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1 year ago

Forced To Believe Chapter 33- The Answer Is No

Forced To Believe Chapter 33- The Answer Is No

Chapter Summary: CM Punk continues to annoy Morgan with his ridiculous request. Morgan's rivalry with Tamina heats up again

Words: 6,000+

Author's Note: Lowkey tired of these total divas chapters lol. I'm going to put them on hold and focus on the main story in the ring for now as I edit. 


'RAW, during the opening segment'

The whole roster was on the stage while The Shield were on the side of the ramp, lower than them. Morgan was in her Shield attire but her stomach was taped up. They all watched as Triple H and Stephanie walked down the ring. Stephanie started talking about giving Orton respect and honor while Triple H began talking about the dawning of a new era.

While they talked, Dean held Morgan's hand and she looked up at him as he stood next to her. 

"What?" She asked.

"How's your ribs?" Ambrose asked with concern.

"They're fine." She replied dryly.

"Look, I'm sorry."

"It's okay. Just drop it."

"No, it's not." He turned to her and held her hands. 

His sudden movements caught the attention of some from the roster. Even the crowd started to look at them.

She looked around before meeting his gaze. "Dean."

"I was an asshole last night..."


"No, I need you to listen to me. Please. I'll admit, my anger gets the best of me at times but I want you to know that I'm proud of you." 

She looked around, feeling all eyes on her. "Dean, people are staring."

"I don't care. Look, I'm not used to having a girlfriend all right? I mean in a serious relationship that you and I have together. And I just felt like I always have to protect you, but you can handle yourself. You spread your wings. You're strong and the most beautiful woman I've ever met and I'm lucky to have a woman like you in my life. I know I'm not used to saying all this but you're the only one who can make me say this stuff." 

"What is going on back there and what are you all staring at?" Triple H called out as the titantron showed Dean and Morgan.

"Dean..." She murmured in a nervous tone as he kneeled down and held one of her hands.

"Last night, you've given me a reality check and I know you're trying to shine on your own in the ring instead of always having me around. I accept that." He clarified as she looked at him in shock. 

What the heck was going on? 

Did he hit his head? 

Did he just tell her what she wanted to hear for weeks?

"You drive me crazy, you can make me possessive at times but I love you and I know I have to get my act together. I just don't want you to leave me. If you did, I wouldn't know what I would do with myself."

He stood up and grabbed her face to kiss her as the crowd cheered. The kiss made her have butterflies in her stomach and she happily kissed back. Before they knew it, they were smooching.

"Ahem...ahem!" Triple H exclaimed but the two ignored him as they were too into their kiss. "Hey! Lovebirds of justice!"

His yell made them release each other and turn their heads to the ring. 

"Mr and Mrs Ambrose, stay focused." The King of Kings ordered, making everyone amused

Dean and Morgan held hands while Orton walked out. Unfortunately, they all had to sit and suffer through Orton's most annoying promo ever which would be a time waster. At least, that's what Morgan thought as she rolled her eyes.

"I've got news for everyone. I am the most powerful person standing in this ring. I am the champion of champions. I am the WWE World Heavyweight Champion." Orton said.

Morgan got handed a mic by a stagehand. She thought of the words she was going to say and then put the mic to her lips. 

" one gives a crap!" She exclaimed as the crowd cheered and some of the roster nodded in agreement. 

Orton snapped his attention to the stage and looked annoyed. "Who said that? Who just said that?" 

Morgan raised her hand and grinned at him as the titantron showed her with a mic in her hands. "Hey, how ya doing?"

"No, no and no. You are not going to ruin my moment Morgan! You're supposed to be supportive of me."

"Am I now? I thought we dropped that once I kicked your ass in the ring, months ago and gave you a low blow. Now, instead of wasting everyone's time, can we wrap this up? There's grapes in catering and they're calling my name."

"Morgan. Shut your mouth. Your mouth always gets you into trouble "

"No one! Wants to hear you talk." She walked to the ramp and Cena helped her up because of her ribs. She thanked him and stood a little bit in front of the roster. "Randy, nobody wants to hear the same bullcrap every time you get in that ring. I wouldn't be surprised if people change the channel when you get in the ring and talk."

"That's not true...that is not true!"

"Let me do a scenario of what I hear from you..." She cleared her throat and decides to mock his voice. "My Randy Orton." She said in a deep voice as the crowd got hyped. Stephanie and Triple H looked on in shock as the roster laughed. The Outspoken Diva mimics Orton's serious face. "The champion of champions."

"Shut up!"

She began to mock his temper. "Nobody! And I mean nobody can beat me! I am the Apex Predator and The Viper! I demand respect! I deserve respect! I am the face of this company and nobody can touch me!" she continued to pace around like she was angry.

She stopped pacing and cleared her throat, going back to her normal voice as Orton started seething. "Dude, like, come on, we get it. We all get it. You won last night. Woopy doo. Let's give him a round of applause. Now can you shut the hell up so we all can go on with our lives? Thank you and good day." 

She saw Cena motioning her to give the mic to him and she gave it to him as he stood in front of the roster.

"Yes, I agree," Cena said. "You're an idiot."

"No, no, no. Turn his mic off. You will not ruin this moment for me, this is my moment. All of you need to shut up and stop trying to ruin my moment!" Orton yelled as Morgan looked amused.

"Randy...Randy...I'm not gonna ruin your moment. Last night at TLC you earned the title. Congrats. But I want to remind you of something that Stone Cold said about that championship. That championship forced you every night to put up or shut up."

"I see what you're trying to do but you will not get your rematch tonight Hunter, Hunter." Orton turned his attention to Triple H.

"Easy big guy. I wasn't talking about me. I was talking about you facing him." Cena pointed to Daniel Bryan. "Randy Orton versus Daniel Bryan. For the WWE World Heavyweight Championship."

Orton did not like the idea. "No, no. I don't have to listen to you...I don't have to listen to Morgan and I don't have to listen to Daniel Bryan or all these idiots sitting in the stands. I don't have to listen to anybody. Nobody."

"Except us," Stephanie recalled.

"Owned!" Morgan yelled.

"Morgan if you don't shut your mouth..." Orton said, trying not to lose his temper.

"You sure you want to speak to WWE's Outspoken diva like that? If I were you, I would praise her for the guts she had last night at TLC. She wrestled The Best in The World." Cena said as the crowd cheered while Punk nodded. "Heck, Punk wants a one on one rematch with her too because she impressed him."

"I honestly thought Punk was going to lose to The Shield last night but he proved me wrong. Morgan also proved me wrong," Cena continued to praise. "I thought she was going to back out but she showed guts to a man taller and bigger than her. She put her words into action as well and I give her respect for that. Now, she may have gotten her ribs hurt from Roman over there but she fought to her heart's content. I'll even bet you that she can kick your ass, Randy. And when was the last time a diva wrestled a WWE Superstar? One thing Morgan has that you don't is heart in that ring."

"No one can beat me! And I'll even beat the Outspoken of out her smart mouth." Orton snapped while Morgan grabbed the mic out of Cena's hands as he gave it to her. "And maybe Reigns didn't spear her hard enough to take away the smartness from her mouth." 

The crowd booed while Reigns shot Orton a dirty look and clenched his fist. He started to get angry and was about to walk to the ramp but Dean and Seth held him back. Morgan turned her head to him and shook her head as he calmed down.

She turned her attention back to Orton. "...Are you done talking? Orton, wait until 2014. You're going to be on my hit list soon enough. Watch your back. Now, I know we all want to go backstage and get on with the show, so please do everyone a favor and get to the conclusion of this segment, thank you very much."

Orton's face was getting red as she gave the mic back to Cena.

"Stephanie, aren't you going to do something about her?" Orton asked.

"I'm not touching that with a 60 foot pole..." She replied as she remembered the history she and Morgan had and the crowd laughed. 


"Oh boy..." Morgan said as the camera turned to show CM Punk leaning on the wall as the crowd cheered. Punk looked at her and was about to speak but she cut him off. "I know why you're here. Punk, why are you so persistent in wrestling me? Is it because you want to take The Shield down one on one? You want to get the last laugh?"

"Everyone is talking about the men of The Shield and I want to know what The Shield's girl has in the tank. Everyone does since you gave me a preview at TLC. I want to wrestle you one on one, Morgan." he got off the wall and looked down at her. "And, I believe that you can prove you aren't the weak link of The Shield."

"There's no weak link in the oh...I see what you're doing. No wonder everyone thinks there's a weak link. You're getting in everyone's head."

"Morgan, why are you avoiding the question?"

"Why are you trying to do mind games?" She countered.

He smirked. "I know you want to wrestle me as much as I want to wrestle you."

"Don't flatter yourself...You see this?" She showed him her taped stomach. "You did this."

"And I know you want to fight me because of that. Get your revenge. Now answer the question, will you wrestle me when you're cleared?"

She sighed. "Look Punk, I'm honored-"

"But you aren't going to give me an answer because you want your boys to do your dirty work." he cut her off as the crowd 'Oohs'

She glared at him and was about to say yes but stopped herself. "I see what you're doing again. You're trying to provoke me to say yes. Look, how about this? We'll see about a match in the near future."

"I'm not giving up until you say yes." Punk called out as she started walking away.

"I know you aren't..." 

'Later, in the ring' 

HBK and Punk were having a promo until HBK said "This pains me, more than this is gonna pain you. Let me introduce you to your opponents."








The Shield walk out as HBK got out of the ring. The titantron shows the WWE App and shows who will be Punk's tag team partners are for the match. It reveals to be the Usos as The Shield are at ringside. Punk starts mocking Roman's eye.

"Looks like Punk and The Usos are gonna have some fun." King said.

"How was that victory for CM Punk last night?" Cole asked.

"Well, you see Roman with that black eye and Morgan's stomach is taped up because of her ribs. Last night, she accidentally got speared by Roman. It was pretty hard to watch. I'm surprised she's out here tonight." 

"The Shield need to be on the same page tonight. They can't have any more miscalculations tonight. Especially with Roman's spear." JBL looked on as the bell rang

"Two losses in two nights would be devastating for The Shield," King said as Jimmy took control of Dean.

"How impressive was Morgan last night against CM Punk?" Cole asked as Jimmy tagged in Jey. "I still can't believe she had the guts to take on CM Punk."

"Indeed. She held her own last night." JBL said as Jimmy took control of Seth.

"She did want to put her words into action and she proved that. There were times I thought Punk was going to pin her to win and times when I thought Morgan was going to pin Punk to win the match." King added.

"Let's go, Seth!" She banged on the apron. Seth was not looking too good as Jimmy started to take control of him with arm submissions. 

Seth throws Jimmy to the ropes and hits him with a knee to the gut. Jimmy manages to clothesline himself and Seth out of the ring. Roman, Morgan and Dean were about to come to his aid but Jey and Punk got off the apron, ready to strike as the ref tried to separate them.

"Got a feeling this is gonna get out of hand," JBL said as they went to a commercial.


"Things have not been going The Shield's way in the early going of this match," Cole said but then Seth tags in Roman as the crowd cheers. 

Roman starts to take control of Jey in the ring. Dean gets tagged in and puts Jey in an arm submission as the crowd chants 'CM Punk'.

Roman and Punk make eye contact as Punk starts mocking his black eye again. Roman really wanted to get in the ring with Punk and spear him in half so badly. To at least give Morgan some closure since she can't get in the ring right now. 

'We want Morgan, we want Punk, we want Morgan, we want Punk' chants surrounded the arena as Dean looked at Punk with annoyance. 

Punk smirked and put a finger to his ear while Morgan looked at the crowd in surprise. 

"And would you listen to this? They want Morgan in the ring." Cole said.

"I guess Punk versus Morgan is a match the crowd wants to see," JBL looked on. 

Later on in the match, Jimmy hits Seth with a crossbody and tries to tag in one of his partners. Seth tags in Roman and he drags Jimmy back and puts him in a submission. 

"Come on uce! You gotta fight! Come on!" Punk supported him.

"You gotta fight." Roman mocked. "Shut up."

Punk starts to hype up the crowd as Jimmy fights back against Roman and kicks him in the face. The crowd gets hyped when Jimmy tags in Punk and Roman tags in Dean. Dean and Seth get in the ring as Punk goes on the top rope and double clotheslines them. He hits them both with a running high knee and a double neck breaker. Punk then hits Dean with a suplex and pins him until Roman breaks the pin.

Jimmy gets in the ring but gets hit by a Superman punch from Roman. 

"Wow, that Superman punch!" JBL exclaimed. 

Jey gets in the ring, kicks Roman, and then throws him out of the ring. Jey runs and dives on top of him out of the ring but then Seth throws him into the barricade. Punk hits Seth with a suicide dive and turns his attention to Morgan. 

The Outspoken Diva looked down at Roman and Seth and slowly looked up to meet Punk's gaze as the crowd popped. 

"Uh oh." JBL looked on in anticipation 

She took a step. "...Problem...?"

Punk pointed at her. "Just wait until those ribs are healed. We will have a match together."

Ambrose runs to the ropes, attempting to attack him but Punk turns and hits him on the middle rope. Punk gets on the top rope and attacks him with the diving elbow and pins him for a 2 count.

"Ambrose stays in it for a near fall," Cole said as Dean started bleeding from the head while Punk put him in the GTS. 

Seth gets in the ring as Punk releases Dean and hits him off the apron. While Punk was distracted, Dean tags in Roman. Dean runs to Punk as he ducks his clothesline and Roman gets kicked in the face by him. Punk hits the GTS on Dean but when he turns around he gets speared by Reigns as Morgan looks on with a satisfied look. 

"A spear! A spear to Punk! Reigns is the legal man." Cole called out. 

Roman looked at Morgan as she mouthed 'Thank You' and he nodded. 

He pins Punk for the win as he holds his eye. 

"The winners of this match, The Shield," Justin announced.

"This was a much needed victory tonight," Cole said as The Shield got over the barricade and celebrated.


Morgan was at ringside while The Shield, Cena and Punk were in the ring. They all just found out that Daniel Bryan got attacked by the Wyatts and the match will now be a 3 on 2 tag team match. 

"Here we have the Outspoken Diva, Morgan Lopez on commentary with us. How are ya?" JBL asked

"I'm doing all right. Trying to take it easy." She smiled.

"The Shield look pretty confident now that the match is a 3 on 2 match," Cole said as Punk and Dean started the match. "What do you think of this match?"

"Honestly? It's anyone's match. Why? Because Punk outsmarted The Shield at TLC when he was alone. And now he has John Cena in his corner. The guy who never backs down from anything. It's going to be one interesting match." She replied as Punk and Cena took control of Dean.

Later on in the match, Roman hit Cena with a Superman punch and grinned.

"Roman Reigns hit Cena so hard," Cole exclaimed as he tagged in Seth. "And here comes to underrated Seth Rollins."

"I agree. This guy is awesome. He kicks ass every week and continues to prove himself." Morgan added.

"There are a lot of people who underestimate Seth Rollins," Cole said. "So, Morgan, we see that your stomach is still taped up. Are you in a hurry to get back in the ring?"

"Yes, but the rest of the women are kicking butt in the ring and proving themselves. I'm just looking forward to the competition." 

"Who would you like to face?" JBL asked.

"Hm...either Naomi, Brie, Kaitlyn, or Aksana. Aksana has improved in the ring and even on NXT. I want to see what she got." She replied. 

Seth puts Cena on the turnbuckle and is about to give him a suplex but Cena fights back and pushes him off. He tags in Ambrose but he gets hit with a tornado DDT by Cena.

"This is John Cena's opportunity," JBL said. 

Cena tags in Punk as the crowd goes wild. Ambrose tags in Seth and Punk starts to take control.

"Looks like Punk is going to fly," Cole exclaimed as Punk hit Seth with a suicide dive. 

The match was at a fast pace as Punk gave Seth an elbow drop off the ropes. When he gets up, he looks at Morgan.

"What?!" Morgan yelled. "Stop staring at me!"

Cole started chuckling. "Looks like Punk is trying to do some mind games."

"You see? Every week he looks at me, trying to taunt or provoke me to wrestle him." She grumbled. 

Punk smirks and does the GTS taunt towards her before putting Seth in the GTS position. Ambrose runs in the ring but gets hit with a neckbreaker along with Seth. Punk pins Seth but Roman breaks it up. 

"And let the chaos begin." She added as Punk and Reigns go at it. 

Ambrose and the rest of The Shield jump him and it results in a DQ. Cena throws Roman out of the ring and throws him to the barricade. He gets back in the ring to attack Ambrose. But when he turns around, he gets speared by Reigns. 

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, and this is why you should always watch your back." She said and took off the headset. 

The Shield started to attack Punk and hit Cena with the triple powerbomb. Punk spears Seth and starts unloading on him until The Shield gains the upper hand. Big E runs down the ring as the crowd gets hyped and Morgan gets on the apron.

"Guys! Let's regroup!" She shouted but watched as The Shield got thrown out by Big E. 

Punk gets in the ring with Big E and looks at her. The Outspoken Diva decides to get in the ring, too. 

"You two proved your point." she declared.

"You sure that's a good idea, Morgan? Bad ribs and all?" Cole asked.

"She can be reckless at times," JBL mentioned. 

Punk starts taunting her which makes her furious. The anger was too much for her and she decided to slap him in the face. 

"Uh oh!" JBL exclaimed as Punk held his face.

"You're angry, aren't you? So am I gonna have that match? Don't you wanna try to hurt me? Get your revenge?" Punk provoked before she slapped him once again.

"Shut up!" She snapped.

"Hey! What was that? Calm down." Big E exclaimed before getting slapped by her too.

"Who do you think you are, trying to order me around? I don't think so." She yelled as Big E rubbed the side of his face and looked at her. He stepped towards her and she took a step back. "Back up."

Big E wasn't going to hurt her, but he was going to try to get her out of the ring by intimidating her. 

"Oh, wait, wait, look at this," JBL exclaimed as Roman slid into the ring. 

He grabbed Morgan's hand and gently pulled her behind him. He turned his attention to Big E and he got himself ready to fight.

"Oh, this is gonna be good," Cole said as Big E took off his straps.

"This is gonna be awesome. This is gonna be great." JBL grinned.

"It's time," Roman said.

"Bring it!" Big E got hyped up as he and Roman exchanged words. 

Morgan looked at them back and forth and decided to let them be but Punk got in the ring with a chair.

"He's got a chair. He's got a chair." Seth said to Roman. 

Morgan and Roman look at Big E and then Punk and decide to get out of the ring as the crowd boos.

"The Shield will retreat for now," Cole said as Big E's theme came on.

Morgan tweets 'I guess CMPunk really wants to get #Dropped. Keep it up and I'll kick you in the face #YouThinkImPlaying?'

'WWEMorgan101 Nice, is that an early Christmas present? Can I get a match too? #StillWaiting' Punk replies.

'Maybe. #PatienceIsAVirtue CMPunk' 


'Next Week, Raw'

Morgan tweets 'Congrats to the #TotalDivas for winning the jingle belles match. You rocked it!'

Morgan also tweets 'Whoa wait a second, did I just see CM Punk, John Cena and Big E do The Shield's pose? #HeckNo #Injustice! #YouCantDoThePoseBetterThanTheShield'

'In The Ring'

The Shield were taking on Punk, Cena, and Big E. Morgan was at ringside as Cena and Dean started off the match. She could hear the 'Let's go Cena, Cena Sucks' chant as Cena takes control of Dean. Once Dean gets hit with a shoulder block, he tags in Rollins. 

Cena hits Seth with two shoulder blocks and a side slam. He looks at The Shield and does the 'You Can't See Me' taunt and runs to the ropes. Seth rolls out the ring to regroup. He angrily bangs on the apron four times in frustration.

"Hey! Look at me!" Morgan put her hands on Seth's shoulders. "Do not lose your cool. Calm down. You got this."

Later on, The Shield take control of the match with Seth in the ring with Punk. Punk's injured ribs begin to aggravate him when Seth throws him to the turnbuckle. Moments later, Roman and Punk are in the ring with each other. 

"I got a feeling Morgan is happy about Punk's ribs," Cole said as Roman put Punk in a bear hug while Morgan looked on in delight. 

Near the end of the match, Rollins jumps off the ropes but Cena catches him and goes for the AA Position as the crowd gets hyped. Roman gets in the ring and spears Cena off of Seth. 

"Oh and a spear!" Cole exclaimed. 

Punk hits Roman with a flying clothesline off the ropes as he falls out of the ring. Punk also clotheslines Seth out of the ring. Ambrose strikes Punk with a knee to the back and he falls out of the ring too. Dean turns around but gets caught in Big E's big ending finisher. 

Rollins and Reigns run into the ring and break up the pin as the ref calls for a DQ. The Shield begin to attack Big E and position him for the triple powerbomb. 

"Welcome to the deep end Big E," JBL said. 

Roman roars but gets his legs grabbed by Cena as he gets dragged out of the ring. Cena throws him to the barricade and runs into the ring with Punk. Big E hits Dean and Seth with a double clothesline. Cena hits the AA on Seth, and Punk hits the GTS on Dean as they roll out of the ring.

"Not cool..." She retorted as she and Roman helped out Seth and Dean.

Punk gets on the ropes and pointed at her. "Still waiting for ya!" 


Morgan was walking backstage but got pushed by Tamina. 

"Ow." Morgan held her ribs. "What was that for?"

"Aw, I'm sorry, did that hurt?" Tamina taunted.

"Yeah. It did." she bluntly replied.

"Too bad. So, I hear you won't be joining the Diva Battle Royal at Tribute to The Troops because of your little injury there." She pointed at her taped ribs. "Poor little girl, I guess wrestling guys is just too much for your body to handle. Maybe wrestling WWE Superstars isn't for you."

Morgan smirked. "Well, I don't see you wrestling WWE Superstars, so you're one to talk..."

Tamina grabbed her by the neck and pushed her to the wall as she winced in pain and grunted. 

"I'm going to say this right now, don't think I'm done with you. I'm still going to get you back from Survivor Series."

"You've gotta be kidding me...You're still on that? Jeesh and I thought I was the only one who keeps grudges." She retorted but then Tamina slammed her to the wall again as the Outspoken Diva grunted.

"What's the matter? Can't defend yourself? You need help? Who is going to help you, Morgan? Your boyfriend? One of your little Total Diva friends? You're weak and defenseless."

"No, you're weak. You're gonna attack me while I'm injured? How tough do you feel right now?" She grunted as she put her hands on Tamina's to try to lessen the choke.

"I can break you like a twig, little girl. In fact, I can do it right now." Tamina was about to push her to the wall again but heard a voice.

"Release her. Now." A growl was heard as she obeyed. 

Morgan held her ribs and throat as Tamina turned around. The camera showed Roman Reigns as the crowd cheered.

"This is between me and her. Not you. Stay out of my business, Roman." Tamina said, not intimidated by the Samoan.

"She's defenseless. How big do you feel right now? And she is my business. I'm not going to let you hurt her. Now, I'll ask you again. Get your ass out of here. Now." He growled.

Tamina smirked at him and walked away. 

"God, I cannot wait to kick her ass..." Morgan muttered.

"Are you okay?" he asked as he helped her.

The Philly diva started to look upset. "I hate feeling weak. Why can't these ribs just heal already?"

"You're not weak Morgan. It's going to take time for those ribs to heal. Don't beat yourself up. I admire you for your guts and toughness."


"Yeah. I'm just glad I was around before she did any more damage to you. It seems like she really wants to take you out."

"I know...but don't worry, it won't be long before I can get back in the ring." She reassured. "Thanks for helping me."

"No problem. I'll see you later." He started walking away.

"Hey, Roman?"

He turned around. "What's up?"

She smiled. "I admire you too."

"Good to know."

Morgan tweets 'Somebody is really desperate to take me out. Oh how I'm not surprised...'

'Later, in the ring'

Big E, Cena and Mark Henry take on The Shield while Morgan stands at ringside. Once the bell rings, Big E quickly takes control but Ambrose puts him in a headlock.

"Oh!" Seth exclaimed as Dean hit Big E with a knee to the midsection.

"That's gotta hurt..." Morgan murmured.

"Should of did your homework, E!" Roman yelled. 

Ambrose gets on the top rope but gets thrown off by Big E. He starts to hit Ambrose with clotheslines and does a belly to belly suplex on him.

"Come on Dean!" she cheered.

"Come on Dean, come on Dean," Seth said before he threw Big E out of the ring. 

Seth and Roman stalk over to Langston but then Cena and Henry come to the rescue. Dean gets out of the ring and pushes Roman's arm, to get him out of his way. 

"I'll get him." Ambrose declared as Roman glanced at his arm and back at Ambrose.

"Uh oh..." Morgan mumbled as she saw the tension between them.

Near the end of the match, Ambrose is caught with another clothesline and gets hit with the Big Ending to win the match.

"Big E picks up the victory," Cole said as Roman got in the ring and glared at Big E. Seth drags Dean out of the ring while Mark Henry gets in the ring.

'Ding Ding Ding'

"Big E gives his team a one to nothing lead," Cole informed.

"You okay?" Morgan put her hand on Dean's cheek as he sat down to take a breather.

"Yeah." He replied. 

Once he regroups, The Shield watch as Roman is thrown out of the ring.

"You all right?" Seth asked as Dean leaned on the barricade.

Mark Henry pushes Roman to the apron as he hits his back before throwing him back in the ring. 

"Come on Roman!" Morgan cheered.

"Come on Big man." Seth looked on as Roman kept getting hit with headbutts and then a big boot to the head. "Come on big man, you gotta watch out."

Roman fights back and hits Mark with a superman punch and pins him for a 2 count. He starts to wear down Henry with a headlock. Henry throws Roman up in the air as he falls chest first to the floor. When Roman gets up, he gives Henry a Samoan drop. 

"That is strength." JBL says. Roman roars and punches the ground. He strikes Henry with a superman punch and goes to the corner. He roars again before spearing him for the win. "That was impressive."

"Yeah!" The Outspoken Diva cheered. 

Once Roman gets out of the ring, she wraps her arms around his neck and kisses him on the cheek. 

"You did it!" She beamed as he grinned and chuckled in response.

In the ring, Cena and Seth lock up. Once Cena gives him a hip toss, Seth rolls out of the ring and bangs on the barricade in frustration. 

"Don't lose your cool. You got this." Morgan advised as her teammates tried to give him advice.

"Wear him down. Wear him down." Roman said as Seth nodded. "There you go." He said when Seth moved out of the way from the turnbuckle as Cena bumped into it. 

He starts to wear him down with stomps and puts him in a headlock to wear him down. 

"Rollins has a good game plan so far. One thing The Shield is good at is having a good game plan and sticking to it." JBL said. 

Cena stands up and walks back to push Seth's back into the turnbuckle. He goes to run towards him but gets kicked in the face. He gets pinned for a 2 count as Seth starts to get aggressive.

"Stay down!" Roman yelled. "What I tell you, John? If you stay down, we wouldn't have to put you down."

Seth hits John with a kick in the gut. The pace of the match was slow while Seth was taking control. Big E and Mark start to hype up the crowd as Cena hits Seth with a clothesline to buy himself some time. 

He plants Cena with a DDT and pins him for a 2 count as Roman puts his head on the apron. 

"Don't get frustrated. You got this. Keep your cool." Morgan said when Seth started banging on the mat after he kept getting two counts.

"Rollins is dominating John Cena, believe it or not," Cole said.

"You're gonna have to give up." Roman taunted as Cena leaned on the ropes.

"It's hard to get in the head of John Cena. He went through a lot of wars." Cole mentioned. 

Cena throws Rollins to the turnbuckle as he flips on top of it.

Morgan cringed at the impact. "Yikes! Are you okay!?"

"Ah~" Rollins groaned out in pain before flipping off the ropes, holding his lower torso. 

Cena starts hitting him with shoulder blocks but Seth counters his attack and plants Cena's face onto one of the turnbuckles.

"Awesome! Awesome counter!" she cheered 

"Come on Cena!" Big E said. 

Rollins mocks Cena's 'You can't see me' taunt and punches him down. Cena counters his attack and hits him with the five knuckle shuffle. He goes for the AA but Seth lands on his feet. Cena runs towards him but gets elbowed and hit by a top rope move. He pins Cena for a near fall as Ambrose holds his head. 

"Cena tried to make a comeback but Seth takes control once again," Cole said as Reigns talked trash to Cena. 

Seth tries to attack him in the corner but Cena moves out of the way and strikes him with a neckbreaker. Cena pins him for a near fall as the crowd gets hyped. 

"And he stayed in it! Cena thought it was three!" Cole shouted as Cena held up three fingers to the ref.

The Shield were relieved while Morgan held her chest in shock and looked at the ref. 

"That was two! Two!" She declared and put up two fingers with Dean and Roman. "That was two, John."

Cena gets on the top rope but Rollins hits the ropes, making him fall on the back of his leg. He pins Cena after he gives him the Skywalker but only for another near fall. 

"Ugh!" Morgan exclaimed and held her head. "Are you kidding me!?"

Dean holds his stomach and bangs on the apron. 

"The Shield thought he had him," Cole said. 

Cena nails Rollins with a powerbomb and pins him for a near fall as the crowd 'Ohs'. The Shield look relieved again while Mark and Big E were looking in shock. The crowd motivates both superstars to get up and Cena puts Seth in the AA position but Seth grabs onto the ropes. Once he releases him, he throws Seth up but he lands on his feet and hits him with an enzuigiri. 

"What a move by Rollins!" Cole exclaimed. "He's just an incredible athlete."

Rollins pins Cena for another near fall as Dean puts his hands to his mouth. 

"Come on man. Come on, John." Mark supported. 

Seth gets on the top rope and goes for the diving knee. He pins him for another near fall as Dean looks on in dismay. Cena catches Seth in the STF as The Shield start to panic and the crowd gets hyped. Seth quickly gets to the ropes as Roman pulls him out. Dean gets in the ring while the ref is distracted but gets clotheslined by Big E. 

He rolls out the ring while Morgan keeps her distance from the drama. She wished that she could do something but her ribs were still bothering her. 

Big E punches Dean over the announce table and turns around only to be hit by a Superman punch from Roman. Mark Henry comes to Langston's aid and throws Reigns over Dean near the announce table. Meanwhile, Cena catches Rollins for the AA in the ring and pins him for the win.

"Here is your winner! John Cena!" Lilian announced as his theme came on and he celebrated with his team.

Seth gets out the ring and holds his stomach while he sits and leans on the barricade. 

"You did awesome out there. Win or lose, you did good." Morgan said, helping him as he nodded and held his head.

"An incredible way to close the year. Happy New Year everybody! We'll see you in 2014 on Smackdown." Cole closed the show.


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1 year ago

Forced To Believe Chapter 42- Yikes

Forced To Believe Chapter 42- Yikes

Chapter Summary: Morgan competes in the Men's Royal Rumble. The Wyatts remind Morgan that she is almost ready. Roman finally tells Morgan what has been on his mind as she receives two bombshells in one night while she tries to keep her emotions in check.

Words: 10,000+

Author's Note: Don't's going to be OK.


The Shield smirk at the Outspoken Diva, pleased to see her and pleasantly surprised. 

"Stealing my swag huh?" Roman grinned and high fived her.

"How'd you get in this match?" Seth asked with a smile.

"I have my ways," Morgan replied with a wink. "Now let's own this match."

"Morgan is number sixteen in this match," Cole announced.

"I still cannot believe she's here!" King exclaimed. 

The Great Khali manages to get up and he turns his attention to Morgan, picking her up as the crowd cheers. 

"No! I just got here! Don't target the woman!" Morgan yelled. 

The Shield manages to make Khali release her but Dean gets pushed away, while Roman and Seth get hit by big punches.

"The Shield being picked apart by The Great Khali here." Cole looked on. 

Dean receives a huge slap to the chest from Khali. But then Khali gets hit by Roman's Superman punch and The Shield but Morgan try to eliminate him until Roman throws him over the top rope.

"They got it!" JBL said but as soon as The Shield turn around, they get attacked by Goldust, Cody, and Punk. 

Morgan manages to recover but gets hit with a knee lift by Jinder as she holds her face as the crowd 'Ohs'

"Ooh!" Cole exclaimed.

"Looks like 3MB want their revenge." King retorted.

"Don't think we forgot about you, little girl." Jinder spat and grabbed her with Heath as she started to struggle.

"Get off of me!" she yelled.

"I'm going to enjoy this," Drew smirked and fixed his boot.

"Oh no. This isn't good." Cole looked on. 

Drew goes for a big boot but Morgan escapes the hold while he hits Heath with the big boot instead. She runs to the ropes and strikes Drew and Jinder with a double clothesline as the crowd cheers. Roman manages to spear Dolph again and throw him out of the ring as the crowd boos.

"Ziggler eliminated," Cole announced

Cody and Goldust try to eliminate Roman until Seth breaks it up and helps him out. Meanwhile, Morgan jumps on top of Heath and starts unloading on him with punches until Drew pushes her off and starts ganging up on her with Heath. 

"Get off of me!" Morgan yelled while Drew and Heath tried to choke her.

"Whoa, whoa, somebody help her," King exclaimed.

Ambrose snaps his head at the sound of her yelling and starts glaring at Drew and Heath. He marches over to them and throws them off of her, angrily.

"Ambrose doesn't look too happy," Cole stated as Ambrose started seething and grabbed Heath for the headlock driver. "Did you hear that impact?"

"You okay?" he turned to her and she nodded. 

All of a sudden, Drew attacks him from behind and starts unloading on him. Morgan stands up and kicks him in the head and starts beating on him until Heath and Jinder grab her off of him. She gets on her knees while Heath is on one side and Jinder is on the other side of her and delivers a double low blow as the crowd cheers.

"Woo hoo! I bet Chyna loved that move." King cheered. 

The crowd starts to chant 'Mini Me' while Morgan gets up. She grins at the crowd and bows. Meanwhile, Drew gets up and is about to grab her from behind until Goldust makes the save and clotheslines him. Seeing Drew down and out, she turns around and looks at Goldust.

"I hope he doesn't kiss her again. That was unpleasant." JBL chuckled while Goldust did his deep breathing taunt in her face. 

Morgan narrows her eyes and decides to mock his taunt, exhaling in his face. While they begin to have a little taunting battle, Drew manages to stand up. The two turn their attention to him and punch him in the face to knock him back down. While Goldust is distracted by Drew, Morgan decides to take advantage and hits him with a clothesline. 

"Well, that team didn't last long," Cole said but then Cody picked Morgan up for the Alabama Slam and hit her with it.

"And Cody hits the Alabama Slama!" JBL grinned. 

Rollins attacks Cody from behind and starts to go after him while Dean goes after Goldust. Morgan rolls over to the end of the ring to rest but Drew manages to get up again and tries to eliminate her on the bottom ropes.

"Hang on, Morgan! Hang on!" King looked on. 

Luckily, she manages to escape and stand up. She knees him in the stomach and Drew falls back, in between the ropes, and stands on the apron. She tries to push him off but he manages to yank her hair.

"Ow! Are you kidding?!" She snapped as she held her head while Drew got back in the ring.

Kaitlyn tweets 'Really Drew? Never mess with a girl's hair. Especially WWEMorgan101's hair, unless you want to get dropped.'

The Bellas tweet 'Drew is going to pay for that.'

She starts to get mad and pushes him to the corner and puts him in a foot choke. He grabs her foot and pushes her away. She stumbles back while Cody runs to the ropes and goes for the disaster kick on Heath but Heath ducks and Morgan gets hit instead.

"Wrong place, wrong time, Morgan," Cole said as she slowly dropped down on her back.

Nikki Bella tweets 'WWEMorgan101, please get 3MB out the ring already!'

Kaitlyn tweets 'Ouch, that kick did not look pretty. Hang in there WWEMorgan101.'

Brie Bella tweets 'Why do you love getting kicked in the face WWEMorgan101?'

Drew smirks at Morgan and decides to take advantage by throwing her over the top rope. Luckily she manages to hold the ropes as Drew turns around and taunts the crowd by doing the air guitar. She smirks and waits for him to turn around. 

"Watch your back, Drew," King warned. 

When he turns around, she jumps on the ropes and drops him with a clothesline. She waits for him to get up and does the Morganizer on him. She taunts the crowd again but bumps her back against Punk's. They quickly turn around and look at each other.

"Hello Morgan~" He smirked.

"Save it..." She retorted but then Heath pushed them.

"We're not done, Morgan!" Heath shouted. 

Punk and Morgan glance at each other and nod.

"Look at this, look at this!" King said in a high voice while Punk and Morgan kicked Heath down.

When Heath stands up on his knees, Punk kicks him in the chest. 

"Think you can kick better?" Punk taunted.

She narrows her eyes and kicks Heath in the chest. Then the two begin to have a kicking battle. 

"Poor Heath, he's a kicking bag for these two." King chuckled. 

Punk picks Heath up while she helps him try to eliminate him.

"Punk and Morgan working together? Never thought I'd see the day." JBL said.

Meanwhile, back with The Shield, Cody was on the apron, trying to escape from Dean. Goldust runs towards Dean but he moves out of the way as Goldust eliminates Cody.

"And Cody Rhodes eliminated by Goldust!" Cole exclaimed as the crowd got hyped. Goldust was in shock until Roman eliminated him by throwing him over the top rope. "And now Reigns eliminating Goldust!"

Back to Morgan, Punk was sitting on the middle ropes while Morgan kept trying to eliminate Drew as he was on the apron. He hits her in the face as she stumbles back. As soon as Drew gets in between the middle ropes, she runs and knees him in the head to eliminate him as the crowd cheers. 

"Yes!" King cheered.

"Drew is out of here!" JBL announced as Morgan grinned and started jumping up and down in excitement.

"Woo!" She cheered.

"Morgan just eliminated Drew!" King happily said.

"I know she's happy to finally have her first elimination but she has to watch her back," Cole mentioned.

"Cole, let her have her moment. This is a privilege for her to be in this match." JBL argued while she smirked at Drew, who was yelling at her. 

"Na, na, na,, na, na, na...hey, hey, hey, goodbye!" She sang and blows him a kiss.

"You brat!" He yelled and started to slam his hands on the Spanish announce table.

"Drew needs to calm down. There's always 2015." JBL said as he started arguing with the refs, who were telling him to go backstage.

"4 members of The Shield, and CM Punk, and two members of 3MB." King announced as Roman, Seth, and Dean began to gang up on Punk, while Morgan taunted the crowd. 

"Wait, don't turn around, Morgan!" King warned because Jinder was given a guitar by Drew, who got it under the ring. The crowd starts to get hyped since it's been a while since there was a weapon in the Royal Rumble match. "This is not good, Morgan! Do not turn around!" 

Fans tweet:

'This is starting to get interesting.' 'I love it! Bring on the weapons!'

'Are you kidding me?! You're going to hit a woman with a guitar!?'

'Morgan! Whatever you do, don't turn around!'

Nikki Bella tweets 'WHOA WHOA WHOA! The heck are you doing Jinder!?'

Brie tweets 'Morgan, please don't turn around. This is for your own good!'

Kaitlyn tweets 'It just got real. I have a feeling WWEMorgan101 has some tricks under her sleeve. You got this grape monster.'

Dean and Roman were alert once they saw Jinder with the guitar. They were about to go after him but Heath manages to bring them down to stop them. Morgan turns around and sees him running towards her with the guitar. 

Her eyes widened with fear as she gasped and felt like the world just stopped. She felt like everything was in slow motion. She started to black everything out and it was just her and the guitar.

'Move' She thought as everything came back into motion. 

She quickly ducks as soon as he swings the guitar towards her and it just misses her. She exhales and stumbles back, looking at Jinder in shock.

"So close..." Jinder growled and turned back around to look at her.

The Philly diva started to get angry that 3MB would go this far to get rid of her. 

A weapon though? Really? 

Well, they just crossed the line. No one threatens The Outspoken Diva like that. 

"I am totally pissed off now!" She yelled and ran towards Jinder to kick him in the stomach.

He drops the guitar and falls on his hands and knees.

"Thank goodness she ducked that guitar," King said. "I was afraid for her face if she had gotten hit."

"She can handle herself, King. I'm sure she's felt pain before." JBL reassured. 

Morgan grabs the guitar from the mat and looks at it as the crowd cheers. She looks at the crowd and they support her in using the weapon. She nods and whacks Jinder with it on his back.

"Good grief!" JBL exclaimed. Heath manages to get up while she turns around and smashes his head with the guitar, breaking it as the crowd cheers. "Haha! I love it!"

The crowd chants 'Yes!' while Morgan exhales and looks at the broken guitar pieces, still processing that she could have gotten hit with it. She drops the remaining pieces from her right hand as the ref clears out the ring with the guitar pieces. She sits down on the bottom turnbuckle as The Shield prepare for the Triple Powerbomb on Punk.

Cameron tweets 'Damn girl! Thank goodness you didn't get hit with that guitar WWEMorgan101.'

Kaitlyn tweets 'Haha, WWEMorgan101 knows how to rock on'

Bellas tweets 'Holy crap WWEMorgan101! So GLAD you didn't get hit with that guitar. You know how to rock on, Morgan style'











All of a sudden, Sheamus' theme comes on and the crowd goes wild. 

"Oh yeah!" Cole yelled.

"What!?" King yelled in a high pitched voice.

"He's back! The winner of the 2012 Royal Rumble!" 

Sheamus sprints to the ring and clotheslines Heath and Jinder. He goes after Dean, Seth, and Roman while Punk rolls over to the end of the ring to rest, after being released from the Triple Powerbomb held by The Shield. Sheamus starts unloading on Seth until Dean grabs him by the neck for Roman but Sheamus kicks Roman and starts unloading on Dean at the turnbuckle.

"Sheamus has been out of action since Money in The Bank in July," Cole informed.

Melanie watched the fast-paced action. She was still in shock that she was still in this match. She thought she would get eliminated already. But she wasn't complaining. She was going to enjoy every single second of this. As she watched the action, a ref began to tell her what was coming up next in her ear and she waited for her cue.

"It just got physical," JBL said as Sheamus threw Dean, Seth, and Roman to a turnbuckle. He hits Seth with a shoulder thrust and puts Dean in between the ropes. "Oh, this is gonna hurt."

Sheamus begins to strike Dean with the Beats of the Bodhran as the crowd begins to count. For the 10th one, he lifts up Dean's shirt and hits him. 

"He's back!" Cole chuckled as Sheamus hit Seth with the Irish Curse. Morgan looks on in shock as Roman gets hit with the Brogue kick. "Oh!"

Sheamus turns his attention to Morgan as she stands up. She runs towards him but gets Brogue kicked hard as the crowd 'Ohs'

"AHH! Oh my gosh! He just­-he just Brogue kicked, the Outspoken Diva!" King screamed.

"Morgan just got dropped!" Cole shouted.

"My God, what a kick!" JBL yelled. 

Sheamus taunted the crowd and yelled "Fella!"

"How good does he look?" Cole asked.

"He just kicked Roman and Morgan into next week! Gosh, I hope Morgan is okay, she's not moving." King said with worry.

"Trust me, she's okay," JBL reassured as Sheamus tried to pick up Roman. "That's a big guy." He looked on as Sheamus started to struggle a little bit, to try and eliminate Roman. 

Rollins and Ambrose come in to help Roman by attacking Sheamus so he won't get eliminated.

Melanie was down on the mat, face first, near the end of the commentator's side of the ring. She touched her nose and saw blood on her fingers. 

'This is so cool' She thought. 

She was bleeding in her first Royal Rumble match. She was so excited to be a part of this match, that even if she was bleeding or had scars, she would be happy.

Fans tweet:

'WWEMorgan101 took that kick like a champ even though her nose is bleeding.'

'Jeesh! That kick did not look pleasant.'

'Please tell me WWEMorgan101's nose isn't broken!'

The Bellas tweets 'OMG, I hope WWEMorgan101 is okay. I admire her toughness'

Eva Marie tweets 'WWEMorgan101! Don't ruin your pretty face by being kicked in the face!'

Meanwhile, with Morgan, a ref walks over to her and so does a doctor to check out her nose and to tend it. Luckily it wasn't broken. After they were done, she continued to lay face first on the mat while Seth began to stomp on Sheamus on the bottom turnbuckle, with Dean holding him.











'Awesome! I came to play!'

"Oh, The Miz!" King said as he ran into the ring.

Miz begins unloading on Dean and throws him over the top rope but he manages to hang on. He starts stomping on him until Roman gets involved.

"CM Punk and Seth Rollins have both been in this match for over 25 minutes as Miz enters his 7th Royal Rumble match of his career," Cole announced.

"You got all 4 members of The Shield in this ring," JBL added.

"Yeah, somehow, something's gotta be done about The Shield, guys. Except for Morgan. She can stay." King grinned.

"Speaking of Morgan, I wonder if she is ever gonna get up from that kick. It looks like she's out cold." Cole looked wary.

"Yeah, I think her kicks have been matched. Can we watch Sheamus' Brogue kick on Morgan again?" King asked as the titantron showed it. "Did you see how she landed? Gosh..."

"She's a fighter. She'll manage." JBL reassured.

"The Shield said they were going to work together, to eliminate everybody until it would be every man for themselves to gain an opportunity to main event WrestleMania," Cole said.

"We always talked about to numbers game with The Shield, and it may be more important than ever in the Royal Rumble," King said while Morgan continued to lay motionless.

Cameron tweets 'Morgan needs a doctor ASAP! She's not moving! Do something!'

The Bellas tweet 'OMG, please tell me Morgan is still alive!'

Alicia Fox tweets 'Did WWEMorgan101 die? She's not moving!'

Summer Rae tweets 'I guess WWEMorgan101's kicks have been matched. I want to see a kicking battle between her and Sheamus now.'

Rosa tweets 'I hope your nose is broken WWEMorgan101!'

Kaitlyn tweets 'Lol, don't worry, WWEMorgan101 didn't die, she's still alive. Once she gets back up, she's gonna kick some butt! Keep breaking faces grape girl'

"Roman and Miz in one corner, Rollins, Dean and Sheamus on the ropes, Punk and Morgan are still down but still in this match. Punk entered at number one." Cole informed.

"And so is the remaining members of 3MB. They are still in this match too." JBL said as Jinder and Heath recovered in a corner.

"I am surprised they are still in this match," King said as Roman dropped The Miz with a Superman punch.

"There goes that Superman punch!"

Jinder and Heath begin to talk strategy but Heath nudges him and points to Morgan's fallen body. They begin to smirk at each other. 

"Looks like the little girl is down and out." Jinder taunted

"Oh yeah." Heath grinned and they stood up.

"I don't like that look, they are giving Morgan." King frowned as they began to slowly stalk their way towards her.

Heath stopped Jinder. "Before we eliminate her, let's punish her."

"I like your thinking, man." he patted his back and they continued to slowly stalk their way towards her.

As soon as they were about to get close to her, Roman stepped in front of them as the crowd cheered loudly.

"Uh oh." JBL grinned. "I like this."

"Roman Reigns does not look happy," Cole said as Roman glared at them.

He glances at Morgan's motionless body, feeling a little upset that she got Brogue kicked but knew she could handle herself. He knew she was hurting, and he wasn't going to allow these men to take advantage of her like this.

He clenched his fists, shaking his head at Jinder and Heath, and said in a lethal tone, "Don't even think about it."

"What are you gonna do man? Nothin'" Heath taunted and pushed Roman as the crowd 'Oohs'

"Are they nuts?" JBL asked before Roman took Heath and Jinder down with a clothesline. As soon as Jinder manages to get up, he gets speared. "Spear!"

"Another spear by Reigns!" Cole exclaimed. 

Roman roars and turns his attention to Heath who is running towards him. He runs and hits him with a leaping clothesline and starts to dominate him.

Meanwhile, Melanie was still resting, and waiting for her cue to get back up. She was on her knees, resting in one of the corners. Jon crawls over to her and kneels before her. 

"How's your nose?" He asked.

"Heh, brings back pleasant memories." She chuckled while he smirked and got back into character before going after another superstar.











Fandango's theme comes on as the crowd begins Fandangoing. 

"Fandango~" JBL said as Morgan stood up.

"It is his debut in the Royal Rumble," Cole informed as he walked out with Summer Rae. He spun her around before taking off his jacket and running into the ring. 

Miz goes after him and they begin to do some fast-paced action as they try to eliminate each other. Morgan watches in amazement as the loud Pittsburgh crowd Fandangos. Fandango manages to escape The Miz and roll back into the ring while Sheamus tries to eliminate Miz, and Dean tries to eliminate Sheamus. Seth begins to take on Sheamus, while Roman takes on Miz in the corner. Fandango stands up to catch his breath and sees Morgan. 

She smirked at him. "Hey, how ya doing?"

Fandango starts turning his hips, doing one of his dance moves while she gives him a 'What the hell are you doing?' facial expression. 

"Morgan does not look impressed," Cole said with amusement. 

Fandango blows her a kiss while she looks amused. She spins around and grabs him to start salsa dancing with him as the crowd laughs.

"Hey! I want to dance with you, Morgan!" King called out.

Suddenly the Outspoken Diva stomps on his foot on purpose as he winces and pushes her away. 

"Sloppy dancer!" Fandango retorted.

The Philly diva spins around before hitting him with a roundhouse kick as he stumbles back. 

"Oh! What a kick!" JBL exclaimed. 

She laughs at Fandango and he glares at her. He tries to clothesline her but she ducks and throws him to the corner. She runs and hits him with a handspring back elbow. She tries to pick him up for a powerslam but he escapes it and takes her down with an enzuigiri. Morgan rolls over to the end of the ring and holds her head. The Miz begins to go after Fandango again while she recovers near the turnbuckle with Dean as the crowd begins to count again. 

"Number twenty coming," Cole announced.


"Oh!" JBL said. "The Los Matadores. Which one though?" 

All of a sudden El Torito starts running down the ramp as the crowd cheers.

"Hey!" Cole exclaimed.

"What a minute!" King yelled.

"Wait a minute! El Torito is he in the Rumble!?" Cole yelled as El Torito jumped on the bottom rope and hit Seth with a hurricanrana.

"The hell!?" Morgan exclaimed while Dean looked confused. "What kind of match is this?"

"I have no idea..." Dean replied, shaking his head.

"We got an animal in the Royal Rumble?" JBL asked while El Torito ducked Miz's clothesline and jumped on the middle rope to hit him with his horns.

"Look at El Torito go!" Cole said. 

Punk gets up and stands before El Torito and gives him a 'What the hell' facial expression.

"Everyone else is in shock." King laughed

"You!" El Torito pointed at Punk. "Me!" He pointed to himself. "You! Me!" He gets himself ready and runs to him but Punk grabs his horns and looks amused. He spins him around but gets hit with a hurricanrana.

"What!?" King laughed but then Fandango hit him down.

"Fandang-Fandango..." Cole trailed off Fandango lifted El Torito over his head.

"Oh don't do this, Fandango, that is not nice," JBL said

Suddenly, Fandango gets thrown over the top rope by El Torito. He jumps over the top rope and kicks Fandango out of the ring as Morgan's jaw drops and the crowd cheers loudly.

"Fandango has been eliminated!" Cole exclaimed.

"That's embarrassing...What?" Morgan stated as El Torito turned his attention to her and prepared himself to go after her. "Whoa whoa whoa whoa I didn't do anything. I'm just chilling."

El Torito looks at her hands and sees red nail polish on her fingernails. He starts to chase her around the ring as the crowd laughs. 

"I didn't do anything!" she exclaimed as the commentators laughed. 

El Torito sees Roman and jumps on the ropes but Roman catches him.

"Uh oh." Cole and King say.

"No, Roman don't, Roman don't," JBL said. "Don't Roman. No!"

He lifts El Torito up and throws him on top of Fandango as he gets eliminated. Punk hits Roman from behind while the crowd begins to count again. 

"I've been told now guys, that Roman Reigns has eliminated six men," Cole stated.

Antonio Cesaro comes out with Zeb and runs in the ring after he says 'We The People!'

He goes after Miz and starts doing the giant swing but Punk breaks it. Cesaro ducks his kick and grabs him for the big swing until Dean and Seth attack him. Cesaro fights back and throws them into each other. He hits Dean with an uppercut as he falls near the corner while Seth gets the big swing.

"Everybody's goin' swingin'," JBL said. 

The crowd starts counting each swing that Cesaro does on Seth.

"We're gonna be here a while," King said.

"This is great!" JBL laughed as the crowd cheered and clapped. 

Morgan stands up and breaks it up as the crowd gets annoyed.

"Aw, Morgan, why?" King sighed. 

She goes to kick Cesaro but he grabs her foot and pushes her down to

position her for the big swing.

"No! No! NO!" She screamed and tried to fight her way out of the hold.

"Oh no!" King exclaimed.

"Oh yes!" Cole grinned as the crowd cheered.

"Here we go!" Cesaro yelled and started to swing her around as she screamed.

"Dean! Do something!" She yelled but Ambrose quickly shook his head while he rested on the bottom turnbuckle.

"I'm not touchin' that one sweetheart," Ambrose replied as she continued screaming.

"I'm getting dizzy again." King held his head while the crowd counted to 16.

"He's still going!" Cole shouted after he swung her 20 times

Cesaro releases her and taunts the crowd. 

"Entrant number 22," Cole said as the Wyatt Family theme came on and Luke Harper walked down the ramp as Cesaro tried to eliminate Seth. 

Cesaro gets speared by Roman as the crowd 'Ohs'

Morgan tries to stand up but stumbles as the crowd laughs. 

"Morgan, you all right?" Roman asked.

"Why do you have two heads?" She mumbled and fell down on her butt, holding her head.

Cole laughed. "Morgan is out of it."

Luke gets in the ring and starts going after everyone. The crowd gets hyped once Sheamus and Ambrose are on the apron, trying to eliminate each other. Luke hits Punk with a hard clothesline and goes after Seth. Morgan recovers and sees Heath walking over to her. He grabs her by the hair but Luke throws him off her and gives him a hard clothesline as the crowd 'Ohs'

"Good grief! Did you hear that?" JBL asked. 

Luke tilts his head to the side and stares at her as she holds her head. She looked confused but a little intimidated because she thought he was about to hit her.

"What are you doing?" She asked

"You're are the rose with're almost ready for the buzzards." He replied.

"I'm not going to follow the buzzards." She stood up.

"That is a big mistake, Rose. He will use force and we cannot disobey him."

"You don't want to hurt me. Why?"

"Because you are almost ready,"

The hell did that mean?

She looks into his eyes. He may be crazy looking and act crazy but she had a feeling that he had a heart deep down. Morgan sighs and roundhouse kicks him in the face as he drops down to the mat. 

"What a kick!" JBL yelled.

The crowd begins to count again and Jey Uso comes out at 23. He runs in the ring and starts to go after Cesaro while Morgan rests. 

"Hey! Hey! Seth! Seth! Morgan!" Roman yelled as Sheamus, Jinder, Heath and Miz tried to eliminate him.

Dean, Seth and Morgan come to his aid while Morgan throws Jinder to the ropes and does a loud battle cry as she gives him a spear.

"Spear! Spear by Morgan!" King exclaimed as the crowd cheered. Heath runs to her but gets hit with a kick by Seth and Morgan. "What a move!"

She tries to push Jinder out of the ring as he holds on the ropes. The crowd begins to count again and JBL's theme comes on.

"Wait a minute," King said.

"Are you kidding me?" Cole grinned.

JBL takes off his headset and taunts the crowd after he walks up the steel steps. He gets in the ring while Jinder escapes from Morgan and throws her to the middle ropes, hitting her neck. JBL gets in the ring. Jinder turns to him and starts to get in his face, disrespecting him.

"Uh oh." Cole looked on

"How about a clothesline from hell?" King asked and he got his wish as he hit Jinder with the clothesline from hell. 

The crowd cheers and JBL taunts the crowd.

"Michael! Come here and get my coat." JBL took off his coat and gave it to him but then Roman quickly eliminated him from behind as the crowd booed.

"What the? You should have known better to never turn your back on The Shield!" King exclaimed.

"Way to go John." Cole said as the crowd chants 'You Still Got It'

Meanwhile, back in the ring, Morgan clotheslines Heath as he quickly gets up. She hits him with some elbows and starts unloading on him. 

"Whoa! Look at Morgan go!" King exclaimed as JBL started to change Cole's subject on how he got eliminated. 

She picks up Heath over her shoulders as the crowd cheers. 

"Whoa! Did Morgan get an adrenaline rush?" King shouted.

"She is related to the Ninth Wonder of the World. Chyna taught her well," Cole added.

She walks over to the ropes and was about to dump him out of the ring but the crowd boos once Jinder grabs him off of her. Jinder grabs her by the hair and hits her with a full Nelson slam. 

"Not today, sweetheart." he taunted the crowd as they booed him. 

He throws her over the ropes but she manages to hold on while her feet are almost touching the ground. Seth grabs Jinder and hit him with a kick, dropping him down. He goes to help Morgan up but Miz gets involved and hits Seth with the Skull Crushing Finale.

"Oh! And Miz with the Skull Crushing Finale!" Cole exclaimed as Morgan rolled back in the ring. 

Miz tries to eliminate her by trying to push her out of the ring with his feet while the crowd begins to count again. The Wyatt Family theme comes on again. 

"And this will be the other member of the Wyatt Family...Erick Rowan." Cole announced

"Uh oh," King said as Erick came out and took off his mask. 

He slides into the ring while Luke motions him to help him go after the Miz.

"Get off, already! Why does everyone have to go after the woman!?" Morgan yelled as she tried to hold on to the bottom rope. 

Erick grabs Miz from behind and tosses him over the apron but he hangs on. He tries to get back in the ring but gets clotheslined hard by Luke and is eliminated.

"Wow!" JBL exclaimed while Morgan looked on in surprise. "Miz was almost beheaded!"

"No kidding..." King replied.

Luke and Erick start to take control of Jey and Erick picks up Jey and puts him over the apron. Jey hits him as Erick stumbles back but gets hit off the apron by a big boot from Luke.

"Oh man!" Cole said as Morgan was on her hands and knees, in the middle of the ring. 

Luke and Erick turn around and stare at her. Luke tilts his head to the side and steps up to her with him. The Outspoken Diva looks up and sees them put their hands out for her to take it. 

She looks at them in confusion. 

She kicked Luke in the head a few minutes ago, why is he helping her? 

The Shield turn to The Wyatts and steps up to them while Morgan is still in the middle. 

"Uh oh. Morgan, get out of the way. These teams are about to explode." JBL said as she slowly stood up.

"Morgan, stay back," Dean warned.

"She stays," Luke replied. "She will be with us soon."

"Over our dead bodies." Seth retorted and hit him as they started unloading on each other.

Erick turns to Dean while they begin to attack each other, and Roman helps out Seth.

"Morgan is starting to look conflicted again," Cole stated as the crowd counted again. "This is entry number 26."

Ryback slides into the ring and goes after Cesaro and starts hitting him with shoulder thrusts on the ropes. The crowd chants 'Goldberg'

Ryback goes after Sheamus and tries to eliminate him while he is trying to eliminate Seth. Sheamus fights back and hangs on while Seth lays in the corner. He starts stomping on him while Morgan crosses her arms and watches him. 

Ryback pats his head at Seth. "Stupid!"

The Philly Diva marches over to him and turns him around as they stare each other down. 

"What is she doing now!?" JBL asked as she shot Ryback a serious look. "Does she ever think before she acts?"

"Please don't tell me she's gonna go after Ryback." King looked nervous.

"One thing I like about Morgan is her fearlessness in the ring. Is she reckless? Yes, but her plucky attitude towards the WWE Superstars makes her an interesting wrestler to watch." Cole pointed out.

"I agree. She's passionate in the ring, despite getting herself into sticky situations," JBL said.

"You know, I don't think Morgan is a girl or just any regular female wrestler. She is one edgy dudette. I love her. She's so cool! You know I've never seen a WWE Diva rock hoodies like she does. She makes me want to wear a hoodie now." King grinned. "She has a unique look with hoodies and tank tops."

"She's a wild chick in CM Punk's words," Cole stated. "She can be a nice person but when she gets in that ring, she's serious, observant, and unpredictable. She's a unique WWE Diva to watch. Win or lose, she'll prove herself."

"I like how she will still kick ass even if the odds are against her and when she's getting beaten up. She'll still try. I like her guts and how she doesn't shy away." JBL said. "The Queen of Twirls."

"Yep, The Twirling Queen, Morgan Lopez." King grinned. "I hope she twirls again before this match is over."

Morgan narrows her eyes at Ryback as he breathes heavily. She kicks him in the stomach but it does little damage. She kicks him in the stomach again but Ryback remains still. 

"Oh no!" King exclaimed as he picked her up over his shoulders and the apron.

"Is this the end for Morgan?" Cole asked but luckily she managed to crawl under the ropes before he could get to her. 

She runs to the ropes and runs to him but gets clotheslined.

"Stupid! Stupid!" Ryback yelled.

"Good grief, why does she want to put her body on the line like this?" King asked.

"He almost beheaded her," JBL said as she started to recover.

"Stupid! Stupid!" Ryback yelled again.

She smirked and slowly got up, still hurt from the clothesline. 

"Come on, grow a set. You hit like a bitch." She provoked as the crowd laughed at her statement and cheered her on.

"Are you kidding me?" King asked.

"She's too reckless right now," JBL said.

"Uh oh, she may have provoked Ryback," Cole said as Ryback shot her a dirty look. 

He runs and tries to clothesline her again but she ducks and runs to the ropes. She manages to take him down with a bicycle kick as the crowd pops.

"She kicked him!" King screamed in a high pitched voice.

Morgan mocked Ryback by patting her head. "Stupid! Stupid!"

Jinder grabs her from behind and throws her into the ring post while the crowd begins to count again. Del Rio comes out at number 27 while Morgan fights back against Jinder and hits him with a facebuster. She picks him up for the Reverse GTS as the crowd gets hyped.

"Uh oh! This may be it!" Cole exclaimed as she yelled a loud battle cry and hit Jinder with the move. She manages to throw him out of the ring as the crowd cheers. "Jinder has been eliminated!"

"Just one more member and she'll get closure," JBL said. 

Morgan grins and does her taunt to Jinder who holds the back of his head and glares at her. She turns around and looks at Heath. She slowly smirks while the crowd begins to count.

"Number 28," Cole said as Batista's theme came on and the crowd cheered. "The Animal is back!" 

"Here we go!" Batista yelled and jogged down the ramp. 

He slides into the ring and clotheslines Dean, Punk, Cesaro, and Morgan. Batista clotheslines Dean again and then Seth. He manages to knee Erick in the stomach and eliminates him as the crowd cheers. Ryback and Batista face off while Morgan and Dean recover in a corner.

"Oh, look at this confrontation," King said as Ryback started trash talking.

"Stupid! Huh!?" Ryback yelled but got hit by Batista. 

He throws Batista to the turnbuckle and runs towards him but gets thrown out of the ring. Dean tries to attack Batista but gets clotheslined. Suddenly, the Outspoken Diva decides to run towards him but he picks her up as she shrieks and gets hit with a spinebuster, landing right on top of Dean.

"Son of a bitch..." She groaned.

"Oh my gosh! Right on top of Ambrose!" Cole exclaimed. 

Dean and Morgan roll over to the end of the ring while Dean recovers by leaning on the bottom turnbuckle. 

"Batista is dominating oh! And Del Rio takes advantage." Cole said as Del Rio hit Batista's knee and kicked him in the head. 

Del Rio starts taunting everyone but then Dean, Seth, Roman, Sheamus, Punk, Luke, Cesaro and Batista go after him. Morgan watches all the guys go at it in a huge clutter. She decides to take advantage by slowly getting on the top rope.

"What is she about to do?" JBL asked.

"Whoa whoa, what is Morgan about to do?" Cole looked on in anticipation.

"No way!" King exclaimed as she hit a crossbody on everyone.

"She just dropped everyone." JBL chuckled while the crowd chanted her name.

"Come on! Let's friggin' go!" she got up and taunted the crowd.

"Morgan's getting a little serious and even more reckless. Will that come back to haunt her?" Cole asked.

"I don't know. She's getting fired up and looks like she has something big planned." King said.

She twirls around and taunts the crowd again as they cheer for her. 

"Yay! She's twirling! She's twirling!" King happily said. All of a sudden, Batista gets up to grab her by the hair, slamming her down as the crowd starts to boo. "Oh come on..."

"Seriously...?" she retorted and held the back of her head. "Just ruined my momentum..."

The rest of the Superstars get up. Del Rio tries to eliminate Batista but he picks him up and eliminates him as the crowd cheers. 

"Batista eliminating three men, as we now await entry number 29," Cole said as the crowd began to count. Big E's theme comes on and he runs in the ring. "Here comes Big E!"

Big E goes right after Batista and hits him with a belly to belly suplex. Morgan runs towards him but gets hit with a belly to belly suplex too. Sheamus tries to hit Big E with some punches but gets hit with a backbreaker a couple of times. Morgan stands up and goes right after Heath by jumping on him and unloading on him with punches.

"Look at Morgan go!" King grinned.

She picks him up and throws him to the corner and walks over to him. She strikes him with a few kicks to the chest before clotheslining him down. Heath is seated down on the turnbuckle and she runs and connects with a knee to the face. The crowd stands up once the countdown starts again. 

"Final man to enter the 2014 Royal Rumble," Cole said. 

Rey's theme comes on as the crowd starts to boo. They weren't expecting him out of all people to be number 30 and wanted a big surprise instead.

Melanie listens to the crowd as Rey goes after Seth. She felt bad for Rey. He didn't pick number 30 on purpose. He was booked for number 30. 

Morgan decides to go after Rey but Batista grabs her by the hair and slams her down.

"I swear if he touches my hair one more time..." She retorted and held the back of her head.

"What is up with Batista grabbing her hair?" King grumbled as he started to get annoyed. 

Heath takes advantage and tries to push her out of the ring while the crowd heavily boos because Daniel Bryan was not in the match. Morgan escapes while Heath backs up. She is on her hands and knees and gets kneed in the face by Heath as the crowd 'Ohs!'

Morgan holds the side of her face while Heath taunts the crowd as they boo him. She stands up and manages to throw him over the top rope as he hangs on. 

"Look at this!" King exclaimed as Morgan ran to the ropes and made a loud battle cry, hitting Heath with a knee to the face. "I think I saw a tooth fly out."

"I think that was gum," Cole mentioned as Heath fell down on to the floor. "Heath Slater is eliminated! Morgan has eliminated all members of 3MB. This has to feel good for her."

"Snooze you lose." She grinned at him and waved goodbye.

Meanwhile, Big E gets clotheslined out of the ring by Sheamus and gets eliminated. Cesaro and Luke start hitting each other with uppercuts. Morgan gets hit with an uppercut by Cesaro and rolls over to the end of the ring, on the apron. Seth gets on the middle ropes, in the 619 position. 

"Uh oh, incoming call," King said as Rey ran and did the 619 to the back of Morgan's head, while she collided her head with Seth. "Ooh! That gotta hurt. She tried to protect Rollins!"

She holds the back of her head and lays down on the apron. 

"This match is tiring..." She huffed. 

Rey gets back in the ring and is thrown over the apron by Seth. He jumps up but gets kicked out of the ring as the crowd cheers and chants 'Thank You Seth'

"Rollins and Punk have been in this match for over 47 minutes," Cole informed. Seth and Dean throw Luke over the top rope as he hangs on to the apron. They try to eliminate him but then Roman hits him with a Superman punch. "Oh! And Reigns, eliminating Harper!"

Roman grins as he leans on the ropes, but all of a sudden Morgan and the crowd look on in shock when Dean tries to eliminate him. 

"Wait! Look at this! Look at this!" King yelled in a high pitched voice as the crowd 'Ohs!'

Morgan could not believe what she just saw. She quickly stands up and marches over to Dean while Seth stops Dean from eliminating Roman. 

"The hell are you doing, you dumbass!?" She yelled. "What is wrong with you!?"

This was bad. Really bad.

"What's your problem!?" Seth yelled at Dean.

"What?" Dean snapped.

"Are you serious? Are you serious?! What the hell!? What the hell, Dean?" The Outspoken Diva argued as they both got in each other's faces

The crowd looked on in anticipation as Morgan and Dean started yelling at each other while Rollins tried to break it up.

"Dean just tried to eliminate his own partner!" Cole said as Roman recovered on the apron and looked at his teammates.

"Seth and Morgan are like, what are you doing?" King exclaimed

"It's every man for themselves!" Dean yelled.

"You said we would work until we were the final ones! We're a team! Stick to your word! Why are you so stupid!? Leave Roman alone!" Morgan shouted and ended up slapping him in the face, making the crowd pop loudly

"She just slapped her boyfriend!" King screamed.

"Again!" Cole added, thinking about the Slammy Awards

"Oh no, not like this! Things are falling apart!" JBL whined.

Ambrose held his face in shock and began to glare at her while Rollins tried to hold him back, surprised she slapped him.

All of a sudden, Cesaro runs into Seth and Dean and tries to eliminate them until they fight back and start fighting him on the ropes, in front of the stage. Morgan got pushed down by Cesaro and she rests on her hands and knees, still trying to process the conflict that just happened. 

Roman sits down, still processing what his teammates have done. No one does that to him. Ever. 

He stands up and eliminates Seth, Dean and Cesaro as the crowd cheers. 

"Look at this! Reigns just eliminated three more men!" Cole exclaimed as Roman shot Dean and Seth a cold stare.

"And two of them, are his own partners!" King shouted.

Roman shook his head, looking stern. "You don't do that to me!" He yelled.

"Roman Reigns has just tied Kane," Cole informed. Roman turns around and gets hit with a spinebuster by Batista. As soon as The Animal turns around, he gets Brogue Kicked. "And Sheamus with a Brogue Kick!"

Punk stands up and hits him with the GTS. 

"Punk with the Go To Sleep. We're down to the final five." Cole said.

"I'm surprised Morgan has survived this long." JBL looked on. 

Roman tries to hit Punk with the spear but Punk kicks him and hits him with the GTS.

"Man, I just hope she keeps herself out of hot water. Roman does not look happy." King said with concern as she stood up and looked at Punk as the crowd popped loudly. "One of these people are going to WrestleMania! We've been waiting for these two to go at it."

Morgan takes off her hoodie.

"Let's do this." She said and they locked up. 

Punk throws her to the ropes and she ducks his clothesline and hits him with a clothesline instead. She picks him up and throws him to the turnbuckle and starts unloading on him with a few chops. He reverses it and starts hitting her with elbows. She kicks him away and jumps on the middle rope to hit him with a crossbody. As soon as she gets up, she runs to the ropes but is caught by a one leg dropkick by Punk.

He picks her up for the GTS as the crowd gets hype but she reverses it and knees him in the stomach. He gets on his knees. She was about to kick him but he ducked and quickly stood up. He throws her to the turnbuckle and hits her with a running bulldog while Morgan holds her nose.

She turns around as she lays on her back and Punk gets on the top rope. He connects with a diving elbow as the crowd cheers. Punk picks her up and manages to throw her over the top rope but she holds on. She stands on the apron and ducks Punk's punch as she slides back in the ring, in between his legs. She stands up and as soon as Punk turns around, he gets hit with the backfire. 

"Backfire!" King shouted

Punk lays on his back while Morgan slowly gets on the top rope. She goes for a moonsault but he moves out of the way as she holds her stomach. 

"Oh! Nobody home!" Cole exclaimed.

Punk stands up and leans on the turnbuckle. All of a sudden, Kane grabs him from behind and eliminates him as the crowd boos. 

"Oh my Lord...Kane eliminated Punk." Cole said as Morgan was on her hands and knees, recovering from the moonsault. Kane throws Punk into the barricade. "Oh no, look out guys."

Kane begins to take off things from the Spanish announce table. He grabs Punk in a chokeslam hold and chokeslams him on the table. Roman stands up, looking at the stage and slowly turns around to look at Morgan as the crowd cheers. 

"Uh oh." King looked wary while she huffed and suddenly felt eyes on her. 

"Great..." She grumbled, closing her eyes and then opening them to turn her head to look at Roman.

"Oh no. Oh no, Morgan, get out of there. Get out of there, right now, you do not want to be in the ring with an angry Roman Reigns." JBL warned. 

"Yeah, Roman is still upset with Ambrose after he tried to eliminate him," Cole informed.

"I hope he doesn't take his anger out on her, Morgan tried to stop Ambrose," King said as the two stared at each other. 

The Outspoken Diva slowly got up while the crowd chanted 'Yes!' 

"These two...are they actually going to fight each other?" Cole asked.

"We really haven't seen these two fight each other when Morgan feuded with The Shield," JBL said.

Morgan takes a step back while Roman takes a step forward. 

"What is Morgan's strategy?" King asked.

She takes another step back and Roman takes another step forward, looking straight into her eyes. 

'Crunch time...No more games and no more messing around.' Morgan thought. 

"Okay..." She fixed her fingerless gloves and gave Roman a serious look, motioning him to come at her. "Hit me with your best shot."

"What is she thinking!?" JBL asked. "Morgan! Do not do this!"

She runs and lunges at Roman, hitting him with elbows to the face as the crowd cheers. 

"Whoa!" King exclaimed as Roman pushed her back. 

He runs to her and she dropkicks him as the crowd cheers. Roman gets on his knees and she runs, hitting him with a shining wizard.

"Good grief! All that teammate stuff went out the window. This is truly every person for themselves." Cole said. 

She gets up but Batista grabs her by the hair and slams her down again as the crowd heavily boos.

"Darn it, why Batista?" King retorted. 

Morgan sighs loudly and holds her head. Batista starts to get hyped up as he does his taunt on the ropes while the crowd chants 'No! No! No!'

She gets up with a pissed off look and marches over to him. She turns him around and punches him in the face as the crowd cheers. 

"Whoa!" The commentators exclaim.

"Bad idea," Cole stated.

"Things are getting heated between Morgan and Batista." JBL looked on.

"Stop pulling on my hair!" She yelled. 

He shoves her and is about to clothesline her but she ducks and catches him from behind. She does a loud battle cry and slams him down, giving him the Morganizer as the crowd cheers. She glares at him and takes a step back but bumps into Roman's chest.

"Oh boy," King said.

"Watch your back, Morgan," JBL warned. 

"Everyone else is down, it's just them two. Are we finally going to see these two go at it?" Cole asked.

She quickly turns around and is about to hit him but he grabs her forearm and picks her up over his shoulder as the crowd gets hype. 

"No, Roman! No! Do not eliminate me!" She yelled, trying to fight her way out of his grip.

"Oh no!" King exclaimed.

She escapes and brings him down with her as she falls on top of him. She puts her legs around his neck to give him a head scissors submission. 

"Do not eliminate me! Do not eliminate me! You are not going to eliminate me!" She shouted as the crowd laughed at her desperate talking. 

He picks her up in a powerbomb hold. She shrieks and starts punching his face to make him fall while her butt falls on his face and she rolls over.

"What a compromising position that was," Cole said.

She crawls over to the ropes but shrieks when Roman grabs her leg as the crowd laughed. 

"Come here." He demanded as he tried to drag her but she held on to the ropes.

"No, Roman!" she shouted

"Every man for themselves, Morgan." He replied as he pulled her to the middle of the ring.

"Why does everyone target the woman!?" She kicked him in the face as he stumbled back. 

She crawls over to a corner and stands up with help from the ropes. Roman touches his mouth and looks at her. She could see the seriousness in his eyes that he really wanted to win and there were no more friends in this battle. 

He runs up to her, about to do the Superman punch but she dodges it. As soon as he turns around, he gets roundhouse kicked in the face by her as the crowd pops. 

"She kicked him!" King said in a high pitched voice as she looked at Roman's laid out figure in shock with her heart beating fast.

"I can't believe it," JBL claimed.

"I don't think Morgan can believe what she did," Cole said as she ran her hands through her hair.

"This cannot be happening." She shook her head. 

Was she actually wrestling her teammate?

'Stupid Dean. He's going to make me feel the wrath of Roman Reigns. Idiot! He needs to stop making promises he can't keep. Now I have to suffer with an angry Samoan in the ring. So uncool...' She thought. 

She was on her knees and saw Roman getting up. "U­-uh, c-­can we talk about this?"

She quickly moves out of the way while he hits the steel post.

"Seriously? I thought we were friends!" She exclaimed. "I don't want to get speared!"

As soon as Roman recovers, she gets on the top rope and waits for him to turn to her. Once he does, she hits him with a dropkick. She is about to go after him but Batista gets in the way, again and throws her over the top rope. She manages to hang on and lay down on the apron while Batista ducks Sheamus' Brogue Kick.

She gets back in the ring and roundhouse kicks Roman, Batista, and then Sheamus. She gets on the top rope and hits them all with a crossbody. 

"Come on!" She taunted the crowd and turned her attention to Sheamus who was on his knees.

"She's fired up!" King grinned. 

She hits them all with another set of roundhouse kicks to the face, dropping them all down the mat. As soon as Roman and Sheamus get up, she hits them with a double backfire.

"Go Morgan!" King cheered. 

All of a sudden, Batista grabs her by the hair and throws her out of the ring as the crowd boos. Morgan was shocked. She did not see him coming. Everything went by so fast. 

"Really? Really!?" She yelled and banged on the apron as the refs told her to leave.

"Man! Why!?" King asked.

"Darn, I wanted to see more. Well, there's always next year." JBL said.

"She had a good run, but Morgan has been eliminated," Cole announced.

"So not friggin' cool..." Morgan retorted and walked backstage.

R Truth Tweets 'WWEMorgan101 can really wrestle in jeans. That's what's up'

The Rock tweets 'Proud of WWEMorgan101 for showing some guts in that ring. Lovely ring performance'

Stone Cold tweets 'WWEMorgan101 is one helluva diva. You took a lot of hits. Good job out there. Keep Whooping ass.'

Zack Ryder tweets 'WWEMorgan101 was sick in that ring!'

Natalya tweets 'WWEMorgan101 Awesome ring performance! I'm so proud of you!'

The Bellas tweet 'WWEMorgan101 showed a lot of girl power. Awesome job, girl!'

Chyna tweets 'WWEMorgan101 You really are something else. Beautiful performance out there! You were amazing!'

Morgan tweets 'Thanks Batista for pulling on my hair for the 20th time. I hope Roman spears your ass!'

Morgan also tweets 'Thanks for the support! Trying to keep you entertained!'

'Back In The Ring'

The crowd boos while Batista throws Sheamus over the apron. Roman quickly gets up and hits Sheamus off the apron as the crowd cheers. 

"Roman Reigns breaks the record!" Cole exclaimed but then Batista tried to eliminate him from behind but he hung on.

Morgan tweets 'PLEASE kick Batista's ass! PLEASE!'

"One of these two men are gonna headline WrestleMania. Will it be the man that has done it before, Batista, or will it be the upstart, Roman Reigns?" Cole wondered as the crowd chants 'Roman Reigns'

Roman and Batista face off. 

"You're in my territory now," Roman said but then Batista kicked him in the stomach and hit him.

He throws Roman to the turnbuckle but Roman clotheslines him as the crowd cheers. 

"Batista's groggy," King said

Morgan tweets 'Show him how it's done, Roman. Kick his ass!'

Roman tries to go for the Superman punch but Batista spears him.

Morgan tweets 'That spear was so off...Roman will show you how it's done, Batista.'

The crowd boos while Batista taunts the crowd. He turns around and gets speared as the crowd erupts in cheers.

Morgan tweets 'That's my boy. That's how you do it! THAT is a spear!'

"A spear by Reigns!" Cole exclaimed as Roman roared. 

He looks at the WrestleMania sign and goes to eliminate Batista but he reverses it and eliminates him as the crowd boos.

"Here is your winner of the 2014 Royal Rumble, Batista!" Justin announced.

Morgan tweets 'Let me get this straight...Batista shows up, the week of the Royal Rumble and wins while everyone else busted their ass? Injustice!'


'WWE Exclusive Video'

Morgan leaned on the door while Ambrose was shirtless and taking the tape off his hands. She narrowed her eyes and crossed her arms. 

Dean started to look annoyed and turned to look at her. 

"What?" He snapped

"Don't what me. What the heck was that out there? You tried to eliminate your teammate when you said that we were going to make it to the end!"

"It's every man for themselves!"

"That doesn't matter! Stick to your word! You said that we were going to work together until we were all in the finals. Then it would be every man for themselves."

"Stop being so dramatic...It's done and over with. Grin and bear it..."

"Really? Do you know how upset Roman was? I almost got speared out there! You left me with his wrath. If you would just think with your brain instead of your-­"

"Think with my brain? I always think with my brain. You need to stop having a soft spot for people. And don't think I forgot about you slapping me,"

"Well, you deserved it since you're acting like a dumbass. And I care about Roman. He's hurt."

"I don't care. Just stop talking..." he retorted. 

"No, I won't stop talking. And don't you ever speak to me like that again,"

"Just go. You never take my side."

"Where is this coming from? Where? What the heck is going on, Dean?"

"Nothin' all right?" He sighed, rubbing his temples.

It truly looked like he was just ready for her to leave so he could be in solitude. But with Morgan, she had a bad feeling he was hiding something. 

"No, it's not nothing. What the hell is going on?" she demanded

"Just leave me alone for a while."

She scoffed. "Oh, okay. Okay. This is how you are going to be? You're going act like this because you couldn't get your way?"

She rolled her eyes and left the room to take a walk. 

Was he serious? That was not cool at all.

Little did Morgan know, Rosa was waiting till she left to slide into Dean's locker room. 

"Hey, are you okay?" Rosa asked.

"Yeah..." he replied.

"I heard what happened. I'm sorry." she gave him a sad smile.

"You're the only person I can really talk to, right now."

"Vent. I'll listen." She sat on his lap.

'To Morgan'

Morgan's blood was boiling. People's egos really like to get in the way. The Royal Rumble did not go well with The Shield. She just felt bad for Roman. She didn't care if she got banged up, got a nosebleed, or had her hair pulled (She'll plot to torture Batista later). 

Only one man was on her mind and it was Roman. She needed to go find him and comfort him. He needed a friend right now.

After taking a walk around the arena to calm herself down, she decided to go back to Dean. Hopefully, he'd stop with the attitude and they could continue talking about the match. But, when she was about to walk into the locker room, she heard Rosa's voice. 

'What the heck? Why is she with Dean?' She thought as leaned on the wall, next to the door, and took a peek.

Rosa was on Dean's lap and she hugged him. The Outspoken Diva looked on, stunned at the sight as anger took over her. She wanted to run in and attack her but something told her to stay and listen. 

"I really think you're with the wrong woman. She's not by your side anymore. You don't deserve her lectures. You deserve better." Rosa ran her hand through his wet hair. "She never gives you the attention that you want anymore. She's always around Roman. But I wouldn't do that to're such a good man, Dean."

Morgan narrowed her eyes. So many questions went through her mind. Especially since Ambrose was allowing her to touch him and be on his lap. That was a huge red flag as Morgan began to fear for the worst.

"You know...when was the last time you and Morgan had some alone time together?" She asked. "She doesn't kiss you anymore...she doesn't praise you or give you the credit that you deserve. I know that you are the baddest man in The Shield. You're the mastermind."

"I know I am." He replied as she ran her hands down his chest.

"Has Morgan really been taking care of your needs and wants lately? You deserve so much better..." She leaned in to kiss him.

The Outspoken Diva dropped her jaw and widened her eyes. She put her hand over her mouth as she watched him kiss her back.

She was so confused and that kiss did not look like a first one. It looked like they had kissed before, multiple times. 

What was going on? Was she dreaming? Was this a nightmare?

Was Rosa after Ambrose this entire time even though she made moves on Roman? Did she do that to throw her off?

'This can't be happening' Morgan thought as she shook her head and quickly left the scene.

She kept blinking to stop the tears from falling and found herself back at The Shield's hideout. She kicked a chair nearby and growled out of frustration, slamming her hands on one of the black storage boxes. 

"Dammit!" She yelled and kicked another chair, shedding tears of frustration.

She started pacing around. 

She felt sick. 

How can he do this to her? Why would he kiss her? She didn't understand. 

Morgan felt like a coward for leaving the scene but in the anger she was in, she didn't want to go to jail for murder. She was in the mood to kill somebody and she needed to keep her emotions in check.

She ran her hands through her hair and sighed loudly.

"Morgan?" A deep voice asked as she sniffed and wiped her tears.

"H-­hey." She turned around and gave Roman a small smile. "You did awesome out there."

"So did you. Are you okay? I thought I heard some chairs around."

"Yeah, some chairs fell. I'm good. Look, I know there's been a lot of drama lately, but the match was every person for themselves. I mean, you have nothing to be disappointed about. 2014 is going to be your year to shine. Win or lose. Plus, you speared the crap out of Batista and you kind of kicked my ass out there, too."

"You know I never meant to hurt you," he said as he sat down on the black storage box.

"Don't be feeling guilty. I liked our little fight out there. I don't regret anything tonight. Me being in the Rumble was awesome. I just hope the crowd recognizes me for what I do in that ring. I'm trying to be noticed." 

She looked at Roman and saw him looking down at the floor. "I shouldn't be talking about myself," she added. "I'm sorry. I know you're upset about Batista. I can just leave if you want to be alone."

As soon as she turned around, Roman grabbed her by the wrist. 


"Okay." She turned back around. "Is something wrong? Is it still about the Rumble?"

"No..." He let her go and ran his right hand through his wet hair. "I can't hold this in any longer..."

"What's wrong?" She started to look concerned.

He exhaled. "Seeing you with him..."


" kind of hurts because I've grown fond of you."

She looked at him in surprise. "What? I..." She trailed off as she watched him stand up and back her up against the wall.

Roman started to look frustrated and let out a grunt as he pressed his forehead against the wall, next to her head.

"I could have had you..." He said in her ear, making her shiver. "I could have kissed you...I could have held you..."


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1 year ago

Forced To Believe Chapter 44- I Lost Her

Forced To Believe Chapter 44- I Lost Her

Chapter Summary: Having enough, Morgan ends things with Ambrose and suddenly goes MIA while The Wyatts continue to taunt The Shield. Melanie visits Celeste

Words: 6,000+



Morgan was at ringside while The Shield were in a 6­ man tag team match against Big E, Rey and Kofi. Morgan was feeling like herself and had no worries for tonight but she was deep in thought about the situation with Dean. She wanted a break from him and was trying to figure out how to bring up the conversation with him in private. 

"You think Morgan is okay? She blacked out twice. You think a third one will happen?" King asked as the camera panned to Morgan. Her eye makeup looked even darker, this time with dark faint vines appearing down her eyes, like in the vampire diaries. 

"Those blackouts are really making me curious as to what's going on. We've been told she's been getting some bad headaches lately." Cole said. "I am interested to know what the cause of these headaches is. And do you see how off she looks? What is going on with her eyes?"

"I truly think The Wyatts are up to something."

Near the end of the match, Roman walks over to his corner and roars as he sets up for the spear. All of a sudden, Dean tags himself in while Roman looks surprised. 

"Whoa, what the heck?" Morgan asked as Dean delivered the headlock driver on Big E and pinned him for the win.

Roman slowly gets in the ring, unamused.

"I don't think Reigns is happy," Cole said as he stepped up to Dean. 

"What was that?" He asked as Seth separated them

"We won! That's all that matters! We won." Seth said as Roman began to grin. 

All of a sudden, the Wyatt Family tune comes on and all 4 members stand in the ring to watch the titantron.

"Shield...come out, come out, wherever you are..." Bray chuckled. "I understand y'all. More than you can possibly comprehend. I got cha...a blueprint...stamped in my brain. And I know what you're move forward, never backwards, you spend all of your useless days, clawing with your aching hands forward just to that beautiful moment! That moment where you sacrifice yourself. In the name of your king. I will build my empire next to the sea, and I will smile from my throne. As I watch, my enemies drown." He laughed.

"Is it worth it? What you three men, fail to realize, is that the rose...has always been the one." Luke grinned and began to whistle while Morgan narrowed her eyes.

"No way." She shook her head.

While Luke continued to whistle, Erick showed his mask at the screen and exhaled. "Run."


Later, in the ring, Bray had just pinned Dolph and began to taunt the crowd while Luke and Erick were in the ring. 

"Follow The Buzzards!" He yelled but all of a sudden, the titantron showed Dean.

"Ooh~" Ambrose said in a spooky tone and moved his fingers around, trying to be scary. "We're so scared of you, Bray Wyatt. Listen up bonehead, we don't live in your little fantasy world with monsters and evil spirits and lamb masks and haunted rocking take that crap somewhere else!"

"Bray...real good spewing up little analogies for what you think, is going on," Seth spoke. "But man, you are so delusional, you are a figment of your own imagination. The grandest illusion you've ever come up with is that you think you and your little family can hang with The Shield." 

"Take a look around Wyatts. You're standing in The Shield's yard now. And we don't play games. Come Elimination Chamber, play times over." Roman said as Dean began to pound his fist.

"Yeah. Playtime is over. No more games." The Outspoken Diva spoke up as the camera pointed to her. "You want to play a game called evil spirits? Okay then, but know this...You guys are going down. And at Elimination Chamber, The Shield is going to win..." She began to put up her fingers. "'re done. Believe in that."

"And believe in The Shield," Roman said, putting his fist out with his teammates.

The camera went down to their fists as Bray laughed. "I welcome this war! Bring it to me! I welcome this war!"


Later, Morgan was mentally drained and finally found Ambrose to break the news to him. She couldn't do this anymore. She wanted a break. Take some time apart. Figure out if their relationship is even worth it. And with The Wyatts on the loose and dealing with Sister Abigail, she already had enough on her plate.

"Did something happen between you and Rosa?" she demanded.

Ambrose let out a breath. "I wish you'd stop asking me about this."

"Why can't you just answer the question?"

"Because why is that relevant?"

She started to run her hands through her hair. "I've given you one too many chances to be honest with me. I can't do this...I can't do this anymore."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"I literally saw you!"


"You kissed her. I saw you kiss, Rosa!" She turned around and began walking away while his face began to go pale.

"It was a mistake!" He shouted as she stopped walking.

She started to feel something. All that anger and frustration ever since the Royal Rumble finally boiled down to her right hand. She began to seethe and turned around to walk back up to him.

"And so were we." She spat before punching him in the face, making him fall on his butt to much of his shock. 

Watching her storm off, he began to rush after her to try to explain.

"Leave me alone!" she shouted but got her hand grabbed.

"Just calm down-"

"Screw you!" she shoved him away and went inside an empty locker room as he followed her.

"Fine, I'll talk!" 

"Oh, now you want to talk. Okay, go ahead. Enlighten me." She crossed her arms.

"Look...I just...I was upset...Rosa isn't the one I want. You are. You're on my mind, 24/7...I want to wake up every morning with you. I want to hold you and never let you go-"

"Cut the crap..." She retorted. "I smell BS a mile away...that's not what I want to hear. Grow some balls and tell me the truth."


"You know what? Forget it. I wish you could have been honest with me. Even if I saw the kiss, I expected you to tell me. You lied to me. Straight to my face,"

"I'm sorry..."

"Not good enough. I want the truth. Right now." 

Dean sighed and ran his right hand through his hair. "Look, we've been talking. For a while now. Before the Royal Rumble. She started giving me a massage...and told me things I wanted to hear...and we got lost in each other's eyes...I think you know what happened next."

"So...she told you things you wanted to hear. You let her get on your listened to every single word that came out of her mouth...and you didn't stop her?"


"I can't believe this...She outsmarted me...she did it...she got me vulnerable and made me crumble and fall just like she said she would...I underestimated her...she kept getting in my head about Roman that I failed to notice that she was gunning for you. I've been so stupid..." She exhaled. "Why? Why would you do this to me?"

Dean started to get annoyed. "I'm getting a little sick of you ganging up on me when you're not as innocent either with that you did with Roman-"

"And I'm getting a little sick of you lying to me!"

"You drew me to her!"

"Excuse me? No, you chose to be with her. I didn't do anything to you. Is this about Roman? I told you everything that happened and was honest with you. You couldn't do the same. He and I are just friends. I told you that. Do you want to be with her? Do you want to be with Rosa? I knew something was wrong when you started pushing me away and being distant from me. I knew it! I didn't want to believe I ignored it. But you just couldn't resist her. I don't even know you anymore. You are not the man I'm in love with. I love you. And if you love me too, you would let me go. I can't do this...I need time...I need time alone...from everybody. You. The Shield, everyone. I need a break,"


"Maybe Harley doesn't need Joker after all..."

"Morgan I-­"

"Please...don't make this harder for me than it is. I'm done, Dean. This is over. I need you to let me go,"

He looked defeated and rubbed the back of his neck. "I keep hurting the people I care about...I don't think I can forgive myself for this...if you hate me...I understand...You need time? Take as much time as you need..."

She nodded and quickly left the locker room. Dean clenched his jaw and looked down at the floor, processing everything that just happened.

Morgan tweets 'Ladies, it's official. Dean and I are not together anymore. #RejoyceFanGirls #YouCanHaveHim'

"Did I make a mistake or did I make the right choice?" She asked herself after she found a place to sit on the floor alone to collect her thoughts.

She wanted this to be a nightmare but this was real. She couldn't take this anymore. She had to get out of that relationship to get her thoughts straight. She needed time to figure out what her next step was. 

"'s okay...everything will be fine..." She exhaled. "I hope..."

Back with Ambrose, he went back to Seth and Roman, looking somber. 

"You look horrible, man. What happened?" Seth asked.

"Where's Morgan?" Roman looked around.

"Yeah, where is she?"


Realization hit Seth and Roman as they looked at each other. 

Ambrose let out a breath. "...I lost her..." 


As days went by, just like Morgan predicted, some divas started to line up for Dean's attention. Dean was sitting on a crate, getting mobbed Aksana, Alicia, and Eva. Surprisingly, Rosa was nowhere to be seen. Morgan had a bad feeling about Rosa's sudden disappearance after she was the cause of her breakup. Normally, she would be in her face, taunting her. 

While she stretched, she glanced at Dean's way and saw his disinterest with the divas. She was a little taken aback at the sight. 

'Maybe he really does want to change' She thought. 

She thought about the fun times, they had. As much as she hated to admit it, she was still in love with him. But she needed space. She remembered him saying 'Take as much time as you need.' so maybe that's a sign of hope in their relationship. Maybe it is worth saving. 

"Looks like Ambrose isn't over her..." Nikki mumbled to Brie. 

Nikki saw the looks, Dean was giving Morgan, and the glances that Morgan was giving him. 

"Gosh...these two need to screw. They need to get all that frustration out of their systems. Can we lock them in a closet? A locker room? Something?" she pondered

"Nikki, they can't just get back together that easily. They need time apart," Brie replied.

 "Yeah...I know."

Dean glanced at Morgan as he saw her stretch. He screwed up and it took a break up to realize what he had. He had no interest in the other divas. Not even Rosa. He just wanted her. He needed her. He wanted to wrap his arms around her waist from behind and tell her how important she was to him. But it was too late. He should have done that before. Moments later, he began to narrow his eyes once he saw Zack Ryder walking towards her. 

"Yo, Morgan." Zack grinned.

She stopped stretching and turned around to give him a warm smile. "Hey, dude." 

"How are you?"

"I'm doing okay. How are you?" 

"I'm awesome. I heard 'bout your break up. Valentine's Day is right around the corner. If you need a shoulder to cry on or if you wanna snuggle, I'm here for you." He grinned, unaware of Ambrose glaring at him with hatred. 

Dean was clenching his fists so hard, it made his knuckles white. He wanted to throw Zack into a wall and tell him to back off but Morgan wasn't his anymore. 

She wasn't his Harley or Shield Girl.

"Haha. You're really sweet but I'm okay. I'd like this time to just be by myself," she replied.

"Okay. I'm available if you change your mind. Call me." Zack winked and walked off while the Outspoken Diva looked amused. 


On a Thursday night in her shared hotel suite with Jon, Melanie had on gray sweatpants and a dark gray hoodie. Under it, she wore a white tank. She put her hair in a messy bun and walked out of the bathroom, seeing Jon watching TV. 

"Hey, I thought you left. Not going out?" She asked. "I thought some of the roster were going to check out that new bar. I didn't feel like going. I just want to relax. Were you planning on going?" 

"Nah. I didn't want to go." He turned the TV off and gave her his full attention as he stood up. 

"Why not?" She asked as he walked up to her. 

"Because I want to be with you. I want to spend some time with you. Want to go stargazing?" 

"Sounds like fun. The weather should be okay for some stargazing. It's been a while. We should bring a snack." She walked to the kitchen. "What do you want to munch on?" 

Jon began to ruffle his hair, which made her smile. She loved it when he did that. " pick." 


"Yeah, why not?" 

"How about s'mores?" 

"I like it." 

"Great!" She grinned and began to take out Graham crackers and Hershey chocolate bars. "I'll be back, I'm gonna go get a blanket." 

After she walked away, Jon started to eyeball the Hershey chocolate bars and decided to steal a few pieces and eat them. Melanie came back with the blanket and looked at him, suspiciously. "Did you just eat a piece of chocolate?" 

"No." He said with his mouth full.

"What's in your mouth?"

"Nothing." He finished chewing the chocolate


He laughed. "What? I wanted something sweet." 

"Well, these should relieve your sweet tooth." She chuckled and began to make the s'mores. He wrapped his arms around her waist from behind and started to nibble her neck. "I thought you wanted something, sweet." 

"You're sweet." He mumbled against her neck as he smelled her fruity perfume. "Hm..I think Moxley wants to play for a while..." He growled in her ear. 

"Y-­you're bluffing." She managed to say. 

She was surprised. She wasn't expecting 'him' anytime soon because Jon would always procrastinate. She wasn't prepared right now. 

"Am I now? Do you know what I want to do to you?"

"D-­dirty thoughts, huh?" 

"You don't even know half the things, I want to do to you right now..."

She closed her eyes and tried to ignore the shiver of pleasure, she felt around her body. She was in a dangerous position and had to control herself. He touched the zipper of her hoodie and began to slowly unzip it. His hands started to roam around her body before he turned her around. Her arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him into a heated kiss, which made him smirk into the kiss. 

She soon felt herself get lifted up and placed on the counter as they pulled away to catch their breath. 

"Game over, Mel. You're putty in my hands, admit it."

Luckily for Melanie, her cell phone rang. 

"You are so lucky." He grinned and released her while she began to look relieved. 

'Thank goodness for Brie.' She thought as she answered her phone. She would have given in if she didn't call. "Hey, Brie, what's up?" 

"Are you coming out?" Brie asked. 

"Nah, Jon and I are going to be spending time together before I leave." 

"Okay, have fun!" 

"Thanks, you do the same." They hang up. "Okay, let me check out these s'mores. And no more funny business or we'll never get out of the room." 

"You'd like that, wouldn't you? I just gave you a little taste of what Mox is capable of. Next time, I won't be so merciful." 

They decided to head to a nearby park, while it was close to 11:00 PM. Melanie laid the blanket down on the grass and sat down with the plate of s'mores. Jon sat down next to her. His dirty blond hair was messy, and he wore jeans and his Shield hoodie. 

He ruffled his hair again and he caught her watching him.

"What?" he asked

She giggled. "You look so cute when you do that." 

She straddled him and wrapped her arms around his neck while he put his hands on her hips. She then began to gently run her fingers through his hair. 

"Messing with my hair again, huh?" 

"I like it when you have your hair messy. It's adorable." She said and decided to feed him a s'more. He licked her fingers as she giggled. 

"You know, I love the way you play with my hair and blush when I compliment you. It's cute. I also love making you feel good." He whispered in her ear and started to slowly kiss her neck as she shivered in pleasure. 

"We shouldn't be doing all this in public." 

"We got dark clothing on." He laid her down on the blanket and he hovered over her. 

"Jonny!" She laughed with him as he got up.

"Couldn't resist."

She decided to sit in between his legs while her back was to his chest. He held her by the waist while they looked at the stars. 

"So peaceful..." She mumbled. 

"Lanie..." Jon whispered as she smiled at the new nickname. She turned her head to look at him. "I love you." He leaned down to kiss her sweetly.

"I love you too. Thank you."

"For what?"

"For spending some alone time with me, tonight." 

"I love spending time with you." 

"Me too." 

"Now...if only I can win that bet..." he said while she chuckled. 

"You're not gonna win." 

"Really? When Mox came out, you were all hot and bothered. I don't think you're ready for him." 

"You suck." 

"Oh really? You won't be saying that once Moxley arrives in the bedroom to make you his Mox Girl." 

Melanie playfully rolled her eyes while he chuckled. They continued to cuddle while they watched the stars. 

The next morning, Melanie stirred in her sleep. She felt warm and comfortable. She didn't want to get out of bed, but she had to get ready for her flight. She opened her eyes and saw Jon smirking down at her. One of her arms was wrapped around his neck and one of her hands was in his hair. 

"You were quite the snuggle bug last night. Getting frisky?" 

"N-­no." She was about to pull back but he wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her back to him. 

She unwrapped her arm around his neck and placed it on his bicep. Man did he have some nice muscles. Women would melt if they were in her position right now, but she could not lose this bet. And who would want to pass up the opportunity to get a lap dance from Jon? 

He hovered over her. "You know...we could do a little bit of...morning cardio." He said in a husky voice as she felt warm breath on her neck. 

"Okay. Take me." She whispered. 

"Good answer." His hand roamed around her body as he started to kiss her. 

Before things got heated, she pushed him off the bed as he grunted. 

She laughed and sat up as she looked down at him. 

"Oh, I'm sorry, were you expecting something?" She grinned and got out of bed. "You're not gonna win the bet that easily." 

"You are so going to pay for that." He sat up. 

"Really? How? Is Mox gonna punish me? I'd doubt it, 'cause he probably doesn't have the balls to show me what he got." 

Jon grinned. "That mouth is going to get you in trouble." 

"I don't think so."

"I know so."


Melanie finally reached Celeste's place with her small suitcase and knocked on her door.

"Knock Knock!" Melanie grinned. Celeste opened the door wearing sweatpants and a sports bra. "What up, Hybrid Diva?" 

"Oh my gosh!" She yelled and pulled her in for a hug. "Melanie!" 

She laughed and hugged her back. "Hey!" 

"How long are you here?" 

"I got tonight, Saturday, Sunday and Monday morning!" 

"Awesome! We have gotta do a lot of stuff! Let's catch up, grapes." She invited her in and they went to her bedroom. "PJ won't be here for a while so we get to have some girl time!" 

Celeste took a goofy photo with her and posted on Twitter 'Look what the cat dragged in! Surprise visit from my Grape Monster, WWEMorgan101!' 

"Smackdown should be on. I wanna see what kind of drama, you're in now." Celeste said and turned the TV on. 

They were just in time. Celeste made popcorn while they sat on her bed. 

The Total Divas were backstage. 

"Hey, have you seen Morgan? I haven't heard from her since Wednesday, and I'm getting worried." Brie said. 

"She hasn't been answering my calls," Natalya replied.

 "Or text messages." Cameron looked at her phone. 

"I hope she's okay." Nikki began to look worried. 

The camera shifted to Dean who was listening as he started to look a little worried before walking away. 

Later on in the show, the camera was back in the ring.

"Reigns and Ambrose of The Shield are set to take on Kofi and Dolph. And we have the third member of The Shield, Seth Rollins, the architect of the group, joining us here at ringside." Cole said. Dean starts off the match with Kofi and begins to take control. "This is the first time, Ambrose and Reigns have teamed together. Is there a reason for this? Do these two not get along behind the scenes?" 

"Michael, the important thing about Monday is that we won that match and that's exactly what's gonna happen again tonight," Seth replied. 

"Seth, no disrespect but you're avoiding my question. Is there problems behind the scenes between Ambrose and Reigns?" 

"I was in the process of answering your question, Micheal, don't cut me off. There are no problems between Ambrose and Reigns." 

"Okay, what about Morgan?"

 Seth tensed at her name while JBL started to get annoyed. 

"Uh oh, I guess you're a taboo subject tonight." Celeste looked on. 

"We haven't heard or seen Morgan since Main Event. Do you know if she's okay? I mean, she left The Shield, and now she's a no show on Smackdown. What's going on?" Cole asked. 

"I honestly don't know what happened to Morgan and I'm getting pretty worried," Seth admitted. "Even if she did leave The Shield, we still care about her. She's like a sister to me. But I think she just needs her space and hopefully, she'll come back to the Hounds of Justice." 

Ziggler knocks down Dean and starts to give him ten elbows to the chest. 

"Dean looks like he's not really focused tonight. Is it about Morgan? They did go through a nasty breakup." 

"Would you stop talking about their break up?" JBL retorted. "Do not give up on Ambrose and Morgan. They will find a way back to each other. I know it." 

"Yeah but, maybe Morgan was right. Maybe she is the glue of The Shield. Now that she's gone, it kind of looks like The Shield are having more problems." 

"The Shield are going to be fine," Seth reassured. 

"Okay, but what's been going on with Morgan?" Cole questioned.

"Ha! Cole is so persistent!" Celeste laughed. 

"She's been blacking out and having headaches, what's going on about that?" Cole asked. 

"That's the golden question that is going to make me stay in the middle of this feud with The Shield and Wyatts," Melanie announced. 

"Why do you keep badgering me?" Seth asked. 

"He does this all the time. Stop it, Michael." JBL scolded. 

Kofi gets tagged in. He takes Dean down and dropkicks Roman off the apron. When Kofi leaps up, Dean catches him and throws him on the ropes as he hits his neck. Dean rolls away and tags in Roman. Roman gets off the apron and dropkicks Kofi as the crowd gets hyped. 

"Jeez! Celeste exclaimed.

 "I know right? I love that move! It's awesome. He gotta teach me that." Melanie mentioned. 

"How impressive is that?" Cole asked.

"You wish you had somebody like that, on your side, Michael." Seth bragged.

"How's that bet coming along?"

Melanie sighed loudly. "I'm giving up." 


"This man...Does he not know how much I want him to fuck me?" She exclaimed while Celeste busted out laughing. 

"Hahaha! That's friggin' funny. How long has it been since you two done it?" 

"I lost count after 30 days went by." 

"Over a month? Wow, and Valentine's Day is right around the corner. That's like, the day everyone loves to get intimate. Trust me, he's suffering just as much as you are." 

"He knows damn well I want him to go to his full Mox mode, but he keeps teasing. Why can't he just give in?" 

"Haha, I see. Mel, he knows what you want. He's waiting for you to beg. He wants you to beg him to take you. You need to make him beg." 

"How? I'm out of ideas." 

"You need to come at him strong. Does he have a fantasy about you?" 

"He wants me in a schoolgirl outfit." 

"Perfect! We'll go shopping for one. If you wear that, that'll provoke him. Trust me." 

"I like the way you think. It's worth a shot." 

Dean continues to take control of Kofi and knees him in the stomach. 

"I'm always amazed by Jon's character," Celeste said. "And I can't wait for The Shield going up against The Wyatts. That match is going to be awesome." 

"I know right? I can't wait either." Melanie replied with a smile. 

Dolph and Roman get tagged in and Dolph picks up the pace by giving him a running crossbody. 

"Nic is so underrated," Melanie praised. 

"I agree," 

Roman counters Ziggler's finisher. He goes to his corner and sets up for the superman punch. Dean gets on the apron and tries to go for a tag but Roman distances himself away from him. 

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hey, hey, guys, common." Seth called out, not liking the tension. 

"Looks like Ambrose was tryna tag himself in," Cole said. 

All of a sudden, Kofi grabs Dean off the apron. 

"Oh common, man!" Seth exclaimed. Roman turns around, only to get hit with a DDT. "No no no no no! No no no!" He complained when Dolph pins him. 

Roman kicks out at two. Seth tries to hit Kofi with a sneak attack but he catches him and tries to go for the Trouble in Paradise but he moves out of the way. Dean grabs Kofi from behind and hits him off the barricade. 

"You all right?" Seth asked as Dean recovered. 

Roman hits Ziggler with the Superman punch and runs to hit him with a spear. Dean gets on the apron and Roman tags him in. 

"Go ahead, man." Roman motioned him to get in the ring. 

"Haha, I love it." JBL chuckled. 

"I'm loving the tension between them." Celeste laughed. 

Dean gets in and pins Dolph for the win. The ref raises their hands while Seth tries to calm them both down. All of a sudden, the Wyatt family's tune comes on. 

"Yes!" Celeste cheered while Melanie giggled.

"Uh oh!" Cole looked on. 

Luke Harper started whistling. 

Bray laughed. "Look at y'all...bickering like children...consumed with pride...beating your chest at one another, trying to see who in The Shield...has the sharpest teeth. Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk...fools...they believe me, to be a joke." He chuckled and took off his hat. 

"If you can only see the monster that lives behind my eyes...then you'll realize how real I am." Bray went on in a serious tone before putting his hat back on. 

"Freaky," Celeste commented. 

Dean started mouthing off to his partners about what a joke Bray was and how he was still living in a fantasy. 

"And you know what else? We've found your weakness..." Bray smirked and started to laugh. "The Rose...The Rose with thorns..." 

That caught Dean's attention as he shut his mouth and began to narrow his eyes at the titantron. 

"Do you want to know why she's been blacking out...? Getting those ruthless headaches...? You see my sister...she felt pity for the woman...Sister Abigail yearned to help this woman and I helped her...She's in the rose's head now and has been speaking to her..." Bray explained. "The rose...the rose with thorns...She has been...disrespected...outsmarted...betrayed...that will not happen again...She needed me and she came to me with open arms...she is with a real family now and she shall be treated right...with care..." 

Luke looked at the camera. "The rose is where she belongs..the rose is home...the rose will be unleashed...She's ready for us...Those that deny will be the first ones to burn..." 

"Follow the Buzzards," Bray said. 


Bray just got done with his match against Goldust while Erick and Luke stand before him. All of a sudden, Dean is shown on the titantron. 

"Wyatts!" Dean yelled while the Wyatts turned their attention to the titantron. "Bickering children? That's cute that you think you can say that to us...but watch it...cause you're talking to the Hounds, Wyatt Family, and you think we're too full of our own're right...we are...we have a lot of want to talk about Morgan? You say she's ready for you? If you lay a finger on her, I'm going to have your heads on a plate!" 

Dean started doing his trademark movements and began doing a little dance. 

"I love it when he does that!" Celeste praised. 

"I know right!? He's so fun to watch." 

"Why? Because we are the best unit in this industry and when we get you in the ring, at Elimination Chamber...we own you." Dean said with a lethal tone. 

"And we don't care if you are monsters or if you are men," Seth added. "We are not afraid of you."

"And if I find out you did something to Morgan...I'm gonna scrape the beards off your faces with the bottom of my boot! Another reason is because you cost us the opportunity to be in the Elimination Chamber." 

"But you just don't seem to of us would have become WWE World Heavyweight Champion," Roman said. "So, you want to target The Shield's Girl? I guess you don't understand that she's off limits. And fortunately for us, we know a few methods, for making people understand." 

"So now it's time for some justice, boys. Believe in The Shield." Ambrose said as The Shield put their fists out. 

"I miss being with them already." Melanie looked on. 

The screen showed The Wyatt Family as Bray laughed loudly. "You had your chance! She is safe! Safe with us! Her real family!" 

"You are in some hot water." Celeste giggled.

"Yeah, the writer loves to put me in crazy situations." 

"I still can't believe you broke up with Dean." 

"I know...I mean, some fans don't like it, and I know they probably want to slap the writer so the writer can come to their senses and bring Dean and Morgan back together..." 

"They'll get back together one day. Just gotta believe." 


On Saturday, Melanie woke up to Celeste jumping on the bed. 

"Common, wake up!" Celeste laughed and jumped off the bed. 

"Five more minutes." She mumbled and put a pillow over her head.

Celeste decided to drag her off the bed. 


"We gotta hang out while we can! Let's go!" 

"You're right." Melanie got up and stretched. 

"Let's go out and eat some breakfast." 

"Sounds like fun." 

They headed to a local restaurant. Celeste ordered a healthy breakfast while Melanie eyed the red velvet pancakes on the menu. 

"Craving sweets?" The Hybrid Diva giggled. 

"It's been so long since I had red velvet pancakes. I gotta get this. I'll do a cheat day." 

"You and your sweet tooth."

"These won't hurt." The Philly diva ordered the red velvet pancakes. 

"So how's the prank war with Colby coming along?" 

"We're taking a little break right now since things are getting a little serious in the WWE. Y'know, the storyline with the Wyatts." 

Celeste nodded and before they knew it, their food was here.

"Oh my gosh, this looks so good! I need to take a photo of this." She said as Celeste laughed. 

Melanie takes a photo of the plate with Red Velvet pancakes with cream cheese glaze and tweets '#CheatDay! I have been craving this for months now. #SweetTooth' 

Colby tweets 'WWEMorgan101 Couldn't resist huh? Shame on you.' 

Melanie replies 'WWERollins Hey! I earned this!' 

"That does look pretty good," Celeste said as she took a bite out of her food. "So what's up with the Wyatts storyline?" 

"Well, Morgan is 'Missing' from the WWE and it's causing a lot of chaos in The Shield. You see, what happened was, Morgan started getting headaches and she kept blacking out whenever she saw Bray Wyatt." 

"Oh, so that's why he grabbed your head and gave you sister Abigail's kiss?" 

"Bingo." She grinned. "So she's starting hearing voices, getting possessed by Sister Abigail, so the Wyatts can convince her to follow the buzzards. It's really friggin' creepy." 

"Interesting. Are you gonna act possessed, again, really soon?" 


"Ooh! I cannot wait to see that! I wonder what's gonna happen when Morgan returns." 

"Chaos. I'm going to be causing a lot of drama." 

"Haha. Do you like being in the middle of situations?" 

"Sometimes. It can be fun, but also it can be kind of hectic. But at least I'm entertaining the fans. That's all that matters." 

"I like your confidence, grapes. So, what's the deal with Morgan and Dean? Any hope?" 

"Maybe. We don't know yet."

"Yikes, and Valentine's Day is on Smackdown. I wonder what's gonna happen between them." 

"I wonder what's gonna happen too. I did a Valentine's Day photoshoot with some of the divas. I wore skinny jeans, black boots and a white shirt that was cut up on the shoulders that said 'Believe In Us'. It was cool." 

"Aw. I bet you looked awesome." 

"They published it on the WWE website." Melanie showed her the photos. 


 "Oh, I have to wear a dress for Smackdown's Valentine's Day episode." 

"Haha. You don't look happy." 

"I'm happy but I just don't want to wear high heels. I can't handle wearing high heels. I'm afraid I'll break my ankles. It's crazy what women do when they wear high heels. Did you know some cut one of their toes so they can wear their favorite heels?" 

"I read about that! It's insane!"

 "I don't get it." Melanie shrugged as she finished her pancakes. 

"It sucks that Morgan and Dean broke up. You should see all the tweets the fans said. And you know #BelieveInDeanAndMorgan is trending, right?" 

"No way," she said and checked her phone. "Whoa, you're right." 

Fans tweet: 

'Why!? I hate Creative right now! Why break up one of the coolest couples in WWE History!? WWE fix this! #BelieveInDeanAndMorgan' 

'Dean and Morgan can overcome the cheating! Why'd you make Morgan break up with him WWE?!' 

'Cried myself to sleep last night because my favorite couple broke up. Damn you WWE. You better do something! #BelieveInDeanAndMorgan' 

'Ambrose and Morgan's break up was #PainfulToWatch'

'We need a petition for Dean and Morgan to get back together! #BelieveInDeanAndMorgan' 

'Dean and Morgan were one of the most entertaining and interesting couples to watch. Why ruin that!? #BelieveInDeanAndMorgan' 

'I swear, if Dean gets a girlfriend that is not WWEMorgan101, I am never watching WWE again. #BelieveInDeanAndMorgan' 

'Looks like WWE doesn't like listening to the fans since they want to break up one of the most popular couples in WWE history. #BelieveInDeanAndMorgan' 

'I've seen WWE Couples break up onscreen, but Dean and Morgan's breakup would have to be the first one that brought me to tears. #BelieveInDeanAndMorgan' 

'I swear...if Morgan and Dean end up having a new lover in the WWE, I am breaking my TV! They belong together! They are so awesome! #BelieveInDeanAndMorgan' 

'If Morgan and Dean don't get back together, the WWE Universe is going to #Riot' 

"Yikes. A lot of angry fans and sad fans. I didn't think we were that popular." The Philly Diva looked at the tweets in awe. 

"Are you kidding? The fans want to see more of you two and they hate how WWE doesn't show you two more like they do with Brie and Daniel Bryan. WWE Creative better fix this because there are a lot of unhappy fans on the outcome of Dean and Morgan." Celeste stated 

"I know WWE probably knows that because they are getting a lot of heat on Twitter." 

"Oh yeah. All right. Since it's hot as heck today, how about we go swimming? 

"Yes! Let's go!" 

Once they made it to a local pool, Celeste wore brown sunglasses and a red bikini while Melanie wore a dark blue bikini. 

"You look jacked." Melanie complimented. 

"Aw, thanks. You look hot!" 

"Why thank you! All right, it's been so long since I went swimming, so..." Melanie put her bag down and took her ponytail out. "Woo!" She yelled and performed a cannonball in the pool which got Celeste wet. 

"Melanie!" Celeste exclaimed. 

Melanie swam up to the surface and saw Celeste soaked as she laughed.

"My bad." 

"You are so gonna pay for that." She put her stuff down and prepared to jump in the pool. 

The Outspoken Diva shrieked when she jumped in the pool, near her. After they swam around for a while, they decided to play volleyball. Once Celeste won 2 games, they finally got out and lounged on chairs. Celeste put her shades on while Melanie put on a hat to block the sun. 

"Let's take another photo," Melanie said. 

"Yay, more photos." 

Melanie and Celeste grin for the photo and Melanie tweets 'Chilling with CelesteBonin at the pool. #WarmWeatherRules' 

Fans tweet:

'Lucky! Have fun in the sun! WWEMorgan101 CelesteBonin' 

'That hat and sunglasses though...awesome! WWEMorgan101 CelesteBonin' 

'You guys look awesome!' 

'Are you still together with Dean off screen? WWEMorgan101' 

"How's the wedding planning?" 

"It's pretty hard. Harder than I expected." 

"Have you tried out a wedding dress, yet?" 

"Yep, I posted a photo on Instagram." Celeste went through her phone and showed her a photo of herself wearing a wedding dress. 

"Awesome! You look beautiful! Have you picked one out yet?" 

"Thanks. Not yet but I will."

 "Send me a photo when you do. You're gonna look awesome." 


The next day, Celeste and Melanie go shopping at a local mall. 

"You sure that'll work?" Melanie asked as looked at the white bag with the schoolgirl outfit, that she just bought to help her in her bet with Jon. 

"Yep." Celeste grinned. "Trust me." 

"All righty. Hey, let's check out some shoes." Melanie and Celeste head for the shoe store. "I need to buy a couple of pairs of these Nikes." Melanie looks at the Cartoon themed Nikes with amazement. 

"I wonder if they have any Simpsons Nikes." 

"Yep." Melanie showed her The Simpsons themed Nikes. 

"Omg!" Celeste grinned and checked them out. 

"They got Spongebob too. I'm liking this." 

She took a photo of herself behind a stack of cartoon themed Nikes. They had Hello Kitty, Batman, Dragon Ball Z, Super Mario, and others. 

She tweets 'Yep, I'm liking these Cartoon themed Nikes.' 

Fans tweet:


'I want them all!'

'OMG! I love those shoes!' 

'When are you coming back to the ring!?'

'Get the Hello Kitty ones!'

 'Batman! Do they have Joker or Harley Quinn themed ones?' 

'Are those Angry Birds Nikes? Get them!' 

Colby tweets 'WWEMorgan101 I know you're enjoying yourself down there with CelesteBonin' 

Melanie replies 'Haha! You bet! WWERollins' 

After they finished shopping in the afternoon, they headed back to Celeste's place and watched DVDs of The Simpsons. 

"Hey, how's Celestial Bodiez coming along?" Melanie asked. 

"Awesome! I got a prototype for one of the pants." Celeste took out one of the prototypes in her closet. 

"That looks awesome!" 

"Yep, it's all about the fit of the pants. Here's a photo of me wearing them." she showed the photo on her phone.

"Haha, nice booty." 

"Haha. Thanks. Your butt will look nice in these pants too." 

"I believe it." 

She sighed. "I wish you could be my maid of honor or a bridesmaid. But I know you're busy since you're still with WWE." 

"Yeah..." Melanie gave her a sad smile. "But hey, at least I'm coming to the wedding, so that's good right?" 

"Of course!"

Tags :
1 year ago

Forced To Believe Chapter 45- She Belongs To Us Now

Forced To Believe Chapter 45- She Belongs To Us Now

Chapter Summary:  Morgan returns but things seem to be off about her

Words: 2,000+


'Ding Ding Ding' 

"This contest is set for one fall, and it is for the United States Championship," Justin announced. 








"Dean Ambrose, gonna defend the US Title tonight. It's been a while." Cole said as The Shield walked out and got in the ring. "Dean issued an open challenge in the locker room here tonight." 

The Shield's theme faded and they waited for Dean's opponent. 

All of a sudden, Mark Henry's theme comes on, and Dean makes a shocked facial expression, putting his hands to his mouth as Roman and Seth look amused. Mark Henry walks out with a grin while Dean looks on in disbelief. 

"Oh boy, The World's Strongest Man, Mark Henry. A former World Heavyweight Champion." Cole continued. 

"Dean Ambrose is thinking, take back, take back," King said. 

Roman tries to give Dean some supporting words while Mark gets in the ring. After Justin makes the announcements for the match, Morgan's theme comes on as the crowd erupts in loud cheers. 

'I've had enough, I'm taking you down, taking you down' 

"Yes! She's back!" King cheered.

"I was wondering where she was!" JBL said. 

"And Dean's night just gotten worse." Cole declared as The Outspoken Diva walked out. 

She was wearing her Valentine's Day outfit with the 'Believe In Us' top. She proceeded to wear her dark makeup with the veins under her eyes more visible, similar to the vampire diaries.

She begins to grin at the crowd and tags some of the fan's hands before walking over to ringside. Her theme fades as the bell rings. 

"Morgan! You're back!" King grinned as she sat on commentary. 

"Yes, I am." She smirked softly

"How come you're out here?"

"I want a front row seat for this. This is going to be entertaining." 

"Morgan, where were you?" Cole asked

"Home." she replied.

"What is going on with your eyes? Are you all right?"

"Why weren't you on Smackdown?" JBL asked as Seth and Roman glanced at one another and then back at Morgan. 

She looked like she was still recovering. Maybe The Wyatts were just messing with them, to provoke them. Roman looked back in the ring and started to look amused at Dean.

"He's got him. He's got him!" Seth reassured. 

Dean glanced at Morgan and was glad that she was okay. He thought The Wyatts had gotten a hold of her. Even if they did break up, he still loved her and wanted to make sure she was safe. He cared about her a lot and will continue to, no matter if they were dating or not. 

"So Ambrose versus Mark Henry for the US Championship," Cole looked on. 

Dean starts to look reluctant in the match which makes Morgan laugh. 

"He amuses me so much. I really want to see him get his ass kicked." She said. 

"Morgan! You don't mean that." JBL exclaimed.

"I do."

"I'm sure you two can work it out. You two just need time." 

"I don't think so..." She retorted as Dean tried to lock up with Mark but he pushed him down. "Ha!" 

"And there's the strength of Mark Henry," Cole said as he also mentioned Henry's left elbow being taped up. 

Dean recovers and gets himself together. He tries to lock up with him again but Mark pushes him down. Ambrose slides out of the ring and recovers as Seth and Roman try to give him some support. 

"So is it true, you've been hearing Sister Abigail in your head?" Cole asked. 


"What is going on there?"

"She says that she is helping me." 

"Do you agree with her?" 

"I don't think I have a choice. She's been there for me and she tells me all these positive things and it makes me feel stronger. Mentally." 

"I got a bad feeling about that..." King said with concern.

"You don't need to worry about me. I'm fine." Morgan reassured.

"You sure? I mean, you just broke up with Ambrose. And it was a nasty one." Cole recalled. 

She sighed. "I'll overcome the pain and sadness. I just need time. I'll be okay." 

Dean manages to hit Mark on his injured elbow but gets hit with a big boot. Mark throws Dean to the turnbuckle and begins toying with him around the ring. Mark throws Dean into the steel post while Morgan cringes at the sight. She felt concerned for Dean, even if she didn't want to admit it. She still cared about him after all this time

"You all right?" Seth asked Dean. 

Later on, Mark throws Dean out of the ring as Seth and Roman help him. Mark continues to take control but picking Dean up and throwing his back into the steel post as he yells out in pain. Morgan shows a small look of concern. 

"You okay, Morgan? You're quiet." Cole pointed out. 

"Oh, I'm just enjoying this, while you call the action." She replied. 

Mark begins to squeeze Dean's head off the steel post. 

"He's squeezing his head like a grape," King exclaimed. 

Dean slides back in the ring but Mark begins to stretch his body off the steel post. 

"Oh, man." Cole chuckled. 

"Well, your body isn't supposed to bend in that direction,"

Mark slides back in the ring while the crowd chants 'CM Punk' 

Seth grabs a mic while Dean hits Mark with a DDT. 

"CM who? Huh?" He asked the crowd while Dean began to take control. 

"Are you serious?" Morgan asked. 

"That's Dean Ambrose right there! That's the United States Champion!" Rollins yelled as the crowd booed. Seth walked over to the announce table and looked at the crowd. "That's the man, you wish you could be! And that's the man, all you ladies wanna be with tonight! Especially you, Morgan! You're in denial!" 

The Outspoken Diva narrowed her eyes at him, annoyed that he called her out. 

"" She retorted on commentary before he went back to ringside, next to Roman. "I am not in denial. I don't want him, anymore,"

Dean turns his attention to the crowd and blows a kiss as the crowd gets hyped with 'CM Punk' chants. 

"Gosh...I just wanna hit him with a chair or something!" She exclaimed as she started to glare at Dean. "I am not in denial!" 

"I dunno, Morgan. On the WWE App over 70 percent of the WWE Universe thinks that you are still in love with Ambrose." Cole mentioned. 

"I'll show you tonight that I'm not in love with Dean, anymore. Okay? Will that shut you up? I hate him. I can't stand him!" She snapped. 

"I don't think that's true," JBL said. "I am shocked by your words. Why would you say that? Can't you two stay cordial?" 

"Nope. And expect the unexpected, cowboy." She retorted and put JBL's hat on his head, before looking at her nails.

"Someone's in an angry mood tonight." Cole chuckled as Mark got put in an arm submission by Ambrose. 

Dean gets on the top rope but gets thrown off by Mark. Mark begins to gain some momentum and gives him a power slam. He throws Dean to the ropes and hits him with the World's Largest Slam as the crowd gets hyped. 

"Oh! Is it enough!?" Cole exclaimed as Mark pinned him but then Seth broke up the pin. 

"Gosh...every single time...every time." Morgan rolled her eyes as the ref called for the bell. 

Roman and Seth begin to gang up on Mark but he manages to throw Seth and Roman out of the ring. Mark gets out of the ring and tries to go after Ambrose outside the ring but Seth jumps on his back. 

"Get off him!" Seth shouted but got thrown off his back. 

Mark turns around and gets hit with a spear as Roman roars. 

"You all right? You all right?" Roman asked his team. 

"Let's get outta here," Seth said as Dean got his belt. 

"Dean Ambrose is still the champion but would he be if the other members of The Shield didn't get involved?" King asked. 

"Nope," Morgan replied. 

"I don't think so," Cole said. 

All of a sudden, The Wyatt Family tune comes on as the crowd cheers. The lights go off. 

'We're Here' 

The Wyatts slowly walk out as the crowd cheers. "This is interesting," Cole said as The Shield stood at the barricade. 

"They may clash in two minutes," King said. 

The lights came back on and The Wyatts stood at the end of the ramp. The crowd chanted 'Fight!' and they got hyped once The Shield went back over the barricade and walked over to ringside. 

"They're coming back!" JBL exclaimed as The Wyatts stared The Shield down. 

Bray smirked and looked ahead of them. He locked eyes with Morgan and nodded, making her stand up at his command.

"Wait, where are you going?" Cole asked. "Wait a minute. Bray Wyatt just glanced at Morgan and she automatically stood up. Is she possessed?" 

"I'm afraid so," JBL said, fearing the worst. 

"Looks like Bray is doing some mind games." 

The Wyatts began walking down to the apron. The tension was high as the crowd chanted 'Yes!'. The Shield got on the apron and moments later, so did The Wyatts. 

"You can feel the tension," Cole looked on. 

"No kidding. But I'm really curious about Morgan. Her facial expression looks emotionless." King said. 

Roman got in the ring and the crowd got excited again. Bray grinned and got in between the ropes but got back on the apron as the crowd booed. Bray motioned Luke and Erick to get off the apron as Seth and Dean got in the ring. 

"Wait a minute." King looked on

Bray laughed and The Wyatts backed off and began to walk backwards up the ramp. 

"Come on!" Seth growled

The crowd cheered once Morgan got in the ring while The Wyatts stood in the middle of the ramp to watch. 

"This is scary," King said

Dean narrowed his eyes at Morgan who continued to give The Shield a blank stare. 

"What happened to you?" Ambrose asked, taking a step, but she remained silent. 

Seth and Roman glanced at each other before looking at her. 

"What's wrong with her?" Roman looked puzzled. 

"Morgan, what's wrong?" Seth asked.

"What in the world?" Cole looked on, confused. 

Her body language started to show some restraint but it wasn't enough. Dean decided to step up to her as the crowd cheered. 

"What's wrong with you?" He asked while Seth and Roman were getting concerned at her demeanor. 

Ignoring him, she kneed him in the stomach as the crowd ohs. 

"What!?" King yelled in a high pitched voice while Dean clenched his stomach and fell on his knees. 

Seth and Roman look at Morgan in shock 

"What the hell, Morgan!?" Rollins yelled

"What are you doing!?" Roman exclaimed while Bray looked on in delight.

"She just hit Ambrose!" Cole shouted. 

"I...I don't know what to say, right now...I just..." JBL was at a loss for words. 

She picks Dean up for the backfire position and slams him down on the mat. 

"No way!" King exclaimed while she rolled out the ring, as soon as 

Roman and Seth tried to help Ambrose. 

"Morgan, what are you doing!?" JBL yelled as she looked at The Wyatt Family. 

Bray grinned and motioned her to come to her, before putting his arms out. She responded by taking slow steps towards him. 

"Dean! You all right!?" Roman asked. 

Ambrose held his head and looked at Morgan with The Wyatt Family. He started to glare at The Wyatts. But realization hit him as he started to remember her reluctance to attack him. The Wyatts did do something to her. Whatever type of supernatural spell or voodoo crap Bray did on her, he was going to make sure she gets out of it, no matter what. 

Morgan stood next to Bray while he grinned. "We've found your weakness boys." He announced and placed a hand on the back of her head. "Make your move. She belongs to us now." 

"I think Bray made her his puppet," Cole looked on with concern. "What is going to happen, now?"

Tags :
1 year ago

Forced To Believe Chapter 47- Armageddon

Forced To Believe Chapter 47- Armageddon

Chapter Summary: Morgan and The Wyatts take on The Shield

Words: 3,000+


Melanie met meet up with CM Punk, to go to UFC 170. She decided to be comfortable and wore jeans, sneakers and a Simpsons shirt. After placing her hair in a high ponytail, she met up with Punk, front row for the event.

"Dude!" she beamed.

He grinned and stood up to pull her in for a hug. "Mel!"

"It's so nice to see you again!" She returned the hug. "I missed you!"

"I missed you too. Nice shirt." He chuckled as he released her.

"I blame Celeste." She giggled. 

"How you been?" They sat down in the front of the Octagon. Phil got front row seat tickets and they were going to sit with Dana White. 

"I've been doing great."

"That's cool. Hey, thanks for keeping quiet about me..." 

"No problem." She smiled

She knew he wanted to maintain a low profile after walking out of WWE. He wouldn't return phone calls or texts to anyone but his closest friends and family members. A lot of the people he's close with, including herself have been getting a lot of questions about what he is up to and why he left WWE. It was annoying but she managed to ignore them. 

"There they are." A friendly voice said as they were greeted by Dana White.

"It's good to see you! It's been a while!" Melanie grinned. "Thanks for having me sit with you. This sport is my guilty pleasure. I love it." 

"Glad to hear. Maybe you could do some MMA or UFC one day." Dana teased. 

They all laughed at the thought.

"Haha, nah, I'll stick to wrestling," she replied. "I'd probably get dropped within the first ten seconds." 

"Hey, I've seen your kicks. You're pretty good." 

"I suffered a lot from her kicks. She's badass." Phil praised. "All that training paid off." 

"Haha. Thanks, guys." She grinned. 

As the show began, they watched all the matches and then it was time for the main event. 

Melanie tweets 'Main event! Go Ronda! #TeamRousey' 

Ronda and Sara make their entrances. After they made the announcements, the match was underway. Ronda ate some shots from Sara as they headed near the fence. She watched as Ronda hit Sara with some knees to the body while Sara tried to get away from her. After another hit the the knee, Melanie cringed as Sara dropped down.

"Yikes!" Melanie exclaimed. 

Ronda landed a couple of punches before the ref stepped in and stopped the match. 

"Good stoppage," Phil said as Ronda celebrated and the crowd gave out mixed reactions. 

"Yeah." Melanie agreed. "Being caught in the liver hurts. It was a good stoppage because McMann could have really gotten hurt. Sara is an awesome fighter but the match got stopped at a good time." 

After everyone got situated, Dana went in the Octagon as Ronda got her hand raised in victory. 

"She is so awesome. So proud of her." Melanie cheered. 

After Ronda was interviewed, she left the Octagon with her crew. Phil and Melanie stood up while Ronda's crew began walking past them and congratulated Ronda for the win. Ronda was super nice and even told Melanie it was nice to meet her because she watches her in WWE. The two ended up embracing which caused their sweet moment to trend on Twitter.


Elimination Chamber was already underway as Melanie put on her wrestling jeans, black hoodie, a black tank top that stopped before her belly button, and her black fingerless gloves. Her makeup was back looking crazy and her eye makeup looked even more sinister. 

After walking out of the Diva's locker room, she saw Jon doing pushups to warm up before the match. Once he got up to his feet, she jumped on his back and he gave her a piggyback ride.

"I can't wait for the match, tonight!" She grinned. 

"Me too." He said as she got off his back. 

"Let's kiss for good luck," Melanie said and he gave her a kiss. "Another one." He kissed her again. "Okay, five more." They both chuckled and kissed each other five more times. "I'll see you out there. Let's show them how we do it back in the Indies." 

"Damn right."

Morgan tweets 'Who am I? We'll find out tonight. #FollowTheBuzzards' 

Bray Wyatt tweets 'Don't take your guns to town son. Leave your guns at home Shield. Don't take your guns to town' 

Seth tweets 'It's getting exciting now. Think of everything we've accomplished. Born and bred for war. #SHIELDvsWyatts #BelieveInTheShield' 

Rosa tweets 'Don't underestimate me tonight. I have a few tricks up my sleeve. #DivaOnAMission #Motivation' 

The Bellas tweets 'Tonight may be the last chance to save WWEMorgan101. Shield, you gotta win. #SaveMorgan #ReleaseTheCurse' 

Natalya tweets 'Biting my nails with the Bellas while we wait to watch The Shield go at it with the Wyatts. #WakeUpMorgan' 

Celeste tweets 'Waiting for the Joker to wake up WWEMorgan101. Do whatever it takes! #GainControlMorgan #FreeMorgan' 

'In The Ring' 








"Oh~ here it comes!" King grinned as The Shield walked out through the crowd. 

"What are we gonna see?" JBL asks as Justin makes the announcements. The Shield look ready to go as the crowd cheers for them. "This is a collision of a lifetime." 

Rosa's theme came on and she got mixed reactions. 

"And introducing their tag team partner, Rosa Mendes!" Justin announced as she strutted down the ramp. 

She dyed her hair black again and wore black pants and one of her fishnet wrestling shirts. 

"Do you think The Shield like working with Rosa?" King asked. 

"Well, we heard that Rosa has been training with The Shield to prepare for this night," Cole said as he read Rosa's tweet. 

'Training with The Shield has given me a lot of info about WWEMorgan101's wrestling style. This will be a piece of cake.' 

"Looks like she's confident," JBL said as she got in the ring. 

"Are we ready to serve some justice?" Rosa grinned. 

"Just make sure you know what you're doing." Roman bluntly replied and she nodded in response.

This was serious. This wasn't a match...this isn't just some's a war. 

'We're Here.' 

The Wyatt Family and Morgan slowly walked out while Bray had a lantern in his hands. Bray sits on his rocking chair and blows out his lantern as the crowd begins to cheer. The Shield and Rosa stare down The Wyatt Family and immediately get into each other's faces while the ref stays in the middle, trying to separate things.

The crowd chants 'This is awesome!' 

"Do something, Morgan. I dare you. Hit me." Rosa provoked. "Oh wait, I mean Sister Abigail because you don't have a backbone anymore since you like to follow people now. Follower." 

Morgan continued to glare at her as she clenched her fists. She wanted to hit her but something was holding her back, unfortunately. 

Bray and Dean start to stare each other down while Dean starts pacing. 

"Make your move!" Bray yelled at him. 

"Who do you think you're talkin' to? Who do you think you're talkin' to?" Dean asked as Roman and Seth held him as the crowd began to chant 'Lets go Wyatts, lets go Shield!' 

The ref starts to calm things down while the two teams separate and go to their corners. All of a sudden, Dean turns around and attacks Bray as the crowd cheers. Roman and Seth help him out as they take control of Luke and Erick. Morgan gets speared by Rosa as she starts unloading on her and gets thrown out of the ring. The Outspoken Diva gets angry and bangs on the apron before taking her hoodie off. 

"I am totally pissed off now!" She yelled.

Rosa taunted her while The Shield threw the Wyatts out of the ring. 

"And The Shield own the ring!" Cole said as The Wyatt Family regrouped. "And Morgan does not look too happy." 

Morgan gets on the apron and so does the Wyatts as Erick gets in the ring. The Shield and Rosa try to calm down Ambrose in their corner. 

The Outspoken Diva looked on with sadness but then she felt a spark in her head as she started to remember the days when she would be the one to calm down her teammates. It started to bring back some other pleasant memories but it wasn't enough for Sister Abigail to disappear in her head and break the curse. 

Seth and Erick start off the match. Erick tries to clothesline him but Seth rolls away, quickly, like a ninja. 

Morgan showed a faint smile. Seth was such a great brother to her. She would remember their tag team moves together. She started to miss that and The Shield. She felt something else spark in her head as she began to remember more of her good times with Seth, but it still wasn't enough. 

Rollins starts hitting Erick with punches but he grabs him. Seth manages to dropkick him in the chest, sending him back to The Shield's corner. The Shield start tagging in each other, to take control of Erick. But then Erick pushes Seth down and as soon as he gets up, he gets hit with a monstrous shoulder block that sends him flying. 

Morgan cringed at the sight. "Talk about 360..." she mumbled. 

"He just bulldozed..." King began. 

"And just dragged Seth Rollins into his corner." Cole finished as The Wyatts began to take control of Rollins. 

"What do you think is going through the mind of Morgan?" JBL asked. 

"I know she's feeling a lot of emotions right now. I just hope she knows what she's doing." King said. 

Morgan shoots Rosa a death glare as she watches her hold onto Dean's arm, trying to calm him down. Rosa didn't notice the piercing look Morgan was giving her. 

"Do you see that stare, Morgan is giving Rosa? Frightening." King added

"Get your damn hands off of him..." She growled under her breath. 

Bray ran his hand through her hair. "This is your new family now. They don't deserve you, Rose. We will win this war for you. You need closure." he reassured as she nodded. 

Celeste tweets 'That glare is funny. Looks like someone may still have feelings for a certain eccentric man. Hm? WWEMorgan101' 

The Bellas tweet 'Ooh is someone jealous? WWEMorgan101. I hope you don't look at us like that. That's a scary glare.' 

"And here comes the patriarch of the Wyatt Family. The man who speaks in riddles." Cole said as Bray got tagged in and began to give Seth hard shots. 

He throws Seth to the ropes but Seth slides under his legs and tags in Roman as he gets a big pop. Bray and Roman face off as Bray yells at him. Roman hits him with a big shot in the face and starts unloading on him near the turnbuckle. As soon as the ref pulls him away from Bray, Roman gets hit with a big shot and a headbutt. He runs to the ropes but gets dropped by Roman as the crowd cheers. 

Morgan starts to think about the good times she had with Roman. Even though he told her his feelings and everything that had happened, they both decided to cherish their friendship and remain friends. She was always impressed by his recent ring work and accomplishments at Survivor Series and the Royal Rumble. Again, she felt another spark in her head, but it still wasn't enough. 

Roman picks Bray up but gets hit by a big shot. Luke tags himself in and tries to pick Roman up for a suplex, three times but Roman suplexes him instead as Morgan shows a faint smile. Roman tags in Dean as Morgan fights the urge to smile widely. Dean starts unloading on Luke in the corner until the ref pulls him back. Luke elbows Seth but gets his tank top grabbed by him as Dean pushes him back into the corner. Dean tags in Seth as he gets on his hands and knees. Seth jumps Dean's back and hits Luke in the corner and throws him to Roman as he gets dropped. 

"Big right hand, by Roman. All three members of The Shield involved." Cole said as Roman pins Luke for a 2 count. 

Rosa began jumping up and down on the apron. "Let's go, Romeo!" 

Morgan rolls her eyes at the lame nickname. The Shield continue to take control as Dean was in the ring. Erick starts yelling at Dean which catches his attention. He tries to hit him but Erick jumps down the apron and turns around to get hit with a dropkick by Luke as the crowd 'Ohs'. 

"What in the what in the world!?" King asked as Dean looked dazed. 

"When did you ever see Luke do a dropkick?" Cole asked. 

"The answer would be never," JBL said. 

Bray gets tagged in as he starts unloading on Dean. Morgan cringes as he hits Dean with a huge splash off the turnbuckle. Ambrose falls down and crawls over to the ropes, near the Wyatts' corner and rests in between the ropes. 

"This Bray Wyatt is so dangerous," Cole said. 

Morgan turns to Dean. She felt like herself a little bit and started to think of a drastic decision. She wanted to provoke him...So, she decided to kick him in the face as the crowd 'Ohs' at the impact. 

"What!? No way! That was reluctance! It had to be!" JBL called out. 


"I don't think so. Did you hear that kick!?" King exclaimed as Dean held his jaw. 

"What the hell Morgan?!" Seth called out as she shrugged.

"He had it coming. He deserved that." She explained as the ref warned her to stay away. 

"Morgan! What are you doing!? Why would you kick Dean!?" JBL shouted. 

"How that boot taste?" The Philly Diva asked as Ambrose rolled out the ring. 

If there was one thing Morgan was sure of, it would have to be that Dean doesn't let things go so easily and that's going to make him more hot and bothered in the ring. Bray looks on with delight and grins before getting out of the ring. Meanwhile, Rosa gets in the ring and starts yelling at her. 

"Rosa does not look happy," Cole said as The Outspoken Diva got in the ring but the ref held Rosa back. 

"Are you kidding me!?" She yelled as Morgan smirked and did a curtsy in a cocky way with her arms out at Rosa, amusing everyone.

"I am going to get you! You watch!" She screamed as Seth tried to calm her down with the ref. 

"Yeah, okay, okay." Morgan bluntly replied and got back on the apron. 

"Man! I cannot wait for these two to go at it! Catfight!" King grinned. 

"This is going to be a brawl. Not a catfight," JBL corrected. 

Celeste tweets 'Rolling on the floor, watching WWEMorgan101 get a little bitchy tonight. Hilarious curtsy!' 

The Bellas tweet 'OMG WWEMorgan101! Why'd you kick Dean!? And that curtsy was funny as heck. The claws are coming out' 

Fans tweet:

'OMG Is this the end for Ambrose and Morgan? She kicked the hell out of him!' 

'That curtsy was priceless! #MorgansCurtsy'

'LMAO! WWEMorgan101 is so entertaining to watch. #TheCockyCurtsy'

'Best curtsy I've seen. WWEMorgan101 is so funny!' 

'That kick looked like it hurt. Please don't tell me it's too late for Morgan.' 

'Beware Morgan, I don't think Ambrose is gonna let you get away that easily from that kick.' 

Bray throws Ambrose back in the ring while he starts laughing. 

'Okay...I think I'm ready...' Morgan thought as she tagged herself in by slapping Bray on the back

"What!?" King exclaimed while the fans looked on intently. 

"What is she up to now?" Cole questioned. 

"She is so unpredictable," King mentioned. 

The Wyatt Family turn their attention to her. Bray begins to grin and lets her have her way. Morgan slowly gets in the ring while Dean is in a corner, holding his jaw. He looks at The Wyatts and then turns to look at his former lover. 

Ambrose stands up and begins to smirk at her while the fans look on and cheer with anticipation. 

"How's that jaw?" She tapped her jaw. "Still hurting from my boot? I guess you really can't take a hit, can you?" 

"Dean! Tag me in!" Rosa put her hand out. "She needs to be taught a lesson!" 

He glanced at Rosa and walked over to her as the crowd booed. Ambrose put his hand out for her to tag herself in. She was about to slap his hand but he pulled it back and ran his hand through his hair. Rollins and Reigns looked amused as the crowd laughed. 

"What!?" Rosa yelled as he swiftly turned around. 

"Your ass is mine." Ambrose declared, pointing at Morgan. 

"Oh is it now?" Morgan smirked as he began pacing around. She watched as he stopped and stood a few feet from her. 

"Wait, why didn't he tag her in?" JBL panicked as Dean gripped his right wrist while Morgan put her hands on her hips. "Wait a minute, why are they in the ring together!? Wait a minute, why are they looking at each other like that!?" 

The crowd began to get excited again as Dean and Morgan had an intense stare down. 

"This is getting extreme. What are they gonna do!?" King asked. 

All of a sudden, Dean and Morgan get a big pop from the crowd as soon as they begin to circle around the ring. 

"Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no. This isn't about to happen. This is NOT about to happen! They are not about to fight! They are not about to wrestle!" JBL shouted as the crowd chanted 'Yes!'. "Dean! Morgan! What are you two doing!? Stop this!" He continued to freak out. 

"I think is this what Morgan wanted!" Cole said. "This crowd is loving this. They can't wait to see these two go at it!" 

"No way, they're going to face each other!?" King yelled in a high pitched voice. 

"Are they crazy!?" JBL shouted 

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1 year ago

Forced To Believe Chapter 49- That Supernatural Stuff Don't Work

Forced To Believe Chapter 49- That Supernatural Stuff Don't Work

Chapter Summary: Morgan is freed from Sister Abigail as she reunites with The Shield

Words: 4,000+


On Raw, Morgan was sitting backstage as the crowd gave her a positive reaction. She no longer had any of the dark makeup on her. She looked like her regular self.

Moments later, the Wyatts walked over to her and she stood up. 

" look well," Bray said as she showed a faint smile and nodded. "How do you feel?" 


"It felt good to get closure from The Shield, didn't it?" 


"You accept Sister Abigail's truths?" 

"Yes, I accept her truths." 

"And did it satisfy you to slam that boy down the mat, off the top rope, last night? All the pain and frustration you had in your took it out on him and it felt great didn't it?" 


"I have a request, for tonight's ceremony," 

"What is it?"

"Sister Abigail has always dreamed of wearing a wedding dress to a ceremony. I want her to receive that gift. I want to summon Sister Abigail and give her one last goodbye before we all move on from her. I want you to take her place, tonight. Her work is done. She saved you and you are a true follower of the Buzzards. Now we must thank her for her sacrifices. Will you do it?" 

The crowd chants 'No' while Morgan starts to smile at him. 

"Of course." She replied as the crowd boos. 

"Excellent." Bray grinned. "The ceremony will begin tonight, in the ring. Rosa will help you with the dress. And I know Sister Abigail wants to wear her favorite color. You remember right?" 

"How could I not?"

"Good." He kissed her forehead and let out a dark giggle. 

Once the Wyatt family left, Morgan slowly dropped her smile and began to frown, narrowing her eyes, which caused the crowd to get excited.

"Uh oh...was that..." Cole trailed off

"Wait a minute..." King looked on, intrigued.


Later, Morgan was walking backstage and stopped once she heard the voices of The Shield. She leaned on the wall and turned her head to the side as she listened to them. 

She saw an irate Ambrose, wearing his Shield hoodie and black tape on his hands. His hair was messy and damp. He was still that egotistical man that stole her heart. She continued to look on as she saw the fearless architect and the powerful enforcer looking at the erratic man. The situation did not look pretty. Dean had his hand on his shoulder and looked down at the ground. 

"So walk me through this, one time." Seth trailed off. 

"I've been repeating myself!" Dean interrupted. 

"Where were you last night?" 

"I've been repeating myself for 24 hours now, all right? I'm gettin' a little sick quite frankly, of you two ganging up on me..." 

"We're not ganging up on you " 

"And I'm gettin' a little sick of explainin' myself! So, if uh, if all that's not good enough for you two, and if you don't trust me, then whatever, whatever." 

"That's not what I meant...That's not it!" 

"I lost my girlfriend! I lost the best thing that ever happened to me because of my stupid mistake! I have a lot on my mind right now!" Ambrose confessed as Morgan looked down. "And now she made her choice to stay with The Wyatts. She's gone. Forever. I'm not gonna even bother with this anymore. I lost her. It's too late. She doesn't need saving anymore, so forget about The Wyatts. I'm outta here..." He walked away. 

"I dunno if I believe him...I want to, it makes a lot of sense but so many times now? It's just...over and over and over..." Seth sighed while Morgan walked away from the scene. 

As she walked backstage, deep in thought, Rosa found her. 

"Morgan! Oh, Morgan! I know you hear me!" she skipped over to her and dragged her into a locker room to show her the two dresses for the ceremony. "Look at these! Bray said he wants you to wear the dress that's Sister Abigail's favorite color." 

"Oh don't worry, I know exactly which one to wear," Morgan answered

Before they could continue to talk, The Bellas barged in and shoved Rosa out of the room, slamming it in her face as she complained. 

"What the hell is your problem?" Brie asked as she looked at Morgan. 

"What...?" Morgan bluntly asked. 

"You're not gonna go along with this, are you? Don't do this. Open your eyes!" 

"Guys, my eyes are open and I know what I'm doing-­" 

"Morgan! What happened to you? You're a totally different person! This is not the Morgan we know." Nikki exclaimed. "Please just walk away from this-" 

"Stop." Morgan retorted. "I know what I'm doing." 

Brie and Nikki glanced at each other and nodded. All of sudden, Nikki slapped her in the face as the crowd 'Ohs' at the impact. 

"Did it work?" She asked, looking hopeful. 

Morgan rubbed her cheek, narrowing her eyes at them. "Ow...what was that for?!" 

"Oh my gosh, it didn't work. Morgan! You would have ripped my head off if I slapped you. Come on, you gotta wake up!" Nikki exclaimed. 

"Look, I am awake. I'm fine, okay? Calm down, you don't need to help me. I know what I'm doing." she reassured

"Looks like we can't save you..." 

"I never needed saving!" She snapped, catching the attention of Bellas. 

Nikki smirked at the sound of her voice and nodded. 

"Okay. Suit yourself." Nikki looked happy and left with Brie.

Morgan sighed loudly and sat down on the couch. Moments later, she looked at the two dresses. 



After changing into her dress, Melanie prepared herself at the Gorilla while Randy walked by with an amused smile

"Here comes the comes the bride." He sang. 

"Shut up! I'm not getting married." she giggled

Brie and Nikki giggled as they helped her get ready.

"You kind of remind me of Lita when she wore her dress during her wedding with Kane," Nikki said. 

"Why does everyone think I'm getting married?" Melanie chuckled.

"Okay, you're getting ready for a ceremony with the Wyatts. Happy now?" Brie grinned.

"Much better," Melanie replied. 


Rosa, Luke, Erick, and Bray were in the ring and the crowd gave them mixed reactions. 

"Tonight...tonight you shall witness the summoning of a woman who has guided Morgan and has shown her the truths. Rose...I command you to come out here and reveal yourself." Bray announced.

The Wyatt Family theme came on as everyone looked at the stage. 

They waited a few moments but no one came out. 

"Is she coming out?" King asked but then the crowd started to cheer loudly. 

Rosa's jaw dropped while Erick and Luke stood with blank stares. Morgan slowly walked out in a Black Dress. She had black flowers in her hands and her hair was pinned up in a bun

"She-­she's wearing black!" King announced.

"And Bray does not look happy," Cole stated as Bray slowly started to look at her with a scowl. 

Morgan stood on the stage and looked at the crowd before looking back at The Wyatts. She started to look annoyed as she made her way down the ring. She wasn't fond of wearing dresses like this. Especially if a dead woman wanted to wear one. 

"Maybe black isn't Sister Abigail's favorite color," King said as Morgan exhaled and tightly gripped the bouquet. "At least she's wearing Sister Abigail's necklace with her favorite color." 

Celeste tweets 'Ha! That's the color a certain eccentric man loves on WWEMorgan101.' 

The Outspoken Diva slowly walked down the ramp, looking straight at Bray. 

Bray could not believe what she was wearing. He said Sister Abigail's favorite color, not black. He started pacing around while she walked up the steps and slowly got in the ring by the middle rope. The theme faded out as the crowd chanted Morgan's name. 

A dramatic pause occurred as Morgan and Bray stared each other down. "...I thought I told you to wear Sister Abigail's favorite color," he said. 

"I know but I­-" 

"I told you her favorite color." 


"I told you the story about how Sister Abigail always dreamed of wearing a bridal dress one day. disrespected disrespected the family. are rebelling." 

"It's just a slight change. I thought it would be better. I'm sorry I disobeyed you." 

Bray eyed her down. "That kiss...that kiss was more powerful than Sister Abigail's kiss, wasn't it? Is that why you rebelled? 


"Do you still believe in The Shield?" He asked as the crowd screamed loudly

"In the hot seat now," JBL said. "Say yes! Please!"

"No...I don't believe in The Shield." Morgan replied. 

"Then go back and change," Bray ordered.

"What?" King asked. 

"Please don't do it," JBL said. 

The crowd chanted 'No!' while Morgan sighed and got in between the ropes. She stopped and got back in the ring as the crowd cheered. 

"On second thought..." She said. "No."

"Whoa!" King exclaimed as Bray glared at her. 

"Change. Right now!" He ordered but she shook her head. 

Bray's temper started to get the best of him. He was a leader and was not used to such disrespect...other than Daniel Bryan rebelling against him in that steel cage, a while back. 

"No. You do not disobey me! You do not disobey me!" He yelled. "If it wasn't for me, you would be nothing! I made you into the woman you are today!"

"Is he kidding me?" JBL asked.

Celeste tweets 'Oh hell no! Did he just say he made WWEMorgan101? Injustice!'

The Bellas tweets 'How dare he!? Bray needs to shut his mouth. He didn't make WWEMorgan101 at all!' 

Morgan narrowed her eyes at him while Bray started pacing around while venting. 

"If it wasn't for me, you would be broken and hurt by The Shield!" He shouted. "I did everything for you! I comforted you! I made The Shield feel the same way you felt when they betrayed you! I made you get closure! I made you stronger and wiser!" 

Celeste tweets 'WWEMorgan I know you aren't gonna let this man speak to you like this!'

The Bellas tweets 'Why are you taking this? You don't deserve this WWEMorgan101. Speak up!' 

"You are just like that cousin of are ungrateful...ungracious..." 

"How dare he? That is the Outspoken Diva he is talking to! She deserves some more respect than that!" JBL yelled. 

Celeste tweets 'What the fudge!? Are you kidding me!? I know you are not gonna take that WWEMorgan101!' 

The Bellas tweet 'He talked about your family. You better do something about that WWEMorgan101!' 

"You belong with the family." Bray declared.

The Bellas tweet 'No! #MorganBelongsWithTheShield' 

"And you will obey me. You came to me for guidance and I shall give it to you. And I will guide you by commanding you to change so we can get this ceremony out of the way." Bray went on.

Morgan slowly began to smirk at him, tilting her head to the side.

"Is she about to break?" Cole asked while Roman and Rollins were spotted in the crowd. "Uh oh! It's Roman and Seth!" 

"Where's Dean!?" JBL exclaimed as The Wyatts turned their attention to the crowd. 

Bray starts to order Erick and Luke to make sure they don't come into the ring. 

Turning to the stage, The Outspoken Diva drops her bouquet as she sees Ambrose walking down the ramp. 

Nikki tweets 'So comes Morgan's Knight and Shiny armor...and he's wearing leather. That's hot. Go get her!' 

Ambrose meets up with Seth and Roman as they surround the ring. 

"This is gonna be good!" JBL looked on. 

While the Wyatts and Rosa are distracted by The Shield, Morgan slowly takes out her hairpins and lets her hair down. 

"What is going on!?" Bray yelled, still focused on The Shield who got on the apron.

All of a sudden, Morgan quickly grabs Erick and Luke, putting them in the double backfire position. 

"Yes!" JBL yelled as Morgan spun on one knee and stopped to turn her attention to Bray and Rosa while Luke and Erick rolled out of the ring. 

She stands up while Bray looks on in shock. The Shield smirk at the sight while Morgan rips off Sister Abigail's necklace, stomps on it to destroy it, and begins to slowly smirk at Rosa and Bray. 

"Yes! Yes! She's back!" King shouted.

As soon as The Shield get in the ring, Bray quickly escapes the ring while Rosa looks at the Wyatt Family at the end of the ramp. 

"Where are you going!?" She yelled. 

The crowd cheers as she slowly turns around and looks at The Shield and Morgan giving her dirty looks. 

"Hi Rosa, remember me? Grab that bitch." She demanded as Seth and Dean grabbed her. 

"No! No!" Rosa screamed.

She was kicking and screaming and did not want to face that angry Samoan who was glaring at her. She was more afraid of him than Morgan. Roman still had some unfinished business with her because of that low blow. 

"No! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Let me go!" she begged.

All of a sudden, The Wyatts slide back in and attack The Shield. Rosa gets released while Morgan spears her as the crowd cheers. 

"Here we go!" Cole shouted as The Philly Diva started unloading on her. 

"Everybody is going after everybody here!" King looked on. 

Morgan picks Rosa up to put her in the backfire position but she quickly escapes and runs out of the ring.

"You better run!" Morgan yelled. 

That chick has a beating with her name on it. She can run but she can't hide. 

Turning around, she strikes Bray with a spinning kick but then he grabs her by the neck. 

"You do not betray me like this!" He yelled while she tried to make him release her. 

He was stronger than she thought. 

But then Ambrose gets in the way and attacks him while Morgan falls down and leans on the bottom turnbuckle to watch the action as her hair is in her face. Ambrose throws Bray out of the ring while Seth and Roman throw out Luke and Erick. Seth and Roman slide out of the ring as they begin to mouth off to The Wyatts while Bray restrains them. 

"And The Shield hold the ring," Cole announced as the crowd cheered while Morgan and Ambrose were the last two in the ring. 

Morgan moves her hair from her face while Ambrose catches his breath and then turns his head to her. 

"Come on Morgan." JBL looked on in anticipation. 

Ambrose then rolled out of the ring and grabbed her gently to pick her up bridal style as The Shield's theme came on around the arena. 

"Yes! Thank you! I love it!" JBL cheered

Nikki tweets 'This is so hot. Nothing like Dean Ambrose in a leather jacket picking you up bridal style. #FangirlsBeJealous' 

"You okay?" Dean asked. 

"Yes," She nodded and wrapped her arms around his neck. She felt herself begin to smile as the feeling of his strong arms made her feel safe

The Wyatt Family and Rosa watch on while Bray begins to glare at them 

"The Shield staying strong," Cole said as the former lovers glanced at each other and then looked at the Wyatts. 

"And Morgan is still a believer!" JBL grinned

Morgan tweets twice 'Looks like the faking paid off. I was free since that kiss. Supernatural stuff don't work on the Outspoken Diva. Sorry #YouFailed #ImFree' 

'Follow the buzzards? #GetTheFOuttaHere #TheShieldAllDay!'

Bray replies 'You shall pay for your sins WWEMorgan101' 


'WWE Exclusive Video' 

Morgan had her bag with her, walking backstage. 

"Leaving without saying goodbye or a thank you?" She turned around and looked at Ambrose who was leaning against the wall.

"Thanks..." she replied

"When did you come back to us?"

"The kiss," she answered. "Although I couldn't say what I wanted you to do, you knew. So I appreciate it. Wrestle me and kiss me. Sister Abigail screwed around and found out. I had to pretend to still be a part of The Wyatt Family for a bit after. After I broke free, my energy just went to zero. Must be a side effect of Sister Abigail unpossessing me. But...I'm ok now. I'm fine. Thank you,"

She needed time alone to get her head on straight. Dean understood that and surprisingly wanted to wait for her. 

"Good. I'm glad you're back. I missed you,"

She smiled softly. "I missed you, too. See you," she walked away as he smirked softly. 



The Shield were shown right after the Wyatt Family promo. 

"Listen to the Wyatt Family, boys, listen to em! Making outrageous claims sounds stupid to me." Dean retorted. "Stupid ugly beards, and your stupid camel masks..." 

"Whoa whoa whoa," Roman spoke up.

"Tryna scare somebody..." Dean went on.

"What?" Seth asked.

"Camel mask?" Roman questioned.

"Camel mask on his head." Dean declared.

"It's a llama mask, bro." Roman corrected.

"What?" Seth asked in a high voice. "What are you talkin' about?" 

"I just went to the zoo, it's a llama mask," Roman mentioned. 

"It's a camel," Dean said in a low voice.

"Hey! It's a lamb." Seth spoke up. "And that's beside the point."

Roman and Dean start mouthing off, what animal they think the mask is but they get cut off by a feminine laugh. 

"Haha oh my gosh...Did you-did you just say camel? Llama? Lamb? Okay, you all are wrong. It's a sheep. S.H.E.E.P." Morgan stated. 

"No, it ain't." Seth disagreed.

"No way." Dean shook his head.

"Sheep? Naw, It's a llama." Roman replied. 

"Oh my gosh, I've been near and closer to The Wyatts these past few weeks, I know the animal when I see it. Ha, I guess I'm the smartest one in The Shield, now. 100 points for Morgan!" She showed a thumbs up at the camera and grinned. The Shield gave her playful dirty looks. She turned her attention to Dean and nudged him in the side. "Don't worry buddy, don't be sad that I'm right and you're wrong. " 

"It's a camel!" he exclaimed. 

"Nope." She grinned.

"Llama!" Roman shouted


"Lamb!" Seth exclaimed. 


"Are you kidding me? I think I know my farm animals." Dean said. 

"Haha, you think!" She pointed out.

"I know. It's a camel. Read it and weep, sweetheart."

Morgan scoffed and stepped up to him. "Are you challenging me?"

"Uh oh," Seth looked on, amused. 

"Maybe I am. It's a camel." Dean said. 

"Sheep," Morgan stated. 

"Camel." He smirked. 

"All right, that is it!" She put him in a headlock. "Say it's a sheep!" 

"Ah! No! It's a freakin' camel!" 

Roman and Seth start laughing at them. Morgan missed this. The good times she would have with The Shield. It made all the troubles go away. 

"Say it!" 




"Say it's a sheep!"

"All right! It's a sheep!" 

Morgan grinned and released him. "Thank you. So, anyone else want to disagree with me?" She turned to Seth and Roman while Dean rubbed the back of his head. 

"Sheep it is." Roman nodded.

"Sheep it is, Morgan." Seth sighed.

"Awesome. See how easy that was?" she grinned.

"Anyway, the point is, The Wyatts did not lay the foundation at NXT. They refer to me as the architect for a reason." Seth said. "I was the first ever NXT champion, and we laid the foundation for the future of this business, how we do that? By taking out The Undertaker, The Rock, John Cena, Sheamus, every single person...that goes in our way." 

Roman chuckled at his statement.

"Over the last year, we dominated and we have become the emergent leaders of the next generation. Believe that...and believe in The Shield." Seth continued. 

"And sheep!" Morgan grinned.

"All right, it's a lamb!" Seth argued. 

"Sheep! Oh my gosh, do you not know your animals?" she shouted as The Shield started to protest again. 


During Smackdown, Rosa was in the makeup area, bragging about herself to the makeup artist who was working on her face.

"I should be Divas Champion because I'm one of the most dominant women in this company. I am one of the most talked about divas now. I betrayed The Shield...I was with the Wyatts...I am on top of the world. My career is going so well." She grinned. 

Morgan walks over to her from behind and the make-up artist backs away. 

Rosa had her eyes closed. "I wonder what would happen when I am in the Hall of Fame. I wonder who I want to induct me..." Rosa wondered. 

The Philly Diva rolls her eyes and opens a container of blush, beginning to shake it on her.

"What in the-what is this!?" Rosa quickly got out of the chair and brushed the blush off her body. She turned around to see Morgan smirking at her. "What are you doing!?" 

The Outspoken Diva throws the blush on her face and tackles her onto the table as she starts unloading on her. 

"Morgan! Morgan!" The Total Divas ran and grabbed her off of Rosa.

"Get off of me!" Morgan yelled as she tried to fight her way out of their grasp. 

"I am gonna get you, you bitch! You do not put your hands on me! I want you in a match tonight!" Rosa screamed while Cameron and Naomi held her back. "Get off of me!" she pushed them off. 

"Oh hell no!" Cameron yelled. 

"Are you kidding me?" Naomi exclaimed and then they started attacking her. 

"All hell has broken loose!" Cole yelled. 

"Let them fight!" JBL shouted as some of the heel divas came to Rosa's aid and fought the rest of the Total Divas. 

The refs and some superstars try to break up the chaos while Morgan storms off. 

"What the hell is going on!?" Triple H yelled. "Stop this right now! Enough!"

"It was all Morgan! She attacked me out of nowhere!" Rosa shouted.

"You started it! Don't put this on Morgan!" Cameron yelled while Triple H looked annoyed. 


At The Shield's Hideout, Dean, Roman and Seth were getting themselves together. 

"You got yourself together, tonight? Or are you gonna go rogue on us, again?" Roman retorted. 

"Ah!" Dean yelled and turned to face him. "Always telling me that I need to relax, all right? Is he still mad about the DQ thing?" he turned to Seth. 

"The DQ thing?" Roman asked.

"He's bringing that up again..."

"It's a thing?"

"Look, I don't know what you want from me, all right?"

"A DQ is a loss. Two losses in under a year and a half. Two losses in one week, why? Because of you." 

"Maybe if you aren't always yellin' at me, all the time!" Ambrose yelled. 

"Hey! Hey! Zip it, all right?" Seth exclaimed.

"Would you take care of this?" Dean pointed to Roman. 

"You know what? You lost all right? You got knocked down. You're a grown man, pick yourself up, move on." Seth said to Roman. "You know who's moving on? Bray Wyatt thinks he's moving on." 

"No, he's not," Roman said. 

"He thinks we're ashes in the way, on his path to John Cena. In case you don't remember, we were left for dead at the Elimination Chamber. Well, let's show Bray Wyatt, that it's not that easy to get rid of The Shield. Let's show Bray Wyatt that we're not, three lone wolves, that we are the hounds of justice and we run together always. Let's show Bray Wyatt that when you provoke the hounds, you get the teeth!" 

"Strap up boys!" Roman yelled as Dean started laughing. "It's time to hunt some Wyatts." 

"Well, not just the Wyatts..." Morgan reminded as the crowd cheered. She walked over to them as they turned around.

"Where were you?" Seth asked.

"I had a fight. I kind of caused the whole divas locker room to fight." She confessed. 

"I'm not surprised." Roman chuckled. 

"Don't judge me. It was all Rosa's fault. Speaking of Rosa...she's on top of Morgan's hit list, and I know she's on The Shield's hit list too. So...I have a plan. I got a match with her tonight and I think it's time to serve some justice." 


In the ring, before Morgan and Rosa can have their match, The Wyatts arrive after the lights go out. When the lights come back on, they appear in the ring while Morgan slides out of the ring, wisely.

"Common Morgan! Are you scared?" Rosa taunted. 

"No, I'm just not alone," The Outspoken Diva replied.








"Oh no! Here we go!" Cole exclaimed as The Shield walked through the crowd and jumped over the barricade. 

"Haha, I love it." JBL grinned as The Shield and Morgan get on the apron. 

They have a stare off with Rosa and The Wyatts but then Triple H's theme comes on as The Shield get annoyed. 

Triple H walked out on the stage. "Enough. This is not gonna happen now. I have too much time and money invested in all eight of you, to let this war happen again, right here right now. At least not without some promotion. This war...can take place this Monday. The Wyatt Family and Rosa versus The Shield and Morgan. But until that time...Shield...stand down." He ordered as the crowd booed. 

"And ladies, you've already caused enough damage for the night. You ruined the makeup area, and the whole diva's locker room got involved. It's not funny Morgan!" Triple H snapped as Morgan smirked in amusement. "This is serious... Shield...stand down. Now." 

Once he went backstage, Bray chuckled as The Wyatts and Rosa got out of the ring. Bray was on the apron. "Come on, you heard your daddy." 

The Shield and Morgan get in the ring as the crowd gets hyped while they stand before Bray. Morgan glances at Dean and Seth. Seth nods at them and the three of them run through the ropes. Seth hits Erick, Dean hits Luke and Morgan hits Rosa with a suicide dive. Seth and Dean slide back in the ring and stand before Bray with Roman while Morgan gets on the apron, behind Bray. 

"What now!?" Seth yelled. "Come on! Let's do this thing!" 

Bray backs up but gets grabbed in the Morganizer position after she gets in the ring.

"Uh oh!" Cole exclaimed but Bray quickly escaped it as the crowd booed. 

"This close..." Morgan said as Bray smirked and did his signature pose while the Wyatt Family theme came on. 

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1 year ago

Forced To Believe Chapter 50- What Are You Doing!?

Forced To Believe Chapter 50- What Are You Doing!?

Chapter Summary: The Shield take on The Wyatts but tensions run high when Seth Rollins leaves his team high and dry

Words: 6,000+


The Shield were getting ready and Morgan walked over to them. 

"There she is." Seth grinned. "Ready?" 

"Yeah." She glanced at Dean before bumping fists with Seth and Roman. 

Seth and Roman noticed the tension between the former lovers and cleared their throats. 

"Can I talk to you? Alone?" She looked at Dean. 

He nodded while Seth and Roman gave them privacy. 

"Look...we need to be 100 percent focused tonight. We can't let our issues get in the way of this war. We'll deal with our situation later. For now, we really need to work together to bring the Wyatts and Rosa down. Okay?" She put her fist out. 

He smirked at her fist and nodded before bumping his fist against hers. She didn't want to fight or argue with him. 

"Right." he replied.

"Good. Keep a cool head." 

"I think I should with you around." 

"Heh. Good to know." 

Morgan tweets '#TheQueenOfTwirls is about to be a team player and put her body on the line to win. #ItsWarTime #NoRegrets' 

In the ring, The Shield stared down Rosa and The Wyatts who stood at the end of the ramp. The Chicago crowd starts chanting 'This is awesome!' 

The Wyatts and Rosa make their way to the ring but then Dean and Seth hit Luke and Erick with a suicide dive as the crowd gets hyped. Rosa tries to distance herself from The Shield members but as soon as she turns to the ring, she's hit with a diving clothesline by Morgan as the crowd cheers. 

"And here come The Shield!" Cole shouted. 

Morgan slides back in the ring while Roman hits Bray with a Samoan drop in the ring. He throws Bray out and high fives her while the ref tries to regain control. After things get settled, Morgan and Rosa start off the match. 

"And The Queen of Twirls is gonna start things off with The Stunning Latina," Cole said as the bell rang and they circled around each other. 

Rosa flips her hair and starts trash talking. Deciding to piss her off, Morgan mocks her hair flip.

"Excuse me!?" Rosa shouted but got kicked in the stomach as she fell down on her knees. 

The Outspoken Diva smirks before giving her another cocky curtsy. Rosa shoots her a glare and stands up but gets speared. She starts uploading on her with punches, making the crowd cheer. 

"They're all over each other!" King shouted as Rosa tried to scratch and claw her way to gain control. 

The ref manages to break it up and as soon as Morgan gets up, Rosa hits her with a swinging neckbreaker and pins her for a two count. 

"Come on, grapes!" Seth cheered as Rosa put her in a twisted bow & arrow submission. 

She puts her knee on her midsection and holds her leg and head to stretch her. 

"Come on, Morgan! Give up!" Rosa yelled as the crowd tried to motivate her. 

"Bending her like a pretzel!" King exclaimed. 

She releases the hold but puts her in a crossed armed surfboard.

"This is painful," JBL said but then Morgan managed to headbutt her from behind, making her release the hold. 

She begins to fight back and hits her with a handspring back elbow smash.

"Both divas trying to make a tag." JBL continued and then Morgan tags in Seth while Rosa tags in Luke. 

Seth hits Luke with a splash off the turnbuckle and a one leg dropkick. Luke begins to fight back and tries to hit him with a high risk move off the top rope but Seth lands on his feet as the crowd 'Ohs'. Morgan grins as he throws Luke out the ring and dropkicks Erick off the apron. He runs and hits Luke with a dive over the ropes and lands on his feet. 

"That's what I'm talking about, bro!" She cheered. 

Seth slides back in the ring as The Shield points to Erick. He dives on top of Erick outside the ring and lands on his feet again, getting hyped up. 

"This guy is amazing!" JBL shouted. 

Luke runs and goes in between the ropes, only to be kicked in the head by Seth. 

"That put a big smile on the face of Roman Reigns," King said as Roman was grinning at his performance. 

Rollins gets on the top rope but Bray gets in the ring. Dean gets in the ring and starts beating on him as it distracts Seth. Moments later, Dean gets thrown to the ropes. 

"Oh no!" Morgan exclaimed as Seth lost his balance and fell off the top rope. 

Dean and Bray get back on the apron while Roman tries to get Dean to explain his actions. Luke throws Seth into the barricade as Morgan cringes. Moments later she starts to get angry as The Wyatts gained the upper hand.

Seth kicks Luke in the head and crawls over for a tag. But then Dean gets off the apron to talk trash with Bray. 

"Dean!" Morgan exclaimed and got off the apron with Roman as soon as Seth tried to make a tag. 

Roman pushes Dean back and tries to calm him down. Erick gets tagged in but gets hit in the face on the middle turnbuckle. The Shield gets back on the apron and Luke hits Roman with a big boot to the face, knocking him off as the crowd boos. Ambrose tries to hit Luke while Luke taunts Ambrose. 

Having enough, Morgan decides to get on the top rope and hits him with a diving clothesline as the crowd cheers. 

"Look at Morgan!" King shouted. 

"Do something! What!?" She taunted and got back on the apron while Luke rolled out the ring.

"That's not fair! DQ her!" Rosa yelled.

"Shut up!" Morgan yelled back.

Seth tries to go for a suplex on Erick but Luke slides back in the ring. Roman slides into the ring and grabs him for a suplex while linking arms with Seth to help him out. 

"What is going on?" Cole asked as Bray got in the ring to try to interfere but then Dean grabbed him for a suplex while linking arms with Roman. 

"Are they going for a triple suplex!?" King exclaimed as the crowd got excited. 

"Aye! Don't have all the fun!" Morgan said and got in the ring as soon as Rosa tried to interfere. 

She grabs her for a suplex hold and links her arms with Dean. 

"They're not gonna do this..." Cole said but then the crowd chanted 'Holy shit!' as soon as The Shield give The Wyatt Family and Rosa a quadruple suplex. 

"Aw, man! A quadruple suplex! Ha ha I love it!" JBL said. 

"Booyah!" Morgan yelled and high fived her teammates before getting back on the apron with Dean and Roman. 

Seth tags in Dean while Rosa, Bray, and Luke get back on the apron. 

Brie tweets 'I thought a triple suplex was good back in the day...a quadruple suplex is even better! #Teamwork' 

Nikki tweets 'I'm starting to believe! #SuplexOfJustice' 

Dean jumps on Erick and starts unloading on him. 

"Dean Ambrose just seems a little bit out of control here tonight." King looked on. 

"Ya think? The Wyatts are doing everything they can to get Roman out of the ring." JBL said 

Dean begins to take control and hits Erick with a dropkick to the knee. 

"Stay on him." Morgan supported while Roman and Seth were at ringside, resting. 

He puts Erick in the Figure Four as the crowd starts 'Wooing'. Morgan begins to grin when Dean puts the lock on tight but then Luke breaks it up by hitting him in the midsection. Roman gets back in the ring and starts hitting him and Luke falls out of the ring. 

"Referee! Referee! Referee!" Bray yelled as he tried to get the ref to stop Roman and Luke from fighting. 

Luke gets thrown into the timekeeper's area as the crowd cheers. Bray gets tagged in and slams Dean down on the mat as the crowd 'Ohs'. Bray taunts the crowd and turns to Morgan as she scowls at him.

"This is what you wanted? This is what you want?" He pointed at Ambrose's beaten up body. 

She begins to grip the ropes tightly as he gets on top of Dean and starts beating him with punches. Moments later, she begins seething as he hits Dean with a stomp in the face. 

Roman gets back on the apron. He glances at Morgan's angry expression and starts to show a smirk on his face. She was getting motivated and that's what The Shield needs in this match. Dean begins to get controlled by The Wyatts and Morgan does not like it one bit. She did not like watching him get beaten up like this. 

Nikki tweets 'It looks like WWEMorgan101 wants to scream. I can see the frustration on her face.' 

The Outspoken Diva runs her hands through her hair and starts pacing on the apron while Dean is in a submission by Erick. He pulls on his beard and escapes the hold but gets hit with a sidewalk slam. Luke gets tagged in and he hits Dean to the ropes. Ambrose falls back in between the ropes and comes back by hitting him with a lariat as the crowd cheers. 

Morgan begins to look relieved and watches as he goes for the pin. Rosa breaks it up and she gets in the ring, attempting to clothesline her but Rosa ducks. 

Roman gets in the ring and goes for the spear but Rosa jumps out of the way. As soon as Morgan turns around, she gets speared by accident. She lands on her neck as soon as he hits her with the spear and rolls over, face first on the mat. 

"Spear! Spear on Morgan! Again!" Cole yelled as the crowd chanted 'Holy Shit!' 

The Bellas tweet 'Oh my God! WWEMorgan101 landed on her neck! Is she OKAY!?' 

Celeste tweets 'Took that spear like a champ. I really hope WWEMorgan101 is okay. Edge and Trish Spear 2.0!'

"Morgan! Are you all right!?" The ref yelled and went to check on her to see if he needed to signal the WWE Doctor.

Seth, Roman, Dean, and Rosa widened their eyes at the way her body moved from the spear and that was not supposed to happen and it made everyone look worried. 

Milena (Rosa) put a hand over her mouth, breaking character a little. "Is she okay?" she murmured.

"That was hard to watch," Cole said as they showed Roman's spear to Morgan 4 times. 

"She landed on her neck!" King screamed in a high pitched voice. "Is she okay!?" 

Melanie grunted. That almost gave her whiplash. "I'm okay." she signaled as everyone began to look relieved.

She already knew her mom was probably screaming at the TV as soon as she saw that spear. 

"Amazing." Milena sighed out of relief. 

Melanie rolled out of the ring while Joe slid out of the ring to check on her. She was sitting down, leaning on the barricade, holding her neck. Thankfully there was no pain. But that was scary how she flipped.

"You okay? I'm sorry," He said as concern was shown on his face. 

"It's okay! I'm fine, I'm fine." She reassured with a smile. "I hope I didn't botch the spear." 

"Nah, but you gave us all a scare there. I didn't think you'd land on your neck like that. I'm glad you're okay." 

"Yeah, no worries." She smiled at him and he got back on the apron. 

Jon turned to Melanie, who was lying down in the ring, checking to see if she was okay. She gave him a reassuring smile and he started to look relieved. He smirked and gave her a wink. He admired her heart in the ring.

Dean tries to go for the tag as Roman gets hit off the apron by Bray who was tagged in. But then Dean plants him with a DDT as the crowd gets hyped. He slowly starts to crawl his way towards Seth but Seth doesn't put his hand out. He just gives him a blank look. 

Morgan watches Dean crawl over to him and drops her jaw as soon as she sees Seth jump off the apron. The crowd 'Ohs' and gets excited as some stand up to this exciting and shocking conflict. 

Morgan frequently starts to shake her head. " are you doing...? What are you doing?!" She yelled at Seth while Dean slumped over the ropes in disbelief. 

What the hell is going on!? Why would Seth leave Dean hanging like this? It made her panic. This was not supposed to happen. This could not be happening. 

"Wait a minute..." Cole said as the crowd gave Seth mixed reactions. 

The crowd starts to get louder as Seth begins to walk to the ramp. 

"And Seth Rollins has no interest and I think Seth Rollins is walking out of here!" Cole shouted.

"What!?" King yelled. "You're kidding me!" 

"I'm not sure you can blame him after the things that went down earlier tonight." 

Morgan manages to get up and catches up to Roman who walks over to Seth at the middle of the ramp while Ambrose watches.

"Seth!" Morgan's voice cracked. 

Her heart was starting to break. She could not believe he would walk out on his teammates. After all they've been through? After all the times he's kept peace in the group? 

Seth averted his eyes from her. He couldn't bring himself to look at her. He was starting to feel conflicted with his decision. 

Roman looks back at Dean and then at Seth. "What are you doin'?" he asked, breaking Seth from his thoughts. 

"I can't be the glue to keep this together! You two weren't there for me I reached for the tag!" Seth yelled as Morgan started to get angry. 

"Are you kidding me!?" She shouted. "You asshole! What are you thinking right now!?"

"You're the glue!" Roman yelled.

"You three, figure it out. You three, figure it out." He continued to walk up the ramp. 

"Seth!" Morgan shouted.

"What are you doing, man? What are you doing!? This isn't the game plan!" Roman yelled as Dean managed to get up from the ropes and looked at Seth walking up the ramp. 

He gets hit with a splash by Bray. Morgan snaps her head to the ring as Dean gets dropped and pinned. She runs her hands through her hair. So many emotions going through her right now. 

She and Roman run to the ring as Roman breaks up the pin. He drops Erick and Luke and cleans house until he gets hit with a big boot by Luke. Roman rolls out the ring while Morgan is on the apron, looking worried. 

Bray begins to laugh and hits Ambrose with a running senton while he grunts out in pain. The Outspoken Diva puts her hands over her mouth as Bray looks at her and laughs. 

"This is what happens!" Bray yelled. 

He picks Dean up for the Sister Abigail. 

"Dean, no!" she screamed as Bray stopped himself from kissing his forehead. "Don't hurt him, leave him alone! Fight me!" She yells as the crowd cheers. 

"Yes! She cares!" JBL said with hope as the crowd cheered loudly for her.

Bray throws him down, near her. 

The Bellas tweet 'She just screamed. #MorganCares!' 

Morgan tags herself in and slowly gets in the ring while Dean rolls out the ring. She exhales and looks a little worried as Luke, Rosa, and Erick get on each side of the apron, surrounding her. 

"This is what The Shield has done ever since they debuted," JBL said. 

Morgan turns her head to look at Seth with a disappointed look as he continues to stand on the ramp and do nothing. Seth's heart starts to ache as he watches her in the ring, alone, but he is trying to prove a point. 

The Philly Diva looks back at the Wyatts while Bray gives her a stern look. 

"You will pay for your sins, rose..." he demanded as he took a step closer. 

She sinks down to her knees and looks at the mat while Bray laughs again. 

"I'm all alone..." Morgan mumbled and clenched her fists.

"Morgan! Don't give up!" King shouted.

She looks around and closes her eyes. She exhales and opens them before slowly standing up. 

'One...two...three...four...' she looks at each opponent, thinking to herself. 'This isn't like Survivor Series...this is much more dangerous and harder...I can't go after just one person...they'll jump me...I can't just lunge after Rosa because they'll grab me...I need to do something quick and offensive...I can't run away now...this is risky, but I need to do this...if Seth won't help out and try to save this match, maybe I can. It's worth a shot.' 

The crowd begins to chant her name while Luke, Erick, and Rosa slowly get in the ring to surround her. 

"They are gonna eat her alive," JBL said with worry. 

Morgan decides to make a bold move and run towards Bray. He tries to clothesline her but Morgan yells "Whoo!" as she ducks and turns around to hit him with a spinning kick in the face. Erick runs over to her but Morgan begins to drop The Wyatt Family and Rosa with clotheslines. She starts striking them with spinning kicks to the face as they keep getting up to get hit again. 

The Bellas tweet 'This is like an action movie. WWEMorgan101's hair is all over the place, flowing in the air. #Heroine' 

She throws each opponent to each corner. 

"Let's go!" She yelled as the crowd cheered her on. 

"Look at her go!" Cole yelled as she hit each member with a handspring back elbow smash. 

"Whoa!" King exclaimed as Roman got back on the apron. 

"Look at her go!" JBL yelled as Roman began to grin at her performance despite having Seth leave them hanging. 

"Atta girl!" Roman cheered. 

Luke and Erick roll out of the ring as Morgan gets on the top rope and hits them with a diving crossbody. She slides back in the ring and jumps on the other slide, hitting Bray with a suicide dive. 

"She's running all over the place! Is she out of breath?" King exclaimed. 

"Must be on an adrenaline rush," Cole said.

Nikki tweets 'Uh oh, I think WWEMorgan101 is having a little #GrapeRush.' 

Celeste tweets 'Whoo! Keep kicking ass WWEMorgan101! #ThisDivaCanFly' 

Rosa was left in the ring, looking on in shock.

"This cannot be happening!" Rosa yelled as Morgan got back in the ring. She turns around and is about to run but bumps into Roman's chest. "Get out of my way!" She slapped him across the face as the crowd 'Oohs'. 

"Big mistake," Cole said but then Ambrose grabbed her from behind. 

"No! No!" 

Erick gets back on the apron but Morgan runs and dropkicks him. 

"Morgan!" Dean yelled. 

She turns around and he throws Rosa towards her. She spins around before striking her with a roundhouse kick in the face, dropping her down. 

"Roman, Morgan, and Dean are holding their own tonight!" Cole said with amazement. 

Dean and Morgan sets Luke on the middle ropes and hold him down. Dean motions to Roman and he runs to hit Luke with a one leg dropkick.

"Oh, man! Harper!" Cole exclaimed as Roman roared. 

Rosa manages to get on the top rope and as soon as Roman turns around, she jumps. He catches her in a powerbomb hold as the crowd gets hyped. 

"Uh oh! She's caught!" Cole shouted.

"I got this!" Morgan said and got on the top rope. 

She jumps off and hits Rosa with a clothesline, making her drop down on her back. 

"She clotheslined Rosa!" King shouted.

"This is starting to get chaotic!" JBL yelled as Morgan rolled out of the ring. 

Dean starts unloading on Bray in the ring while Erick runs towards Morgan at ringside.

"Whoa!" She yelled and evaded him. 

She gets back on the apron and kicks him in the head, making him stumble. Then, she takes him down with a diving clothesline. 

Erick stumbles back, near the announcer's table. 

"Oh look out guys! Look out!" Cole yelled as Roman spears Erick over the announce table.

Meanwhile, Dean gets hit with a big boot by Luke. Luke hits Roman with a suicide dive, making him fall over the table. Morgan gets back on the top rope, about to dive on Luke but Rosa runs back in the ring and pushes her off. Morgan lands right on the table, breaking it as the crowd 'Ohs' loudly and starts chanting 'Holy Shit'. 

"No! Morgan! She just got pushed off the table!" King yelled. 

"Rosa! What were you thinking!?" JBL yelled as Morgan looked hurt. 

Rosa grins at what she's done and blows her a kiss. 

Celeste tweets 'WTF Rosa!? Are you fudging kidding me!? Pushing her off the top rope!?' 

Brie tweets 'Oh my gosh! Morgan! Are you okay!?' 

"Oh my God! I told you it's Armageddon!" Cole yelled. 

Ambrose jumps on top of Luke and starts beating on him but then Bray throws him to the steel post. He falls face first as Morgan manages to sit up. Rosa gets out the ring and grabs her by the hair. She throws her inside the ring while Bray, Erick and Luke get in the ring. 

"Oh no, this is not good. Morgan held her own for a while but I don't think she is gonna be able to escape Bray's wrath." Cole looked on with worry.

Erick and Luke grab her arms as she tries to escape. 

"Get off of me!" She yelled. 

"Seth! Help her!" King shouted. 

Seth watches on and continues to do nothing. He starts to get tears in his eyes as he watches her suffer. 

"You wanted this!?" Bray yelled. "You did this to yourself! You shall pay for your sins!" 

Rosa hits Morgan with a hard kick in the face as the crowd 'Ohs' from the impact. 

"That was brutal," JBL said. 

Morgan holds her right eye in pain as she grunts.

"Morgan's hurt. Something's wrong." King said with worry. 

She touches her face near her right eye and sees blood coming out. Rosa's shoe must have cut her open near her eye. 

"This is crazy!" King exclaimed. "Morgan is defenseless!"

Nikki tweets 'This is too much! A four on one assault!?' 

"Reigns is out...Ambrose is out..." Cole looked on.

"Nobody is safe," King added. 

"Morgan is in the ring, left for dead while Rollins continues to do nothing," JBL shook his head. 

"Oh no Morgan's bleeding!" King panicked as she tried to get up. 

Blood was starting to cover most of the right side of her face which caught the audience's attention. 

"Rosa made her bleed?" Cole asked. 

"That kick," JBL informed as the titantron showed Rosa's kick. 

Morgan touches her face again and sees a large amount of blood on her hand. 

Bray grabbed her face. "I didn't want this rose! This could have turned out better!" 

Suddenly, it was like a switch went off of her and the Outspoken Diva started laughing in his face, making the crowd cheer. Tilting her head to the side, she gave him a crazed look. "This will not be enough to break me. Do your worst,"

Looking amused, Bray releases her as she gets grabbed again. This time, Luke hits her with a big boot to the face as she drops down again. 

Brie tweets 'This is hard to watch...Why aren't you doing anything, Seth!? #HelpYourSister' 

Bray does his signature pose near the corner. He then laughs and grabs her for the Sister Abigail position. 

"Seth Rollins is watching all this." Cole looked on in disapproval. 

"How can Seth Rollins just stand there and watch his teammates, specifically Morgan go through all this?" King asked. 

Bray kisses her forehead and hits the Sister Abigail on her. Rosa grins and turns her over to pin her while Morgan turns her head to the ramp, looking in her groggy eyes, at Seth who continues to stand there and do nothing. 




Seth runs his hands through his hair as The Wyatts and Rosa pose around Morgan's body. 

"You gotta wonder what's going through Seth's mind," Cole said. 

"He's conflicted," King replied. 

"Is he second guessing himself for what he did? Does he feel bad because he left his teammates here, high and dry? So many questions that need to be answered." 

"Seth just stood there and watch his teammates get beat," JBL added. 

The Wyatts leave the ring while Seth leaves the arena. 

Roman and Dean start to recover and they see a badly beaten up Morgan face first on the mat. They help her out of the ring as the crowd cheers for them. They put her arms around them and help her walk as her face is still bloody. She is very groggy and stumbles before Dean and Roman catch her. 

"I have never seen Morgan this beaten up before. This is" JBL said. 

The crowd starts to clap for The Shield and begins to chant Morgan's name. 

"You've gotta give it up for Morgan. She knew the risks and still decided to fight back." Cole said as the commentators agreed. 

"And the crowd is letting her hear their appreciation for her efforts," 

"So much heart..." King said. "Win or lose, Morgan is starting to earn the respect of the crowd." 

Brie tweets 'WWEMorgan101 took one for the team. Amazing match!' 

Chyna tweets 'Beautiful job WWEMorgan101! Let no one bring you down. Keep getting back up and fight!' 

Celeste tweets 'Amazing performance by WWEMorgan101! Loved every second of it! You have so much heart in the ring! #KeepGettingBackUp' 

Stone Cold tweets 'Respect for WWEMorgan101. Great performance out there. #KeepingMyEyeOnYou' 


Joe and Jon help Melanie backstage.

"We got you grapes. Don't die on us now." Joe joked while Melanie managed to chuckle. 

She felt kind of groggy from all those attacks and the bleeding made it a little worse. But overall, she loved the match and was glad she continued the match even though she was bleeding. 

"How bad is my eye?" She mumbled. 

"You're bleeding more by the second. I think Milena's boot must have scraped your face and hit your eye." Jon answered. 

"I look like a hot mess..." 

"You look like you've been in a real wrestling match." Jon countered. "Just like old times. CZW vibes,"

"Heh. Yeah. Thanks." 

Moments later, the WWE officials and some of the roster begin to cheer for The Shield and Wyatts for their performance. 

"I'll carry her to the trainer's room. Here we go." Jon picked her up bridal style and walked her over to the trainer's room. 

Before Melanie was examined, she took a photo of herself. 

She tweets 'I can get beat up but I'll always get back up and fight back even harder. Not enough to take me out. You didn't finish the job. #WarWound' 

Melanie was examined by the WWE Doctor. She had some time before her next segment for the night as The doctor cleaned her face and fixed the small cut near her eye. She was told that she may get some bruising on her right eye since she was still feeling some pain. The doctor also checked her neck since she took a nasty fall from Joe's spear. Luckily everything was okay. 

"You should call your mom. You may have given her a scare." Jon said and gave Melanie her phone after the doctor was done. 

"Jeez, over 15 missed calls." She dialed up her mom's number and she answered on the first ring. 

"MELANIE! Are you okay!?" Jane screamed.

Melanie winced in pain from the loudness while Jon laughed. "Yes, mom, I'm fine."

"Thank goodness! You did wonderful out there! You scared me to death when you landed on your neck!" 

"I know, I guess I landed weirdly. I thought I botched the spear by it just looked more painful to watch." 

"It was! Fans will be talking about it for a while! I am so proud of you!" 

"I'm proud of myself too. Thank you," 

"I know you have a segment to do but I am just happy that you're okay. I love you!" 

"I love you too!"

"You were badass out there." Jon smiled and kissed her on the forehead after she got off the phone. 

"Thanks. You too."

"Take a nap. I'll tell you when it's our cue for the Backstage Fallout." 


'Backstage Fallout' 

Roman, Dean, and Morgan were walking backstage in a foul mood. Dean kicked some equipment nearby as Tom followed them. 

"Excuse me uh, Dean, Roman, Morgan, can we get-" Tom began as Dean motioned him to go away. 

"Get out of here, go." Dean turned around and so did Roman and Morgan.

"Can we get a word, real quick?"

"No, not at all, go."

"We just saw uh, Seth Rollins leaving the building," Tom said as it caught their attention.

"What?" Morgan asked. 

"You saw Seth?" Dean stepped up to him. "You saw Seth Rollins? Where was he? Where was he?" He pushed him. 

"Hey, hey, calm down." she put her hand on Dean's chest, making him back off. "Where did you see Seth?"

"He was leaving the building," Tom answered. 

"She didn't ask that. She asked where was he." Dean retorted. 

"I'm gonna ask you this one time..." Roman began. 

"Parking garage?" Dean asked. 

"I'm gonna ask you one time." Roman stepped up to Tom. "Where is Seth Rollins?" 

"WWE just saw him leaving the building over there," Tom answered. 

"No, no, no, I didn't say stutter, I said tell me where he is. Your future depends on this one, where is he at? You point in the direction and you go the opposite way." 

"He's gone...he's half way through Detroit by now." Dean shrugged. 

"Morgan, what are your thoughts?" Tom managed to ask as The Shield looked at her. 

Breathing heavily as her emotions were getting too much, she began to break down, crying, and ran away. Ambrose and Reigns called out for her as the cameras quickly followed her while Kane watched her run past.

"Morgan! Calm down!" Kane ordered and made a bunch of refs follow her to make sure nothing bad happened.

He did not want to hear or see another rampage from her.

With Morgan, she stopped running and ran her hands through her hair. She was so distraught about Seth. 

All of a sudden, she spots him quickly putting his bags in his car and opening up the door. He must have requested Tom to tell a little white lie to buy him some time to leave. 

She wiped her tears. "Going somewhere?" She called out as he turned around in surprise.

"Morgan..." Seth sadly said. "Look..." 

"You son of a..." She glared at him and began marching up to him, angrily. 

She tried to hit him but he grabbed her forearm. She tried to hit him with her other hand but he grabbed her other forearm. 

He released her, gently pushing her back. "Morgan­-" 

"You son of a bitch!" She screamed and slapped him in the face. She began beating on him with tears running down her face. "You son of a bitch! I trusted you! I trusted you!" 

Her screams got louder while a bunch of referees came to restrain her.

Rollins watched her with a pained expression. "I..." He trailed. 

"You were supposed to be my brother! What kind of brother walks out on his sister like that!?! You don't walk out on your team no matter what! Why!?" Her voice cracked as she began to get escorted out of the parking lot. "We were supposed to stick together!"

Rollins got in the car and locked his doors. He gripped the steering wheel hard and placed his forehead against it. 

"I'm trying to prove a point...I'm sorry, Morgan..."


During Smackdown, Morgan was beyond pissed tonight. One...she was mad at the refs taking her away from Rollins. Two...she was not done with Rosa. Not after what she's done. She got lucky because of the Wyatts. When she's alone, she'll regret everything. And three...Seth is gonna be in the hot seat and better give some answers to his actions on Raw. 

She was pretty banged up. She landed on her neck when her teammate accidentally speared her, she got thrown onto a table, and she got a small dark bruise on her right eye all thanks to that sinister kick from Rosa. She wasn't the one to blame others, it was mostly her fault. She should have focused on the match more and let Roman try to handle Seth but shock overcame her. She would never guess Seth of all people to walk out on The Shield. 

She just wanted answers. 

She put on her fingerless gloves and saw Ambrose approach her. 

"Roman and I are ready-what happened?" he looked at her face in concern.

"It's nothing...just a bad bruise"

"No, it's not nothing." He lifted her chin before caressing her face to check out her eye. 

She put one of her hands over his hand. "Look...I'm fine. It'll heal. Okay Let's just go," 


Dean, Roman and Morgan were in the ring. Morgan's small black eye was very visible to the camera. 

"Morgan took a nasty beating on Raw. She held her own for a while but the Wyatt Family and Rosa were just too much for her to handle." Cole informed. 

Before Dean had a chance to talk, he stopped as the crowd began to chant Morgan's name. She smiled at the crowd with appreciation as the commentators talked about her performance on Monday. 

After the chants died down, Dean exhaled. "We can handle getting beat up, we can handle getting hurt, we can handle physical pain, that's no problem. I don't know about you two but there's one thing that I can't handle. What I will not tolerate, what will keep me up at night, and that's being lied to, by somebody that I trust. And I feel like we've been lied to, for the last 18 months. You see I was under the impression...that The Shield had each other's backs. Evidently, Seth Rollins didn't our back on Monday Night Raw. He walked out on us, in the middle of a war!" Ambrose did his neck roll. "So we're not much for talking right now but uh, Seth Rollins, we know you're here since you called this little 'Summit' all right? So why don't you come out here and say what you're gonna say? Huh? Tell me something, tell me a story, tell me a lie, make an excuse, say something after all the wars we've been through!"

Morgan's face showed irritation as she continued to listen to Ambrose speak, "You better come out here and explain yourself before this war begins, and judging by the look on Roman's got about 30 seconds... But by the look on Morgan's got about five seconds."

Seth slowly walked out near the stage and walked down the ramp. He walked up the steps slowly and got on the apron to stand before his teammates. 

"Before you open your mouth..." Roman muttered. "I hope you thought really hard about what you got to say. And it better be good." 

"All right, look...I get it...leaving you three to fight The Wyatts and Rosa, three on four, on Monday night, maybe wasn't the opportune time to prove a point." Seth said. "But what you don't understand is that the war isn't with the Wyatts. The war is within us all right? Look it's no secret that The Shield hasn't been The Shield for some time. But I did what I always do Monday, I sacrificed myself for the greater good so that we can get ourselves on the same page!" 

"You sacrificed!? Oh, Seth sacrificed himself. I didn't realize you were making such a sacrifice when you left us for dead against The Wyatts and Rosa, all right? Look there's a big difference between what you did and what we did. Morgan sacrificed more than we all did combined! She got a black eye because of you!" Dean yelled. "We fought off, you walked off!" 

"Look, look at you guys. You're all on the same page. You're seeing things eye to eye. Don't you get it? I'm proving my point! I'm already halfway there." He got in the ring. 

Morgan grabbed a mic as the crowd cheered. "I don't care if I got a black eye. It'll heal." She reassured Dean and turned to Seth. "That's not what's bothering me right now...that's not what's hurting me right now...what's hurting me is my heart because I thought my brother was supposed to be there for his sister." 

Seth looked down at the mat at her words. They stung. "Look­-" 

"I thought my brother was supposed to look out for his sister." 


"I thought my brother could be trusted." 

He gave her a sorrowful look. "...I never meant to hurt you was hard to watch-­" 

"Bullcrap...If it was you should have done something!" She yelled but quickly calmed down. "You know what? so tired of getting stepped on and jumped by the same Barbie dolls over and over again. A cheap shot I can handle; a loss I can handle...but jumping? Four on one assault while Dean and Roman were down and out? I fended for myself as long as I could but it's getting really old to beat the crap out of the same pathetic faces, like Rosa, that I have to see everything I step into this area. But you know what bothers me? You. You standing there when a group of people don't have the balls to face me one on one and jump you know what you've done to me? You stood there... you watched me get watched and saw me could you stand there and do nothing?" 

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1 year ago

Forced To Believe Chapter 51- Things Got Personal

Forced To Believe Chapter 51- Things Got Personal

Chapter Summary:  The Shield resolves their issues. Ambrose and Morgan slowly start to get closer again. The Shield attacks Kane. Orton tries to sweet talk Morgan but she doesn't buy it. The New Age Outlaws shock the world when they put their hands on Chyna's cousin.

Words: 8,000+


"You're're right, I stood there and did nothing. But I had a good reason." Seth said. 

"Can't wait to hear this." Dean retorted. 

"I wanted to help you...but you were just as involved in the problem of The Shield just like Dean and Roman." Rollins said. 

"Oh, I see. So just because I got issues with my ex..." Morgan said as Dean cringed at 'ex'. "You decided to not help?" 

"Somewhat. When I left that and Dean started teaming up and working together, despite the issues you two have. You proved yourself out there. You gained respect from a lot of people because of what you've done." Seth explained while Dean looked unimpressed. 

Ambrose started to think about Morgan back at Raw. He admired her for her guts and the way she handled The Wyatts and Rosa. He wished he could have done more to help her but Bray caught him and threw him to the steel post. The way she was bleeding from the eye, he started to beat himself up because he thought it was his fault. But Seth should have got in the ring to help her out while he and Roman were down and out. 

"Look...we can call this right now. We can walk and go our separate ways. And guess what, we'll be fine, we're all talented people, but you know what? What if fine isn't good enough?" Seth asked while Roman and Morgan started to think about his words. "From the moment we came to WWE, we've been kickin' down walls! And if we stand together, united, no one can touch us. Not the Wyatt Family, not The Undertaker, not John Cena, no one. You know it, you know it, and you know it. So let's do what we do, let's be The Shield and take this place back!" 

Dean continued to look unimpressed. "That it? That's it? Oh, that's it. That's your great brilliant explanation by the architect-" He shoved Seth. "Of The Shield. I'm supposed to be okay with that?" 

"Hey! Calm down!" Morgan shouted as Roman tried to calm Dean down. 

"Yeah, I get it, I get it." Ambrose pushed Seth down but got shoved across the ring by Roman. 

"Enough!" Morgan angrily said as Dean and Seth got up. 

"All right, all right, you know what? I know what's gonna make this work. I know what's gonna make me feel better." Rollins slapped Dean in the face as the crowd 'Ohs'. 

Morgan's eyes widened. "Seth! What the heck!?" 

"I feel a lot better! That felt great!" Seth shouted. "And you know what I think? Now that, that's out of my system, I think you might need something out of your system too." Seth said as Dean got up and held his jaw. "So I'm gonna do what I do best, I'm gonna take one for the team. Because you know what? We gotta get on the same page! We gotta do-­" 

He was cut off by a punch from Ambrose and dropped down on his back.

"Dean!" Morgan shouted. "Aye! Enough!" 

Seth managed to get up and turned to her. "Come on, Morgan, I know you want a hit too. I'll take one for the team, again."

She exhaled through her nose and looked at him sadly, shaking her head. She didn't want to hurt him.

"Fine. Are we done here? Or are we done?" He put his fist out. 

"I got all my hits back at Raw," she said. "I don't need to hit you again. I don't want this. I don't the drama. We all just got back on the same page. We all have our issues but I don't want drama to interfere in us being united. I don't want what you did to me, to interfere in us staying united. I forgive you." She continued as Seth was received and thankful. "But next time you do that again, I will give you a Morganizer off a ladder and onto a table, are we clear?"

"Lesson learned," Seth replied as they grinned at each other. 

She turned to Dean. "And I don't want our strained past relationship issues to interfere with us being united, working together, or helping each other out. You showed me back on Raw. We worked together despite our conflict and I'm glad we did. So, maybe we have a chance at this. Maybe we can work all this out." 

She looked at her teammates. "We haven't been The Shield in some time now, and I want to change that. I want The Shield to be like it was when they debuted. I want to kick our victims before or even after you do the Triple Powerbomb on them." She chuckled as the guys started to smirk at the fond memories. "This conflict needs to be squashed. Right now. So...if you believe that we should stay together and united, then put your fist out with me." She put her fist out next to Seth and looked at Roman and Dean. 

Roman gripped his right wrist and slowly walked up to them before putting his fist up. Dean slowly walked up to them and put his fist out too as the crowd cheered and their theme came on. 

"Well, it appears tonight John, all four members of The Shield have swallowed their pride," Cole announced. 

"WWE beware. The Shield is back on the same page." JBL said. "They want their yard back." 

Morgan tweets 'Starting off fresh. #StillUnited #NoMoreIssues'


On Raw, The Shield and Kane were in The Authority's office. 

"I bet you're wondering why I asked you here. Gentlemen...lady..." Kane glanced at Morgan. "We need to talk. Last week on Raw, you lost to the Wyatt Family...again..." He turned to Dean who shot him a dirty look. "The first time was because you abandoned your teammates, which is exactly what you did, Monday night on Raw, Seth. And then on Smackdown, you aired your dirty laundry in public, in the most unprofessional manner." 

" there a point to all this?" Dean asked. 

"The point is...that The Shield has proven itself to be a valuable asset in the past. As Director of Operations, I've taken upon myself to light a fire under the four of you, to see if you remain a valuable asset. Or...if you become disposable." he said while Roman and Morgan gave him confused looks. "It seems to me that the first cracks in The Shield appeared when you two lost the WWE Tag Team title, to the Rhodes Brothers. So tonight you will face the Rhodes Brothers, to see if you can exercise that demon." 

"All right. That's cool. We'll take on the Rhodes brothers, anytime but Kane, I'm kinda wonderin' this about us?" Seth asked as Dean began to show an arrogant smirk. "Or are you trying to deflect a little of the attention away from the fact that last week on Main Event, you got pinned by Daniel Bryan?" 

"Again!" Dean said as Morgan smirked. 

She put her hand down low and Dean gave her a low five while Roman whispered in Seth's ear. 

"Oh yeah, yeah, yeah." Seth turned back to Kane. "Or...last week on Smackdown, when the Big Show knocked you out, and you got pinned by Daniel Bryan." 

"Again­-" Dean began. 

"Enough!" Kane yelled while Dean leaned back. "I am giving you the opportunity tonight, to step it up. Now go do it!" 

"Oh we'll step up...we always do," Dean said. "And we'll exercise that demon, you're talking about." 

Roman stepped up to Kane. "Just like we'll destroy any other demon that gets in our way. Believe that Kane...and believe in The Shield." 

'WWE Exclusive Video' 

"My guest at this time, Morgan Lopez." Renee grinned as the camera showed a happy Morgan smiling at her. 

"Hey!" The Outspoken Diva greeted. 

"So Morgan, last Monday was a bit chaotic. We just wanted to know your thoughts on your performance. You were bleeding and it got pretty intense. How is everything?" 

"It was scary. I was pretty scared when I started bleeding. My partners were down and out and I was left alone. I'm just glad nothing serious happened. My eye is almost done healing, and-" 

"You can't take a hit, can you?" Rosa asked as she walked over to her. She turned to Renee. "Leave." She said in a threatening voice as Renee backed away. 

"Really? Why don't you pick on someone your own size." Morgan retorted. 

"Being the heroine again? Wow...You whine about how you were bleeding on Monday, but you just can't accept the fact that I beat you last week. You're threatened by me. Tell did it feel to lose? How did it feel to have my boot on your face, making you bleed and have that ugly black eye?" 

"Honestly? It feels great because it motivates me to kick your ass." 

"Really? Well, can you do that with...two black eyes?"

"Two-­" Morgan began but got hit with a cheap shot by her. 

"Think you're so tough now!?" Rosa yelled and threw her to a vending machine, making the Outspoken Diva hold her head. 

She throws her face against the vending machine, making her fall and hold her head in pain.

"Can't manage The Shield now, huh?" She smirked and walked away while a few refs rushed over to help her.


During Seth and Roman's match against The Rhodes Brothers, Dean was at ringside, watching the action. Near the end of the match, Roman gets dropkicked out of the ring by Goldust after he breaks up Cody's pin. Seth throws Goldust out of the ring and starts trash talking him while he leans on the ropes. 

All of a sudden, the crowd boos once Rosa runs out. 

"Why is she out here!?" King asked

She gets on the apron and starts to distract Seth. 

"Get outta here!" He yelled and as soon as he turned around he got clotheslined by Cody as Goldust and Roman got back in the ring. The crowd begins to cheer when Morgan runs down the ramp. 

"There's Morgan!" King shouted. 

"Morgan was attacked by Rosa during her interview on the WWE App!" Cole informed as she grabbed Rosa's foot and dragged her down as she hit her head on the apron. 

She begins unloading on her as she tries to get away. Meanwhile, in the ring, Seth manages to hit Cody with a powerbomb off the turnbuckle and the Black Out for the win. Morgan gets off of Rosa, happy that her team won, and starts walking backward up the ramp.

"Now that was impressive." King praised. 

Rosa holds her head and glares at The Outspoken Diva. "Are you kidding me!?" She screamed and started to have a fit. 

"You didn't finish the job! You should have watched your back." Morgan replied. 


During WWE Main Event, Morgan walked around backstage as she got a loud reception from the crowd. Her eye was healed up and she found Ambrose and approached him as he finished taping up his hands.

"Hey," she greeted as they locked eyes.

They didn't know how many minutes had passed as they got lost in each other's eyes. He smiled at her and she broke eye contact, looking down at her feet.

"I uh...didn't mean to interrupt what you're doing..." She said as she ran her right hand through her hair and looked back up at him. "But I...I had to see you." 

"What's wrong?" 

She sighed. "Nothing it's...okay, look...just..."

"Morgan, what's wrong?" 

She let out another breath and wrapped her arms around his neck to embrace him as the crowd cheered. He was taken aback but smiled before wrapping his arms around her waist and they stayed like that for a while. She didn't mean to hug him but her emotions were starting to get the better of her. It felt so good to be in his arms again. They've yearned for this feeling for a while now and decided to savor the moment. 

Morgan couldn't help but notice how lean he got and how strong his arms felt around her waist. She could see and feel that he's changed. Not just physically but mentally. He seemed more devoted to making sure The Shield didn't have any more problems. And he looked more determined to capture her heart again. Sure he was still erratic and egotistical but he left a mark on her heart that she couldn't seem to get rid of no matter how hard she tried. 

After a minute of the comfortable silence and savoring the hug, she finally spoke up. "...Please be careful out there. Please be careful during your match against Mark Henry..." 

Ambrose responded by holding her tighter. "Morgan...I don't want to let go of something special between us...I'm sorry...for everything...I still love you..."

She pulled away and looked at him as he continued to speak, "If I earn that trust back, will we be all right?"

Would they? 

She gave him a sweet kiss on the cheek. "Maybe. I'll see you in the ring. Good luck out there,"

Dean began to smirk. She made him feel more motivated for his match tonight. He felt good and happy inside too. It was a weird feeling for him but only she could make him feel all these positive emotions. She said maybe and that's an answer he won't take for granted. He'll do whatever it takes to win her trust again. 


In the ring, Morgan was at ringside with Roman and Seth, watching Dean take on Mark Henry. Unfortunately, Mark began to take control of him during the first minutes of the match. He throws Dean out the ring as the crowd 'Ohs' at the impact of the fall. Mark gets out of the ring and stands before The Shield but he shows no fear. He throws Dean back in the ring and gets on the apron, only to be hit with a dropkick to the knee. 

"That's it. That's it. That's what I'm talkin' about!" Seth praised. 

Dean starts to get motivated and hits Mark with two knees to the back, outside the ring. 

"That's what I'm talkin' about!" Dean shouted as Morgan and Roman nodded in approval. 

He high fives Seth before getting Mark back in the ring. He begins to take control of him with submissions to take out Mark's left leg. 

"Finish him off," Roman said. 

"He's doing so much better than the first time," Seth added. 

"Totally." Morgan began to grin. 

"That's right." Roman nodded. 

Later on in the match, Dean gets on the top rope but gets thrown off by Mark. 

"Come on, you're still in control!" Seth banged on the mat. "Get up!" 

Mark starts to gain momentum and hits Dean with a power slam but he kicks out at two. Mark hits him with a headbutt, in tribute to the Junkyard Dog and goes for the pin again but Dean puts his leg on the bottom rope. 

"Ref! Hey!" Morgan got the ref's attention along with Seth and they showed Dean's leg. 

"All right, back it up. I see it." The ref said as the two members obeyed. 

"That's a smart move. That's a smart move." Seth complimented as Mark got out of the ring. "Hey, hey, hey, what are you doin'? You concentrate on him, not us. We didn't do anything." 

"We? You're on your own buddy." Morgan joked and patted his left shoulder before backing up. 

"Aw, nice. Thanks, Morgan." he sarcastically said as Roman looked amused. But things got serious once Mark got closer to them. "We didn't do anything." He tried to explain but got hit in the face as the crowd cheered. 

"Are you serious!?" Morgan exclaimed as she went to help Seth with Roman while Mark got back in the ring. 

Dean starts to stomp and unload on him but gets hit with a big boot. Mark gets on the middle rope but Roman gets on the steps and starts distracting him. Dean takes advantage and grabs Mark by the legs to bring him down face first. Then he does the headlock driver and goes for the pin to win the match.


'Smackdown WWE Exclusive Video' 

During the pre show of Smackdown, Morgan had on her Shield attire but was trying to find her hoodie. She walked over to The Shield's hideout and saw the guys getting ready.

"Hey, have you seen my hoodie?" she asked. When they all responded no, she sighed loudly. "Great..."

"You love hoodies, don't you?" Seth chuckled. 

"They are a symbol of who I am! I may not be able to rock heels or shorts but I can rock hoodies. I was in a good mood to wear one tonight." She frowned and walked away. 

Dean looked at the Shield hoodie he was wearing and took it off, going after her. Once he found her sitting on a big large equipment box on her phone, he approached her.

"Here," he gently put the hoodie over her shoulders, making her smile and turn to him.

"Thank you," she put it on. 

It was a little big on her but she liked it. It was warm and it had his smell which made her think about all the times he would hold her.

He took a seat next to her and they sat in silence for a moment.

"Do you remember when we faced The Wyatts on Raw? You know when I saw you all alone against them during Raw and when Seth left...I couldn't bring myself to watch you get eaten alive like that...I had to do something..." she spoke.

"Yeah, I heard that scream." 

"Heh, I guess my body had a mind of its own. It was like a reflex." 

"You know I admire you for your guts out there." He said with tenderness. 

"I admire you for your guts too." She replied as they started smiling at each other.

Later on, Triple H was in the ring with Damien, lecturing him about his actions during Daniel Bryan's Occupy Raw movement. Moments later, The Shield come out for a match.

"I got this," Dean said. 

"You beat Mark Henry on Main Event, I'll take him. Let me get this one. All right?" Seth bumped fists with them and got in the ring. 

'Ding Ding Ding' 

Seth and Damien lock up and Seth throws him out of the ring, in between Roman, Dean and Morgan. Sandow quickly slides back in the ring as Morgan starts to get amused. 

"Now he's scared." Seth chuckled. 

"Don't give him nightmares." Morgan teased, earning an amused smile from him.

Sandow gets hit with a dropkick and gets taken control by Seth but manages to catch him on the apron by kicking his knee and making him drop face first on the apron. Sandow is about to get out of the ring but steps back in, feeling intimidated by the presence of The Shield. 

Later, Seth starts to gain more momentum and goes to jump off the ropes to hit him with a knee hit but Sandow slides out of the ring. He tries to recover as he starts to walk over to one side but stops once Roman walks his way. Sandow starts to back up and walk over to the other side but sees Ambrose and Morgan walking his way.

"Don't think so..." Morgan said, shaking her head.

Sandow turns to the ring and gets hit with a suicide dive by Rollins. He gives The Shield a high five, throws Sandow back in the ring for the blackout, and wins the match.

"Here is your winner! Seth Rollins!" Lilian announced as The Shield got in the ring. 

Seth, Roman, and Morgan put their fist out. Dean is about to but stops as the members look at him in confusion. 

"We're not done." he got out of the ring. 

"Oh~" Seth got excited as Roman grinned. 

Dean throws Sandow back in the ring and starts to jump him with Roman and Seth. 

"This is The Shield of old! We haven't seen The Shield do this in a long time, John." Cole looked on. 

"I like this. Pick 'em up." Morgan said as the boys held Sandow.

She motions her hands as she tries to look for a clear shot of where to kick him. 

"Haha, this is fun to watch," JBL said before she hit Sandow with a hard kick in the face.

"That's what I'm talkin' about!" Seth yelled and Roman roared. 

After that, Sandow suffered from the triple powerbomb.

Morgan tweets 'I knew I had an itch that needed scratching. That kick felt great! #OldSchoolShieldStyle'


The Shield were in the office with Kane. "Did you see Sandow's head?" Seth asked.

"Pow." Seth and Roman said as they pointed down to the floor while Morgan smiled.

"What exactly do you need us in for then?" Dean asked Kane. "Cause we got a lot going on." 

"Well, I'm just glad what you guys did on Raw. I hate to say that I told you so but congratulations, Roman and Seth on your victory over the Rhodes Brothers, Monday on Raw. And congratulations to Dean." He put his hand on his shoulder as he glanced at it. "On your successful defense of the United States Title against Mark Henry on Main Event. And Morgan. I remember your performance last week on Raw. Very interesting." 

Ambrose moved his shoulder to make Kane remove his hand.

"Oh okay. Thank you. Did you expect anything different? Why are you even worried about us right now? Should you uh, should you be focused on your match, tonight? Against The Big Show? You know... seven foot, 500 pounds. Knocked you out last week?" Dean asked as Morgan started to chuckle.

Feeling eyes on her, she looked to see Kane giving her an unamused stare. "What? Freedom of speech. First amendment. Be Outspoken." she shrugged. 

" used to have a lot to learn about this business..." He glared at The Shield. "But tonight I'm going to teach my example. I'm gonna destroy The Big Show and I'm ordering the four of you to be at ringside, so you can get a close up look, to see how to properly handle a situation. Who knows? I might even leave some scraps of The Big Show for ya." 

"Cut the crap..." Morgan retorted as the crowd cheered. 

"So that's why you want us out there? To pick up the scraps? Nice try Kane. We all know why you want us out there. To protect you. When The Big Show tries to knock you out again. Cause he gonna." Seth said. 

"Really?" Kane asked. 

"You just don't get it do you, Kane?" Roman asked as he stepped up to him. "We don't take orders from you. But we are looking forward to how you do handle this situation, with The Big Show." 

"Take it easy, take it easy, take it easy." Seth pulled him back with a chuckle. "Kane, don't worry. You saw what happened earlier with Damien Sandow. When it comes down to it, push comes to shove, The Shield always does what's best for business." 

"Believe that." 

"That's right," Dean added before they all left


In the ring, Kane was getting manhandled by The Big Show until The Shield slowly walked down the ramp just like he requested.

"There they are!" JBL announced. 

Big Show gets distracted and gets hit with a few shots by Kane. Kane gets hit by a big slap and slides out of the ring. He recovers and gives The Shield a nod of approval and gets back in the ring to take control. The Shield stand together and watch Kane and Big Show go at it. 

Near the end of the match, Kane sits on the bottom turnbuckle and turns to Seth. 

"Get him," Kane ordered. "Come on, let's go. Why do you think you're out here? Let's go." 

The Shield slowly gets on the apron as the crowd boos. Kane gets up and starts to wait but nothing happens. He turns to Seth. 

"Did I stutter or something? I told you to get him! Now move it and get him!" He yelled in Seth's face. 

Rollins gives him a dirty look and glances at his teammates. He motions them to stop and they all get off the apron.

"What are you doing? What are you doing? Do you know who I am!? I'm the boss!" He yelled. 

Morgan began to smirk as she saw his face getting red. It was delightful to see him in a panic.

"We don't take orders from you," Seth said. 

Kane turns around and gets hit with a chokeslam, losing the match. Morgan shakes her head and The Shield starts to head to the barricade. All of a sudden, Seth gets his head grabbed by Kane and is dragged into the ring. She snaps her head to the ring and quickly slides in as Kane puts Seth in the chokeslam position. Luckily, Roman spears him as he gets released. 

"Oh and a spear by Reigns!" Cole exclaimed and The Shield stood tall over Kane.

"Put your hands on me again!" Seth yelled. "Put your hands on me again!" 

'Backstage Pass' 

"Right now, I'm standing outside of the gorilla position, waiting to get a word from The Shield," Renee said as The Shield walked to her. "To see about what happened, going off of Smackdown, guys, if I can just get a quick word with you. I mean, clearly, you guys been working with The Authority very closely lately but the way Smackdown just went off the air. I mean, Roman, you speared Kane, what's the message you're trying to send to him?" 

"Okay, here's what happened tonight. Okay, something very interesting happened tonight. Kane thought he was gonna give us a learning experience. We're supposed to go out there and learn something but turns out, Kane is the one who learned a very valuable lesson." Dean said. 

"He messed with the wrong people. You wanna mess with the hounds of justice? Put your hands on them? Big mistake." Morgan added with a shrug. 

"Kane thought he was our boss," Roman added. "Kane's not our boss, we don't take orders from him. Now he knows." 


On Raw, for the opening segment, Triple H is in the ring, talking about Daniel Bryan and how he was going to end the yes movement until Batista and Orton interrupted him. Orton starts to agree with Batista and starts to complain about how Daniel Bryan may be in the title match. 

"There's something else I need to get off my chest. You said I should start acting more like a champion. Well, there's someone I owe an apology to." Orton said. 

"Who?" King asked. 

"I'd like to call out a special someone. A woman who has had a special bond with me. Morgan...can you please come out here? I got something to say." Orton announced as the crowd started to cheer. 

"Morgan?" JBL asked. 

"Why now? He owed her an apology months ago." Cole said as she walked out, looking confused

"Um...this is unusual. What do you want?" She bluntly asked. 

"I've been thinking about all the stuff you've done and said to me over the months. You were right all along. I've been a bad friend to you and I want to change that. I'm sorry." Orton said. 

"I think he's trying to suck up," King declared. "Orton is a snake and he'll do whatever it takes to win a match. Maybe he's trying to bribe Morgan to help him during WrestleMania." 

"No! He's being sincere!" JBL disagreed. "He isn't trying to do anything bad." 

"The Shield has been working with The Authority, maybe Orton wants The Shield's help in the match?" Cole asked. 

"We'll soon find out," King looked on as Orton grabbed a bouquet of flowers and got back in the ring to give them to her.

"Will you forgive me? Can we work this out and be friends again? I missed our good times together." Orton said. 

Morgan continued to look at him in confusion as the crowd chanted 'No!' 

Batista was not impressed while Triple H was pondering about Orton's real intentions. 

"Um..." She ran a hand through her hair. 

Was he serious? Is he actually serious right now? They may have had a strong bond in the past but now? After all this time? Why? She was starting to feel like something fishy was going on but she couldn't put her finger on it. 

"You know and I have improved in the ring these past months. I'm the champion while you are gaining respect from the WWE Universe. I think you and I are the future of this business. We are the dominant wrestlers in this company. And I believe you deserve a little bit more respect and fame. If you were hanging out with me, you would have double, no, triple the respect you have now." Orton grinned. "Do you remember how I was there for you from the beginning? When you debuted? When you fought with The Shield before they brainwashed you?"

She chuckled and shook her head as the crowd oohed at his comment

"I­-I didn't mean to offend you but I think it's kind of true," Orton added. "You see, you've been suffering a lot. From your break up with Ambrose, from Rollins leaving you to fend for yourself, to Rosa tormenting you. And speaking of Rollins, I am supposed to be your real brother. Not him, he left you." 

He stepped up to her. "He left you in the ring to fend for yourself against The Wyatts. What kind of brother is that? I should be your only brother because I was the first. I have been there for you ever since you debuted. I may have wronged you in the past but I'm a changed man and I demand my title back as your brother."

The crowd started to chant 'Bullshit' as Orton paused and glared at them. 

"Shut up!" He yelled as the crowd heavily booed him. "And let's not forget about Ambrose...he did you wrong, Morgan. He cheated on you with the woman who has made you suffer. Why are you still with The Shield? You should accompany me." 

"Oh come on..." Batista retorted. 

"Is he serious?" Cole asked. 

"You have grown up to be someone I admire. Your fighting spirit...your guts... wrestling ability, everything. So what do you say? And hey, maybe you and I can bond at WrestleMania. You can be at ringside, cheering me on." Orton grinned

"I see..." Morgan said, nodding to herself, understanding what was going on. 

"I've been thinking a lot. And I'm sorry it took me this long to realize how important you are to me as a sister. I miss that." 

"Looks like Morgan is in the middle of another situation." JBL chuckled. 

"This is a bunch of crap!" Batista retorted. "Why is this scank in this ring? Why is she even in this company? She's a waste of space." 

The Philly Diva turned to Batista. "How's it feel wearing all those skinny jeans that rip up all the time? It's cutting your blood circulation. Especially in your brain since you just decided to be stupid and insult me." 

"Listen bitch-"

"Hey! Do not disrespect her!" Orton called out. 

"Was I talkin' to you? Stop kissing ass all the time." Batista snapped and turned back to Morgan. "All you do is whine about your ex-boyfriend and try to have all the attention on you since you're single. Get over it, we do not care." 

Morgan started to chuckle as he got in her face. "You know what really bothers me, right now? You." She said as the crowd cheered. "You better be thanking God that I take the time out of MY life to come here and even give you the time of day. Better yet have a little fight with you back at the Royal Rumble. I am good and I prove that every single week. I didn't prove myself by posing in magazines. I didn't get here for being a muscle head, and I didn't get here by being eye candy. I prove myself by wrestling. You see, I'm in the sea filled with Barbie dolls. I am the shark of this divas division! I bust my ass, week after week and you're gonna come and disrespect me? Call me a bitch? Biggest injustice I have ever heard. But you know what?'re irrelevant..." 

The crowd cheered and started to chant irrelevant.

"Oh is that so?" he glared at her, annoyed with the crowd. 

"You didn't deserve to win at the Royal Rumble but you did and we gotta grin and bear it. I just hope you lose. So are you done running your mouth? If so, get the hell out of my face before I break your face." She shoved his head, making his sunglasses fall from his eyes as the crowd 'Ohs'. 

He glanced at his sunglasses and stared her down as she smirked. He was about to make a move but Orton got in front of her. 

"Don't you dare touch her. Don't take your anger out on her just because you couldn't live up to your hype. If you did, we wouldn't be in this situation with Daniel Bryan." Orton glared at him.

"No, let me tell you something. The reason they love Daniel Bryan is because having you as the WWE World Heavyweight suck!" Batista yelled as Morgan covered her mouth and started to laugh

Orton looked at him in disbelief. "Now wait a minute, wait a minute." 

"The only reason you have those titles is because of his support." Batista pointed to Triple H. "Not hers which you think you need to win." He glanced at Morgan. "We all see right through you. You're a paper champion! You always need to help to win and that's exactly what you're trying to do again." 

"No." Orton shook his head while Morgan turned to him. "Don't listen to him. He's lying." 

"You wish you could be me!" Batista said to Orton. "You will never be me. You don't deserve to have those titles. They're mine. You know you're gonna lose to me." 

"Hey, you need to relax," Morgan said to Orton as she and Triple H separated him from Batista. 

Triple H gave up and got on the apron. 

"Hey! Where the hell do you think you're going? You're gonna fix this!" Batista yelled at Triple H. 

"You wanna know where I'm going? You wanna know what I'm sick of? I'm sick of everything around here!" Triple H yelled while Morgan grinned out of amusement. "I'm sick of little troll faces like Daniel Bryan, I'm sick of them cheerin' for him, I'm sick of all this crap! You wanna know what else I'm sick of? I'm not just sick of them, I'm sick of Hollywood movie stars coming back here thinkin' they can tell me what's right and what's wrong in this business. People who think they know more about this business than I do!" He yelled in Batista's face as he got on the ropes while Batista was yelling at him too.

"Morgan is enjoying this," JBL said as she started laughing. 

"You know what else I'm sick of? I'm sick of technically gifted guys who are so screwed up in the head, that they can't win a match without me holding their hand and asking others like Morgan for help." Triple H said as the crowd 'Ohs'. 

Orton started to frown and glared at Triple H. 

"You wanna know what I'm thinking right now? I'm thinking the old man was right. I'm thinking the old man is right, the only one you can trust in this world is yourself. It's gonna be a triple threat match at WrestleMania. Daniel Bryan is not gonna be in it because he is not gonna get past me. When I beat Daniel Bryan, the triple threat match is gonna be Randy Orton versus Batista...and me." Triple H announced as the crowd exploded and he left the ring. 

"Wow..." Morgan mouthed while Batista threw a fit. 

"What!?" King yelled in a high pitched voice. 

"Talk about a game changer!" Cole shouted. 

After things died down, Orton turned his attention back to Morgan. "As I was saying to you, do you forgive me?" He asked. 

"Really?" Batista asked

After pondering, Morgan decides to hit Orton repeatedly with the flowers as the crowd cheers. The flower petals fall off from the force as she throws the flowers down and he looks at her in shock. 

"What was that for!?" Orton yelled.

"Really? You're gonna wait this long?! This long?! Months?! Are you kidding!?" she shouted. 

"What do you mean?!" 

"You know I really think it's funny how stupid you think I am. Do you honestly think I'm going to give in to your ass kissing? All you do is suck up and make others do your dirty work so you can win. Well, that's not gonna happen with me or The Shield. We take orders from nobody and it's gonna stay that way. So no, I'm not going to accompany you during your match at WrestleMania, so I can be your little helper-" 

"Look! I had a feeling you'd say that. But I want to start off fresh. I want that trust again." 

"Really? Earn it." She said and was about to leave the ring before turning to Batista. 

Kicking him right in the balls, he groaned and fell down in pain while Orton laughed as she got out of the ring.

"Talk shit again, I dare you," she pointed at Batista and walked up the ramp.

"Revenge from Morgan!" King shouted

"Never disrespect the Outspoken Diva," JBL said.


The Shield and Morgan were backstage, chatting until Kane walked over to them. "Things got out of hand, Friday night, and we all made some regrettable decisions. Decisions that could have long term consequences." Kane said. 

"Yeah, of course. For you." Dean said as Seth and Morgan started to laugh while Roman smiled out of amusement. 

"This is no time for pettiness, Dean," Kane said. "The Authority has given us a mission and I need a united Shield by my side. You see if I can't count on you, that means The Authority can't count on you. And if The Authority can't count on you, that means that you cease being an asset. And you become a liability. So I'm only going to ask this once...can I count on you?" 

"Yeah, we're united," Seth said.

Roman stepped up to Kane. "Believe that,"

"I believe that you will do the right thing when asked. Or you will find out how replaceable you truly are." Kane said and walked away. 


Kane is in the ring and talks about the Yes Movement and how it was unsafe for the audience and blames Jerry 'The King' Lawler for the conflict since he was from Memphis, Tennessee. He tries to get King in the ring but he stays in his seat. 








"Oh no," Cole said with worry. 

"Good luck, King!" JBL said. 

"What is this about?" King asked as The Shield walked out to mixed reactions. 

Seth, Dean, and Roman go to the announce table while Morgan gets in the ring. JBL and Cole distance themselves from the guys as they surround King. 

"Get in the ring! You listen to Kane; you get in the ring." Dean ordered as Seth pulled Jerry's seat. 

The Shield stalks him as he slowly gets in the ring. King locks eyes with Morgan and she shoots him a reassuring smile and a wink, which makes him feel a little bit at ease. The guys get in the ring while Kane takes off his jacket and tie. 

"Now we've known each other for a long time, Jerry. And we both know that you're not exactly in fighting shape, so I'm not going to enjoy this. Well, maybe a little. But I guess I should ask you if there is anything you like to say for yourself?" Kane asked. 

Seth grabbed a mic and walked up to King. "Jerry...I see that look in your eyes. But I got a good feeling, Daniel Bryan is not coming to save you. Because The Shield always does what's best for business." He dropped the mic and The Shield and Morgan slowly turned their attention to Kane as the crowd erupted in cheers. 

"What are they doin? What?" JBL asked as Kane started to get a little worried. 

"What are you doing?" Kane exclaimed as The Shield surrounded him. "No, you listen to me. You! Listen to me! You're about to become a liability. You don't know enough about this business to do what you're doing right now. Do you understand me!? Huh!?"

He looks around and makes a bold move to go after Roman but then gets attacked by the entire team.

He fights back and grabs Seth for the chokeslam but Dean breaks the hold while Seth kicks him in the back of the head. Kane stumbles down and gets on his knees, only to be kicked in the face by Morgan. As soon as he slowly gets up, he turns and gets speared by Roman. 

"Spear by Reigns!" Cole shouted. 

"That's what I'm talkin' about!" Seth yelled. 

"I think we do...what's best for business!" Dean yelled.

After The Shield hits him with the triple powerbomb, Morgan smirks and brushes her hands as their theme comes on. The crowd erupts in louder cheers as they put their fists out on top of Kane. 

"I don't get this...I guess they don't like Kane." JBL said. 

'Backstage Pass' 

The Shield and Morgan are chatting backstage, still laughing about what they just did to Kane and Tom walks over to them. 

"Excuse me, guys," Tom said. 

"Tom!" Seth greeted. 

"Last week on Smackdown, you guys speared Kane in the middle of the ring, and just moments ago, you triple powerbombed Kane before he got his hands on Jerry 'The King' Lawler. Why do you four continue to ignore the orders of the Director of Operations?"

"Let me ask you a question. Let me ask you a question, do we look like ponies?" Dean asked. "Do we look like ponies to you? Do you wanna make us prance around in a little circle? No. Cause we're mustangs. Wild mustangs! We run wild! Tonight Kane tried to put saddles on us and he got trampled..." 

"Take it easy," Seth said

"What are you lookin' at pony?" Roman asked. "Huh?"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa." Seth began as Morgan started to smile out of amusement. 

"Look at this." Roman touched his hair. "This is full grown thorough bread, right here boy hey, hey, don't touch it." He warned as Dean tried to touch his hair. "What are you doin'? I'm not a pony!" He pointed to Tom. 

"Ha!" Morgan grinned. 

"Hey, hey, hey! Enough of the horse, the pony, the Mustang. Tom's clearly a unicorn. Can I be a Pegasus? Can I have wings? Flop around?" Seth asked. 

"Half goat?" Roman asked. 

"No! Look, Tom, the bottom line is, we did what we always do. We send a message," Seth added. "You don't seem to get it; I think Kane got it. The Shield does what we always do. The Shield does what's best for The Shield. And it turned out what's best for business. Believe in The Shield Tom. Simple."


On Smackdown, a camera quickly rushed over to find Morgan and Rosa fighting outside the Diva's locker room.

"Guys, we have just received word that all hell has broken loose backstage between Rosa Mendes and Morgan Lopez!" Cole announced. "Things have gotten chaotic, quickly!"

Morgan spears Rosa into the Diva's locker room, earning a few yells and screams from the divas. 

"What the hell!? Alicia yelled as Morgan started unloading on Rosa with frequent punches to the face. 

"Whoa! Whoa! What is going on!?" Brie shouted. 

Rosa kicks Morgan away and grabs her by the hair before throwing her to the bathroom. She then throws the Outspoken Diva's head against the wall.

"You think you're so tough, huh!?" Rosa yelled and threw her near the showers.

Naomi and Nikki poked their heads out of their shower curtains, while Eva was trying to do her makeup in the mirror, wearing a towel. 

"Whoa." Eva backed up, trying to distance herself from the drama, for once. 

"What in the world?" Naomi asked as the crowd cheered. 

"What the hell!?" Nikki yelled. "Get out of here, Rosa!" 

"Shut up!" Rosa yelled but groaned as she got thrown near the sink of the bathroom. "No! No!" She screamed while Morgan dragged her to a toilet. 

"Don't put me in there! Don't you dare!" Rosa exclaimed as she tried to prevent her from sticking her head in the toilet. 

"What in the world is going on with these two!? They're wild as ever!" JBL laughed. 

"Is anyone gonna stop this!?" Cole asked. 

"Let them fight! I love it!" JBL said as Morgan finally stuck Rosa's head in the toilet. 

Rosa was screaming and throwing her arms all around, trying to push her off. 

"How do you like that, huh!? How does it feel!?" The Philly Diva shouted. 

The crowd starts to boo when Aksana and Alicia grab her off of Rosa. Rosa's black hair and top were wet as she started coughing. 

"That's enough!" Alicia shouted. 

"Get off of me!" Morgan yelled. 

The crowd cheers once Natalya and Brie make the save for her. Meanwhile, with Rosa, she was still freaking out about having toilet water all over her and started to crawl away from the scene. Morgan finally escapes the drama and leaves the locker room, trying to find her. 

As soon as Morgan runs near the catering area, Rosa whacks her with a steel trashcan, making her fall. 

"What a hit!" JBL exclaimed as Rosa continued to hit her with it. 

Finally, the refs came to stop her and break everything up. "Rosa! That's enough! That's enough!" 

"How do you like that, Morgan!? You've made the biggest mistake of your life, taking on me!" Rosa yelled as she watched her hold her head in pain.

Morgan tweets ' of these days...I'm gonna beat that #SpaghettiHoe and break a few bones' 


In the ring, Rollins just hit Jinder with the Black Out and went for the pin but Drew gets involved. Chaos occurs and Kane comes out of nowhere and starts attacking Roman. 

"It's Kane!" Cole yelled as the ref called for the bell. 

3MB, Ryback & Axel, and The Real Americans start to jump The Shield while Kane starts assaulting Roman up the ramp. Roman starts to fight back but The New Age Outlaws start attacking him. 

"Now the New Age Outlaws are attacking Reigns!" Cole called out as the crowd began to boo. 

In the ring, Seth gets hit with the Neutralizer by Cesaro while Ryback hits Dean with the Shell Shocked. 

"Something doesn't smell right here!" Cole exclaimed. 

"You don't think so? This is a systematic destruction of The Shield." JBL said. "The numbers game taken to The Shield. This is a turn of events." 

The Road Dogg and Billy hold Roman while Kane kicks him in the face. 

"How dare you, boy!?" Road Dogg yelled as the crowd chanted for Morgan, hoping she'd come out soon. "How dare you!?" 

Kane and The Outlaws walk down the ring while the teams leave the ring, for them to finish what they started. The trio starts stomping on Seth and Dean, beating them down as Roman tries to crawl down the ramp.

Road Dogg gets out the ring and stomps on his head. 

"Pretty boy!" He yelled and held him so that Billy could hit Roman with a strike to the head. 

Kane grins in delight while The Outlaws throw Roman in the ring. He hits Roman with a chokeslam as the crowd heavily boos. Dean starts to get on his knees and Kane grabs him, preparing for another chokeslam. The crowd begins to cheer loudly when Morgan runs down to the ring in panic. 

"It's Morgan!" Cole shouted. 

She slides into the ring, gaining the attention of Kane and The Outlaws. 

"Enough! Please! Kane, stop! Stop!" She yelled. "Stop! Put him down! Put him down, now! You've done enough!" 

"Get out of the ring!" Kane shouted. 

"No! Put him down! Put him down! Please!"

He finally throws Ambrose down but then grabs her neck, pushing her back against a corner as she tries to get him to let go.

"You listen to me. I'm gonna let you watch what I do to your little boyfriend and friends." He sneered and tossed her to Billy and Road Dogg to hold her back.

"Let go! Enough! You've done enough!" she yelled as she was forced to watch Kane take Ambrose out with another chokeslam. "Let go of me!"

When she is finally let go, she rushes over to Dean to help him. Kane and The Outlaws leave the ring and start walking up the ramp but Billy stops and turns his attention back to the ring.

"What is he up to now?" JBL asked as Billy got back in the ring. 

Billy watched as Morgan's back was to him while she tended to Dean. Suddenly he does the unthinkable and attacks her with an unexpected Famouser as the crowd looks on in shock.

"Oh my God! He just! He just hit Morgan! Billy Gunn just hit Morgan Lopez with the Famouser!" Cole yelled. 

"Things are about to get personal. I hope Billy knows what he's doing. And who he just put his hands on." JBL warned as Road Dogg and Kane got back in the ring. 

Fans Tweet:

'Oh my gosh...Billy just hit Morgan'

'Oh...The Outlaws screwed up now'

'Billy just put his hands on Chyna's cousin!!! Omfg wtf were you thinking!?'

Road Dogg high fives Billy while Morgan holds her mouth, wincing in pain.

"They're done!" Road Dogg yelled. 

"You did this to yourself," Kane yelled at the fallen members of The Shield. 

"You get the message?" Road Dogg grabbed Seth by the hair and struck him down. 

Kane decides to grab the Outspoken Diva by her hair and takes her down with a chokeslam as the crowd boos. 

"Adding insult to injury..." Cole said as all members of The Shield were out cold. 

"I have never seen The Shield get decimated like this," JBL added as Kane and The Outlaws left the ring. 

Moments later, Seth was at ringside, trying to stand up with the help of a referee. 

"What you're seeing now is what's left of The Shield at the hands of Kane and the New Age Outlaws," Cole said. 

Dean sits up and holds the middle rope, while Roman sits up as well. Morgan holds her neck, still lying on her back before rolling over to slowly get on her hands and knees. 

"I never expected to see The Shield, decimated by anybody," JBL said as the crowd began to cheer loudly for them. 

Seth gets in the ring and helps up Roman. Moments later, The Shield helps Morgan up as the crowd gets louder. 

"These guys are hurt." JBL pointed out. 

Seth makes a loud angry noise and gets on the apron. 

"They never saw it coming, John. Shield never saw it coming." Cole said.


'Backstage Pass' 

The Shield and Morgan were recovering while Seth slammed something near him. Morgan held her head while Dean clenched his stomach. Seth made an angry grunt and ran his hands through his hair. 

"God...I can't...I can't even...I know­-" Seth began. 

"Excuse me, guys." Tom walked over to them. "Guys, um, the Director of Operations really flexing his power tonight. Where are your heads at?" 

"What I'm wondering, is how Kane got one over on The Shield. Because 100 out of 100 times, Tom, my strategy is bulletproof! So kudos to Kane. Put a hit out on us and he got the job done, I didn't see him." Seth looked at his teammates. "I didn't see him recruiting Outlaws, did you? I really..." 

"I don't think he did...think about it," Dean said as Roman got up while Seth started to ponder. 

"Monday night, we're gonna find out," Roman said. "Whoever it was, they made a mistake...they didn't finish the job...but we will." 

"This is turning personal..." Morgan spoke up. "Kane...I knew he was gonna try something but the New Age Outlaws caught me off guard. They messed with the wrong people,'s okay." 

The guys turned to her. 

"How?" Seth asked. 

"I never expected the New Age Outlaws to put their hands on her own cousin. I got a game plan. Think about it. I know the Outlaws because she was very close to them, years ago. We're gonna get them. I'm sure she can tell me their habits, secrets, and motives. She knows them all too well so don't worry. They're gonna believe. Trust me." She smirked and walked away. 

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1 year ago

Forced To Believe Chapter 53- Harley Mode Was Captivating

Forced To Believe Chapter 53- Harley Mode Was Captivating

Chapter Summary: Morgan loses it and goes ballistic when she is met with unfortunate news thanks to Kane's abuse of power

Words: 5,000+


Chapter­ Harley Quinn Was Friggin Captivating 


Morgan opens her eyes and looks up at the ceiling while she lays on her back. She got her butt saved again by her teammates and she was grateful. Who knows what would have happened if they didn't? Meanwhile, the guys were fighting with the Outlaws and Kane.

"And things have broken down out here as the divas are still down and out. Spear!" Cole yelled as Roman speared Kane at ringside. 

Things get more heated when the Outlaws and Seth & Dean take their fight in the ring. There were two ladders in the ring, and the Outlaws decided to climb both of them while Seth and Dean followed suit. 

"This is dangerous! That's a long way down, guys!" Cole looked on.

"This is about to get ugly." JBL grinned. 

Morgan starts to slowly get on her hands and knees as she groans. Billy starts punching Dean in the face a little harder and it makes him groggy. Ambrose falls down and rolls out of the ring while Seth gets punched off the ladder by Road Dogg. Seth rolls out the ring while Morgan staggers up to her feet and holds her left arm. 

"You can't beat us, Shield!" Road Dogg taunted but the crowd cheered as the Outlaws looked down to see Morgan looking up at them. 

Celeste tweets 'Whoa, whoa ,whoa, I was flipping through the channels and saw Morgan getting thrown onto a table. How are you standing!? #WillToFight' 

The Outlaws looked at Morgan in panic. "M-Morgan! Morgan let's be rational now. You wouldn't do this to your cousin's teammates, would you? I don't think she'll like that." Road Dogg stuttered. 

"Old teammates..." She retorted. 

"Come on, Chyna loves me." Billy Gunn sweet talked. 

"Just let us get down and we'll all laugh about this." Road Dogg said and started to fake laugh with Billy. 

"Hahahaha no." She said with a serious face and started to push the ladders, pushing through the pain in her arm.

"No! Morgan!" Road Dogg yelled but she pushed them off, making them fall through tables out of the ring.

"Oh my gosh!" Cole exclaimed. "She just pushed the Outlaws down onto those tables!" 

"Good Lord...Is she out of her mind!?" JBL shouted as the crowd chanted 'Holy Shit!' 

The Outspoken Diva sets up a table while Rosa starts to get up. Rosa runs towards her but gets caught in a spinning side slam as she lands on a table. The crowd 'Ohs' while Morgan falls on her back, exhausted. 

"Somebody pin someone!" JBL exclaimed. 

Pushing through the pain, Morgan slowly crawls over to Rosa and goes for the pin. 

"1!" The ref and crowd count as Kane tries to get in the ring. 


He slides in the ring but gets his feet grabbed by The Shield as he tries to scratch and claw his way to Morgan. 


The Shield releases Kane while the crowd erupts in cheers. Morgan quickly runs out of the ring before Kane can get her. She scrambles to the end of the ramp and trips out of excitement since she won the match with the help of her teammates. She gets up and gets embraced in a group hug. 

"Woo!" Seth yelled. "That's what I'm talkin' about! No one messes with her!" 

"The Shield celebrating the win. I wonder what's going to happen on Raw. Will Kane get his revenge?" Cole asked. 

Celeste tweets 'Go Shield! #UnitedAndStrongerThanEver'

'Backstage Pass'

The Shield and Morgan were backstage, walking and celebrating her win.

"I literally cannot stand 3MB." Seth brought up. 

"Yeah." Roman agreed while Dean laughed in response and Morgan smiled out of amusement. 

"Now I see why you hate them so much, Morgan," Seth added.

"Totally." She chuckled. "I cannot deal with the sight of Slater-"

"Excuse me guys, guys." Tom walked up to them.

"Tom! Come on, man!" Seth exclaimed. 

"I know I ask you the same question every week, when is this gonna end with Kane, at WrestleMania? Will it end?" he asked. 

"Why you asking us that question? Why don't you ask Kane, Rosa, and the New Age Outlaws when this ends? I don't even know what this is, I don't know what they want from us. I don't know what they want. They call us uh, disrespectful little kids. They started this whole thing. They disrespected us, and they are gonna pay the price for it." Ambrose replied. 

"You know what it is? The reason they keep their distance when it's an uneven Plainfield is because they're afraid, they know when it's 4 on 4, no one can hang with The Shield. Kane and the New Age Outlaws...they had their day. And that day is long gone." Seth said and showed his fist. "This is the new symbol of excellence. Come WrestleMania, they can't duck and dodge us anymore." 

"Exactly. Especially when 'She' comes back." Morgan added with a proud smile. 

"The war ends when your corporate grandpas are lying down at our feet," Roman stated as Seth laughed. "And they beg for forgiveness. Especially when Rosa encounters Morgan and 'Her' at WrestleMania. And we're gonna look them in the eyes, and we're gonna put our boots across their jaw. Believe that. And believe in The Shield!" He yelled at Tom. 

"Roman!" Morgan flinched while Tom ran away and the guys started to laugh. "That's not funny!" 

"Haha. Yes, it was. You flinched!" Seth chuckled. "He scared him and her."

"Little chump..." Roman watched Tom run away.

"You guys are so mean." She chuckled. 

"You gotta admit, that was funny." Roman nudged her. 

"So intimidating. I love it when he gets like that." Dean said. 

"You owe me grapes, now." Morgan declared.

"Fine. I'll treat you." Roman agreed. 

"Not just you. All of you." 

"What!?" Seth shouted. "How did Dean and I get involved in this?" 

"You laughed. I want my grapes. Unless you want a headlock." She warned.

"I'll get three bags," Seth called out and sped walked away. 

"20!" Dean yelled and went after him. 

"Hey! I'm buying her 100 bags!" Roman declared and went after them while she laughed. 


During Raw, Kane walked out with Rosa in business suits and got in the ring.

"Well, Kane and Rosa do not look happy after what happened on Smackdown," Cole said as he began to talk about the no DQ match. 

"Morgan! You may have won the match, but if you think that I'm going to allow you to get away with this, you are deeply mistaken! Get out here, right now!" Kane yelled. 

Morgan comes out with an amused look and gets in the ring. Her arm was taped but she continued to heal well and fought through any aches and pain. After her theme fades out, the crowd chants her name. 

He got in her face. "Who...the hell do you think you are? You've made me angry. And bad things happen when I get angry." He sternly said but she snatched the mic out of his hands as the crowd cheered. 

"First of all, you're not going to do anything because you don't have the guts to. You're a puppet for The Authority and that's all you will ever be. You're not the big red machine, anymore. You're just a sell out in a suit..." She retorted. "And-" 

Kane snatched the mic back. "You don't know enough about this business to do what you're doing right now. Do you know who I am? I am the Director of Operations!" 

Morgan grabbed another mic. "Really? I don't think so. I think you're just...another asshole. This isn't about you. This is about me...and that so called business woman over there, looking like a bootleg librarian," She pointed to Rosa. 

"Librarian?" King exclaimed as Rosa shot her a dirty look. 

"All the suffering...tormenting...the names, the taunts, the scars, the blood, sweat and tears...all because of her...I'm going to make you regret all of that, Rosa." The Philly Diva went on. 

"Shut up!" he yelled. "I am going to hurt you. I am going to destroy you. This match...The Shield, versus Rosa, the Outlaws, and me...will now be an intergender match!" 

The crowd cheered while Morgan smirked, liking the idea more. 

"Intergender!? Are you kidding me? Superstars versus Divas? Morgan and the Outlaws? Morgan and Kane? Rosa and The Shield!? Oh, poor Rosa. I'm afraid for her well­being." King said with concern. 

"You may be smirking now but I will not show any mercy on a woman like you. You are going to get everything you deserve." Kane promised. 

"Fine by me." Morgan shrugged while Kane and Rosa headed for the ropes but they stopped. 

"Oh...and by the way." Kane started to grin and turned around. "Do you remember Vickie's invitational Diva's Championship match, at WrestleMania? can kiss that goodbye because I am stripping you of your spot and giving it to Rosa." 

The crowd heavily booed as Rosa started laughing. 

"What?!" King exclaimed while Morgan looked at Kane in shock. 

"No..." she shook her head. "You can't do that." 

"Oh yes, I can." Kane's grin widened. 

It felt like Morgan's world was crashing down. She worked so hard to get another title shot by proving herself in matches. Feeling herself getting angry, she started pacing around.

"I feel bad for Morgan. She's worked so hard and risked her body these past months. She's starting to gain respect and tried so hard to earn another title shot." King said. "All because of Kane's abuse of power..." 

Rosa taunted her. "How does it feel? You've taken a lot of things from me and now you're going to pay the price. You don't deserve to be in the match. I do!" 

Morgan had enough and pushes her down as the crowd cheers. 

"Uh oh!" JBL looked on as Kane went to aid Rosa.

The Outspoken Diva started shouting. "I hate you! You ruined everything! I'm gonna make you feel every ounce of pain and suffering you've caused me to feel these past months! From taking my boyfriend, from making me miserable...Rosa...I don't think you know how low I can sink to make someone feel what I've felt...just a glimpse...a taste...a preview. I'm gonna take all that frustration out on you...right now!" 

Once Kane stands up with Rosa, Morgan hits him with a low blow, making him roll out of the ring. 

"Low blow to Kane!" King exclaimed as Rosa stood up, preparing to attack.

"Rosa, you better get out of there!" Cole warned but Morgan speared her and started hitting her with hard, frequent right punches to the face as the crowd exploded. "All these emotions have been building up for months. This has to feel good for Morgan." 

Rosa starts screaming and gets thrown out of the ring, near the announce table.

"Morgan, calm down! Calm down!" JBL tried to warn once Morgan got out of the ring.

"I don't think she can hear you. She's in a new world now. She's possessed." Cole stated as she threw Rosa to the steel steps. 

"Good grief! Isn't this enough!? She's lost it! Morgan has completely lost her mind!" 

"Can you blame her? After all, she's been through? All the name calling? Taunting? Cheap shots?" King asked. 

"You did this to me!" Morgan screamed and started throwing Rosa's head on the steel steps, several times. 

She grabs her by the hair and throws her head on the apron before throwing her to the steel post, making her fall face first. 

"Ooh! Did you hear that impact!?" Cole cringed. Rosa was trying to crawl away but shrieks as she gets dragged back, near the announce table by her. "And Morgan still isn't done!" 

"Where are the refs!? Where is everybody!? Is anyone gonna stop this!? This is crazy! Someone stop this before someone gets seriously hurt!" JBL yelled. 

"I don't think Morgan cares who gets hurt," King said. "Watch out guys!" 

King and the commentators stand up while Morgan hits Rosa's head on the announce table. 

"Are you done?" JBL asked as Rosa began to hold her nose.

"Hell no!" Morgan yelled at him and started unloading on Rosa, on the concrete floor. 

The crowd boos when the referees run down to restrain her while Rosa was looking like a hot mess. Her hair was wild, and she was feeling a little groggy from the beating she had received. The crowd begins to cheer again when they see Rosa's face. A few refs were with her and she whimpered and touched her nose before letting out a scream of surprise.

"Oh my gosh, Rosa's bleeding!" King shouted. 

"What!?" Cole exclaimed.

"Her beautiful face!"

"My nose! My nose! Look what she done to my nose!" She screamed as she was starting to bleed from the nose and mouth. "Oh my God, my nose! My nose! My face!" 

"It's all right! It's okay!" A ref reassured.

"No, it's not! My nose!" She screamed again and started to cough as she choked on her blood. 

The Outspoken Diva gets released by the refs as she stands at the end of the ramp, looking at the damage. She looks at her hands and sees blood on them as she starts to come back to her senses. 

"I did this? Am I done here?" She asked herself. All of a sudden, she started to smirk and began to laugh before licking some blood off a finger. 

"She just licked Rosa's blood!" King shouted as Morgan rolled her neck and let out a chuckle.

"No...let's go again...I'm not done" She mumbled. "I'm just getting started. I want her to bleed more...make her suffer...I'm excited..." She started to wickedly grin. 

"Ladies and gentlemen, Morgan has completely lost her mind! She's possessed!" Cole yelled as the crowd chanted 'Harley Quinn' 

"Harley Quinn is about to unleash hell! Goodbye, Rosa! Nice knowing you!" King added, bewildered at the situation.

Celeste tweets 'I don't blame Morgan for this. You can only take in so much. #HarleyQuinnHasTakenOver' 

Nikki tweets 'Thank you WWEMorgan101! Don't stop beating her up! Continue to act crazy! I love it!' 

Brie tweets 'I like this side of Morgan. Her #AlterEgo has come out to play. Make her pay for it WWEMorgan101' 

Morgan starts walking back to where Rosa is as the refs start to panic and try to talk her out of it.  

"She's not done! She's not done!" King yelled. 

"I have never seen this side of Morgan before. This is nuts! Is this the Outspoken Diva?" Cole shouted. 

"Can you blame her actions? This is crazy and I'm starting to love this." 

Morgan grabs a chair and whacks Rosa in the face with it as soon as she stands up with the help of the refs. The crowd 'Ohs' at the impact while she continues to unload on her with chair shots. 

"Chair shot after chair shot!" Cole exclaimed. 

She throws Rosa to the barricade and to the apron several times as the refs helplessly try to convince her to stop. Angry tears run down her face as she starts to rethink every bad thing Rosa had done to her, over the months. She throws Rosa back to the steel steps as she is out cold.

"This is what you wanted!?" She screamed at Rosa as she got held back by the refs and dragged to the back. "I told you! I told you that you would regret this! Wait till WrestleMania! You ain't seen nothing yet! Do not ever provoke me again! Don't ever provoke me again!" 

"This is crazy! Look at this arena!" JBL shouted. 

Ringside was looking trashy because the steel steps were all over the place and the announce table got ruined. 

"It's like there's been a car accident," Cole said as Rosa got helped up by the refs and slowly walked backstage. 

"Poor Rosa. Her face." King looked on. "I love all the divas. I hate to see their pretty faces messed up." 

"I got a feeling Rosa isn't going to settle for this. This war between these divas is far from over." JBL added. 

Morgan tweets 'I'm sorry you had to see that. Title shot or not, I will still find a way to have a #MorganMoment at WM' 

She also tweets 'Tasted her blood and her blood is on my hands. I did this. Me. #IThinkIAmCrazy. I think I'm having a #HarleyAttack' 

Stone Cold tweets 'I love watching WWEMorgan101 beat people up. You are one crazy son of a gun.' 

Eva Marie tweets 'WWEMorgan101, I'm sorry for all I've done to you in the past. I'll never mess with you again. #LessonLearned' 


Morgan walked backstage with a pissed off look on her face as the crowd gave her a loud reception. She headed for The Shield's hideout and started pacing around as she didn't notice Dean sitting on a chair, fixing his vest. 

He stared at her. She looked good when she was pissed. She was still panting out of anger as he saw her chest rise up and down. From her messy straightened hair that he wanted to run his fingers in, to her bloody hands. 

"What?" She snapped and stopped pacing once she noticed him.

"I saw what you did out there." He stood up. 

"Are you repulsed? Disgusted at what you saw out there?"  

"I never said that," 

"I'm not going to bite my tongue like that anymore. I just snapped." 

"I see." 

"I guess you're revolted by me, huh?" 

"You want to know who I see?" 

"A crazy woman who has no sense? Terrible...annoying...violent...excuse for a WWE Diva?" 

"You really should stop putting words in my mouth. You know who I see?" 

"Enlighten me..." She crossed her arms and leaned on a table. 

"I see a woman. She has a crazy bone in her and I think it's one of her most beautiful features. The way you slammed Rosa's head on the announce table...the concrete floor...the steel post and steps...I never saw this side of you before...and it's alluring." He gazed at her in admiration. "How can I be repulsed by what you did out there? That was friggin' captivating. Just like Harley Quinn." 

"I wish you would stop comparing me to her. I'm nothing like her..." 

"You licked Rosa's blood from your grinned in delight when you saw her beaten laughed and screamed...that's captivating to me. And I'm sure the Joker is proud of what Harley has done tonight too. She did something that I wanted to happen for a while. The crowd for that matter. Maybe even the locker room. It feels good, doesn't it? Seeing her choke on her own blood? Seeing her helpless? You needed that." 

She let out a sigh. "Wow. I really am crazy..." 

"In a good way. She deserved it."

"I don't think I want to unleash this side, anymore."

"Why not?" 

"What happens if I hurt the people I care about? When I just snap uncontrollably? What happens if I hurt you?" 

Dean walked up to her. "You know you can take out your anger on me when you're mad." 

"I don't like hurting you." 

"I can handle it," he reassured as they looked at each other.

Seth and Roman walked over to them. 

"Morgan..." Roman began. 

"That..." Seth went on. 


"Awesome!" They yelled as she started to grin. 

"Really?" She asked. 

"Yeah! Didn't know you had it in you." Seth grinned and patted her on the back. 

"That's the type of attitude we need for the match. We need that aggression. Got a name for it?" Roman asked. 

"Harley Mode," Dean answered with a smile.

 "Yeah..." she nodded. "Harley Mode." 

"Well, that certainly made Rosa believe." Seth grinned. "That was awesome. You gotta do that at WrestleMania or something. They need to know that you are not a pushover. And you know honestly guys...I almost feel bad for Kane. I mean look at this. It's like murderous row back, here. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter which one of us wins this app vote. Kane's in a bad way. And his little sidekicks the New Age Outlaws want to get involved...they're gonna find out what we call this. The new symbol of excellence," he put up his fist.

"Important thing to remember that we never disrespected Kane. Kane and now Rosa and the New Age Outlaws disrespected us. When they disrespected this." Dean showed his fist. "What this represents. At WrestleMania, in six days, we're gonna teach those kids a lesson about attitude!" 

"Learn that lesson. And spread the word. Tell anyone that'll listen. The Shield is not to be messed with! And if you don't believe that, did you see what Morgan did to Rosa moments ago? Believe that...and believe in The Shield." Seth, Roman, and Dean put their fists out with Morgan.

In the ring, Jerry reveals that Roman Reigns won the app vote to face Kane by a landslide. During the match. Roman was taking control but the Outlaws start walking down the ramp as the crowd boos. 

"I can't say this is a surprise. New Age Outlaws." Cole said. 

All of a sudden, Dean and Seth run down the ramp and attack them from behind as the crowd cheers. Morgan jogs down the ring to meet up with her teammates while Roman hits Kane with a Superman punch. All members of The Shield slide into the ring and surround Kane as the ref tries to tell them to leave the ring. 

"Get out of there Kane! Get out of there!" JBL yelled as Kane looked at all the members in panic. 

"Where is he gonna go? The Shield got him surrounded." Cole looked on. 

"This has gone from bad to worse for corporate Kane." King cringed. 

The ref calls for the bell when Morgan and The Shield start stomping on Kane. 

"Get him up!" Dean yelled as Roman roared. 

The Outlaws get on the apron but get hit off the apron by Seth and Dean. The Shield tries to do the triple powerbomb but the Outlaws drag Kane out of the ring. 

"The attitude era versus the reality era," JBL said as the Shield's theme came on. 

"They are gonna rip each other apart," King said.


On WWE Main Event, Rosa walked out with a scowl. Her face was still a little banged up but makeup and the intense healing treatments she received helped.

"I'm surprised Rosa is out here. I mean, she suffered a massive beating from Morgan on Raw." Byron Saxton said as she got in the ring while the crowd heavily booed her. 

"Yes, I'm still here! I'm still standing! And I will beat Morgan! Shut up! Be quiet! It's me time now and I will not be disrespected!" She yelled as she started venting in Spanish. "I can handle Morgan's little beating she gave me. I'm not that weak diva, anymore. I'm stronger than her and any other diva, past or present. I'm better than all these divas in the locker room and I will prove that at WrestleMania when I beat Morgan to win for my team!" 

Celeste tweets 'She's out of her mind if she thinks she's better than the past divas. #HitYourHead?' 

The Bellas tweet 'Haha, I think Morgan hit Rosa in the head too hard. She's speaking nonsense.' 

"Over the past weeks, I've beaten every diva, from Alicia Fox to Aksana, Eva, The Bellas...everyone and I know I'm better than the past divas like Lita, Trish, and Victoria. The list can go on and on because I can beat them and anyone else who wants to step up to me. And at WrestleMania, I will become the new Divas Champion so I can shut all of you up!" She continued. "Enough about WrestleMania...let's talk about Raw. Well, I hope you're proud of yourself, Morgan. You almost broke my nose! Almost! I was this close! You better be glad I didn't sue you! Suing you would be too easy. I'll make you suffer at WrestleMania. Why? Because you're going to pay for this! You're nothing but a crazy, sorry excuse for a WWE Diva, a girlfriend, and a woman. I exposed you for who you really are on Raw. You're insane! You showed your true colors and my life was in danger. I mean, do you guys really want to see me beat up?" 

'I've had enough I'm taking you down' 

"Uh oh," Tom said as the crowd cheered. 

"Looks like Morgan's had enough of Rosa's mouth," Byron said as she sped walked down the ramp.

She slides into the ring and ducks Rosa's clothesline before jumping on her to attack. The Outlaw's theme comes on and Morgan turns her head to the stage and quickly gets off of Rosa while Billy Gunn walks down the ring. Rosa crawls away from her and smirks while Billy gets in the ring. The Outspoken Diva decides to go for a punch but Billy grabs her wrist and pushes her back, only to be hit with a backstabber by Rosa. 

Rosa and Billy grin at each other while Morgan holds her back in slight pain. Billy picks up her and holds her for Rosa but all of a sudden, Ambrose runs through the crowd and jumps over the barricade. 

"There's Ambrose!" Tom exclaimed as Billy and Rosa looked at him in shock. 

He sets Morgan down and slides out of the ring but gets attacked by Ambrose. 

"Hey!" Rosa shouted as she walked over to the ropes. 

Morgan starts to stand up and when she recovers, she waits for Rosa to turn around. 

"Watch your back, Rosa," Bryon warned as she turned around to be kicked in the face. 

Ambrose slides into the ring and stands back to back with Morgan while Billy and Rosa regroup. Billy gets on the apron in front of Dean and Rosa gets on the apron in front of Morgan. The Outspoken Diva holds one of Dean's hands and he squeezes her hand. 

"No matter what happens...we're in this together...right?" She asked. 

"You better believe that." He replied.

"Good. Let's do this,"

They throw Billy and Rosa over the apron and into the ring as the crowd cheers. Dean starts fighting with Billy and Billy hits him with a hard shot in the eye, making him stumble. Morgan strikes Rosa with a few clotheslines before hitting her with a spinning kick to the face. Dean recovers and hits Billy with the Dirty Deeds while Morgan takes Rosa down with the backfire.

Dean and Morgan glanced at each other and nodded, positioning their opponents for a double suplex.

"And this may be a preview of what double teaming might happen during WrestleMania," Tom looked on as they took them down with a suplex.

Rosa and Billy roll out the ring and regroup at the end of the ramp as the Shield's theme comes on. 

Ambrose grins and puts his arm around Morgan's shoulders while she wraps an arm around his waist as they look at their WrestleMania opponents. 

"You got lucky!" Rosa yelled and got held back by Billy. "Next time you won't be!" 

"And Morgan & Dean are standing united," Byron praised.


"Ah!" Dean winced backstage and turned his head. He was standing up and leaning on a table. 

"Hold still." Morgan pushed his head to face her as she tended to his eye. "This is what happens when you keep getting reckless." 

"They needed that beating-Ah! Will you be gentler!?" 

"Stop being such a baby!" 

"I'm not a baby!"

She chuckled. "You know what? Fine. Let me just get the doctor- " 

"No!" He pulled her to him. 

She grunted as she bumped into his chest. Their faces were centimeters apart as they felt their breath on each other. 

"...Or not..." She said as he released her. 

"You uh, got lipstick on your cheek." 

"I do?" She touched her cheek but not near the smudge of lipstick. 

"Here..." He caressed her face and slowly wiped the lipstick off with his right thumb. 

He moved some hair from her face and gave her his signature smirk. After a moment, they backed away and cleared their throats. 

"Um...good to know." She backed away from his personal space. "Thanks for that. Thanks for helping me out back there." 

"No problem."

 "I guess I owe you...twice."

"You don't owe me, anything." 

"I don't care. That's not your decision. It's mine." She smiled and continued tending his eye. "Well, it's just a small cut. It'll go away before WrestleMania." 

"Who are you, my private nurse?" 

"I would if I knew more medical stuff but since you didn't want to go to the trainers, I decided to be the good, caring person that I am, and help you out." 

"Well, you did a good job."

"Glad to hear." After a moment of silence, she sighed. "Can you do me a favor?" 


"I don't want you to think that I always need rescuing. I don't want you to think you have to save me, every time I'm in trouble. I don't want you to think you have to save me to try and gain my trust back. There's gonna be a time when I'm alone and get beaten down. But it's okay, 'cause I'm going to get back up and fight back. Plus, sometimes I fake it to know their motives and weaknesses. I know what I'm doing, and on Smackdown, they may plan another attack. And The Shield won't be there on Smackdown." 

"I know...I just want to make things right." 

"You are. You are making things right. And you gained my trust back. No matter what they do on Smackdown...we're gonna make them pay for it and all the cheap shots they gave us at WrestleMania. Okay?" 

Dean smirked and nodded. "Okay."

"We're in this together, no matter what. I'll see you at WrestleMania."


On Tuesday for a Smackdown taping, Rosa was in the ring, embracing the boos she received from the crowd.

"So...WrestleMania...this Sunday...I've heard from everyone that, Morgan is going to get me. 'She' and Morgan are going to get me. Morgan is going to make me pay. I've heard it all. But you know what? I'm not worried because I'm going to prove you all wrong!" Rosa declared. "I heard Morgan is in the back and she's alone. The Shield isn't here. They aren't here to save you or back you up. You're alone and whenever you're alone, you get beat up. By me of course, because I know I can beat you and I will do that at WrestleMania,"

Morgan walks down the ring with a scowl on her face and slides into the ring as the crowd cheers. 

"And Morgan's had enough!" Cole said as the two began fighting once again. "These two have been fighting nonstop! Week after week!"

Moments later, The Outlaws run down the ring and push her off to help Rosa. Morgan decides to take advantage and gets down to hit them with a double low blow but she holds both of her arms in pain. 

"What happened?" Cole asked as the Outlaws turned around and revealed their metal jockstraps. "Uh oh." 

"I see..." She mumbled as she rubbed her arms, thinking of Chyna's mistake years ago.

"Not gonna happen Morgan." Road Dogg taunted. 

As soon as she gets up, Rosa gets behind her and hits her with a Gory Bomb as the crowd 'Ohs' at the impact. The move looked devastating and surprised the audience.

"What a move from behind," Cole said as the crowd booed. 

"I don't know; I'm starting to think that Rosa may have a chance in the match. She's showing new moves left and right." JBL looked on as the Outlaw's theme came on. 

Rosa and the Outlaws get out of the ring while Morgan holds her face and glares at them. 

"What a cheap shot..." Cole complained. 

"Cheap shot? Morgan was caught off guard." 

The Outspoken Diva nodded and started smirking. "Okay. I'll let you have your fun." 

"Looks like Rosa and the Outlaws are going to WrestleMania with the momentum. Will The Shield and Morgan be able to stop Kane, Rosa, and the Outlaws?" Cole asked. 

"And what about when she comes? A lot of anticipation for this match,"

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1 year ago

Forced To Believe Chapter 54- Rosa's Mind Games

Forced To Believe Chapter 54- Rosa's Mind Games

Chapter Summary: Rosa continues to try to get into Morgan's head before Wrestlemania. Melanie worries she won't be able to spend her 1 year anniversary with Jon.

Words: 7,000+


WrestleMania week was underway and WWE went to New Orleans for WrestleMania Axxess. Melanie had her bags with her in the hotel hallway and headed for her hotel room door. 

"Melanie!" She turned around at the sound of the familiar voices and grinned. 

"Guys!" She ran and embraced her family. 

"My baby!" Jane yelled and started kissing her all over her face while she tried to get away. 


Diego chuckled. "Come on Jane, let her breathe." 

"For real for real..." Aunt Aria retorted with her arms crossed. 

That triggered Jane's annoyance as she released Melanie and turned to face Aria. 

"Problem...?" Aria raised an eyebrow.

"I don't appreciate you nagging about my actions. I know what I'm doing." Jane stated. 

"Ha! If you did, you would have gotten to be on the lacrosse team back in high school." 

"Oh boy, here we go again with their sister arguments." Melanie face palmed as she watched her aunt and mom bicker back and forth. While her aunt and mom argued, she greeted her dad and Mimi. 

"I'm sure everything will be fine." Mimi, Melanie's cousin said. "Hey, where's Jon?" 

Jane and Aria stopped arguing and turned their interest to Mimi's question. "I agree, where is the funny guy?" Aria asked. 

"He's rooming with Drake." The Philly Diva mentioned. 

"Younger?" Jane asked.

"Yep. You know how good buddies they are."

"Will you two see each other?" Mimi asked. 

"Eh...Hopefully." Melanie said with some reluctance. "I mean, we will since we have to do some interviews for the network, but we're not going to be around a lot after that. We're not together for Axxess. I'm alone in my own little booth. The Shield are going to be independent this year." 

"You two will still be able to celebrate your anniversary on the 5th, right? It's just in a couple of days." Jane brought up. 

"We will, don't worry. I'm sure we'll work everything out for our schedule." Melanie reassured with a fake smile. 'I hope...' 

"That doesn't look so convincing," Diego spoke up. 

He could read her like a book. It was obvious Melanie was doubting, but Diego had hope that they would be able to spend some time together for their anniversary. 

The Outspoken Diva sighed and looked down at her watch. "I just really want Saturday to be special. Okay, I wish I could stay longer but I gotta go. There's a press conference I need to attend, to build up some more tension for Morgan and Rosa. I'll see you guys soon." She hugged them all goodbye and went to her room. 

As soon as she walked in, she heard a giggle. "Shenanigans! What are you doing here in my room?" A female voice called out. 

"Celeste!" Melanie put her bags down and gave her a big hug. 

"Haha. Thought I surprise you. We're roomies thanks to Jonny boy. He knew how much we both wanted to see each other again. It's good to see you! You look tougher after wrestling all those guys." 

"Ha, I feel tougher."

Leah walked out of the bathroom with a goofy grin on her face. "Melly!"

"And Leah is rooming with us too. Surprise again." Celeste grinned as Leah embraced Melanie.

"I am so happy you guys are here!" The Philly Diva grinned.

"We have a lot of catching up to do," Leah said.

"I know, but right now I can't. I got a press conference to go to."

"Oh, don't worry, we'll wait for ya," Celeste reassured. 

Melanie sighed out of relief. "Thanks. We'll catch up in a bit. Gotta go!" She rushed out of the room and ran to the elevator. 

She waited for the elevator door to open and saw Milena leaning on the elevator wall, on her phone. They have gotten closer ever since they were put in a storyline together. Melanie was asked who she wanted to work with and she chose her. She felt like Milena deserved some more TV time and could be a great heel and she was right. Milena was definitely living up to her Rosa Mendes character. She was such a good heel to work with. Even though Rosa was vindictive, snobby, annoying, flirty, and cruel these past few months in the WWE, Milena was nothing like the character. 

Sometimes it pained Melanie that there are still people in the world who didn't know the difference between a character and a real person. Milena would have to be one of the most down to earth divas that Melanie had ever met. The way she was so passionate about eating healthy amazed her, too. She even got some tips from her and drinks her homemade protein shakes. 

Milena looked up from her phone and gave Melanie a warm smile. "Perfect timing."

"Hey! I was wondering where you were." She embraced her and pressed the first floor button. 

"Excited for more Rosa and Morgan action?" 

"You bet! WrestleMania is going to be awesome."

"I know! I cannot wait for Chyna to come! It's going to be an honor!"

"I agree. It is going to be an honor. I can't wait to see her when she arrives. I drank some more of the protein shakes."

Milena's eyes lit up. "Really!? What do you think of the Strawberry Banana flavor?" 

"Out of this world! It's amazing!"

"Aw, really? You're so sweet. I got an idea."


"So after the Smackdown tapings, I've been brainstorming on the Q&A session later on after the press conference. I think there should be a little bit more hype for the match at WrestleMania. I talked to creative about it, too." 

"Agreed. What do you wanna do?" 

"I brought a neck brace so Rosa can taunt Morgan, again. Creative really likes the idea." 

"Neck brace...oh! Milena, you're a genius!" 


"Yes! I love it! That'll be great. Oh man, this is going to be good. Hey, you think Rosa should give Morgan a cheap shot?" 

"Like a shove?" Milena asked as they walked out of the elevator and headed to where the press conference was. 

"Yeah, and I'm sure they'll be separated. I like it. We're gonna rock it out." 

"Yeah, let's do this!" 


'Press conference' 

Melanie and Milena watched the press conference from the back. They saw Daniel Bryan, Orton, and Cena talk on stage. They also saw Batista's weird and goofy speech where he would mock a fan off the podium and go back on the podium to reply to the fan. It made Melanie laugh very hard. 

Dave Batista walked off the stage and headed to where Melanie and Milena were. 

"That was hilarious." Melanie complimented. 

Dave chuckled and walked away after thanking her. After more talking went on, Rosa finally went up the stage to her theme as the crowd applauded her. She was wearing a short dark blue dress and her black hair was in a ponytail to the left side. 

She started speaking in Spanish before saying "I also want to thank all of you for your continued support and to the WWE Universe for making WrestleMania, the greatest event in sports entertainment. And speaking of that, I would also like to say how happy I am to be a part of this year's WrestleMania because I get to face Morgan. I'm going to finish that little girl. So believe that, and believe in Rosa, the Outlaws, and Kane." 

Morgan began to walk up on the stage with an amused look on her face. She had on her trademark WrestleMania jersey and Skinny jeans that she would wear as traditional attire for WrestleMania week. 

"Excuse me." She bumped her hip against Rosa's, making her stumble to the side while she stood by the podium.

The crowd laughed while Rosa dropped her jaw. "Ugh." She stormed off, leaving Morgan amused. 

"Anywho...What's up WWE Universe? Everyone ready for WrestleMania!?" The Outspoken Diva asked as the crowd applauded and cheered. "Awesome. This year will have to be the biggest one yet and it's all because of you. I promise this WrestleMania will be talked about for years to come."



Morgan and Rosa were sitting down at a table for a Q&A session for the fans. They were in front of a huge crowd. The place was packed. There were two tables. Morgan sat on the left side with The Shield while Rosa sat on the right side with Kane and the Outlaws. 

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we are here with the two teams that will be going head to head on the grandest stage of them all. The Shield, and Kane & the New Age Outlaws." Renee Young announced as the crowd cheered. 

"But by the request of the fans, we are here to focus on the two divas who have been talked about nonstop on the social network. They say this rivalry is far from over and may surpass this Sunday's WrestleMania. These two do not like each other at all," Renee went on. "They have beaten each other up, given each other cheap shots, made each other bleed, and caused a lot of pain and suffering. This may be one of the most interesting diva rivalries we've had in a long time. I'm talking about, the Outspoken Diva, Morgan Lopez, and the Stunning Latina, Rosa Mendes." 

The crowd cheered again while the divas gave them a smile out of appreciation. 

"Um, before we start, why is The Shield here?" Rosa asked with disgust while the boys gave her dirty looks.

"Because we can." Ambrose retorted.

"Oh wait, I know. Morgan needs back up because she's afraid." Rosa started to giggle. 

"You really are one annoying chick." Seth sighed.

Rosa gasped. "How dare you!? Do you know who I am!? I am Rosa Mendes!"

"Um!" A voice spoke up.

"I am the stunning diva of this company!"


"My team and I will decimate your team!" 

"Um! Um hello!? First of all, I don't like you." Morgan stated while Rosa grinned in amusement. "Second of all, I never felt more ready to kick someone's butt in a long time. And third of all...I'm going to wipe that stupid grin off your face." She began to stand up but Roman and Seth pulled her back down. 

"Not worth it," Roman reassured while she let out a breath and obeyed.

"Morgan, I reassure you that you will pay for your crimes," Kane declared. "And on page 50 in the­-" 

"Oh gosh...and we got this asshole right here..." She retorted and pointed to Kane as the crowd laughed. "The so called big red machine who decided to be a sell out in a suit­" 

"How about you shut your mouth­-" Rosa began.

"How about you mind your business?" Morgan countered.

"Don't talk to her like that! Your parents raised you better." Road Dogg interrupted. 

"And who are you to tell her what to do?" Seth spoke up as the crowd watched intently. 

"Okay! Okay! Let's be civil here! Just for a few minutes." Renee spoke up and calmed everything down. "This is about the divas, so let's get started with the questions. First things first...How are you feeling about the match?" 

"I'm looking forward to the match. I want...I know I'm going to leave WrestleMania feeling good because I'm going to beat Morgan. Simple. Next question." Rosa looked at her nails. 

"You are one disrespectful, conniving, narcissistic b­-" Morgan began but received hands over her mouth from her teammates as she muffled out the last word she was about to say.

Renee chuckled as the crowd laughed. "What about you Morgan?" 

The Shield removed their hands from her mouth and she began to speak. "I'm feeling good. This is my second WrestleMania. I'm feeling good, physically and mentally. Last year for WrestleMania 29, I was just a kid. A little girl trying to find her way. I was a little cocky and a wannabe. I went out there and got forced in The Shield which I'm glad I did because these guys are my brothers, right here, and they're awesome." 

The crowd started to chant 'Hounds of justice' and Morgan smiled warmly at the crowd. "And uh, I just really want this year to be a statement. I want this WrestleMania to be special. I'm wrestling guys this year and it's a privilege. So, I'm going to do whatever I can to shut miss 'I like getting my ass kicked' Mendes, and yeah." 

"Ha! You wish!" Rosa replied.

"Rosa, can you wait to take on Morgan at WrestleMania?" Renee asked. 

"Yes. I mean, I could have beaten her up earlier but you know, I'll show some mercy for now. I just don't like her. She doesn't deserve to be in the WWE. All these opportunities she's been handed. It's ridiculous." 

"Rosa, what are your thoughts on the Diva's Championship match?"

"I am so happy! I'm so going to win," she said as the crowd gave her mixed reactions to her statement. "Oh no no no, don't hate, don't hate. I know I'm good and I will prove that." 

"First of all, you don't deserve a title shot at the Diva's Championship," Morgan replied with an annoyed tone. 

"Oh~ so that's what this is about! You're jealous!" Rosa laughed. "Oh, this is classic!" 

"When hell freezes over, I'll be jealous of you. I earned a spot in that match and you just got it easy because Kane gave it to you. It's better to earn things than to be given stuff like that. It gets tiring after a while. I busted my ass every single day and night to be noticed. Not because of how I'm with The Shield, but because of the passion and effort I put into my ring work. I have shed blood, sweat, and tears in the ring and I am damn proud of it."

"Oh boo hoo..." Rosa retorted as the crowd cheered loudly at Morgan's statement. 

"What do you think of Morgan's wrestling style?" Renee asked. 

"I'm not impressed...she can't wrestle and she doesn't have enough experience to go through me this time because I've been training harder this year. This is my time to shine. She's still a rookie in my eyes. I think it was a mistake to let Morgan and The Shield be on the main roster." Rosa said with a smug look as the crowd gave her mixed reactions. 

"Wow..." Seth chuckled dryly.

"You really wanna go there?" Dean rasped out.

"You're messing with the wrong people," Roman replied in an intimidating voice. 

"What are your thoughts on what Rosa just said, Morgan?" Renee asked. 

"I respect her as a wrestler. She's improving in the ring. And about The Shield and me not being good enough to be here...First of all, we got here because we're good. We came here to make a statement and that's what we are still doing," Morgan replied.

"What is your goal at WrestleMania in the match, Morgan?" 

"To see her body lying down on the ground and me looking down at her will be priceless. She's going down."

"I want to prove that I'm better than her," Rosa said. "And I will. Just like my family is better than yours." 

"What's that supposed to mean?" Morgan raised an eyebrow. 

Rosa gasped and took out a neck brace from her bag as the crowd started to get interested. "What's this?" She revealed the neck brace which caught Morgan's attention. 

"Ninth Wonder of the World isn't so tough," Rosa went on with a laugh. "Do you remember when poor little Chyna got her neck broken? How long was she out of action? You, your mother, and Chyna are pathetic excuses for women. You're's quite pathetic that you are related to someone who is doing those nasty films and-" 

Morgan slammed the table and stood up and so did Rosa as the crowd started to get excited. The two women walked around the table to face off. 

"Morgan!" Seth exclaimed. 

"Don't like the neck brace?" Rosa rubbed the brace in her face but Morgan snatched it and threw it away. 

The Outspoken Diva began to look irate as she got in Rosa's face. Both teams quickly got up and tried to back them away from each other. 

"What's the matter? Cat got your tongue? Is it because I'm right?" Rosa managed to shove Morgan back as the crowd oohed.

Morgan made a loud sigh of frustration and was about to hit her but The Shield held her back and some bodyguards came to retrain her. Rosa grinned and blew her a kiss while Morgan was taken off the stage. 

"Well, I think that went well. I think she liked the little neck brace." Rosa high fived her teammates. 

"You know what?!" Morgan yelled at the end of the stage and grabbed a mic. "Kudos to Rosa for getting a little cheap shot, but you know what? Who cares if you got a title shot? Who cares if you brag about yourself being good? You see, I don't need a title to prove I'm good." She said as the crowd cheered. 

"That's right." Seth cheered her on. 

"Just give me a ring, an opponent, and a little of your time...then I'll show you that Morgan is somebody that is gonna do some action. Oh, and I'm not talking about ruining things. I'm not talkin' about beating up your most hated diva or superstar...I'm talkin' about scorched earth! The Shield and I are gonna make a mark here so deep that you will never forget our legacy once we're done here. And I vow to leave a mark on this company that you have never seen before. Believe that! And believe in Morgan and The Shield!" She threw the mic away and got taken away. 

"Wow, those are some strong words," Renee commented as the crowd cheered. "What do you have to say, Rosa?" 

"She's getting serious. But I will not be intimidated." Rosa replied.


Rosa walked backstage after the Q&A session. 

"Rosa, can we have a word?" Tom asked. 

"Go ahead." She smiled. 

"We have just seen what happened between you and Morgan. Why did you do what you did? What is the explanation for your actions?" 

"She's jealous of me. She's afraid of what I'm going to do to her. She's just a little girl, trying to act like a woman in this company. It's time for someone to put her in her place, and I'm going to do that. I pushed Morgan because she deserved it. She walks around here with a huge ego and thinks she can win every time." 

"Why do you like doing mind games with Morgan?" 

"It's a game between me and her. I love pushing her buttons. She is a toy to be played with. She's going to choke at WrestleMania. I'm going to end her and end her wrestling career. Maybe after that, she can be with Chyna and teach English to kids in Japan. Do you know what I'm going to do to her? I'm not going to just viciously finish Morgan...I'm going to break her. Right to Censor broke Chyna's neck. I'm going to do the same with Morgan." She smirked. "Believe that...and believe in Rosa." 


"Morgan, may we have a word?" Tom asked as Morgan and The Shield stopped walking. 

"What's up?" She asked in a calm tone.

 "What are your thoughts on the match at WrestleMania?" 

"You know people expect a lot from me. They say 'She's related to the ninth wonder of the world, she's gonna get muscular and wear the things that Chyna wore.' But no, I'm not going to do that. I'm going to be Morgan Lopez and that's just what I'm doing."

"Some say that the emotion built up inside of you is going to make you choke at WrestleMania. And some say that Rosa is going to upset at WrestleMania. What are your thoughts there?" 

"I know I'm not going to be liked by every single person in the WWE Universe. Plus, Rosa has been on a roll lately with the cheap shots so I guess that's why people think she's going to win. But...I love it when people doubt me and bet against me. I feed off of it because I can prove them wrong. I will prove them wrong. I may have gotten beaten down but I back up everything I say, unlike Rosa. She's disrespected me, my family, my boys, and the WWE Divas. She's gonna get it. Plain and simple. But instead of saying what I'm going to do to her, I'll show you at WrestleMania. Stay tuned," she replied and walked away with her teammates. 


Melanie was at New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center for Axxess which was about to start in an hour. The place was done getting set up and she saw the fans waiting with anticipation to meet their favorite Divas and Superstars. It was an awesome feeling. She wondered if her fan base had grown this past year. She saw her table where she would be meeting and greeting the fans. She would be alone and up close and personal with her fanboys, fangirls, crazy fans, obsessive fans, long term fans from the indy days, and all the others. She couldn't wait to meet them.

"Hey, Mel." Colby greeted.

"Hey dude. You sound a little sick, you okay?"

"Yeah. I don't think I'll be able to make the Hall of Fame ceremony." he frowned. 

"Darn. But rest is important. I hope you feel better." 

"Thanks, grapes. Where's Jon?" 

"Come to think of it, I'm not sure. Lemme call him." She took out her phone and dialed up his number. 

"Hello?" Jon answered with a sleepy tone. 

"Jon, where are you?" she asked and put him on speaker. 

"At the hotel, why?"


"What?" Colby exclaimed. 

"You're two hours late!" 

"What!?" Jon looked at the time. "Shit!" He quickly got up and scrambled to get ready while falling off the bed. "Shit! Shit! Dammit! Fucking alarm didn't go off! Stupid phone! Stupid alarm! Stupid ass schedule! Fuck!" 

She started laughing with Colby. 

"It's not funny, you guys!" Jon yelled. "Everybody is gonna think I've been out all night! Dammit! This looks so bad." 

"It's okay, man," Colby reassured. 

"Jon, relax! It's okay! People make a mistake when setting their alarm. Don't worry, I'll cover for you. Don't beat yourself up." Melanie added. 

"I owe you," Jon said and they hung up. 

"You'll think he'll make it in time?" Colby asked.

"Most likely," she replied.


WrestleMania Axxess started and the fans started walking in with anticipation. Melanie could see the excitement in their faces and it made her smile. She still had on her traditional WrestleMania jersey and jeans with her hair in a messy bun. As soon as her name was announced, she walked to her table and was amazed at the long line and how many fans wanted to see her. As soon as the fans saw her, they cheered loudly. She waved at them with a huge grin on her face. 

"What is up Morganteers!?" She yelled as the fans cheered loudly in response and chanted her name. "This is so awesome." 

The meet and greets were funny, emotional, and entertaining. Melanie encountered some interesting fans. She saw a woman in her early 20s looking exactly like her character, Morgan. 

"Wow. You nailed it!" Melanie exclaimed. 

The woman smiled. "Thanks. You are so friggin' cool. You're such a badass." 

"Thanks, girl!" 

"I've been a fan of yours since the Indies. I loved it when you and Moxley used to feud. And I really hope you kick Rosa's ass at WrestleMania. She needs a beating. To talk about your family...So not cool." 

"I know right? I'm gonna give her an ass whooping of a lifetime." 

After taking photos with her, a mother in her late 30s and her teenage daughter who looked like she was in her early teens walked up to Melanie. 

"Hi!" Melanie greeted with a friendly smile and shook the teen's hand. The girl looked starstruck and started to cry. "Aw, don't cry." 

"I'm sorry, she is such a huge fan of yours. She's been begging to meet you for years. This is her first WrestleMania." The mother smiled. 

"Really? Wow, that is so special." 

"I can't believe I'm actually meeting you." The girl wiped her tears. 

Melanie decided to stand up and give her a big hug before going back to her seat. "It's so nice to meet you too."  

"I want to be a WWE Diva just like you. I love your ringwork, your fighting spirit, everything. You're like the Lita and Chyna of the PG era of the WWE."

The Philly Diva was touched by her words. "Thank you." 

She took a photo with her and signed her poster with a personal message, just for her to keep her motivated to be a WWE Diva. 

"If it isn't too much trouble, do you mind signing her birthday card?" The mother gave her the girl's birthday card while the girl walked away, looking at the poster in awe. "She's turning 15 next month." 

"Of course." Melanie smiled and signed it. She put another personal message on it and gave it back to the mother. 

"Thank you so much. You do not know how much this is going to mean to her. She idolizes you. She loves how you are so much different from the other divas." 

"I'm touched that she thinks of me as a role model for her," Melanie replied with a big smile.


Jon made it to Axxess just in time. He was alone at the table, meeting the fans. He loved the crazy girls. It was better having them than none at all as he would say. Some kissed him on the cheek and took goofy photos with him. Most of the fans kept telling him that they'd hope Dean and Morgan get back together. He wasn't surprised that most of the fans liked Dean and Morgan together. 


Three fangirls walk up to Melanie's table with 'I love Dean & Morgan' shirts. 

"Hiya. I guess you lovely ladies are fangirls of Dean and I being a couple." Melanie greeted. 

"You bet!" The third fangirl exclaimed. "We love you two, together!" 

"Do you still like Dean?" The first fangirl asked. 

"Well..." Melanie started to blush and the girls squealed. 

"Omg! I think she does!" The second fangirl said while Melanie chuckled and started to sign their stuff. 

"How do you like Dean's hair? Wet and messy or pulled back and wet?" The third fangirl asked. 

"Oh my goodness...Um..." She bit her lip as the girls looked on intently. "...Both." 

The girls squealed again. "Omg!" 

"We so gotta tell Dean when we meet him." The second fangirl said as the girls agreed. Melanie smiled with amusement and took a photo with them. 

A woman in her early 30s walked up to Melanie's table. "Hey, it's so nice to meet the Outspoken Diva." 

"Hi, nice to meet you, too. Damn, that's amazing." Melanie said as she looked at the fan art. It was a skillful and realistic drawing of Morgan with the Diva's Championship. 

"I hope you're Diva's Champion again, one day. Rosa doesn't deserve a title shot."

"Totally agree. I'll be in the title picture, again. Don't worry." She signed the art and took a photo with her. 

Later on, Four fanboys in their early 20s walked over to the table. 

"Guys, we're finally meeting one of the most beautiful divas on the roster." The first fanboy grinned. 

She chuckled. "Thank you. What's up, dudes?"

"The sky." The second fanboy answered.

"Haha. Good one."

"Has anybody told you that you are so badass in the ring?" The fourth fanboy asked. 

"Heh heh, yes, I've been told. Thanks. I'm glad you're entertained by me." 

"Hey, could I get a kiss?" The third fanboy asked. 

"Dude! Don't ask her that!" The fourth fanboy scolded while Melanie looked at them with amusement. 

"What? It's worth a shot."

"I'll give you all kisses on the cheek." She stood up and gave them kisses on the cheek before sitting back down.

"Wow. I've been kissed by Morgan Lopez." The first fanboy said in a dreamy tone. 

"Don't pass out on me." She winked and signed their stuff.

"Can I give you a kiss on the lips?" The second fanboy asked.

"Dude!" The other fanboys exclaimed.

She politely shook her head no. "You're too cute but don't push it, man," 

"Darn. Worth a shot," he sighed.

"Hey, if you aren't getting back together with Dean, I'm always available." The first fanboy gave her a flirty look as she started to laugh. 

Another set of fangirls made their way to her. There were two of them and they looked to be in their late teens. 

"Morgan! We love you!" The first girl grinned.

"Thanks! I liked to be loved." Melanie giggled. 

"Do you mind if we ask you a question?"

"Shoot," she replied as she signed their stuff. 

"Do you think Dean is sexy?" The second girl asked. 

"Wow, I'm in the hot seat today." she chuckled and began blushing again.

The girls gasped. "She's blushing!"

"So, do you admit he's sexy?" the first girl asked.

"He is so not gonna let me live this down..." the Philly Diva said with a sigh. "All right, I'll admit it...Yes. I think Dean Ambrose is sexy. He's friggin' sexy as hell." 

'To Jon' 

The same three fangirls who saw Melanie headed over to Dean Ambrose's table. 

"Hi, Dean! We saw Morgan and she told us she loves your hair pulled back & wet, and messy & wet."

"Did she now?" Jon smirked. "I may need to confront her about that."

"I hope you two get back together."

Jon nodded out of appreciation and smiled. "I hope so too." 

Later, the other set of fangirls that Melanie met walked over to Jon. "Dean! Morgan just told us you look sexy."

"She said you're sexy as hell." The second girl added.

Jon began to smirk. "Oh, really?"

"And she blushed when she said it. I think she still likes you. I hope you two get back together, soon." 

"Me too." 

Later on, another fan walked to his table and greeted him. After she took a photo and he signed her stuff, she asked, "Hey Dean, do you think Morgan is hot?" 

"Hell yeah! Smokin' hot! Hot as hell." 


A couple who looked like they were in their 40s headed to the table. 

"It is so nice to meet you, Morgan. We love you in the ring." The woman praised. 

"Hi. Thank you so much for being a fan." Melanie smiled. 

"And happy early anniversary to you and Jon." The man added.

"Thank you so much. One ­year strong, tomorrow." 

"We hope they'll be more. We love you on Total Divas." 

Another woman in her 20s went up to the table. 

"Hi, Morgan! Oh my gosh, I cannot believe I'm meeting you! Wow, you're much more beautiful in person." 

"Aw, thank you so much. It's so nice to meet you too." Melanie shook her hand and signed her stuff. 

"I'm so proud of you and Jon. You two will be dating for a year tomorrow. I'm so happy for you two." 

"Thanks. I hope for more years to come."

"I know there's a lot of women who envy you for dating him since he's so hot but I don't envy you. I'm happy that he has someone who truly loves him and not just for his looks. You too are meant to be and I hope Morgan realizes that at WrestleMania." 

"That really means a lot." she grinned and took a photo with her. 

The same fangirl who saw Jon went up to the table. "Hi, Morgan! Oh my gosh, you're so awesome." 

"Thank you. I see you're representing The Shield. I love the shirt." 

"Thanks. I saw Dean, earlier. He told me you look smoking hot. And he said you look hot as hell." she told her which made Melanie laugh and start blushing harder. "Omg, your face is so red!" 

"I guess he found out what I said earlier. Oh my gosh...this is ridiculous. I'm blushing up a storm today because of him." she buried her face in embarrassment while the girl laughed. 

Later, Melanie was getting interviewed by a local radio station and was sitting at a table next to Jon's table who was getting interviewed by Radio Row DJ Slab. Jon was telling him the story about how he overslept. 

"...but then Morgan called and woke me up. If it wasn't for her, I think I would have missed Axxess. She's really awesome." DJ Slab and Jon turned their attention to Melanie who was talking to the Radio host. 

"So how does it feel to be here?" The radio interviewer asked her. 

"It's so unreal! My fan base has really grown since the last WrestleMania. I'm so happy." she grinned. "I checked out some of the fans who were doing my entrance, and I gotta say, they all nailed it. It's so cool,"

"I think some people are looking at you." 

She turned to see Jon and DJ Slab looking at her. "What? What did I do?" She started to blush while Jon and DJ Slab laughed. "Oh my gosh. Dean always does this. He randomly looks at me and laughs." 


'Behind The Scenes' 

Dean, Roman, Morgan, and Seth sat next to each other for an interview for the WWE Network. 

"Our debut in the WWE, I mean...hands down, it was awesome," Roman said. 

"It was like, we're here. Even If we got hit by a bus that night out of the arena, you could never take that away." Ambrose said as his teammates chuckled. "We made it to the WWE for at least one night." 

"We were there for one job and I think we got it done, pretty well if I say so myself," Seth spoke as the members agreed. 

"There's only one problem...turtlenecks." Roman grinned as Seth laughed.

"I am so glad I didn't have to wear those things," Morgan sighed, shaking her head.

 "I think if we had committed to that, we could have really popularized turtle necks," Dean wondered. 

"We looked good," Seth exclaimed. "Yeah, we look good. We made those turtlenecks work...for two days." 

"Now I wasn't there when they debuted but we all debuted that same day. I was with Kaitlyn and boy did I hate these three so much..." Morgan chuckled with her teammates. "I did everything I could to not believe but after being forced to be a part of The Shield, it would have to be the best thing that has happened to me in my wrestling career." 

"Yeah. WrestleMania 29. All because of Ambrose." 

"I know! He's so persistent. I thought beating you guys up and hitting you with weapons and pushing you off a table, would have worked out, but I guess it didn't." 

"Do you regret it?" 

"Half and half. It showed girl power and that I would never back down from anybody. But then again, we're teammates now and it kind of makes me feel a little bad for decimating you guys."

"Whoa, whoa, decimate? That's a strong word. You didn't decimate us." Roman chuckled. 

"Aye, I gave you a low blow and a kick in heels. I gave Dean like 15 chair shots, and I pushed Seth off a ladder with the help of Ryback. Decimate seems like an all right word." Morgan reminded. 

"All right, if you say so," Seth said. "I think our entrance helped create our identity a little bit. To the first time we came out into the crowd, you could just see the sea of humanity around you, and you could feel the electricity that you've never felt in your life." 

"I feel like it's the crowd's entrance, too. It's like a chance for the people to get up close and be with us." Roman said. "And I think we carry that into the ring with us." 

"The first time I did The Shield's entrance was sick! To walk in the crowd like that, being so close to the fans, it's awesome." Morgan grinned. 

"No matter how tired you are, you're in the middle of thousands of people," Dean added. 

"Now, what is The Shield? That's really hard to answer. You know, you could say it's Seth Rollins, Roman Reigns, Dean Ambrose, and Morgan Lopez. And you can say it's an organization designed to protect from injustice but it's so much more than that." Seth said. 

"You know, I think it's about teamwork," Morgan mentioned. "We always have each other's backs, we are there for each other, we're a family, and we give it our all every single time we step in the arena." 

"I feel like it's to be better than everybody else. And that's what we live by. This is an organization to push the level, you know, to raise the bar." Roman stated. 

"Call it whatever you want, it's for justice, it's for this or for that. But it's the people involved," Dean said. "This is ours for the taking and some stuff needs to be changed and if guys need to get shoved over or kicked out of the spots, we're 100 percent in this together. Screw everybody, and we're taking over this business cause somebody's got to. And uh, together we're so much stronger." 

"That is justice, I think that's WWE Universe justice right there." 


'Behind The Scenes Part Two' 

"Seth always is like a master chess player. We may not be looking past point B, cause he's already on point C, D, E, F, G," Dean said. 

"He really is the architect of The Shield," Roman added. 

"You really can't blink when Seth's in the ring," he mentioned. "And sometimes his toe comes over his head and hits you in the face."

"This dude is a ninja. Plain and simple. He's awesome. He's so fearless in the ring and he's very skilled when it comes to high flying." Morgan praised. 

"Yeah. Seth Rollins is pretty much a ninja." Dean stated. 

"I'm cool with that." Seth laughed. "I think Dean Ambrose brings an element of unpredictability to The Shield. He's got that element of chaos at all times. How are you gonna game plan for a dude who's willing to claw your eyes out, you just can't game plan that." 

"He's nuts but in a good way. He's like the Joker because he seriously reminds me of him." Morgan chuckled. 

"You know he's a cornerstone of The Shield. If there's no Dean Ambrose, there's no Shield." Roman said. 

"Morgan..." Seth grinned and nudged her.

"Oh boy." She laughed.

"The Outspoken Diva," Dean called out. 

"Chyna's mini me," Roman added with a smile. 

"You guys are embarrassing me." She replied. 

"She's edgy," Seth praised. 

"But she'll have to be one of the most courageous and passionate divas on this roster," Roman declared.

"She never backs down from anybody, no matter what size," Ambrose spoke. 

"She can bleed and still go through a match. She's that determined. She likes proving herself." Rollins went on. "She's also making intergender matches more popular like it was back in the day." 

"She brings a lot of entertainment into the group. You never know what she'll do to entertain you. It makes The Shield more fun to watch." 

"If WWE needs someone to get hit with a finisher or hit on the table, she is the first one to volunteer." He raised his hand. "She says 'I'll do it! Lemme do it.'" 

The four of them chuckle at the thought.

"Morgan also has two sides to her." Roman brought up.

"Two? What do you mean two?" Morgan asked.

"Don't act like you don't know. There's Morgan and then there's Harley Quinn. Morgan and Harley Mode," Dean grinned. 

"I'm not that crazy." She declared. 

"Oh really? You turn into another Dean Ambrose when Harley comes out." Seth reminded. 

"Okay, that's kind of true." 

"Roman Reigns," Seth announced. "Brains, aside from the jawline and dashing leading man good looks and all that, uh he brings a lot of power. He's our clean up hitter." 

"But I think for all of us, there isn't a lose a guy, add a guy, lose a female, add a female, this is The Shield. That's how this situation works." Roman said. 

"We're really good and we're a team," Dean said.

"We're united and it's gonna stay that way," Morgan nodded in approval. 

"We were never like, we wanna be those guys. We wanna do what they did. We're like, we're gonna break new ground, we're gonna do our thing. But if I have to compare ourselves to anybody it may be the four horsemen. I hope that's a fair comparison." Seth said with confidence. 

"We're picking up where they left off," Dean added as he showed four fingers and then his fist. "This is the symbol of excellence. And now this is the symbol of excellence." 

"This group is gonna bust our ass, every single day. We're gonna work hard and we're gonna get better." Roman nodded. 

"There's a lot left to do and we're doing it every single night. We're just going upwards." 


On Saturday, Melanie woke up with a huge grin on her face. Today was her 1 year anniversary with Jon and she couldn't have been happier. 

"Morning! Time to get up!" Leah grinned and got on Melanie's bed to start jumping on it. 

"Cut it out!" Melanie laughed but got pushed off the bed. "Ow!" 

"Haha. Too bad. Happy anniversary! Wow, one year. I hope you and Jon have more years to come." She giggled and helped her up. 


"Morning, grape monster." Celeste walked into the room with a bowl of grapes. 

"Aw, thanks!" Melanie happily snatched the bowl of grapes from her hands and ate them with delight. "I can't believe it's been a week since I ate some grapes." 

"Wow." Celeste chuckled. 

"So, you and Jon have plans?" Leah asked. 

"I really don't know yet," Melanie replied but moments later her phone rang. 

"Speaking of the devil." Celeste grinned as she answered the phone.

"Hey, good morning." Melanie greeted him happily on the phone. 

"Morning to you, too. Happy Anniversary." Jon greeted. 

"Happy Anniversary!" She beamed but heard him sigh. "Are you okay?" 

"You are going to kill me..." 

"Why would you think that?" 

"Lanie...I got some bad news." 

She frowned and started walking away to talk privately with him. "What's wrong?" 

"You think everything is okay?" Leah asked as they watched her pace around, listening to what he had to say. 

"I hope so," Celeste replied. 

"I don't like to see her frown, like that. She was just glowing a second ago." 

Melanie got off the phone and walked back over to them, making a loud aggravated sound effect. "For Pete's sake!" She shouted. 

"Whoa! Are you okay?" Celeste asked.

"No. I want my boyfriend." 

"Aren't you two going to spend your Anniversary together?" Leah asked. 

"Unlikely. We're hardly going to see each other, today. Whenever I'm free, he has to do an interview or meet and greet. And whenever he's free, I am scheduled to do something. It's ridiculous. Brie was right. Being in a relationship in the WWE is hard..." She groaned. "I gotta go. I got a family outing to go to." 

"We're still hanging out later on, right?" Leah asked and got a nod in response from the Outspoken Diva.

"Are you going to be okay?" Celeste asked with a sad smile. 

"Well, I thought I'd have it easy since I'm working with my boyfriend but I guess not. Ugh, I'm cursed...This is the worst day ever..." The Philly Diva said with disappointment. "But, I shouldn't be selfish. I'll have to grin and bear it. Jon and I wanted to be in the WWE and we got our wish. We're living the dream and that's all that matters, right now. Things will be okay." 

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1 year ago

Forced to Believe Chapter 55- Togetherness

Forced To Believe Chapter 55- Togetherness

Chapter Summary: Jon finds a way to spend his 1 year anniversary with Melanie. Rosa and Morgan's moms get involved in their storyline to bring more drama.

Words: 8,000+


Melanie walked around the hallway until she reached Mimi's door. She knocked on it a couple of times and decided to open it with her key. Once she walked in, she yelped while Mimi screamed in surprise.

"For crying out loud! I wish you could have given me a warning!" Melanie quickly closed the door. "I did not want to see you naked like that! I'm scarred for life!" 

"Sorry!" Mimi exclaimed as she quickly got ready. She opened the door in her underwear as she threw out a random guy in his boxers. "Here's your clothes!" She threw them at him as he scrambled away. 

"Are you kidding me?" 

"What? I needed some. There are some good looking guys in New Orleans." 

"At least it's not one of my coworkers..." 

"Hey, there are some hot guys on the roster. Like Colby and Joe but they already have their partners. I'd kill to be in your shoes, right now. Being on a team with hot guys like them, wow." 

"Enough with the fantasies, you're creeping me out."

"Hey, shouldn't you be in bed with Jonny instead of listening to me talk about guys?" Mimi let her in and Melanie closed the door. 

"I wish..." The Philly Diva mumbled. 

"What's wrong?" 

"We're not going to be able to see each other. Our schedule isn't looking so good. Whenever I'm free, he isn't. And when he's free, I'm not." 

"Aw...bring it in." Mimi put her arms out. 

"Not until you take a shower. You smell like sex. This place is a mess!" she sat down on the couch. 

"You may not want to sit there; we did it there." 

"Mimi!" Melanie shouted, looking at her in disbelief. Mimi laughed as she quickly got up from the couch. "This is ridiculous!" 

Later that morning, Melanie and her family ate breakfast as they talked about WrestleMania. 

"I cannot believe this is going to be your second WrestleMania! Are you nervous?" Jane asked.

"Not at the moment but I will be freaking out tomorrow and when my match is about to start," Melanie replied. 

"You'll do great. You always do. Got an idea of what your Morgan Moment will be?" Aria asked. 

"Yes. Two Morgan Moments. Or three. I don't want my boys to steal the show, sometimes the divas gotta do something that will keep the fans talking about it for a week or so." Melanie grinned. 

"I cannot wait! And I can't for her to come too. I hope her flight comes on time." Mimi said.

"Yeah, hope things are fine with her,"  

"Melanie, isn't today your Anniversary?" Diego asked. 

"Oh, that's right! Oh Melly, I am so happy for you and Jon!" Jane squealed. "I love that you two work onscreen as Dean and Morgan. Wow, one year! I hope for more and I hope for lots of grandchildren in the future!" 

"Mom!" Melanie exclaimed.

"I think you're getting too ahead of the game." Mimi mumbled.

"You don't seem so happy. It's your anniversary! One year!" Jane grinned.

"Yeah..." Melanie fake smiled.

"You seem down, what's wrong?" Diego asked with concern. 


"Not convinced..." Aria pointed out and took a sip of her alcoholic drink. 

"Aria it is too early to be drinking, right now!" Jane shouted. 

"Bite me..." Aria retorted and took a loud sip just to aggravate her. 

"This is why I do not like bringing you along to Melanie's wrestling shows because you got to embarrass me." 

"Embarrass you? Ha! You are the embarrassment. How do you think I feel? And Melanie decides if I can stay or go. Not you-" 

"Enough! For fuck's sake!" Melanie snapped as everyone looked at her in shock. "I'm dealing with enough, right now. Stop the arguing. Can't you two just stop for a few minutes?"

"Melanie Nichole Laurer Rivera, what has gotten into you?" Jane asked with a frown. 

"Nothing. I'm sorry. Let's just talk about something else."

"No, what is going on? You look really upset."

The Outspoken Diva sighed. "Jon and I are not going to be able to see each other today." 

"What!? But it's your anniversary!"

"I know but orders are orders. It's okay, I just need to adjust to this." 

"Where is he?"

"He's doing interviews." 

"When are you two going to see each other?" 

"When I'm free, he's not, and when I'm not free, he is. We'll see each other on WrestleMania day. We can't see each other during the Hall of Fame because Creative doesn't want us together like that. They want us to 'sell' the Morgan and Dean conflict, which I think is a load of bull!" 

"I cannot believe this..." 

"Nikki gets to be with John, Nattie gets to be with TJ, Trinity is with Jon Uso, and Brie is with Bryan. What is up with me and Jon? All because of some storyline? It sucks but I'm okay. I just need to calm down and grin and bear it. I can't keep whining about it. This is our job. We gotta work, and we need to respect our bosses' wishes." 


Melanie arrived at the Hall of Fame ceremony with her family and Leah. She had her hair curled and in a ponytail to the side as it rested on her shoulder. And she wore a purple dress just for her dad. 

"This is sick!" Leah exclaimed. "Is that a red carpet? I feel so VIP." 

"Melanie." A thick accent called out. She turned around to see Stu. 

"Hey!" Melanie embraced him. "Guys, you remember Stu, right? Wade Barrett on TV?" 

"How could I not?" Mimi grinned.

"He has a girlfriend." Melanie reminded.

"Darn it..." Mimi mumbled. 

"Ah, Stu, so nice to see you, again." Diego shook his hand. 

"Likewise," Stu replied

"So, are you gonna be delivering some bad news tonight?" Melanie asked. 

"Well, it is a nice night, and it would be a bummer if someone delivered bad news. So I'll be on my best behavior tonight." he grinned. 

"I find that hard to believe." She laughed with him. 

She turned and saw Jon in his suit. She had butterflies in her stomach since she felt like it had been ages since she'd seen him. She started to make her way over to him but got stopped. 

"Melanie." A stern voice called out and grabbed her hand. "Not right now." 

Melanie sighed and turned to Stephanie McMahon. "But I was just­-" 

"I know how much you want to see him but you two are not supposed to be seen together, remember?"

"Fine." She gave up.

Renee Young stood with Morgan and her family for an interview.

"I am here with Morgan Lopez and her family," Renee announced with a smile. "How are you all enjoying WrestleMania week?" 

"It's very amazing. The WWE is such a wonderful company and is very lucky to have my daughter working for them. She will not disappoint." Diego replied and kissed Morgan's cheek as she chuckled. 

"I think this is amazing. Being here and up close with all the divas and superstars and meeting them, very awesome." Aria replied. 

"So Jane, what do you think of Rosa and all she's done to your daughter?" Renee asked. 

"She needs a spanking!" Jane replied as everyone laughed. "I am disgusted with what Rosa has done to her. But it's okay because my daughter is going to kick her butt and I can't wait to see her in action." 

"Really? She's gonna kick my butt?" Rosa stepped up to Melanie's family with her mother. 

"Yes, because you are a disrespectful young lady," Jane replied with a frown. 

"Excuse me? I will not let you talk about my daughter that way. Your daughter is out of control. She's crazy." Rosa's mother pointed out. 

"Thank you." Morgan grinned. "I get it from Dean." 

"You and that eccentric man need to back away from my daughter." 

"Um, your daughter came on to my man and that's how our relationship got ruined. Dean and I may not be together anymore, but we're still a team for The Shield. Everything was great until Rosa got involved and made him cheat on me. All thanks to this, arrogant, little..." The Philly Diva exhaled. "I cannot wait to get in the ring..." 

All of a sudden, Rosa's mother slapped her in the face as everyone but Rosa looked on in shock.

"How dare you try and break my daughter's nose!? You crazed little girl! My daughter did not deserve everything you've done! Especially getting her head put in a dirty toilet!" 

Morgan held her cheek and started to smirk. "Is that it? Is that the best you got? You can do better than that." 

Rosa's mom was about to slap her again but Jane blocked it and managed to slap Rosa in the face. 

"Ow!" Rosa yelled and held her cheek. 

"How dare you? How dare the both of you! My daughter is way better than yours and she will prove that at WrestleMania." Jane snapped. 

"First of all, do not put your hands on my daughter again." Rosa's mother said with a stern voice. 

"I can say the same to you, missy." 

"This is getting intense," Renee said as Diego nodded. 

"Your daughter does not deserve a title shot at WrestleMania. It should be Morgan's." Jane added.

"Too bad. Your daughter is going to lose at WrestleMania and my daughter will be the next Diva's champion." 

Suddenly Jane slapped Rosa's mother across the face as everyone gasped and Morgan started laughing.

"Mama!" Rosa shouted in shock. "You're not gonna let her get away with that are you?" 

"No way." her mom replied and slapped Jane back. 

Jane grabbed Rosa's mom and tried to bring her down as the two started fighting, causing a commotion. 

"Whoa, whoa." Dolph Ziggler got into the situation and tried to break it up with Morgan and Rosa. "Ladies, calm down." 

"Get your filthy hands off me, woman! I don't know where your hands have been! You and your daughter are a disgrace!" Jane yelled. 

"Mom, mom, calm down," Morgan exclaimed as they got separated. 

"Get off of me, I'm not done with her, yet!" Rosa's mother shouted. 

"It's okay mama, I'll settle this at WrestleMania," Rosa reassured and gave Morgan and her family a scowl. Getting into Morgan's face, she smirked. "You know it's a pity...that you can't win against me at WrestleMania. I really hope you and Chyna have a wonderful life when you go to Japan to see her."

Morgan exhaled while watching Rosa and her mom walk away. "Just" the Outspoken Diva murmured.

"Is this the last of the mother wars?" Renee asked. 

"No, it is just the beginning," Jane replied. "I'm going to teach that woman a lesson about respect. How dare she try and throw me down? Jane power is back!" 


Melanie went back to the hotel room with Leah and Celeste. Wanting to turn in for the night, Celeste and Leah convince her to hang with the Divas in their hotel room. When they arrived, the Bellas, Renee, Trinity, Ariane, Eva, Nattie, and Victoria (Alicia Fox) were in the room. 

"Why am I here?" Melanie asked, truly wanting to be in her hotel room instead.

"Wow, don't wanna hang with us? Girl bye." Ariane teased. 

"I didn't mean it like that!" 

The divas laughed and Melanie saw Leah and Celeste heading for the door. "Wait, where are you two going?" she asked.

"I gotta see PJ and Leah has to come with me because she wants to meet him. We'll be back." Celeste grinned and left with Leah. After they closed the door, they high five each other. 

"Think that'll work?" Leah asked. 

"I'm sure she'll survive," Celeste says and they head back to the room. 

They see Jon waiting for them at their door. He was in his casual wear with jeans and a T shirt, with a few bags in his hands. 

"I owe you two." He said with appreciation. 

"Darn right, you do!" Leah playfully glared at him. 

"Is she mad at me?" 

"Not at all. She is pretty disappointed but once she comes back to the room, her frown will totally turn upside down." 

"I'm sure she'll forget about the disappointment after tonight." 

"Look at you, being romantic. This is interesting." Celeste playfully punched him on the arm. "Text us when you're done decorating so we can tell the Divas to bring her back to the room. Leah and I will be staying with PJ. Have fun. Just not too much fun. And do not break the bed!" She ordered.

Jon gave her an amused look and headed into their hotel room while Celeste and Leah shut the door.

'To Melanie'

Melanie sighed and sat down on the couch. "So, why am I here?"

"We wanted some girl time after all the hectic scheduling." Nikki smiled. 

"Well, I guess I'll stay. So, what did you think of the Hall of Fame?" 

"Amazing!" Renee beamed. "Each year just gets better and better." 

"You guys looked awesome in your dresses." Melanie praised. 

"Aw, thanks. So did you. I saw that purple dress." Nikki said kindly. 

"Haha. Thanks. Ready for WrestleMania?"

"Oh, you have no idea. It sucks you're not a part of the diva's match though." Brie replied. 

"Eh, it's okay. I've been through a lot and I would rather be wrestling with the guys at the moment,"

"Who are you rooting for?" Eva asked. 

"Uh..." Melanie chuckled. 

"Obviously me. I'm more athletic." Nikki bragged. 

"Um, no, the bride to be is going to win. Brie mode!" Brie exclaimed. 

"No sweetie, Nattie is going to be Diva's champion, again." Nattie grinned while Melanie laughed. "Speaking of bride to be, how are you feeling about the wedding? It's coming up very soon." 

"I am on cloud nine, right now. I'm so happy Bryan and I are finally getting married. I'm so excited." Brie grinned. 

"I'm so happy for you, two. I can't wait for the wedding."

"I should call John, I wanna see him before I go to bed." Nikki took out her phone. 

"Oh boy, don't be inappropriate on the phone," Victoria groaned.

"Knowing her, she's probably going to." Renee giggled.

"She probably wants to do the nasty," Trinity added. 

"Hey, I love being in his arms and him kissing me," Nikki replied while Melanie looked down and frowned. "I'm glad I got to see him today-" 

"Nicole!" Brie nudged her. 

"Ow! What was that for?" Nikki exclaimed but shut up after the divas gave her a look. She mouthed an 'Oh' after they noticed Melanie looking sad. 

"Uh, on a positive note, you want some grapes?" Eva went to the kitchen. 

Melanie's eyes lit up. "Grapes?!" 

'Good save.' Brie thought as she smiled at the redhead. 

Melanie stood up from the couch and headed to the kitchen. 

"Nicole, you gotta stop running your mouth." Brie huffed. 

"I'm sorry, jeesh. I got carried away. Is he almost done, decorating? And who knows when Melly is going to get suspicious about things." Nikki replied. 

"I'm sure if we keep calm, we'll be okay," Trinity said. 

"She is going to be one happy camper tonight," Nattie said happily. 

"Who would have thought Jon would be so romantic?" Ariane smiled. 

"It's so adorable that he's doing this for her," Renee pointed out. 

"I know right? I think it's so cute." Victoria grinned. 

Melanie and Eva head back into the living room. "Wait, where's the grapes?" Nikki asked. 

"Uh, you see what had happened was..." Melanie began as the divas laughed. "Yeah, I kind of ate them all while I was in the kitchen and walking back in here." 

"You should have seen her. She kept popping them in her mouth like it was candy." Eva giggled and mimicked Melanie's eating motions. 

"Haha. I can imagine that." Victoria chuckled. 

"Anyone play Candy Crush?" Brie asked. 

"I do sometimes. I have it on my phone." Melanie said and took out her phone. She saw that the battery was on 13 percent. "Aw man, I need my phone charger. I'll be back." She stood up and went for the door while the divas looked at each other in panic. 

"Melly, don't worry. I got an extra one. You can use my charger." Brie replied in a calm voice. 

The Philly Diva stopped and turned around. "Really? Thanks." She smiled and headed to Brie's room with her. 

Nikki sighed out of relief. "Thank goodness for Brie's calmness."

"I know. That was close." Nattie replied. 

"Any word from Leah, Celeste, or Jon?" Danielle asked.

Nikki checked her phone. "Celeste says that Jon is a slow poke and he's still decorating." 

'To Jon' 

"You are so slow!" Celeste chuckled with Leah. They were in their hotel room, seeing Jon checking himself out in the mirror. 

"Shut up. I'm trying to look good." he replied. 

"You spent ten minutes checking yourself out and making sure you look presentable. Your hair looks fine. So what if it's messy? Melanie loves your messy hair, remember? And I believe wearing jeans, sneakers, a short sleeved black shirt and a leather jacket is okay. She isn't going to care what you wear. She's going to care about ripping your clothes off when she sees you. Now start the decorating."

"Fine. I'm just trying to be romantic. I'm not used to this stuff." 

"I'm sure what you're about to do for her is enough. All that's going to matter to her is that you two are going to see each other. Who cares about dinner and all that jazz? We're not perfect. Work does get in the way but you'll always find some time with each other." Leah replied. 

'To The Divas' 

"So I heard you're going to be playing the guitar for your entrance at WrestleMania," Victoria said to Melanie. 

"Guitar?" Trinity asked. 

"Ooh, when was this?" Ariane asked eagerly. 

"Victoria!" Melanie exclaimed. 

"Sorry, I heard it around backstage. Rumors." Victoria put her hands up in defense. 

"How come you didn't want anyone to know?" Brie asked. 

"Well, the band who plays my theme song is getting back together just to perform my song. So I wanted to make it a little bit more awesome and asked Creative if I could play the guitar." Melanie replied. 

"Can you sing?" Nikki asked. 

"Chyna can sing but I can't, so I just play the guitar,"

"Why do you want to play the guitar?" Nattie asked. 

"To bring out an old gimmick from the indies. I used to wear rockstar like clothes and play the guitar before breaking it. It's been a while since I showed off a rockstar version of myself." Melanie smiled at the memories. 

"Go 'head girl! I can see you headbanging and rocking out." Trinity high fived her.

"Haha. Yeah. I remember I would headbanging with the guys back in the Indies. Loved every second of it. I miss going to concerts in Philly. Sometimes I go with Leah, sometimes with Jon or some friends from the Indies. I remember all the crowd surfing, I would do." Melanie sighed. "I was crazy back then. I miss doing it."

"What made you stop?" Danielle asked. 

"Um." Melanie put her hair in a messy bun. "I guess it's because I kept moving forward in my wrestling career and didn't have the time, anymore. Ever since I went to FCW, I really haven't had the time to go back to that rockstar stage. They kind of made me change my gimmick,"

"You learn something new every day." Nattie grinned. 

"Yeah, but I'm not a triple threat. I can't sing but I can dance and play the guitar. It's been a while since I played the guitar. So I hope I'm not rusty."

"I'm sure you'll rock it out," Eva said. 

"Thanks." Melanie smiled and yawned. 

She started to play on her phone while the divas started talking about WrestleMania. 

"Who do you think is going to win? Undertaker or Brock?" Eva asked. 

"Obviously Undertaker. Why wouldn't he?" Ariane wondered. 

Melanie yawned again and it caught the attention of the divas. Five minutes later, she glanced up and saw all the divas looking at her. 

"What? What did I do?" she asked. 

"Are you sleepy?" Nikki asked. 

"I just wanted to lay down on my bed." 

"You can lay down on mine." 

"Yeah, but I really want mine. I like my bed." she stood up. "I'll see you guys tomorrow." 

"Melanie, wait, come on, just stay a little while longer. We still wanna chat with you." Ariane spoke up. 

She sighed and sat back down. "All right, fine." She replied. Moments later, she looked at them all. "Why do I feel like you guys are watching me like a hawk?" 

"Nothing girl. We're just chillin'." 

"You sure? Did I do something wrong?" 


"Then why do you guys keep stopping me when I want to leave? You guys are acting weird. I'm going back in my room, I gotta get up early." 

"We can't let you do that," Victoria said while Melanie stood back up. 

"Huh? And why not?" The Outspoken Diva questioned, raising a brow. 

"'s rats in there. Celeste didn't want to worry you." Nattie blurted out. 

Nikki and Renee glanced at each other before looking at Nattie in disapproval.

'Rats? Are you friggin' kidding me?' Nikki thought with annoyance as she shot Nattie an annoyed look. 

'What?' Nattie mouthed to Nikki. 

"Rats? I'm pretty sure this hotel is clean." Melanie chuckled. 

"Okay, fine. I'll tell you the truth..." Trinity sighed. "Celeste and her man are doing the nasty." 

"Yeah, that's right, girl. They're getting it in and they didn't want anyone interrupting their alone time." Ariane added. 

"But PJ has his own room. Celeste would have gone to his room." Melanie countered. "Look. Whatever is in my room, I'll be able to handle it. I'm sure if there are rats, I'll survive." She headed for the door but the Bellas blocked it. 

"Melanie. We're not letting you leave yet." Brie demanded. 

"Haha, very funny. Now move out the way, please." 

"Sorry, Melly," Nikki said, shaking her head with Brie. 

"Okay. Fine. Have it your way." She sat back down and the Bellas walked away from the door. 

"Thank you. Now instead of talking, let's watch a movie." Ariane suggested. 

After they got situated, they started to watch a funny movie but Melanie blocked out the movie and started to ponder. 

'Why don't they want me to leave? Did something bad happen? Are they hiding something from me? Did I miss something? Is the room okay?' Melanie thought as she eyeballed the door. 'I really could be in my bed right now. Maybe if I...' 

Melanie jumped off the couch and sprinted towards the door but got tackled by April out of nowhere. 

"Holy crap, April! That was good instinct!" Brie praised. 

Renee laughed. "Always count on April!" 

"Are you kidding me!?" Melanie shouted. "The hell did you come from!?" 

April giggled. "I have my ways. Sorry, Melly, you can't go anywhere." 

"Good save, April." Trinity complimented while April sat on Melanie's back. 

"This is ridiculous!" Melanie yelled. April got off her and the divas pulled on her legs to drag her back to the living room. She started to scratch and claw on the carpet. "Get off of me! This is assault! Assault!" 

"We can't let you leave, yet!" Ariane shouted. 

"Why not!?" The Philly Diva cried. 

All of them were acting so weird. Just let a woman go back to her hotel room to chill and go to bed. 

"That's for us to know and for you to find out!" Nattie replied. 

Melanie tried kicking her legs to try to get them off and it started to work. 

"We tried to be nice. We need to tie her up so she won't escape." April said with a devilish grin. 

"Oh hell no! Don't you dare! APRIL!" The Outspoken Diva yelled. 


Celeste checked the text message Nikki sent her. "Oh boy. Melanie is being stubborn."

Jon chuckled. "I wonder why."

"Nikki just said they're tying Melanie up so she won't escape. She tried to leave a couple of times." 

He began laughing. "That is so like her." 

He headed into the bathroom and shut the door. He checked out the big bathroom. It was clean and so was the tub. Melanie was one of the hardest workers in the WWE and she liked to take risks during her matches. Like getting thrown onto a table or wrestling superstars. Sometimes that can take a toll on her body. He knew she wanted to take a nice, long bubble bath without any worries or interruptions, and this time she'd get her wish. 

He turned on the bath and filled the tub with warm water and vanilla scented bath bubbles. Taking a few candles from his bags he began setting them around the tub and bathroom. After that, he set up a tray with a bowl of grapes and two glasses with a bottle of champagne. Once the tub was nearly full, he stopped the water from running and began lighting the candles. After he was done, he turned the lights off. 

"Sweet." He grinned, being proud of his efforts. 

He headed out of the bathroom and saw Celeste and Leah rushing over to him to see the bathroom. 

"Oh my gosh! That is so awesome!" Leah cheered. 

"Really?" He asked with a smile.

"Totally," Celeste replied and her phone started to ring. She answered it and put it on speaker. "Nikki?" 

"Are you guys done? Melanie is one stubborn chick, tonight." Nikki laughed. 

Meanwhile, Jon replaced the bed sheets with dark red silk sheets and placed rose petals around the bed and floor.

'To The Divas'

"Are you out of your fucking damn minds!?" Melanie screamed as she had her arms and legs tied up with rope.

"Things would have been so much easier if you didn't wanna leave so early," April replied innocently. 

"Are you drunk!?"

Nikki laughed. "No, we're not." 

"I am so confused, right now. Why can't I leave? Why the heck am I tied up like this?" Melanie exclaimed as Nikki got another phone call. 

She opened up the door to reveal Celeste and Leah. As soon as Celeste and Leah look at Melanie, they laugh. 

"Oh screw you!" Melanie snapped. "You are going to pay for this!" 

"Haha. She can come back now." Celeste said. 

"Wait, I need permission to go back to my hotel room?" Melanie got untied and headed out the door. "Who are you, my mom? I don't think so. I do not like being tied up like that." She continued to ramble.

"Don't worry, you'll thank us tomorrow." Nikki winked and shut the door. 

"Come on, let's go." Leah and Celeste grabbed her and took her back to the hotel room. 

"Do you know what I've been through in there? They're nuts! Friggin' nuts!" The Outspoken Diva exclaimed while Celeste and Leah giggled. "It's not funny!" 

"Yes, it is," Leah replied as they stood by the door. "I'm sure everything will be okay once you get back to the room."

"See you tomorrow." Celeste waved. 

"Wait, you guys aren't coming in?" Melanie asked. 

"Have fun~" Leah grinned and walked away with Celeste. 

Melanie watched them with a confused expression and took out her key to open the door. "Okay then...What a crazy night. I need to take a bath or something." she said after walking in.

All of a sudden, she felt strong arms snaking around her waist as she gasped. 

"Funny...I need to take one, too. Mind if I join you?" Jon whispered in her ear. 

She grinned and turned around. "Jon!" She giggled and embraced him. "You're here!" 

He chuckled and wrapped his arms around her waist as she put her arms around his neck. 

"You know I'm always going to find a way to make you feel special on a day like this." He smiled. 

Melanie couldn't stop grinning and pulled him in for a passionate kiss. They couldn't stop thinking about each other all night and to be together now made the whole day worth the work and drama. 

"Come on." He grabbed her hand and led her to the bathroom. 

"Where are you taking me?" She asked, letting him take the lead. As soon as he led her to the bathroom, she gasped and looked around in awe. "You really know how to make me smile. What's all this?" 

"I thought we could both use a nice, relaxing, bath." 

"This is amazing!"

"Just like you. You're the best, you know that?"

"So are you!"

"I'm sorry we couldn't spend the whole day, together." 

"It's okay. What matters now is that I'm with you. Even for the night, I'm still happy I got to see you." 

She ran a hand through his messy hair before pulling him in for another kiss. 

In the morning, Melanie woke up but frowned once she didn't feel any warmth. 

'I guess it was a dream...' she sadly thought. 

But then she heard a soft groan and felt a strong arm wrap around her waist, pulling her back into a hard chest. 

"You okay?" Jon rasped in a sleepy tone.

She smiled and turned around to face him. "Thought I was dreaming." 

"Why dream when you can have the real thing?" he asked as she smiled.

After they got dressed and ready for WrestleMania Day, Melanie was in the kitchen checking out her Twitter before Colby began knocking on the door.

"Lovebirds! Hurry up! We got an interview to go to!" Colby shouted.

Melanie chuckled and opened the door to reveal Joe and Colby. 

"What's up, guys?" She gave them hugs, walking out of the room with Jon.

"I feel content. Ready for Mania?" he grinned.

"You bet. I'll probably get nervous as the time comes but I just can't wait for our match. We're gonna kick some ass." 


'WWE Network Interview' 

"Last year's WrestleMania, our first WrestleMania, how many times as a kid, have you dreamed of being in WrestleMania?" Dean asked. 

"That's all I wanted to do," Seth said. "To say we were the underdogs in that match was quite the understatement." 

"It was our first WrestleMania and you only get one chance. It could be your last WrestleMania."

"To capture a huge win like that, in front of so many people..." Roman spoke up. 

"It's friggin' awesome." Morgan grinned. "It's what we work for." 

"Last year we were like the 1980 US Olympic hockey team, a bunch of nobodies. Going in, sticking together, teamwork, trying to win the gold, and that's what we did." Dean added. "But this year, jeez, we're like the Yankees, Lakers, we're The Shield." 

"We got ambushed, that's something that doesn't happen to The Shield very often," Seth said. "Kane had some tricks up his sleeve, and we paid the price for not being any wiser. But at the end of the day, he didn't get the job done. Cause we're still sitting here, and we're talking about it. And WrestleMania's coming up and we're still walking so...Rosa and those boys are in trouble." 

"I'm a fan of the New Age Outlaws. Morgan knows them well since her cousin was with them, and we both liked them as a kid. But it's gonna be great to set them out." 

"I don't know how many times I gotta say this, but you made a big mistake ambushing us and you're gonna get it. I'll let my actions speak for me. I just can't wait to see them beneath our feet." Morgan mentioned. 

"We came in here, with one goal in mind, knock down doors, kick everybody out of the way. And run the show." Seth announced. 

"Rosa. Pack your stuff, you got to go. You're done." 

"They want to stand in our way? I don't care who they are, I don't care what kind of legacy they got. Just like Morgan said, they gotta go. Kane, Rosa, New Age Outlaws..." 

"You're done," Roman said as Morgan nodded in agreement. "They just made the biggest mistake. You can't break us. We'll bend but we're never break." 


The Shield and Morgan were backstage. Morgan had on jeans and a Shield shirt with her hair in a ponytail. 

"I don't even care anymore, what's happened up to this point. I don't care anymore, what brought us here. Because all I care about is that Kane, Rosa, and the New Age Outlaws bring their absolute best, tonight, at WrestleMania. We want you guys to bring everything you have. So you can feel pain, knowing that your best isn't good enough when you're up against The Shield." Dean said and showed his fist. "When you're up against this. The new symbol of excellence." 

Morgan chewed her mint gum and blew a bubble before popping it. "Do you see this? Do you see this fist?" She put out her fist. "This is the fist that's going to break your faces. I know each and every one of you well. I know your weaknesses, your strengths, and what it'll take to bring you down. Our game plan tonight is to make a statement, and that's what we're gonna do."

"Morgan and I have been planning our game plan carefully for tonight," Seth said as she nodded. "New Age Outlaws, six time WWE Tag Team Champions. And Kane, doesn't matter what title you have, Mister Director of Operations. We see the demon in your eyes. And we all know, what the 4 of you are capable of, we understand your history at WrestleMania. But after tonight, when the old dies out, and the new rises up, we're gonna make you, a part of our history." 

"That's right, history. You're history because we're the future." Roman growled and put out his fist. "Take a good look at that." The Shield put their fists together. "Believe in The Shield." 

After their interview, Melanie headed to the diva's locker room all dressed and ready for the show.

"Damn girl, you are ready to rock. Can't wait to see you play." Ariane smiled while Melanie thanked her.

"It's starting!" Eva grinned as the preshow ended. 

The butterflies in Melanie's stomach started to get worse as she popped another grape in her mouth. 

"Nervous?" Milena smiled at her. "I am too. I'm shaking. See?" She put out her hand and they saw it shaking. 

The Philly Diva grabbed it as they both tried to calm each other down.

"But don't worry. We are going to have one heck of a match." Milena added.

"Totally. I just don't know why I am so nervous. I wasn't like this last year." The Outspoken Diva mentioned.

"This WrestleMania has more meaning for you. More to Chyna and your family. I'm nervous just like you, Melly. But this is our time to shine and show the crowd that we're here for a reason." 

Melanie nodded as they heard the loud crowd cheering. 

"I am so excited!" Eva cheered as she hugged some of the divas. 

"It's showtime girls." Milena winked and walked out of the Diva's locker room. 

Melanie went to put the final touches on her makeup and turned to see April handing her the guitar.

"You're going to do great. Don't be nervous." April encouraged. 

Melanie grabbed her guitar and looked at it. She exhaled slowly and nodded at her. "Thank you. Okay, I think I'm ready."

Later backstage, Melanie was pacing around with her nerves getting to her.

"Man, you're freaking out." Randy chuckled as he watched her. 

"That bad, huh?" she asked with a nervous smile.

"I never seen you so nervous. Relax. Everything will be fine." He put his hands on her shoulders. 

"Easy for you to say."

"I remember my second WrestleMania. WrestleMania 21. Me and The Undertaker."

"I remember that. Were you nervous?" 

"With a Pay Per View like WrestleMania, yeah, I was nervous. But Mel, you're going to do great out there. I never see you have a bad match. You put so much effort into your wrestling that it makes me admire your passion for wrestling. I knew you were going to do great in the WWE ever since your debut match. The butterflies will go away as soon as you're on that stage. All eyes are on you. Show them how great of a wrestler you are." 

She nodded and embraced him. "Thanks for looking out for me." 

"Of course. Good luck tonight." 

"You do the same." She grinned and walked away. 

After walking around, eating grapes, and stretching, her nervousness started to kick in again. She spotted Jon doing pushups and he stood up once he noticed her.

"Hey, you okay?" he asked.

"Y-­yeah, I'm fine." She replied, despite the nervousness in her voice. 

"You're nervous, aren't you?" 

"I don't understand." She paced around. "I'm still nervous after all this time." 


"I can't relax." 


"Why am I nervous? Why am I nervous?" 


"This cannot be happening; this shouldn't not be happening." 


"I can't do this. I can't do this!" She exclaimed but he hugged her from behind and started to softly sing in her ear, calming her down instantly. 

"You okay, now?" he asked with a smile.

"Surprisingly. Much better. Thank you," she replied, officially feeling at ease.

"Good. I gotta go meet up with Colby and Joe. You'll be fine out there. All right?" He kissed her cheek and picked up his mask. 

"Okay." She smiled as he walked away. 

Melanie headed to the gorilla and checked out Daniel Bryan's match against Triple H on the TV. 

She tweets, 'Good luck to Daniel Bryan! I hope he kicks Triple H's ass. #YesMovement' 

A stagehand gave Melanie her guitar after making sure everything was fine with it and helped her prepare for her entrance. 

"There she is." Monty (Billy Gunn) said as he walked over to her with Brian (Road Dogg). 

"Ready to kick our butts?" Brian chuckled. 

"Haha. It's going to be fun wrestling with you guys," she replied. 


'Oh you didn't know? You better call somebody' 

Road Dogg and Billy Gunn walked out on the stage while Road Dogg had a mic in his hand. 

"You damn right! You see the Outlaws are riding into the dirty dirty. Representing The Authority at WrestleMania 30." Road Dogg said as the crowd booed. 

Morgan tweets, 'Wonder how much crap WWERoadDogg and RealBillyGunn will be talking once they get their asses whooped.' 

"The Hounds of Justice are about to learn a lesson in humility-" 








The crowd cheered loudly as The Shield's theme came on. 

"So much for being humble," JBL said.

"The following is an intergender tag team contest scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, at a combined weight of 707 pounds, the team of, the United States champion, Dean Ambrose, along with Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns, The Shield!" Lilian announced. 

"The Shield getting set for this intergender match, here tonight. The New Age Outlaws not happy with being interrupted." Cole looked on. 

"I just can't wait for the divas! Rosa and Morgan are gonna tear each other apart!" King said with excitement. 

"When those two get in the ring with each other, it's going to be ugly," JBL anticipated. 

Kane's theme came on and he walked out to meet up with the New Age Outlaws. 

"And their opponents, at a combined weight of 824 pounds, the team of Kane and The New Age Outlaws." Lilian announced. 

With Melanie by the gorilla, she watched their entrance on the screen while Milena stood next to her. 

Milena smiled and gave her a big hug. "See you out there!"

"Sounds like a plan." She waved as Milena walked through the curtains. 

Rosa's theme came on and revealed her big entrance. Her mom was at ringside watching with a huge smile on her face. Rosa walked out, dancing with a huge dance crew and a band playing the instruments for the song.

"Introducing their tag team partner, Rosa Mendes!" Lilian announced. 

"Wow! Look at Rosa! She's looking beautiful, tonight!" JBL said, enjoying the look as she stood in front of the dancers and danced with them. 

"I just hope she doesn't hurt herself, the way her hips are swinging," King said as Rosa started dancing with two shirtless guys, with jeans and short black hair, showing off their abs, and good looks. 

Morgan tweets 'I should have known she'd have an entrance like that. Goodness...' 

Rosa gets escorted down the ring by the two guys. She stood on the apron and did her signature hair flip before getting in the ring. She started dancing some more as the crowd gave her mixed reactions. 

Melanie chuckled at Milena's character acting arrogant. She exhaled and looked at the crowd with amazement. In a few moments, she'll be out there, and all eyes will be on her. 

"Great feeling, isn't it?" A warm voice asked behind her. "Being able to perform at WrestleMania. Heh heh, it's nice to see you spread your wings, when I'm not there in person to see you shine. I'm so proud of you." 

She swiftly turned around to see Chyna with her arms crossed, smiling at her. 

"Chyna!" She embraced her. "Oh my gosh, you're here! I thought you weren't going to make it when your flight was acting up." 

"Of course, I wouldn't miss this." She hugged her back.

In the ring, Rosa grabbed a mic. "Before I personally embarrass Morgan in front of all you ignorant masses. I just want to remind you of who I am. I am the hottest diva on the roster and one of the strongest divas in WWE History. No one can touch me! I am clearly better than Morgan, and even Chyna! None of these divas can step up to me, and I'm going to prove that later on tonight when I become the new Diva's Champion!" 

'Don't Treat Me Like a Woman' 

The crowd exploded and stood up as soon as they heard Chyna's theme. 

"No way," Cole exclaimed as Rosa turned her head to the stage. 

"What in the world?" JBL looked on. 

The crowd started to cheer loudly when Chyna and Jane walked out. The Shield members grinned to themselves as their plan was starting to come in motion.

"Oh my gosh! It's Chyna!" King screamed in a high voice. 

"The rumors were true! She's here!" Cole shouted as Chyna stood at the ramp with her pyro gun with Jane. 

"And Jane's back! Jane power!" King cheered while Chyna shot the gun twice.

Rosa's eyes widened as Seth began to laugh at her. "Why so quiet?" He called out. 

"No, no, no! Get them out of this building!" Rosa shouted. "This cannot be happening!" 

The New Age Outlaws looked on, stunned, as they saw their former teammate on the stage. 

"And the Outlaws look like they've seen a ghost," Cole pointed out. 

"I don't blame them," JBL added.

"Chyna. THE Chyna is back in the WWE for the night. This is awesome!" King happily said. 

Celeste tweets, 'Haha. The look on Rosa's face is priceless. That's a #WrestleManiaMoment right there. And again, holy crap! #ChynasBack!' 

Chyna put her hands on her hips and gave the crowd a smile. 

"The Ninth Wonder of the World is back. This is amazing. Rosa is losing it, folks." Cole chuckled as the camera showed her pacing around, looking worried with the Outlaws.

With Melanie, she stood with her guitar, watching the band of her theme song, Egypt Central, preparing to walk out.

"Melanie, it's nice to see you again." John Falls, who was the lead singer of Egypt Central, said while walking up to her with the other band members. 

"Hey!" She embraced him and the other members. She met them after their concert years ago while they were on tour. "Thank you guys so much for getting back together for one night to perform my theme. I appreciate it." 

"No problem. Ready to rock?" he asked. 

"You bet! And I hope my attire shows it." she chuckled as she looked at her outfit. 

She had on her black fingerless gloves, a black wristband on her left wrist, her hoodie, black pants with a chain on the side, black combat boots, and her purple bandana on her head for her dad. She also had dark eye makeup and a black electric guitar. 

A photographer took a photo of Melanie with the band as they posed. She did the rock on sign on her hands with the band and the photographer posted it on Instagram with the caption, 'Morgan is ready to rock with Egypt Central as she prepares to take on WWERosaMendes, Kane and the New Age Outlaws' 

The stage had all the band's instruments set up and they walked out for their song. The guitarists started playing the first beats of the song. 

'I've had enough I'm taking you down'

"New Orleans!" John yelled as the crowd cheered in response. "Let's turn this up!" 

Morgan got on the stage and started playing her guitar with the band members. She began jumping to the beat as the crowd cheered louder. As soon as John started singing the first verse, he went back to back with her as she continued to play. 

"Do you see this!? Morgan's playing the guitar! This is awesome!" King cheered as she started headbanging with the band. 

"Of all the things, this has got to be one of the most interesting things, I've seen. What the-what are you doing Cole? Stop that! Sit down!" JBL scolded while Cole started headbanging and dancing around. 

"What in the world, Cole?" King laughed.

"Come on, join me, this is awesome! Go, Morgan!" Cole cheered.

"You two need help..." JBL said, watching King and Cole dancing to the song.

Nikki tweets, 'WWEMorgan101 can be so secretive about her talents. Watching her play that guitar makes me want to play it too,'

Celeste tweets, 'WWEMorgan101 is in the house! I'm getting excited to see my cute little #GrapeMonsterHound in action. Hit Rosa for me!' 

Before the second verse, Morgan took the guitar off and slammed it on the floor, breaking it. Rosa crossed her arms and gave her a dirty look as she did not look impressed. The Shield on the other hand was while The New Age Outlaws still couldn't believe Chyna was in the building. Morgan met up with Jane and Chyna and hugged them. Chyna stood in front of the Outspoken Diva before they turned their heads to the ring. 

"You ready?" Chyna smiled, looking back at her.

"With you by my side, I feel like I can do anything," she replied.

"This is giving me goosebumps! Chyna and Morgan are here at WrestleMania together. Rosa better think of a gameplan fast." King looked on. 

Morgan took her hoodie off, revealing her shredded black shirt. The shreds were on her back, and on the front was The Shield symbol. The shirt stopped just before her belly button, showing off her naval piercing. As John sang the second verse, she held hands with Chyna and Jane while they began to walk her down the ring. They raised their arms up in the air as the crowd cheered. 

Chyna and Jane kiss Morgan on the cheek before setting her off by twirling her around and letting her go. Chyna smiled softly, watching Morgan's back as she walked down to the ring with her head up high. 

"Morgan is determined tonight," Cole said as she did her taunt while colorful pyros appeared behind her. 

She started tagging hands before stopping at the end of the ramp. She looked around with a grin as the crowd continued to cheer. She started tagging more hands around ringside and spotted Mimi and Leah. She gave them a high five and gave her Aunt Aria and Dad a kiss on the cheek before running into the ring. 

Jumping on the turnbuckle to do her taunt, she yelled, "Let's go!"

She did The Shield pose as the song ended and pointed to the band, blowing them a kiss. 

"Give it up for Morgan!" John yelled as the crowd cheered loudly in response. 

The Outspoken Diva jumped off the turnbuckle and turned her attention to Rosa. Chyna and Jane got in their front row seats in the crowd with Leah and the others while Rosa's mother was at ringside, cheering Rosa on. 

"You think you're so tough, huh? Little corny rockstar!" Rosa snapped and stepped up to the Philly Diva as they got in each other's faces. 

"Uh oh!" JBL exclaimed as the guys tried to separate them with the crowd getting excited.

Ronda Rousey tweets, 'Can't wait to see WWEMorgan101 kick some ass tonight. #KOThatChick' 

Brie tweets, 'You've come a long way WWEMorgan101. Good luck!' 

Summer Rae tweets, 'The way WWEMorgan101 always connects with the crowd amazes me. Love you! Good luck!' 

Naomi tweets, 'You go girl! Represent the Total Divas! WWEMorgan101' 

Rosa started to mock Morgan while she glared at her. All of a sudden, Rosa slapped her in the face as the Outspoken Diva stood on one knee and leaned on the ropes, holding her cheek. Chyna looked unamused and briefly glared at Rosa for her actions before smirking, knowing that Morgan would handle it.

"Chyna seems to have a good feeling about tonight," Cole looked on. 

"Morgan, you all right?" Seth asked as he helped Morgan up.

The teams stood on the apron, leaving Dean and Kane to start off the match. 

"I'm fine, but I'll be great once I get my hands on her." She replied

"You will, don't worry. Remember our plan." He said and she nodded in response. 

Tags :
11 months ago

Forced To Believe Chapter 56- Public Displays of Affection

Forced To Believe Chapter 56- Public Displays Of Affection

Chapter Summary: The Shield take on Rosa, The NAO and Kane at Wrestlemania 30. Morgan makes up her mind about Ambrose

Words: 9,000+


Kane and Dean start the match while Morgan grips the ropes tightly, still annoyed at the slap she got from Rosa. 

'In due time...' She thought as she looked around at the thousands of people in attendance. 

She still couldn't believe she was here at WrestleMania 30. Kane and Dean exchange words before they go at it. Kane throws him right into the corner and starts hitting him with punches until the ref breaks it up. Ambrose starts to fight back but gets hit with an uppercut by Kane. He stumbles into Kane's corner as Kane starts to distract the ref. Rosa takes the opportunity to hit Ambrose with a cheap shot as the crowd boos. 

"And a cheap shot by Rosa." Cole looked on. 

"Never take your eyes off that Hell Cat," King declared. "She's a beauty but boy is she deadly." 

"Are you friggin' kidding me!?" Morgan shouted angrily.

Rosa starts giving the fans a show by flipping her hair around, earning whistles from people in the crowd. 

"And Rosa isn't listening to a word, Morgan is saying," Cole said as Morgan made a frustrated growl while Rosa blew her a kiss. 

"As soon as I'm in this ring with you, I'm gonna wipe that stupid smirk off your face!" The Outspoken Diva shouted and stood on the middle rope before Seth and Roman calmed her down. 

Celeste tweets 'A lot of showboating going on by Rosa. But #CanSheBackItUp?' 

Billy gets tagged in and hits Ambrose with an arm drag before putting him in an arm submission. 

"Come on, Ambrose." Seth supported as The Shield looked on intently. 

Billy throws Dean back to his corner and tags in Road Dogg as they start stomping on him. Road Dogg hits Ambrose with a belly to belly suplex and goes for the pin as Dean kicks out at two. 

"Come on, boy. Come on, boy. It's time you learned your lesson." Road Dogg taunted and pushed his face around. 

"Let's go, Dean." Roman cheered on. 

"Go crazy!" Morgan shouted which made Ambrose glance at her. "They don't call you the lunatic fringe for nothing, right?" 

Dean punches Road Dogg away, making him stumble back. Suddenly, Ambrose slaps himself in the face. 

Nikki tweets 'Oooooo that triggered something. #MorganTheTrigger' 

"Hey, that worked. Keep doing what you're doing." Seth praised Morgan. 

"Not good enough! Get whacked out!" she exclaimed as Ambrose started to laugh like a madman and hit himself in the face again. 

"Morgan trying to motivate Ambrose." Cole looked on. 

"You gotta go deeper," Roman said to her. 

"Deeper? This is as deep as I can go. What else do you want me to do?" She asked. 

Seth and Roman gave her a look and she nervously chuckled. 

"You're kidding, right? That's not necessary." She tried to reason as they continued to stare at her. "Why me?" 

"Why not?" Roman countered. 

"You guys are doing this on purpose." She exhaled and turned her attention back to Dean, who was on his knees after getting kicked by Road Dogg. "Hey! Don't just lie there! Where's that erratic and destructive side of Ambrose I fell in love with?!" 

That starts to trigger Ambrose into gaining momentum as he starts fighting back against Road Dogg. Road Dogg kicks him to the ropes but Dean comes back and hits him with a clothesline as the crowd cheers. 

"That's what I'm talkin' about!" Seth shouted. 

"Could this be the opening Ambrose needs, to make a tag?" Cole asked as Dean crawled his way towards his teammates. 

The crowd cheers loudly as soon as the Divas get tagged in. 

"Yes! Divas!" King cheered. 

"Oh, this is gonna be good," JBL said.

"Let's go! Come on!" Rosa shouted as she got in the ring.

"I'll make sure you can never dance, that disgraceful dance again!" Morgan yelled and jumped over the ropes, landing inside the ring.

The Outspoken Diva runs and spears Rosa down as she starts hitting her with hard shots to the face. 

"These two aren't messing around. All the emotion, the attacks, everything these two have done to each other. These two want to destroy each other." Cole said. 

Rosa turns them around and starts hitting Morgan with hard shots to the face until the ref breaks them up. Back on their feet, Rosa kicks Morgan in the stomach and slams her back down before kicking her in the stomach again to make her turn face first on the mat. She locks in a camel clutch submission as the crowd motivates Morgan to get out of it. Morgan gets on her feet and rushes backward into a turnbuckle, making Rosa release the hold. She takes the opportunity to perform the handspring back elbow smash but Rosa dropkicks her back, making her fall back down on the mat.

"Rosa has been studying Morgan, lately." Cole looked on.

She drags Morgan to the bottom turnbuckle in a corner and starts choking her with her boot. 

"Come on Rosa! Get off of her! 1! 2! 3! 4!" The ref shouted and she released the hold at four. 

Morgan manages to get up and tries to fight back but Rosa kicks her in the midsection and drops her with a swinging neckbreaker. She quickly goes for the pin but Morgan kicks out at two. Rosa bangs on the mat and glares at the ref. 

"Come on!" She complained and started arguing with the ref.

Melanie laid on her back and looked up at the ceiling to rest for a moment. She wanted to make sure to make Milena look good as her character, Rosa Mendes, and it looked like things were going quite well in their match. The fact that they were wrestling here at Mania and in front of her cousin Chyna made her heart soar. She was beyond grateful and couldn't wait to perform the planned spots for the match.

Milena went back up to Melanie and gripped her hair, making her stand up.

"Okay, like we planned. Throw me across the ring by my hair," Melanie murmured to her with her hair in her face.

Roughly gripping her hair, Rosa tosses her across the ring, making Morgan grunt loudly and hold her head.

"I am the freakin' Costa Rican!" Rosa yelled at the crowd and put her arms out as the crowd gave her mixed reactions. 

"Rosa seems very confident tonight," Cole said. 

Brie tweets 'Somebody please #ShutRosaUp' 

"I want you to watch as I make your baby cousin suffer!" Rosa pointed at Chyna while Chyna looked unimpressed and narrowed her eyes at her.

"And Rosa with the trash talking," Cole added. 

She grabs Morgan by the hair again but gets punched in the midsection. Morgan runs to the ropes but Rosa counters with a tilt a whirl backbreaker and goes for the pin. Morgan kicks out at two as Rosa starts to get more frustrated. 

"Come on, Morgan!" Seth cheered. 

All of a sudden, Morgan hits Rosa with the backfire out of nowhere.

"There you go!" Roman clapped.

"Stay on her," Dean advised. 

As the divas get up, they start punching each other back and forth. The crowd cheers 'Yay' for Morgan, and 'Boo' for Rosa until Morgan hits her with a few clotheslines and one leg dropkicks. Rosa manages to throw Morgan to the ropes and tries to go for a clothesline but Morgan slides down on her knees. She gets back up and quickly hits Rosa with a roundhouse kick, and pins her until Rosa's mom grabs her ankles, pulling her out of the ring. 

"And look at Rosa's mother getting involved!" Cole exclaimed. 

"I knew something like this was going to happen," King said as Rosa's mom tried to look innocent while The Shield was not happy. 

"Son of a..." Morgan mumbled but all of a sudden, Jane jumped over the barricade as the crowd got excited. 

"Where is Jane going!?" King asked in a high pitched voice. 

"This has gone far long enough!" Jane shouted and tackled Rosa's mom down as the two of them began rolling around, fighting each other. 

Celeste tweets 'The moms are going at it! Sweet! #MamaWars' 

Rosa gets out the ring and kicks Jane off her mother. Before she can get her hands on her, Morgan and The Shield stand in front of Jane while The Outlaws and Kane stand in front of Rosa's mother. 

"Back it up. Back it up, now." Ambrose threatened while Morgan checked on her mom. 

"You back it up! Check that woman. She isn't supposed to be out here." Road Dogg pointed. 

"And what about her?" Seth pointed to Rosa's mother. 

"Are you okay?" Morgan asked with worry as she helped Jane. 

"Oh hush, I'm fine. But I still want to get my hands on that witch." Jane replied. "I'm staying at ringside to make sure there is no more funny business." 

Morgan nods and gets in the ring to tag in Seth while Rosa tags in Billy. Seth begins to take control by hitting him with one leg dropkicks. He kicks Billy in the midsection and strikes him with three suplexes. Billy crawls over to the middle ropes where The Shield is. While the ref was trying to calm down Rosa's team from protesting about The Shield's offense, Morgan decided to kick Billy in the face, getting a positive reaction from the crowd.

"Hey! Hey! Ref! Did you see that!?" Rosa shouted as she started to argue with the referee. 

Billy begins to fight back before Seth hits him with an enzuigiri. They both crawl to their teammates as Morgan and Road Dogg get tagged in.

"Come on Morgan, you don't want to do this. You're gonna regret this. Just leave the ring." Road Dogg said, amused, but Morgan shook her head. "I warned ya,"

They circle around each other before locking up. Road Dogg clotheslines her and begins doing his little dance as he goes for the elbow. But Morgan moves out the way, making him hit the mat as Chyna smirks in satisfaction. 

"Good..." Chyna said under her breath, nodding in approval.

"Looks like Chyna's been telling Morgan some secrets," King said. 

"Morgan has said that she has been studying The Outlaws for the past few weeks," Cole added.

Road Dogg narrows his eyes at her and turns his attention to Chyna, understanding the situation.

"I see how it is..." He retorted and stood up. 

They lock up again and he tries to go for the DDT but Morgan counters it with a kick in the midsection as Road Dogg starts to look annoyed. 

"And Road Dogg does not look happy," Cole said as The Shield looked on with amusement. 

"It's like she knows what moves he's going to do," JBL said.

Road Dogg starts arguing with the ref, and Rosa takes advantage by attacking Morgan from behind and hitting her with the Gory bomb as the crowd boos. Rosa gets back on the apron and looks at her nails while Road Dogg grins. 

"What did you do?" The ref asked as he looked down at the pained expression on Morgan's face. 

"I wasn't doing anything. I was just minding my business." Rosa replied while Billy Gunn agreed. 

The Shield start trash talking to the Outlaws and Kane while Road Dogg starts taunting the crowd. He turns to Chyna and kicks Morgan in the stomach, making her groan in pain. Not liking the assault, Chyna clenches her fists and gives him a sharp look.

"Are you mad?" He provoked and slid out the ring to where Chyna was sitting. "She's a waste of space in this company! Seeing her reminds me of how terrible you were back in the day." 

"Uh oh," JBL said as Chyna slowly stood up from her seat as the fans looked on with interest.

She punches him in the face and jumps over the barricade to start unloading on him with punches as the crowd goes wild. 

"What is she thinking!? She's assaulting Road Dogg!" JBL shouted.

Celeste tweets 'Whoa! Did not see that coming! #ChynaStillGotIt'

"She's not assaulting him! She's giving him justice!" King exclaimed. "Go Chyna, go!" 

"Chyna wasn't going to stand for the disrespect," Cole said.

'You Still Got It! You Still Got It!' The crowd chants as she ruthlessly attacks Road Dogg. 

Morgan watches her beat him up with a satisfied expression. After all these years, she's still a hard hitter and never backs down to the men in wrestling. It was one of the things Morgan admires about her, and why she looks up to Chyna for wrestling. 

"What is she doing!? She's not a part of the match!" JBL exclaimed. 

"I don't care! Chyna's still got it! Woo hoo!" King shouted excitedly. 

Rosa begins yelling at Chyna from the apron, annoyed at how she interfered in the match. Billy Gunn quickly gets off the apron and grabs Chyna off of Road Dogg. 

"Hey! Hey! What are you doing? What are you doing?" Billy exclaimed and released her as she turned around to face him.

"This is some reunion. These three have so much history together." Cole informed as Chyna and Billy faced off. 

The crowd begins to boo once the ref manages to break everything up. Chyna sits back in her seat with an angry expression on her face while Road Dogg tags in Billy Gunn to take on Rollins.

"I don't think this is the last we'll be seeing of Chyna. The crowd will not be disappointed." King said.

"Can you believe her?" Road Dogg glanced at Chyna while Kane chuckled to himself, remembering the beating he received. 

Meanwhile, in the ring, Seth hits Billy with a snapmare and tags in Morgan as she connects with a shining wizard. 

"Nice takedown by Morgan." Cole complimented as she tagged in Roman. 

Roman begins to take control of Billy before hitting him with a Samoan drop. He tags Morgan back in, and she gets on the top rope.

"Morgan's going sky high." Cole looked on.

She does her taunt, earning more cheers before hitting Billy with a moonsault. 

"Beautiful moonsault by Morgan. I love it when she flies." King praised. 

She tags Seth back in as he starts taking control of Billy. Road Dogg starts arguing with Seth after he hits Billy with a springboard diving knee to the head. Road Dogg decides to get in the ring but gets kicked in the midsection and thrown into a corner, following Billy Gunn running into him in the corner by Rollins. 

"Quick tags by The Shield. Smart move." JBL said once Rollins tagged Morgan back in. 

Morgan gets in the ring and hits The Outlaws with a handspring back elbow smash, making Chyna smile. 

"That put a huge smile on Chyna's face!" King said while Morgan tagged Roman in. 

"Not a lot of communication between Ambrose and Morgan tonight." Cole observed. 

"Don't talk negative." JBL snapped. "They'll be okay. They'll work together in the match. I'm sure he's still resting after the offense he's taken, earlier." 

Roman gets caught in an arm submission by Billy and starts to get worn down. Billy hits him with a suplex, and Rosa takes the opportunity to tag herself in. He holds Roman up and she hits him with a few slaps in the face. 

"Rosa adding insult to injury," Cole looked on. 

"I'm surprised she's in the ring with Roman Reigns of all people. She's lost her mind." JBL said as Rosa taunted the crowd again, earning mixed reactions. 

She blows Morgan a kiss, which triggers The Outspoken Diva's annoyance. 

"Oh, don't worry!" Morgan stood up on the middle rope. "I'm gonna wipe that dumb grin off your face! You're gonna get it! I promise you!"

"Shut up, you little brat!" Rosa shouted back before tagging in Kane while Seth and Dean calmed Morgan down.

"Now Kane is in the ring. Roman desperately needs to make a tag." Cole said. 

Kane picks Roman up and hits him with a throat thrust, wearing him down even more. The crowd starts trying to motivate Roman as he gets thrown to the ropes. He manages to spear Kane out of nowhere and goes for the pin. 

"Spear! Spear!" Cole shouted.

"Yes!" Morgan cheered. 

The Outlaws manage to break up the pin just in time but then Ambrose gets in the ring and drops them with a double clothesline, before unloading on Road Dogg. As soon as he turns around, he gets dropped with a big boot by Kane. 

"What a boot by Kane. Ambrose is out." King winced at the impact. 

Kane turns around and gets hit by Roman's superman punch, making the crowd get louder. Meanwhile, Rosa decides to get on the top rope.

"What the-what is Rosa doing now?" Cole asked with an amused tone. 

She does a loud battle cry and lunges herself at Roman, only to be caught by him in a powerbomb hold. 

"No! No! Let me go! Let me go!" She screamed as Morgan started to smirk and climbed on a top rope. 

"Uh oh, Morgan is searching for that dark place. That smirk means bad things." JBL said.

People in the crowd stand up and are in shock as they watch as Kane manages to lift Roman up for a powerbomb hold as well while Roman continues to lift up Rosa.

This spot was insane but they all were hoping it would be successful for this match. Butterflies were in Melanie's stomach as she waited for her cue to attack. She truly hoped she wouldn't miss.

"Now this is a WrestleMania moment!" King exclaimed 

"Oh my gosh, Rosa! Get her down, Roman!" JBL shouted. 

"Look out!" King shouted in a high voice.

Seth jumps on the ropes and dropkicks Kane while Morgan jumps off the top rope, giving Rosa a clothesline. Everyone drops down and lands on the mat. The roar of the crowd got louder as they start chanting 'Holy shit'. 

"Oh my gosh, these competitors may be broken in half!" Cole shouted. 

"This is insane!" JBL yelled. 

"Oh my gosh! Is Morgan okay!? Is Rosa okay!? Are the divas all right!?" King shouted as the crowd chanted 'This is awesome!'.

Morgan lies on the mat, face first, breathing heavily while the ref checks on all the competitors. 

'Niiiiice.' Melanie praised herself for a job well done while loving the loud cheers.

"No one is moving!" King looked on.

"We need to see that a couple of times," Cole said as the titantron showed the replay of the big move 5 times, 2 in slow motion. 

"The reckless nature of some of these competitors can be a thrill to watch," King said as everyone started moving and crawling their way to their corners. 

Morgan rolls out the ring and rolls over on the back, exhausted. Jane checks on her, comforting her in a motherly way. Seth and Dean roll back over to their apron and rest, while the Outlaws roll over to their apron to rest. Rosa rolls out the ring on her side and rolls on the front of her body, exhausted from the impact as her mother comforts her. 

"I hate to see these wonderful divas get so extreme against each other during this match," King mentioned. 

"Who are you rooting for?" Cole asked. 

"I love them both, I can't choose!"

Roman and Kane are left alone in the ring again as they start hitting each other with back and forth punches. 'Yay' for Roman, 'Boo' for Kane until Roman connects with a leaping clothesline. He throws Kane to the ropes and connects with a Samoan Drop before tagging in Rollins. 

"Here comes The Architect," Cole said as Rollins began hitting Kane with multiple kicks and landing a kick to the back of the head. 

Kane stumbles to the turnbuckle as Rollins runs and hits him with a big splash. Rollins continues the assault by giving him a reverse STO into the middle turnbuckle. 

"Is there a camera on Rosa or Morgan? Are they still down?" King asked with concern and a camera showed them still down and out. "Oh man, this is not good!" 

"Calm down. They are strong women. They'll survive. Stop your whining," JBL retorted.

Brie tweets 'WWEMorgan101 isn't moving at all. I hope she didn't hurt herself badly.' 

Celeste tweets 'Morgan! Get your butt up and show the guys how it's done! Don't just lie there! Get up and fight my grape monster!' 

Kane manages to fight back and tag in Road Dogg. He hits Rollins with a clothesline and gives him the Shake, Rattle and Roll. He throws Seth to his team and starts distracting the ref, making Kane and Billy strike him with cheap shots. 

Dean starts pacing on the ropes while glancing at Morgan who is still down and out. He was contemplating if he should check on her or give her space because of their strained relationship with each other. Part of him wants to check on her, but the other part of him thinks she will push him away. He decides against checking on her, knowing her fighting spirit, and leaves her to recover on her own. She could handle herself and was not going to give up so easily. 

"She's okay," Roman reassured him after watching him glance at her occasionally.

"I-­I know that," Ambrose murmured. 

As much as Ambrose tries to hide his emotions, part of him is full of grief for the mistakes he's made in the past while Morgan suffered. Even if Morgan said she forgave him, it wasn't enough for him. He started to think negatively about her answer, thinking that she just said it so he could stop apologizing. He thought she did not mean it. The words 'I forgive you' weren't enough for him. She would have to do something stronger to prove to him that she forgave him for everything. 

Those words she said to him ran through his head again. Did she mean it? Does she still love him? Does she trust him again? Did she say it so he could back off? Did she say it to leave her alone? Did she move on from him? More negative thoughts went inside the Lunatic Fringe's head. 

"Dean. Relax." Roman put a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Stop beating yourself up. Everything is gonna be fine." 

He let out a breath and nodded. "All right..." 

Meanwhile, back in the ring, Seth finally gains momentum by kicking Road Dogg in the back of the head as the crowd cheers loudly. 

"This may be Seth's opening," Cole said. 

"Hey, what I miss?" Morgan smiled, standing right next to Ambrose on the apron.

Ambrose snaps his head to the Outspoken diva right next to him and smiles at her, keeping his cool. 

"You're about to kick their asses." He replied. 

She let out a laugh. "I like the sound of that." 

She turns her attention to Rollins who tags her in as she gets in the ring while Rosa gets in the ring as well. 

That smile she gave him...was it genuine? Dean shook his head, trying to get the negative thoughts out of his head. It was starting to drive him insane as he tried to keep his composure. 

"Ambrose is showing a lot of emotions tonight. One minute he's calm, the next he's irate. What is going through his head?" Cole wondered. 

"I don't know and honestly, I don't want to find out," King replied. 

Morgan connects with three clotheslines, a left kick then a right kick, and a roundhouse kick to the face. The Outspoken Diva throws Rosa to the corner and connects with a handspring elbow smash. Rosa falls down face first, and Morgan traps her in the Breakdown submission as the crowd gets hyped. 

"Uh oh, Rosa's in trouble!" Cole said as she tried to fight her way out of the hold. 

Without the ref looking, due to the distraction of Kane, Billy kicks Morgan in the back of the head, making her release the hold. He quickly got back on the apron while the ref turned back to the women.

"Ow!" Morgan shouted as she stood up, rubbing the back of her head. Turning to Billy, she frowned. "Are you kidding!?"

Taking advantage, Rosa manages to kick Morgan in the midsection and throws her across the ring by the hair once again.

"Rosa is playing very dirty tonight. I love her feisty attitude," King said.

Rosa mocks Morgan's cocky curtsy, earning some loud boos from the diehard Morgan fans. She turns to The Shield and starts taunting them before walking straight up to Ambrose, giving him a stinging slap in the face, which surprises the crowd.

"Whoa!" King shouted. 

"Is she insane!?" JBL exclaimed. 

"That's for being a stupid fool!" Rosa yelled at Dean. 

"The hell do you think you're doing!?" Seth shouted as he and Roman looked at her in disbelief. 

"Shut your mouth, two tones." She put her hand in his face while Ambrose tilted his head to the side and rubbed his cheek. 

Naomi tweets 'Rosa is funny. I love it. #TalkToTheHand'

Brie tweets 'Don't think that was a wise move LaRosaMendes. #NowIsTheTimeToRepent' 

Celeste tweets 'So! When is LaRosaMendes' funeral once Ambrose gets his hands on her? #GotMySpeechWritten #HereLiesRosaMendes #DeadWomanWalking' 

"This!" Rosa flaunted her body around with a smirk. "This is what you could have had! Remember that."

Ambrose starts to seethe while Seth and Roman calm him down.

"Control that hot head!" JBL pointed out. 

"Rosa, obviously upset at the fact that she's still not with Ambrose after their confrontation months ago," Cole reminded. 

Rosa gets on top of Morgan and starts unloading on her with slaps and punches. 

"I'm going to embarrass you in front of the whole world!" she screamed and got off of her. 

She throws Morgan to the ropes before hitting her with a sidewalk slam, making Morgan groan in pain. She goes for the pin but The Shield's girl kicks out a two. 

"Rosa has been very aggressive these past few months. It's starting to become a good advantage for her." Cole said as Rosa put her in a cross armed surfboard submission from behind. 

Morgan makes an aggravated sound effect. "Let go!" She screamed. 

"Tap out!" Rosa screamed back and leaned back more.

"Don't break her back! She's bending her in ways that she shouldn't bend!" King said with concern. 

"Morgan! Do not tap out! Come on!" Roman yelled. 

"Come on, Morgan! You got this! Do not tap out! Don't!" Rollins shouted and began stomping on a steel step, trying to motivate her with the crowd.

"Come on, sweetie!" Jane banged on the mat for support. 

She manages to fight her way out by breaking free of Rosa's hands, only to be beaten down again by her. Rosa stands up and throws her to her corner. She starts to distract the ref while Road Dogg kicks Morgan in the back of the head. 

"Son of a..." Morgan grumbled as she held the back of her head. 

Ambrose snaps and starts to growl as he gets in the ring, lunging himself at Road Dogg, and making them fall out of the ring. 

"And Ambrose has had enough!" Cole looked on as all the guys started fighting outside the ring, with The Shield getting the upper hand. 

Back in the ring, Morgan gets on her knees but Rosa strikes her with a hard kick to the face, making the crowd 'Oh' at the impact. Morgan falls back down on her back, holding her face in pain. Rosa starts to evilly laugh and looks in delight at her pained expression. 

"This woman loves pain, doesn't she?" JBL assumed. 

"Rosa is just stalking Morgan now," Cole observed.

Rosa walks over to the ropes while The Outspoken diva tries to get up in the middle of the ring. 

"Bye bye Morgan!" Rosa screamed as she ran towards her and gave her a nasty swinging neckbreaker as the crowd 'Ohs' at the impact. 

"Gosh...I think Rosa knocked Morgan out. This may be it." King said as Jane started to look concerned. 

Rosa's mother starts cheering and jumping up and down. Rosa gets on her hands and knees as she looks down at Morgan, laughing at her.

"You see Morgan!? I'm better than you! I'm gonna beat you! I am gonna-­" 

"Seth Rollins!" Cole shouted as Rollins stomped on the back of Rosa's head, hitting her with the Peace of Mind, earning loud cheers. "Seth Rollins! He just came out of nowhere!" 

Celeste tweets 'Hahaha! Now THAT was funny!' 

"What in the world!?" King shouted.

"That's what you get!" Seth shouted and got hyped up. 

He drags Morgan on top of Rosa's body as the ref goes for the pin. Billy Gunn dropkicks Seth out of the ring and quickly breaks up the pin. He waits for Morgan to get up before hitting her with the Famouser. 

"Famouser on Morgan!" Cole exclaimed. 

Billy drags Rosa on top of Morgan as the ref goes for the pin. As soon as Billy turns around, he gets speared by Reigns. 


Roman grabs Rosa's leg and pulls her off of Morgan, breaking up the pin. Rosa glares at him and stands up, slapping him in the face.

"Who do you think you are!? Don't you dare put your hands on me!" She screamed.

Suddenly, Roman picks her up in the Samoan drop hold.

"No! No!" She screamed as she started kicking her legs. 

Roman roars and drops her down for the Samoan drop and drags Morgan on top of her for the pin. Road Dogg gets in the ring and clotheslines him as he rolls out of the ring. He breaks up the pin and hits Morgan with a big boot. 

"Jeesh! How many kicks in the face is Morgan going to receive tonight!?" King exclaimed as Road Dogg dragged Rosa on top of Morgan for another pin. 

Seth manages to break up the pin and hits Road Dogg with an enzuigiri, making him roll out the ring. As soon as Rosa gets on her knees, Rollins hits her with a diving knee to the head and drags Morgan on top of her. The ref begins to count while Kane connects a big boot to Seth's face. Kane breaks up the pin and grabs Morgan, preparing for the chokeslam. 

"Oh no, don't do this! Don't!" JBL exclaimed as Kane raised her high up in the air. 

"Chokeslam!" Cole shouted as he dropped her down and dragged Rosa on top of her for the pin. "These two divas are like punching bags, getting hit with all these finishers."



Seth and Roman quickly break up the pin. 

"And The Shield stay alive! Amazing teamwork."

Ambrose gets back in the ring and attacks Kane as they roll outside the ring. They start hitting each other back and forth with punches before going over the barricade. 

"Where is Ambrose going!?" King wondered. 

"I got a bad feeling about this. This reminds me of Elimination Chamber." JBL added. 

Meanwhile, Seth and Roman get beaten down at ringside by The Outlaws as Rosa recovers in the ring. Roman gets thrown into the barricade and back in the ring, Morgan is hurt as Rosa stands in a corner, watching her every move. The Outlaws get on the apron and Kane starts walking back to ringside. 

"Wait, where's Ambrose!?"

Celeste tweets 'As I feared...' 

"Looks like The Shield has bigger problems," Cole said as Kane got on the apron. 

Morgan gets on her knees and exhales. 

'All alone...' She thought to herself. 

Rosa's team gets in the ring and Morgan goes after Kane but gets grabbed by the Outlaws as they hold her down for Rosa. 

Rosa fixes her boot. "You wanna bleed on your face, again!?" she scowled.

"Oh no. Déjà vu from The Wyatt Family match." King remembered. 

All of a sudden, Seth jumps in and strikes Kane with a knee to the face and kicks the Outlaws out of the ring while Rosa looks on in shock. 

"Thank goodness for Rollins." JBL praised. 

"Seth," Morgan called out in surprise.

"Until the end, Morgan. I'm never going to leave you, again. Never again will I leave you just like that night..." He said and helped her up, making her smile and thank him.

"Wait, where's Dean?" She looked around. 

"Dean Ambrose is still nowhere to be found. I'm getting worried." King said but then Seth and Morgan get ambushed behind by the Outlaws. 

They beat up Seth out of the ring while Rosa hits Morgan with the gory bomb. Rosa laughs again and starts taunting the crowd as Kane and the Outlaws are all in the ring with her. All of a sudden, Ambrose runs back through the crowd as Billy Gunn waits for Morgan to get up. 

"Ambrose is back!" Cole exclaimed as the crowd exploded. 

He attacks the Outlaws and Kane while Rosa quickly goes for a pin. With the Outlaws and Kane thrown out of the ring, Dean breaks up the pin at the last second as the crowd explodes again. Rosa looks at Ambrose in disbelief as she stands up. 

"Are you kidding me!?" She shouted and shoved him but he didn't move an inch. 

He gives her a cold, hard glare in response. Morgan recovers and looks up at Ambrose while he is in the middle of the two divas. Ambrose glances at Morgan and then Rosa. 

"There is so much tension between these three," Cole said. 

"You chose me over her in January! But now you want to pretend that what we had wasn't special and did not mean something! Can't you see she's toying with your emotions? Giving you mixed signals? I wouldn't do that." Rosa shouted. 

"You need to shut your mouth. You don't know a thing about me and what we've been through together." Morgan replied angrily, pointing at her.

"Here comes Morgan being the victim! It's ridiculous. Dean, why are you so persistent for this piece of crap?" She spat and pointed to the Philly Diva. "She never gave a damn about you in the first place!" 

"Unbelievable..." she retorted and stood up.

"So choose. And choose me. She's your past, I'm your future." Rosa grabbed him and caressed him. 

Celeste tweets 'Ah...#TheFirstLoveAndTheFling. Not a hard decision. You better choose wisely Ambrose.' 

Dean pushes her away and smirks at her as Rosa shoots him a dirty look. 

"You're the present. Morgan's my future." Ambrose responded with no hesitation, pushing her away.

Celeste tweets 'Oh! #Rejected! #DeanAndMorganForTheFuture' 

"You've just made the biggest mistake of your life!" She went to slap him in the face again but this time he caught her hand and threw her to Morgan. 

Morgan connects with a roundhouse kick to the face while the Outlaws and Kane get back in the ring. Dean and Morgan stand back to back while they are surrounded. 

"You see!? They are working together." JBL said to King while Ambrose and Morgan went after Kane, hitting him with a double dropkick. 

They hit the Outlaws with a double clothesline. Morgan turns around and does a matrix evasion as she leans back, dodging Kane's big boot while Ambrose hits him with a lariat. Dean leans down and puts his hands on his knees but then Billy Gunn attempts to go for his finisher until Morgan pulls Ambrose back. 

"Great save by Morgan," Cole says while the duo hit Billy with a double suplex. 

"You okay?" She asked with concern while Dean nodded. 

"I owe you." He replied. 

"You can buy me grapes, later," she winked and smiled.

Meanwhile, Rosa rolls out the ring and storms around ringside, banging on the announce table. 

"This is not happening...this shouldn't be happening...this is not supposed to happen!" She screamed. 

"Calm down! Calm down!" JBL shouted. "Don't get mad because things aren't going your way!" 

Celeste tweets 'When is LaRosaMendes going to lose her voice from all that screaming?' 

Rosa sees Chyna and storms up to her as she stands up from her seat again.

"You think this is funny!?" She snapped as Chyna grinned with amusement. 

The crowd looks on in shock and anticipation when Rosa suddenly pushes Chyna's face with her hand.

"Did she just did Rosa Mendes just do the impossible and put her hands on The Ninth Wonder of the World?!" Cole exclaimed, scared for her. 

Celeste tweets ''re fucked...#CallingAFuneralHome #NiceKnowingYa' 

Chyna shoots her a glare as Rosa's eyes widen and she starts running. She jumps over the barricade and runs through the crowd with Chyna right behind her.

"Don't kill her!" JBL chuckled as they watched Chyna chase her around. 

Later on, Seth, Morgan, and Dean are on the apron while Roman is in the ring with the Outlaws and positions them so that they are on the ropes. He slides out of the ring and hits them with a double dropkick to the face. He slides back in the ring and takes Road Dogg down with a Superman punch. 

"One more time!" He yelled and punched the mat while Kane slid back in the ring.

"Here comes the sequel!" JBL said but Roman got caught in the chokeslam hold. 

Seth hits Kane with a flying knee to the head as Kane rolls out of the ring. Seth attacks him with a dive out of the ring while Billy Gunn tries to go for his finisher on Roman. Dean gets in the ring and starts unloading on him. 

"Dean Ambrose's fists are flying like he is," King said as Dean and Road Dogg went at it out of the ring.

"Oh my goodness," Cole said as Chyna walked through the crowd with Rosa high up in the air. 

The crowd chants 'You still go it' while Rosa tries to beg for her life. She throws Rosa over the barricade and jumps over it.

Celeste tweets 'This is what happens when you mess with Morgan and her family. #LifeLesson' 

Rosa gets thrown back in the ring by Chyna as she gets in the ring as well. Rosa scrambles back but bumps into Morgan's legs as the two cousins surround her like she is their prey. Chyna and Morgan stare Rosa down before looking at each other while smirking. 

"Rosa! Get out of there!" King exclaimed. 

She stands up and tries to escape but Chyna grabs her by the hair as she tries to beg for forgiveness. 

"Too late to beg now," JBL said. 

Chyna gives her a hard shot to the face, making her turn to Morgan who gives her a shot to the face. They hit her back and forth until Chyna and Morgan hit Rosa with a double DDT. 

'You still got it!' the crowd chants again while Chyna waits for Rosa to get up.

She delivers the pedigree on her and Rosa rolls out the ring as her mom tries to help her. 

"And that is the end of Rosa. No getting up from that. Especially with Chyna's strength." JBL said. 

Chyna and Morgan grin at each other and embrace as the crowd cheers loudly.

"What a Morgan Moment. Chyna and Morgan working together. I'm sure this won't be the last time these two team up." King cheered. 

Billy Gunn and Road Dogg are back in the ring as The Shield surrounds them while Chyna watches from ringside with Jane. The Shield turn their attention to Morgan and give her a smirk as she nods in approval. Road Dogg and Billy Gunn look nervous as they try to escape but get blocked off as Dean, Roman and Seth beat them down. 

"What's going on now?" Cole asked as Morgan got help from her teammates to position the Outlaws for a double Morganizer off the top rope. 

"No way," JBL said in surprise.

"Yes way! Look out!" King yelled in a high pitched voice as she delivered the double Morganizer to the Outlaws.

"Double Morganizer! Never saw the coming! The Shield are dominating."

Roman turns around to hit Kane with a spear and once back up to his feet, he roars. The Shield set the Outlaws up for a double Triple Powerbomb, making some of the crowd stand up with anticipation while Morgan gets on the top rope. 

"What is Morgan about to do? And what are The Shield attempting to do here? Oh man, we've never seen this. Not two men being set up for a triple powerbomb!" Cole exclaimed. 

"That's a 100 years of powerbomb right there!" JBL said. 

"Look out!" King shouted as Morgan hit the Outlaws with a flying double clothesline at the same time as The Shield dropped them down for the double triple powerbomb. 

"There goes the attitude!" 

Seth goes for the pin while Roman and Dean stand on the top rope. 




The crowd explodes as The Shield's theme blares out in the arena. 

"Let's go!" Morgan shouted and embraced Seth as he spun her around, happily.

"Here are your winners, The Shield!" Lilian announced. 

Roman gets off the turnbuckle and gives Seth and Morgan a hug. 

"This has got to feel good for Morgan, after all she's been through with Rosa," Cole said as she got up on the turnbuckle and taunted the crowd. "The Shield continue its dominance with another convincing performance." 

Dean high fives Seth and Roman before all members put their fists out to do The Shield pose.

"This is their yard," JBL praised. 

The Shield continue to celebrate, while Morgan is overjoyed with winning the match. She wraps her arms around Dean and gives him a big hug, earning some fangirl screams. Dean hugs her back but moments later he realizes what he's doing and backs away. 

"What's wrong?" She asked, taken aback. 

"I can't do this." He quickly exited the ring. 

Seth and Roman glance at each other, knowing the situation between the two. 

"Wait, what? Where are you going?" She exclaimed as The Shield's theme faded away. 

"What's going on?" King asked. 

"After that hug, Ambrose just walked out," Cole said as Dean started to slowly walk up the ramp. 

Morgan looked at the crowd, seeing some saying, 'Go to him!' and 'Go after him!' 

She runs her hands through her hair as she starts to remember all the good times they've had together. She does still love him. She knew he wanted to hear that, but would he cheat again? Or will he stay loyal 100 percent? Love isn't perfect. You need to work in the relationship and get through all the odds. She knows what she wants. What she needs. And she isn't going to let him slip away from her. 

Morgan gets out of the ring and stops at the end of the ramp. 

"Dean! Hey! Stop! Don't you dare walk away from me, Dean!" She yelled but he didn't listen to her. 

She sighed and turned to Jane and Chyna who signaled her to go after them as well as Rollins and Roman.

"What is Morgan going to do?" Cole asked.

Dean wasn't stopping. Did he give up on her? Was she too late? 

She exhaled and shouted, "Don't let your true feelings for me disappear! I never stopped believing in you! I never stopped believing in us! No matter how much I tried to deny those thoughts of us being together, I still believe in us! And if you just leave, then what am I supposed to feel? Were all these attempts to win my heart for nothing?! Dean, I need you! Dean, I love you! I want us to work this out!"

He stopped walking as the crowd cheered loudly. He stood in the middle of the ramp and slowly turned his head back towards her. 

"...What did you just say?" he asked.

Celeste tweets 'AHH! Did she just say what I think she just said!?' 

Suddenly, Morgan runs after him as he turns around to face her. 

"I love you." She said before grabbing him into a heated kiss as the deafening cheers and fangirl screams surrounded the arena. 

Rosa watches on in disbelief with her jaw dropped as her mom helps her up.

"What!?" King yelled in a high pitched voice. 

"Yes!" JBL shouted.

"They're back!" Cole cheered. 

"Yes! Yes! This is just beautiful! Wonderful!" JBL exclaimed as Roman and Seth looked on in satisfaction, high fiving each other.

Ambrose's eyes widen but kisses her back with the same passion as he wraps an arm around her waist while she holds his arms. 

"This is a PG show! They're French kissing!" King exclaimed as the crowd chanted 'Yes! Yes! Yes!' 

Brie tweets 'Yes! Yes! Yes! they're kissing! This is what we've been waiting for for so long!'

They end the kiss and embrace each other. Things were going to be OK.


The Shield and Morgan are backstage with Renee Young. 

"I'm here with The Shield, huge victory tonight for you guys. A victory tonight, over the New Age Outlaws, Rosa, and Kane, I mean you guys were working so closely with The Authority, and to get this victory tonight at WrestleMania, how do you guys feel?" Renee asked. 

"From day one, we said we do things for The Shield. Nobody else. We are our own bosses, we run this yard, we came in, proved a point, WrestleMania 30, The Shield run the show, that's how we feel." Seth answered. 

"Let me ask you a question, okay?" Dean asked. "Does it look like we're sweating?" 

"Well, your hair is very wet." Renee replied while Morgan chuckled. 

"We're not sweating at all because we didn't have to break a sweat to run through Kane, Rosa and the New Age Outlaws. A hot knife through butter, on the biggest stage of them all. The brightest stars shine the brightest and The Shield represent this." He showed his bare fist without the tape. "The new symbol of excellence." 

"That's right, you see what happens when you push against The Shield? We pull out secret weapons. Nobody has ever seen the double triple powerbomb, baby." Roman said. 

"I thought we were gonna call it the Triple double,"

"It's the double triple."

"Guys, look, the bottom line is we can no, no, no, no, no. Wait-" Seth began as Roman and Dean began to protest about the name of the powerbomb. 

"Oh my goodness..." Morgan shook her head.

"The regular one is the triple powerbomb. We put two people up with the double triple POWERBOMB!" Roman shouted, making Morgan laugh with Renee. 

"All right, all right, all right," Seth said. "Cool, I agree with you." 

"All right, I'm telling you. Agree with me." Roman pointed to Dean with a playful stern look. 

"Oh, I agree." Dean grinned. 


"You see what I gotta deal with?" Morgan chuckled with Renee. 

"Hey, but you love us." Seth grinned and gave her a bone crushing hug with Roman. 

"Don't squeeze me to death!" She groaned while Renee giggled. "Jeez." 

"Morgan, how does it feel winning this match tonight with your family and friends watching? Especially Chyna?" Renee asked.

"To have her here to support me and guide me is awesome. She's always there for me and she really wanted a front row seat to watch me kick Rosa's ass, but I can guarantee you that my rivalry with Rosa is far from over. And to have my boys with me, by my side, having my back is awesome, too. I love you guys." She replied with a smile. 

"Aw, she loves us." Seth put an arm around her and gave her a noogie. 

"Hey! My hair!" She pushed him away and began messing up his hair. 

"Aye! Hands off the two toned hair!" he playfully pushed her away. He put his fist out while the other members followed him. "Believe in The Shield! Ha ha ha!" 

"Congratulations," Renee said as Roman stuck his tongue out to the camera and walked away with Seth. 

Renee walked away while Morgan chuckled. She was about to leave but Dean gently grabbed her hand, making her smile and turn around. 

"And where do you think you're going?" He grinned. 

"To the diva's locker room." She replied.

"Come with me." He smiled and walked away with her. 


On Raw after Mania, the crowd gives Morgan and Paige a loud reaction as the titantron shows them hugging backstage. 

"I'm so proud of you! Congrats on winning the title." Morgan smiled. "Finally someone put AJ in her place. You deserve that championship. The Diva's Division is totally going to be changing." 

Paige wiped her tears and chuckled. "Thank you. I guess you're going to go after this too, huh?"

"I wish but I got my hands full with Rosa. And you never know what she'll do to sabotage my chances. But I'm the least of your worries. Although the Diva's locker room is going to get more competitive now that you're here, you'll breeze right through them. They shouldn't underestimate you." They embrace again and Paige walked away. 

The Outspoken Diva smiled and turned around to see the Total Divas grinning at her. 

"Hey, Morgan!" Nikki grinned.

"Hey guys." She smiled but noticed the girls staring at her more than usual. "What?"

"Just curious..." Brie spoke up.

The Philly Diva started to look confused. "About what?" 

"Ah, forget it. So how's your night been going?" 


She had a feeling she was in court, because of the way they were looking at her. Something was off.

"So!" Cameron said in a loud voice, clearing her throat.

"So?" The Outspoken Diva repeated. 

"Care to fill us in on what happened between you and Dean?" Naomi grinned as the divas started to look at Morgan intently. 

"What do you mean?" Morgan chuckled.

"Oh, you know what we mean. We saw that kiss at WrestleMania. What's up with you two?" Eva asked. 

"Yeah! You were all over him last night. What happened?" Nikki asked.

"We saw you leave together after the show." Cameron showed her a photo of her and Dean leaving. 

"What the heck, Cameron? What are you stalking me?" Morgan exclaimed.

"Curiosity." Cameron smiled. "So?"

"Can't friends share cars?"

"Friends. Well played. Friends with benefits?" Nikki raised a brow with a big grin on her face.

"Oh my gosh..." Morgan sighed. 

"I bet they confess their love to each other every hour. Oh, Morgan, I love you so much. You're my future, Rosa is my past. I love you, Harley!" Brie exclaimed in a fake male voice, hugging Cameron as she played along while the crowd laughed. 

Morgan couldn't help but look amused at the girls as she tried not to laugh out loud.

"Oh, Dean! Dean! I love you, Dean! You're my Joker! I love you, honey!" Cameron dramatically said.

"I don't say honey!" Morgan exclaimed. 

"Ah ha! You do have a nickname for him." Nikki grinned. 

"You guys are so nosy." 

"So, what happened after the match? I want details!"

Santino and Emma walk over to the Divas. "Hello, ladies." Santino greeted. 

Morgan mentally thanked those two and took the opportunity to leave.

"I want to know, too. What is going on between Morgan and Ambrose? Did they make up?" Cole asked. 

"I hope so. My favorite couple back in action." JBL exclaimed. 

"I can't wait to see more Morgan. She's looking great tonight!" King cheered. 


'WWE APP Exclusive Video' 

Morgan bumped into Orton backstage. "Sorry about that..." She mumbled. 

"You're a very popular person tonight," Orton called out. 

"I don't mean to be. One kiss can mean a lot of things. And then you're trending on Twitter and causing a lot of frenzy on more social media. It's...interesting." 

"I'm sure. Oh, and thanks for nothing."


"Thanks for not helping me out last night when I needed you." He glared at her. 

She scoffed. "You've gotta be kidding. So now you're blaming me for your loss? The Randy Orton I used to know doesn't like having partners and likes to work alone. He gets the job done faster. This new version of you is too soft."

She turned around and started walking away but grunted when he grabbed her forearm, forcing her to turn back away. 

"I'm not done with you-" He got cut off when Ambrose interfered and made him release her. 

He gave him a stern look while Orton gave them a dirty look and stormed off, mumbling to himself. 

Morgan exhaled and turned to Dean, making eye contact with him as she smiled. He was about to open his mouth but was interrupted by a WWE Doctor who wanted to check Morgan's head again to make sure she wasn't concussed from the series of kicks she received last night in the head.

"I'll see you later," she gave Ambrose an apologetic smile and followed the doctor.


Later, after being as good as new and being told nothing was wrong, Morgan stretched her legs as the crowd gave her another loud reception. Dean walked over to her with a smile as she greeted him and stood up.

"Hey, thanks again for earlier." She said as he wrapped an arm around her waist.

"No problem." He said in his raspy voice.

She slid her hands up on his chest as he glanced at her lips. He slowly leaned in to kiss her as she wrapped her arms around his neck but then Stephanie ran into them, with her eyes widening. 

"What on earth are you two doing?!" Stephanie asked in surprise.

"N-nothing." Morgan cleared her throat, backing away from Ambrose. 


Later, all members of The Shield and Kane were in Stephanie's office. 

"I don't care what happened between you at WrestleMania. I don't care what happened between you two..." Stephanie narrowed her eyes at the Mad couple. " WrestleMania, and I don't care what happened to your brother at WrestleMania." She looked at Kane. "Okay because what really matters, what's really important, is that Triple H becomes the 14 time WWE World heavyweight champion, tonight. And all of you are going to make sure that it happens." 

Ambrose held Morgan's hand while looking at Stephanie. It felt good holding hands again and starting over. Their relationship can work and it will work. 

"That all sounds great but I really feel like, Kane you're missing some buddies over there," Seth said as Roman chuckled. "Where are the New Age Outlaws, pal?" 

"Come on, man," Dean spoke up.

"Oh, Seth..." Stephanie said with an amused grin. 

"Come on, we already know. As long as we're around, I don't think we'll ever see them again." Ambrose said with a smirk. 

"I also think that personally." Roman chuckled. 

"You four don't know that you're on thin ice, do you?" Kane asked. 

"Kane," Stephanie warned. 

"Triple H sees you for what you are. Nameless, faceless, expendable, pawns." 


Morgan narrowed her eyes at Kane as The Shield looked at him weirdly. 

"You think you can just go on and beat up Triple H's friends? He thought you learned your lesson." 


"In fact, when I had you decimated on Smackdown, a couple weeks ago-" 


"He was the one who-"


"Told me to do so!"


"I knew it..." Morgan mumbled, understanding what a snake Triple H was. 

"Listen. There is an injustice here." Stephanie said. 

"I'm looking right at it." The Outspoken Diva mumbled, earning amused looks from her teammates as the crowd 'Oohs' and laughed, although Stephanie did not hear it. 

"And nobody understands that better than the four of you. That's what you stand for. The yes movement, Daniel Bryan, it's disrespectful. It is an injustice in itself that he is the WWE World Heavyweight champion. You all know that you all want it. You know what it means, to be champion. So tonight, you are all gonna be on the same page because what Triple H, the boss, what he wants. He gets. Do I make myself clear?" Stephanie requested. 

"...Absolutely." Kane walked away.

"Do I make myself clear?" She looked at The Shield. 

"Crystal," Roman replied. 

"And..." She turned her attention to Ambrose and Morgan, glancing at their hands. "I don't care if you two have reunited or whatever, but tonight, the real focus needs to be on my husband winning the WWE World heavyweight championship. Not your public display of affection. And if I catch you two­-" 

"Whoa, catch? What were you two doing?" Seth asked with a grin. 

"Nothing." The couple simultaneously said and left the room, making the crowd laugh. 

Seth and Roman don't look convinced and they start to grin out of amusement. 

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11 months ago

Forced To Believe Chapter 58- Bad News Dinner

Forced To Believe Chapter 58- Bad News Dinner

Chapter Summary:  Evolution and The Shield continue to clash. Morgan is forced to go on a date with Bad News Barrett and makes it a memorable one. The Shield go on a rampage on Smackdown. Morgan declares an intense match stipulation for her singles match at the upcoming PPV.

Words: 5,000+


At the bar, Melanie began to celebrate her birthday with all her friends. It was a great feeling, to celebrate a birthday with the people you love. It was nice to see that the WWE roster was like another family to her. She sat at a table with the divas while Milena put a birthday tiara on her head. 

"Haha! Adorable." Milena smiled. 

"That looks awesome. Let me take a picture of that." Nikki took out her phone. 

"Oh boy." Melanie laughed and let her snap a few pics.

"Here comes the cake!" Brie said with excitement, bringing out a large red velvet cake for the group.

Melanie couldn't stop smiling when everyone sang Happy Birthday. Well, a half drunk version of it, which made her laugh. She blew out the candles and everyone continued to party. 

"Our Melly is growing up." Nattie slurred as she tried to give her a hug while being intoxicated.

"She got drunk that quick? We've been here for 45 minutes!" Ariane exclaimed. "This girl can't handle her drinks at all!" 

"She pregamed before coming here. It could have been worse." Melanie chuckled and helped Nattie stay on her feet with Ariane.

"Hey! Let's do some karaoke!" Nikki suggested, to which everyone agreed. "Who wants to sing first?" 

"We will!" Jon Uso volunteered with Trinity. 

They got on the stage and decided to sing American Boy by Estelle and Kanye West. After that, everyone began cheering for them. 

"Hey Mel, how about you play the guitar?" Renee grinned. 

Melanie widened her eyes, taken aback. "Me? Oh no. I couldn't. That was just a one­ time thing at WrestleMania." 

"I don't think so. I spotted you trying to sneak and play a few notes backstage with the guitar you hit Triple H with on Raw."

"Yeah, come on, girl! I wanna see you play." Ariane nudged her. 

"Yeah Mel, play." Colby grinned and started chanting her name with everyone.

The Philly Diva laughed. "Okay, okay." 

She stood up while everyone cheered. She walked up to the stage and grabbed the acoustic guitar while taking a seat on the stool. "Who is singing first?"

"I will! You know She Will Be Loved by Maroon 5?" Nic (Dolph Ziggler) hopped on the stage. 

"You bet." She smiled. "I can't believe I'm doing this. What have you guys gotten me into?" 

"We love you too, Mel!" Eva blew a kiss, causing the birthday girl to blow a kiss back. 

"I better get paid in grapes by every one of you, for this." 

"We'll think about it." Jon winked at her, making her playfully glare at him. "Love you!"

Melanie couldn't keep glaring for long because she started to laugh. Everyone watched with amazement while she played the guitar for the song. After it was over, everyone cheered. 

"You're gonna make me blush! Stop it." she chuckled. 

"Can you play Beverly Hills?" Nic asked. 

"You got it," she replied, pulling up the guitar notes on her phone, and periodically glancing at it to make sure she played the correct notes.

She started playing more songs for him like Seven Nation Army by The White Stripes, and Are You Gonna Be My Girl, which got some people dancing and grooving to the beat. Everyone began to sing along to the songs, which made her smile. Later, all the guys decided to sing Dani California by Red Hot Chili Peppers while they were tipsy. Then they sang 'This Love' by Maroon 5. The rest of the roster began to take over by playing the guitar and drums while singing other songs. Overall, a fun birthday, and Melanie couldn't have been happier. 


During Raw, Evolution, and Rosa were in the ring, dressed up, cutting a promo on The Shield while Batista and Rosa were seen holding hands together, hinting at a relationship. 

"The Shield have absolutely no idea what they've gotten themselves into." Batista said. "Deal with that." 








"Here we go!" Cole said. "They may just deal with that." 

The Shield gets in the ring while Rosa and Evolution get out and walk up the ramp. 

"Wait a minute, where are they going?" King asked. 

"Maybe they're giving up the yard," JBL said. "Mind games from Evolution." 

"Hey, I hate to break it to you guys, but last week wasn't the first time we've been beaten up and it probably won't be the last," Ambrose said. "Yeah, you guys did a real number on us, well done...well done...but hey I got a question for you, Mister Cerebral Assassin. Do we you? Do we look humbled to you Triple H!? There's a reason you hired us to protect you and that cream puff over to your left, Randy Orton. You know like everybody here knows, The Shield we are the meanest, nastiest, dirtiest, most ruthless animals in this industry! These dogs are hungry and now these dogs are angry!" Ambrose gave the mic to Seth and started pacing around. 

"Heh heh heh, take it easy, yeah, you're angry, you're angry and you have every right to be. We have every right to be angry after what you did to us last week," Seth said. "You and what? 12 other guys of course. But Batista for you to say that we have no idea what we've gotten ourselves into is ridiculous, we have every idea! We started this! So let me give you a dose of reality." Seth mentions. "You stand up there in your little suits, you don't wanna fight. You talk about how destructive you are; you talk about how powerful you are. Talk about how you were built for dominance. Well you're not. In two weeks, at Extreme Rules, you're gonna come face to face with the Hounds of Justice. And it's gonna be all out war!" 

"Batista has a lot of Hollywood obligations, you're gonna be looking out for Batista. Heh, and the Game, Cerebral Assassin, King of Kings, yeah, you're gonna do what you always're gonna do what's best for the boss. What you're looking at is the most dominant force in the history of this company and in two weeks at Extreme Rules, we are gonna rip you to pieces." Seth continued. "And this little reunion that you're so proud of, haha, it's gonna come to a halt. And you got no one to blame but yourselves because when you made the match, Evolution versus The Shield, you put a nail in your own coffin. And at Extreme Rules, we're gonna be the hammer that drives it home!"

Roman took the mic. "Last week you gave us an ultimatum. This week we give you one. Here in a few seconds I'm gonna drop this mic and we're coming up that ramp, and we're gonna beat your asses. You got two options. You can be men and a woman and you can try, try to fight. Or you could be creampuffs, and you can cower away and you can hide. Watch." He dropped the mic and the four of them got out of the ring.

All of a sudden the guys that beat up The Shield last week, walk to the stage to much of the crowd's dismay. 

"Oh great..." Cole groaned. 

"Wait a minute..." King mumbled.

"You got ten guys back there," Dean said.

"You're real proud of yourselves, real proud of yourself," Seth yelled. 

"You talk about being humbled...Morgan seems to be. Morgan, you're becoming a little bit more respectful since Bad News Barrett won that match on Smackdown. Is that why you're not being Outspoken tonight? " Triple H taunted. 

The Philly Diva glared at him and kept her mouth shut. She was ordered to not be that talkative tonight and later on had to be back in the ring for Wade. It was not her night and she was irate but kept her composure. 

"Morgan hasn't been herself after she's been humiliated by Rosa," Cole reminded. 

"Now, option three, there's always an option three. Listen up guys, I said it once, I'll say it again. In life, you either adapt, or you perish. That is Evolution." Triple H dropped the mic. 

"They're cowards! They're cowards! You think we're that stupid huh!?" Seth yelled while Evolution's theme came on. 

Later, Sheamus was already in the ring to take on Bad News Barrett to advance in the Intercontinental championship tournament. All of a sudden, Morgan walks out and everyone is surprised. 

"What is Morgan doing here?" Cole asked. 

"Oh dear...I bet this was Wade's doing," King grumbled.

She walks up to the stage with an annoyed look on her face. She hated The Authority with a passion. She was forced to come out with an attire of Wade's choosing, which was a short black dress, and had to do what he said or get fired. Normally she would protest but she had no choice, for now. She gets in the ring and takes a mic. 

She sighed and reluctantly began to speak while rolling her eyes. "Ladies and Gentlemen...I'd like to introduce to you...the future...intercontinental champion...the bare knuckle brawler...and..."

"This is total humiliation. I bet Rosa and The Authority are getting a kick out of this." JBL looked on. 

"And the manliest man in the company...Bad News Barrett..." The Outspoken Diva reluctantly announced. 

"A personal ring announcer? Really? Give me a break!" Cole exclaimed. 

"She has no choice until after the date," JBL reminded. 

"Speaking of the date, we'll be getting exclusive content of the date on the WWE APP during this Friday's Smackdown," Cole informed. 

'God Save Our Queen' 

Barrett walks out with a cocky grin on his face, cutting a short Bad News Promo before getting in the ring. Ignoring Morgan's glare, he smiles and kisses her cheek, making her roll her eyes again. She watches his match with a bored expression and after he wins with the Bull Hammer, he motions for her to get in the ring to raise his hand in victory. Then he puts an arm around her, making her even more annoyed.

"Tonight is just not Morgan's night," JBL looked on as they left the ring together.


Backstage, Morgan and Wade were with The Shield. The three men were irate at Wade who had a smug look on his face.

"I can't believe this is happening..." Seth grumbled. 

"It could have been worse..." Morgan mumbled. 

"Boys, boys, she's in good hands. We are going to have a great time together, aren't we?" Wade looked at her, completely ignoring Dean's sharp glare and constant growling whenever he spoke to her.

Dean had to be held back by Roman before another fight broke loose. 

Once Rollins, Wade, and Roman leave to give Dean and Morgan some time to speak privately, Rollins grabs Wade by the collar and pushes him against the wall.

"If you touch her, or hurt her, I swear..." He growled. 

"If you hurt her, you're not going to see the light of day anymore." Roman glared at Barrett. 

"Easy...easy..." Wade looked amused.

With Dean and Morgan, Ambrose was sitting on a chair, trying to calm down and collect his thoughts. The fact that his girlfriend who he just got back is going on a date with Wade, the man who they tried to keep away from her a year ago, made Ambrose very angry. He started to get graphic thoughts in his head on how to destroy Barrett. 

Morgan, who couldn't take the silence anymore, finally spoke up. "....Are you mad?" 

No answer. 

"...At me?" 


"...I'm sorry I didn't win..." 

"It wasn't your fault." Dean stood up. "I just don't want to lose you." 

"You're not going to lose me. Why would you think that?" 

"Because you're mine and only mine. I just got you back, I'm not losing you again." 

"I don't want to lose you either. Don't worry. We'll be okay." She wraps her arms around his neck. "Just one date and it'll be all over. And then we'll get our revenge for all this bullcrap,"


For WWE Main Event, during a backstage segment before Morgan's match, the cameras were seen rushing backstage to the loud commotion of the Outspoken Diva getting attacked by Rosa and some of her goons. Morgan was seen getting attacked by Rosa, Aksana, Layla and Alicia, and even started going after her neck. Morgan yelled out in pain once Rosa gave her a harsh stomp on her neck and that was when Nikki, Nattie, Cameron and Naomi rushed over to help her.

"Get away from her!" Nikki shouted, kicking Layla.

Rosa and the girls ran away, proud of their work while Nikki and the rest of the Total Divas went to help her with some referees.

"Morgan, are you okay?" Naomi asked with worry.

" neck..." Morgan winced in pain, rubbing it. "That didn't feel good at all,"

"Morgan, we need to take you the the trainer's room," the refs were telling her as they helped her up.

Morgan tweets 'If you needed three girls to help beat me down, it's obvious you're not confident in trying to beat me one on one.' 


Later in the ring, Morgan manages to get into the battle Royal because she wants to fight through the pain in her neck. The stomp Rosa had given her was with heels and although it was advised not to do the match, she still wanted to try to be the number one contender for the Diva's Championship. 

Sticking it out, Morgan was one of the final divas in the match and it was between her, Nattie, Tamina, and Nikki. When it seemed like she was about to eliminate Tamina, Brad Maddox ran down the ramp to distract her. 

"Wait, what is Brad doing here?" Tom asked as the crowd booed. 

"What are you doing!? Get out of here!" Morgan yelled but suddenly got eliminated by Tamina as the crowd looked displeased. 

Brad looks satisfied with his work and starts walking up the ramp, meeting up with Rosa, who high fived him.

"Morgan just got screwed." Tom exclaimed as she looked upset at the two laughing at her. "This must be Evolution's dirty work." 


"Good evening ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to Friday night Smackdown. We have some exclusive content on what really went down between Morgan and Bad News Barrett during their date Thursday Night. Let's take a look." Cole said. 

'WWE Exclusive Video' 

Wade and Morgan were at a restaurant sitting down at a candlelight table. Morgan was looking bored while Wade checked out the menu. 

"Oh god...I have never been so bored in my life. Just kill me now..." She moaned and put her head down. 

"Trust me love, you and I are going to have a great time," Wade said while she raised her head up. 

He took the opportunity to put his hand over her hand. Disgusted, she removed her hand immediately and glared. 

"Don't touch me. Touch me again and I'll stick this fork in your hand." she threatened. 

"You're a feisty woman, you know that?" he smirked.

The Philly Diva rolled her eyes. This was beyond embarrassing. First, she lost her match against Wade, got cake in her face by Rosa, lost her number one contender's match, and now this dinner. The Authority must be enjoying this with a bowl of popcorn. 

Maybe Morgan could get out of this by acting wild and crazy to turn him off. While she pondered about various situations of turning Wade off, a male waiter walked over to their table. 

"Good evening, what can I get you two lovebirds?" 

Wade grinned. "Well-­"

"Ha! You funny! You think I'm going out with this guy?" She pointed to Barrett. 

Wade put an arm around her shoulder. "Don't forget you have to do as I say. Don't make me mad." He warned in her ear before pulling away, making her even more upset.

"You got grapes?" She asked the waiter, ignoring Wade's threat and trying hard not to punch him in the face.

"Yes, we have grapes," the waiter responded.

"Okay. I want everything made of grapes."


"I want everything made of grapes."


"I want everything made of grapes!" 

"Don't you want some protein? Or a salad-" Wade spoke up. 

"Hey! I was not talking to you BNB." She snapped and turned her attention back to the waiter. "I want grape cobbler, grape cake, grape pie, grape muffins, wine, grape juice, grape chicken, grape salad, you know the drill." 

"R-­right way!" The waiter rushed back to the kitchen. 

"I uh, didn't expect you to be such a grapeaholic." Wade cleared his throat. 

"You must be living under a rock then,"

"I would stay on my good side because The Authority is watching you." He pointed to Stephanie and Triple H having dinner nearby at another table. 

Morgan closed her eyes and exhaled before opening her eyes again. "Are you kidding me?" 

"Just so there's no funny business." 

Really? The Authority just had to be there. Maybe getting out of this date will be tougher than she thought. Later, the same waiter came by and put down a bowl of grapes for her. 

"From the lovely couple over there." The waiter said and walked away. 

Morgan looked ahead and saw Stephanie and Triple H looking amused at her before clinking glasses of wine together. She scowled and had the urge to attack the both of them but what good would that do? She let out another sigh and popped a couple of grapes in her mouth. As eating grapes calmed her down, she noticed Wade staring at her.

"This may be cliche but why don't you just take a picture so it'll last longer?" She retorted. 

"Can't help looking at such a beautiful woman," he replied. 

She took her phone out and gave it to Wade. "There. Look at my pictures and leave me alone for the rest of the night. Just stop talking. You're giving me a headache," 

She started popping more grapes in her mouth while Wade admired the photos on her phone. While he was distracted, someone walked by and slipped a note on Morgan's side of the table. She recognized the person's scent. Leather and after shave? She picked the note up and turned around but didn't see anyone walking nearby. She put the note on her lap and read it

'Think you can survive a little bit longer, sweetheart? I know you want to bash their heads on the wall.' 

'Dean' she thought as a smile began to show on her lips. 

"I think I can..." She mumbled. 

"Did you say something?" Wade asked.


"Champagne?" A familiar voice asked. 

"Yes please," Wade replied, without looking up. 

Morgan picked up her glass of water and gave Wade a confused look. 

"Wait, why do we need­-" She glanced up and widened her eyes, earning a wink from the waiter. 

Suddenly, she dropped her glass of water in surprise, making a mess.

"Morgan, are you okay?" Wade grabbed a few napkins to clean up the mess. 

"Yeah. Yeah I'm fine." she continued to look at the waiter. 

The waiter chuckled and gave her a pat on the back before walking back to the kitchen. The Outspoken Diva ran her hands through her hair. Seth, in a waiter's outfit? What the heck is going on?

"Uh, I gotta use the bathroom." She stood up and walked away after grabbing her phone back.

"Finally." Wade exhaled as Triple H and Stephanie walked over to him. "How long do you want me to keep this up? You need to know that I don't care about that crazed woman anymore." 

Wade began to do The Authority's dirty work for a while now and he was ordered to go after Morgan, for a distraction. However as time went by, he wasn't interested in her anymore. She was too wild for him. And The Shield were all filled with a bunch of nutcases. He didn't want to deal with the nonsense anymore. It was her loss that she decided not to be with him and chose Ambrose instead.

"Where did she go?" Stephanie asked. 


"Excuse me." she smiled and headed to the bathroom. 

There was no way in the world Morgan was going to bail on this dinner. Wade won fair and square and he was going to get his date, no matter what. Even if it was for a distraction. Once she walked into the bathroom she saw Morgan fixing her hair in the mirror. 

"Well, well. Trying to bail?" Stephanie asked.

Morgan rolled her eyes. "Is it necessary for you to spy on me? I lost. I'm paying up for it. Can you leave me alone?" 

"You do know your little teammates are here." 

Morgan arched a brow and decided to play it cool. Stephanie truly did not know The Shield was here but wanted to watch her body language to see if something was up.

"Nice joke. But you're not going to get my hopes up. Stop lying." Morgan replied smoothly.

That seemed to get her off her back. Once Morgan went back to the table, she saw Wade coughing more than usual as she sat down.

"Wade, that isn't funny. I'm not giving you CPR." She retorted but began to notice that his coughing was serious as he cleared his throat. "Whoa, are you okay?"

"It must be the champagne." He coughed and took a look at the glass.

She observed the glass. Seth came with a bottle of champagne and Wade must have opened it and took a sip. Meanwhile, the Hounds of Justice were spying on The Authority and Morgan. They had satisfied smirks on their faces as they watched their prey suffer. Roman decided to spike the champagne to make him sick so Morgan's date could end earlier than expected. 

Noticing problems at the table, Stephanie and Triple H walked over to see what was wrong as Morgan patted Wade's back.

"What did you do?" Stephanie assumed as Wade continued to cough. 

"Listen I didn't do anything. I was just in the bathroom, just like you. The dude just started coughing out of nowhere," Morgan replied calmly.

"Aw..." Wade groaned and held his stomach. "What was in that drink?"

"I know you did something." Stephanie scowled at the Philly Diva.

"Did not." she shrugged.

"Did too." 

"Did not..." 

"Did too!" Stephanie screamed, earning a few glances from the other people eating at the restaurant. 

Morgan slowly popped a grape in her mouth as she watched Stephanie go on and on. All of a sudden, Wade threw up on Stephanie, making Morgan drop her jaw in disbelief.

"Oh no." Triple H cringed at the sight. 

Stephanie stood there in shock as she looked at her blue dress covered in throw up. 

Seth laughed nearby and high fived his brothers. "Mission accomplished!" 

Morgan started laughing while Stephanie screamed and stormed off, making Triple H go after her. 

"Wait! Stephanie, it was an accident!" Wade explained and tried to go after her. 

"No! Stay away from me!" Stephanie shouted as they all went outside the restaurant. 

Morgan chuckled and shook her head. "Wow..." 

Dean sat next to her while Roman and Seth put chairs at their table to sit with them. 

"You okay?" Ambrose asked and kissed her cheek.

"You guys are lifesavers." she grinned and pounded her fist with theirs.

"We always have your back. Come on, we gotta go before they come back." Roman said with a grin. 

"Totally," she replied and they stood up to leave. 

But then she rushed back in and started eating a few grapes from her grape bowl. 

"Come on, Morgan," Seth called out. 

"Okay." She walked away to meet up with them. 

Moments later she came back and grabbed a handful of grapes. 

"Morgan," Roman called out. 

"Coming! Coming!" She replied and took the handful of grapes with her. 

Later on, she came back, empty handed after munching on the grapes and began eating more of them from the bowl. 

"Morgan!" The three men shout.

"All right! All right!" She took the whole grape bowl with her, grabbing a handful to put in her mouth as she rushed to meet up with the boys.

Naomi tweets 'And this is why I keep an eye on my drink!'

Seth tweets 'I think we should send WWEMorgan101 to grape world.'

Morgan replies 'WWERollins Grape World!? Count me in! Where is it!? Let's go now! ASAP!' 

Roman tweets 'WWEMorgan101 it was a joke. There's no grape world.' 

Morgan replies 'WWERomanReigns No! You guys suck!' 

A fan tweets 'Hahaha! Morgan coming back for those grapes was priceless!' 

Morgan replies to the fan by tweeting 'What can I say? I got Grape Problems' 


Later on Smackdown, Morgan was walking backstage with a cup of coffee in her hands. She just witnessed her boys get even with Jack Swagger by giving him the triple powerbomb in the ring. Tonight will be the night that The Shield will get revenge. Meanwhile, 3MB were backstage, getting pumped up for their match tonight with The Shield. 

"We're back in the main event, this is what we've been waiting on," Heath said. 

"You better be fired up. Are you fired up?" Drew asked. 

Jinder pointed over to Morgan who was stirring her coffee. 

"Well well, look who it is. It's Morgan. And guess what? She's all alone. How did that beating taste on Monday?" Drew taunted. 

Morgan smiled and threw her coffee in Drew's face as the crowd cheered. 

"Ah! Stupid b­-" Drew lunged at her but Seth got in front of her, making him freeze. 

Jinder checked on Drew's face while Heath chuckled at the duo. 

"Look who we have here. Rollins helping The Shield's Girl out. 3MB and Seth Rollins, and Morgan." Heath grinned. "Don't worry Morgan, we're gonna make you watch us beat up Rollins. And once we're done beating him up, we're coming for you. Seth, you're coming by yourself to help her out? Are you crazy?" 

Morgan and Seth glanced at each other while Ambrose stalked his way into the situation. 

"There's three of us of two of you. Morgan isn't a challenge. But we're gonna wait till later on tonight. Later on tonight, we're gonna take you guys out." Heath turned around and froze as Roman stood before him with an intimidating stare. 

Morgan hits Jinder with a spinning kick to the face while Dean and Seth take over by beating up him and Drew. After they lay them out, The Shield surrounds Heath. 

"Look, we can just wait till later, all right?" Heath started to look nervous. 

He turns and gets kneed in the stomach by Dean and eats a Superman punch from Reigns. Roman glances at his teammates and pats Dean's chest before leaving the scene. 


Backstage with Brad Maddox, he was on the phone.

"Yes. Yes, sir. Um..." Brad stopped talking on his phone and saw all 4 members of The Shield in his office. 

Seth takes the phone away from him and gives it to Dean who throws it away. 

"Listen, I know you're angry but this is not the way to deal with your frustrations. Beating up superstars, or divas." Brad glanced at the Philly Diva. "I know you're planning on doing that, it is not the way. It's not going to prove a point. Okay?" 

Roman takes Brad's tie and starts wrapping it around his hand. Rollins pats on Brad's back before Roman throws him all the way to the wall. 

"Whoa!" Cole exclaimed as Morgan, Roman, and Seth moved the couch. 

Seth is about to go after him but Dean puts his arm out. 

"Whoa, what?" Roman started to look confused. 

"What are you doing?" Seth asked. 

Morgan starts to look amused as Dean makes a growl and jumps over the couch to start unloading on Brad. She glances at her teammates while Dean gets up. Seth chuckles and puts his arm around him to pat his back while she shakes her head in amusement. 

"The Shield are taking out everybody," Cole said.

"How many are gonna be left!?" JBL asked.

On the stage, Fandango and Layla were dancing, and doing their entrance because they were about to take on Santino and Emma. The crowd begins to cheer loudly when Dean, Seth and Roman walk onto the stage while Layla's jaw drops and slowly backs up, looking petrified. They stare down Fandango while Morgan gets on the other side of the stage, where Layla's back was towards her, having a guitar in her hands. 

"Don't turn around! Don't turn around, Layla!" JBL warned. 

Layla turns around to eat a harsh guitar shot by Morgan as the crowd cheers at the assault.

"Good grief!" JBL shouted.

Morgan shakes her head and drops the guitar. She walks over to Fandango while The Shield beat him down and begins to stomp on him. She joins in with the stomping until Seth and Dean drag him over to the end of the stage. 

"What are they gonna do now?" JBL asked as they set up for the Triple Powerbomb. 

"Oh no. No! Look at this John!" Cole shouted. "Fandango! Off the stage, look at this!" 

The Shield drops Fandango off the stage and onto a couple of tables. Moments later, Morgan puts her fist out with the boys.

"Don't think they're dance fans," JBL said. 

"Who is gonna stop The Shield?" Cole asked. 

Later during the show in the ring, The Bella Twins were taking on Alicia Fox and Aksana in a tag team match. The Bellas were taking control until they heard The Shield's theme. 








"Uh oh!" JBL shouted. 

The crowd explodes while the divas start to look terrified. They begin to look around the arena until the crowd cheers louder as they spot Morgan in the crowd, on the top of the steps. She had her thumbs in her pants pockets and tilted her head to the side, gazing at the divas in the ring. 

"Uh oh! Morgan does not look happy!" Cole exclaimed. 

"Get out of the ring! Get out of the ring!" JBL warned as she slowly walked down the steps and jumped over the barricade. "This is not good." 

The Outspoken diva gets in the ring and hits Alicia and Aksana with a double clothesline as the crowd cheers. The Bellas quickly get out of harm's way and head backstage while Morgan begins unloading on Aksana who begins screaming for her life. Alicia throws her off of her and goes for a big boot but Morgan ducks it and drops her with a backfire. 

Aksana tries to crawl out of the ring but Morgan grabs her foot and drags her back into the ring. 

"Nowhere to go now!" JBL shouted as Morgan picked her up to her feet and dropped her back down with a kick.

The Outspoken Diva rolls out the ring and grabs a chair. 

"What is she doing with that chair?" JBL added.

She slides back in the ring and opens the chair up before setting it down. She picks up Aksana and hits the Morganizer on top of the chair, making it close and fall as the crowd cheers. 

"And Morgan taking advantage with the chair! This is no more fun and games." Cole said as she stood up, brushing some hair from her face. 

She grabs a mic and exhales as she closes her eyes, earning more cheers. 

"She didn't even break a sweat," JBL said as the crowd chanted her name. 

After a dramatic pause, she opens her eyes with an angry expression.

"...Extreme...rules match..." She dropped the mic and exited the ring to loud cheers while The Shield's theme came back on.

"Wait, wait a minute. No way, an extreme rules match against Rosa Mendes!?" JBL exclaimed. 

"A first ever diva extreme rules match." Cole informed as Morgan walked up the ramp. 

"Is she out of her mind? It's not too late to reconsider! Morgan think about this! Think about what you're doing!" 

"These two want to kill each other. This may be the best match to do that in."

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11 months ago

Forced To Believe Chapter 59- Getting The Upper Hand

Forced To Believe Chapter 59- Getting The Upper Hand

Chapter Summary: The Shield take out Barrett once and for all. Someone from Jon and Melanie's past begins to make an appearance, The Shield go at it with Evolution at Extreme Rules.

Words: 7,000+


The Shield were in the ring waiting for their opponents. 

"The Shield, preparing for their 11 on 3 handicap match," Cole said as Ambrose handed over his title to Morgan, who put it on her shoulder and headed to ringside. 

"The question is, how many of those guys are gonna be out here?" JBL asked as the Smackdown theme came on. Bad News Barrett, Ryback, Del Rio, Damien Sandow, and Titus walk down the ring. "I think The Shield likes these odds I think." 

Rollins and Ryback start off the match. 

"Come on Ryback!" Wade shouted. 

"You think Wade knows what really happened on his date with Morgan?" Cole asked. 

"I think so because he keeps giving Morgan angry looks," JBL said as Morgan responded to Wade's looks with a smile & wave. 

The Shield begin to take control of the match by tagging each other back and forth. Seth tries to go for a crossbody but gets caught by Ryback who slams him down. Titus gets tagged in and goes for a power slam. Seth manages to evade an elbow drop and starts fighting back and The Shield continues to take control. Titus manages to push Dean into his corner and tags Wade. 

"And here comes Bad News Barrett," Cole said as Morgan started to scowl at the sight of Wade beating up Ambrose. "And let the death glares from Morgan begin." 

"I hope she never looks at me like that," JBL said. 

Wade tries to go for a suplex but Dean stops it and tags in Rollins to give him a double suplex. Ryback and Sandow get in the ring to try to beat the two members down but get taken out of the ring, making The Shield stand tall in the ring. 

"Right now, The Shield holding their own. Holding their ring. The hounds of justice in control." Cole said while Morgan nodded in approval. 

Wade regroups with his teammates. Being a great leader, he manages to calm them down and restore everything to order. After that, he decides to get back in the ring to go at it with Dean. 

"Let's go, Dean!" Morgan banged on the mat while Ambrose was in a headlock by Barrett. 

He fights out of it but gets hit by a big boot as Wade's team begins to take control. 

"Can you believe Morgan wants an extreme rules match against Rosa Mendes? This is insane! I hope they reconsider. That match is too dangerous for those lovely ladies." JBL said. 

"I don't think a regular singles match will be enough for those two women. This rivalry has gotten personal over the months and I don't think Extreme Rules is going to be the end of this rivalry." Cole said as Ambrose was thrown out of the ring. 

Ryback decides to punch Dean before getting back on the apron. 

"Really!? Really!?" Morgan shouted. "You think you're so tough, huh?!" 

"Shut your mouth!" Ryback shouted back. 

She drops Dean's title and is about to run after Ryback but gets grabbed by Seth. 

"Hey! Hey! Calm down. We got this." Seth wrapped his arms around her waist and lifted her up in the air while she kicked her legs around, trying to break free. 

Ryback showed a smug look on his face and patted his head. "Stupid! Stupid!" 

"Calm down...calm's not worth it," Rollins said and put his hands on her shoulders. "Okay?" 

"All right..." She responded. 

Meanwhile, Ambrose continues to get beaten up. 

"Come on man!" Seth shouted. 

Dean gets powerslamed by Ryback and he goes for the pin. Seth breaks up the pin and starts punching his opponents off the apron. Ryback throws him out of the ring and Seth collides with Morgan, making her grunt and fall down as the crowd 'Ohs'.

"Oh man! Seth Rollins colliding into Morgan." Cole said as Seth landed on top of her before rolling over. 

"Did you see their heads collide? Good grief." JBL looked on. 

"You guys okay!?" Dean shouted, looking concerned with Roman. 

Morgan gives them a thumbs up while rubbing her head. Ambrose starts to growl. Ryback was going to pay for that. He did that on purpose. Ambrose tags in Roman while Morgan and Seth recover from their impact. 

"Ow..." She continued to rub her head.

Rollins got on his hands and knees. "Sorry about that grapes. You okay?" 

The Outspoken diva stood up. "You got a big head." She joked and helped him up. "Cryback is going to pay for that." 

He chuckled at her humor. "You better believe that." 

Meanwhile in the ring, Roman begins to clean house and take down everyone by giving them Superman punches and Samoan drops. Titus and Ryback break up Roman's pin on Sandow but then Seth and Dean get into it and chaos ensues. 

"Everybody has a game plan until they get punched in the mouth," JBL said as Roman hit Sandow with a dropkick off the bottom rope. 

While the ref was distracted, Roman gets prepared for the superman punch until Wade and Del Rio get on the apron. Morgan jogs over to them and grabs the ankles of both Wade and Del Rio, pulling them down. 

"Look at Morgan!" Cole exclaimed. 

She smiles and begins to slowly walk around the ring, looking at her nails. Wade and Del Rio look annoyed and decide to leave the ring and walk up the ramp. Rollins dives on top of Ryback at ringside and then Ambrose and Seth give Titus and Sandow a suicide dive on the other side of the ring. Since Roman wasn't going to let anyone escape their fate so easily, he ran after Barrett and Del Rio. Reigns strikes Del Rio with a Superman punch on top of the stage while Wade begins running away. Morgan manages to run after him and takes him out with a bicycle kick.

Wade groans and begins crawling down the ramp while The Shield stands at the end of the ramp. Morgan stalks over to Barrett who reaches the end of the ramp while The Shield waits for her.

"Oh boy," JBL said as she gave them a nod. 

The Shield turns around and walks after Barrett to begin stomping him down. Rollins and Ambrose pick him up so Reigns can give him a spear. 

"Spear!" Cole shouted as the crowd cheered.

Dean throws Wade in the ring and The Shield hits him with the triple powerbomb. Morgan gets on the apron and looks on with delight. 

"Morgan has got to be loving this," Cole added.

"It's all about revenge," JBL said. 

Morgan watches Wade's face scrunched up in pain and wondered if she could hurt him more. 

"Um..." She trailed off, wondering if she should ask her boys for another request. 

Roman and Seth begin to grin while Dean smirks at her. 

"Again?" Dean asked happily. 

A wicked grin comes across her face as she nods. Dean loves making her happy. And if that meant beating the crap out of Barrett, which he did not mind at all, then he will do that. 

"Wait they are doing it again?" JBL exclaimed as The Shield decimated Wade with a second triple powerbomb. 

"I guess what Morgan wants; she'll get when it comes to revenge. She always holds grudges and will get even with you no matter how long it takes." Cole explained. 

Morgan listens to Wade's groans and moans of pain. It was music to her ears but she wanted more. She wanted his groans to be louder. She wanted to see his face scrunched in more pain. She tilts her head to the side and smirks wickedly.

"She's gone to semi Harley mode." Seth chuckled while Roman nodded in agreement. 

Ambrose walks over to her, giving her a crazed look while she smirks at him. "What do you want?" 

"Maybe more time? Please?"

"You got it." Roman grinned. 

He roars as The Shield gives Wade a third triple powerbomb.

"Three?! Is that enough now?" JBL exclaimed while Morgan looked satisfied. 

"Thanks guys." She high fived Seth and Roman. 

Dean walks over to her and lifts up her chin to smooch her before she gets off the apron. Sandow gets in the ring and gets dropkicked by Ambrose, and speared by Reigns. Roman pins Sandow for the win as the crowd erupts in cheers but then Titus gets thrown into the ring and hit with a spear. 

"I don't think they're done." Cole looked on. 

"I think The Shield's done when The Shield says they're done," JBL exclaimed. 

Dean and Seth throw Ryback in the ring to get hit with a spear. Morgan gets in the ring and gets on the top rope. Roman roars while The Shield sets up for the triple powerbomb. The Outspoken Diva jumps off the top rope to hit Ryback with a clothesline while The Shield brings Ryback down for the powerbomb. She stands up and runs a hand through her hair before putting her fist out on top of Ryback with her teammates. 


Next week on Raw, The Shield are backstage, Dean is in the middle, Rollins on the right side, and Roman is on the left while Morgan wasn't with them.

"The clock is ticking for Evolution. At Extreme Rules, The Shield is going to expose the fact that Evolution has passed you by. The Hounds of Justice are gonna do what we always do. We're gonna pick you apart. We're gonna chew you up, and we're gonna spit you out!" Ambrose shouted and backed up. 

"Evolution is all about control, they're about power. They like to flaunt their watches, they like to ride around in a long limousine and they like to wear very expensive suits because they believe that those are symbols of power. Well, they're not!" Seth shouted. "Those are just things that small men do to make themselves feel bigger about who they're not." he showed his fist. "This! Is power. True power. The new symbol of excellence and we prove it every single night we step in the ring. And when the three of you finally get the guts to face off with us, you're gonna find out what true power really is." 

"For years now, Randy Orton has said he was the future. But from where I'm standing, he looks more like the past. This here." Roman showed his fist. "This is today. This is tomorrow. This is the future! Believe that. And believe in The Shield." 

The Shield put their fists out. 


In the ring, Evolution and Rosa walk out earning mixed reactions from the St. Louis Missouri crowd. Rosa sports a short gray dress to match Batista's suit as they walk down the ramp, linking arms while stealing a few kisses from each other. 

Morgan tweets 'Ugh, God...Rosa and Batista disgust me. When do you two don't suck each other's faces off?' 

Celeste replies 'You're alive! Where are you? WWEMorgan101' 

Morgan replies 'Safe and sound! CelesteBonin' 

"On Friday, The Shield took out 11 guys and 3 divas because of Morgan. There's a part of me that feels like I should be mad but I'm not. But I am impressed. These guys, they're starting to remind me of somebody. Oh yeah, it's us. They're starting to remind me of us." Triple H said in the ring. 

"Yeah, Hunter but The Shield thinks that they are the new Evolution. And there's just one problem with that." Orton said. 

"The problem is, we're still here. And they'll never be us. Never." Batista said. 

Rosa smirked at the crowd. "So...little miss Morgan Lopez wants to be all tough and be a big girl now by challenging me to a first ever Diva Extreme Rules match." She shouted at the crowd because the crowd was booing her so loud, she couldn't even hear herself. "Hey! I deserve some respect! Shut up! Shut up!"

"That is so disrespectful. Rosa is an angel. They shouldn't be booing her." JBL said. 

"You mean she-devil." Cole retorted while King laughed.

"Shut up!" Batista yelled. "Give her some respect!" 

"Give her respect," Orton shouted while Triple H nodded in agreement. 

"You know what Morgan? If you have a death wish, if you want me to end your career, why didn't you just say so? I would love to be in a match with you at Extreme Rules. So you know what? You're on!" Rosa shouted as the crowd erupted in cheers. 

"No! This is not good! Rosa reconsider this!" JBL exclaimed.

"I accept your challenge! But I think you need to understand that I should not be underestimated. I am a veteran, here!"

"Oh my God! Who the hell cares!?" Morgan retorted.

The crowd erupts in cheers as she walks onto the stage. Rosa starts shouting at her while Batista and Orton try to calm her down 

"I swear it's like you get more annoying every day." she continued.

Triple H chuckled. "Morgan...the thing is...I brought you into this world and you are looking at the four people that are gonna take you and your little boys out of it. On Sunday, you either adapt or I promise will perish." 








"Get ready!" JBL got excited as The Shield walked down the steps while Morgan got in the ring. 

The Shield meet up with her in the ring and bumps fists with her. 


The crowd erupts in loud cheers while Morgan turns around with a huge grin on her face. 

"What!?" King exclaimed.

"Surprise! Surprise! The Nature Boy!" JBL exclaimed as Ric walked on stage.

"Now Evolution is complete," Cole said.

"Evolution is still here," King said. 

"We're fine." Morgan gave her teammates a reassuring smile. 

Her teammates began to remember how she accompanied Flair and tried to save him during the Slammys in Philadelphia when she was feuding with them. 

Evolution and Rosa clap for Ric while he greets them. Ric kisses Rosa on the cheek and gives her a hug. The crowd begins 'Wooing' while Ric grabs a mic. 

"Is this St. Louis Missouri? Have I ever been here before? Well, I have and I've had a lot of fun, thank you." He said. "But I'm here tonight to tell the whole world how great it is to be in the ring with men and a woman that proves what this business is all about! Dominance!" 

He began talking about his time with the Four Horsemen. 

"But we controlled the marketplace. We styled, woo! And we profiled! The same can be said with Evolution." he said and started talking about the good times he had with his former teammates. "And look who we have here." He checked out Rosa by grabbing her hand and turning her around. "Rosa Mendes. You are some kind of diva. I have seen everything come full circle. The word greatness comes full circle. And tonight, I'm surrounded with superstars and a diva that shows, and grace. But what I'm talking about Shield." 

Ric looks at The Shield as the crowd cheers. Rosa's jaw drops as Ric shakes hands with the male members of The Shield.

"What?" King chuckled.

"Did he just double cross Evolution?" JBL asked as Evolution started to look confused. 

Ric stands before Morgan as the crowd cheers again while the two smile at each other.

" Philly girl. Morgan." Flair took her hand and kissed it before pulling her into a big hug. "Continue doing what you're doing. And we need to party in Philly again." 

She smiled and let out a chuckle. "Thank you, I will,"

"He just slammed Evolution here, wait a minute." King chuckled as he left the ring. 

Morgan patted Roman's back. "Kick his ass." She said, earning a nod from him. 

She slides out the ring and goes to ringside with Seth & Dean. Roman takes on Orton in a singles match and they begin to have a back and forth match. Roman gets thrown out of the ring and Orton tries to go for a suplex but he counters and hits Orton with a suplex of his own.

"Yeah!" She cheered. 

"How that feel!? That's true power!" Seth shouted. "That's what true power is all about!" 

Orton and Roman continue fighting at ringside until Orton throws Reigns into the steel steps. Orton stares down The Shield and begins taunting them because they can't do anything about it while Ambrose starts to get hyped up and bangs on the apron. 

"Dean, Dean, calm down." Morgan grabbed his arm and put her hands on his cheeks. "Look at me. Breathe." 

He begins to calm down a little and she releases him while Orton throws Roman back in the ring. 

"Come on, big man!" Seth yelled. "Get it together! Get it together!" 

Roman begins to fight back and goes for the dropkick on Orton from the apron. He sets up for the Superman punch but Batista and Rosa get on the apron and begin distracting the ref. 

"Look at Batista and Rosa." Cole said while Triple H grabbed Roman's foot to distract him. 

"That's it!" Morgan shouted and ran after Rosa. 

She was so done with her bullcrap. She couldn't wait till Sunday. She wanted to kick her ass now. Rosa twirls her hips around but as soon as she turns around she gets speared. 

"Spear! Spear by Morgan!" JBL shouted as the crowd got louder while Ambrose took on Triple H, and Seth took on Batista. 

Morgan continues unloading on Rosa with strikes until she flips them over to get a few shots in. 

"Here we go! The fight is on! The brawl is on!" Cole exclaimed but then Triple H threw Ambrose over the announce table. 

He begins attacking Rollins, making him get off of Batista, and throws him into the apron. Triple H and Batista turn their attention to Morgan who is on top of Rosa, giving her hard punches to the face. They grab her by the hair and throw her off of her, making a sick thud. 

"Good grief, did you hear that?" JBL asked. 

Morgan holds the side of her back while Triple H and Batista throw her into the barricade. Triple H takes off his jacket while Batista helps Rosa up. Meanwhile Roman drops Orton with a Superman punch but then he slides out of the ring and takes on Batista and Triple H. The ref calls for the bell as it becomes a three on one assault. Orton holds Roman down while Triple H starts striking him with punches. 

Rosa takes off one of her heels and starts hitting Roman with it. Batista drags Ambrose off the announce table and bounces his head off the table. Orton throws Rollins into the barricade while Morgan crawls away and starts searching under the ring. Rosa goes to the other side and searches under the ring as well.

"This is a wild scene at ringside," Cole said as Orton bounced Dean's head off the table. 

"This is all The Shield's fault and you know it. They're the reason they're back together." JBL said while Triple H and Batista threw Reigns into the steel steps. 

Triple H takes Dean out with a spinebuster at ringside. Morgan had to get out of harm's way to try to figure out how to turn things around. 

"Maybe a weapon?" She mumbled as she searched under the ring. 

Rosa on the other hand decides to take out a guitar from the ring and slides in the ring to taunt the crowd. 

"What is she doing?" Cole asked as Evolution continued to beat up the male members of The Shield. 

Evolution throws Dean and Roman inside the ring, meeting up with Rosa and Triple H turns to Morgan who is looking slightly worried. 

"You're all alone! All alone!" Triple H shouted and pointed to her beaten down teammates. "You wanna end up like them!?"

The Outspoken Diva searches under the ring and takes out a guitar, earning loud cheers. She slides in the ring, while Rosa starts to look intimidated. 

"Morgan just one uped Rosa." King chuckled at the sight as Morgan had a guitar with barbed wire around it. 

Morgan tries to swing the guitar at Triple H but he dodges the attack and drops her down with a clothesline. Rosa begins beating her down while Triple H sets up Ambrose for the pedigree. Things start to turn around when Rollins jumps on the ropes and strikes Triple H with a knee to the head. Dean and Seth begin to go after Orton and Batista while Morgan and Rosa grab their guitars and face off. 

"Are we about to see a small extreme rules match preview?" King wondered with excitement. 

They throw their guitars at each other, making them clash. Rosa yells a loud battle cry and swings at Morgan but she manages to evade her attack. She tries to go for a swing but Rosa drops her guitar and slides out of the ring, making the crowd boo. 

"Aw, I thought we would get more of a preview." King pouted. 

Rosa blew a kiss to Morgan. "We'll wait till Sunday. We'll wait till Sunday. But don't worry, it's going to be worth the wait." 

"I got a feeling Rosa has something up her sleeve. You never know what she's going to do." JBL said. 

Meanwhile, Ambrose throws Orton out of the ring, and Seth kicks Batista out of the ring. 

"Triple H is in the ring with no backup!" Cole exclaimed as Roman managed to stand up and hit Triple H with a spear. 

Roman roars and The Shield tries to go for the triple powerbomb but Orton and Batista get back on the apron with chairs until Rollins kicks them off. Triple H takes advantage by sliding out of the ring while Rosa helps him regroup. Seth and Dean grab the chairs as the crowd cheers. 

"Come on!" Seth shouted as The Shield's theme came back on. 

Morgan grabs her barbed wire guitar and raises it up in the air. 

"That's just a glimpse of what's coming to you!" She shouted at Rosa. 

"What's going to happen between these two divas? I'm afraid to choose the winner. This is anybody's match." Cole looked on. 

"I don't want these two beauties to go at it," King said with disappointment. 

"Folks we have two collisions coming Sunday. Evolution and The Shield, and Morgan & Rosa."

"We got a war coming Sunday," JBL stated.

"Go ahead, run! Run!" Roman yelled at Evolution. 

"Will The Shield adapt or perish? And will Rosa try to end Morgan's career or will Morgan manage to break through Rosa's bluff, as she claims it to be, and win?" Cole wondered. 


On Smackdown, for the main event, The Shield stand on top of the steps and looks around. Dean was forced into a fatal four way match against Axel, Del Rio, and Ryback. Roman and Seth bump fists with Ambrose before he walks down the steps. The two grin at each other, knowing that Ambrose has this match down, and walks back. 

Morgan is about to go back but turns back to Dean. 

"Dean!" She called out and slid down the railing before jumping off it, making Ambrose turn around before he prepared to jump over the barricade. 

"Morgan, you do know you gotta go to the back. What is she doing?" JBL wondered. 

She jogged over to him and put her hands over his cheeks to give him a slow, and passionate kiss, earning loud cheers. Ambrose wrapped an arm around her waist and kissed her back. 

"I love you." She whispered, pulling away. 

The Lunatic fringe smirked. "I love you, too." 

He jumped over the barricade while Morgan smiled and headed back. 

"A kiss for good luck from the Outspoken diva," Cole said as Ambrose got in the ring. 

"Ambrose has held that champion for an awful long time. He could lose it very easily tonight." JBL added. 

Del Rio, Ryback, and Axel make their entrances. As the match starts, everyone goes after Ambrose. He holds his own for the first few seconds until his opponents stomp him down. 

"Where your buddies at, huh!? Where your buddies at!?" Axel shouted. 

Ambrose gets thrown out of the ring while Rosa struts down the ring, making the crowd boo.

"This is not good for Ambrose." JBL looked on.

Morgan tweets 'Great...more funny business...'

"I think Rosa is going to try to do everything she can to make sure Ambrose doesn't retain," Cole said. 

Rosa wore a business suit and had her hair in a bun, looking very corporate. Later on in the match, Ambrose continues to be thrown out of the ring to be kept out of the match so that one of his opponents becomes the new champion. Ryback and Axel continue to work as a team to take on Del Rio. Del Rio manages to hit Ryback with a backstabber and goes for a pin but Dean breaks it up. Rosa crosses her arms while the crowd chants 'Let's Go Ambrose' 

"This is not good," JBL said as Axel and Ryback threw Ambrose into the barricade. 

Del Rio dropkicks Ryback, and takes on Axel inside the ring. Ryback gets back in the ring and starts to gang up on Del Rio until he hits him with a German suplex. 

"Come on, he's just one man!" Rosa shouted as Ambrose broke up Del Rio's pin. "Take him down! Take him down now! Now!" She screamed as Ambrose started to get fired up and took down everyone. 

Axel tries to take Dean's momentum down and go for the Perfect plex but Ambrose escapes it and leans back into the ropes for a clothesline. 

"No! No! Get up! Get up now!" Rosa shouted.

Ambrose goes for the pin but Axel kicks out. 

"That was some clothesline," Cole said. 

Ryback pulls Ambrose out of the ring and throws him over to the timekeeper's area. 

"Yes! Thank you!" Rosa started to look relieved. 

She could not have Ambrose retain. There has to be a new champion. There needs to be a new champion. 

Later on, Del Rio puts Ryback into the cross armbreaker. 

"Tap out! Tap out! Get the match over with while he's still down! Tap out! Now~" She screamed but Ryback lifted him up and hit him with the shellshocked. 

He goes for the pin but Axel pulls him out of the ring. Ambrose slides into the ring and rolls up Axel to win the match as the crowd erupts into cheers.

"No!" Rosa screamed and put her hands on her head in disbelief. 

"He did it! Dean Ambrose survives it!" Cole shouted. 

Ambrose gets attacked by Ryback while Axel stomps on him. Rosa gets in the ring, looking livid. 

"Hold him! Hold him now!" She ordered as they held him down. She began slapping Ambrose in the face a few times. "That was a fluke! You're going to lose Sunday! And I'm gonna enjoy watching your precious little girlfriend suffer as she has the last match of her wrestling career! Because when I'm done with her, she's never going to set foot in the WWE, ever again! I am going to break her! And I am going to break her neck! And there is nothing you or your little shield teammates can do about it!"

Morgan sprints down the ring with her teammates as the crowd explodes. 

"And here comes to Calvary!" Cole shouted as Axel and Ryback released Ambrose. 

Rosa was still distracted by yelling at Ambrose and she didn't have time to react to Morgan roughly grabbing the back of her hair. 

"Get your damn hands off my man!" Morgan growled and slammed her down. 

She gets on top of her and starts punching her. Rollins throws Axel out of the ring while Roman spears Ryback. Morgan throws Rosa out of the ring as the crowd gets excited. Morgan and Rollins glance at each other and nod before hitting Axel and Rosa with a suicide dive. 

"Yeah!" Seth shouted and put an arm around Morgan's shoulders. 

She pats Seth's chest before they throw Axel back in the ring. Rosa manages to run away and stand on the stage while Roman hits Axel with a Superman punch. Seth and Morgan get back in the ring to help Dean up. 

"You don't mess with The Shield!" Rollins yelled as they hit Axel with the triple powerbomb while Morgan clotheslined him off the top rope. 

"The Shield are sending a direct message to Triple H, Batista, and Orton. They are ready for Evolution, Sunday," Cole said while Roman checked on Dean with their theme blaring through the arena.

Dean raises up his title and puts his fists out with his teammates.


At the gorilla, backstage, The Shield meet up with Renee Young. 

"Oh God...look who it is." Seth pointed out. 

"Don't mind them. What's up, Renee?" Morgan smiled. 

"I'm good, thank you." Renee smiled back. "First of all, Dean congratulations on successfully defending your championship this evening. Looking forward to this Sunday, Evolution has put so many obstacles on you guys, do you have any game plan this Sunday at Extreme Rules?" 

"I'll hold that," Seth said, grabbing Dean's title.

"Okay, what's the game plan? The same game plan we had tonight?" Dean asked. "Go out there with the odds stacked against us. We're the underdogs, they think we're supposed to lose. I was supposed to lose my United States championship. So we go in with that game plan like we're supposed to lose to the 37 world champions and Evolution and blow them out of the water! Because we're better. Wild mustangs, all the things we've said before or you heard before. We go out there and perform for everybody every single night. It's not about limos, it's not sitting on your world titles ten years again, it's about going out there and getting it done. Being in the fire, every single night that we are. And Evolution gonna get burned!" 

"And they're gonna. They keep putting all these robots in front of us. It's Axel, it's Ryback, it's 11 on 4. Whatever the deal is, we keep knocking them down on our way to Extreme Rules." Seth added. "Evolution has been ducking and dodging us but it's not gonna work anymore because they're gonna come face to face to this. The new symbol of excellence." 

"Believe that, and believe in The Shield," Roman said. 

"You hear that?" Dean asked and moved his nose around. 

"Oh, that's cracking." Roman cringed. 

"Wanna hear?" Dean leaned down to Renee.

"Ew, okay." Renee took a step back.

"We gotta get that looked at." Seth said.

"That's not stopping him. That's not stopping him." Roman grinned. 

"Yikes," Morgan chuckled.

"Morgan, you got something on your face," Dean said.

"I do? What is it?" she touched her face.

"Let me get it," he lifted up her chin and licked the side of her face.

"Dean! Gross! What the hell?" She pushed him away while he chuckled and walked away with Rollins and Reigns who were laughing. "This is what I gotta deal with. He's so random." 

She began wiping the side of her face with one of her gloved hands.

"Don't rub it off! That's love juice!" Dean shouted from the end of the hallway. 

"Love juice? He is so weird," she shook her head while Renee giggled.

"So, Morgan what are your thoughts on being one of the first divas in an Extreme Rules match?" Renee asked.

"I'm excited that I get to make history like this. I just cannot wait to get my hands on Rosa. Her fun is about to end. I won't let you guys down, I will kick ass and work hard on Sunday. Believe that,"


On Saturday after a live event, Jon was having a serious conversation with Renee and Nikki, privately backstage.

"Is this a joke?" Jon asked, unamused.

Nikki frowned. "It's not. I'm sorry,"

"As soon as we found out, we went straight to you," Renee added. "He's been hanging around the WWE events lately. It looks just like him. It has to be him,"

Nikki showed him the photos and Jon glared at her phone. 

"It is him..." he grumbled, feeling angry about the situation.

"Greg, right?"



That's a name Jon hadn't heard in a very long time. Melanie's ex. 

"That motherfucker...he just can't stay away, can he?" he growled, shaking his head.

"We have to talk to Paul and Stephanie. He gotta get banned from events. Melanie is on top of her game, she can't be dealing with nonsense like this." Renee added. 

"Agreed. Okay." He nodded.


At Extreme Rules, Evolution walks on the stage while Rosa holds Batista's hand. 

"This is a six­ man tag team match, set for one fall! Introducing first, accompanied by Rosa Mendes, at a total combined weight of 778 pounds, The Viper, Randy Orton, The Animal, Batista, The COO of WWE, The Game, Triple H, Evolution!" Justin announced. 

"It has been ten years since these three men have competed together. And they look better than ever." Cole said as Evolution got in the ring with Rosa staying at ringside. "How many titles between them?" 

"31!" JBL happily answered

"World Championships between these individuals." 

Evolution began to wait a while for The Shield.

"Feel that? There's nothing like that big fight feel." JBL said. 

"Cut the tension in the air with a knife." King chuckled. 

"This is great. The Shield is making these guys wait. Playing some games with the masters. I love it. I love the audacity of The Shield making these guys wait." 








"Well, the wait is over!" King said as Morgan walked in front of her teammates, down the steps. 

"And their opponents, accompanied by Morgan Lopez, at a total combined weight of 707 pounds, the United States champion, Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, Roman Reigns, The Shield!" Justin announced. 

Morgan hops over the barricade and bumps fists with her teammates before walking over to ringside. Seth and Roman get in the ring while Ambrose grabs her by the elbow and makes her turn around. He wraps an arm around her waist to give her a quick kiss, taking her by surprise.

"Whoa! Pre match good luck kiss?" JBL chuckled as the crowd cheered. 

Triple H looks amused while Rosa crosses her arms, rolling her eyes. Morgan chuckled and smiled at her boyfriend before he got in the ring.

Ding Ding Ding

Both teams go at it until The Shield throws Evolution out the ring. 

"And The Shield hold the ring, first battle to The Shield," Cole said. 

"Haha! Believe that!" Morgan taunted while Evolution tried to regroup. 

Seth starts the match with Triple H. Triple H gets beaten down and clotheslined out of the ring and hit with a suicide dive. As soon as Seth throws Triple H back in the ring, Orton tries to attack him but gets punched. Once Seth slides back into the ring, he gets clotheslined, making Evolution gain control. Batista gets tagged in, making the crowd boo. Morgan tries to bang on the mat to try to motivate Seth while he continues to get overwhelmed by Evolution. 

"That's what I'm talking about!" Rosa shouted as Batista kicked Rollins to the head off the apron. 

"Later on tonight, Rosa and Morgan are going to be in a first ever diva extreme rules match. How ready are you to see that?" Cole asked. 

"Excited but worried for them. Anything can happen. I just don't want them to kill each other." King replied. 

"That match is going to be chaos." JBL chuckled as Rollins managed to slam Orton down from his headlock. "I'm ready to see those ladies go at it. Maybe we'll get a small preview during this match."

Rollins was about to make a tag but Triple H and Batista hit Roman and Dean with cheap shots off the apron. 

"Really? Really!?" Morgan angrily got on the apron. "Are you frickin' kidding me!?" 

"Morgan, get down from the apron." The ref warned while she obeyed and went to check on her teammates. 

Seth hits Orton with a kick to the head and finally tags in Dean who got back on the apron. Dean hits Orton with a clothesline, making him clash with his teammates and making them fall. He starts unloading on Orton and takes him down with a running crossbody. 

"Fists are flying everywhere!" King exclaimed. 

He starts stomping on Orton in the corner, making him slide down to the bottom turnbuckle.

"Believe in The Shield, bitch!" He yelled and blasted Batista off the apron who tried to distract him. 

Orton takes advantage with an uppercut, making Dean lean back in between the ropes. 

"And look at Ambrose!" Cole said as he hit Orton with another clothesline.

Ambrose connects with the figure four until Triple H breaks it up. Roman gets in the ring to punch Batista out of the ring and throws him over the barricade. 

"Good grief! Roman Reigns is manhandling Batista!" King exclaimed as Rosa rushed over to check on him. 

Roman stalks over to Triple H who is leaning on the steel steps and runs at him. He swiftly evades him, making Roman clash into the steel steps. 

"Roman!" Morgan shouted in concern and rushed over to him. 

Later, in the ring, Evolution continues to take control of Ambrose while the crowd starts to chant 'Bootista' 

Orton gives Dean a headlock and faces The Shield's corner, forcing his teammates to watch. 

"Come on Dean! Get crazy!" Morgan banged on the mat as he began hitting himself. 

"Come on, Dean!" Roman shouted. 

Ambrose breaks out of the move but eats a dropkick from Orton. 

"Come on, come on Ambrose," Seth said as Evolution continued to take control. "Come on! Come on, Dean! Take a swing at 'em!" 

Morgan starts to get a kick out of the crowd booing Batista every time he gets tagged in. Then the crowd starts chanting 'You Can't Wrestle' at Batista.

Ambrose hits Batista with a jawbreaker but gets hit with a big boot. Morgan exhales while Triple H gets tagged back in, grinning at The Shield. Seth starts shouting at Evolution while Ambrose escapes from Triple H's pedigree. Suddenly, Ambrose hits him with a DDT and crawls over to his teammates to tag in Roman, making the crowd erupt into loud cheers.

"And here comes the powerhouse!" Cole said as Roman cleaned house and hit everyone with a flying clothesline. 

He clotheslines Orton out of the ring and runs around the ring, ducking Triple H's clothesline, and hitting Batista with an apron dropkick. He clotheslines Triple H and throws Orton to the barricade. 

"Roman Reigns is a one man wrecking crew!" Cole said.

When Reigns gets back in the ring, Batista sets Reigns up for the Batista bomb but gets kneed in the head by Seth. Roman hits Batista with the Superman punch and The Shield goes for the triple powerbomb. 

"No! No!" Rosa shouted as the crowd went wild. 

"They're going for the triple powerbomb!" Cole shouted as they hit him with it. 

Roman pins him but gets dragged out of the ring by Orton and Triple H. They start to jump him until Ambrose goes after Orton. Rollins decides to go for a suicide dive but Triple H moves out of the way, making the crowd 'Oh!' 

"Seth!" Morgan shouted as she started to look worried. 

The way he just landed did not look pretty. 

"Oh my gosh," King said. "Seth just crashed and burned right into the wall." 

Triple H hits Reigns with the pedigree inside the ring but gets attacked by Ambrose. The crowd cheers when Roman kicks out of Batista's pin, making the crowd chant 'This is awesome'. Suddenly, Orton strikes Reigns with an RKO and Batista takes advantage by pinning him. 



"Yeah!" The crowd shouted when Seth broke the pin. 

But then he gets dragged out of the ring by Orton and they start fighting outside the ring. 

"Yikes!" Morgan said as the cameraman fell down from all the action Orton and Seth were displaying. 

"This is out of control now." King looked on as Triple H, Orton, and Seth started fighting in the timekeeper's area. 

"It is chaotic out here," Cole exclaimed. 

All of a sudden, Ambrose runs on the two announce tables and dives on top of Triple H and Orton. 

"Oh my God! Dean Ambrose just ran on the announce tables!" Cole shouted.

"What the hell!?" King yelled while Morgan grinned at his unpredictability. "He's gone wild! He's lost it!" 

"This is incredible," Cole said as Seth, Triple H, Orton, and Dean started fighting in the crowd.

"This is out of control!"

"They said all hell was gonna break loose, it certainly has," JBL said. 

Morgan looks at the titantron and sees Dean falling down the steps. She wanted to go help but if she would have, she would miss Rosa's sneaky moves. So she decided to stay and watch if Rosa was going to interfere. She knew Dean and Seth could handle themselves. 

Triple H and Orton start to gang up on Ambrose until Rollins jumps on top of all three of them out of nowhere making the crowd 'Oh!'. 

"Seth Rollins! Seth Rollins! From out of the stands!" Cole shouted.

 "Holy cow!" King yelled.

"Where the hell did he come from?" JBL asked as the crowd chanted 'Holy shit!' 

Meanwhile, in the ring, Batista hits Roman with a spinebuster as the crowd boos. Roman escapes the Batista bomb and strikes him with the Superman punch. Rosa decides to take some brass knuckles out of her pocket and slide them to Batista.

"Hey! Eyes on me!" she shouted, getting on the apron.

"Rosa get down!" The ref warned.

"Oh man, now what is Rosa doing?" King asked.

"She just slid some brass knuckles to Batista," JBL observed. 

Morgan runs around the ring and pulls Rosa down from the apron. She ducks her clothesline and takes her out with a roundhouse kick.

"Rosa just got blasted!" King said as Morgan managed to grab the brass knuckles and throw it away. 

Roman gets hyped up and roars before taking Batista out with a spear. 

"Spear!" Cole shouted. 




"The winners of this match, The Shield!" Justin announced. 

Morgan slides into the ring and hugs Roman from behind who is on his knees. She helps him up and embraces him tightly. They head over to the crowd to find Seth and Dean who were being helped by refs. 

"You guys Roman said Kings don't win wars. Soldiers do." Cole said as Roman picked up Dean across his shoulders while Seth staggered up to his feet. 

Roman sets Dean down as he holds the side of his stomach and The Shield put their fists out. 

"The Hounds of justice prevail. And as those four say, believe in The Shield!" 


Later in the evening, it was time for the Extreme Rules match.

"This match is scheduled for one fall and it is a first ever diva Extreme Rules match!" Justin announced as the crowd cheered.

Once Rosa struts out, she puts up a sign that says 'Morgan's Last Match. RIP Morgan's Career 11/18/12 to 5/4/14' 

"Check out her sign!" Cole pointed out.

Celeste tweets 'Seriously? No. This isn't Morgan's last match, Rosa.' 

"This is one anticipated match up. I know these two are going to make each other suffer." JBL said.

'I've had enough I'm taking you down' 

The crowd cheers as Morgan walks out.

"And introducing the challenger, from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Morgan!" 

"Yay, she's twirling!" King happily said as she spun around a few times down the ramp and then ran into the ring.

She gets on the turnbuckle and takes off her hoodie before taunting the crowd. 

"I cannot wait for this!" Cole said as the two divas faced off, making the ref separate them. 

"You're going down, Morgan! I'll make this match memorable for you. Why? Because this is your last match!" Rosa smirked.

"Yeah, whatever," Morgan rolled her eyes. 


The audience cheered loudly as they highly anticipated the first ever women's extreme rules match. Something that had been a dream has now become a reality for Women's wrestling and they couldn't wait to see what these two create.

Milena and Melanie stared at each other before nodding at one another. This was something new and something that hadn't been done yet in WWE. They were hoping to make a good impression and do well in this storyline for the match.

"Oh boy," Cole said.

"What's wrong?" JBL asked.

"We are just getting word that The Shield got ambushed backstage," Cole said with surprise. 

"What?" King asked with worry.

The titantron shows The Shield and Evolution brawling backstage, earning the attention of Rosa, Morgan, and the crowd. Evolution drops The Shield with chairs, leaving them down and out as the crowd boos. 

" Evolution. Adapt or perish, Morgan. And after shall perish." Triple H smirked at the camera as he and his teammates put their fists out. 

Morgan starts to look concerned and runs a hand through her hair. This was not how she was expecting things to go down after The Shield had beaten Evolution.

"Oh no...that's not a confident look on the face of Morgan," King said with concern. 

"Rosa has a tremendous advantage if Evolution comes out to back her up. This is not good for The Outspoken Diva." Cole said. 

"If I were her I would end this match early," JBL advised.

"Yes, but these divas have a lot to prove. This is an extreme rules match. The first ever. I know these two want to kill each other but if Evolution comes out here to interfere, the odds will be against Morgan even more,"

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11 months ago

Forced To Believe Chapter 60- Annihilated

Forced To Believe Chapter 60- Annihilated

Chapter Summary: With The Shield taken out, Morgan is at a huge disadvantage against Rosa with Evolution backing her up. Evolution makes good on their promise to take out Morgan.

Words: 4,000+


"This is not good," Cole said. "The Shield was just taken out by Evolution. And who knows what Rosa is up to now." 

"Aw, are you going to cry? Are you upset that your little boys are hurt?" Rosa smirked at the troubled Outspoken diva. 

She had a huge disadvantage on her back now. Her boys were not going to be there to back her up if there was any funny business going on with Evolution. 

"Cry Morgan! I want to see you cry! Cry like the little baby you are! Cry like the-" Rosa grunted as Morgan speared her out of the ring, earning cheers from the crowd.

"Here we go! Woo hoo!" King grinned as Morgan continued assaulting her. 

"Morgan is frustrated and is taking it all out on Rosa," Cole looked on. 

Rosa manages to kick her off and roll back into the ring. 

"I wasn't ready! I wasn't ready!" She shouted. 

Morgan gets on the top rope, about to do a crossbody but Rosa manages to push on the ropes, making her fall on her neck as the crowd 'Ohs'. 

"Oh my God, is she okay?!" Cole asked as Morgan held her neck and yelled out in pain. 

"Well, things escalated quickly," JBL looked on. 

"Morgan, are you okay?" The ref checked on her. 

Morgan grunted. "I'm fine..." She managed to get up but Rosa jumped on her and began targeting her neck.

Fans tweet:

'That did not look good. At all.' 

'That was scary.'

'Did you see the way her neck hit the mat!?'

'Why is she still going on in this match? She could have broken something. Please be careful Morgan.' 

"I hope her neck is okay. Gosh, we need to see that again." King said as the titantron showed Morgan's fall a couple of times. 

Rosa gets a chair from ringside and places it in the middle of the ring. 

"Rosa with the chair for a swinging neckbreaker!" Cole exclaimed as she did the move. "I think Rosa is trying to end this early before The Shield manages to get up."

Rosa goes for the pin but gets a two count. 

"Come on!" she shouted at the ref. 

She picks Morgan up to hit her with a head slam. 

"How's your neck!?" She stomped on her neck, earning a groan from the Philly native. 

Morgan clenches her neck again while Rosa rolls out of the ring, to search for a weapon under the ring. 

"Oh boy!" Cole said as the crowd erupted in cheers. 

Rosa takes out a ladder and sets it in the middle of the ring. 

"But this isn't a ladder match!" King exclaimed. 

"Too bad, it's all legal," JBL said. 

"But I don't want to see these ladies hurt each other like this."

Rosa begins climbing on top of it, planning to do a diving move on a laid out Morgan. But then she manages to get up and starts climbing the ladder. 

"I'll catch you if you fall ladies!" King warned.

Morgan starts hitting Rosa with punches on top of the ladder and manages to hit her with a sunset flip off the ladder, making the crowd react positively again and chant 'Holy shit'. 

"Cover her! Cover her Morgan!" JBL shouted as both divas were hurt. 

Both women stumble to their feet, and Morgan starts hitting Rosa with a few clotheslines, continuing to fight through the pain before throwing her to the corner. 

"Uh oh, we know what's coming!" JBL added.

She connects with the handspring back elbow smash to Rosa. She slides down to her knees while Morgan makes her stand up. Rosa hits her with a hard knee to the stomach, making her yell out in pain and fall to her knees. She throws Morgan to the ropes and hits her with a drop toe hold, making Morgan slam her face into the mat. Rosa then follows up with a head scissors submission. 

"Do you submit!?" The ref asked. 

"Come on, Morgan. You think you're a big girl now, huh? Give up!" She shouted and squeezed her legs tighter on her neck, making Morgan gasp for air. 

"Rosa applying so much pressure on her neck. I think she's trying to break something." Cole said. "On Twitter Rosa has said that she's been working on her legs more often to apply that submission specifically for Morgan." 

"It's like she's squeezing the life out of her. I don't think Morgan can breathe!" King exclaimed. 

The crowd begins to clap to try to motivate The Outspoken Diva which starts to work until Rosa beats her down. Rosa hits her with a suplex and picks up the chair to put it in between the ropes in a corner. Rosa tries to Irish whip Morgan to the corner but she reverses it and makes Rosa clash into the chair and fall out of the ring.

"Did you hear that impact!?" JBL shouted. 

"Morgan gets some time to breathe and try to get back in this," Cole said as she tried to catch her breath. 

The crowd starts to chant 'We want tables' while Morgan slides out of the ring. The crowd erupts into loud cheers once she gives them what they want. 

"This is where it gets dangerous," JBL said as she set up a table in the ring and put the ladder back up since it fell down after the sunset flip. 

Rosa slides back in the ring and Morgan tries to put her on the table. 

"No! No!" Rosa elbowed her in the stomach and slammed her head onto the table. 

She pushes Morgan to the corner and puts her foot on her neck to choke her. Then, she sets her up on the turnbuckle. 

"I am going to win this!" She shouted, making the crowd boo her. 

She gets on the top rope to go for a suplex. Morgan manages to power out of Rosa's hold and slowly turns her around while Rosa starts to struggle. 

"Oh no, what is she about to do here!?" Cole exclaimed. 

"This is going to be good!" JBL said as the audience began standing up to watch in anticipation. 

"No! No!" Rosa screamed as she tried to break free of Morgan's Morganizer hold. "No! Get off of me! No!" 

Celeste tweets 'Haha, oh man, just don't kill her. Don't kill her! WWEMorgan101'

Morgan jumps off and hits Rosa with the Morganizer, making her land on the table, breaking it as the crowd explodes.

"Morganizer on the table! This may be it!" Cole shouted.

"It's over," JBL said as Morgan pinned Rosa.



"Oh!" The crowd shouted.

"What!?" King shouted in a high pitched voice. "What the hell!?" 

"Rosa kicked out!" Cole shouted. "Rosa Mendes just kicked out!"

"How was that even possible!?" JBL exclaimed while Morgan rolled off of her, still next to her.

'This is awesome!' the crowd chants with appreciation. The first ever divas Extreme Rules match was becoming a success for them. 

'Good...they love it.' Melanie thought to herself as she was proud of her and Milena's performance so far. 

She wanted to make sure to make Milena look great in the ring while putting on a believable story. Their chemistry wrestling each other was off the charts. She truly found her wrestling soulmate.

"Are you okay?" Melanie asked Milena while they were still down and out with hair in their faces.

"Yes. They're cheering for you," Milena replied.

"They're cheering for us," she corrected. "Embrace it,"

"Thank you. I'm having so much fun,"

"Me too," Melanie rolled away, still taking a breather from the spot.

Continuing the match, Morgan and Rosa manage to get up but Rosa grabs the chair and whacks Morgan in the face with it. 

"How dare you put me through a table!?" She shouted and hit her with the chair a few more times before throwing it away. 

Morgan rolls out the ring while Rosa searches under the ring for another table. 

"Rosa setting up the table," Cole observed while Morgan was at the end of the ramp setting up two tables next to each other, in front of a tall ladder on the ramp. Rosa marches over to Morgan and starts to have a back and forth punch off as the crowd cheers for Morgan and boo for Rosa. Morgan gains the upper hand by throwing Rosa into the steel steps. 

"Good grief, this arena is getting wrecked," King said before Morgan hit Rosa with the backfire. "Backfire!" 

Morgan places Rosa on the tables and exhales. 

"Please don't tell me...Morgan what are you doing!?" JBL exclaimed as she started climbing up the ladder on the ramp. 

The crowd begins to boo loudly when Evolution strolls down the ramp. 

"Uh oh. Morgan watch your back." Cole warned. 

"Morgan, get out of there!" King shouted. 

Morgan looks around and looks down at the three members of Evolution smirking at her. This was not good, and her boys weren't able to help her out against them because they got ambushed. She was all alone. The Outspoken diva starts to get worried and starts to ponder about the situation. Batista helps Rosa off the table while Triple H and Orton continue to stare up at Morgan. The Philly Diva narrows her eyes at them and gives them a dirty look. 

"Looks like someone is going to perish." Triple H sneered while Orton began climbing up the ladder to face off with her. 

"Seems like you're missing a few buddies," Orton smirked while Morgan remained silent, keeping her composure. "You got two choices. You can either get down and lose this match, or you can be annihilated. What do you choose?" 

"Morgan, please just get down and run. She's about to be massacred! She needs to get out of there!" King said with worry. 

"And don't even think about trying to beat us. I know you wouldn't touch me. You can't even do it, can you? I'll even give you a free hit." Orton said. "Still can't keep your mind off the past between us as friends, huh? No wonder you've gotten weaker." 

"I can put my hands on you," she spoke up.

"Just get down. Now," he said in a threatening tone. "You wouldn't even lift a finger at me." 

Morgan smirked. "Watch me." 

She pushes him off as he lands on the two tables, breaking them, making the crowd 'Oh' loudly and chant 'Holy shit' again. 

"Randy Orton! Randy Orton just went through those tables!" Cole shouted. 

"Holy crap!" King exclaimed as Triple H, Rosa, and Batista's eyes widened. 

Morgan exhales and runs a hand through her hair, realizing what she's done. She's in for it now. 

"Morgan get out of there!" JBL shouted as she managed to get back in the ring unharmed. 

Triple H and Batista check on Orton while Rosa gets back in the ring. 

Ronda Rousey tweets 'Whoa! Didn't know you had it in you! Hit and run! WWEMorgan101. That was badass!' 

Celeste tweets 'That's what he gets! Serves him right! Good job WWEMorgan101!' 

"Spear!" Cole shouted as Morgan speared Rosa and started unloading on her. 

She goes for the pin but Batista drags her out of the ring. 

"Oh no," Cole added.

"Come on..." King grumbled in an annoyed tone. 

Morgan gets up and leans back to evade Batista's clothesline and swiftly grabs a chair to whack him in the face. The crowd cheers while Triple H begins to march after her. She tries to hit him with the chair but he grabs it and throws it aside. He kicks her in the stomach making her fall to her knees. 

"Perish Morgan!" Triple H shouted. 

But the crowd cheers again when she hits him with a low blow. 

"Low blow!" Cole laughed as Rosa grabbed a guitar and got back in the ring. 

Morgan gets her barbed wire guitar and gets back in the ring to face off with her. Their guitars clash and they continue clashing their guitars until Rosa kicks Morgan in the stomach and whacks her back with her guitar, breaking it. Rosa pins her for a two count. 

"So, you wanna act tough, huh!?" Rosa shouted but Morgan began fighting back. 

She throws Rosa into the ropes and strikes her with a roundhouse kick to the face. She gets on the middle top rope and hits Rosa with a diving clothesline. 

"Morgan is trying to gain some more momentum back," Cole said as she grabbed her barbed wired guitar. 

She waits for Rosa to get up to whack her in the face, making her hold her nose and scream.

"I think Rosa's really hurt. She's holding her nose. Did she break it?" JBL asked. 

Moments later, Rosa reveals her nose, showing it bleeding, making the crowd cheer.

"Rosa's nose is bleeding!" Cole exclaimed. 

"That barbed wire is dangerous!" JBL said. 

Rosa screams and starts freaking out while Morgan looks satisfied, dropping her guitar. The Philly diva is feeling banged up and her neck is starting to irritate her again as she starts clenching it. 

Rosa rolls out of the ring and starts freaking out to Triple H and Batista who tries to calm her down. 

"Getting my nose messed up was not part of the plan!" Rosa shouted. 

While Morgan is distracted by the ref trying to check her neck, Batista gets in the ring to hit her with a huge clothesline. 

"And Batista getting involved..." Cole said with disappointment. 

He gets a table and leans it to a corner while Morgan crawls 

over to the same corner. Batista walks over to the opposite side and waits for her to get up to try to go for a spear. Luckily, she swiftly moves out of the way, making him crash into the table.

"Batista into the table!" Cole shouted.

"She's holding her own just fine." JBL praised. 

Morgan slides out the ring and grabs a table of barbed wires, making the crowd cheer louder as Batista rolls out of the ring. Morgan gets back in the ring and gets on the top rope with the table while Rosa and Triple H are helping Batista up at ringside. They look up while Morgan jumps and hits them a crossbody with the barbed wire side hitting the three of them. The crowd 'Ohs' and chants 'Holy shit!' once again, showing a positive reaction to the match. 

"Whoa!" King exclaimed. 

"Oh my God!" Cole shouted as Batista and Triple H started scrambling around from the stinging barbed wire. "Have you ever seen this happen, before?" 

Morgan takes the barbed wire table off of the three of them and throws Rosa back in the ring. Rosa was freaking out from the barbed wire and started screaming. 

"Are you crazy!? Are you crazy!?" Rosa shouted. 

"I'm going to kill her!" Triple H yelled, still in pain.

"And Randy Orton is still down and out," Cole said as the camera showed Orton still knocked out. 

"Let's take a look at how that happened," King said as the titantron showed Morgan shoving Orton off the ladder again. 

"That took guts," JBL said. 

Ronda Rousey tweets 'I admire WWEMorgan101's courage and kick ass personality. She doesn't back down from anybody. Stay that way.' 

Meanwhile in the ring, Rosa manages to hit Morgan with a couple of clotheslines and a scoop slam on to a chair. 

"Rosa is taking over," Cole said. 

"Look at those cuts," JBL said as Rosa had a lot of scratches around her body from the barbed wire and her nose was still bleeding.

Rosa wipes her nose with her hand and looks at the blood in annoyance.

"Ugh!" She shouted. 

She gets another table and places it in the middle of the ring. She picks Morgan up for the Gory Bomb. 

"This may be it," JBL said as Rosa did a loud battle cry before slamming her down on the table. 

She goes to pin her but Morgan kicks out at two as the crowd looks on in shock and cheers loudly. 

"What!?" King shouted.

"I thought it was over!" Cole added.

"No! No!" Rosa screamed and started banging on the mat. "Count faster!" 

She yells at the ref and slaps him in the face, surprising the crowd.

"I am the official! It was 2! You can't put your hands on me!" The referee yelled.

"I don't care! It should have been 3!" she screamed in his face. 

"Rosa, calm down!" King exclaimed.

"She just assaulted the ref!" Cole exclaimed as she started unloading on the ref. 

"I should have won, right there!" Rosa continued to scream.

Morgan continues to hold her neck as she starts to feel more pain. She earned a few welts around her body, mostly on her back and bruises from the table and guitar she went through, thanks to Rosa.

Rosa calms down and turns her attention back to Morgan but gets hit with a DDT before getting pinned.



"Oh!" The crowd shouts as Rosa kicks out. 

"Stay on her Morgan!" JBL said as Morgan staggered to her feet and slowly got on the top rope. "Going high risk." 

Morgan stands tall on the top rope, aiming for a crossbody but then Triple H gets on the apron to distract her, making the crowd boo. Morgan kicks him off but while she is distracted, Orton slithers into the ring and gives Rosa a chair before sliding out of the ring. Rosa gets to her feet while Morgan goes for crossbody. The crowd 'Ohs' while Morgan yells in pain as Rosa counters her attack by swinging a chair to her stomach, making Morgan clash into it, clenching her stomach. 

"Good grief!" JBL exclaimed as Rosa went for the pin. 




The crowd begins to boo loudly while Rosa gets up and jumps around. 

"Yes! Yes! I told you! I told you!" She shouted. 

"Here is your winner! Rosa Mendes!" Justin announced. 

Rosa taunts the crowd and turns to the ref. "Raise my hand! Raise my hand!" She ordered and got her hand raised. 

Evolution gets in the ring and stands over Morgan. 

Ronda Rousey tweets 'No friggin way!' 

Lita tweets 'WWEMorgan101 and LaRosaMendes's rivalry is starting to get intense. You two are starting to become my favorite feud. Awesome match!' 

Stephanie tweets 'Talk about a successful first ever diva extreme rules match! WWEMorgan101 & LaRosaMendes did a great job!' 

Mick Foley tweets 'Admired both WWEMorgan101 and LaRosaMendes performance tonight. Great match!' 

"I can't believe Rosa won," Cole said in disbelief as the titantron showed the highlights. "First Morgan got distracted and that allowed Rosa to buy some time to receive the chair from Orton."

Evolution raises Rosa's hands and celebrates with her while Morgan continues to hold her neck. Then the men grab Morgan and hold her by the arms for Rosa.

"Oh come on! You won! Get out of here!" King shouted.

Rosa roughly grabbed Morgan's face and made her look at her. "Where's your boyfriend!? Where's your little hounds? Where's Chyna!? Where's your mommy!? This is how weak you are! This is how pathetic you are!" She shouted.

A 'You suck' chant starts while Rosa and Evolution release Morgan. Rosa starts stomping on her and picks her up so she can get hit with a Batista bomb. 

"Come on! Enough is enough!" King exclaimed. 

Morgan starts to look very groggy as she crawls to the feet of Triple H. 

"Come on, let me see your fighting spirit. Crawl!" Triple H shouted before he gave her a pedigree. 

Orton, who was still ticked off at being thrown into a few tables, slowly picks her up to her feet and hits her with a sick RKO. 

The Bellas tweet 'Enough is enough! Just stop!'

Celeste tweets 'Getting more pissed off each time they hit WWEMorgan101.' 

"This is getting hard to watch. Somebody needs to help her." King said. 

"But The Shield are still beaten down from their ambush by Evolution," JBL reminded. 

Rosa receives a chair from Triple H while Morgan struggles to stand on her feet with the help of the ropes. She whacks her in the back, making her fall. Rosa hits her again when she tried to get back to her feet. 

"Stay down! Just stay down! Stay down and it'll be all over!" JBL exclaimed. 

Rosa whacks Morgan in the face and then drops the chair to start unloading on her neck. 

"Now she's going after the neck," Cole looked on. 

All of a sudden Evolution begins to smirk when Rosa picks Morgan up for the piledriver. 

"Say goodbye to your neck, Morgan! And say goodbye to your career!" Rosa drops down, hitting her neck harshly.

"Guys...Morgan's not moving. At all." Cole said with worry. 

"Is she okay!?" King shouted. 

Finally, The Shield runs down to the ring, pretty banged up but Evolution and Rosa leave the ring. Ambrose is furious and is about to go after them but gets held back by Roman. 

"Dean! Calm down!" Roman shouted. "Morgan is our top priority, right now! She needs us!" 

Ambrose cools down and kneels to check on her with Seth, Roman, and the ref. 

"Things just turned serious. She's really hurt." JBL said as a couple of refs and a doctor rushed down to the ring. 

"I need to get in there." King took his headset off and got in the ring to check on her as the crowd started to notice how serious things had just gotten. 

"Morgan, can you hear me?" The doctor asked. 

Roman clenches his fist and looks away at the sight. He never ever wanted to see her in this kind of pain. 

"Morgan." Dean held her hand and squeezed it while Seth held her other hand. 

"Is-is her neck okay?" JBL asked.

"Morgan, can you hear me?" The doctor repeated but still got no response. 

"What's going on?" Seth urged.

Morgan opens her eyes and squeezes Seth and Dean's hands. 

"Morgan!" Seth and Dean exclaimed while Roman looked relieved.

"Morgan, can you move around?" The doctor asked and tried to help her up as the crowd began to cheer for her. 

"My neck..." She grunted as she slowly sat up. 

She is given a bottle of water and starts taking sips of it. 

"We need a stretcher." The doctor said on his radio.

"I'm glad she's moving her legs and arms," Cole said as the titantron showed Rosa's piledriver. 

"I'm scared." She whispered and was about to cry. 

Her neck felt so weird and the pain got worse as she started to yell out in pain. The refs and doctor help her back down while The hounds of justice continue to look concerned. 

"They're gonna pay for this. We promise." Ambrose growled. 

A stretcher gets rolled down to ringside and into the ring. The doctor puts a neck brace on her and gets help with putting her on the stretcher. Morgan gets taken backstage while The Shield walk by her side as the crowd continues to cheer and chant her name. 

Stone Cold tweets 'WWEMorgan101 I know you're going to keep getting up from everything The Authority throws at you. When you recover, I want you to open up a can of ass whooping on that Rosa woman. Great match.' 

Celeste tweets 'WWEMorgan101! Please get better with your neck! I love you! Awesome match!' 

Ronda Rousey 'WWEMorgan101 man that piledriver must have hurt! I hope you heal up soon. When you come back, give Rosa an armbar just for me!' 


Morgan wasn't sure if her neck was broken or just aching from the impact she suffered. All she knows is that she was in a ton of pain. 

"I just want my mom." Her voice cracked. 

She holds Dean's hand as she gets rolled near the ambulance. 

"We're gonna get a hold of her grapes. Hang in there," Dean soothed as she got placed in the back of the ambulance. 

The Shield hops in too and sits by her side as they get driven away.

"I'm sorry..." She mumbled.

"Sorry for what?" Dean wiped her tears.

"For letting you guys down...I lost..." 

"We let you down," Seth mentioned and held her hand, giving it a squeeze.

"What?" she asked.

"We weren't there for you," Dean replied.

"But we're gonna get them for you, grapes. We promise." Roman reassured.

"Evolution is going to pay," Ambrose said with determination and ran a hand through her hair. 

"Got that right. Remember, if they mess with you, they mess with me, and if they mess with me, they mess with Seth, and if they mess with Seth, they mess with Ambrose. We got your back. For now, just rest." Roman added. 

Morgan sighs out of relief. She thought her boys were mad at her but they were actually standing by her.

"Thanks," She calmed down. "I love you, guys. You're always there for me. Even if you weren't there in the ring with me, you're here with me, now. That's all that matters." 

"You're always there for us." Seth smiled. "And we love you, too." 

"Hm..." She showed a weak smile and tried to rest her body, despite the agony she was in. 

She wanted to stay strong and not cry. She didn't want to look weak in front of her boys. 

"'s okay to cry. We know you want to." Roman said in a gentle tone.

"We know you're tough. We know you're in agony." Seth comforted. "It's going to be okay." 

"Let it out," Ambrose murmured in a soft tone. 

She then starts to cry silently before beginning to sob. Moments later she cries herself to sleep. It pained them to see her like this. She was always smiling, and hyping them up during their matches. She rarely gets broken down like this. Their hearts ached to see her in this kind of pain. Evolution and Rosa were not going to get away with that. 

The Shield give each other knowing looks. 

"They crossed the line. They're going to pay for this. For them to hurt her like hurt my woman..." Ambrose pounded his fist. "I'm going to rearrange their faces." 

"I and me both," Seth said and looked down at the sleeping Philly Diva. "We can't be outsmarted, again. For Morgan's sake, we need to kick their asses. Give them a beating. Whenever it's tomorrow or next week, we need to do it for her." 

"They're going get their asses kicked. Don't worry. We got this." Roman said in an angry tone and bumped fists with his teammates. 

Seth tweets, 'There is going to be hell to pay. You won't get away with this TripleH DaveBautista RandyOrton LaRosaMendes.'

Roman tweets 'When you mess with The Shield's Girl, you mess with the hounds. Consider yourself our prey. Watch your backs Evolution & Rosa. You've just crossed the line' 

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7 months ago

Forced To Believe Chapter 66- Confronting The Sellout

Forced To Believe Chapter 66- Confronting The Sellout

Summary: The Shield confronts Rollins after his betrayal. Rollins brings up the idea of wanting Morgan to join him in The Authority.

Words: 4,000+

Author's Note: Just a warning this got a little bit of Melanie's toxic ex-boyfriend.


After the show, Melanie met up with Greg at a local bar while getting followed by some of the Total Divas to keep a watchful eye. Unaware her girlfriends were keeping track of her, she sat across from Greg at a table with a frown.

"You got ten minutes," she spoke calmly.

She still felt a ton of emotions. It felt weird seeing him again after all these years. Her guard remained up as she watched him carefully when he let out a sigh.

"Look, I'm trying to make things right. I want to start over with you and at least be friends," he spoke.

"Nine minutes and 50 seconds."

"I brought you these," He revealed a bouquet of flowers and a small bag of grapes.

Grapes, huh? He somehow paid attention unlike years before. But unable to resist her favorite fruit, she grabbed the grapes and accepted it with the flowers.

"Wow...thanks, I guess. I'm surprised you even know I like grapes,"

"You don't like grapes, you love them," he corrected her with a grin and gestured to the drink he lightly pushed towards her. "Here's your drink,"

"I'm not drinking with you. You can forget about that shit. So, let's cut to the chase. You've been in jail all this time?"

"Yeah. It was a couple of months after we stopped dating. I just got into some back shit and I suffered the consequences," he frowned and took a big gulp of his beer.

Melanie watched his body language. It was clear he didn't want to go into detail.

"So you were locked up all this time? Last thing I heard was you were in some car accident and didn't make it,"

"Nah, I'm still here. Did you miss me at all?"

"No. I haven't,"

"Well I missed you,"

"I gotta go," she stood up.

"Our ten minutes isn't up yet,"

"I stayed here long enough,"

"Can we see each other again?"

"I don't know. Being around you, and listening to all you're saying is bringing back unpleasant memories,"

"I'm trying to change."

"And good luck with that," she replied and left him alone.

She was glad she handled herself well. Her old self would have been an emotional wreck and had the urge to embrace him. It was weird seeing him again after all these years but she was glad she had moved on from wanting anything with him. And a big factor was Jon making her strong mentally.

"This dude gotta go. Now." Nattie said, while seated at a nearby table with a frown.

"Agreed. What are we gonna do?" Nikki asked.

"You think she's gonna visit him again?" Ariane wondered.

"He's been following her, and flying everywhere she is for WWE Live events and other shows. It's getting bad. She can't see him again. We're gonna have to intervene," Renee sighed.

Suddenly Milena started to tear up after paying close attention to Greg's actions since arriving.

"Milena, are you okay?" Trinity asked.

"This has got to end, now. Did you see the drink he ordered for her?" Milena pointed out. "He put something in it,"

"No way! You don't think he would try to drug her drink to make her pass out and then..." Brie stopped herself and began to look extremely concerned.

"What a sick bastard!" Nikki exclaimed. "We gotta tell Jon ASAP."

"On it." Renee took out her phone.

"I don't like the gifts he gave her too," Milena added as she began getting angry. "I wish she didn't take them with her. You never know what people put in things anymore,"


Back at Melanie and Milena's shared hotel room, Milena made it back before Melanie and passed the time, watching TV. After about 20 minutes, Melanie returned, placing the flowers and grapes on the table.

"Where were you?" Milena asked, standing up from the bed.

The Outspoken Diva exhaled. "...I met up with Greg. I know. Dumb. I get it. I don't need a lecture,"

At least she didn't lie but Milena frowned and spoke, "Please don't tell me you're smitten by him again. After everything. Please tell me this is the last time you see him,"


"Melanie you have every right to be upset with me, Jon, and everyone else. But you have to understand that we did this for your safety. And the fact that you went to see him today—"

Melanie's irritation began to reach its peak. "I am so fuckin' tired of everyone thinking I need saving! I don't need saving! I'm fine! Everything is fine, Milena. Nothing is gonna happen,"

"You say that but you still went to see him. Do you not remember what you suffered because of him?!"

"I'm trying to put that behind me!" she exasperated and opened the bag of grapes, preparing to eat one.

"Don't eat that!" Milena marched up to her and slapped it out of her hands.

"What the hell, Milena?!"

"Don't eat that! And don't receive anything from him, again! You never know what he might have done to those grapes! He may have injected it with some drug! Shit, he may even have a hidden camera in those flowers too, watching you! He's been looking at you lustfully, ever since you two saw each other, again. You cannot give in to his bullshit of trying to be nice! Okay!? Melanie, you have to think!"

"I am­—"

"No, you're not!" She shouted, making Melanie's eyes widen.

The Philly Diva was startled at the sudden emotion Milena was displaying. It sounded like this was a passionate subject for her.

"Hey, what has gotten into you...?" She asked while Milena started to cry.

"You're trying to fix that broken relationship with someone who has harmed you. Mentally. When I heard Greg was back, I wanted to do everything I could to make sure you deal with something worse. Just please...don't go back to him. Whatever you're going to do, do not go back down that road. Just stay away from him. please,"

Melanie pulled her in for a hug as her heart began to ache while listening to her. It was rare to see Milena like this since she was always so bubbly with her.

Pulling away, Milena grabbed her hands and spoke, "You have a good man, Mellsie. Jon's crazy about you. He always calls us to check up on you, because he knows you don't want to talk to him. But I want you to know that he wanted to do everything he could to keep Greg away from you. We all know Greg is doing an act. I just hope you get it through your head and see for yourself. Just please...please stay away from him, okay?"

"I...okay. All right, Milena. I'm sorry,"

"Thank you." she smiled and pulled her in for another hug. "Let's toss these things out,"

"Yeah. Might as well,"

Milena was right. So right. Ever since Celeste and April weren't around that much, she really didn't have a special girlfriend to vent to or chat with. A girlfriend who would always know the right things to say. But ever since Melanie and Milena have started to work together, Milena has been the most supporting, caring, and helpful friend, Melanie could ask for. She took her words to heart, and it made her ponder about the situation.

She'll stay away from Greg. For her safety. However, there was still a thought in the back of her mind to want to know his true motives and catch him slipping in this little act he was doing.


Next Monday, Melanie walked backstage, already in her Shield attire.

"Hey, it's the Melster! What's going on?" Colby greeted, looking up from tonight's script.

"Hey. I'm good. Nice suit, Corporate Rollins." She teased as she checked out his black suit.

Colby let out a hearty laugh. "Thanks, grapes."

"No problem." She grinned but then tried to smack him with the hidden cream cheese in her hand but he swiftly grabbed her wrist.

"Haha. Not today." He laughed before making her hit herself with her cream cheese covered hand.

"Colby! Cut it out!"

"Why are you hitting yourself? Why are you hitting yourself?" He laughed again and released her. "I win this round."

"Asshole..." she laughed and wiped her face.

Later that evening for RAW, 3MB were in the ring cutting a promo on how The Shield was supposed to come out to talk. But before Heath could speak further, the Hounds of Justice made their way to the ring, not in the best of moods.

"I am in no fuckin' mood for this shit..." Morgan muttered as she walked through the crowd, still feeling the painful effects of chair shots all over her body.

"I would run. Run. Run anywhere but here." JBL said.

"Especially in the mood Dean Ambrose, Morgan Lopez, and Roman Reigns must be in," Cole added.

Morgan jumps over the barricade and walks around the ring while Roman and Dean get in the ring to take on 3MB.

"And here we go, 3MB tryna take out Ambrose and Reigns." Cole looked on.

"Where is Morgan going?" King asked.

Reigns and Jinder get out of the ring, as Roman starts pummeling him with punches until Drew throws him off of him. Ambrose jumps on top of Drew and starts headbutting him. Meanwhile, the crowd erupts in cheers once Morgan takes out a guitar.

"Uh oh. This isn't good."

"Maybe she wants to join the band," JBL responded.

"I doubt it," King said while Dean and Roman threw Drew over the timekeeper's area.

They throw Jinder into the barricade and pick him back up for Morgan, who whacks him in the head, with the guitar. Ambrose runs over and jumps on top of Drew.

"And Ambrose isn't done yet. A rabid Ambrose." Cole said as Ambrose tilted his head with a crazed look.

The Outspoken Diva turns her attention to Heath who was trying to call his boys to leave. He starts walking back up the ramp, with her stalking him.

"Heath Slater is wisely retreating," Cole exclaimed but as soon as Heath stepped onto the stage, he got speared as the crowd erupted in loud cheers.

Roman does a battle cry and starts walking down the ramp. Morgan pats his back and they both get in the ring, to meet up with Ambrose.

Dean grabs a mic and tries to calm himself down.

"Get a hold of yourself, Dean," JBL said as Ambrose began seething.

"Calm down. Calm down." King cautioned while Roman paced around and Morgan crossed her arms with a stern look on her face.

"The Shield...was untouchable. And we will go down in the history books, as one of the greatest groups in sports entertainment, ever!" Dean spoke and began tapping the mic with his index finger. "We dominated WWE, we beat everybody. Even Evolution. But we weren't healthy. We had a Cancer...inside of us. Little did we know, and that Cancer's name. That Cancer's name is Seth Rollins..."

Hearing Seth's name caused Morgan's heart to ache. Those traumatized her. But she couldn't help but remember that look in his eyes. Hesitation...? What was truly going through his head?

"History is full of people like you, Seth, everybody in this building knows somebody like you, Seth. The kind of guy that would stab his brothers and the back. Suck up! You sell out to The Authority." Dean angrily continued. "Now when I get the opportunity to rearrange your face, which I will. Your nose isn't gonna be here anymore, it's gonna be, over your ear. I say ear cause you're only gonna have one left. I'm gonna rip your dirty, stinkin' hair out by the roots, I'm gonna stuff it in your mouth. There'll be plenty of room where your teeth used to be. Seth Rollins..."

He gritted his teeth and started patting his chest, "My are scum. And we are looking forward to what that scum has to say tonight. We want you to stand out in this ring, in front of the whole world, and lie through your teeth. We want you to stand out here in the middle of this ring, in front of the whole world, and we want them to hear Triple H's words, coming out of your mouth. We're gonna listen to every word of it, and then we're gonna beat the hell out of you!" He threw the mic down on the mat, as the crowd cheered.

"Whoa," King said in surprise.

Ambrose picks up the mic and chuckles before kissing Morgan's hand and giving the mic to her, making her and Roman grin.

She let out a big sigh as she faced the crowd who cheered her on loudly. "I have so many things to say to you, Seth...but I'm gonna say them when I see you face to face. You and I...we're gonna have a nice little chat, tonight. Prepare thyself." She handed the mic to Roman as the crowd cheered him on.

"Oh boy, that sounds dangerous." King looked on.

"Seth you committed the most unforgivable sin," Roman stated and shook his head out of disappointment. "You're the scum of the's things you don't do in life. You don't tug on Superman's cape, you don't piss in the wind, and you don't ever stab your brothers and sister in the back. But you're only part of the problem. The other parts are Randy Orton, Rosa and Triple H. Orton he runs around here, and he thinks he's the face of the company. When I get my hands on you Randy, you're gonna be the ass of this company. And when I'm done with you, Morgan over here." He patted her back. " gonna go after your little play toy, Rosa. She's gonna dismantle and maim her little ass, and she's gonna regret the day she stepped into this company. And then...I'm coming after you, Triple H. The King of Kings."

Roman shivered with Dean, and 'oohed' like they were scared, making Morgan laugh.

"We're gonna have our own Game of Thrones. Believe that!" He tossed the mic away as their theme came back on.

"Short, sweet, and to the point. Ambrose, Lopez, and Reigns, have laid out their plan." Cole announced while Dean, Morgan, and Roman bumped fists with each other.

"I wouldn't want to be Seth Rollins, I can tell ya that," King added.


Later that evening, Michael Cole was in the ring to finally try to get answers from Rollins.

"Ladies and gentlemen, my guest at this time, a man who's been the center of controversy over the past week. He is a former member of The Shield. Please welcome, Seth Rollins." Cole announced.

Rollins walks out in a black suit, with a new theme, ignoring the extremely loud 'You Sold Out!' chants from the crowd. Getting in the ring, he sits down with Cole.

"Seth, welcome. It's been a lot of talk over the last week—­"

"Michael, let me stop you before you get started. I don't—" He looked at the crowd as they booed him. "I don't get it, I don't understand what the controversy you're talking about, is all about. Are you talking about what I did last week? Is that a big deal? Because to me, that wasn't a big deal. I was doing what was best for business."

Morgan tweets 'Here we go...the best for business bull.'

"What was best for my business. The Shield, the greatest faction in the history of WWE, created by me. You don't think I have the right to destroy my own creation? It takes an architect, a mastermind to put together a faction like The Shield. You think Dean Ambrose is anyway responsible for that? Dean Ambrose is a lunatic. He's face down in a ditch in a week. Roman Reigns...the golden boy. You'll never see anger or fury in a man like you see in Roman Reigns." He chuckled while Morgan, Dean and Roman were watching backstage.

"Without someone to harness that, control it, he's nothing. He's worthless. And then there's Morgan precious little Morgan..." Rollins smirked as he thought of her as Morgan watched anxiously. "One minute she's happy, the next she's as crazy as her lunatic boy toy. She's so stupid...why are you back with the man who cheated on you? Why do you keep trying to go after The Authority when they only come back stronger? Why do you keep sticking your nose where it doesn't belong? Just give it a rest. You're never going to take down The Authority. Not while I'm here, now,"

"You don't mean that..." she muttered, shaking her head.

Having enough, she walks away from Dean and Roman to prepare to go to the ring.

"Dean Ambrose, Morgan Lopez, and Roman Reigns are nothing without me! They owe me every ounce of success they have ever achieved!" Seth yelled.

"Seth, many people will argue that The Shield was about four individuals who came together to form an awesome team. Not just about one person," Cole brought up.

"I guess we'll find out later tonight when the pathetic reminisce of The Shield have their loss to Raw out here, against The Wyatt Family and Rosa. Let me ask you a question, Michael, why is this such a surprise? I took The Shield to the very top, to the highest we can go. We beat everybody, we conquered the world, Michael. At Payback, we beat Evolution in a clean sweep."

Morgan tweets 'You took The Shield? You took The Shield? As far as I'm concerned, your punk ass walked out on us not once but twice! #TwoFacedRollins'

"And from every experience in life, you should learn something. You know what I learned from Evolution? I learned that to be a success in this business, you have to evolve. You have to adapt!" Seth stood up from his seat as the 'You sold out' chants began again. "No, no, no, no, no, I bought in. I bought into the evolution of Seth Rollins. And another thing you won't admit."

He pointed to Cole and then the crowd, "It took a lot of guts to do what I did last week. And everybody's fixated on the fact that I stabbed my brothers and sister in the back. That I betrayed my brothers and sister. And maybe to Roman Reigns, Dean Ambrose, and Morgan Lopez, we were a family. But to me...they're partners. And I severed a business relationship. You know, for two years, every night, I came out here and I put my fist out and I said believe in The Shield. And every night, what I meant, is what I'm gonna tell you right that you, and everybody else better start believing in Seth Rollins!"

He sat back down. "So that's it, Michael. That's all you wanted to hear, right?"

Morgan's theme comes on as the crowd erupts in loud cheers.

"This is gonna be good," JBL said as she walked out with a sorrowful look on her face while Cole and Seth turned their attention to the stage.

"Aw, I hate it when she's upset. Turn that frown upside down, Morgan! Come over here and I'll give you a hug." King suggested.

"Shut up..." JBL retorted.

She walks over to the steel steps and grabs the microphone on the top step, before getting in the ring, as her theme fades out. Seth slowly stands, keeping his eyes on her.

"Cole, get out of the ring," Rollins threw his seat out of the ring with his eyes never leaving hers.

"But I'm not­—"

"Cole! Get out of the damn ring!" Seth shouted, cutting him off.

Cole obeys while Seth looks at Morgan up and down, smiling smugly.

"Well, well well..." He walked around her before facing her. "If it isn't my dear sister, Morgan Lopez. The Shield's girl. The Outspoken Diva."

Suddenly he roughly lifts up her chin causing her to narrow her eyes at him as the crowd watches in surprise.

"So, what are you gonna do, huh? Slap me in the face? Tell me the same boring monologue on how it was wrong for me to betray our family?" He laughed. "Sweetheart, how about you put your tail between your legs, and go backstage? This is between men. And this situation includes that lunatic and golden boy. Not you,"

She slaps his hand away as the crowd cheers.

"You look at me like I'm nothing to I don't mean anything to you...I saw that look you gave me. I saw the body language. You didn't want to hit me, did you? You know I got a special place in that dark heart of yours. It killed you to put your hands on me like that. To ruthlessly hit me with those chair shots. Admit it."

Rollins swallows and stands his ground.

"Seth, we did everything together. You had my back and I had yours. I love you. I thought we were ride or die. We even have matching tattoos together! Does that mean anything to you?" she exclaimed. "You claim we were just business partners and you severed everything between us but why did you hesitate to hit me, then?"

Rollins chuckled and grabbed one of her hands as he looked down at her. "You know Morgan; we were ride or die. I loved you. I have always loved you. You were everything to me. I never wanted anything to happen to you. We took a lot of risks together. Tag matches. Everything. Yes, you're right, I was reluctant to hit you but then I were just a business partner to me. Nothing more. What happened between us...was something I needed to sever. Especially if you don't want to stand by The Authority and me,"

"What does he mean by that?" King asked as that caught the crowd's attention.

Seth sighed as he released her hand and put some hair behind her ear. "I just wish you could have said yes to The Authority. Then none of this would have happened to you..." he turned to look at the stage. "Did you hear that Ambrose? Reigns? She was supposed to join me. But she always wants to play the's going to get you nowhere, Morgan,"

Morgan glared at him for bringing that up. That was the last thing she wanted and knew Roman and Dean were gonna question her later about it.

Celeste tweets 'I'm getting a lot of ideas here about these two.'

"If you were with me right now, man...think about how powerful we would have been together, Morg." he grinned. "The power couple next to Stephanie and Hunter. The dominant duo of the WWE. You as the Diva's Champion in a heartbeat, with me, a future WWE World Heavyweight Champion. I know you'd like it. Being with me, being successful with me. How can you throw that opportunity away? You'd be nothing without The Authority."

"Do you hear yourself?" she shook her head in disbelief. "I don't know who you are're brainwashed. A puppet for The Authority. You gave away all the success we had, for this? It's not worth it!"

"You're're right don't know who I am, anymore."

"Sometimes I think Rollins is doing the right thing, here. You have to adapt and that's what he's doing. Morgan just needs to stop whining about it, and accept it." JBL looked on.

"How far is your head up The Authority's ass?" She asked Rollins. "For you to ever think for a second that I'd join The Authority is absurd! I didn't do all that I did in my career, against The Authority for nothing. And I embrace the fans. I stand by them. I'll never let them down like you have,"

"Oh, but you will when you realize how good everything can be when you join me with The Authority,"

She snorted and shook her head. "You wish...I want you to take a good look at yourself and I want you to realize what you've done. You've made an enemy out of me and I think you know what I'm capable of doing. You screw with Roman, you screw with Dean. And if you screw with Dean, you screw with Morgan Lopez. And if you screw with Morgan Lopez...let's just say Rosa isn't the only person I'll be maiming. If this is what you want to do...if this is the path you've chosen...I want no part of it. And this...this is for stabbing us all in the back,"

She drops the mic and gives him a hard punch in the face, making him drop down on his butt as the crowd erupts in loud cheers.

"Is she nuts!?" JBL shouted.

Seth holds his jaw, and looks up at her in surprise. All of sudden, she starts unloading on him with punches as the crowd continues to cheer. All the frustration she had, she put it in her fists, as she tried to knock some sense into him. However, Rosa rushes down the ring and attacks her from behind, making the crowd boo while Seth starts to recover.

"Oh man, Morgan needs help," Cole said, while Rosa held Morgan for Seth.

"You wanna put your hands on me, huh!?" He shouted as he grabbed Morgan's face. "You're gonna join The Authority one day, mark my words, Morgan. This path you're taking isn't going to benefit you in the long run. I'm going to break you and build you into the perfect enforcer by my side as we take over the world,"

"I'd like to see you try. It's never gonna happen," she spat.

The crowd begins to get louder with cheers once Roman and Dean head down to the ring with angry looks on their faces. As soon as they get in the ring, The Wyatts arrive and start taking on Dean and Roman. Morgan escapes Rosa's hold and manages to throw her out of the ring, turning her attention to Seth. He was now all alone, thanks to Dean and Roman throwing the Wyatts out of the ring.

"They got Rollins cornered!" Cole shouted as Roman threw Seth across the ring.

They try to grab him but he manages to escape once Bray, Luke, and Erick take down Roman and Dean. Rosa manages to get back in the ring and drops Morgan down with a roundhouse kick, while Seth runs out of the arena. The crowd gets loud when Cena runs down the ring and starts taking over Bray.

Afterward, Dean, Morgan, and Roman stand tall with Cena while the Wyatts and Rosa remain out of the ring.

"Cena, Lopez, Ambrose, and Reigns standing tall," Cole looked on.

"It looks like they found themselves their tag team partner for the four on four tag match," JBL added.

"And how fast did Rollins run out of this building when the numbers were turned?"

"Yeah, where is Seth Rollins?" King wondered.

Morgan tweets 'Me? Join The Authority?? HA! That punch felt great, WWERollins #KnuckleSandwich #FistsToFaces'


Later that evening just before their match, Morgan was with Ambrose and Reigns backstage as she crossed her arms, awaiting the question on their minds.

"Why didn't you tell us The Authority asked you to join them?" Roman asked, worried about her well being.

Morgan exhaled sharply and closed her eyes for a moment. Opening them, she frowned.

"Look. I didn't want to worry you, guys. I didn't think they'd ask someone else besides me anyway,"

"That's something you should have brought up to us, Morgan," Ambrose added with a frown.

"It wouldn't have mattered, things would have still ended up like it ended up. Look, I had no idea they even asked Seth. But you know I'd never ever hurt you guys. Never," she said as she went into detail on what went down in the office.

Roman and Dean glanced at each other, equally worried for her.

"Is Rollins getting in your head?" Ambrose wondered.

"No," she firmly replied.

"Are you gonna be able to focus?" Roman asked.

"Yeah. Yeah, I will,"

"You know his mind games aren't going to stop until we manage to get our hands on him. We need you to keep a cool head and make sure to tell us if anything is up," Ambrose added.

"Guys...Everything is fine, all right?" she reassured. "It's fine. He's not gonna get in my head. Now, let's go out and do what we do best,"

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7 months ago

Forced To Believe 67- Going Our Separate Ways

Forced To Believe 67- Going Our Separate Ways

Summary: Morgan goes on her own. Jon takes care of Melanie's ex once and for all.

Words: 8,000+

Author's Note: This got more of her toxic ex with some mentions of abuse so just wanted to warn y'all! Last time he will be in the story.


The main event with The Shield, Morgan, and Cena up against The Wyatts and Rosa started off as a back and forth match up until The Wyatts started to dominate Cena and Dean. Things start to pick up when Bray slams Cena down and goes for a running senton. Cena manages to roll out the way.

"And John Cena creates a little bit of space, can he capitalize?" Cole wondered.

The crowd gets hyped once Roman gets tagged in. He slams Luke down with a clothesline and hits Erick off the apron. Erick gets back in the ring and tries to clothesline him, but Roman swiftly evades it, so Dean can jump on top of him. While Ambrose starts unloading on Erick, Rosa gets in the ring. While the ref and Roman are distracted, she goes down on her knees to try to low blow him but Roman catches her forearm in time.

"Uh oh!" Cole exclaimed as she tried to yank her arm back.

Roman makes Rosa stand up as she starts begging for mercy. He picks her up over his shoulders and slams her down with a Samoan drop. Morgan connects with a moonsault and Rosa rolls out the ring. Roman bumps fists with the Philly Diva and slides out of the ring to hit Luke and Erick with a dropkick outside the ring. Dean clotheslines Erick out of the ring but gets bounced off the apron by him. Morgan gets back on the apron while Luke gets planted by Reigns with a slam.

"Cover him." King urged but the pin got broken up by Erick.

He starts pummeling Roman down until Cena connects with a crossbody to take him out. He tries to go for the AA but Erick manages to evade it and Bray takes the opportunity to hit Cena with the Sister Abigail. But as soon as Bray turns around he gets dropped by a Superman punch. Meanwhile, Morgan and Dean get back in the ring and dive on top of Erick and Rosa outside the ring.

"Man!" JBL shouted when Luke dropped Roman down with a big boot.

"Reigns may be out," Cole said as Luke went for the pin.

Luckily Roman kicks out. Luke starts looking around the arena, acting weird and Roman manages to spear him when he turns around.

"Spear!" Cole shouted.




"Reigns, Ambrose, Lopez and Cena win!"

Cena, Morgan, and Dean get back in the ring to celebrate. Roman and Dean hug before they get their hands raised by the ref, along with Morgan and Cena.

"Thank you." Morgan smiled at Cena while Cena gave The Shield members a nod in approval.

"Triple H and Seth Rollins can not be pleased," Cole said as the camera showed them in Triple H's office, looking on. Meanwhile, back in the ring, Cena raises The Shield's arms in victory.


Next week on Raw, Paige was taking on Cameron while Naomi was at ringside. All of a sudden, Rosa runs out and attacks Paige, making it a disqualification.

"Why is Rosa out here?" Cole exclaimed as she threw Paige out of the ring, while Cameron slid out the ring.

Rosa grabs the Diva's Championship and slides back into the ring.

"What is going on?" King asked as Rosa was in her street clothes, while she grabbed a mic.

"I got something to say." she spoke as the crowd gave her no love. "Don't make me tell you to shut up! I have something to say so shut up! All of you! You are looking at the next—AHEM!"

"This is so disrespectful. Let her talk." JBL said as the crowd continued to boo her.

"You are looking at the next Diva's Champion. I am so tired of watching all these vulgar divas get title shot after title shot, when you got a veteran like me, who has been working hard and improved, not getting a shot—SHUT UP!" She shouted again. "But instead of complaining about it, I decided to take action. I don't care who I have to beat, but the next diva in line for this title is me! Not Naomi. Not Cameron. And certainly not some Philly cheese steak eating, Harley Quinn wannabe, bitch!"

"Whoa, was that necessary?" King asked.

Suddenly, Morgan walks out in her trademark tank top, jeans, and hoodie.

"Oh here comes the Philadelphian, now! She just finished eating her Philly cheese steak! I bet she ate a lot of TastyKakes in the back, too!" Rosa mocked, making Morgan crack an amused smile as she got in the ring and took off her hoodie. "Looks like she ate some bagels with that Philadelphia cream cheese too. You look like you gained a couple of pounds, you pig! Haha—AH!" She shrieked as she got speared.

"Uh oh! Here we go!" Cole shouted.

Morgan continues pummeling Rosa with punches before throwing her across the ring. She knocks her down with a couple of clotheslines before dropping her back down with a roundhouse kick. She grabs her and hits her with the backfire, in the middle of the ring, as the crowd cheers for her. She stands tall and looks down at Rosa's motionless body, shrugging. Her theme comes on while she picks up the Diva's championship to louder cheers. She looks at it and sees Paige getting back in the ring. They face off as she raises Paige's championship in front of her with a smirk.

"Looks like Cameron and Rosa aren't the only ones that Paige needs to watch out for." King grinned.  

"I see the tension. These two do not like each other, do they?" JBL said as Paige snatched the title from her and got in her face.

Morgan looks nonchalant at how Paige snatched the title from her as the ref separates them.

"Morgan surprisingly the woman with a few words, tonight. I don't think this is going to be the last of these two." Cole predicted.

"I agree! I hope they go at it soon." King cheered.

"Hey, Morgan. Morgan." Triple H was shown on the titantron again as the crowd boos while she narrowed her eyes. "Congratulations, you are on your own again, just like when you debuted. No brothers. No boyfriend, you are all alone. Seem like you didn't get the memo when Rosa said she will be next in line for a title shot. And it seems that you think you deserve a title shot more than Rosa does. Well how about you prove that to me? Later on tonight, you will go one on one with the Diva's Champion, Paige, in a nontitle match,"

The crowd cheers loudly at the idea, while Morgan gives Paige a smirk while Paige nods a couple of times. The crowd starts chanting 'This Is Awesome'.

"And Morgan...don't disappoint me. I hope you prove to The Authority and the whole world that you don't need your little boys to hold your hand, in this company. Prove to everyone that you don't need anyone to help you out. That you don't need a team for success." He continued.

"Paige and Morgan going at it, later on, tonight!? I can't wait!" King said with excitement.

"This is going to be physical," JBL guaranteed.


'WWE Exclusive Video'

"Please welcome my guest at this time, the WWE Diva's Champion, Paige," Tom announced.

"Tom." Paige greeted.

"Paige. I wanna get your take on what just transpired in the ring between Morgan, Naomi, Cameron, and Rosa Mendes. Is there anyone on the diva's division that you think will be a threat to you?"

"I am very excited for the competition. There's a bunch of talent. You got Naomi, who is really, really athletic. You got Natalya, who is actually a big idol of mine, and then you got Morgan. A diva who wrestles guys, she's charismatic and plucky, and her passion for wrestling is great. I'm really looking forward to facing her in a match, tonight."

"We saw a little bit of mind games portrayed by her, earlier when she raised the title in your face. How do you feel about that?"

"I don't like it when the divas touch something that's mine. Especially when it's the diva's championship­"

Morgan walks up to her and gives her a smile. "Sorry to interrupt."

"No, no, you're fine," Paige replied, eyeing her cautiously.

"I don't think you're a rookie. You belong here. I admire you. Admire your wrestling. Your passion. You busted your ass and you deserve that title."

"Thank you. I admire you, too. I've seen all that you've done. It takes a lot of guts to step in the ring with WWE Superstars."

"I came here because I just wanted to thank you, for thinking I'm a threat. But I'm not after your title...yet. I got some unfinished business to take care of. I was just making a statement. For you, and all the other divas to stay the hell out of my way." The Outspoken Diva said in a forceful tone as she narrowed her eyes.

Paige steps up to her as they face off. Dryly chuckling and nodding she said, "I think you should be the one to stay the hell out of my way. I'm looking forward to taking you on. Just think again if you think you'll win against me,"

"Hm. and I are gonna have a lot of fun in the future."

"Yes...we are. I'm nothing you've ever faced before. You honestly think you can win against me?"

"I don't think. I know. And tonight I'm going to prove that."

"Is that right?"

The tension was starting to build up as Tom started to get uncomfortable, with the situation.

"L—­ladies let's not get physical. Your match will be coming up soon," he reminded nervously.

"Watch your back." The Outspoken diva said in a threatening tone and walked away.

"Yep...We're going to be the best of friends." Paige smiled at Tom.


"This is a diva's bout set for one fall! Introducing first, from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, The Outspoken Diva, Morgan Lopez!" Justin announced.

The crowd gives her a big pop as she twirls around and does her taunt.

"Triple H ordered this match. Morgan going up against Paige to see if she can handle her own alone, without Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins." Cole informed.

"Speaking of Dean Ambrose, are they still together?" King eagerly asked.

"King you'll never have a chance with Morgan. Cut it out!" JBL shouted while Morgan slid into the ring and taunted the crowd on the turnbuckle.

"I was just asking. Jeez. It was a curious question." King grumbled.

"Morgan takes on the Diva's Champion, Paige, next," Cole announced before they went to a commercial break.

As soon as they came back to the USA Network, Paige was already in the ring while the ref calls for the bell.

"And here we go. Two dominant divas going at it. This is going to be great!" King grinned while Paige and Morgan shook hands before circling around each other.

They lock up and Paige takes her down with a headlock. Paige's neck gets caught in between Morgan's legs as she breaks the hold. Paige quickly escapes it as they both stand up. The champion hits her with a couple of clotheslines before smashing her head down on the mat.

"I like the physicality by Paige." JBL complimented as she got a two count.

"Come on Total Diva." Paige made her stand up and started headbutting her, before throwing her across the ring.

"Paige is already taking it to Morgan." Cole observed.

"Just wait. She's gonna get mad really soon." JBL guaranteed.

"These two divas have a reputation for getting very angry in matches," King informed.

Morgan is sitting on the bottom turnbuckle as Paige starts screaming. Paige begins stomping on her and taunts the crowd while turning around.

"I told you!" JBL shouted as Morgan speared her and started pummeling her with punches.

Morgan lets out a scream of her own and tries to go for the breakdown submission. Paige manages to evade it and rolls out the ring to get herself together. The Philly Diva decides to get on the apron and hit her with a diving clothesline, making the crowd cheer.

"And Morgan connects with the clothesline!" Cole looked on.

The ref begins to count while Morgan tries to throw Paige into the barricade. Paige counters it and throws her into it instead, making the crowd 'oh'. Paige throws her back in the ring, while she gets in between the ropes.

"She loves to scream a lot, huh?" King asked as Paige hit Morgan with a couple of knee strikes while screaming.

Morgan kneels down on the apron and holds her chest, feeling sore from the knee shots. As soon as she stands up, Paige whacks her face with an elbow, making her fall off the apron.

"Good grief! That elbow connected right to the mouth!" JBL shouted as Morgan held her mouth and cringed in pain.

"Come on Morgan." Paige taunted as she waited for her to crawl back in the ring, at the count of 6.

The Outspoken diva begins fighting back with clotheslines and stuns her with a kick to the stomach. Morgan takes advantage by jumping on the middle rope and hitting her with a calf kick to the back of the head.

"What a kick!" JBL exclaimed.

"And Paige kicks out at two! I thought that was it right there." Cole observed.

Paige gets up and tries to go for a clothesline but Morgan ducks it and lays her out with a bicycle kick.

"That should be it ­and Paige kicks out again!" Cole added.

"She hit her right in the jaw,"

Morgan throws Paige into the corner and tries to go for a handspring back elbow smash but she moves out of the way. She rolls Morgan up and gets a two count.

"I thought Paige had her­—oh!" Cole shouted once she hit the Paige Turner out of no where.

She goes for the pin but Morgan manages to kick out at two.

"No!" Paige put her hands over her head and looked at the ref in shock.

"That was two!" The ref put up two fingers.

"How did Morgan kick out of that?" King asked as the ref continued to explain to Paige, that the count was two.

Morgan manages to stand up and gets on the top rope.

"Watch your back, Paige!" King warned but Morgan connected with a crossbody.

She quickly makes her stand up and connects with the backfire. She pins her, but Paige kicks out a two.

"That was three!" Morgan exclaimed but the ref put up two fingers, explaining that it was two.

A tired Outspoken Diva decides to place Paige on the top turnbuckle and goes for a suplex.

"Is that enough to put the Diva's champion away?" Cole asked as she slowly crawled over to Paige and put an arm on top of her.



"Oh!" The crowd exclaimed as Paige kicked out again.

The crowd starts chanting 'This Is Awesome' while Morgan and Paige lay down on the mat, exhausted.

"These two are giving each other their best shots. What will it take to win?" King wondered.

The crowd begins to chant 'Let's Go, Morgan! Let's Go, Paige!' as the two women get back on their feet at the count of 7 and start hitting each other with back and forth punches to the face. Paige kicks her in the stomach and picks her up to connect with a cradle DDT. She goes for the pin but Morgan kicks out at two.

"That's it!" Paige screamed and roughly turned her around, grabbing her legs. "You're going to tap! This is my house!"

"Paige is getting frustrated," JBL looked on.

"Uh oh, is Paige about to go for the PTO?" Cole asked as she managed to grab one of Morgan's arms.

Morgan manages to make Paige release her with her free arm and quickly counters her submission by sitting on her back. She quickly puts her legs under her arms and stands up while giving her a camel clutch as she bends her body back.

"Tap!" Morgan screamed while Paige desperately tried to escape the hold as the crowd got hyped.

"Will Paige tap!?" Cole shouted but she managed to escape it and roll out of the ring. "I thought she had her there."

Morgan goes for a suicide dive but lands on her face as soon as Paige evades it. The crowd 'ohs' at the impact while Morgan holds her face in pain.

"Good grief! Is she okay!?" King shouted.

"She landed on her face!" JBL looked on as the ref checked on her and signaled that she was okay.

The ref gets back in the ring and begins to count again as the crowd starts chanting 'This Is Awesome' again. Morgan's face ached badly from hitting the floor and her head on the barricade. But she still powered through.

"The ref is up to six," King said while Morgan staggered up to her feet.

She makes it back in the ring, at the count of nine, as the crowd gives her a big pop. Paige waits until she gets up and tries to go for another Paige Turner, but Morgan swiftly moves out of the way and connects with the Morganizer.

"Morganizer! Is that it!?" Cole shouted as Morgan went for the pin.




"And that's all she wrote!" King cheered as Justin announced her as the winner.

Morgan rolls over and continues holding her face. She was definitely going to need an ice pack to ease the pain.

"Awesome match!" King praised as Morgan got her hand raised by the ref and taunted the crowd.

Paige gets up and faces off with her again, before shaking hands. She gets out of the ring, while Morgan continues to celebrate.

"Looks like Morgan can hold her own with or without Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns, and Seth Rollins. I see the championship around her waist already." JBL said, impressed.

"But she still has some unfinished business with Rollins and Mendes," Cole reminded as Triple H was shown on the titantron, again.

"Well looks like you really can hold your own after all." Triple H chuckled and clapped for her, sarcastically. "Good for you Morgan. I'm proud of ya."

She grabbed a mic and chuckled before getting serious. "Shut up! Don't get your panties in a bunch. I've been holding my own since day one when I stepped foot into this company and I'm gonna continue holding my own. And there's not a damn thing you can do about it. You can do what you want. I'm alone. No brothers, no boyfriend, I can handle it."

"She can't talk to him like that!" JBL shouted while Triple H looked amused.

"She just did." King laughed.

She began to speak again. "Do yourself a favor and stop wearing your wife's panties since she clearly wears the pants in the relationship. And since you and her still got this grudge against me after what I've done to you two, what ever you put in my path, I'll cut right through."

She drops the mic and does her cocky curtsy as her theme comes back on.

"What a statement!" Cole exclaimed.

"A very disrespectful statement!" JBL complained.

"I liked it! Go, Morgan!" King cheered.

Morgan tweets 'Sorry I don't hold my tongue and I don't back down to anyone. Save the sarcasm for someone else TripleH.'

Paige tweets 'I got a little taste of what I'm going up against when WWEMorgan101 and I take on each other for the title. We cool?'

Morgan replies 'RealPaigeWWE yes, we're cool. Like you said, we're gonna be the best of friends. Ain't that right buddy?'


After she was done with her match, Melanie went to her hotel room to freshen up and put on some casual clothes. She couldn't keep her mind off of Jon and decided to occupy herself by working out. While she continuously worked out, she was unaware that Milena and Renee had walked in.

"Mel. Mel. Mel! MEL!" Milena shouted, making her stop. "You've been going at it so harshly. Relax,"

Melanie exhaled and readjusted herself. She was trying to occupy herself for weeks to get her mind off of Jon. Milena and Renee already made her feel guilty about being upset with him and didn't want to see him at all, right now. Luckily with the new storyline change, she wouldn't have to be around him often. At least for now because of what Creative plans on doing with her, Milena, Jon, and Colby in the future. Creative wanted to spice things up around Money in The Bank, and SummerSlam.

"Sorry...just lost in thought," Melanie admitted and downed a few gulps of water.

"I'll say. Have you talked to Jon, yet?" Renee crossed her arms.

"No..." The Philly Diva grumbled.

"You should. He's worried about you." Milena suggested.

"Very," Renee added. "We were just trying to help."

"I know...I know and I'm thankful for that." Melanie smiled.

"He's not mad at you for being angry. But he just wants you to understand why he did what he did."

"You're right. Look I'll be talking to him, soon."

"Promise?" Milena asked.

"Yes," Melanie nodded.

"Great. Just let me know if you two need this hotel room to catch up. Milena and I already made plans to sleep someplace else." Renee giggled, making Melanie crack an amused smile. "I'm heading to the store. You two want anything?"

"Grapes, please!" Melanie grinned.

"Only if you talk to Jon, like right now." Renee gave her a stern look.

"I will, I will."

"You better." She grabbed her bag and left.

"I'm taking a long bath." Milena headed to the bathroom.

"You need anything?" Melanie asked.

"Nah." She shut the door

"Okay, enjoy your bath."

"I shall!"

Melanie exhaled and checked her phone. 'I'll make a quick stop, then I'll talk to him.' She thought as she grabbed her handbag, and left the hotel room.


At a local bar once again, Melanie found Greg sitting at an empty table, waiting for her. He looked her way and waved as she sat across from him.

"5 minutes," she announced.

"Come on, not this again. Can I have a normal hang out with you?"


He sighed. "Well, how were the grapes?"


"I'm glad." He eyed her up and down.

"Eyes up here, or I'll stab them."

"Feisty. I missed that. Then again, you were never that feisty back then," He chuckled. "I Wonder what happened."

"I grew up, instead of acting like a love sick little girl."

"I see. Well, you look beautiful, tonight."

"...Thanks..." She mumbled.

"And that green shirt really brings out your beautiful eyes. Gorgeous. And that You've really gotten stronger over the years from wrestling,"

"Uh huh..." she responded bluntly.

"Melanie...look, I really want us again." He put a hand on top of hers. "I know what I've done was unforgivable, but I still love you. I never realized how much of a good woman you are until we broke up. But I promise, if we get back together, I will treat you like a queen,"

"That sounds really cliché..." She snorted and removed her hand.

"I know it does, but I really mean it. You're smart, sexy, independent, you got your head on straight. You're goal oriented. And I love that in a woman. I'll do anything for you to be in my arms again." He tried to sweet talk. "Just let me be the man for you. Let me be the man you marry and have kids with."

Suddenly, she noticed him trying to lean forward for a kiss and she immediately shoved him away with all her strength, taking him off guard.

"What the hell?" he exclaimed with annoyance in his voice.

She chuckled. "This is what I came here for. To let you know to stay away from me and that somebody already beat you to it. I'm with Jon,"

I'm with Jon...she said it proudly and she found herself truly missing him after all this time. She may have been upset with Jon these past weeks, but she was still in love with him, and that will never change.

Greg was taken aback. "The fuck? You're with Jon? Are you serious? Please tell me you're fucking with me,"

"Yeah. I am with him. So, cut the crap you've been doing. This little bullshit act. I can see right through you. I mean, did you honestly think I was gonna wait for you, all these years? That I still had feelings for you? I'm not smitten with you, anymore."

He clenched his fists and started to get angry, before showing off a smug look. " that street dog got you smitten eh? He wanted you so badly that he decided to keep you away from me. He swept you off your feet, didn't he? Can't say I'm are easy. And to think it took me a few months for you to be in my arms. I wasted my time..."

Melanie smirked. There was the Greg she knew. The arrogant bastard. He used to call her every name in the book when he didn't get his way.

He chuckled and shook his head. "I can't believe you downgraded. You're still as stupid as ever. I made you ya know."

"You didn't make shit, dickhead..." She fired back.

"Shut your fucking mouth, you little bitch." Greg slammed his fist into the table as she looked amused at him for getting upset since she was getting under his skin. "You've gotten hotter over the years. You could work a little bit on the chest but your ass is fine. Including those legs. I'm surprised you're with that piece of shit. Or are you with him because you pity him, and what he's been through? Is that it? Well, I've been through worse! Where the fuck were you all these years?"

"Oh, I don't know...making love to the man I love? Enjoying my wrestling career? Not thinking of you, that's for sure. You're the last thing on my mind."

"Why would you be so stupid and choose him over me? He's a bad influence on you."

"That's where you're wrong. He busted his ass to get where he is today. He's the coolest best guy friend I have ever had, and the best boyfriend ever. All the sacrifices he's made, and all that he went through to keep me away from you, makes me grateful that I have someone who just doesn't want me for my body. Someone who actually cares for me and doesn't call me every name in the book. And besides...he's more of a man than you'll ever be."

"You and that shitty attitude of yours. You're still that little girl, I dated years ago. But I can make a woman out of ya,"

"No, you can't, asshole,"

"Now listen here you little shit—­"

"No. You listen to me." She stood up. "And if you ever talk to me like that again, I'll kick your ass,"

"Empty threats...I own you, Melanie. You need me,"

"You are so full of shit." She punched him hard in the face as he held his jaw and stood up.

She suddenly kicked him in the groin, making him groan and drop down to his knees. She let out a breath. That felt great.

"Listen and listen well. I didn't come down here because I missed you. I came down here to look at how worthless you are. How does it feel that you're never going to experience this? A good woman? Doesn't feel good, does it?" she tilted her head, glaring at him.

Greg shot her a dirty look and managed to stand up. "You fucking c­—" He tried to strike her but his fist got caught by an enraged Jon.

Melanie was startled that Jon was there. Did he follow her? Did Milena and Renee find out she was gone for a long period of time?

Jon shoved Greg into a couple of empty tables. His face was filled with frustration and rage while he snarled. "Now you're about to get killed."

Melanie, still startled at the turn of events, turned her head to Jon, giving him an astonished look.

"B—Babe!" She exclaimed, after getting herself together.

She earned a growl from Jon in response as he started stalking over to Greg.

"That is the last time you're gonna touch her," Jon growled.

"It was self defense! She punched me!" Greg exclaimed. "And I don't appreciate you putting your fuckin' hands on me!"

"That doesn't mean dick to me!"

Greg stood up and tried to lunge at him, but got pushed back by Melanie, as she stood between them.

"No, no, no, stop it. Both of you! Do not do this petty crap in public!" She exclaimed.

There were already people looking at the trio. All she wanted to do was stand up to Greg and never see him again, but now things had just gotten worse. Great...from the stares and people filming she could already see the headlines now. Two WWE Superstars were involved in a disruption at a local bar after the show.

"Here comes Jonny boy. Melanie's Superman. Always stickin' his nose where it doesn't belong. Why don't you get outta here?" Greg tried to act tough but got his collar gripped up by him. "Get your fuckin' hands off of me, man!"

He shoved him back and they started to have a shoving match.

"Guys! Enough!" Melanie exclaimed as Milena and Renee rushed over to the trio to help break it up.

"All right, that's enough, for now," Renee spoke up.

"What kind of man are you, to try and put your hands on a woman?" Jon glared at him.

"He did what?" Milena looked at Jon and then Melanie.

"This son of a bitch almost hit her..."

"Are you serious?!"

"You know what? We're done, here. I'll be back for you, honey." Greg said to Melanie.

That hit a nerve.

"Don't ever call me honey. And if you ever call me honey again, I'll rip your tongue out, so you won't even taste the sweetness of honey anymore. You don't own me. And you don't tell me what to do, or call me names, dick." The Philly Diva threatened, earning a chuckle from him as he left.

She exhaled. That felt good. While giving herself a mental pat on the back, she witnessed Jon storming out of the bar.

"W­—whoa wait, where are you going?!" She started following him, along with Milena and Renee.

"To put his head on a STICK! I'm not done with that motherfucker!" He made a frustrated growl and continued pacing around, making Milena uncomfortable at the sight. "He makes me so mad! I swear to fuckin' God if I ever see him around you again...I am gonna hurt bad!"

"C­—can you not talk in a Moxley promo?" Melanie tried to calm him down, but that only motivated him as he put his hands on her shoulders.

"Babe, I'm gonna make him scream so loud, that he's gonna tell me, with the gurglin' sound that he makes...that he'll never...ever give you any thought, ever again. He's gonna get fuckin' dropped. I want his blood on my hands,"

"Jon, Un­-Mox yourself right now, would you please? Can you please just calm down?"

"Just don't kill him. Hurt him. Don't kill him." Renee reminded.

"Too late. And when I find him, his ass is done. That worthless sack of shit is gonna get everything handed to him." Jon released her and stormed off.

"Jon!" Melanie got grabbed back Renee and Milena.

"Greg deserves an ass kicking." Renee stated.

"He does but not in public! What are Paul and Stephanie gonna think if this gets out of control?"

"You know the Levesques and WWE higher ups have been preventing Greg from all WWE events? Paul and Stephanie have done everything they can to make sure Greg didn't try to do anything crazy during the events. But for him to go this far and to almost punch you in the face...why did you have to leave, like that? I wish you could have told one of us and we would have gone with you." Renee frowned.

Melanie sighed. The guilt was setting in. She didn't realize that even Paul and Stephanie were involved in this. It was time to own up and apologize for getting so defensive and worked up on the situation when they were all only trying to help.

"I'm sorry, guys. I should have listened to you. Maybe it was for the best that I didn't know...I just wanted to handle this shit myself and move forward,"

"Mel, we love you." Renee gave her a hug. "And we just want you to be safe. I think it was best that you did know, because of how you stood up to him,"

"Yeah, that was funny. I'm glad you did." Milena smiled and gave her a long, warm embrace. "Let's head back to the hotel room."

"What about Jon?" Melanie asked.

"It's best to give him some space and let him take care of Greg with the guys," Renee replied. "Everything is under control."

"I hope so..." she mumbled as they headed back to their hotel room door and they saw Danielle and Nikki standing there.

"Melanie! I heard what happened, are you okay?" Danielle embraced her.

"Two guys fighting over you...must be hot. I wish..." Nikki chuckled.

"Nicole." Milena frowned.

"Sorry, bad timing." Nikki put her hands up in defense. "How are you feeling, Mel?"

"I just want to know where Jon is." She replied as they all walked into the room.

"I saw him, Colby, Joe, Stu, and Randy leave the hotel. They seemed pretty pissed." Danielle informed.

"I don't blame them." Milena crossed her arms.

"Is there anything we can do, to make you a little happier? Boost up your mood?" Nikki suggested.

"Nah. But thanks. I'll be in the bedroom." Melanie replied.

"Okay, we'll be in the living room," Renee replied as the girls said their goodnights to Melanie.

Melanie headed into the bedroom and got on her bed. The former Shield's girl stretched her legs, while under the covers, enjoying the warmth after getting some goosebumps from the air vent. She exhaled and started to think about Jon, again. The feeling of being alone without him, tonight, was starting to become unbearable.


Jon was in his hotel room, pacing around. His fists were bruised up and bloody from punching Greg into next week. He felt himself getting more worked up as he thought of more ways he should have hurt him. But he knew that he wouldn't be messing with Melanie anymore, after what he and the boys did to him.

"Where is he?" Colby asked as he walked with Joe, Randy, and Stu.

Jon was way in front of them, stalking around.

"He better be praying that we'll show him mercy after I'm done with him." Stu pounded his fists.

Being a bare knuckle brawler was a huge advantage to make sure Greg got a beating he deserved.

"How's Mel?" Randy asked.

"She's doing all right. She's back in her room with the girls." Colby informed. All of sudden they see Jon dashing across the streets. "I think he found him!" He shouted as they quickly followed him.

Meanwhile, with Jon, he began chasing Greg all over the streets.

"Get away from me, man!" Greg shouted in a hurried voice.

Jon lunged at him and tackled him down, in an alleyway, as he let out a pained grunt.

"L—look man, I'll stay away from her. Just let me go, man. Let me go. I'm sorry man—"

"Oh, now you're sorry? Now you're fuckin' sorry!?" Jon shouted and roughly lifted him up and threw him into a wall, before punching him hard in the face, repeatedly, while the guys caught up.

Jon smirked at the memory, but it wasn't enough. He should have done more but the guys pulled him off of him and got a couple of hits in, too. He should have broken something. He should have broken his nose, or jaw. But a bloody and bruised face might have been enough.

Jon let out a frustrated growl and punched the front door.

"Dammit!" He shouted as he continued to pace around.

He wished that he could go back in time and redo the beating he had given Greg. Maybe adding more force into the punch to break a bone. Worn out from physical activities, he decided to take a shower, to try to calm himself down.


Melanie tossed and turned in bed, trying to get some sleep but couldn't because Jon was still on her mind. She thought about visiting him but maybe he was still mad. Maybe she should wait until he calmed down.

"That's it." She got up.

No more procrastinating. Time to talk to Jon and clear things up. She put on a pair of gray sweatpants while still wearing her white tank top, and put on a pair of black & white Chuck Taylors.

"I'm gonna visit Jon." She informed the girls while grabbing her phone.

"Finally!" Renee grinned. "Please be careful."

"I will, don't worry." She smiled and left the room.

After a few minutes, she arrived at his hotel room door and let out a sigh as she looked at the door with nervousness. She took a step back and turned around to walk away but turned back around to face the door, reluctantly looking at it.

"Don't be a coward..." She mumbled to herself and timidly knocked on the door.

The door was quickly swung open to reveal Joe who smiled brightly.

"Hey, grapes. It's great to see that you're OK," he let her in.

"Hey, thank you. Is Jonny here?"

"Just got done taking a shower. He was trying to cool himself down and wash the blood off." The Samoan informed.

Melanie was taken aback by his sudden explanation and widened her eyes.

"B—blood!? You guys didn't kill him, did you? Is Jon okay?! Are you okay!? Are the guys okay?"

Joe laughed at The Outspoken Diva's rambling, which calmed her down. "Nah. We didn't kill him. Even though Jon really wanted to. But Greg got an ass whooping of a lifetime. He won't be bothering you, anymore. He's actually afraid of your boy, now. I think it's hilarious. We're fine, Mel. But enough about the guys, what about you? Are YOU okay, baby girl? Tell me the truth,"

She ran a hand through her wavy hair and nodded twice. "Yeah, I'm fine."

"I'm glad you're okay. Jon was really worried about you. We all were. Just don't scare us like that. Especially Milena. She started freaking out like crazy,"

"I can only imagine..."

"I'm heading out to see Colby and Randy. I'll let you and your boy talk it out." He pulled her in for a friendly hug and kissed her forehead.

He exited the room while having his phone in his hands. Melanie relaxed on the couch and waited for Jon to get done in the bathroom. She spent some time watching the local news for weather updates, and checking her Twitter, to favorite and retweet her fans tweets. After ten minutes, she heard the door open to reveal Jon in his dark blue pajama pants, with no shirt. He was drying his face with a small white towel but stopped, once he saw his girlfriend, giving him an apologetic smile.

Surprised she came to visit, he continued to remain silent, while he put the towel down, and gazed at her. He truly missed her and was happy she was here.

"...Hey." She greeted, in a tight voice.

She could still see the anger in his body language. The shower did not calm him down at all. Jon's body, and messy hair was still damp from the shower, as he made his way to his suitcase.

"We...need to talk." She stood up from the couch.

He unzipped his suitcase and turned his attention to her. "Oh, now you wanna talk..." He gruffed and started pacing around the hotel room, again.

"C—­can you stop pacing and just sit down­—"

"No. I've been trying to talk to you for weeks! I've been worried sick about you!" He stopped pacing around.

Melanie's annoyance started to get the better of her. "Well I'm fine, thank you, very much,"

"Yeah, thanks Captain Obvious. I see that, thanks to me. Now what would have happened if Milena & Renee hadn't told me you were gone, and Greg punched you? Then what?"

"I was prepared for it. I would have stopped it."

"And what if you couldn't?"

She sighed loudly. "Stop with the what ifs, okay? Don't make me feel any guiltier than I already am,"

"Guilty, huh?" He sat on the edge of the bed. "So, now you wanna go back to him? Make him boss you around again? Treating you like a­—"

She crossed her arms. "No one makes me do what I don't want to do. He can't control me, anymore. I'm never going down that road, again."

After a moment of silence, she decided to speak up again as she approached him. "...Thank you. For earlier. You saved me. Even years ago when you told me to get out of the relationship. If it wasn't for you, I would still be in that toxic relationship. I still would have been trapped. These past few weeks have been crazy but it got me thinking about me, you, our relationship, and the future,"

Jon's expression changed into anxiousness. "...y­—you...wanna break up with me?"

"Oh my gosh..." She chuckled and hit him on the head, feeling his damp, messy hair, brush against her fingertips.

"Ouch. What was that for?" He rubbed his head.

"You're ridiculous. No, I don't want to break up with you. I never do." She explained, making him feel relieved.

"Then what have you been thinking about?" He calmed down, giving her his full attention, and not thinking about graphic scenarios about Greg dying.

"I realized...I just want my life to be with you..." She said in a soft voice.

Jon started to show a soft expression, replaying the sentence his girlfriend just said. She wants her life to be with him. And only him. The way she said it with seriousness and with love, made him crack a small smile. He wasn't a professional at romantic things, but over the years he's become a softie whenever they were alone together, despite his laid back attitude.

"No matter how much I want to stay mad at you...I can't. And I'm sorry for lashing out at you and that I didn't listen to you," she continued. "I guess I just never realized how much you care. How everyone cares. For you to go through all that. Night and day. Just to make sure I was safe and that he didn't come after me. And a while ago you kicked his ass. I'm glad you did. What am I gonna do with you?"

"Keep me," He stood up and wrapped a muscled arm around her waist, making her top a little damp.

"Hm...I dunno...I could..." She ran a hand down his cool chest.

"You should." He smirked and wrapped his other arm around her waist, to embrace her as he caught a whiff of her perfume.

She knew how territorial he was with her, and was grateful for the trouble he and everyone else went through to keep her safe. She felt safe in his arms. She knew that everything was going to be all right.

"I'm gonna go. I'll let you have your space, and continue to cool down. I'll see you tomorrow." She pulled away, turned around, and headed for the door but he stopped her with a gentle, but firm hand. "What's wrong?"

He got behind her and pushed her hair behind one of her ears, to reveal the other side of her neck, completely bare.

"What are we waiting for?" He rasped out.

"Waiting for what?" She shivered as he lightly caressed her arms before sliding his hands down her waist and resting on her hips, admiring her curves.

He grabbed her hips and pulled her back, closer to them, making sure there was no space between them. He had been fighting his arousal for her ever since he saw her on the couch, but couldn't take it anymore. He missed her. He missed holding her, and he missed loving her, physically.

"Lanie..." He whispered in her ear, in a husky voice before lightly kissing her neck. "It's been weeks. Do you know how badly I want you, right now?"

"I­—I have no idea. How about you show me."

"You sure? Last chance to reconsider. If you stay, we're not going to be sleeping anytime soon. We have a lot of catching up to do."

She turned around and wrapped her arms around his neck. "Stop talking."

She pulled him in for a passionate kiss. He smiled into the kiss and placed his hands on her ass to lift her up, making her wrap her legs around his waist.

"You're frisky tonight. I thought you were angry." she teased.

"Oh, I still am," He threw her on the bed and crawled on top of her, giving her a mischievous look. "And I'm gonna take all my anger and frustrations out on you,"

In the morning, the couple slept in bed, in a spooning position. Melanie felt Jon's muscular arms around her waist, again, making her feel warm and safe. He gave her a soft, kiss on the cheek, making her smile.

"You okay?" He asked, in a gentle tone.

"Yeah. I'm glad I stayed."

"Me too."

"Another thing, remind me to never let you wait so long, ever again. I don't know what it is about your animalistic behavior at times but it's a big turn on,"

"I think it's because you drive me nuts. In a good way." He said as she turned to face him, pulling him in for another smooch.


At the hotel pool, Melanie was lounging in a chair with Milena, Renee, and Nikki.

"Hey, Mel you didn't come back last night. Something happen?" Milena asked.

"She got laid." Nikki declared.

"Nicole!" Melanie exclaimed.

"What? You did, right? That had to be the reason you stayed the night. It was about time. You two just needed to release all that frustration,"

"I do feel a huge weight lifted off my shoulders," she admitted.

"See? I'm right. If Jon gets a tour bus, make sure the bed has a mirror on the ceiling. You can watch yourself, while you're doing it. It is so hot,"

"Okay! Okay! On to a more appropriate topic." Renee spoke up and chuckled.

"Can I have some fruit salad?" Melanie asked, looking at Renee's bowl of fruit salad, next to her.

"No way!"

"What? Why not? It has grapes!"

"Because you only eat the grapes in a fruit salad, and leave the other fruit untouched," Renee pointed out.

The Philly Diva hesitated. "I...I manage..."

Milena giggled. "Sure. We need to take you to Grape Rehab for your grape addiction,"

"Dude, I am not addicted to grapes." Melanie guaranteed.

"I would love to know how you don't get tired of eating the same fruit almost every day." Nikki pointed out.

"I also get a kick out at how catering made Melanie her own grape bowl, so everyone else can have the other bowl." Renee smiled at the memory.

"Oh yeah! I also remember her trying to take a few grapes from everyone's bowl. It was hilarious!" Milena laughed.

"But it's so good. And juicy. And sour. And sweet." Melanie daydreamed about her grapes.

"Catch." Renee tossed a grape at her, and she caught it in her mouth with ease.

"Another!" Melanie took off her sunglasses.

"Let me take a video." Nikki took out her phone to go on the camera app. "Okay, go!"

Renee started tossing grapes at Melanie, as she swiftly caught each one in her mouth.

"Go Melly!" Milena clapped.

Renee laughed. "You're a trip."

"Thank you, thank you very much," Melanie said in her Elvis voice while putting a thumbs up to Nikki's camera.

"Got it. Now that's a keeper." Nikki posted the video on all her social media profiles.

Melanie stood up and stretched. She adjusted her rainbow colored two piece before sitting around the pool side, putting her legs on the water. Unknown to her, Colby started sneaking up behind her, while Nikki caught him on camera.

"Smack cam!" Colby smacked her with his bare hand and tried to dash away.

"Hey! Get back here!" She managed to grab the back of his jeans, pulling him down on the ground as she started beating him up.

"Damn! She got him, quick!" Jon Uso shouted with his brother, while the divas laughed.

"Ah! Mel! All right, you win!" Colby managed to escape and laughed with her.

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7 months ago

Forced To Believe Chapter 69- Clock Is Ticking Morgan

Forced To Believe Chapter 69- Clock Is Ticking Morgan

Summary: Morgan competes in her first MITB match. The mind games of Seth Rollins begin to take a toll on the Outspoken Diva. 

Words: 6,000+


At Money in The Bank backstage, Morgan was bending down, stretching, and felt a presence behind her.

"Can I help you?" She snapped as she stood up and looked at Seth, annoyed.

"It isn't too late to reconsider," Seth smirked.

He really did not want her in this match. He did not want to have to deal with two people who he betrayed. He was still lucky that he hadn't encountered Roman, yet.

"Seth, enough with the warnings. It's not going to make me change my mind. Whatever you do to make me suffer, tonight...I'll make sure to do it ten times harder. And even if you do win least I got some closure." She replied and walked away.

Morgan tweets 'Maaaannnnnn....I miss my SWAT gear...'

Roman replies 'WWEMorgan101 I miss wearing SWAT gear with you, too.'

Rollins replies 'WWEMorgan101 WWERomanReigns I don't! Because you're lookin' at the new Money In The Bank contract winner'

Morgan replies 'WWERollins Please shut up...In that match, I'm giving you a Morganizer. WWERomanReigns you're the lucky one! You still have the SWAT gear. I may have to steal it. Watch your back, lol.'

Later backstage, the crowd gives Ambrose another big pop as he is preparing for his match, by shadowboxing.

Morgan walked up to him, wearing a hoodie over her wrestling attire which was a purple crop top that stopped a few inches above her belly button, black skinny jeans with black suspenders, and boots.

"Hey," She greeted as the crowd gave her a loud reaction.

"Hey, you okay?" He cupped her face.

"I'm fine, I'm fine. Just ran into Seth,"

"What did he do?" He released her, getting defensive. "Did he hurt you?"

"No, no, I'm fine. He just kept trying to convince me to not be a part of the match,"

"I can't wait to punch that face of his..." He pounded his fist.

She nodded. "Me either. But no matter what happens tonight...I just want you to know that I will always love you." She wrapped her arms around his neck.

"I'll always love you, too." He chuckled, snaking his arms around her waist.

The camera moved over to show her smirking before she pulled away to show a smile in his eyes.

"Good luck tonight," she said softly and walked away.

"Is it me or did something seem to be really off about her smirk, this time?" Cole wondered.

"Yes, and I love it. That smirk...I hope what I think is going to happen, happens because I think I know what's going to happen but then it might not happen but then it might just happen but then it just might not." JBL rambled on.

"You're confusing me," King complained. "Say it in simpler terms,"

"Tonight just got more interesting,"

Celeste tweets 'Well Chyna was the least trustworthy back in the day, maybe WWEMorgan101 will be too?'

Morgan replies 'CelesteBonin Damn! You catch on fast! Maybe, maybe not.'

Celeste tweets 'Ooh! I like this side of you! WWEMorgan101.'


"The following is the Money In The Bank ladder match!" Lilian announces. "Now in this match, the winner will be the superstar who climbs up the ladder and retrieves the briefcase, with the contract inside that can be cashed in, over the next year, anytime, anyplace, for the WWE World Heavyweight championship!"

Seth, RVD, Swagger, Dolph, & Kofi make their entrances. The first beats for Taking You Down comes on, as the crowd cheers loudly. "From Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Morgan!" Lilian announced as she walked out, without her hoodie.

"She's glowing in the dark!" King said with excitement, as the arena was darkened, revealing her attire, glowing in the dark.

Her fingernails and purple fingerless gloves were also glowing in the dark. She does her taunt and tags some hands.

"Morgan's first Money In The Bank contract match. And the first WWE Diva ever to be in the match. This is history making as she continues to break barriers. Let's take you back to Monday night." Cole said as the titantron showed her match.

Meanwhile, Morgan starts walking around the ring, touching each ring post, while Seth glares at her.

"You just don't listen! You don't listen!" He shouted at her, making her crack an amused smile.

The Outspoken Diva walks up the steel steps, and jumps over the ropes, before getting on the top turnbuckle. The lights come back on to their default setting, taking away Morgan's glow in the dark feature on her attire.

Seth gets riled up and starts trash talking Ambrose once he makes his way down to the ring.

'Five...four...three...two...' Morgan mentally counted in her head as Dean slid into the ring and tackled Rollins out of the ring.

"Things are about to get crazy!" King exclaimed as the crowd got hyped.

The bell rings while Morgan looks on with amusement.

"Dean Ambrose going right to work on Seth Rollins," Cole looked on.

He throws Seth to the timekeeper's area and jumps on top of him.

"Look at this!" King shouted as Kofi kicked Dolph in the back of the head, making him fall out of the ring.

Swagger picks up Kofi and tries to throw him out of the ring, but Kofi counters and throws him out instead. Kofi stands on the apron and shoulder tackles RVD's stomach. He jumps on the top rope and drops him down with a clothesline.

"Kofi has done some amazing things on those ladders," Cole reminded viewers as he praised him.

Morgan continues to watch on, from the corner, leaning her back on the turnbuckles as she crosses her arms. She was still sinking in the feeling of being in this match. She couldn't make a move yet.

Kofi slides out of the ring and slides a ladder inside but Swagger grabs the opposite side, having a tug of war match. Swagger shoves the ladder into him, making him stumble back. He tries to set up the ladder, but Kofi climbs on top of it and drops RVD down, making him roll out the ring.

"And that's what we've been talking about. Kingston can do amazing things on the ladder, here in this match up." Cole praised as Swagger got dropkicked by Kofi.

Jack sits on the ladder, on the mat, and gets kicked in the face. He rests his body on the ladder, while Kofi goes for the Boom Drop. He picks up the ladder and hits Swagger with it, making him fall out the ring. Morgan gets off the turnbuckles while Kofi is busy setting up the ladder. She marches over to him, along with Ambrose sliding into the ring. They both push Kofi off the ladder but he jumps on the top rope and manages to dive on RVD, Ziggler, and Swagger, as the crowd 'Ohs!'

"What!?" King shouted in a high pitched voice. "Did you see that?"

Meanwhile, Seth manages to grab Morgan by the ankles and drag her out of the ring, before throwing her into the barricade. He slides back in the ring, and throws Dean off the ladder, that he was climbing. He tries to climb up the ladder, but Dean grabs him back down, making another attempt to get the briefcase. Ambrose throws Seth's face into the ladder and leans the ladder on the middle turnbuckle, in the corner.

"Oh no," King said before Ambrose hit Rollins with a suplex on the ladder.

Seth starts squirming around, in pain, from the impact as he rolls out the ring, and holds his back. Morgan manages to stand up, while Ambrose climbs up the ladder. Swagger grabs him down and starts climbing up, himself, making her roll her eyes. One thing she hated about ladder matches is when someone pulls you down from the ladder, and then the person tries to climb up the ladder, knowing that their opponent is right there.

How about beating them down, first?

Ambrose grabs him down, and goes on to the other side, to climb up. Morgan, Dolph & Kofi manage to get back in the ring, while Swagger gets kicked away from Ambrose after he tries to pull him down. Dolph and Kofi try to scramble up the ladder, while Ambrose jumps on top of Swagger, hitting him with frenzied punches. The Outspoken Diva rests on the turnbuckle, watching Kofi and Dolph go at it on top of the ladder. Ambrose clotheslines Jack out of the ring, while RVD looks Morgan's way.

She then stands up and faces off with him as the crowd cheers.

"The Philly favorites. Now this is interesting." Cole looked on.

RVD looks side to side before giving her the RVD taunt. She then looks side to side and decides to lift her arm in the air to do her signature taunt, making the crowd cheer louder.

RVD goes for a spinning heel kick, but she ducks it and goes after him with elbows to the face. She Irish whips him to the ropes, but he counters and throws her into the ropes instead. She ducks his clothesline and jumps on the middle rope, to hit him with a clothesline. Kofi and Dolph clothesline Ambrose out of the ring and then quickly climb up the ladder. They jump off, beating each other up with punches until Rollins knocks them down, by putting the ladder in the middle of the standing ladder. RVD throws Seth into the ladder, leaning on the corner, and kicks him.

Meanwhile, Morgan throws Kofi and Dolph into a corner, while RVD sets Seth up for the Rolling Thunder on the ladder, in the corner, across from Dolph and Kofi. RVD and Morgan stand back to back, before hitting their signature moves on their opponents, as the crowd cheers.

"Welcome to Money In The Bank, Seth Rollins." Cole welcomed him.

Morgan grabs a ladder and starts dropping RVD, Swagger, Kofi, and then Dolph with the ladder, as the crowd cheers.

"Here comes Morgan."

As soon as Morgan turns around, she gets kicked by RVD, and she falls down, with the ladder, on top of her. RVD drops Swagger down and hits him with the frog splash. He sees Morgan, still down and out, and connects with another frog splash, on the ladder, as the crowd 'Ohs!'.

"Welcome to Money In The Bank, Morgan!" Cole added as she rolled out the ring, in pain.

Man did that hurt like hell.

"Fucking A..." Melanie groaned, lying on the mat.

"You gotta climb the ladder, Rob," King reminded as he taunted the crowd.

RVD sets up the ladder and starts climbing up. Kofi climbs on the other side and punches him down. Swagger pushes the ladder over, but Kofi manages to land back down, on his feet. He kicks Swagger in the midsection, and throws the ladder onto him, with the help of RVD. While Kofi and RVD go at it, Swagger starts taking them out with a ladder. Meanwhile, with Morgan, she jumps on top of Rollins at ringside and starts beating him down with punches, as the crowd cheers.

"Get him, Morgan! Get him!" King cheered.

"How do you support this? He's done nothing wrong!" JBL exclaimed.

"N­othing wrong? He betrayed her and Dean Ambrose! They have every right to be angry."

Seth starts fighting back and makes them both stand up. He throws her into the ring post.

"That did not look pretty." King cringed.

"I told you, that you shouldn't have come out, here! Stay down for your own good, grapes!" He shouted, before hitting her with the curb stomp.

"And Rollins with the curb stomp!" Cole shouted as she tried to stagger up on her hands and knees.

"Stay down! Stay­ down!" Seth shouted and went for another curb stomp.

Later on, Seth and RVD are on top of the ladder. RVD tries to go for a suplex, while Swagger climbs up the ladder and positions RVD in a powerbomb hold. Swagger powerbombs RVD, while Seth manages to

escape, and stay up the ladder. Ambrose gets back in the ring and goes right after Rollins. The crowd cheers with anticipation while Morgan gets back up and slides back into the ring. The crowd cheers loudly once Ambrose suplexs Rollins off the top of the ladder.

"You've gotta be kiddin' me! From on top of the ladder!" Cole shouted, while Morgan dropped her jaw, slightly, and looked on with concern.

"Everybody else is down. Morgan, get up there and get that briefcase!" King yelled as she stood in the middle of the ring.

"Rollins is knocked out. This may be her chance," JBL looked on.

Morgan was torn. She wanted to check on Dean, but everyone was down and she could win the match. She decides to grab the ladder and position it in the middle of the ring. Her heart started pounding as she slowly climbed up the ladder.

"This cannot be happening..." She mumbled as she got closer, and closer.

First time up the ladder, and this close to the briefcase. She could feel victory coming her way.

"Morgan's gonna do it! Morgan's gonna win!" Cole looked on with anticipation.

"If Triple H is watching this, he's gotta be cringing, right now," King added.

Swagger manages to get back in the ring and grabs Morgan's left leg, trying to pull her off.

"Morgan is holding on for dear life!" Cole exclaimed.

Swagger finally manages to pull her off and drops her down with a big boot. He starts climbing up the ladder, along with Rollins, who gets back up. He climbs on the other side and tries to punch Swagger off. Morgan gets back up and gives Jack a low blow, as the crowd cheers.

"Low blow!" King said in a high pitched voice as Jack fell down.

Seth's eyes widen, as he watches the Outspoken Diva climb up.

"Morgan's gone crazy. Look at her eyes. Harley's comin' to get cha!" King cheered.

The Philly Diva's eyes widen as she shoots Seth a crazed look on top of the ladder.

"M—­Morgan, let's talk about this. Just go back down. We don't have to do this." Seth tried to reason.

She makes him turn around as she positions him for the Morganizer, making the crowd go wild.

"Oh no, she's not gonna do this. She can't!" Cole shouted.

"This is all about revenge! She said she was going to get closure!" King yelled. "Ah!" He screamed in a high pitched voice as soon as she slammed Seth down with the Morganizer.

Both were down and out as Morgan rolled over, face first, exhausted, while Seth was down on his back, knocked out. She rolls over to the apron, near the commentators, and stands on it, trying to recover. Dean picks up a ladder, but Dolph dropkicks him. Dean stumbles back into the ropes, and elbows Morgan, hard in the face, making her fall off the apron, and onto the ladder. The ladder was down on the mat as she landed on it, face first, as the crowd 'Ohs!'.

"Dean Ambrose just elbowed Morgan!" Cole shouted while Swagger sent Dolph into Ambrose, and he fell down.

"Was he aware?" King asked.

Celeste tweets 'It just got real.'

"Morgan isn't going to like that. I know she isn't!" JBL guaranteed.

"It was an accident! Dean didn't know!" King defended.

"How would you know? I saw him glance at her! No remorse at all!"

"No, he didn't!"

"Morgan's hurt guys," Cole said as the camera showed her, touching her face while a doctor went over to her.

"Morgan, are you all right? Can you hear me?" The doctor asked as she sat up and leaned against the announce table.

"I'm seeing stars..." She grunted as her left eye's vision started to get blurry.

Everything happened so fast. Her left eye was starting to ache as she revealed her face to the doctor. The ladder must have sliced her face because she was bleeding from the top of her left eyebrow. The doctor tends the cut and wipes the blood off.

"Do you see that!? Dean Ambrose is a terrible boyfriend! Did you see what he did? He hit her on purpose!" JBL stated. "Her eye is starting to get a bruise!"

Seth looks on and decides to head over to her while Kofi and Swagger go at it.

"Morgan, are you okay?" Rollins asked.

"Look at Rollins, pretending to be concerned," Cole said with disgust.

"He IS concerned! He said he cares about her!" JBL defended.

"He gave her two curb stomps, earlier! And Morgan hit him with the Morganizer on top of the ladder. He's angry. He doesn't care! He wants her to suffer!" King retorted.

"No. You don't know what his plan is." JBL replied.

Seth smirks at the crisis. This was the perfect situation for him.

"Stay away from me." Morgan tried to move away.

"Morgan, I need to tend this cut." The doctor informed her.

"Just let her breathe," Seth spoke up. "I saw what happened. Dean hit you. And he didn't look sorry,"

"It was an accident! Dean wasn't aware, Morgan! Maybe he thought it was someone else." King defended, while Seth got back in the ring.

Celeste tweets 'Now you've done it.'

Nikki tweets 'As I feared...'

Morgan touches her eye and looks at the blood on her fingertips.

"Accident or not, Morgan does not look happy," Cole observed as she started seething.

Meanwhile back in the ring, Swagger throws Kofi across the


"Swagger's a beast," Cole said as he threw a ladder on top of Kofi.

He walks back into the corner and shouts 'We the people!' along with the crowd, before going for a splash on top of Kofi.

"Oh! What are you thinkin'?" King exclaimed while Kofi rolled out of the ring, kicking his legs, out in pain.

"This is bad on Swagger," JBL said.

"No kidding. That may have cracked a rib."

Swagger manages to get back up and positions a ladder in the middle of the ring. He starts climbing up until RVD climbs back up.

"How is Rob Van Dam even conscious?" JBL wondered.

"Who knows?" Cole replied as RVD and Swagger exchanged punches.

Ambrose and Rollins throw them off the ladder. Ambrose explodes off the ropes and drops Jack down with a clothesline.

"And he's still not aware of what just happened with Morgan. Some boyfriend..." JBL grumbled.

"JBL, shut up." King snapped. "I am so tired of you talking about how bad of a boyfriend Ambrose is. Accidents happen. They'll work it out."

"He is a bad boyfriend!"

"If I remember correctly, you supported Ambrose and Morgan a lot. Couldn't shut you up about them." Cole reminded.

"That was a while ago. A lot has changed!" JBL evaded the subject.  

Seth slams RVD down and off the ladder. Moments later, Rollins and Ambrose quickly climb up the ladder.

"These bodies are hittin' the ground, hard." King looked on with concern.

The Lunatic and Architect start exchanging punches, and Ambrose punches Rollins off the ladder.

"And Rollins is down, and Ambrose is there!" Cole shouted as the crowd cheers loudly.

Morgan manages to get up, as her eye stops getting blurry, and gets back in the ring.

"Dean Ambrose is there! It's Dean Ambrose's moment!" Cole exclaimed.

"What!?" King shouted as a pissed off Morgan grabbed Dean's left ankle, and the crowd gives off mostly cheers for her. "Morgan, what are you doing!?"

"About time! I've been waiting for this ever since The Shield disbanded!" JBL cheered.

"Waiting for what?"

"What do you think? You think she's gonna let him win this match? Instead of making history and winning it herself?"

"Whatever the reason is, she's very irate," Cole said while Dean looked down at her, in shock.

"What are you doing?" Ambrose asked as he jumped down and stood before the irked, spitfire.

Morgan had strands of hair in her face while giving him a disturbing glare in her eyes.

"Why are you so mad?" he continued to ask.

Ambrose had never experienced Harley, before. He's only watched her prey on her victims. He had a gut feeling something was off, back when she hugged him. But what did he do to make her so angry at him? He watches as her chest rises up and down as she is very irate at him, for a reason that he still was not aware of.

He tries to caress her face but she smacks his hand away, making Dean look taken aback.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Dean exclaimed as he started to get mad.

He steps up to her as they face off. He was starting to take out his anger for Rollins on her, which was not his plan. He did not want to take his anger out on her, but after she shoved him, she flipped the switch.

"Morgan is just shaking with anger," Cole watched.

"Morgan, it was an accident!" King tried to defend as the Outspoken Diva shoved Ambrose back, making the crowd 'Ooh'.

"Shut up, King! He knew she was behind him! He knew!" JBL shouted. "The truth hurts, King. I know he knew she was behind him. I'm not making this up. He knew Morgan was behind him!"

"You hit me on purpose, didn't you?" Morgan asked in an angry tone.

Seth looked on with a grin. This was exactly what he wanted.

"He did it on purpose, Morgan!" Seth instigated.

"Are you seriously going to listen to him? I didn't know I hit you." Dean tried to explain, while Morgan started to calm down. "I'm sorry."

"Attack him. Give him the beating he deserves. He knew you were behind him. He knew it." Seth continued to try to get in her head.

"What is Morgan gonna do?" King asked as she looked at Dean and then at Seth.

Morgan calms down. It looked like Harley just couldn't bring herself to hurt her lover and chose to go after Rollins.

"Oh come on!" JBL exclaimed. "Don't fool us like that!"

"Looks like Seth's mind games failed," Cole chuckled as she went at it with Rollins while Ambrose started climbing up the ladder.

Seth starts fighting back and drops her down with a kick to the back of the head. He then went on to grab a chair.

"Ambrose!" Seth shouted and positioned the chair on Morgan's back, as she got on her hands and knees.

"What is Seth doing?" Cole exclaimed.

"Using Morgan as bait?" JBL wondered.

"Don't wanna watch her suffer? Then get down!" Seth shouted at the Lunatic.

Ambrose glared at him. "Don't you dare! Don't you dare, Seth! Leave her out of this! This is between me & you!"

"She is just as a part of this, as we are!" Seth shouted back.

"Dean! Don't worry about me! Just get the briefcase!" Morgan shouted.

"Your choice. One inch closer and I'll decimate her." Seth raised the chair up, adding insult to injury.

"What's Dean gonna do?" King exclaimed.

"For Pete's sake, get the damn briefcase! Just do it! Do it now!" Morgan shouted.

Reluctantly obeying, Dean reaches for the briefcase.

"Ambrose is about to get that Money In The Bank contract," JBL said but then Jack gets back in the ring but gets hit with a DDT from Ambrose.

Dean's shoulder starts bothering him while Seth manages to climb on top of the ladder.

"Rollins has a little more left in the tank," King said while Ambrose pushed the ladder over, making Seth hit his neck on the top rope.

"I think Ambrose hurt his shoulder," JBL looked on as he leaned on the bottom turnbuckle. A doctor and a few refs come to his aid. "That's that shoulder that Bray Wyatt hurt a few weeks ago."

"Dean, you need a doctor." The ref informed.

The doctor tries to roll Ambrose out of the ring but he disobeys and tries to get back in the ring.

"You dislocated your shoulder." The doctor told him.

"Pull it back in!" Dean shouted.

"You dislocated your shoulder." The doctor tried to explain.

"I said pop it, right now," Dean ordered.

"Dean! Dean! Dean!" Refs and doctors exclaim as they try to make him stop moving.

"Dean needs to take it easy," Cole said.

Ambrose gets pissed and storms backstage as the crowd heavily boos.

"Dean, this is for your own good," King said.

Rollins looks on in surprise and quickly sets up a ladder. He quickly climbs up the ladder, but RVD climbs on the other side and manages to stop him. They trade blows while Kofi builds a bridge with another ladder, as it leans on the top rope. Kofi stands up on it and goes after RVD.

"This is so dangerous," King said while RVD fell off, grabbing his hamstring.

Morgan quickly gets up and climbs up on Seth's side.

"What in the world is she doing?" JBL exclaimed as she managed to throw Seth off the ladder with the help of Kofi.

"Oh!" King shouted along with the crowd once Seth fell over and landed on his back, on the bridge.

He bounces off of it a couple of times, before landing down on the mat.

"Oh my God!" King shouted in a high pitched voice.

"That's what you get!" Morgan shouted.

"Are you kidding me!?" Cole exclaimed.

Kofi tries to reach for the briefcase but Dolph grabs him off. Dolph throws him onto the ladder, making Morgan fall off. Luckily she lands on her feet, before stumbling down, on her behind. She rolls out the ring and sets a ladder up at ringside. Positioning it on the announce table, to the ring apron. She starts pacing around, running her hands through her hair.

"Morgan is losing it," JBL said as she started screaming.

She grabs a chair and waits for Seth to get up on his knees.

"Remember this!?" she screamed and whacked him in the face with the chair. "Remember that!?" She continuously hit him with chair shots as the crowd chanted 'Yes!'

"Calm down! What's wrong with you!?" JBL shouted. "Focus on the match!"

"Morgan's emotions are getting to her. She's not thinking straight." Cole looked on as she managed to lay Seth's body on top of the ladder and head up the turnbuckle.

"What are you doing now?" JBL exclaimed. "He's out cold. Haven't you done enough?"

Morgan goes for a moonsault, but Seth quickly moves out of the way, making her hit her stomach on the ladder.

"Oh!" Cole, King, and the crowd shout.

"Is she okay!?" King shouted while she held her stomach and a ref checked on her.

"Stupid! Why the hell would she do something so stupid? She's not getting up from that. She may have cracked a few ribs." JBL stated. "Why does she have to be so reckless!?"

Dolph plants Kofi with a DDT while Jack slides into the ring. He starts cleaning house, taking down RVD and Swagger. Ziggler sets up a ladder and slowly begins to climb it.

"We got a lot of superstars and a diva who might not be able to finish this match," King updated the viewers. "You sure Morgan is okay? I should get up and give her mouth to mouth."

"Shut up, King. She's fine..." JBL retorted.

Jack gets back in the ring and puts Dolph in the patriot lock.

"Let go! Let go!" Jack shouted while Dolph continued to hold on.

Dolph screams out in pain and uses his arm strength to continue climbing up. The crowd gets excited once he kicks Jack out of the ring. As he is fingertips away, his ankle is hit by a chair from Rollins. Meanwhile, Morgan manages to crawl back into the ring and climb up the ladder as the crowd begins to chant 'We Want Ambrose'.

Seth kicks Dolph out of the ring and climbs on the other side. Morgan grabs the briefcase but loses her balance as she starts swinging around the ceiling, while holding on to the briefcase, for dear life.

"Ah! Oh my God!" Morgan screamed.

"She got it!" King shouted.

"Oh boy. This is not going to be pretty." Cole said as Seth tried to grab her back.

Morgan's heart was pounding. The briefcase was in her arms, but she was swinging from the ceiling. Anything could happen. And she was not looking forward to falling down, this high up in the air.

"Get away from me!" Morgan tried kicking him away.

"Why won't you stay down?! You are not going to ruin this for me! You are not going to win, this match!" Seth shouted.

The crowd erupts into loud cheers as Ambrose dashes down the ramp and slides into the ring. While Seth grabs Morgan's leg, to bring her back to him, Ambrose whacks his back with the chair.

"Ambrose is back! Ambrose is back!" Cole shouts as Dean continues to hit him with the chair, making him get down from the ladder. "And now Ambrose unloading on Seth Rollins!"

The crowd chants 'Yes!' every time Dean hits him with the chair. Dean throws Seth out of the ring.

"And now it's down to the two lovers," JBL said as Dean looked up at Morgan swinging on with the briefcase.

"One of these two are going to win!" King shouted as Ambrose began climbing the ladder. "If only Morgan could unhook that briefcase."

"The biggest moment of one of their careers. Who will be able to get it?" Cole asked while Dean grabbed Morgan back to him as she tried to escape his grasp while holding onto the briefcase.

"I know one of these two is going to fall," JBL stated.

"Sorry Morgan," Dean said and grabbed her foot, trying to yank her down.

"Are you kidding me?! Back away!" She exclaimed and tried to kick him away.

"Here we go! Now we're talking!" JBL grinned as the crowd got hyped.

All of a sudden, fire comes out from the ring posts as Kane jogs down to the ring, surprising everyone.

"What!?" King shouted.

"What the hell is he doing here!?" Cole exclaimed while Kane went right after Morgan.

Kane pulls her down and drops her down with a chokeslam. He grabs Ambrose off the ladder and takes him down with a chokeslam. He then picks Dean back up and delivers the tombstone piledriver.

"That means Ambrose and Morgan are no longer in the match," JBL bluntly said as Seth recovered and stood up

"Oh no...Oh my God, you've gotta be kidding me..." Cole retorted as Seth climbed up the ladder while Kane held the ladder with the crowd heavily booing. "This is ridiculous! You know damn well that Kane was sent out here, by Triple H!"

Seth grabs the briefcase, as the bell rings.

"Here is your winner! Seth Rollins!" Lilian announced while Seth celebrated.

Morgan looks disappointed in herself and holds her stomach with her right arm.

She failed...


On Raw, Seth had just defeated RVD and began to get interviewed by Renee Young, in the ring.

"Seth Rollins, last night­—"

"Hey, hey, hey. Hey, look...if you're gonna introduce me, it right. It's Mister Money In The Bank, Seth Rollins, to you, toots." he interrupted, with a smug look, earning boos. "Aye, what? What? You guys think it's arrogance, right? It ain't arrogance when you can back ­it ­up, heh heh. So, in my opinion...y'all just bitter that I was right, and you were wrong. Cause you realize this here is my golden ticket. This here is a contract. I get a shot at the WWE World Heavyweight championship. Anytime...anywhere...and if last night is any evidence­"

"Seth." A raspy voice called out.

"I always get what I wan­t—" Seth turned his attention to the titantron after hearing his name, get called again.

The crowd cheers as they see Ambrose on the titantron. "Listen puppet boy...for one scumbag to don't really think this is over, do ya? You don't really think you won last night, do ya? You didn't fact, your Plan A failed miserably. And your daddy, Triple H, had to bail you out, with his Plan B. Sending Uncle Kane down to knock Morgan and I off that ladder...I'm not even upset...about what happened at Money In The Bank, because it might be more fun this way. Every time you even think about cashing in that contract, I'm gonna be there...I'm gonna haunt go ahead and make all the plans you want, cause that briefcase you're holding, doesn't have a contract inside, it's loaded with TNT.

And every time you try to cash it in, it's gonna blow up in your face, Seth! Believe that." Dean smirked.

"Another threat from Dean Ambrose," Cole looked on.

"This is my time, Ambrose! This is my time! You understand me!? I run the show around here! I'm the man! I'm the man! You're out of your mind!" Seth shouted.


Later backstage, as soon as Melanie was about to walk into the diva's locker room, Colby smacked her from behind with baby powder.

"Oh my God, Colby! Are you fuckin' serious!?" She shouted, earning the divas' attention as they all began laughing at her and her now white outfit and hair.

"Oh my gosh! You're a Snowwoman." Nikki giggled and took a photo.

"Aw, you look so cute!" April, who returned, giggled.

"Thanks guys. That makes me feel better. Haha, send that photo to me, Nikki," Melanie chuckled and walked out of the locker room, earning stares and laughs from workers, since they were aware that their smack cam battle was still going on.

In catering, Heath Slater sat at a table with some of the guys and chuckled, asking, "Did you guys see the snowwoman?"

Jon raised a brow, while the others gave him confused expressions.

"Snowwoman?" Randy wondered.

"It's summer, man." Nic pointed out.

"Did anyone just see Colby dash to the locker rooms?" Joe asked.

"Have you seen Colby?" A powdered Melanie asked out of nowhere as she stood at their table.

The guys widened their eyes and tried to hold in their laughs. Nic started snickering and began to have the hardest time controlling his laughter.

Melanie rolled her eyes. "Laugh."

"Bwhahaaha!" he laughed out loud, along with the others.

She patiently waited for them to stop laughing, and after a minute, they stopped.

"Are you starring in the new Frozen movie? Are you playing a female version of Olaf or something?" Jon teased.

"Nah, Nah, maybe she's doin' a photoshoot or something." Jimmy wondered.

"All she needs is a carrot for the nose." Joe pointed out.

"A cute little tie." Taylor (Bo Dallas) added, with a chuckle.

"And don't forget the black hat." Heath grinned.

"Taken care of." Claudio (Cesaro) spoke up and put a black hat on top of her head, making the guys laugh again.

"You know what? Fuck y'all. I'm outta here," Melanie joked and walked away to continue her search.

Melanie tweeted the photo of herself that Nikki took, and tweeted, 'WWERollins really? Now everyone thinks I'm a female Olaf. Do you want to build a snowman?'

After ten minutes of trying to find Colby, Melanie went back to the diva's locker room.

"Find him?" April asked, looking up from her phone.

"Nah. I'll get my revenge sooner or later," Melanie replied. "Now if you excuse me, I'm gonna go melt."

"Well, some people are worth melting for." she quoted Olaf, from Frozen.

The Philly Diva giggled at that. "Now I want to watch Frozen, again."


'WWE Exclusive Video'

"Morgan." Renee rushed over to her, trying to keep up with her speed walking, backstage. "Can you give us any comments about your first ever Money In The Bank match?"

"I'm just glad that I was able to do a little something in that match," Morgan replied, not interested in being interviewed.

"Morgan," Dean called out a few feet away and jogged over to her, while Renee walked away to give them space. "Are you okay?"

"No, no, I am not okay," she replied, looking visibly upset as they were in a private area backstage.

"I said I was sorry for hitting you. I didn't mean it."

"I know...I know...I forgive you."

He cupped her face. "Just promise me that you won't have Seth convince you to do anything. Morgan, I love you and I don't want you to have anything to do with this situation. Just stay away from him and let me deal with him. Okay?"

She frowned but nodded.

"And I know Money In The Bank wasn't the best match for you, even though I tried to take you down, but you know it was every person for themselves."

"I know. And I promise that I'll stay away from him. Seth won't convince me to do anything. Remember, I do things on my own,"

"Good. Stay that way." He said and embraced her.

The camera showed Morgan looking ahead with a solemn expression. He released her and her expression quickly changed to a smile before he saw her face again. He gives her a warm kiss on the lips before walking away.

She dropped her smile and leaned on the wall, sliding down. Running her hands through her hair, she closed her eyes and exhaled with tears streaming down her face.

She was overwhelmed with everything as tears of frustration continued to flow. She banged her right fist on the side of the wall and sighed loudly.

She was so disappointed in herself.

What was she doing?

Was being in the Money In The Bank match a mistake?

She felt like she should have done more. She felt like she hadn't done a great job in the match. She felt like she's been failing and failing every time she tried to go after The Authority. She doesn't know how much more she can take. She just wished things could go back to how they were. Being united. A family.

But do you live long enough to see yourself as a villain? Or do you die trying to do what's right? What's right for the fans?

Maybe she wasn't ready to take on this road. Maybe she needs to be more aggressive and more serious. Take a more serious path. Do what's best for herself.

She stopped crying and let out another breath. Looking ahead as she tried to calm herself down, she noticed Rollins watching her with a satisfied look on his face. He soon decided to approach her, kneeling down to her level as a smirk came across his face.

He sighed and placed a hand over her cheek, wiping her tears with his thumb.

"My precious grapes..." he called out, hitting another nerve due to the nickname.

Oh, how she hated that smug look on his face. As much as she hated to admit it, Seth had screwed with her mind for weeks and it was starting to take a toll on her.

And he knew.

"The clock is ticking, Morgan. I'm looking forward to you coming back to me," he spoke as he watched as she narrowed her eyes at him.

He stood up and left her, feeling confident about the near future with her. He knew she was almost at her breaking point. And he was patiently waiting to strike. He was going to make sure the dark side called her home.

She stayed in the light for too long.

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7 months ago

Forced To Believe Chapter 70- Outsmarting The Architect

Forced To Believe Chapter 70- Outsmarting The Architect

Chapter Summary: Things aren't what they seem as Seth continues to try to get into Morgan's head. Rosa and even Triple H begin to feel Morgan's wrath.

Words: 12,000+

Author's Note: OK last smol batch of chapters to hold you while I continue to work on my other story! Hope you like!


On Smackdown, Seth Rollins walks out in a black suit and his briefcase. The crowd heavily boos him as he flaunts his briefcase.

"Last Monday on Raw, I was seconds away from cashing in my Money in The Bank contract on John Cena. John, I got a message for you. You got lucky on Monday night. You got lucky but the clock is still ticking because, what was it? Not even 24 hours, into your 15th reign as champion and you were flat on your the center of this ring. In a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero." He spoke. "Look at this face...look at this face, look at it real hard and get used to it. Because very soon, this will be the face of the WWE. Hah hah!"

Dean's theme comes on as he walks out, with a microphone in hand. Wearing a leather jacket, his shoulder was taped up.

"And there is the man that Seth Rollins stabbed in the back, last month," Cole reminded. "His former brother, Dean Ambrose. And Ambrose has not forgotten."

"An incredibly sore loser..." JBL mumbled.

"You're delusional, Rollins!" Dean stated. "You're talkin' crazy, you really gonna think you're gonna get your hands on those titles? No, no, not while I'm around. I warned you no matter where you matter what you do, no matter how much of a plan you and your sugar daddy, Triple H, concocted...I'm gonna be there. Every time. I mean hey, how did your little championship plan work out for you?"

After they showed the highlights of Cena getting attacked by Kane and Rollins trying to cash in only for Ambrose to attack him, Seth looked annoyed at the footage.

"Watch that that footage and watch it over and over and over again. Because that's your life for the next year. You think that briefcase is a blessing? No. That briefcase is a curse because it's every excuse I need to ruin your life. To ruin your future and to ruin that precious face of WWE." Dean declared as he took a few steps forward.

"Yeah? You think I care? You think I care if you show that video, over and over and over? Look I know you better than anybody. And I know you don't have what it takes to keep that up for a year," Rollins replied. "You got lucky on Monday night. You can't keep that up for a year. And you can't stop me from cashing in this contract, and becoming the next WWE World Heavyweight champion."

Dean walked down the ramp and took off his jacket. "Of course I can...I'll start, right now."

"Oh, here we go! Dean Ambrose has been waiting for this moment!" Cole exclaimed as the crowd cheered loudly.

Ambrose slides into the ring and Rollins swings his briefcase at him. Dean manages to duck his attack and starts unloading on him with frenzied punches.

"Rollins & Ambrose brawling to kick off Smackdown!"

The crowd boos once Orton runs out and beats Ambrose down. Seth recovers and starts to join in the assault by stomping on him. The crowd screams and cheers loudly once Roman's theme comes on with him running down the ramp. As soon as he slides in, Seth and Orton beat him down. Roman stands up and goes right after Orton, giving him a headbutt. He gives Seth and Orton back and forth punches until Rosa runs out.

"Another Authority goon..."

Rosa goes to ringside, in her Fourth of July outfit which is red waist high shorts, and a USA themed top. She manages to grab Roman's leg, preventing him from moving. Orton takes advantage and he hits him with a big boot to the face, beating him down with Rollins. The crowd cheers loudly once Morgan dashes down the ring in skinny jeans and a USA themed crop top while having her hair in a high pony tail. She had a USA themed cap on her head, along with USA themed fingerless gloves. Rosa turns around and gets speared, while Roman fights back and throws Seth to Dean, who starts unloading on him, in the corner. Rollins retreats, along with Orton, while Morgan gets in the ring.

"You broke my nail! You broke my nail!" Rosa screamed as she got held back by Orton.

She tries to get back in the ring, while Morgan throws her cap at her.

"You broke my nail! You see what you did!? You see what you did!? I had to pay a lot of money for this!" Rosa shouted.

Roman's theme comes back on, while he stands tall with Morgan and Dean. Roman glances back at her, and Ambrose, before watching The Authority goons retreat.

"And here comes the boss." Cole said over the loud boos while Triple H walked out.

"All right. Think you guys have made your point. So now let me make my point. And my point is the only one that matters. Dean Ambrose, you wanna fight? Well tonight you will get a fight when you face The Viper, Randy Orton. And Morgan, Roman...since you two like to stick your noses in everyone's business, if any of you interfere in that match tonight, Morgan, you'll never get a Diva's championship opportunity ever again, and Roman, you'll be out of the fatal four ­way match, at the BattleGround Pay Per View, for the WWE World Heavyweight championship." Triple H announced. "Good luck."

Morgan shook her head, rolling her eyes at the news, and turned to her comrades, asking if they were all right, while fist bumping them.


Later that evening, Natalya, Nikki, Alicia, Cameron, Eva, Naomi, Layla, Summer, & Rosa were in the ring. The ring was decorated in a Fourth of July themed party. Some divas were dancing, while Rosa grabbed a mic to cut a promo on how all the women were invited except for the crazy ones like AJ, Paige, and Morgan. She received heavy boos as she proceeded to talk highly of herself but as she spoke, Morgan walked out without her music as Rosa remained oblivious.

"I would like to say that it feels great to be in a public place, without being around a Harley Quinn wannabe like Morgan, right?" Rosa chuckled as Morgan got in the ring, while the divas watched on.

The Philly Diva checked out the table of food and went for the punch. She took a cup of punch and leaned on the ropes. Taking a few sips she continued to watch Rosa rant to the crowd.

"We can have so much positive attitude with the divas, without being around negative attitudes like Morgan. This is the Fourth of July! So let's make it memorable!"

"Uh..." Cole trailed off.

"Yeah, uh, Rosa?" JBL asked as Morgan grabbed the punch bowl.

"Thank you, yes I know. I know. Thank you. I'm glad you agree with me. I'm glad you­—" Rosa began before Morgan poured punch on top of her head, making her drop the mic.

She shrieked and quickly turned around to see the Outspoken Diva laughing.

"Are you kidding me!?" She shouted but got shoved back into the table, making her butt land on the cake.

The divas laugh at her, while Alicia decides to defend her friend, by throwing a hamburger at the Outspoken Diva. Unfortunately, it hits Natalya instead, making some laugh at her.

"Uh oh. This is not going to end well." Cole warned.

Rosa gets off the cake and tries to throw a couple of cookies at the Outspoken Diva but hits Cameron & Summer instead. Layla laughs but gets attacked by Summer while all the divas start fighting.

"And here we go!"

"Morgan had no business out here, whatsoever!" JBL shouted.

Morgan grabs a cookie sheet and whacks Rosa in the head with it, making her fall on the table of food. Her hair and body are covered in food and Morgan quickly grabs a sugar cookie and escapes the ring, watching the chaos in amusement. Rosa tries to escape the food fight with the divas but finds herself in the middle after she starts bumping into them, provoking them. The refs had to rush down the ring to break it up,

while the crowd cheers for The Outspoken Diva.

"What a Party crasher...the party didn't even get a chance to start!" JBL scolded.

"Morgan is laughing away at this." Cole chuckled while Rosa slipped out of the ring.

She starts freaking out and has a temper tantrum as Morgan's theme comes on.

The Philly Diva shrugged and took a bite of her cookie, giving Rosa a thumbs up. "Great party, Rosa! Great party!"

She glares at her and stands up. She marches after her but slips and falls on her butt from the food on her shoes, making the crowd laugh harder.

Morgan tweets 'LaRosaMendes Your party was lame, so I decided to spice things up. I think it turned out great!'


Later in the ring, Dean throws Orton out of the ring. He starts slapping himself in the face, before going for a suicide dive.

"He's not all there, but he is still fun to watch." JBL looked on.

"Come on, Randy," Seth said on commentary.

Dean throws Orton into the barricade and rolls him in the ring. He starts walking around before turning his attention to Rollins. He runs over to the announce table and jumps on top of him as the crowd cheers.

"Ambrose taking out Rollins! And now the fight's on! The fight's on!" Cole shouted as he started pummeling Seth with punches.

He throws him into the barricade and gets back in the ring. He rolls Randy up for a two count. Orton strikes him with an uppercut as he leans back, in between the ropes, to give him a clothesline. Dean bangs on the mat and starts hitting himself, again.

"Seth was floored by Ambrose."

Dean goes for the Dirty Deeds by Orton counters with a scoop slam. The crowd boos as he tries to go for a DDT on the ropes, but Ambrose counters by tossing him over the top rope. Dean tries to go for another suicide dive, but this time Rollins hits him with his briefcase.

"Oh!" Cole and the crowd shout. "Rollins right to the bad shoulder, with the briefcase."

The crowd boos while Rollins rolls Ambrose in the ring. Orton drops Dean down with an RKO and Rollins rips off Dean's protective bandage on his shoulder.

"Ambrose is hurt, Ambrose is hurt," Cole looked on. "The injured shoulder exposed."

Orton gets on his knees and holds Dean down, targeting his injured shoulder.

"Oh no, look at this," JBL said as Seth got on the top rope.

The crowd cheers loudly once they see Roman & Morgan rush down the ramp.

"Hey! Roman Reigns! And Morgan!" Cole exclaimed.

Reigns pushes Rollins off the top rope, while Morgan slides into the ring and hits Orton with a shining wizard. Dean rolls out the ring, while Orton rolls over and gets back to his feet, rubbing his chin from the kick he received. Roman connects with the Superman punch as he gets hyped.

Morgan slides out of the ring to check on Dean, while Roman prepares for the spear. He does a loud battle cry but Seth pulls Orton out of the ring.

"And Seth Rollins..."

"Seth Rollins knows where he is," JBL added.

"...saving Orton. And for tonight, The Authority's Orton & Rollins escape the wrath of Roman Reigns, Morgan Lopez & Dean Ambrose. But these issues are far from over."

Roman's theme comes on as he stands tall. Roman gets out of the ring, to meet up with Morgan, helping up Dean.

"Somebody give me my case!" Seth shouted as Roman rolled Ambrose in the ring, while Morgan went after Seth's contract. "Somebody give me my contract! Morgan! Don't you dare!"

The crowd cheers once she gets in the ring, with the briefcase.

"What is she doing!? That's not even hers!" JBL exclaimed.

She decides to kick the briefcase out of the ring, like a football, making it fly all the way to the stage.

"Are you kidding me!?" Seth shouted and ran after it, making her laugh.

"She can't do that!" JBL shouted. "That's assault!"

"But she did it, anyway." Cole chuckled. "John, Orton & Seth Rollins may rue the day that they went after Reigns, Lopez, & Ambrose."

Dean gets up while Morgan & Roman look at Rollins and Orton on the stage.

Roman showed his fist. "Remember this? You gave up this...for that?" He said, meaning The Authority and briefcase.

"Disgraceful," Morgan shook her head, disappointed in Rollins.


Melanie & Jon decided to spend their Fourth of July at Jane and Diego's house, in Philly. Jon and Jane were in the kitchen, working on bringing the plates, forks, knives, burger and hot dog buns, and bowls of food that Jane made, on the table, in the backyard.  

"So, this is your first time barbecuing, dad?" Melanie was sitting in the backyard, on a chair with her right knee up to her chest as she held it.

"I—­I've done this before." Diego stuttered and continued grilling.

"You sure?"

"It's been a while."

"How long we talking?"

"A few...month—years."

She widened her eyes. "Years!? What am I going to do with you?"

"You know Melly, you should be helping." Jane said as she set a bowl of grapes on the table.

"I am. I'm making sure dad doesn't burn those burgers."

"What about the hotdogs?" Jon asked, putting the burger and hotdog buns on the table.

"Could care less," Melanie replied.

"Damn, that's how you feel?" He smirked.

"Burgers are better."

"I beg to differ."

"No argument. Burgers all the way." Melanie reached for a grape but Jane slapped her hand. "Mom!"

"No grapes until you help out. You know what? I'm putting these all the way in the back of the fridge."

"Oh, come on! You don't have to do that." she tried to reach for the grapes again but Jane took it back inside.

Jon laughed. "Someone's not getting her little grapes."

The Philly Diva narrowed her eyes at him and stood up, taking his cap, and putting it on her head. "And someone's not getting the chance to cuddle tonight."

"Okay, I'm sorry." He followed her. "I said I'm sorry!"

"Cuddle? Aw! So adorable. I guess Jon is a big softie, isn't he?" Jane smiled.

"Yes. It's really cute." Melanie smiled.

"Why do you gotta embarrass me, in front of Jane?" he complained, feeling embarrassed.

"Priceless! He looks so embarrassed!" Leah laughed, walking in with a Fourth of July themed cake.

"Leah, you're here." Melanie grinned and hugged her after she set the cake down.

"How's the eye? Money in The Bank was crazy! Jon! Why the heck would you elbow her, you big jerk?" Leah teased.

"All part of doing spots," he replied. "Plus, my woman can take a hit when it comes to wrestling." He put an arm around Melanie's shoulders and kissed her on the cheek.

Melanie and Leah help out by setting up the table. After everything was done, everyone sat at the table to eat. Melanie took a cheeseburger, while Jon took two hotdogs. Leah decided to take four hotdogs and put mustard, ketchup, and relish on all of them. She then grabbed some pickles and put them on top of the hotdogs.

Leah grinned and looked at the mouth watering food, in her eyes. She looked up to see Melanie looking at her like she was crazy, while about to take a bite of her cheeseburger.

"What? This is good! You should try it. Want some? A friend got me into this. You know what? I think I should also put some cheese on these hotdogs." Leah took a few pieces of cheese. "Want one?"

"Uh, no thanks." Melanie chuckled. "You sure are eating a lot."

"I didn't eat breakfast. I'm starving!"

Jon and Melanie examined their food, catching Diego's attention.

"How is it?" Diego asked.

The Lunatic and Harley glanced at each other, before taking a bite of their food. They started chewing it and began to make nauseated facial reactions, while Melanie started coughing.

"Oh no! Are you two okay!?" Jane freaked out, while Jon began coughing. "You said you cooked them properly, honey!" She exclaimed to her husband.

"I did! I did!" Diego yelled in nervousness, while Leah watched the show, enjoying her weird hot dogs.

"They're choking! You're trying to kill them!"

"I am not! I made them, well. Mine are just fine!"

"Because you were trying to kill them, that's why!"

The couple stopped arguing at the sound of Jon & Melanie laughing.

"Fooled you!" Melanie chuckled.

"Mel! Don't scare me like that!" Jane exhaleed.

"That was good." Jon low fived his girlfriend.

"It tastes great, dad." Melanie smiled and begins eating again, along with Jon.

"I'm glad. See? I wasn't trying to kill my princess. She's just fine." Diego proudly praised himself.

"Sure...So, what's been going on in the WWE?" Jane asked, her daughter.

"Been having meetings with Creative lately about an upcoming feud. They're going to be ending my feud with Rosa, around SummerSlam. They have three feuds in mind for me. Two are very risky, but the other is strongly possible."

"What are the feuds?"

"Can't say. WWE doesn't want any leaks or spoilers. But if I get the okay to tell you, I will. And also, WWE wants you to come back soon, mom,"

"Ooh! I am so excited! I love the World Wrestling Entertainment. It's so fun."

"How's the bakery?"

"Popularity is growing so much, thanks to the continued support of you and the WWE."

After talking about the bakery, Melanie glanced at Leah, who poured an enormous amount of mustard, relish, and ketchup on her new hot dog.

It looked like the hot dog and drenched bun were drowning in the three condiments.

Leah reached for the can of whipped cream and prepared to put it on the hot dog.

"Whoa, Leah. Whipped cream on hot dogs? That's...concerning," Melanie felt her stomach turn from the sight.

"Huh? Oh, I wasn't going to put whipped cream on hot dogs. No, not at all." Leah nervously giggled. "I'm going to put it on the cake."

"Okay then,"

Maybe Leah was just really hungry.


Early in the morning, Melanie slept peacefully, in the arms of her lunatic. She was happy to be home for just a little while before going back on the road. But her peaceful slumber was interrupted when she woke up to the sound of throwing up. She got out of Jon's arms and glanced at the clock.

"3..." She mumbled, before getting out of bed.

She stretched and adjusted her tank top, before heading out of the room. She walked down the hallway and saw a light in the bathroom.

"Hello?" she timidly knocked on the door.

"D­—don't come in here!" Leah's muffled voice replied, instantly.

"Leah? Are you okay?"

"I'm doing great!"

"I'm coming in." She opened the door, seeing her flushing the toilet. "Were you throwing up?"

"Y—­yeah. I got the flu..."

"Leah." Melanie crossed her arms and softly replied. "As much as I want to believe that after all that stuff you ate on those hot dogs, I don't. Don't lie to me."

Her friend started to break down and cried, wrapping her arms around her. "I messed up. This was not supposed to happen..."


"I took three fucking pregnancy tests. And they all came back pregnant. I'm knocked up. I'm fucking knocked up and I'm so scared!"

Melanie was taken aback by her confession as she looked at the pregnancy tests on the floor. They both sat down on the floor, while Melanie examined the tests.


"We used protection! I don't understand why this has to happen to me! I don't even know if Brad wants kids. I'm so scared to tell him,"

"Leah, things are going to be all right. Stay calm. Everything is going to be okay. I'm here for you," She put a soothing hand on her right shoulder.

As Melanie gave her a pep talk, Leah's nerves began to go down as she listened to her say the right things to get her to relax.

"Brad loves you to death. He always shows off that goofy grin when you're around. He's going to be happy that he's going to start a family with someone like you,"

"You're right...thank you." Leah smiled.


Next week on Smackdown, Morgan was backstage, leaving the trainer's room. Her ribs were still a little banged up but she was getting better, day by day. Looking at the floor, she bumped into Rollins as the crowd booed. He showed off his briefcase, before smiling at the diva.

"Hello, Morgan."

"Rollins..." she tried to leave but he blocked her way.

"You've been avoiding me for a while. Why?"

"I haven't been avoiding you. Now if you excuse me..." She tried to go the other way but got blocked, again. "Move. Or be moved,"

"Did Ambrose tell you to stay away from me?" Rollins asks with a grin. "You're I guess that's a yes. Guess he knows what I'm trying to do."

"What do you want...?" She asked, looking annoyed. She just wanted to leave. She did not want to be around him.

"I just want you to come home."


"Everyone is holding you back. Is this the singles career you want? Pointless matches? No championship? You deserve better."

"I told you I rather start at the bottom than go to The Authority. And The Authority isn't a home. Nor is your little dark side. I can never bring myself to be a sellout like you."

He chuckled for a couple of moments and placed his hands on her shoulders, looking into her eyes.

"You know I hate people who lie to themselves. I didn't sell out, I bought in. And you should, too. You're lost, Morgan. But you're going to find yourself again, really soon." He smirked and left her alone.

"More mind games by Rollins. Will Morgan be able to stay strong?" Cole asked as she leaned on the wall and sighed loudly.


Next week on Raw, after finding out Ambrose was attacked by Rollins, Orton, and Kane out of nowhere backstage while cutting a promo on Reigns and Cena, Morgan ran to the trainer's room door.

"Where is he?!" She shouted but got held back by a few refs.

"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Morgan! Morgan! Calm down! Ambrose is okay. He went to a local hospital." They tried to explain.

She sighed loudly and started storming off to the men's locker room. She saw Seth nearby, along with Orton, and stomped over to them. She shoved the sellout back roughly as the crowd cheered loudly.

"Why!? Why would you do that!?" She shouted.

Orton was about to interfere but Seth stopped him, enjoying watching her break down.

"Getting mad, huh?" Seth grinned. "Good. Embrace it. I want the aggressive Morgan, back. I want my Morgan back."

"Oh, you're gonna get much as I want to bash your head in, I'm not gonna do that. Dean will. And when Dean gets in the ring with you...I am going to enjoy him, pulverizing you, and making you regret all those chair shots that we all received. And I hope that he hurts you so badly...that you'll never think about selling out, ever again, you piece of crap." She stormed off, leaving Rollins watching her with a grin.

"You're cracking...not much longer..." Rollins murmured to himself.

With Roman and Cena in the men's locker room, Roman was seated, adjusting his gloves.

"Okay, so Ambrose is out," Cena stated. "Now it's just you and me against Kane, Orton, & Rollins. This was an obviously set up by The Authority, you get that right?" He asked while Roman remained silent. "Damn it, Roman, stand up!"

Roman stood up and faced off with him. "I understand that you wanna be WWE World Heavyweight champion, you should! But you have to trust me! Neither one of us is gonna walk out champion, this Sunday if we don't get on the same page, tonight." Cena exclaimed.

"Nobody knows the numbers game like me," Roman spoke up. "They took out one of the end of the night, we take out three of them. Believe that."

The door burst open. "Do you two have your heads stuck up your asses?!" Morgan shouted as the crowd cheered, loudly.

"Now, Morgan we were­—" Cena began.

"The hell is wrong with you two!? You just stood there and watched him get beat! Why didn't you go after him? Why didn't you help him?"

"We wouldn't have made it in time..." Cena managed to say.

"Do you know how long that beating was!? Do you!? You could have run backstage and helped him out! But no, you just stood in the ring. And I'm just finding this out, now? When it happened at the beginning of the show?!"

"Morgan, calm down," Roman reassured. "We got this. You know that I know the numbers game better than anyone."

"I know but I can't calm down. I'm tired of this. I'm tired of these beatings and two on one, and three on one assaults. They're not men, they're puppets. Brainwashed by The Authority. Driven by power. That is not me. And I'm not gonna become a victim of that. I don't know if this was a message, directly sent to me from Rollins, but I'm not having this. These assaults are gonna stop, to­night." She stated and bumped fists with Roman. "I'm standin' at ringside with you, two."

"Okay." Cena nodded. "But do you trust me?"

"Yes. You helped us out in that tag match with the Wyatts. I trust you. Just do me a favor and try not to get attacked. Stick together, tonight. You never know what The Authority is going to do next. Now, If you excuse me, I'm gonna eat some grapes to calm down..." She left as the crowd laughed.

Roman cracked an amused smile. Morgan and her love for grapes will never change.


Morgan kept her word and stayed at ringside to check on Roman & Cena as they went up against Rollins, Kane, and Orton. Things really started to turn around when Roman got tagged in by the champ.

The crowd goes nuts while Roman drops Orton down with a clothesline and punches Kane off the apron. He drops Randy down with another clothesline and starts to get hyped up.

"What a right hand!" JBL said as he witnessed Randy getting punched in the face by the Samoan.

Orton gets positioned for Roman's signature apron dropkick as the crowd cheers. He slides out the ring and runs over to the fallen Viper, before connecting his right boot to his head. Roman high fives Morgan before sliding back into the ring. He taunts the crowd before punching the mat. Kane gets back in the ring but gets dropped by the Superman punch. Roman sidesteps Seth's flying knee attack and clotheslines him out the ring, at the end of the ramp.

"There goes Rollins," Cole said as he held his knee, in pain.

"Rollins hurt his leg," JBL said while Orton took advantage and beat down Roman.

Roman manages to drop the Viper down with a Samoan drop and prepares for the spear.

"Roman Reigns does this on Sunday, then he can walk out as WWE World Heavyweight champion."

Kane slides back in the ring and attacks him from behind while the ref tries to break it up. Orton joins in the assault by stomping on Reigns and the ref had no choice but to call for the bell. Cena manages to get

in the ring and tosses Kane outside the ring. Before Kane could get back in, Morgan manages to hit him with a low blow as the crowd cheers.

"Low blow by the Outspoken Diva!" King cheered.

Back in the ring, Cena goes at it with Orton while Roman rolls out of the ring. Cena tosses Orton over the apron and ducks Kane's punch, making him hit Orton instead as the crowd goes nuts. Cena starts going after Kane and picks him up for the AA. Kane manages to get back on his feet and shoves him away while Roman goes for the spear on Orton. Orton swiftly evades Roman's attack, making him hit Cena instead as the crowd 'Ohs!'

"He speared Cena!" Cole shouts.

"Not good." Morgan mumbles as she walks around the ring.

Kane drops Roman down with a punch and turns around to get hit with an RKO.

"That's your partner!" King exclaimed.

"Don't trust anybody!" Cole stated while Morgan tried to check on Cena, in the ring.

Randy's theme comes on as he gets on the top rope to taunt the crowd. He jumps off the top rope and turns his attention to the Outspoken Diva.

"Come on, she has nothing to do with this," King complained as Orton grabbed her from behind, by her hair, as his theme faded out.

"Ow! Get off, asshole!" She shouted as she tried to escape his strong grip.

He positions her on the apron, preparing for his signature apron DDT. No matter how much she tried to push him away, she could not escape his strong grip. As soon as he is about to drop her, Roman slides back into the ring, still angry that he got beaten down.

Orton releases her and turns around, only to get speared as the crowd gets hyped.

"Spear!" Cole shouted as Roman roared. "Is it Roman Reigns' time?" He wondered as his theme came on.

Morgan rubs the back of her neck while Roman helps her up.

"You all right?" He asked.

"Never better. Thanks." She said as she looked impressed.

He has changed a lot ever since The Shield went their separate ways. It looked like her boys were doing well in their singles careers. Although she wished she could say the same. But she was happy for her boys and their success.

"Will Roman Reigns win his first world championship?" Cole asked. "Who is gonna win, Sunday? Cena? Orton? Kane? Or Roman Reigns?"


On Smackdown, in Triple H's office, Seth was checking out his phone until Kane walked over to him.

"Kane. What's up, man?" Seth greeted. "Look I just uh...I kind of wanna get on the same page, here tonight. I mean I know what happened on Monday, and...I wouldn't really take what Orton did to you, personally. If it was about the WWE World Heavyweight championship, you gotta understand that. But tonight's different. Tonight is about Dean Ambrose."

"I don't need your voice of reason...I'll deal with Randy on my own. In fact, I hope that Orton's watching, tonight. Because I have plans for Dean Ambrose." Kane said, making Seth crack a smile.

"Good. Good, good, good, I like that. Just do me, one little favor, please. Just leave a little bit of life in him, so that I can finish the job at Battleground."

" could just be a man and face him yourself," Morgan spoke up as the crowd cheered. She walked in on them talking, as she shut the door. "Oh, that's right, you're scared. Anyway, do I have a match, tonight? Did the stupid Authority say anything about me?"

Seth and Kane turn their attention to the diva. Kane looked like he was about to grab her neck but Seth swiftly got in front of him, to stop him.

"Don't," Seth ordered in a stern tone and made him back up. "...touch her."

Now that... caused attention from the audience as the Outspoken Diva stared at Rollins' sudden behavior in surprise. Him defending him? Something was up.

Ignoring the fact that he just defended up, Morgan put her hands on her hips, taunting Kane. "Oh, I'm sorry, what were you gonna do? Chokeslam me? Still mad I low blowed you, on Raw? Aw, sorry to hear that. Maybe next time you'll know when to stay out of my way."

"What are you doing here?" Seth asked.

"I just asked if I have a match. And I'm not supposed to be talking to you, so answer my question, so I can leave."

"Yeah, in fact, you do have a match. Next. Get ready."

"Good." She turned around and opened the door but Seth grabbed her hand. She snatched her hand back and shook her head. "Don't touch me. Don't ever put your hands on me, again."

Rollins put his hands up in defense. "I just wanted to say watch your back, tonight."

"Why should I listen to you?"

"Because I want to help you. I still care about you, grapes."

"I told you not to call me that. I'm not trusting a word you say to me," she replied and left the room.


"This match is set for one fall, introducing first, from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Morgan!" Lilian announced.

"Here comes Morgan, out here to try to gain some momentum for her match against Rosa Mendes, this Sunday." Cole said.

As soon as she comes out, Morgan gets whacked from behind with a guitar, by Rosa as the crowd gets hype.

"Oh my gosh!" Cole shouted.

"What was that for? Sending a message?" JBL asked as Morgan's theme faded out.

"Just give up, already! Don't come to Battleground on Sunday, Morgan!" Rosa shouted.

She waits for her to get up and flattens her out with a swinging neckbreaker, as the crowd 'Ohs' at the impact.

"Morgan is out. That guitar shot was brutal." Cole cringed as the titantron showed the highlights again. "What is the meaning of this? This was not necessary!"

"Yes, it was! Rosa is making a statement! Don't mess with Rosa!" JBL replied.

Rosa grabbed a mic, as the crowd booed her. "Aw, Morgan, are you tired? Tired of me beating you down? Coming after you? I'm sorry. But I'm not going to stop. I don't like you, and I'm going to continue making your life a living hell unless you pack your bags, and leave. But since you want to act tough, it just made me even happier. Why?" She laughed. "Because I cannot wait for our match at Battleground. But there's been a little bit of a twist. You see, our a last diva standing match."

"I cannot wait for this. I can't wait till Sunday." JBL said as the audience cheered loudly at the match idea.

"A last diva standing match?" Cole wondered.

"Yes, you heard right, WWE Universe. A last diva standing match. And if you win, you'll earn my respect. I won't bother you, anymore. I'll stay out of your way, just like you wanted. But if you lose...I want you to leave. Stay away from this company and stay out of my way, while I become the next Diva's champion. Ha ha! And Morgan, I cannot wait to see you...motionless...flat on your back while the ref begins to count."

She paused before counting in Spanish. "Uno...dos...tres...cuatro...cinco...seis... siete...ocho...nueve...diez." She laughed and dropped the mic as her theme came on.

"What a statement by the Latina. What is going to happen, Sunday?" Cole asked as a few refs rushed over to help Morgan, who was lying on her back, out cold.

"I don't know but as soon as Morgan recovers from this attack, all hell is gonna break loose," JBL guaranteed.

Later backstage, Seth jogged over to the trainer's room and found Morgan getting an ice pack on the back of her neck.

"Morgan, you all right? You see? I told you to watch your back. I was trying to help you." Seth explained.

As soon as the Sellout and Outspoken diva locked eyes, the doctor felt tension in the room and quickly left.

"I hate damn much..." She muttered as she glared at him.

Seth grinned. "Oh, so now you hate me, huh? I doubt that."

"Just go away, all right? I don't want anything to do with you."

"And yet you truly haven't done anything to keep me away. I think you like having me around,"

"Seth..." she warned.

"All right, all right. I tried to be nice. Fine. I'll go. But I hope you get better and beat Rosa on Sunday," He presented her with a bag.

"What is that?" She raised a brow as she removed the ice pack off her neck.

She started to get suspicious of what was in the bag. But she saw Seth...smiling? Not smirking, or giving her a smug look, but a smile. Just like the smiles he would give her when they were a part of The Shield. Just like the good days.

Suddenly he placed a hand on her cheek as she gave him an incredulous look.

"I really hope you get better, Morgan. I knew Rosa was gonna attack you. So, I tried to warn you. Rest up." He suddenly kissed her forehead and left the room.

"Uh oh. Bold." JBL said as the crowd got invested at the turn of events.

"H­—hey! You don't just kiss me and leave! Who the hell do you think you are!?" She exclaimed and sighed heavily. "...Battleground can't get here fast enough..."

As she opened the bag, she was surprised to see that it was freshly washed grapes. Eating a few, she shook her head as her eating something from the enemy caught the attention of the crowd.

"Grapes...what are you up to, Rollins?" she murmured.

"More mind games?" Cole wondered.

"Maybe Seth is really trying to be nice." JBL defended.

"I doubt that. Something is up. Maybe he's trying to earn her trust, back?"


During the Battleground PPV, backstage, Morgan was stretching for her match as she got a loud reaction from the crowd.

She was tired of going after Rosa. What will it take for her to back off? She had more important things to deal with, like being a champion. Rosa had become a nuisance ever since she beat her the first time. Morgan couldn't wait to get this match over with so she could leave her alone for good.

"I do not feel like having this pointless match..." Morgan mumbled to Dean. "It's like every time I beat her, she just keeps coming back. I got a feeling she likes getting her ass kicked."

"Have you been trying to stay away from Seth?" Dean asked out of the blue.

His obsession for revenge was strong. He always got even and tonight he will finally be able to get his hands on the Sell Out.

Morgan paused and smiled. "He isn't gonna get to me. Haven't talked to him." She embraced him, while the camera showed her looking worried. "Just focus on your match...not me. Please. I'll be fine."

"I'm glad." He cupped her face and kissed her forehead before leaving.

The camera continued to show her stretching until she heard chucking.

"Yes, he isn't gonna get to me. Haven't talked to him. Just focus on your match...not me. Please, I'll be fine." Seth repeated, making her roll her eyes. "Nice white lie, Morgan,"

"Go away.." She retorted and stopped stretching.

"The clock is ticking, Morgan. This version of you, this person that you're trying to be is going to expire, soon. There's always a dark side to every person. And I'm going to expose that. You're going to come back to me."

"These little crappy mind games you're doing isn't working. So, cut it out..."

"It is working. You know it's working. Morgan, it's OK to be selfish. To do things for yourself. The dark side of you is trying to crack open. I mean, you just lied to Ambrose, saying that you haven't spoken to me. What does that make you? You're coming back to me, Morgan," he smirked and walked away, leaving her upset.


"Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time, Mister Money in The Bank, Seth Rollins," Tom announced as Seth grinned and tapped on his briefcase. "Seth, I wanna get your thoughts tonight, before your match with Dean Ambrose."

"I'm smilin' Tom. You should smile, too. It's a historic night, my friend. Cause tonight is the night that I finally put the dagger in Dean Ambrose, and finish him off, once and for all. You see I dismantled The Shield, he's been like a little cockroach. You know what I'm talkin' about? Just like scurrying around, and then you try to stomp 'em out but you just can't seem to kill em. Tonight that little cockroach, Dean Ambrose, he gets squashed."

Tonight Seth was not messing around. He wanted to destroy Ambrose and take him out of the equation. Then all he had to do next was to become the new WWE World Heavyweight champion.

"And before I do that...I wanna take a second to answer the question that Ambrose so arrogantly posed to me, you know the one...right before I curb stomped his head into oblivion? The answer is no. No, that's not all I got. And Dean Ambrose knows me better than anybody, he knows what I am capable of. And tonight...he is gonna get everything that he bargained for out of me." Seth laughed. "And when I'm finished, with that babbling, out of control, lunatic, when I put him out of his own misery, you can bet, my eyes are gonna be glued to that Fatal Four Way championship match, because...Tom, you may very well be looking at the next WWE World—"

Seth immediately gets cut off by Ambrose, who ambushes him.

"What are you gonna do to me!?" Dean shouted as he continued pummeling down the Money in The Bank winner with punches.

"Hey! Hey! Common! Dean!" Referees and security rushed over to the two and tried to break up the brawl.

"What are you gonna do!?" Dean continued to shout as he grabbed Seth by the hair and tossed him into some work equipment.

"Hey! Hey! Get off of him!" Security shouted as they tried to get a hold of the lunatic, who was all over him.

Dean finally gets restrained, after pushing down a lamp, nearly hitting Seth, while an irate Triple H marches over to the chaos.

"What are you gonna do to me, Seth!?" Dean shouted. "What are you gonna do!?"

"Get him out of here!" Triple H ordered. "Get him out of my building! Get this piece of crap out of my building! You are not gonna screw this up! Get him out of here! I don't wanna see him back in here, either! Get him out!"

Dean gets taken away while Triple H walks over to Seth, who manages to get back up to his feet.

"What the hell was that!?" Seth angrily shouted.

"I mean, I mean, wha—what just happened?" Cole asked. "Triple H just threw Dean Ambrose out of the building?"

"And demanded them to not let him back in," King added.

"The guy's unsafe," JBL commented in a blunt tone.

"Come on, you can't do that."

"I agree with Triple H. Do what's right for the company."

"Of course you do..." King rolled his eyes.

"The question is, what did Dean Ambrose do, though? He attacked Rollins, they were supposed to have a match, coming up, right now. And Triple H has kicked him out of the building. I mean Ambrose has been waiting weeks and weeks for this." Cole recalled.

"And Ambrose's stupid own self, cause himself to not have this match, right now." JBL dissed. "We can blame Dean Ambrose right now because we apparently don't have a match."

"I mean, everything that Dean Ambrose has been put through by Seth Rollins & The Authority for the past couple of weeks...remember last Monday night on Raw—" Cole got cut off.

"And he couldn't wait a few more minutes?!" JBL exclaimed.

"No! No! Triple H is overreacting, what's the difference if the match starts back there, or starts up here?" King pointed out. "They are supposed to fight, anyway."

"Exactly." Cole agreed.

"Because in here it's certified, you have a referee, you have a match, that was not a match." JBL said. "It's a lunatic out of control. Let's just hope his girlfriend doesn't lose her mind tonight, either. Bad enough we got one crazed person out of control tonight. But with two, all hell will break loose."


After AJ's match against Paige, the titantron shows the backstage area. The crowd gave Rosa loud boos as she sat getting her hair & makeup done.

"I cannot wait until my match. Beating Morgan is going to be such an accomplishment. I mean, I beat her before, but this time she'll be gone. Away from the WWE. Ugh, it's such a dream come true. I mean Morgan is bipolar...friggin' crazy...she needs help. Professional help." Rosa ranted.

The reception of the crowd turned positive when they saw the Outspoken Diva walking towards her, from behind. She wore her wrestling skinny jeans, and Morgan themed crop top with a denim jacket, instead of her hoodie, revealing her new attire. Her hair was getting longer again as well. It was almost near the middle of her back again, as it was in a loose and curly hairstyle.

Rosa's foe gently tapped on the makeup artist's shoulder and politely asked her to leave, which she happily obeyed.

"Uh oh," Cole mumbled while Morgan opened up some blush.

"I mean, I don't get why everyone likes her. She sucks at wrestling. She has no personality. She acts like a wannabe Harley Quinn hey what are you doing?" Rosa brushed the blush off her arms and got out of the chair.

She turned around to witness the Outspoken Diva behind her the whole time, sprinkling blush on top of her head.

"Hey! Are you kidding me!?" She picked up the chair, she was sitting in, and threw it across the hallway, near Morgan, but she moved out of the way.

Morgan punches her in the face and spears her onto the make up table as the crowd cheers.

"Someone get help! Morgan what are you doing!? You have a match tonight!" JBL shouted while Rosa screamed.

The Outspoken Diva starts throwing Rosa's head up and down on the make up table before getting grabbed by a small army of referees and security.

"Hey! Hey! Morgan! Get off her!" The security guards shouted.

"Get her away from me! You're crazy!" Rosa screamed.

"Get off of me!" Morgan shouted as she got taken away.

"Control yourself!" A referee shouted back, trying to calm her down.

Triple H jogs up to Rosa and helps her up. "The hell happened?" He asks.

"Morgan happened! I hate her! I do not want to be in the same ring as her tonight. Call the match off! Do something! She's out of control and isn't ring ready for me." Rosa grabbed him by his jacket.

"Rosa, I got it." He reassured.

"No! I want something done, now! She has to GO! NOW!"

"Relax," he said in a calm tone.

"I can't believe this...Morgan had no right to do that. The woman was just getting her hair and make up done!" JBL criticized.

"I would always watch my back if you have Morgan on your bad side. Rosa should have seen that coming." King recalled.

Later on with Morgan, she stood backstage, trying to take some of the make up off her jacket.

"Quite the brawl you got into back there." Seth walked up to her.

"Ah. Quite the head you got there," she replied.

"I am the genius and creator of The Shield, after all." He boasted.

"No," she replied in a blunt tone, stopping what she was doing as she turned to face him. "You see if your head wasn't shoved so far up Triple H's ass, you'd see how much of a sellout you are. Oh, by the way, watch your back. Dean could be anywhere. He could be watching us, right now."

"Watching?" Seth looked confused.

"I mean, you didn't actually think I would lie to Dean, did you? All part of the plan," She patted his back, while chucking, before walking away, leaving Seth looking around, backstage, worried for his well­ being.

"Did Rollins just get outsmarted?" Cole asked as the crowd cheered loudly. "It seems like all those worried looks Morgan would give Ambrose was just an act to fool The Authority. It seemed to have worked,"

"I knew Ambrose & Morgan were up to something. I'm glad she really didn't lie to Dean." King praised.

"Great...this is just perfect...more chaos tonight, I can already feel it," JBL grumbled.


'WWE Exclusive Video'

Morgan was leaning on the wall, on her phone. She looked up and watched Triple H walk backstage, heading to his office while Rollins headed out to the ring. Looking around to see if the coast was clear, she opened the storage closet, to reveal Dean.

"He's headed to the ring." She grabbed his hand and led him to the gorilla.

A nearby referee witnessed Ambrose and Morgan, together. He was about to go tell The Authority, but Morgan grabbed him by the back of his shirt, giving him a threatening look.

She said in a low, threatening voice, "Don't do that." while shaking her head.

The referee nodded quickly and walked away, looking scared.

She exhaled. "This is the best I can do. Punch him in the face for me, okay?"

Dean smirked and nodded. "Gladly. You didn't have to do this."

She grinned and shrugged. "Hey, Harley always got a plan. All right, I gotta go. Good luck out there." She turned around but he grabbed her hand.

She turned back around to face him, wondering what else he wanted. He wrapped an arm around her waist, gazing into her fierce eyes before he met her lips with his. Even though he was still mad at Rollins, his kiss was surprisingly tender and passionate. Morgan, surprised at the sudden kiss, began to kiss back, wrapping her arms around his neck. She got backed up into the wall, while Dean smirked into the kiss, not surprised at tasting her grape flavored ChapStick.

They heard Justin announcing Seth Rollins, as the crowd booed. As much as Dean didn't want to stop, he released her. Morgan, catching her breath from the heated kiss she had just received, ran a hand through her hair.

"Thanks, baby." He smiled. "I appreciate you doing this for me."

"No problem. Kick ass out there."

She received a wink from her boyfriend, before leaving him to his dirty deeds.


After the Intercontinental championship battle royal, Rosa got in the ring, as the crowd gave her boos.

"I guess you're waiting for Morgan to kick my butt, tonight, right?" She asked as the crowd cheered in response. "Well, too bad! She's not going to face me, tonight! The match is off! I will not be in the ring with a crazed woman. She needs to get her act together. I mean, I could get injured by her. And none of you want me injured, right?"

She scowled as soon as the crowd chanted 'Yes!' and shook her head.

"How dare you!?" She got out of the ring and jumped over the barricade. "You! Who is your favorite WWE Diva?" She asked a male audience member, in his early 30s.

"AJ!" He shouted with excitement as the fans cheered and high fived him.

She scoffed "You're not a real WWE Diva fan. What about you grandma?" She asked a nearby elderly woman.

"I love Naomi." She replied with a sweet smile.

Rosa sighed. "What about you, tattoo artist?" she looked at a woman, covered in tattoos, in disgust. She looked to be in her early 20s, and had a Morgan themed tank top, on.

"Morgan all the way." The woman smirked.

She rolled her eyes. "Typical..." She continued to walk around. "Who is your favorite WWE Diva?"

"Eva!" A man shouted, earning some boos and laughs from the crowd.

"Are you joking? You would pick Eva instead of me? Ugh...And what about you, ladies?"

"The Bella Twins!" A group of teen girls shout with excitement, before waving at the camera.

Rosa rolled her eyes again and continued to walk around. This was ridiculous. She didn't find one fan yet. She might as well ask the kids.

"What about you little girl? Don't you love a role model, like me?" She kneeled to the eight year old girl.

"Is she serious, right now?" King asked with amusement as Cole laughed.

The little girl shyly smiled and timidly said, "M—­Morgan is my favorite WWE Diva. She's so awesome and nice and bubbly and pretty and she looks so cute with Dean."

The crowd cheered again, while Rosa stood up and glared at her.

"You haven't raised your child, right." She dissed her parents, as some nearby audience members 'Oohed!'

"Oh come on, Rosa." King called out.

"Hey! She's right. Rosa is a great WWE Diva." JBL defended.

"Let's see if the parents were raised right. Who is your favorite WWE Diva?"  

"Natalya." The mother, in her late 40s, replied with a grin.

"Oh, real cute," Rosa replied in a harsh tone. "And what about you, pops?"

The husband stood up and said, "Paige!"

"Ugh! Is there anyone who isn't stupid? Is there anyone who has me as their favorite diva!?" Rosa shouted. "All of you have no taste!"

The crowd cheered loudly when they saw Morgan running her way, through the crowd.

"Uh oh! Watch your back, Rosa!" Cole warned.

"Oh, this is gonna be good!" King looked on with anticipation.

"What about you, college boys?" Rosa went over to a group of guys in their early 20s and sat on one of their laps. "Don't you love a diva who is all woman?" She played with his short black hair.

"Yo! She's sitting on your lap, bro!" The second college boy exclaimed.

The first college boy was grinning like an idiot, having Rosa on his lap. The third and fourth started taking videos of their friend with Rosa.

"So who's your favorite diva?" Rosa smiled in a flirty way and caressed his face.

"Uh..." The first college boy nervously chuckled.

"Don't be shy. Tell the truth." She added in a sultry voice. The college boy glanced at his friends, still enjoying having Rosa on his lap. "Tell everyone who you think is the hottest WWE Diva. Who you fantasize about. Who you adore and cheer for every week."

"Morgan." He replied proudly.

The crowd erupted in loud cheers while Rosa's smile dropped into a frown.

"Damn!" The college boy's friends yelled.

"Tonight is not Rosa's night, is it?" Cole chuckled as Rosa got off his lap.

Meanwhile, Morgan was hugging and taking a picture with the little girl and woman with the tattoos, thanking them for their support.

"Are you kidding me!?" Rosa shouted. "All of you stupid people would pick Morgan, instead of me!? All the other divas, instead of me!?"

The crowd cheered loudly when Morgan finally reached Rosa.

She turns her around and snatches the microphone from her.

"Hey!" Rosa shouted before getting hit in the head with the microphone.

"Pipebomb!" The college boys shout.

"Here we go!" Cole shouted while Morgan started unloading on Rosa. They leaned up against the barricade before she tossed Rosa over it. "Looks like they're picking up where they left off, earlier tonight!"

Before Morgan jumps over the barricade, she heads over to the college boy, smiling and kissing him on the cheek.

"I love you." he grinned.

"Aw. Love you, too." Morgan beamed and took a quick photo with him.

"Will you marry me?"

"You're too cute." She giggled, while he high fived his friends.

She turns her attention back to the thorn in her side and jumps over the barricade. Rosa ambushes her and they both tumble down as Rosa strikes her with punches. She starts screaming as soon as Morgan gets on top, and viciously strikes her in the face, several times.

"Ladies, break it up!" Referees and security shout as they start to separate the two.

Morgan gets restrained by the referees as they wrap their arms around her waist, while the crowd boos. Rosa manages to get some free shots by kicking Morgan, wherever she can.

"This is brutal! These two hate each other!" King exclaimed as Morgan started to get taken up the ramp.

"Get her out of here! Get her out of here! You crazy bitch! You piece of trash!" Rosa started kicking and screaming.

As soon as both divas, manage to get up to the stage, Morgan escapes the referees and leaps on top of Rosa, and a few security guards, making them all fall down.

"I knew she wasn't gonna let her off the hook, so easily!" King exclaimed as the two divas started rolling down the ramp while trying to strike each other.

Morgan stands up and tosses Rosa into the barricade. Rosa yells out in pain and rubs her back, before getting grabbed by her hair as she gets thrown into a ring post.

"All the frustration, the mind games, the smart remarks, all the attacks, everything that Rosa has done to Morgan all these months, is getting shown right here," Cole looked on as the referees and security desperately tried to pull Morgan off of her.

The spitfire finally gets pulled off of Rosa, by the guards. Rosa scrambles into the ring, with Morgan high on her tail.

"Well, Morgan still wants her match," Cole added, as the Outspoken Diva tried to get in the ring, but got arms wrapped around her waist, by security guards.

"Get the hell off of me!" The Philly Diva screamed and punched a security guard in the face, as the crowd cheered loudly, not expecting her to strike one of them.

The security guard, was Jamie Noble, as he stumbled back and rubbed his jaw.

"Morgan! Morgan! Calm down!" Joey Mercury, another security guard, shouted as he grabbed her by the waist.

He lifts her up in the air, a little, and takes a few steps back, trying to take her backstage.

"I said get off!" she screamed in anger and elbowed him in his head.

She turns around and kicks him in the stomach, before throwing elbows and punches. Joey desperately tries to keep her under control, by trying to grab her arms, but fails. King screams in a high pitched voice, as The Outspoken Diva starts beating up the security guards, with punches, elbows, and kicks, to pry them off her.

"She just punched a security guard! Arrest her! She's assaulting referees and security guards! She's crazy! She's insane! Arrest her!" JBL shouted.

The crowd was loving it. It's not every day you see a WWE Superstar, or diva, for that matter, attack referees and security guards.

"Would somebody take this spitfire out of the building!?" JBL continued to complain.

"Get her out of here!" Fit Finlay shouted as he managed to grab Morgan from behind, while other security guards grabbed her arms and legs.

"What will it take to calm this woman down!? Get her out of here!" JBL shouted.

Rosa, who was still in the ring, recovering from the assault, watches Morgan get restrained.

"You're crazy!" Rosa screamed.

"I'll show you crazy!" Morgan screamed back as she managed to free her legs and an arm.

She kneed Fit Finlay in the stomach, before running to the ring, again.

"Oh my God, she is just like her boyfriend! They're both nutcases!" JBL exclaimed while holding his head in annoyance.

Rosa scrambles out of the ring, as soon as Morgan gets in. Hair all in her face, and seething, Morgan stands up and starts pacing around. The referees and security manage to prevent her from leaving the ring, to help Rosa get out of harm's way.

"This is insane!" Cole exclaimed.

Triple H stormed down the ring, with an irate expression. "What the hell are you doing!?" he shouted at the referees and security. "Get her out of here! Get her out of here!"

"Thank you! About time! Do something, Triple H!" JBL cheered.

Triple H roughly takes off his jacket, and loosens his tie, before taking it off and unbuttons the first three buttons of his shirt.

"You are not gonna ruin this for me!" He tried to get in the ring but the security intervened and held him back.

"Good grief!" King shouted.

"Get her, Triple H! Get her!" JBL cheered.

"What are you gonna do?! What are you gonna do!?" Morgan yelled, taking off her denim jacket as she put her arms out, waiting to see what the COO was going to do. "What are you gonna do, huh!?"

'This is Awesome!' chants began to occur as Melanie fought the smile that was trying to come across her face, getting to have this moment with Triple H. As she continued to hear him shout in character, she quickly bounced back and maintained an angry expression.

"I'm sick of this crap! I'm sick of it!" Triple H continued to shout.

"Do something! Do something!" she shouted back.

"The heck is she thinking!?" JBL exclaimed. "She's gonna get fired! She's out of here for sure! Fire her! Fire her, Triple H! This is too much chaos in one night! First Ambrose, now Morgan!? This is ridiculous! Fire her! Fire her, now!"

"Would you shut up!? Rosa had this coming. And everyone knows how wild Morgan can get when she's angry." King snapped.

After a minute of getting retrained, Triple H punches the security guards away from him, and gets in the ring, as the crowd cheers loudly.

"Oh boy," King said, in a worried tone.

Morgan looks enraged as she locks eyes with the COO. Her facial expression showed a scowl. Meanwhile, Triple H's face was red with rage as she witnessed a vein popping out of his neck.

"Uh oh! Uh oh! What is Triple H about to do!?" Cole shouted.

"Let's get ready to rumble~!" JBL laughed. "Morgan has really done it now."

"Morgan didn't do anything wrong. Let her fight!" King retorted as security and referees separated the COO and Outspoken Diva.

The crowd was cheering in anticipation, feeling a fight.

"Morgan! Calm down!" Referees shouted as she was backed up into a corner, while The COO was getting backed up in the corner, across from her.

"All right. All right. I'm fine. I'm fine." Morgan put her hands up in defense.

"You are gonna get it! I'm so friggin' tired of your crap! I am so friggin' tired!" Triple H yelled.

Suddenly, she jumps over the referees as she nearly gets across the ring, but they manage to hold her back.

"I am afraid of what's gonna happen," Cole said.

"Hunter! Hunter! Let's go! Out of the ring!" Security shouted as the crowd booed loudly.

The COO gets escorted out of the ring, where he meets up with Rosa.

"Darn it..." King frowned.

Morgan looks at the crowd. She wasn't going to let them be unhappy. She quickly runs up to the corner, facing the ramp, and gets on the top rope. Referees rush up to her, trying to convince her to get down.

"What is she doing, now!?" JBL exclaimed. "Get her down!"

"Oh boy! Look out!" King shouted in a high pitched voice as they witnessed Morgan perform a crossbody on Triple H, Rosa, and the security.

The crowd was cheering like crazy as she went after the COO, unloading on him with elbows, and punches. Anything to get some hits.

"What is she doing!? You can't put your hands on the COO of this company! Arrest her!" JBL yelled.

Loud 'Holy shit' chants surround the arena while Morgan starts kicking and screaming as she gets restrained by the referees.

"Morgan is fighting everybody!" Cole shouted.

"I am going to kill you! You are finished! Done!" Triple H managed to get back on his feet and grabbed her by the hair, despite getting pulled back by security.

Celeste tweets 'HOLY CRAP! WWEMorgan101 has gone CRAZY! I love it! #MorganOnTheLoose'

"Who do you think you are!? I am the COO of this company! I created you in this business! And I will take you out! You think you can do this to me!?" The COO was seeing red and he put his hands on her neck.

Morgan, manages to grab a hold of his wrists, trying to get his hands off her neck.

"Stop! Stop!" Referees and security guards shouted. "Get off of her! Enough! That's enough!"

"Get your damn hands off of me!" she managed to give him a kick in the balls as King yelled again in a high pitched voice.

"She just low blowed the boss!" Cole shouted.

"She is going to get so many consequences from this..." JBL guaranteed.

"Morgan! That's enough!" Security shouted.

Celeste tweets 'Why bother breaking it up? All hell has gone loose!'

"Get her out of here! Get that crazy homicidal bitch out of here!" Rosa shouted.

Morgan gets backed up by security and referees near the commentating table.

"Morgan! Do you think before you do things!? You're gonna get fired over this!" JBL shouted.

Morgan snapped her head towards JBL and stormed up to him, gripping him by the jacket. "I don't care!" she screamed in his face.

King laughs as she shoves him back into his chair. She searches under the ring and grabs a chair.

"All right, I'm calling 911, now." JBL took out his phone.

"You deserved that, John," King said with amusement.

As soon as the Outspoken Diva takes out the chair, the referees and security get defensive.

"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Morgan! Put the chair down! Put it down! Enough!" They shouted as the crowd cheered her on.

The spitfire starts pacing back and forth before slamming the chair on top of the announce table while screaming.

"Somebody calm her down!" JBL yelled.

"You do it since you want to so bad," King replied.

Morgan throws the chair away and goes right after Rosa again, who was trying to help Triple H up.

"Watch your back!" Cole warned as Morgan grabbed Rosa from behind and laid her out with the Morganizer.

The crowd booed once security managed to pick The Outspoken Diva up and begin taking her to the back as her theme came on.

"Morgan just made a statement!" Cole shouted.

"A dumb one. It's a ticket to unemployment." JBL criticized. "Can't believe she attacked me."

"You shouldn't have been running your mouth." King retorted as Triple H struggled to get up while gritting his teeth, in pain.

"Come on. We need to get you checked out." A referee helped him out.

"Get off of me! Get off!" The COO shoved him away. "I want Morgan. Now." He ordered.

"That's not a good idea—"



On Raw, Melanie was backstage, watching RAW with April and Celeste, who came to visit.

"I cannot believe you went at it with Triple H," Celeste said in amazement.

"That was friggin' awesome. You two going to have a singles match against each other in the future?" April asked.

Melanie grinned. "Fingers crossed. I'd love to face him. Call it a taste of what could happen in the future if the demand is high enough,"

Later as she and April head to catering, they see a big bowl of grapes just for Melanie, as it had the name 'Morgan' on it.

"Time for grapes!" Melanie immediately attacked the bowl.

"Hey! I want some!" April tried to grab some but the Philly Diva blocked her way.

"Aye! Aye! I'm trying to eat my grapes, here. Give me some privacy. Get your own!"

"You can't share? Give me some!" April managed to snatch some from her hand and shoved them in her mouth.

"April! Those are mine! There's another grape bowl over there for everyone else!"

"Haha! Nope!" she teased and grabbed the nicely sealed grape bowl, running away with it.

"Hey! Come back here!" Melanie ran after her.

"Hey dudes, grapes, hide em. Beware of the grape monster. Bye!" April dashed away after giving Jon a bowl of grapes.

"What the—oh no way, you take it." Jon gave Colby the bowl of grapes.

"Hell no, man. I don't want to get speared." Colby gave it to Joe.

"Just because I do spears, doesn't mean I want to get hit by one." Joe gave it back to Colby.

They started passing around the grape bowl like a hot potato, not looking forward to dealing with Melanie's wrath. Melanie always got defensive about her grapes. She was very passionate about them in catering.

"Hey, Heath! Here you want some grapes?" Colby gave Heath the bowl.

"Thanks, man." Heath walked off with the bowl as he sighed out of relief.

"Oh my God! You killed Heath!" Jon exclaimed.

"You bastard!" Joe punched Colby in the arm.

"He'll live...barley." Colby laughed.

The Outspoken Diva walked around backstage. She asked whoever she could find where April would be at. She wanted her grapes back. And she will get her grapes back. She always gets her grapes back.


"Hey, look what I got? These grapes are good. Haven't had them in a while." Heath started popping them in his mouth.

"Where'd you get them?" Nic asked, getting off of his Twitter account.

"Colby and the guys gave them to me."

Nic looked alarmed. "Wait. Dude, those are MELANIE'S grapes!"

"Oh shit!" Heath quickly left the table and dashed to the men's locker room.

"Aye! Don't leave them with me! I don't want to get attacked!" Nic helplessly looked at the bowl. He saw Jon and quickly put it in his hands. "See ya, bye!"

"Hey! I don't want this!" Jon called out but Nic quickly ran away.

"Where are my grapes!?" Jon heard Melanie's demanding voice, nearby.

Being so alarmed by her voice, he almost dropped the bowl but managed to catch it. He mentally thanked his reflexes as he ran around backstage to find April, and saw her hanging out with Celeste and Ettore.

"You started this. You end it." Jon handed the bowl back to April.

"Oh, come on!" April whined.

"Hey!" Melanie shouted across the hallway and started running after the four of them.

"Ah!" April shrieked and set the bowl down on a table while running away with everyone else.

"Are you guys serious?" She checked on her grape bowl. She turns around, only to get smacked in the face by grape pie.

"Smack cam!" A goofy laugh filled Melanie's ears.

The pie felt cold like it had been in the refrigerator. She removed the pan from her face and slowly wiped the pie off her eyes, and mouth.

"Damn! I got you, good!" Colby laughed.

Melanie laughed with him while he playfully punched her shoulder. All of a sudden, she ceased her laugh and frowned at him.

"Oh shit " He tried to run away but The Outspoken diva jumped on his back, making him fall down on his chest, leaving him in her wrath.

Meanwhile, Celeste, Jon, Joe, April, Heath, Nic, and Ettore came back and laughed at Colby, who was getting beat up.

"Why are you laughing? You guys are next!" She got up and ran after them, laughing to herself as she heard them scream and yell for help.


Later, as soon as they showed Stephanie getting arrested on TV, Morgan tweeted, 'Stephanie is a #SmoothCriminal. This is an awesome night. Still laughing.'

Dean walks out to the ring, as the crowd gets him a loud pop.

"The wild one. Last night, Dean Ambrose and Morgan Lopez went crazy. Dean Ambrose, not one, not two, but three brawls Seth Rollins last night. Triple H called Ambrose unfinished business. So, he's putting Cesaro in Ambrose's way." Cole said.

"Unfortunately tonight, Morgan has been suspended without pay, until this Friday for Smackdown. The Authority has also ordered that Morgan will be in a handicap match." He informed.

"This is ridiculous! She doesn't deserve this!" King exclaimed.

"Oh yeah? Tell that to the COO. She deserves it. She shouldn't have put her hands on him!" JBL defended. "Last night, Morgan got into two brawls with Rosa and got physical with the COO of the company. Another thing, she helped Dean Ambrose get back in the building last night! She has every right to get suspended. Some WWE Diva she is...And I really think Triple H should have given her a more extreme punishment. Like firing her. Suspending her longer. Giving her a fine. Something else."

"You're just mad because she put her hands on you." King retorted.

Dean loses his match via DQ after hitting Cesaro with a steel chair. He starts throwing chairs into the ring but Cesaro rolls out the ring.

"Is that all you got?" Ambrose's eyes widened.

He sets a chair down and sits on it backward.

Morgan tweets 'My sexy #LeatherJacketBadass is taking charge tonight. Look out WWERollins. And remember, watch your back!'

Later backstage, Rosa was with Renee Young for an interview.

"Ladies and gentlemen—­" Renee got cut off by Rosa who snatched the microphone from her.

"Hi, Renee. You're friends with Morgan, right?" she smiled.

"I am but what does that­—"

"I wonder how far Morgan will go to save her friends," she smirked and walked away, leaving Renee speechless.

"I don't like that smirk. I have a feeling Rosa is going to do something in the near future." Cole said with concern.

"I hope not..." King replied.

Morgan tweets 'LaRosaMendes DON'T go after my friends. ESPECIALLY ReneeYoungWWE. She has nothing to do with this. Don't put her in our business. Leave her alone.'

'Backstage pass'

"Dean, your DQ tonight over Cesaro, was that Dean Ambrose sending a message, to Seth Rollins?" Eden asked.

"Hey, it's just me doing what I gotta do to survive around here. That's just me getting a clean victory. That counts as a clean victory, right?" he asked. "Cause like, if Seth Rollins gets a forfeit win, over a guy that's not even in the building, at Battleground, then how come that doesn't count, as a win, huh? Same thing, right? Okay, I'm sorry, I'm complaining. I'm making trouble. I'm being irresponsible. I apologize. I apologize, everybody. Here's what I wanna know. How is Stephanie McMahon? Has anybody heard from Stephanie McMahon? She in jail, tonight?"

"Stephanie." He looked at the camera. "Stephanie, I have a message for ya, I hope you can hear me. I'm gonna try to get a hold of you, tonight and get you some phone numbers, of some guys that I know that gotten me out of similar situations, that you're in tonight. The names are Sneaky Pete, and Fat Tony the good guy, they're...they're good at what they do guys, and they helped Morg and I out in the past before. Although Morgan was much luckier, but anyway, I want you to know somethin' all right? If any of those big burley women in jail, tonight, try to mess with you or try to push you, you stand up to them, okay? Because you're a McMahon, all right? Stay strong Stephanie, we're all prayin' for ya."

Morgan tweets 'LMAO! Sneaky Pete...Yep, they helped me out a lot back then. Bar fights...Glad I was lucky. #LuckyCharm # StephanieTheJailBird'


Once Smackdown came along, Morgan was in the ring, getting ready for her match.

"As you can see, Morgan is getting set for her four on one handicap match. I have to admit, this is unfair. I feel like Triple H should have done something else, instead of this punishment match." Cole said.

"He did the right thing. She needs this. She needs this beating so she can get her act together. She isn't going to be off the hook for putting her hands on her boss." JBL criticized.

Morgan glances at the divas in the ring. Summer Rae, Eva, Alicia, And Cameron. She is in no mood for this match as she crosses her arms, leaning on the turnbuckle.

'Ding Ding Ding'

"And here we go wait a minute!" Cole shouted as Rosa slid into the ring and attacked Morgan from behind. "This was a setup!"

The crowd boos as Rosa takes off her heels and starts beating Morgan down with them.

"She deserves this beating. She asked for this." JBL replied as the Philly Diva got ambushed by the divas.

Cameron grabs Morgan by the hair but gets punched in the face.

"She's fighting back!" Cole said as the crowd cheered.

She starts to hold her own as she punches every diva away from her. But Summer and Eva get a hold of her arms, giving Cameron and Alicia the advantage to kick her in the stomach. Morgan falls down on her knees, while Alicia prepares for the scissors kick.

"What a shot by Alicia!" Cole exclaimed.

"Pick her up, again!" Rosa ordered as the divas lay her out with their signature moves.

"Morgan is helpless," Cole said as Rosa grabbed a chair and set it in the middle of the ring.

She grabbed Morgan by her hair and gave her a dirty look. "WHEN are you going to LEARN to stay down and know your place around here? This isn't 2013! The Shield is no more! You're irrelevant to this company! You're nothing without The Shield! Just give up! And I promise, if you continue to stay here, we are going to make your life a living hell." She shoved her away.

Morgan felt groggy as she slowly started to get up to her feet with the support of the chair. The crowd 'Ohs' as soon as Rosa hits her with a swinging neckbreaker on the chair. Then, Eva gives her a microphone.

"1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10." She laughed and taunted the crowd with the divas as her theme came on.

Morgan rubs the back of her neck and glares at Rosa, as she exits the ring.

"Rosa has made a statement. But I don't Morgan is going to give up so easily," Cole said as she got from a referee in the ring.

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7 months ago

Forced To Believe Chapter 72- I Win (All Hell Breaks Loose)

Forced To Believe Chapter 72- I Win (All Hell Breaks Loose)

Chapter Summary: All hell breaks loose as Morgan shocks the world when she watches Ambrose and Rollins go at it at SummerSlam.

Words: 5,000+

Author's Note: Relax....


Backstage as Melanie and Milena walked together, the duo received a standing ovation from everyone which got them emotional. Their rivalry was over. And now those two were headed to different storylines after tonight. It was bittersweet as they were praised for their hard work despite the time cut on the match.

After numerous conversations with staff and their peers, Brie rushed over to them.

"Oh my God! You two scared the crap out of me, during that whole match!" Brie said to them. "How are you two still standing!?"

Melanie laughed and smiled at Milena. "We did good. If you excuse me, I seriously need a doctor to get rid of all these crazy thumbtacks. Thanks Milena."

"No problem!" Milena replied with a giggle.

"Grapes, that match was awesome." Randy hugged her.

"OW! OW!" She yelled.

"Aw crap! Sorry!" He pulled away and backed up, but showed a half smile when he saw her laughing.

"Joking! The look on your face was priceless. I'm okay. The pain isn't that bad anymore. And thanks."

"I hate it when you do that."

"I love you too, buddy!" She gave him a pat on the back and began walking around backstage, to the trainer's room.

Everywhere she went, her and Milena would receive compliments and praises for the match, despite how short it was. It made them smile at how much respect they were earning from the locker room.

SummerSlam continued to go off with a great start with WWE's favorite show off winning the intercontinental championship. Then they showed Paige going up against AJ for the Diva's Championship. Melanie watched as AJ started pulling Paige's hair out, from the diva's locker room.

She laughed when she heard Paige yell "What the hell!?"

Melanie had on skinny jeans, boots, and a Dean Ambrose Unstable shirt that was cropped and showed her right shoulder, along with her fingerless gloves. Luckily all the thumbtacks she had been pulled out and she took a shower to wash off the blood while placing ointment on her wounds. As she looked at the TV again, she saw that Paige won the championship again, and on her 22nd birthday.

She headed out of the locker room to meet up with Jon at the gorilla while Rusev had his match against Jack. She saw her Lunatic already in his wrestling attire, and a Dean Ambrose themed hoodie, checking himself out in a mirror.

"And...I look like crap." He rasped out.

"Haha! You look cute." She embraced him.

"Saw your match. Badass. Those thumbtacks made me think about Christina."

"I thought about her, too."

"You did great out there. I'm proud of you." He smiled at her.

"Thank you." She returned the smile and kissed him softly. "Now lemme do something about this." She tried to do something with his hair.

"It's already ruined; you're making it worse!"

"Aye! I'm making it better!"


"Get a room!" Colby chuckled as he stood by them, with his briefcase.

"Shut up, Colby." Jon and Melanie simultaneously say.


For one final Rosa segment, Rosa was getting treated in the trainer's room, clearly exhausted and defeated. The crowd cheered when Triple H came into the room. Triple H wasn't too pleased with her as he eyed her down, shaking his head.

"You're out," he declared, officially kicking her out of everything associated with The Authority.

Shocked at the sudden news, Rosa began to freak out as she begged him while he left the room. "W—wait! Wait, Hunter, please!"

As the screen transitioned back to the ring, the Lumberjacks surrounded the ring, and they were Big E, Bo Dallas, Cesaro, Curtis Axel, Ryback, Damien Sandow, Luke & Erick, Fandango, Goldust & Stardust, Heath, Jimmy & Jey, Kofi, RVD, Sin Cara, and Titus.

"Well, it looks like that is the last of Rosa Mendes associating herself with The Authority," Cole said as he shook his head.

"She couldn't get the job done. Morgan prevailed. The Authority saw her as a weak link. Gotta get rid of the dead weight," JBL bluntly said.

"Almost every one of these men were at sometime victims of the former Shield." Cole informed as the camera showed all of the lumberjacks.

"I'm not sure I want to be surrounded by the ring, with 20 people who don't like me." JBL stated as Seth's theme came on with him walking out with his briefcase.

"The following contest is scheduled for one fall, and it is the Lumberjack match! Introducing first, from Davenport, Iowa, weighing 217 pounds, Mister Money in The Bank, Seth Rollins!" Lilian announced.

Cole starts acknowledging some celebrities in the crowd, while Seth raises up his briefcase on the top rope, before jumping off. Dean's theme comes on, to a big pop.

"And his opponent, being accompanied by Morgan Lopez, from Cincinnati, Ohio, weighing in at 225 pounds, Dean Ambrose!" Lilian announced.

"The fact that Morgan is still walking around with her head up high after the most insane opening women's match is beyond me. She had thumbtacks all over her body earlier tonight and she is good as new. Talk about strength," King informed.

"Shades of Chyna flowing through her veins," Cole praised.

Morgan seriously did not want to see these two kill each other but it had to be done. Dean needed closure and wanted to get even with Seth, after what he did, these past months. And having a strong feeling Kane or even Triple H was going to come out and interrupt the match, made her blood boil. She just had to come out here and keep a close eye.

"Why is she here? She has no business out here!" JBL shouted as the couple held hands and walked down the ramp.

"Actually, she does have business out here. She's just as involved in this situation, as Dean. And Morgan isn't stupid. She knows The Authority is going to try something. So, why not be at ringside to keep a close eye." King countered.

"Here we go guys, this has been building, and building for months," Cole said.

Dean takes off his jacket and gives it to Morgan. The couple stop at the end of the ramp and she gives him a sweet kiss on the lips, before walking around ringside, placing his jacket near the timekeeper's area.

Ambrose gets in the ring and has a stare down with Rollins. Meanwhile, all the lumberjacks move out of Morgan's way, still acknowledging the match she just had. The men knew not to even think about putting their hands on her.

If there was one thing that Morgan was sure of, is that as soon as that bell rings, all hell was going to break loose. And boy was she ever right.

'Ding Ding Ding'

The Outspoken Diva heard the bell ring as she stood by, near the time keeper's area, leaning on the barricade.

"And here we go!" Cole shouted as Ambrose & Rollins started brawling back and forth. "These former best friends, buddies who grew up in this industry, together, now going after one another."

Dean catches Seth with an elbow, dropping him down.

"This may turn into a slug fest inside and outside the ring," King said. "I wonder what's going through the mind of Morgan as she watches these two go at it."

"Would you stop worrying about her? She's fine." JBL replied.

Dean starts stomping away at Seth, seated in a corner. He tosses Seth across the ring as Seth rolls over to the edge. Stardust, Goldust, and Titus shove him back instead, making Morgan laugh.

"Come on!" Seth shouted at the Lumberjacks.

He turns around to get blasted back down by Dean. Moments later, he clotheslines Seth out of the ring, and he gets shoved back inside by the Lumberjacks.

"So, far guys, Ambrose has gotta be liking this stipulation that he picked," Cole said as Dean stomped on Seth's stomach, making him yell out in pain. "Ambrose has gotta be loving this."

"This is exactly what Dean Ambrose wanted. Seth Rollins, in the ring, where he can get his hands on him. No place for Seth Rollins to go—oh the nose!" King shouted as he trapped Seth in a submission and gripped his nose back, making him yell out in pain.

Morgan looks on with an amused facial expression. This was priceless.

"Ambrose is gonna punish Rollins. He's gonna torture Rollins." Cole guaranteed.

Dean gives Seth a chop to the chest, as the crowd 'Woos' in response. He drags Seth's face into the ropes but gets kicked in the midsection and tossed out the ring.

"He built Dean Ambrose. Ambrose should thank him." JBL stated.

"Wait a minute, did you just say he built Dean Ambrose?" Cole asked.


"Oh, and now Ambrose tossed out." Cole looked on but then Dean punched Fandango and Damien before sliding back in the ring, unloading on Seth. "And Ambrose is not gonna go in quietly. That's one way to go about it. Now Ambrose taking down Rollins."

Seth manages to hit him with a reverse STO into the turnbuckle, gaining the upper hand. Seth runs to the ropes and dropkicks Ambrose out of the ring. Still holding a grudge, Bo Dallas, Fandango, and Damien begin stomping down on Dean.

"Oh and look out. The Lumberjacks." Cole pointed out.

"Aye! The heck are you doing!?" Morgan shouted as the heel Lumberjacks continued to beat down Ambrose.

The face Lumberjacks try to break it up while Dean gets thrown back into the ring. Seth gets on top of Ambrose and continues pummeling him down with punches.

"Rollins called Dean Ambrose a hellcat with rabies, and a bipolar nutjob." Cole quoted.

"I dunno if he has rabies but everything else is true." JBL agreed.

Seth hits Dean with a knee to the face, as he was laid out, on the mat, and goes for a pin.

"1!" The referee counted but Dean managed to kick out.

Dean begins fighting back with punches but gets irish whipped into a corner. Seth runs to attack but gets kicked back. Dean gets on the top rope, with his back to Rollins. Rollins takes advantage and catches Ambrose in the tree of woe. This catches Morgan's attention and she starts to look worried.

"Déjà vu. We saw Morgan in this position, earlier tonight." Cole recalled as Seth stomped away on Dean and then he fell off, clenching his stomach.

Seth puts Dean in an arm bar while the crowd begins to clap, to motivate him. Ambrose begins gaining more momentum and tries to go for a crossbody but Seth moves out the way. Dean gets on the apron and kicks Luke away, who was near him. Rollins tries to go for a suplex but Dean counters and hits Rollins with the suplex instead, onto the Lumberjacks.

"Whoa!" King shouted as Seth slammed his head on the announce table.

"Rollins! And Ambrose!" Cole shouted as the crowd cheered.

"Man, oh man!"

"Wow! Taking out the Lumberjacks. And this is a dangerous situation for both Rollins and Ambrose, out here." Cole said as the two continued fighting at ringside.

"As I feared." Morgan looked on, amused at the two.

She moves out of harms way as all the Lumberjacks get involved, trying to break the two up. As soon as they do, Dean jumps on top of Rollins and the group holding him back.

"And now Ambrose startin' to brawl. Ambrose brawling out here with the Lumberjacks, trying to get to Seth Rollins." Cole looked on as the Lumberjacks desperately tried to break them up.

"This is melee!" King exclaimed.

Dean and Seth finally get separated but start punching and elbowing the Lumberjacks away from them. Seth runs over to Dean but gets tossed up in the air, over the barricade as he holds his knee.

"Rollins sent over to the WWE fans!" Cole shouted.

Dean tries to get over the barricade but gets Ryback's arms wrapped around his waist, trying to pull him back, along with the other Lumberjacks.

"Just let them fight! It's no use." Morgan mentioned.

The crowd boos once Ambrose gets thrown back into the ring.

"Lumberjacks finally doing their job," JBL said.

"Ambrose now taking out more Lumberjacks!" Cole shouted as he hit them with a suicide dive. Dean got on top of the announce table. "Look—a—look at this! Look at it! Ambrose! Ambrose! Ambrose!"

"Look out!" King shouted in a high pitched voice as he jumped on top of Rollins, in the crowd, taking out Kofi and Bo as well.

"That's my lunatic." Morgan grinned and looked on, entertained.

The crowd cheers as Dean tosses Bo and Kofi back at ringside and goes right after Rollins. Rollins starts running away, through the crowd.

"He's a wild one, ain't he?" RVD grinned at her as the Outspoken Diva nodded in response and chuckled.

"Rollins is trying to escape in the Staples Center but Ambrose is huntin' him down!" Cole looked on while Dean hit Seth from behind.

"I love you, Dean! You're the best, Dean!" A male fan shouted.

Ambrose continues pummeling Seth through the crowd as they go up the steps.

"These Lumberjacks are at ringside, watching the fight!" JBL scolded.

While the two fight in the crowd, the crowd boos loudly when Kane walks out.

"Oh great..." Morgan retorted and rolled her eyes.

This was exactly why she came out here. She knew someone was going to come out and try to ruin the match.

Kane started yelling at the Lumberjacks. "Get them back in the ring! Do your job!"

Dean prepares for the dirty deeds in the crowd until some of the Lumberjacks go and separate the two, earning more boos. The Lumberjacks drag Dean back to the ring, while Rollins continues to escape. He punches Sin Cara and hits his head on the railing.

"Seth's leaving! Seth's leaving!" JBL shouted.

"Seth Rollins has had enough!" Cole said. "I think Rollins is taking off, guys."

"I don't blame him." King replied.

Seth sees the Usos, Big E, and Stardust in front of him. He tries to reason with them but then attempts to jump over them. He fails as he gets caught as the crowd cheers.

"Now they're doing their job!" King added.

"Seth Rollins gonna be dragged back down to the ring, by the Lumberjacks," Cole said.

Morgan starts cracking up as Rollins desperately tries to escape but gets lifted up in the air by the Lumberjacks, Adam Rose style.

"There you go, guys! Get him back in the ring!" JBL shouted.

Dean climbs on the top rope, as the crowd cheers loudly with anticipation.

"Ambrose!" Cole shouted as he leaped on top of Seth and all the Lumberjacks.

Dean sits up and widens his eyes, revealing a crazed look. Kane doesn't look too happy, as he begins to look worried.

"Kane's gonna blow! This is incredible!" Cole said in amazement.

Dean tosses Seth back in the ring as the crowd chants 'This is awesome!'.

Seth gets on his knees, looking groggy as Ambrose makes gun sign and shoots it to the back of Rollins' head.

"Ambrose gonna finish him off here! He's been waiting on this!" JBL said as Dean positioned Seth for the Dirty Deeds.

Seth counters and pushes him away. He kicks him from behind, making Dean lean back, between the ropes to come back with a vicious clothesline.

"Yeah!" Morgan cheered with the crowd.

"Ambrose explodes off the ropes!" Cole shouted.

"Ahh!" King screamed in a high pitched voice as Dean went for the pin.



"Kick out by Rollins!" Cole said with excitement.

Things were really starting to pick up as Kane looks relieved. Ambrose starts to show a cheeky grin.

"What a blast!" King said happily.

Dean begins to show a blank look before getting on his knees, and turning his attention to Rollins. Seth begins gripping his grey tank top, trying to get up. Ambrose stands up and grabs Seth's hair.

"I love you, brother." He kissed his head and ran to the ropes.

He lays Seth out with the curb stomp, making everyone 'Oh!'

Morgan puts her hands over her mouth in shock.

"Curb stomp!" Cole shouted as Dean started to get emotional. "That's Rollins' move!"

"He hit him with his own finish!" JBL shouted.

"Here's the cover and now wait a minute!" Cole shouted as Kane broke up the pin. "Kane!"

"Are you kidding me!?" Morgan shouted as the crowd booed.

They start to cheer once Goldust gets in the ring and gets in his face.

"Hey! What are you doing!? What are you doing, man!" Goldust shouted but Kane hit him in the face.

And that's when all the Lumberjacks get in the ring and start fighting, as Kane gets out of harms way. The crowd cheers loudly as the big brawl breaks out. Kane returns to ringside, adjusting his tie. Morgan glares at him and starts heading his way, shaking her head. It was not going to be like this. Not this way.

"And now Morgan!" Cole shouted as the crowd cheered.

"Hey, asshole!" She shouted.

Kane turns around only to get kicked in the groin. Face scrunched up in pain, he falls down.

"That's what you get!" She shouted and turned her attention back to the ring.

"Woo hoo! Low blow!" King cheered and turned his attention back to the ring. "Wait a minute! Wait a minute, look out!" He shouted as some of the Lumberjacks got thrown out of the ring. "What in the world!? What is happening here?"

"Kane was supposed to control things, and he set this thing into this!" Cole replied.

"Not to mention getting low blowed in the process," JBL recalled.

Dean and the Wyatts were the last ones in the ring. Luke tries to go after the Lunatic but gets tossed out the ring. Erick tries to clothesline him but gets clotheslined instead. Meanwhile, Seth manages to snatch his briefcase while Dean was distracted by the Wyatts. Morgan decides to take action by stepping on top of the apron, yanking the briefcase out of his hands, as the crowd cheers.

"The hell are you doing!?" Seth shouted.

"Look at Morgan!" Cole shouted.

"She has no business doing that!" JBL exclaimed.

"She's looking out for Dean! Seth was about to cheat! She had every right to do that!" King retorted to JBL.

"Give me my briefcase!" Seth got in her face.

The Outspoken Diva glared at him. "Forget it! You think you're gonna win, like that!? Hell no!" She turned around, about to jump off, but got yanked back, by her hair as she yelled out in shock.

"Oh, come on! Get off of her!" King shouted as she got forced into the ring, by Rollins.

"You think you are gonna ruin this for me!?" Seth shouted, backing her up into the corner.

"Seth! Stop it! Get off!" She shouted back.

"Rollins is putting her in her place! She shouldn't have messed with his briefcase." JBL shrugged.

"He doesn't have to do this! Just leave her alone, Seth!" King exclaimed, sounding concerned for Morgan's safety.

Seth can be dangerous when he wants to be. And having Morgan ruin his chance of stealing a win, made him irate.

"Always in the way!" He growled as she struggled to escape his grip.

"Enough!" She shouted back.

"This is uncalled for! Let her go!" King demanded.

"Always in the damn way! Just stay in your place!" He struck her in the face, making her fall down as the crowd looked on in surprise.

"Oh my God, is Morgan okay!?" Cole said with worry.

Morgan holds her face and rolls over to the apron. Seth kicks his briefcase over to its original spot in the corner and continues seething, trying to cool down after being so angry with the Outspoken Diva.

"Stay out of my business!" He shouted and ran his gloved hands through his hair.

"This is what happens when you stick your nose where it doesn't belong." JBL scolded as Morgan held the side of her face.

"How can you say that? Morgan saw that something was wrong, and tried to stop it." King exclaimed, getting fired up at JBL criticizing Morgan's actions.

"It was a stupid move."

"I wish you'd shut up. If you saw things in Morgan's point of view, you would have done the same thing. So, shut your trap."

Turning around after dealing with the Wyatts, Dean sees Morgan laid out, face first, holding her face in pain. Seeing red, Ambrose goes berserk and starts attacking Rollins, viciously unloading on him with punches.

"And now Dean Ambrose! Dean Ambrose getting fired up!" Cole shouted in anticipation as the crowd gave him a big pop.

Dean drops Rollins with DDT as the crowd gets hyped up. He waits for Rollins to get up, but then Kane gets on the ropes to distract the referee. Rollins rolls over to the corner, diagonal from where Morgan was recovering at the bottom turnbuckle. Ambrose starts yelling at Kane, while standing in the middle of the ring, between his former teammates.

"Can somebody get Kane out of here so he can stop distracting Ambrose? Ambrose had this match won!" King exclaimed.

"Lesson learned. You shouldn't get distracted in a match like this. This is chaos! What kind of Lumberjack match is this? First Rollins and Ambrose fight outside the ring, and into the crowd! Then Kane has to try to restore order, but caused a brawl with all the Lumberjacks. And now Morgan gets involved and gets hit in the face, for heaven's sake!" JBL rambled on. "And she's not even in the damn match! What is going on!?"

While Jerry and JBL continue to argue, Morgan begins standing up. Dean starts walking up to Rollins, who is still in the corner.

"And now Ambrose looks to finish Seth Rollins off," Cole said. "This may be it!"

"I think you're right!" King said in a high pitched voice.

Morgan narrows her eyes across the ring and walks up to Dean from behind. She drops down to her knees and gives him a low blow as the commotion from the crowd causes the arena to get loud at the sudden turn of events.

"Oh my God! Oh my God! What the hell!?" Cole shouted as the crowd got loud with cheers and boos.

Dean's face expression shows pain and discomfort as he drops to his knees, falling down, face first. The Outspoken Diva rises up and shoots Ambrose a blank look while Rollins looks on in shock. The Architect widens his eyes, processing what just happened in front of him.

"Oh my God! Morgan, what the hell are you doing!?" King screamed as she ran a hand through her hair.

"The hell is going on!?" JBL exclaimed.

"What about her face!?" King shouted as the crowd chanted 'Holy shit!'

Celeste tweets 'WHAT THE HELL!? What are you doing WWEMorgan101!?'

"Never trust a woman!" JBL stated.

Morgan looks at her hand and takes her ring off her ring finger. She examines it before putting it on her right index finger instead, showing power and Authority, instead of love.

"What is going on!?" King exclaimed. "And was that ring what I think it was!?"

Seth begins to grin, revealing that he was faking his shocked look and continues to watch on.

"L­—look at Rollins, grinning. He knew this was going to happen?!" Cole exclaimed. "Don't tell me Morgan just joined The Authority!"

"But he punched her in the face," JBL recalled.

"Morgan doesn't seemed to be hurt. I think they faked it."

"What are you doing!?" Fans shouted. "Why!? Why!?"

"I­—I can't believe Morgan just...she just low blowed Dean! Her boyfriend! Why? Why help Seth Rollins?" King asked, looking startled.

Ambrose starts to get on his hands and knees, while Morgan continues to stare at how helpless he looked. Seth grabs Ambrose and gives him to Morgan, putting him in the backfire position for her.

"W—­wait a minute! Wait! Morgan! Don't do it! It's not too late to reconsider! Don't do it!" King shouted.

"After what she just did? There's no turning back, now! This is a done deal!" JBL said as the crowd gave off mixed reactions.

"Oh no. You've gotta be kiddin' me!" Cole shouted as she slammed Ambrose down hard with the backfire.

Dean grunts as she sits down, next to his laid out body. Morgan begins to look uncharacteristically relaxed after what she's done. She glances at Dean and shakes her head, smirking as she gets helped up by Rollins.

"I don't believe this..." Cole grumbled.

The crowd boos as Seth and Morgan grin at each other and embrace.

"Morgan, what are you doing!? This isn't you!" King said in disbelief.

"Maybe this is the real Morgan," JBL replied.

"Man...the look on the face of Morgan! No regret. No remorse."

"I don't understand. What did we just see?!" Cole asked as the crowd chanted loudly, 'You sold out!'

Dean, who is struggling to get up, manages to grab Morgan's left boot, for support. With one of Rollins' arms around her waist, as she holds onto him, she and Seth look down at the beaten up Lunatic.

After getting released by Rollins, she kneels and lifts up Dean's chin. She roughly shoves his face away and gets up to hit him with a sickening heel kick to the face. The crowd 'Ohs' and continues to look shocked. She turned all those smiles into frowns after what she did. And there was not a sign of regret on her face.

She tosses Seth his briefcase and leans her back against the corner, crossing her arms. Dean begins to get back on his hands and knees, turning his head to his ex. She slowly shoots him a wicked smirk as he clenches his fists. Ambrose shot her a dangerous glare, but in his eyes, they showed the look of distress. Not phased by his look, she continued to look indifferent as she watched Seth lay him out with his briefcase.

"Rollins with the briefcase to the face!" Cole shouted as Kane let the referee go, and he started to count. "No! Not like this! Not this way!"




"And Rollins takes advantage of this disarray out here,"

"Here is your winner! Seth Rollins!" Lilian announced.

"Guys, that was more action than my eyes could follow. I can't even speak after what Morgan just did." King said as they went to the highlights of the match.

"The Architect of The Shield, Seth Rollins, just beat Dean Ambrose." JBL proudly announced as Morgan helped Rollins up.

"What a disappointing night for Dean Ambrose," Cole added.

"For sure. He just lost Morgan. Got low blowed and hit with a backfire, and lost the match." JBL replied as Seth lifted up Morgan's chin and examined her face, amused that they fooled everyone. "She's not even hurt. I wonder how long these two planned this."

"I am even more excited for RAW, tomorrow. I cannot wait to hear Morgan's explanation for her actions." Cole said as Seth laughed and raised up his briefcase with Morgan.

"Wait a minute, look who it is." Cole pointed out as Triple H walked down the ramp, with a huge grin on his face.

He gets in the ring and embraces Morgan as the crowd boos, loudly. "For crying out loud...After all that she's done to The Authority? Why is she with Triple H and Seth Rollins?" King asked.

"Morgan has sold her soul to The Authority. I...I can't wrap my head around that." Cole murmured.

Triple H raises her hand and smirks at the crowd.

"I win. I finally got her." He proudly said.

"Triple H saying he won, he finally got Morgan. The question that is on everyone's mind, is how did The Authority get into the mind of the Outspoken Diva? After all, that she's done to fight against them? I just can't believe this is happening." Cole said.

Morgan, Seth and Triple H exit the ring. Triple H goes backstage after patting the two on the back. Morgan and Seth head up to stand in the middle of the ramp.

Rollins wraps his arms around her waist from behind, and rests his chin on her shoulder, laughing at Ambrose. Dean manages to get up on his knees, looking at his ex with sorrow and shock.

The shocking events played back in his mind.

She hit him with a low blow.

She hit him with the backfire.

And now she aligned herself with The Authority. With Seth. It was a slap in the face to the WWE Universe. And a dagger to his heart.

Morgan shrugs at Ambrose, giving him another smirk. It was absolutely hilarious to her, seeing the shocked crowd reactions and Dean's face. She could have sworn she saw his eyes getting watery.

"Hah, hah, hah. She's mine, Ambrose. She's where she belongs. Dark side called her home." Seth taunted, kissing her on the cheek.

"This has to be one of the most shocking scenes we've ever seen in WWE history. I can't..." Cole trailed off.

Fans tweet:

'Oh they pulled the trigger?! I didn't think they were gonna do it!'

'BOLD! They teased it but I didn't think they'd actually do it!'

'What the fuck they made her heel!?'

'That was a total #SlapInTheFace'

'WWEMorgan101 has lost yet another screw for betraying Ambrose #YouReallyDoneItNow'

'Just cleaned my glasses to make sure I was looking at what WWEMorgan101 did clearly. #IsThisReallyHappening?'

'It's about time! Finally, she's with The Authority! If you can't beat them, join them. And that's exactly what WWEMorgan101 did!'

'WWEMorgan101 must be really confident about her safety after attacking Dean Ambrose. Watch your back.'

'How dare you do that Dean Ambrose!? You are gonna get it WWEMorgan101! #WhyMorganWhy'

'Please just do not let Morgan explain anything tonight. Let this marinate. I'm loving this,'

'And just like that Morgan has become the most hated woman in WWE'

Celeste tweets 'I don't understand. Was this about power? Success? It's not worth it. #SoldYourSoulForWhat?'

Naomi tweets 'WWEMorgan101 just made the biggest mistake of her life! #DeanAmbroseAlwaysGetsEven'

Triple H tweets 'I finally got her. Welcome to The Authority WWEMorgan101. You won't regret it. #WelcomeToTheDarkSide'

Paul Heyman tweets 'WWEMorgan101 is a brilliant conniver! She fooled everyone.'

Seth Rollins tweets 'What can I say? I knew she'd give in to me. She deserves better. She's mine, now.'

AJ Lee tweets 'WWEMorgan101 Why? You just pissed off all your fans! What do you gain from this? You and I need to talk on Raw.'


Natalya and Naomi angrily walk around backstage.

"Where is she? Where the hell is she? We are gonna find her little ass. She isn't going to be off the hook from this." Natalya looked around while walking with Naomi, in a hurry. "I can't believe her...What the hell was that!?"

"I know. I mean after all she's done to The Authority? Now she joins them? This is not right," Naomi said in disappointment.

"Did you see that engagement ring on her finger that Ambrose gave her? And how she took it off, like it was nothing to her? That is unforgivable! Dean loves her to death! He did everything for her! He sacrificed so much for her, and now she turns around and does this?"

"Yeah. Wonder why she didn't tell us about that, ring. There is no loyalty around here. How could she?"

"Guess there's no engagement now since she wants to take off the ring and sell out. It's a slap in the face—there she is. Morgan!"

The two divas walked up to her and Seth. "Why would you do that!? Why!?" Natalya shouted.

"How could you? Why would you do that to Dean?" Naomi asked, looking at her in disappointment.

Seth, who had his arm around Morgan, spoke up. "Ladies, can't you see that this doesn't concern you? Now move it, along. Morgan doesn't have to explain herself to you."

Natalya shook her head, shooting her an angry look. She firmly stated, "You...are such a hypocrite. You chose power. The Authority over a man who loves you? Who stood by you through everything? Dean deserves so much better."

"Correction. Morgan deserves so much better." Seth smirked and continued walking with the Outspoken Diva.

Natayla's words did not bother Morgan at all. She couldn't care less what she thought.

"After all you've done against The Authority...? For your family and friends? For the fans? For Jane? Your own mother?" Nattie asked.

"She did what was best for business," Seth stated.

"I'm pretty sure the OUTSPOKEN diva can speak for herself." she sharply replied to Rollins, giving him a dirty look, before turning her attention back to Morgan. "How could you? Why? We were all rooting for you and Dean. Ever since that last week before WrestleMania. And now you do this?"

Morgan looked at them up and down before smirking. She brushed past them and kept walking with her held up high.

"Instead of worrying about Morgan, worry about yourselves," Rollins glared at them and walked away to catch up with her.

The two continued to walk around backstage as everyone stared at them in shock.

"Morgan! Morgan." Renee rushed over to her. "Morgan, why did you attack Dean Ambrose and align yourself with Seth Rollins?"

All of a sudden, Morgan starts laughing. Getting Seth's arm wrapped around her, she sighed and left with him, leaving Renee confused.


"Damn it!"

The sounds of growls, thumps, kicks, and punches were heard backstage, as a vexed Lunatic paced around. He wanted to rip Seth Rollins' head off. He wanted to tear him apart. But most of all, he wanted to get his hands on the woman he envisioned to have a life together. He thought their relationship was going great. He gained her trust back after what he did back in January. He thought he was doing everything right, and nothing could stop them.

His mind went back to the day he asked her to marry him. He remembered the innocent gasp she made when he went down on one knee. Her angelic laugh she let out when he said cheesy things about how

much he loved her. Her emotional 'Yes!' and how she tackled him into a hug, letting out tears of joy.

How could all of that be an act? How couldn't he see right through her deceiving ways? She looked fine. Smiling, loving the crowd, and taking on Rosa and The Authority. What happened?

Ambrose ran his hands through his damp hair, which was covered with water and sweat. WWE Superstars, divas, and backstage workers looked on with sympathy, worry, and fear as Ambrose continued to assault everything in his path, from black storage boxes to walls, chairs, and tables. They kept their distance, letting him take all his anger out. They pondered if Morgan knew what she was doing. Dean can lose his cool, but no one saw him become this enraged. Not even when Seth betrayed The Shield.

"Dean." Eden's voice filled his ears as she cautiously walked up to him, for an interview.

His cool, blue eyes filled with sadness, rage, and disgust over the events that transpired, turned his attention to her.

"Morgan shocked the WWE Universe when she low blowed you­—" Her words got blocked away in his mind as he mentally cringed at the thought.

He begins to remember the events that happened in the ring, not too long ago. That uncharacteristic look she gave him when he was helpless in the ring.

"Dean, can you please give me your thoughts on what happened out there?"

Ambrose came back to reality and exhaled, letting the question sink in. He shook his head, trying to calm himself down. He then let out an unamused laugh.

"Oh, Morgan...she really done it, now. She really screwed up this time." He growled. "She broke my heart. She tore my heart into pieces. She stood there and watched me get beaten. No...that isn't going to happen again. It won't happen again." He looked at the camera, with a crazed look. "Harley...I want you to know that this isn't over. I'm going to get you. And I want my damn ring back. And if I have to rip or bite it off your finger, I will. You're going to pay for this." He stormed off.

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