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Forced To Believe Chapter 25- Mommy Knows Best

Chapter Summary: Morgan's mother, Jane, tries to defend her honor as she feuds with Stephanie. But things aren't what they seem
Words: 8,000+
After getting off Skype with Chyna, Melanie decided to call Celeste first and she answered on the first ring.
"What the hell were you thinking!?" Celeste yelled on the other line as Melanie couldn't help but start laughing at her reaction. "Are you-are you laughing!? Do you know how upset I am? Why would you go back to TNA if you spent your entire wrestling career working to get to the WWE? What is wrong with you!? How could you go to that place?!"
"Whoa, wait a minute, what are you talking about-"
"Why are you staying on TNA?!"
"No! At least go to a different wrestling company. That was a slap in the face. You could of least told us and given us a heads up so we wouldn't be freaking out!"
Melanie laughed again, "I couldn't. WWE told me to keep it under wraps,"
"Wait what?"
"Put me on speaker,"
After Melanie explained the situation to the girls whole were still in Celeste's room. Relief seemed to wash over them as they were happy she wasn't staying and that it was just a misunderstanding due to her being told not to share her plans with anyone yet.
After chatting with the girls, Melanie called Colby and he answered on the third ring.
"Well...if it isn't the TNA Knockout." Colby greeted, making her chuckle
"I'm not staying, you goofball. Put me on speaker. I know Jon and Joe are there."
Colby announced to the boys that she was on the phone and put his phone on speaker.
After explaining, she was glad her friends and Jon understood what was going on. She missed them so much and couldn't wait to be back when she was told to return. But for now, she wanted to live in the moment and enjoy this rare opportunity given by WWE and spend time with her TNA friends.
Jon grinned, "Good that you're not staying permanently. I'd drag you back to WWE myself if I have to," he teased
"Oh trust me, I know," she replied. "I'm happy you guys understand. I'll be back in WWE before you know it!"
'Next Thursday, TNA'
"This is a Knockouts tag team match scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, the team of Melanie and Velvet Sky!" Christy Hemme announced as Melanie and Velvet walked out to Velvet's music.
"Melanie is set for her match in her first TNA match in years. Her cousin, Chyna is in the crowd." Mike said as they got in the ring.
"Yep, Chyna. She was in a huge match with Kurt Angle against Karen and Jeff Jarrett. What a match that was." Taz looked on while Gail and Brooke got in the ring.
Melanie was wearing pants similar to AJ Styles and an AJ Styles shirt as a crop top.
Velvet starts off the match against Gail. She begins to taunt Velvet before pushing her head. Velvet spears her and starts unloading on her until the ref grabs her off. While the ref tries to hold back Velvet, Gail manages to hit her with a cheap shot, taking control of the match with her partner.
"Come on Vel!" Melanie cheered on as she tried to fight back and overpower Gail.
She manages to fight back against Gail's headlock and drops her down with a facebuster. Velvet crawls over to Melanie as she gets the tag and the crowd cheers. She runs in the ring as Gail stands up and Brooke scrambles in the ring. Melanie double clotheslines them as they both roll out the ring.
"She's all over the place. Good grief!" Taz exclaimed as she jumped through the ropes and on top of them.
"Welcome back Melanie!" Mike laughed.
She grins and gives him a high five before throwing Gail back in the ring. Gail scrambles to the turnbuckle, sitting down and tries to beg for mercy.
"That's not gonna work on me," Melanie shook her head, making her way to her.
But then Gail pulls her forward and throws her face first into the turnbuckle.
"Hard shot by Gail." Mike looked on and pinned her for a two count.
"Are you serious?" Gail complained.
She starts to take control of Melanie and then decides to pick her up to prepare for the eat defeat. Melanie manages to reverse it and gives her a backfire. She pins her but Brooke breaks it up.
"So close!" Taz exclaimed.
Velvet runs and tackles Brooke down, and takes care of her outside the ring.
Melanie decides to put Gail in the breakdown as she tries to break free. Gail manages to escape the hold by putting her foot on the rope. And near the end of the match, Melanie catches her in the backfire and pins her for the win.
"Here are your winners! Melanie and Velvet Sky!" Christy Hemme announced
Velvet goes into the ring to hug her as Chyna smiles and claps for them.
Later on the night, Melanie was backstage, near the entrance, waiting for her cue to interfere in Bully Ray's match against Samoa Joe. After a producer told her that it was her cue to go out, She ran down the ring, still in her AJ Styles shirt but her pants had been replaced with jeans.
"Here comes Melanie!" Mike exclaimed as the crowd gave her a big pop.
She saw the ref down on the mat and Bully Ray hitting Samoa Joe with a chain off the ropes. She quickly motioned the ref to look at what Bully had done. The ref witnessed it and signaled for the bell to be rung while Melanie grinned in satisfaction.
"What?" Bully Ray exclaimed.
Earl Hebner (The ref) grabs the chain and shows it to Bully before throwing it back on the mat. Melanie looks amused at ringside but then Bully turns and glares at her while she gets in the ring.
"Your winner by disqualification Samoa Joe." Christy Hemme announced.
"You..." Bully Ray growled at Melanie after pushing the ref down.
He got right in her face but she stood her ground and narrowed her eyes. She would not be intimidated by him.
"What? Are you gonna do something?" She asked
"So, think you can come back and help your little friend out? AJ is going down and I am going to make you watch." He grabbed her arm.
She manages to knee him in the stomach as he stumbles away from her. Brooke and Garett Bischoff, allies of Bully Ray and members of his team called 'Aces & Eights' quickly get in the ring.
"Grab her!" He yelled as Melanie was grabbed by Garett. Bully grabbed her chin and forced her to face him. "You think you can assault me and get away with it little girl!? I should teach you a lesson about respect!"
"Screw you!" Melanie retorted.
All of a sudden, AJ runs down to the ring from the crowd and begins to unload on Bully as they roll out the ring. Melanie breaks free of Garett's hold as he turns his attention to AJ. Brooke tries to grab Melanie but she kicks her in the stomach as she stumbles to the turnbuckle. She starts unloading on her with punches before she throws Brooke out of the ring. The Philly Diva turns around and sees Garett back in the ring. She ducks his clothesline and AJ gets into the ring to clothesline him down.
AJ and Melanie glance at each other before striking Garett with a double dropkick as he falls out of the ring. Bully, Brooke and Garett scramble to the back.
Standing in the ring, she turned around to face AJ. She smiled widely and jumped on him for a hug as the crowd cheered loudly when he hugged her back.
But then, security rushes down the ring as they quickly escape them and go into the crowd and celebrate with them.
"Well, it seems the lone wolf and Melanie have reunited!" Mike exclaimed.
"Oh great..." Taz retorted. "AJ was supposed to be out of the building! Not inside the arena! Wasn't he escorted by Dixie?"
'Next week, Raw'
It was October 7th and Stephanie was in the ring while the crowd booed her loudly.
"I bet you all miss your precious Morgan, am I right?" She asked as the crowd cheered for Morgan. 'We want Morgan' chants surround the arena. "No, you don't want Morgan."
The 'We want Morgan' chants get louder as Stephanie gets annoyed.
"You want Morgan? Well, too bad, I terminated her contract and she will never ever be a part of the WWE again!"
"Stop!" A voice called out.
Stephanie turned her attention to the stage to see a woman running down the ramp with a mic.
"Who is she?" Cole asked.
"Please. Please give my daughter her contract back." The woman got in the ring while the crowd cheered for her.
"Well, well, if it isn't Jane Lopez. Morgan's mother." Stephanie retorted
"Stephanie, my daughter shouldn't have done what she did. I believe she learned the consequences. Just please give her back her contract,"
She chuckled. "Well Jane, it seems that I can't do that. You know why? Because you raised a wild child!" She spat as the crowd booed and Jane looked down. "How dare you have your daughter put her hands on me? Haven't you taught your daughter some manners?"
"Yes, I have. Sometimes I agree with what my daughter has done to you. I saw how you treated her. She did not deserve that and neither did the Rhodes family."
"I'm sorry, what did you just say? Do you think you can just come here and talk like that to me? I am Stephanie McMahon."
"Yes, we all know who you are. What we all don't like is your abuse of power." Jane remarked as the crowd cheered again.
"Abuse of power?" She asked before slapping her down to the mat as Jane held her face in shock. She starts unloading on Jane and yelling "Where's your daughter now? Where's your daughter Jane? She's not here to rescue you!"
"I cannot believe she just put her hands on Morgan's mother!" Cole exclaimed.
Stephanie throws her out of the ring and a ref rushes down to help her
"Morgan isn't going to stand for that." Cole guaranteed. "She isn't going to let Stephanie get away with this."
"I'm afraid for Stephanie's well being now," King added.
"Stephanie has a game plan. She knows what she is doing. Morgan is not a part of the WWE anymore." JBL reminded.
Eva Marie was walking around and saw Dean Ambrose and the rest of The Shield prepping
"Hi guys." She gave them a grin while the crowd gave her mixed reactions
The Shield look at her in confusion. Although they were intimidating, Eva didn't seem to be scared.
"Is she crazy?" JBL asked.
"Who knows," Cole said
"So...any word on Morgan coming back?" She asked as they stared at her, unamused. She could feel herself blush at their attention. Especially Dean's. She was loving it all.
"Well...since she isn't on the WWE roster, I guess you need a new Shield's girl. I'm that girl for you. I can be The Shield's girl. First Lady, Harley Quinn, anything you want me to be. I'll do a better job than Morgan if you give me the chance. Think about it." She winked and walked away as The Shield glanced at each other.
"Is she serious?" Seth retorted while Roman shook his head.
Offscreen, Jane walked backstage, talking with Stephanie who praised her for her efforts on working with her on the storyline.
"Jane?" Celeste grinned.
Jane turned around and her eyes lit up. "Celeste! It is so good to see you, sweetie." she hugged her and gave her a kiss on the cheek.
"Nice promo out there. You were great."
"Why thank you, doll baby."
"Hi, Jane!" April grinned
"April! So nice to see you, sweetie! How are you?"
"Great! We are so happy to have you here."
"I'm happy to be here too. It's so nice to be in the WWE." she said and turned to see Jon, Colby and Joe approaching them. "Jon!"
"It's great to see you here," he smiled after she gave him a hug and kiss.
Jane looked at Colby. "Ah, so you're the prankster."
"Guilty as charged." Colby grinned. "It's nice to meet you."
"Nice to meet you too. Melanie has told me all about your prank war with her. I'm rooting for you. Don't tell Melanie."
"I won't. I can't wait till she comes back. I got a lot of pranks to pull on her."
Jane turned to Joe. "You must be Joe. Melanie has told me a lot about you too. It's nice to meet you. She tells me how understanding and patient you are with her."
"Melanie is the best. It's nice to meet you, too." he smiled.
'Thursday, TNA'
Melanie was managing AJ while he was in a handicap match with two members of Aces & Eights. Knux and Garett Bischoff were taking control of AJ while Bully Ray was at ringside, on commentary.
"Come on AJ!" Melanie supported but he got butterfly suplexed by Garett.
AJ starts to fight back and hits Garett with a spinning kick in the face. AJ manages to roll up Bischoff for the win but then Knux and Garett gang up on him until Bully Ray gets in the ring with a chain.
Melanie gets on the apron, about to get in the ring but Brooke runs down the ramp and grabs her leg to bring her down. She hits her head on the apron and holds her head while Bully hits AJ with a chain.
"Brooke making sure Melanie doesn't get in the ring," Mike said. "Bully is trying to make sure AJ doesn't make it to Bound For Glory." He continued after Bully Ray was done hitting him with a chain.
AJ starts to get up and Bully Ray throws him over to the ramp as his theme comes on.
The members of Aces & Eights taunt the crowd as Bully Ray trash talks AJ.
"The last person you see will be me! The last voice you hear will be mine. I'm gonna take you out. I'm gonna bust you open AJ! I'm taking you away from here!"
"Can AJ even make it to Bound For Glory?" Mike asked as they got off the air.
'Next Thursday'
Melanie was backstage with AJ Styles. She had just heard the news that Dixie Carter put a bounty on him for 50 grand.
"Dude, they have a bounty on you! This is not cool." Melanie leaned on the wall.
"I got it handled," AJ reassured.
"You said that last week..." She rolled her eyes.
"We both got blindsided. It won't happen again. I'm going to go out there to respond to Dixie's bounty."
"Well, I'm coming with ya." she said and followed him when he started walking
'In the arena'
AJ and Melanie walk down the ring to his entrance theme. She walked in front of him and stopped at the end of the ramp as AJ stopped behind her. Once the song says 'Get ready to fly!' AJ removed his hood and did his taunt while Melanie did his taunt in front of him and kneeled a little. Melanie grinned and tagged some hands and AJ held the ropes for her to get in the ring.
She got on the top rope and did AJ's taunt with her hands while wearing a pair of his trademark gloves. Once she got off, she stood next to him and they both had mics in their hands.
"Dixie Carter, you reek of desperation. Are you kidding me? You want to put a bounty on my head and then give someone the opportunity to go to Bound for Glory if they take me out?" AJ exclaimed.
"Weak~." Melanie said and shook her head.
"I gotta tell ya, I'm flattered. I'm flattered because you know that I'm gonna win at Bound For Glory." AJ said as the crowd cheered. "You're scared to death, and you know when I win that World Heavyweight title at Bound For Glory, I am gonna make you pay."
'AJ' chanted surround the arena.
"She really needs to get put in her place. And we all want to see AJ make Dixie pay, right?" Melanie asked as the crowd cheered.
"So all of you, who want to cash in on your bounty, I'm not gonna run, I'm not gonna hide, come and get paid." AJ dropped the mic.
"He's nuts. He's crazy." Taz exclaimed.
"Dude, you sure?" Melanie asked after dropping her mic and he nodded. She decided to leave the ring and let AJ handle his business.
Moments later, backstage AJ was in the locker room and Melanie walked up to him.
"What the hell!? What happened to you now?! I leave you for 30 minutes and you're banged up?" She exclaimed.
"I got ambushed. I'm fine. I got away." AJ responded.
"This is not friggin' cool! We gotta do something."
"Mel, just for now let's focus on the contract signing."
She sighed. "Fine. You win."
"What do you mean good? You don't always win." Melanie pushed him on the arm but then he winced in pain.
"Oh crap, I'm sorry!"
'In the ring'
"Ladies and gentlemen it happens this Sunday on PPV, The main event for Bound For Glory, in the presence of the President Dixie Carter, we will make it official. Here to do it are the combatants. Introducing first, the TNA World Heavyweight Champion, Bully Ray." Jeremy Borash said, standing with Dixie Carter and Security.
One of them is holding the briefcase filled with 50 grand. With Brooke and Bully Ray already in the ring, AJ Styles and Melanie come out.
She walked in front of him and AJ stretched his arm. They stand at the end of the ring and do his taunt after they hear 'Get ready to fly.' Melanie jumped in the ring while AJ got in by the middle rope. She leaned on the ropes while AJ and Bully stood on the podium.
"Gentlemen it happens this Sunday on PPV, the main event of Bound For Glory. We need now to make it official, the World Heavyweight Champion will go first, Bully Ray if you will please?" Jeremy asked.
'AJ' chants surrounded the arena while Bully signed the contract and grabbed the mic.
"I did not waste any time signing that contract did I? I'm gonna make this real simple for you redneck. You can't beat me."
Melanie rolled her eyes and Bully took his hat off and put it on Brooke's head.
"You ain't got the brains in your head to beat me, you ain't got the passion in your heart to beat me and you ain't got the thunda' in your fists to beat me. I'll give you the microphone when I'm done!" Bully snapped at Jeremy, who wanted the mic back.
"Let me give you a little wrestling history lesson. In 1985, a man by the name of Ric Flair destroyed and took out 'The American dream' Dusty Rhodes. A month later Dusty Rhodes returned and told the world how Ric Flair had put him on hard times. How Ric Flair had put the wrestling industry on hard times. How Ric Flair had put the wrestling fans on hard times. How Ric Flair put Dusty Rhodes' family on hard times." Bully continued. "Fast forward almost 30 years later. Do you know who I am? I'm Bully Ray and for the past year and a half I have put the wrestling world on hard times. I started off with Jeff Hardy inside of a steel cage on Lockdown and became the World Heavyweight Champion. I defeated Sting at Slammiversary and made sure that he could never have a shot at the championship again."
Melanie sighed. She was getting bored as he rambled.
"I ran Chris Sabin back into your X Division. And make no mistake, I'm the guy that ran Hulk Hogan out of here and put him on hard times. What does this have to do with you? I can see the confusion in your eyes kid. In 3 days, at Bound For Glory, when I defeat you, I'm gonna put you on hard times. I'm gonna put your fans on hard times. I'm gonna put your little scank on hard times." he pointed at Melanie as the crowd booed him.
She glared at him and was about to step up to him but AJ put his hand out and she stopped.
"But most of all, I'm gonna put you on such hard times, that I'm gonna send you home a defeated man with no contract, with no championship and when you get back to that trailer park in Georgia, I wouldn't be shocked if your wife and 3 kids weren't there anymore. I'm the Darth Vader of the wrestling business. And you ain't no friggin' Luke SkyWalker"
Bully pushed the mic to AJ's chest.
"You know what, I can appreciate your little story, but let me remind you, you're no Ric Flair and I'm no Dusty Rhodes. That was in the past, we're in the future, kid," AJ said. "The fact that you can compare yourself to someone like Ric Flair just shows who you really are. And to disrespect Melanie just shows who you really are as well. Now it may be inappropriate, I may regret it tomorrow but let me tell these people who you are. You're no more than a big...dumb...bitch!" The crowd cheered as he pointed at Bully Ray.
Melanie laughed and high fived him while Brooke dropped her jaw. Bully looked taken aback by his comment.
"And you have no idea who you are getting in the ring with this Sunday. I have everything to lose and everything to gain. I have to win this Sunday. To make you beg." AJ pointed to Dixie. "To make you lose the World Heavyweight Title and everything that means to you." he pointed at Bully Ray. "I am the most dangerous, the most intense and the most desperate man you will ever get in the ring with. And I will beat you at Bound For Glory. And I will make you pay and be the next World Heavyweight Champion."
He signed the contract as Melanie patted his back.
"You know what Dixie? Hold up a second. I'm taking it back. I'm not putting my world title on the line. But what I am gonna do is cash in the 50Gs right now." Bully dropped the mic and threw the podium to AJ's chest as he grunted and stumbled back.
Brooke takes Melanie out with a cheap shot while she is distracted by the fight. She starts stomping on her and waits for her to get up as she has Bully Ray's title in her hands.
"Oh no, she isn't about to hit Melanie with that title, is she?" Mike asked with worry.
Melanie stands up and Brooke runs towards her with the title. She ducks at the last second and strikes her a spinning kick in the face as Brooke stumbles out of the ring. Bully tries to hit AJ with his chain but AJ moves out of the way and grabs the briefcase out of one of the security guard's hands, hitting him with it as he stumbles out the ring. AJ opens the briefcase and Melanie helps him throw the money at Dixie. Melanie laughs at Dixie trying to collect the money on the mat.
"You are looking at the new World Heavyweight champ. You might as well hand that over to me, right now!" AJ said to Bully as he stood in front of him by the ramp and raised up his title. "That is everything to me! That is gonna put food on my kids' table, that is everything to me." He pointed at the title.
"Can AJ close the deal? Can Styles gain the power and control of the champion? We'll find out on Sunday. You gotta join us at Bound For Glory." Mike said.
'Friday Night, at Melanie's parent's place.'
Melanie was with her Aunt Aria, watching Smackdown in the living room, on the couch.
"Miss wrestling in that ring huh?" Aria grinned.
"Guilty as charged," Melanie admitted.
"Did you see Triple H getting knocked out?"
"Yes! Man, I wish I was there! WWE had to make me leave when the good parts happen."
Aria laughed. "The firecracker is on." She said as she and Melanie watched Eva Marie in a Shield attire
"Wow." Melanie chuckled. Eva strutted to where The Shield are. "Man...Jon looks so hot in his Shield attire..."
"He does look like he's been working out." Aria added. "I know you two miss each other."
"Oh, you don't even know."
"I'm afraid to ask what you two will do to each other once you take one glance at one another." she giggled and then they continued to watch Eva on screen.
"Hi, guys. So...I was wondering if you think I should be in The Shield. I mean...you need someone who is more fiercer right? Morgan really isn't the girl for you. And that is all she is. A girl. You need a woman. A woman who can be a true believer in The Shield. She was forced to believe and has been pretending to believe for months. It's time for a change. I am that change." Eva said as The Shield glanced at each other. "I guess you need more time to think about it. I'm always patient. Especially for you Dean. You know...Morgan has been playing you for a while. She's only with you because she is forced to. She wants to leave The Shield. She said it herself."
"Hahah!" Melanie laughed.
"Dean...I think it's time for you to upgrade. To a real woman." She smirked as Ambrose gave her a blank stare.
"Wow. Eva really wants Morgan to hurt her." Melanie chuckled.
"Are you two friends offscreen?" Aria asked.
"Yep. That's my girl, right there. Creative had some talks about her getting involved. You'll see more on it on Total Divas,"
Later in the night, Dean Ambrose was walking backstage and Eva Marie rushed to him and held on to his arm.
"Hi, Dean!" Eva grinned.
Dean exhaled, looking annoyed. "Get off of me..." He retorted and pulled away.
"Of course Master J. Anything for you." Eva smiled while he walked away.
"Ha! Hahahaha." Aria laughed as she fell off the couch, while Melanie dropped her jaw.
"This chick is crazy!" she laughed and clapped her hands. "That was gold. Gold! Eva is living up to her annoying character,"
Later, Melanie and Aria watched Alberto's in ring segment with Josh, and then Melanie's phone rang.
"Ooh." She grinned and answered it. "Hello?"
"Melanie! It's great to hear your voice. How are you?" Stephanie asked.
"I'm great. Watching Smackdown as we speak. How are you?"
"I'm well, thank you. So, I just got done talking to Creative. We want you back in the WWE to continue the storyline. We are ready for you to come back,"
Melanie gets up from the couch and does some silent Jumping ballet dance moves out of excitement.
"Great!" Melanie cheered.
"We'll go into more details when you come by on Monday. Keep it a low profile. Details will be sent to you shortly,"
"Awesome." she got off the phone and jumped up and down. "Yes! Yes! Yes! I can't wait to see everyone again!"
"All good things happen to those who wait," Aria smiled
'Sunday, TNA Bound For Glory'
Backstage, Melanie helped AJ put on his jacket. "You don't have to baby me, you know?" AJ said.
"Just like old times. I know you don't want me to interfere and this is my last night, but if I see anything going on, I'm coming down there. I really hope you win. You deserve it."
AJ smirked and hugged her tightly as he thanked her for everything and for sticking by him.
"I'm sorry for everything," he said.
"I already said I forgive you. It's okay. We're okay. Now go out there and win that title." she grinned after he kissed her forehead.
Later on AJ's match against Bully Ray, Melanie watched backstage as Dixie Carter walked out.
Dixie asks the security for a chair and they give it to her. But then she gives it to Bully Ray. But then AJ springboards on the ropes and kicks Bully in the head with it. AJ pins him but Dixie tries to intimidate the ref as Bully kicks out.
Having enough, Melanie runs down the ring and goes to ringside as the crowd cheers. She watches in horror as AJ gets thrown onto the exposed boards of the ring while trying to do the piledriver on Bully.
"What are you doing here!? Get back! Go backstage!" Brooke yelled at her, who was managing Bully Ray at ringside.
"Uh oh," Taz said as Melanie and Brooke walked over to each other.
Brooke shoves her around but then Melanie spears her down and starts unloading on her. She then hits her with the backfire to take her out as the crowd cheers.
"Let's friggin' go!" Melanie shouted at the crowd
"Melanie! What are you doing?!" Dixie exclaimed but she ignored her and turned her attention to AJ.
"Come on AJ! No distractions! You can do it!" Melanie yelled as she saw him on the mat and Bully on the top rope.
Bully hits an elbow on him and blows a kiss to Dixie while Melanie looks at him with disgust.
"Yes!" Melanie cheered when AJ kicked out. She cringed when Bully hit him with a chair shot on the back and then he does it again. "AJ, come on! You've worked too hard to lose now!"
Bully positions AJ for the pile driver but AJ counters and kicks him on top of the head.
"Yes! Keep going! You got this!" Melanie cheered.
AJ grabs a chair and hits him with it.
"Knockout Blow," Mike said.
"No DQ and now it's backfiring on us. Dammit." Taz retorted.
AJ gets on the turnbuckle and points to Dixie and does the Spiral Tap on Bully. He pins him for the win.
"Yes! New champion!" Mike exclaimed.
Melanie jumped up and down and ran in the ring. She jumped on AJ as they hugged and celebrated
"This is a nightmare!" Taz exclaimed as the announcer announced that AJ was the new champion while Dixie got upset on the ramp.
After the show, Melanie breaks her Twitter silence with one tweet for her Morgan Lopez character that shooked the WWE Universe, '#WatchYourBack'
'Next week, Monday Night Raw October 21st 2013'
"Ladies and gentlemen, we have some interesting news. Morgan has finally broken her silence after being away from the WWE for weeks. She has tweeted '#WatchYourBack' and I wonder what she means." Cole saod.
"I don't know but I can't wait to find out." JBL grinned.
"Sounds threatening."
"You think Stephanie is worried?" King asked.
"She should be," JBL admitted.
Later in the ring, Stephanie and Triple H were doing a promo.
"So, Morgan decided to tweet watch your back. Does she actually think I'm scared of her? I have way more power and I can have her arrested. No one can touch me. I mean, Morgan is the worst diva in WWE history! Who would want a diva who curses? Who would want a diva who slaps a boss? Who would want that? Who would want a diva to speak up for others and say everything that's on her mind? That's not a Divas Champion. A Diva's Champion is pure...strong... someone who stands out. Morgan is not that diva. And never will be. So tonight...I am stripping her of the title." Stephanie smirked as the crowd heavily booed. "No, no, no, I am doing you all a favor. This is best for business. So, do you want to see a new Divas Champion? Someone better than Morgan?"
The crowd chants 'No! No! No! No!'
"Yes! Yes! Yes!" Stephanie grinned. 'We want Morgan' chants surround the arena. "Oh, you all don't mean that..." She waved them away while Triple H chuckled.
Suddenly, Brad Maddox quickly rushed down the ramp in panic and got in the ring as the crowd booed him.
"Stephanie, Triple H, I am sorry to bother you-" Maddox began.
"Give us one good reason why you just interrupted us." Triple H said, unamused.
"Um, w-we have a problem," Maddox said with nervousness.
"What?" Stephanie asked, not interested.
"M-Morgan is in the building," Maddox announced to a big pop from the crowd as Stephanie's eyes widened.
"What!?" King screeched.
"Well, that sparked Stephanie's interest," Cole said.
"There is going to be hell to pay," JBL said in amusement as Stephanie and Triple H started to panic
The crowd was exploding when they heard that one of their favorite divas was back.
"This crowd is electric!" Cole yelled.
Stephanie reluctantly looked around the arena in shock, and worry. This can't be happening, right now. Triple H on the other hand, was livid.
"What the hell do you mean, she's in the building?!" He yelled at Maddox as he tried to explain. "How did she get in!? How did she get in the arena!? Where was the security!? I thought you said you had everything handled!"
"Sir, I tried to but somehow she found a way." Maddox tried to explain.
"Do you know what you have just done!?"
"Where are you, Morgan?! Come out here and show yourself! Where are you, in the crowd?! Backstage? Come out right now!" Stephanie yelled, trying to act tough.
She had some backup, so she may be okay.
"Is she here? Is she really here?" Cole asked.
Morgan walked out on the stage, wearing black skinny jeans, black fingerless gloves and a black shirt with its sleeves cut up, as the crowd exploded. She smirked and put her hands on her hips.
"It's Morgan!" King screamed in a high pitched voice.
"Oh my!" Cole exclaimed.
She had the Diva's Championship around her waist and her hair was back to its straight and curly style.
"How did she get the title!? Maddox! This all your fault!" Triple H yelled
Morgan took the title off her waist and set it down. She started to take some steps down the ramp while Stephanie hid behind Triple H.
"Brad, do something! Do not let that woman in this ring!" she ordered as Brad reluctantly got out of the ring and walked up to Morgan.
"Stephanie isn't acting so tough now huh?" King taunted.
"Agreed," Cole said.
"Morgan, I'm going to have to ask you to leave," Brad ordered.
"Okay. I will. Right after I take care of something." Morgan walked past him but then Maddox grabbed her arm. She turned around and kneed him in the balls. "Don't touch me."
"This is what you get if you put your hands on Philly's diva." JBL said.
She grabs Maddox and hits him with the backfire on the ramp as the crowd cheers. Triple H and Stephanie's eyes widen and they look at each other. Morgan turns her attention to the ring and fixes her gloves.
"She's ready to pulverize Stephanie for what she did to her mother." JBL added
"Here we go!" Cole shouted as she ran into the ring.
She dodges Triple H and spears Stephanie as the crowd explodes. She starts unloading on her with punches while Stephanie starts screaming for dear life.
"Look at those punches!" King exclaimed.
Triple H grabs her off of her but she escapes his hold and smacks him right in the face as he stumbles back. She turns her attention back to Stephanie and runs after her but she runs out of the ring. The crowd boos
Stephanie as she runs up the ramp while Triple H follows her.
Morgan glared at them. "You will never get away with this!" She screamed.
"You're out of your mind!" Stephanie yelled as Triple H held her back.
Morgan tried to calm herself down and ran her hands through her hair. She turned her attention to Brad Maddox and got out of the ring. She grabbed a chair as the crowd cheered.
"Uh oh." Cole looked on.
The Outspoken Diva pointed to Stephanie and walked to Brad Maddox who was still trying to recover from her earlier attack, at the end of the ramp.
Angrily, Morgan hits him hard with the char.
"What a chair shot!" King exclaimed.
She started hitting Maddox with the chair again and again and again, taking her frustration out on him. After she was done she threw the chair away and did her taunt with her right hand as her theme came on.
"You are going down." The Philly Diva declared as the crowd backed her up, cheering loudly.
"Morgan has made her mark. She's back and back with a vengeance." JBL said
"Where is The Shield?! We need to do something!" Stephanie grabbed her husband by the suit, shaking him as he tried to calm her down.
"Calm down. We'll handle it." Triple H reassured
Fans tweet:
'Stephanie got her ass handed to her! #MorganIsBack'
'Yes! She's here! She's here! The Shield's girl is back! #MorganReturns'
'Haha! Stephanie is scared! #MorganIsComingForYou'
Melanie walked backstage and was attacked by hugs from the divas.
"One at a time! Yikes! Don't squeeze me to death!" she laughed as she fell on the floor.
"I'm so happy you're back!" April gave her a big hug after the divas helped Melanie up.
"I'm happy to be back too." Melanie smiled. They all catch up she is told to go to Renee for an interview.
"Melanie! I missed you!" Renee smiled and hugged her.
"Hey! I missed you, too!" Melanie grinned.
They got ready for the segment and waited until Raw came back from their commercial break.
"Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome, the returning, Morgan Lopez." Renee smiled and the camera revealed Morgan as the crowd cheered loudly for her. Morgan did the rock on sign to the camera before giving Renee a small smile. "First I would like to say, welcome back."
"Thanks," Morgan said. "It's good to be back. Especially with the fans cheering me on. I never heard them give me this much loudness, so it's pretty awesome."
Renee smiled. "So, how do you feel about Stephanie? We all saw the violent attack you did to her, Triple H and Brad Maddox. How are you feeling right now?"
"I'm pissed! Beyond pissed! It's one thing to torment me, but it's another to get my family involved. Especially when you put your hands on my mother. After what I did to Brad, just think of what I'm going to do to you, Stephanie. All I have to say is...Stephanie...I'm coming for you." she looked at the camera with a serious face and walked away.
After the segment, Melanie started walking to the diva's locker room.
"Grapes!" Colby called out as she turned around and ran to give him a big hug as he spun her around.
"Colby! I missed you! What's up, man!?"
"So glad to have you back! Wait till you see the pranks I have for ya."
"Ooh, can't wait." She grinned but then squealed when she got bearhugged by Joe.
"There she is!" he cheered
"Joe!" she gets set down.
After catching up, Melanie goes back to the diva's locker room to grab her bags. "Hey, Anyone seen Jon?"
"Yeah, he's already at the hotel. He's waiting for you." Nikki winked.
"We all know what that means." Trinity teased.
Melanie blushed. "Haha. Can't wait to see him."
Later, Melanie goes to her hotel room. When she opened the door, she saw rose petals all over the floor leaving a trail from the entrance to the bedroom with candles. She grinned and looked around to see the lights dimmed as well. Walking to the bedroom, she saw more rose petals and the bed sheets were red and satin.
"I need to leave more often if I get this type of treatment," she teased when her waist was grabbed from behind by Jon. "Damn, this is nice,"
"You're back..." He murmured in her ear. She turned around and pressed her lips against his, smooching him deeply before breaking apart. "I missed you."
"I missed you, too. What's all this." She looked around.
"Ah...decided to do something a little romantic. Hope I did okay. I'm not used to doing this stuff but you deserve it." He rubbed the back of his neck and smiled.
She missed his cute little smiles when he always wanted to try something new.
"I love it!" She squealed when he picked her up and laid her on the bed.
"Glad to hear." He murmured against her neck before locking lips with her again.
Melanie started to gain control of the kiss as her hands traveled down to his jeans. Before she could unzip them, he grabbed her hands and shook his head.
"What's wrong?" She asked.
As much as he wanted to get things heated quickly, he wanted to take his time and show her how much she meant to him.
"I want this to be about you tonight. So just relax..." He put the covers over them as he began to kiss her again.
'WWE Main Event'
Stephanie and Triple H are in the ring. "As you can see, Stephanie and Triple H are in the ring. They decided to confront Morgan and her mother. I just hope this doesn't turn into a blood bath." Josh said.
Morgan and Jane walk out hand in hand as the crowd cheers for them. They tag some hands and walk in the ring.
"Well Morgan, I know that you want to settle this battle, and so do I. But, the board of directors has ordered a match for Hell in a cell. It will be you against AJ Lee for the Diva's Championship. If you win, I am forced to get in the ring with you and must leave you alone..." Stephanie said.
Morgan smirked. Stephanie had her hand out to shake her hand with her. She was about to shake it but got slapped by her as the crowd booed.
Angry, Morgan was about to attack her but Jane stopped her and stepped in front of her.
"Sweetie, it's okay. I'll handle it." Jane said and turned to Stephanie but then turned back around and slapped Morgan as the crowd was shocked.
"What?!" Miz and Josh exclaim.
Morgan was stunned and looked at her mother. "What the hell? Why would you just slap-" She began but got grabbed by Jane for the backfire as the crowd booed
"Jane just backfired her own daughter!?" Miz shouted as she shook hands with Stephanie.
"Welcome back Morgan!" Stephanie taunted and raised hands with Triple H and Jane.
Triple H's theme came on while Morgan held her head and looked at them with confusion.
"Are you kidding me?" Miz asked.
"I'm so confused right now," Josh added.
"Was this a plan by Stephanie and Jane from the beginning?"
"What a swerve..."
'WWE Exclusive Video'
"What do you think of your mother's actions?" Renee asked.
"Well, she got brainwashed," Morgan declared. "Stephanie is deep in her head and that caused her to do what she did. It was a setup. Right now I'm not happy at all and I am pretty pissed off that my mom gave me a backfire but you know what? Stephanie started this and I will end it."
Melanie and Jane chat backstage. "Did I do that DBT right?" Jane asked.
Melanie laughed. "It's called a DDT."
"Oh! I have to remember that."
"Haha, you did it well. Even though it took us a while to try to do it." she giggled at the memory of her and Jon trying to teach Jane the DDT.
Jon watched in amusement, on the apron as Melanie and Jane were in the ring, hours before Raw. Melanie had on a sports bra and gray sweatpants.
"Okay, you put me in this position..." Melanie began as she was in the backfire position in Jane's arms.
"Uh, I don't want to hurt you, sweetie," she said in a wary tone.
"Mom, I got this. Kick your leg out and drop me."
Jane obeyed and kicked her leg out to give her the backfire. Melanie dropped down the mat hard.
"Oh my gosh! Sweetie are you okay?!" she freaked out when she got up and still saw she was on the mat.
Melanie got up, unharmed and chuckled. "I'm fine, mom,"
She sighed out of relief. "Great! How did I do?"
Jon and Melanie give her a thumbs up and she cheered
Morgan was backstage, primping as the crowd gave her a loud reception. Eva Marie walked over to her as the crowd booed her heavily. "Well, well, it's the so called Shield's girl."
Morgan rolled her eyes. "What do you want...?"
"I'm so sorry about your mom. Maybe it was for the best." she chuckled. "Never mind, I didn't come to say that to you. What I wanted to say was that...your spot is going to be taken by me. The Shield want me as their new Shield's girl."
Morgan scoffed and started to put on lip gloss. "Well, if you want to get your ass beat again, I have no problem doing that."
Eva Marie glared at her and slapped the lip gloss out of her hands as the crowd looked on with shock and said 'Oh!'
Morgan exhaled, trying to maintain her patience and slowly turned to face her with a scowl.
"Oops, my hand moved on its own." she heard Eva mention.
"You know...I saw your little moments with my boys. Enjoy it while it lasts."
"Oh, I will. You know, Dean has been working out a lot. He even lets me feel his muscles."
"I don't know how many times it will take for you to get through that head of yours that Dean is mine and you should stop trying. You see, those." Morgan pointed at her chest. "Will not win you anything. This is why you can't be me. I don't flaunt my body around. And I don't rub every accomplishment in people's faces. You say that you are going to replace me but you can't. A, you don't that the heart that I have in the ring, B, you don't have the guts I have in the ring, and C... your jaw is messed up." She said before punching her straight in the face.
Eva held her mouth in shock as she fell on her butt.
"Oops, my hand moved on its own. Joke's on you," she smirked and walked away while Eva continued to hold her face.
"Wow. Well, Morgan is in action next." Cole said as Smackdown went to a commercial break.
'In the ring'
AJ gave Morgan a spinning kick in the face as she fell face first on the mat. She then began to skip around in the ring.
"AJ and her skipping," Cole said.
While AJ was taunting the crowd, Morgan got up and started giving her repeated clotheslines until and hit her with a dropkick.
Morgan gets on the top rope and waits for AJ to get up to give her a crossbody.
"Beautiful move!" JBL complimented.
She was about to pin her but then Jane runs down the ring as the crowd boos her.
"What is Jane doing here?" Cole asked with confusion.
"What are you doing here?" Morgan asked as she walked to the ropes and gave her mother her full attention.
"Is she trying to apologize?" JBL asked as Jane tried to plead for forgiveness.
But then AJ grabbed Morgan for a roll up and won the match.
"Here is your winner! AJ Lee!" Lilian announced.
"Are you kidding me!?" Morgan yelled at Jane who smiled innocently.
'Later on Smackdown'
The Shield guards the ring while Jane stands in the ring. The crowd booed her heavily for what she did to Morgan.
"Is that any way to treat a woman? To boo her? That is disrespectful!" Jane exclaimed.
"Disrespectful has become Jane's catchphrase as of late," Cole informed.
"I know you all want to know why I'm doing what I'm doing to my daughter. Well, my reason is that Stephanie is right. Morgan needs to respect her and Triple H. They were right about everything and I believe that this is best for business."
"Jane has become a puppet for Stephanie. She fed her lies." Cole said with disappointment.
"Enough! Stop with the best for business crap!" Morgan's voice was heard as she walked on the stage with a mic. The crowd erupted in cheers as she wore jeans and a Hounds of Justice shirt.
"Oh, sweetie! You're here! Great. Don't worry Shield, you can let my lovely daughter pass. We need to have a mother daughter talk."
Morgan walked down the ramp and stopped, looking at her team.
"I wonder what The Shield thinks about all this." JBL said.
"I wonder what Ambrose thinks about this," Cole recalled as Ambrose and Morgan locked eyes.
"A lot of history between these two,"
"Um, hello? Morgan, get in the ring, please. Come to mommy!" Jane said impatiently
Morgan reluctantly walked past Ambrose and got in the ring. She looked at her mother in disappointment and shook her head.
"Don't you dare shake your head at me? I did this out of love! Love!" Jane shouted
"Do you hear yourself right now? You've been brainwashed." Morgan stated.
"Brainwashed? Ha! I beg to differ." she scoffed.
"At Hell in a Cell, Morgan will take on AJ Lee and defend her Diva's Championship against her. If Morgan wins, she will continue her reign as champion and Stephanie McMahon will be forced into the ring with her and must leave Morgan alone. What a match that is going to be." JBL said.
"You see sweetie; Mommy did what she did because it was best for business," she informed her. Morgan laughed and she started to get upset. "Stop laughing! Don't laugh at your mother!"
"Oh my gosh! I cannot believe you got brainwashed! You got attacked by Stephanie and now you are aligning with her? Knee slapper! Knee slapper!" Morgan exclaimed as the crowd took over and chanted 'Knee slapper'
"Knee slapper? The only knee slapper I should have is how you have bad taste in men." Jane snapped.
That caught Dean's attention. His facial expression turned to confusion as Roman and Seth glanced at him. Then he slowly around, giving Jane a stare.
"Uh oh," Cole murmured.
Morgan looked around. "Excuse me?"
"He is only going to break your heart. Don't pick the street dog. He is a bum. You shouldn't be with him, sweetie." Jane pointed at Dean as Morgan looked down and the crowd booed. "I mean, he's made you so violent over the months. I mean, what you did on Raw was uncalled for. Come back to Mommy, not The Shield. They are not good for you."
That caught Seth and Roman's attention as they turned around.
"Stephanie was right, you can be a wild child when you are with The Shield. From kicking people in the face to giving Brad Maddox those chair shots," she went on. "I mean, you have acted like Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins but not Roman and I do not want you to explore your beast mode. Those men are not a good influence on you. So please, do not go back to The Shield. Come back to mommy. Mommy knows best."
Jane smiled and had her arms out for a hug. The crowd chants 'No! No! No!'
Morgan put the mic to her lips. "Mom. I love you and I always will no matter what. I'd never put my hands on you or even dare to call you a bad name." she decided to give her mom a big hug.
She then got out of the ring and started walking past The Shield but then stopped. "But...as for my taste in men. I think my taste in men is just fine."
She turned around and made her way to Ambrose. Grabbing him by the neck, she pulled him in for a heated kiss, making Jane drop her jaw.
"Oh my God!" Cole exclaimed as the crowd cheered loudly.
Dean and Morgan started making out as he slowly wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her close while her arms wrapped around his neck.
"No! Get off of my daughter!" Jane shouted while Seth and Roman looked amused.
Morgan stopped the kiss and wiped the corner of her mouth with her right thumb before turning her attention to Jane.
"Sorry Mom, but my relationship with Dean is justified." She said as her theme came on.
Jane started freaking out in the ring while Morgan taunted the crowd and made her way up the ramp. Dean smirked and touched his lips
"I guess we got our answer that Morgan isn't going to stop hanging out with The Shield," JBL said.
"I still can't get over that kiss!" King exclaimed.
"Yeah. That kiss was Justified." Cole said with amusement.
Fans tweet:
'Hahah, Jane is a trip! #MommyKnowsBest'
'Jane is funny as heck! #Janepower'
'How dare Morgan make out with Dean in front of her mother like that? #Disrespectful'
'Kiss of the year! #TheJustifiedKiss'
'Lol, Morgan and Dean making out in front of Jane. #KneeSlapper'
'Morgan will find a way to her mother. #ComeToMommy'
'Backstage Fallout with Jane'
"How do you feel about your daughter and what she did?" The interviewer asked
"I am disgusted at how that street dog put his hands all over my daughter! Those hands were close to her behind! That is dis-re-spect-ful! My daughter will not be with that dog any longer. I'm making sure they don't stay together. My daughter deserves better. Much better. She needs an upgrade and Mommy will find her a real man. Ugh! I cannot believe my daughter would kiss that dog! And with the tongue! They were sucking each other's faces off! Disgusting! My daughter should not be kissing that way! Mommy knows best! Good day!" She walked away with a determined look.
After the cameraman stopped rolling, he looked shocked.
"Your mother got some talent." He complimented as Melanie stood next to him and smiled.
"Yeah, she's always like this when it comes to wrestling. She'll be on full throttle and make sure that she does her best at all times."
"How did I do sweetie?" Jane asked, walking over to Melanie as the cameraman walked away.
"That was amazing. I did not know you could vent like that."
"This is so fun! I love the WWE! I want to wrestle. Maybe I can be the New Shield girl,"
"Okay, you are pushing it." She laughed with her.
Favorite Hashtag?
The Bangtan Gal Chapter 42- BTS Now 2

Chapter Summary: Jennie gets an allergic reaction to Pineapple as she teams with Hobi for BTS Now 2
Words: 2,000+
‘BTS Now 2’
‘2 Different Trips’
‘Mission Start!’
‘Which teammates do the members want?’
“I worked with Tae Tae the last BTS Now, so it’s best to work with someone different this time. My first pick is Hobi.” Jennie announced. “Why him? Because he’s a burst of energy! Come on, who wouldn’t want to take photos with J-Hope? Seriously, he’ll make the entire experience fun. My second pick is Jin. He’s flawless and takes phenomenal photos. He’s a King. I would want him in my photos, for sure. And my third pick? Rapmon. His photos are badass. I love his swag. It’d be fun to pose with the leader of BTS.”
The next day, the members head to the Berlin Wall to take photos. The guys were in black suits, while Jen wore black pants, a white shirt and a black blazer. One of the stylists had placed a pair of glasses on her face to complete her look.
“What an adorable nerd.” She complimented herself before checking out the view of the water. “Berlin is so pretty.”
When it was her turn to shoot, she had a mug of tea with her, taking sips of it while the photographer snapped away.
Once the team results were in, the members found out who they were with and came up with team names.
Team Sunshine- Jen and J-Hope
Team Noncommittal- Jimin and Suga
Team High- Rapmon and V
Generation Gap- Jin and Jungkook
‘Mission instructions. Each team should create photo shoots with a theme. Concept: High-end fashion.’
As the members got their makeup retouched, each team met up to discuss what they wanted to do for their concept.
“What do you wanna do?” Jennie asked as Hobi decided to dance around goofily, making weird sound effects. She stared at him before jokingly saying, “Yeah, no.” and shared a laugh with him.
“Let’s do a goofy concept.” He suggested.
“Keep the Sunshine vibe.” She nodded as they thought of some poses. Once it was their turn to shoot, Hobi immediately jumped on her back, causing her to groan. “I thought I was getting on your back!”
“Hehehehe! This is fun!”
“Oh, I’m sure it is!” She sarcastically replied. As they snapped some photos, she began to spin around, causing him to panic.
“Drop him!” Jimin giggled.
“Don’t drop me!” Hobi yelped.
After a while, she set him down. “I wouldn’t do that to you.” She giggled as she watched him try to calm down.
Other photos they shot were of them using Jen's hair as mustaches, jumping around, and happily smiling for the camera near one of the trees.
After shooting, the members took a lunch break at a pizza place.
“Is this pizza?” Jin’s eyes widened happily when he saw the large pizza stacked with various toppings such as pineapple, mushrooms, and chicken.
“FOOD!” Jennie happily said, taking a seat in front of Hobi as she sat in between Jimin and Jin.
It’s been a while since she’s had pizza.
‘Everyone’s stoked at the overwhelming size of the pizza’
“Amazing. Look at this. Wow...” Hobi gushed over the food.
Grabbing a slice for her plate, Jen took a couple of bites. When she suddenly felt her lips tingle, she stopped eating and placed the pizza down.
Watching her put her fingers on her lips, Hobi noticed her sudden change in mood.
“You, all right?” He asked with concern.
“I think so.” She answered with uncertainty and decided to take another bite that had most of the pineapple on it. This time, her mouth began to throb. “Okay, my mouth feels weird.”
“What do you mean?” Jimin turned to her as she took a sip of water to possibly stop it but to no avail.
“M-my mouth is...it’s throbbing.” She exclaimed.
“Your mouth is throbbing?”
“I’m serious, my mouth is really throbbing. I-I think I might be allergic to pineapple.”
“What??” Jimin’s stomach dropped as he watched her with worry.
Whenever her mouth met the pineapple, her mouth tingled. Seconds later, her lips and tongue began to swell up.
“Munchkin...” Hobi called out. “Your lips!”
“I think there’s something wrong.” Jin turned to the staff, pointing out that something was going on with Jennie. The rest of the members turned to her and looked in distress as they saw how swollen her lips were getting.
“Oh God, I need to hurl.” She got out of her seat and rushed to the bathroom. The female staff members immediately followed her.
“She’s going to need to go to a hospital.” The members heard Manager Sejin say as he took out his phone in a flash.
As she went into the bathroom to throw up, the staff that followed her, helped her and noticed that she was starting to develop hives.
“Jennie, you’re starting to get hives! We need to take you to a hospital.” She heard one of them say as she rolled up her sleeves to see them, looking at herself in the mirror.
“What the hell is going on!?” She started to freak out.
She felt extremely uncomfortable in her skin. She just wanted this to be over. Why did this have to happen to her? This was the first time pineapple had affected her like this and this was the first time in years since she’s had pineapple.
While Jennie was taken to the hospital to get her allergic reaction treated, the members continued with their shooting, taking individual photos. They tried to stay focused but all that was on their minds was Jennie, as they hoped that she was okay and it wasn’t serious.
Jimin and Hobi seemed to be affected the most as they tried not to look sad for the cameras around them.
“I’m so worried. She was swelling up so badly.” Jimin frowned. He sounded like he wanted to cry.
“I know...my munchkin....” Hobi sighed, shaking his head. He wasn’t as cheerful since Jennie had left.
“She’s bulletproof. She’ll stay strong. And we gotta stay strong, too. She’s going to be OK. Let’s stay positive.” Namjoon patted them on the back, giving them hope.
As filming progressed, Jungkook called out Jimin as he filmed him. “Is it your turn now?”
“Let’s go.”
The Golden Maknae proceeded to film him taking more shots.
‘Jimin looking cute, seems to be waiting for someone under the sun’
“Who are you waiting for?” Jungkook asked.
“I’m waiting for Jennie.” He replied instantly. “I miss her. I wish she was here. I’m looking forward to her return.”
“She’ll be excited to see you. But she’ll be way more excited to see me, just so you know.”
“You wish!”
‘Miss Bangtan Is Missed Dearly’
Next, BTS heads off to Sweden. Jennie arrived in Sweden later with Manager Sejin. She was told to take it easy today. The staff wanted to be safe than sorry. Her hives had gone away and she felt much better than yesterday. She was in good spirits.
When Sejin and Jen arrived at the spot where BTS’ first shoot in Sweden was kicking off, Jungkook was the first to notice her as a huge grin came across his face. He instantly ran up to her at full speed.
As she watched him run up to her, she prepared herself, letting out a laugh once he collided with her. She stumbled back from the impact as they wrap their arms around each other.
“I missed you too, Kook.” She beamed as he held her tighter.
“Did you see how fast he ran up to her?” Yoongi let out a chuckle.
Actions speak louder than words.
“Jennie!” Jimin, Tae and Hobi run up to her, wrapping their arms around her and Jungkook to join in the hug.
“She’s back! She’s back!” Namjoon cheered, joining the hug with Jin and Yoongi.
“H-hey, guys, don’t rough her up, she’s still recovering. She needs to take it easy!” Sejin warned. “Don’t squeeze her to death. Let her breathe.”
“Ah, I think I’ll be okay with hugs.” She reassured him after she was released.
Taehyung wasn’t done with his affection as he kept kissing her cheeks.
“Tae!” She tried to push him off, laughing at the constant feel of his soft lips all over her face, from her forehead, cheeks and nose.
The staff and the members burst out in laughter as they watched her get drowned with his enthusiastic kisses.
“That’s what you get for worrying us,” Jin added with a laugh. “It’s all out of love.”
After his kisses, Jen had her makeup done, putting on freckles like the rest of the members, joining in for the photoshoot.
“He has been holding onto me ever since I got back.” Jennie chuckled on camera as Taehyung had his arms around her from behind, pressing his cheek against hers. His boxy grin appeared on his face as he talked about how much he missed her.
After he was forced to release her to take his individual shots, Hobi approached her with a bright smile. “I’m so happy you’re okay!”
“Thanks, Hobi. Sorry for letting you down yesterday.” She frowned.
“Hey, don’t think like that.” He grabbed a hold of her hands, giving them a gentle squeeze as he spoke seriously. “I don’t care about winning this contest. I’m with you, having fun. That’s all that matters. I’m glad you’re OK. You’re here with us and I am happy that your allergic reaction wasn’t worse.”
She smiled, grateful for how understanding he was. “Thank you.”
“Always, Munchkin. Now let’s continue to have fun and stay away from pineapple.” He kissed her forehead.
Subsequently, the members waited around for a new location to shoot because it started to get crowded where they had been shooting before. Jungkook decided to film to pass the time, checking out the scenery and the weather.
He turned around and spotted Jennie. “Jennie! How do you like Sweden?” He asked
His question made her smile. “It’s lit!”
Jimin got in the shot. “I wanna be on camera!” He grinned. “Sweden.”
“Cute outfit,” Kook commented, panning down to show off what Jimin was wearing.
“This is Sweden. At age twenty, dressed in bulletproof, I aim the gun.” Jimin started to rap goofily on camera.
“Oh Lord...” Jennie face palmed.
“Looking like a number one. We are super popular idol.” He continued.
“How do you like it here?” Jungkook asked Jimin.
“I love it. It looks so pretty. I heard Gamla Stan is a street of cafes.”
“But now there are too many people so we can’t shoot.”
“Yeah, but I think this is so nice. We had a photoshoot there and the streets were beautiful. Don’t you feel a little like a European?”
“Not at all.”
“Agreed,” Jennie added.
As it rained, Jennie, Jimin, Yoongi, and Tae sat at a table together, avoiding getting rained on, while the rest of the members sat behind them. Sitting next to Jimin, Jen rested her head against his shoulder and he wrapped an arm around her waist.
He occasionally glanced at her with a smile as she rested her eyes. He was pleased to know that his great friend was OK and that she wasn’t going too hard on herself, today.
They get treated to dessert as Yoongi and Tae share one plate while the other plate is for Jen and Jimin.
Jimin scooped a small spoonful of the dessert and fed her, causing Yoongi to roll his eyes.
“Really Jimin?” He bluntly questioned his motives while Jen lifted her head from his shoulder.
She chuckled softly at his kind gesture after enjoying the treat. “I don’t need to be fed.” She kindly insisted as Jimin removed his hand from her waist.
“But you need to take it easy. I don't want you to tire yourself out,” He reminded her.
It was cute that he cared so much and offered to feed her.
“She doesn’t need to take it that easy.” Yoongi shook his head. “Jennie just tell him to fuck off. He’ll take a hint.”
Taehyung giggled loudly once he heard Yoongi curse while Jimin stared at him, appalled at his rude statement.
“Y-Yoongi! We are being filmed!” Jen shouted, widening her eyes.
“They can bleep it out or not show this part.” He waved her comment away. Seems like he was in his IDGAF moods, again.
“Chim, don’t listen to him. You’re just fine. Thank you for being so sweet to me.” She reassured him.
The next destination was Brazil. All the members received tans from being in the sun constantly. Jen had shot photos with the graffiti background by jumping around, doing the flower pose and having her trademark bright smile shown for the camera.
“What are you doing?” Jungkook giggled, covering his face as he watched her pose playfully.
“I’m tryna pose! What are YOU doing?” She responded, switching to another pose.
“Observing.” He answered as he continued to watch her. He decided to distract her by making derpy faces.
“Kook, stop.” She suppressed her laughter and switched to her next pose.
Determined to make her laugh, he ended up performing his signature derp dance. Once he started dancing, she burst into laughter, unable to control it. Jungkook laughed with her, elated that he made her laugh.
“Go away!” She playfully shoved him back so she can continue her shoot.
Their last destination was America.
“AMERICAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!” Jennie shouted loud and proud as she walked with the members to their first shooting, with yachts, portraying Marines.
Hobi held her hand and swung it as they walked around.
“How happy are you to be back home?” Jin asked as he walked with her and Hobi.
“AMERICAAAAAAAAAAAA!” She shouted again, causing him to laugh loudly. “But for real, watch us get kidnapped again.”
“Let’s not think about that, sweetie.” He let out a nervous laugh, thinking about American Hustle Life.
Greeting the yacht owner, they sail on the sea, while taking turns for photos. Jennie ended up photobombing some of them, as she hugged Jungkook and Jimin from behind while they were smiling for the camera, sharing earbuds.
Jennie watched the sea, as the wind blew in her hair. “This is so pretty. You should always just sit back and enjoy your surroundings.”
After their big trip was done, each team checked out their best photos, back in Korea. Yoongi and Jimin won the best photo and made the rest of the members blur out their faces for their penalty.
BTS Now 2 became another successful event and the members looked forward to a third one.
Next Chapters!
Hi! I’ll see y’all next year in January 2024 for more uploads! So happy new year and have a safe new years! Super excited to be enjoying New Year’s in NYC this time! 😁 and I want to thank you all for checking out my stuff. Whenever it’s lurking, liking or reblogging, I appreciate you taking the time to give my creativity a chance as I put myself out there again for fanfiction 🙏🏾
The Bangtan Gal

And What If I Don't? (Out to dinner with her family, Jen is questioned about her personal life as a few family members want her to date someone within her race. But she questions what the problem is with not. JenKook spend a night in the dorm alone while the guys are out.) Major Jungkook fluff! Another one of my favorite chapters ❤️
BTS Now 2 (Jennie gets an allergic reaction to Pineapple as she teams with Hobi for BTS Now 2)
Our First Win (Jen joins V, Rap Monster and Jessi in an episode of Hello Counselor. BTS promote their new album and get their first set of wins)
He's Smitten (Jungkook’s white shirts go missing. Jen gets noticed by Baekhyun. Bam Bam finally meets Jennie at Dream concert. Jennie and Jungkook go against each other for dodgeball at school. Jennie checks out Jungkook’s English.) (GOT7’s BamBam fluff and major Jungkook fluff! One of my favorite chapters❤️)
Forced To Believe

This will be after I post the remaining 3 chapters from the previous post about upcoming chapters for Forced to Believe 💯
In Due Time (Morgan visits NXT to team with Bayley. Goldust continues to be an issue for Morgan. CM Punk is on The Shield's radar. Melanie and Jon spend Thanksgiving together with Melanie's family)
Trying To Gain Momentum (Morgan continues to have targets on her back while Punk butts heads with her)
The Slammy Awards (Melanie celebrates Jon's Birthday. Ambrose confronts Morgan on why she has been lying to him. Problems arise when Ambrose's attitude problems start to annoy Morgan and the rest of his teammates. CM Punk makes a shocking request at TLC)
That Was A Miracle (The Shield face CM Punk at TLC. Ambrose continues to be on thin ice with Morgan) (definitely one of my favorite chapters!!)
The Answer Is No (CM Punk continues to annoy Morgan with his ridiculous request. Morgan's rivalry with Tamina heats up again)
Tribute To The Troops (The Shield attend Tribute To The Troops as Morgan and Tamina continue to go at it)
Forced To Believe Chapter 30- Trying To Gain Momentum

Chapter Summary: Morgan continues to have targets on her back while Punk butts heads with her
Words: 3,000+
The Rhodes Brothers were already in the ring while The Shield jumped over the barricade. Morgan was frowning.
"Morgan looks like she's in a sour mood." JBL pointed out.
"Well, she did get kissed by Goldust," Cole said. "Roman and Seth take on The Rhodes Brothers for the WWE Tag Team Champions."
Morgan and Dean go on commentary as the match starts.
"How are you, Morgan?" Cole asked.
"I'm doing good. I'm just surviving and chilling." She replied.
'Sure...' Dean thought.
He was gonna make her eat those words.
"You sure?" JBL asked. "What's been going on?"
"Well, that crazy gold psycho in the ring kissed me and I'm going to get revenge on him tonight." She declared.
"Not if I get to him first..." Dean glared at Goldust.
"You know, you've been acting pretty weird since Monday. Are you okay?" She asked him, looking concerned.
"I'm fine, never better."
"Do you think Cody and Goldust have The Shield's number?" Cole asked.
"First of all, nobody has The Shield's number," Dean stated. "The Shield has had everybody's number. Look at the list of superstars that we've taken out and defeated. I don't have enough time in this broadcast to list the number of superstars we put on the shelf. Let me ask you, Michael, where's The Undertaker these days? He's probably still in London where we left him laying. Where's The Rock these days? He can't hang anymore, he's in Hollywood."
Later on in the match, The Shield start to take control of Cody.
"So, what are your plans for the new year? We know you lost the title. How do you feel?" JBL asked Morgan.
"A little disappointed but I lost to a better woman. I'm not going to be champion forever. I'll just have to earn another title shot. That's going to be my New Year's resolution. To try to earn another title shot." She replied.
"Earn?" Cole asked.
"What do you mean earn? She earns her stuff." JBL retorted to Cole.
"Yes. Earn, Michael. Right now Natalya is going to be up against AJ for the title. It's her time to shine. I'm rooting for her." She replied.
"So Morgan, what's been going on with you and CM Punk," Cole asked. "You've been having quite the targets on your back."
"I don't mean to have targets on my back. People just love to feud with me. But they just don't seem to remember that I can drop them just...like...that." she snapped her fingers.
"CM Punk says he's after me. Well, go ahead. I'm not scared of him. If he wants to fight with me, then we can rumble. I can't run away or hide by The Shield. I need to be responsible for my actions. I kicked Punk in the face. I did it. I did it on Raw and I admit it." She continued. "I know what I did and I know Punk has a problem with that. So, if he wants to grow some balls and step up to The Shield's Girl, then he can take me on one on one and I can give him the Morganizer, a backfire and the breakdown to shut him up and take him back to Chicago. He does not know who he's messing with. I am from Philly. He may think I'm all talk but no action but once he steps in the ring with me, it's over. D.O.N.E. He's done. Finished!" She motioned her hand to her neck like she was slicing her neck.
"Be careful what you say. That may come back to haunt you." Cole replied.
Morgan had a feeling that it would but she loves a challenge. "I know that. But, I have to step up to my actions and deal with the consequences. The Shield can't always help me and I proved that I can do things alone at Survivor Series."
"This is why I love a woman with confidence," Dean smirked at her.
In the ring, Cody starts to fight back and he throws Seth out of the ring. During this, he hits the announce table as Dean stands up.
"He moved our table. Come on buddy. Get back in there." Ambrose said.
"I hope he's okay." Morgan looks concerned.
Seth gets in the ring and manages to tag in Reigns but Cody tags in Goldust. Goldust starts to take control and do his signature moves. Meanwhile, Dean was biting his knuckles.
"You all right?" She chuckled at Dean.
"Yeah, I'm not worried, just excited," Dean replied.
Later on, Cody hits Seth with the Cross Rhodes and Ambrose runs into the ring to break Cody's pin on Seth as the bell rings.
"I knew that was gonna happen...I knew it..." Morgan said. Dean starts to attack Cody until CM Punk runs out with a chair. "Great...It's him."
Punk runs down the ramp and hits Roman with the chair twice. He runs in the ring as Dean runs out of the ring. Goldust gets in the ring to help Cody as The Shield regroups.
"Are you kidding me?" Morgan yelled at Punk as she removed her headset.
As The Shield regrouped, Vickie was on the titantron and made the match a 6 man tag team match.
"What's she talkin' about? Six man tag? Are you kiddin' me!?" Seth yelled as Dean tried to calm him down.
When they get in the ring, Morgan is at ringside and Punk takes control of Dean.
"Come on Dean! Break his neck." Morgan cheered.
"I'll break yours if you don't shut your mouth." Punk turned his attention to her.
"I wish you would! I am not scared of you, cookie monster!" She snapped. "I dare you to put a finger on me! Do you wanna get hurt?"
Near the end of the match, Morgan was near the ramp, watching the match. Dean was put in the GTS position by Punk but all of a sudden, the Wyatt Family's opening surrounds the arena and the arena goes black. The light comes back on and the Wyatts appear at the end of the ramp.
"Oh, we got company," Cole said as Punk got distracted.
Morgan turned around and looked at Bray. "I thought I told you to leave me alone." She exclaimed, narrowing her eyes at him
"We simply came for Punk, my rose," Bray replied with a sick smile as she backed away from them.
Dean turns to Punk and attacks him from behind as The Shield takes control of him. The Wyatts attack Goldust and Cody before Punk could tag them in and the faces get beat up by the heels.
The Usos run into the ring and attack the Wyatts as a brawl occurs. Then, Rey runs into the ring to clear house. Outside the ring, Luke is attacking Goldust and sees Morgan near him.
Morgan was keeping her distance and watching the action in the ring. She thought it would be best to keep herself out of more trouble.
Suddenly, Luke picks up Goldust and brings him to her. She looks at Luke in confusion and then looks at Goldust.
Luke wanted to give Morgan what she wanted. She wanted revenge on Goldust and he decided to give that to her.
"What are you doing?" She asked, looking confused.
"You wanted revenge, correct? Don't stray, get your revenge." He said.
As much as Morgan hated to admit it, she had a soft spot for Luke. She thinks that he has a heart even though he is with the Wyatts.
She grabs Goldust and hits him with the backfire.
"What? Morgan and Luke Harper working together? This is scary. The Shield and Wyatts working together. I wonder what's going on between them." Cole said as the crowd chanted 'Yes! Yes! Yes!'
Morgan gets up and looks at Luke. She wasn't expecting to get Goldust back this quickly but she was thankful for what Luke did for her. She decides to give him a small smile. A smile wouldn't hurt. Call her crazy but she actually forgot the fear she had for the Wyatts as she looked at the bearded, strong, and erratic man in front of her.
"Thanks." Morgan turned around but he grabbed her wrist and she turned around to face him.
"You're welcome," Luke mumbled and released her but then they turned their attention to the stage.
"Excuse me! No! No! No! Excuse me!" Vickie yelled as she walked onto the stage. "This chaos will not continue, not on my show, not on Smackdown! I demand order!"
"This match is now a 12 man tag team match!" She announced as the crowd cheered.
Later on in the ring, CM Punk was in the ring with Bray Wyatt. He was out of the ring and saw Morgan, glaring at him.
"What? What are you gonna do? Step up, I'm ready." She motioned Punk to come at her.
Punk smirked and made a loud slapping sound with his hands and fell down. The crowd cheered once the ref looked at Punk and then Morgan.
"I didn't do it! He faked it! He faked it! He's faking it! He's not really hurt!" She tried to explain.
"That's it! You're out of here!" Ref yelled as the crowd erupted in cheers and The Shield start to protest.
She shot Punk a dirty look. "Bastard! I'm gonna frickin' kill you!" She yelled while Punk grinned and waved goodbye to her.
"I'm gonna get you! I'm gonna get you Punk!" She reluctantly walked up the ramp.
Morgan tweets 'Well it looks like the #CookieMonster is going to be #Morganized real soon. Thanks for making me go backstage CMPunk. That was so funny, I forgot to laugh.'
'Next week, Hours Before Raw'
Melanie was in a black dress that stopped before her knees and with black low heels. Her hair was down and curly at the end.
"Hey, Melanie!" Brie beamed and hugged her. She was wearing her dress for the Slammys next week.
"Hey. How was your shoot with Bryan?" she asked.
"It went great. I love your outfit."
"Thanks, I love yours too. I'm surprised I'm surviving in heels. Nicole and Nattie are the veterans when it comes to heels."
"Yeah, that's true."
Jon walked up behind Melanie and wrapped his arms around her. He kissed her on the cheek and she turned her head and smiled.
"We're up next." He said.
"Have fun you two." Brie smiled at them as they walked to the set.
Melanie looked at Jon's suit. "I'm not surprised that The Shield has to keep wearing black."
"I still look hot right?" He grinned.
She punched his arm and laughed. The cameraman finished setting up his camera and turned to the couple.
"Okay, we are going to take a few photos for couple of the year. Not a lot but we should be done in 5 minutes."
"All righty." Melanie grinned.
"Okay, can we have you lean on the wall?" The cameraman asked.
Melanie leaned on the wall and The cameraman motioned Jon to stand in front of her and put his hands on the wall on each side of her head.
"Can we have Morgan and Dean's smirk?"
As they continued to snap photos, Melanie turned her head away from Jon and the photographer took the shot.
She then looked up at him with a smile. "Does this remind you of Mr and Mrs Smith? Since we're wearing black?"
"Kind of. All we need is guns." He grinned.
They get off the wall and stand in front of the camera. She stood on her tippy toes and wrapped her arms around his neck, smiling at him while he grabbed her waist.
The photographer also started taking pictures when Melanie grabbed his tie and when he kissed her on the cheek.
He then got behind her to wrap his arms around her waist while she leaned to the left side
"All right, that's a wrap!" was announced as the photographer stopped snapping photos.
"Sweet. High five." She said as Jon gave her a high five.
"Down low." He gives her a low five.
"Too slow!" She laughed as he tried to give her another high five.
Jon reacted by picking her up bridal style and spinning her around as she laughed.
'Raw, In The Ring'
The Rhodes Brother, Kaitlyn and Big Show were in the ring to take on The Shield. Dean, Seth and Roman were walking through the crowd. "Wait, where's Morgan?" King asked. "It's supposed to be a 4 on 4 match, not 4 on 3."
"Wardrobe malfunctions can be a pain." Sandra Gray, the seamstress said as she pinned Melanie's Shield shirt like how AJ had her CM Punk shirt.
"Yeah, it happens. I really appreciate you doing this for me." Melanie replied.
"Oh no, problem honey, I just hope you're not late for your match."
"Nah, I can go out to my own theme. You're fine." She smiled as she got her shirt fixed.
"There. Good to go."
"Thank you so much!" She sprinted to the gorilla as the producer cued her music
'In The Ring'
"And introducing their tag team partner, from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Morgan Lopez!" Justin announced as she walked out with a grin and did her taunt. She twirls around and runs to tag some hands before running into the ring. She spins on one knee and stands up on the other foot.
'Ding Ding Ding'
Dean and Big Show start the match. Show takes control and pushes Dean to the turnbuckle. He lifts up his shirt and slaps him on the chest. He then decides to throw Dean to the turnbuckle across from him as he falls down and holds his chest.
"Believe in The Shield now, huh?" Big Show taunted.
"Shut up! You shut up!" Seth yelled as the ref restrained him.
"He's not worth it." Morgan put her hand on Seth's shoulder.
Dean stands up and leans on the turnbuckle, only to have his shirt lifted up again by Show. Show gives him a big slap on the chest as Morgan holds her chest.
"Gosh..." She murmured as she remembered the hard slaps that Tamina gave her during Survivor Series. Cody, Goldust and Kaitlyn were holding their chest too.
"One more?" Big Show asked the crowd. Dean was leaning on the ropes, shaking, trying to recover from the big slap.
"No!" She yelled. "Don't do it! He's had enough!"
"This one's for you, Morgan." Big Show gives Dean a hard slap on the chest as she holds her chest again, feeling the pain. Dean stumbles and tags in Rollins.
"You all right man?" Roman asked him.
"No!" Dean exclaimed before getting on the apron, and standing next to Morgan.
Rollins was being manhandled by the Big Show. He grabs Rollins by the vest as he tries to make a tag and decides to release him as he tags in Reigns. The crowd cheers while Dean pats his shoulder.
"Here comes the big man," Cole said as Roman got in the ring.
"Show em' what you got." Morgan supported him.
Unfortunately, Roman gets thrown to a turnbuckle and gets his vest unzipped. Big Show gives him a big slap on the chest and the slap echoes around the arena. Morgan holds her chest when Big Show gives him another slap on the chest. She was glad she wasn't in the ring with him right now.
Roman gives Show a rake in the eyes and tags in Dean. Dean gets on the top rope but gets grabbed by the neck and thrown off by Big Show.
"Pull on his beard! You gotta pull on his beard." Seth exclaimed as Morgan started laughing at his statement.
Later on in the match, Cody tags in Kaitlyn as the crowd cheers loudly while Morgan gets in the ring. Kaitlyn has her hands out, trash talking as the Outspoken Diva smirks at her.
"Here we go! These two hate each other." JBL looked on.
"Woo hoo! Diva action!" King cheered.
"Two former best friends in the ring. Anything could happen." Cole said as Kaitlyn and Morgan started to get in each other's faces and talk trash.
Kaitlyn slaps her as the Outspoken Diva places a hand on her now reddened cheek. She returns the slap and they slap each other back and forth.
"Slap, after slap," King exclaimed.
Kaitlyn tries to clothesline her but she ducks. She waits for Kaitlyn to turn around and hits her with a roundhouse kick.
"Whoops, too bad..." She retorted and pinned her for a two count.
She takes control of Kaitlyn, putting her in a headlock. Kaitlyn stands up and elbows her in the stomach, picking her up over her shoulder to slam her down. She pins her for a two count. She picks her up and throws Morgan to the ropes, aiming for a clothesline but Morgan ducks and holds on to the ropes to stop herself.
Morgan shook her head at her. "Nope."
They lock up again and Kaitlyn throws her to the ropes. She runs towards her but Morgan moves out of the way. She takes advantage and hits her with the Morganizer and pins her but Kaitlyn puts her leg on the ropes. Kaitlyn tries to make a tag but gets her leg grabbed. She kicks her away and tags in Cody while Morgan tags in Seth.
"The Shield really enjoy doing things like this," King said as The Shield continued to dominate the match.
Later in the match, The Shield continue to take control of Big Show until he tags in Goldust. Goldust does his signature moves on Seth and pins him until Dean breaks it up. Cody gets in the ring but Dean throws him on the apron and dropkicks him as Cody hurts his arm.
Ambrose runs to the run but falls back as Big Show grabs the ropes for payback. Roman spears Big Show out the ring but then Cody jumps on top rope and dives on top of him, hurting himself in the process.
Morgan gets off the apron and runs to where Kaitlyn is. She tries to grab her off the apron but Kaitlyn kicks her away and jumps off as Morgan holds her mouth. She runs to spear her but Morgan pushes her to the steel steps. She grabs her by the hair and hits her with the backfire while Goldust suplexs Dean. The Philly Diva leans on the barricade to recover as some of the fans pat her arm and back.
She watches as Seth rolls up Goldust to win the match and roll out of the ring. She runs and hugs him as he has his arms up in victory.
"The winners of this match, The Shield!" Justin announced as Seth and Morgan jumped over the barricade.
"Woo!" Seth cheers as Roman and Dean meet up with them and celebrate.
"Numbers, numbers and more numbers," Cole exclaimed as Kaitlyn and the Rhodes brothers were hurt and recovering in the ring. "What's gonna happen when it's 3 on 1 with The Shield against Punk at TLC?"
Forced To Believe Chapter 27- Total Divas Season 1 Episode 8

Chapter Summary: Melanie gets upset with Jon when he misses their dinner. Melanie attends Nattie and TJ's wedding
Words: 2,000+
----- 'To Melanie and Jon's hotel room on Tuesday, in the afternoon'
Melanie was doing her hair, in casual clothing, already in the bedroom and Jon walked in.
"Hey, I was wondering if we could hang out here, alone tonight. Eat in and have a romantic dinner." Jon smiled.
"Really? Wow, that sounds awesome." Melanie beamed.
Melanie (This is really unexpected. We really haven't been on a lot of romantic dates lately because of our schedules but I'm really happy that he decided to do this for me. So, while Jon was out, doing some errands, I decided to go food shopping. Since he likes pecan pie, I wanted to buy a premade one that I could heat in the oven.)
'Later on, at 9o'clock'
Melanie sets up the table and lights a candle in the middle of the table. She then checks on the food. She made steak and also had a bottle of wine for them. After she was done preparing the food, she got her hair done and put on a nice red dress.
Minutes later, she tried to call Jon but he wouldn't answer.
"Oookaayy..." She decided to watch TV and wait for him.
Hours later, she was on the couch waking up after falling asleep. She looked at the clock and it read 12. "Are you serious right now?"
Melanie (Wow...you can't spend one night with your girlfriend instead of hanging with the guys? I know for a fact he did. How can you forget our date? I'm like so upset right now)
She decided to put the food up and watch TV, on the couch. When it was 2'o clock, Jon walked into the hotel room.
"What's up? Why are you looking mad?" Jon asked, taking his leather jacket off,
"Oh, I don't know...forgetting a romantic dinner which I cooked." She retorted, glaring at him.
"Shit...baby, I'm sorry."
"I'm sorry? Saying I'm sorry isn't going to fix anything!"
"How could you forget? We've both been talking about this. It was your damn idea!"
"Well, maybe I don't think I'm good enough for you." He countered.
"What? Are you serious? Are you serious?"
Melanie (Bullshit! You are not going to play the victim and play the pity game on me. That's not cool. No, don't do that. We had this talk about this before. Enough already)
"Don't try to put this on you and be the victim. Don't because it's not gonna work. Gosh, I just wish you would at least spend some time with your girlfriend. At least an hour or two. Is that too much to ask? Just us. Alone, with no interruptions, and chilling at home. You holding me and telling me you love me. Do you love me?"
"You know I do."
"Then prove it. Show me. Don't ditch me like that if you say you want to make plans with me and not show up." She stands up as he walks over to her.
"Baby-" He reached out to grab her arm but she pushed him away.
"Do not touch me. And don't even speak to me. Please. I'm not happy." She went to the kitchen and started doing the dishes.
Melanie (I am pissed. Beyond pissed!)
"You got me waiting for you, all fucking night, but you were hanging with the guys. Are you kidding me? What was the point of you saying you wanted a romantic dinner with me?" She snapped. "I know I'm nice and all but I'm not gonna be played like that. No freaking way..."
Jon walked behind her and held her. He rested his head on her left shoulder. "I'm sorry..."
"Mel, I really am. Let me make it up to you." He started to kiss her neck.
Melanie (Really? Really!? That really got me angry...)
She pushed him away and turned around, slapping him in the face.
"What the fuck was that for?" He exclaimed, rubbing the side of his face in surprise.
"For being an asshole! Are you fucking kidding me!? You are gonna try to have makeup sex with me to get yourself off the hook? Hell to the fucking no!" She yelled as her face started to flush from anger. "I hope you aren't thinking about sleeping in bed with me tonight, cause your ass is sleeping on the couch." She walked past him and slammed the bedroom door.
Melanie (I feel so stupid...)
'On Thursday, hours before WWE Superstars'
Ariane, Eva Marie, Trinity and Melanie were chatting backstage.
"What's up, girl? You seem pretty pissed." Trinity said to Melanie.
Melanie sighed. "Jon wanted to have a romantic dinner with me, so I was like, that'll be awesome, I'll go shopping and cook for us. I cooked all day, I was tired, wanted to relax, and was waiting for him to come home. He told me he had some errands to run and will be back soon. Come to find out, once he was done his errands, he hung out with the guys at the bar."
"What?!" Ariane exclaimed.
Trinity (That's not good.)
Ariane (Melanie has every right to be upset with him.)
"When did he come home?" Eva asked.
"2 fucking o'clock. 2 o'clock in the morning." Melanie retorted.
"Oh no, gurl, you better make him sleep on the couch or something. What did you do?" Ariane asked.
"Gave him an earful. He kept saying that he was sorry and forgot. When I was doing the dishes, he came up behind me and started kissing my neck, trying to have makeup sex. Are you fucking kidding me right now!? I slapped him in the face."
Eva Marie (I never knew Melanie could get so angry. But she has the right to be. How can a guy stand her up like that? I feel so bad for her.)
"Yes girl, don't give in to that, he needs to earn your forgiveness a different way," Ariane replied.
Trinity (I've never seen Melanie this angry off camera. She even started venting in Spanish since she was so mad. Even her face was getting red. She told us she started hanging around her father more and when he was mad, he would cuss in Spanish, so now we know where she gets her anger from)
"Gosh! Everything that guy said was bullshit!" Melanie said angrily.
'To Nattie'
Nattie (I decided to find Jon because I really don't want him and Melanie to be an unhappy couple at my wedding. Maybe Melanie is overreacting about something. So I decided to go to Jon to find out to get the man's side of the story of what might be going on between them)
"Hey, Jon." Nattie smiled as he turned around.
"Hey, what's up?"
"You and Melanie look like you have some tension. Something happen?"
"I messed up...bad...I fucked up big time..."
Nattie (Ugh...now that got me worried...)
"Melanie cooked dinner for us all day but I hung out with the guys and forgot about our date." He confessed.
"Jon! She has every right to be upset with you."
"I know..."
"You need to fix this. Like, now. You need to make it up to her in a good way."
Nattie (I really hope Jon mans up and makes sure to earn Melanie's forgiveness. Melanie is one of the nicest divas here and to see her angry and upset can be heartbreaking at times since we always see her smiling.)
'To Melanie'
Melanie calmed herself down. "Enough about me, let's just stay positive. So, what's going on with you girls?"
"I'm nervous." Eva Marie replied.
"Nervous about what? "Ariane asked.
"Tonight is the night when we find out who will be accompanying someone to the ring."
"That's exciting, now maybe it's your time to shine."
"I agree." Melanie smiled
Mark Carrano, senior director of WWE Talent Relations, walked over to the girls. "Hello, ladies."
The divas greet him while Jojo and Nattie walk over to the gang. "Mark, are we in trouble?" Nattie asked.
"Nah. First of all, Nikki is hurt, she will be out for 6 to 12 weeks. You." He pointed to Trinity. "Who is your BFF?"
"Her." Trinity pointed to Ariane.
"Girl bye." Ariane joked as the divas laughed.
"All right, Nattie, in your corner for WWE Superstars will be...Eva." Mark informed.
The divas but Jojo cheered while Eva hugged Nattie.
"Seriously Mark? Seriously?" Jojo asked, looking upset.
"Listen, it's not the end of the world." He said. "You are on the radar."
Eva Marie (I am seriously so excited that I get to valet Nattie because Nattie is a dope wrestler but I feel like I have to downplay my excitement because of Jojo)
Nattie and Eva Marie get ready and leave the girls with Mark. "You going to be okay girl?" Ariane asked Jojo.
"Yeah, I'm good," Jojo replied while Melanie hugged her
"You'll get your chance. All good things come to those who wait patiently." The Philly diva smiled.
"Yeah, and Jojo is the youngest out of all of us. Once we long gone, she'll still be here, kicking butt." Trinity grinned.
"I know right!" Ariane exclaimed as Jojo started to smile.
'Later at night'
Melanie (After WWE Superstars, I decided to go back to the hotel room and just relax. But when I came back to the hotel room, I saw a nice candlelight dinner. I was in awe.)
She walked into the room to see Jon in a suit. "Surprise!" he smiled.
She couldn't help but grin. "Oh my gosh..." She chuckled at the sight. There was a nice candlelight dinner in the room, and she was handed a bouquet of red roses. "Jon..."
"I know I fucked up, and I deserved the slap and the earful, but I just want you to know that I'm really sorry. So, I decided to heat up the food you made and recreate the romantic dinner. Just us tonight. No hanging out with the guys tonight. Just you and me."
"This is so awesome." She set the flowers down and hugged him tightly. He wrapped his arms around her waist and looked down at her.
"So am I forgiven?"
"Yes...you're forgiven." She kissed him
'Nattie & TJ's wedding day'
Brie, Melanie, and Trinity arrive at the place and walk up the stairs.
"Hello? Nattie?" Brie called out as she and the girls carried their suitcases.
Nattie opened her door and let them in. "Hi!" she greeted the girls with hugs.
"You look awesome." Melanie grinned and looked at her wedding dress.
"This is unbelievable," Brie said with a smile.
"So...Jaret is coming," Nattie whispered as she shut the door.
Melanie (Really? I don't think that's a good idea. I mean, ever since the text messages, I just think it'll cause problems but it's her wedding so, she can do what she wants to do)
"Did you tell TJ?" Trinity whispered.
"No. How do I always get myself in these awkward positions?" Nattie frowned.
"I'll tell you this, if the pastor says please stand up or forever hold your peace, and he says anything, we're dropkicking him." Brie guaranteed as Trinity agreed.
"Dibs on me giving him the backfire!" Melanie raised her hand as the girls laughed
'2 hours until ceremony'
The women get ready. Melanie had her hair out with curls at the end. She wore a black dress that stopped near her knees and low black heels.
"How come you're not wearing real heels?" Brie asked.
Melanie laughed. "I am not a high heel person. Low heels I can handle. I just don't want to break anything. You, Nattie and Brie are high heel veterans."
Melanie (So, while we all are getting ready for Nattie's wedding, we all find out that a thunderstorm is occurring outside. Lightning and thunder, are not a good mix, so the workers had to move everything inside.)
Nattie (I'm trying to fight back tears. All I wanted was a beach wedding. That's all I wanted and this day is starting to turn into the worse, like, what else can go wrong today?)
Later on, while the divas were upstairs, Melanie was downstairs, waiting for Jon.
"Ooh, you look awesome Mel. Showing some skin." Trinity cheered. "Where's Jon?"
"He's coming, he needed to pick up his suit " Melanie trailed off as her phone rang.
"Haha, speaking of the devil." Trinity chuckled.
"Hey, you here?" She answered.
"Yeah, I'm getting soaked, can you open up the door?" Jon said on the phone.
"Yeah, see you in a few." Melanie hung up. She went to the entrance and opened the door. "Yikes, it's really raining."
She looked at the sky. She saw Jon, in a suit, jogging up the steps. His hair and suit were a little damp from the rain.
"Glad you made it." She wrapped her arms around his neck to kiss him.
"Get a room!" Trinity joked.
'30 Minutes Until The Wedding'
Melanie sat next to Trinity and Jon at the table. Brie and Bryan, Jey and Jon Uso also sit at the table, waiting for the wedding to start.
TJ walked in. "Hello!"
"TJ!" Melanie grinned and kissed him on the cheek, hugging him.
Trinity (Melanie is grinning like no tomorrow. I'm happy Melanie and Jon are not fighting and there are no conflicts between them)
"Ready for the big day, brother?" Jey (Jon Uso's Brother) asked.
"So ready." TJ replied.
"You're in the back of the curtain and when that music hits, you're totally fine."
"What's up, man?" Jaret greeted as he walked up to TJ.
"Jaret, hey, how ya doing man?" TJ stood up and shook his hand.
Melanie (Oh boy)
"You must be excited, Nattie's awesome." Jaret sat next to him.
"Yeah," TJ replied.
Trinity, Brie and Melanie glanced at each other.
"We've been talking a bit lately, she came in for a spray tan while I was working and we started talking," Jaret mentioned. Trinity, Melanie, Brie and their lovers were looking at TJ and Jaret talking. "She said that you two had some issues."
Trinity (I'm like, aw shoot, it's about to go down)
TJ and Jaret leave the room to talk privately.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, the wedding is about to commence, if you would please take your seats, thank you." Damien Sandow announced.
Jon Uso sat next to Trinity, who sat next to Melanie, who sat next to Jon. The band started playing as Melanie listened to the violin and viola. But no one came down the steps.
Brie (I have to admit with Jaret showing up, and the way TJ reacted, I don't know if this wedding is going to happen or not.)
Melanie and Trinity grinned when the wedding continued to happen and TJ was down the aisle.
Trinity (Woo! The wedding is still happening!)
Nattie walked down the steps with her father as everyone stood up. She walked down the aisle with Gismo in her arms.
Melanie (Nattie is so beautiful. She's smiling, she's just glowing)
Nattie (I honestly could not feel any happier. My dad in one arm, Gismo in the other, this is just a reminder of how perfect my life is.)
After TJ and Nattie said their vows, they kissed as the audience clapped and cheered.
Nattie (I cannot believe that I'm married now.)
'The Reception'
"We don't know how to dance," Nattie said as everyone laughed while watching her and TJ have their first dance.
"I have a hurt knee, that's the excuse." TJ joked.
Melanie smiled while Jon held her from behind while they watched them.
"All ladies on the dance floor," TJ announced
"Come on Melanie." Brie grabbed her arm and dragged her to the dance floor.
"What? I'm not interested." Melanie exclaimed.
"Oh yes, you are." she grinned.
Melanie (Catching the bouquet...Yikes, I hope I don't get attacked by heels if I slip and fall.)
Nattie threw the bouquet up for some of the women. The bouquet was near Brie but she jumped and pushed it towards Melanie, making it fall in her hands.
Melanie's eyes widen. "Brie!"
Brie laughed and clapped. "Yay, Melanie!"
Brie (I decided to let Melanie catch the bouquet because I wanted to see her reaction and plus, I want to see Jon put the garter on her. They're cute. I think marriage is in their future.)
"Melanie catches the bouquet, yay!" Nattie cheered.
Ariane (Melanie catches the bouquet and I'm like, ooh girl, good for you, I wasn't ready for all that.)
"Can we get the garter?" Brie asked. "Let's let Jon put the garter on Melanie."
"What?" Melanie blushed.
Brie grinned and walked Melanie to the chair. TJ took the garter off of Nattie and gave it to Jon. Jon looked at the garter before smirking at Melanie as she started to laugh nervously.
"She's blushing." Brie giggles.
While she was seated on the chair, Jon kneeled before her legs. He grabbed one of her legs and slowly put the garter on her leg with his teeth as everyone was cheering.
"Omg!" Brie exclaimed, getting hyped with Trinity.
"That was awesome." Trinity clapped.
Brie (That was great. Go Melanie and Jon!)
Melanie (Hahaha, my face was such a tomato. I'm not surprised Jon did that, he can be a little...adventurous.)
"Now for a word from our groom," Damien said before giving the mic to TJ.
"Well, it's kind of hard to keep a surprise from Nattie since she is usually organizing everything, but I put a little something together," TJ announced as he showed a video of him and Nattie together in the WWE.
Melanie (That is so sweet.)
Nattie (TJ put together some moments that I even forgot that happen and I was just so touched)
After TJ's video, everyone started to dance and have a good time.
Nattie (At the end of the day, I am such a lucky girl, it's been such a roller coaster of a day. I couldn't imagine spending my life with anybody else than TJ. TJ is my family and he will be a part of my life forever)