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Forced To Believe Chapter 69- Clock Is Ticking Morgan
Forced To Believe Chapter 69- Clock Is Ticking Morgan

Summary: Morgan competes in her first MITB match. The mind games of Seth Rollins begin to take a toll on the Outspoken Diva.
Words: 6,000+
At Money in The Bank backstage, Morgan was bending down, stretching, and felt a presence behind her.
"Can I help you?" She snapped as she stood up and looked at Seth, annoyed.
"It isn't too late to reconsider," Seth smirked.
He really did not want her in this match. He did not want to have to deal with two people who he betrayed. He was still lucky that he hadn't encountered Roman, yet.
"Seth, enough with the warnings. It's not going to make me change my mind. Whatever you do to make me suffer, tonight...I'll make sure to do it ten times harder. And even if you do win tonight...at least I got some closure." She replied and walked away.
Morgan tweets 'Maaaannnnnn....I miss my SWAT gear...'
Roman replies 'WWEMorgan101 I miss wearing SWAT gear with you, too.'
Rollins replies 'WWEMorgan101 WWERomanReigns I don't! Because you're lookin' at the new Money In The Bank contract winner'
Morgan replies 'WWERollins Please shut up...In that match, I'm giving you a Morganizer. WWERomanReigns you're the lucky one! You still have the SWAT gear. I may have to steal it. Watch your back, lol.'
Later backstage, the crowd gives Ambrose another big pop as he is preparing for his match, by shadowboxing.
Morgan walked up to him, wearing a hoodie over her wrestling attire which was a purple crop top that stopped a few inches above her belly button, black skinny jeans with black suspenders, and boots.
"Hey," She greeted as the crowd gave her a loud reaction.
"Hey, you okay?" He cupped her face.
"I'm fine, I'm fine. Just ran into Seth,"
"What did he do?" He released her, getting defensive. "Did he hurt you?"
"No, no, I'm fine. He just kept trying to convince me to not be a part of the match,"
"I can't wait to punch that face of his..." He pounded his fist.
She nodded. "Me either. But no matter what happens tonight...I just want you to know that I will always love you." She wrapped her arms around his neck.
"I'll always love you, too." He chuckled, snaking his arms around her waist.
The camera moved over to show her smirking before she pulled away to show a smile in his eyes.
"Good luck tonight," she said softly and walked away.
"Is it me or did something seem to be really off about her smirk, this time?" Cole wondered.
"Yes, and I love it. That smirk...I hope what I think is going to happen, happens because I think I know what's going to happen but then it might not happen but then it might just happen but then it just might not." JBL rambled on.
"You're confusing me," King complained. "Say it in simpler terms,"
"Tonight just got more interesting,"
Celeste tweets 'Well Chyna was the least trustworthy back in the day, maybe WWEMorgan101 will be too?'
Morgan replies 'CelesteBonin Damn! You catch on fast! Maybe, maybe not.'
Celeste tweets 'Ooh! I like this side of you! WWEMorgan101.'
"The following is the Money In The Bank ladder match!" Lilian announces. "Now in this match, the winner will be the superstar who climbs up the ladder and retrieves the briefcase, with the contract inside that can be cashed in, over the next year, anytime, anyplace, for the WWE World Heavyweight championship!"
Seth, RVD, Swagger, Dolph, & Kofi make their entrances. The first beats for Taking You Down comes on, as the crowd cheers loudly. "From Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Morgan!" Lilian announced as she walked out, without her hoodie.
"She's glowing in the dark!" King said with excitement, as the arena was darkened, revealing her attire, glowing in the dark.
Her fingernails and purple fingerless gloves were also glowing in the dark. She does her taunt and tags some hands.
"Morgan's first Money In The Bank contract match. And the first WWE Diva ever to be in the match. This is history making as she continues to break barriers. Let's take you back to Monday night." Cole said as the titantron showed her match.
Meanwhile, Morgan starts walking around the ring, touching each ring post, while Seth glares at her.
"You just don't listen! You don't listen!" He shouted at her, making her crack an amused smile.
The Outspoken Diva walks up the steel steps, and jumps over the ropes, before getting on the top turnbuckle. The lights come back on to their default setting, taking away Morgan's glow in the dark feature on her attire.
Seth gets riled up and starts trash talking Ambrose once he makes his way down to the ring.
'Five...four...three...two...' Morgan mentally counted in her head as Dean slid into the ring and tackled Rollins out of the ring.
"Things are about to get crazy!" King exclaimed as the crowd got hyped.
The bell rings while Morgan looks on with amusement.
"Dean Ambrose going right to work on Seth Rollins," Cole looked on.
He throws Seth to the timekeeper's area and jumps on top of him.
"Look at this!" King shouted as Kofi kicked Dolph in the back of the head, making him fall out of the ring.
Swagger picks up Kofi and tries to throw him out of the ring, but Kofi counters and throws him out instead. Kofi stands on the apron and shoulder tackles RVD's stomach. He jumps on the top rope and drops him down with a clothesline.
"Kofi has done some amazing things on those ladders," Cole reminded viewers as he praised him.
Morgan continues to watch on, from the corner, leaning her back on the turnbuckles as she crosses her arms. She was still sinking in the feeling of being in this match. She couldn't make a move yet.
Kofi slides out of the ring and slides a ladder inside but Swagger grabs the opposite side, having a tug of war match. Swagger shoves the ladder into him, making him stumble back. He tries to set up the ladder, but Kofi climbs on top of it and drops RVD down, making him roll out the ring.
"And that's what we've been talking about. Kingston can do amazing things on the ladder, here in this match up." Cole praised as Swagger got dropkicked by Kofi.
Jack sits on the ladder, on the mat, and gets kicked in the face. He rests his body on the ladder, while Kofi goes for the Boom Drop. He picks up the ladder and hits Swagger with it, making him fall out the ring. Morgan gets off the turnbuckles while Kofi is busy setting up the ladder. She marches over to him, along with Ambrose sliding into the ring. They both push Kofi off the ladder but he jumps on the top rope and manages to dive on RVD, Ziggler, and Swagger, as the crowd 'Ohs!'
"What!?" King shouted in a high pitched voice. "Did you see that?"
Meanwhile, Seth manages to grab Morgan by the ankles and drag her out of the ring, before throwing her into the barricade. He slides back in the ring, and throws Dean off the ladder, that he was climbing. He tries to climb up the ladder, but Dean grabs him back down, making another attempt to get the briefcase. Ambrose throws Seth's face into the ladder and leans the ladder on the middle turnbuckle, in the corner.
"Oh no," King said before Ambrose hit Rollins with a suplex on the ladder.
Seth starts squirming around, in pain, from the impact as he rolls out the ring, and holds his back. Morgan manages to stand up, while Ambrose climbs up the ladder. Swagger grabs him down and starts climbing up, himself, making her roll her eyes. One thing she hated about ladder matches is when someone pulls you down from the ladder, and then the person tries to climb up the ladder, knowing that their opponent is right there.
How about beating them down, first?
Ambrose grabs him down, and goes on to the other side, to climb up. Morgan, Dolph & Kofi manage to get back in the ring, while Swagger gets kicked away from Ambrose after he tries to pull him down. Dolph and Kofi try to scramble up the ladder, while Ambrose jumps on top of Swagger, hitting him with frenzied punches. The Outspoken Diva rests on the turnbuckle, watching Kofi and Dolph go at it on top of the ladder. Ambrose clotheslines Jack out of the ring, while RVD looks Morgan's way.
She then stands up and faces off with him as the crowd cheers.
"The Philly favorites. Now this is interesting." Cole looked on.
RVD looks side to side before giving her the RVD taunt. She then looks side to side and decides to lift her arm in the air to do her signature taunt, making the crowd cheer louder.
RVD goes for a spinning heel kick, but she ducks it and goes after him with elbows to the face. She Irish whips him to the ropes, but he counters and throws her into the ropes instead. She ducks his clothesline and jumps on the middle rope, to hit him with a clothesline. Kofi and Dolph clothesline Ambrose out of the ring and then quickly climb up the ladder. They jump off, beating each other up with punches until Rollins knocks them down, by putting the ladder in the middle of the standing ladder. RVD throws Seth into the ladder, leaning on the corner, and kicks him.
Meanwhile, Morgan throws Kofi and Dolph into a corner, while RVD sets Seth up for the Rolling Thunder on the ladder, in the corner, across from Dolph and Kofi. RVD and Morgan stand back to back, before hitting their signature moves on their opponents, as the crowd cheers.
"Welcome to Money In The Bank, Seth Rollins." Cole welcomed him.
Morgan grabs a ladder and starts dropping RVD, Swagger, Kofi, and then Dolph with the ladder, as the crowd cheers.
"Here comes Morgan."
As soon as Morgan turns around, she gets kicked by RVD, and she falls down, with the ladder, on top of her. RVD drops Swagger down and hits him with the frog splash. He sees Morgan, still down and out, and connects with another frog splash, on the ladder, as the crowd 'Ohs!'.
"Welcome to Money In The Bank, Morgan!" Cole added as she rolled out the ring, in pain.
Man did that hurt like hell.
"Fucking A..." Melanie groaned, lying on the mat.
"You gotta climb the ladder, Rob," King reminded as he taunted the crowd.
RVD sets up the ladder and starts climbing up. Kofi climbs on the other side and punches him down. Swagger pushes the ladder over, but Kofi manages to land back down, on his feet. He kicks Swagger in the midsection, and throws the ladder onto him, with the help of RVD. While Kofi and RVD go at it, Swagger starts taking them out with a ladder. Meanwhile, with Morgan, she jumps on top of Rollins at ringside and starts beating him down with punches, as the crowd cheers.
"Get him, Morgan! Get him!" King cheered.
"How do you support this? He's done nothing wrong!" JBL exclaimed.
"Nothing wrong? He betrayed her and Dean Ambrose! They have every right to be angry."
Seth starts fighting back and makes them both stand up. He throws her into the ring post.
"That did not look pretty." King cringed.
"I told you, that you shouldn't have come out, here! Stay down for your own good, grapes!" He shouted, before hitting her with the curb stomp.
"And Rollins with the curb stomp!" Cole shouted as she tried to stagger up on her hands and knees.
"Stay down! Stay down!" Seth shouted and went for another curb stomp.
Later on, Seth and RVD are on top of the ladder. RVD tries to go for a suplex, while Swagger climbs up the ladder and positions RVD in a powerbomb hold. Swagger powerbombs RVD, while Seth manages to
escape, and stay up the ladder. Ambrose gets back in the ring and goes right after Rollins. The crowd cheers with anticipation while Morgan gets back up and slides back into the ring. The crowd cheers loudly once Ambrose suplexs Rollins off the top of the ladder.
"You've gotta be kiddin' me! From on top of the ladder!" Cole shouted, while Morgan dropped her jaw, slightly, and looked on with concern.
"Everybody else is down. Morgan, get up there and get that briefcase!" King yelled as she stood in the middle of the ring.
"Rollins is knocked out. This may be her chance," JBL looked on.
Morgan was torn. She wanted to check on Dean, but everyone was down and she could win the match. She decides to grab the ladder and position it in the middle of the ring. Her heart started pounding as she slowly climbed up the ladder.
"This cannot be happening..." She mumbled as she got closer, and closer.
First time up the ladder, and this close to the briefcase. She could feel victory coming her way.
"Morgan's gonna do it! Morgan's gonna win!" Cole looked on with anticipation.
"If Triple H is watching this, he's gotta be cringing, right now," King added.
Swagger manages to get back in the ring and grabs Morgan's left leg, trying to pull her off.
"Morgan is holding on for dear life!" Cole exclaimed.
Swagger finally manages to pull her off and drops her down with a big boot. He starts climbing up the ladder, along with Rollins, who gets back up. He climbs on the other side and tries to punch Swagger off. Morgan gets back up and gives Jack a low blow, as the crowd cheers.
"Low blow!" King said in a high pitched voice as Jack fell down.
Seth's eyes widen, as he watches the Outspoken Diva climb up.
"Morgan's gone crazy. Look at her eyes. Harley's comin' to get cha!" King cheered.
The Philly Diva's eyes widen as she shoots Seth a crazed look on top of the ladder.
"M—Morgan, let's talk about this. Just go back down. We don't have to do this." Seth tried to reason.
She makes him turn around as she positions him for the Morganizer, making the crowd go wild.
"Oh no, she's not gonna do this. She can't!" Cole shouted.
"This is all about revenge! She said she was going to get closure!" King yelled. "Ah!" He screamed in a high pitched voice as soon as she slammed Seth down with the Morganizer.
Both were down and out as Morgan rolled over, face first, exhausted, while Seth was down on his back, knocked out. She rolls over to the apron, near the commentators, and stands on it, trying to recover. Dean picks up a ladder, but Dolph dropkicks him. Dean stumbles back into the ropes, and elbows Morgan, hard in the face, making her fall off the apron, and onto the ladder. The ladder was down on the mat as she landed on it, face first, as the crowd 'Ohs!'.
"Dean Ambrose just elbowed Morgan!" Cole shouted while Swagger sent Dolph into Ambrose, and he fell down.
"Was he aware?" King asked.
Celeste tweets 'It just got real.'
"Morgan isn't going to like that. I know she isn't!" JBL guaranteed.
"It was an accident! Dean didn't know!" King defended.
"How would you know? I saw him glance at her! No remorse at all!"
"No, he didn't!"
"Morgan's hurt guys," Cole said as the camera showed her, touching her face while a doctor went over to her.
"Morgan, are you all right? Can you hear me?" The doctor asked as she sat up and leaned against the announce table.
"I'm seeing stars..." She grunted as her left eye's vision started to get blurry.
Everything happened so fast. Her left eye was starting to ache as she revealed her face to the doctor. The ladder must have sliced her face because she was bleeding from the top of her left eyebrow. The doctor tends the cut and wipes the blood off.
"Do you see that!? Dean Ambrose is a terrible boyfriend! Did you see what he did? He hit her on purpose!" JBL stated. "Her eye is starting to get a bruise!"
Seth looks on and decides to head over to her while Kofi and Swagger go at it.
"Morgan, are you okay?" Rollins asked.
"Look at Rollins, pretending to be concerned," Cole said with disgust.
"He IS concerned! He said he cares about her!" JBL defended.
"He gave her two curb stomps, earlier! And Morgan hit him with the Morganizer on top of the ladder. He's angry. He doesn't care! He wants her to suffer!" King retorted.
"No. You don't know what his plan is." JBL replied.
Seth smirks at the crisis. This was the perfect situation for him.
"Stay away from me." Morgan tried to move away.
"Morgan, I need to tend this cut." The doctor informed her.
"Just let her breathe," Seth spoke up. "I saw what happened. Dean hit you. And he didn't look sorry,"
"It was an accident! Dean wasn't aware, Morgan! Maybe he thought it was someone else." King defended, while Seth got back in the ring.
Celeste tweets 'Now you've done it.'
Nikki tweets 'As I feared...'
Morgan touches her eye and looks at the blood on her fingertips.
"Accident or not, Morgan does not look happy," Cole observed as she started seething.
Meanwhile back in the ring, Swagger throws Kofi across the
"Swagger's a beast," Cole said as he threw a ladder on top of Kofi.
He walks back into the corner and shouts 'We the people!' along with the crowd, before going for a splash on top of Kofi.
"Oh! What are you thinkin'?" King exclaimed while Kofi rolled out of the ring, kicking his legs, out in pain.
"This is bad on Swagger," JBL said.
"No kidding. That may have cracked a rib."
Swagger manages to get back up and positions a ladder in the middle of the ring. He starts climbing up until RVD climbs back up.
"How is Rob Van Dam even conscious?" JBL wondered.
"Who knows?" Cole replied as RVD and Swagger exchanged punches.
Ambrose and Rollins throw them off the ladder. Ambrose explodes off the ropes and drops Jack down with a clothesline.
"And he's still not aware of what just happened with Morgan. Some boyfriend..." JBL grumbled.
"JBL, shut up." King snapped. "I am so tired of you talking about how bad of a boyfriend Ambrose is. Accidents happen. They'll work it out."
"He is a bad boyfriend!"
"If I remember correctly, you supported Ambrose and Morgan a lot. Couldn't shut you up about them." Cole reminded.
"That was a while ago. A lot has changed!" JBL evaded the subject.
Seth slams RVD down and off the ladder. Moments later, Rollins and Ambrose quickly climb up the ladder.
"These bodies are hittin' the ground, hard." King looked on with concern.
The Lunatic and Architect start exchanging punches, and Ambrose punches Rollins off the ladder.
"And Rollins is down, and Ambrose is there!" Cole shouted as the crowd cheers loudly.
Morgan manages to get up, as her eye stops getting blurry, and gets back in the ring.
"Dean Ambrose is there! It's Dean Ambrose's moment!" Cole exclaimed.
"What!?" King shouted as a pissed off Morgan grabbed Dean's left ankle, and the crowd gives off mostly cheers for her. "Morgan, what are you doing!?"
"About time! I've been waiting for this ever since The Shield disbanded!" JBL cheered.
"Waiting for what?"
"What do you think? You think she's gonna let him win this match? Instead of making history and winning it herself?"
"Whatever the reason is, she's very irate," Cole said while Dean looked down at her, in shock.
"What are you doing?" Ambrose asked as he jumped down and stood before the irked, spitfire.
Morgan had strands of hair in her face while giving him a disturbing glare in her eyes.
"Why are you so mad?" he continued to ask.
Ambrose had never experienced Harley, before. He's only watched her prey on her victims. He had a gut feeling something was off, back when she hugged him. But what did he do to make her so angry at him? He watches as her chest rises up and down as she is very irate at him, for a reason that he still was not aware of.
He tries to caress her face but she smacks his hand away, making Dean look taken aback.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" Dean exclaimed as he started to get mad.
He steps up to her as they face off. He was starting to take out his anger for Rollins on her, which was not his plan. He did not want to take his anger out on her, but after she shoved him, she flipped the switch.
"Morgan is just shaking with anger," Cole watched.
"Morgan, it was an accident!" King tried to defend as the Outspoken Diva shoved Ambrose back, making the crowd 'Ooh'.
"Shut up, King! He knew she was behind him! He knew!" JBL shouted. "The truth hurts, King. I know he knew she was behind him. I'm not making this up. He knew Morgan was behind him!"
"You hit me on purpose, didn't you?" Morgan asked in an angry tone.
Seth looked on with a grin. This was exactly what he wanted.
"He did it on purpose, Morgan!" Seth instigated.
"Are you seriously going to listen to him? I didn't know I hit you." Dean tried to explain, while Morgan started to calm down. "I'm sorry."
"Attack him. Give him the beating he deserves. He knew you were behind him. He knew it." Seth continued to try to get in her head.
"What is Morgan gonna do?" King asked as she looked at Dean and then at Seth.
Morgan calms down. It looked like Harley just couldn't bring herself to hurt her lover and chose to go after Rollins.
"Oh come on!" JBL exclaimed. "Don't fool us like that!"
"Looks like Seth's mind games failed," Cole chuckled as she went at it with Rollins while Ambrose started climbing up the ladder.
Seth starts fighting back and drops her down with a kick to the back of the head. He then went on to grab a chair.
"Ambrose!" Seth shouted and positioned the chair on Morgan's back, as she got on her hands and knees.
"What is Seth doing?" Cole exclaimed.
"Using Morgan as bait?" JBL wondered.
"Don't wanna watch her suffer? Then get down!" Seth shouted at the Lunatic.
Ambrose glared at him. "Don't you dare! Don't you dare, Seth! Leave her out of this! This is between me & you!"
"She is just as a part of this, as we are!" Seth shouted back.
"Dean! Don't worry about me! Just get the briefcase!" Morgan shouted.
"Your choice. One inch closer and I'll decimate her." Seth raised the chair up, adding insult to injury.
"What's Dean gonna do?" King exclaimed.
"For Pete's sake, get the damn briefcase! Just do it! Do it now!" Morgan shouted.
Reluctantly obeying, Dean reaches for the briefcase.
"Ambrose is about to get that Money In The Bank contract," JBL said but then Jack gets back in the ring but gets hit with a DDT from Ambrose.
Dean's shoulder starts bothering him while Seth manages to climb on top of the ladder.
"Rollins has a little more left in the tank," King said while Ambrose pushed the ladder over, making Seth hit his neck on the top rope.
"I think Ambrose hurt his shoulder," JBL looked on as he leaned on the bottom turnbuckle. A doctor and a few refs come to his aid. "That's that shoulder that Bray Wyatt hurt a few weeks ago."
"Dean, you need a doctor." The ref informed.
The doctor tries to roll Ambrose out of the ring but he disobeys and tries to get back in the ring.
"You dislocated your shoulder." The doctor told him.
"Pull it back in!" Dean shouted.
"You dislocated your shoulder." The doctor tried to explain.
"I said pop it, right now," Dean ordered.
"Dean! Dean! Dean!" Refs and doctors exclaim as they try to make him stop moving.
"Dean needs to take it easy," Cole said.
Ambrose gets pissed and storms backstage as the crowd heavily boos.
"Dean, this is for your own good," King said.
Rollins looks on in surprise and quickly sets up a ladder. He quickly climbs up the ladder, but RVD climbs on the other side and manages to stop him. They trade blows while Kofi builds a bridge with another ladder, as it leans on the top rope. Kofi stands up on it and goes after RVD.
"This is so dangerous," King said while RVD fell off, grabbing his hamstring.
Morgan quickly gets up and climbs up on Seth's side.
"What in the world is she doing?" JBL exclaimed as she managed to throw Seth off the ladder with the help of Kofi.
"Oh!" King shouted along with the crowd once Seth fell over and landed on his back, on the bridge.
He bounces off of it a couple of times, before landing down on the mat.
"Oh my God!" King shouted in a high pitched voice.
"That's what you get!" Morgan shouted.
"Are you kidding me!?" Cole exclaimed.
Kofi tries to reach for the briefcase but Dolph grabs him off. Dolph throws him onto the ladder, making Morgan fall off. Luckily she lands on her feet, before stumbling down, on her behind. She rolls out the ring and sets a ladder up at ringside. Positioning it on the announce table, to the ring apron. She starts pacing around, running her hands through her hair.
"Morgan is losing it," JBL said as she started screaming.
She grabs a chair and waits for Seth to get up on his knees.
"Remember this!?" she screamed and whacked him in the face with the chair. "Remember that!?" She continuously hit him with chair shots as the crowd chanted 'Yes!'
"Calm down! What's wrong with you!?" JBL shouted. "Focus on the match!"
"Morgan's emotions are getting to her. She's not thinking straight." Cole looked on as she managed to lay Seth's body on top of the ladder and head up the turnbuckle.
"What are you doing now?" JBL exclaimed. "He's out cold. Haven't you done enough?"
Morgan goes for a moonsault, but Seth quickly moves out of the way, making her hit her stomach on the ladder.
"Oh!" Cole, King, and the crowd shout.
"Is she okay!?" King shouted while she held her stomach and a ref checked on her.
"Stupid! Why the hell would she do something so stupid? She's not getting up from that. She may have cracked a few ribs." JBL stated. "Why does she have to be so reckless!?"
Dolph plants Kofi with a DDT while Jack slides into the ring. He starts cleaning house, taking down RVD and Swagger. Ziggler sets up a ladder and slowly begins to climb it.
"We got a lot of superstars and a diva who might not be able to finish this match," King updated the viewers. "You sure Morgan is okay? I should get up and give her mouth to mouth."
"Shut up, King. She's fine..." JBL retorted.
Jack gets back in the ring and puts Dolph in the patriot lock.
"Let go! Let go!" Jack shouted while Dolph continued to hold on.
Dolph screams out in pain and uses his arm strength to continue climbing up. The crowd gets excited once he kicks Jack out of the ring. As he is fingertips away, his ankle is hit by a chair from Rollins. Meanwhile, Morgan manages to crawl back into the ring and climb up the ladder as the crowd begins to chant 'We Want Ambrose'.
Seth kicks Dolph out of the ring and climbs on the other side. Morgan grabs the briefcase but loses her balance as she starts swinging around the ceiling, while holding on to the briefcase, for dear life.
"Ah! Oh my God!" Morgan screamed.
"She got it!" King shouted.
"Oh boy. This is not going to be pretty." Cole said as Seth tried to grab her back.
Morgan's heart was pounding. The briefcase was in her arms, but she was swinging from the ceiling. Anything could happen. And she was not looking forward to falling down, this high up in the air.
"Get away from me!" Morgan tried kicking him away.
"Why won't you stay down?! You are not going to ruin this for me! You are not going to win, this match!" Seth shouted.
The crowd erupts into loud cheers as Ambrose dashes down the ramp and slides into the ring. While Seth grabs Morgan's leg, to bring her back to him, Ambrose whacks his back with the chair.
"Ambrose is back! Ambrose is back!" Cole shouts as Dean continues to hit him with the chair, making him get down from the ladder. "And now Ambrose unloading on Seth Rollins!"
The crowd chants 'Yes!' every time Dean hits him with the chair. Dean throws Seth out of the ring.
"And now it's down to the two lovers," JBL said as Dean looked up at Morgan swinging on with the briefcase.
"One of these two are going to win!" King shouted as Ambrose began climbing the ladder. "If only Morgan could unhook that briefcase."
"The biggest moment of one of their careers. Who will be able to get it?" Cole asked while Dean grabbed Morgan back to him as she tried to escape his grasp while holding onto the briefcase.
"I know one of these two is going to fall," JBL stated.
"Sorry Morgan," Dean said and grabbed her foot, trying to yank her down.
"Are you kidding me?! Back away!" She exclaimed and tried to kick him away.
"Here we go! Now we're talking!" JBL grinned as the crowd got hyped.
All of a sudden, fire comes out from the ring posts as Kane jogs down to the ring, surprising everyone.
"What!?" King shouted.
"What the hell is he doing here!?" Cole exclaimed while Kane went right after Morgan.
Kane pulls her down and drops her down with a chokeslam. He grabs Ambrose off the ladder and takes him down with a chokeslam. He then picks Dean back up and delivers the tombstone piledriver.
"That means Ambrose and Morgan are no longer in the match," JBL bluntly said as Seth recovered and stood up
"Oh no...Oh my God, you've gotta be kidding me..." Cole retorted as Seth climbed up the ladder while Kane held the ladder with the crowd heavily booing. "This is ridiculous! You know damn well that Kane was sent out here, by Triple H!"
Seth grabs the briefcase, as the bell rings.
"Here is your winner! Seth Rollins!" Lilian announced while Seth celebrated.
Morgan looks disappointed in herself and holds her stomach with her right arm.
She failed...
On Raw, Seth had just defeated RVD and began to get interviewed by Renee Young, in the ring.
"Seth Rollins, last night—"
"Hey, hey, hey. Hey, look...if you're gonna introduce me, lady...do it right. It's Mister Money In The Bank, Seth Rollins, to you, toots." he interrupted, with a smug look, earning boos. "Aye, what? What? You guys think it's arrogance, right? It ain't arrogance when you can back it up, heh heh. So, in my opinion...y'all just bitter that I was right, and you were wrong. Cause you realize this here is my golden ticket. This here is a contract. I get a shot at the WWE World Heavyweight championship. Anytime...anywhere...and if last night is any evidence"
"Seth." A raspy voice called out.
"I always get what I want—" Seth turned his attention to the titantron after hearing his name, get called again.
The crowd cheers as they see Ambrose on the titantron. "Listen puppet boy...for one scumbag to another...you don't really think this is over, do ya? You don't really think you won last night, do ya? You didn't win...in fact, your Plan A failed miserably. And your daddy, Triple H, had to bail you out, with his Plan B. Sending Uncle Kane down to knock Morgan and I off that ladder...I'm not even upset...about what happened at Money In The Bank, because it might be more fun this way. Every time you even think about cashing in that contract, I'm gonna be there...I'm gonna haunt you...so go ahead and make all the plans you want, cause that briefcase you're holding, doesn't have a contract inside, it's loaded with TNT.
And every time you try to cash it in, it's gonna blow up in your face, Seth! Believe that." Dean smirked.
"Another threat from Dean Ambrose," Cole looked on.
"This is my time, Ambrose! This is my time! You understand me!? I run the show around here! I'm the man! I'm the man! You're out of your mind!" Seth shouted.
Later backstage, as soon as Melanie was about to walk into the diva's locker room, Colby smacked her from behind with baby powder.
"Oh my God, Colby! Are you fuckin' serious!?" She shouted, earning the divas' attention as they all began laughing at her and her now white outfit and hair.
"Oh my gosh! You're a Snowwoman." Nikki giggled and took a photo.
"Aw, you look so cute!" April, who returned, giggled.
"Thanks guys. That makes me feel better. Haha, send that photo to me, Nikki," Melanie chuckled and walked out of the locker room, earning stares and laughs from workers, since they were aware that their smack cam battle was still going on.
In catering, Heath Slater sat at a table with some of the guys and chuckled, asking, "Did you guys see the snowwoman?"
Jon raised a brow, while the others gave him confused expressions.
"Snowwoman?" Randy wondered.
"It's summer, man." Nic pointed out.
"Did anyone just see Colby dash to the locker rooms?" Joe asked.
"Have you seen Colby?" A powdered Melanie asked out of nowhere as she stood at their table.
The guys widened their eyes and tried to hold in their laughs. Nic started snickering and began to have the hardest time controlling his laughter.
Melanie rolled her eyes. "Laugh."
"Bwhahaaha!" he laughed out loud, along with the others.
She patiently waited for them to stop laughing, and after a minute, they stopped.
"Are you starring in the new Frozen movie? Are you playing a female version of Olaf or something?" Jon teased.
"Nah, Nah, maybe she's doin' a photoshoot or something." Jimmy wondered.
"All she needs is a carrot for the nose." Joe pointed out.
"A cute little tie." Taylor (Bo Dallas) added, with a chuckle.
"And don't forget the black hat." Heath grinned.
"Taken care of." Claudio (Cesaro) spoke up and put a black hat on top of her head, making the guys laugh again.
"You know what? Fuck y'all. I'm outta here," Melanie joked and walked away to continue her search.
Melanie tweeted the photo of herself that Nikki took, and tweeted, 'WWERollins really? Now everyone thinks I'm a female Olaf. Do you want to build a snowman?'
After ten minutes of trying to find Colby, Melanie went back to the diva's locker room.
"Find him?" April asked, looking up from her phone.
"Nah. I'll get my revenge sooner or later," Melanie replied. "Now if you excuse me, I'm gonna go melt."
"Well, some people are worth melting for." she quoted Olaf, from Frozen.
The Philly Diva giggled at that. "Now I want to watch Frozen, again."
'WWE Exclusive Video'
"Morgan." Renee rushed over to her, trying to keep up with her speed walking, backstage. "Can you give us any comments about your first ever Money In The Bank match?"
"I'm just glad that I was able to do a little something in that match," Morgan replied, not interested in being interviewed.
"Morgan," Dean called out a few feet away and jogged over to her, while Renee walked away to give them space. "Are you okay?"
"No, no, I am not okay," she replied, looking visibly upset as they were in a private area backstage.
"I said I was sorry for hitting you. I didn't mean it."
"I know...I know...I forgive you."
He cupped her face. "Just promise me that you won't have Seth convince you to do anything. Morgan, I love you and I don't want you to have anything to do with this situation. Just stay away from him and let me deal with him. Okay?"
She frowned but nodded.
"And I know Money In The Bank wasn't the best match for you, even though I tried to take you down, but you know it was every person for themselves."
"I know. And I promise that I'll stay away from him. Seth won't convince me to do anything. Remember, I do things on my own,"
"Good. Stay that way." He said and embraced her.
The camera showed Morgan looking ahead with a solemn expression. He released her and her expression quickly changed to a smile before he saw her face again. He gives her a warm kiss on the lips before walking away.
She dropped her smile and leaned on the wall, sliding down. Running her hands through her hair, she closed her eyes and exhaled with tears streaming down her face.
She was overwhelmed with everything as tears of frustration continued to flow. She banged her right fist on the side of the wall and sighed loudly.
She was so disappointed in herself.
What was she doing?
Was being in the Money In The Bank match a mistake?
She felt like she should have done more. She felt like she hadn't done a great job in the match. She felt like she's been failing and failing every time she tried to go after The Authority. She doesn't know how much more she can take. She just wished things could go back to how they were. Being united. A family.
But do you live long enough to see yourself as a villain? Or do you die trying to do what's right? What's right for the fans?
Maybe she wasn't ready to take on this road. Maybe she needs to be more aggressive and more serious. Take a more serious path. Do what's best for herself.
She stopped crying and let out another breath. Looking ahead as she tried to calm herself down, she noticed Rollins watching her with a satisfied look on his face. He soon decided to approach her, kneeling down to her level as a smirk came across his face.
He sighed and placed a hand over her cheek, wiping her tears with his thumb.
"My precious grapes..." he called out, hitting another nerve due to the nickname.
Oh, how she hated that smug look on his face. As much as she hated to admit it, Seth had screwed with her mind for weeks and it was starting to take a toll on her.
And he knew.
"The clock is ticking, Morgan. I'm looking forward to you coming back to me," he spoke as he watched as she narrowed her eyes at him.
He stood up and left her, feeling confident about the near future with her. He knew she was almost at her breaking point. And he was patiently waiting to strike. He was going to make sure the dark side called her home.
She stayed in the light for too long.
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More Posts from Smolwritingchick
I already know Jennie is gonna be laughing her butt off and making fun of Jimin for his bathroom troubles in "Are You Sure".
Lmfao poor thing 💀💀 I just saw clips 😭
Man was fighting demons in that bathroom 😭😭
Who would discipline the twins more? Jennie or Jungkook? How would they discipline them?
Late af replying! My bad y’all!
I feel like Jen is gonna be the one to discipline the kids more! Their children will be good kids but of course they’ll be occasionally acting up from time to time. And siblings will have their little fights over toys or attention. I see her catching their kids trying to take snacks out the fridge and she’d just stand there and clear her throat after catching them as they run away like nothing happened. It’ll amuse her.
Lmfao this was a few years ago but I remember I was having a whole convo with my mom and then my baby sister got mad that my mom wasn’t looking at her. 💀
I was thinking of Jen wanting to do gentle parenting. I believe she’ll have great patience as she continues to get older and would 100% be about her kids when taking a hiatus from music to be a mom. They’ll definitely be some happy babies. I see her and Jungkook as some pretty cool parents and having their kids be well spoken and behaved. Jen would always be the main one reminding the kids to say please and thank you.
I’m brainstorming but some ways they’ll discipline is teaching them that any bad behavior is wrong and showing and reminding them of their good behavior. Like occasional hitting is something they’ll immediately work on to get them to stop. My sister used to hit as a baby until my grandma and parents were always reminding her to use her hands gently and to not hit.
“We don’t hit. No hitting. You don’t hit mom,” As an example.
And they’ll make sure to set rules, boundaries and limits on stuff like with their toys and electronics. They’ll have tablets from time to time and have a set time for how long they can be on it too.
I’ll hook it up when I make it there
Forced To Believe Chapter 70- Outsmarting The Architect

Chapter Summary: Things aren't what they seem as Seth continues to try to get into Morgan's head. Rosa and even Triple H begin to feel Morgan's wrath.
Words: 12,000+
Author's Note: OK last smol batch of chapters to hold you while I continue to work on my other story! Hope you like!
On Smackdown, Seth Rollins walks out in a black suit and his briefcase. The crowd heavily boos him as he flaunts his briefcase.
"Last Monday on Raw, I was seconds away from cashing in my Money in The Bank contract on John Cena. John, I got a message for you. You got lucky on Monday night. You got lucky but the clock is still ticking because, what was it? Not even 24 hours, into your 15th reign as champion and you were flat on your back...unconscious...in the center of this ring. In a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero." He spoke. "Look at this face...look at this face, look at it real hard and get used to it. Because very soon, this will be the face of the WWE. Hah hah!"
Dean's theme comes on as he walks out, with a microphone in hand. Wearing a leather jacket, his shoulder was taped up.
"And there is the man that Seth Rollins stabbed in the back, last month," Cole reminded. "His former brother, Dean Ambrose. And Ambrose has not forgotten."
"An incredibly sore loser..." JBL mumbled.
"You're delusional, Rollins!" Dean stated. "You're talkin' crazy, you really gonna think you're gonna get your hands on those titles? No, no, not while I'm around. I warned you no matter where you are...no matter what you do, no matter how much of a plan you and your sugar daddy, Triple H, concocted...I'm gonna be there. Every time. I mean hey, how did your little championship plan work out for you?"
After they showed the highlights of Cena getting attacked by Kane and Rollins trying to cash in only for Ambrose to attack him, Seth looked annoyed at the footage.
"Watch that footage...watch that footage and watch it over and over and over again. Because that's your life for the next year. You think that briefcase is a blessing? No. That briefcase is a curse because it's every excuse I need to ruin your life. To ruin your future and to ruin that precious face of WWE." Dean declared as he took a few steps forward.
"Yeah? You think I care? You think I care if you show that video, over and over and over? Look I know you better than anybody. And I know you don't have what it takes to keep that up for a year," Rollins replied. "You got lucky on Monday night. You can't keep that up for a year. And you can't stop me from cashing in this contract, and becoming the next WWE World Heavyweight champion."
Dean walked down the ramp and took off his jacket. "Of course I can...I'll start, right now."
"Oh, here we go! Dean Ambrose has been waiting for this moment!" Cole exclaimed as the crowd cheered loudly.
Ambrose slides into the ring and Rollins swings his briefcase at him. Dean manages to duck his attack and starts unloading on him with frenzied punches.
"Rollins & Ambrose brawling to kick off Smackdown!"
The crowd boos once Orton runs out and beats Ambrose down. Seth recovers and starts to join in the assault by stomping on him. The crowd screams and cheers loudly once Roman's theme comes on with him running down the ramp. As soon as he slides in, Seth and Orton beat him down. Roman stands up and goes right after Orton, giving him a headbutt. He gives Seth and Orton back and forth punches until Rosa runs out.
"Another Authority goon..."
Rosa goes to ringside, in her Fourth of July outfit which is red waist high shorts, and a USA themed top. She manages to grab Roman's leg, preventing him from moving. Orton takes advantage and he hits him with a big boot to the face, beating him down with Rollins. The crowd cheers loudly once Morgan dashes down the ring in skinny jeans and a USA themed crop top while having her hair in a high pony tail. She had a USA themed cap on her head, along with USA themed fingerless gloves. Rosa turns around and gets speared, while Roman fights back and throws Seth to Dean, who starts unloading on him, in the corner. Rollins retreats, along with Orton, while Morgan gets in the ring.
"You broke my nail! You broke my nail!" Rosa screamed as she got held back by Orton.
She tries to get back in the ring, while Morgan throws her cap at her.
"You broke my nail! You see what you did!? You see what you did!? I had to pay a lot of money for this!" Rosa shouted.
Roman's theme comes back on, while he stands tall with Morgan and Dean. Roman glances back at her, and Ambrose, before watching The Authority goons retreat.
"And here comes the boss." Cole said over the loud boos while Triple H walked out.
"All right. Think you guys have made your point. So now let me make my point. And my point is the only one that matters. Dean Ambrose, you wanna fight? Well tonight you will get a fight when you face The Viper, Randy Orton. And Morgan, Roman...since you two like to stick your noses in everyone's business, if any of you interfere in that match tonight, Morgan, you'll never get a Diva's championship opportunity ever again, and Roman, you'll be out of the fatal four way match, at the BattleGround Pay Per View, for the WWE World Heavyweight championship." Triple H announced. "Good luck."
Morgan shook her head, rolling her eyes at the news, and turned to her comrades, asking if they were all right, while fist bumping them.
Later that evening, Natalya, Nikki, Alicia, Cameron, Eva, Naomi, Layla, Summer, & Rosa were in the ring. The ring was decorated in a Fourth of July themed party. Some divas were dancing, while Rosa grabbed a mic to cut a promo on how all the women were invited except for the crazy ones like AJ, Paige, and Morgan. She received heavy boos as she proceeded to talk highly of herself but as she spoke, Morgan walked out without her music as Rosa remained oblivious.
"I would like to say that it feels great to be in a public place, without being around a Harley Quinn wannabe like Morgan, right?" Rosa chuckled as Morgan got in the ring, while the divas watched on.
The Philly Diva checked out the table of food and went for the punch. She took a cup of punch and leaned on the ropes. Taking a few sips she continued to watch Rosa rant to the crowd.
"We can have so much positive attitude with the divas, without being around negative attitudes like Morgan. This is the Fourth of July! So let's make it memorable!"
"Uh..." Cole trailed off.
"Yeah, uh, Rosa?" JBL asked as Morgan grabbed the punch bowl.
"Thank you, yes I know. I know. Thank you. I'm glad you agree with me. I'm glad you—" Rosa began before Morgan poured punch on top of her head, making her drop the mic.
She shrieked and quickly turned around to see the Outspoken Diva laughing.
"Are you kidding me!?" She shouted but got shoved back into the table, making her butt land on the cake.
The divas laugh at her, while Alicia decides to defend her friend, by throwing a hamburger at the Outspoken Diva. Unfortunately, it hits Natalya instead, making some laugh at her.
"Uh oh. This is not going to end well." Cole warned.
Rosa gets off the cake and tries to throw a couple of cookies at the Outspoken Diva but hits Cameron & Summer instead. Layla laughs but gets attacked by Summer while all the divas start fighting.
"And here we go!"
"Morgan had no business out here, whatsoever!" JBL shouted.
Morgan grabs a cookie sheet and whacks Rosa in the head with it, making her fall on the table of food. Her hair and body are covered in food and Morgan quickly grabs a sugar cookie and escapes the ring, watching the chaos in amusement. Rosa tries to escape the food fight with the divas but finds herself in the middle after she starts bumping into them, provoking them. The refs had to rush down the ring to break it up,
while the crowd cheers for The Outspoken Diva.
"What a Party crasher...the party didn't even get a chance to start!" JBL scolded.
"Morgan is laughing away at this." Cole chuckled while Rosa slipped out of the ring.
She starts freaking out and has a temper tantrum as Morgan's theme comes on.
The Philly Diva shrugged and took a bite of her cookie, giving Rosa a thumbs up. "Great party, Rosa! Great party!"
She glares at her and stands up. She marches after her but slips and falls on her butt from the food on her shoes, making the crowd laugh harder.
Morgan tweets 'LaRosaMendes Your party was lame, so I decided to spice things up. I think it turned out great!'
Later in the ring, Dean throws Orton out of the ring. He starts slapping himself in the face, before going for a suicide dive.
"He's not all there, but he is still fun to watch." JBL looked on.
"Come on, Randy," Seth said on commentary.
Dean throws Orton into the barricade and rolls him in the ring. He starts walking around before turning his attention to Rollins. He runs over to the announce table and jumps on top of him as the crowd cheers.
"Ambrose taking out Rollins! And now the fight's on! The fight's on!" Cole shouted as he started pummeling Seth with punches.
He throws him into the barricade and gets back in the ring. He rolls Randy up for a two count. Orton strikes him with an uppercut as he leans back, in between the ropes, to give him a clothesline. Dean bangs on the mat and starts hitting himself, again.
"Seth was floored by Ambrose."
Dean goes for the Dirty Deeds by Orton counters with a scoop slam. The crowd boos as he tries to go for a DDT on the ropes, but Ambrose counters by tossing him over the top rope. Dean tries to go for another suicide dive, but this time Rollins hits him with his briefcase.
"Oh!" Cole and the crowd shout. "Rollins right to the bad shoulder, with the briefcase."
The crowd boos while Rollins rolls Ambrose in the ring. Orton drops Dean down with an RKO and Rollins rips off Dean's protective bandage on his shoulder.
"Ambrose is hurt, Ambrose is hurt," Cole looked on. "The injured shoulder exposed."
Orton gets on his knees and holds Dean down, targeting his injured shoulder.
"Oh no, look at this," JBL said as Seth got on the top rope.
The crowd cheers loudly once they see Roman & Morgan rush down the ramp.
"Hey! Roman Reigns! And Morgan!" Cole exclaimed.
Reigns pushes Rollins off the top rope, while Morgan slides into the ring and hits Orton with a shining wizard. Dean rolls out the ring, while Orton rolls over and gets back to his feet, rubbing his chin from the kick he received. Roman connects with the Superman punch as he gets hyped.
Morgan slides out of the ring to check on Dean, while Roman prepares for the spear. He does a loud battle cry but Seth pulls Orton out of the ring.
"And Seth Rollins..."
"Seth Rollins knows where he is," JBL added.
"...saving Orton. And for tonight, The Authority's Orton & Rollins escape the wrath of Roman Reigns, Morgan Lopez & Dean Ambrose. But these issues are far from over."
Roman's theme comes on as he stands tall. Roman gets out of the ring, to meet up with Morgan, helping up Dean.
"Somebody give me my case!" Seth shouted as Roman rolled Ambrose in the ring, while Morgan went after Seth's contract. "Somebody give me my contract! Morgan! Don't you dare!"
The crowd cheers once she gets in the ring, with the briefcase.
"What is she doing!? That's not even hers!" JBL exclaimed.
She decides to kick the briefcase out of the ring, like a football, making it fly all the way to the stage.
"Are you kidding me!?" Seth shouted and ran after it, making her laugh.
"She can't do that!" JBL shouted. "That's assault!"
"But she did it, anyway." Cole chuckled. "John, Orton & Seth Rollins may rue the day that they went after Reigns, Lopez, & Ambrose."
Dean gets up while Morgan & Roman look at Rollins and Orton on the stage.
Roman showed his fist. "Remember this? You gave up this...for that?" He said, meaning The Authority and briefcase.
"Disgraceful," Morgan shook her head, disappointed in Rollins.
Melanie & Jon decided to spend their Fourth of July at Jane and Diego's house, in Philly. Jon and Jane were in the kitchen, working on bringing the plates, forks, knives, burger and hot dog buns, and bowls of food that Jane made, on the table, in the backyard.
"So, this is your first time barbecuing, dad?" Melanie was sitting in the backyard, on a chair with her right knee up to her chest as she held it.
"I—I've done this before." Diego stuttered and continued grilling.
"You sure?"
"It's been a while."
"How long we talking?"
"A few...month—years."
She widened her eyes. "Years!? What am I going to do with you?"
"You know Melly, you should be helping." Jane said as she set a bowl of grapes on the table.
"I am. I'm making sure dad doesn't burn those burgers."
"What about the hotdogs?" Jon asked, putting the burger and hotdog buns on the table.
"Could care less," Melanie replied.
"Damn, that's how you feel?" He smirked.
"Burgers are better."
"I beg to differ."
"No argument. Burgers all the way." Melanie reached for a grape but Jane slapped her hand. "Mom!"
"No grapes until you help out. You know what? I'm putting these all the way in the back of the fridge."
"Oh, come on! You don't have to do that." she tried to reach for the grapes again but Jane took it back inside.
Jon laughed. "Someone's not getting her little grapes."
The Philly Diva narrowed her eyes at him and stood up, taking his cap, and putting it on her head. "And someone's not getting the chance to cuddle tonight."
"Okay, I'm sorry." He followed her. "I said I'm sorry!"
"Cuddle? Aw! So adorable. I guess Jon is a big softie, isn't he?" Jane smiled.
"Yes. It's really cute." Melanie smiled.
"Why do you gotta embarrass me, in front of Jane?" he complained, feeling embarrassed.
"Priceless! He looks so embarrassed!" Leah laughed, walking in with a Fourth of July themed cake.
"Leah, you're here." Melanie grinned and hugged her after she set the cake down.
"How's the eye? Money in The Bank was crazy! Jon! Why the heck would you elbow her, you big jerk?" Leah teased.
"All part of doing spots," he replied. "Plus, my woman can take a hit when it comes to wrestling." He put an arm around Melanie's shoulders and kissed her on the cheek.
Melanie and Leah help out by setting up the table. After everything was done, everyone sat at the table to eat. Melanie took a cheeseburger, while Jon took two hotdogs. Leah decided to take four hotdogs and put mustard, ketchup, and relish on all of them. She then grabbed some pickles and put them on top of the hotdogs.
Leah grinned and looked at the mouth watering food, in her eyes. She looked up to see Melanie looking at her like she was crazy, while about to take a bite of her cheeseburger.
"What? This is good! You should try it. Want some? A friend got me into this. You know what? I think I should also put some cheese on these hotdogs." Leah took a few pieces of cheese. "Want one?"
"Uh, no thanks." Melanie chuckled. "You sure are eating a lot."
"I didn't eat breakfast. I'm starving!"
Jon and Melanie examined their food, catching Diego's attention.
"How is it?" Diego asked.
The Lunatic and Harley glanced at each other, before taking a bite of their food. They started chewing it and began to make nauseated facial reactions, while Melanie started coughing.
"Oh no! Are you two okay!?" Jane freaked out, while Jon began coughing. "You said you cooked them properly, honey!" She exclaimed to her husband.
"I did! I did!" Diego yelled in nervousness, while Leah watched the show, enjoying her weird hot dogs.
"They're choking! You're trying to kill them!"
"I am not! I made them, well. Mine are just fine!"
"Because you were trying to kill them, that's why!"
The couple stopped arguing at the sound of Jon & Melanie laughing.
"Fooled you!" Melanie chuckled.
"Mel! Don't scare me like that!" Jane exhaleed.
"That was good." Jon low fived his girlfriend.
"It tastes great, dad." Melanie smiled and begins eating again, along with Jon.
"I'm glad. See? I wasn't trying to kill my princess. She's just fine." Diego proudly praised himself.
"Sure...So, what's been going on in the WWE?" Jane asked, her daughter.
"Been having meetings with Creative lately about an upcoming feud. They're going to be ending my feud with Rosa, around SummerSlam. They have three feuds in mind for me. Two are very risky, but the other is strongly possible."
"What are the feuds?"
"Can't say. WWE doesn't want any leaks or spoilers. But if I get the okay to tell you, I will. And also, WWE wants you to come back soon, mom,"
"Ooh! I am so excited! I love the World Wrestling Entertainment. It's so fun."
"How's the bakery?"
"Popularity is growing so much, thanks to the continued support of you and the WWE."
After talking about the bakery, Melanie glanced at Leah, who poured an enormous amount of mustard, relish, and ketchup on her new hot dog.
It looked like the hot dog and drenched bun were drowning in the three condiments.
Leah reached for the can of whipped cream and prepared to put it on the hot dog.
"Whoa, Leah. Whipped cream on hot dogs? That's...concerning," Melanie felt her stomach turn from the sight.
"Huh? Oh, I wasn't going to put whipped cream on hot dogs. No, not at all." Leah nervously giggled. "I'm going to put it on the cake."
"Okay then,"
Maybe Leah was just really hungry.
Early in the morning, Melanie slept peacefully, in the arms of her lunatic. She was happy to be home for just a little while before going back on the road. But her peaceful slumber was interrupted when she woke up to the sound of throwing up. She got out of Jon's arms and glanced at the clock.
"3..." She mumbled, before getting out of bed.
She stretched and adjusted her tank top, before heading out of the room. She walked down the hallway and saw a light in the bathroom.
"Hello?" she timidly knocked on the door.
"D—don't come in here!" Leah's muffled voice replied, instantly.
"Leah? Are you okay?"
"I'm doing great!"
"I'm coming in." She opened the door, seeing her flushing the toilet. "Were you throwing up?"
"Y—yeah. I got the flu..."
"Leah." Melanie crossed her arms and softly replied. "As much as I want to believe that after all that stuff you ate on those hot dogs, I don't. Don't lie to me."
Her friend started to break down and cried, wrapping her arms around her. "I messed up. This was not supposed to happen..."
"I took three fucking pregnancy tests. And they all came back pregnant. I'm knocked up. I'm fucking knocked up and I'm so scared!"
Melanie was taken aback by her confession as she looked at the pregnancy tests on the floor. They both sat down on the floor, while Melanie examined the tests.
"We used protection! I don't understand why this has to happen to me! I don't even know if Brad wants kids. I'm so scared to tell him,"
"Leah, things are going to be all right. Stay calm. Everything is going to be okay. I'm here for you," She put a soothing hand on her right shoulder.
As Melanie gave her a pep talk, Leah's nerves began to go down as she listened to her say the right things to get her to relax.
"Brad loves you to death. He always shows off that goofy grin when you're around. He's going to be happy that he's going to start a family with someone like you,"
"You're right...thank you." Leah smiled.
Next week on Smackdown, Morgan was backstage, leaving the trainer's room. Her ribs were still a little banged up but she was getting better, day by day. Looking at the floor, she bumped into Rollins as the crowd booed. He showed off his briefcase, before smiling at the diva.
"Hello, Morgan."
"Rollins..." she tried to leave but he blocked her way.
"You've been avoiding me for a while. Why?"
"I haven't been avoiding you. Now if you excuse me..." She tried to go the other way but got blocked, again. "Move. Or be moved,"
"Did Ambrose tell you to stay away from me?" Rollins asks with a grin. "You're quiet...so I guess that's a yes. Guess he knows what I'm trying to do."
"What do you want...?" She asked, looking annoyed. She just wanted to leave. She did not want to be around him.
"I just want you to come home."
"Everyone is holding you back. Is this the singles career you want? Pointless matches? No championship? You deserve better."
"I told you I rather start at the bottom than go to The Authority. And The Authority isn't a home. Nor is your little dark side. I can never bring myself to be a sellout like you."
He chuckled for a couple of moments and placed his hands on her shoulders, looking into her eyes.
"You know I hate people who lie to themselves. I didn't sell out, I bought in. And you should, too. You're lost, Morgan. But you're going to find yourself again, really soon." He smirked and left her alone.
"More mind games by Rollins. Will Morgan be able to stay strong?" Cole asked as she leaned on the wall and sighed loudly.
Next week on Raw, after finding out Ambrose was attacked by Rollins, Orton, and Kane out of nowhere backstage while cutting a promo on Reigns and Cena, Morgan ran to the trainer's room door.
"Where is he?!" She shouted but got held back by a few refs.
"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Morgan! Morgan! Calm down! Ambrose is okay. He went to a local hospital." They tried to explain.
She sighed loudly and started storming off to the men's locker room. She saw Seth nearby, along with Orton, and stomped over to them. She shoved the sellout back roughly as the crowd cheered loudly.
"Why!? Why would you do that!?" She shouted.
Orton was about to interfere but Seth stopped him, enjoying watching her break down.
"Getting mad, huh?" Seth grinned. "Good. Embrace it. I want the aggressive Morgan, back. I want my Morgan back."
"Oh, you're gonna get aggression...as much as I want to bash your head in, I'm not gonna do that. Dean will. And when Dean gets in the ring with you...I am going to enjoy him, pulverizing you, and making you regret all those chair shots that we all received. And I hope that he hurts you so badly...that you'll never think about selling out, ever again, you piece of crap." She stormed off, leaving Rollins watching her with a grin.
"You're cracking...not much longer..." Rollins murmured to himself.
With Roman and Cena in the men's locker room, Roman was seated, adjusting his gloves.
"Okay, so Ambrose is out," Cena stated. "Now it's just you and me against Kane, Orton, & Rollins. This was an obviously set up by The Authority, you get that right?" He asked while Roman remained silent. "Damn it, Roman, stand up!"
Roman stood up and faced off with him. "I understand that you wanna be WWE World Heavyweight champion, you should! But you have to trust me! Neither one of us is gonna walk out champion, this Sunday if we don't get on the same page, tonight." Cena exclaimed.
"Nobody knows the numbers game like me," Roman spoke up. "They took out one of us...by the end of the night, we take out three of them. Believe that."
The door burst open. "Do you two have your heads stuck up your asses?!" Morgan shouted as the crowd cheered, loudly.
"Now, Morgan we were—" Cena began.
"The hell is wrong with you two!? You just stood there and watched him get beat! Why didn't you go after him? Why didn't you help him?"
"We wouldn't have made it in time..." Cena managed to say.
"Do you know how long that beating was!? Do you!? You could have run backstage and helped him out! But no, you just stood in the ring. And I'm just finding this out, now? When it happened at the beginning of the show?!"
"Morgan, calm down," Roman reassured. "We got this. You know that I know the numbers game better than anyone."
"I know but I can't calm down. I'm tired of this. I'm tired of these beatings and two on one, and three on one assaults. They're not men, they're puppets. Brainwashed by The Authority. Driven by power. That is not me. And I'm not gonna become a victim of that. I don't know if this was a message, directly sent to me from Rollins, but I'm not having this. These assaults are gonna stop, tonight." She stated and bumped fists with Roman. "I'm standin' at ringside with you, two."
"Okay." Cena nodded. "But do you trust me?"
"Yes. You helped us out in that tag match with the Wyatts. I trust you. Just do me a favor and try not to get attacked. Stick together, tonight. You never know what The Authority is going to do next. Now, If you excuse me, I'm gonna eat some grapes to calm down..." She left as the crowd laughed.
Roman cracked an amused smile. Morgan and her love for grapes will never change.
Morgan kept her word and stayed at ringside to check on Roman & Cena as they went up against Rollins, Kane, and Orton. Things really started to turn around when Roman got tagged in by the champ.
The crowd goes nuts while Roman drops Orton down with a clothesline and punches Kane off the apron. He drops Randy down with another clothesline and starts to get hyped up.
"What a right hand!" JBL said as he witnessed Randy getting punched in the face by the Samoan.
Orton gets positioned for Roman's signature apron dropkick as the crowd cheers. He slides out the ring and runs over to the fallen Viper, before connecting his right boot to his head. Roman high fives Morgan before sliding back into the ring. He taunts the crowd before punching the mat. Kane gets back in the ring but gets dropped by the Superman punch. Roman sidesteps Seth's flying knee attack and clotheslines him out the ring, at the end of the ramp.
"There goes Rollins," Cole said as he held his knee, in pain.
"Rollins hurt his leg," JBL said while Orton took advantage and beat down Roman.
Roman manages to drop the Viper down with a Samoan drop and prepares for the spear.
"Roman Reigns does this on Sunday, then he can walk out as WWE World Heavyweight champion."
Kane slides back in the ring and attacks him from behind while the ref tries to break it up. Orton joins in the assault by stomping on Reigns and the ref had no choice but to call for the bell. Cena manages to get
in the ring and tosses Kane outside the ring. Before Kane could get back in, Morgan manages to hit him with a low blow as the crowd cheers.
"Low blow by the Outspoken Diva!" King cheered.
Back in the ring, Cena goes at it with Orton while Roman rolls out of the ring. Cena tosses Orton over the apron and ducks Kane's punch, making him hit Orton instead as the crowd goes nuts. Cena starts going after Kane and picks him up for the AA. Kane manages to get back on his feet and shoves him away while Roman goes for the spear on Orton. Orton swiftly evades Roman's attack, making him hit Cena instead as the crowd 'Ohs!'
"He speared Cena!" Cole shouts.
"Not good." Morgan mumbles as she walks around the ring.
Kane drops Roman down with a punch and turns around to get hit with an RKO.
"That's your partner!" King exclaimed.
"Don't trust anybody!" Cole stated while Morgan tried to check on Cena, in the ring.
Randy's theme comes on as he gets on the top rope to taunt the crowd. He jumps off the top rope and turns his attention to the Outspoken Diva.
"Come on, she has nothing to do with this," King complained as Orton grabbed her from behind, by her hair, as his theme faded out.
"Ow! Get off, asshole!" She shouted as she tried to escape his strong grip.
He positions her on the apron, preparing for his signature apron DDT. No matter how much she tried to push him away, she could not escape his strong grip. As soon as he is about to drop her, Roman slides back into the ring, still angry that he got beaten down.
Orton releases her and turns around, only to get speared as the crowd gets hyped.
"Spear!" Cole shouted as Roman roared. "Is it Roman Reigns' time?" He wondered as his theme came on.
Morgan rubs the back of her neck while Roman helps her up.
"You all right?" He asked.
"Never better. Thanks." She said as she looked impressed.
He has changed a lot ever since The Shield went their separate ways. It looked like her boys were doing well in their singles careers. Although she wished she could say the same. But she was happy for her boys and their success.
"Will Roman Reigns win his first world championship?" Cole asked. "Who is gonna win, Sunday? Cena? Orton? Kane? Or Roman Reigns?"
On Smackdown, in Triple H's office, Seth was checking out his phone until Kane walked over to him.
"Kane. What's up, man?" Seth greeted. "Look I just uh...I kind of wanna get on the same page, here tonight. I mean I know what happened on Monday, and...I wouldn't really take what Orton did to you, personally. If it was about the WWE World Heavyweight championship, you gotta understand that. But tonight's different. Tonight is about Dean Ambrose."
"I don't need your voice of reason...I'll deal with Randy on my own. In fact, I hope that Orton's watching, tonight. Because I have plans for Dean Ambrose." Kane said, making Seth crack a smile.
"Good. Good, good, good, I like that. Just do me, one little favor, please. Just leave a little bit of life in him, so that I can finish the job at Battleground."
"Or...you could just be a man and face him yourself," Morgan spoke up as the crowd cheered. She walked in on them talking, as she shut the door. "Oh, that's right, you're scared. Anyway, do I have a match, tonight? Did the stupid Authority say anything about me?"
Seth and Kane turn their attention to the diva. Kane looked like he was about to grab her neck but Seth swiftly got in front of him, to stop him.
"Don't," Seth ordered in a stern tone and made him back up. "...touch her."
Now that... caused attention from the audience as the Outspoken Diva stared at Rollins' sudden behavior in surprise. Him defending him? Something was up.
Ignoring the fact that he just defended up, Morgan put her hands on her hips, taunting Kane. "Oh, I'm sorry, what were you gonna do? Chokeslam me? Still mad I low blowed you, on Raw? Aw, sorry to hear that. Maybe next time you'll know when to stay out of my way."
"What are you doing here?" Seth asked.
"I just asked if I have a match. And I'm not supposed to be talking to you, so answer my question, so I can leave."
"Yeah, in fact, you do have a match. Next. Get ready."
"Good." She turned around and opened the door but Seth grabbed her hand. She snatched her hand back and shook her head. "Don't touch me. Don't ever put your hands on me, again."
Rollins put his hands up in defense. "I just wanted to say watch your back, tonight."
"Why should I listen to you?"
"Because I want to help you. I still care about you, grapes."
"I told you not to call me that. I'm not trusting a word you say to me," she replied and left the room.
"This match is set for one fall, introducing first, from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Morgan!" Lilian announced.
"Here comes Morgan, out here to try to gain some momentum for her match against Rosa Mendes, this Sunday." Cole said.
As soon as she comes out, Morgan gets whacked from behind with a guitar, by Rosa as the crowd gets hype.
"Oh my gosh!" Cole shouted.
"What was that for? Sending a message?" JBL asked as Morgan's theme faded out.
"Just give up, already! Don't come to Battleground on Sunday, Morgan!" Rosa shouted.
She waits for her to get up and flattens her out with a swinging neckbreaker, as the crowd 'Ohs' at the impact.
"Morgan is out. That guitar shot was brutal." Cole cringed as the titantron showed the highlights again. "What is the meaning of this? This was not necessary!"
"Yes, it was! Rosa is making a statement! Don't mess with Rosa!" JBL replied.
Rosa grabbed a mic, as the crowd booed her. "Aw, Morgan, are you tired? Tired of me beating you down? Coming after you? I'm sorry. But I'm not going to stop. I don't like you, and I'm going to continue making your life a living hell unless you pack your bags, and leave. But since you want to act tough, it just made me even happier. Why?" She laughed. "Because I cannot wait for our match at Battleground. But there's been a little bit of a twist. You see, our match...is a last diva standing match."
"I cannot wait for this. I can't wait till Sunday." JBL said as the audience cheered loudly at the match idea.
"A last diva standing match?" Cole wondered.
"Yes, you heard right, WWE Universe. A last diva standing match. And if you win, you'll earn my respect. I won't bother you, anymore. I'll stay out of your way, just like you wanted. But if you lose...I want you to leave. Stay away from this company and stay out of my way, while I become the next Diva's champion. Ha ha! And Morgan, I cannot wait to see you...motionless...flat on your back while the ref begins to count."
She paused before counting in Spanish. "Uno...dos...tres...cuatro...cinco...seis... siete...ocho...nueve...diez." She laughed and dropped the mic as her theme came on.
"What a statement by the Latina. What is going to happen, Sunday?" Cole asked as a few refs rushed over to help Morgan, who was lying on her back, out cold.
"I don't know but as soon as Morgan recovers from this attack, all hell is gonna break loose," JBL guaranteed.
Later backstage, Seth jogged over to the trainer's room and found Morgan getting an ice pack on the back of her neck.
"Morgan, you all right? You see? I told you to watch your back. I was trying to help you." Seth explained.
As soon as the Sellout and Outspoken diva locked eyes, the doctor felt tension in the room and quickly left.
"I hate you...so damn much..." She muttered as she glared at him.
Seth grinned. "Oh, so now you hate me, huh? I doubt that."
"Just go away, all right? I don't want anything to do with you."
"And yet you truly haven't done anything to keep me away. I think you like having me around,"
"Seth..." she warned.
"All right, all right. I tried to be nice. Fine. I'll go. But I hope you get better and beat Rosa on Sunday," He presented her with a bag.
"What is that?" She raised a brow as she removed the ice pack off her neck.
She started to get suspicious of what was in the bag. But she saw Seth...smiling? Not smirking, or giving her a smug look, but a smile. Just like the smiles he would give her when they were a part of The Shield. Just like the good days.
Suddenly he placed a hand on her cheek as she gave him an incredulous look.
"I really hope you get better, Morgan. I knew Rosa was gonna attack you. So, I tried to warn you. Rest up." He suddenly kissed her forehead and left the room.
"Uh oh. Bold." JBL said as the crowd got invested at the turn of events.
"H—hey! You don't just kiss me and leave! Who the hell do you think you are!?" She exclaimed and sighed heavily. "...Battleground can't get here fast enough..."
As she opened the bag, she was surprised to see that it was freshly washed grapes. Eating a few, she shook her head as her eating something from the enemy caught the attention of the crowd.
"Grapes...what are you up to, Rollins?" she murmured.
"More mind games?" Cole wondered.
"Maybe Seth is really trying to be nice." JBL defended.
"I doubt that. Something is up. Maybe he's trying to earn her trust, back?"
During the Battleground PPV, backstage, Morgan was stretching for her match as she got a loud reaction from the crowd.
She was tired of going after Rosa. What will it take for her to back off? She had more important things to deal with, like being a champion. Rosa had become a nuisance ever since she beat her the first time. Morgan couldn't wait to get this match over with so she could leave her alone for good.
"I do not feel like having this pointless match..." Morgan mumbled to Dean. "It's like every time I beat her, she just keeps coming back. I got a feeling she likes getting her ass kicked."
"Have you been trying to stay away from Seth?" Dean asked out of the blue.
His obsession for revenge was strong. He always got even and tonight he will finally be able to get his hands on the Sell Out.
Morgan paused and smiled. "He isn't gonna get to me. Haven't talked to him." She embraced him, while the camera showed her looking worried. "Just focus on your match...not me. Please. I'll be fine."
"I'm glad." He cupped her face and kissed her forehead before leaving.
The camera continued to show her stretching until she heard chucking.
"Yes, he isn't gonna get to me. Haven't talked to him. Just focus on your match...not me. Please, I'll be fine." Seth repeated, making her roll her eyes. "Nice white lie, Morgan,"
"Go away.." She retorted and stopped stretching.
"The clock is ticking, Morgan. This version of you, this person that you're trying to be is going to expire, soon. There's always a dark side to every person. And I'm going to expose that. You're going to come back to me."
"These little crappy mind games you're doing isn't working. So, cut it out..."
"It is working. You know it's working. Morgan, it's OK to be selfish. To do things for yourself. The dark side of you is trying to crack open. I mean, you just lied to Ambrose, saying that you haven't spoken to me. What does that make you? You're coming back to me, Morgan," he smirked and walked away, leaving her upset.
"Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time, Mister Money in The Bank, Seth Rollins," Tom announced as Seth grinned and tapped on his briefcase. "Seth, I wanna get your thoughts tonight, before your match with Dean Ambrose."
"I'm smilin' Tom. You should smile, too. It's a historic night, my friend. Cause tonight is the night that I finally put the dagger in Dean Ambrose, and finish him off, once and for all. You see I dismantled The Shield, he's been like uh...like a little cockroach. You know what I'm talkin' about? Just like scurrying around, and then you try to stomp 'em out but you just can't seem to kill em. Tonight that little cockroach, Dean Ambrose, he gets squashed."
Tonight Seth was not messing around. He wanted to destroy Ambrose and take him out of the equation. Then all he had to do next was to become the new WWE World Heavyweight champion.
"And before I do that...I wanna take a second to answer the question that Ambrose so arrogantly posed to me, you know the one...right before I curb stomped his head into oblivion? The answer is no. No, that's not all I got. And Dean Ambrose knows me better than anybody, he knows what I am capable of. And tonight...he is gonna get everything that he bargained for out of me." Seth laughed. "And when I'm finished, with that babbling, out of control, lunatic, when I put him out of his own misery, you can bet, my eyes are gonna be glued to that Fatal Four Way championship match, because...Tom, you may very well be looking at the next WWE World—"
Seth immediately gets cut off by Ambrose, who ambushes him.
"What are you gonna do to me!?" Dean shouted as he continued pummeling down the Money in The Bank winner with punches.
"Hey! Hey! Common! Dean!" Referees and security rushed over to the two and tried to break up the brawl.
"What are you gonna do!?" Dean continued to shout as he grabbed Seth by the hair and tossed him into some work equipment.
"Hey! Hey! Get off of him!" Security shouted as they tried to get a hold of the lunatic, who was all over him.
Dean finally gets restrained, after pushing down a lamp, nearly hitting Seth, while an irate Triple H marches over to the chaos.
"What are you gonna do to me, Seth!?" Dean shouted. "What are you gonna do!?"
"Get him out of here!" Triple H ordered. "Get him out of my building! Get this piece of crap out of my building! You are not gonna screw this up! Get him out of here! I don't wanna see him back in here, either! Get him out!"
Dean gets taken away while Triple H walks over to Seth, who manages to get back up to his feet.
"What the hell was that!?" Seth angrily shouted.
"I mean, I mean, wha—what just happened?" Cole asked. "Triple H just threw Dean Ambrose out of the building?"
"And demanded them to not let him back in," King added.
"The guy's unsafe," JBL commented in a blunt tone.
"Come on, you can't do that."
"I agree with Triple H. Do what's right for the company."
"Of course you do..." King rolled his eyes.
"The question is, what did Dean Ambrose do, though? He attacked Rollins, they were supposed to have a match, coming up, right now. And Triple H has kicked him out of the building. I mean Ambrose has been waiting weeks and weeks for this." Cole recalled.
"And Ambrose's stupid own self, cause himself to not have this match, right now." JBL dissed. "We can blame Dean Ambrose right now because we apparently don't have a match."
"I mean, everything that Dean Ambrose has been put through by Seth Rollins & The Authority for the past couple of weeks...remember last Monday night on Raw—" Cole got cut off.
"And he couldn't wait a few more minutes?!" JBL exclaimed.
"No! No! Triple H is overreacting, what's the difference if the match starts back there, or starts up here?" King pointed out. "They are supposed to fight, anyway."
"Exactly." Cole agreed.
"Because in here it's certified, you have a referee, you have a match, that was not a match." JBL said. "It's a lunatic out of control. Let's just hope his girlfriend doesn't lose her mind tonight, either. Bad enough we got one crazed person out of control tonight. But with two, all hell will break loose."
After AJ's match against Paige, the titantron shows the backstage area. The crowd gave Rosa loud boos as she sat getting her hair & makeup done.
"I cannot wait until my match. Beating Morgan is going to be such an accomplishment. I mean, I beat her before, but this time she'll be gone. Away from the WWE. Ugh, it's such a dream come true. I mean Morgan is bipolar...friggin' crazy...she needs help. Professional help." Rosa ranted.
The reception of the crowd turned positive when they saw the Outspoken Diva walking towards her, from behind. She wore her wrestling skinny jeans, and Morgan themed crop top with a denim jacket, instead of her hoodie, revealing her new attire. Her hair was getting longer again as well. It was almost near the middle of her back again, as it was in a loose and curly hairstyle.
Rosa's foe gently tapped on the makeup artist's shoulder and politely asked her to leave, which she happily obeyed.
"Uh oh," Cole mumbled while Morgan opened up some blush.
"I mean, I don't get why everyone likes her. She sucks at wrestling. She has no personality. She acts like a wannabe Harley Quinn hey what are you doing?" Rosa brushed the blush off her arms and got out of the chair.
She turned around to witness the Outspoken Diva behind her the whole time, sprinkling blush on top of her head.
"Hey! Are you kidding me!?" She picked up the chair, she was sitting in, and threw it across the hallway, near Morgan, but she moved out of the way.
Morgan punches her in the face and spears her onto the make up table as the crowd cheers.
"Someone get help! Morgan what are you doing!? You have a match tonight!" JBL shouted while Rosa screamed.
The Outspoken Diva starts throwing Rosa's head up and down on the make up table before getting grabbed by a small army of referees and security.
"Hey! Hey! Morgan! Get off her!" The security guards shouted.
"Get her away from me! You're crazy!" Rosa screamed.
"Get off of me!" Morgan shouted as she got taken away.
"Control yourself!" A referee shouted back, trying to calm her down.
Triple H jogs up to Rosa and helps her up. "The hell happened?" He asks.
"Morgan happened! I hate her! I do not want to be in the same ring as her tonight. Call the match off! Do something! She's out of control and isn't ring ready for me." Rosa grabbed him by his jacket.
"Rosa, I got it." He reassured.
"No! I want something done, now! She has to GO! NOW!"
"Relax," he said in a calm tone.
"I can't believe this...Morgan had no right to do that. The woman was just getting her hair and make up done!" JBL criticized.
"I would always watch my back if you have Morgan on your bad side. Rosa should have seen that coming." King recalled.
Later on with Morgan, she stood backstage, trying to take some of the make up off her jacket.
"Quite the brawl you got into back there." Seth walked up to her.
"Ah. Quite the head you got there," she replied.
"I am the genius and creator of The Shield, after all." He boasted.
"No," she replied in a blunt tone, stopping what she was doing as she turned to face him. "You see if your head wasn't shoved so far up Triple H's ass, you'd see how much of a sellout you are. Oh, by the way, watch your back. Dean could be anywhere. He could be watching us, right now."
"Watching?" Seth looked confused.
"I mean, you didn't actually think I would lie to Dean, did you? All part of the plan," She patted his back, while chucking, before walking away, leaving Seth looking around, backstage, worried for his well being.
"Did Rollins just get outsmarted?" Cole asked as the crowd cheered loudly. "It seems like all those worried looks Morgan would give Ambrose was just an act to fool The Authority. It seemed to have worked,"
"I knew Ambrose & Morgan were up to something. I'm glad she really didn't lie to Dean." King praised.
"Great...this is just perfect...more chaos tonight, I can already feel it," JBL grumbled.
'WWE Exclusive Video'
Morgan was leaning on the wall, on her phone. She looked up and watched Triple H walk backstage, heading to his office while Rollins headed out to the ring. Looking around to see if the coast was clear, she opened the storage closet, to reveal Dean.
"He's headed to the ring." She grabbed his hand and led him to the gorilla.
A nearby referee witnessed Ambrose and Morgan, together. He was about to go tell The Authority, but Morgan grabbed him by the back of his shirt, giving him a threatening look.
She said in a low, threatening voice, "Don't do that." while shaking her head.
The referee nodded quickly and walked away, looking scared.
She exhaled. "This is the best I can do. Punch him in the face for me, okay?"
Dean smirked and nodded. "Gladly. You didn't have to do this."
She grinned and shrugged. "Hey, Harley always got a plan. All right, I gotta go. Good luck out there." She turned around but he grabbed her hand.
She turned back around to face him, wondering what else he wanted. He wrapped an arm around her waist, gazing into her fierce eyes before he met her lips with his. Even though he was still mad at Rollins, his kiss was surprisingly tender and passionate. Morgan, surprised at the sudden kiss, began to kiss back, wrapping her arms around his neck. She got backed up into the wall, while Dean smirked into the kiss, not surprised at tasting her grape flavored ChapStick.
They heard Justin announcing Seth Rollins, as the crowd booed. As much as Dean didn't want to stop, he released her. Morgan, catching her breath from the heated kiss she had just received, ran a hand through her hair.
"Thanks, baby." He smiled. "I appreciate you doing this for me."
"No problem. Kick ass out there."
She received a wink from her boyfriend, before leaving him to his dirty deeds.
After the Intercontinental championship battle royal, Rosa got in the ring, as the crowd gave her boos.
"I guess you're waiting for Morgan to kick my butt, tonight, right?" She asked as the crowd cheered in response. "Well, too bad! She's not going to face me, tonight! The match is off! I will not be in the ring with a crazed woman. She needs to get her act together. I mean, I could get injured by her. And none of you want me injured, right?"
She scowled as soon as the crowd chanted 'Yes!' and shook her head.
"How dare you!?" She got out of the ring and jumped over the barricade. "You! Who is your favorite WWE Diva?" She asked a male audience member, in his early 30s.
"AJ!" He shouted with excitement as the fans cheered and high fived him.
She scoffed "You're not a real WWE Diva fan. What about you grandma?" She asked a nearby elderly woman.
"I love Naomi." She replied with a sweet smile.
Rosa sighed. "What about you, tattoo artist?" she looked at a woman, covered in tattoos, in disgust. She looked to be in her early 20s, and had a Morgan themed tank top, on.
"Morgan all the way." The woman smirked.
She rolled her eyes. "Typical..." She continued to walk around. "Who is your favorite WWE Diva?"
"Eva!" A man shouted, earning some boos and laughs from the crowd.
"Are you joking? You would pick Eva instead of me? Ugh...And what about you, ladies?"
"The Bella Twins!" A group of teen girls shout with excitement, before waving at the camera.
Rosa rolled her eyes again and continued to walk around. This was ridiculous. She didn't find one fan yet. She might as well ask the kids.
"What about you little girl? Don't you love a role model, like me?" She kneeled to the eight year old girl.
"Is she serious, right now?" King asked with amusement as Cole laughed.
The little girl shyly smiled and timidly said, "M—Morgan is my favorite WWE Diva. She's so awesome and nice and bubbly and pretty and she looks so cute with Dean."
The crowd cheered again, while Rosa stood up and glared at her.
"You haven't raised your child, right." She dissed her parents, as some nearby audience members 'Oohed!'
"Oh come on, Rosa." King called out.
"Hey! She's right. Rosa is a great WWE Diva." JBL defended.
"Let's see if the parents were raised right. Who is your favorite WWE Diva?"
"Natalya." The mother, in her late 40s, replied with a grin.
"Oh, real cute," Rosa replied in a harsh tone. "And what about you, pops?"
The husband stood up and said, "Paige!"
"Ugh! Is there anyone who isn't stupid? Is there anyone who has me as their favorite diva!?" Rosa shouted. "All of you have no taste!"
The crowd cheered loudly when they saw Morgan running her way, through the crowd.
"Uh oh! Watch your back, Rosa!" Cole warned.
"Oh, this is gonna be good!" King looked on with anticipation.
"What about you, college boys?" Rosa went over to a group of guys in their early 20s and sat on one of their laps. "Don't you love a diva who is all woman?" She played with his short black hair.
"Yo! She's sitting on your lap, bro!" The second college boy exclaimed.
The first college boy was grinning like an idiot, having Rosa on his lap. The third and fourth started taking videos of their friend with Rosa.
"So who's your favorite diva?" Rosa smiled in a flirty way and caressed his face.
"Uh..." The first college boy nervously chuckled.
"Don't be shy. Tell the truth." She added in a sultry voice. The college boy glanced at his friends, still enjoying having Rosa on his lap. "Tell everyone who you think is the hottest WWE Diva. Who you fantasize about. Who you adore and cheer for every week."
"Morgan." He replied proudly.
The crowd erupted in loud cheers while Rosa's smile dropped into a frown.
"Damn!" The college boy's friends yelled.
"Tonight is not Rosa's night, is it?" Cole chuckled as Rosa got off his lap.
Meanwhile, Morgan was hugging and taking a picture with the little girl and woman with the tattoos, thanking them for their support.
"Are you kidding me!?" Rosa shouted. "All of you stupid people would pick Morgan, instead of me!? All the other divas, instead of me!?"
The crowd cheered loudly when Morgan finally reached Rosa.
She turns her around and snatches the microphone from her.
"Hey!" Rosa shouted before getting hit in the head with the microphone.
"Pipebomb!" The college boys shout.
"Here we go!" Cole shouted while Morgan started unloading on Rosa. They leaned up against the barricade before she tossed Rosa over it. "Looks like they're picking up where they left off, earlier tonight!"
Before Morgan jumps over the barricade, she heads over to the college boy, smiling and kissing him on the cheek.
"I love you." he grinned.
"Aw. Love you, too." Morgan beamed and took a quick photo with him.
"Will you marry me?"
"You're too cute." She giggled, while he high fived his friends.
She turns her attention back to the thorn in her side and jumps over the barricade. Rosa ambushes her and they both tumble down as Rosa strikes her with punches. She starts screaming as soon as Morgan gets on top, and viciously strikes her in the face, several times.
"Ladies, break it up!" Referees and security shout as they start to separate the two.
Morgan gets restrained by the referees as they wrap their arms around her waist, while the crowd boos. Rosa manages to get some free shots by kicking Morgan, wherever she can.
"This is brutal! These two hate each other!" King exclaimed as Morgan started to get taken up the ramp.
"Get her out of here! Get her out of here! You crazy bitch! You piece of trash!" Rosa started kicking and screaming.
As soon as both divas, manage to get up to the stage, Morgan escapes the referees and leaps on top of Rosa, and a few security guards, making them all fall down.
"I knew she wasn't gonna let her off the hook, so easily!" King exclaimed as the two divas started rolling down the ramp while trying to strike each other.
Morgan stands up and tosses Rosa into the barricade. Rosa yells out in pain and rubs her back, before getting grabbed by her hair as she gets thrown into a ring post.
"All the frustration, the mind games, the smart remarks, all the attacks, everything that Rosa has done to Morgan all these months, is getting shown right here," Cole looked on as the referees and security desperately tried to pull Morgan off of her.
The spitfire finally gets pulled off of Rosa, by the guards. Rosa scrambles into the ring, with Morgan high on her tail.
"Well, Morgan still wants her match," Cole added, as the Outspoken Diva tried to get in the ring, but got arms wrapped around her waist, by security guards.
"Get the hell off of me!" The Philly Diva screamed and punched a security guard in the face, as the crowd cheered loudly, not expecting her to strike one of them.
The security guard, was Jamie Noble, as he stumbled back and rubbed his jaw.
"Morgan! Morgan! Calm down!" Joey Mercury, another security guard, shouted as he grabbed her by the waist.
He lifts her up in the air, a little, and takes a few steps back, trying to take her backstage.
"I said get off!" she screamed in anger and elbowed him in his head.
She turns around and kicks him in the stomach, before throwing elbows and punches. Joey desperately tries to keep her under control, by trying to grab her arms, but fails. King screams in a high pitched voice, as The Outspoken Diva starts beating up the security guards, with punches, elbows, and kicks, to pry them off her.
"She just punched a security guard! Arrest her! She's assaulting referees and security guards! She's crazy! She's insane! Arrest her!" JBL shouted.
The crowd was loving it. It's not every day you see a WWE Superstar, or diva, for that matter, attack referees and security guards.
"Would somebody take this spitfire out of the building!?" JBL continued to complain.
"Get her out of here!" Fit Finlay shouted as he managed to grab Morgan from behind, while other security guards grabbed her arms and legs.
"What will it take to calm this woman down!? Get her out of here!" JBL shouted.
Rosa, who was still in the ring, recovering from the assault, watches Morgan get restrained.
"You're crazy!" Rosa screamed.
"I'll show you crazy!" Morgan screamed back as she managed to free her legs and an arm.
She kneed Fit Finlay in the stomach, before running to the ring, again.
"Oh my God, she is just like her boyfriend! They're both nutcases!" JBL exclaimed while holding his head in annoyance.
Rosa scrambles out of the ring, as soon as Morgan gets in. Hair all in her face, and seething, Morgan stands up and starts pacing around. The referees and security manage to prevent her from leaving the ring, to help Rosa get out of harm's way.
"This is insane!" Cole exclaimed.
Triple H stormed down the ring, with an irate expression. "What the hell are you doing!?" he shouted at the referees and security. "Get her out of here! Get her out of here!"
"Thank you! About time! Do something, Triple H!" JBL cheered.
Triple H roughly takes off his jacket, and loosens his tie, before taking it off and unbuttons the first three buttons of his shirt.
"You are not gonna ruin this for me!" He tried to get in the ring but the security intervened and held him back.
"Good grief!" King shouted.
"Get her, Triple H! Get her!" JBL cheered.
"What are you gonna do?! What are you gonna do!?" Morgan yelled, taking off her denim jacket as she put her arms out, waiting to see what the COO was going to do. "What are you gonna do, huh!?"
'This is Awesome!' chants began to occur as Melanie fought the smile that was trying to come across her face, getting to have this moment with Triple H. As she continued to hear him shout in character, she quickly bounced back and maintained an angry expression.
"I'm sick of this crap! I'm sick of it!" Triple H continued to shout.
"Do something! Do something!" she shouted back.
"The heck is she thinking!?" JBL exclaimed. "She's gonna get fired! She's out of here for sure! Fire her! Fire her, Triple H! This is too much chaos in one night! First Ambrose, now Morgan!? This is ridiculous! Fire her! Fire her, now!"
"Would you shut up!? Rosa had this coming. And everyone knows how wild Morgan can get when she's angry." King snapped.
After a minute of getting retrained, Triple H punches the security guards away from him, and gets in the ring, as the crowd cheers loudly.
"Oh boy," King said, in a worried tone.
Morgan looks enraged as she locks eyes with the COO. Her facial expression showed a scowl. Meanwhile, Triple H's face was red with rage as she witnessed a vein popping out of his neck.
"Uh oh! Uh oh! What is Triple H about to do!?" Cole shouted.
"Let's get ready to rumble~!" JBL laughed. "Morgan has really done it now."
"Morgan didn't do anything wrong. Let her fight!" King retorted as security and referees separated the COO and Outspoken Diva.
The crowd was cheering in anticipation, feeling a fight.
"Morgan! Calm down!" Referees shouted as she was backed up into a corner, while The COO was getting backed up in the corner, across from her.
"All right. All right. I'm fine. I'm fine." Morgan put her hands up in defense.
"You are gonna get it! I'm so friggin' tired of your crap! I am so friggin' tired!" Triple H yelled.
Suddenly, she jumps over the referees as she nearly gets across the ring, but they manage to hold her back.
"I am afraid of what's gonna happen," Cole said.
"Hunter! Hunter! Let's go! Out of the ring!" Security shouted as the crowd booed loudly.
The COO gets escorted out of the ring, where he meets up with Rosa.
"Darn it..." King frowned.
Morgan looks at the crowd. She wasn't going to let them be unhappy. She quickly runs up to the corner, facing the ramp, and gets on the top rope. Referees rush up to her, trying to convince her to get down.
"What is she doing, now!?" JBL exclaimed. "Get her down!"
"Oh boy! Look out!" King shouted in a high pitched voice as they witnessed Morgan perform a crossbody on Triple H, Rosa, and the security.
The crowd was cheering like crazy as she went after the COO, unloading on him with elbows, and punches. Anything to get some hits.
"What is she doing!? You can't put your hands on the COO of this company! Arrest her!" JBL yelled.
Loud 'Holy shit' chants surround the arena while Morgan starts kicking and screaming as she gets restrained by the referees.
"Morgan is fighting everybody!" Cole shouted.
"I am going to kill you! You are finished! Done!" Triple H managed to get back on his feet and grabbed her by the hair, despite getting pulled back by security.
Celeste tweets 'HOLY CRAP! WWEMorgan101 has gone CRAZY! I love it! #MorganOnTheLoose'
"Who do you think you are!? I am the COO of this company! I created you in this business! And I will take you out! You think you can do this to me!?" The COO was seeing red and he put his hands on her neck.
Morgan, manages to grab a hold of his wrists, trying to get his hands off her neck.
"Stop! Stop!" Referees and security guards shouted. "Get off of her! Enough! That's enough!"
"Get your damn hands off of me!" she managed to give him a kick in the balls as King yelled again in a high pitched voice.
"She just low blowed the boss!" Cole shouted.
"She is going to get so many consequences from this..." JBL guaranteed.
"Morgan! That's enough!" Security shouted.
Celeste tweets 'Why bother breaking it up? All hell has gone loose!'
"Get her out of here! Get that crazy homicidal bitch out of here!" Rosa shouted.
Morgan gets backed up by security and referees near the commentating table.
"Morgan! Do you think before you do things!? You're gonna get fired over this!" JBL shouted.
Morgan snapped her head towards JBL and stormed up to him, gripping him by the jacket. "I don't care!" she screamed in his face.
King laughs as she shoves him back into his chair. She searches under the ring and grabs a chair.
"All right, I'm calling 911, now." JBL took out his phone.
"You deserved that, John," King said with amusement.
As soon as the Outspoken Diva takes out the chair, the referees and security get defensive.
"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Morgan! Put the chair down! Put it down! Enough!" They shouted as the crowd cheered her on.
The spitfire starts pacing back and forth before slamming the chair on top of the announce table while screaming.
"Somebody calm her down!" JBL yelled.
"You do it since you want to so bad," King replied.
Morgan throws the chair away and goes right after Rosa again, who was trying to help Triple H up.
"Watch your back!" Cole warned as Morgan grabbed Rosa from behind and laid her out with the Morganizer.
The crowd booed once security managed to pick The Outspoken Diva up and begin taking her to the back as her theme came on.
"Morgan just made a statement!" Cole shouted.
"A dumb one. It's a ticket to unemployment." JBL criticized. "Can't believe she attacked me."
"You shouldn't have been running your mouth." King retorted as Triple H struggled to get up while gritting his teeth, in pain.
"Come on. We need to get you checked out." A referee helped him out.
"Get off of me! Get off!" The COO shoved him away. "I want Morgan. Now." He ordered.
"That's not a good idea—"
On Raw, Melanie was backstage, watching RAW with April and Celeste, who came to visit.
"I cannot believe you went at it with Triple H," Celeste said in amazement.
"That was friggin' awesome. You two going to have a singles match against each other in the future?" April asked.
Melanie grinned. "Fingers crossed. I'd love to face him. Call it a taste of what could happen in the future if the demand is high enough,"
Later as she and April head to catering, they see a big bowl of grapes just for Melanie, as it had the name 'Morgan' on it.
"Time for grapes!" Melanie immediately attacked the bowl.
"Hey! I want some!" April tried to grab some but the Philly Diva blocked her way.
"Aye! Aye! I'm trying to eat my grapes, here. Give me some privacy. Get your own!"
"You can't share? Give me some!" April managed to snatch some from her hand and shoved them in her mouth.
"April! Those are mine! There's another grape bowl over there for everyone else!"
"Haha! Nope!" she teased and grabbed the nicely sealed grape bowl, running away with it.
"Hey! Come back here!" Melanie ran after her.
"Hey dudes, grapes, hide em. Beware of the grape monster. Bye!" April dashed away after giving Jon a bowl of grapes.
"What the—oh no way, you take it." Jon gave Colby the bowl of grapes.
"Hell no, man. I don't want to get speared." Colby gave it to Joe.
"Just because I do spears, doesn't mean I want to get hit by one." Joe gave it back to Colby.
They started passing around the grape bowl like a hot potato, not looking forward to dealing with Melanie's wrath. Melanie always got defensive about her grapes. She was very passionate about them in catering.
"Hey, Heath! Here you want some grapes?" Colby gave Heath the bowl.
"Thanks, man." Heath walked off with the bowl as he sighed out of relief.
"Oh my God! You killed Heath!" Jon exclaimed.
"You bastard!" Joe punched Colby in the arm.
"He'll live...barley." Colby laughed.
The Outspoken Diva walked around backstage. She asked whoever she could find where April would be at. She wanted her grapes back. And she will get her grapes back. She always gets her grapes back.
"Hey, look what I got? These grapes are good. Haven't had them in a while." Heath started popping them in his mouth.
"Where'd you get them?" Nic asked, getting off of his Twitter account.
"Colby and the guys gave them to me."
Nic looked alarmed. "Wait. Dude, those are MELANIE'S grapes!"
"Oh shit!" Heath quickly left the table and dashed to the men's locker room.
"Aye! Don't leave them with me! I don't want to get attacked!" Nic helplessly looked at the bowl. He saw Jon and quickly put it in his hands. "See ya, bye!"
"Hey! I don't want this!" Jon called out but Nic quickly ran away.
"Where are my grapes!?" Jon heard Melanie's demanding voice, nearby.
Being so alarmed by her voice, he almost dropped the bowl but managed to catch it. He mentally thanked his reflexes as he ran around backstage to find April, and saw her hanging out with Celeste and Ettore.
"You started this. You end it." Jon handed the bowl back to April.
"Oh, come on!" April whined.
"Hey!" Melanie shouted across the hallway and started running after the four of them.
"Ah!" April shrieked and set the bowl down on a table while running away with everyone else.
"Are you guys serious?" She checked on her grape bowl. She turns around, only to get smacked in the face by grape pie.
"Smack cam!" A goofy laugh filled Melanie's ears.
The pie felt cold like it had been in the refrigerator. She removed the pan from her face and slowly wiped the pie off her eyes, and mouth.
"Damn! I got you, good!" Colby laughed.
Melanie laughed with him while he playfully punched her shoulder. All of a sudden, she ceased her laugh and frowned at him.
"Oh shit " He tried to run away but The Outspoken diva jumped on his back, making him fall down on his chest, leaving him in her wrath.
Meanwhile, Celeste, Jon, Joe, April, Heath, Nic, and Ettore came back and laughed at Colby, who was getting beat up.
"Why are you laughing? You guys are next!" She got up and ran after them, laughing to herself as she heard them scream and yell for help.
Later, as soon as they showed Stephanie getting arrested on TV, Morgan tweeted, 'Stephanie is a #SmoothCriminal. This is an awesome night. Still laughing.'
Dean walks out to the ring, as the crowd gets him a loud pop.
"The wild one. Last night, Dean Ambrose and Morgan Lopez went crazy. Dean Ambrose, not one, not two, but three brawls Seth Rollins last night. Triple H called Ambrose unfinished business. So, he's putting Cesaro in Ambrose's way." Cole said.
"Unfortunately tonight, Morgan has been suspended without pay, until this Friday for Smackdown. The Authority has also ordered that Morgan will be in a handicap match." He informed.
"This is ridiculous! She doesn't deserve this!" King exclaimed.
"Oh yeah? Tell that to the COO. She deserves it. She shouldn't have put her hands on him!" JBL defended. "Last night, Morgan got into two brawls with Rosa and got physical with the COO of the company. Another thing, she helped Dean Ambrose get back in the building last night! She has every right to get suspended. Some WWE Diva she is...And I really think Triple H should have given her a more extreme punishment. Like firing her. Suspending her longer. Giving her a fine. Something else."
"You're just mad because she put her hands on you." King retorted.
Dean loses his match via DQ after hitting Cesaro with a steel chair. He starts throwing chairs into the ring but Cesaro rolls out the ring.
"Is that all you got?" Ambrose's eyes widened.
He sets a chair down and sits on it backward.
Morgan tweets 'My sexy #LeatherJacketBadass is taking charge tonight. Look out WWERollins. And remember, watch your back!'
Later backstage, Rosa was with Renee Young for an interview.
"Ladies and gentlemen—" Renee got cut off by Rosa who snatched the microphone from her.
"Hi, Renee. You're friends with Morgan, right?" she smiled.
"I am but what does that—"
"I wonder how far Morgan will go to save her friends," she smirked and walked away, leaving Renee speechless.
"I don't like that smirk. I have a feeling Rosa is going to do something in the near future." Cole said with concern.
"I hope not..." King replied.
Morgan tweets 'LaRosaMendes DON'T go after my friends. ESPECIALLY ReneeYoungWWE. She has nothing to do with this. Don't put her in our business. Leave her alone.'
'Backstage pass'
"Dean, your DQ tonight over Cesaro, was that Dean Ambrose sending a message, to Seth Rollins?" Eden asked.
"Hey, it's just me doing what I gotta do to survive around here. That's just me getting a clean victory. That counts as a clean victory, right?" he asked. "Cause like, if Seth Rollins gets a forfeit win, over a guy that's not even in the building, at Battleground, then how come that doesn't count, as a win, huh? Same thing, right? Okay, I'm sorry, I'm complaining. I'm making trouble. I'm being irresponsible. I apologize. I apologize, everybody. Here's what I wanna know. How is Stephanie McMahon? Has anybody heard from Stephanie McMahon? She in jail, tonight?"
"Stephanie." He looked at the camera. "Stephanie, I have a message for ya, I hope you can hear me. I'm gonna try to get a hold of you, tonight and get you some phone numbers, of some guys that I know that gotten me out of similar situations, that you're in tonight. The names are Sneaky Pete, and Fat Tony the good guy, they're...they're good at what they do guys, and they helped Morg and I out in the past before. Although Morgan was much luckier, but anyway, I want you to know somethin' all right? If any of those big burley women in jail, tonight, try to mess with you or try to push you, you stand up to them, okay? Because you're a McMahon, all right? Stay strong Stephanie, we're all prayin' for ya."
Morgan tweets 'LMAO! Sneaky Pete...Yep, they helped me out a lot back then. Bar fights...Glad I was lucky. #LuckyCharm # StephanieTheJailBird'
Once Smackdown came along, Morgan was in the ring, getting ready for her match.
"As you can see, Morgan is getting set for her four on one handicap match. I have to admit, this is unfair. I feel like Triple H should have done something else, instead of this punishment match." Cole said.
"He did the right thing. She needs this. She needs this beating so she can get her act together. She isn't going to be off the hook for putting her hands on her boss." JBL criticized.
Morgan glances at the divas in the ring. Summer Rae, Eva, Alicia, And Cameron. She is in no mood for this match as she crosses her arms, leaning on the turnbuckle.
'Ding Ding Ding'
"And here we go wait a minute!" Cole shouted as Rosa slid into the ring and attacked Morgan from behind. "This was a setup!"
The crowd boos as Rosa takes off her heels and starts beating Morgan down with them.
"She deserves this beating. She asked for this." JBL replied as the Philly Diva got ambushed by the divas.
Cameron grabs Morgan by the hair but gets punched in the face.
"She's fighting back!" Cole said as the crowd cheered.
She starts to hold her own as she punches every diva away from her. But Summer and Eva get a hold of her arms, giving Cameron and Alicia the advantage to kick her in the stomach. Morgan falls down on her knees, while Alicia prepares for the scissors kick.
"What a shot by Alicia!" Cole exclaimed.
"Pick her up, again!" Rosa ordered as the divas lay her out with their signature moves.
"Morgan is helpless," Cole said as Rosa grabbed a chair and set it in the middle of the ring.
She grabbed Morgan by her hair and gave her a dirty look. "WHEN are you going to LEARN to stay down and know your place around here? This isn't 2013! The Shield is no more! You're irrelevant to this company! You're nothing without The Shield! Just give up! And I promise, if you continue to stay here, we are going to make your life a living hell." She shoved her away.
Morgan felt groggy as she slowly started to get up to her feet with the support of the chair. The crowd 'Ohs' as soon as Rosa hits her with a swinging neckbreaker on the chair. Then, Eva gives her a microphone.
"1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10." She laughed and taunted the crowd with the divas as her theme came on.
Morgan rubs the back of her neck and glares at Rosa, as she exits the ring.
"Rosa has made a statement. But I don't Morgan is going to give up so easily," Cole said as she got from a referee in the ring.
Forced To Believe 67- Going Our Separate Ways

Summary: Morgan goes on her own. Jon takes care of Melanie's ex once and for all.
Words: 8,000+
Author's Note: This got more of her toxic ex with some mentions of abuse so just wanted to warn y'all! Last time he will be in the story.
The main event with The Shield, Morgan, and Cena up against The Wyatts and Rosa started off as a back and forth match up until The Wyatts started to dominate Cena and Dean. Things start to pick up when Bray slams Cena down and goes for a running senton. Cena manages to roll out the way.
"And John Cena creates a little bit of space, can he capitalize?" Cole wondered.
The crowd gets hyped once Roman gets tagged in. He slams Luke down with a clothesline and hits Erick off the apron. Erick gets back in the ring and tries to clothesline him, but Roman swiftly evades it, so Dean can jump on top of him. While Ambrose starts unloading on Erick, Rosa gets in the ring. While the ref and Roman are distracted, she goes down on her knees to try to low blow him but Roman catches her forearm in time.
"Uh oh!" Cole exclaimed as she tried to yank her arm back.
Roman makes Rosa stand up as she starts begging for mercy. He picks her up over his shoulders and slams her down with a Samoan drop. Morgan connects with a moonsault and Rosa rolls out the ring. Roman bumps fists with the Philly Diva and slides out of the ring to hit Luke and Erick with a dropkick outside the ring. Dean clotheslines Erick out of the ring but gets bounced off the apron by him. Morgan gets back on the apron while Luke gets planted by Reigns with a slam.
"Cover him." King urged but the pin got broken up by Erick.
He starts pummeling Roman down until Cena connects with a crossbody to take him out. He tries to go for the AA but Erick manages to evade it and Bray takes the opportunity to hit Cena with the Sister Abigail. But as soon as Bray turns around he gets dropped by a Superman punch. Meanwhile, Morgan and Dean get back in the ring and dive on top of Erick and Rosa outside the ring.
"Man!" JBL shouted when Luke dropped Roman down with a big boot.
"Reigns may be out," Cole said as Luke went for the pin.
Luckily Roman kicks out. Luke starts looking around the arena, acting weird and Roman manages to spear him when he turns around.
"Spear!" Cole shouted.
"Reigns, Ambrose, Lopez and Cena win!"
Cena, Morgan, and Dean get back in the ring to celebrate. Roman and Dean hug before they get their hands raised by the ref, along with Morgan and Cena.
"Thank you." Morgan smiled at Cena while Cena gave The Shield members a nod in approval.
"Triple H and Seth Rollins can not be pleased," Cole said as the camera showed them in Triple H's office, looking on. Meanwhile, back in the ring, Cena raises The Shield's arms in victory.
Next week on Raw, Paige was taking on Cameron while Naomi was at ringside. All of a sudden, Rosa runs out and attacks Paige, making it a disqualification.
"Why is Rosa out here?" Cole exclaimed as she threw Paige out of the ring, while Cameron slid out the ring.
Rosa grabs the Diva's Championship and slides back into the ring.
"What is going on?" King asked as Rosa was in her street clothes, while she grabbed a mic.
"I got something to say." she spoke as the crowd gave her no love. "Don't make me tell you to shut up! I have something to say so shut up! All of you! You are looking at the next—AHEM!"
"This is so disrespectful. Let her talk." JBL said as the crowd continued to boo her.
"You are looking at the next Diva's Champion. I am so tired of watching all these vulgar divas get title shot after title shot, when you got a veteran like me, who has been working hard and improved, not getting a shot—SHUT UP!" She shouted again. "But instead of complaining about it, I decided to take action. I don't care who I have to beat, but the next diva in line for this title is me! Not Naomi. Not Cameron. And certainly not some Philly cheese steak eating, Harley Quinn wannabe, bitch!"
"Whoa, was that necessary?" King asked.
Suddenly, Morgan walks out in her trademark tank top, jeans, and hoodie.
"Oh here comes the Philadelphian, now! She just finished eating her Philly cheese steak! I bet she ate a lot of TastyKakes in the back, too!" Rosa mocked, making Morgan crack an amused smile as she got in the ring and took off her hoodie. "Looks like she ate some bagels with that Philadelphia cream cheese too. You look like you gained a couple of pounds, you pig! Haha—AH!" She shrieked as she got speared.
"Uh oh! Here we go!" Cole shouted.
Morgan continues pummeling Rosa with punches before throwing her across the ring. She knocks her down with a couple of clotheslines before dropping her back down with a roundhouse kick. She grabs her and hits her with the backfire, in the middle of the ring, as the crowd cheers for her. She stands tall and looks down at Rosa's motionless body, shrugging. Her theme comes on while she picks up the Diva's championship to louder cheers. She looks at it and sees Paige getting back in the ring. They face off as she raises Paige's championship in front of her with a smirk.
"Looks like Cameron and Rosa aren't the only ones that Paige needs to watch out for." King grinned.
"I see the tension. These two do not like each other, do they?" JBL said as Paige snatched the title from her and got in her face.
Morgan looks nonchalant at how Paige snatched the title from her as the ref separates them.
"Morgan surprisingly the woman with a few words, tonight. I don't think this is going to be the last of these two." Cole predicted.
"I agree! I hope they go at it soon." King cheered.
"Hey, Morgan. Morgan." Triple H was shown on the titantron again as the crowd boos while she narrowed her eyes. "Congratulations, you are on your own again, just like when you debuted. No brothers. No boyfriend, you are all alone. Seem like you didn't get the memo when Rosa said she will be next in line for a title shot. And it seems that you think you deserve a title shot more than Rosa does. Well how about you prove that to me? Later on tonight, you will go one on one with the Diva's Champion, Paige, in a nontitle match,"
The crowd cheers loudly at the idea, while Morgan gives Paige a smirk while Paige nods a couple of times. The crowd starts chanting 'This Is Awesome'.
"And Morgan...don't disappoint me. I hope you prove to The Authority and the whole world that you don't need your little boys to hold your hand, in this company. Prove to everyone that you don't need anyone to help you out. That you don't need a team for success." He continued.
"Paige and Morgan going at it, later on, tonight!? I can't wait!" King said with excitement.
"This is going to be physical," JBL guaranteed.
'WWE Exclusive Video'
"Please welcome my guest at this time, the WWE Diva's Champion, Paige," Tom announced.
"Tom." Paige greeted.
"Paige. I wanna get your take on what just transpired in the ring between Morgan, Naomi, Cameron, and Rosa Mendes. Is there anyone on the diva's division that you think will be a threat to you?"
"I am very excited for the competition. There's a bunch of talent. You got Naomi, who is really, really athletic. You got Natalya, who is actually a big idol of mine, and then you got Morgan. A diva who wrestles guys, she's charismatic and plucky, and her passion for wrestling is great. I'm really looking forward to facing her in a match, tonight."
"We saw a little bit of mind games portrayed by her, earlier when she raised the title in your face. How do you feel about that?"
"I don't like it when the divas touch something that's mine. Especially when it's the diva's championship"
Morgan walks up to her and gives her a smile. "Sorry to interrupt."
"No, no, you're fine," Paige replied, eyeing her cautiously.
"I don't think you're a rookie. You belong here. I admire you. Admire your wrestling. Your passion. You busted your ass and you deserve that title."
"Thank you. I admire you, too. I've seen all that you've done. It takes a lot of guts to step in the ring with WWE Superstars."
"I came here because I just wanted to thank you, for thinking I'm a threat. But I'm not after your title...yet. I got some unfinished business to take care of. I was just making a statement. For you, and all the other divas to stay the hell out of my way." The Outspoken Diva said in a forceful tone as she narrowed her eyes.
Paige steps up to her as they face off. Dryly chuckling and nodding she said, "I think you should be the one to stay the hell out of my way. I'm looking forward to taking you on. Just think again if you think you'll win against me,"
"Hm. Likewise...you and I are gonna have a lot of fun in the future."
"Yes...we are. I'm nothing you've ever faced before. You honestly think you can win against me?"
"I don't think. I know. And tonight I'm going to prove that."
"Is that right?"
The tension was starting to build up as Tom started to get uncomfortable, with the situation.
"L—ladies let's not get physical. Your match will be coming up soon," he reminded nervously.
"Watch your back." The Outspoken diva said in a threatening tone and walked away.
"Yep...We're going to be the best of friends." Paige smiled at Tom.
"This is a diva's bout set for one fall! Introducing first, from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, The Outspoken Diva, Morgan Lopez!" Justin announced.
The crowd gives her a big pop as she twirls around and does her taunt.
"Triple H ordered this match. Morgan going up against Paige to see if she can handle her own alone, without Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins." Cole informed.
"Speaking of Dean Ambrose, are they still together?" King eagerly asked.
"King you'll never have a chance with Morgan. Cut it out!" JBL shouted while Morgan slid into the ring and taunted the crowd on the turnbuckle.
"I was just asking. Jeez. It was a curious question." King grumbled.
"Morgan takes on the Diva's Champion, Paige, next," Cole announced before they went to a commercial break.
As soon as they came back to the USA Network, Paige was already in the ring while the ref calls for the bell.
"And here we go. Two dominant divas going at it. This is going to be great!" King grinned while Paige and Morgan shook hands before circling around each other.
They lock up and Paige takes her down with a headlock. Paige's neck gets caught in between Morgan's legs as she breaks the hold. Paige quickly escapes it as they both stand up. The champion hits her with a couple of clotheslines before smashing her head down on the mat.
"I like the physicality by Paige." JBL complimented as she got a two count.
"Come on Total Diva." Paige made her stand up and started headbutting her, before throwing her across the ring.
"Paige is already taking it to Morgan." Cole observed.
"Just wait. She's gonna get mad really soon." JBL guaranteed.
"These two divas have a reputation for getting very angry in matches," King informed.
Morgan is sitting on the bottom turnbuckle as Paige starts screaming. Paige begins stomping on her and taunts the crowd while turning around.
"I told you!" JBL shouted as Morgan speared her and started pummeling her with punches.
Morgan lets out a scream of her own and tries to go for the breakdown submission. Paige manages to evade it and rolls out the ring to get herself together. The Philly Diva decides to get on the apron and hit her with a diving clothesline, making the crowd cheer.
"And Morgan connects with the clothesline!" Cole looked on.
The ref begins to count while Morgan tries to throw Paige into the barricade. Paige counters it and throws her into it instead, making the crowd 'oh'. Paige throws her back in the ring, while she gets in between the ropes.
"She loves to scream a lot, huh?" King asked as Paige hit Morgan with a couple of knee strikes while screaming.
Morgan kneels down on the apron and holds her chest, feeling sore from the knee shots. As soon as she stands up, Paige whacks her face with an elbow, making her fall off the apron.
"Good grief! That elbow connected right to the mouth!" JBL shouted as Morgan held her mouth and cringed in pain.
"Come on Morgan." Paige taunted as she waited for her to crawl back in the ring, at the count of 6.
The Outspoken diva begins fighting back with clotheslines and stuns her with a kick to the stomach. Morgan takes advantage by jumping on the middle rope and hitting her with a calf kick to the back of the head.
"What a kick!" JBL exclaimed.
"And Paige kicks out at two! I thought that was it right there." Cole observed.
Paige gets up and tries to go for a clothesline but Morgan ducks it and lays her out with a bicycle kick.
"That should be it and Paige kicks out again!" Cole added.
"She hit her right in the jaw,"
Morgan throws Paige into the corner and tries to go for a handspring back elbow smash but she moves out of the way. She rolls Morgan up and gets a two count.
"I thought Paige had her—oh!" Cole shouted once she hit the Paige Turner out of no where.
She goes for the pin but Morgan manages to kick out at two.
"No!" Paige put her hands over her head and looked at the ref in shock.
"That was two!" The ref put up two fingers.
"How did Morgan kick out of that?" King asked as the ref continued to explain to Paige, that the count was two.
Morgan manages to stand up and gets on the top rope.
"Watch your back, Paige!" King warned but Morgan connected with a crossbody.
She quickly makes her stand up and connects with the backfire. She pins her, but Paige kicks out a two.
"That was three!" Morgan exclaimed but the ref put up two fingers, explaining that it was two.
A tired Outspoken Diva decides to place Paige on the top turnbuckle and goes for a suplex.
"Is that enough to put the Diva's champion away?" Cole asked as she slowly crawled over to Paige and put an arm on top of her.
"Oh!" The crowd exclaimed as Paige kicked out again.
The crowd starts chanting 'This Is Awesome' while Morgan and Paige lay down on the mat, exhausted.
"These two are giving each other their best shots. What will it take to win?" King wondered.
The crowd begins to chant 'Let's Go, Morgan! Let's Go, Paige!' as the two women get back on their feet at the count of 7 and start hitting each other with back and forth punches to the face. Paige kicks her in the stomach and picks her up to connect with a cradle DDT. She goes for the pin but Morgan kicks out at two.
"That's it!" Paige screamed and roughly turned her around, grabbing her legs. "You're going to tap! This is my house!"
"Paige is getting frustrated," JBL looked on.
"Uh oh, is Paige about to go for the PTO?" Cole asked as she managed to grab one of Morgan's arms.
Morgan manages to make Paige release her with her free arm and quickly counters her submission by sitting on her back. She quickly puts her legs under her arms and stands up while giving her a camel clutch as she bends her body back.
"Tap!" Morgan screamed while Paige desperately tried to escape the hold as the crowd got hyped.
"Will Paige tap!?" Cole shouted but she managed to escape it and roll out of the ring. "I thought she had her there."
Morgan goes for a suicide dive but lands on her face as soon as Paige evades it. The crowd 'ohs' at the impact while Morgan holds her face in pain.
"Good grief! Is she okay!?" King shouted.
"She landed on her face!" JBL looked on as the ref checked on her and signaled that she was okay.
The ref gets back in the ring and begins to count again as the crowd starts chanting 'This Is Awesome' again. Morgan's face ached badly from hitting the floor and her head on the barricade. But she still powered through.
"The ref is up to six," King said while Morgan staggered up to her feet.
She makes it back in the ring, at the count of nine, as the crowd gives her a big pop. Paige waits until she gets up and tries to go for another Paige Turner, but Morgan swiftly moves out of the way and connects with the Morganizer.
"Morganizer! Is that it!?" Cole shouted as Morgan went for the pin.
"And that's all she wrote!" King cheered as Justin announced her as the winner.
Morgan rolls over and continues holding her face. She was definitely going to need an ice pack to ease the pain.
"Awesome match!" King praised as Morgan got her hand raised by the ref and taunted the crowd.
Paige gets up and faces off with her again, before shaking hands. She gets out of the ring, while Morgan continues to celebrate.
"Looks like Morgan can hold her own with or without Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns, and Seth Rollins. I see the championship around her waist already." JBL said, impressed.
"But she still has some unfinished business with Rollins and Mendes," Cole reminded as Triple H was shown on the titantron, again.
"Well looks like you really can hold your own after all." Triple H chuckled and clapped for her, sarcastically. "Good for you Morgan. I'm proud of ya."
She grabbed a mic and chuckled before getting serious. "Shut up! Don't get your panties in a bunch. I've been holding my own since day one when I stepped foot into this company and I'm gonna continue holding my own. And there's not a damn thing you can do about it. You can do what you want. I'm alone. No brothers, no boyfriend, I can handle it."
"She can't talk to him like that!" JBL shouted while Triple H looked amused.
"She just did." King laughed.
She began to speak again. "Do yourself a favor and stop wearing your wife's panties since she clearly wears the pants in the relationship. And since you and her still got this grudge against me after what I've done to you two, what ever you put in my path, I'll cut right through."
She drops the mic and does her cocky curtsy as her theme comes back on.
"What a statement!" Cole exclaimed.
"A very disrespectful statement!" JBL complained.
"I liked it! Go, Morgan!" King cheered.
Morgan tweets 'Sorry I don't hold my tongue and I don't back down to anyone. Save the sarcasm for someone else TripleH.'
Paige tweets 'I got a little taste of what I'm going up against when WWEMorgan101 and I take on each other for the title. We cool?'
Morgan replies 'RealPaigeWWE yes, we're cool. Like you said, we're gonna be the best of friends. Ain't that right buddy?'
After she was done with her match, Melanie went to her hotel room to freshen up and put on some casual clothes. She couldn't keep her mind off of Jon and decided to occupy herself by working out. While she continuously worked out, she was unaware that Milena and Renee had walked in.
"Mel. Mel. Mel! MEL!" Milena shouted, making her stop. "You've been going at it so harshly. Relax,"
Melanie exhaled and readjusted herself. She was trying to occupy herself for weeks to get her mind off of Jon. Milena and Renee already made her feel guilty about being upset with him and didn't want to see him at all, right now. Luckily with the new storyline change, she wouldn't have to be around him often. At least for now because of what Creative plans on doing with her, Milena, Jon, and Colby in the future. Creative wanted to spice things up around Money in The Bank, and SummerSlam.
"Sorry...just lost in thought," Melanie admitted and downed a few gulps of water.
"I'll say. Have you talked to Jon, yet?" Renee crossed her arms.
"No..." The Philly Diva grumbled.
"You should. He's worried about you." Milena suggested.
"Very," Renee added. "We were just trying to help."
"I know...I know and I'm thankful for that." Melanie smiled.
"He's not mad at you for being angry. But he just wants you to understand why he did what he did."
"You're right. Look I'll be talking to him, soon."
"Promise?" Milena asked.
"Yes," Melanie nodded.
"Great. Just let me know if you two need this hotel room to catch up. Milena and I already made plans to sleep someplace else." Renee giggled, making Melanie crack an amused smile. "I'm heading to the store. You two want anything?"
"Grapes, please!" Melanie grinned.
"Only if you talk to Jon, like right now." Renee gave her a stern look.
"I will, I will."
"You better." She grabbed her bag and left.
"I'm taking a long bath." Milena headed to the bathroom.
"You need anything?" Melanie asked.
"Nah." She shut the door
"Okay, enjoy your bath."
"I shall!"
Melanie exhaled and checked her phone. 'I'll make a quick stop, then I'll talk to him.' She thought as she grabbed her handbag, and left the hotel room.
At a local bar once again, Melanie found Greg sitting at an empty table, waiting for her. He looked her way and waved as she sat across from him.
"5 minutes," she announced.
"Come on, not this again. Can I have a normal hang out with you?"
He sighed. "Well, how were the grapes?"
"I'm glad." He eyed her up and down.
"Eyes up here, or I'll stab them."
"Feisty. I missed that. Then again, you were never that feisty back then," He chuckled. "I Wonder what happened."
"I grew up, instead of acting like a love sick little girl."
"I see. Well, you look beautiful, tonight."
"...Thanks..." She mumbled.
"And that green shirt really brings out your beautiful eyes. Gorgeous. And that skirt...wow. You've really gotten stronger over the years from wrestling,"
"Uh huh..." she responded bluntly.
"Melanie...look, I really want us again." He put a hand on top of hers. "I know what I've done was unforgivable, but I still love you. I never realized how much of a good woman you are until we broke up. But I promise, if we get back together, I will treat you like a queen,"
"That sounds really cliché..." She snorted and removed her hand.
"I know it does, but I really mean it. You're smart, sexy, independent, you got your head on straight. You're goal oriented. And I love that in a woman. I'll do anything for you to be in my arms again." He tried to sweet talk. "Just let me be the man for you. Let me be the man you marry and have kids with."
Suddenly, she noticed him trying to lean forward for a kiss and she immediately shoved him away with all her strength, taking him off guard.
"What the hell?" he exclaimed with annoyance in his voice.
She chuckled. "This is what I came here for. To let you know to stay away from me and that somebody already beat you to it. I'm with Jon,"
I'm with Jon...she said it proudly and she found herself truly missing him after all this time. She may have been upset with Jon these past weeks, but she was still in love with him, and that will never change.
Greg was taken aback. "The fuck? You're with Jon? Are you serious? Please tell me you're fucking with me,"
"Yeah. I am with him. So, cut the crap you've been doing. This little bullshit act. I can see right through you. I mean, did you honestly think I was gonna wait for you, all these years? That I still had feelings for you? I'm not smitten with you, anymore."
He clenched his fists and started to get angry, before showing off a smug look. "Ah...so that street dog got you smitten eh? He wanted you so badly that he decided to keep you away from me. He swept you off your feet, didn't he? Can't say I'm surprised...you are easy. And to think it took me a few months for you to be in my arms. I wasted my time..."
Melanie smirked. There was the Greg she knew. The arrogant bastard. He used to call her every name in the book when he didn't get his way.
He chuckled and shook his head. "I can't believe you downgraded. You're still as stupid as ever. I made you ya know."
"You didn't make shit, dickhead..." She fired back.
"Shut your fucking mouth, you little bitch." Greg slammed his fist into the table as she looked amused at him for getting upset since she was getting under his skin. "You've gotten hotter over the years. You could work a little bit on the chest but your ass is fine. Including those legs. I'm surprised you're with that piece of shit. Or are you with him because you pity him, and what he's been through? Is that it? Well, I've been through worse! Where the fuck were you all these years?"
"Oh, I don't know...making love to the man I love? Enjoying my wrestling career? Not thinking of you, that's for sure. You're the last thing on my mind."
"Why would you be so stupid and choose him over me? He's a bad influence on you."
"That's where you're wrong. He busted his ass to get where he is today. He's the coolest best guy friend I have ever had, and the best boyfriend ever. All the sacrifices he's made, and all that he went through to keep me away from you, makes me grateful that I have someone who just doesn't want me for my body. Someone who actually cares for me and doesn't call me every name in the book. And besides...he's more of a man than you'll ever be."
"You and that shitty attitude of yours. You're still that little girl, I dated years ago. But I can make a woman out of ya,"
"No, you can't, asshole,"
"Now listen here you little shit—"
"No. You listen to me." She stood up. "And if you ever talk to me like that again, I'll kick your ass,"
"Empty threats...I own you, Melanie. You need me,"
"You are so full of shit." She punched him hard in the face as he held his jaw and stood up.
She suddenly kicked him in the groin, making him groan and drop down to his knees. She let out a breath. That felt great.
"Listen and listen well. I didn't come down here because I missed you. I came down here to look at how worthless you are. How does it feel that you're never going to experience this? A good woman? Doesn't feel good, does it?" she tilted her head, glaring at him.
Greg shot her a dirty look and managed to stand up. "You fucking c—" He tried to strike her but his fist got caught by an enraged Jon.
Melanie was startled that Jon was there. Did he follow her? Did Milena and Renee find out she was gone for a long period of time?
Jon shoved Greg into a couple of empty tables. His face was filled with frustration and rage while he snarled. "Now you're about to get killed."
Melanie, still startled at the turn of events, turned her head to Jon, giving him an astonished look.
"B—Babe!" She exclaimed, after getting herself together.
She earned a growl from Jon in response as he started stalking over to Greg.
"That is the last time you're gonna touch her," Jon growled.
"It was self defense! She punched me!" Greg exclaimed. "And I don't appreciate you putting your fuckin' hands on me!"
"That doesn't mean dick to me!"
Greg stood up and tried to lunge at him, but got pushed back by Melanie, as she stood between them.
"No, no, no, stop it. Both of you! Do not do this petty crap in public!" She exclaimed.
There were already people looking at the trio. All she wanted to do was stand up to Greg and never see him again, but now things had just gotten worse. Great...from the stares and people filming she could already see the headlines now. Two WWE Superstars were involved in a disruption at a local bar after the show.
"Here comes Jonny boy. Melanie's Superman. Always stickin' his nose where it doesn't belong. Why don't you get outta here?" Greg tried to act tough but got his collar gripped up by him. "Get your fuckin' hands off of me, man!"
He shoved him back and they started to have a shoving match.
"Guys! Enough!" Melanie exclaimed as Milena and Renee rushed over to the trio to help break it up.
"All right, that's enough, for now," Renee spoke up.
"What kind of man are you, to try and put your hands on a woman?" Jon glared at him.
"He did what?" Milena looked at Jon and then Melanie.
"This son of a bitch almost hit her..."
"Are you serious?!"
"You know what? We're done, here. I'll be back for you, honey." Greg said to Melanie.
That hit a nerve.
"Don't ever call me honey. And if you ever call me honey again, I'll rip your tongue out, so you won't even taste the sweetness of honey anymore. You don't own me. And you don't tell me what to do, or call me names, dick." The Philly Diva threatened, earning a chuckle from him as he left.
She exhaled. That felt good. While giving herself a mental pat on the back, she witnessed Jon storming out of the bar.
"W—whoa wait, where are you going?!" She started following him, along with Milena and Renee.
"To put his head on a STICK! I'm not done with that motherfucker!" He made a frustrated growl and continued pacing around, making Milena uncomfortable at the sight. "He makes me so mad! I swear to fuckin' God if I ever see him around you again...I am gonna hurt him...so...so bad!"
"C—can you not talk in a Moxley promo?" Melanie tried to calm him down, but that only motivated him as he put his hands on her shoulders.
"Babe, I'm gonna make him scream so loud, that he's gonna tell me, with the gurglin' sound that he makes...that he'll never...ever give you any thought, ever again. He's gonna get fuckin' dropped. I want his blood on my hands,"
"Jon, Un-Mox yourself right now, would you please? Can you please just calm down?"
"Just don't kill him. Hurt him. Don't kill him." Renee reminded.
"Too late. And when I find him, his ass is done. That worthless sack of shit is gonna get everything handed to him." Jon released her and stormed off.
"Jon!" Melanie got grabbed back Renee and Milena.
"Greg deserves an ass kicking." Renee stated.
"He does but not in public! What are Paul and Stephanie gonna think if this gets out of control?"
"You know the Levesques and WWE higher ups have been preventing Greg from all WWE events? Paul and Stephanie have done everything they can to make sure Greg didn't try to do anything crazy during the events. But for him to go this far and to almost punch you in the face...why did you have to leave, like that? I wish you could have told one of us and we would have gone with you." Renee frowned.
Melanie sighed. The guilt was setting in. She didn't realize that even Paul and Stephanie were involved in this. It was time to own up and apologize for getting so defensive and worked up on the situation when they were all only trying to help.
"I'm sorry, guys. I should have listened to you. Maybe it was for the best that I didn't know...I just wanted to handle this shit myself and move forward,"
"Mel, we love you." Renee gave her a hug. "And we just want you to be safe. I think it was best that you did know, because of how you stood up to him,"
"Yeah, that was funny. I'm glad you did." Milena smiled and gave her a long, warm embrace. "Let's head back to the hotel room."
"What about Jon?" Melanie asked.
"It's best to give him some space and let him take care of Greg with the guys," Renee replied. "Everything is under control."
"I hope so..." she mumbled as they headed back to their hotel room door and they saw Danielle and Nikki standing there.
"Melanie! I heard what happened, are you okay?" Danielle embraced her.
"Two guys fighting over you...must be hot. I wish..." Nikki chuckled.
"Nicole." Milena frowned.
"Sorry, bad timing." Nikki put her hands up in defense. "How are you feeling, Mel?"
"I just want to know where Jon is." She replied as they all walked into the room.
"I saw him, Colby, Joe, Stu, and Randy leave the hotel. They seemed pretty pissed." Danielle informed.
"I don't blame them." Milena crossed her arms.
"Is there anything we can do, to make you a little happier? Boost up your mood?" Nikki suggested.
"Nah. But thanks. I'll be in the bedroom." Melanie replied.
"Okay, we'll be in the living room," Renee replied as the girls said their goodnights to Melanie.
Melanie headed into the bedroom and got on her bed. The former Shield's girl stretched her legs, while under the covers, enjoying the warmth after getting some goosebumps from the air vent. She exhaled and started to think about Jon, again. The feeling of being alone without him, tonight, was starting to become unbearable.
Jon was in his hotel room, pacing around. His fists were bruised up and bloody from punching Greg into next week. He felt himself getting more worked up as he thought of more ways he should have hurt him. But he knew that he wouldn't be messing with Melanie anymore, after what he and the boys did to him.
"Where is he?" Colby asked as he walked with Joe, Randy, and Stu.
Jon was way in front of them, stalking around.
"He better be praying that we'll show him mercy after I'm done with him." Stu pounded his fists.
Being a bare knuckle brawler was a huge advantage to make sure Greg got a beating he deserved.
"How's Mel?" Randy asked.
"She's doing all right. She's back in her room with the girls." Colby informed. All of sudden they see Jon dashing across the streets. "I think he found him!" He shouted as they quickly followed him.
Meanwhile, with Jon, he began chasing Greg all over the streets.
"Get away from me, man!" Greg shouted in a hurried voice.
Jon lunged at him and tackled him down, in an alleyway, as he let out a pained grunt.
"L—look man, I'll stay away from her. Just let me go, man. Let me go. I'm sorry man—"
"Oh, now you're sorry? Now you're fuckin' sorry!?" Jon shouted and roughly lifted him up and threw him into a wall, before punching him hard in the face, repeatedly, while the guys caught up.
Jon smirked at the memory, but it wasn't enough. He should have done more but the guys pulled him off of him and got a couple of hits in, too. He should have broken something. He should have broken his nose, or jaw. But a bloody and bruised face might have been enough.
Jon let out a frustrated growl and punched the front door.
"Dammit!" He shouted as he continued to pace around.
He wished that he could go back in time and redo the beating he had given Greg. Maybe adding more force into the punch to break a bone. Worn out from physical activities, he decided to take a shower, to try to calm himself down.
Melanie tossed and turned in bed, trying to get some sleep but couldn't because Jon was still on her mind. She thought about visiting him but maybe he was still mad. Maybe she should wait until he calmed down.
"That's it." She got up.
No more procrastinating. Time to talk to Jon and clear things up. She put on a pair of gray sweatpants while still wearing her white tank top, and put on a pair of black & white Chuck Taylors.
"I'm gonna visit Jon." She informed the girls while grabbing her phone.
"Finally!" Renee grinned. "Please be careful."
"I will, don't worry." She smiled and left the room.
After a few minutes, she arrived at his hotel room door and let out a sigh as she looked at the door with nervousness. She took a step back and turned around to walk away but turned back around to face the door, reluctantly looking at it.
"Don't be a coward..." She mumbled to herself and timidly knocked on the door.
The door was quickly swung open to reveal Joe who smiled brightly.
"Hey, grapes. It's great to see that you're OK," he let her in.
"Hey, thank you. Is Jonny here?"
"Just got done taking a shower. He was trying to cool himself down and wash the blood off." The Samoan informed.
Melanie was taken aback by his sudden explanation and widened her eyes.
"B—blood!? You guys didn't kill him, did you? Is Jon okay?! Are you okay!? Are the guys okay?"
Joe laughed at The Outspoken Diva's rambling, which calmed her down. "Nah. We didn't kill him. Even though Jon really wanted to. But Greg got an ass whooping of a lifetime. He won't be bothering you, anymore. He's actually afraid of your boy, now. I think it's hilarious. We're fine, Mel. But enough about the guys, what about you? Are YOU okay, baby girl? Tell me the truth,"
She ran a hand through her wavy hair and nodded twice. "Yeah, I'm fine."
"I'm glad you're okay. Jon was really worried about you. We all were. Just don't scare us like that. Especially Milena. She started freaking out like crazy,"
"I can only imagine..."
"I'm heading out to see Colby and Randy. I'll let you and your boy talk it out." He pulled her in for a friendly hug and kissed her forehead.
He exited the room while having his phone in his hands. Melanie relaxed on the couch and waited for Jon to get done in the bathroom. She spent some time watching the local news for weather updates, and checking her Twitter, to favorite and retweet her fans tweets. After ten minutes, she heard the door open to reveal Jon in his dark blue pajama pants, with no shirt. He was drying his face with a small white towel but stopped, once he saw his girlfriend, giving him an apologetic smile.
Surprised she came to visit, he continued to remain silent, while he put the towel down, and gazed at her. He truly missed her and was happy she was here.
"...Hey." She greeted, in a tight voice.
She could still see the anger in his body language. The shower did not calm him down at all. Jon's body, and messy hair was still damp from the shower, as he made his way to his suitcase.
"We...need to talk." She stood up from the couch.
He unzipped his suitcase and turned his attention to her. "Oh, now you wanna talk..." He gruffed and started pacing around the hotel room, again.
"C—can you stop pacing and just sit down—"
"No. I've been trying to talk to you for weeks! I've been worried sick about you!" He stopped pacing around.
Melanie's annoyance started to get the better of her. "Well I'm fine, thank you, very much,"
"Yeah, thanks Captain Obvious. I see that, thanks to me. Now what would have happened if Milena & Renee hadn't told me you were gone, and Greg punched you? Then what?"
"I was prepared for it. I would have stopped it."
"And what if you couldn't?"
She sighed loudly. "Stop with the what ifs, okay? Don't make me feel any guiltier than I already am,"
"Guilty, huh?" He sat on the edge of the bed. "So, now you wanna go back to him? Make him boss you around again? Treating you like a—"
She crossed her arms. "No one makes me do what I don't want to do. He can't control me, anymore. I'm never going down that road, again."
After a moment of silence, she decided to speak up again as she approached him. "...Thank you. For earlier. You saved me. Even years ago when you told me to get out of the relationship. If it wasn't for you, I would still be in that toxic relationship. I still would have been trapped. These past few weeks have been crazy but it got me thinking about me, you, our relationship, and the future,"
Jon's expression changed into anxiousness. "...y—you...wanna break up with me?"
"Oh my gosh..." She chuckled and hit him on the head, feeling his damp, messy hair, brush against her fingertips.
"Ouch. What was that for?" He rubbed his head.
"You're ridiculous. No, I don't want to break up with you. I never do." She explained, making him feel relieved.
"Then what have you been thinking about?" He calmed down, giving her his full attention, and not thinking about graphic scenarios about Greg dying.
"I realized...I just want my life to be with you..." She said in a soft voice.
Jon started to show a soft expression, replaying the sentence his girlfriend just said. She wants her life to be with him. And only him. The way she said it with seriousness and with love, made him crack a small smile. He wasn't a professional at romantic things, but over the years he's become a softie whenever they were alone together, despite his laid back attitude.
"No matter how much I want to stay mad at you...I can't. And I'm sorry for lashing out at you and that I didn't listen to you," she continued. "I guess I just never realized how much you care. How everyone cares. For you to go through all that. Night and day. Just to make sure I was safe and that he didn't come after me. And a while ago you kicked his ass. I'm glad you did. What am I gonna do with you?"
"Keep me," He stood up and wrapped a muscled arm around her waist, making her top a little damp.
"Hm...I dunno...I could..." She ran a hand down his cool chest.
"You should." He smirked and wrapped his other arm around her waist, to embrace her as he caught a whiff of her perfume.
She knew how territorial he was with her, and was grateful for the trouble he and everyone else went through to keep her safe. She felt safe in his arms. She knew that everything was going to be all right.
"I'm gonna go. I'll let you have your space, and continue to cool down. I'll see you tomorrow." She pulled away, turned around, and headed for the door but he stopped her with a gentle, but firm hand. "What's wrong?"
He got behind her and pushed her hair behind one of her ears, to reveal the other side of her neck, completely bare.
"What are we waiting for?" He rasped out.
"Waiting for what?" She shivered as he lightly caressed her arms before sliding his hands down her waist and resting on her hips, admiring her curves.
He grabbed her hips and pulled her back, closer to them, making sure there was no space between them. He had been fighting his arousal for her ever since he saw her on the couch, but couldn't take it anymore. He missed her. He missed holding her, and he missed loving her, physically.
"Lanie..." He whispered in her ear, in a husky voice before lightly kissing her neck. "It's been weeks. Do you know how badly I want you, right now?"
"I—I have no idea. How about you show me."
"You sure? Last chance to reconsider. If you stay, we're not going to be sleeping anytime soon. We have a lot of catching up to do."
She turned around and wrapped her arms around his neck. "Stop talking."
She pulled him in for a passionate kiss. He smiled into the kiss and placed his hands on her ass to lift her up, making her wrap her legs around his waist.
"You're frisky tonight. I thought you were angry." she teased.
"Oh, I still am," He threw her on the bed and crawled on top of her, giving her a mischievous look. "And I'm gonna take all my anger and frustrations out on you,"
In the morning, the couple slept in bed, in a spooning position. Melanie felt Jon's muscular arms around her waist, again, making her feel warm and safe. He gave her a soft, kiss on the cheek, making her smile.
"You okay?" He asked, in a gentle tone.
"Yeah. I'm glad I stayed."
"Me too."
"Another thing, remind me to never let you wait so long, ever again. I don't know what it is about your animalistic behavior at times but it's a big turn on,"
"I think it's because you drive me nuts. In a good way." He said as she turned to face him, pulling him in for another smooch.
At the hotel pool, Melanie was lounging in a chair with Milena, Renee, and Nikki.
"Hey, Mel you didn't come back last night. Something happen?" Milena asked.
"She got laid." Nikki declared.
"Nicole!" Melanie exclaimed.
"What? You did, right? That had to be the reason you stayed the night. It was about time. You two just needed to release all that frustration,"
"I do feel a huge weight lifted off my shoulders," she admitted.
"See? I'm right. If Jon gets a tour bus, make sure the bed has a mirror on the ceiling. You can watch yourself, while you're doing it. It is so hot,"
"Okay! Okay! On to a more appropriate topic." Renee spoke up and chuckled.
"Can I have some fruit salad?" Melanie asked, looking at Renee's bowl of fruit salad, next to her.
"No way!"
"What? Why not? It has grapes!"
"Because you only eat the grapes in a fruit salad, and leave the other fruit untouched," Renee pointed out.
The Philly Diva hesitated. "I...I manage..."
Milena giggled. "Sure. We need to take you to Grape Rehab for your grape addiction,"
"Dude, I am not addicted to grapes." Melanie guaranteed.
"I would love to know how you don't get tired of eating the same fruit almost every day." Nikki pointed out.
"I also get a kick out at how catering made Melanie her own grape bowl, so everyone else can have the other bowl." Renee smiled at the memory.
"Oh yeah! I also remember her trying to take a few grapes from everyone's bowl. It was hilarious!" Milena laughed.
"But it's so good. And juicy. And sour. And sweet." Melanie daydreamed about her grapes.
"Catch." Renee tossed a grape at her, and she caught it in her mouth with ease.
"Another!" Melanie took off her sunglasses.
"Let me take a video." Nikki took out her phone to go on the camera app. "Okay, go!"
Renee started tossing grapes at Melanie, as she swiftly caught each one in her mouth.
"Go Melly!" Milena clapped.
Renee laughed. "You're a trip."
"Thank you, thank you very much," Melanie said in her Elvis voice while putting a thumbs up to Nikki's camera.
"Got it. Now that's a keeper." Nikki posted the video on all her social media profiles.
Melanie stood up and stretched. She adjusted her rainbow colored two piece before sitting around the pool side, putting her legs on the water. Unknown to her, Colby started sneaking up behind her, while Nikki caught him on camera.
"Smack cam!" Colby smacked her with his bare hand and tried to dash away.
"Hey! Get back here!" She managed to grab the back of his jeans, pulling him down on the ground as she started beating him up.
"Damn! She got him, quick!" Jon Uso shouted with his brother, while the divas laughed.
"Ah! Mel! All right, you win!" Colby managed to escape and laughed with her.