smolwritingchick - Smolwritingchick

Minding my business and writing in peace. 26 | Black | Video Games | Wrestling | Bangtan Gal Masterlist | Wattpad | AO3

790 posts

Omg I Just Saw The Masterlist It's Official You're Really Back I'm Going To Cry Also Are You Going To

Omg i just saw the masterlist it's official you're really back i'm going to cry 🥹🥹🥹 also are you going to do drabbles like before or not ?? Just so you know i really liked your story bc it's a pov of a black woman and guess what ? there's not enough story as it is so love youuu 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼


Hi!! Thank you so much!! You are too sweet! This means a lot to me ❤️❤️ I’m happy to be back and to represent. I won’t let you down 🫡

I actually would love to do my smol drabbles and smol oneshots again as I get back into the groove of things.

I still have random ideas from my past asks that I saved in a document. Like BTS joining Jennie at her family cookout and so on.

Omg I Just Saw The Masterlist It's Official You're Really Back I'm Going To Cry Also Are You Going To

More Posts from Smolwritingchick

1 year ago

Forced To Believe Chapter 13- Catching Up Before MITB

Forced To Believe Chapter 13- Catching Up Before MITB

Chapter Summary: Melanie is back in Philly to visit family and makes preparations before the PPV

Words: 3,000+


Joe, Jon and Melanie visit the new WWE Performance Center in Orlando, FL. 

"Here at the opening of the WWE performance center, I'm here with 3 members of The Shield, Roman Reigns, Dean Ambrose and Morgan Lopez. First of all, you guys came up through developmental here in WWE, what are your thoughts on the new training facility?" The interviewer asked.

"It's quite impressive, I've never seen a...I don't think a facility this big and this impressive ever existed in professional wrestling before. Seeing it born is pretty impressive. So much space, so much, really, expensive high tech equipment, uh, we've been in some nice gyms before but this is as nice as it gets. Pretty impressive." Ambrose answered.

"What's your thoughts Roman?" 

"I agree um, to see this much hard work, this much patience to go in it, it's a beautiful thing to watch it unfold and it's a humbling thing. It's a great day for the business." 

"Morgan, your thoughts?"

"This place is so awesome. I love it and it's really going to help the developmental roster. It's a wonderful thing that WWE has done to prepare the next generation of WWE superstars," Morgan replied with a grin. 

This was all so exciting to her. She couldn't wait to check everything out when she had the time.

"It's incredible to see you guys come up through the development area and the facilities in Tampa were good but to see this, makes you wonder about this place and how it's gonna help guys as they try to continue to make it onto the roster like you did." Interviewer added.

"The guys that are lucky enough to train here instead of a warehouse, a barn or a box with one little ring on a dirt floor or something like that, they are gonna have a real leg up on the competition. The next generation for the guys is gonna get more stiffer." Dean said.

"You jealous?" The interviewer chuckled

"I knew he was gonna ask that, haha." Morgan giggled.

"Uh, no, I mean, everything worked out for us. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity for these guys. It should be bright for our future." Roman answered

"So how'd it feel to be called on the main roster?" Interviewer asked.

"Means everything. It's what I've been working my entire life for and persistence pays off." Dean responded.

"What's it been for you so far?" The interviewer asked Roman.

"I think it's been a great testament through the developmental system. A guy like Dean, he's been all around the world, wrestling in all kinds of places, he's been able to come here and polish off his skills. Morgan went to another major wrestling company and showed off her skills until she came to the developmental area in the WWE. And I was able to obtain a little bit of skills and polish it as well. Down here and on the main roster. But for everybody who is starting off here, have a great opportunity to

perfect their craft before they get on the main roster." He answered.

"Last few things, you mentioned you had some experience before you came here, Morgan. Going to another major wrestling company, how is that different from WWE?"

"Well, going to TNA and wrestling in a 6 sided ring is different from a 4-sided ring. So, when I came to the development area in WWE, it's been really tough to adjust to things since I got so used to 6 sides. But I managed. It's been hard but all that hard work paid off."

"You also had some experience too, give us a horror story on training compared to this facility." The interviewer asked Dean.

"Oh, I started training in a warehouse with a ring crammed into it with about no space in between the wall and the ring. There were some chairs around, there was a backseat of a van that somebody put there. I've

trained in some really bad rings and seen some really good rings. Bad facilities, and good facilities, this is about as good as it gets here today." Dean mentioned.

"Last thing, the excitement of being on the roster, your entrance and everything, what's it been like for you guys?" The interviewer asked.

"It's great, it's like being shot out of rocket, you know and I think we handle it like nobody else cause we're the hardest workers. That's what we do. We eat, we sleep, we train, harder than anybody and we

wrestle harder than anybody. So it's something to be expected and we want more. It don't stop here, it can only get better." Roman said.

"Roman, Dean, Morgan, thanks for your time and keep up the great work, appreciate it."


After they check out the new performance center, most of the roster have a bonfire near the woods, near their hotel rooms. 

"You sure we got permission to have a bonfire here?" Melanie asked

"Yep, everything is fine," Celeste reassured with a smile. 

Meanwhile, a lot of the roster was chilling around, talking and eating. Nic (Dolph Ziggler) was playing the guitar and singing and Celeste started burning her marshmallows. 

"Man..." Celeste whined.

"Do you need help?" Melanie asked

"Oh yes, she really does." April teased

"Hey! I don't need help, it's...been a while since I made smores." Celeste muttered

"I hope everyone doesn't eat all the smores, I have a sweet tooth tonight," Melanie said as she placed a marshmallow on a stick and began to heat it up.

"If it isn't grapes, it's smores." Celeste chuckled as she blew off the fire on her marshmallow which is now burnt. "I don't think I want this one."

"Take mine," April said as they traded sticks.

"You're awesome." Celeste thanks her while April and Melanie laugh. 

Melanie puts 4 smores on a plate and sits next to Jon who has on a cap, gray hoodie and jeans.

"Hey Mel, could you pass me a Pepsi?" Phil (CM Punk) asked as he took a bite out of his smore. Melanie takes a Pepsi out of the cooler and throws it at him as he effortlessly catches it. "Thanks, grapes."

"No problem dude!" she grinned and started eating

"So am I getting one?" Jon asked with a smile.

"Fine, fine." Melanie chuckled and fed him one as he licked her fingers. 

After everyone gets settled in and eats their snacks, some of the guys start to tell ghost stories. Melanie puts her head on Jon's shoulder as they hold hands. 

Celeste sneaks a picture of them and posts them on Twitter

'#PhillysWWEPowerCouple Dean and WWEMorgan101.'


The next day, in Philadelphia. Melanie tweets 'I'm home. #PhillysOwn Diva is back! #MITB'

After getting settled in their hotel room, Jon and Melanie make their way to their rental car.

"Did you tell them you were here?" Jon asked 

"Nah, I want to surprise them."

"Just like you want to surprise your dad with the new studio?"

"Yep. The studio is all ready, I just can't wait to see the look on his face. It's gonna be awesome." Melanie beamed. "I'm driving!"

"No way, sweetheart. I'm driving." He countered.

"Oh come on!" She exclaimed. She knew a faster, shorter way to get to her parents' place. Jon started laughing as he got in the driver's seat. "Fine...but I'm driving to the arena."

"Hmm...I'll think about that."

"It's my rental car!" The Philly diva gets in the passenger seat.

"Our rental car." Jon corrected with a wink.

"Screw you..."

"Oh, right here in the car? Okay." He replied as he leaned over and started to kiss her. She kisses him back but then he starts to move down to her neck.

"Aye! Aye!" Melanie laughed and pushed him off. She checked her neck. "Look how red this mark is!"

"Trust me, there will be a lot more marks, and it won't be just on your neck." 

"Bluff! That's a bluff!"

"Keep telling yourself that, sweetheart."

After driving Jon's way to Melanie's parents' place, they make their way up the steps. 

"Ready?" he asked with a smile, glancing at her.

Melanie nods and begins knocking but facepalms. "Why am I knocking when I have a key...?" She chuckled and opened the door. Before she stepped in, she was quickly greeted by her 3 year old female Parson Russell Terrier. "Ellie!" She beamed as the dog barked and jumped on her.

"She's energetic, today." Jon pets the dog with a chuckle.

"Why is the dog barking?" Diego, Melanie's father asked as he walked to the front door with Ellie jumping out of Melanie's arms.

"Hey dad-­" Before Melanie can continue her sentence, she gets bear-hugged by him as she laughs. "Don't squeeze me to death, I got a match tonight."

"Haha, I was wondering when I was gonna see you again!" Diego mentioned, releasing her and turning to Jon. "Jon mi amigo!" He brings him in for a warm hug.

"Nice to see you, Mister Rivera," Jon said

"What did I say about calling me Mister Rivera? That makes me feel old. Call me Diego, all right?"

"Okay, Diego." he corrected himself with a short laugh.

"That's my boy! Come on in!" He gestured to them as they walked in. Melanie smiled at her father, she loved his carefree attitude. He was welcoming to everyone. "Your mother is cooking."

Melanie sighed as the smell of tacos filled the air and saw Jane walking out of the kitchen. "Mom!"

"Sweetie, who was that­-MY BABY!" Jane screamed and ran to hug her. She began tearing up with Melanie while giving her big kisses on the cheek. "I missed you so much!"

"Me too!"

"You see, she doesn't act that way with me...all that love and kisses." Diego shook his head with an amused expression, while Jon patted him on the back.

As they released, Jane turned her attention to Jon. "Jonathan, it's good to see you!" She hugged him and kissed him on the forehead.

"Nice to see you too." Jon smiled.

"Lunch will be ready soon," she informed and walked back to the kitchen. 

"Sit down, we have time before the show right?" Diego asked as Melanie nodded and they all took a seat. Diego started studying their movements as realization set in. "So...when did you two start dating?"

Melanie and Jon turn to each other, before nervously chuckling. 

"'d you know?" Melanie stuttered but relaxed when he laughed. 

"I'm glad you picked him. He's a good kid." Diego smiled. Ellie rubbed Melanie's leg as she smiled and petted her. 

"Thank you." Jon responded with a smile.

"Sorry, I didn't tell you sooner," Melanie mentioned with an apologetic smile.

"It's all right, and besides, a father knows. You look happier than ever." Diego pointed out.

Melanie grinned at him but then heard someone yell "You're making it wrong!"

"Is that...Aunt Aria?" Melanie asked, recognizing the voice.

"Yes. She came to visit."

"Oh boy..." The Philly diva groaned.

"What's wrong?" Jon raised a brow.

"My mother and aunt have a little rivalry. My aunt thinks that my mother isn't giving me a lot of freedom and is always in my business." She explained.

"Family drama? Interesting." Jon smirked out of amusement.

"It can be amusing sometimes. Aria is more of the outgoing, party type, while my mother is more...well...protective and motherly."

Aunt Aria walked in. Melanie looked at her as her long black hair was in a nice bun. She had arm sleeves and it may seem that she was intimidating but once she began to smile and speak, she was one of the coolest people to hang around. Melanie remembered she works at a lounge in LA. 

"Melanie! It's so good to see you!" Aria grinned and gave her a big hug.

"Nice to see you too, are you coming to the show?"

"Hell yeah. I must support my niece," she said as Jane walked in.

"Want a drink?" Diego asked as Jon nodded and they walked to the kitchen.

Jane and Aria sit with Melanie as they continue to catch up

" I getting grandchildren soon?" Jane asked with a grin. 

Melanie was stunned at her sudden question and began blushing. That was too abrupt. 

"Expect her to ask questions at the wrong time..." Aria rolled her eyes.

"Mama! No digas eso!" Melanie exclaimed.

"Don't say that? What did I miss?" Diego asked, popping his head into the room.

"I just want to focus on my wrestling career right now," Melanie mentioned. "So let's not talk about kids, right now."

"Wait, you said you didn't want to learn Spanish, who has been teaching you?" Jane asked, noticing her Spanish speaking.

" you know what they're talking about?" Jon asked, watching them go back and forth.

"No, I don't. We'll leave the ladies to talk. Come on, let's chat," Diego suggested as Jon nodded and they walked outside.

"Give her a rest. She wants to focus on her wrestling career, sis." Aria retorted. 

"I was talking to my daughter. Not you. I know what I'm doing." Jane snapped. She looked at Melanie and then glanced at her neck. "Is that a love bite!? Who gave that to you?"

"Jane! She's in love, give her a break." Aria snapped back while Melanie cussed in her head that she had forgotten to hide it.

"Give her a break? She should wait till she's married to start having sex!"

Melanie facepalmed. "Man, it's good to be home..."

"Jane, she's 26! Stop babying her!" Aria exclaimed. 

Melanie walked to the kitchen and washed her hands. She grabbed a taco and began eating it as she sat back down in the living room. She watched in amusement as her mom and aunt argued.

"How dare you!? I am not babying her, I just care about her."

"Don't you think it's a bit too much to overreact over a love bite?"


"You're insane!"

"Am not!"

"All right, all right, can I explain?" Melanie spoke up as they stopped talking and looked at her. "I'm dating Jon."

"I knew it." Aria grinned

"I had a feeling. That's wonderful honey!" Jane beamed.

"Like you knew." Aria retorted

"Of course I knew!"

"Prove it."

"I don't have to explain myself to you."

"Then you didn't know at all."

Melanie quickly finished her taco and snuck upstairs. She goes on the computer in the guest room and goes on Skype. 

"Please be on..." She murmured.

"Hey, Mel!" Joan (Chyna) greeted, appearing on the screen.

"Hey! I made it in Philly. Jon and I are at my parents' place."

"Glad you made it home safe. How is everyone?"

"Mom and Aria are still going at it."

"Ha! I'm not surprised about that. Hey, is that a love bite on your neck?" Chyna asked with a grin

Melanie hid it with her hair. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Haha. As long as Jon is treating you right, I have no problem with him."

Melanie smiled. "I miss you."

"I miss you too, Mel. Hopefully, I'll be able to go to another one of WWE's shows soon. Love you Mel."

"Love you too." Melanie kissed her fingers and put them on the screen as Chyna did the same. Heading back downstairs, she said, "Chyna sends her love."

"I'll have to call her to send her my love as well," Jane said.

Jon and Diego walk back inside. "Hey, Jon and I wanted to show you something." Melanie smiled at her dad.

"Show me something?" Diego asked.

"It's a surprise."

Melanie, Jon, Aria, Jane, and Diego drive downtown and arrive at a nice building. "What is this place?" Diego asked as everyone got out of the car.

"Well, Jon and I have been thinking and we wanted you to have the best Dance studio possible, so...we decided to buy you one."

Aria and Jane grinned at the sweet gesture while Diego was stunned. 

"This...this is mine?" He murmured.

"Yep, it was Jon's idea, and I loved it. We both know how much dancing means to you and how you need a new dance studio. Oh, we also hired some dance teachers to help you out. You are on your way to your own big dance company." Melanie grinned as she and Jon were hugged by him

"You two are so generous..." Diego said with tears in his eyes. "Gracias!"

"Ah, no problem," Jon said as Melanie agreed. He checked the time. "We gotta meet Colby and Joe at the gym."

"Right. We'll see you guys at the show. Enjoy the new studio in the meantime! We'll be visiting the studio from time to time to see how everything is going." The Philly diva said and hugged everyone goodbye.


'Fearless Athletics Cross Fit South Philadelphia Gym'

Walking to the entrance of the gym, Jon opened the door for her and they headed inside, meeting up with Colby and Joe, who were chatting.

"Hey~ it's the hometown girl and Jon." Colby greeted them.

"How ya doing Mel?" Joe asked after embracing her

"Doing great." She started stretching.

"All right, let's put our game faces on. We got a PPV to rule." Colby said.

"Have fun." Melanie giggled and walked over to a woman who looked familiar to her. "Leah?"

The woman turned around and widened her eyes. "OMG! Melanie!" Leah exclaimed and crushed her in a hug.

"How long has it been?!"

"I'm great! Working with the WWE!"

"I saw! You're awesome! I can't believe we lost touch, what is your number?" She asked and they exchanged numbers.

"I see you're still working out at the gym."

"Yeah! It's my life. Wow. It's so good to see you. You're in the Divas Championship match right? I'll be supporting you. I got front row tickets."

"Awesome, I'll make sure to keep a look out for you. Or I can see if I can arrange something so you can sit with my family. We'll play it by ear,"

The two decided to work out together just like old times. Leah looked more muscular as the years went by due to her hard work and healthy eating. After placing her dirty blond hair in a bun she held up a punching bag for Melanie. As she felt Melanie's kicks and punches, she nodded in approval

"Oh yeah, you haven't lost your touch one-bit hon," Leah praised. 

"So how's your love life?" Melanie asked as she lifted weights with her.

"My boyfriend and I are still doing great!"

"Wow! I told you he's a keeper! Now, isn't it time he popped the question?"

"Hey, you never know. I'm so ready for marriage."

"Wonder how it'll feel to be in a relationship that long."

"I gotta ask...are you finally dating Jonathan?"

Melanie smiled and nodded as Leah squealed and cheered. "Yep. We've been dating for a few months. He's such a sweetheart."

"Yes! Yes! Finally! I'm so happy! It was so obvious that he had such a huge crush on you. Finally, you two are together! Long overdue, hon. Is he here?"

"Yep, right over there, looking sexy as ever." Melanie pointed him out while they shared a laugh. They see Jon shirtless and in white shorts doing lift-ups on a bar. "His hair looks cute when it's all curly like that..."

"Haha, try to focus hon."

'To The Arena.'

Melanie and Jon walk down the ramp together. She looked around in awe. This was it. The Wells Fargo Center was going to be filled with thousands of people, as she prepared to take on her two best friends for the Diva's Championship tonight. It was still unreal to her.

"Ready for tonight?" Jon asked.

"I can't wait."

"Let's spar a little bit."


Getting in the ring, they practice around together. As they continued, they locked up again and she put him in a headlock and hip tosses him down on the mat. 

"All right, pretend I'm Kaitlyn. I'm running towards you, about to spear you, what are you going to do?" He asked as they were back on their feet.

"Evade!" She quickly moves out of the way as he tries to spear her.

"Good. Try to avoid those spears, tonight."

"I'll try."

"If you get hit with the spear, just try to recover quickly and make sure to kick out as fast as you can. All right, give me some kicks." He advised, while she nodded in response. The Philly diva began kicking him in the midsection. "Make them sharper and harder. You're trying to win the Diva's Championship. Fight like it's your last title shot ever." 

Melanie responded by knocking him back a few steps from a spinning kick to the face. "Ooh! Are you okay?!" She looked worried as he rubbed his jaw.

"Good kick." He complimented with a smirk, while she sighed out of relief.

"It's almost show time!" they heard as everyone started to get ready backstage. The doors open for the fans so they can get their food, merchandise and seats.

"I'll see you later," Melanie said and kissed him. 

After showering, she did some finishing touches to her hair, getting it down and on her left side. 

Nicole and Brie walk in. "Hey Melanie! Ready for tonight?" Nicole asked with a smile. Suddenly Melanie started to tear up as her emotions got to her. "Oh no, I didn't mean to make you cry!"

"Way to go Nicole." Brie retorted and hugged Melanie.

"Shut up Brie!" Nikki snapped.

"You made her cry. This is why I'm the nicer twin."

"No, it's not your fault, just tears of joy. I'm just happy to be home." Melanie sniffed as she got released.

"Aw, you'll do great tonight," Brie reassured.


April and Celeste walk in. "Hey! Are you ready for tonight? They are already starting to kick off." April said.

Melanie grinned. "Yep."

"I hope you two give it your all, and make the best woman win," Celeste said as April and Melanie nodded.

"Well, I gotta go meet Colby and Joe, I'll see you later in the ring, guys." 

Melanie tweets 'Kickoff show is here! Let's show them who's boss! #HoundsofJustice'

Melanie went to meet up with Joe, Jon and Colby as they were waiting for her.

"Hey! Ready?!" she exclaimed excitedly as they were pumped too. "We'll see you out there," she gave Jon a quick kiss on the lips.

"To the kickoff show, we go!" Colby cheered as they walked with security around the arena. "So, you nervous?"

Melanie smiled to herself as she saw fans around in lines and filming them, cheering.

"Not anymore. I'm home and I'm ready,"

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1 year ago

The Bangtan Gal Chapter 7- Rookie King Episode 5

The Bangtan Gal Chapter 7- Rookie King Episode 5

Chapter Summary: Things continue to get intense as BTS and Jen try to avoid the Skull Card. After the show, Jennie nurtures Jungkook back to health when he gets a stomach ache from his punishment in the End Plate.

Words: 2,000+


After the bowling game, BTS and Jennie gather around for the next Endplate.

'Endplate King/Queen'

With V as King for this round, the rest of the members gather around the table. Jennie sat in between Suga and Jimin.


'Break chopsticks with your buttocks.'

"UH UH!" Jennie shook her head in shock. "The heck!? The butt can't do that, can it!?" Her sudden outburst makes the boys laugh. 

After getting situated, they all flip over their cards and Jimin manages to get the skull card. Jimin sits there in silence while everyone else whoops and celebrates.

"How?!" Jennie demanded as V presented the chopsticks that Jimin would have to break.

When Jimin attempted to break the chopsticks, he failed the first two attempts but ended out breaking the chopsticks on his third attempt.

Jennie 'Shocked' (I really didn't know the butt can do that. Can my butt do that?)


'A man/woman with flower'

"What's this supposed to be?" Jennie questioned. "V, I want an explanation before getting a card."

"We're choosing the cards first." V teased, ignoring her demands.

"EVIL!" She cried out while the guys around her laughed at her outburst.

"I hate this..." Rapmon threw his head back and chuckled.

"They really just want us to suffer..." Jen ran a hand through her hair, sighing.

Once everyone is distributed a card by Jimin, they flip them over to reveal J-Hope with the skull card.

J-Hope slaps the card on the table while everyone celebrates around him, fist pumping. After releasing his frustration, J-Hope lays his back on the table while V talks about how this penalty is good for the skin. V rubs his hands together with lotion and smacks J-Hope against the cheeks, making him yell out in pain. Then the rest follow suit.


'Men's/Woman's bitter life'

"I guess we're eating or drinking something bitter this time. Oh dear..." Jennie let out a nervous laugh.

"Shouldn't we prepare ourselves, first!?" Rap Monster begged.

Once they receive their cards, they flip them over to reveal Rap Monster with the skull card. 

"HA!" Jen yelled

"This really isn't the day..." He sighed

Receiving a small cup of espresso that was imported from New York, Rapmon takes a sip and gags, freaking out as he stands up and quickly sits back down.

Smirking in amusement, Jennie played with her nails. "Yep...that was the reaction I was waiting for. It's gross, isn't it?"

"You drink this stuff in America!?" Rap Monster questions, gagging as he tries to get rid of the bitter taste in his mouth.

"I don't drink coffee but I have a strong feeling what that was. It's probably similar to black coffee. It's really bitter. My dad drinks it. I dunno how or why." She mentioned. "Good luck with the taste. It's going to sting a while, buddy."


"This time, the penalty is good for your skin." V announced.

"Then your skin will be smooth." J-Hope assumed.

"No, no, no. I have a bad feeling about this." Jimin sighed.

'Pretty boy's/girl's skin.'

"I'm really skeptical about this one, man..." Jennie murmured.

Once they flip open their cards, it's revealed that Jimin has the skull card while he sits there, motionless, biting his lip. Spread out across the table, Jimin's face is smeared with a product similar to wasabi. 

J-Hope read the bottle. "For dry skin...and without burnish."

"Ha! Without burnish. I guess it's going to burn. Prepare yourself, Jimin." Jennie giggled. 

Suga spreads the rest on Jimin's face and the rest of the members finish until his whole face is done.


"We can't get caught this time. The penalties are only going to get harsher." Rapmon warned.

Flipping the cards over with anticipation, J-Hope gets it as he screams and throws the card on the table yet again. 

"AHHAHAHA!" Jennie laughed loudly, holding her stomach before resting her head against the table, banging on it with her right fist. 

The rest of the guys were jumping and cheering that they weren't caught, while J-Hope continued his little freakout.

"Thank you, Lord! Thank ya, Jesus!" Jennie threw her hands up in the air."I wasn't caught, again! I'm safe!"

Jungkook goes first while Jennie cringes when J-Hope gets smacked under his nose. 

"I am so glad I didn't get this..." She said while J-Hope tried to sweet talk Jimin but got up getting smacked.

"Jennie~ you look so beautiful like you always do." J-Hope tried to sweet talk.

"Sorry, Hobi. I love you, but you're gonna get smacked." She smiled and flicked the stick against his nose, making him flinch and yell out in pain. 

Meanwhile, Jimin starts to complain about his face starting to sting as his punishment starts to affect him.


J-Hope recovers from his painful punishment as he tears up a bit. "Don't cry." V shook him.

"Quick, quick! My face is like spread with toothpaste." Jimin rushed.

"It burns?" Jennie asked in surprise.

"It really burns." He replied, fanning himself to tame the burning while V revealed the plate.

'Hot sherbet'

"You need to eat the hot sherbet deliciously," V explained.

"Hot serbet? Spicy serbet??" Suga questioned.

"Whoa whoa, the frick is this?" Jennie looked around.

Flipping over the cards reveals Jungkook with the skull while everyone cheers and fist pumps, standing up.

'Jennie and Hyungs truly congratulate Maknae Jungkook for getting chosen. And a young sheep is shivering in fear'

When Jungkook is presented with the hot sherbet, Jennie cringed at the sight. "That looks really weird looking."

Jimin tastes a small spoonful and ends up yelling loudly, making everyone laugh. Jungkook starts dumping his spoon up and down in the cup. 

"I have to eat all of this?? Give me some water!" Jungkook exclaimed and ate a spoonful, only to yell out in protest, rocking back in forth while covering his mouth while everyone laughs

Jennie giggles when he yells again. Jin decides to try it and ends up "AHHing" and covers his mouth while Jungkook is informed that he needs to eat ten spoonfuls.

"Is it really that bad?" Jennie asked.

"YES!" Jin yelled.

"Let me try it, I don't believe you can't be that bad..." She grabbed the cup and ate a spoonful. "AHHHHHHHH!" She screamed and covered her mouth while coughing. "Why did I do that!?"

"I told you!"

Jungkook, being a trooper, successfully eats ten spoonfuls and ends up getting a tummy ache afterward


'Do you have order?'

"Please don't make the title sound weird!" Jin said to the camera.

"What is that?" J-Hope asked.

Flipping the cards over, revealed to be Suga with the skull card. "Why? Why me?" Suga protested while standing up.

"That will make it fun." Jin mentioned.

Suga pushes Jimin down in his seat, staring at the camera. "I'll destroy everything!!!" He yelled.

"You mad!?" Jennie sticks her tongue out.

"Jennie, I will write on your face again!" He pointed.

"I'm prepared, this time! Come at me!" She challenged.

After getting ready, Suga is dressed up in a maid's costume, in a dress and his punishment is to serve.

"Everyone, Hip Hop is dead!" Suga said to the camera while going down the steps. Jennie couldn't help but collapse on the floor, laughing at the sight.

"This is the best revenge ever." She giggled to herself. "Thank you for letting him get this punishment, this was too rich."

Once Suga runs up the stairs, Jennie takes a selfie with him while he glares at her. "Blackmail for later." She evaded his attempt to snatch her phone.

"Delete it. Now."

"Nope-hey! Give it back!" She tried to snatch her phone but he wouldn't budge. Thankfully he turned it off and when he pressed the home button, it went to the passcode menu. "Ha! You don't even know my password."

"I really hate you..."

"I love you too, waitress Suga." She patted his head.


After the show, Jennie heads back to the dorm with a bag of items she brought from the store. "Where's Kookie?" She asked, looking around.

"On his bed," Namjoon replied, looking up from his phone.

"He's trying to rest." Jimin added

Jennie frowned. "His stomach still hurts?"

"Yeah, looks like him taking all those spoonfuls really messed him up," Yoongi answered.

"Not for long. I got him covered." She replied determinedly.

"What are you going to do?" Tae questioned.

"I brought some things that will help ease the pain. Also what my mom used to do for me when I was younger. Should do the trick." She said confidently.

"Nurse Jennie for the rescue." Namjoon grinned and went back on his phone.

"Whoa! Whoa! What about me?" Jimin called out.

"What about you?" Yoongi retorted.

"I'm still in pain." Jimin protested.

"Where?" Jin asked.

"My face is still feeling the effects of the burning sensation of my punishment." He explained. "Be my nurse, too, Jennie!"

"Ah...I wish I noticed. I only brought things for Jungkook." She frowned. "Sorry, Jimin..."

"I think Jungkookie's stomach aches are more serious than your 'burning face' because when we came back to the dorm, I believe you were happily singing that your face feels so much better and there was no more burning." Jin threw him under the bus.

"Ahhh I never said that!" Jimin waved him away.

"Well if your face really hurts, then I'll take care of you."

"No! You're too rough! Jennie is more gentle! Ah! Don't touch me, leave me alone~" He whined, trying to fight off Jin's hands. 

Jennie let out a laugh at their goofiness and headed to where Jungkook was resting. She shuts the door and sets the bag down. Looking at the bunk bed, she sees him resting on the bottom bunk. She sits on the edge of the bed and looks at his sleeping form. He looked so peaceful. She really didn't want to wake him up, but she knew he was in pain.

"Kookie...?" She whispered, placing a hand on his forehead, under his bangs. Feeling him stir, he slowly opened up his eyes.

"..Jennie?" He murmured.

"Hey. That hot stuff really screwed you up, huh?" She lets out a soft chuckle.

"You don't even know..." He sighed.

"How's your stomach?"

"Still aches..." He groaned.

"I want you to drink this." She grabbed the bag and took out a cold can of ginger ale, handing it to him. "My mom always gives me ginger ale when I have stomach aches. The bubbles really help."

Jungkook slowly sat up and opened it. "Thanks, Jennie." He smiled and took a few big gulps.

"No prob. Now lay down." She ordered as he followed suit. "Use this heat pack on your stomach. That should also loosen up any tension." She handed it to him.

"When did you get this?"

"I went to the store after filming."

Widening his eyes in surprise, he couldn't help but drop his jaw a bit. " went to the store...for me?"

"Um, duh! Why wouldn't I?" She let out a soft laugh. "I'll always be there for you and the guys. It's no big deal." She shrugged.

Grinning at her, he looks down, feeling his face heat up. "Ahh, you're so nice. You don't have to do this, for me."

"It's fine! I want to help. I really don't like seeing the people I care about in pain." She admitted. "You're my friend, friends help each other, don't they?"

"Best friend."

"Huh?" She looked up from going through the bag.

"I want you to be my best friend. Not just my friend."

"Well...Tae may have already taken that role..." She teased.

"What!? I'll fight him for it!" He sat up but cringed, clutching his stomach.

"Aye! Lie down!" She gently pushed him back down on the bed. "I'm just kidding. We're already best buds."

"Good. I wasn't taking no for an answer." He smirked.

Rolling her eyes and shaking her head, she lets out another low chuckle. "So demanding...Take a nap with the heat pack on. I'll come to check on you, later on. Keep drinking the ginger ale, too, mkay? When Jin makes dinner, I'll come get you." She stood up and made her way to the door.

After thinking about it, Jungkook finally spoke up. "C-can you stay here? With me? Please?"

His sudden words make her turn around, surprised by his request. "Until you fall asleep?"

"Maybe even take a nap with me?"

Smiling, she nodded. "You know what? Sure. Sounds like a good idea." She walked back to the bed as he scooted over. He opens up the covers and she slides in. Pulling the covers over them, Jen rests her head against his chest. "Wow, you're really warm..." She snuggled against him.

"'re really cold." He laughed softly, wrapping his arms around her.

"I won't be for long. Now go to sleep." She murmured, closing her eyes.

"Thank you, Jennie. I really appreciate you doing this, for me. I feel so much better now, all because of you." 

The Bangtan Gal Chapter 7- Rookie King Episode 5

"Mm hm..."

He looks down to see her dosing off. He smiles at the sight. That didn't take long. She must've been so exhausted from filming all day. Jungkook could already feel a huge difference in his stomach, and it was all thanks to her. He felt so comfortable around her. And the fact that she went out of her way to buy things for him to help his stomach, really touched him. He couldn't wait to do something for her to return the favor. Her kindness was one of the things he adored about her.

Watching her sleep, Jungkook began to doze off, falling asleep next to her, peacefully.

Meanwhile, with the rest of the members of BTS, Jin finally finished making dinner and gathered the guys to sit at the table. "I'll go get the kids."

"Yeah, tell them to hurry up, I'm starving!" Jimin demanded, jokingly.

"Dinner is ready." Jin opened up the door but cracked a smile when he saw Jungkook and Jen napping. They were both knocked out, peacefully in their slumber. " babies are so worn out. This is too cute. Ah...I'll let them sleep. They can just eat the leftovers." He shut the door quietly.

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1 year ago

The Bangtan Gal Chapter 4- Rookie King Episode 2

The Bangtan Gal Chapter 4- Rookie King Episode 2

Chapter Summary: Jen is a judge with Rapmon as V, J-Hope and Suga go up against Jungkook, Jimin and Jin in a cooking battle. V tries to bribe Jen by offering her carrots but Jungkook has none of it. Jen tries to go a second episode without getting caught. Will she avoid the Skull Card again?

Author's note: Interviews are in Parenthesis () for the show.

Words: 5,000+


'BTS Chef Korea'

Rap Monster and Jennie stand before the camera in the middle of the kitchen. "Hello everyone. We're Bangtan Chef Korea's MCs. Rap Monster and Jennie."

"Aye!" She threw up a peace sign.

"Cooking in English is cooking!" He mentioned in English as she nodded in response.

"That is correct."

"Even just hearing it isn't it a word that makes one really happy."

"Well, food is really awesome."

"The taste of all these fresh ingredients laid out right here. Harmony." He picked up a vegetable.

"Food~" Jennie sings while Rap Mon follows suit in a lower tone before they harmonize.

"Hey! We did it!" He cheered, looking relieved.

"10th times the charm!" She high fived him. "Today is a very special day. Why? Because it's Rap Monster's birthday!" She clapped while he smiled at her.

"Thank you, Jennie. Today our 6 members with the exception of Jennie and I will be up against each other 3 vs 3 in a cooking battle. And now we'll reveal how it works and the main theme of today."

'Look for BTS's Cooking King! Today's theme, prepare Rap Monster's birthday cooking! Bangtan's cooking strength Jin Chef with Jimin & Jungkook. Hidden cooking player Suga chef with V & J-Hope. A cooking battle that tangles in their pride, this is the start! Complete your cooking within the given time. Time of 40 minutes. Satisfy the taste palates of our 4 judging panel. Winning team gets dining vouchers and relaxing rest time. Losing team gets the job of cleaning up the post-war venue!'

Rap Monster and Jennie stand in between the two opposing teams. "The theme of today's battle! I'm so, so satisfied. September 12th! What day is it, everybody?!" Rap Monster asked.

"Rap Monster's birthday!" Everyone cheered.

"It's nice that it's your birthday and to have a celebration too. But exactly why are we made to cook from early in the morning." Suga complained. "Writers, is this some sort of trickery!?"

"Yeah, this is the writer's trickery. Suga chef team five points deducted." Rap Monster demanded, making Jennie laugh. "You can just think about such things on your own. Since at the end of the day, we're the ones judging you guys."

"So in front of us are the ingredients the writers have prepared for you. beforehand." Jennie announced, gesturing to the different foods.

"Having looked at the ingredients, you'll be given time to have a discussion and to decide on your menu." Rap Monster explained.

"Y'all got five minutes!" She said bluntly, showing her five fingers to both teams

"Five minutes?" The boys repeat.

"And the cooking discussion starts now!" Rap Monster commanded.

Both teams eagerly discuss their menu deeply. Jin's team discusses making seaweed soup and salad, while Suga's team discusses having good taste. Unimaginable terror cooking.

"I'm going to die today, aren't I?" Jennie smiled nervously at Suga's team after they expressed their love for Rap Monster.

"Don't worry, we love you too." Suga reassured.

"Uh huh. I think you still want revenge after you drew on my face."

"You deserved it. I see the marker came off." He pointed out with a smirk.

"Wow, Suga. Wow. Thank you for being such a great friend." She shook her head.

Both teams gather around Rap Monster and Jennie. 

"What menus have both our teams come up with and also what ingredients they have chosen? That I'm very curious! Right now we'll be choosing our ingredients. To quickly get the ingredients needed for your respective cooking is the most important right?" Rap Monster asked.

"On your mark...GO!" Jennie yelled as both teams scrambled to the food.

"What happened to set!?" Jin exclaimed, grabbing onto Jungkook who was in front of everyone, trying to get to the food first and trying to push Suga away.

"Good grief!" Jennie looked on in surprise as the guys started pushing and pulling on each other. Everyone starts fighting each other for the ingredients, and it turns into a mess. "What happened to teamwork!?"

Suga manages to latch onto a fish cake while J-Hope tries to snatch seaweed out of Jin's hands. Jin has none of it and snatches it back, making J-Hope flinch when he is about to hit him. Chaos ensues as they all start throwing and tossing stuff at each other.

"Are ya'll throwing stuff!?" Jennie yelled in English before getting hit with a bag of rice that flew past her. "AYE! AYE! I should not be getting hit!" She goes back to Korean.

After the guys settle down, Jen and Rap Monster stand in between the opposing teams.

"And now we'll be giving you guys exactly 40 minutes of cooking time. In exactly 40 minutes you'll have to end your cooking and garnish your plate prettily." Rap Monster informed.

"All right! Your 40 minutes of cooking starts now!" Jennie announced.

Both teams start to get right to it with the cooking as Jin starts to forget what his team's cooking plans are.

Jin (I lost whatever I planned beforehand so my mind was all confused)

Jin tells Jimin to boil water as Jennie looks on. Jin looked a bit disorganized and it made her start to chuckle. "You guys have a plan right?"

"AH! YES! Yes, Jennie, why wouldn't we?!" Jin hesitated with a nervous laugh.

Jennie 'Amused Judge' (Poor Jin...I'm sure he'll be fine!)

Meanwhile, with Suga's team, V tries to bribe Rap Monster with some food. "For a fair judging, I can't." He smiled, trying to resist the offer.

"Ah, no no just, don't overthink and just take it!" V persuaded.

"No, no."

V 'Accused of Bribery' (It was bribery. Take a good look at us, we're such a team. Our cleanliness is good, our giving of bribery is good, too.)

Rapmon ends up eating the food V had given him, complimenting him on how yummy it is.

'After breakdown, midst of mental restoration. Jin Chef team'

"Should I put this in first?" Jimin asked.

"Just do what you like." Jin replied.

"Hyung then what should I do then?" Jungkook asked while Rapmon and Jennie sat beside each other, watching both teams.

"Looking at these ingredients, I really don't know what to do..." Jin sighed.

Jin 'Stolen Meat Victim' (When we were obtaining ingredients I only had seaweed and meat thought of in my head. After getting back to my senses the meat disappeared. When we gathered our ingredients I saw the meat with the opposing team. My mind went really confused. I really don't know what I should make anymore.)

Jungkook 'Baby Chef' (I wanted to make a dish of mixed veggies. I thought about what I should do then went to cut up the vegetables.)

"So who do you think is gonna win, birthday boy?" She turned to Rapmon, punching him on the arm, getting a chuckle in response.

"I honestly don't even know. I just hope whatever they're cooking will be all right."

"We shall see!"

"Jennie~ could you come over here for a second?" V called out with a boxy grin, waving at her.

"Yeah, sure. What's up?" She stood up and walked over to him. "How's the cooking going?"

Jungkook's ears perk up as he glances at the two of them, watching V's every move while cutting the food. What did V have under his sleeve this time?

"Here." V showed her a clean carrot. "I wanted you to have this."

"That looks so good right now, I love carrots." She looked at it with happiness.

"It's yours. Go ahead!"

"Jennie! Don't take that! He's bribing you!" Jungkook warned, walking over to the two.

"Wha? I'm doing no such thing!" V tried to look innocent.

"Jennie won't be fooled. No more bribing."

Jennie 'Confused Judge' (I have no idea what's going on around this kitchen, haha)

"Let's go back over here where you won't get bribed." Jungkook steals her away, ignoring V's complaints.

V 'Annoyed Briber' (Darn it Jungkook! He ruined my plan.)

"Here. Sit back down." He placed his hands on her shoulders, lowering her down to sit back in her seat. He grabbed a clean carrot from his station and handed it to her with a smile. "Here's my carrot. Enjoy, no bribery. Relax, and don't go near V."

"Hah hah! Okay, I won't! Thanks!" She happily took a bite of the food as he goes back to his station.

Jungkook 'Hero for Jennie' (I felt really happy saving her from V's bribing. She really enjoyed the carrot. Now V seems to be at a disadvantage since he hasn't bribed any of the judges. I think we'll win for sure!)

Jennie 'Happy Judge' (I got a carrot! It was so good! Thanks Jungkook! But I want another one...maybe I can sneak the one V was supposed to give me...listen to Jungkook...or get V's

"Do we add Tuna into the seaweed soup?" Jungkook questioned.

"Firstly since we don't have meat," Jin replied, before dripping a lot of sesame oil into the food. Jennie cringed at the sight.

Jin 'Sesame Oil Supporter' (I like sesame oil so I added a lot into it. I'm sorry...that was a great mistake of mine...)

Jennie 'Non-supporter of Sesame Oil' (So I was looking around and couldn't help but come across Jin just splashing all this sesame oil into the food. WHY!? That's too much! It'll overpower the food! Won't it!? Ah Gosh, make him stahp! STAHP~)

With V's team, J-hope begins cooking the meat, making Rap Monster happy as he watches in delight.

'With the meat J-Hope's definitely sure of their win'

J-Hope 'Meat complimenter' (Ah the meat is really a defining ingredient. Let's say if without it, J-hope's food lacking of that very meat. Ah really to me it's definitely an important ingredient.)

Rap Monster 'Hates to eat his birthday cooking' (The most frightening people are the ignorant yet diligent people. V is exactly like that. He's totally ignorant when it comes to cooking...)

'Among the members, whose cooking is the worst?'

Jungkook (V! That hyung has never even cooked before in the dorm.)

Jimin (V really....i think today really all just comes down to V.)

Jin (The opposing team has their black-hole. V. The best black hole ever.)

Jennie (Ah...V...I asked him to make me a microwavable meal once in the dorm, when he gave me the noodles, it wasn't even half done.)

V 'Cooking Black Hole' (Yeah I do like it.)

Jungkook finished his plate by throwing in all the ingredients they had and red pepper before frying it. But then Jimin threw noodles together with it to cook it again

Jennie 'Horrified for her life' (I really am nervous to eat that.)

"Guys you have ten minutes left!" Jennie announced as both teams put the finishing touches on their food. "Jungkook! What are you-never mind." She sits down after watching him pour milk into the combined noodles and tuna. She walks over to J-Hope who is stirring Kelp, pork and onion soup. 

"Ah, it's going to be yummy!" He said confidently and took a sip. Almost immediately, he freezes and gets quiet as Jennie starts snickering.

"It has an interesting flavor!" He coughed.

"Uh huh. Just looking at my death here. I've lived a nice life."

"Ah, i-it's not that bad, you'll be fine!"

"There's five minutes left! Five minutes!" Rap Monster announced.

"Five minutes left?" Jin repeated in surprise.

"10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1 Battle finished!" Rap Monster announced. "Finally the disastrous spectacle has come to an end."

"More like disasteriffic!" Jennie replied. "Nonetheless it is time for us to taste test the food you've made."

"This is not a punishment, right? This feels like a secret prank camera." Rap Monster examined the food nervously.

"Look at our visuals!" Jimin pointed to his team's food.

"It is not all about the visuals!" J-Hope fired back.

"Since I can't eat it on my own, sacrificing together with me is Jennie and two other judging panelists that will be doing the tasting."

'Evaluation time!'

Jennie, Rapmon and the male and female judges stand before the dishes. 

"Let's start from this side." Rapmon said, as everyone grabbed their chopsticks and carefully tasted the ramen dish.

'Jimin Chef's fried red pepper paste noodles. Using the mixed veggies Jungkook fried in fury and directly added cooked noodles into it.'

As soon as Jennie takes a bite she winces as she continues to chew. "Too much salt!"

"Yeah, it's super salty." Rap Monster agreed

V 'Accused of throwing salt' (We were lacking in visuals. If our taste couldn't make it...what's left only is to sabotage! So I sprinkled salt into Jimin's cooking)

Jimin 'Case victim' (Ah-V!! I had made it so delightfully. What exactly will the officers do about it...)

'J-Hope chef's meat regulation. J-Hope chef's exclusive meat! Even if it's just stir-fried the taste is undeniable.'

"This is a product we're really looking forward to." Rap Monster anticipated as they all took a bite of the meat.

Jennie looked confused as she continued to chew. "Where's the flavor?"

Jennie 'Passionate Meat Lover' (I LOVE Meat. In my household, the meat is always filled with flavor. I was disappointed when there really wasn't a taste to it.*Sniff*)

"There's absolutely no taste at all." The female judge noted, nodding in agreement with Jennie.

"The menu I knew was pork meat. In the meat, there's a plastic smell." The male judge added.

'Suga Chef bean rice cake. Cooking made for variety right from the start. 119 on standby for the judging panel'

"This is another I'm looking forward to." The manager said

"Me too, I think it'll taste good." Rap Monster replied as they all tasted a bite. Before Jennie could take a bite, she had to wait a couple of seconds because of the horrible smell. "You all right, Jen?"

"Ah...just peachy." She groaned. 

The smell was horrible. She'd eaten foods that smelled bad but tasted really good, so maybe this would be the case here, she wondered as she took a bite of the food.

"To describe this dish's taste in the simplest terms...a house that only guys live in. The fragrance returning after heated sports...that smell has been represented in this dish. Just from listening you can feel the bean rice cake's slashing." The male judge explained

Suga 'Midas' Hands' (First I put the bean paste in. Bean paste and ketchup, fish cake, fried onion, fried mushrooms. It was an intricately chosen combination of ingredients. A smell of men's feet came out from the food. I had a taste of it and came up with the dish's sub-set. Bean paste ketchup rice cake pasta's sub-set.)

'J-Hope's chef meat regulation soup'

"Next up this is some kind of...laundry water!" Rap Monster pointed out.

"Ah...the color." Jennie sighed. It did look like laundry water.

"This is not end-plate king right?" Rap Monster laughed. "I thought this food was a punishment from end-plate king."

Jennie 'Nervous Miss Bangtan' (D-Do I really have to try this?)

Suga 'Cooking Destroyer' (Actually it was end plate king, for the judging panel...I hope Jennie enjoys it. HAHA.)

Jennie takes a spoonful of the soup with Rapmon. She places the spoon down and closes her eyes as Suga starts snickering to himself while Rap Monster squints his eyes, laughing to himself at the horrible taste.

Jennie 'Victim of soup' (What did I do to deserve this? Is this almost over!?)

"If the seaweed soup was sesame oil soup, this is salt soup? It's half water, half salt." The male judge mentioned.

'V Chef's V-Roll. Standard seaweed rolls be gone! Confident seaweed roll made by the alchemist.'

"We'll first give this seaweed roll to Rap Mon." The male judge placed the roll in front of the rapper as he took a bite of it. As soon as he starts chewing on it, he begins losing color in his face.

"That bad, huh?" Jennie chuckled nervously and reluctantly took a bite. Handing the roll to the other female judge, Jennie starts coughing, reluctantly chewing it.

Jennie 'Passionate Seaweed lover' (Y'know...I'm not liking how they're killing my favorite foods here. This is tragic!)

Rap Monster 'Taste Buds gone' (The V Roll that V made, made my face lost all color. I think my members have a lot accumulated displeasure against me...I'm sure of it.)

"If we were to evaluate these cookings as a whole, a middle doesn't exist! It's either salty or too sweet or inedible." The male judge declared.

"We're alive! We survived the taste testing." Jennie clapped, sighing out of relief.

"Thankfully." Rap Monster sighed. "We still did it somehow. Now it's discussion time."

Jennie and the rest of the judges compare their ratings and discuss what they thought of the food, before going back to stand before the two teams.

'Results time!'

"Yes and the tasting time has ended. Because it's a broadcast I can't swear..." Rap Monster mumbled, earning a few chuckles from his members. "Still we can't go without picking the winning team, right? Jimin, Jungkook, Jin chef team, red spoon. J-hope, V, Suga's chef team Blue spoon."

"All right, at the same time, we're going to reveal our selections and the side with the most votes will be the winners of the cooking battle." Jennie informed.

"In 3, 2, 1, we'll raise our selections."

Once the 4 judges revealed their votes, Jennie voted for Jin's team in the process, Jin's team was declared the winner.

"Congratulations to the winning team of Jin, Jimin and Jungkook!" Jennie applauded with a smile while V's team started to complain.

"We cannot acknowledge this!" Suga yelled with V.

"So what if your ingredients are expensive!" Jungkook pointed to the food while both teams began to bicker.

"Anyway since you are the winning team, I'll be presenting to you, your dining voucher. Congratulations." Rap Monster handed them their vouchers.

"Thank you!" Jin's team happily accepts while Suga's team is frustrated and in despair.

"And also we can't possibly leave out the punishment for our losing team." Rap Monster pointed out.

"Oh yeah. Looks like you guys are gonna be cleaning up the place! Woo hoo~" Jen clapped, as the losing team playfully glared at her while everyone else clapped.

"This has been an overwhelming Bangtan Chef Korea, but we've come to the end already. Next time we'll be back with an even better program!" Rap Monster closed

Suga 'Chief of losing team, made judging panel lose their taste buds' (J-Hope was a bit too greedy...believed too much in his own skills. I think that it was because of his greed)

J-Hope 'Laundry Water's Creator' (Combining Eastern and Western flavors, what in the world... it just doesn't make sense really. Suddenly bean paste and ketchup, what kind of combination is this?)

Jin 'BTS Cooking Champion' (I'm really thankful to Jungkookie. Also very thankful to Jiminie too. And also Jin-ah you've worked hard. Mine was yummy too! The taste of sesame oil was a bit too strong.)


'End Plate Unlucky King/Queen'

"Hello, for today's end-plate King/Queen we're here at a Karaoke Room!" Rap Monster announces as everyone applauded

Everyone gets their cards. Once they flip them over, V is the elected King.

"V is a truly lucky guy!" J-Hope commented.

"What even is he!?" Rapmon questioned

V sits in the middle of the table, while Jen sits in between Rap Monster and Jungkook. 

"We will now begin the first stage of the game," V announced

"I won't lose this time!" Suga said with determination.


'Criminal Disguise. Use black tape to disguise yourself as a wanted crook!'

"Can you explain what this is?" Suga asked.

"I think we're putting black tape all over our face." Jennie replied as he nodded

Everyone grabs a card quickly. "1-2-3!" V announces as everyone quickly flips over their cards, revealing J-Hope with the skull.

"AHHHH" They yell, applauding and fist pumping while J-Hope stares at his skull card in disbelief.

'Finally! J-Hope selected for the very first time!'

'7 peasants cheering in the background'

"At last!" Jimin cheered

"This round is invalid!" J-Hope tossed his skull card down on the table while standing up.

"Now it's only Jennie!" Jimin pointed out.

"Wait she didn't get caught at all?" Suga questioned, looking surprised.

"Nope. And I won't this round." She said confidently.

"We shall see~" V grinned

J-Hope is placed on top of the table, lying on his back while everyone starts placing pieces of tape all over his face. Jennie places a piece of tape right on his upper lip before Jungkook wraps J-Hope's head like a gift basket.

"I'm gonna plug your nostrils." Suga placed a piece of tape right on J-Hope's nostrils.

"I can breathe through my mouth." He said with nonchalance. Once he sits up, they get a full view of his taped up face.

'This far has been boring! Let's try peeling them off!'

Everyone starts peeling the tape off his face one by one despite J-Hope's yells of pain. 

"Sorry J-Hope." Jennie smiled apologetically and ripped off the tape on his upper lip.

"Ahh! I thought you would be gentle~" He whined, rubbing his upper lip. "Seriously this hurts so much." He giggled

"Do you know my pain now?" Suga asked while Jungkook plucked another piece off his face and Jimin snatched off the last piece. The room was filled with J-Hope's yells of pain and whoas from everyone else.

"Really guys...?" J-Hope sighed


'Stick a piece of raw skate under the nose.'

Everyone yells and groans at the punishment. It was not going to be a favorable one. "I think Jennie is gonna get this one!" Jimin happily addressed

"No way!" She objected, shaking her head.

"Man this is really really is." Rap Monster shook his head, thinking about the punishment. 

Everyone gathers their cards and flips them over to reveal Suga with the skull card.

"YEAH!" Jennie and everyone but Suga yell and applaud. "WOO~" She fist pumps while Suga starts laughing, looking dumbfounded.

'Once again without fail, today is Suga's punishment time!'

"I am so happy!" Jin sighed out of relief.

"Suga, Suga Suga Suga~. Suga Suga Suga Suga~" The group sings and claps.

'Enter fresh skate express shipped from Heuksan Island'

Jimin holds onto Suga as V places it right on his mouth with the tape. Jen grits her teeth, watching nervously while J-Hope massages the raw skate that was taped against Suga's face. Having enough, Suga snatches it off.


'Insect hunting'

'Kill all the insects stuck to various parts of a member's body using a fly swatter'

"No, it can't be! I can't even kill cockroaches..." Jin murmured

"Don't let it be me. Don't let it be me. Do not let it be me." Jennie mumbled to herself.

"Let it be Jennie. Let it be Jennie. Let it be Jennie." Jimin mumbled to himself, looking straight at her.

"Let it be Jimin. Let it be Jimin. Let it be Jimin." She narrowed her eyes at him as they stared each other down.

"Let it be Jennie!"

"Let it be Jimin!"

"Let it be Jennie!"

"Let it be Jimin!"

They go back and forth while everyone laughs at their bickering. Everyone receives their cards and flips them over to reveal Jimin with the skull card.


"HAHAHA! Lady luck is on my side to-day!" Jennie stood up with her arms up, celebrating. J-Hope and Jin start dancing while Jimin is in disbelief.

"Don't mess with Jennie and her luck." Rap Monster chuckled.

"Why couldn't it have been Jennie!?" Jimin whined

"I wonder when Jennie will get caught." Jungkook wondered.

"Yeah! When Is Miss Bangtan ever going to get caught?" Jin asked.

"NEVER~" Jen laughed evilly.

Jimin lays on his back on top of the table. The guys start messing with him, flying the toy bugs all around him, making him squirm until they lift up his shirt. Suga places the bug right on his belly button while the guys talk about Jimin's abs.

"Jimin is flexing as usual." Jennie poked one of his hard abs. "It's so hard."

She had to admit, she was looking forward to getting abs when she was ready to start working out. 

Suga smacks the bug right then and there, making Jimin yell and clutch his stomach. J-Hope was next, buzzing around and placing the bug right against his cheek. Jimin tenses in nervousness while being held down.

"I'll keep to my manners and hit gently." J-hope spoke before smacking the side of his face.

Jimin sat up in shock. "Did you just lie to me?"

"Ah well, you know I-" He was cut off by his laughs when Jimin grabbed him.

"The cheapest act in the world is hitting the same place twice." Jin said, placing the bug on Jimin's cheek when he was on his back again.

'Cheap grand Satan king Jin loses his innocence'

After Jungkook smacks him hard on his chest, it is Jennie's turn. 

"Let's hit him on the face a third time~" She decided and placed the plastic bug on his cheek.

"Jennie you're going to pay for this!" He declared

"HIGH-YA!" She smacked him hard, earning loud laughs.

"That's it!" Jimin quickly sat up, grabbing her before she could run away. 

She shrieked when he put her head around his arm, giving her an old fashioned noogie while everyone else continued laughing at the sight.

"Not the hair! Jimin!" She smacked him on his arm a couple of times but he didn't let up.


"I want to stop getting picked! Please!" Jimin pleaded in desperation.

"I hope you get picked again!" Jennie called out.

"I hope YOU finally get picked! I hope this is your punishment!" He pointed at her, glaring at her playfully

'Don't crinkle your face'

'Remove every post-it on your face using only facial expression'

Once everyone gathers their cards and places them down in the middle, Suga declares, "It's rigged if it's me again..."

"Well I'm a lucky guy, I can't be picked," J-Hope commented, staying positive.

"3-2-1!" V countdown, revealing Jimin again.

"Yah!" The guys laugh and clap happily for themselves. Jimin stood up and yelled in despair before sitting back down.

"End Plate King/Queen is actually a Jimin and Suga show." J-Hope chuckled

"Of course, for the reason that they are the most popular members." Rap Monster agreed

Jimin had a bunch of Post-its stuck to his face as he began scrunching up his face, trying to take off the Post-Its. Then he had to deal with Suga's gross breath thanks to his punishment from earlier when he kept blowing in his face to remove the post-its.


"Without further ado, we will now take a look at Stage 5." V announced as he revealed the next punishment.

'Put on pants with no hands'

'Put on a low drop trouser without using your hands!'

"Do we have to take off our pants right here?" Jimin asked.

"Of course not!" Suga bluntly replied.

Once everyone flips open their cards, after tons of switches, Rap Monster gets the skull card. Everyone yells in happiness and claps. After a long time, Rap Monster couldn't seem to get it, so Suga suggested that he do the bug punishment.

Taking his suggestion, Rap Monster was not placed on his back against the table. 

"Flip over!" Jin requests and places the bug right on his butt.

"Ha! This is going to be hilarious." Jennie watched in anticipation as V put another bug on Rap Monster's behind.

Everyone laughs after Jin smacks him twice on the butt as Rap Monster squirms around and rubs his butt. "Owie, it hurts!"


'Don't Stop The Beet!'

'Drink a full glass of Beet Juice'

"Full glass of Beets!?" Rap Monster asked in horror while Jennie widened her eyes.

"Please don't let me get this one..." Suga pleaded.

Everyone gathers their cards and places them in the middle of the table.

"3...2...1!" V counts down as everyone flips over their cards to reveal Jennie having the skull card.

"NO!" She screams but gets overshadowed by BTS' whoops, screams and hollers of excitement.

"YES!" Jimin screamed while V & Jungkook fist pumped and J-Hope started jumping up and down on his seat.

"ABOUT TIME!" Rap Monster yelled, raising his hands up in the air.

"FINALLY!" Suga clapped

Jennie buried her face in her hands, while they continued celebrating. She couldn't believe her luck had run out. She was so close to being two rounds without getting the skull card.




Running her hands through her hair, she throws her head back and puts her hands up in the air.

"WHY!?" She cried in despair. "This is rigged!"

"Muahahahah! How does it feel Ennie?" Jimin teased.

"Jennie, Jennie Jennie Jennie~. Jennie, Jennie, Jennie, Jen~" They sang and clapped as she sighed loudly, accepting her fate.

A glass of beet juice was presented to the table, grabbed by Jin as he took a big sniff. "Nice and fresh." He nodded in approval.

Jungkook takes it and takes a whiff of it, too. "Strong stuff." He sets it down in front of Jennie.

"Well,'s all yours. Go wild~" V presented.

"Drink up Jennie!" Jimin said with a smirk. This was going to be so good to watch. Finally, she was caught. He was thrilled.

"Ah...I just remembered I left the oven on so-" She tried to leave but Jungkook wrapped his arms around her waist from behind and hugged her tightly as she tried to escape. "Nooooooo!" She yelled in desperation while everyone laughed at her. No matter how many times she squirmed around in his arms, Jungkook wouldn't let up.

"Drink the beet juice," Suga demanded in a low tone, trying to scare her.

"There's no escaping your fate Miss Bangtan." J-hope played along in a dark tone and laughed evilly with Rapmon, Jimin, V and Suga. They were staring at her weirdly, trying to scare and creep her out.

"STHAP~" She shrieked at their intense looks and laughed, shaking her head at a fast pace while Kookie continued to hold onto her.

Jennie felt the vibration of Jungkook's chest when he chuckled against her, amused at how to guys were acting, while Jin giggled next to her.

"Your hair smells nice," Jungkook mentioned

"Ah, good to know when I got you guys staring at me like you're the killers in a horror movie!" She replied in a sarcastic tone as he laughed in response.

"Keep holding her Jungkook. She might escape." Rap Monster requested.

"What? I'll do no such thing!" She decided to get comfortable in Jungkook's arms and grabbed the glass. Looks like she wasn't going anywhere.

She takes a deep breath and puts it between her lips. The strong scent made her groan, knowing it was the real stuff. Defeated, she reluctantly takes a small sip and automatically sets it down, gagging.

"Oh my God, this is so gross! I have to drink ALL of this!?" She turned to the cameras as the guys laughed at her freak out.

"No escape. Drink up. Or I'll write on your face again." Suga threatened.

"You'll do that anyway!" She declared before picking up the glass again. She started chugging it, trying to ignore the bitter taste against her now tasteless taste buds as the guys looked on in wonder and shock. Cringing with each big gulp, she finally slams it down, finishing the whole drink. "UGH GOD! Oh my God! Can I PLEASE get some water!?" She started coughing.

"She chugged it all!" V picked up the glass and looked at the bottom.

"Wow~" Jin looked on in surprise and Jimin giggled at her pain. 

"My mouth is suffering!" She exclaimed as she was refused water for the time being.

'Stage 7'

'Jitting the ddakji on the back'

'On your back let's play the memorable ddakji'

"Oh dear." Jennie looked on as she still tasted the bitterness in her mouth. At least she'll get health benefits from the beets. 

Once given the cards, they flip them over to reveal J-Hope with the skull card. Rap Monster starts acting hyped while Jin yells 'Yah!'

J-Hope sat there in despair and disbelief. "Why do I feel as though my hopeful existence has disappeared." He grumbled.

Once he's laid on his chest, on top of the table, they pull up his shirt to reveal his back. Jennie looks on in amazement when everyone hits him. Mentally thanking her luck that she didn't get this punishment.

'Stage 8'

"It's the last stage, right? A really impacting punishment is awaiting us." V mentioned

"Watch it be Jennie again!" Jimin teased.

"Jimin, hush! You had two punishments. Watch this be your third one!" She stuck her tongue out at him while he continued to giggle.

'Sing a song!'

"I was wondering why we came to the karaoke room!" J-Hope mentioned.

Everyone flips their cards after they are given a chance to change. Jennie decided to not take any chances and kept her card. Once they flip them over, Rap Monster gets the skull while everyone else rejoices.

"I knew it was going to be me!" He yelled

'Exactly what is the theme of the song-singing mission?'

Getting prepared for the punishment, Rap Monster wears a wig and changes while Jennie and the rest of BTS sit, preparing for his performance.

'Costume and Makeup setting complete! Wonder Go Soyoung Rap Mon's looks are? Falling in front of the screen it's a seaweed curtain.'

Rap Monster starts singing Ddokdo is Korea Land while Jennie covers her mouth at the sight.

'Southeast from Ulleungdo its 200 miles. Solitary island for migrating birds.' He continues singing while everyone else dances. 

Soon Jennie starts getting into the rhythm, dancing along with the beat, laughing at the sight in front of her.

"Swag!" Rap Monster ends the song.

They were all so weird, but she couldn't help but feel so comfortable around them. They were great guys to be around. She was looking forward to seeing what the future holds with her and BTS.

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1 year ago

The Bangtan Gal Chapter 2- The Debut

The Bangtan Gal Chapter 2- The Debut

Chapter Summary: Jen continues to build friendships with her band members before they prepare to record their music videos and debut on stage. Jen starts to get sick for the first time in South Korea and tries to escape Jin's efforts to make her take medicine. Everyone celebrates Jungkook's birthday with a big surprise during the concept trailer filming. Rapmon steals Jen's donuts and is forced to go with her to the store to get more and ends up breaking something. BTS begin to film the NO music video as Jen's efforts are better than she expected for her part.

Words: 9,000+


Living in a dorm with all the guys was something Jennie had never experienced. She didn't know what to expect and admitted she was nervous about the whole situation. But over the next few days, she began to open up more and realized, they were all a goofy bunch.


Brothers that she always wanted.

During the next few weeks, Tae and Jen stayed away from the cameras while the rest of BTS filmed their Vlogs for their YouTube channel. Big Hit wanted them to be their secret members and be revealed once they shot their music videos. 

Before she knew it, it was time to film the No More Dream music video. For the music video, she wore black high-waisted pants and a Hood By Air crop top with a fishnet shirt under it. Her hair was put down instead of a ponytail. As she gets her face done by the makeup staff, a camera is in front of her for a Bangtan Bomb. She ends up waving at the camera with a smile.

'Miss Bangtan seems to be in good spirits' The caption said on the video.

After she was done getting her makeup done, she made her way over to where the shooting was starting. 

"Jennie! Come over here, we're about to do a cheer in front of the camera." Suga announced before Jimin and Jin pulled her to the group.

"So forward!" She laughed. 

They all put their hands on top of each other.



For the first part of the shooting, it went very well. They were all fluid with their dance moves and cues. Jennie had a blast and tried to keep a serious facial expression while filming. But she ended up goofing around with the rest of the guys, even attempting to dance battle with Jin and J-Hope.

"Individual shooting is up next." The director reminded them as they all get straightened up.

Afterward, Suga is first for his shooting as he sits on a bike, rapping his verse. On the side, Jennie chews on her bottom lip, watching Suga's shooting. She turns to the camera who is right next to her, filming her expressions. 

"A bit antsy." She laughed quietly. "He's really good. I love his rapping."

Moments later, a deep voice asked if she was nervous from behind. She turns to meet the sunglassed eyes of Namjoon and Jin. She smiles nervously in response as the makeup artist finishes her makeup and walks away. 

"Yes. I want to do well y'know?" she answered

"Don't worry, you'll deliver. Teamwork makes the dream work." Namjoon placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

"Jennie. You're up." The Director called her as her stomach dropped.

"Oh boy. Wish me luck." She murmured and headed over to the filming location.

"She worries too much." Jin laughed 

"She really does. But she'll do fine." Namjoon replied

Jennie makes her way to the director as she bows. "First let's have you against the wall." The director guided her. "And...action!"

On cue, her demeanor changes as she gazes at the camera with attitude, rocking side to side.

geojitmariya you such a liar

See me see me ya neon wiseonjaya

wae jakku ddan gireul garae ya neona jalhae

jebal gangyohajin marajwo

(La la la la la)

"Cut! Let's try it again."

Jennie nodded and exhaled. Was she doing something wrong? She wanted to ask him but she didn't want him to get annoyed. If he got annoyed.

The camera turns to Rapmon who watches closely. "She's still timid, it's clear that she's nervous. I'm positive we can work on that. I'm looking forward to seeing her grow in BTS." He noted. "I believe she'll be a great Bangtan Girl."


Jennie attempts to go for a more aggressive route while adding in a bit more Bangtan Girl charm while ruffling her hair on camera and using her arms.

"La la la la la."

"Ni ggumi mwoni ni ggumi mwoni mwoni."

She makes finger guns, shooting them at the camera.

"Good!" The director said as she let out a breath of relief and bows. BTS claps for her and cheers.

"She did well." Rapmon smiled and nodded in approval.

"Go Jennie!" V yelled and she high fived him as the camera caught them. "She did so well! I'm so proud of her." He hugged her and laughed.

"That was really fun!" She said in front of the camera before heading over to the school bus for another shooting. "I will continue to try my best."

After many more hours of shooting, the music video shoot was a success.


The next day was the Jacket Shooting. BTS and Jen get ready. Jen wore leather jeans with a hood by air shirt that was long sleeved and a black beanie over her curly hair.

"Photoshoot, woo hoo!" She cheered with Suga and Jimin who excitedly danced, very eager to shoot. She goes over to get a closer look at Jin who was taking photos for his shoot. 

"How'd your shooting go?" She asked RapMon who was with Jungkook.

"Ah, it went well. You looking forward to yours?" He asked.

"You know she is. She's been bouncing around and dancing all over the place." Jungkook pointed out, grinning widely.

"Um! You have too! I saw what you did to V! Don't put this all on me. You were goofing off too. Didn't you see him mess with V while he was napping?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about. Hyung, she's lying." Jungkook does his best to look innocent.

"Are you-are you kidding? I hope you're not believing him over me!" She looked baffled, turning to Rapmon.

"I dunno Jennie...I didn't see Jungkook goofing off at all. Only you." Rapmon crossed his arms, teasing her.

"Are you cereal!?" She exclaimed, throwing her arms up in the air.

"Are you cereal?!" Jungkook mocked her in a high-pitched voice before laughing with Rapmon.

"I can't stand you guys." She laughed with them and attempted to shove Jungkook lightly but he didn't budge.

"I will try my best for the photo shoot. I hope my facial expressions won't be too much." She explained to the camera.

"What do you mean?" Jungkook inquired.

"I, unfortunately, have a resting bitch face. So, people always think I'm mad when my face is relaxed. But for music videos like this where we gotta show swag and stuff like that. And you know..." She adjusted her shirt, brushed off her shoulder, and tried to look cool while the duo watched her. "It kind of works out."

'Rap Monster and Jungkook are not impressed.' The caption on the video says as she turns to them.

"What? Really? Wow. I see how it is." She turned to the camera. "I swear I'm a nice person. Don't judge the face. I'm not angry or mean! Promise!" She reassured

She hears her name getting called. "Fighting!" She shows two thumbs up at the camera before skipping away.

Jungkook ended up laughing at her cute antics while Rapmon face palmed. 

"What are we gonna do with her?" Rapmon shook his head and sighed.

After taking photos, Jennie was cleared and went to check them out as the camera was behind her.

"Ooh~ Nice! I look good, wow!" She turned to the camera and nodded in approval. "I can't believe I look like that. You ever feel like if you're making an expression, it feels weird and you think it looks weird? But when you take a picture with the expression, it looks cool? That's how I feel right now. I'm glad it was successful." She addressed with cheerfulness.

After the rest of the guys finish their shooting, they gather together for the group shooting while Jennie sits in the middle. Then they change as Suga, Jennie and Jungkook check out the group photos. 

"What do you think?" Jennie asked.

"I think that, overall, all of them are good." Suga responded as she nodded in agreement. He puts an arm around Jungkook. "Of course, I like Suga-ssi's photos the best." He bragged with a gummy smile on his face.

Jungkook and Jennie glance at each other before turning to Suga. 

"Really?" She let out of short laugh.

"What is this?" Jungkook laughed and turned to the camera. "Naturally Jungkook's turned out the best right?"

"Ha ha, no. My photos turned out the best." She grinned as he deadpans.

"Here, look at this person." He pointed to himself in the photo.

"And look at me." She pointed to herself in the picture.

"I had more swag." He narrowed his eyes at her, getting competitive.

"No, you didn't." She narrowed her eyes back

"Yes, I did."

"My facial expression was cooler than yours." She smirked.

Jungkook laughed sarcastically. "Ha! Ha! Ha! Lies!"

'Both Maknaes continue to bicker at each other.' Was the caption on the video while Jimin walked over to them.

"I don't know who he is but uwahh~ he's good looking." Jimin pointed to himself.

"I'll admit, he is pretty good looking." Jennie complimented 

"I said the same thing too," Jungkook added, earning a laugh from Jimin.


It was finally June 13th, 2013. Today was the day that BTS would debut. Jennie wasn't nervous yet as she tried to remain calm. She gathered around in a circle with the group while Rapmon went over what would be happening that day.

He is such a great leader. He cares and always looks out for everyone. She hopes to do well and make herself, her family, Big Hit and BTS proud of her efforts. While in the waiting room, Rapmon tries to practice, rapping in a deep voice and starts clearing his throat. J-Hope copies him after watching, earning a laugh from Jennie. Then Jungkook adds to the fun by copying him too.

"I hate him." Rapmon pointed to Jungkook. "Try to do it properly."

"Oh boy. He caught you now." Jen chimed in, amused at his antics. 

Jungkook tries it again but Rapmon says it's not similar and walks away.

After their shenanigans, they leave to go to a rehearsal and pre-recording as the nerves start to get to Jennie. They currently wore their shirts with their names on them. Jen grips the mic in her hand nervously as she waits for the cue.

"You look so nervous." Jimin chuckled lightly and held her shaking hands, to calm her down.

"I didn't mean to make it so obvious."

"You've performed in front of a crowd before. Much more than this in America."

"I know, I know..."

"Then what's getting you so shaken up?"

"I guess it's because I've never done anything like this. Here. In South Korea. I'm a foreigner. I just have questions in the back of my mind like, what will they think of me? Do they like how I'm speaking in Korean and pronouncing the words? Stuff like that."

"Hey, we all made it this far. We are all going to do well. Breathe in and breathe out. We got this. Don't worry too much. I'm sure they'll love you."

"Just like they'll love your abs, right?" She laughed with him.

"You dare bring my abs into this?" He playfully scolded before they headed to the stage.

The crowd cheers loudly as they are on stage in their beginning pose for No More Dream. As soon as she hears Rapmon's deep voice, the nervousness goes away and is replaced with seriousness.

yamma ni ggumeun mwoni

yamma ni ggumeun mwoni

yamma ni ggumeun mwoni

ni ggumeun gyeou geugeoni

I wanna big house, big cars & big rings

But sasireun I dun have any big dreams

haha nan cham pyeonhage sareo

ggum ddawi an ggwodo amudo mwora an hajanheo

jeonbu dadada ddokgagati

nacheoreom saenggakhago isseo

saeggakkakkamake ggameogeun

ggum manhdeon eorin sijeol

daehageun geokjeong ma

meollirado gal geonikka

arasseo eomma jigeum dokseosil gandanikka

niga ggumkkwo-on ni moseubi mwoyeo

jigeum ni geoul sogen nuga boyeo, I gotta say

neoui gireul garago

dan harureul sarado

mworado harago

nayakhameun damadwo

wae mal mothago isseo?

gongbuneun hagi silhdamyeonseo

hakgyo ddaeryeo chigineun geobnaji?

igeo bwa deunggyohal junbihane beolsseo

cheol jom deureo jebal jom, neo ibman saragajigo

imma yurimental boy

(Stop!) jasinege mureobwa eon

je niga yeolsimhi noryeokhaetnyago

yamma ni ggumeun mwoni

yamma ni ggumeun mwoni

yamma ni ggumeun mwoni

ni ggumeun gyeou geugeoni

geojitmariya you such a liar

See me see me ya neon wiseonjaya

wae jakku ddan gireul garae ya neona jalhae

jebal gangyohajin marajwo

(La la la la la)

ni ggumi mwoni ni ggumi mwoni mwoni

(La la la la la)

gojak igeoni gojak igeoni geoni

jigyeoun same day, banbokdoeneun maeire

eoreundeulgwa bumonimeun

teure bakhin ggumeul juibhae

jangnaehuimang neombeowon.. gongmuwon?

gangyodoen ggumeun anya, guhoemal guwontusu

sigannangbiin yajae doljikgureul nallyeo

jiok gateun sahwe-e banhanghae,

ggumeul teukbyeolsamyeon

jasinege mureobwa ni ggumui profile

eogabman batdeon insaeng

ni sarmui jueoga doe-eobwa

niga ggumkkwo-on ni moseubi mwoyeo

jigeum ni geoul sogen nuga boyeo, I gotta say

neoui gireul garago

dan harureul sarado

mworado harago

nayakhameun damadwo

yamma ni ggumeun mwoni

yamma ni ggumeun mwoni

yamma ni ggumeun mwoni

ni ggumeun gyeou geugeoni

Before she knew it, it was her turn to sing as she got in front of the guys with a microphone in hand. "Geojitmariya you such a liar. See me see me ya neon wiseonjaya. wae jakku ddan gireul garae ya neona jalhae. jebal gangyohajin marajwo."

(La la la la la)

ni ggumi mwoni ni ggumi mwoni mwoni

(La la la la la)

gojak igeoni gojak igeoni geoni

saraganeun beobeul molla

naraganeun beobeul molla

gyeoljeonghaneun beobeul molla

This time she stood up while the rest of them were kneeling down, before looking directly into the moving camera, pointing at it.

ijen ggumkkuneun beobdo molla

nuneul nuneul nuneul ddeora da ije

chumeul chumeul chumeul chwobwa ja dasi

ggumeul ggumeul ggumeul ggwobwa da

neo ggumuldaejima umuljjumul daejima wussup!

She linked arms with Rapmon and J-Hope as soon as Jimin ran to Jungkook, getting picked up and kicking each member's back.

geojitmariya you such a liar

See me see me ya neon wiseonjaya

wae jakku

ddan gireul garae ya neona jalhae

jebal gangyohajin marajwo

(La la la la la)

Jennie points to the crowd while singing ni ggumi mwoni ni ggumi mwoni mwoni

(La la la la la)

gojak igeoni gojak igeoni geoni

To all the youngsters without dreams.

The crowd cheers for them and they all head backstage. She walks behind Suga who said on camera that it's so hot, thanks to the leather. 

"I almost gave myself whiplash. My head hurts." She walked past the camera.

Jin started crying because he was nervous and disappointed. The staff tries to help him by giving him tissue and fanning him. Everyone got changed for Bulletproof. After Jen is done, she goes near the stage to wait and sees Jin waiting as well.

"Y'know I cried too."

Her soft voice makes him turn to face her. "Really?"

"I cried when I first debuted with my former group in America. I was so scared...I messed up. Missed my cue. Everything. It was horrible." She groans, shaking her head at the unpleasant memory. "They gave me the 'She's just a kid' card, but still, I was the youngest and wanted to prove myself. That just because I was young, didn't mean I couldn't do this or that. I just learned from my mistakes and tried harder. I tried not to think about it too much. My emotions just got me during the debut."

Jin nodded. "You know one day we should look at your debut from America." He smiled as her eyes widened.

"Oh no. No no. I don't wanna look back at how cringe I was. Ugh. At least that got your mind off things." She smiled back at him.

"Thank you. That helped."

"Don't worry about it. Everything is going to be okay. Now let's do a good job with this performance." She beamed as the rest of BTS met up with them.

They manage to have a successful performance during the broadcasting without any big mistakes and go backstage with happy vibes. 


Next Day they are at Music Bank and have a dry rehearsal before the show. And then head over to the prerecording. After the performance, they greet the director and fans. "Bangtan! Thank you! We will work hard!" Before bowing.

They head backstage. "We finished on the first try." Rapmon grins at the camera.

"That was scary," Suga commented before walking past the camera.

"So-so. So-so." Jungkook admited.

"I could've done better, so I'm giving myself a 65%. I hope to boost up that grade with the next performance." Jennie stayed positive and walked ahead.

Then it was time for their performance for their second debut performance.

(What) iri naenwa

(What) ginjanghae da

(What) ggeutpandaejang

(What) We are bulletproof

We are bulletproof


ireumeun Jung Kook, seukeireun jeonguk

hakgyo daesin yeonseupsireseo bamsae

chumeul chugo norae bulleotne

neohuiga nol ddae, nan ggumeul

jibdohamyeo jameul chamagamyeo

maeil bamsae bolpeneul jabne

achim haega ddeun dwie na nuneul gamne

ijungjatdaewa sumanheun bandae sogeseo

ggaebuswobeorin naui hangye

geue banhae jaesu johge hwesae keontaekdoen sokching

norae mot hae raeppeoreul danghan

neohuiege raeppeoraneun taiteureun sachi

Everywhere I go, everything I do

na boyeojulge kareul garawatdeon mankeum

nal musihadeon manheun saramdeul ijen

(Oh oh oh oh oh oh) hey shout it out

Oh! namanchi haebwatdamyeon doreul deonjyeo

We go hard urin geobi eobseo

(Click click, bang bang)

we juss sing it like

(Click click, bang bang)

we juss sing it like

Oh! namanchi haebwatdamyeon doreul deonjyeo

We go hard urin geobi eobseo (Jennie does to oohs)

(Click click, bang bang)

we juss sing it like

(Click click, bang bang)

we juss sing it like

(What) iri naenwa

(What) ginjanghae da

(What) ggeutpandaejang

(What) We are bulletproof

We are bulletproof


Jennie gets in front of them, as she hears the crowd scream for her, taken aback by the sudden cheers but maintains focus on the performance.

Badda bing badda boom,

Jennie's here

I have no don't try to stop me


Tellin' me your doubts...won't change my mind

You want me to party? I don't have time.

I've been busy workin' (she slowly shimmies to the right with the guys moving with her from behind)

I've been busy dancin' (she slowly shimmies to the left as they move with her as well)

I'm never prancin'

Just enhancing

I will preserve and you can't stop my flow

I'm in my own lane, I'm here to attain (She makes a fist up in the air)

I got people asking, Who's the girl?

The one with the curls, representing the girls (She struts forward, ruffling her curls)

I'm the one with the swag and I don't mean to brag but I broke oppositions to get where I am today!

Oh! namanchi haebwatdamyeon doreul deonjyeo

We go hard urin geobi eobseo

(Click click, bang bang)

"We juss sing it like."

(Click click, bang bang)

we juss sing it like

Jennie gets in front of them to sing another verse. "Oh! namanchi haebwatdamyeon doreul deonjyeo. We go hard urin geobi eobseo."

(Click click, bang bang)

we juss sing it like

(Click click, bang bang)

we juss sing it like

(What) iri naenwa

(What) ginjanghae da

(What) ggeutpandaejang

(What) We are bulletproof

We are bulletproof


Look at my profile, ajik amugeotdo eobtji

Still yeonseupsaeng and raeppeomaen,

yeah I do know that's nuthin

gomindo haetjiman ije pillyo eobseojyeotji

neon ajikdo amachueo,

nan meijeo, jjuk geureohge sseokgil

Rap Monster, malcheoreom goemulgachi

museun biteudeun gane nan ssak jibeosamkyeo

chungsilhan ireumgabt yaedeura iriwa

miri bwa hannat aidorui banjeon

haha hipbusimppunin hyeongdeureun

bulganeunghada haetji but

ddokddokhi bwa igeol impossible-e machimpyo

jjigeo I'm possible ja ije dwaetni boy

Everywhere I go, everything I do

na boyeojulge kareul garawatdeon mankeum

nal musihadeon manheun saramdeul ijen

(Oh oh oh oh oh oh) hey shout it out

Oh! namanchi haebwatdamyeon doreul deonjyeo

We go hard urin geobi eobseo

(Click click, bang bang)

"We juss sing it like."

(Click click, bang bang)

We juss sing it like

Oh! namanchi haebwatdamyeon doreul deonjyeo

We go hard urin geobi eobseo

(Click click, bang bang)

"We juss sing it like."

(Click click, bang bang)

"We juss sing it like." Jennie sings.

(What) iri naenwa

(What) ginjanghae da

(What) ggeutpandaejang

(What) We are bulletproof

We are bulletproof



Hearing the crowd scream and cheer for them made Jennie's heart flip as she waved and grinned at everyone before bowing. Things were going well for their debut.


Backstage for another performance, Jin decided to become today's VJ and went around to visit the members of BTS, interviewing them before the live broadcast. Jennie just finished getting her makeup done and sat on the couch with Jimin, fanning herself. The heat was real backstage.

"Jennie~" Jin placed the camera on her before Jimin pushed the camera back to himself.

"Where are you going, we're having an interview. I'm in the middle of thinking..." Jimin laughed.

"You took too long, now I want to go to Jennie."

"But I wasn't done yet!"

"Jennie's cooler than you. So, I want to interview her." Jin sassed.

Jen laughed at their banter and looked at the camera when Jin placed it back on her. "Hi!" She waved.

"How are you, Jennie?" He asked in a casual tone.

"It's hot." She lets out a breath and continued to fan herself.

"It is. It really is. So, I heard you've been getting more fans recently. Specifically, male fans. What do you think?"

"Hehe, I'm flattered they're falling in love with my charm." She smiled.

"You look pretty today."

" I don't look pretty every day?" She deadpanned.

Jin was taken aback at her sudden mood change as he started to stutter "U-uh-I-"

"Are you calling me ugly?" She gasped and placed a hand on her heart.

"I think he is. That was rude, Jin! My Jennie is beautiful!" Jimin played along.

"Whoa, whoa! Your Jennie?! She's my Jennie!" V said from across the room. "I knew her first!"

"So? She likes me more!" Jimin responded.

"Oh dear...I didn't realize I was a popular person." She raises her eyebrows at the camera while the two continue to bicker at each other.

"Jennie, are you still mad?" Jin questioned as she looked up at him.

"As a matter of fact, I am." She crossed her arms.

"Come on~ I didn't mean it!" He whined.

She giggled at his whining."Ah, I'm joking."

Jin frowned and pouted behind the camera. "You're mean!"

"It was a joke!" She exclaimed.

"Don't talk to me, anymore."

"Jin are you cereal, right now?" She looked at him in disbelief.

"You know what? You're pretty but you're not as pretty as me." He said with a mocking smile.

"Oh!" Jimin yelled, shocked at the sass.

The unexpected sass made her mouth fall open and her eyes widened, stunned at what he said. 

"You really gonna do a sister like that? I thought what we had was special! Oh, you think it's funny, huh?" She asked over Jin's goofy Ha-has. "You know what? I'm done! Leave!" She struggled to keep a straight face as she pointed to the door, making Jimin laugh out loud.

"Note to self, don't interview Jennie." Jin goes to Rap Monster.

Later, Jen approaches Jimin who was holding onto a lion doll, as a camera was on him for a Bangtan Bomb. He was trying to defend himself for not being childish, claiming the lion was just sitting where he was.

"Aw, that's so cute! Can I see it?" She happily held on to it and examined it. "This is so adorable, it's been a while since I've seen a stuffed animal. Look how nice and fluffy this thing is."

"It looks like V, doesn't it?" Jimin mentioned.

After looking at the lion and its fur, she nodded in agreement. "Dude, it does!" She said in amazement while V walked over.

Jimin takes the doll and presents it to V. Suddenly, he starts attacking Jimin with it as Jennie laughs. Afterward, Jimin tries to style the lion like V.

"Am I a kind lion?" V asked.

"What kind of lion, just a normal big lion." Jimin replied before giving it to V "There."

"What about the makeup?"

"Makeup??" Jimin let out a chuckle before he started putting powder on the lion. After he was done, he gave it to V.

V suddenly puts the lion in front of Jennie and makes it wave to her. "Hi! My name is V! What's your name?" He asked in a cute voice.

The sudden cuteness overload was too much for her to handle as she covered her face, feeling her face heat up. 

"Don't shy away!" He placed the lion on top of her head and made it dance on her head. "Rawr!" He made the lion playfully hit her and she started to laugh.


On the 23rd of July, before their performance, the group stood on stage with an MC for Simply K-Pop TV. From the loud cheers to the fans waving their fan signs with the members' names on them, Jennie was excited. She did a double take when she noticed her name on several fan signs. She had to blink quickly to avoid tears coming from her eyes as joy took over.

Nonetheless, she smiled and waved at the crowd as the MC announced BTS in English. 

"So how long has it been since you debuted?" The MC asked.

"It's been about a month," Suga answered in Korean.

"One month? Wow. Well, your popularity is going through the roof, nowadays. How does it feel?"

Jennie raised her mic to speak. "I think it's awesome!" She answered in English. "Seeing our names on the signs right now that our fans created, it's astonishing. I was trying not to tear up when I saw my name on some of the signs. We're grateful for the support."

"Yeah, we're either at the studio, at home or at broadcasting stations, so we haven't experienced much of it. But as Jennie said, we're always grateful for fans who come to support us." Jin added

"Yes with all the love and attention you're getting, I'm sure your fans have a lot of questions. That's why we have a Q&A ready for you guys. Who has the first question?" The MC goes to a fan.

"Hello. How long was your training before you debuted? And did you expect this kind of popularity?" A fan named Nima from the UK asked, in her British accent.

"The training period, the longest for me is like three years, Jimin had one year. The shortest was Jennie's. She trained for almost six months. The average is around 2 years or 2.5 years." Rap Monster answered in English.

"Oh yeah, the training for me was a bit hectic. Although I had the shortest amount of training, I had to really work hard and push myself. As well as adjust to the Korean culture. I had a tough time using chopsticks for a while. I should've learned before I came here." She giggled in embarrassment as the crowd laughed with her.

"She's using them properly now!" Rap Monster added with a smile, earning applause.

Jen shot a thumbs up. "I had a lot of support from everyone as they guided me. I spent more hours training as well and made sure to catch up on anything. Also, to rest. I haven't overworked myself, Mom, I know you're watching." She waved to the camera.

Rap Monster nodded. "For our debut, we don't really realize any popularity now but thanks, we are so thankful for all the love and our fans. So thank you very much."

"Wow, your English is very good." The MC praised Rap Monster. "Next question."

The next question was from a girl named Imani from America. "This question is for Jennie. First off, I just want to say, I LOVE you. I think it's so cool that you're the only girl in BTS and everything."

"Awe, thank you." She felt her face beginning to heat up before blowing her a kiss.

"Your Korean is so impressive at your young age. How long have you been studying and are you fluent?"

"I'll answer in Korean then English." She said before turning to Korean. "K-Pop inspired me to learn Korean. I've listened to 2NE1, Wonder Girls and Big Bang. Their music inspired me to want to get into this industry. The music, the dancing, everything is so lit over here in South Korea. I love it! I love how passionate everyone is here. As for the language, I've been studying since I was 13. Man, it was hard. I mean, I tried to study a few hours a day. And now I'm 15 in America, and I guess I'm...17 in Korea right?" She turned to her groupmates who nodded and smiled in response.

"Same age as Jungkook." J-Hope commented.

She continued in English, "So that's pretty interesting as well. I think my hard work is paying off. No language barriers or anything. I'm happy I can communicate with everyone here. I'm not fluent yet. But I know more than just the basics and I will continue learning." 

A girl named Moon So-hyun from Korea asked, "There's a variety of genres on your album. Besides the title track, which is your favorite song?"

"Like it is an awesome song on our album." J-Hope smiled. "It has witty lyrics about love. It's really great."

"Can we hear a little bit of the song?" The MC asked, earning screams and cheers from the crowd.

"Neon nami doego ohiryeo deo joha boyeo pretty woman." Jungkook angelically sang with a smile, earning cheers afterward.

"Woo! All right thank you BTS for your time."


After arriving back at the dorm, everyone relaxes as Jin starts to prepare dinner in the kitchen. Everyone was doing their own thing while Jennie chilled on the couch in the living room, playing random games on her phone that Jungkook got her into. She couldn't help but notice her throat getting scratchy all day as she kept coughing every few minutes. The teen didn't think much of it as she assumed the cough would go away in the morning and her throat was just dry. Little did she know, Jin had observed her all day whenever she coughed.

Finally, after 15 minutes went by, he had to see what was wrong.

"Are you okay, Jennie?" He left the kitchen to see her.

The sound of his voice made her look up at him as she cleared her throat. "Eh, I think I might be getting sick or something. My throat is a bit scratchy. But I'll be fine."

"Nothing that I can't fix. I'll make some tea."

Smiling politely, she declined. "It's fine. Thank you an-"

*Cough* *Cough*

She sighed in annoyance. The cough just wouldn't go away. Why did she have to start coughing now? Right when they were promoting?

"We have some cough medicine." Jin happily announced.

The sound of medicine made her widen her eyes. She wasn't into taking medicine, she couldn't stand the taste. 

"What? I don't wanna take medicine, it's gross!" She shook her head frequently, trying to talk him out of it.

"Come on, it'll make you feel better, so you won't feel lousy while we're promoting." 

"I think maybe I just need to drink some water." She grabbed a water bottle from the kitchen and drank a few sips on the couch. "There. No more coughing." She guaranteed and went about her business.

Jin crossed his arms and murmured a countdown in a low voice ""

*Cough* *Cough*

"No more coughing, huh?" He grabbed a bottle of liquid cough medicine out of the cabinet and poured the medicine into the small plastic cup for her. Sitting down next to her on the couch, he smiled warmly. "Come on. And we have a mask for you to wear too, when we go out."

"You're so persistent. Jin, I'm fine. Guys, tell him that I'm fine." She pleaded to Jimin and Namjoon who were also in the living room.

"I think you should take the medicine, Jen." Jimin responded as Namjoon nodded in agreement, his face glued to his phone.

"You heard the gentlemen. Come on. One big gulp and it'll be all over." Jin advised in a motherly tone and tried to hand the medicine to her but she stubbornly scoots away, shaking her head.

"Uh uh! Jin, I am not taking any of that. No meds, I'll be fine!" She exclaimed.

Why was he so persistent in making her take medicine? It was just a little cough.

Why was he staring at her like that?

He looked so worried.

Why is he so worried?

Jin frowned at her refusal. "Jennie you have to take the medicine. It'll help you. I don't want your upcoming sickness to get worse. If you fight it now, you'll knock it out before it even starts."

"I don't wanna!" She huffed and crossed her arms, looking away.

Namjoon snickered at her response while Jimin eagerly watched the two bicker, enjoying the show. 

Jin blinked at her and paused. Slowly, he set the medicine down on the table.

No one sasses Jin.

No one.

"That's it. Hold her down." He told Namjoon and Jimin as they got up from their seats.

"Wh-wait a sec-HEY!" She shrieked as she felt strong hands grabbing both of her arms, dragging her off the couch and onto the floor. "WAIT! WAIT!" She started kicking and yelling, attempting to fight off their strong grips as they continued to latch on to her. Before she knew it, they pinned her arms to the floor.

"Get off of me!" She grunted and tried to kick all over the place.

"I am a good person!"

"I have rights!"

"I don't deserve this!"

All her pleas were ignored and laughed at as Jimin and Namjoon continued to restrain her.

"Yah! Jennie just take the medicine!" Jimin giggled as he tried to keep a strong grip.

"Never!" She yelled. "I recycle damn it!"

Jen could hear the loud laughter coming from Tae, Suga, J-Hope and Jungkook in the background while struggling to escape her fate.

"Ennie is not backing down." Tae giggled.

"Hobi I need help here!" Jin cried as Hobi quickly grabbed onto her kicking legs. 

She manages to kick him on the side of his head, pushing him away, earning louder laughs from everyone.

"Ow!" He laughed, rubbing the side of his head. "That was mean!"

"I'm sorry! I meant to kick at your chest!" She exclaimed while trying to toss and turn away.

"I got her!" Namjoon sat behind her, holding her arms from behind with Jimin.

Jin gets off the couch and sits on his knees with the medicine cap in his hands. There was no way in the world he was going to let her get sick if there was a way he could help her get rid of it quickly.

"Open your mouth." Jin demanded.

"No!" Jennie opposed.

"Jennie, open-your-mouth."

"I don't wanna! I'll drink orange juice!"

"You'll drink orange juice after taking the medicine!"


"Someone tickle her!" Jin urged as Jungkook and Tae began to attack her with tickles on her stomach. She started laughing out loud, squirming all over the place. 

Seeing an opening, Jin lifts her chin and pours the medicine down her throat.

Thus, she quickly swallows the bitterness and gags. "Ugh! Gross!"

Jin grinned in victory. "That wasn't so bad."

"I can't stand you guys." She grumbled with a sigh of irritation, earning smiles from all of them.

"We love you, too!" Taehyung said with a boxy smile.

"We're done, right? Can you all let go of me?" She asked

"We're not done yet. You need to eat soup. Continue holding her until I heat the chicken noodle soup." Jin went to the kitchen to prepare.

"Awe come on!" She whined.

After a couple of minutes, Jin comes back with a bowl of soup and kneels before her. He picks up a spoonful and blows on it a couple of times. 

"Jin, I'm not hungry!" She groaned.

"We don't want our Jennie to continue being sick, so we're going to take care of you. Now come on, eat up." He responded while the rest of the guys nodded in agreement, gathering around her.

Jennie looked at each one of them. She was touched by how worried they were and how eager they looked to help her feel better. She let out a breath as her mouth curved into a smile. 

"Okay..." She said as they cheered. "Can I eat crackers with the soup?"

Jungkook stood up and bowed. "Your wish is my command, Milady."

She giggled softly at his dorkiness. Jungkook grabs a box of crackers from the kitchen and tosses them to Tae who presents them to her dramatically. "Ta-da!"

She gets let go as Jin feeds her a spoonful of soup. "I can eat myself you know." 

Jin placed a hand on her forehead. "You don't have a fever thankfully. Now eat up. Eat everything. And make sure to drink the broth. That'll help too."

"Thanks, mom." she teased him.

Jin smiled at the nickname and patted her head. "You're welcome, sweetheart."

After she finished eating, they led her to her bedroom. 

"Thanks guys." She sighed in contentment, laying comfortably on her bed while J-Hope placed a blanket on her.

"Rest up. You should feel better tomorrow in no time." Jin mentioned, looking relieved that she took the medicine and ate soup to help.

"Do you need anything else?" Jimin questioned.

"Want me to read you a bedtime story?" Namjoon offered.

"I could sing you to sleep!" Jungkook added.

"I could rap you to sleep." Suga shrugged.

"NO!" The boys exclaimed to Suga, earning an annoyed look from him.

The Daegu rapper scoffed at the guys, "Well, screw you guys..."

"I'll listen to you rap another time, Suga." Jennie answered.

"Rapping will never make her go to sleep." Jin sighed

"You don't know that." Suga argued.

"Guys, I appreciate it but I'm fine. I'm just going to sleep. I'll take up your offers another time."

She snuggled under the covers, already feeling sleep taking over her. She heard whispers of them saying good night as her light was turned off before they left the room.


On July 27th, on Show Champion backstage, BTS and Jen assemble for their dance diet method. The eight of them stand before the camera, already in their outfits for their upcoming performance.

"Summer Special episode Show Champion's diet dance. First, basic moves for warm up." Suga addressed the camera.

'Stretch your arms and shoulders'

All of them stretch obnoxiously while Jennie deadpans, watching them instead of stretching. Moments later, she attempts not to laugh at them.

"Second, learn choreography for dieting." Suga continued.

"Who's teaching?" Rap Monster asked

"I'll be teaching." Jungkook demonstrated as he grabbed onto his pants. "Grab your pants and ride the rhythm."

"Five, six, seven, eight!" J-Hope announced as all of them but Jennie began stomping around obnoxiously. "This will consume many calories."

"Ah~ the diet's working." Jimin added.

Jennie facepalmed at the sight. "I don't know them!" She called out, making everyone laugh.

"Come on Jennie, do it! It's healthy!" J-Hope grabbed onto her.

"Do it, Jennie! It's fun!" Jin encouraged.

"Jennie! Jennie! Jennie!" The guys chant

"Okay! Okay!" She sighed in defeat, earning loud whoops and cheers.

They put some music on as they all begin stretching first. The Bangtan Girl starts to get into it, stretching goofily. Subsequently, she grabs onto her pants and starts stomping around.

"Look at her go!" Rapmon said with a laugh.

"Go Jennie! Go Jennie!" Jin cheered as she started to laugh with them.

"Okay, this is pretty fun!" She beamed.

"That's the spirit!" Jimin cheered.

Afterwards, they all start rocking their elbows, while turning around in a circle. Jennie couldn't help but feel free and in good spirits when she was around the guys. They were weird, and so was she.


It was July 31st and Jin decided to be the VJ again for another quick Bangtan Bomb. He goes to Suga, V and then J-Hope, before approaching Jennie who was getting her makeup done. 

"Jen~" Jin happily greeted, placing the camera in front of her.

"Hey!" She greeted in English with a bright smile, waving to the camera.

"How are you, Jennie?"


"WELL, we're out of time!" He yelled and moved the camera away.

"You know what-" She stood up and tried to hit him but he jumped away with a giggle, escaping her wrath. "Jerk!"


'August 18th, Music Kan Star Date'

For the interview, Jennie sits in between Suga and Jungkook while Jimin also sits in a chair next to Jungkook. Meanwhile, Jin, V, Rap Monster and J-Hope stand behind them.

"To all the viewers of KNT TV, 2, 3. Bang~tan! Hello we're BTS!" The group greeted and bowed.

'The hip hop idols who deliver a message to the youths who have no hope and are lost. Their protagonist is Bulletproof Girl and Boy Scouts, who on the stage show a very powerful and intense performance. A fun date with the energetic and dynamic Bulletproof Girl and Boy Scouts. Let's watch it immediately!'

'How did the group name come about?'

"Yes, 'Bangtan' has a definition of being bullet-proof. So, discriminations and judgments being shot like bullets, we're going to deflect them off like a bulletproof vest and stand up proudly for what we believe in." J-Hope answered as Jennie nodded at his answer. "Our team name upholds a meaning like that."

'Introduce your title track 'No More Dream'

"Our title track 'No More Dream' is a hip hop song that followed after a form of gangster hip hop bass genre that was famous in its existence in the 1990s. You might know it when you listen to the song. There's a part where we question 'Hey you what's your dream'. Right now there are a lot of teens who just live their life each day, going to school and coming back, with little purpose and dreams." Rap Monster mentioned. "So this is where we ask these teens, 'Hey what's your dream?' 'Quickly find your dream', it's a song that speaks of such meaning."

Suddenly Jimin stands up to demonstrate the dance.

"Five, six, seven, eight. La, La, La, La~ La~" Jennie and the rest of BTS sing while Jimin does his dance, lifting his shirt.

"Oh my gosh..." She giggled at the sight.

'Thoughts on debuting?'

"Well, firstly we are definitely majorly happy. It has been half-anticipation and half-nerve wrecking. But with all of that aside, getting to release my dream in three years of preparation, really I'm so so glad." Rap Monster grinned

"I second that!" Jennie raised her hand. "To be honest, I wasn't expecting this at all, being here in this moment. All that hard work is paying off. Dreams can really come true when you set your mind to it and work for it. I believe we did really well on our debut. We're doing well."

'Thoughts on your explosion of popularity?'

"Because there's people who like us, and are our fans, I'm really happy. And also at broadcasting stations where they follow and sing our songs together with us, the energetic cheering and support. To receive all that, up till now it still is so weird and much fascinating." J-Hope replied.

"Yeah, I also think it's really humbling. I'm still in shock with the support we've been receiving from our fans. It's amazing." Jennie beamed.

"Also whenever we end a performance and as soon as we leave the stage, we check the real-time searches to release that BTS has gone up the search rankings. It was too fascinating to see that so I screen captured it right away." Jimin grinned. "To go back to seeing it again, it makes me really happy."

'How does it feel being the only girl in BTS?'

Jennie was pondering while the question was asked and then she saw all eyes on her. She turned and looked around. 

"What?" She stuttered and felt her face heat up as everyone laughed. "Oh wait what was the question? I'm sorry!" She bowed

"Miss Bangtan~" J-Hope cheered with the rest of the boys

She laughed and then answered, "Well it's really interesting to be around these cool guys and working with them on dancing and music and living with them. They're amazing to be around, I love them."

"Aw~" BTS replied with big smiles on their faces. "We love you too."

"I hope to improve while being a member of BTS and I also wanna show the female empowerment in youth as well. And I hope to show that in our music and future songs. I most definitely want to sing lyrics about female empowerment and just female confidence in general."

'Show us your charms!'

"Yes, I'll have a go at it, please hold my mic." Jimin gave the mic to Jungkook before gazing at the camera. "Please love BTS a lot!" He put up two finger hearts and made a quick heart with his hands before pointing at the camera.

Jennie looked at him like he was crazy, widening her eyes. "Oh boy...." She murmured, placing a hand on her forehead while the rest of BTS groaned and looked away.

"Ah, what do we do about this?" Jin asked

"Thanks to Jimin I think I might freeze to death." J-Hope said

"I'm sorry that was embarrassing." Jimin grinned sheepishly. "Ah not me but our V, his gaze is not to be reckoned with too. Let's have you throw a gaze for once."

V looked at the camera. "It'll be cooler with a close up shot. I'll go for it." He gazed at the camera. "I love you~"

"Oh my God!" the guys exclaimed and start freaking out while Jennie buried her face in her hands.

'The members who got embarrassed because of V!?'

Rap Monster was the next charmer as J-Hope began to beatbox. "Yo. What's up? Kan TV, Yeah. Bangtan sonyeondan. Yo, yeah. Uh, Rap Monster together with my sexy voice. A single time of my rap has the girls talking. I'm a smart guy who knows how to study 1 percentile of the country, IQ 148, I'm a guy who does what needs to be done." He rapped as Jennie moved her head, rocking to the beat and his rap. "And right now where I'm at, it's with Bangtan. Wherever we go we hear gratitude. People see us and go shit! What the~"

"Woo~" BTS clapped and cheered for him.

"That was fire!" Jennie cheered

'As expected from the main rapper Rap Monster'

'What does hip hop mean to BTS?'

"It's a genre of music we really like and can do really well in. And hip hop has become the best way for me and for us to express ourselves. In the future too we'll express things in this manner." Rap Monster answers

'Your ultimate goal?'

"As musicians, inevitably our ultimate goal would be for us to make good music." Suga answered. "And for the public to acknowledge and enjoy our good music, wouldn't that be our ultimate goal? And to be honest, as singers to be able to make good music and share it with others. That would be the biggest form of happiness." He revealed his gummy smile.

'Future plan of activities?'

"Following our debut on the 10th of June, we have many promotional activities planned out. And we have a blog so we'll be updating regularly on our blog with unreleased songs as well. With such a drive, we'll be working hard." Rapmon grins. "To all the viewers of KNT TV, I don't know if you had fun watching us. As much as BTS has come out as a hip hop team, we'll become a team that loves hip hop and enjoys much through hip hop. Up till now it has been BTS! 2! 3!"

"Thank you!" BTS bowed


On August 31st, Jennie, BTS and the rest of the staff plan to surprise Jungkook for his upcoming birthday. Everyone but Jungkook, who was filming an individual lip sync, was in the Waiting Room to coordinate the surprise for his birthday party.

Jennie had to stop smiling so hard. She was so excited. It always brought joy to her heart to celebrate her friend's birthdays. She couldn't wait to see the look on his face when she and everyone else surprise him. Later on, everyone begins to film for the BTS concept trailer, the Director announces Jungkook to make sure he gets the center right as the group talks to the dance teacher and manager.

V and Jennie turn around as they grin big at each other. "I'm really trying to keep my emotions in check!" She whispered in excitement, earning a soft giggle from him.

After the filming, Jungkook gets lectured by Rap Monster and the manager about his dancing as he's oblivious to their acting. It was hard to see Jungkook get lectured like that, especially for ten minutes while everyone was trying to prepare for his surprise.

"You just have to do it well." Jin said as soon as the manager left the room. Jungkook was looking bummed after getting lectures. It made Jennie frown a bit.

"Jungkook, are you mad cause we didn't celebrate your birthday?" Rap Mon asks

"No, no..." Jungkook answered in a soft tone.

"You were in the wrong. You kept joking around as well." Suga lectured. "Since we were filming, you should've stopped. There must be a stop somewhere."

"As a leader...have I done anything to you?" Rap Monster asked him.

"No." The Golden Maknae answered

"You usually do well."

Afterwards, one by one, the members leave the room, while Suga holds the cake, ready to enter the room again to meet Jungkook while the lights are turned off.

"Happy birthday to you~ happy birthday to you!" Everyone sings as they walk up to a dumbfounded Jungkook as he looks around. Jennie and the rest of BTS clap and gather around him as Jungkook starts to cry.

"Our dearest Jeon Jungkook~ happy birthday to you~!" Everyone sings before Jungkook kneels down while everyone pats him on the back. "WOO~"

"Oh my God, he's crying!" Jennie exclaimed with a laugh with the rest of BTS.

"He's crying!? Why are you crying!?" Jungkook was asked as he finally stood up. 

Teary eyed, Jungkook finally blows out the candles as everyone cheers. The manager finally came in to apologize and wish him a happy birthday.

"Thank you for being born!" J-Hope cheered, earning a couple of laughs

"Say some of your thoughts!" Rap Monster suggested to Jungkook as he adjusts his birthday hat

"Producer-nim you're mean..." He replied, earning more laughs from everyone.

Bangtan take a group birthday photo before teasing Jungkook some more on his big day.

"Ah acting...I thought it was for real!" Jungkook mentioned

"We fooled you good, didn't we?" Jennie nudged him earning a chuckle from him

After filming, the group headed back into the dorm. Jennie rummaged through her closet to pick up a wrapped up gift for Jungkook. She enjoyed giving people presents, and tried to be observant when it came to gift buying. Leaving her room, she knocked on Jungkook's door. She heard a 'Come in!' and opened the door. 

"Hey, Jennie!" He happily grinned at her.

"Hey! Happy Birthday! Open up!" She sat on his bed and handed him the big rectangular gift. His eyes widen at the sight.

"This is for me?" He looked up to meet her eyes.

"Uh huh." She replied softly.

"Wow...Jennie, you're awesome."

"I hope you like it. Sorry, I didn't get a card."

"Just a gift in general from you is more than enough." He smiled softly before tearing the wrapping paper. "No way..."

She started to feel her face heat up, hoping that he liked his gift. 

"I...remembered you telling me how much you like to draw...and I watched you draw backstage before a performance, so...I decided to buy you a nice, big sketchbook."


"I-is it too much? Is it too big? Too small?"

"No. It's perfect."


"Thank you so much." He placed the sketchbook down before scooting over to hug her. He was often shy around girls, but she was one of his great friends and their friendship was only growing every day. He looked forward to buying her a gift as well for her upcoming birthday.

Wrapping her arms around him to return the warm hug, she was overjoyed. "Don't mention it."


The next day, in the afternoon, Jennie had been craving her cute looking donuts that she purchased from a local Korean Dunkin' Donuts after taking a walk around a local park, in the nice summer breeze. 

"Jennie! You're back! How was your walk?" Jungkook happily greeted as he played video games with Jimin in the living room.

"Hey, guys. It's so nice out there! The walk was great. Now on to the donuts!" She headed into the kitchen and went into the fridge. Weirdly, she couldn't find her Dunkin Donuts bag in the fridge.

Maybe she was overlooking.

She took her time, searching all over the fridge but failed to find her donuts. "Where are my donuts!?" She exclaimed in English.

"What?" Jimin looked confused.

"Where are my donuts!? I want my donuts!" She started to get annoyed. "I swear...if someone took my donuts..." She grumbles, ignoring the confused looks from Jimin and Jungkook who had no clue what she was saying in her native language. She lets out a breath before going back to Korean. "My donuts. Someone took them. I can't find them in the fridge."

Realization hit the two boys before they averted their eyes and went back to their game. 

"I saw that look! What do you two know?" She asked as Namjoon walked into the kitchen to grab a bottle of water. 

"Namjoon. Did you take my donuts?" Jennie questions him in English.

"They're safe." He replied to her.

"Oh? And where may they be? And why did you touch them?" She narrowed her eyes dangerously at him, but he remained unfazed. A grin came across his face as he let out a chuckle. "Nam...Joon. Where-are-my-donuts?"


"Bish where?"

"In my stomach-"

"YOU SON OF A BISCUIT!" She yelled and started to grab him into a headlock as he let out a loud laugh. They stumble out of the kitchen and fall on the floor, wrestling each other as Jungkook and Jimin watch and cheer.

The loud noises caused Tae, Suga, J-Hope and Jin to come out of their rooms to see what was going on.

"NO FIGHTING!" Jin yelled as tried to break it up, while the rest laughed and cheered for either Jennie or Namjoon. "We are NOT doing this today!"

After a moment of wrestling, they were finally broken up as Jennie explained the situation to Jin. Thankfully things went in her favor when Jin ordered Namjoon to go to the store with her to get some donuts. A reluctant Namjoon went and paid for Jennie as she got all the Dunkin' Donuts she wanted, which was much more than what he had eaten and then they went to the supermarket.

"Do you even know what you're getting?" Namjoon asked as he pushed the cart behind her while they walked in different aisles before walking to where the drinks were.

"Nope!" She grinned, earning a groan from him.

Namjoon left the cart before grabbing two glass bottles. "Hey, wanna watch me juggle?"

"Have you juggled before?"

"Not really." He shrugged.

"I don't think that's a good idea." She warned.

"What's the worst that can happen?"

Jennie let out a sigh. She heard from J-Hope and Suga that he was destructive and broke things easily.

"Don't drop that." She turned around and pushed the cart forward. A few seconds later she hears a sharp curse muttered behind her and glass breaking. She cringed at the sound and slowly turned around to see the mess and him grinning sheepishly.

"Uh...It broke...heh, heh." He rubbed the back of his neck while getting flustered.

"For crying out loud, Namjoon..."

No more shopping with Namjoon was the thought in her head. She only wondered what other stuff he plans to break while she continues to be a member of BTS.


For the BTS NO music video filming, Jennie wore white skinny jeans, a white shirt that was shorter in the front and longer in the back that stopped just under her behind and wore a couple of gold rings and chains on her neck.

"What does Jennie expect for today's filming?" A camera man asked for a Bangtan Bomb.

"I'm not a part of the opening scene while they're all sitting at the desks. I'm legit being taken away by the guards as I try to snap everyone out of it so we can fight together. Aye~ I'm going to be a pretty cool damsel. So right now I'm just waiting for them to finish the scene, and then I can get started."

After waiting, Jennie goes to her filming position. It looked like a Hallway and she was informed that she would have to attempt to run away from the two guards before getting pulled back.

"And...ACTION!" The director yelled.

Jennie hastily starts to run as fast as she can with the guards right on her tail. She feels two pairs of strong hands gripping her brown arms tightly as she lets out a loud grunt. She then gets roughly pulled back. Subsequently, she tries to squirm away and break free as they start to pull her back.

"CUT!" The director said as she got released.

She bowed and smiled at the guards, shooting them a thumbs up. 

"We didn't hurt you, did we?" One of the guys acting as a guard asked her.

"Nah, you're fine. Don't worry about it." She reassured them before some of the staff patted her face and neck with a towel to dispose of any sweat and to fix her hair.

"Haha, this is weird." She grinned at the camera.

"Jennie is doing well." The camera goes to Rap Monster who watches her filming closely. From her intense facial expressions, to swiftly evading the guards before roughly getting held back, he was impressed with her acting.

"Good!" The director announced as everyone clapped at her efforts.

"Jennie did a great job, today. Good acting." Jin happily said.

After a couple more takes of her evading the guards, she's moved into the set where there's a cell.

"And...ACTION!" The director yelled.

She puts her hands behind her back as she gets escorted by the guards, meanwhile, she looks directly into the camera, waiting for her cue for her lyrics.

"They're always so ruthless. What they want from me is viewless. They must think I'm a nuisance...I won't let them control me..." She lipsynced her lyrics.

"Cut!" The director said and she was escorted into the cell. 

They shut her in, and she places her hands on the bars while looking directly into the camera yet again. The butterflies that were in her stomach was long gone, as she started to get into the acting.

"Hahaha, Jennie is in jail~" Jimin giggled at the sight.

"HA! HA! HA!" Jennie sarcastically laughed at him, earning a louder laugh from him.


"They held me down, tried to change my mind...You think I'm blind?" She lipsyncs as she slowly slides her hands down the bars. "Well, it's a little too late because I'm already on my grind...Why don't they leave us alone? Stop controlling our lives! Let us be who we want to be...And stop stressing our lives!"

She tries to shake the bars while looking around, before running her hands through her curly hair.

"Let it be known...We won't be discouraged...You lost this battle, so continue to baffle." She kicked the cell open, dropping one of the guards in the process, before taking down the other guard.

"Cut! Let's film the takedown again!"

"This is really awesome." She shot the Bangtan Bomb video camera rock on hand signs before getting back into the cell.


She roughly kicks the cell open as one of the guards gets struck on his back by the cell door and falls down. The other guard swiftly turns around and tries to grab her but she knees him in the stomach before kicking him in the face, dropping him.

"CUT! Good!"

"Awesome!" She jumped up and down, clapping. Afterward, she watched her performance on camera. "I look pretty good."


The next day after the MV filming, BTS and Jennie are in the same venue to have their photoshoot. Rapmon was first, then Jin and Suga.

"It's Jennie's turn! I believe she'll do really well." Jungkook mentioned with a grin on camera as she was called up for her shoot.

"I'm nervous~" She smiled nervously at the camera before getting adjusted. She decided to narrow her eyes into the camera for a more serious look as they began to snap the pictures. "Oh my God, this is so weird to do. Do I look weird?"

"You look beautiful." The cameraman commented

"Ah~ Thank you! Thank you! I'm so flattered." She giggled, feeling her face heat up. 

After she pulls herself together, she continues the shooting. Some poses involved having her back to the camera and turning her head to the side, having her arms crossed in front of the camera, and then pulling her chain to the side of her neck.

'Jennie successfully pulls through in her shooting' The caption on the Bangtan Bomb said as she checked out her photos.

"Wow! That's me?! I look badass! Now if only I could look badass every day. I'm glad my efforts paid off." She shoots the camera a thumbs up.

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1 year ago

I've been okie, started my own OC stories on here :3 I can't wait to read the bangtan girl again and hopefully get to the lay×jen and jungkook×mystery girl era cuz I wanna see the angst. I'll look forward to your writing! - ASA 💜

I hope you enjoy!! It makes me so happy to see people remembering the story and coming across it for the first time.

I'm still trying to plan everything out but for now I'm going to focus on having all these chapters edited and posted. I'm still eager to brainstorm and work on ideas about Jen/Lay and Jungkook/mysterygirl hehe, I'm happy you remember about it!

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