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Forced To Believe Chapter 9- The Shield Isn't Unstoppable

Forced To Believe Chapter 9- The Shield Isn't Unstoppable

Forced To Believe Chapter 9- The Shield Isn't Unstoppable

Chapter Summary: Melanie continues to do well performing as a heel. Morgan is conflicted for a brief moment about Orton, The Shield lose their first match

Words: 3,000+



When Morgan comes out, she comes out in her black attire and slowly twirls around on the stage and has her right fist up in the air and looks at it. She brings it down and starts to walk down the ramp. When she gets in the ring, she goes on the turnbuckle she does her original taunt and smirks at the crowd. She gets off and looks at Layla.

'Ding Ding Ding'

"Man...I miss Morgan's grin. She's just been acting so mean these past weeks." King recalled all the negative things she had done.

"All right Layla..." Morgan started off and sat on the middle rope, motioning her to get out the ring. "Get out of my ring."

Layla looks at her and shakes her head. No way she was just going to up and leave. She was ready for a match.

"I'm warning you. Last chance." Morgan warned but ended up getting dropkicked out the ring

"Ooh!" Cole exclaimed at Morgan's impact on the concrete floor at ringside. 

She gets up and glares at Layla as she mocks her. She gets in the ring and starts to chase her around until Layla quickly kicks her in the face in the ring. She goes for the count but Morgan kicks out at two.

As the match progresses back and forth, Morgan picks Layla up and hits the backfire on her for the win. 

"Here is your winner! Morgan Lopez!" Justin announced as she gets her hand raised by the ref


The Shield were taking on Kofi and Team Hell No. When Daniel tags in Kane, he takes control of The Shield. When he pins Reigns, Ambrose breaks it up but then Kofi gets involved and clotheslines him out the ring. Daniel gets in the ring and then he and Kofi on each side of the ring get ready to do a dive off the middle ropes.

"You good?" Morgan asked as she helped Ambrose up. 

Ambrose looks straight ahead to see Daniel running toward them about to dive. He pushes Morgan out of the way as he gets hit by Daniel.

"Look at this!" King exclaimed

"Saving The Shield's Girl, I love it," JBL praised.

Seth, Morgan and Ambrose are down as Kane and Reigns wrestle in the ring. Ambrose and Daniel start to fight out of the ring as Seth and Kofi start to fight out of the ring. In the ring, Rollins gives Kane a cheap shot with a knee to the head and Reigns spears him for the win. Morgan recovers and gets in the ring to celebrate with The Shield.


During Kofi's match against Dean for the US title, which Ambrose won at extreme rules. Morgan watches from ringside along with Rollins and Reigns. When Kofi gets on the top rope, Rollins tries to throw him off but gets kicked in the face. Then Kofi jumps onto Roman outside the ring. Morgan backs up and has her hands in defense. 

"Stay away Morgan. And get back in the ring Kofi!" The ref yelled.

"I didn't do anything. I'm just chilling," she replied with a shrug

When Kofi gets back in the ring, Rollins comes in and Kofi turns his attention onto Rollins and starts beating on him. The ref ends up calling for the bell. 

'I hear voices in my head'

Orton's theme comes on as the crowd screams. Morgan snaps her head towards the entrance as her eyes widen. Randy runs down the ring and starts to get attacked by The Shield.

Morgan quickly gets in the ring, feeling worried for Orton.

"Wait! Guys wait a second, don't hurt him all right?" she spoke up as the boys turned to her

"Don't tell me you're still soft for him after all this time," Rollins exclaimed.

"Look, let's just go. He's not worth it," she replied, shaking her head.

Sheamus comes running to the ring and then The Shield fights Kofi, Sheamus and Orton as Morgan gets out of the ring and watches with worry. 

"We got a brawl!" Cole exclaimed 

The Shield gets thrown out the ring and Morgan meets up with them. Teddy long comes out.

"Just a minute! Just a minute playas. Now this show is not going to end like that. Now since all six of you all are in there, we are gonna have ourselves a six man tag team match!" The crowd cheers.

"And it is going to start right now!" Teddy said as his theme comes on.

"It just got electric here on Smackdown!" Cole announced.

The Shield starts thinking of a plan but then Ambrose turns to Morgan.

"I don't want you out here, anymore, tonight." he said

"What?" The Philly Diva looked on with confusion. "Why not?"

"I don't want you out there tonight. You'll get distracted by Orton."

"No, I will not. I'm fine!"

"We all know that's a lie. You need to get your head in the game. You're sitting out tonight." Reigns declared.

"We don't want to deal with your soft spot for Orton." Seth added.

"I don't have a soft spot." she exclaimed.

"Then why'd you stop us in the ring?" Rollins raised a brow.

Morgan frowned. "I still care."

"Well un-care about him and go back to the locker room. We got this handled." Ambrose said and got on the apron. 

Morgan reluctantly leaves as the crowd boos and starts to chant 'We want Morgan' 

Randy looks irritated that she left the ring. 

Dean smirks at him. "Aw, what's the matter? Sad that she's gone?"


Fans tweet:

'Make a choice! Choose the viper and go back to the #GoodSide!'

'Morgan defends Ambrose then Orton? I'm confused. Who is she going to end up with?'

'Wish Morgan would go to the feisty dark place and attack The Shield like she did at TLC.'


'Next Week on Smackdown'

Morgan and Roman are at ringside watching Seth's match against Kane who has Daniel Bryan at ringside. 

Rollins catches Kane on the turnbuckle but then Kane punches him off and does a high risk move off the turnbuckle. Roman gets up on the apron to distract Kane but then Kane grabs him for the chokeslam hold. He pushes him off the apron and turns around. 'Oh!' The crowd exclaims as Seth kicks Kane in the face. 

Morgan clapped for him. "Yeah!" 

As the ref tries to get Roman to get off the apron, Seth goes on the turnbuckle but then Daniel pushes him off.

"Are you kidding me!?" Morgan yelled and was about to walk up to Bryan but the ref told her to go back to where she was. "Injustice!"

Kane delivers the chokeslam on Rollins to win the match as Morgan face palms. Roman and Morgan get in the ring as Roman argues with the ref.

Morgan glared at Daniel and yelled, "This is all your fault you goat face! Seth had it won until you interfered!

"And Morgan and Roman look upset with Daniel and the official," Cole observed

Seth recovers and he goes to ringside with Morgan as they start to watch Roman's match against Daniel.

"Give him hell!" Morgan yelled.

During the match, Daniel catches Reigns in the No lock.

"He's got it!" JBL shouted.

"No!" Morgan shouted as she and Seth yelled at Reigns to not tap out. 

"Is Reigns going to tap!?" Cole exclaimed. Rollins pushes the rope toward Reigns so he can grab it to get out of the submission as the crowd boos. Morgan gives Rollins a pat on the back. She turns to see Kane walking their way and she quickly runs to the other side of the ring. "And Kane had enough!"

Kane strikes Rollins with a big boot while Bryan releases the No lock and complains to the ref about it. Reigns punches Kane and then Kane gets fed up and punches him. The ref sees it and calls for the bell as Roman wins by interference.

"Oh no." Cole exclaimed. 

Roman gets out of the ring as Seth and Morgan meet up with him to celebrate his win. 


Morgan is prepping for a match as she puts on her fingerless gloves. Ambrose walks up to her with his US Championship on his shoulder.

"Isn't it about time you've gotten gold?" he asked.

"No, because it's not my time. I want to earn it and I'll do it my way. Not The Shield's way." she answered.

Dean smirked. "Fine. Have it your way."

"Good. We're done here." Morgan stated and walked away as the camera followed her.

"Morgan, in action, next," Cole announced as Smackdown goes to a commercial.

'In The Ring'

When Morgan gets in the ring, she twirls around with her right hand up and then gets in the middle of the ring and has a fist pointing up in the air

'Ding Ding Ding'

Morgan and Layla circle around each other. Layla starts to laugh with the crowd as she starts doing Morgan's taunts. Morgan scowls, looking at her in disgust. 

"Layla trying to do some mind games with Morgan." Cole observed. 

She tries to hit Layla but she moves out of the way and takes control of her. They start to have a back and forth match and at the end of it, Morgan moves out of the way when Layla does the crossbody. She then picks her up to do the backfire on her and pins her for the win.

'Later on the night'

Morgan is in Dean's corner as she watches his match against her friend, Randy, looking slightly worried. She really missed working with Randy and being by his side but she was now a part of The Shield and he needed to let it go.

"You lost at WrestleMania Orton. She's ours now. She is a part of The Shield and she will stay in The Shield." Ambrose smirked as Orton started to glare at him. "And don't worry, I'm taking good care of her­-" he gets cut off when Randy snaps and attacks him. 

Later on in the match, Morgan winces at the sight of Ambrose getting a DDT on the apron from Orton.

"What was that?" JBL asked.

"That was vintage Orton." Cole said.

Ambrose rolls out of the way and then Rollins and Reigns run in the ring to attack Orton but he fights them off. The ref calls for the bell. As The Shield jumps Orton, Team Hell No runs to clear the ring as Morgan looks on outside the ring. 

She looks on in shock as Daniel Bryan takes on the Shield by himself. She helps Ambrose and Rollins outside the ring after Ambrose gets hit by a high risk move off the turnbuckle from Bryan. 

Daniel runs and hits another dive, hitting all three of them, and then stands up, yelling 'Yes!' as the crowd cheers with him. 

"A dive on all three of them!"

"All three!? Is Morgan okay?" JBL asked

"She looks fine to me." Cole said as she recovered quickly from the assault.

"We need to leave. Right now." Morgan said as she helped Rollins and Ambrose

'Got hit by Daniel's dive of the apron. #Sweet! #WhatARush.' Melanie tweets.

'Next week, RAW'

Morgan is walking backstage but stops as an arm is on the wall, in her way. She sees that Randy is in front of her as the crowd cheers. 

"What?" Morgan sighed.

"Is this an act?" He asked

"What are you talking about?"

"You seem so...happy to be a part of The Shield."

"Happy? I am. At first, I was trying to grin and bear being in The Shield since you couldn't beat them at WrestleMania. But then I grew to love being a part of the team,"

"You shouldn't have agreed to the stipulation,"

"I didn't have a choice,"

"Yes, you did. Look, I wanted to try again." 

"Try again? What makes you think I want your help after you failed to decide my fate at WrestleMania? And as far as I'm concerned...I don't want you to try again. You are my enemy, now. And I love being with The Shield,"

"Are you saying this because you've been around Ambrose? He's clearly screwed with your head."

"I know what I'm doing. And I won't let you stop me or The Shield. I'll stand up to you if I have to. My mind is not screwed up." She stated and stormed off.

'In The Ring'

The Shield take on Team Hell No and Randy Orton. During the match, Morgan watches as Randy gives Rollins a dropkick as he is diving off the turnbuckle and later she watches as Daniel takes control of Ambrose. 

"No way!" Morgan yelled as she saw the crowd going wild when Daniel was on the turnbuckle with Rollins. 

Ambrose is lying down on the mat and gets hit by Rollins landing on him after Bryan's hurricarana. Morgan has a hand on her mouth and looks in awe.

"And Daniel Bryan is all over the place!" Cole exclaimed after he dived off the apron onto Reigns

Bryan does a mistletoe dropkick on Ambrose and pins him but he kicks out a two. He gets Ambrose into the No lock as Morgan starts to panic. Rollins and Reigns break it up but then Kane grabs them for the chokeslam. Seth kicks him off of them and Kane gets speared by Reigns. Rollins starts talking trash to Kane as he rolls out of the ring and turns around to get hit with an RKO. 

Reigns goes to attack Orton but he moves out of the way and is about to do the RKO but gets pushed in Bryan. Ambrose takes advantage by doing his finisher on Bryan while Reigns takes his fight with Orton outside

"Good night!" JBL said as Ambrose pins Bryan for the win.



During Morgan's match against Naomi, Naomi hits the rear view on Morgan as she holds the side of her face. Naomi pins her and Morgan kicks out and rolls out the ring to recover. 

"Don't judge me! I need a few seconds." Morgan retorts to the crowd who booed her 

"Get back in the ring!" The ref yelled and started to count

Morgan put her right index finger up. "In a minute! In a minute."

Cameron walks towards her and grabs her by the hair as the crowd cheers, watching her throw her back in the ring.

"What was that!?" Morgan yelled but then turned and got hit with another rearview. 

Naomi pins her for the win. Morgan glares at Naomi and Cameron as she holds her mouth and decides to attack them.

"That's right Morgan, show them no mercy." JBL supported. 

She throws Naomi out the ring and hits the backfire on Cameron. She smirks at them and puts her fist out.

"Believe in The Shield!" She yelled, putting her fist out with a smirk on her face

"She's acting like a sore loser," Cole looked on

'Next week, Raw'

"Look like we have diva action starting off tonight's show," Cole said as Morgan watched Cameron get in the ring with Naomi by her side. 

The Philly diva rolls her eyes and then begins to argue with Cameron and Morgan about what happened on Smackdown. 

"I should break that pretty little face of yours and snap you like a twig." The Shield's Girl threatened.

"Girl bye!" Cameron slapped her across the face as the crowd cheered. 

As Cameron takes control, she tries to toss Morgan out the ring but Morgan lands on the apron. When Cameron comes to hit her, she blocks it. Morgan grabs her head and jumps down on the apron as Cameron holds her neck and falls on the mat in the ring. Getting back inside, she hits her with the backfire on her to win.

Smirking victoriously, Morgan goes through the crowd after blowing Cameron and Naomi a kiss


Backstage, Kaitlyn is having a nervous breakdown after she attacked the ref during her match and Morgan walks up to her. 

"Kaitlyn! You need to calm down!" Morgan yelled and held her by her shoulders. "Hey! Listen to me! You need to get it together, cause right now, this is ridiculous. You attacked the ref. How are you going to beat AJ with an attitude like that? She's getting in your head. She wants that to happen. Don't let it happen." 

Kaitlyn starts to calm down and glances at her. She then shoves her to the floor as the crowd oohs.

"Seriously?" Morgan exclaimed as she got up and looked at her in disbelief. 

Kaitlyn attacks her and starts unloading on her as the refs and divas come to break it up. She tried her best not to fight Kaitlyn since she was still her friend but it was getting hard as she tried to shove her away

After a few moments, the refs and divas separate them.

"Get off of me!" Morgan yelled. "This is why I hate being nice!" She storms off as Kaitlyn starts to have another nervous breakdown while being held back by the refs.

'In The Ring'

During The Shield's match with Team Hell No and Orton, Morgan watches in shock as Kane blocks Roman's spear outside and throws him to the timekeepers area. Then he chokeslams Ambrose into the timekeepers area. She marches up to Kane and pushes him. 

"What do you think you're doing!?" She yelled but then Kane grabbed her in the chokeslam hold and threw her on top of Ambrose and Reigns.

In the ring, Bryan takes control of Rollins as the crowd goes wild. Morgan crawls out of the timekeepers area. She recovers and watches Rollins get on the turnbuckle but then Kane pushes him off, making him fly into an RKO. 

About to run into the ring to stop the No Lock that Bryan had applied on Rollins, Randy grabs her tightly to stop her. 

"Randy! Get off of me!" She yelled.

"No can do." He let out a chuckle as she was forced to watch Rollins tap out. 

The crowd goes wild while Orton releases her and gets in the ring with Kane.

"They did it! They did it!" Cole yelled.

"Really!?" Morgan yelled at Randy as Team Hell No and Orton celebrated.

"The Shield is not unstoppable." Cole exclaimed.

Morgan gets on the apron and Bryan turns to her. 

"No!" She yelled.

"Yes!" Daniel yells back at her, chanting with him.








"Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!" Bryan yelled while Morgan scowled at him.

"Unbelievable..." She grumbled.


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More Posts from Smolwritingchick

1 year ago

Geez I have a folder with almost 2K photos/gifs I gotta go through for Bangtan Gal. I found so much in my hard drive. So bear with me with the upcoming chapters since I like to add gifs and stuff in it.

Also I’ve been combining some chapters so some may be longer than others 🫡

Geez I Have A Folder With Almost 2K Photos/gifs I Gotta Go Through For Bangtan Gal. I Found So Much In

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1 year ago

Hi! Starting over again!

Hi! Starting Over Again!
Hi! Starting Over Again!

Idk how many people may remember this blog but hi! I'm Val aka Smolwritingchick.

I used to post The Bangtan Gal here on Tumblr. A BTS Jungkook love story about an 8th member of BTS, Jennie Walker.

I'm starting over. I have two stories I want to post on here that I deleted. A wrestling story called Forced To Believe which is about a female member of The Shield from WWE (I posted that on many years ago) and my BTS story, Bangtan Gal. Currently editing chapters and will post them soon.

I took a long break from writing due to my mental health and just lack of motivation to write as I focused more on work and had other passions. But I miss it and would love to repost my work. I'm not a big fan of the site these days so I will be posting my stories on Wattpad, Tumblr and Archive of our own for now on.

I'm hoping to continue The Bangtan Gal as I plan out new chapters after editing the old ones. For now, what matters is that I'm having all these chapters up from what has already been written so people can reread.

This blog will focus 95% on my K-Pop story The Bangtan Gal, so expect a lot of posts and asks regarding my K-Pop story and fewer posts about my wrestling story. I'm more focused on that, so sorry in advance.

I don't really care about the notes or views. I just want to post these up again and see where it goes.

I keep rereading my stories and I really miss it so why not?

Stay tuned.


I'm also on Wattpad and Archive of Our Own

Forced To Believe Masterlist

Bangtan Gal Masterlist

Bangtan Gal Masterlist PART 2

Bangtan Gal Smol oneshot/drabble Masterlist

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1 year ago



First batches of my wrestling story are out! Next up I will work on editing Bangtan Gal chapters and when I get to a good spot I'll post the edited chapters in a big group like I just did with my wrestling story. Stay tuned! :)

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1 year ago

I still watch this from time to time ❤️❤️ I love it so much. I know it’s been so long. I’m happy to be back writing on here and posting.

Again thank you 😭🙏🏾

JenKook GCF
The OFFICIAL JenKook GCF. I know it's not exactly like Jungkook's style but I had to remake this GCF so it's not completely the same anymore. I…


The Jenkook GCF is for @smolwritingchick and her A-Freaking-Mazing story: Bangtan Gal. I know that it isn’t like what Jungkook’s style is, in terms of GCFs but this is actually a remake of my first Faux GCF. I hope that you guys enjoy anyways.

Also, on the dancing/ choreography with Zendaya & Rihanna, watch closely! I tried to match the moves of the video with the music!

If you haven’t already, please check out Bangtan Gal. It’s on @/smolwritingchick’s account here on Tumblr AND on Ao3!

Under the cut are links to the videos I used in this Faux GCF and my thoughts on why I included each clip (basically a backstory to them).

Keep reading

1 year ago

Forced To Believe Chapter 12- The Underdog From Philly

Forced To Believe Chapter 12- The Underdog From Philly

Author's Note: Ok It's Dec 5th 2023 and this will be the last chapter I upload for today! I'll continue editing and post another batch soon! Thanks for making it this far. :)

Chapter Summary: Prank war intensifies between Melanie and Colby, The pressure is on for Morgan as she prepares for the final days before MITB to prove that she is ready to get her first championship in WWE and make The Shield be a team to all have gold. 

Words: 5,000+


Before Raw, Melanie walked inside Joe and Colby's locker room. "Joe! What's up dude?" she beamed.

Joe smiles at her, looking up from his phone as he is seated on a chair. "Nothing much. You seem happy."

"Oh I am, Colby's in the shower right?"

"Yeah, why?" he questioned as he watched her grab all the towels.

"You won't be needing these right?"

"Nah, but Colby will." Joe replied with an amused grin.

"Exactly! See you later!" she said and walked out of the locker room to hide the towels in the Diva's locker room.

Later in the evening, Melanie meets Joe, Colby and Jon so they can get ready to walk through the crowd. 

"Yo!" Melanie grinned.

Colby gives her a playful glare while she starts to look innocent. 

"Oh don't make that innocent face. You know what you did." He pointed at her.

"I don't know what you're talking about." She replied with a shrug as Joe and Jon snicker. Then Jon begins warming up by doing push ups.


In the ring, during a tag team match with Morgan at ringside watching on, Jey Uso tags in Christian as the crowd goes wild. When he takes control of Rollins, he also punches Roman off the apron. Dean quickly gets off the apron with his hands in defense before he can get to him.

Morgan stands next to Ambrose as Christian stares them down. 

"Eye problem?" She glared at him.

As soon as Christian turns around, he gets kicked in the face by Rollins.

"The distraction by Ambrose and Morgan." Cole looked on.

"I would stay away from Morgan. You never know what she's going to do. If she distracts you, hits you, or yells at you. It makes her very interesting to watch." King said

"Indeed King." JBL agreed. 

Ambrose gets tagged in and he starts stomping on Christian. The two start going at it but then he catches Dean in a reverse DDT. He pins him but the pin gets broken up by Roman.

"And it seems Morgan looks relieved," Cole observed as the camera showed her looking relaxed. 

The Usos start fighting Roman but Roman takes control and does a belly to belly suplex on one of the Usos as they both fall out of the ring. 

"Morgan looks like she's about to plot something." Cole pointed out as she started to narrow her eyes at Christian. 

"Oh yeah, we've seen that look plenty of times," King said

In the ring, Ambrose and Christian stand up. They walk and bump their backs against each other and quickly turn around. Christian catches Ambrose in the kill switch position as he tries to block the attack.

"No!" Morgan yelled and gets on the apron as the crowd starts to boo.

"Get off the apron!" The ref warned 

She decides to obey as she sees Dean throwing Christian to the turnbuckle and Christian kicking him away from him. As the ref checks on Ambrose, Christian gets on top of the turnbuckle.

"Whoa, what is she doing?" King exclaimed as Morgan got back on the apron. 

She punches Christian in the face as he falls off the turnbuckle while the crowd boos her loudly.

"That's what I love about The Shield! Always looking out for their teammates! Good job Morgan!" JBL cheered as she leaned on the top rope with her left arm. She proceeded to laugh while she leaned back while still holding onto the rope and swung her body on the rope slightly before dropping herself off the apron. Highfiving JBL, she turns her attention back to the ring

"How are you supporting this?" Cole exclaimed while Ambrose took advantage by rolling Christian up for the win. "Ambrose takes advantage!"

Morgan grabs Dean's title as he brushes his hands and rolls out the ring. 

"The winners of this match...The Shield!" Justin Roberts announced. 

She hands Ambrose the title as he smirks at her, wrapping an arm around her while kissing her on the cheek.

"If it wasn't for Morgan's dirty work..." Cole trailed off.

"Hey! She helped her team win. Ambrose took advantage. Christian needs to keep his eyes on everyone. That's his fault." JBL defended her actions once again.

"I have to admit, that was some good work right there," King admitted 


The Bellas were talking and Jojo and Eva Marie walked up to them to greet them. 

"Hi, Eva Marie, Jojo." Nikki greeted.

"We're so excited," Eva said with a smile.

"Thank you for coming to our cast meeting." Brie spoke up.

"Oh my God, like no problem, we are so excited right now." Jojo replied with a grin.

"They should be thanking us for inviting them," Nikki said with an attitude in her voice.

"And more importantly, gracing you two with our presence." Brie bragged.

"Couldn't agree more with you, Brie. I mean, I get it, you two are special in weird ways but everyone knows that if Brie and I didn't return to the WWE, this reality show wouldn't be happening. Or at least be as hot as it's going to be now that we're the stars."

"We're all the stars." Jojo corrected.

"Aw, but not all stars shine bright, sweetie." Nikki said and touched Jojo's hair.

"Nikki, isn't it the cutest how they're brand new fresh out of the diva factory?" 

"Yeah until they look like that." Nikki pointed as the camera showed Naomi, Cameron, and Natalya.

"They can hear you." Naomi snapped.

"Girl bye. We all heard you." Cameron retorted.

"Duh, I know. What I don't know is why you're not getting the message." Brie snapped back.

"Brie and I are attending red carpets and attending the Miss USA Pageant. I mean, we're really getting our names out there." Nikki said in a smug tone.

"Is that why you're wasting my time...?" A bored voice is heard by everyone as the camera reveals Morgan in the shot, next to Jojo and Eva Marie.

"Excuse us?"

"You two Barbie dolls aren't worth my time. I should be in the ring, not in this so called meeting. Bad enough I'm co-stars with you, two." Morgan retorted and walked away as the rest of the divas looked on in amusement.

"How dare she?" Brie watched Morgan leave, in disgust.

"Ooh!" Naomi said with a grin

"Burn..." Cameron snapped her fingers.

'In The Ring'

Morgan faces AJ and after a back and forth match, she gets caught in the black widow. 

"Crap!" she exclaimed as she gets caught deep in the hold.

"Oh no, will Morgan tap?" Cole asked as she tried to hang in there. "Morgan beat her once, can she escape and beat her again or will AJ win this bout?"

"Tap! Tap!" AJ yelled

"AJ has that move on tight. She may break something." King observed.

After a few more seconds, Morgan starts tapping out as AJ's theme comes on. 

"Here is your winner, the WWE Divas Champion, AJ Lee!" Justin Roberts announced. 

Morgan holds her arm, sitting up, as she watches AJ getting her hand raised by the ref.

"Amazing matchup between these two." King praised

"But will this happen at Money in the bank? Morgan will be in her hometown and this will be her first divas championship match. You think there will be first championship match jitters?" Cole asked.

"I think it's too soon to tell but I feel like she's ready for the challenge. Amazing match up."

Morgan looks at AJ as she taunts her with the title. 

"You will never have this. This is mine and mine forever!" AJ yelled and let out a crazy laugh.

"Yeah okay. Okay," Morgan nodded, understanding what she was dealing with.

Morgan tweets 'Finally got an idea of what I'm going up against at MITB. This is going to be an interesting Diva's match in Philly.'

Bellas tweet 'You were saying WWEMorgan101? What a waste of time YOU are since you lost your match.'

'At least I'm in matches. #GoodAndLongMatches unlike you #30SecondMatches' Morgan replies.

'But you lost.' the Bellas replied.

'Doesn't matter if you win or lose. What matters is your performance in the match. #EFFORT' Morgan replies back.

'WWE Exclusive Video'

Morgan walks up to AJ who is playing with her hair and has her title on her arm. 

"Can I help you?" AJ asked as she tilted her head to the side.

Morgan looked at her confidently, "I really hope you give it your all at Money In The Bank. Because I'll be in my hometown and I'm gonna work my ass off to try to get that championship. But I'm not here to brag about anything. I'm here to thank you for the match and what you've been doing here. So thanks. I'll see you next week on Smackdown for the contract signing."

AJ grinned. "Wow. You are the only diva who has thanked me. You see, I'm trying to save this division and it's nice to finally see someone acknowledging it. But don't get too happy. I'm still going to win at Money In The Bank." She skipped away with a smile.

"Yeah...we'll see." Morgan murmured as she watched her skip away.

'After show'

Melanie, Celeste and April share a room and get settled in after the show.

"I'm going to take a shower." Melanie announced.

"Hurry up so we can watch a movie!" April playfully demanded.

"All right, all right!" 

Melanie gets settled and turns on the shower. She closes her eyes and lets the water run down her head for a while. But when she opens her eyes, she sees black water running down her hair and body as her eyes widen. 

"What the heck?!" She screamed, stopping the shower and quickly got out. 

She wraps a towel around her body and goes to the mirror to see her hair dyed black.

Celeste runs in. "What happened!? Oh my god!" She screamed as she sees Morgan's hair.



"AHHHHHH!" Melanie and Celeste scream together.

"WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU!?" Celeste screamed

"I DON'T KNOW!" Melanie screamed back at her.

"AHHHHHH!" They scream in unison.

"Whoa! What is going on!?" April runs in.

"My hair is black!" Melanie screamed.

"AHHHHHHH!" All the girls scream

"YOUR HAIR IS BLACK!" April screamed.

"I KNOW!" Melanie screams back.


"HE DYED MY HAIR!" Melanie screamed.


"Is it permanent?" April asked after a long pause.

"I can't tell." Celeste said as she touched Melanie's hair.

"He dyed my hair. This dude dyed my hair am I supposed to wrestle with black hair? I'm a brunette!" Melanie fussed.

"Well, Colby totally won this round." Celeste said, earning a glare from the Philly diva. "What it's true. Hey, you kind of resemble Chyna."

The girls hear knocking at their door. April opens the door to see the Bellas and Nattie. "We heard a lot of screaming, what happened?" Nattie asked.

"Colby pranked Melanie. It's not pretty." April answered, letting them in.

"What's the worst that could happen?" Nikki asked.

"See for yourself," April responded as they saw Melanie wrapped in a towel and a towel wrapping her hair.

"I don't see anything wrong." Brie observed her, but then Melanie released the towel off her head. "Oh my god! Your hair!"

"Exactly..." Melanie mumbled.

"He really did it this time." Celeste said. "Want to go to a hair salon tomorrow?"

"Nope." Melanie answered as she gets out of the bathroom.

"No? But you were just freaking out." Brie exclaimed

"That is what Colby wants. I won't give him that pleasure. I'll deal with the hair. Hopefully, it'll fade out after a few washes." Melanie shrugged. "Or I might just officially do black hair,"

"That's the Melanie I know." Celeste replied with a grin.

"So how exactly did he get access to this room to put the hair dye in the shower?" Melanie questioned and looked at both April and Celeste

Celeste grinned sheepishly, "He told me to do it,"

"You know what..." she began chasing her around the room as everyone laughed. 

After playfighting, Melanie tweets a selfie of herself with her new raven hair, 'Oh really done it this time WWERollins. And you got Kaitlyn in on it too? SMFH #PrankWar #JetBlackLaurer'


Fans tweet:


'He dyed your hair!? OMG!'

'You look like Chyna!'


'No! Your beautiful brown hair is ruined!'

Superstars and divas tweet about Melanie's photo of her new color. 

Miz tweets 'Awesome!'

Rosa tweets 'I love the hair chica! Get WWERollins back good!'

Alicia tweets 'What a foxy situation that is. Hope you get him back hard gurl.'

Paige replies 'WWERollins is going to get it! Never mess with a female's hair. #MessWithMorganYouMessWithMe'

Chyna tweets 'Priceless. You look like my twin.'

Melanie replies to Chyna 'Hardy har har.'

Roman replies 'I tried to stop him. Looks like I was too late.'

Melanie replies to Roman 'Too late? You're no help at all!'

Roman replies back 'Sorry you feel that way.'

'Boo! You suck!' Melanie replies back to him.

Roman replies back to her by saying, 'Okay, I'll remember that when you want someone to take you to the supermarket to get some grapes.'

Melanie quickly responds back to him 'I'm sorry! I'M SORRY! #PleaseDontTakeMyGrapesAway'

Roman replies 'Gets you every time.'


'Hours before Raw'

Melanie meets up with The Shield for the WWE VIP Experience event. 

"Joe showed me your photo on Twitter." Jon said as he stroked her hair.

"Don't remind me." Melanie mumbled.

"Common, I think it's cute."

"Oh, you're just saying that." Melanie replied with a grin.

"I'm serious," he reassured and kissed her cheek

"Hey Mel! Nice hair! Nice color, huh?" Colby laughed.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha No..." Melanie replied with a frown.

"I told you, you will not win this battle."

"Oh trust me, I will win this battle. And this time, you are going first."

"Fine by me."

Later on, The Shield get interviewed by Lulu and Lala from 92.3 Now. The camera shows Lulu with Seth and the rest of The Shield as Lala is next to Dean Ambrose. 

"We're with The Shield. You men are looking good, and Morgan, you look gorgeous! I love the hair." Lala said.

"Hahaha, thanks." Morgan responded with a smile.

"What's up? What can we expect for tonight?"

"You can expect justice to be served like it always is, when The Shield shows up to town and we will be dishing out punishment to all offenders. A lot of ladies think we are angry and violent rough men but the truth is, we have a sweet and sensitive side." Dean replied

"Do you?" Lala asked

"I show a sweeter side outside the ring, ain't that right Morgan?" he teased, turning to look at his girlfriend with a big grin on his face

"Why are you looking at me?" Morgan asked as she started to blush.

He'd take any chance to put her on the spot. She could never prepare for it as Jon thought she looked cute with the way she reacted.

"Aw, she's blushing!" Lala exclaimed with a grin.

"But you won't be seeing any sweetness tonight. At least not until after the show." Dean went on.

"Ooh, I know Morgan will be taking advantage of that."

"Oh, you already know!" Morgan laughed

Lala turned to Seth. "Hey."

"Oh yeah, hey, what's up? We're just hanging out right here. Me and Lulu or Lala or whatever it is, we're just crushing, that's all that's going on over here."

Everyone chuckles. "What's up with you always beating up on Daniel?" Lala asked.

"Well, it's an advantage to beat up a little troll." Joe answered.

'In The Ring, On Raw'

Morgan is at ringside watching Roman and Seth go up against Tons of Funk. 

"Did Morgan dye her hair? She looks different." King pointed out.

"She may have. I almost didn't recognize her." Cole said.

"I did. Are you two blind?" JBL exclaimed

"Stop banging the mat!" Morgan yelled at Naomi and Cameron as they bang on the mat to support Brodus who is in a headlock by Roman. 

Brodus fights back and gets a tag to Sweet T as Roman tags in Seth.

Tensai hits Seth with clotheslines and takes down Roman. As Seth sits on the turnbuckle, Tensai runs and hits him with a rolling sit ton. While Morgan checks on Roman outside the ring, Rollins drop kicks Brodus off the apron. Morgan walks over to Brodus, about to take him down but Cameron spears her down and starts unloading on her. 

"Whoa!" Cole exclaims as the crowd cheers for her.

"Get her off of me!" Morgan yelled.

Naomi went to grab Cameron off while Roman grabbed Morgan.

"How dare you put your hands on me!? Do you know who I am!? Do you know what I'm capable of!? Are you crazy!? Get off of me!" Morgan yelled as an amused Roman tried to calm her down and picked her up over his shoulder. "You messed with the wrong one Cameron! Wrong one!"

"And she's still yelling," Cole exclaimed.

"How dare she put her hands on me?!" Morgan continued to go off as Roman set her down.

"Calm down. Deal with her later. Let's focus on the match." Roman chuckled and put his hands on her shoulders.

"All right, all right."

In the ring, Rollins tags in Roman and jumps through the ropes to hit Brodus. When Tensai turns around, he gets speared by Reigns and pins him for the win.

"And The Shield are victorious," Cole announced.

'Backstage, WWE Exclusive video'

Morgan has a fit backstage with The Shield.

"What kind of sneak attack was that!?" Morgan exclaimed. "I swear, I am gonna..." she pounds her fist against her hand.

"Relax. Calm down. You'll get her back." Ambrose said as he held her shoulders.

She nodded and turned to the camera as Ambrose released her. "Oh Cam, Cam, Cam. Looks like you grew some guts since you decided to attack me. Is that supposed to scare me? Threaten me? Acknowledge you? sweetheart it doesn't work that way."

"That's right," Seth said in the background as Roman nodded.

"You're still an afterthought, Cameron. And don't think you got away easy with that sneak attack. I will get my revenge. I will get my revenge, and you wanna know why? You wanna know how? I'll tell you. The reason I will get my revenge is to teach you a lesson. The lesson is simple, mess with Morgan Lopez and you're screwed. How I'm going to get my revenge? Simple as well. I am going to make sure you never ever try to threaten me again. I am going to pulverize you. And you are going to like it. You are going to remember it. And you will believe in it. Believe in The Shield." She pushes the camera away as it falls.

Cameron tweets '#GirlBye I ain't scared of you'

Morgan tweets 'Seems you didn't get the memo. I guess my actions will do the talking. This match will be short and sweet #GirlCry'

'WWE Main Event'

Melanie goes to the diva's locker room and opens her gym bag. 

"Motherf-­" she trailed off as she looked in her bag. It was filled with eggs. Some are cracked, some have funny faces written on them with a black Sharpe. "Oh original...Luckily I have a plan. If he wants to mess with my bag, I'll mess with his."

"What are you going to do?" Ariane asked.

"Oh nothing" Melanie replied with a grin.

'In The Ring'

Morgan gets in the ring with Cameron and glares at her. Ambrose was at ringside watching the match while Naomi was at Cameron's corner. Morgan runs and hits Cameron with a hard clothesline. 

"Oh! Did you hear that impact!?" Cole exclaimed.

"This is going to be a short match." JBL said as Morgan hit Cameron with a shining wizard. 

She picks her up and tosses her to the turnbuckle as she slides down. Morgan walks over and starts choking her with her right foot as the ref counts. She releases the hold after the ref counts to 4. She drags her away from the turnbuckle and applies her submission on her as Cameron quickly gives up. Morgan leans back, applying more pressure before releasing her.

"Well, that was quick," Cole exclaimed as Morgan got her hand raised.

Ambrose comes into the ring as Morgan yells 'Let's go!' at the crowd. She turns and runs to jump on him to give him a hug which sparks the crowd's interest. 

"Whoa, are we seeing this correctly?" Ambrose was a little surprised but hugged her back.

"Interesting turn of events there." JBL said as Morgan got off him, still happy she won the match


Melanie's hair starts to go back to its original color. She takes a photo of herself and tweets it 'Natural hair is coming back! Ha! In your face WWERollins, you can't break my hair! #VictoryWillBeMine'

'WWE Exclusive video'

The camera shows Morgan walking but she stops as she sees Ambrose taping up his hands. She sighs and nervously walks up to him. 

"H­-hey you got a minute?"

Dean looks up as he finishes taping his left hand. "What is it?"

"I uh...I wanted to apologize."

"For what?"

"For...jumping all up on you like that. You know during Main Event. I was just a little excited."

Ambrose stepped up to her, lifting her chin. "Excited? That makes two of us. After all, you are my woman." he smirked and walked away as Morgan started to feel a blush come across her face

"O­-okay. That went well." she ran a hand through her hair, sighing with a happy look on her face.


During Colby's match against Jey Uso, Melanie walks into The Shield's locker room with a big brown bag. Jon was watching the match, on the couch and turned his attention to Melanie and the bag. 

"What is that?"

"Art." She simply replied and opened Colby's bag. "Let's put some mustard....some mayo....a little bit of cheese...whip cream...cream cheese...relish...ketchup...some coke..." She called out as she slapped the items inside Colby's gym bag.

Jon looks amused as she zips up the bag and shakes it. Opening it up, she looks at the mess she's made. 

"Perfection. This looks so gross." She held her nose.

"That stuff reeks!" Jon exclaimed.

"That's the plan. He'll have to buy a new bag and clean up his clothes and other stuff." She blew him a kiss and left the locker room. 

After Colby's match, Colby and Joe walk into the locker room. He opens his bag and looks at it. 

"...Nice..." Colby retorts, shaking his head.

Joe looked at his bag and started laughing. "Damn..."

"Did you see her do this?" Colby asked, looking at Jon.

"Yep." The Lunatic replied.

"Did you try to stop her?"


"Wow...thanks, a lot Jon."

"No problem, man." Jon grinned, earning a frown from Colby.


'In The Ring'

The WWE Diva's Championship contract signing is underway. AJ and Kaitlyn sit in front of each other while Morgan's seat which is on the end, is empty. Teddy Long, Naomi, Natalya, Cameron, Aksana and Alicia are in the ring with them while Big E stands near the corner. 

"Ladies and gentlemen, I have asked all of you as well as the diva division to join me. This Sunday at Money In The Bank, AJ Lee will defend her

Divas Championship against the former champion Kaitlyn and Morgan. Tonight, we make that match official. Now, ladies, I know you have read the contract, if we can get your signatures please." Teddy said.

"Where's Morgan?" Cole asked

"Maybe she already signed the contract." JBL wondered

"Or maybe still with The Shield?"

"We'll have to see. But she better come out here sooner or later or she might lose this chance to win the title."

AJ grabs the contract and opens it. She grabs a mic. 

"Oh looky cookie. The entire sequence of the sisterhood of the sparking pants are out here. Are they uh, here to protect you Kaitlyn? Oh, that's right, half of them don't like you. And the rest of them sure as heck don't like me but they should. Because no one cared about the divas division until I won this title." AJ said as the crowd gave her mixed reactions. "And you can all go ahead and line up and thank me whenever you want just like Morgan did but you can maybe wait till Sunday and congratulate me for winning the divas title match­-" she continued but got cut off by Teddy.

"Uh, AJ, we ain't got time for all that, you need to speed it up all right?" Teddy asked as the crowd laughed.

"Fine." AJ smiled and opened the papers. "I didn't have a lawyer go over this but I trust you." She looked at Teddy. 

AJ sticks the point of the pen on her tongue and starts signing the contract. After she was done, she was about to give it to Kaitlyn but stopped. 

"Uh I don't think you want to sign this Kaitlyn," she warned. "You know why? Because once you sign this, I am fully prepared to embarrass you worse than I have before."

"What do you have, like a... photoshopped picture or some little game? Go ahead." Kaitlyn said and signed the contract.

"Oh Katie...I tried...I tried to help ya but gosh you left me with no choice. Remember all those...very very real texts you sent to your very very fake secret admirer. When you bared your soul to somebody you didn't even know..." AJ snickered and Kaitlyn tried to grab the phone that AJ took out. "May 30th, Nattie says that she's my friend but all she ever does is talk about Khali. Gosh you know what they say, never trust a Hart." She read from her phone as the crowd erupts in 'Oohs' and 'Boos'.

Natalya looks disappointed and leaves the ring. 

"June 2nd...Naomi and Cameron...they say they're looking out for me but all they really care about is that reality show." AJ continued to read. Kaitlyn grabbed the phone from AJ as Layla tried to calm her down. 

"Hulk smash!" AJ mocked as the crowd laughed. "You know what Kaitlyn? It's okay, cause I have insurance and a family plan and also Big E is great with technology and pointing, so Big E, throw it to the tron."

The message got on to the tron. "June 4th, lying in my hotel room thinking of you. My whole life people forced me into a mold just for bodybuilding but you let me step out of that mold. You see me for everything." AJ read.

"Turn it off!" Kaitlyn yelled as she stood up, looking upset.

AJ started laughing. "You know what Kaitlyn...let's do everybody a favor. Okay? Go ahead, tear up this contract, tuck your tail between your legs turn around, walk away and never show your sad, sad face or your trashy, trashy hair around here ever again."

"You know what? No. This is not gonna work again. You manipulated me. I lost my friends, I lost my title. I lost myself. But I will never ever let a needy, clingy, man crazed psychopath destroy me again." Kaitlyn spoke up as AJ started giving her a crazed stare. "I will be champion again. You, you're gonna end up rocking back and forth in the fetal position, in a padded cell, drooling like the crazy pathe­-" she gets cut off when she gets slapped in the face by AJ.

"Uh oh!" JBL exclaimed. 

Kaitlyn pushes AJ down on her seat and pushes the table to the corner as AJ screams. She gets on the desk and starts unloading on her but then Big E grabs her off of her.

"Let go of me!" Kaitlyn yelled and was released by him. 

She gives him a hard slap in the face while AJ starts to recover. She then turns to AJ and hits her with a spear.

"A spear!" Cole exclaimed as the crowd cheered. All of a sudden, Morgan slides into the ring after hopping over the barricade. "What a minute is that-it's Morgan!"

She turns Kaitlyn around and hits her with a backfire as the crowd boos her. 

"This could happen at Money in the bank." JBL said as she grabbed a mic.

"I think you proved your point. Here is how I prove mine." Morgan said and picked up the contract to sign it. "It's only a matter of time before I get the 1, 2, 3. Watch your back." She dropped the mic as her theme song comes on

'I've had enough I'm taking you down'

She grabs the diva's championship and raises it up in the air with a smirk on her face while doing The Shield pose. She then drops the title on top of AJ's knocked out body.

"Who will win the Divas Championship?" JBL asked as Morgan left the ring to leave through the crowd.

"My money is on Kaitlyn, she's tired of the games with AJ. Kaitlyn may be able to overpower Morgan as well." Cole answered.

"What do you think about Morgan?"

"We'll have to find out. Morgan is the wild card. Morgan has an advantage. Hometown advantage. She'll feed off their chants and energy. But you also gotta wonder about the pressure. Morgan is the only Shield member with no title. If she wins the Diva's Championship all of The Shield will have gold. Think of how huge that would be,"

"Indeed Cole. I believe this is Morgan's time. Her time to become champion. Get her first championship in the WWE. She's ready. This is going to be an interesting diva's championship match."

'Backstage Fallout'

"What is going on with you and Kaitlyn?" Renee asked as Morgan still had on her wrestling attire and her hair was in a ponytail.

"Kaitlyn and I are still friends but if we are competing with each other, especially for a title, we are going to be competitive and aggressive about it. She needs to understand that she can't focus all her attention on AJ. She has another diva to worry about. That is also why I gave her a backfire. She may have lost some friends but she never lost me. If she wins at Money in the bank, I'll be happy for her but I hope she doesn't celebrate too much because I'll be challenging her as soon as possible." Morgan answered.

"What do you think about AJ?"

"I respect AJ as a competitor. I'm just really looking forward to wrestling in my hometown. I mean, going up against AJ and Kaitlyn at the same time? It's going to be interesting and I can't wait to wrestle them. The match is going to be worth watching."

"And why is that?"

"Because I will do whatever it takes to win and I will endure any pain and suffering to win. This is my chance to prove to everyone that I can do this. I am the only Shield member without a title. It is my time to shine. Right now, I have to mentally prepare myself for what's to come. No first championship match jitters. I don't want to choke up." She replied with a small smile.

On Twitter fans tweet:

'Morgan might really steal the divas champion in her hometown. I'm starting to get convinced. #MyMoneysOnMorgan'

'If Morgan wins at MITB, all members of the Shield will have gold. #RepresentPhillyMorgan!'

'Represent Philly WWEMorgan101!'

'I hope Morgan wins! She has to win! She's awesome! #MyMoneysOnMorgan'

'Wonder if Morgan can out smart AJ and over power Kaitlyn at the same time. Can't wait for MITB'

'I hope all the Philly fan favorites win at MITB.'


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