew no where the colour and toga would be like ?????? THIS IS COLOUR
twice and chisaki would be like the black cat and golden retriever type where like twice is always bothering chisaki and chisaki is like hm I should like kill him bc he's gETTN ON MY NERVES but then like twice goes away for like a mission for a few weeks or smth and chisaki kinda misses him but wont admit it when twice gets back
(but after twice gets back and starts bother chisaki again, he notices that chisaki is a little nicer to him)
chisaki also wouldn't fw mange at first but then be like hm you're alright and then they would go from like bickering all the time to just like chill and can coexist in peace
mr compress would be like the silly weird guy in the background, which intreuges chisaki at first but then he realizes that Mr compress is acutally just really theatrical and he's like grrr there's only room for one dramatic bitch and Mr compress is like grr that ones me bc I was here FIRST and they would like fight but its like friendly and they actually enjoy being around eachtoher
and finally dabi and chisaki
they would fight
shigaraki would make chisaki put dabis body back together
Could you possibly do fatgum, shigaraki, twice and momo as mood boards? I love your mood boards so much☺️
Dating Twice <3

=͟͟͞͞ ⌧ : looks like you both had the same idea!
find shigaraki, momo and fatgum here!!
Jasper shirtless(My O'c")

Jasper: H-Hey, heh awkward right but, but mind if I can just squeeze myself in for tonight it's lonely on Valentine's day this year around again Y-Y/n".
Hello my friends☺️
Iam somaia I born 2005 I am 19 years old
A year ,before this time you finished tawjihiun🎓
and go to the university to complete my studies.

Now 😓 destroy the occupation during the war all our universities🥹 , Now we are unable to complete our study💔💔
Please 🙏 Help me to complete my studies abroad as other students🥺💔

*Watching Shigaraki getting his ass kicked from a distance*
Twice: “Shigaraki’s in trouble! He’s fine. We gotta help him! Anybody got a knife I can throw at the heroes?!”
Toga, bringing him a knife: “Right here!”
Twice: “Hang on Shigaraki, help is on the way! YEET!!!”
*Zooms out to show the knife is still right beside him*
Twice: “Huh? Wait, the hell did I throw?”
Toga, flying through the air toward the heroes:
Here’s my idea of what I think could happen:
Shigaraki hears the news, and at some point gets a hold of Twice’s body. He uses the AFO quirk to take Double and takes all new measurements of himself. Shigaraki then does his own homage to “Sad Man’s Parade” and creates a *%#$ ton of Shigaraki clones that spread out far and wide, all of which have both Decay and Double.
Hawks killed Twice due to the perceived threat of a clone army, using “the ends justify the means” to rationalize his actions. But that line of thinking goes out the window if the means don’t lead to the ends that are desired. Trying to prevent an army of Twices, only to give rise to an army of all-powerful Shigarakis, would mean that Hawks’s actions directly lead to even more casualties than if he just left Twice alone. His means lead to the worst possible ends.
If that isn’t “a taste of his own medicine made a million times worse”, I don’t know what is.
listen, Shigaraki's policy of revenge is clearly "give them a taste of their own medicine and then make it a million times worse".
Stain disrespects him? Shigaraki disrespects him harder, then gets him into jail. Overhaul disrespects him, kills a comrade and destroys another one's arm? Shigaraki kills one of theirs, destroys both of his arms, metaphorically spits on his quirk-less body and takes his quirk-erasing bullets (work of a lifetime), then leaves him to the heroes. Redestro chops off his broker's right fingers and threatens to disrespectfully terminate his villain organization? Shigaraki mocks him, then levels his city, makes him chop off his own legs, almost terminates his villain organization except that he is appointed leader by RD himself.
Now, I could go on, but the unexpected point of all this is: how much was Twice worth? How could you possibly repay the death of a man who could multiply himself endlessly and then make. it. worse?
Eh, dunno, you answer that.
Hawks, pulling out handcuffs: You have the right to remain silent.
Twice, about 3 seconds from going feral in order to reunite with the League: I choose to waive that right...
Imagine the “Would you fuck a clone of yourself?” argument, but it’s the LOV asking Twice. To make it funnier, it’s asked to a room full of Twice clones and each one has a different answer and reasoning...
Fuck it, let’s just do it right now!

So I’m in a DnD campaign and I ended up drawing my group’s characters for the DM’s birthday. The DM has a semi-self-insert character called “Franz”, and when I drew him I based his appearance on best boy Twice. Same hairstyle, same scruffy five o’clock shadow on his cheeks and chin, and same big ol’ grin!
Literally during the same session I showed off that picture, Franz got caught up in an explosion and was killed.

Everything that’s Twice dies! 😫
It’s been one year...

We miss you Twice.

Here, inspired by this post have a very rough sketched concept for Nomu Twice:

In death, Twice has the same viscosity as his clones once did, so his feet are more blob-like and sludgy while his top half is a bit sturdier. He’s only formed one arm right now for the intent of using his quirk, but unfortunately his fingers are acting a little runny. He also has extra stiches from his encounter with Hawks.
Poor Twice.
Dabi: “Hey Twice has this ever happened to you? So you’re in a hurry and you’re distracted. You sit down without checking the seat and CRUNCH! Just like that, there goes another pair of sunglasses.”
Twice: “Yeah that’s happened to me- but only ‘cause my ass is so fucking fat!”

League of Villains + Man with a Mission

Two Years.
I know I’m barely active on here but it’s been two years since Twice’s death in the manga so me and my friend smol decided to do this shoot this weekend.
Twice: @cosplay-goggles
Toga: @smolthealmighty
Editing: @creativitygoggles

Thanks for the memories
Twice: @cosplay-goggles
Dabi: @smolthealmighty
Photo/editing: @creativitygoggles

EP 116 promo sketch by Jason Yao x
Quote: Oleander’s Flower Language “Unchanging Friendship”

I can't. The smile on Toga's face when Jin saved her and the shock and the pain when she realized what was happening. The way Compress stops completely, freezes. The way Jin dies smiling.
Genuinely, fuck everyone who says the League of Villains is not a friend group/family.
They might not be the healthiest one, might be complicated, but there was love and friendship and grief and pain. There was happiness too, a sort they didn't think they could experience again. Loyalty and company, joy and comprehension. Anger amd hurt, there was life. They were alive.
Dead by society, but alive together.

Thank you for saving me.
[BNHA S6E3 - One's Justice]