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The Bangtan Gal Chapter 15- Going To SOPA

The Bangtan Gal Chapter 15- Going to SOPA

The Bangtan Gal Chapter 15- Going To SOPA

Chapter Summary: After auditioning successfully for SOPA, Jennie attends school for the first time in South Korea as she goes with Jungkook to the opening ceremony

Words: 2,000+

Genre: JenKook fluff! I dare say this is the start of him growing feelings :)


Staring at her reflection in the mirror, Jennie took a deep breath and smoothed down her school uniform. Today was the day. She was going to High School in South Korea with Jungkook. She enjoyed going to school. She missed going to school when she was back in America, performing with her old group.

She was nervous, yet excited for the day.

How different was the school system here?

The audition back in February she had was even more intimidating than her Big Hit audition and she was grateful she was able to pass with her vocals.

Now the day was here for the entrance day.

Hearing her phone ring, she answered it to reveal her two older sisters, Alani and Vienna in a Facetime call. They looked like they were back in their dorm at college.

"AW~" They coo.

"Look at her~" Alani squealed.

"So adorable." Vienna smiled.

"Oh shut up..." Jennie grumbled, rolling her eyes at their banter.

"Nice school uniform~" Vienna teased.

"We're in college while you're starting high school in South Korea. This is too cute. Don't focus on any boys! That's my only rule. I mean it, JW." Alani said in a serious tone, narrowing her eyes.

Shoving her sister away, Vienna took the phone. "Don't listen to her. DO focus on boys."

"Whatever you do, don't be like Vienna. We came from a party and she was grinding up on this one guy. I'm the better role model."

"It's not like I slept with him, I was just dancing! Grinding is dancing!" Vienna disagreed. Jennie agreed with her statement.

"Yeah, you're overreacting with that Alani," Jen replied

"See! Best older sister is me," Vienna cheered

"Oh, be quiet!" Alani started bickering with her.

"Would you two quit it!" Jennie lets out a short laugh.

"Girl, you're 16. Tell me all the details when you start finding some cute guys." Vienna requested.

"Ah, I bet they'll start coming after her. Have you seen her butt? It's getting bigger." Alani added with a laugh.

"Stop~" Jen groans. "It's not big..."

"Sure it's not Serena Williams big but you have something back there." Vienna declared

Jen shrugged. "I don't think I would be anyone's ideal type around here, though. I don't fit their beauty standards here. At least I don't think so. But it's all good. If I catch someone's eye, cool. If not it's fine,"

"I hope you know that you are beautiful."

"I do, I do. Even the guys always tell me."

"Well, they're not lying." 

"We just wanted to call you because we hope you have a great day! Our baby JW is growing up so fast. Some advice for the first day, remember that communication is key. Do icebreakers. Approach people and introduce yourself. The rest should go well after that." Alani advised. "Even with the K-Pop idols. They're normal people, just like us but they're just really well known for what they do. Should be no problem to say hi as you grow in the industry,"

Jennie nodded at her advice. "I'll keep that in mind. There are a lot of idols I want to meet. I'll see what I can do. So how's college for you?"

"Acting is fun. Been preparing for the spring play. It's going to be lit! I'll send pictures. And guess who's the lead?" Vienna beamed.

"You?" Jennie replied like it was an obvious answer but out of nowhere Vienna started sniffing and faked a sob.

"NO. But I will try harder next play."

"I know you can do it."

"My communications class is going great. I have to prepare to make a persuasive speech. I should get a good grade on it." Alani informed with a bright smile.

Vienna shook her head. "I still don't know how she convinced mom to get her belly pierced when she was just 16."

Smirking, Alani cleared her throat and flipped her hair. "I got skills."

"Yooo my English professor is a bitch, though!" Vienna started getting riled up, clapping her hands.

"I swear, I was about to lash out at her for yellin' at me. I really hate when people yell at me, like get out face!"

"She also almost got into a fight at the party. THANKFULLY I dragged her away."

"Because some bitch was trying to say that her hair was better but she didn't even have any edges. So obviously, I had to set her straight. She was so close to catching these hands...the Lord was testing me!"

"You can always ignore the person?" Jen slowly said, trying to calm her down.

"NO! You got me fucked up! I'm not going to just let someone just say that to me! And you bet not let anyone walk over you either, JW!"

Alani sighed. "As you can see, Jennie, you are the most civilized sister, here."

"For now. Once she ever gets mad, she'll understand. But she has dad's cool, calm, collected genes while we got mom's anger genes." Vienna pointed out.

"So why did your English professor yell at you, Vienna?" Jen asked

"I was Facetiming." She answered like it was nothing wrong.

Jennie deadpanned. "Well obviously! And that's so rude! Dude!"

"What?" She laughed.

"Jennie~ are you almost done? Breakfast is ready!" Jin called out from her door.

Looking up at her door, she replied in Korean, "Coming!" and turned back to her phone.

"I still can't get over how quickly you can shift from Korean to English. I'm really happy things worked out for you in K-Pop. Keep making us proud. You're going to do big things with BTS. We love you." Alani smiled.

Jennie blew them a kiss, replying in English, "I love you, guys, too!"

"Remember! BOYS~!" Vienna started laughing when Alani shoved her to the side.

"Vienna shut the hell up! Don't listen to this bitch. Focus on school!" Alani encouraged.

"Who are you callin' a bitch?"

Laughing, Jen said her goodbyes and hung up. Grabbing her packed school bag with her books and pencils, she walked out of her room and headed to the dining room.

Hobi was the first to see her and gasped. "AHH! My Munchkin~" He squealed and rushed up to her. "You look so adorable!"

Looking up from eating, Jungkook glanced over at Hobi. He spotted Jennie smiling nervously at Hobi's excitement as a smile crept up on his face. "Morning, Jennie!"

Turning her head, she grinned at him and sat next to him. "Morning, buddy. I guess today is the day. School...SOPA...all righty..." She started eating fast.

Jungkook let out a low chuckle. "You sound and look nervous."

"Nervous? Who's nervous? I'm not nervous at all!"

"Slow down. It won't be that bad. Don't worry."

After eating, they start filming for a Bangtan Bomb. "Hello, it's the day I get to wear my uniform. Jennie and I, are going to school for our entrance ceremony! My mom and dad will be coming, too." Jungkook smiled at the camera.

"My mom and dad are in America right now but they sent in all the papers that we needed. They told me they were with me in spirit." She chuckled. "I Skyped them yesterday. They told me to take lots of videos and pictures." She sighed. "This is normal."

"Jennie is so nervous." Jungkook teased her.

"Quiet! It's a new experience, I just hope things go well."

"Come on guys, hurry up! I want to go there soon!"

"He's so eager."

After they were dropped off at the school, Jennie put on her bookbag and made her way to the building. 

"Oh dear...oh dear..." She murmured.

"For crying out loud. Jennie if you don't relax." Yoongi patted her shoulder.

As they tried to find where the entrance ceremony was, Jin commented about how it had been so long since he'd been to school.

'Hyungs who are even more excited from being in a school after a long time'

"I think I'm in a school again after three years?" Hobi said as they made their way upstairs.

When she met with her form teacher, she was grateful for how patient and calm she was with her. Her schedule consisted of having Algebra first, then Biology, Korean class, history, lunch, and English. She just had to pick two more classes.

"Music seems to be your best choice." The form teacher advised with a sweet smile.

"I'll take a singing class." She watched as the form teacher wrote it down. "Um, do you happen to have a guitar class?"

"Yes, we do."

Her eyes lit up and she sighed out of relief. "Awesome! I would love to take that as well!"

After both Jen and Jungkook were done speaking with their form teachers, they headed to the assembly hall. From the top, Jin pointed out where they were standing.

"It's really cute seeing them standing there." Namjoon grinned

"Jungkookie and our Jennie~" Hobi cooed.

"I want to attend school," Yoongi spoke up.

"Me too! All of a sudden." Hobi reminisced

Looking up, Jennie saw Namjoon and the guys waving at her, so she nudged Jungkook and pointed them out.

"I don't know why but it's really fascinating." Jin grinned

"Jungkook is so handsome...seriously. And our beautiful Jennie...she's so precious." Hobi grinned

"For real!" Namjoon agreed. "I'm proud of them."

While Yoongi took pictures, Jennie decided to use her sister's advice and do some icebreakers to make a friend or two. Looking around, she managed to find a girl standing nearby and made her way to her.

The girl had long straight black hair and looked timid as she was looking down.

"Hi!" She greeted kindly.

Looking up, the girl was startled that she was talking to her. "H-hello."

"My name is Jennifer. What's yours?"


"Hayoon." She said her name the right way. "Well, it's very nice to meet you. Are you nervous to be here?"

"Yes, I really am."

"Same. It's my first time going to school in South Korea. What classes do you have? Maybe we have some together." She compared classes with her.

"Jennie is making friends while Kookie is just standing there. He's just standing there, not speaking a word!" Jimin laughed with the rest of the hyungs.

"Go talk to others!" Namjoon said when Jungkook looked up at them.

"Go talk to your friends!" Tae laughed. 

Back to Jennie, she found a few classes that she shared with Hayoon. "Oh cool! Looks like we Biology, lunch and singing!" Jennie beamed.

"R-really? That's great!"

"Are you a trainee?"

"Yes, I'm a trainee for Source Music."

"Wow, that's amazing. I'm from Big Hit Entertainment. Let's exchange numbers!"

After they finish, they head out to eat as Jungkook and Jennie agree to split the bill to pay for the whole meal.

'Stress relieved since its all over and they're going to eat'

"We're here to eat Jja-jang noodles. Jennie and I are going to treat everyone." Jungkook said.

"Yep! It's the least we can do." she smiled.

"Ahhh I'm so proud of you, Munchkin~" Hobi hugged her tightly

"I can't breathe~" She groaned before he started giving her big kisses on the cheek. "Cut it out, jeesh!" She laughed

Once inside, seated, and orders taken, they take a group photo. Jen sat next to Jungkook, while they all threw up peace signs.

"Food~" She happily dug in.

"So what do you think of the school so far Jennie?" Namjoon asked.

"Um...I just hope I don't get lost." She laughed nervously over the guys' laughter from her statement.


The next day was the first day of school as both Jungkook and Jennie were dropped off and walking together with the manager. Already were the paparazzi taking photos of all the upcoming idols walking to attend the school. Smiling, she waved at the cameras. 

"I'll walk you to your first class." Jungkook volunteered as they walked through the crowd. 

Jen grabbed onto his arm to not get lost. "You don't mind walking me? Thanks, I appreciate it."

Once they went inside, she widened her eyes. "Is it even bigger than yesterday? How am I going to survive this?"

Jungkook let out a laugh and grabbed her hand. "You'll get the hang of it. Come on." He guided her and walked to her first class. As soon as they arrived, she thanked him. "I'll wait for you outside when school is over."

"All right, I'll text you. I hope this goes smooth sailing. Good luck in your classes." She was about to leave but he continued to hold her hand, stopping her from going to class.

Turning back to face him, she watched as he looked down shyly. "You really don't want me to leave, huh?" She let out a small chuckle. "You're still shy? Jungkook, you're so nice and polite. Anyone would love to be your friend. My mom and sisters always told me to do icebreakers. Maybe if you feel comfortable and ready, you can do the same here at school,"

"You're so outgoing, though." He murmured.

"Ha! That's a lie. I'm very nervous but I'm trying to keep it in. My stomach is in knots. I'm not used to this school system like everyone else is. So, I'm gonna have a harder time. I'm not happy about that." She frowned.

Looking up at her frowning, he let go of her hand and pinched her cheeks. 

"Hey!" She laughed and pushed his hands away.

"There it is. Keep that smile. Good luck with everything. I'm sure you'll be fine. I know I will too." He grinned.

"Thanks. I'll see you later." She headed on to class.

Her classes went smooth sailing. An introduction to the classes. When it was time for her Korean class, she walked in to see Jungkook sitting at a desk and stiffed a laugh. Sitting next to him, she cleared her throat.

Looking up, Jungkook cocked his head to the side and widened his eyes. 

"J-Jennie! What are you doing, here?!"

"What are YOU doing here?" She teased.

"Ha! We have class together?"

"Looks that way! I guess we forgot to compare schedules yesterday."

Korean class may be the most distracting, she could tell she may be goofing off with Jungkook in the class. But she also knew he would be able to help her out with her Korean and she could help him with his English work.

While the class was in session, they paid attention to the teacher going over what they were going to do in the class.

Watching her pencil roll to the edge of the desk, Jen went to stop it from falling but ended up touching Jungkook's hand, having the same intention. When their hands touched, he felt something cold on her finger and grabbed her hand to look at it.

"You..." He examined her hand to spot the black ring, he had given her, on her right index finger. "You''re wearing it." He whispered happily to himself.

"Huh?" Looking at what he was staring at, the realization hit her. "Oh, the ring! Yeah, of course. I wear it every day, actually...ever since you told me you cherished me and our friendship, it got me thinking. I couldn't help but wear it every day. I's because I'm truly lucky to have a friend like you in my life." She blurted out. Widening her eyes, she covered her mouth.

Her words warmed his heart as he slowly revealed his bunny smile. She didn't know how moved he was just from her saying that to him.

"Sorry, sorry, too much? I can take it off if you want." She took her hand back and was about to take it off but his warm hands stopped her.

"No. Don't." He said softly, pushing the ring back on her finger. "It-it makes me...very happy to see you wearing it. I wear my ring every day, too. Let's continue wearing our rings every day." He showed her his ring on his right index finger.

Smiling, she turned her attention back to the teacher. Meanwhile, Jungkook couldn't help but continue smiling. Little did she know, wearing that ring made his day much better.

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1 year ago

Forced To Believe Chapter 17- Total Divas Season 1 Episode 5

Forced To Believe Chapter 17- Total Divas Season 1 Episode 5

Chapter Summary: Melanie joins the girls for go-karting while Ariane and Trinity have issues with each other

Words: 900+


'Tampa FL, Next Day'

"Come on girl!" Eva Marie said as her, Jojo, Trinity and Melanie waited for Ariane.

"Gotta wait for the diva," Ariane teased as they all laughed

Trinity (Ariane, Jojo, Melanie, Eva Marie and I are going go-karting today on our day off. Ariane and I have had a lot of tension between us lately so I'm hoping that we'll be able to have fun and chill out a little bit.)

"Ladies, Ladies, I hate to break it to you but I'll be standing on top." Eva Marie grinned as she looked at the stands for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. She gets on top of the 1st place stand.

"Oh yes, girl." Ariane stood up next to her.

"Both of yall are gonna be number 2 and number three. I'm gonna be number 1." Trinity chuckled

The girls get in their go kart gear. 

"All right! Who is ready to get trashed!?" Melanie exclaimed, earning laughs from them.

"Someone's competitive," Trinity teased while Melanie gave her a thumbs up after she put her helmet on.

Ariane (If I don't win, I'm gonna have a boo boo face.)

After the race, Trinity gets 5th place, Melanie gets 4th place, Jojo gets 3rd place, Eva Marie gets 2nd and Ariane gets 1st place.

Melanie (Sucks I lost but it was really fun racing with my friends. I'm happy for the winners. I lost fair and square but I declare a rematch!)

"Losers! Losers!" Ariane bragged and walked around with excitement.

"You are all about winning. Passing me and everything." Trinity grinned as Eva laughed

"Don't be mad." Ariane said.

"I'm not mad. I'm not a sore loser. You won, congratulations." Trinity shrugged.

"You can be a little more sincere about it."

Melanie (I knew I felt tension between them.)

"You're just being bitter right now." Ariane declared

"I'm not being bitter, you doing too much right now. It's a game, who cares?" Trinity exclaimed

"But I won though."

Melanie sighed as she and the new divas watched the drama.

Trinity (You won, we said good job.)

"Don't get hot." Ariane said.

Melanie (Okay, I think Ariane may be making the conflict worse because she keeps talking about how she won. It's done and over with. We all said congratulations, now can we please get some lunch? I want some food.)

"I'm not hot. I'm the one who wins the matches." Trinity argued

"Oh!" Jojo dropped her jaw.

"Ooh~" Eva and Melanie say.

"Oh, you're the one who wins the matches? I'm the one who can talk on the mic. " Ariane declared.

"I can speak very well for myself." Trinity retorted.

"You wanna take it there?"

"Why you getting hot for?"

"Because you took it to a whole 'nother level."

"I didn't! Isn't it true that I'm the one who wins the matches?"

"You win every single match?"

Trinity (No one wants to sit and hear you talk about yourself for another hour.)

"Actually, I'm done..." Ariane rolled her eyes.

"You see? She's too much." Trinity pointed out.

"No, you're too much, you took it to a whole 'nother level."

"Can we please just get some food? And can we please just drop this?" Melanie asked while Jojo nodded in agreement.

"You need to shut up sometimes." Trinity snapped at Ariane while Melanie facepalmed.

"You need to shut up, that's what you need to do." Ariane snapped back.

"Okay, well go."

"I'm done with you."

"No, I'm done with you, nobody wants to hear all that."

Melanie (I'm getting kind of worried because people are staring. Not good...)

"Relax!" Ariane yelled

"Take that bullshit somewhere else. Nobody got time for that right now." Trinity exclaimed. "All right, ready to go?"

"Yes!" Melanie shouted. "I'm freaking starving-" she began but stopped when she saw Trinity push Ariane and getting pushed back by her.

"Don't push me." Trinity angrily said.

"You just push me!" Ariane yelled

"What are you gonna do huh?" Trinity got in her face and Ariane retaliated by pushing her face.

Trinity (Really? You really think I'm scared of you?)

"You acting real ghetto right now." 

"I'll show you ghetto," Trinity said in her face.

"Everybody calm the fuck down!" Melanie yelled as she separated the two. "I'm in no mood for this! Enough. We're in a public place and we're supposed to be WWE divas. And right now, we're not showing that because you guys keep arguing. In public! Let's just take it somewhere else and get some food! I'm dying over here!"

"I agree Melanie. Trinity isn't acting like a WWE diva since she wants to act all hype. Tell her to calm down." Ariane pointed out.

Melanie (That's not what I fucking meant!)

"You calm down!" Trinity retorted.

"Ariane! You're escalating it! Just stop, both of you." Melanie exclaimed.

"I'm done..." Ariane walked away.

Jojo (I would have been kind of scared to get in between them two because they really were close to getting very physical.)

"That's what I thought," Trinity said while Melanie held her back.

Melanie (So much for a positive day with friends...)

'Next week, Raw'

"Mark and Jane are with Ariane and Trinity, they are still arguing," Eva says to Melanie as they walk around.

"Jeesh...I hope they get it together. They've been through so much." Melanie sighed.

"Hey, ladies." Nattie smiled, approaching them with Jojo.

"Hey, how are ya?" Melanie asked with a smile.

"I've been all right. How are you, ladies?"

"Fine. Just waiting for Ariane and Trinity. They've been at it."

"I heard..." 

Ariane walked to them with an angry expression and was asked how did things go.

"I don't get why she has to act like this..." Ariane sighed.

"Are you guys still having the match?" Nattie asked

"I don't know. We're supposed to talk to Stephanie now."

Ariane (Stephanie McMahon is top lady. She is THE Vince McMahon's daughter. You do not want to be on Stephanie's bad side.)

"Honestly, Ariane, that's not good," Nattie said.

"Exactly..." Ariane mumbled.

Later, Melanie, Ariane, Jane, Nattie and Eva watch Trinity's match. They watch as Trinity miscalculates with the crossbody. 

"Yikes," Melanie said with worry. 

Trinity loses the match as Alicia wins by the roll up. After Trinity's match, they watch Ariane's match against Aksana and she loses. After their matches, Melanie sees Trinity and Ariane walking together with smiles. "You guys worked it out?"

"Yep!" Ariane grinned.

"Awesome. I'm so happy."

Tags :
1 year ago

Forced To Believe Chapter 19- Do You Know Who I Am!?

Forced To Believe Chapter 19- Do You Know Who I Am!?

Chapter Summary: Morgan opens up her eyes and begins to speak up. Having enough she confronts The Authority

Words: 4,000+



"Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome the COO of the WWE, Triple H!" Justin announced as The Shield stood guard in the ring. Morgan exhaled as she had her title around her waist while she stood in between Roman and Seth.

"I would like to introduce to you...the face of a company. The WWE champion, the Viper, Randy Orton!" Triple H announced.

'I hear voices in my head'

Orton walks out with his title as Morgan watches him in disgust. Why the heck does he need a grand introduction? 

Orton walks into the ring while she turns around, shaking her head at him.

Triple H decided to call her out. "Uh, Morgan are you all right? You're making all these faces. Care to explain why?"

She gives him a fake smile. "No reason. Face exercises. Just warming up." She replied as the camera caught her words.

"Let me remind you that you are one of my henchmen and top divas here. Don't get on my bad side and screw that up."

She smirked at his comment. "Oh don't worry, I won't."


She turned back around to face the stage and rolled her eyes. "Asshole..." She mumbled as some fans watched her say that and laugh.

"Morgan." Triple H called out again as she sighed and turned around.

"What now?"

"I've seen the looks you've been giving the face of this company. Don't ever do that again. Do not ever look at this face of the WWE in disgust again. I don't know if you're in a bad mood or if it's that time of the month-" he was cut off by Morgan who gets handed a mic by a producer.

"Um, I can look at who I want to look at. Any way and any facial expression. You can't force me to look a certain way." she declared.

There is a dramatic pause while the crowd cheers at her statement. 

Triple H slowly put the mic to his lips. "...Did you just interrupt me?"

'Yes! Yes! Yes!' The crowd chants 

She mocked his actions by putting the mic to her lips. "...Yeah. Problem?" 

Triple H chuckled to himself and decided to ignore the disrespect for now. 

"Good." She dropped the mic and turned back around as she crossed her arms.

Triple H motions for Orton to do his promo. It was the same stuff over and over again. He did not deserve that title. Daniel worked so hard for it. They started talking about how Daniel could be the cruiserweight champion and how he would never be WWE champion. And also how Doink the Clown was never WWE champion because it would be Bad for Business. 

After a few moments of them bashing him, Daniel Bryan comes out on the stage and he gets a loud, warm welcome from the crowd. 

"Wow you guys made a lot of really good points and I am thrilled to be compared to Doink the Clown. The only clowns I see are the two standing in the ring right now. And I understand that you want me to give up my championship match against Orton at Night of Champions, so will I? I think the answer to that question is the same answer to Is Randy Orton more masculine than Stephanie McMahon?"

Morgan was enjoying watching Orton get fed up as Daniel chanted "No! No! No!"

"How many times do you have to get punched in the face, kicked in the face, Triple powerbombed, or RKOed, before you realize, Daniel Bryan, that there's not a chance in hell that you could win this fight," Orton exclaimed

"I was told in my entire career that I can't do something. I was told I can't do any better than wrestling in high school gyms, I was told I can't get into the WWE. And when I got here I was told I couldn't be a top guy because all I was, was a good little hand. And all those things they told me I could do made me the man I am today. I love to fight, I loved scrapping and crawling to get to the top. You will never understand that because you were handed everything!" Bryan went on.

"So true..." Morgan mumbled. 

He was handed the title because of Triple H's help. Bryan was fired up at

SummerSlam and would have won if Triple H had not gotten involved.

"So, do I think I can beat you for the WWE championship? No, I know I can beat you for the WWE championship," Bryan continued. "And Randy, deep down, you know it too, and so do you Hunter, otherwise you wouldn't have three men beat me down, or a woman kick me in the face, you would just let me and Randy wrestle one on one. But you guys know, what everybody else here knows, Randy may have the genetics to be a champion but Randy you don't have the heart of a champion. And you may walk around here like a big dog but you're nothing but Triple H's little-­"

"Hold on hold on hold on." Triple H cut him off. "Before you get carried away here angry little man... why you so angry? You look so grumpy. Little grumpy old troll. Let me tell you something Daniel, you shouldn't be angry at us, there is one guy you should be angry at. An angry guy who is 7 foot tall and he happens to stand by even though he has an iron contract, each and every week, he stands by with a tear running down his cheek while you get beaten and beaten and beaten. Your anger should be to the Big Show. So, I'm gonna let you take your anger out on the Big Show tonight Bryan. Because in tonight's main event, it will be Daniel Bryan, one on one with the 7 foot, 500 pound, Big Show." he ended the segment as his theme came on.

"Things keep getting worse and worse for Bryan." Cole said.

"He brought a lot of this on himself, Michael," King replied.

Fans tweet:

'Haha, Morgan cut Triple H off #Problem?'

'Kind of think I saw Morgan rebelling a little. #IsSheWakingUp?

'She's waking up. Praise the heavens! #Raw'

'Still not enough to prove to me that she is still the old Morgan. She better do something better than that.'

'I want to see more of Morgan before I believe she is back.'

Later, Morgan tweets 'Heyman better upgrade his insurance #PunkIsGonnaGetYou' after watching Punk's promo.


Morgan was walking but then Maddox walked up to her with a smirk. 

"Good evening Morgan. Shouldn't you be working for Hunter? Oh right, you are. Well, he said to get me some coffee." Brad said. She stared at him before laughing a little. Maddox laughed with her and smiled. "Chop chop."

Morgan's face turns serious as she glares at him. 

"...You have ten seconds to get the hell out of my face before I break your face." She threatened as Maddox's eyes widened. 

He was surprised at her mood change. Wasn't she just losing her touch? What did he miss? She was just vulnerable last week! 

"Nine...eight... seven...six..." She counted down as Maddox quickly turned around but bumped into Ambrose.

"Is there a problem?" Dean asked while Maddox averted his eyes from him. 

Brad cleared his throat and adjusted himself. "N-­no problem, M­-mister Ambrose."

"Then why are you ordering her like she's a servant? You think I'm just gonna stand there and do nothing?"

"S-sorry." Maddox turned around back to Morgan and he stepped to the side but Morgan stepped to the side as well, blocking his way. 

She shook her head and made a humming noise, meaning that he wasn't going anywhere

"You want me to hurt him?" Ambrose growled as she responded by shaking her head.

"It's nice to see you again B...long time no talk. We had some interesting moments together didn't we, B-man?" She said with a crazed grin, tilting her head to the side.

Maddox was now scared out of his mind. He just wanted to leave but he knew there was no way out. Note to self, do not order Morgan around, she will find a way to turn things around quickly. 

"Y­-yeah we did." He managed to say.

"Right-a-roony!" She said kneeing Maddox in the stomach, making him kneel and cough. 

"You're crazy. I'm the GM of Raw." Maddox said in a strained voice as she kneeled and grabbed his chin.

"I'm the GM of Raw." She mocked his voice. "Does it look like I care?"

"And we sure as hell don't work for you either," Ambrose added.

"And what are you gonna do about it? Nothing. Now...if you ever talk to me like that again I will hurt you. Do you understand me?" she sternly declared. Maddox quickly nodded. He didn't want to feel any more pain from her. "Good." She stood up. 

Ambrose put an arm around her and smirked at Maddox before they walked away together.

Fans tweet:

'Kneeing the GM? She's getting there. Not enough though! #IWantMoreOfMorgan'

'Getting convinced! I hope she does something else tonight, Something big. #IsMorganBack?'


'In The Ring'

AJ and Morgan were on commentary to watch Natalya, Naomi and Brie wrestle to be the number 1 contender for Morgan's title. Eva, Nikki, Jojo and Cameron are at ringside cheering them on. 

"We got Morgan here! So, what's been going on with you lately?" King asked.

"Chilling like a villain and watching this match to see who is worthy of my title," Morgan replied.

"Me! Hi there." AJ waved at her while she was sitting next to her.

"I see that...anyway, the match is supposed to be a triple threat match for now. I don't know if the witch changed it or not..."

"The witch?" King asked.

"Stephanie," Morgan replied.

"You sure you should be calling the Billion Dollar Princess a witch?" Cole asked

"Does it look like I care? If she wants to slap me or put me in some handicap match, I'll deal with it. I'm not gonna be an ass kisser and praise her and pretend I like the chick." she answered in a blunt tone.

"I guess not..."

"That mouth is gonna get you places. Morgan is just a great champion. Someone who should be facing me and only me. Not be in a triple threat match..." AJ said.

"Some say you were jealous of not being on Total Divas," Cole recalled.

"They want to be actresses, it's disgusting," AJ complained. "Natalya is as boring as watching paint dry. No one deserves that title shot, I do!"

"Calm down..." Morgan said as Naomi pinned Natalya after doing her signature move.

"Where's she going?" Cole asked as AJ removed her headset and broke up the pin. 

The ref calls for the bell.

"I knew this was gonna happen...I knew it...this is ridiculous, the same crap every freaking time!" Morgan grumbled as she threw off her headset.

In the ring, AJ starts unloading on Naomi as she yells at them, "None of you deserve the divas championship! None of you do!"

But then Brie runs in and hits her down to the mat as Naomi, Natalya and Brie start to jump her. 

"The diva meltdown!" King exclaimed as Morgan looked annoyed.

After they are done, Brie, Naomi and Natalya leave the ring, leaving AJ hurt. Morgan grabs a mic and gets in the ring. She glances at AJ's beaten down body, before bringing her attention to all the Total Divas who are on the ramp.

"Wait, wait wait...all of you hold on. I'm sorry, but I need to speak my mind about what I just saw." Morgan spoke as the crowd cheered her. "...What...was that...? What...the heck...was that?"

"This was trash! I came out here to watch a match and to see if you were worthy of this." she pointed at her championship on her shoulder. "But after what I saw? one minute match? I can't even call it a match, so I'll call it...a waste of time. A waste of TV time for that matter. Even the NXT diva matches are so much better than this. How do you expect me to think any of you deserve this? Better yet take you seriously. I mean, come on, you can do better than that. I know that you did not train all these years to do this trash that you just did on national television."

The Total Divas start getting angry at her statement.

Brie started yelling at Morgan. "You think you're the best diva here because you got the title! Shut up!"

"I'm not done, shut your mouth and wipe the cheap lipstick off your face!" The Philly Diva snapped as the crowd's cheers got louder. Brie had some lipstick smeared over her cheek while she was in the match. 

Brie was angry and wasn't going to take that. She is about to run into the ring but gets grabbed by the divas. 

"Brie that is not a good idea because you're only gonna get your ass kicked by me again. I did it on Raw after SummerSlam and I'll do it again. Try me." Morgan sat on the middle rope for her to get on the ring.

"Let's see it happen! Fight!" JBL encouraged

Moments later, Brie doesn't get in the ring and Morgan gets off the rope. 

"Typical...all talk but no action. All you divas do that and it makes me wonder if AJ's words were right. Now...back to my point...Ever since I've been out of the ring, these diva matches have been going south. Winning by shots...DQs...typical twin magic...that is not wrestling to me. So after what I saw tonight, it's very safe to say that I am the only Total Diva who makes diva matches interesting. I know it, the crowd knows it, my boys know it, the commentators know it, and everyone back in that locker room knows it and knows it good!" 

"Now, most of this is AJ's fault because she interfered so..." she dropped her title and the mic. She then picked up AJ to hit her with the backfire. 

She picked the mic back up and spoke, "I don't care who I have to face, but just be prepared for a real wrestling match." she flipped up the mic as it spun in the air and onto the floor as her theme came on.

Picking up her title, she raised it in the air.

"Wow, what a statement!" King exclaimed

"Morgan is really speaking her mind tonight. This Raw could turn chaotic if she keeps it up." Cole said as they went to the commercials.

Morgan tweets three times, 'Week after week I prove myself to my fans, critics, coworkers, bosses, and myself. #ImNoPushOverSweetie'

'I'm getting tired of AJ getting in the matches. Next time she does it again, I'm ripping the hair out of her crazy head. #Raw'

'People need to be put in their place. Even the good guys. #OneAtATime'


After Melanie's segment, she goes to catering. "Awesome promo girl!" Brie praised


"You look tired." Nikki looked concerned.

Melanie was a little tired. She was running around all night doing segments and practicing her promos, thinking of what to say. The part she needed to get used to was being onscreen with no script. She was usually just told the scene and what creative would want out of her actions. 

"I'll get used to it. I guess it's because of the new gimmick and all. I have a segment with Stephanie later on tonight, so for now I'm chilling." Melanie replied

"Ooh, sounds interesting." Eva Marie commented 

Colby walked over to the girls to greet them and praised Melanie for her promo. He grabbed two Cokes from the vending machine but shook one up while Melanie was preoccupied with her conversation with the divas. He sat next to her and gave her the shaken up soda. 

"Thanks." she grabbed the soda but ultimately felt bubbles flying everywhere inside the can. She looked around. "Hey, is that Joe calling you?"

"Where?" Colby looked away as she switched the cans. Seconds later he looked back. "I don't think so."

"Guess it was someone else." 

Melanie and Colby open their cans but then Colby gets splashed by soda as the divas laugh.

"Ooh, that doesn't look so good," she says with an amused smile.

"What the hell?" Colby exclaimed as he grabbed some napkins in front of him.

Melanie patted his shoulder. "Nice try. But I know the difference between a shaken up can of soda and a regular can of soda. But here's a regular Coke." she gives him a bottle of coke from her gym bag but when he opens it, the drink starts overflowing like a volcano and Melanie starts laughing.

"Very funny...I should have known..." Colby huffed, fully drenched in soda.

"Haha, I put Mentos in it. Snooze you lose. Think of some better plans."

'In Stephanie's Office'

Morgan walks into Stephanie's office as the crowd gives her a loud reception. 

"What do you want?" Morgan bluntly asked.

"I don't like that tone," Stephanie said sternly, wanting her to stop with the attitude.

"And I don't like your tone either. Now we're even. Now what is it?"

"Since you can't seem to control that little attitude of yours, I'm making your title match a five way match. You versus AJ, Naomi, Natalya, and Brie at Night of Champions."

"Typical..." she shook her head as the crowd boos Stephanie.

"No, just think of it as...a punishment since you aren't cooperating with what's best for business. Just know that you are going to be in a fight for your life. You better hope you succeed in your title match."

"Whatever you say, Stephanie. You're the one who's going to be salty when I win the damn match..."

Morgan tweets 'Opportunity handed to you or not, I'll make you divas cry as I make you tap out. #CryMeARiver.'

'Reciting JT's song? Wow...You'll be the one crying once you lose that championship of yours.' Brie replies.

'I earned everything. I wasn't handed anything in life. And I will make sure I earn more things, unlike you. #YouSuckedUp #OpportunitiesHanded'

AJ tweets 'In a match with my good friend WWEMorgan101! Wow, I cannot wait to face you for the title! You and I are gonna rock this match!'

'Cut the crap...' Morgan replies to AJ. 

Kaitlyn retweets and favorites her comment to AJ.

Kaitlyn tweets to AJ 'You just got backfired by Morgan and you're still sucking up? Wow...'

'No one asked you!' AJ replies.


'In The Ring'

During Big Show's match against Daniel Bryan, Big Show was getting ready to punch Daniel. 

"Knock him out, Big Show." JBL said.

"No..." King retorted. As soon as Big Show gets a leg over the ropes, about to leave the ring instead of finishing the match, Triple H's theme comes on. Morgan slowly walked down the ramp while her teammates speed walked down with Triple H following. "Oh no."

"Show...get back in that ring and finish it." Triple H ordered.

Morgan stopped walking and stood in the middle of the ramp while The Shield and Triple H were at the end, looking at Big Show. She began to look at Big Show with empathy. He didn't deserve this.

"No..." Big Show got out of the ring and stood up to the COO.

"Did you not hear what I said? Get back in that ring and finish it." Triple H repeated.

"No." Big Show walked past him and started walking up the ramp but then Dean, Roman and Seth slid in the ring and started attacking Daniel. Big Show quickly gets in the ring as The Shield regroup.

"Hey! Don't make me do this." Triple H said to Show as he got in the ring and stood up to him. Morgan gets in the ring and stands next to The Shield. "Think about your family, do what's right for you. Back up and step back. Do not make me do this, Paul you know I don't want to do this."

It was the same stuff over and over again. Triple H would put Big Show's family into the situation, knowing that it would make him vulnerable. She hated the feeling of being weak and helpless. It wasn't right. 

The Shield hit the triple powerbomb on Daniel while Big Show started to cry.

"Dammit..." Show wept in frustration. 

Morgan wished he would step up. She really wanted him to knock Triple H out one day. He was just asking for it.

"Show, turn around and look at me. Turn around! Let me tell you what you're gonna do. You're gonna ball up that big fist and you're gonna do what I tell you for your family. Show...ball it up real tight and knock Daniel Bryan out." Triple H ordered. 

'No! No! No!' The crowd chanted.

"Don't do it, please don't do it," Morgan mumbled as she looked at Show with worry while Roman picked up Bryan.

She started to smile when Big Show yelled "No!" to Triple H and exited the ring. 

"Leave me alone! Just leave me alone!" Big Show pleaded as he started walking up the ramp. 

Morgan couldn't take much more of this. She was truly repulsed at this abuse of power. She knew she was going to break soon. It was only a matter of time. 

Moments later, Stephanie's theme comes on and she walks out to use her charm to make him punch Daniel. To much of Morgan's disappointment, The Big Show starts walking back to the ring as Roman has Daniel in his arms, ready for Show to strike.

"Now, ball up that fist and knock out Daniel Bryan." Triple H ordered. 

Big Show looked at Morgan as she gave him a sad look. He looked up at the ceiling and then back at her.

"I'm sorry." he balled up his fist. 

Morgan looked away as he punched Bryan. Triple H started to smirk while Stephanie told Big Show that he did the right thing. 

Morgan shakes her head slightly at the Big Show. 

'I guess I have to...' She thought as she heard 'I hear voices in my head' around the arena. 

Orton walked out slowly with his title as Big Show, Stephanie, Triple H and The Shield stand on the ramp. They thought Morgan was going to do some last minute damage with Orton on Bryan so they didn't question her. 

As Morgan stayed in the ring, she looked at Daniel's knocked out body with her hands on her hips. Orton slid into the ring and glanced at her and then at Daniel. Orton looked like he was about to punt him but she blocked his way, shaking her head at him as the crowd erupted in cheers.

"Uh oh," JBL said as Orton looked at her in shock.

"What are you doing?" Orton questioned.

"He's already out! Give it a freaking rest!" Morgan exclaimed.

"Are you yelling at me!?"

"Don't treat me like some servant! I'm one of your friends! And don't treat me like I'm beneath you either! We've been doing a lot of stuff together, and it was mostly because of The Shield. Now you're gonna let them do your dirty work?! What happened to you? We've been through hell and back and now you want to treat me like this? Who the hell are you? I don't even know you anymore!"

"This is getting intense," Cole said.

"What is going on?" Stephanie asked her husband as they watched Orton and Morgan argue.

The Shield knew what was about to happen and decided to just watch instead of getting involved. They knew Morgan would want that. 

"Get out of the way." Orton ordered but Morgan stood her ground.

"Make me." she challenged

Orton started to look frustrated. "Would you get out of my way!?" He yelled in her face.

"How about you make me? I dare you."

Orton was about to push her out of the way but she slapped his hands away as the crowd erupted in cheers once more. 

"Do not! Touch me!" She sternly said as they got in each other's faces.

"Get out of my damn way!"

"Get out of my damn face!"

Triple H and Stephanie start to look alert at the situation as they glance at each other with worry.

"Things may get a little physical. What is going to happen?" Cole exclaimed. 

'Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!' The crowd encouraged.

"What is going on?!" Triple H shouted.

The roster who stood on the stage watched on with intensity. They really wanted some action. Especially if it was against Orton. But will they get it? They had their doubts. 

"She's about to blow," Rollins mumbled to Dean and Roman as they agreed

"Morgan," Orton called out in a stern tone. "Get out of the ring. Now."

She looked at him in disappointment and sighed. 

"Fine..." She backed off as the crowd became disappointed in her actions. She turned around and was about to leave the ring but stopped.

"Is she having second thoughts?" JBL asked

"It's the moment of truth." Cole pointed out.

She quickly turned back around and kicked Randy in the balls as the crowd popped and chanted 'Yes! Yes! Yes!'

King screamed in a high pitched voice as he watched what had just transpired. 

"She just low blowed the face of the company!" JBL yelled.

Orton falls down and holds his lower area in pain as Triple H and Stephanie's eyes widen. 

Triple H started to have a fit. "What the hell is she doing!? WHAT is she doing!? She just low blowed the face of the company! What is the meaning of this!?" He hollered.

The Shield smirk to themselves while The Big Show was grateful for what Morgan did. Even the roster was mentally happy that Morgan did what she did. 

She ran her fingers through her hair and glared at Orton as she took in everything that she had just done. 

"All that anger built inside is finally coming out tonight," JBL looked on.

Once the crowd stopped chanting, she began to blow. "You asshole! Who do you think you are talking to me like that!? Do you think you can order me around like some dog?! I don't think so, pal! Do you know who I am!? Do you know who you're dealing with here!?" Morgan screamed in frustration.

"I have never seen Morgan this angry before in my life. Her face is getting red by the minute." Cole yelled.

"I am the Diva's Champion! I am The Shield's girl! I am Morgan Lopez!" She yelled as Orton started to recover.

Triple H and Stephanie look on in disbelief. They could not believe what they were seeing. They were too stunned to even give orders to Big Show or The Shield to calm her down and take her out of the ring.

"Who are you to order me around, acting like some big shot!? Oh, I'm Randy Orton, The WWE champion. The so called face of the WWE." She mocked. "Well listen up pretty boy! Morgan says she just kicked you in the balls and it felt great! And I don't give a damn if you're the face of the company!"

Orton grabbed the ropes as he stood up. He started to mumble threats towards her, as his anger quickened. His temper was short. Very short.

"Morgan needs to get out of there," Cole warned.

"Oh, you want to hit me? You think I'm scared of you? You think you're the best? An A plus? You can't back anything up! You need someone to fight your battles, huh?" Morgan yelled but then Orton grabbed her by the neck. 

She managed to knee him in the midsection and hit him the backfire as the crowd went wild. The crowd starts chanting 'Yes' all over the arena. Morgan stared at his laid out body while she was on her knees. The Diva's Champion realized what she had just done and began to smirk. She stood up as the crowd chanted her name. 

"Let's go!" She yelled at the crowd, while Triple H was seething and Stephanie and The Shield tried to calm him down.

"We will handle it. We will. Just not tonight. Let her have her fun, for now. She is going to regret it later. Won't she boys?" Stephanie turned to The Shield, mostly Ambrose.

Ambrose faked a plotting smirk as he watched his girlfriend taunt the crowd while her theme came on. 

Morgan looked at The Authority and grinned. She started brushing her hands, proud of a job well done, and got out of the ring. After tagging some hands, she left through the crowd.

"It's official. Morgan is back." King happily said.

"Yeah but what will the Authority do, and The Shield? This is going to be a mess." JBL sighed at the mess Morgan had made.

"All that matters is that Morgan knows what she is doing now," Cole said.

Morgan tweets 'Should have done that a long time ago. Sorry for the wait. #ThatFeltGood #DidThatHurtRandy?'

Fans tweet:

'Yes! Finally! Oh my gosh she finally did it! #AboutFreakingTime'

'#MorganDropsTheViper That low blow was priceless. You tell them how it is Morgan! Represent!'

'She woke up big time. #TheSellOutPillIsGone #ShesBaaaaccckk'

'All that anger finally came out. Orton deserved it. I hope he finally gets the message. Morgan will put people in their place one step at a time.'


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1 year ago

Forced To Believe Chapter 15- Total Slap!

Forced To Believe Chapter 15- Total Slap!

Chapter Summary: Eva Marie gets bold with Morgan. The Shield visit NXT and deal with RVD and Big Show

Words: 8,000+


'After The Show'

Melanie, Celeste and April were in the diva's locker room, all cleaned up, and in their casual attire. 

"That was so fun! Congrats on the title, Melanie. You deserve it." April smiled

"Thanks, April." Melanie hugged her. "It feels so good. I'm excited to see what happens next as champion,"

"Enjoy the ride! You'll be rooming with Celeste and I. But all the divas are having a sleepover."

"Ooh, sounds like fun." Celeste grinned, looking up at her phone.

"And girls only!" April ordered, narrowing her eyes at Melanie.

"Well, you see..." Melanie smirked.

"Melanie!" April exclaimed.

"Hahaha, I'm joking! I'll meet you and Celeste in the parking lot."

"Okay, see you then." April grinned as Melanie grabbed her new title and gym bag.

She walked around backstage and noticed Jon. 

"Hey, you." he grinned. "Let me get that for you."

"Thanks, I'm exhausted."

"I can see. That match took a lot out of you, but it was worth it right?"

"Very worth it," she said as she gave him her bag

They walk out of the arena together hand in hand and meet Joe & Colby by the parking lot.

"Did you say goodbye to everyone?"

"Yeah, it was hard but I'll see them again, soon."

"Hey, lovebirds of justice! What's going on?" Colby asked with a grin as he opened up the trunk.

"Love birds of justice? That's new. Anywho, I'm hanging with the girls tonight, so you'll be on your own." Melanie informed.

"Good luck with that," Colby said as Jon started throwing his bags in the trunk.

"Haha, thanks. See you guys later."

All of a sudden they hear fans and they start cheering as Melanie begins waving. They heard many chants like Moxley, Melanie, Rollins, Roman, The Shield, Hounds of Justice and so on. 

Since she had some time, she decided to go see them to sign some autographs and take selfies. 

"This is so cool, Melanie is signing our stuff!" A teen who looked like she was 16 or 17 said with a grin as she was with her girlfriends who were around the same age.

"Aw, no problem, anything for my fans," Melanie replied with a bright grin. After a while, she went back to the boys to say goodbye.

"Wait, let me walk you to the car," Jon suggested as he grabbed her bags and title. It seemed like he didn't want to leave her just yet and wanted a few extra moments.

"Can't believe he's such a gentleman to her." Colby teased while Joe chuckled

"Ah, screw you guys," Jon responded as the guys laughed. 

Melanie and Jon walk to where April and Celeste are.

"Thanks, I really appreciate it," Melanie said

"Melanie, what took you so long­?" April began but witnessed her and Jon walking hand in hand. 

"Oh um, well you see, I ran into Jon and then we..."

Celeste chuckled. "We get the point."

"See you girls, later. Bye Mel." Jon kissed her cheek after giving her the bags and left as Celeste and April squealed. 

"So adorable! No doubt you are Philly's power couple." Celeste teased before getting in the driver's seat.

"Come on, it's sleepover time!" April cheered and got in the car. "Shotgun!"

"Great, I get to lay down in the backseat," Melanie sighed, getting in her seat 

"Ooh, that just gave me an idea for truth or dare." 

"Truth or dare!?" Melanie exclaimed as the two former champs laughed.

"Knowing you guys, you'll give me something crazy to do."

"Maybe..." Celeste teased with a playful grin. While she drove, she informed Melanie, "I wouldn't lay down, I see fans nearby."

"Awesome, I get to see the fans again," Melanie put her window down

"Someone really loves her fans."

"Can't help it." she chuckled as saw security trying to block fans as they looked at who was driving in the cars. 

Melanie waved with the girls before Celeste drove away. When they get to the hotel, Melanie rooms with April and Celeste. They see the divas already there.

"Thank goodness this is a big hotel room," April said. "Remember! No boys!" she turned to Nicole.

"Why are you looking at me?" Nicole asked innocently.

"Keep the dirty mind to yourself."

"No promises."

"Truth or dare time!" Celeste exclaimed as the girls cheered

"No!" Melanie quickly responded. "Uh, can I watch?"

"Oh no, and we got special dares for you, honey." Nicole grinned.

The Divas champion started to groan. She hated truth or dare sometimes. Last time she was dared to pole dance on a lamp, and if she didn't she would be forced to not have grapes. She couldn't take that chance, even if it was a bluff all along. 

"Why me?" Melanie complained

"Because you're entertaining to watch." Celeste recalled.

"Truth or dare?" Nikki asked with a grin.

"Dare..." Melanie frowned.

"I dare you to give me your phone."

"Um...okay?" she gave her phone to her.

"Great!" Nicole started texting.

"Whoa, what are you doing?"

"It's all part of the dare."

"Omg, Nicole!" Brie exclaimed as she read the text that she was typing

"Who are you texting?" Melanie raised a brow.

Nicole looks up at Melanie and gives her a grin. "Jon~"

"Oh no..." Melanie facepalmed

"Let's see...I'll text him 'Hey baby, what are you doing?' And later on, I'll text him some dirty messages."

"Nikki! No way, give me my phone!"

"I love the plan Nikki! Can I help?" Eva asked as she sat next to her. 

"Poor Melanie." Jojo gave her a sympathetic smile.

"Hey, what nickname do you call him?" Nicole asked.

"I'm not telling you." Melanie exclaimed.

"Oh come on, haven't you ever wanted him to just pin you to the wall and have his way with you? Plus, you look tense."

"A hot bath will help me. That should help me relax."

"Yeah, and Jon can join you and help you relax." 

Melanie shook her head as she tried to get dirty thoughts of Jon out of her head. "That's it, give me my phone!" she attempted to grab it but Nikki avoided it and ran to the bathroom, locking the door..

"Ooh! He just said he is about to take a shower." Nikki read. "Let's see..."

"Ooh! Text him 'If I was in the shower with you, what would you do to me?'" Brie offered

"Brie!" Melanie shouted

"That is gold!" Eva Marie praised 

"This is too funny! I like it!" Danielle giggled

Melanie groaned and ran her hands through her hair. "You guys are trying to screw up his mind. He's never gonna go to sleep without seeing me."

"That is supposed to happen." Ariane grinned

"Yeah, I like this." Eva Marie added

"Just sent it!" Nikki shouted from the bathroom as she waited for him to text back. 

"You two need to get a little more physical. You guys are cute and cuddly together, but have some roughness sometimes." Danielle teased.

"I hate truth or dare..." Melanie mumbled

Later, Nikki came out of the bathroom to give Melanie her phone back and she snatched it. 

"Someone is frustrated." Ariane chuckled.

"Very." Eva Marie commented.

"I am not!" Melanie countered and sat on the couch

The girls laugh and continue to play truth or dare. Suddenly, Melanie's phone vibrates and she looks at the text from Jon. It read, 'Get your sexy ass down to my room. You're not gonna be walking when I'm done with you.' And she immediately started to blush. 

"I'll be back." Melanie went straight for the door.

"Wait! Where are you going? We still need to give you our big dare! I've been waiting!" Celeste exclaimed as she quickly left the room while ignoring the calls out for her. 

When Melanie arrived on Jon's floor, she went into his room with a spare key

When she got to the 5th floor, she opened Jon's door since she had a spare key. Once inside, she heard the shower running and pondered if she should join in. 

Deciding to go for it, she stripped down and slipped into the shower. With his back to her, she wrapped her arms around his bare body.

"Thought you could use some company." She said, planting soft kisses on his back. 

She ran her hands up and down his chest before sliding them lower until he turned around. Pulling her close, he crashed his lips against hers as she wrapped her arms around him.

"You should stay a while..." He murmured against her neck after backing her against the shower wall. 

"Y-­yeah, I th­-think I should...Maybe I'll stay for a few minutes." 

"Just for a few minutes?" 

"Or hours..."

Hours later, Melanie left his room, flustered and sore. She made her way back to the floor where she stayed while checking her phone to see many missed calls and messages. Once she got back inside her room, she was bombarded with questions.

"Wait, are you wearing one of Jon's shirts?" Danielle asked

"I hope those hickeys don't show on TV tomorrow," Nattie laughed while Melanie got flustered and covered her neck

"Our plan worked!" Nicole high fived her sister

"Shut it..." Melanie said.

"How was he?" Ariane teased

"I'm going to sleep..." Melanie replied while the divas laughed


'Raw, WWE Exclusive Video'

Morgan was walking with her Divas Champion around her waist and walked up to where AJ was. The former champion glared and attempted to slap her but Morgan grabbed her wrist. 

"What do you want?" AJ snapped as she got released. Morgan was about to speak but AJ cut her off. "Before you say anything, I will get my champion back. That champion will not leave me again once I win it back."

"Look, I just wanted to thank you for the match we had last night. Even though you failed miserably to try to attack me, I'm thankful for the match. So thanks." Morgan said and walked away leaving AJ confused.

'In The Ring'

While Mark Henry was in the ring cutting a promo, The Shield decided to interrupt.








"Wait a minute, are you serious?" Jerry asked, shocked that The Shield was coming out to confront Mark Henry as Ambrose walked through the crowd with Morgan, holding hands. 

"Ambrose, Rollins, Reigns and Morgan, The Shield," Cole announced.

"If I were you, Mark Henry, I would leave the ring," Jerry advised as The Hounds of Justice surrounded the ring.

"Remember when they came and destroyed The Undertaker?"

The group got on the apron slowly. Morgan rests her elbows on the ropes while Mark Henry takes off his jacket. He hits Roman with a cheap shot, making him fall off the apron. Ambrose and Rollins quickly get in the ring and attack him, trying to beat him down. Roman gets back in the ring and it becomes a 3 on 1 assault but then Mark fights back and hits the guys with clotheslines. Ambrose jumps on his back and tries to wear him down with a sleeper hold as Rollins gets kicked in the stomach by Henry.

As Henry tries to get Dean off his back, he gets speared by Reigns while Morgan puts a finger to her ear and listens to the crowd boo. 

"Oh boo, all you want. Boo louder!" She yelled at the crowd.

Ambrose, Rollins and Reigns hit Mark Henry with the triple powerbomb and turn to her. 

"Oh man...come on Morgan, give him mercy with the kick. He's already been powerbombed." King exclaimed

The Philly diva gets in the ring and motions her team to pick Mark up. 

"Mercy isn't in this vixen's vocabulary King," Cole replied as she shook her head at Mark.

"It's a shame...but all things happen for a reason." She said and knocked him back down with a nasty roundhouse kick in the face. 'Holy shit' chants surrounded the arena as The Shield look down at Henry.

"That was the world's strongest statement," Jerry said as The Shield's theme came back on and they had their fists out with their titles in the air.

"Everyone of them champions." JBL looked on.

'Next Week, on Monday'

Waking up in Jon's arms, Melanie was about to get out of bed but felt his arms tighten around her. 

"Don't leave yet. Let me hold you a little bit longer...I don't feel like getting up, right now," He murmured

All of a sudden, their hotel room door opens and they see Colby, Joe and Celeste walking in. "Wake up love birds of justice!" Colby yelled

"And...I'm going to kill him..." Jon mumbled.

"Not before I do," Melanie replied, getting out of bed.

"Sorry, I tried to stop him." Joe said with a sympathetic look.

"You made a cake last night?" Celeste asked.

"Yep, and I can't wait to eat it. But actually, I'll just eat it after I eat some food. If anyone eats my cake, I will find you and I will kill you." Melanie quoted from the Taken Movie, leaving with Celeste to eat breakfast.

Later in the day, Celeste and Melanie came back to the hotel room while the boys were at the gym.

"Finally some cake time!" Melanie beamed and ran to the fridge. As soon as she opened it, she screamed in horror.

"What happened!?" Celeste yelled back, running to the fridge in panic.

Melanie showed her an empty plate with a few cake crumbs. "Who the hell ate my cake!?"

'Meanwhile, with Colby And The Boys'

"You sure Melanie won't notice that you ate her cake? You know she's been waiting for a free day to bake." Joe mentioned, putting his weights down.

"Nah...she'll never notice." Colby grinned.

"Dude, if she finds out, she is going to kill you." Jon chuckled

'RAW, Backstage, In catering'

"Anyone seen Melanie?" Jon asked, hanging out with Colby, Joe and Celeste.

"She's either getting ready for her Total Diva segment or is chilling somewhere else," Celeste replied. As if on cue, Melanie walked over to Colby with a cake.

"Dude." She called out to him, taking a seat beside him.

"Yea­-" Colby got cut off and was hit in the face with the cake as Celeste's jaw dropped. 

Melanie smeared the cake all over his face and then dropped it as it fell on his lap.

"Now, what have we learned?" Melanie cleared her throat and asked in a sweet voice as Jon and Joe started to laugh. "Never mess with my cake."

Celeste snapped a quick photo of the two.

"...Nice..." Colby grumbled as he wiped some cake off his eyes and mouth. He licked his index finger, tasting the icing but makes a disgusted face. "This cake is nasty!"

"Exactly. I made it nasty since I put salt in it instead of sugar." Melanie mentioned with a grin and walked away proudly.

Celeste couldn't hide her muffled giggles and laughed out loud. 

"What are you laughing at!?" Colby snapped at her and his teammates.

"N-­nothing." Celeste replied

'In The Ring'

"Ladies and gentlemen The Miz!" Justin announced. 

The cast of Total Divas are in the ring wearing dresses. Melanie wears dress pants and a dress shirt which is all blue.

"Welcome to the must see WWE talk show in history, welcome to Miz TV!" Miz exclaimed. "In less than 4 weeks time I will be your host at the 26th annual SummerSlam! But before we get to SummerSlam, there is a new hot premiere happening only E! and it's a new reality show and I know a thing or two about reality shows called Total Divas. Let's take a look." he looks at the titantron and it shows a scene from the first episode of Total Divas. 

"Allow me to introduce to you the cast of Total Divas. Starting from my right, Nicole and Brianna, the Bella twins. Eva Maria! Jojo! Natalya! Cameron and Naomi! And last but not least, your new Diva's Champion, Morgan Lopez!" He introduced. "And now I think I'm going to turn this thing over to Jerry 'The King' Lawler!"

"What?" Jerry asked

"Come on Jerry."

"It's your big chance," Cole said with a grin as Jerry removed his headset and got in the ring with a mic.

"Come on Jerry, you know all the ladies don't you?" The Miz asked as he leaned on a turnbuckle.

"Well...I know the Bella Twins, hello. I know the Funkadactyls, Cameron and Naomi. Natalya you and I go way back, I known you forever. I know the feisty Morgan." Jerry smiled as Morgan gave him a small smile. "Jojo, we've never met, I'm Jerry 'The King' Lawler. Nice to meet you." He shook her hand and turned to Eva. "And Eva Maria. I'm Jerry 'The King' Lawler." He had his hand out for her to shake it but she stood up and took his mic.

"You know Jerry, I don't like how you're looking at me." Eva turned to the crowd. "My name is Eva Marie, and I'm here to make a name for myself." 

The crowd gives her mixed reactions while Morgan rolls her eyes. Eva gives Jerry his mic back but then slaps him, shocking the crowd. Nikki and Brie move their chairs from Eva while Morgan shakes her head.

"Miz uh, I think we're out of time, I'll turn this back over to you," Jerry said as he gave Miz the mic and left the ring.

Morgan stands up and grabs the mic from Miz. 

"I'm sorry, make a name for yourself? And this is how you make a name for yourself? That is so 2000..." she said to Eva as she walked up to her.

"Ladies, calm down," Miz spoke up.

"There are plenty of other ways to make a name for yourself. That wasn't one of them." The Philly diva added. 

Eva nodded in response, thinking about her words before smacking the champion across the face, shocking the crowd again.

"She's slapping everyone tonight," Cole exclaimed as Morgan rubbed the side of her face and stared at her. 

She fakes a punch and Eva flinches back, falling back down on her seat. 

Morgan chuckled, shaking her head. "I'll let that slide because you're not even worth it." She gave the mic back to Miz and sat back down.

"Well, tune in to Total Divas on Sundays. It will be Awesome." Miz announced, closing the segment.

'Next Week on Raw'

During The Shield's match against the Usos and Mark Henry, Morgan watches The Usos take control of Roman. When one of the Usos runs to the ropes, she grabs his foot as he falls down face first, and the crowd boos her. 

"Oh boo hoo..." She taunted the crowd.

"Never take your eyes off of Morgan, she's very sneaky." Cole said.

The ref turns around and sees the Usos on the mat and Morgan touching her hair, trying not to look suspicious. 

"Did you trip him?" The ref asked.

"Uh oh." JBL looked on

"What? What are you talking about? I didn't do anything!" She exclaimed as the crowd cheered the ref for confronting her.

"That's it, you're out of here!" The ref yelled

"What!? No! You can't do that! Do you know who I am!? I am the Divas Champion! You can't ban me!"

"Get out of here!"

"No! I am THE divas champion!"

"Morgan needs to control her anger." Cole warned

"She may make her team get DQed." King added

"Are you serious!?" Ambrose yelled from the apron, standing next to Rollins.

"Morgan!" Seth shouted

"Don't yell at me! I was tryna help you!" Morgan shouted back.

"I'm not yelling at you!"

"Yes, you are!"

"Calm down! Calm down! We can still win this." Roman exclaimed.

"We got this all right?" Dean reassured. 

Morgan nodded and reluctantly started walking up the ramp as the Usos waved goodbye to her.

"Looks like The Shield might have a conflict now that Morgan is forced to leave." King said as they went to a commercial break.


Colby sat in catering with Joe as he began to drink a diet coke. Taking a big gulp he quickly started coughing. "What the fuck is this!?"

"You all right, man?" Joe laughed at his reaction

Colby coughed a couple more times and grabbed a bottle of water, drinking it down quickly. "She put hot sauce in this...that sneaky..."

"Hey Colby, how's that soda? Spicy isn't it?" Melanie asked with a grin as she walked past the guys.

"I'm going to get you for this!" He yelled and wiped his mouth.

"Dude, you need to step up your game, you've been losing this battle," Joe advised.

"I know man, I know..." Colby muttered 



"Introducing the challenger, she is the Divas Champion, Morgan Lopez!" Kendall Skye announced as the NXT crowd cheered her on. 

Morgan walks out in her Shield attire which is a black tank top, boots, pants and a black hoodie over her head. She walks down the ramp with her title as Summer Rae looks at her in disgust.

"It's been a while since we last saw Morgan on NXT, but it's great to have her back." William Regal said on commentary.

"Yes, it is. She seeks revenge on Summer Rae after she slapped her boyfriend, the United States Champion, Dean Ambrose, during Money in the bank." Tom Phillips said as she got in the ring and got on the turnbuckle to taunt the crowd.

"She tends to keep grudges," William reminded as she got off the turnbuckle and gives the ref her title. She took off her hoodie and put it to the side.

"Oh yeah. Let's see if The Shield's girl can give Summer Rae the breakdown."

'Ding Ding Ding'

Morgan's grin turns into a glare as she stares down Summer Rae. 

"It's amazing how her mood changes so quickly when she's in the ring. It's almost scary." Tom said as William agreed

"Let's go, Morgan!" A loud female fan yelled. 

Morgan gives the crowd a smirk. She missed the NXT crowds. They were small but could be heard a lot. She loved NXT. Morgan and Summer Rae circle around each other. 

"You're making a big mistake." Summer taunted.

"Oh really? If it wasn't for Fandango, your body would have been snapped like a twig." Morgan retorted.

Summer glares and runs to her but Morgan ducks and clotheslines her. She goes for the pin and gets a one count. The crowd starts to chant 'We believe' as Morgan looks at the crowd and puts her fist up in the air as the crowd cheers her on. Meanwhile, Summer quickly crawls to the turnbuckle and calls for a time out. Morgan rolls her eyes and walks to her but gets thrown into the middle turnbuckle as she hits her head.

"What a cheap shot by Summer." Tom said. 

Summer puts her foot on Morgan's neck and starts choking her.

"Get off of her Summer! 1! 2! 3! 4!" The ref yelled as Summer released her. 

She grabs Morgan by the hair and throws her across the ring.

"I think she ripped some of her hair out. Ouch...Morgan isn't going to like that." Regal warned.

Morgan recovers and starts hitting Summer with clotheslines. After the 5th one, she kicks her in the stomach and puts her in the backfire position but Summer counters and throws her down on the mat by her hair. She runs to the ropes, hitting her with a leg drop, and pins Morgan for a 2 count. She then puts Morgan into a camel clutch. The crowd cheers on Morgan as she fights out and stands up. She runs back as Summer hits her back on the turnbuckle. 

Morgan turns around and starts hitting her with elbows on the turnbuckle and after the 8th one, the ref stops her. After the ref gives Morgan a small lecture on him counting to 5, she gets kicked in the stomach by Summer as she stumbles back. Summer took the advantage to hit Morgan with a hard spinning heel kick and went for the pin but got a 2 count. 

"Morgan's resiliency is strong. That is what makes her a tough opponent. At first, she would lose matches by 1 hard kick, but over the years, she has progressed into a more resilient opponent. I wonder how much she can take from Summer's kicks." Tom looked on as Summer started complaining to the ref. 

Morgan starts to get a little angry and stands up. As soon as Summer turns around, Morgan jumps on her and starts unloading on her but the ref tries to break it up. She shoves Summer to the ropes and starts hitting her with chops to the chest as the crowd 'Woos' in response. After the chops, she hits Summer with another spinning kick to the face.

She gets on the top ropes and waits for Summer to get up. She jumps to connect with a cross body but Summer quickly runs to the ropes as Morgan falls down hard on the mat. 

"That is not a good landing," Regal observed as Morgan held her stomach. Summer grabs Morgan and throws her to the turnbuckle. She puts her long right leg on her neck and starts to choke her.

"Get off of me!" Morgan yelled and grabbed her foot and threw it down as Summer fell into a split. 

She yells a loud battle cry as she hits Summer with a hard kick in the face. After hitting her with the backfire, she makes her tap out with the breakdown submission. 

"Here is your winner! Morgan Lopez!" Kendall Skye announced as the crowd cheered

"That's what happens," Morgan said and stood up to get her hand raised. 

She grabs her championship and gets on the turnbuckle, raising up her title and has her fist out. 

"It's so good to be back!" She said to the crowd with a grin as they cheer her on.

"A warm welcome back from the NXT crowd. What a nice match." Tom said.

'Later on NXT'

The Shield walk out to the stage to confront Adrian Neville and Corey Graves. They get a loud reception from the crowd while Morgan has her title on her arm.

"It's The Shield! Dean Ambrose, the US champion, with his girlfriend, the Diva's champion, Morgan Lopez, and Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns, the WWE Tag Team champions. What a team these 4 are." Tom said 

"Good news boys. The Shield is back." Seth announced as the crowd cheered. "You remember us right? I know Corey Graves, you couldn't forget because the last time we were on NXT, we left you lying in a heap in the center of that ring. Heh, now good for you, you got yourself back up and you managed to get yourself a tag team championship, congratulations, you're almost like myself and Roman. Almost." The crowd oohs. 

Roman and Seth raise up their titles. "But not quite." He continued as Ambrose oohed and Morgan chuckled at his statement

"Adrian Neville...listen up kiddo, you're carrying around a belt, you're not a champion. you didn't earn that. " Dean said as the crowd 'Ohs'. "You're a thief...a crook and that's an injustice." He added in a dark tone as Roman had a smirk on his face and Rollins grinned. "And injustice, punishable by the law of The Shield. So here's what we're gonna do, listen up, you just won the lottery. I'm giving you a chance to greatness. I'm laying out the challenge to you. Step in the ring with Dean Ambrose, one on one, so I can make you pay for your crimes."

The crowd chants yes while Adrian grabs a mic. "Dean Ambrose, you talk and you talk and you talk. You wanna face me? Then let's do it. But let's make it a little bit more interesting. Why don't you put your US title on the line and why don't we do it right now!" He responded.

Ambrose looks around and looks at Adrian. 

"Brother, do you know who you're talking to?" Ambrose asked as Morgan chuckled. "You ain't talkin' to some NXT chump. All right?'re talking to the United States champion, the most important, the best singles champion in this industry." he continued as Rollins pointed at his title. 

Morgan places her hand on his shoulder and smirks at Adrian and Corey.  

"Oh yeah we'll do this...we're gonna do week." Ambrose quickly blurted out as the crowd 'ohs'

"Next week, next week, all right, all right, I guess I'll have to wait till next week to be the guy that destroys The Shield, piece by piece, brick by brick, starting with you."

The Shield looks amused. 

"Oh, we're so scared..." Morgan pretended to look scared.

"You see Dean, next week when I take your US championship from around your waist, justice will finally be served. Believe in that!" Adrian declared as his theme came on and he taunted the crowd.

"It'll be a showdown next week for the US title on NXT," Tom announced.

'Next week, Raw'

Backstage, the Bellas are primping in the mirror and Eva Marie walks up to them. 

"Brie, nice win last week. You sure made Nattie look so silly." Eva grinned. "Speaking of silly..." Eva retorted as Morgan got mixed reactions when she walked up to her.

"Oh, I'm sorry, what was that?" Morgan asked as she got in her face. "Nothing to say?"

"I do."

"Then what? Say it to my face or so help me I will hurt you so bad, you'll never want to slap me again." She threatened. After a moment of staring at each other, she smirked at Eva. "Nothing to say huh? Good cause I don't feel slap slapping the red off you,"

"Shut up Morgan. You always bully people." Brie rolled her eyes

"At least I'm not the fifth grader who puts a 'L' on their forehead. Childish much...?" Morgan asked as Brie and Nikki frowned at her. "And, Eva is lying to you, Brie. That wasn't a good win at all. You only won because of your sister. You can't do anything on your own, can you? It was a cheap win if you asked me. I mean, roll up pins after a distraction? At least finish her off before you win the match. But that's what you do best so, I'm not surprised. Sometimes I wonder how you even became Diva's Champion. Both of you actually."

"Do you know who you're talking to? You're talking to veterans." Eva Marie spoke up.

"Was I talking to you? And the only veteran I know is Natalya, who I'm facing tonight." Philly's diva responded.

"Um, we are veterans." Nikki declared. "You on the other hand...are not."

"I may not be, but at least I won the Diva's Championship in my hometown. And in a good match too." Morgan added.

"First of all, you only won by a fluke. So, who cares about you? You looked silly in that outfit during Money in the Bank anyway." Brie said as Nattie walked up to the girls. "And speaking of looking silly...the fact that you two are even allowed on our show is such a slap in the face." 

"Oh act like you two are the top stars. All the divas are the stars of Total Divas. Not Dumb, Dumber and Dumbest. Get your facts straight." Morgan retorted. 

These girls were ridiculous.

"Ugh, you're such a slap in the face..."

"Actually Brie...this is a slap in the face," Natalya said and slapped her, making the Bellas and Eva gasp. The crowd cheered as Natalya walked away while Morgan laughed.

"You-­no! Rugh!" Brie exclaimed as Eva and Nikki held her back.

"We handle it our way, we handle it our way..." Nikki calmed her down.

"Couldn't done it better myself. You better cover that up with some makeup. If you can..." Morgan smirked and walked away.

"She is gonna get it," Nikki grumbled

"Yeah." Eva agreed

"I'll handle her. I got this." Nikki declared

"Well...Natalya and Morgan are in action next." Cole said as Raw went to a commercial

'In The Ring'

Morgan and Natalya circle around each other and lock up. Natalya pushes her down as Morgan looks at her and nods. 

"Wonder who is going to win this match up," Cole said as they circled around each other again. 

Morgan kicks her in the stomach and throws her to the ropes to give her a dropkick. She jumps on the ropes and hits her with a moonsault.

"Morgan's highflying skills are interesting to watch." JBL looked on as she pinned Natalya for a 2 count. 

Morgan takes control of her with a headlock but Natalya breaks out of it by standing up and elbowing her in the stomach. Natalya starts to take control and grabs her into a suplex hold and holds it for a while as the crowd claps for them. Morgan tries to kick her legs but gets hit by Natalya's suplex. She pins Morgan for a 2 count.

"How Morgan kicked out of that impact is beyond me." Cole stated, watching in disbelief. As Morgan recovers but gets caught in a powerslam by her. "The power of Natalya."

She picks up Morgan and puts her in an abdominal stretch. "Is Morgan going to tap?" King asked

She manages to fight out of it, striking her with a hip toss as she grabs her into a headlock. Natalya fights out of it but Morgan picks her up and throws her to the turnbuckle. She sets her on top of it and gives her a suplex, taking a lot of energy from both of them. 

"Amazing suplex." King looked on as the ref started to count for a double KO. 

Natalya and Morgan get up on 7 and start hitting each other with punches to the face as the crowd cheers for Natalya and the crowd boos for Morgan. She grabs Morgan's punch and hits her with a belly to belly suplex. 

"That's gotta be it." JBL said before she pinned Morgan for a 2 count. 

Morgan rolls out the ring still feeling the impact from Natalya's suplex.

"Morgan looks out of it." Cole said as Natalya got out of the ring. 

Morgan gets up and throws her to the barricade. Then, she throws her back in the ring and gets inside. As soon as Natalya gets up, she walks over to her but gets hit with the discuss clothesline. Natalya pins her again but gets a 2 count. She then grabs Morgan's legs as the crowd cheers. Morgan tries to fight out of it but gets caught in the sharpshooter. She tries to crawl to the ropes as the crowd cheers on The Dungeon Diva.








Natalya quickly releases her and looks in fear as The Shield walks down the steps of the arena through the crowd. 

"Oh no, what are they doing here?" Cole asked 

Morgan crawls to the turnbuckle and leans her left arm on the ropes as The Shield surrounds the ring. She smirks to herself and gets up while Natalya is distracted. Morgan walks to her and turns her around to finish her with a backfire.

"And a backfire by Morgan." King said as she laid out Natalya and pinned her for the win. 

As she got her hand raised by the ref, she shook her head at Natalya, "You'll learn soon enough," 


After the match, Melanie goes to catering, scrolling on her phone.

"Hey Melanie, I got you some grapes." Colby gave her a bag.

"Omg! Thank you! You rock dude! I love this stuff!" She exclaimed and snatched it off his hands as he chuckled. "This is so cool."

"No problem, I know how much you love grapes."

"Double cool!"

"Oh, and they are also really sour just for you."

"Triple cool!"

"Like the powerbomb." He pointed out.

"Totally!" she grinned, holding a big handful of grapes, and shoved them in her mouth. She began to chew it but spit it out, in disgust. "You asshole! These are rubber grapes!"

Colby laughed and shrugged. "Couldn't resist."

She threw the grapes at him. "That was a good one. But don't get too happy. I'm still going to win this battle."

"Keep dreaming."


'Next Week on Raw'








"Oh no." King said as Randy and Cena who were in the ring turned their attention to the crowd.

"I think things have got much worse. For Cena and Orton." Cole looked on with concern. As soon as Ambrose, Morgan, Seth and Roman walk down the steps, Cole says, "And here they are!"

"Yeah and if I were the champ, I'd be elsewhere right now," King said. The Shield surround the ring as Randy has his Money in the Bank briefcase as a weapon and Cena has his WWE title in his hands ready to strike. "3 on 2, just how The Shield loves it."

"It's their yard." JBL stated.

Morgan watches as Roman, Dean and Seth get on the apron but then Daniel Bryan runs down to the ring in his new 'Corporate' makeover as his hair is in a neat ponytail, thanks to The Authority. The Shield got down the apron and rushed to the barricade. 

"Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa, gentlemen, gentlemen! And lady! Everyone just take a deep breath!" Brad Maddox spoke as he rushed out to the stage. "I can see what's going on here and I got a little idea. Since no one seems to be able to get along, how about we have a six man tag match for the main event? The Shield versus Daniel Bryan, Randy Orton, and John Cena tonight!" he announced as the crowd cheered at the idea.

Later on the night, Morgan is at ringside as she watches The Shield's match against Randy, Daniel and Cena. As soon as Daniel is tagged in the ring by Randy, he gets on the top rope and hits Seth with a dropkick as he falls backward to his corner. Ambrose tags himself in and tries to clothesline Bryan but he ducks and kicks Roman off the apron.

Near the end of the match, Cena gets the tag from Bryan but the ref did not see it and gets forced back on the apron. Ambrose hits Cena with a cheap shot and he falls out of the ring but then Orton hits him from behind and starts stomping on him. 

"Hey!" Morgan got on the apron but gets grabbed by Orton for an apron DDT.

"Sorry Morgan, I can't let you distract me," Orton said

"Oh no! Not Morgan! Not your old friend!" King exclaimed as he quickly hit her with a DDT and she rolled out the ring.

During that, Daniel tries to put Seth in the yes lock but he counters it and throws him into Orton as Orton falls out of the ring. Seth tries to put Daniel in a roll up but gets caught in the Yes lock. Ambrose and Reigns quickly break it up and jump on Bryan and The Shield gets DQed. 

Cena runs into the ring and throws The Shield out of the ring with Bryan. Morgan checks on her teammates while Daniel chants 'yes'. As soon as he turns around he gets RKOed by Orton. The Hounds of Justice run back into the ring to try to attack once more but get thrown out of the ring again.

They quickly retreat as Orton hits Cena with an RKO. "Cash it in Randy. We have a new champion tonight! Do it!" JBL exclaimed as Orton grabbed his briefcase.

"No way." Morgan said, getting in the ring with her teammates following her.

Orton gets off the apron as she holds her head, still feeling the effects of the DDT. As Cena recovers, Reigns gives him a spear as he rolls out of the ring. Randy walks up the ramp with his briefcase as Morgan shakes his head at him. 

The Shield hit Daniel with the triple powerbomb and turned to Morgan.

She shook her head. "Not tonight." She said as she stood next to them and did The Shield pose with them over Bryan.

Fans tweets:

'DDT on WWEMorgan101! #YesYesYes'

'Damn no kick tonight Morgan?'

'HAHA Orton owned Morgan with that DDT. Serves her right! #RAW'

'No! Morgan got hit with the DDT! I hope she's okay. She'll get her revenge #MorganRules'


'Main event'

Melanie, already in her Shield attire, is walking down the ramp, to meet Danielle and Curtis.

"Hey, I hope I didn't take long, I was waiting for Jon but haven't seen or spoken to him all day. Have you seen him?" Melanie asked.

"No, I haven't hun," Danielle replied

"Maybe he's backstage. Anyway, what do you need me to see?"

"I was thinking of a new dance step while I dance on the stage."

"Show me." 

Danielle and Curtis show Melanie their new dance steps but then Danielle stops and starts to giggle. 

"What? What happened?" Melanie asked

Curtis looked up the ramp and chuckled. "I see why..."

"I see why what?" Melanie inquired again. She really wanted to know why they were laughing.

"Nothing, nothing." Danielle teased.

"Cupcakes and soda! What is going on? Did I do something wrong?"

"Nah, just being beautiful." she hears a voice a familiar voice

"There you are! I was trying to find you all day " Melanie began but saw Jon holding a bouquet. She laughed and blushed, "Oh my gosh..."

"So cute..." Danielle smiled

"Hope I didn't worry you." He gave her the flowers and pulled her in for a quick kiss.

"Get a room you two!" Colby said as he walked down the ramp in his wrestling attire and a bottle of water in his hand. Melanie sticks her tongue out at him. "Ready for the match tonight?"

"Oh yeah. Mark Henry and I got the world's largest slam down. I can handle it."

"You love entertaining the crowd don't you?"

"I like to do a lot of stuff with the guys just like Lita and Chyna even though we are on PG."

Later on, Melanie takes a pic of the flowers and tweets 'What a surprise! How cute #LovebirdsOfJustice'

'In The Ring'

Morgan is at ringside, watching The Shield take on the Usos and Mark Henry. Henry takes control of Seth and Ambrose as he gives them a big splash off the turnbuckle. Morgan gets on the apron and punches Henry's back to get his attention as the ref doesn't look. Henry turns around and glares at her.

"That was not a wise move," Miz said on commentary with Josh.

"Who do you think you are? You think you're all big and bad?" Morgan provoked and slapped him in the face as the crowd was shocked at her boldness. 

"And Morgan has completely lost her sanity folks." Miz looked on.

"Clearly. Slapping the world's largest man will only give you a death sentence. Man or woman." Josh added. The crowd starts to cheer when Morgan gets grabbed in the ring by Mark and picked up for the World's largest slam. "Oh my gosh, he's not gonna-Oh! He did!" He exclaimed as he hit Morgan with the World's Largest Slam.

Morgan rolls to the end of the ring on her back. Mark turns his attention to Ambrose and tags in Jimmy. Jimmy gets on the turnbuckle and does the diving splash on Ambrose. As soon as he gets up, Seth runs into the ring and hits the blackout on Jimmy as the ref is distracted by Roman fighting Mark at ringside. Ambrose pins Jimmy for the win. 

"And Dean Ambrose is gonna steal this one for The Shield." Josh said as he rolled out the ring when Mark and Jey Uso got in the ring.

Roman and Seth go to the barricade while Ambrose goes to Morgan, picking her up bridal style to carry her backstage through the crowd. Roman and Seth grab all of The Shield's titles as they stare down the Usos and Mark.

Fans tweet:

'I kind of fangirled a little when I saw Dean carry Morgan. So cute even though she got hit by Mark Henry's world's largest slam.'

'Lol, does Morgan think before she acts? She's unpredictable and doesn't care about the consequences.'

Morgan tweets 'Sacrificed myself for my team. At least we won. #TeamPlayer'


Ambrose cleared his throat, backstage with his team. "I don't want to say that, that's too easy but that was too easy," he said as Seth chuckled. 

"Mark Henry and the Usos...that's exercise. That's a walk in the park. Mark Henry, guys like Mark Henry...lazy, worn out, waste of better start realizing that you aren't looking at rookies...or eye candy." he said as he looked at Morgan. "You are looking at a real diva...A real woman. A woman who gets the job done week after week after week no matter how hard the challenge is. She is, the Diva's Champion Morgan Lopez. The United States champion, the most dominant champion in this company, and may as well be the WWE champion cause let's face it...I'm the man. You are also looking at the tag team champions...the best tag team on planet earth. We set the standard for this industry for now our message to the WWE Universe tonight...start catching up." Ambrose continued

"There is only 1 problem with one can catch up to us. We are so far away from everybody else that it's not even funny," Seth spoke up. "The Usos, we dismantled them time and time again from the bottom all the way to the top. It doesn't matter who you are. Randy Orton, money in the bank winner, Daniel Bryan number one contender for the WWE title, or the WWE champion himself John Cena."

Morgan grabbed the camera. "Time and time again I see divas look like eye candy and have 1 minute matches. Divas with all talk and no action...that is not good for the divas division. So, that's why I stepped in. That is why I stepped up and won the Diva's championship. I finally made the divas worth watching again and I also showed everyone what a real Diva's Champion is." 

Ambrose smirked at her comment while Seth said "That's right." in the background.

Roman takes the camera. "It doesn't matter who you are...where you're from...or what you're willing to do, there is no end to all of this. There is no end to justice...believe that and believe in The Shield." 

'Next week, Raw'

After RVD wins the battle royal to challenge Dean Ambrose, The Shield walk down the steps and through the crowd while RVD and Mark Henry are in the ring. The crowd chants 'RVD' as Morgan, Dean, Seth and Roman get on the apron. All of a sudden, the Big Show's theme comes on as Ambrose's eyes widen, and gives Seth, Roman, and Morgan a panic stare.

As the Big Show walks out in his street clothes, Seth mouths 'Oh Shit...'

"Huge problem," Morgan mumbled as they all slowly got off the apron while Big Show walked down to the ring. She quickly walked over to Ambrose and retreated with her teammates.


Morgan is at ringside, watching The Shield take on Big Show, RVD and Mark Henry. Near the end of the match, she watches in delight as Ambrose waits for Big Show to get in the ring. Ambrose kneels and punches the mat before quickly standing up which reminds her of how the Joker would stand. 

"Do you see how lucky I am to have a badass like him?" The Philly diva taunted the crowd and gets boos in response. 

Ambrose grabs Big Show, about to hit a DDT but Show picks him up and slams him down. Morgan drops her smirk and widens her eyes. 

"That was NOT supposed to happen!" She pointed to the crowd and turned back to the apron, banging on it. Big Show makes a fist as she starts to panic and quickly gets in the ring. 

"No! Don't do it!" She begged as Big Show stopped and looked at her. 

"Morgan trying to talk Big Show out of punching her boyfriend." Cole looked on.

She gets in front of Ambrose, standing up to Big Show. "I said, don't do it."

"Get out the ring Morgan!" The ref ordered.

While Ambrose recovered, the Big Show grinned and made another fist as the crowd cheered. Ambrose pushes her out of the way as he gets punched in the face. 

"Dean!" She yelled and kneeled to help him. 

The ref forced her out of the ring while RVD got tagged in and hit the Five Star Frog Splash on Ambrose to win.

"Seems like things didn't go as planned!" Cole laughed. "RVD has pinned the US champion!"

Ambrose rolls out the ring while Seth, Morgan and Roman go to help him. 

"I am so useless!" Morgan beat herself down.

"You did what you could," Roman reassured as she nodded

"Rob Van Dam has pinned the United States champion. Can he do that Sunday?" Cole questioned.

'Backstage Fallout'

Morgan is annoyed and leans on a wall while Rollins throws a fit. An interviewer and camera walk up to the team

"This can't be happenin'" Seth exclaimed.

"Excuse me? Excuse me? Shield uh we just wanted uh-" The interviewer began.

"What's your problem? Shut up! Get out of here!" Seth pushed the camera away.

"Dude, calm down," Morgan spoke up as she had her title on her arm. Roman and Ambrose walk around while Ambrose holds his jaw. "Dean, I'm sorry, I should have done something better," she continued to feel guilty that he got punched.

"It's fine." Dean comforted her.

"Did you just see what just happened? That's not gonna happen again!" Seth rambled angrily as Ambrose grabbed his shoulder and tried to calm him down. "Those guys " 

"All right, all right. It's fine." Ambrose said

"It ain't fine..." Seth mumbled. 

Morgan sighed and tried to calm him down in the background as Ambrose looked at the camera about to give a promo. 

"It's fine...although I am a little disappointed in Rob Van Dam, Rob, letting the Big Show do your dirty work...letting the big men fight your battles for you." Ambrose said while Seth kicked something in the background.

"Hey! Calm down." Morgan snapped

"Might as well let him be..." Roman sighed. 

Morgan gives up and watches Seth go on a mini rampage

"SummerSlam kickoff...Big Show isn't gonna be there in LA. The 5 star frog splash ain't gonna be in LA. And the United States championship, that sure ain't gonna be in LA for you either. Cause now you're going one on one with Dean Ambrose with the championship on the line. You're playing chess with Bobby Fisher, there's just no way to win dude...and the world is slowly finding out that fact. Dean Ambrose...The Shield and the United States championship are the whole damn show." Ambrose pushed the camera away.

After the segment, Melanie started to laugh. "It is so hard to not laugh at you being angry."

"Hey, I keep it real." Colby chuckled.

After the show, Melanie walked around on her phone. 

She tweets 'SummerSlam Axxess! Watch me reveal the 30 years of WrestleMania roster of WWE2K14 in LA. #RepresentingTheDivas'

Fans tweet:

'OMG! I can't wait to meet you! I'll be in LA!'

'Can't wait to see you, Damien, King, JR and Ric Flair reveal the roster! It's going to be awesome.'

'I can't wait to meet you in LA! You are so cool!'

'Cannot wait to meet you in LA during SummerSlam Axxess!'

Melanie smiled at the comments and looked up as she saw Jon sitting by, checking his phone. 

"Hey." She grinned and kissed him but noticed him wincing in pain. "You all right?"

"Yeah, I'll live." He replied, brushing it off.

"You're hurt." She declared

"I'm fine­-" He hissed in pain again when she touched his jaw.

"You were saying? Jon, you gotta go check this out. It may be broken or cracked."

"Mel, I'll be fine. It's not broke."

"Jon! Come on."


"Dude, I can't kiss you if your jaw hurts." She exclaimed

"Yes, you can." He grabbed her by the waist, leaning in.

"No sex during work hours, lovers." Celeste teased as she walked by while Melanie gently pushed Jon away.

"That's a good sentence but isn't good for this situation, Celeste!" Melanie exclaimed. "As for you, let's go." She grabbed his hand and took him to the doctor's office.

"Can't believe you're dragging me here..."

"Yeah yeah, yeah, you'll get my lovin once we find out about your jaw."

Once they arrive at the Trainer's office, the doctor checks out his jaw. Melanie and Jon get the news that he just needs to ice it. 

"See? It's not broken." Jon shrugged.

"Hey, you never know!"

"Now can I have my kiss?"

"I'll be in your locker room," she said with a flirty smile and left.

Dumbfounded, Jon watched her leave in confusion. "Wait, what?"

"Mister Good, I believe she wants you to follow her." The doctor responded with an amused look.

Jon quickly got off his seat. "Thanks, doc." He said and quickly ran after her.


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1 year ago

Yeah...I'm going to do my best to continue Bangtan Gal once I catch up to where I stopped at in 2016 for the story. I'm getting tons of inspiration and ideas as I'm going back to my roots. Stay tuned and bear with me! :)

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1 year ago

Forced To Believe Chapter 18- I Know What I Have To Do

Forced To Believe Chapter 18- I Know What I Have To Do

Chapter Summary: Morgan experiences AJ's Pipe bombshell, Morgan continues to express frustration on the abuse of power from The Authority and the roster's lack of action.

Words: 7,000+


'Tuesday Morning'

Melanie carries several boxes of cereal to her hotel room while she wears her navy blue pajama pants and a navy blue tank top. 

"Oh my gosh, why so many boxes?" Celeste asked with a towel around her. 

"Getting ready for the next prank I'm planning." Melanie grinned and filled the bucket with cereal and milk.

"Can't wait to see this. I'm getting a front row seat." 

Melanie takes a photo of the bucket and tweets 'My next plot of pranking WWERollins. #BreakfastIsServed'

Celeste helps her set up the bucket on top of the door. "How do you know if he'll come?"

"Colby has a habit of ruining my mornings," Melanie mentioned, remembering the moment she and Jon had in bed before Colby barged in.

"That was kind of funny though." All of a sudden, the door knocks. "It's open!" Celeste called out as she and Melanie sat on the couch.

Jon opened up the door. "Good morning!" he happily greets, but then the bucket falls on top of him. Melanie widens her eyes and puts her hands on her mouth in shock.

"O­oh my gosh! I am so sorry!" She quickly stood up as Celeste looked on in shock. Colby starts laughing as he and Joe stand behind Jon.

"That was freaking awesome!" Colby clapped.

Jon sighed and wiped some of the cereal off his face. "I'm surrounded by prankers..." he grumbled.

Melanie quickly got a towel and tried to clean his face up. 

"Wow, cereal and milk? So glad I didn't get hit with that. Nice try, Melanie." Colby grinned.

"Jon, I am so sorry!" Melanie exclaimed

Joe looked on with a half smile, trying not to laugh. "I'm taking another shower." he left the room.

Melanie turned to Colby. "Dude! This is all your fault! You're supposed to be pranked, not Jon." 

Colby laughed and left the room with Joe. 

"Wow..." Celeste giggled.

Melanie ran her hands through her hair and sighed. "I am SO not getting grapes this afternoon..."

"Oh yeah, you and Jon were gonna go to the store."

" long grapes..."


Melanie and Celeste walk back to their hotel room after eating lunch together. Once Melanie opened the door, she got covered in red paint as she sighed. 

"...Nice..." Melanie said as she looked down at her body, covered in red paint.

"Yikes..." Celeste cringed as she looked at Melanie.

Colby grinned at his success as he rushed to their hotel room. "Success!" he cheered while Melanie turned around.

She smirked and put her arms out. "Want a hug?"

"Oh crap." Colby ran away.

"Why you running?" she asked in a teasing manner. 

Celeste takes a photo of Melanie while she shrugs at the camera. 

She tweets 'Poor WWEMorgan101 Looks like WWERollins got this round. Right? #BloodyMorgan'

'WWE Main Event'








The Shield walk out with their titles while Morgan walks in front of them.

"And these may be the 4 untouchable superstars in the WWE, coming out of Monday Night Raw. Seth Rollins, Roman Reigns, Morgan Lopez, Dean Ambrose, The Shield as we welcome everyone to Main Event. Josh Mathews ringside along with the Miz. We start things off with six man tag team match up." Josh said.

"From SummerSlam, to Raw there is so much to talk about in the WWE." Miz said. 

Morgan goes to ringside as she watches The Usos and Kofi do their entrance and get in the ring.

'Ding Ding Ding'

Kofi and Dean start the match as they lock up. "Dean starting things off with Kofi. Dean also started off SummerSlam with his title on the line against RVD." Josh mentioned.

"Yeah. RVD should have been the US champion in my mind but Rollins and Reigns got involved." Miz added as an Uso and Seth started wrestling in the ring. 

Morgan looks at the action with a focused look on her face as her hair lays on the left side of her shoulder.

"As beautiful Morgan is, she has a wicked, aggressive personality when she's in the ring. No doubt she will be a great Diva's Champion during her reign." 

"Yeah, she can be nice when she wants to be but that feisty attitude of hers gets her wins in her matches. Her aggression with the divas shows that she is not playing around. I wonder who will challenge her for the title." Miz wondered.

"My concern is her reaction on Raw. She looked so conflicted when she was with The Shield, Orton and Triple H. And now she seems more at ease when she is just with the Hounds of justice."

"She did say she did not like the best for business motto."

Morgan watches as the Usos take control of Rollins. 

She banged on the mat. "Let's go, Seth! Come on!"

Seth gains control and starts to take control of Jey Uso. But then the Usos throw Ambrose out of the ring and kick Roman out of the ring with Kofi's help. Kofi and the Usos pick up Rollins and throw him on top of Roman and Dean as Morgan rushes over to them. 

"What a stunt by the Usos and Kofi!" Josh exclaimed. Morgan quickly rushes out of the way as The Usos and Kofi fly on top of The Shield. "That's how you play offense with The Shield."

Later on in the match, The Shield take control 

"Whenever you like the Shield or not, they always have a great game plan. You look at Roman, he is kind of the muscle of the group. Seth Rollins is the high flyer. Dean Ambrose is the wild card. You never know where he is gonna come from or what he is gonna do. And Morgan is kind of a mix of all three of them. Her aggression and anger remind me of Roman, her high flying skills and speed remind me of Rollins and her personality and unpredictable moves remind me of her boyfriend Dean Ambrose." Miz said. "The Shield never lets you breathe; they are just always on you like a pack of dogs."

The Uso manages to get a tag from Kofi as Kofi hits a crossbody to both Roman and Dean inside the ring and dropkicks Seth off the apron. Roman runs toward Kofi but Kofi holds down the ropes and he falls out of the ring. Kofi turns his attention to Dean as his momentum builds. He does the twin leg drop on him as he gets ready for the Trouble in Paradise. Just in time, Ambrose backs up into a corner to evade it.

"Very smart by Ambrose." Miz complimented as Morgan looked relieved.

Seth runs in the ring but gets thrown out by Jimmy. Jimmy tries to jump on him but hits his face on the barricade when Seth moves out of the way. 

"Did that hurt? Good." Morgan laughed as she looked at Jimmy. She turns her attention to Dean. "Duck!" 

Hearing her shout made Ambrose turn around quickly and duck Kofi's Trouble in Paradise. But then Kofi catches him in the SOS and Roman breaks up the pin. 

"Yes!" She cheered as the crowd got very into the match.

"Kofi was just a second away from winning the match!" Josh exclaimed as an Uso jumped on top of Roman and they both fell out of the ring. 

Dean rolls up Kofi for a pin but Kofi counters it and Ambrose kicks out of it in time. Kofi goes to the corner as Ambrose runs to him. He kicks him and Ambrose falls down. Seth rolls an Uso inside the ring as the ref turns his attention to him. While the ref was distracted, Morgan got on the apron while Kofi got on the top rope. She grabs his legs and he falls down while the ref tries to push the Uso out of the ring. She quickly gets off the apron so she won't get caught.

"Effortless," she smirked and high fives Rollins.

"You see! I told you! Keep your eyes on Morgan! She's a wild one." Miz yelled as Dean did the headlock driver on Kofi for the win. 

Morgan grinned and got in the ring as Ambrose stood up. 

"The Shield pick up another victory," Josh announced as The Shield's theme came on. 

Morgan grabs Dean's title and gives it to him. He then grabs her by the waist to smooch her, making the crowd scream.

"Whoa! Was not expecting that." Josh looked on.

"That's a kiss of justice." Miz chuckled. 

Fans tweet:

'Ambrose planted one on Morgan. #KissOfJustice'

'Morgan is awesome! She took down Kofi like it was nothing. Go Morgan!'

'OMG! Ambrose and Morgan kissed! Ahh! Fangirling!

'Watching Dean and Morgan kiss made me fangirl a little'

Morgan tweets 'We do what we do best. #DoYouBelieveNow #Effortless'


In the opening of Raw, The Shield were guarding the ring, looking at the ramp as their theme plays around the arena. 

"Welcome Ladies and gentlemen to Monday Night Raw, live in Phoenix, Arizona. Here are the members of The Shield..." Cole said.

"Ladies and Gentlemen...The Shield." Justin announced as Morgan was in the middle of Dean and Roman. Triple H's theme came on as he walked out. "Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the COO of the WWE, Triple H!"

"You saw The Shield and now we know why they are standing there. It seems they have become personal security for Triple H." Cole recapped. 

Triple H walks down the ramp and gives The Shield a smirk. Once he walks past them, Morgan rolls her eyes. She did not feel like listening to another segment about what's best for business. She wanted this to stop but wondered if it was the right thing to do. She knew she would have to pick a side. Stay with The Shield, her boys, her two guy friends and boyfriend, or step up and be outspoken. While she played the scenarios in her head, Orton walked out and got in the ring. She hears that Triple H got Orton a gift.

"You have got to be kidding me..." she retorted as Randy's gift was a car. 

A Cadillac Escalate. 

Orton starts grinning and is surprised. "I don't know what to say. I don't know what to say. Thank you, thank you Hunter for the very generous gift. And you know what? I want to thank you for having a vision. Of realizing that the only man who could be the WWE champion and the face of the WWE is me."

Triple H smiled. "Go check it out." He gestured but then Daniel Bryan came out with a grin on his face as the crowd chanted 'Yes'.

"Would you look at that? Sweet ride Randy, sweet ride. That's way nicer than my Honda Fit. I mean, that's awesome and you know what? Well deserved. You worked really hard for that WWE championship. But while you're out making thank yous, I got a couple of thank yous I'd like to make. I think it's a good time to thank each and every person here. To thank everybody in the WWE Universe. Because I'm not the biggest, I'm not the strongest, I'm not the prettiest, I mean, clearly, that's twinkle toes Orton in there." Daniel said.

Morgan starts to chuckle, earning an annoyed look from Triple H. 

"You people have believed in me, have supported me, and you have no idea how much that means to me," Bryan continued. "Secondly...I would like to thank John Cena. Thank you John, for giving me the chance to wrestle in the main event of SummerSlam because Triple H would have never given me that chance. John, thank you. And lastly, and most importantly, I would like to thank Triple H. I would like to thank him because he finally showed his true colors. Heck, Morgan was right, you are a sellout in a suit."

Orton and Triple H snap their heads to Morgan as she smirks at Daniel. "I mean, look at yourself, Hunter. Look at him, everybody just look at him. The rebel in the leather jacket that used to break the rules, is now, in Morgan's words...'A sell out in a suit.'" he went on

"Hey Dan, you need to think about who you're talking to right now. This is the COO of the WWE! And I'm the WWE champion! You need to show us respect! The same goes for you Morgan! And you're lucky Hunter assigned you with The Shield."

Morgan starts to look annoyed and slowly turns around to look up at him. 

"Excuse me? I'd like to catch myself respecting your ass, you don't deserve crap, you asshole!" She snapped as she was grabbed by Rollins and Ambrose.

"Don't." Seth warned

Orton looks at her, not expecting her to lash out at him like that but Triple H ignores her. 

"She's not worth the time." Triple H advised Orton as he turned his attention back to Daniel.

Morgan calmed down and turned to look at Bryan as she stood guard once again.

"Maybe you didn't hear me. I am the face of the WWE-"

"Oh the face!" Bryan exclaimed, cutting Orton off. "Now ladies and gentlemen, he's the face! Let's hear it for the face of the WWE. At Night of Champions, when I get my rematch for the WWE championship, that face is going to be rearranged." he determinedly said as the crowd cheered for him. "And Triple H, your vision of the future, that's gonna be rearranged too. Because I will become the new WWE champion! Yes! Yes! Yes!"

"Oh~ isn't that a sweet little fantasy? Yeah, it really is, it's really sweet." Triple H replied. "When you wish, upon a star." He started to sing. 

Morgan slowly turns around and looks at Triple H like he's crazy. 

"Make no difference who you are." He finished his song. "You know what Daniel? In the real world, it makes a difference who you are. You are not an A player. Randy Orton is an A player. You, my friend, are nothing more than a B at best. Now, you wanna prove yourself to the world? I'll give you your opportunity to live your dream to have your little fantasy. Tonight when you go one on one with Seth Rollins. Oh, and by the way, when you're done with Seth Rollins, if you make it past him, you get to go one on one with Dean Ambrose." 

Morgan looked amused at the reception Dean got since she could hear loud fangirl screams.

'Must have been the kiss.' She thought as she remembered the kiss she and Dean shared on Main Event. She lost count of how many fangirl tweets she read about them.

"And if by chance, you limp away from Dean Ambrose, I'm gonna give you the gift of Roman Reigns. I am gonna give you the gift that just keeps on giving. I am gonna give you the gift of justice! I am gonna give you the gift of The Shield. And you know why Daniel? You wanna why I am willing to do all that for you? Because I believe in you and I believe that this is what's best for business." Triple H dropped his mic as his theme came on.

"Is that what is best for business?" Cole asked

"I don't know if this is all about business. I think it is personal." King said.

Fans tweet:

'Wow, those were some loud screams for Ambrose. Was it because of the kiss?'

'Morgan owned Orton!'

'Morgan and Dean might steal Triple H and Stephanie's spotlight of being one of the top couples. What a loud fan girl reception.'

Morgan tweets 'I'm tired of listening to the same crap over and over again about what's best for business.'



After Natalya's match against Brie with the Total Divas but Morgan, at ringside, AJ comes out to a nice reception. 

"Omg, you guys. I just watched last night's episode of Total Divas. And it was insane, oh my gosh, I mean the Bellas were dealing with their obvious daddy issues. The funks broke up and got back together again, Natalya's fiancé isn't much of a man. And the other two were also there. It was great, it really was and it was like the end of the world and it was only on Sunday nights on the E! Network! Ahhhh!" AJ sarcastically exclaimed, jumping up and down as the crowd laughed.

"Oh wait, there is someone else. Hmm...what is her name...Harley Quinn...Shield's girl...Dean's sinister girlfriend...the chick who had a justified lip lock with Dean...Oh! The Diva's Champion! Morgan!" AJ said as the crowd erupted in cheers. "Morgan, could you come out here please?"

Morgan walked out with her championship on her right shoulder and in her normal Shield attire but with a small vest that stops underneath her upper torso. The crowd gives her a warm welcome as she waves at her fans. 

"What...?" She asked AJ in a monotone.

"Here is my buddy! Morgan Lopez! I saw you on Total Divas! Ugh, you were just great! Just great! I mean...during some of the unaired bonus scenes that were shown on WWE's website, I saw that you really couldn't handle the pleasure." Morgan was surprised at her sudden explanation and her face started to heat up. "I mean, lately, the way you look shows that Ambrose is certainly giving you justice. A lot~ of justice." AJ grinned as Morgan's face got redder.

"Look at her face! It's like a tomato!" King exclaimed.

"Are you done embarrassing me?" Morgan asked with an irritated tone.

"Morgan, I am not out here to embarrass you. I'm trying to tell everyone that your boyfriend is a man, unlike Natalya's fiancé. And Eva, I would back off of Morgan's man, he isn't interested." AJ stated. 

Eva glared at the two while Morgan smirked in amusement at AJ's comment. 

AJ continued, "But I want you out here because I have something to say to you and the Total Divas. Do you want to know what I see when I look in that ring? Honestly? A bunch of cheap, interchangeable, expendable, useless women." The crowd cheered as the Bellas started to get furious.

"Say it to our face!" Brie yelled.

"Women who have turned to reality television cause they just weren't gifted enough to be actresses." AJ continued. 

Morgan was mentally preparing herself for the diss that AJ was about to say to her once she was done with the divas in the ring. 

"Say it to our face! Say it to our face!" The Bellas yell.

"And they just weren't talented enough to be champion just like Morgan here." AJ turned to Morgan as she snapped her head to her.

"Excuse me?" Morgan asked, making sure she heard her correctly. 

Why would she praise her?

"I'm standing right here!" Brie yelled

"I have done more in a year than all of you done in your entire collective careers. I have saved your divas division, I have shattered glass ceilings, and I have broken down doors, why? So a bunch of ungrateful stiff plastic manikins can waltz on through with a thank you?" AJ asked

"You just skip! You just skip!" Brie yelled

"You guys can't even go backstage and shake my hand and look me in the eye cause you know that I worked my entire life to get here. Morgan is the only diva besides myself who takes heart in the ring. She showed me at Money in the Bank and shows it every week unlike you. If she wins or loses, if she's with or without top superstars, Morgan has done more in a year like me. She saved this divas division along with me. All the challenges she has faced, she overcame them and continues to prove week after week that she can really be a great diva." AJ praised. "And you know what? She is the only one I would want to face out of all you Total Divas." 

The crowd cheered for AJ as the Total Divas looked annoyed.

"I am so going to have targets on my back now..." Morgan mumbled as she had her left hand on the back of her neck.

"You see, I gave my life for this. And you were just handed 15 minutes of fame." AJ said to the Total Divas in the ring and at ringside. "Morgan left a huge opportunity to be in the WWE years ago but left because she wanted to wrestle, not just be a manager. Which isn't what any of you women would do. Morgan didn't want to be here because she was related to another WWE wrestler, she wanted to be herself and show what she could do and be different. She is the only one who shakes my hand and thanks me for the hard matches we go through and all the hard work we go through in matches. Morgan never sucked up, she earned the right to be here as she worked her ass off in so many development areas,"

"I didn't get here because I was cute, or because I came from some famous wrestling family. Or because I sucked up to the right people." AJ continued

"Jealous! Jealous!" The Bellas yell.

"I got here because I am good. I earned that championship." She pointed at Morgan's title. "And lost it in a good match with Kaitlyn and Morgan. But no matter how many red carpets you want to walk on, in your 4,000 dollar ridiculous heels, you will never be able to lace up my Chuck Taylors. You're all worthless excuses for women. And you will never be able to touch me. And reality." AJ dropped the mic as her theme came on.

AJ turns to Morgan, tilting her head to the side. She grinned and began skipping around the stage as she looked at her in amusement. Before going backstage, AJ blows a kiss at the Total Divas while Morgan mouths 'Wow'

'Backstage fallout'

"What did you think of AJ's PipeBombShell?" Renee Young asked

"Shocked. I was not expecting her to praise me. I thought she was going to diss me. But just because she praised me does not mean I'm going to give her a title shot right off the bat. She has to earn it just like every other diva, here. And besides, I have my guard up. I won't fall for any of her tricks. Who knows what is going through her mind," Morgan determinedly replied.

'Later On RAW'

The whole roster is out on the stage to watch what happens with Daniel Bryan. If anyone gets involved, they will be fired. While Daniel is in the ring, The Shield walk through the crowd while Morgan is in front of them. 

Once the Shield jump over the barricade, Morgan sees Renee Young, interviewing the Big Show. 

"Now Big Show, while I have you here, you made some comments about how SummerSlam ended and then you were in a handicap match against all three members of The Shield at the same time, what are your thoughts about that?" she asked but The Big Show remained silent as Morgan looked at him with disappointment.

Renee walked over to Ziggler. "W­-well Dolph, I know you were in a similar situation last week as well, you must be holding back some anger and frustrations about that, are you?" 

Dolph stayed silent as well.

'This is not good...' Morgan thought.

"Let me get the Miz. Miz you are one of the most outspoken superstars here, it looks like we are about to witness the annihilation of Daniel Bryan, do you care to comment?" Renee asked.

"Yeah, I would but what happened to Dolph and Big Show last week and what's gonna happen to Daniel Bryan is..." The Miz stopped talking, fearing getting fired as Morgan ran her hands through her hair and sighed. 

She knew she had to do something soon. But would the roster listen to one woman? A diva? A part of The Shield? Did they know she didn't like what the authority was doing? Did they see her reactions towards the punishment Daniel faced? She'll have to find out.

"Okay, it looks like you don't want to get fired as well, let's go back to ringside," Renee said, giving up since no one wanted to comment.

'Ding Ding Ding'

Morgan stands in between Ambrose and Reigns as they watch Daniel's match against Seth. Daniel takes control and clotheslines Seth outside the ring as they both fall out of the ring. Daniel recovers but sees Dean and Roman walking to him on each side of the ring. The distraction led to Seth pushing Bryan to the barricade. 

Morgan was so confused. One side was telling her to try to help Daniel and not let him get mobbed again, and another side told her to grin and bear it. Rollins throws Bryan to the apron and then to the barricade before he throws him back in the ring.

She sighed. She loved being with The Shield, but she just had a distaste for doing Triple H and Orton's dirty work. Bryan catches Seth in a half crab submission before Seth grabs the rope. 

"Come on Seth!" she cheered as he recovered outside the ring.

"Look out!" Cole exclaimed.

Morgan looks on in shock and has a hand on her mouth as she witnesses Bryan diving onto Rollins, making him stumble back and over the broadcast table.

"Good grief," JBL said as he, King and Cole moved out of the way.

Later on in the match, Rollins takes control of Bryan and starts trash talking him. "All you gotta do is stay down. It's that easy. Come on, huh?"

Daniel Bryan fights back and hits Seth with a German suplex off the turnbuckle as Morgan winces at the impact. Daniel waits for Seth to get up before doing the running knee to eliminate him. 

"He got it!" Cole exclaimed

"Believe in that Rollins. You jerk." King retorted. "Oh come on! Can't he get a break?" he looked on as Ambrose quickly got in the ring and started attacking him.

"You can just see it in his eyes, Ambrose is just psychotic," Cole said.

"What does Morgan see in him?" King asked in disgust.

"Well, I guess she digs psychotic men," JBL replied.

"I'll keep that in mind." King chuckled.

"King, I'd doubt Morgan would want to date you."

"Hey, you never know. She's one of my favorite divas."

Morgan and Roman check on Rollins but then they see Ambrose getting caught in the yes lock. 

"That quick!?" Morgan yelled.

Roman quickly gets in the ring and breaks it up and the ref DQs Ambrose.

Roman starts stomping on Bryan while Ambrose recovers by sitting down on the bottom turnbuckle. But then Roman gets caught in the yes lock. Ambrose breaks it up.

"Oh man, now it's three on one. None of the superstars can help." Cole said as the boys started attacking Bryan. Seth and Dean hold Bryan up for Roman to spear him as Morgan gets in the ring. Triple H's theme comes on as he walks out, looking at the superstars while they avert their eyes. Morgan looks away as The Shield triple powerbomb Bryan. "And The Shield doing Triple H's dirty work again."

Orton walks out and walks down the ramp with a sinister smile. Seth and Dean hold Bryan before Orton RKOs him as Morgan looks at him in disgust. 

"You want to laugh? You want to laugh huh?" Triple H asked the roster before leaving with Orton. The Shield and Morgan do their pose before Raw goes off the air. 

After the show, the guys leave the ring while Morgan stays behind. The cameras still roll and make a WWE off the air video as she grabs a mic. The fans started to chant her name as she sighed

"What is she about to say?" Cole asked

"I'm sorry...I just...I just really need to get this off my chest. I may regret it later but this needs to be done now." she spoke up as the roster looked at her. She glances at Daniel Bryan's fallen body and then back at the roster. " all don't want to speak out? You all don't want to help? Afraid to get fired? Afraid to step up?" She asked as some averted their eyes. 

"You all are a bunch of cowards!" She exclaimed as the fans agreed with her.

"You know, I thought there would be one person, at least one who would help out. But I guess I was wrong...I mean, do you actually think Triple H is gonna fire you guys? The fans are only gonna riot. Petitions would be signed and their persistence would bring you guys back if you did get fired." she continued. "Look...if you guys don't want to speak out...then...maybe...maybe I will. I'll speak out. Cause I'd rather stand up for what is right than be forced to be ordered around by Triple H. Especially doing his dirty work. I know I'm just one person, a diva, a member of The Shield, but I just hope some of my words reach out to you guys. Just think about it." 


'On Smackdown'

Backstage, Morgan is talking with Kaitlyn as the crowd gives them a loud reception. 

"You know, instead of yelling at the roster, how come you didn't do anything on Raw? You could have done something. You have a huge advantage since you're with The Shield." Kaitlyn suggested.

Morgan sighed. "I should have done something. I don't know, I just feel conflicted..."

"You'll know what's right. The roster will come to their senses. We all know you don't like what The Authority is doing. It's just that the roster is pretty shaken up."

She nodded. "Well...hopefully my words will reach out to them soon enough. I have to go. I'll see you later."

"Try to stay out of trouble. Especially with your mouth."

"No promises," Morgan smirked and walked away. 


Morgan is with Triple H in his office while The Shield have their match against Ziggler. 

"Well Morgan, I saw your little promo at the end of Raw. Care to explain? I really thought I could trust you, but it seems like I can't. But I won't deal with you. My wife wants to deal with you. So I'll leave her to it." Triple H told her.

"Fine. What she throws at me, I'll overcome it." Morgan retorted.

"Really? Well, let's see at Night of Champions when my wife tells you, your match."

"Why are you abusing your power, like this?"

"Abusing my power? That's insulting. This is what's best for business. Now, until you get your act together, maybe we don't have to do the match Stephanie is planning for you at Night of Champions. Keep that in mind. I hope you know what to do later on tonight. Now get out of my office."

Morgan resisted the urge to give him a loud earful and left his office. Now even more conflicted, she thought about the consequences if she decided to go against The Authority.

What was she going to do?

'In The Ring'

During Daniel Bryan's match against Ryback, Orton walks to the ring and gets involved, only to be put in the yes lock. But then The Shield but Morgan comes out to attack him. Orton and The Shield started to jump him while Morgan watched, looking conflicted again.

It amazed her how Orton couldn't fight his own battles and needed someone to help him. Before SummerSlam, he wasn't like that. Why now? The Big Show stands up and runs in the ring as the crowd cheers. The Shield, Orton and Morgan back up to a turnbuckle as they look at the Big Show. But then Triple H walks out, making Morgan sigh since she knew The Big Show would have to back off.

"No! Get out of the ring! Now!" Triple H ordered.

Morgan shook her head at the Big Show as he looked at her. "Don't do it," she said as he looked conflicted.

The crowd chants 'No!' while The Big Show looks like he is about to cry and gets out of the ring. Morgan looks at him with a sympathetic look. He begins walking up the ramp as the crowd boos while Triple H gives The Shield and Orton permission to attack Bryan. 

"Pick him up!" Orton yelled and kicked Bryan down. 

He starts trash talking Bryan while Seth and Dean hold him. Morgan looks away, feeling even more disgusted.

"It's show time," Seth said as he and Dean picked Daniel up. 

Orton turns to Morgan. "Morgan, do the honors," he smirked as she shook her head.

"I think the powerbomb was enough don't you think? Are we done here?" she replied, wanting to leave.

"No. Do the kick." Orton ordered.

"I think the powerbomb was enough," Morgan repeated sternly.

"This is a bad situation," Cole said.

'Randy Sucks' chants surround the arena while Morgan looks at Daniel. The Shield give her the nod and she closes her eyes and sighs.

"Forgive me..." she opened her eyes and gave Daniel a hard kick in the face.

The crowd boos.

"That was brilliant." Orton praised as they all looked at Bryan.

"I can't believe Morgan would do that." Cole looked on with disappointment as she gave Orton a fake smile.

Rollins gives Orton a black spray paint bottle and Orton shakes it. Ambrose grabs Morgan by the waist from behind and has his head on her shoulder as they watch the scene. 

Orton spray paints 'NO' on Daniel's chest while Ambrose releases her and gives Orton his title. 

'WWE Exclusive Video'

Morgan is on her phone reading the fans' tweets.

Fans tweet:

'What the hell WWEMorgan101!? Why?! You said you'd step up? Was that all a lie?'

'I don't understand WWEMorgan101. You said you would stand up for what is right.'

'I guess Morgan is a true member of The Shield. It was all a joke on Raw.'

'Please say it isn't so! Why would you kick Daniel WWEMorgan101?'

'Do you even feel guilty for kicking Bryan? Was everything a joke and a lie? Was it all an act?

Pretending to not like what's best for business?'

'Disgusted at Morgan's actions. She serves the name Harley Quinn since she would do anything for her boss.'

As Morgan read the tweets, they stung. It really hurt her. She sighs and starts packing up her bag as the divas look at her. Tired of the stares, she turns to look at them. 

"What?" She snapped. "Is it because I kicked Daniel? I'm sorry, okay? Can you stop looking at me, like I'm an outcast? I'm not like The Authority!"

"Hard to believe..." Alicia mumbled.

"Yeah..." Layla agreed.

Brie barges into the locker room with Nikki holding her back. "Brie­!" Nikki tried to hold her back but Brie pushed her away. 

She stepped up to Morgan and slapped her hard in the face, making the women around them gasp. Morgan rubbed her cheek.

Yeah...she deserved that.

"Why? Why would you kick him!?" Brie asked with tears in her eyes. 

Normally, Morgan would attack her but she was just so confused and broken by The Authority, that she felt like she earned that slap. She could have stepped up but didn't.

"I didn't have a choice..." Morgan murmured.

"Yes, you did! You could have refused! What happened on Raw? Huh? What happened to you, yelling at the roster, saying that they were cowards? What happened to you saying that you would step up for what is right? What happened to all that stuff about you not liking doing Triple H's dirty work?" Brie shouted as Morgan looked down.

"Brie..." Nikki placed a hand on her shoulder.

"No! She needs to be put in her place. I don't care if you attack me but I need to say this so this can be in your thick skull. I know you love being with The Shield. Especially with your crazed boyfriend Dean, but I see you with Orton and Triple H and you hate doing their dirty work." Brie continued. 

The rest of the divas watch with interest, fear that a fight might break out, and hope that Morgan will step up.

"We're not the cowards are. You said you'd step up. Well, you're not...go back to the Morgan we know. The feisty, wild, outspoken Morgan. I may not like it, but at least it's better than being a follower and a coward." Brie stormed off with Nikki following her.

Morgan glanced at the divas watching her. She quickly grabbed her bags and ran out of the locker room with angry tears in her eyes.

Brie was so right. As much as they hated each other, she was so right.


'Next Week, Hours Before Raw'

Morgan arrives backstage with her gym bag, already in her Shield attire. Seth, Dean, and Roman already left to go to their locker room, leaving her to fend for herself in her own World War against the WWE roster. She already had a feeling she was going to get either slapped or lectured by someone once she was seen. 

She was hoping that maybe everyone forgot what happened last week and that they could all just move on. But once she spotted the Bellas, she was wrong. Brie was in a deep conversation with her sister until she saw Morgan walking past them.

Brie shot her an icy glare while Nikki gave her a disappointed look. 

Morgan sighed as she kept walking. 'This is not going to be a good night...' She thought. 

While she kept walking with her head up high, she couldn't help but notice everyone staring at her. Make up artists, Superstars, Divas, Producers,

Referees, it was getting awkward. Some looked at her in fear since she was part of The Shield and close with The Authority and some gave her disappointed looks as they knew this wasn't the real Morgan. 

She wanted to explain that she didn't like the feeling of being pressured and that was why she kicked Daniel. But she knew some wouldn't listen or avert their eyes. She felt like she didn't have a choice when she kicked Daniel Bryan in the face, but then Brie's words ran through her head. 

While Morgan was thinking, she bumped into her good friend Kaitlyn. At least...she thinks they are still good friends.

As soon as she saw Kaitlyn's eyes go soft and with sympathy, she felt relieved. She really didn't want to get slapped again. One slap was enough. 

"Here to lecture me? About how I'm a coward and a hypocrite for what I did last week?" Morgan asked.

Kaitlyn shook her head. "I'm here to give you a message. From the roster and myself. Everyone is waiting."

"For what?"


"To do what?"

"Step up to Triple H," she said without any suspicion and walked away.

Kaitlyn knew it was risky to talk about The Authority but she needed Morgan to snap out of it and be herself again. She missed the days when she would attack someone out of nowhere and just be wild and crazy. It was occasionally amusing to watch. She missed those good days and hoped to get them back if only Morgan would open her eyes.

"Is there a future with Triple H abusing his power?" Morgan asked herself.

"Excuse me?" Brad Maddox asked as he walked past her.

"It's nothing..." Morgan mumbled and walked over to catering. 

Maddox smirked to himself. He knew Morgan had gotten soft over the weeks. Usually, she would tell him off and disrespect him. She would also often intimidate him but now he felt tougher than her and could order her around now. He was happy with what she had done last week. She got weak and lost her touch. 

Best day ever for Brad Maddox.

Morgan never felt so awkward in her life. All the disappointing stares she was given by the superstars and divas were really bugging her. She decided to go to the fruit table. She picked up a yellow apple as Layla and Alicia Fox stared at her every move. They knew she changed once she didn't take a glance at the big bowl of grapes next to the apples. Ever since Morgan debuted, the backstage crew would always buy extra grapes just for her since she always gobbles them up before everyone else does. 

She stares at the apple and then turns to see Alicia and Layla quickly looking away from her. She puts the apple down and walks over to them. 

"Uh, hey guys." she awkwardly greeted. 

She felt like a new student who had to see where she would fit in.

"Is she actually talking to us?" Alicia asked.

"Shh, she may get The Shield on you. Let's go." Layla said and quickly left with her.

'Well that hurt...' Morgan thought with disappointment. 

Not only were her friends ignoring her, but they were afraid. They thought if they disrespected her in such a way, she would get Triple H to punish them. Morgan fought her own battles. She would be the punisher, not ask someone to help her punish someone. She looked around as catering got silent. Superstars and divas were looking at her again. She saw Jojo shaking her head. 

The guilt was setting in. Morgan messed up. She messed up badly. How was she ever going to be embraced by the fans again? Her friends? Co-workers? The whole company? 

She left catering and sat down on one of the black boxes that was used for technical stuff. She sat on the box, deep in thought, and sighed. She knew what she had to do. It was risky but it was the one thing she should have done in the beginning when she did her promo on Raw.

She was tired of her old friend ordering her around. Ever since Orton won that title, he turned into a real jackass. She was also tired of Triple H's big mouth and abuse of power. 

Do this and do that.

This is best for business.

And all that bull crap he would say. It was so corny and so annoying that she wanted to punch him in the face. He needed to get knocked out. If there were consequences, she had no problem dealing with the spoiled brat of a princess Stephanie McMahon if she needed to. No matter how much abuse of power she would have to face, she knew she would prevail.

'All right.' she smiled to herself and hopped off the box. 

She did some quick stretches before meeting up with The Shield to get ready for the opening segment. Triple H, better known as the King of Crap was going to run his mouth again. Same old speech and again with the praising of the undeserving 'Face' of the WWE, Randy Orton.

"Hey, you ready?" Roman greeted her

"Oh yeah. This is going to be fun." Morgan smirked. 

The guys knew what she was going to do and decided to support her without suspicion. They knew she would come around. Morgan wanted to tell everyone that the old Morgan was back, but would they believe her? 


She'll have to show it instead.


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