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Forced To Believe Chapter 13- Catching Up Before MITB

Forced To Believe Chapter 13- Catching Up Before MITB

Forced To Believe Chapter 13- Catching Up Before MITB

Chapter Summary: Melanie is back in Philly to visit family and makes preparations before the PPV

Words: 3,000+


Joe, Jon and Melanie visit the new WWE Performance Center in Orlando, FL. 

"Here at the opening of the WWE performance center, I'm here with 3 members of The Shield, Roman Reigns, Dean Ambrose and Morgan Lopez. First of all, you guys came up through developmental here in WWE, what are your thoughts on the new training facility?" The interviewer asked.

"It's quite impressive, I've never seen a...I don't think a facility this big and this impressive ever existed in professional wrestling before. Seeing it born is pretty impressive. So much space, so much, really, expensive high tech equipment, uh, we've been in some nice gyms before but this is as nice as it gets. Pretty impressive." Ambrose answered.

"What's your thoughts Roman?" 

"I agree um, to see this much hard work, this much patience to go in it, it's a beautiful thing to watch it unfold and it's a humbling thing. It's a great day for the business." 

"Morgan, your thoughts?"

"This place is so awesome. I love it and it's really going to help the developmental roster. It's a wonderful thing that WWE has done to prepare the next generation of WWE superstars," Morgan replied with a grin. 

This was all so exciting to her. She couldn't wait to check everything out when she had the time.

"It's incredible to see you guys come up through the development area and the facilities in Tampa were good but to see this, makes you wonder about this place and how it's gonna help guys as they try to continue to make it onto the roster like you did." Interviewer added.

"The guys that are lucky enough to train here instead of a warehouse, a barn or a box with one little ring on a dirt floor or something like that, they are gonna have a real leg up on the competition. The next generation for the guys is gonna get more stiffer." Dean said.

"You jealous?" The interviewer chuckled

"I knew he was gonna ask that, haha." Morgan giggled.

"Uh, no, I mean, everything worked out for us. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity for these guys. It should be bright for our future." Roman answered

"So how'd it feel to be called on the main roster?" Interviewer asked.

"Means everything. It's what I've been working my entire life for and persistence pays off." Dean responded.

"What's it been for you so far?" The interviewer asked Roman.

"I think it's been a great testament through the developmental system. A guy like Dean, he's been all around the world, wrestling in all kinds of places, he's been able to come here and polish off his skills. Morgan went to another major wrestling company and showed off her skills until she came to the developmental area in the WWE. And I was able to obtain a little bit of skills and polish it as well. Down here and on the main roster. But for everybody who is starting off here, have a great opportunity to

perfect their craft before they get on the main roster." He answered.

"Last few things, you mentioned you had some experience before you came here, Morgan. Going to another major wrestling company, how is that different from WWE?"

"Well, going to TNA and wrestling in a 6 sided ring is different from a 4-sided ring. So, when I came to the development area in WWE, it's been really tough to adjust to things since I got so used to 6 sides. But I managed. It's been hard but all that hard work paid off."

"You also had some experience too, give us a horror story on training compared to this facility." The interviewer asked Dean.

"Oh, I started training in a warehouse with a ring crammed into it with about no space in between the wall and the ring. There were some chairs around, there was a backseat of a van that somebody put there. I've

trained in some really bad rings and seen some really good rings. Bad facilities, and good facilities, this is about as good as it gets here today." Dean mentioned.

"Last thing, the excitement of being on the roster, your entrance and everything, what's it been like for you guys?" The interviewer asked.

"It's great, it's like being shot out of rocket, you know and I think we handle it like nobody else cause we're the hardest workers. That's what we do. We eat, we sleep, we train, harder than anybody and we

wrestle harder than anybody. So it's something to be expected and we want more. It don't stop here, it can only get better." Roman said.

"Roman, Dean, Morgan, thanks for your time and keep up the great work, appreciate it."


After they check out the new performance center, most of the roster have a bonfire near the woods, near their hotel rooms. 

"You sure we got permission to have a bonfire here?" Melanie asked

"Yep, everything is fine," Celeste reassured with a smile. 

Meanwhile, a lot of the roster was chilling around, talking and eating. Nic (Dolph Ziggler) was playing the guitar and singing and Celeste started burning her marshmallows. 

"Man..." Celeste whined.

"Do you need help?" Melanie asked

"Oh yes, she really does." April teased

"Hey! I don't need help, it's...been a while since I made smores." Celeste muttered

"I hope everyone doesn't eat all the smores, I have a sweet tooth tonight," Melanie said as she placed a marshmallow on a stick and began to heat it up.

"If it isn't grapes, it's smores." Celeste chuckled as she blew off the fire on her marshmallow which is now burnt. "I don't think I want this one."

"Take mine," April said as they traded sticks.

"You're awesome." Celeste thanks her while April and Melanie laugh. 

Melanie puts 4 smores on a plate and sits next to Jon who has on a cap, gray hoodie and jeans.

"Hey Mel, could you pass me a Pepsi?" Phil (CM Punk) asked as he took a bite out of his smore. Melanie takes a Pepsi out of the cooler and throws it at him as he effortlessly catches it. "Thanks, grapes."

"No problem dude!" she grinned and started eating

"So am I getting one?" Jon asked with a smile.

"Fine, fine." Melanie chuckled and fed him one as he licked her fingers. 

After everyone gets settled in and eats their snacks, some of the guys start to tell ghost stories. Melanie puts her head on Jon's shoulder as they hold hands. 

Celeste sneaks a picture of them and posts them on Twitter

'#PhillysWWEPowerCouple Dean and WWEMorgan101.'


The next day, in Philadelphia. Melanie tweets 'I'm home. #PhillysOwn Diva is back! #MITB'

After getting settled in their hotel room, Jon and Melanie make their way to their rental car.

"Did you tell them you were here?" Jon asked 

"Nah, I want to surprise them."

"Just like you want to surprise your dad with the new studio?"

"Yep. The studio is all ready, I just can't wait to see the look on his face. It's gonna be awesome." Melanie beamed. "I'm driving!"

"No way, sweetheart. I'm driving." He countered.

"Oh come on!" She exclaimed. She knew a faster, shorter way to get to her parents' place. Jon started laughing as he got in the driver's seat. "Fine...but I'm driving to the arena."

"Hmm...I'll think about that."

"It's my rental car!" The Philly diva gets in the passenger seat.

"Our rental car." Jon corrected with a wink.

"Screw you..."

"Oh, right here in the car? Okay." He replied as he leaned over and started to kiss her. She kisses him back but then he starts to move down to her neck.

"Aye! Aye!" Melanie laughed and pushed him off. She checked her neck. "Look how red this mark is!"

"Trust me, there will be a lot more marks, and it won't be just on your neck." 

"Bluff! That's a bluff!"

"Keep telling yourself that, sweetheart."

After driving Jon's way to Melanie's parents' place, they make their way up the steps. 

"Ready?" he asked with a smile, glancing at her.

Melanie nods and begins knocking but facepalms. "Why am I knocking when I have a key...?" She chuckled and opened the door. Before she stepped in, she was quickly greeted by her 3 year old female Parson Russell Terrier. "Ellie!" She beamed as the dog barked and jumped on her.

"She's energetic, today." Jon pets the dog with a chuckle.

"Why is the dog barking?" Diego, Melanie's father asked as he walked to the front door with Ellie jumping out of Melanie's arms.

"Hey dad-­" Before Melanie can continue her sentence, she gets bear-hugged by him as she laughs. "Don't squeeze me to death, I got a match tonight."

"Haha, I was wondering when I was gonna see you again!" Diego mentioned, releasing her and turning to Jon. "Jon mi amigo!" He brings him in for a warm hug.

"Nice to see you, Mister Rivera," Jon said

"What did I say about calling me Mister Rivera? That makes me feel old. Call me Diego, all right?"

"Okay, Diego." he corrected himself with a short laugh.

"That's my boy! Come on in!" He gestured to them as they walked in. Melanie smiled at her father, she loved his carefree attitude. He was welcoming to everyone. "Your mother is cooking."

Melanie sighed as the smell of tacos filled the air and saw Jane walking out of the kitchen. "Mom!"

"Sweetie, who was that­-MY BABY!" Jane screamed and ran to hug her. She began tearing up with Melanie while giving her big kisses on the cheek. "I missed you so much!"

"Me too!"

"You see, she doesn't act that way with me...all that love and kisses." Diego shook his head with an amused expression, while Jon patted him on the back.

As they released, Jane turned her attention to Jon. "Jonathan, it's good to see you!" She hugged him and kissed him on the forehead.

"Nice to see you too." Jon smiled.

"Lunch will be ready soon," she informed and walked back to the kitchen. 

"Sit down, we have time before the show right?" Diego asked as Melanie nodded and they all took a seat. Diego started studying their movements as realization set in. "So...when did you two start dating?"

Melanie and Jon turn to each other, before nervously chuckling. 

"'d you know?" Melanie stuttered but relaxed when he laughed. 

"I'm glad you picked him. He's a good kid." Diego smiled. Ellie rubbed Melanie's leg as she smiled and petted her. 

"Thank you." Jon responded with a smile.

"Sorry, I didn't tell you sooner," Melanie mentioned with an apologetic smile.

"It's all right, and besides, a father knows. You look happier than ever." Diego pointed out.

Melanie grinned at him but then heard someone yell "You're making it wrong!"

"Is that...Aunt Aria?" Melanie asked, recognizing the voice.

"Yes. She came to visit."

"Oh boy..." The Philly diva groaned.

"What's wrong?" Jon raised a brow.

"My mother and aunt have a little rivalry. My aunt thinks that my mother isn't giving me a lot of freedom and is always in my business." She explained.

"Family drama? Interesting." Jon smirked out of amusement.

"It can be amusing sometimes. Aria is more of the outgoing, party type, while my mother is more...well...protective and motherly."

Aunt Aria walked in. Melanie looked at her as her long black hair was in a nice bun. She had arm sleeves and it may seem that she was intimidating but once she began to smile and speak, she was one of the coolest people to hang around. Melanie remembered she works at a lounge in LA. 

"Melanie! It's so good to see you!" Aria grinned and gave her a big hug.

"Nice to see you too, are you coming to the show?"

"Hell yeah. I must support my niece," she said as Jane walked in.

"Want a drink?" Diego asked as Jon nodded and they walked to the kitchen.

Jane and Aria sit with Melanie as they continue to catch up

" I getting grandchildren soon?" Jane asked with a grin. 

Melanie was stunned at her sudden question and began blushing. That was too abrupt. 

"Expect her to ask questions at the wrong time..." Aria rolled her eyes.

"Mama! No digas eso!" Melanie exclaimed.

"Don't say that? What did I miss?" Diego asked, popping his head into the room.

"I just want to focus on my wrestling career right now," Melanie mentioned. "So let's not talk about kids, right now."

"Wait, you said you didn't want to learn Spanish, who has been teaching you?" Jane asked, noticing her Spanish speaking.

" you know what they're talking about?" Jon asked, watching them go back and forth.

"No, I don't. We'll leave the ladies to talk. Come on, let's chat," Diego suggested as Jon nodded and they walked outside.

"Give her a rest. She wants to focus on her wrestling career, sis." Aria retorted. 

"I was talking to my daughter. Not you. I know what I'm doing." Jane snapped. She looked at Melanie and then glanced at her neck. "Is that a love bite!? Who gave that to you?"

"Jane! She's in love, give her a break." Aria snapped back while Melanie cussed in her head that she had forgotten to hide it.

"Give her a break? She should wait till she's married to start having sex!"

Melanie facepalmed. "Man, it's good to be home..."

"Jane, she's 26! Stop babying her!" Aria exclaimed. 

Melanie walked to the kitchen and washed her hands. She grabbed a taco and began eating it as she sat back down in the living room. She watched in amusement as her mom and aunt argued.

"How dare you!? I am not babying her, I just care about her."

"Don't you think it's a bit too much to overreact over a love bite?"


"You're insane!"

"Am not!"

"All right, all right, can I explain?" Melanie spoke up as they stopped talking and looked at her. "I'm dating Jon."

"I knew it." Aria grinned

"I had a feeling. That's wonderful honey!" Jane beamed.

"Like you knew." Aria retorted

"Of course I knew!"

"Prove it."

"I don't have to explain myself to you."

"Then you didn't know at all."

Melanie quickly finished her taco and snuck upstairs. She goes on the computer in the guest room and goes on Skype. 

"Please be on..." She murmured.

"Hey, Mel!" Joan (Chyna) greeted, appearing on the screen.

"Hey! I made it in Philly. Jon and I are at my parents' place."

"Glad you made it home safe. How is everyone?"

"Mom and Aria are still going at it."

"Ha! I'm not surprised about that. Hey, is that a love bite on your neck?" Chyna asked with a grin

Melanie hid it with her hair. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Haha. As long as Jon is treating you right, I have no problem with him."

Melanie smiled. "I miss you."

"I miss you too, Mel. Hopefully, I'll be able to go to another one of WWE's shows soon. Love you Mel."

"Love you too." Melanie kissed her fingers and put them on the screen as Chyna did the same. Heading back downstairs, she said, "Chyna sends her love."

"I'll have to call her to send her my love as well," Jane said.

Jon and Diego walk back inside. "Hey, Jon and I wanted to show you something." Melanie smiled at her dad.

"Show me something?" Diego asked.

"It's a surprise."

Melanie, Jon, Aria, Jane, and Diego drive downtown and arrive at a nice building. "What is this place?" Diego asked as everyone got out of the car.

"Well, Jon and I have been thinking and we wanted you to have the best Dance studio possible, so...we decided to buy you one."

Aria and Jane grinned at the sweet gesture while Diego was stunned. 

"This...this is mine?" He murmured.

"Yep, it was Jon's idea, and I loved it. We both know how much dancing means to you and how you need a new dance studio. Oh, we also hired some dance teachers to help you out. You are on your way to your own big dance company." Melanie grinned as she and Jon were hugged by him

"You two are so generous..." Diego said with tears in his eyes. "Gracias!"

"Ah, no problem," Jon said as Melanie agreed. He checked the time. "We gotta meet Colby and Joe at the gym."

"Right. We'll see you guys at the show. Enjoy the new studio in the meantime! We'll be visiting the studio from time to time to see how everything is going." The Philly diva said and hugged everyone goodbye.


'Fearless Athletics Cross Fit South Philadelphia Gym'

Walking to the entrance of the gym, Jon opened the door for her and they headed inside, meeting up with Colby and Joe, who were chatting.

"Hey~ it's the hometown girl and Jon." Colby greeted them.

"How ya doing Mel?" Joe asked after embracing her

"Doing great." She started stretching.

"All right, let's put our game faces on. We got a PPV to rule." Colby said.

"Have fun." Melanie giggled and walked over to a woman who looked familiar to her. "Leah?"

The woman turned around and widened her eyes. "OMG! Melanie!" Leah exclaimed and crushed her in a hug.

"How long has it been?!"

"I'm great! Working with the WWE!"

"I saw! You're awesome! I can't believe we lost touch, what is your number?" She asked and they exchanged numbers.

"I see you're still working out at the gym."

"Yeah! It's my life. Wow. It's so good to see you. You're in the Divas Championship match right? I'll be supporting you. I got front row tickets."

"Awesome, I'll make sure to keep a look out for you. Or I can see if I can arrange something so you can sit with my family. We'll play it by ear,"

The two decided to work out together just like old times. Leah looked more muscular as the years went by due to her hard work and healthy eating. After placing her dirty blond hair in a bun she held up a punching bag for Melanie. As she felt Melanie's kicks and punches, she nodded in approval

"Oh yeah, you haven't lost your touch one-bit hon," Leah praised. 

"So how's your love life?" Melanie asked as she lifted weights with her.

"My boyfriend and I are still doing great!"

"Wow! I told you he's a keeper! Now, isn't it time he popped the question?"

"Hey, you never know. I'm so ready for marriage."

"Wonder how it'll feel to be in a relationship that long."

"I gotta ask...are you finally dating Jonathan?"

Melanie smiled and nodded as Leah squealed and cheered. "Yep. We've been dating for a few months. He's such a sweetheart."

"Yes! Yes! Finally! I'm so happy! It was so obvious that he had such a huge crush on you. Finally, you two are together! Long overdue, hon. Is he here?"

"Yep, right over there, looking sexy as ever." Melanie pointed him out while they shared a laugh. They see Jon shirtless and in white shorts doing lift-ups on a bar. "His hair looks cute when it's all curly like that..."

"Haha, try to focus hon."

'To The Arena.'

Melanie and Jon walk down the ramp together. She looked around in awe. This was it. The Wells Fargo Center was going to be filled with thousands of people, as she prepared to take on her two best friends for the Diva's Championship tonight. It was still unreal to her.

"Ready for tonight?" Jon asked.

"I can't wait."

"Let's spar a little bit."


Getting in the ring, they practice around together. As they continued, they locked up again and she put him in a headlock and hip tosses him down on the mat. 

"All right, pretend I'm Kaitlyn. I'm running towards you, about to spear you, what are you going to do?" He asked as they were back on their feet.

"Evade!" She quickly moves out of the way as he tries to spear her.

"Good. Try to avoid those spears, tonight."

"I'll try."

"If you get hit with the spear, just try to recover quickly and make sure to kick out as fast as you can. All right, give me some kicks." He advised, while she nodded in response. The Philly diva began kicking him in the midsection. "Make them sharper and harder. You're trying to win the Diva's Championship. Fight like it's your last title shot ever." 

Melanie responded by knocking him back a few steps from a spinning kick to the face. "Ooh! Are you okay?!" She looked worried as he rubbed his jaw.

"Good kick." He complimented with a smirk, while she sighed out of relief.

"It's almost show time!" they heard as everyone started to get ready backstage. The doors open for the fans so they can get their food, merchandise and seats.

"I'll see you later," Melanie said and kissed him. 

After showering, she did some finishing touches to her hair, getting it down and on her left side. 

Nicole and Brie walk in. "Hey Melanie! Ready for tonight?" Nicole asked with a smile. Suddenly Melanie started to tear up as her emotions got to her. "Oh no, I didn't mean to make you cry!"

"Way to go Nicole." Brie retorted and hugged Melanie.

"Shut up Brie!" Nikki snapped.

"You made her cry. This is why I'm the nicer twin."

"No, it's not your fault, just tears of joy. I'm just happy to be home." Melanie sniffed as she got released.

"Aw, you'll do great tonight," Brie reassured.


April and Celeste walk in. "Hey! Are you ready for tonight? They are already starting to kick off." April said.

Melanie grinned. "Yep."

"I hope you two give it your all, and make the best woman win," Celeste said as April and Melanie nodded.

"Well, I gotta go meet Colby and Joe, I'll see you later in the ring, guys." 

Melanie tweets 'Kickoff show is here! Let's show them who's boss! #HoundsofJustice'

Melanie went to meet up with Joe, Jon and Colby as they were waiting for her.

"Hey! Ready?!" she exclaimed excitedly as they were pumped too. "We'll see you out there," she gave Jon a quick kiss on the lips.

"To the kickoff show, we go!" Colby cheered as they walked with security around the arena. "So, you nervous?"

Melanie smiled to herself as she saw fans around in lines and filming them, cheering.

"Not anymore. I'm home and I'm ready,"

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More Posts from Smolwritingchick

1 year ago

The Bangtan Gal Masterlist

The Bangtan Gal Masterlist

Author's Note: Hey! I wrote this story back in 2016 on some fanfic websites and am bringing it back as I edit the chapters. I wanted to put my perspective and imagination on what if BTS had a black girl in their group from America. This'll be a long story starting from their debut so enjoy the ride!

I have so many chapters already written. I had stopped in the story around late 2016 before the MAMA Awards. As I wrote this story over the years I wanted this character to be relatable and grow as a performer as well as go through hardships. It'll be a slow start but it will get better as the chapters go on, I hope you give it a chance.

This will mainly start with friendship. Not just the character and the love interest. I didn't want to rush things and I tried my best to add a lot of bonding and cute moments. This is a SLOW BURN with my OC and Jungkook. The two will not become a couple until 2016.

I'm also on Wattpad and Archive of Our Own


Profile Of Jennie

Chapter 1- The Foreign Trainee

Chapter 2- The Debut

Chapter 3- Rookie King Episode 1

Chapter 4- Rookie King Episode 2

Chapter 5- Rookie King Episode 3

Chapter 6- Rookie King Episode 4

Chapter 7- Rookie King Episode 5

Chapter 8- Rookie King Episode 6

Chapter 9- Rookie King Episode 7

Chapter 10- Rookie King Episode 8

Chapter 11- We're Proud of You

Chapter 12- They're My Family

Chapter 13- Boy In Luv

Chapter 14- Look Forward To White Day

Chapter 15- Going to SOPA

Chapter 16- Spending White Day With BTS

Chapter 17- Just One Day

Chapter 18- American Hustle Life Episode 1

Chapter 19- American Hustle Life Episode 2

Chapter 20- American Hustle Life Episode 3 (Yoongi Fluff & Jungkook fluff!)

Chapter 21- American Hustle Life Episode 4 (Yoongi Fluff!)

Chapter 22- American Hustle Life Episode 5

Chapter 23- American Hustle Life Episode 6

Chapter 24- American Hustle Life Episode 7

Chapter 25- I Found It In Big Hit

Chapter 26- BTS China Job

Chapter 27- KCON 2014

Chapter 28- American Hustle Life Episode 8

Chapter 29- Personal Trainer? (Jungkook fluff at the end!)

Chapter 30- War of Hormone (Major Jungkook fluff! One of my favs)

Chapter 31- You Are Special (Jungkook fluff!)

Chapter 32- You're Easy To Mess With

Chapter 33- Mama Awards 2014 (Jungkook fluff and jealous Jungkook!)

Chapter 34- Let's Name It Iron Man (Namjoon fluff and Jungkook fluff)

Chapter 35- BTS Now

Chapter 36- My Ideal Type

Chapter 37- Running Man (Major Jungkook fluff! One of my favs!)

Chapter 38- I'm Lacking

Chapter 39- How Much You're Loved

Chapter 40- I Need U (Major Jungkook Fluff and Suga Fluff!)

Chapter 41- And What If I Don't? (Jungkook fluff!)

Chapter 42- BTS Now 2

Chapter 43- Our First Win

Chapter 44- He's Smitten (Major Jungkook Fluff & Bam Bam Fluff One of my favs!)

Chapter 45- BTS in Kota Kinabalu

Chapter 46- BTS Festa

Chapter 47- Two Different Pages (RM Fluff and Jungkook Fluff!)

Chapter 48- Don't Steal The Beef!

Chapter 49- Distressed (Jungkook Fluff!)

Chapter 50- Payback (Jungkook Fluff!)

Chapter 51- Dope

Chapter 52- One Person Won't Ruin This

Chapter 53- I Think I Love Her

Chapter 54- Rekindle (MAJOR Jungkook fluff and one of my FAVS!)

Chapter 55- BTS Run Episodes 1-3

Chapter 56- BTS GAYO Track 1 & 2

Chapter 57- Tension Escalator (Jungkook fluff!)

Chapter 58- Fan Sign (some angst but ends in fluff!)

Chapter 59- ISAC 2015 Chuseok Special (one of my favs!)

Chapter 60- Running Man: The Golden Duo (MAJOR Jungkook fluff + suggestive)

Chapter 61- Tense (Jungkook fluff!)

Chapter 62- Protection Squad (Jungkook fluff!)

Chapter 63- RUN (Jungkook fluff!)

Chapter 64- Sweet 18

Chapter 65- Karma (Fight! Flawless Victory!)

Chapter 66- BTS GAYO Tracks 3-9

Chapter 67- BTS RUN Episodes 4-9

Chapter 68- Under The Mistletoe (Jungkook fluff! Kiss!)

Chapter 69- GAYO Daechukje & GAYO Daejejun (Jungkook fluff!)

Chapter 70- Jungkook's Confession (Self Explanatory! MAJOR Jungkook fluff! Almost there! My fav!!)

Chapter 71- You Are In Your Feelings

Chapter 72- You Were Worth The Wait (Start of JenKook!)

Chapter 73- It's About Time

Chapter 74- King of Masked Singer

Chapter 75- Ejected

Chapter 76- White Day (Big Jungkook Fluff!)

Chapter 77- Fire

Chapter 78- Prom (Big Jungkook fluff and smol Jungkook Smut)

Chapter 79- Meeting Shawn Mendes

Chapter 80- Taking Things A Little Further (Jungkook fluff)

Chapter 81- BTS Festa 2016

Chapter 82- K-Con 2016

Chapter 83- I Need You On This

Chapter 84- BTS Bon Voyage Season 1 (Big Jungkook fluff)

Chapter 85- BTS In Dubai

Chapter 86- WINGS 8 (Jungkook fluff)

Chapter 87- Wild N Out (One of my favs!)

Chapter 88- This Is Not A Drill!

Chapter 89- Blood, Sweat, & Tears

Chapter 90- Idol Parents? (Big JK Fluff)

Chapter 91- Tub Big Enough For Two (Big JK Fluff! One of my favs!)

Chapter 92- Thank You (Big Jungkook Fluff! One of my favs!)

Chapter 93- Our First Time (Big Jungkook Fluff + Smut)

The Bangtan Gal Masterlist PART 2

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1 year ago

The Bangtan Gal Chapter 9- Rookie King Episode 7

The Bangtan Gal Chapter 9- Rookie King Episode 7

Chapter Summary: Things get heated as BTS and Jen endure two rounds of punishments and an unexpected kiss.

Words: 3,000+


At the dorm, while everyone was in bed, getting ready to turn in, Tae and Jimin decided to mess around and film everyone on camera. She could hear J-Hope attacking Jimin when he thought he was asleep and it made her stiff a laugh. 

She was already snuggled under her covers, trying to sleep until she heard Jimin suggest, "Let's mess with Jennie~."

"Jimin...I swear to God...I'm about to kick your ass if you interrupt my sleep..." She murmured against her pillow, making him laugh.

Little did she know, he slowly snuck over to her while Tae filmed, and ended up jumping on the bed. 

"Jimin!" She grabbed her pillow and started whacking him, making him fall on top of the bed with a light bounce. "Off the bed!" She kicked him and he fell off with a thud.

"You dare resist my snuggles?" Jimin got back on the bed and jumped on top of her

"Ahhh knock it off! Go to bed!" She squirmed under his grip but he held her tight.

He holds onto her like a Koala bear, snuggling against her. "She's so nice and warm."

"Why do ya'll gotta mess with me? Mess with Jungkook!"

"We already did! Now it's your turn."

"Oh hurray!" She replied sarcastically. "Jimin...if you fall asleep on me."

"Sorry, can't hear you."

"Tae! Do something!" She desperately turned to him with a laugh escaping her lips.

"I'm just the cameraman." He giggled.


'EndPlate King/Queen'

"We're here for Endplate King/Queen again. We're in a comic shop. What are the penalties prepared for us, today?" Rapmon opened up the program.

Once the King is chosen, which was J-Hope. He stands up and "Whooos" loudly, dancing while everyone just stares at him, not so excited.

'Other members don't give any reactions'

"I'm the King, the hopeful King." J-Hope showed off his card to the camera. He sits in the middle while Jennie sits in between Rapmon and Jimin.


'Pinch on Arm'

"I like my arms to be unpinched." Jennie mentioned, rubbing her arms. Once J-Hope hands everyone a card, they quickly flip it over to reveal Jimin with the skull card. He slams the card down and stands up with a grin. "This is becoming a trend for you, huh, Jimin?"

'Penalty 1st nominee, Jimin is chosen'

Jimin sits on top of the table while flexing his muscles, earning some whoas from the guys. "This is not a penalty. Is he bragging, now?" Rapmon questioned

"Jennie wishes she could have these muscles." Jimin teased her, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Ha-Ha." She laughed sarcastically. "Jennie wishes she could punch you, right now." She countered, making them laugh. Meanwhile, V ends up pinching Jimin's skin, making him moan out of pain.

Jen covers her mouth, widening her eyes at the sudden sound he just made. "What was that!?" she exclaimed.

"You can't be violent. Don't do it on the outer arm, the inner arm." Jimin exclaimed to V.

"Ahhh, that twisting..." Jen winced at the sight once Jungkook ended up twisting Jimin's skin on his inner arm. Jimin yells out in pain again, making everyone laugh.

'Satisfied smile of devil Jungkook'

" are you today?" Jimin tried to sweet talk.

She smiles back before twisting the skin on his arm, making him yell out in pain. "I'm much better now." She grinned. Jimin ends up getting a bruise because of everyone pinching him in the same area. "No pain, no gain, Jimin." She pats his arms.


'Scary 9 inning'

Once they pick the cards, they flip them over to reveal Jin for the punishment.

"Whoa, whoa, we're hitting him with an actual baseball bat?" Jen asked in disbelief.

Once Jin is laid down flat on the table, with his back facing everyone, Jimin takes the baseball first. "I don't know what to say. I just see your butt." He said and hit him on the butt.

The sound of Jin's yell of pain, made Jen put her head against Rapmon's shoulder, laughing out loud. When Jimin hits him again, Jin jumps on top of the table, about to hit him as he laughs.

When it was V's turn, he spoke up before hitting him. "Yesterday, you hit my tummy. I did nothing wrong." He accused, looking serious.

"I saw it." Jimin agreed.

"You saw it, right?" V pointed at him.

"Please take revenge." J-Hope suggested before V quickly smacks Jin on the butt with the baseball, with a serious expression.

Flipping the baseball over, V also hits him with the bottom part of it. "Why are you hitting me twice!?" Jin yelled.

Jen couldn't stop watching the ridiculousness in front of her. "What is this? I've never seen anything like this."

"You should do a homerun," Rapmon suggested once Suga took the bat. Suga takes his advice and strikes him hard as he looks ahead, trying to find the ball.

"Jeesh!" Jen yelled at the impact, over Jin's yells. "And that ball is OUTTA HERE~"


'King/Queen of Onigiri'

"Wasabi again?" Suga questioned.

"Garlic Again?" Jimin added.

"Whatever it is, it won't be pleasant." Jen guaranteed. "It's never pleasant."

Once they get their cards, after exchanging them, it's revealed to be Rap Monster with a skull card.

"Phew! I'm safe!" Jen placed her hands over her chest.

Opening the punishment, it's revealed to be a piece of fish while J-Hope stirs the fish sauce. "Can we just pour it in?" V decided to pour all of the fish sauce on it.

"I'll remember V." Rapmon made a mental note.

V feeds him the piece while Rapmon starts to chew and coughs, covering his mouth as he yells because of the gross taste.

After pulling himself together, he ends up blowing his breath at everyone.

"AHHH! DUDE!" Jennie covered her mouth while he looked satisfied. Then Suga wanted to get immunity to be the black knight, so J-Hope allowed it.

What he had to do was eat what Rapmon had just eaten, so he accepted the challenge, and if he was caught, someone else had to take his challenge.



Once they flip open the cards, it's revealed to be Rapmon yet again with the skull card as he screams.

"Why are you the one that got caught!?" Suga exclaimed.

Rapmon lays on the table while Jin lifts up his shirt to reveal his back. All at once, Jen and the guys attack his back, making him yell out in pain. 

"Stop! Stop it!" He yelled

"Evil!" Jen laughed at Jungkook as soon as he hit Rapmon again.

'Smile devil Jungkook make 3GO by himself'

"Jungkook is a devil!" Rapmon accused. "That's how Jungkook bullied another hyung. That's so mean, kid!" 


'Pearly Whites!'

'Brush your teeth with the mysterious toothpaste'

"I think my regular mint toothpaste is better." Jen received her card and placed it in the middle.

"3...2...1!" J-Hope counts down as they all flip their cards over.


Jennie just stares at the skull card in her hands while chewing on her bottom lip.

"Revenge is so sweet~" Jimin giggled, wrapping an arm around her. "So...are you ready for this punishment?"

"Hush!" She smacks his arm as he releases her with a laugh. "Do I have to do this? Can I switch?"

"Nope!" Suga answered

"Don't let her escape!" Jimin holds her while they present the toothbrush.

"What is even in this toothpaste!?" Jennie yelled before putting the toothbrush in her mouth. She groans and takes it out. Her mouth automatically tasted like mayo, wasabi and milk mixed together.

"Brush her teeth for her," Jimin suggested and gave the toothbrush to Rap Monster.

"Open wide!" Rapmon grinned.

"Mm Mm." She keeps her mouth shut, shaking her head but laughs when Jimin starts tickling her.

The Bangtan Gal Chapter 9- Rookie King Episode 7

Rap Monster takes advantage, placing the toothbrush in her mouth and begins brushing quickly. The guys looked on, letting out loud laughs while banging on the table as she couldn't handle the intense brushing. She was a mess, with the toothpaste all running down her mouth and shirt while Jin was looking at the timer.

'WHEN IS THIS OVER!?' She screamed in her head

'Stage 6'

'Criminal Disguise 2'

After J-Hope gives out the cards while humming the Mission Impossible theme, everyone flips the card cover to reveal Jungkook with the skull card. Jin hugs him while Jimin fist pumps.

'Finally, Maknae Jungkook gets caught!'

"Wait, since last week he keeps getting caught." Suga pointed out

"I'm not getting hit!" Jungkook happily announced.

"I want to hit him..." Rapmon grumbled.

"Leave him be." Jennie laughed, with her face all cleaned up from the punishment. She still had the bitter taste in her mouth, but she managed to ignore it.

J-Hope presents the stocking and Jin puts the whole stocking on top of his head, covering his face.

"Jungkook is the most handsome among us, guys." Rapmon commented while Jungkook covered his face.

"PFFFAHAHAHA." Jen laughed out loud when Jungkook started flopping his head around. She ends up banging her fist on the table from laughing so hard. "Nice look, Kookie."

'Stage 7'

The guys continue to mess around with the stocking covering Kookie's face, teasing him as he tries to push their hands away.

"Can you breathe?" Jennie asked him.

"I'm surviving." He replied.

'Pull up the rubber bands'

Once they reveal the cards, Jungkook gets another skull card as he stands up and slams the card on the table, walking away while everyone jumps up and down, fooling around.

Once Jungkook is lying on the table, with his lower back open, Jin goes first, pulling the rubber band up and releasing it. Jungkook remains unaffected because Jin ends up hitting his own hand.

"Great job, Jin." Jen applauded him.

Once it was V's turn, he asked Rapmon to pull the middle part, which he complied.

"Be nervous!" Rapmon yelled, releasing the rubber band, making Jungkook quickly get up and rub his lower back from the attack.

'Stage 8'

'The Moon fairy'

Once they flip open the cards, it's revealed to be Suga, but he's happy because he's immune and Rap Monster has to do the punishment instead.

Out of protest, Rapmon debates that Jin should do it instead. 

"Rap Monster, you do it!" Suga ordered while Jin hugged him.

'Bangtan Moon Fairy'

"BTS will protect the world! While wearing a Sailor Moon costume." Rap Monster said to the camera as he got prepared. "I'll remember Suga hyung."

"GAH!" Jennie screamed and dropped down to her knees when she saw Rap Monster walk out in red heels, and a sailor moon dress with a blond pig-tailed wig. The guys start yelling and laughing out of embarrassment. "Stop! Please! I can't!"

"Swag." Rap Monster said on camera while dancing around.

'The members speechless'

Jennie grits her teeth together, out of embarrassment for him. "I cannot unsee this." She tried to look away.

"Hip hop is dead! Only Sailor Moon is alive." Rap Monster takes his leave.


'King/Queen End plate Round 2'


"Finally! Finally!" Suga puts his fists up in the air while seated in the middle since he is finally the King. Jennie sits next to Suga and Jimin.

"Suga is here~" Everyone claps and sings.

"Everyone, today's penalties are very strong this time," Suga mentioned as he revealed the first plate.

'Hit the philtrum'

"You hit slightly this area, just slightly." Suga demonstrated, pointing under the nose.

Once they get a card, they flip it over to reveal Jimin with the skull card. Suga demonstrates first and flicks the stick under his nose while Jimin quickly stands up and covers his mouth, walking around.

"Super happy I didn't get this one." Jen sighed out of relief.

"Do it slowly," Jimin said after sitting back in his seat.

"Okay, I'll do it slow." She said before quickly hitting him as he yelled and covered his mouth.

"You said you'd do it slow!"

"I lied." She smirked and patted his head.

Jimin scrunches his face up in pain once the rest of the guys hit him. When it was V's turn, Jimin patiently and reluctantly waited for him to hit him but then he pulled back. 

"You wanna die!?" He yelled, getting giggles in response.


"How's your nose?" Jen gently touched it. He winced at her gentle touch since his nose was still tender from the punishment.

"It still hurts! Why'd you hit me so hard?" Jimin whined. "Kiss it to make it better?"

"Fine..." She gave him a light kiss on the nose as he sighed and smiled.

"We're offering kisses now?" Rapmon laughed

'Skate Again'

"OH NO!" Jen shook her head. "NO."

"YES~" Suga mocked her.

"I really don't want to get caught this time." Rapmon smiled nervously, while Jennie made a silent prayer to herself.

Once they get their cards, Jimin has the skull card again as everyone celebrates. "This is weird." Jimin sighed.

"Suga becomes the king while Jimin..." Jin starts giggling

Jimin offers to do it himself as the big smell surrounds the area. He quickly puts it on his nose and breathes while everyone laughs. Jennie holds her nose from the strong odor. 

"My nose is numb from all the hits, I can't smell it." Jimin said.


"We'll continue with the 3rd penalty." Suga presented the next plate.

'Catch the insect.'

"This again, huh?" Jen murmured

"It'll be fun if Rapmon gets caught again," Jin said as they got their cards.

"Everyone, I give you a chance for exchange," Suga announced as Jungkook took Jimin's card to exchange, while he looked dumbfounded.

"I got caught before, I won't get caught again." Rapmon guaranteed.

But once they flip it over, Rap Monster ironically gets the skull card as he moves back in his seat, looking at the production team in disbelief. 

"Why did I get this again!?" He yelled

"Jin jinxed you." Jennie teased

When Rapmon lays down on the table, Jungkook places the plastic inset on his butt and smacks it hard.

"Mom~" Rap Monster yelled out in pain. Jennie places the bug on his chest and feels his large hand holding hers. "Jennie, please be gentle." 

"I will, don't worry." She smiled. "HIYA!" She smacked his chest hard as he stood up and clutched it.

"Ow! I said gentle!"

"That was gentle! For my standards." She laughed.

"Evil!" He pointed as she laughed evilly.

"Rapmon's suffering is really our happiness, right?" Suga asked after V smacked the insect on Rap Monster's nipple.



'Play the pepero game with another member and the stick must be less than 1cm'

"1CM!?" Jimin yelled.

"AH! Let it be Jennie so it won't really be a punishment" V said. "Don't let this be like how it was with J-Hope and I."

"Wow!" Jennie shook her head with a chuckle. "So what's pepero?"

"It's basically a cookie stick with something coated with it, like strawberry," Jin explained

"Oh! Pocky. I call it Pocky back in America. They're really good. But I never played the game." She admitted.

Once they gather their cards, they flip it over to reveal Jungkook as the guys cheer.

"Whhoooooaaaaa." The guys yell while Jungkook smiles nervously and stares at the skull card.

"Don't let it be me!" V prayed, still thinking about the kiss with J-Hope.

"Let's see who will be playing the pepero game with Jungkook." Suga hands everyone their cards. "3...2...1!"

Once they flip it over and the guys start whooping and hollering all over the place, jumping up and down in their seats.

Confused by the commotion, Jen looked down at her card, only to find it was a skull. "The irony..." She chuckled nervously.

"OKAY! That is it! I have a complaint! This is rigged! How come this didn't happen when I had to kiss V!?" J-Hope called out, turning to the production team.

Jen continued to stare at the skull card while the commotion was around her. She had never played this game before. And it was with her best friend. It shouldn't be too bad, right?

The Bangtan Gal Chapter 9- Rookie King Episode 7

Meanwhile, Jungkook was mentally happy she got the skull card. He slowly looked up at her and had a shy smile across his face as they locked eyes. 

"A-ah, I'm sorry you got stuck with me..." He murmured. "If you want someone to switch with you, it's okay."

Looking up from the skull card, she smiled warmly and shook her head. "It's fine, really. Let's play."

The Bangtan Gal Chapter 9- Rookie King Episode 7

"I'll switch with you, Jungkook!" Jimin offered.

"NO." Jungkook quickly said, making everyone laugh as he grabbed the pepero box.

"How do you play?" Jen watched him take out a pepero stick. The pocky she was used to was much smoother and smaller.

"You two eat the stick from both sides," V answered.

"Ah, shouldn't be so bad." She watched Jungkook put the end of the stick in his mouth and shyly lean in, close to her.

"The pepero game! And remember, 1CM!" Suga announced.

'Slow and steady. Don't look at his eyes.' She thought as she felt her face heat up. 

As they both continued to munch on the stick slowly, Jungkook was trying to look anywhere but her eyes as they inched closer.

Meanwhile, the guys watch on with anticipation. V and Suga were right behind Jungkook, getting a closer look, while Jimin and Rapmon were behind Jennie. The guys start getting obnoxiously loud with their yelling, oohs, and ahs as Jen and Jungkook inch closer and closer.

V whispers something in Suga's ear which makes the rapper smile slyly and nod in approval. Once the two got very close, she could feel his warm breath, against her face until they both felt pairs of hands on the back of their heads. As a result, their faces end up smashing together, pressing their lips together for two seconds.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" The boys start yelling. 

"They kissed!" J-Hope screamed while the rest were jumping and dancing around. Rap Monster ended up rolling around on the floor along with V.

"HYUNGS!" Jungkook yelled, face heating up from embarrassment. 

Standing up from his seat, he starts chasing them around. Jennie, still in a state of shock, had her hand over her mouth and placed her head down on the table. Everything happened so fast as she felt her body heat up and tingle from embarrassment. The kiss was sloppy as their faces were pressed together out of nowhere. 

She just kissed her best friend.

"Priceless! Absolutely priceless!" Jimin giggled.

"Is she dead?" Suga poked her. "Yep, she's dead."

"How red is her face?" Jimin tried to lift her head but she managed to keep her head down.

After everything dies down, they sit back down. Jennie had her head up, as her face wasn't so hot anymore.

"S-sorry Jennie..." Jungkook finally managed to look up at her.

"Don't's cool." She reassured.


"After an eventful pepero game, let's continue on to the next penalty," Suga announced.

'Full Make Up 2'

"Why is this coming out, again?" Rapmon put his head down.

Once they receive their cards, they flip them over to reveal V with the skull as he grins nervously. Once he lies down on the table, Jen and the rest of the members discuss that they should make the makeup concept be the Joker.

"The lips are the most important part." Suga stood up with red lipstick in his hands.

"Wow." Jennie looked impressed once V rose. He sits back down in his seat and looks serious. 

"He's scary." Suga pointed out.

"He looks like a jester," Rapmon said.

"Well he has the Joker thing down," Jen confirmed. "Ain't that right, puddin'?" She portrayed a Harley Quinn voice successfully.

"Why so serious?" V asked in his Joker voice.


'Ice HOT Cream'

"Not this again." Jen groaned.

"How could this come out, again?" J-Hope laughed

'While praying to not get caught, cards are dealed'

Once they flip over the cards, it's revealed to be Jin as he facepalmed. 

"Woo hoo! Go Jin!" Jennie clapped. "Good luck, buddy!" She patted him on the back.

As soon as Jin takes a lick and then a small bite, Jen and the rest of the members watch on in anticipation to see him crack once he tastes the spiciness.

'Tears in Shoulder Hyung's eyes'

"2013 Greatest blockbuster. Ice cream & Jin" V announced in a dramatic voice while everyone laughed.

"I have to eat all of it?" Jin asked, covering his mouth.

Jungkook raised his hand, offering to take the punishment for him. "I'll eat it all." 

"Then if Jungkook gets caught later, the penalty goes to Jin." Suga warned as Jungkook ended up eating the ice cream at ease.

"Your face got red quick, Kookie. Wow." Jen placed her cool hand beside his cheek.

"Yeah, his face turned really red. Don't let your ears get red, too!" Suga said

"Your hands are cold, keep them there. It helps." Jungkook said to Jennie while Jin continued to stick out his tongue because of the spiciness.

"He succeeds as the knight." J-Hope announced.

"Ayeeee!" Jennie happily cheered. "That's my best friend!"

Jungkook grinned and highfived her. 

"Hey~ I thought I was your best friend?" V questioned, feeling some type of way.

"Oh boy, next stage! Let's move on!" Jennie turned to Suga as the guys laughed.


'Tearful brushing teeth.'

"Awe heck no! Not this again!" Jennie shook her head.

"It'll be funny if Jennie gets caught again with this." J-Hope giggled

Once they flip their cards cover it's revealed to be Jungkook and he raised his hands up in victory because Jin would have to do his punishment. Jin placed his head down, accepting his fate.

'This is God's work'

Jungkook starts jumping around, cheering and Jennie joins him.

'Shoulder Hyung black knight service activated'

'Collaboration of Wasabi & Mustard'

"Let's go!" Jungkook pointed to Jin, ordering him to do the punishment.

Jin gets on his knees, on the table and begins brushing his teeth as she covers her mouth. 

"So unpleasant." She laughed.

"This is really bad." Rapmon cringed while V wiped any saliva coming from Jin's mouth. Then he starts brushing his teeth for him as he yells.

"Looks like Joker is killing a man." Suga commented.

"Why so serious?" V grinned

"You can stop now." J-Hope hit him

'Joker Mom's brushing teeth killer DONE'


"Last mission! Let's go!" Jennie clapped with anticipation. She had butterflies in her stomach. She really hoped she wouldn't get caught.

Once they flip over the cards, V gets the skull and everyone celebrates out of relief. 

"I KNEW THIS WOULD HAPPEN!" Rapmon yelled, full of relief and happiness because he wasn't the one to get caught.

"Thank you Lord, thank you." Jennie looked up at the ceiling

Suga reveals the plate. 

"Yororong? Yororong~" Jimin announced.

"What is it?" Rapmon questioned

"V is losing his mind, right now." J-Hope giggles.


'Turn into a cute fairy and give out gifts'

For the penalty, V is dressed up, wearing makeup and a red and black dress. 

He popped up to the screen and said in a high pitched voice, "V fairy is here! I'm here to give out presents to all the PDs."

"He looks so cute~ Oh my God." Jennie laughed before V tapped his star wand on top of her hand.

"Thank you, cutie~" V skipped away to do his duty as he wrote notes on the bottles and put them all on the desks.


'BTS Lotto'

Rap Monster, Jennie and Suga stand together. "Welcome to Bangtan Lotto show! I will be today's MC, Rapmon."

"What up, what up, it's your girl, Jennie, here!" She waved.

"And I'm father, Suga."

"Today, Suga and Jennie have prepared gifts. Suga what is yours?" Rapmon asked

"As you can see, it's a vintage cap. A cap that I wore during the days when I was a trainee." Suga presented his Bulls cap. "I want to share my odor with our fans. So I'll hug it once, again."

"Wait, wait, wait, this is..." Rapmon examined the cap. "I'm sorry, I have something to say. This is not vintage, it's lint."

"You done?" Suga snatched it back, while Jennie giggled at their banter. "I will give this snapback to our fan. Although I'm sad, I'm happy too."

'Lotto Showtime!'

"Let's pick the numbers quickly!" Rap Monster announced as the balls rolled around.

"First number is 5, second number is 1. The last one is 6." Suga announced, picking up the three balls. "Number 516, congratulations!"

After applauding, Rap Monster turned to Jen. "Jennie, what is your gift?"

"I love wristbands. And since I was 14, I've been collecting a lot of wristbands, buying them wherever I would go. And I wanted to give a special fan, a small portion of the collection." She presented a big bag filled with wristbands."

"SMALL portion?" Suga exclaimed as she ended up laughing.

"Nice, very nice. Without further ado, let's pick the numbers." Rapmon turns the machine on.

Once she picks three numbers, she announces them.

"The first number is 3. Second number is 7. And the last number is 1. Congrats to number 371! I hope you enjoy wearing my wristbands and showing off the collection." She blew a kiss.

"Bangtan Lotto Show, see you next week!" Rap Monster closed.

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1 year ago

The Bangtan Gal Chapter 12- They're My Family

The Bangtan Gal Chapter 12- They're My Family

Chapter Summary: BTS surprises Jen on her 16th birthday, Jen finally makes a V-Log, BTS and Jen attend the Melon awards and the guys give Jennie sweet words to ease her nervousness. Jen deals with Rapmon’s destructive ways. Jungkook hangs out with Jennie when he can’t sleep at night and gives her friendship rings.

Words: 5,000+


For Show Champion, BTS and Jennie were set to perform Attack on Bangtan. The guys were on the stage while Jennie was backstage awaiting for her cue. She had her hair in a high, curly ponytail with an opened Camouflage jacket. The cuffs of the jacket were rolled up and she wore a white tank top under it. Along with a set of wristbands and a pair of jeans.

cuz we got fire fire fire

get higher higher higher

uril moreundamyeon jedaero aradwo

uriga nugu nugu

jingyeogui bangtan

la lala lalala lalalalala

turn up!

la lala lalala lalalalala

turn up!

ni maeumeul jibeosamkyeo

naega watda jigeum allyeo

la lala lalala lalalalala

While the rest of the guys dance around on stage, Jennie makes her way to the stage, standing in the background with a mic in hand.

“Uriga nugu! nugu! jingyeogui bangtan!” Rapmon yells on the mic.

The Bangtan Gal Chapter 12- They're My Family

When it was finally her cue, she jumped up with a big grin while the guys revealed her, singing everything in Korean. “WHOO! My boys and I started at the bottom, now we rising up! And Watch out cause this bullet-proof girl is knockin’ down all the walls! Ain’t nothing stoppin’ us now, they got my back, I got theirs! We steppin’ over all the roadblocks. Our music is on and you can’t help but move to the rhythm. Don’t even try to hide it, this beat is sick, so rock with me now.” She rocks side to side with the guys behind her.

“Ladies! Rise like a Bulletproof Girl Scout! Rise, be brave! LET’S GO!” She yells in English, fist pumping the air with a big smile.

uri eumagi sijakdwaetdahamyeon

nun dwijiphyeoseo piuneun nalli

uri seutaireun No More Dream

mudae wieseo seonbaedeul deungeul barpji

(I’m sorry Man)

What What more can I say

debwibuteo jigeumkkaji jjuk wiro

uriui gojijeomnyeongeun siganmunje

cheot beulleogeul jappatteurin domino

geurae jappatteuryeo nun kkamppak tteumyeon

urin mudaeeseo gwireul jaba kkeureo

ireon gamgakseureon nae raebui hyangyeon

han beon matbomyeon sum gappajimyeo

neoneun wanjeon sogi ta

can’t nobody hold me down

Ok naneun 4bunui

4bakja biteu wireul hangsang

jjitgo danyeo mudae

wieseon sangnamja style

Jumping up and down, Jennie begins to have a blast on stage while singing with Jin before pumping up their chests together, side to side. “Da michil junbi dwaenna! Himkkeot ttwil junbi dwaenna! Myeongchie him ppak jugo dan.jeon.ho.heup!”

Moving her head side to side with the beat, she continues to jump around with the guys.

da michil junbi dwaenna

himkkeot ttwil junbi dwaenna

geureotam jigeumbuteo sorijilleo

uriga nugu

jingyeogui bangtansonyeondan

uriga nugu

geobeobsi jibeosamkinda

Standing in the middle with the guys behind her, she shifts from side to side with the beat while singing, “Cuz we got fire! Fire, fire, get higher! Higher, higher!”

uril moreundamyeon jedaero aradwo

After Jimin’s part, all members of BTS but Jungkook and Jennie stand on stage as they stand together. Jungkook sings out, “Mudae wie oreuneun sungan. geudaeui hamseongdeureul nan neukkyeo.”

Putting the mic to her lips, she begins to sing the next verse, “Geudaero yeongwonhi geogi isseojwo.Idaero jugeodo.”

Jennie and Jungkook harmonize as they sing, “Huhoeneun eobseul tenikka~”

uriga nugu

jingyeogui bangtansonyeondan

uriga nugu

geobeobsi jibeosamkinda

Cuz we got fire fire fire! Get higher higher higher!

Uril moreundamyeon jedaero aradwo

uriga nugu nugu

jingyeogui bangtan

jingyeokhae bang.tan.sonyeondancheoreom

jingyeokhae bang.tan.sonyeondancheoreom

jingyeokhae bang.tan.sonyeondancheoreom

jingyeokhae bang.tan.sonyeondancheoreom

uriga nugu nugu

jingyeogui bangtan



‘November 10th’

Hearing her alarm go off on her phone, she shifts under her warm covers to turn it off. Sitting up and stretching out her limps, Jen checks her phone, seeing numerous Twitter notifications from ARMYs using the hashtags, #HappyBirthdayJennie! And #JennieDay

There were tweets like,



‘Happy birthday angel!’

‘Happy birthday Jennie!! Stay healthy and have a great day!’

‘My precious baby is 16 in America! I’m so proud of what she’s accomplished in South Korea!’


‘Thank you so much for existing! HAPPY BIRTHDAY JEN!’


‘She is so pretty and making a name for herself in South Korea in the K-Pop industry. So proud of her!’

From all the birthday wishes and talented photo and video edits of her, she was extremely overwhelmed with joy as she got out of bed to get ready for the day.

After her shower and changing into her dance clothes for dance practice, she walks out of her room to hear silence. “That’s weird...” She looked around the dorm. 

It was never completely silent in the dorm. NEVER. Not even when they’re asleep, thanks to Namjoon’s snoring. Curious, she knocked on the doors, but no one was in there. 

“AM I LATE!?” She yelled and ran back to her room to check her phone.

‘To The Guys’

Settled in the dance studio, the guys were all busy preparing for her surprise birthday party. Things were perfectly fine in most of their eyes, but Jin, being the perfectionist, didn’t think so.

“Jin, the cake is fine!” Jimin yelled for the 5th time. “It looks delicious, she’ll love it.”

“It’s not fine! I want my precious sweetheart to have a perfect cake. I want to put some more fruit. More strawberries.” Jin grabbed a strawberry but Tae took it away and ate it. “That was for Jennie!” He smacked him.

“Ow!” Taehyung rubbed the side of his arm, looking amused.

“Are you really freaking out over a cake? You’re stressing out for nothing! The cake is fine...” Yoongi sighed, rubbing his temples.

Feeling his phone buzz, Namjoon looks down at his phone. “And...she’s awake.” He confirmed, reading her text that said ‘OMG, WHERE ARE YOU GUYS!? DID I OVERSLEEP?!’

“Ahhh we’re screwed.” Jimin groaned.

“Is her gift perfectly wrapped?” Hobi asked.

“Right here.” Jungkook presented it, but it only had a bow on it.

“Why didn’t you wrap it!? Shouldn’t we wrap it!? We have to wrap it! We got to wrap it!” Jin started freaking out.

“Stop whining! It’s pretty damn obvious what it is even if we did wrap it. Chill.” Yoongi retorts in a blunt tone, as his patience thins.

“Make sure you hide it well.” Jin ordered.

‘To Jennie’

Arriving at BigHit, she makes her way to the dance studio while getting birthday wishes from employees and trainees she passed. With her dance bag on her shoulder, she walks to the dance studio and opens the door, only to find out the lights are off.

“Where could they be?” She questioned, curiously.

“Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you!” BTS starts singing with Jin holding the small red velvet cake in his hands which was lit with the number 16.

Their sudden loud singing and vision of the candle-lit cake, made her start to chuckle before tearing up, covering her mouth.

Is this why they left early? For her birthday?

“Happy birthday dear Jennie~! Happy birthday to you!” They yell and start whooping and hollering.

Unable to hold back the tears, she started to cry, tears of joy. “HAHAH SHE’S CRYING!” Jimin laughed out loud as she covered her face.

“Awe, don’t cry!” Jungkook wrapped his arms around her from behind, squeezing her tight in his famous back hug.

“Happy birthday, Smartie~!” Yoongi cheered.

“Thank you, guys.” She said in a shaky voice while sniffing.

“Thank you for being born.” J-Hope giggled and wiped her tears while Jungkook released her.

“Make a wish~” Jin said in a soft tone, presenting the cake to her.

The small red velvet cake looked so good. She couldn’t wait to dig into it. Pondering what she should wish for, she closes her eyes.

‘I wish for many years of friendship with these guys.’ She thought in her head as a smile came across her face. Opening her eyes, she eagerly blew out the candles as a loud chorus of cheers surrounded her.

Her heart was overwhelmed with love and joy for these guys. The fact that they did all of this for her...they were so kind and supportive. They were like a family to her.

“Yay! Now for the fun part!” Tae smiled slyly and smeared icing on her nose, shocking her.

“Get her!” Jimin yelled happily.

“Oh no!” She shrieked and ducked, trying to evade the guys trying to smear her face with icing, but failed miserably as she let out a fit of giggles. 

Trying to run away, Jungkook quickly grabbed her, spinning her around.

As they get back to the cake that Jin is holding, Jen grabs a strawberry and pops one in her mouth. “I can’t believe you guys did this for me. Thank you. So much. I love you, guys.”

“We love you too.” Namjoon grinned

“When did you guys even leave? I was startled when I didn’t hear any noise.” She questioned, eating another strawberry before Jin started cutting the cake.

“We set an alarm. Yoongi was the hardest to get up.” Namjoon laughed.

“I’m not surprised. Thanks for getting up so early for me. This is so amazing.”

“The Bangtan Girl is 16 today! How are you feeling?” V interviewed.

“Loved~” She grinned happily, throwing out some peace signs to the camera.

“Any words for our ARMYs?”

“Thank you all so much for the love and support. You all keep me going and thank you for all the loving birthday wishes. I love you, ARMY!” She wiped the icing from her cheek and licked it. “Really good icing.”

After they eat some cake and Jen wipes her face from the icing, Namjoon stands up with J-Hope.

“Oh yeah, one more thing. We all pitched in for this.” Namjoon mentioned.

Looking up, she watches the two of them carry out an acoustic guitar as she stares at it, speechless.

That was for her? A guitar? Her guitar? They really got her a guitar?

“I have something to say about this.” Yoongi spoke up as she turned to him with her eyes watering. “Whenever you talked about the guitar, I listened to how passionate you sounded about it. You would go on for hours about it. I admire that passion. So I thought, how about we get her a guitar so she can work on her skills? Her own guitar. I had a talk with Namjoon and Hobi about this, too. Making music, we thought it would be a good idea to use your guitar skills for when we start making new songs in the future.”

“Yep.” Hobi nodded with a big grin. “Then we told the rest of the guys, and they loved the idea. We all heard you play back at your singing exhibit.”

“You told us how much you wanted to continue playing to perfect your skills, too,” Jungkook added

“So, we all talked with Bang PD.” Namjoon smiled at her as she stood up while he presented the guitar with Hobi. “He loved the idea and said himself that he wants you to continue perfecting your guitar skills and that he wants you to use it for our future songs. He says it’s a big responsibility but he sees something in you while you always play and he knows that you can do it.”

Exhaling shakily, she shook her head in disbelief. “Stop...are-are you serious?” Her voice cracked and the tears began to flow. Taking the guitar, she takes a good look at it. “I...guys...”

“Go ahead, tell us we’re awesome.” Yoongi shot her a gummy smile.

Setting it down, she hugged the nearest member she could touch, which was Yoongi. “Ah...don’t squeeze me so hard.” He sighed, wrapping his arms around her.

“Group hug!” Hobi screamed, tackling them both as he wrapped his arms around them. Yoongi grunts at his impact, retorting to him to not be so rough, but the other members run up and join in the hug.

Suddenly, all the members tackle Jennie to the ground and she starts laughing while they all get on top of her. 

“You guys are so friggin’ heavy! I’m too small for this!” She laughed while they took a funny picture for their Twitter account.


On November 14th was the Melon Awards that BTS and Jennie would be attending. In the car, Jennie looks out the window, swallowing hard as her nervousness does not go unnoticed.

Throughout the car ride, Namjoon watched her and decided to speak up.

“Jennie.” He calls out as she looks at him in response. “Relax.” He let out a chuckle and held her hand, squeezing it.

“Y-you’re not nervous?”

“I am. But your nervousness is extremely noticeable. Everything is going to be fine. We’re going to have fun, tonight.”

Was her nervousness really that obvious?

Okay, maybe the constant knee shaking and fidgeting fingers gave it away. Here she was, in the car with her boys, hair and make up all done. Her hair was in a nice bun with bangs and with a black dress to match the rest of the guys’ black suits. Butterflies were in her stomach as she anticipated her first award show and red carpet in South Korea.

“Breathe in, breathe out. And smile! I love your pretty smile. It always makes me happy.” Hobi added, smiling at her.

“And can I just say, you look beautiful?” Taehyung smiled warmly at her.

“Ain’t that the truth.” Yoongi chimed in.

“She’ll probably stun all the guys there with her beauty.” Jimin mentioned with a laugh.

Letting out a short laugh, her nervousness went away. All thanks to them. “Thank you guys. I feel so much better.” Her lips curved into a big smile.

“Ah...there’s that smile~!” Jungkook clapped his hands. “She finally smiled!”

“Keep that smile on you.” Jin pointed. “Everyone loves it when you smile, sweetheart.”

Once they arrive, they all get out and hear the crowd screaming and taking photos. 

“Here comes the Bangtan Boys and Bangtan Girl.” She heard the MCs as soon as she got out of the car with the help of Hobi who grabbed her hand to guide her.

Putting on a bright smile, she waves at the crowd and walks with the guys. 

‘This isn’t so bad...just don’t trip. Don’t trip on the dress.’ She thought as they made their way to the stage. She stands in between Namjoon and Jimin as they wave and take photos. Nervousness gone, confidence in, she slayed with her boys.

Once they get backstage, they all change. Jennie changes into a leather jacket, black pants and a black long sleeve dress shirt for their later performance.

As soon as the show started, Jennie and BTS sat down with a few other groups. She had to regain her composure because she was right near EXO. She had a big admiration for Baekhyun but didn’t dare to approach him to say hi, yet. One day she’ll catch him and introduce herself.

Not anytime soon.

‘2013 Melon Music Awards and the best New Artist is...BTS!’

As soon as she heard her group's name, she looked around, gasping in shock. 

“What? What did they say?” She stood up before bowing to everyone with the members.

Did they just say they won best new artist?


Huge accomplishment as she happily walks up to the stage. “Ahhh, this is awesome!” 

Jennie stood next to Taehyung while Namjoon gave his acceptance speech.

“Also thank you to Bangtan, and last but not least our ARMYs! I love you, thank you much!” Namjoon happily said.

Once they go backstage, the guys run around, screaming in excitement while jumping around. Jennie runs and jumps at the camera, whooing in excitement. 

“WE WON!” She yelled and jumped on Jimin’s back while they all ran backstage.

Jimin ran backstage, giving her a piggyback ride until he set her down in the dressing room.

“Did that really happen?” Jennie looked around with the camera filming her. “My eyes were tearing up on stage. Hahaha. Tears of joy! I’m proud of the hard work and it’s paying off. I love you mom and dad! We did it! MUAH!” She had the award in her hands and gave it a big kiss before handing it to Jungkook.


A day after the awards, Jennie sat in the studio, on the computer desk, turning the camera on. She’s been looking at tweets about how the fans wanted her to do a V-Log and post it on the BTS YouTube channel.

“Is this on?” She murmured in English while adjusting the camera. “Is it-yes it is! Hi!” She waved to the camera with both hands. ”Oh this is so cool. My first V-Log. I know a lot of you have been anticipating it and asking. And here I am! In South Korea! It’s insane! I can’t believe I’m here. This is such a transition from America and I’m loving every second of it. Hm, should I continue speaking in English or I’ll put subtitles down here. I’m going with Korean.” She shrugged.

“Hello! My name is Jennie! The one and only girl in BTS.” She shot up a peace sign. “I’m excited to start this V-Log. Yesterday we won best new artist at the Melon Awards. BEST-NEW-ARTIST! Do you know how amazing that is? Like wow! Thank you so much for voting for us. I hope we continue to win awards. It’s very humbling.”

“I also have some great news. I’m going to continue practicing the guitar so I can start playing it for our future songs. I hope you anticipate that when I get started. My birthday was amazing, all thanks to the boys...” She sighed, thinking of the happy memory.

While she continued speaking, she didn’t notice Jungkook, Jimin and V sneak into the room, dancing weirdly in the background.

“I really love it here, everyone is so helpful and very understanding. They push me to be the best I can be. BTS...they’re my family.” She says genuinely while the guys in the background smile at her words.

“AWWEEEEE, JENNIE~” Jimin yelled as she quickly turned around in surprise.

“When did you guys get in here!?” She laughed before she was attacked with big hugs, making her fall out of the chair. “I’m filming!”

After they get up, she sits back in the chair, while the guys kneel next to her, looking at the camera and waving at the ARMYs who would be watching the video, before Jennie finishes her V-Log with them.


With the lights off inside the dance practice studio, it was midnight on December 4th, Jin’s birthday. With Tae’s camera, he records everyone singing happy birthday. The lights come on, with Jimin revealing the candle lit birthday cake in front of Jin who comes into the room.

Blowing out the candles, J-Hope and the rest of the members start hitting on Jin while he tries to run away. Putting a finger in the cake, Jennie smears the icing right on Jin’s face. 

“Happy birthday, Jin!” She laughed

“Hyung, talk about your wishes.” Tae interviewed him behind the camera.

“I was surprised when I came in.” Jin responded while being fed a piece of fruit by J-Hope.

“I’ll take that.” Jennie swiped the icing coated strawberry out of Tae’s hands in the video and bit into it with delight.

“Ah, she stole my strawberry! Bad Jennie! Bad!” He tried to hit her but she ran away, giggling.

“The members are the best.” Jin said with a big smile.

After celebrating Jin’s birthday in the practice room, Jennie and the rest of the members finish the birthday cake and take a group photo to post on their Twitter account. Jennie sat on the floor, posting a birthday shout out to Jin on their shared Twitter account.

“Jennie I need you to do me a favor.” Namjoon’s voice was heard as she looked up to see him handing her his phone. “Take a couple of photos of me for my daily outfit.”

“Are you kidding me? I wanted to check out what’s going on our Twitter account!”

“The tweets aren’t going anywhere! Now come on.”

“You’re such a fart!” She stood up, taking his camera as he grinned victoriously.

“Make sure you take a lot, not just one picture while I pose.” He added, standing against the wall.

“Namjoon, I know how to take pictures.” She shook her head in amusement and snapped away.


‘Show Champion’

Before their performance, Jennie and Namjoon sat at a table to eat lunch together, eating some beef.

Eyeballing the biggest piece of beef, Jen makes her way to grab it, but clashes with another set of chopsticks. 

Looking up, she stared at Namjoon. “That piece was mine.”

“I saw it first.”

“I touched it first.”

“And I will eat it first.” He grabbed it with his chopsticks but she countered, making him drop the beef. Before they knew it, they began to wrestle each other with their chopsticks for the piece.

“It’s mine!”

“No, it’s mine!”

“Get another piece!”

“You get another piece!”

Hearing a crunching sound, Jen looked down to see one of her chopsticks snapped. Both looking at it in shock, they both set down their chopsticks. 

“Dude! Are you kidding?” She fumed in English.

“Sorry!” He exclaimed in English.

“How do you break metal chopsticks!? That’s not possible!”

“I dunno what happened!”

“Are you-AND YOU ATE THE BEEF I WANTED!?” She yelled as he covered his mouth to stop his upcoming laughs while chewing.

After their shenanigans and meal, Jennie leans against the wall, texting her sisters while Jimin starts recording for a Bangtan Bomb. She could hear Justin Timberlake’s Sexyback from his phone as she glanced up to see what his plan was.

“Point one, you need to shake your hips a bit shamelessly.” He pointed out, shaking his hips. “Now slowly smile a little. Like this, naturally.”

A snort was heard from Jennie as she looked back at her phone. She’ll never get tired of the guys’ goofiness. Jimin starts dancing around V who has his arms crossed. Before he knew it, V began to shake his hips along with Jimin. 

“Ah just like that! A little bit more shamelessly.” Jimin encouraged. V starts dancing away, making Jimin giggle. “He’s embarrassed.” He said to the camera.

“I can’t dance sexily.” V replied.

“Lie!” Jennie’s voice was heard, as Jimin turned his attention to her. When she lifted her head back up from her phone, she was shocked to see Jimin even got Jungkook into it, and V got back into it.

The three guys in the Maknae line begin to turn to attention to Jennie. Shaking their hips shamelessly, they travel to where she is standing. She looked up and raised a brow as Jimin slowly smiled. 

“Oh no. No, no, no.” She tried to walk around but V blocked her way as the three of them danced in front of her. Throwing her head back, she laughed. “Oh my god, sthap~” She buried her face in her hands.

“Join us ennie!” Jimin offered. Deciding to walk around, Jimin blocks her way, continuing to dance in front of her with Jungkook and V. “No escape!”

“I didn't ask for this!”

“Join us~” V continued to ask.

“I have no choice don’t I?” She chuckled lightly. “Ugh! Fine. Move aside, I’ll show you show it’s done” She started body rolling to the beat.

“Wow~! Look at the hips! So sexy~ so shameless~” Jimin praised.


After the show, BTS and Jen head back to the dorm, while Jin makes a shopping list. “Jennie, do you mind going shopping for me?” He requested.

“Sure. Anything in particular?” She asked.

"Yes. Here’s the list.”

Bundling up in her jacket, she tried to zipper it up but it ended up getting stuck. “Hey, Namjoon, you mind fixing my zipper? I can’t get it?”

“Yeah, sure. It’s probably stuck with the fabric again.” He took a look, trying to zip it up. He started to struggle and ended up popping the zipper off the coat. “ broke.” He chuckled nervously

“Aw, seriously?” She said with annoyance and made her way to her room.


“This is the second thing you broke today.”

“I’ll make it up to you~”

After getting another jacket, she grabbed her bag and headed to the door. 

“Jennie, you heading out?” Jungkook asked, already in his coat.

“Yeah, Jin wants me to go shopping for some food.”

“Can I come with you?”

“Yeah, let’s go.”

“Don’t be out too late!” Jin warned. “it shouldn’t take so long to get everything on the list.”

“We won’t!”

Arriving at the supermarket, Jungkook pushed the cart while Jen tried to look through her pockets for the list. 

“Where is it...?” She murmured. “Jungkook do you have the list?”

“No. You mean to tell me you forgot the list?” He started laughing

“I thought you had it!”

“I thought you did!”

“Oh-my goodness...”

“Oh-my goodness.” He mocked, earning a smack on the arm.

Taking out her phone, she called Jin. After a few rings, he picked up. “Uh...Jin can you take a picture of the list? We forgot it.”

“YOU forgot it,” Jungkook said in the background, earning another punch on the arm.

“Jennie! Be more responsible. I’ll send it to you.” Jin hung up. After a few seconds, the picture of the list was sent.

“All right, let’s go. Looks like he needs spices first.” She confirmed and they walked around. “You know, these carts are much smaller than what I’m used to in America.”

“They’re bigger?” He asked with interest.

“Much bigger.”

‘To BTS’

Once Jungkook and Jennie had left, the members were in the living room watching TV, lounging around until they came back with the food so Jin could start dinner. Fresh out of the shower, Namjoon stretches and makes his way to the couch. 

“What are we watching?” He sat down on the couch, only to hear a loud crack noise. Everyone looks up at Namjoon as they freeze.

“Don’t tell me...” Suga sighed. Namjoon stood up, making Hobi, Jimin and Tae scream in horror.

“AHHH WHAT DID YOU DO!?” Hobi screamed, waving his arms around in panic.

“I-I didn’t mean it!” Namjoon stammered, trying to explain himself. “It’s probably fine!” He opened up the laptop and turned it on. Only to be welcomed with a very cracked screen while the guys look at it with fear.

“Ahh...Namjoon you’re going to die today. Yoongi, congratulations on being the new leader of BTS! Because after today, we’re going to have to plan Namjoon’s funeral.” Jimin whineed, scared for him.

“Well...Jennie is gonna obliterate you when she finds out...” Yoongi declared in a blunt tone, chuckling to himself.

“Shit. Shit, don’t tell her! I got it handled!” Namjoon grabbed the laptop and dashed out the door, making his way to a nearby Apple Store.

After 30 minutes, Jennie and Jungkook arrive back to the dorm with a bunch of bags.

“F-F-F-F-F-FIVE bags of snacks?” Jin’s voice gets high as he widens his eyes. “Wher-where are my ingredients and the food I put on the list?”

“Oh, it’s there.” Jen grinned sheepishly.

“JENNIE! JUNGKOOK!” He started lecturing them while Jimin laughed at them getting scolded.

After the lecture, Jennie walked around, trying to find her laptop. “Hey, have you guys seen my laptop? I can’t find it anywhere.”

“Nah, haven’t seen it,” Yoongi replied while Namjoon arrived back to the dorm.

“H-hey Jennie, how are you? I brought you some pizza. Consider it me paying you back because I ate the beef.” Namjoon said with a hint of nervousness.

“Ooh, food, thank you!” She happily accepted. “Oh, have you seen my laptop? I can’t find it anywhere?”

“No not at all. Did you check your room?” Namjoon kept a straight face as she walked to her room.

“So where’s the laptop?” Hobi questioned while Namjoon sighed and sat down on the couch.

“It’s getting repaired, right now.”

“What happened?” Jungkook raised a brow.

“Hehehehe, Hyung sat on Ennie’s laptop and cracked the screen.” Jimin explained, making Jungkook laugh.

“You’re dead, Hyung!”

“Shut up, kid!” Namjoon hushed him.

“I don’t see it.” Jennie’s voice is heard as she sits with them on the couch.

“Aw, nice glasses! Where’d you get them?” Namjoon tried to distract her from thinking about the laptop. He couldn’t help but see a pair of fake glasses on her shirt.

“Oh, I couldn’t resist buying a pair of fake glasses when we walked past a store.”

“Let me check them out.” He took the glasses and examined them. But as soon as he tries to open them, he accidentally breaks them.

“Wow...” Yoongi shook his head.

“DUDE! I just got these!” Jennie yelled, shaking him. “Why do you keep breaking everything? What’s next?!”

“Aish, I’m sorry!” Namjoon pleaded for forgiveness.


The next morning, Jennie was in the kitchen, eating a bowl of cereal, when she observed Namjoon coming through the door with an apple bag. 

“...Why do you have an apple bag?” She questioned, making him jump.

“O-oh! Jennie, you’re here. I thought you would be chilling in your room.”

“Is that my laptop in there?”

“U-uh no, I brought a new phone.”

“A new iPhone isn’t that wide. It’s a laptop, isn’t it?”

“Okay, yes, it’s a laptop. I brought myself a new laptop-”

“You broke my laptop, didn’t you?” She narrowed her eyes.

“Why would you say that?” He laughed nervously.

“Because Jungkook told me.”

“Aish...that kid...he can never keep secrets.” He sighed. “L-Look Jennie, I’m sorry, I-I got it repaired!”

“You lied to me.” She stood up.

“I said I was sorry!” He started running around the dorm, as she chased him around.

After beating up Namjoon with pillows, she forgives him and thanks him for going to the store to get her laptop repaired, laughing at how he complained about getting beaten up and then thanked him. Laying down in her room, Jen spent the rest of the day, playing on her phone and catching up with her family. As soon as she was done talking to her mom, she got a Facetime call from Tae.

Answering it quickly, she replied, “Tae, I’m just in my room. You could have just visited me in my room, haha.”

“OKAY!” He yelled and ended the call. Seconds later, he barged in and dived onto the bed, making her shriek. She groaned as soon as he landed on top of her.

“A warning would’ve been nice!” She pushed him off her, while he giggled.

“Let’s watch some anime!”

“Anime? I don’t really watch anime.”

“Well, you will tonight! Let’s watch...Dragon Ball Z.”

“I heard of that. Okay, let’s watch it.” She opened up her brand new laptop and let V go on the website. 

Watching with interest, she asks him questions like who was who, what was going on and who was his favorite character. He got her hooked and they planned to continue watching anime together when they had the time. They managed to watch a bunch of episodes of Dragon Ball Z and before they knew it, it was nighttime. Tae decided to turn in for the night, going back to his room. 

Checking the time, it was past midnight but she wasn’t sleepy at all, as she continued searching the web, finding random computer games. Feeling her phone buzz, she looks at it to see a text from Jungkook.

‘U Awake?’

Jennie texted back, ‘Yep! This better be good! :P’

‘I can’t sleep :(’

‘Me either. What do you want to do?’

‘Video games?’

‘We may wake up the other members’

Still in his casual clothes, Jungkook came into her room, turning on her light. 

“You wanna walk around outside? I’m so bored here.” He suggested.

Liking the idea, she got out of bed and grabbed her jacket. “Yeah! Let’s go.”

“Make sure to keep quiet so we won’t wake up the hyungs.” He whispered. “Here, wear my beanie.” He placed the beanie on her head, patting it and adjusting it before he nodded in approval. “Make sure your ears are warm.”

“What about you?”

“I have another.” He smiled and put one on. “Let’s go.” They both quietly leave her room.

Jungkook rolled across the living room like a ninja, looking both ways to see if the coast was clear while Jen laughed silently at his goofiness. Opening the front door for her, they manage to sneak out successfully.

“So, what do you want to do?” She asked as they walked together, enjoying the night.

“Actually, can we get some ice cream?” He offered.

“We can get ice cream this late at night?”


“All right, lead the way.”

“Great. Come on. I know a place.” He took her to a nearby shop.

“I like eating ice cream in the cold weather. I’ll never get tired of it.”

“Me too.”

Once they get ice cream cups, they walk around before sitting on a park bench, watching the stars.

“I’ve been meaning to ask you something,” Jungkook spoke up after eating a spoonful of his vanilla ice cream.

“What’s up?”

“Do you...miss home?”

“I would be lying if I said I didn’t.”

“You really miss your family, huh?”

She nodded. “I always try to contact them, whenever I can. But being with you helps a lot because you all are my family, too.” She said in a genuine voice.

Grinning, Jungkook nudged her. “You’re our family, too. And I’ll take a scoop of that, thank you very much.” He managed to take a spoonful of her chocolate ice cream.

“Hey! Mine!” She nudged him back while he ate the spoonful. He laughed at her and continued to dig into his ice cream. “I really love it, here. Thanks for taking me out, tonight. I’ve been so engrossed with our performances, that I haven’t been paying attention to how nice our surroundings are.”

“I’ll make sure to show you around more when we have free time.” He promised

“Looking forward to it.”

After they finish their ice cream, they continue to look at the stars at night, in comfortable silence.

“Ah, before I forget again...I keep forgetting to give you this.” He stood up and searched in his pocket, taking out two black rings. “I was going to give it to you on your birthday, but they weren’t ready yet when I went to get them. They’re friendship rings. I wanted us to have them.” He happily presented them to her.

Surprised and looking at it in awe, she stood up and took the one he gave her which had his name engraved in it. ‘Jungkook’s Best Friend’ while he had her name engraved on his ring, saying ‘Jennie’s Best Friend’

“I hope it’s not too cheesy.” He let out a short laugh.

“Are you giving me this so Jimin and Tae can stop claiming me as their best friend?” She narrowed her eyes playfully.

“Maybe...” He looked around.

Laughing, she put the ring on her right index finger. “Wow. I love it. Thanks, Kookie. Really. You’re so nice to me.”

“Well, you’re always nice to me. The reason I wanted to give this to you is...well, I just really appreciate you always being there for me. I love goofing around with you and playing video games with you. And as you know, I’m always shy, but I’m always comfortable around you. You make me feel at ease and happy. Jennie, I cherish you and our friendship. And I hope you feel the same about me being your best friend.”

The Bangtan Gal Chapter 12- They're My Family

“Kookie, why are you trying to make me cry, right now? Get over here.” She wrapped her arms around his neck, squeezing him tightly. One thing she would never get tired of was hugging him because his hugs were always so warm. “Of course, I feel the same. I cherish you, too,”

“Glad to hear.”

Once they quietly arrive back to the dorm, they see Jin sitting on the couch, watching TV, clearly waiting for the both of them. “And where have you kids been?”

“I swear he has father senses. How did you even know we were gone!?” Jennie exclaimed.

“Mama Jin always knows.” He smiled. “Go to bed! I was planning on making Korean Beef tomorrow night. No beef for you two. You'll be eating something else,”

“Aish...really?” Jungkook sighed.

“Oh come on!” Jennie whined.

Despite their protests, they head off to bed. Jennie gets under her covers and sends Jungkook a quick text.

‘Sorry that we got caught :(’

Not even 30 seconds later her phone vibrated and she read his message,

‘Don’t worry about it. Hanging out with you was worth it. :)’

‘It really was tho! :D’

‘Good night Jennie :D’

‘’Night Kookie! :D’

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1 year ago

Omg i just saw the masterlist it's official you're really back i'm going to cry 🥹🥹🥹 also are you going to do drabbles like before or not ?? Just so you know i really liked your story bc it's a pov of a black woman and guess what ? there's not enough story as it is so love youuu 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼


Hi!! Thank you so much!! You are too sweet! This means a lot to me ❤️❤️ I’m happy to be back and to represent. I won’t let you down 🫡

I actually would love to do my smol drabbles and smol oneshots again as I get back into the groove of things.

I still have random ideas from my past asks that I saved in a document. Like BTS joining Jennie at her family cookout and so on.

Omg I Just Saw The Masterlist It's Official You're Really Back I'm Going To Cry Also Are You Going To

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1 year ago

The Bangtan Gal Chapter 3- Rookie King Episode 1

The Bangtan Gal Chapter 3- Rookie King Episode 1

Chapter Summary: Jen hopes that luck is on her side so she doesn't get a skull card and endure punishment for the first episode of Rookie King. Jen assists Jungkook after his spicy punishment. Suga gets his revenge on Jen after what she did to him in one of the punishments.

Words: 4,000+


'Bulletproof Boy Scouts & Girl Scout'

'The broadcast will start shortly'

'Screen under adjustments'

The show opens up with Jin sitting at a table, looking like a news broadcaster.

"Hello, I'm VJ Bangtan Commando's MC Jin! In the year 2013, BTS who's hit the idol industry like a comet with their likable looks and overpowering charisma, they've received a lot of love. The things that have not been revealed till now, the 8 members' private dorm life and Bangtan's

Flavor House. Also the activities in the practice studio. We the VJ Bangtan Commandos have it all covered. Let's take a look together!" He smiled

As the show continues, they reveal the inside of BTS' dorm as the members are still asleep.

'2013 Music industry, BTS is here to take over! The name that you won't forget after the first hearing, BTS! Today we're going into their daily lives. The members who are flustered at the camera's intrusion! Inevitably their sleepyselves and even bare faces are all revealed. The practice studio overwhelmed with manly scents along with Jennie's perfume and up till a fansign session's venue! Bangtan's 24-hour daily life, follow me'

'We're finally here, this is none other than BTS' home sweet home!'

The camera pans down to the shoes of the boys of BTS.

'It cannot be unseen the smell from men's passion! We wonder how Miss Bangtan deals with the smell'

The cameras head into the dining room where they see Jennie in a pair of yellow baby duck pajamas, eating some eggs for breakfast. Barefaced with a little bit of acne and her hair in a messy bun, she was wide awake, playing a game on her phone. She was oblivious to the camera crew walking in as she had her headphones in, listening to music.

A few moments later she senses movement from the corner of her eye and looks up, to see the camera crew and the manager. 

"Whoa!" She dropped her phone on her eggs and fell out of her seat.

She's left with chuckles as the manager helps her up. "Thank you. What in the world is going on? Darn it, my phone." She took her phone off her eggs as the manager explained why the camera crew was there.

"O-oh." She replied with her face heating up from embarrassment. She turned to the camera and waved. "Hi! Yeah, I totally need to get used to this. Hey, how ya doing guys?" 

She bowed. "I'm Bangtan member Jennie. The first African-American female in a boy K-Pop group. It's really humbling. Oh, and I'm way cooler than the rest of them just to let you know. Me falling was my awesome entrance. I have my own room. Smaller than the others, but it's perfectly fine. The rest of the guys gotta share. It's pretty nice to just have girl time by myse-"

She's cut off as she suddenly trips over pairs of shoes in the hallway. 

"UN-believable!" She exclaimed and started cleaning up their shoes. "Being in a household with seven guys...I'll never get used to it."

"Do you usually wake up early?" The camera crew asked her.

"Yep! I love mornings. I'm a morning person."

'While Miss Bangtan tries to calm herself down and get ready for the day, we continue to look at the identifiable ornaments to possessions of teen boys laid all around. Taking a look at their basic necessities. All the chicken breast meat kept neatly in the fridge! Ah Hyung's crying...crying!!'

As the camera crew heads into BTS' bedroom, Jennie finishes eating and continues getting ready for the day. She heads into the closet to see Tae putting on his shirt backward.

'Excuse me Tae Teacher, you've worn your shirt inside out'

"Dude, your shirt is backward." She laughed. Tae grinned cheekily as she fixed his shirt.

'Jennie to the rescue!'

After BTS and Jennie finish getting ready, they head out for the day.

'Wherever they are Bangtan's contagious happiness, they all look excited'

The group happily stepped into their favorite restaurant and sat down at the table. 

"You sure you're not full? I can eat your food for you!" Jungkook offered with a grin, hoping she'd say yes.

"Ha! Ha! Ha! Nope! You're not taking my food like you did last time!" She accused

"Wha? I did no such thing!" He tried to look innocent, playing off a confused facial expression.

"Jungkook took all her food when she went to the bathroom," J-Hope explained to the camera.

"Jimin helped me!" Jungkook admitted.

"I did not!" Jimin stammered 

"Ha! You just ratted yourself out!" Jennie pointed at him. "So it WAS you." She crossed her arms and shook her head.

After they get settled down, Rapmon is asked why they come to this particular restaurant. "We've been coming here to eat ever since we were trainees and also since the basement floor is our practice studio. So while going to the practice studio when we have to eat, the aunt here takes such good care of us. Even during our breaks at least 2 of our meals in a day would be eaten here."

"Her cooking reminds me of being home with my mom. It's so good! As soon as I came to Seoul and met BTS, Rap Monster immediately took me there. I always look forward to eating here." Jennie addressed.

After their meal, the rest of their day consisted of practicing in the practice studio, and then the fan meeting in Gwangju, J-Hope's hometown for a fan sign. They took their seats at the fan sign, Jennie looked in awe at the very excited fans while sitting in between J-Hope and V.

"Whoa." She murmured looking at all the Jennie fansigns. 

This was something she'd never get used to. They were all so decorated and had so many hearts. She was happy with the support BTS was getting.

'Fans who are happy seeing oppas and Jagi, Bangtan too are excited to receive all the support'

There were male fans there too, especially there to see Jennie, giving her cute gifts and shyly confessing their crushes on her, making her face heat up. She received tons of cute presents from the fans. They even got her the Smarties candies from America which shocked her the most as she told them it's her favorite type of candy. They let her know that they paid attention to some of the photos she would post on BTS' Twitter and would always see Smarties with her. 

"NO WAY!" She squealed in excitement at the smarties. "Thank you so much!"

She loved the chalky colorful tablets. She could never get enough and if she could get sponsored by them, she would.

"We're gonna have a very hyper Jennie later on tonight." Jin sighed.

"Yay! I love hyper Jennie! I can't wait to see it!" J-Hope encouraged.

"Meeting your fans like this today, how are you feeling?" The camera crew asked after the fan meet.

"Y'know I still can't believe it. People really are interested in BTS and people here actually take interest in me. The amount of support they give us is so amazing. It's hot as fudge but seeing our fans today even in this hot weather was so worth it."


'Bangtan Secret Camera'

'8:00PM SangAmDong SBS Prism Tower'

BTS and Jennie were being informed by the fake writer, what their filming was about. They were told to film in an elevator and it has a camera on the top. Meanwhile, BTS was on standby with no idea what was to come. First up was Jimin then it was Jin, V, Jungkook, and Rap Monster.

"Jennifer." Her name was called as she looked up at the producer. "You're up."

She happily stood up. "Let's go!" She gave the camera a thumbs up and went into the elevator.

As soon as it closed, she started to ponder. "Let's see...what should I do?"

She starts goofing off by doing jumping jacks and shadow boxing. 

"Here is your winner! And new champion~ Jennie! Woo hoo!" She cheered and began doing the Gangnam Style dance to celebrate.

'Jin was right. Jennie had too many smarties and began to act hyper. If only J-Hope was here to see this.'

In addition to her hype nature, she began to beatbox 50 Cent's In Da Club, rocking back and forth, preparing the rap. "Go, go, go, go, go, go. Go shawty, it's ya birthday, we're gonna party like it's ya birthday, we gon' sip Bacardi like it's ya birthday."

'This sugar rush is intense'

Afterward, she pretended to have a hat on as she attempted to moonwalk and dance like Michael Jackson, singing Billie Jean. At one point she ended up kicking out her leg and accidentally kicked the elevator. 

"Whoops." She grins sheepishly at the camera.

The Bangtan Gal Chapter 3- Rookie King Episode 1

Afterward, she starts doing the Carlton dance with a goofy smile on her face. She was so into the dance she didn't hear the elevator ding and open, stopping on the 6th floor. As soon as a cute guy begins walking in on the phone, she shrieks, tripping on her feet and falling on the floor.

The guy had to contain his laughter as she scrambled up to her feet and fixed her hair before clearing her throat. Face heated, she backs up to the corner, with her head down in embarrassment.

Meanwhile, the guy presses all the buttons before standing across from her in the back of the elevator. 

"You're breaking up with me?" The guy asked in shock as Jennie looked up to see him looking troubled on the phone. "Please don't do this, Jagi..." He let out a breath and hung up, looking sad

'Awkward...' She mouthed to the camera, looking up at it. 

She did feel bad for the guy, getting broken up over the phone. She raised her head to see the guy looking at her as she shot her face down to her feet again, flustered. She let out a nervous laugh. 

Suddenly a whole group of people rush in, crowding the elevator as the cute guy gets extremely close to her as they're chest to chest.

'Oh-my God.' She mouthed to the camera on top of the elevator. 'HELP-ME'

She turns her head to the side and fails to move around thanks to everyone crowding her way. She squeezes her eyes shut to try to get away from the awkwardness but with no avail as she opens her eyes, looking down to the side.

As soon as they reach the 15th floor, everyone gets out and she sighs out of relief. But suddenly, she hears them say, "You've been pranked."

"Wh-what?! SERIOUSLY!?" She screamed as everyone started laughing while the door closed. "That was so embarrassing! GAH!" She groaned and ran her hands through her hair.

On the 12th floor, everyone was waiting for her as they applauded her and laughed at her reaction.

"You guys are so mean!" She laughed and stumbled out of the elevator. "THAT was so embarrassing!" She fanned herself to get rid of the heat she was feeling all over her body.

"The girl suddenly came on the 6th floor, too?" Rap Monster asked.

"No, it was a guy. He was so close, man. I couldn't even say anything, I was so flustered."

She turned to the camera. "I was so shocked, but that was really fun."


'King/Queen of the end plate'

"BTS, I welcome you to King/Queen of the end plate." The manager said as everyone clapped

'A game that tests their luck! King/Queen of the end plate is starting!'

"I wonder who will be the king. Or if Jennie will be the Queen." J-Hope pondered

'BTS, King/Queen of the end plate. Testing their luck with cards.'

'1. From all the 8 cards, only one is the King's/Queen's. If the King's/Queen's card is pulled out, he/she is exempted from all the punishments.'

'2. For the rest of the members, they'll get 6 safe cards and one skull card.'

'The member who turns the skull cards and pulls them out will win the penalties!'

'The fate game that can test the member's luck will start now'

"Hello, I'm Rap Monster who today, luckily took over Bangtan's good luck." He said as he sat in the middle. Jennie sat in between J-Hope and Suga. "BTS' sauna rally will start now!" He announced as everyone woo'ed and applauded.


"One. Two. Three." Rap Monster opened up the box. 

'Flick without moving the body.' 

"I know some people who have been practicing their flicks." he pointed out.

"Last time I received one from Jimin on the hand," J-Hope said. "My hand was burning."

Rapmon distributed the cards as everyone eagerly awaited his countdown, putting their cards face down on the mat.

"One, two, three!" He yelled as everyone flipped over their cards, revealing Jimin having the Skull Card.

Loud cheers and yells were heard as Jimin started freaking out that he got caught. Suga began happily dancing goofily while Jennie high fives J-Hope and Jungkook. Jimin whined in despair, still in disbelief.

"V will be the one who will do it," J-Hope announced as Jimin got on his back in the middle, getting held down.

"How much have I taken care of you!" Jimin exclaimed to V. 

All of a sudden V flicked him on the forehead as a chorus of ohs surround him. He sits up and places his hand on his forehead to get rid of the stinging sensation.

"He hit him without any hesitation." Rap Monster said in awe

They placed Jimin back down again as J-Hope mimicked an elbow drop, frightening him as he laughed.

"Since it's the warm up round I'll go easy on you." J-Hope decided and flicked him on the forehead.

"Tears have started to appear in Jimin's eyes!"

Jennie's muffled laughs were heard as she tried to cover her mouth.

"How many people are left?" Jimin exclaimed as he was held back down. 

Suga flicked his forehead as a clear sound was heard. Jimin quickly sat up, holding his forehead in pain.

"Woo! That was a good one!" Miss Bangtan high fived Suga.


'Raw egg? Boiled egg? Between 7 boiled eggs, which one is the raw egg?'

They choose cards again before flipping them over, revealing Jin having the skull. Jin is laid on his back while everyone else has their eggs. 

Jimin is the first one to smack the egg on Jin's forehead but Jin hesitates. "Wait a bit, wait a bit, why do you hit me like that? H-here...hit sideways, sideways!"

Jimin started practicing his egg smashing at a crazy speed, making everyone chuckle. 

"I'm really scared, really." Jin admited. "Just do it fast."

Jimin smashed the egg on his forehead but it turns out it was raw. J-hope and V go next and it was the same result. Then it was Miss Bangtan's turn as she kneeled before Jin.

"Jin, are you still going to make those cookies for me?" She grinned, before moving some hair from his forehead. 

Earlier today after practice, Jin mentioned he was in the mood for baking and wanted to bake some cookies. Jennie requested him to make sugar cookies.

"I dunno, do you have the raw egg?" He questioned, looking up at her.

"Maybe. Maybe not." 

"If you have the raw egg, I'm not making you cookies. I refuse to reward you cookies if you hit me with a raw egg." He scolded.

"Can I have her cookies then?!" Jungkook raised his hand, earning giggles from the guys.

"Wha-are you-NO!" She stammered to Jungkook before turning back to Jin. "That's it, you asked for it! HIII-YAAA!" She yelled and smashed the egg on his forehead, making a clear and loud smacking noise.

"Yikes!" Rap Monster said with shock. "She packs a punch."

"Nice hit!" J-Hope praised.

"Just as expected from Miss Bangtan." Jimin cheered.

"Oh great, it's boiled. I can get my cookies." Jennie clapped for herself.

"No cookies for you." Jin declared.

"I will get my cookies!" She replied with a huff.

After J-Hope, and V went, it was Jungkook's turn. "Do you have any displeasure against Jin-ssi?" Rap Monster asked.

"He orders Jennie and I around a lot!" Jungkook replied, earning laughs from everyone.

"Oh yeah, he really does. I smacked him good, though! I just...really want my cookies." Jennie responded

"Well of course the oldest one orders the youngest ones around a lot!" Rap Monster replied.

As soon as Jungkook smacks Jin with the egg, it breaks, turning out to be raw as everyone gets hyped, happy that it finally broke. Jin slowly stood up, with a red forehead.

"What is this?" He asked the camera crew.

'Jin is still handsome-Jin even after hit with raw egg'


'Bangtan's Sikhye drink king/queen!'

"What's sikhye?" Jennie asked the guys, still getting used to Korean food.

"It's a sweet rice drink. The staff seemed to have prepared Sikhye for one of us. I actually accidentally drank some of it before we started this and I spat it out immediately." she was told

"Oh dear..." She cringed. "I don't trust it! Please don't let it be me!"

"The sihkye has of course, sikhye, a little bit of vinegar and salt." Rap Monster informed as Jennie widened her eyes, looking at him like his crazy.

"Heck no! Oh my gosh, PLEASE don't make me have the skull card this time." She groaned

Everyone gets their card and they flip it over, revealing Jimin again with the skull card as he jumps away, landing on his back. 

"WOO!" Jennie happily cheered with the rest of the guys, raising her hands in the air. "Thank ya, Jesus!"

Jimin started bowing on the mat, mentally preparing for his fate as the guys started singing 'A-PINK's NoNoNo' to him, making Jennie giggle. J-Hope sniffed the cup of Sihkye that Jimin had to drink and immediately made a face of disgust, handing it to him.

Jimin held his nose and took a big gulp before coughing and placing his head down.


'Acupressure massage'

'Acupressure massage in order to loosen BTS' knotted muscles'

"The people who haven't received it don't know how much it hurts," Jimin replied

Everyone gathers their cards and quickly flips them over, revealing Suga who has the card. 

"Oh no, Suga!" Jennie laughed

A woman comes over and begins her acupressure massage on Suga as he yells in pain, groaning out how much it hurts while the guys clap and fail to suppress their laughs. Jennie looks on in amusement. After the massage was done, everyone gathered back for the next stage, before questioning how the massage could be the 4th stage. 

"You looked like it didn't hurt right? It re-ally hurts." Suga stressed

"Your face has gone white." J-Hope pointed out.

"Yeah, I've been noticing that ever since the massage. You okay Suga?" Jennie asked, suppressing a chuckle.

"Do I look O-K to you?" He halfheartedly glared at her, earning a giggle from her.



'The members will do your makeup and convert you into a beauty!'

"I'll have a blast if Jennie gets this one." Jimin teased, thinking of some evil tricks in mind for her.

"HA! HA! HA! NO!" She replied, earning a giggle from him. "I'm looking forward to a second Miss Bangtan that I can makeover. Is it you Jimin? I'll happily do your makeup for you."

"HA! HA! HA! NO!" He mocked her.

Everyone gathers their cards and flips them over to reveal Suga again, who cringes while everyone else whoops and celebrates.

'Suga is the king for the 2nd time!'

"Why is it me again?" Suga questioned before laying down on his back while V began placing makeup on his face. 

Then the rest of the members add on. Jennie decides to draw smiley faces with the black eyeliner on his nose, sides of his cheeks and chin. Then she writes, 'Jennie is awesome' on top of his forehead, making the guys snicker.

"Jennie...what-are you-doing to my face?" Suga questioned in his deep voice.

"Oh, nothing...just making you beautiful." She replied with a bright smile.

"I'm going to kill you if I see what I think I know you're drawing." He playfully threatened her.

J-Hope and Jimin gasped loudly and grabbed onto Jennie, hugging her. 

"You can't hurt our Jennie! She's our precious little Miss Bangtan! Don't worry, we'll save you from Suga's wrath!" J-Hope reassured with a smile.

Suga couldn't help but smirk, already plotting revenge. "No, they won't. Be on your toes, Smartie." He teased.

"Ooh, I'm so scared. Nice try Suga. I'm not falling for it." She remained unfazed.

Jimin places lipstick on Suga while everyone tells him how pretty he looks. After his makeup was done, Suga got up to everyone laughing and applauding. He stands to see what his face looks like and stumbles back in shock.

"Whoa! What is this!? What!?" He exclaimed. "I feel like I've become a newlywed bride. Prettier than Jennie."

"Oh~ Jennie has some competition." Rap Monster pointed out.

"Really?" She deadpanned


'Chili Horseradish'

'The one who receives the punishment has to eat the eggs with the horseradish the staff has prepared.'

"Gross!" Jennie sticks out her tongue while everyone asks why this a punishment. "I would like to live today, please!" She pleads to the producers with the guys.

Everyone flips open their cards to reveal Suga again as he starts laughing while everyone else celebrates. 

"WOO HOO! Triple King! Snooze you lose buddy! HA!" She pumped her fist up in the air.

"Guys I've received the triple crown...this is definitely set up between the writers and Rap Mon."

Suga accused. "This is a conspiracy!"

V places the chili horseradish right in Suga's mouth. He reluctantly chews it and starts cringing and laughing because of the salt while the rest of the guys celebrate because they weren't forced to eat it. Meanwhile, Suga begins to tear up.

"Poor Suga." Jennie patted him on the back.


'Ai! It's hot.'

Everyone flips over their card to reveal Jungkook getting the skull card and everyone gets hyped.


"Golden maknae~ golden maknae~" The guys stood up and started dancing around while Jennie jumped up and down.

"AWE YEAH! I didn't get chosen at all! Beginner's luck!" She danced around with J-Hope.

The final punishment was Jungkook wearing multiple layers of clothing, including a Santa hat, and eating hot ramen in the charcoal sauna room. Jennie approached Jungkook after he was prepped.

"Jungkook I just want to say it was nice knowing you." Jennie addresses with a sad smile.

"Does it end like this? It was nice knowing you too, Jennie. C-can I have a hug before I go?" He grinned shyly and opened up his arms.

She playfully sniffed. "I'm gonna miss you." She wrapped her arms around him, pressing her cheek against his layered chest. In return, he wrapped his arms around her for a warm, friendly hug, oblivious to the rest of BTS walking over to them.

"Ooh! Group hug!" J-Hope intervened, joining by wrapping his arms around the two, who chuckled in response. Afterward, the rest of BTS follow suit before releasing each other.

After they finish filming Jennie waits for Jungkook to get out of the sauna as he sighs out of relief.

"Hey! You're alive!" She beamed, hugging him after he took off the extra layers. "...And sweaty. Very sweaty. Thanks." 

She released him and wiped the sweat off his damp face a towel she had in her hands. "And your breath is really spicy." she pointed out

"Sorry." He grinned sheepishly as she handed him a cold bottle of water. "You're a lifesaver. It's so hot in there." He rubbed the water bottle all over his face.

"Well when you wear layers in a sauna, you're bound to sweat more than usual." she teased

"Thanks, Captain Obvious." He started drinking the water in big gulps.

She rolled her eyes with a smile. "How are you feeling?"

"Much better now, thanks to you! I appreciate you looking out for me."

She was flattered by his kind words. "Well, you know...I'm Miss Bangtan after all. More awesome than you-"

"All right let's not go too far. You're nowhere near as awesome as me." He interrupted playfully.

"Well, who was the Maknae that got caught with the skull card and who didn't?" She countered, leaving him stuttering. "OWNED!" She smacked him on top of his head and ran away with him right on her tail.


How can he be so fast?!

Before she could even get past the hallway, he caught her and picked her up over his shoulders. 

"Jungkook! Put me down! You're still sweaty!" She tried to squirm out of his strong grip but to no avail as he started walking around. "How long are you gonna keep me up here!?"

"Until I get tired of it." He laughed with joy.

"Real funny, Jungkook..."


A few hours after heading back to the dorm, Jennie headed into the living room to see Yoongi chilling on the couch, watching TV.

"Where'd everyone go?" She asked, popping the last few smarties in her mouth that she received from the fan meeting

Yoongi turned around and shrugged. "Have no idea. Took a shower and then they were gone."

"Huh. All righty." She turned around to go back to her room but stopped when Yoongi spoke up again.

"So remember that you drew smiley faces on my face, right?"

She turned and watched as he got off the couch. "Yeah?"

He takes out a permanent marker from his pocket and uncaps it, slowly turning to stare her down. The sight made her stomach drop. How was she going to escape this?

Chuckling nervously, she started to back up.

"H-hey...I just remembered I need to go for my jog. I'll catch up with you, later, mkay? Mkay." she tried to dash for the front door but he beat her to it, earning a loud shriek from her. "Oh come on!"

Yoongi sighed and shook his head. "Y'know, I should be napping. Been looking forward to napping all day. But getting my revenge on you is worth my nap time." He started aiming for her face, lunging at her with the marker.

"Agh!" She ducked and started running around the dorm with him keeping up with her. 

Breathing hard, she dashes into her room and slams the door shut before attempting the lock it. She heard a loud bang of Yoongi's fists at the door before he busted open the door just before she could lock it. 

"Yoongi, let's talk about this!" She jumped on her bed with him following her every move.

"Why talk when I can write all over your face, smartie?"

He was enjoying watching her try to escape. It was no use, she was about to get what was coming to her.

Jennie leaped off her bed and sprinted out of the room. "So long sucker!" She yelled and opened the front door. Before she could even run out, she screamed when he grabbed her back by the waist, effortlessly pulling her back in. "No! No! Yoongi, I'm sorry!" She pleaded as he placed her over his shoulder, shutting the door closed.

He placed her down on the floor, before restraining her as he started drawing and writing on her face. She tried to break free from his stronghold but failed 

"Fighting is only gonna make more marks on your face. Which I don't mind." He laughed. "I told the guys I was plotting my revenge and I

wanted no distractions. Looks like Hobi and Jimin aren't saving you this time, Smartie."

"UN-BELIEVABLE!" She yelled and protested but it was all ignored as he put on her face,

'Suga is awesome'


'Suga was here'

'Only Suga draws here' which was written all over her face in Korean as he snapped a picture and posted it on their Twitter captioning it by saying 'I told her I would get my revenge for drawing on my face. Worth my naptime #Suga'

He finally let her go as she looked at the picture. "OH MY GOD! YOONGI!" She dropped his phone in shock, earning a laugh from him. "I can't stand you!"

"The feeling's mutual, Smartie." He revealed his gummy smile and went to place a hand on top of her head as she playfully kicked him away.

"Off the hair!" She headed to the bathroom to try to clean off her face.

Twenty minutes later, the rest of BTS came back to Jennie and she walked out of her room to confront Jimin and J-Hope. 

"YO! Where have you guys been!? I got my ass handed to me by Yoongi! He wrote all over my face! What happened to 'We'll protect you, Jennie'!?" She questioned.

"Yeah...about that..." Jimin rubbed the back of his neck, smiling nervously.

"Sorry, Yoongi scares me! He was so threatening. Sorry Jen Jen." J-Hope patted her head and went to the kitchen, earning a victorious smirk from Yoongi who sat on the couch.

"Wow." She starts laughing."You guys are a piece of work."

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