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Forced To Believe Chapter 25- Mommy Knows Best
Forced To Believe Chapter 25- Mommy Knows Best

Chapter Summary: Morgan's mother, Jane, tries to defend her honor as she feuds with Stephanie. But things aren't what they seem
Words: 8,000+
After getting off Skype with Chyna, Melanie decided to call Celeste first and she answered on the first ring.
"What the hell were you thinking!?" Celeste yelled on the other line as Melanie couldn't help but start laughing at her reaction. "Are you-are you laughing!? Do you know how upset I am? Why would you go back to TNA if you spent your entire wrestling career working to get to the WWE? What is wrong with you!? How could you go to that place?!"
"Whoa, wait a minute, what are you talking about-"
"Why are you staying on TNA?!"
"No! At least go to a different wrestling company. That was a slap in the face. You could of least told us and given us a heads up so we wouldn't be freaking out!"
Melanie laughed again, "I couldn't. WWE told me to keep it under wraps,"
"Wait what?"
"Put me on speaker,"
After Melanie explained the situation to the girls whole were still in Celeste's room. Relief seemed to wash over them as they were happy she wasn't staying and that it was just a misunderstanding due to her being told not to share her plans with anyone yet.
After chatting with the girls, Melanie called Colby and he answered on the third ring.
"Well...if it isn't the TNA Knockout." Colby greeted, making her chuckle
"I'm not staying, you goofball. Put me on speaker. I know Jon and Joe are there."
Colby announced to the boys that she was on the phone and put his phone on speaker.
After explaining, she was glad her friends and Jon understood what was going on. She missed them so much and couldn't wait to be back when she was told to return. But for now, she wanted to live in the moment and enjoy this rare opportunity given by WWE and spend time with her TNA friends.
Jon grinned, "Good that you're not staying permanently. I'd drag you back to WWE myself if I have to," he teased
"Oh trust me, I know," she replied. "I'm happy you guys understand. I'll be back in WWE before you know it!"
'Next Thursday, TNA'
"This is a Knockouts tag team match scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, the team of Melanie and Velvet Sky!" Christy Hemme announced as Melanie and Velvet walked out to Velvet's music.
"Melanie is set for her match in her first TNA match in years. Her cousin, Chyna is in the crowd." Mike said as they got in the ring.
"Yep, Chyna. She was in a huge match with Kurt Angle against Karen and Jeff Jarrett. What a match that was." Taz looked on while Gail and Brooke got in the ring.
Melanie was wearing pants similar to AJ Styles and an AJ Styles shirt as a crop top.
Velvet starts off the match against Gail. She begins to taunt Velvet before pushing her head. Velvet spears her and starts unloading on her until the ref grabs her off. While the ref tries to hold back Velvet, Gail manages to hit her with a cheap shot, taking control of the match with her partner.
"Come on Vel!" Melanie cheered on as she tried to fight back and overpower Gail.
She manages to fight back against Gail's headlock and drops her down with a facebuster. Velvet crawls over to Melanie as she gets the tag and the crowd cheers. She runs in the ring as Gail stands up and Brooke scrambles in the ring. Melanie double clotheslines them as they both roll out the ring.
"She's all over the place. Good grief!" Taz exclaimed as she jumped through the ropes and on top of them.
"Welcome back Melanie!" Mike laughed.
She grins and gives him a high five before throwing Gail back in the ring. Gail scrambles to the turnbuckle, sitting down and tries to beg for mercy.
"That's not gonna work on me," Melanie shook her head, making her way to her.
But then Gail pulls her forward and throws her face first into the turnbuckle.
"Hard shot by Gail." Mike looked on and pinned her for a two count.
"Are you serious?" Gail complained.
She starts to take control of Melanie and then decides to pick her up to prepare for the eat defeat. Melanie manages to reverse it and gives her a backfire. She pins her but Brooke breaks it up.
"So close!" Taz exclaimed.
Velvet runs and tackles Brooke down, and takes care of her outside the ring.
Melanie decides to put Gail in the breakdown as she tries to break free. Gail manages to escape the hold by putting her foot on the rope. And near the end of the match, Melanie catches her in the backfire and pins her for the win.
"Here are your winners! Melanie and Velvet Sky!" Christy Hemme announced
Velvet goes into the ring to hug her as Chyna smiles and claps for them.
Later on the night, Melanie was backstage, near the entrance, waiting for her cue to interfere in Bully Ray's match against Samoa Joe. After a producer told her that it was her cue to go out, She ran down the ring, still in her AJ Styles shirt but her pants had been replaced with jeans.
"Here comes Melanie!" Mike exclaimed as the crowd gave her a big pop.
She saw the ref down on the mat and Bully Ray hitting Samoa Joe with a chain off the ropes. She quickly motioned the ref to look at what Bully had done. The ref witnessed it and signaled for the bell to be rung while Melanie grinned in satisfaction.
"What?" Bully Ray exclaimed.
Earl Hebner (The ref) grabs the chain and shows it to Bully before throwing it back on the mat. Melanie looks amused at ringside but then Bully turns and glares at her while she gets in the ring.
"Your winner by disqualification Samoa Joe." Christy Hemme announced.
"You..." Bully Ray growled at Melanie after pushing the ref down.
He got right in her face but she stood her ground and narrowed her eyes. She would not be intimidated by him.
"What? Are you gonna do something?" She asked
"So, think you can come back and help your little friend out? AJ is going down and I am going to make you watch." He grabbed her arm.
She manages to knee him in the stomach as he stumbles away from her. Brooke and Garett Bischoff, allies of Bully Ray and members of his team called 'Aces & Eights' quickly get in the ring.
"Grab her!" He yelled as Melanie was grabbed by Garett. Bully grabbed her chin and forced her to face him. "You think you can assault me and get away with it little girl!? I should teach you a lesson about respect!"
"Screw you!" Melanie retorted.
All of a sudden, AJ runs down to the ring from the crowd and begins to unload on Bully as they roll out the ring. Melanie breaks free of Garett's hold as he turns his attention to AJ. Brooke tries to grab Melanie but she kicks her in the stomach as she stumbles to the turnbuckle. She starts unloading on her with punches before she throws Brooke out of the ring. The Philly Diva turns around and sees Garett back in the ring. She ducks his clothesline and AJ gets into the ring to clothesline him down.
AJ and Melanie glance at each other before striking Garett with a double dropkick as he falls out of the ring. Bully, Brooke and Garett scramble to the back.
Standing in the ring, she turned around to face AJ. She smiled widely and jumped on him for a hug as the crowd cheered loudly when he hugged her back.
But then, security rushes down the ring as they quickly escape them and go into the crowd and celebrate with them.
"Well, it seems the lone wolf and Melanie have reunited!" Mike exclaimed.
"Oh great..." Taz retorted. "AJ was supposed to be out of the building! Not inside the arena! Wasn't he escorted by Dixie?"
'Next week, Raw'
It was October 7th and Stephanie was in the ring while the crowd booed her loudly.
"I bet you all miss your precious Morgan, am I right?" She asked as the crowd cheered for Morgan. 'We want Morgan' chants surround the arena. "No, you don't want Morgan."
The 'We want Morgan' chants get louder as Stephanie gets annoyed.
"You want Morgan? Well, too bad, I terminated her contract and she will never ever be a part of the WWE again!"
"Stop!" A voice called out.
Stephanie turned her attention to the stage to see a woman running down the ramp with a mic.
"Who is she?" Cole asked.
"Please. Please give my daughter her contract back." The woman got in the ring while the crowd cheered for her.
"Well, well, if it isn't Jane Lopez. Morgan's mother." Stephanie retorted
"Stephanie, my daughter shouldn't have done what she did. I believe she learned the consequences. Just please give her back her contract,"
She chuckled. "Well Jane, it seems that I can't do that. You know why? Because you raised a wild child!" She spat as the crowd booed and Jane looked down. "How dare you have your daughter put her hands on me? Haven't you taught your daughter some manners?"
"Yes, I have. Sometimes I agree with what my daughter has done to you. I saw how you treated her. She did not deserve that and neither did the Rhodes family."
"I'm sorry, what did you just say? Do you think you can just come here and talk like that to me? I am Stephanie McMahon."
"Yes, we all know who you are. What we all don't like is your abuse of power." Jane remarked as the crowd cheered again.
"Abuse of power?" She asked before slapping her down to the mat as Jane held her face in shock. She starts unloading on Jane and yelling "Where's your daughter now? Where's your daughter Jane? She's not here to rescue you!"
"I cannot believe she just put her hands on Morgan's mother!" Cole exclaimed.
Stephanie throws her out of the ring and a ref rushes down to help her
"Morgan isn't going to stand for that." Cole guaranteed. "She isn't going to let Stephanie get away with this."
"I'm afraid for Stephanie's well being now," King added.
"Stephanie has a game plan. She knows what she is doing. Morgan is not a part of the WWE anymore." JBL reminded.
Eva Marie was walking around and saw Dean Ambrose and the rest of The Shield prepping
"Hi guys." She gave them a grin while the crowd gave her mixed reactions
The Shield look at her in confusion. Although they were intimidating, Eva didn't seem to be scared.
"Is she crazy?" JBL asked.
"Who knows," Cole said
"So...any word on Morgan coming back?" She asked as they stared at her, unamused. She could feel herself blush at their attention. Especially Dean's. She was loving it all.
"Well...since she isn't on the WWE roster, I guess you need a new Shield's girl. I'm that girl for you. I can be The Shield's girl. First Lady, Harley Quinn, anything you want me to be. I'll do a better job than Morgan if you give me the chance. Think about it." She winked and walked away as The Shield glanced at each other.
"Is she serious?" Seth retorted while Roman shook his head.
Offscreen, Jane walked backstage, talking with Stephanie who praised her for her efforts on working with her on the storyline.
"Jane?" Celeste grinned.
Jane turned around and her eyes lit up. "Celeste! It is so good to see you, sweetie." she hugged her and gave her a kiss on the cheek.
"Nice promo out there. You were great."
"Why thank you, doll baby."
"Hi, Jane!" April grinned
"April! So nice to see you, sweetie! How are you?"
"Great! We are so happy to have you here."
"I'm happy to be here too. It's so nice to be in the WWE." she said and turned to see Jon, Colby and Joe approaching them. "Jon!"
"It's great to see you here," he smiled after she gave him a hug and kiss.
Jane looked at Colby. "Ah, so you're the prankster."
"Guilty as charged." Colby grinned. "It's nice to meet you."
"Nice to meet you too. Melanie has told me all about your prank war with her. I'm rooting for you. Don't tell Melanie."
"I won't. I can't wait till she comes back. I got a lot of pranks to pull on her."
Jane turned to Joe. "You must be Joe. Melanie has told me a lot about you too. It's nice to meet you. She tells me how understanding and patient you are with her."
"Melanie is the best. It's nice to meet you, too." he smiled.
'Thursday, TNA'
Melanie was managing AJ while he was in a handicap match with two members of Aces & Eights. Knux and Garett Bischoff were taking control of AJ while Bully Ray was at ringside, on commentary.
"Come on AJ!" Melanie supported but he got butterfly suplexed by Garett.
AJ starts to fight back and hits Garett with a spinning kick in the face. AJ manages to roll up Bischoff for the win but then Knux and Garett gang up on him until Bully Ray gets in the ring with a chain.
Melanie gets on the apron, about to get in the ring but Brooke runs down the ramp and grabs her leg to bring her down. She hits her head on the apron and holds her head while Bully hits AJ with a chain.
"Brooke making sure Melanie doesn't get in the ring," Mike said. "Bully is trying to make sure AJ doesn't make it to Bound For Glory." He continued after Bully Ray was done hitting him with a chain.
AJ starts to get up and Bully Ray throws him over to the ramp as his theme comes on.
The members of Aces & Eights taunt the crowd as Bully Ray trash talks AJ.
"The last person you see will be me! The last voice you hear will be mine. I'm gonna take you out. I'm gonna bust you open AJ! I'm taking you away from here!"
"Can AJ even make it to Bound For Glory?" Mike asked as they got off the air.
'Next Thursday'
Melanie was backstage with AJ Styles. She had just heard the news that Dixie Carter put a bounty on him for 50 grand.
"Dude, they have a bounty on you! This is not cool." Melanie leaned on the wall.
"I got it handled," AJ reassured.
"You said that last week..." She rolled her eyes.
"We both got blindsided. It won't happen again. I'm going to go out there to respond to Dixie's bounty."
"Well, I'm coming with ya." she said and followed him when he started walking
'In the arena'
AJ and Melanie walk down the ring to his entrance theme. She walked in front of him and stopped at the end of the ramp as AJ stopped behind her. Once the song says 'Get ready to fly!' AJ removed his hood and did his taunt while Melanie did his taunt in front of him and kneeled a little. Melanie grinned and tagged some hands and AJ held the ropes for her to get in the ring.
She got on the top rope and did AJ's taunt with her hands while wearing a pair of his trademark gloves. Once she got off, she stood next to him and they both had mics in their hands.
"Dixie Carter, you reek of desperation. Are you kidding me? You want to put a bounty on my head and then give someone the opportunity to go to Bound for Glory if they take me out?" AJ exclaimed.
"Weak~." Melanie said and shook her head.
"I gotta tell ya, I'm flattered. I'm flattered because you know that I'm gonna win at Bound For Glory." AJ said as the crowd cheered. "You're scared to death, and you know when I win that World Heavyweight title at Bound For Glory, I am gonna make you pay."
'AJ' chanted surround the arena.
"She really needs to get put in her place. And we all want to see AJ make Dixie pay, right?" Melanie asked as the crowd cheered.
"So all of you, who want to cash in on your bounty, I'm not gonna run, I'm not gonna hide, come and get paid." AJ dropped the mic.
"He's nuts. He's crazy." Taz exclaimed.
"Dude, you sure?" Melanie asked after dropping her mic and he nodded. She decided to leave the ring and let AJ handle his business.
Moments later, backstage AJ was in the locker room and Melanie walked up to him.
"What the hell!? What happened to you now?! I leave you for 30 minutes and you're banged up?" She exclaimed.
"I got ambushed. I'm fine. I got away." AJ responded.
"This is not friggin' cool! We gotta do something."
"Mel, just for now let's focus on the contract signing."
She sighed. "Fine. You win."
"What do you mean good? You don't always win." Melanie pushed him on the arm but then he winced in pain.
"Oh crap, I'm sorry!"
'In the ring'
"Ladies and gentlemen it happens this Sunday on PPV, The main event for Bound For Glory, in the presence of the President Dixie Carter, we will make it official. Here to do it are the combatants. Introducing first, the TNA World Heavyweight Champion, Bully Ray." Jeremy Borash said, standing with Dixie Carter and Security.
One of them is holding the briefcase filled with 50 grand. With Brooke and Bully Ray already in the ring, AJ Styles and Melanie come out.
She walked in front of him and AJ stretched his arm. They stand at the end of the ring and do his taunt after they hear 'Get ready to fly.' Melanie jumped in the ring while AJ got in by the middle rope. She leaned on the ropes while AJ and Bully stood on the podium.
"Gentlemen it happens this Sunday on PPV, the main event of Bound For Glory. We need now to make it official, the World Heavyweight Champion will go first, Bully Ray if you will please?" Jeremy asked.
'AJ' chants surrounded the arena while Bully signed the contract and grabbed the mic.
"I did not waste any time signing that contract did I? I'm gonna make this real simple for you redneck. You can't beat me."
Melanie rolled her eyes and Bully took his hat off and put it on Brooke's head.
"You ain't got the brains in your head to beat me, you ain't got the passion in your heart to beat me and you ain't got the thunda' in your fists to beat me. I'll give you the microphone when I'm done!" Bully snapped at Jeremy, who wanted the mic back.
"Let me give you a little wrestling history lesson. In 1985, a man by the name of Ric Flair destroyed and took out 'The American dream' Dusty Rhodes. A month later Dusty Rhodes returned and told the world how Ric Flair had put him on hard times. How Ric Flair had put the wrestling industry on hard times. How Ric Flair had put the wrestling fans on hard times. How Ric Flair put Dusty Rhodes' family on hard times." Bully continued. "Fast forward almost 30 years later. Do you know who I am? I'm Bully Ray and for the past year and a half I have put the wrestling world on hard times. I started off with Jeff Hardy inside of a steel cage on Lockdown and became the World Heavyweight Champion. I defeated Sting at Slammiversary and made sure that he could never have a shot at the championship again."
Melanie sighed. She was getting bored as he rambled.
"I ran Chris Sabin back into your X Division. And make no mistake, I'm the guy that ran Hulk Hogan out of here and put him on hard times. What does this have to do with you? I can see the confusion in your eyes kid. In 3 days, at Bound For Glory, when I defeat you, I'm gonna put you on hard times. I'm gonna put your fans on hard times. I'm gonna put your little scank on hard times." he pointed at Melanie as the crowd booed him.
She glared at him and was about to step up to him but AJ put his hand out and she stopped.
"But most of all, I'm gonna put you on such hard times, that I'm gonna send you home a defeated man with no contract, with no championship and when you get back to that trailer park in Georgia, I wouldn't be shocked if your wife and 3 kids weren't there anymore. I'm the Darth Vader of the wrestling business. And you ain't no friggin' Luke SkyWalker"
Bully pushed the mic to AJ's chest.
"You know what, I can appreciate your little story, but let me remind you, you're no Ric Flair and I'm no Dusty Rhodes. That was in the past, we're in the future, kid," AJ said. "The fact that you can compare yourself to someone like Ric Flair just shows who you really are. And to disrespect Melanie just shows who you really are as well. Now it may be inappropriate, I may regret it tomorrow but let me tell these people who you are. You're no more than a big...dumb...bitch!" The crowd cheered as he pointed at Bully Ray.
Melanie laughed and high fived him while Brooke dropped her jaw. Bully looked taken aback by his comment.
"And you have no idea who you are getting in the ring with this Sunday. I have everything to lose and everything to gain. I have to win this Sunday. To make you beg." AJ pointed to Dixie. "To make you lose the World Heavyweight Title and everything that means to you." he pointed at Bully Ray. "I am the most dangerous, the most intense and the most desperate man you will ever get in the ring with. And I will beat you at Bound For Glory. And I will make you pay and be the next World Heavyweight Champion."
He signed the contract as Melanie patted his back.
"You know what Dixie? Hold up a second. I'm taking it back. I'm not putting my world title on the line. But what I am gonna do is cash in the 50Gs right now." Bully dropped the mic and threw the podium to AJ's chest as he grunted and stumbled back.
Brooke takes Melanie out with a cheap shot while she is distracted by the fight. She starts stomping on her and waits for her to get up as she has Bully Ray's title in her hands.
"Oh no, she isn't about to hit Melanie with that title, is she?" Mike asked with worry.
Melanie stands up and Brooke runs towards her with the title. She ducks at the last second and strikes her a spinning kick in the face as Brooke stumbles out of the ring. Bully tries to hit AJ with his chain but AJ moves out of the way and grabs the briefcase out of one of the security guard's hands, hitting him with it as he stumbles out the ring. AJ opens the briefcase and Melanie helps him throw the money at Dixie. Melanie laughs at Dixie trying to collect the money on the mat.
"You are looking at the new World Heavyweight champ. You might as well hand that over to me, right now!" AJ said to Bully as he stood in front of him by the ramp and raised up his title. "That is everything to me! That is gonna put food on my kids' table, that is everything to me." He pointed at the title.
"Can AJ close the deal? Can Styles gain the power and control of the champion? We'll find out on Sunday. You gotta join us at Bound For Glory." Mike said.
'Friday Night, at Melanie's parent's place.'
Melanie was with her Aunt Aria, watching Smackdown in the living room, on the couch.
"Miss wrestling in that ring huh?" Aria grinned.
"Guilty as charged," Melanie admitted.
"Did you see Triple H getting knocked out?"
"Yes! Man, I wish I was there! WWE had to make me leave when the good parts happen."
Aria laughed. "The firecracker is on." She said as she and Melanie watched Eva Marie in a Shield attire
"Wow." Melanie chuckled. Eva strutted to where The Shield are. "Man...Jon looks so hot in his Shield attire..."
"He does look like he's been working out." Aria added. "I know you two miss each other."
"Oh, you don't even know."
"I'm afraid to ask what you two will do to each other once you take one glance at one another." she giggled and then they continued to watch Eva on screen.
"Hi, guys. So...I was wondering if you think I should be in The Shield. I mean...you need someone who is more fiercer right? Morgan really isn't the girl for you. And that is all she is. A girl. You need a woman. A woman who can be a true believer in The Shield. She was forced to believe and has been pretending to believe for months. It's time for a change. I am that change." Eva said as The Shield glanced at each other. "I guess you need more time to think about it. I'm always patient. Especially for you Dean. You know...Morgan has been playing you for a while. She's only with you because she is forced to. She wants to leave The Shield. She said it herself."
"Hahah!" Melanie laughed.
"Dean...I think it's time for you to upgrade. To a real woman." She smirked as Ambrose gave her a blank stare.
"Wow. Eva really wants Morgan to hurt her." Melanie chuckled.
"Are you two friends offscreen?" Aria asked.
"Yep. That's my girl, right there. Creative had some talks about her getting involved. You'll see more on it on Total Divas,"
Later in the night, Dean Ambrose was walking backstage and Eva Marie rushed to him and held on to his arm.
"Hi, Dean!" Eva grinned.
Dean exhaled, looking annoyed. "Get off of me..." He retorted and pulled away.
"Of course Master J. Anything for you." Eva smiled while he walked away.
"Ha! Hahahaha." Aria laughed as she fell off the couch, while Melanie dropped her jaw.
"This chick is crazy!" she laughed and clapped her hands. "That was gold. Gold! Eva is living up to her annoying character,"
Later, Melanie and Aria watched Alberto's in ring segment with Josh, and then Melanie's phone rang.
"Ooh." She grinned and answered it. "Hello?"
"Melanie! It's great to hear your voice. How are you?" Stephanie asked.
"I'm great. Watching Smackdown as we speak. How are you?"
"I'm well, thank you. So, I just got done talking to Creative. We want you back in the WWE to continue the storyline. We are ready for you to come back,"
Melanie gets up from the couch and does some silent Jumping ballet dance moves out of excitement.
"Great!" Melanie cheered.
"We'll go into more details when you come by on Monday. Keep it a low profile. Details will be sent to you shortly,"
"Awesome." she got off the phone and jumped up and down. "Yes! Yes! Yes! I can't wait to see everyone again!"
"All good things happen to those who wait," Aria smiled
'Sunday, TNA Bound For Glory'
Backstage, Melanie helped AJ put on his jacket. "You don't have to baby me, you know?" AJ said.
"Just like old times. I know you don't want me to interfere and this is my last night, but if I see anything going on, I'm coming down there. I really hope you win. You deserve it."
AJ smirked and hugged her tightly as he thanked her for everything and for sticking by him.
"I'm sorry for everything," he said.
"I already said I forgive you. It's okay. We're okay. Now go out there and win that title." she grinned after he kissed her forehead.
Later on AJ's match against Bully Ray, Melanie watched backstage as Dixie Carter walked out.
Dixie asks the security for a chair and they give it to her. But then she gives it to Bully Ray. But then AJ springboards on the ropes and kicks Bully in the head with it. AJ pins him but Dixie tries to intimidate the ref as Bully kicks out.
Having enough, Melanie runs down the ring and goes to ringside as the crowd cheers. She watches in horror as AJ gets thrown onto the exposed boards of the ring while trying to do the piledriver on Bully.
"What are you doing here!? Get back! Go backstage!" Brooke yelled at her, who was managing Bully Ray at ringside.
"Uh oh," Taz said as Melanie and Brooke walked over to each other.
Brooke shoves her around but then Melanie spears her down and starts unloading on her. She then hits her with the backfire to take her out as the crowd cheers.
"Let's friggin' go!" Melanie shouted at the crowd
"Melanie! What are you doing?!" Dixie exclaimed but she ignored her and turned her attention to AJ.
"Come on AJ! No distractions! You can do it!" Melanie yelled as she saw him on the mat and Bully on the top rope.
Bully hits an elbow on him and blows a kiss to Dixie while Melanie looks at him with disgust.
"Yes!" Melanie cheered when AJ kicked out. She cringed when Bully hit him with a chair shot on the back and then he does it again. "AJ, come on! You've worked too hard to lose now!"
Bully positions AJ for the pile driver but AJ counters and kicks him on top of the head.
"Yes! Keep going! You got this!" Melanie cheered.
AJ grabs a chair and hits him with it.
"Knockout Blow," Mike said.
"No DQ and now it's backfiring on us. Dammit." Taz retorted.
AJ gets on the turnbuckle and points to Dixie and does the Spiral Tap on Bully. He pins him for the win.
"Yes! New champion!" Mike exclaimed.
Melanie jumped up and down and ran in the ring. She jumped on AJ as they hugged and celebrated
"This is a nightmare!" Taz exclaimed as the announcer announced that AJ was the new champion while Dixie got upset on the ramp.
After the show, Melanie breaks her Twitter silence with one tweet for her Morgan Lopez character that shooked the WWE Universe, '#WatchYourBack'
'Next week, Monday Night Raw October 21st 2013'
"Ladies and gentlemen, we have some interesting news. Morgan has finally broken her silence after being away from the WWE for weeks. She has tweeted '#WatchYourBack' and I wonder what she means." Cole saod.
"I don't know but I can't wait to find out." JBL grinned.
"Sounds threatening."
"You think Stephanie is worried?" King asked.
"She should be," JBL admitted.
Later in the ring, Stephanie and Triple H were doing a promo.
"So, Morgan decided to tweet watch your back. Does she actually think I'm scared of her? I have way more power and I can have her arrested. No one can touch me. I mean, Morgan is the worst diva in WWE history! Who would want a diva who curses? Who would want a diva who slaps a boss? Who would want that? Who would want a diva to speak up for others and say everything that's on her mind? That's not a Divas Champion. A Diva's Champion is pure...strong... someone who stands out. Morgan is not that diva. And never will be. So tonight...I am stripping her of the title." Stephanie smirked as the crowd heavily booed. "No, no, no, I am doing you all a favor. This is best for business. So, do you want to see a new Divas Champion? Someone better than Morgan?"
The crowd chants 'No! No! No! No!'
"Yes! Yes! Yes!" Stephanie grinned. 'We want Morgan' chants surround the arena. "Oh, you all don't mean that..." She waved them away while Triple H chuckled.
Suddenly, Brad Maddox quickly rushed down the ramp in panic and got in the ring as the crowd booed him.
"Stephanie, Triple H, I am sorry to bother you-" Maddox began.
"Give us one good reason why you just interrupted us." Triple H said, unamused.
"Um, w-we have a problem," Maddox said with nervousness.
"What?" Stephanie asked, not interested.
"M-Morgan is in the building," Maddox announced to a big pop from the crowd as Stephanie's eyes widened.
"What!?" King screeched.
"Well, that sparked Stephanie's interest," Cole said.
"There is going to be hell to pay," JBL said in amusement as Stephanie and Triple H started to panic
The crowd was exploding when they heard that one of their favorite divas was back.
"This crowd is electric!" Cole yelled.
Stephanie reluctantly looked around the arena in shock, and worry. This can't be happening, right now. Triple H on the other hand, was livid.
"What the hell do you mean, she's in the building?!" He yelled at Maddox as he tried to explain. "How did she get in!? How did she get in the arena!? Where was the security!? I thought you said you had everything handled!"
"Sir, I tried to but somehow she found a way." Maddox tried to explain.
"Do you know what you have just done!?"
"Where are you, Morgan?! Come out here and show yourself! Where are you, in the crowd?! Backstage? Come out right now!" Stephanie yelled, trying to act tough.
She had some backup, so she may be okay.
"Is she here? Is she really here?" Cole asked.
Morgan walked out on the stage, wearing black skinny jeans, black fingerless gloves and a black shirt with its sleeves cut up, as the crowd exploded. She smirked and put her hands on her hips.
"It's Morgan!" King screamed in a high pitched voice.
"Oh my!" Cole exclaimed.
She had the Diva's Championship around her waist and her hair was back to its straight and curly style.
"How did she get the title!? Maddox! This all your fault!" Triple H yelled
Morgan took the title off her waist and set it down. She started to take some steps down the ramp while Stephanie hid behind Triple H.
"Brad, do something! Do not let that woman in this ring!" she ordered as Brad reluctantly got out of the ring and walked up to Morgan.
"Stephanie isn't acting so tough now huh?" King taunted.
"Agreed," Cole said.
"Morgan, I'm going to have to ask you to leave," Brad ordered.
"Okay. I will. Right after I take care of something." Morgan walked past him but then Maddox grabbed her arm. She turned around and kneed him in the balls. "Don't touch me."
"This is what you get if you put your hands on Philly's diva." JBL said.
She grabs Maddox and hits him with the backfire on the ramp as the crowd cheers. Triple H and Stephanie's eyes widen and they look at each other. Morgan turns her attention to the ring and fixes her gloves.
"She's ready to pulverize Stephanie for what she did to her mother." JBL added
"Here we go!" Cole shouted as she ran into the ring.
She dodges Triple H and spears Stephanie as the crowd explodes. She starts unloading on her with punches while Stephanie starts screaming for dear life.
"Look at those punches!" King exclaimed.
Triple H grabs her off of her but she escapes his hold and smacks him right in the face as he stumbles back. She turns her attention back to Stephanie and runs after her but she runs out of the ring. The crowd boos
Stephanie as she runs up the ramp while Triple H follows her.
Morgan glared at them. "You will never get away with this!" She screamed.
"You're out of your mind!" Stephanie yelled as Triple H held her back.
Morgan tried to calm herself down and ran her hands through her hair. She turned her attention to Brad Maddox and got out of the ring. She grabbed a chair as the crowd cheered.
"Uh oh." Cole looked on.
The Outspoken Diva pointed to Stephanie and walked to Brad Maddox who was still trying to recover from her earlier attack, at the end of the ramp.
Angrily, Morgan hits him hard with the char.
"What a chair shot!" King exclaimed.
She started hitting Maddox with the chair again and again and again, taking her frustration out on him. After she was done she threw the chair away and did her taunt with her right hand as her theme came on.
"You are going down." The Philly Diva declared as the crowd backed her up, cheering loudly.
"Morgan has made her mark. She's back and back with a vengeance." JBL said
"Where is The Shield?! We need to do something!" Stephanie grabbed her husband by the suit, shaking him as he tried to calm her down.
"Calm down. We'll handle it." Triple H reassured
Fans tweet:
'Stephanie got her ass handed to her! #MorganIsBack'
'Yes! She's here! She's here! The Shield's girl is back! #MorganReturns'
'Haha! Stephanie is scared! #MorganIsComingForYou'
Melanie walked backstage and was attacked by hugs from the divas.
"One at a time! Yikes! Don't squeeze me to death!" she laughed as she fell on the floor.
"I'm so happy you're back!" April gave her a big hug after the divas helped Melanie up.
"I'm happy to be back too." Melanie smiled. They all catch up she is told to go to Renee for an interview.
"Melanie! I missed you!" Renee smiled and hugged her.
"Hey! I missed you, too!" Melanie grinned.
They got ready for the segment and waited until Raw came back from their commercial break.
"Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome, the returning, Morgan Lopez." Renee smiled and the camera revealed Morgan as the crowd cheered loudly for her. Morgan did the rock on sign to the camera before giving Renee a small smile. "First I would like to say, welcome back."
"Thanks," Morgan said. "It's good to be back. Especially with the fans cheering me on. I never heard them give me this much loudness, so it's pretty awesome."
Renee smiled. "So, how do you feel about Stephanie? We all saw the violent attack you did to her, Triple H and Brad Maddox. How are you feeling right now?"
"I'm pissed! Beyond pissed! It's one thing to torment me, but it's another to get my family involved. Especially when you put your hands on my mother. After what I did to Brad, just think of what I'm going to do to you, Stephanie. All I have to say is...Stephanie...I'm coming for you." she looked at the camera with a serious face and walked away.
After the segment, Melanie started walking to the diva's locker room.
"Grapes!" Colby called out as she turned around and ran to give him a big hug as he spun her around.
"Colby! I missed you! What's up, man!?"
"So glad to have you back! Wait till you see the pranks I have for ya."
"Ooh, can't wait." She grinned but then squealed when she got bearhugged by Joe.
"There she is!" he cheered
"Joe!" she gets set down.
After catching up, Melanie goes back to the diva's locker room to grab her bags. "Hey, Anyone seen Jon?"
"Yeah, he's already at the hotel. He's waiting for you." Nikki winked.
"We all know what that means." Trinity teased.
Melanie blushed. "Haha. Can't wait to see him."
Later, Melanie goes to her hotel room. When she opened the door, she saw rose petals all over the floor leaving a trail from the entrance to the bedroom with candles. She grinned and looked around to see the lights dimmed as well. Walking to the bedroom, she saw more rose petals and the bed sheets were red and satin.
"I need to leave more often if I get this type of treatment," she teased when her waist was grabbed from behind by Jon. "Damn, this is nice,"
"You're back..." He murmured in her ear. She turned around and pressed her lips against his, smooching him deeply before breaking apart. "I missed you."
"I missed you, too. What's all this." She looked around.
"Ah...decided to do something a little romantic. Hope I did okay. I'm not used to doing this stuff but you deserve it." He rubbed the back of his neck and smiled.
She missed his cute little smiles when he always wanted to try something new.
"I love it!" She squealed when he picked her up and laid her on the bed.
"Glad to hear." He murmured against her neck before locking lips with her again.
Melanie started to gain control of the kiss as her hands traveled down to his jeans. Before she could unzip them, he grabbed her hands and shook his head.
"What's wrong?" She asked.
As much as he wanted to get things heated quickly, he wanted to take his time and show her how much she meant to him.
"I want this to be about you tonight. So just relax..." He put the covers over them as he began to kiss her again.
'WWE Main Event'
Stephanie and Triple H are in the ring. "As you can see, Stephanie and Triple H are in the ring. They decided to confront Morgan and her mother. I just hope this doesn't turn into a blood bath." Josh said.
Morgan and Jane walk out hand in hand as the crowd cheers for them. They tag some hands and walk in the ring.
"Well Morgan, I know that you want to settle this battle, and so do I. But, the board of directors has ordered a match for Hell in a cell. It will be you against AJ Lee for the Diva's Championship. If you win, I am forced to get in the ring with you and must leave you alone..." Stephanie said.
Morgan smirked. Stephanie had her hand out to shake her hand with her. She was about to shake it but got slapped by her as the crowd booed.
Angry, Morgan was about to attack her but Jane stopped her and stepped in front of her.
"Sweetie, it's okay. I'll handle it." Jane said and turned to Stephanie but then turned back around and slapped Morgan as the crowd was shocked.
"What?!" Miz and Josh exclaim.
Morgan was stunned and looked at her mother. "What the hell? Why would you just slap-" She began but got grabbed by Jane for the backfire as the crowd booed
"Jane just backfired her own daughter!?" Miz shouted as she shook hands with Stephanie.
"Welcome back Morgan!" Stephanie taunted and raised hands with Triple H and Jane.
Triple H's theme came on while Morgan held her head and looked at them with confusion.
"Are you kidding me?" Miz asked.
"I'm so confused right now," Josh added.
"Was this a plan by Stephanie and Jane from the beginning?"
"What a swerve..."
'WWE Exclusive Video'
"What do you think of your mother's actions?" Renee asked.
"Well, she got brainwashed," Morgan declared. "Stephanie is deep in her head and that caused her to do what she did. It was a setup. Right now I'm not happy at all and I am pretty pissed off that my mom gave me a backfire but you know what? Stephanie started this and I will end it."
Melanie and Jane chat backstage. "Did I do that DBT right?" Jane asked.
Melanie laughed. "It's called a DDT."
"Oh! I have to remember that."
"Haha, you did it well. Even though it took us a while to try to do it." she giggled at the memory of her and Jon trying to teach Jane the DDT.
Jon watched in amusement, on the apron as Melanie and Jane were in the ring, hours before Raw. Melanie had on a sports bra and gray sweatpants.
"Okay, you put me in this position..." Melanie began as she was in the backfire position in Jane's arms.
"Uh, I don't want to hurt you, sweetie," she said in a wary tone.
"Mom, I got this. Kick your leg out and drop me."
Jane obeyed and kicked her leg out to give her the backfire. Melanie dropped down the mat hard.
"Oh my gosh! Sweetie are you okay?!" she freaked out when she got up and still saw she was on the mat.
Melanie got up, unharmed and chuckled. "I'm fine, mom,"
She sighed out of relief. "Great! How did I do?"
Jon and Melanie give her a thumbs up and she cheered
Morgan was backstage, primping as the crowd gave her a loud reception. Eva Marie walked over to her as the crowd booed her heavily. "Well, well, it's the so called Shield's girl."
Morgan rolled her eyes. "What do you want...?"
"I'm so sorry about your mom. Maybe it was for the best." she chuckled. "Never mind, I didn't come to say that to you. What I wanted to say was that...your spot is going to be taken by me. The Shield want me as their new Shield's girl."
Morgan scoffed and started to put on lip gloss. "Well, if you want to get your ass beat again, I have no problem doing that."
Eva Marie glared at her and slapped the lip gloss out of her hands as the crowd looked on with shock and said 'Oh!'
Morgan exhaled, trying to maintain her patience and slowly turned to face her with a scowl.
"Oops, my hand moved on its own." she heard Eva mention.
"You know...I saw your little moments with my boys. Enjoy it while it lasts."
"Oh, I will. You know, Dean has been working out a lot. He even lets me feel his muscles."
"I don't know how many times it will take for you to get through that head of yours that Dean is mine and you should stop trying. You see, those." Morgan pointed at her chest. "Will not win you anything. This is why you can't be me. I don't flaunt my body around. And I don't rub every accomplishment in people's faces. You say that you are going to replace me but you can't. A, you don't that the heart that I have in the ring, B, you don't have the guts I have in the ring, and C... your jaw is messed up." She said before punching her straight in the face.
Eva held her mouth in shock as she fell on her butt.
"Oops, my hand moved on its own. Joke's on you," she smirked and walked away while Eva continued to hold her face.
"Wow. Well, Morgan is in action next." Cole said as Smackdown went to a commercial break.
'In the ring'
AJ gave Morgan a spinning kick in the face as she fell face first on the mat. She then began to skip around in the ring.
"AJ and her skipping," Cole said.
While AJ was taunting the crowd, Morgan got up and started giving her repeated clotheslines until and hit her with a dropkick.
Morgan gets on the top rope and waits for AJ to get up to give her a crossbody.
"Beautiful move!" JBL complimented.
She was about to pin her but then Jane runs down the ring as the crowd boos her.
"What is Jane doing here?" Cole asked with confusion.
"What are you doing here?" Morgan asked as she walked to the ropes and gave her mother her full attention.
"Is she trying to apologize?" JBL asked as Jane tried to plead for forgiveness.
But then AJ grabbed Morgan for a roll up and won the match.
"Here is your winner! AJ Lee!" Lilian announced.
"Are you kidding me!?" Morgan yelled at Jane who smiled innocently.
'Later on Smackdown'
The Shield guards the ring while Jane stands in the ring. The crowd booed her heavily for what she did to Morgan.
"Is that any way to treat a woman? To boo her? That is disrespectful!" Jane exclaimed.
"Disrespectful has become Jane's catchphrase as of late," Cole informed.
"I know you all want to know why I'm doing what I'm doing to my daughter. Well, my reason is that Stephanie is right. Morgan needs to respect her and Triple H. They were right about everything and I believe that this is best for business."
"Jane has become a puppet for Stephanie. She fed her lies." Cole said with disappointment.
"Enough! Stop with the best for business crap!" Morgan's voice was heard as she walked on the stage with a mic. The crowd erupted in cheers as she wore jeans and a Hounds of Justice shirt.
"Oh, sweetie! You're here! Great. Don't worry Shield, you can let my lovely daughter pass. We need to have a mother daughter talk."
Morgan walked down the ramp and stopped, looking at her team.
"I wonder what The Shield thinks about all this." JBL said.
"I wonder what Ambrose thinks about this," Cole recalled as Ambrose and Morgan locked eyes.
"A lot of history between these two,"
"Um, hello? Morgan, get in the ring, please. Come to mommy!" Jane said impatiently
Morgan reluctantly walked past Ambrose and got in the ring. She looked at her mother in disappointment and shook her head.
"Don't you dare shake your head at me? I did this out of love! Love!" Jane shouted
"Do you hear yourself right now? You've been brainwashed." Morgan stated.
"Brainwashed? Ha! I beg to differ." she scoffed.
"At Hell in a Cell, Morgan will take on AJ Lee and defend her Diva's Championship against her. If Morgan wins, she will continue her reign as champion and Stephanie McMahon will be forced into the ring with her and must leave Morgan alone. What a match that is going to be." JBL said.
"You see sweetie; Mommy did what she did because it was best for business," she informed her. Morgan laughed and she started to get upset. "Stop laughing! Don't laugh at your mother!"
"Oh my gosh! I cannot believe you got brainwashed! You got attacked by Stephanie and now you are aligning with her? Knee slapper! Knee slapper!" Morgan exclaimed as the crowd took over and chanted 'Knee slapper'
"Knee slapper? The only knee slapper I should have is how you have bad taste in men." Jane snapped.
That caught Dean's attention. His facial expression turned to confusion as Roman and Seth glanced at him. Then he slowly around, giving Jane a stare.
"Uh oh," Cole murmured.
Morgan looked around. "Excuse me?"
"He is only going to break your heart. Don't pick the street dog. He is a bum. You shouldn't be with him, sweetie." Jane pointed at Dean as Morgan looked down and the crowd booed. "I mean, he's made you so violent over the months. I mean, what you did on Raw was uncalled for. Come back to Mommy, not The Shield. They are not good for you."
That caught Seth and Roman's attention as they turned around.
"Stephanie was right, you can be a wild child when you are with The Shield. From kicking people in the face to giving Brad Maddox those chair shots," she went on. "I mean, you have acted like Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins but not Roman and I do not want you to explore your beast mode. Those men are not a good influence on you. So please, do not go back to The Shield. Come back to mommy. Mommy knows best."
Jane smiled and had her arms out for a hug. The crowd chants 'No! No! No!'
Morgan put the mic to her lips. "Mom. I love you and I always will no matter what. I'd never put my hands on you or even dare to call you a bad name." she decided to give her mom a big hug.
She then got out of the ring and started walking past The Shield but then stopped. "But...as for my taste in men. I think my taste in men is just fine."
She turned around and made her way to Ambrose. Grabbing him by the neck, she pulled him in for a heated kiss, making Jane drop her jaw.
"Oh my God!" Cole exclaimed as the crowd cheered loudly.
Dean and Morgan started making out as he slowly wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her close while her arms wrapped around his neck.
"No! Get off of my daughter!" Jane shouted while Seth and Roman looked amused.
Morgan stopped the kiss and wiped the corner of her mouth with her right thumb before turning her attention to Jane.
"Sorry Mom, but my relationship with Dean is justified." She said as her theme came on.
Jane started freaking out in the ring while Morgan taunted the crowd and made her way up the ramp. Dean smirked and touched his lips
"I guess we got our answer that Morgan isn't going to stop hanging out with The Shield," JBL said.
"I still can't get over that kiss!" King exclaimed.
"Yeah. That kiss was Justified." Cole said with amusement.
Fans tweet:
'Hahah, Jane is a trip! #MommyKnowsBest'
'Jane is funny as heck! #Janepower'
'How dare Morgan make out with Dean in front of her mother like that? #Disrespectful'
'Kiss of the year! #TheJustifiedKiss'
'Lol, Morgan and Dean making out in front of Jane. #KneeSlapper'
'Morgan will find a way to her mother. #ComeToMommy'
'Backstage Fallout with Jane'
"How do you feel about your daughter and what she did?" The interviewer asked
"I am disgusted at how that street dog put his hands all over my daughter! Those hands were close to her behind! That is dis-re-spect-ful! My daughter will not be with that dog any longer. I'm making sure they don't stay together. My daughter deserves better. Much better. She needs an upgrade and Mommy will find her a real man. Ugh! I cannot believe my daughter would kiss that dog! And with the tongue! They were sucking each other's faces off! Disgusting! My daughter should not be kissing that way! Mommy knows best! Good day!" She walked away with a determined look.
After the cameraman stopped rolling, he looked shocked.
"Your mother got some talent." He complimented as Melanie stood next to him and smiled.
"Yeah, she's always like this when it comes to wrestling. She'll be on full throttle and make sure that she does her best at all times."
"How did I do sweetie?" Jane asked, walking over to Melanie as the cameraman walked away.
"That was amazing. I did not know you could vent like that."
"This is so fun! I love the WWE! I want to wrestle. Maybe I can be the New Shield girl,"
"Okay, you are pushing it." She laughed with her.
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More Posts from Smolwritingchick
Forced To Believe Chapter 22- Wiping That Smirk Off Your Face

Chapter Summary: Morgan interferes in Stephanie trying to make Big Show hurt Dusty Rhodes and faces consequences
Words: 6,000+
'Night of Champions'
After The Shield walk through the crowd, Seth and Roman fist bump Dean and Morgan and go back up the steps.
"This contest is set for one fall, and it is for the United States Championship. Representing The Shield, accompanied by The Diva's Champion Morgan Lopez, weighing 225 pounds, he is the current United States Champion, Dean Ambrose!" Justin announced.
'I'm here to show the world!'
"And the challenger, from Hollywood, Florida, weighing 213 pounds, Dolph Ziggler!" Justin announced.
Morgan shook her head in annoyance as she watched Dolph walk down the ring.
"Big opportunity tonight for Dolph. He goes up against Dean Ambrose for the United States Champion." Cole said as Ziggler got in the ring.
'Ding Ding Ding'
Dean and Ziggler lock up but Dean catches him in an arm submission on the mat. Dolph gets up and Dean puts him in a headlock near the ropes. Ambrose releases him and runs to the ropes and hits him with a shoulder block, making him fall down.
"That's what I like to see!" Morgan grinned.
Ambrose runs to the ropes but Dolph makes him hop over him as he gets up and runs to him again, only for Dolph to do a big leap in the air, making Dean run under him. Ambrose grabs onto the ropes before Dolph can do an attack.
"Woo~" Dean turned around smoothly and ran his fingers through his hair, doing Ziggler's taunt while Morgan smiled at his silliness.
"Dean Ambrose trying to play mind games on Dolph-oh!" King exclaimed as Dolph hit him with a dropkick to the face.
He drops Dean to the mat and hits 10 elbows on him while Morgan holds her chest, feeling the pain. The two men get up and Dean stumbles to the ropes. Dolph jumps over him, making them both fall out of the ring.
The Philly Diva began to scowl at Dolph and started stalking him.
"Stay away from him Morgan!" The ref warned.
"I didn't do anything! Chill!" She snapped at the ref, while Dolph turned to face her. "Take a picture, it'll last longer."
Cole and King start laughing with Dolph runs his hands through his hair and shakes his butt at her.
"You think that's funny!?" She shouted while Dolph threw Dean back in the ring as he stumbled to a corner.
He starts giving him some hits until Dean reverses it and hits him with chops to the chest. Morgan watches on as Dean throws Ziggler to the ropes. Ziggler was about to jump on him but Dean caught him.
"Uh oh." King looked on as Dean slammed Dolph to the mat. "Well, there's a difference maker."
"Yes, it is," JBL said.
"He's slightly off, Dean Ambrose," Cole said. "And Morgan doesn't look like she's bothered with that."
"Unfortunately..." King groaned. Dean puts his knee on Dolph's spine and puts him in a headlock. "Morgan is enjoying this. Look at that sinister grin."
Dolph gets up but then Dean drops him down and puts him back in a headlock.
"Thanks for stealing my move." Morgan joked as she watched Dean grab Ziggler's arms around his neck like a straightjacket, similar to her submission, the breakdown.
Dean met her gaze and smirked before turning his attention back to Ziggler.
Later on in the match, Ziggler catches Dean with the Fameasser.
"No!" Morgan shouted. Ziggler pins him but Ambrose grabs the bottom rope. "Yes!"
Dean rolls out of the ring but then Dolph throws him back in the ring. As soon as Dolph gets in between the ropes, Ambrose kicks him and puts him in the headlock driver position but Dolph counters with a roll up. Dean kicks out and walks back to a corner. Dolph runs to jump at him but Dean moves out of the way just in time and he grabs him for the Headlock Driver.
"And now Ambrose plants him," Cole said as Dean went for the cover.
'Ding Ding Ding'
"The winner of this match, and still the United States Champion, Dean Ambrose," Justin announced as Dean got his title and had his hand raised.
Morgan got in the ring and wrapped his arms around his neck to give him a kiss and hug. He wrapped an arm around her while he held the title in the other hand.
"The Shield's dominance continues," JBL looked on.
"And Morgan's kisses." King pouted. "I'd wish she'd give me one."
"In your dreams, King." JBL retorted.
Seth and Roman meet up with them in the ring. When the titantron showed the results on who was the greatest United States Champion, Morgan kissed Dean goodbye and stayed with Roman and Seth.
"The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the WWE Tag Team Championships. Introducing the challengers at a combined weight of 509 pounds, Darren Young and Titus O'Neil, the Prime Time Players!" Lilian announced.
'Ding Ding Ding'
"You got this!" Morgan supported at ringside.
Rollins and Titus start in the ring and Seth keeps giving him slaps in the face which starts to aggravate Titus. He tries to do it a third time but Titus tosses him down the mat, near his corner. He hits him with a scoop slam and a leg drop before tagging in Darren Young.
Later on in the match, Titus starts to use his whistle as he keeps stomping on Seth who is seated in Darren's corner.
"Are you kidding me? Shut up with the whistle! Lose the whistle! Lose the whistle!" Morgan shouted.
Titus looks at her and whistles again just to get under her skin. Roman tries to run in but Titus and Darren double clothesline him out of the ring. That gives Seth time as he gets out of the ring but starts getting chased by Darren. He runs past Roman and goes into the ring as Darren slides under Roman and punches him to the mat. When Darren gets in the ring, Seth takes control and tags in Roman. He throws Darren to the turnbuckle as he falls out of the ring.
"Good job Roman!" Morgan cheered as she gave him a pat on the back when he went out of the ring.
He throws Darren back in the ring and tags in Seth. Moments later, Roman takes control of Darren and tries to prevent him from making a tag. Once Roman tags in Seth, Darren finally makes the tag to Titus as Titus runs into the ring and flips Rollins over with a shoulder tackle.
"Jeesh!" Morgan exclaimed
Titus pins Rollins but he kicks out at two.
"That looked like somebody got hit by a car," King said.
Titus starts to take control of Rollins and as soon as Rollins fights back, he runs to the ropes but gets hit with the Clash of the Titus as Titus goes for the pin.
"The Prime Time Players are gonna do it!" Cole exclaimed but then Roman broke up the pin as Morgan looked relieved. "And Roman Reigns saving the match up!"
Darren tosses Roman out of the ring and then gets on the apron, only to get swept down off the apron by Reigns. Meanwhile, in the ring, Titus grabs Rollins by the head but then Roman throws Darren in the ring, distracting the ref. Seth pushes Titus away from him as he gets speared by Reigns. He rolls out the ring, lying on his back while Seth goes for the pin and wins for his team.
"Yeah!" Morgan jumped and cheered.
"Here are your winners and still the WWE Tag Team Champions, Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns, The Shield!" Lilian announced while Morgan got in the ring to celebrate with them.
Dean meets up with them as they raise up their titles.
"Morgan successful, Ambrose successful, Rollins and Reigns successful. The Shield standing tall at Night of Champions." Cole said.
Morgan tweets 'The Shield and I are unstoppable. #BelieveInTheShield'
'Later on Night of Champions'
Melanie walked over to Colby in catering with a bag of Oreos. "Want some?" she asked
"Yeah, why not." he grabbed one as Melanie ate one. Once he took a bite, he spit it out and she started to laugh at him. "What the hell toothpaste?"
She grinned and patted his back. "Yep."
'Monday, hours before Raw'
Melanie walked backstage and saw Colby sitting at catering. "Yo dude. Ooh, are those sugar cookies? May I have one?"
"Why should I? You pranked me with toothpaste Oreo cookies. Toothpaste Melanie. Why should I give you these soft, chewy, sweet, delicious sugar cookies?" Colby grinned.
"Oh come on! They look so good! And stop teasing me. That prank was a sign to show you that you need to step up your game."
"All right, knock yourself out." Colby showed her the bag of sugar cookies and Melanie grabbed one. He started to smirk once she took a bite.
She immediately twisted her face in disgust. The taste was awful. She spat it out in a napkin and coughed. "Ugh, what the heck did you put in this?"
"You used SALT instead of SUGAR!?" she shouted.
"Catering helped make the cookies with salt instead."
"You suck dude! Injustice! He made Sugar cookies, salty cookies! Injustice!" she exclaimed as she got a bottle of water and started drinking it. "I need some gum. You got gum-oh hell, no, I'm not asking you for stuff again. Eva, do you have some gum?"
In the ring, Stephanie was having a segment with Dusty Rhodes. Morgan was already in the ring, forced to be Stephanie's bodyguard. She did not feel like listening to Stephanie and her crap. She had just about enough of her abuse of power. She was this close to confronting her about it. In the ring, Stephanie just told Dusty that Cody could have his job back.
"Or...we can give the job back to your oldest son. The one who fought so hard for Cody's contract last week on Raw. There's only one open spot and who better to make that choice, than you." Stephanie smiled.
Morgan did not like where this was going. She stood by a turnbuckle as she watched the two talk. She felt bad for Dusty Rhodes. This wasn't fair.
"No, no, no, no, let me tell you something. You not gonna catch me off guard. Let me tell you something, I'm not gonna make that choice. Let me ask you a question too." Dusty said.
"Before you ask me a question, let me put it to you this way-"
"No." he retorted.
"No, no."
"No no no-"
"You need to listen to this-"
"Don't interrupt me!"
"Excuse me!"
"Don't interrupt me!"
"You need to listen. You can give this job to your glorious baby boy, the one who does everything absolutely right, just got married, got his whole life ahead of him, or you can give this job to the son that you neglected all those years, traveling on the road." Stephanie said.
Morgan was getting tired of how Stephanie got into people's minds and put their family in the situation. First Big Show, now Dusty? This needed to stop. Now.
"Dusty, I know you blame yourself. For Dustin's transgressions. And this is your chance to make that right. You could be a hero. To your sons. The choice is yours. The opportunity is right here in front of you."
"Let me ask you a question. In the mornin' when you get up and go to breakfast and you got some beautiful daughters." Dusty spoke.
"Yes, I do."
"How are they by the way? They good?"
"They're wonderful, now this isn't about me or my daughters."
"Let me ask this, you line them up at the table and you say 'Okay, you're my favorite, you other two, go on back to bed.' Is that what you do? That's my answer to you. And I'll tell ya one thing else. I'll tell you, I'll tell your husband, and I'll tell this company."
"You know what, this is very typical of you. You make this all about yourself, it's all about Dusty Rhodes and his decisions. Well, what about Cody? What about Dustin? What about Goldust? You're just gonna leave them behind? Like you always have, putting yourself first?"
Morgan's blood started to boil. "Morgan looks like she can't take much more of this," Cole observed.
Stephanie needed to stop pushing people's buttons.
"I hope they can find it in their hearts to forgive you," Stephanie said.
"You gonna forgive this. Stephanie, you can go straight to hell!" Dusty said in her face while Morgan smirked in amusement
"Well, I'm sorry you feel that way..."
Morgan looked in the crowd and then walked up to Stephanie. "Is this necessary?" The Philly diva asked.
"Yes it is," she answered.
Morgan wanted to smack the crap out of her. How can she do this to Dusty? He's all alone and now she wants The Shield involved?
"Are you kidding me?" King retorted.
"Wait a minute, no no no." JBL looked on
The Shield surrounded the ring and Morgan began to look worried as they got on the apron. She knew she would have to handle this herself. After all, she wanted to in the first place.
"Stephanie! Call it off. It's not worth it." Morgan tried to reason.
"Hang on a second, hang on a second." Stephanie stopped The Shield from getting in the ring. "This hardly seems fair. I got somebody who's been waiting in the back and can maybe even things out. Oh, Big Show! Big Show would you mind coming out here please?"
The Big Show walked out in confusion and Morgan sighed.
Great...Stephanie was just asking to get hit. It's one thing to call The Shield to attack a Hall of Famer, but it was another thing to call a 7 foot giant out here. She already knew she was gonna make Big Show do something bad. Morgan just needed to think of a plan to stop it, if she could.
"Allow me to shed a little light on this situation dream...since you couldn't make a decision about which one of your sons would get a job here. Then you're gonna have another choice. Would you prefer to be dismembered by The Shield...or knockout by the Big Show? Your choice." Stephanie said after he got in the ring.
"Oh come on!" King exclaimed.
"Stop it already! This is unnecessary!" Morgan complained but Stephanie ignored her.
"Oh, you're not gonna make a choice again? Well, I'll tell you what, I'll make it for you. Big Show, knock him out!" Stephanie ordered.
"Enough! He doesn't deserve this!" Morgan shouted.
"He brought this on himself," she said to Morgan. "He didn't want to give one of his sons a job."
The Big Show looked concerned.
"Don't do it. Do not do it, Show. Don't!" Morgan said in a hard tone to the Big Show. Big Show looked at Morgan and then at Dusty and shook his head no.
"Fine. Shield, get him!" Stephanie ordered but then Big Show stepped up.
"Don't touch him! Do not touch him!" Big Show yelled as The Shield backed off.
Roman got out the ring and brought in four chairs as he, Dean and Seth had chairs in their hands. Morgan looked at the fourth chair. She knew it was for her. But she couldn't bring herself to get the chair. Big Show walked over to Dusty and hugged him.
"Do it! Do it!" Stephanie yelled.
"I'm sorry." Big Show sobbed and made a fist.
Suddenly, Morgan got in front of him and grabbed his big fist with both her hands. The crowd cheered while Stephanie watched Morgan in surprise.
"Was that a wise move?" JBL asked.
"I'm glad she stopped that punch," King said.
"Don't. Don't do it, please!" Morgan begged. "Please!"
"Morgan! Step away. Now." Stephanie ordered.
"No. Call off everything! You don't need to do this, there's another way, just leave him alone already!" Morgan exclaimed.
"Morgan. Step away." Stephanie ordered once more.
Morgan ignored her and looked into the Big Show's eyes as he gave her a sorrowful look.
Dusty touched Morgan's shoulder. "It's okay Morgan. I see the good in you," he said as she turned to look at him after she released Big Show's fist.
"Morgan! Move! Now!" Stephanie ordered.
Defeated, Morgan stood back next to Stephanie. She watched in disbelief as The Big Show punched Dusty before holding him into a hug and laid him down on the mat as the crowd booed.
She turned to Stephanie and grabbed a mic. "Why? Why is it that you love to see people who love and care about each other get hurt? Do you enjoy watching other people's pain and suffering? I don't understand. You think this is funny? You actually think this is funny?"
"Morgan, Morgan, this is what's best for business. He had it coming." Stephanie smiled sweetly.
After that, Morgan saw red. She had enough.
"He had it coming..." Morgan chuckled and shook her head. "Okay...and you had this coming." She dropped her mic and smacked her hard in the face as the whole arena erupted into cheers.
"What!?" King screamed in a high pitched voice while Seth, Roman and Dean looked on in shock.
Dean motioned his teammates to stay calm while Stephanie held the side of her face in surprise, looking at the Philly diva in disbelief.
"Is she crazy!?" Cole shouted as the Philly diva shot a dirty look at Triple H's wife.
Stephanie could not believe Morgan dared to hit her.
"Do you know what you have just done?!" Stephanie yelled before getting shoved down to the mat by Morgan. She was about to attack her on the mat but The Shield quickly grabbed her as the crowd chanted 'Yes! Yes! Yes!'
"Get off of me! Get off of me! Let go of me!" Morgan screamed as she tried to escape the strong grip that they had on her.
"Morgan has lost it!" Cole shouted
"How dare you! Do you know who you are dealing with!?" Stephanie yelled.
Big Show looked on with shock while he held Dusty in his arms. The outspoken diva broke free from The Shield's hold and grabbed a chair.
"Oh my gosh, she is gonna hit Stephanie with a chair!" King exclaimed but then Morgan threw the chair near Stephanie, almost hitting her as she flinched
"I've had enough of you! Everything! All the stuff you've done. I'm over it! No more of it!" Morgan yelled as The Shield grabbed a hold of her again.
Stephanie stood up and glared at her.
"What the heck have we just witnessed?" JBL asked.
"Chaos." Cole said as Morgan broke free of their hold again, storming out of the ring.
Stephanie started to have a fit. This was going to be a big conflict between The Shield and Authority.
"She is so fired! Find Morgan and bring her to my office! NOW! I don't care what you have to do. Knock her out, spear her, tie her up, drag her, I don't care. Bring her to my office. FIND HER~!" Stephanie screamed at The Shield as they got out of the ring and started running backstage.
"Oh boy. This is not good." King said.
Morgan tweets 'Sick to my stomach. Hope you're happy Stephanie. Someone should really slap that smirk off your face and teach you a lesson. Oh wait...I just did. #SpeakUp.'
'WWE Exclusive Video'
Big Show found Morgan sitting on a bench and walked up to her. "I'm sorry..." He murmured.
Morgan really wanted to put Big Show in his place but he was going through a lot and she started to feel bad for him. She let out a sigh.
"Look, it's not your fault. I'm not angry at you, The Shield or Dusty. I'm mad at Stephanie. Look, can you tell Dusty that I'll get Stephanie back for him? And tell him I hope he gets better." She responded as he nodded and went to go to the hospital to see him.
Morgan ran her right hand through her hair and headed over to an empty locker room. She sighed and put her bag on a table and started to look inside it.
So many things went through her mind. Her anger got the best of her. But she was happy she at least did something to Stephanie. But she wasn't done. Not by a long shot. All she wanted to do was give her a backfire. Just one backfire.
Moments later, she heard the door slam open as she gasped and jerked her head up.
She turned around and saw Wade.
"We need to talk..." He said.
Morgan frowned. He was one of the last people she wanted to see right now. He would just add more drama.
"Look, I'm not in the mood. I already got too much bull crap going on. I don't need you to add more to it." She retorted.
"You need someone to talk to."
"Thanks but no thanks. I'd like to be alone."
"Are you mad at me, love?"
"A little bit."
"Can we just talk?"
"You know what? Fine. Natalya and Kaitlyn told me everything and I want everything on the table. Right now. You magically appear up again. Something is up. What is it?"
"All right then. I've fallen for you."
Raising a brow, she looked confused. "Excuse me?"
"I've fallen for you." Wade repeated.
She started to laugh. "Tell me that's a joke."
"I'm afraid not, love."
She ran her hands through her hair. "Wow. You learn stuff every day..."
"I want you to choose me instead of Dean."
"What is this? Twilight? You're Jacob Black, and Dean is Edward Cullen?" She rolled her eyes. "Give me a break,"
Morgan's anger towards Stephanie led her to give Wade the cold shoulder a little bit. She didn't mean to be so mean to him at first, but she needed to let him down as gently as she could. She hoped that he would accept the fact that she was with Dean and it was going to stay that way.
Wade chuckled. "When you put it that way..."
"Don't answer that...look, I'm flattered, but you're gonna have to get over these feelings you have for me, all right? Too much stuff is going on, and you know I'm happy with Dean. So just, forget about this conversation, okay?"
"How can you love someone like him? I can give you so much more than him."
"Now you're trying to buy me? That's a turn off..."
"He's violent. That's a turn off. He could hurt you."
"No. He could hurt you. And I think I want that to happen now. And so what if he's violent? He's not violent towards me. Sometimes I need a little rush in my life."
"I can't believe what I'm hearing. You changed Morgan."
"No. You changed. Don't flip this on me."
"He's got you brainwashed, Morgan. He's got you acting like a crazy person!"
Morgan looked at him in disbelief. "Now you're calling me crazy because I won't choose you over him?"
"Yes. Plus you assaulted Stephanie McMahon."
"And if you were in my shoes, you'd understand why. God...I knew there were ass kissers in this company but I never knew you would be one..."
"You know what? Fine. Your lost. I think I can upgrade a little bit better, anyway." Wade retorted.
"Wow...I'm so glad you just said that, cause you really got on my bad side, this time. Girls aren't toys. You can't just drop them if you want an Upgrade or whatever. You really screwed up now."
'The Shield's hideout'
"Where is she man?" Seth asked, looking around.
"She's in hot water." Roman sighed.
Moments later, Morgan walked over to them.
"There you are. We've been looking everywhere for you-" Dean walked over to her.
"Hurt him." She interrupted
"Who do we have to hurt?" Roman asked with an angry look.
"I should have listened to you guys in the first place. Hurt him and hurt him good." She gave them the OK.
"You serious?" Dean asked and she nodded. He smirked. "Well, boys...I think you know what we got to do."
She sighed. "Thanks. So are you going to turn me in to Stephanie?"
"Morgan. We have your back. No matter what. We'll just say we couldn't find you." Seth reassured.
"Besides, Stephanie already left. She'll be back either on Smackdown or next week on Raw." Roman added.
"You guys...are the friggin' best." She grinned and bumped fists with them.
'WWE Main Event'
In the ring, Wade takes control of Justin Gabriel in a back and forth match. "Nice takedown by Wade," Josh said on commentary.
"What?" Miz asked as the crowd stood up from their seats.
"What is The Shield doing out here?" Josh asked as they surrounded the ring. Wade turns to Dean and glares at him while The Shield gets on the apron while Justin is still down on the mat. "And The Shield attacks!" He exclaimed as they started jumping Wade.
Seth and Dean hold Wade as Roman does the spear on him.
"Spear by Reigns!" Miz shouted.
Roman and Dean pick up Wade slightly before Seth hits the blackout on him. Ambrose picks Wade up and connects with the headlock driver on him.
"Let's pick him up." Seth said.
Roman roars as Dean and Seth pick him up. The Shield hit the triple powerbomb on Wade as their theme comes on.
"This was punishment. But who sent them out here?" Miz asked.
"Well, whatever Wade did, he won't be doing it again," Josh said as The Shield did their pose.
'After show, in Melanie's hotel room'
"You want to just stay in tonight?" Melanie asked as she walked out of the bathroom.
"Yeah. I want to spend time with you tonight instead of going to the bar." Jon responded while lying on his back on the bed.
Melanie smiled and gave Celeste a quick text to tell her they wouldn't be joining tonight. "Want to watch a movie?"
"Die hard?" He suggested.
Jon sat on the floor and leaned his back on the end of the bed while Melanie's legs were on each side of his shoulders as she sat on the bed.
While they watched the movie, she started playing with his hair. Jon chuckled. "Like playing with my hair?"
"Yep!" She giggled and then made his hair really messy. "Haha. Someone had a bad hair day."
"You're gonna pay for that." He grinned and turned around. He crawled on the bed as she laughed and tried to get away from him. "Get back here!" He grabbed her leg and pulled her to him.
He started tickling her as she laughed. After he stopped tickling her, he hovered over her and put his hands on each side of her head.
"What?" Melanie grinned.
"Just thinking about how lucky I am to be with you." he kissed her left cheek, then her nose, then her right cheek as she giggled.
She pushed him off of her and pinned him down while having her knees on each side of his hips. Acting like she was about to kiss him, she ended up grabbing a pillow to hit him with it.
"It's on now!" He grabbed a pillow and they started to have a pillow fight.
She tried to run away from him as she got off the bed but he grabbed her by the waist from behind.
"No!" She laughed before she turned around in his arms and wrapped her arms around his neck.
"I'll let you go this time."
"What happens if I don't want you to?" she grabbed him by the shirt as she walked back towards the bed.
She fell back on the bed, grabbing him with her as he hovered over her and kissed her.
Stephanie tweets 'WWEMorgan101 We need to talk on RAW about your actions.'
The Shield are in the ring, getting ready for their gauntlet match. They watch as Darren Young walks down the ring while Morgan looks on from ringside.
"The Shield getting ready for this match." Cole said.
"And Morgan is at ringside. I still can't believe Stephanie hasn't confronted this woman. She slapped the billion dollar princess! And pushed her. And not to mention almost hit her with a chair since she nearly threw it at her. She is not going to get away with this." Cole exclaimed.
"Morgan knows what she's doing." JBL replied
The Philly Diva watches Darren Young get in the ring as Vickie is at ringside sitting on a chair. The Shield attack Darren like a pack of hounds while Morgan looks amused. Seth and Dean hold Darren as Roman spears him to eliminate him.
Titus O'Neil runs into the ring and fights back against The Shield. He held his own for a while until Dean got on his back and Seth held his leg. Roman takes him down with a shoulder tackle then The Shield pick him up for the triple powerbomb to eliminate him.
"That's how you do it!" Morgan cheered. Dolph runs down the ring and jumps on Dean, unloading on him with strikes. "Are you kidding me!?"
Dolph starts unloading on Seth until Roman grabs him off of him and throws him to the turnbuckle. Roman clashes with the turnbuckle once Dolph moves out of the way. He jumps on Roman and starts unloading on him with punches before Dean and Seth throw him down. The Shield start to take control of Ziggler before he takes down Dean and starts to fight back.
"This should not be happening!" The Philly Diva yelled as Ziggler threw Roman out the ring and dropkicked Seth.
He throws himself and Dean out of the ring. When Dolph gets on the apron, Ambrose holds his leg before Seth kicks him off the apron. And then Roman spears him hard on the mat, making the ref count him out.
"Beautiful! Just beautiful!" She clapped
Kofi Kingston walks down the ring as Roman gets out of the ring and runs towards him. Kofi leaps over him and jumps on the apron to take down Dean and Seth.
Kingston gives them both a cross body in the ring and takes control of everyone. But in the end, The Shield becomes too much for him as Ambrose hits his finisher to eliminate him.
RVD walks on the stage as the crowd erupts in cheers.
"This is gonna be interesting," Cole said. "One man who has been a rebel his entire career."
Rob starts to take control of both Ambrose and Rollins while Reigns is still out from Kofi's trouble in paradise. Roman gets on the apron while RVD gets on the turnbuckle but gets kicked in the face by him. Once RVD does the rolling thunder on both Ambrose and Rollins, RVD gets set for the five star frog splash on Ambrose.
All of a sudden, Triple H comes out which distracts RVD while Roman takes advantage and throws him off the turnbuckle, onto the floor outside the ring.
'Ding Ding Ding'
"Are you kidding me?" Morgan yelled.
Triple H went to Vickie and started arguing with her.
"Shut it down! Shut it down! Come with me. Come to my office now." He ordered as the crowd boos.
Morgan got annoyed and grabbed a mic. "Are you freaking kidding me?! So what's next? Cancel the whole show? Is that best for business? Is that best for freaking business!? They've been wrestling all this time and now you want to call off the match? This is bullshit!" She yelled in frustration as the crowd cheered started to cheer 'This is bullshit'
Morgan threw the mic at the ramp as The Shield tried to calm her down.
"Morgan, it's all right." Seth held her shoulders.
"Morgan's anger issues have really gotten the best of her lately." JBL looked on.
Ambrose grabbed her by the waist and started talking in her ear to calm her down while she continued to look pissed off.
"And just for that, you're banned from The Shield's match later on tonight. Shield, escort Morgan out of the ring." Triple H ordered as the crowd boos.
"Weak!" she exclaimed.
"Morgan can't manage The Shield later on tonight. What will The Shield do now? We'll find out later on tonight." Cole said as they went to a commercial.
The Shield were guarding the ring while Triple H and Stephanie were doing a promo.
"I am gonna give you the opportunity to take that frustration out tonight. I am gonna give all of you Darren Young, Titus O'Neil, The Usos, RVD, Dolph Ziggler, Kofi Kingston. Zack Ryder, R Truth, Justin Gabriel, all of you are gonna be in an elimination handicap match against The Shield." Triple H announced while all members of The Shield turned around slowly.
"You got to be kidding me..." Morgan retorted.
"And I am gonna give you a partner. Your partner will be Daniel Bryan." Triple H said.
"So there you have it, the first ever 11 on 3 handicap match," Stephanie added.
"After all what's best for all of you is what's best for business." Triple H said.
"11 on 3? Is this best for The Shield?" King asked as Triple H's theme came on.
"Wait, before you go, I would like to speak with Morgan alone," Stephanie said as Morgan turned to look at her.
She sighed and got to the ring as the crowd cheered while everyone else left.
"I'll say this right now...I don't regret anything." The Outspoken Diva said on the mic. "I'm not going to sit here and do nothing anymore."
"Well, as I recall, you put your hands on me. Now I could fire you but that would be...too easy. So what do you have to say for yourself?" Stephanie sternly asked.
"Oh, Stephanie! I am so sorry for what I did! I didn't mean it. I have anger problems. My anger got the best of me Oh who the hell am I kidding, you needed to be put in your place." Morgan bluntly said as the crowd cheered.
Stephanie's eyes widen. That was not the answer she was looking for.
"You are such an ice queen," Morgan continued, "Going around forcing Big Show to do all these things to keep his job...how about you leave him alone? And what you did to Dusty...You had no right!"
"You know what? Give me that title."
"No, I earned this!"
"Having you as Diva's Champion is not good for business." She slapped her and snatched the championship out of her hands. The crowd boos her loudly. "Get out of my ring before I call security."
"Is that all you got? Is that supposed to intimidate me?"
"You are not the ideal diva. You don't have the body, the skills, or the looks to be top of the Diva's Division." She spat
"Is that so? Do you think I have what it takes to try to be on top of Diva's Division?" The Philly Diva asked the crowd as they chanted 'Yes!' in response. "And the crowd has spoken."
"They're lying!" Stephanie yelled.
"Stephanie, I am tired of your abuse of power and you will not take away from freedom of speech! You know what you are? You are a spoiled, conceited, narcissistic bitch and I have had it with you!" she shouted as the crowd was behind her, cheering her on.
Morgan ended up throwing her mic on the mat and walked out of the ring, angrily.
"Wow..." Cole looked on.
"I'm done! I'm done with this! Everything!" Morgan yelled at Stephanie before storming off backstage.
After the show, Melanie was told to go home to continue the storyline. She wouldn't be on WWE TV or events for weeks. No Twitter, no social media, nothing.
Being away from WWE for a while because of a storyline was going to be tough. Especially from her boyfriend and close friends but she knows she'll make it through.
Melanie arrived home and parked in front of her parents' house.
"Home sweet home." She smiled as she grabbed her bags.
As soon as she got on the steps, the door opened to reveal her mother with a huge grin on her face.
"Sweetie!" Jane crushed her with a hug
"It's so good to see you, honey. Come on in." She walked in with her bags. "You don't know how thrilled I am to have you home for a while. Part of the storyline right?"
"Yep. Oh, I talked to Jane, Mark and Stephanie. You are going to be part of the storyline."
"Really? Oh my goodness!" She exclaimed and hugged her again. "When?"
"A few weeks. Stephanie is really looking forward to it. She thinks it'll put a little bit more drama into the storyline."
"Thank you. You know how much I want to be a part of the WWE." She started to give her kisses on her cheek.
"Oh, hush!" She gave her one last kiss on the cheek. "Hungry? I'm making some pasta."
"Ooh. Yes please."
All of a sudden, Ellie (Melanie's dog) ran into the living room and started jumping around Melanie as she grinned and kneeled before the dog. She starts petting her.
"Ellie! It's been a while huh?" She started petting her as the dog licked her. After she was done playing with the dog, she turned to her mom. "Where's dad?"
"At his new studio, working. He's doing a late shift." She replied. "He loves the studio. You and Jon are so generous. How is Jon by the way?"
"He's doing great."
"I'm glad he's still the US champ. You have to introduce me to Colby and Joe. You always talk about them."
"They are really fun to be around. You'll love them."
"Oh, how is the prank war going?"
"I believe I've had the best pranks so far."
It was about time for WWE Main Event to come on, so Melanie turned on the TV and saw Main Event coming on. Jane had dinner ready and they started to watch Main Event while eating their pasta. 'We want Morgan' chants were loud and all over the arena.
"Whoa." Melanie looked on in shock.
"Wow. You are really popular." Jane looked on in amazement.
"I didn't think the fans would be this worked up on me leaving."
"As you can hear the loud chants for Morgan, we haven't seen her since RAW. She hasn't updated her Twitter or anything. We all want to know where Morgan is." Josh said on commentary.
After minutes of Melanie's mother cheering and booing at the TV, Melanie's phone rang and she smiled at the caller ID.
"Hey! How are you...that's awesome...I'm doing great...really? Sure, I'll be there and meet you in town tomorrow...all right, bye."
The Bangtan Gal Chapter 38- I'm Lacking

Chapter Summary: BTS film Season's Greetings. Jen supports GFriend's debut. The Anti hate begins to get to Jennie harder than before as she begins to push herself. She learns the hard way what happens when she wants to work 24/7.
Words: 6,000+
Genre: Fluff and also angst with more hate comments and racism.
When Jennie woke up, it was past 9 am, and she somewhat felt disappointed at the loss of heat from Jungkook when she got out of bed to stretch. She had a great night’s sleep thanks to him and she planned to spoon more often if he was okay with it. He was comfortable to sleep with and not to mention, warm.
Glancing at the bed, she smiled at the cute sight of the puppy curled up in a ball, next to him. Gently picking up the sleeping puppy in her arms, she placed the covers on Jungkook and set the puppy back to sleep next to him.
When she went out of her room, she was met by Jin, Yoongi, and Jimin eating breakfast.
“Morning!” She took a seat next to Jimin as she was greeted back.
“Where’s Kookie?” Jimin asked.
“He’s in my room.”
Her statement caused Jin to stop eating and immediately turn to her. “And what is he doing in your room?” He asked with his voice filled with panic.
“Here we fuckin’ go...” Yoongi put his headphones in, blasting music so he wouldn’t hear another freak out of his.
“What is he doing in your room, Jennie?” He repeated.
Confused at his sudden questioning, she replied in a calm tone, “Jin, relax-“
“JEON JUNGKOOK!” He screamed, standing up from his seat.
“H-hey! He’s sleeping!” She jumped on her feet, trying to stop him, but ended up getting picked up over his shoulder and placed on the couch. “Jin!”
“You might as well just leave him, Ennie.” Jimin laughed as they heard Jin’s shouts and Jungkook’s yells of confusion.
The puppy ended up running out of the room until it found Jennie. She picked it up and held it in her arms. She felt the puppy shaking in fear as she began to soothe it by gently petting its head.
“Jin! You scared him!” She scolded as he dragged Jungkook out of the room by the ear.
“How heartless,” Yoongi commented after taking off his headphones.
Jungkook sat on the couch with her, rubbing his ear, lowkey annoyed at how his sleep was interrupted.
“Hyung, was that really necessary?” He complained. “And you scared Tony.” He frowned and turned his head to the shaking puppy in Jen’s arms.
“It’s okay.” She cooed as the puppy whined. “Hey, hey. Shh.” She hugged it close as it started to calm down.
“Let me see the little guy.” He requested as she placed the puppy in his hands. Jungkook picked him up and turned the puppy to face him. “Jin is mean, isn’t he, Tony?”
“A big meanie for scaring you.” She added as she smiled at the puppy.
“Don’t be scared, you’re safe with Kookie and Jennie. We’ll protect you.” He whispered gently.
“We won’t let anyone hurt you.”
“Yeah, so have no fear, little guy.”
Jimin watched them both with the puppy. It was like they were taking care of a baby. It was cute to watch them together like this as a smile came across his face.
“Was that your Christmas gift, smartie?” Yoongi asked.
“Yes. We’re taking care of him together.” She answered.
“We’re just in a disagreement about if it should be a Captain America based name or Iron Man based.” Jungkook playfully narrowed his eyes at her as she rolled her eyes.
“I didn’t mean to scare the puppy.” Jin tried to explain.
“Too late, you already scared the poor puppy! How dare you?” Jimin called him out. “At least his parents are there to calm him down.”
After the puppy calmed down, it began to act hyper and happy again, putting smiles on its owners’ faces.
“I don’t feel comfortable with you two in the same bed together, all right? No more going in each other’s rooms.” Jin ordered.
“Oh, you have got to be kidding me!” Jennie complained. “We’re just sleeping!”
Jimin giggled at her statement. “Yes, friends sleep with each other, I don’t see anything wrong with that.”
“Thank you! We sleep with each other a lot.”
“What-what-WHAT!?” Jin shouted.
Jimin couldn’t hold in his laughter as he began to giggle out loud, banging his fist on the table. Yoongi smirked in amusement and shook his head.
“What is so funny!?” She exclaimed, turning to Jimin.
“Nothing, nothing. You can carry on.” He gestured.
“I think you two need to write a report of the things you do together. Should I get hidden cameras?” Jin suggested.
Jennie glanced at Jungkook and they both turned to look at Jin, unamused.
“All right now you’re outta pocket.” She declared.
“What does that mean!?” Jin looked confused.
“It means you’re getting old...” Yoongi bluntly replied.
“I am not old!” Jin shouted, as his ears began to get red.
“Jin, you really need to calm down. Let the kids live.”
Their season’s greetings took place in a studio in Gangnam as the members began to walk in, greeting everyone while they were filmed. Jen’s hair was straightened with curls at the end while wearing a hoodie, jeans with gingerbread earrings and black Nikes.
She waited patiently for her turn to take individual photos as she sat with V who played around with the dogs.
‘Are you wearing Nikes today?’
She was asked as a huge grin came across her features. “Oh well, you know I have to represent Nike. Like, Nike is life. Look at these sneaks!” She pointed to her black and white Nikes for the camera as it panned down. “Look at em! Dayum~! Some nice sneaks, right here.”
‘Miss Bangtan seems to be in her own little world with Nike.’
When it was finally her turn, she walked into a bedroom filled with teddy bears and other stuffed animals.
“I’m on the November page since my birthday is in November. Let’s go!” She shot the camera a thumbs up.

Making her way to the middle of the room, she sat on the floor with the stuffed animals all around. She was told to act cute, so she grabbed a bottle of bubbles on the table, blowing bubbles around as the photographer snapped away. Afterward, she sat next to the huge brown teddy bear on the floor, hugging it from the side. She then sat in front of it, holding onto its big fluffy arms, wrapping around her.
“Whoa!” She laughed as it fell on top of her.
The photographer caught her mid-laugh, it looked candid, deciding to keep it. She then posed in a chair drinking hot chocolate and cozied up.

As the rest of the members took their photos, Jennie sat with Jimin, who decided to interview her.
“Jennie, welcome to Jimin TV. Let’s do a 30 second fun fact session. Ready? Go!”
“Oh okay, well, I have you know that Miss Bangtan speaks four languages.” She revealed to the camera recording them.
“Whoa. What are they?”
“English. Korean. Sarcasm and Profanity. I’m not sorry, mom.” She grinned sheepishly over Jimin's giggles.
“What are your goals for 2015?”
“This is a long-term goal but I want K-Pop to be recognized more in America. I hope we’re able to achieve that goal, soon. And I want to improve my singing and dancing skills.”
“I believe we can achieve these goals together. 2015 will be a good year.” He reassured.
Standing up to stretch, she turned to see Jungkook with big Mickey Mouse gloves on his hands, fooling around.
“Hey, Jungkook, give me a combination. Let’s test your skills.” She put her palms in front of him, pretending to train him in boxing.
“You got it.” He hit her palms with a fast combination. The speed of his hands caused her to turn to the camera, impressed.
“Ladies and gentlemen, I believe he’s ready for the championship.”
After the series of photoshoots with all the members, acting bright and cheerful, they head off to the next studio. Once arriving, the members begin to play around with the rocking horse prop.
Sounds of laughter came from J-Hope, Jin and Jennie as J-Hope began to ride around on the horse after Jin.
“Even the tail is moving.” Jin pointed out.
“Let me try.” She gets on the horse after him. “WEEEEEEEEEE!” She yelled, rocking back and forth. “I’m getting Rookie King vibes.” She let out another laugh with the members.
After she got off, she tried to stop V from sitting on the small toy hippo.
“V! That’s a hippo!” She grabbed the stuffed toy away from him before he could sit on it. “Do you see how tiny this thing is? Hippo, I am so sorry, you’re safe now.” She held it against her chest protectively.
The only response she got from him was a fit of giggles as she shook her head in amusement. After changing into a red sweater dress and black thigh-high boots, Jen watches Jungkook take his individual photos.
“Hehehe, he has cute rabbit ears.” She giggled at the sight. “He’s cute and awkward. I think that’s what makes him so adorable.”
After his photo shoot with the rabbit ears, the stylist placed Mickey Mouse ears on him.
“Cuteness overload! This is too much cuteness in the morning.” She beamed.
After a few more photos, Jungkook gestures for her to come over and take photos with him.
“Come on, Jennie! I’m not Mickey Mouse without my Minnie.” His cute bunny smile made it hard to resist his request.
Chuckling at his cheesiness, she obliged his request. One of the stylists placed a Minnie Mouse headband on Jen’s head and retouched her hair and makeup. After she was done, Jungkook and Jennie began to shoot.
“97 Line all day!” She cheered
The two of them take various poses such as putting up the peace sign, showing off their cheesy/bunny smiles, and Jen putting her arms around his neck from behind while they grin happily. They even both posed by simultaneously making a punch to the camera.
’97 Liners make the cute concept look easy’
As they stood back to back, Jungkook leaned forward with his hands in his pockets while Jen leaned back, keeping her back against his as the photographer snapped away. Once Jennie was left alone for her individual shots, she took photos with a blown up candy cane. She jumped up in the air, posing with it like she was playing the guitar. Going to the camera to go see how her shots came out, she was pleased to see how great the air guitar pose looked.
“Keep it! Put it in! I love it.”
Once she finished her shots, she worked on her New Year greeting for the fans by drawing ARMY in bubble letters with hearts around. Under it, she writes the caption, ‘#ARMYXBTS2K15! Let’s slay 2015 together! ❤ ❤’
All the members regroup to take group photos with a mischief concept. From Jimin throwing cheeseballs at Jennie as she aimed to catch them by her mouth, to her putting on Jungkook’s Mickey Mouse gloves to add to her Minnie Mouse concept, the concept went well as everyone was in high spirits. Jimin and Jungkook picked up V while Suga and J-Hope picked up Jin as Jennie and Rapmon were the refs, watching the chaos unfold.
It wasn’t even a photo shoot anymore because it was all filled with laughter as V and Jin tried to grab onto each other. It was nothing but chaos as Jen and Rapmon looked around for help. After their last shoot with red noses on their noses, they all applaud and cheer that the season’s greeting photoshoot was successful.
“Thank you for your hard work~” Jennie grinned at the camera.
“Please support our next year’s season’s greeting and look at our beautiful faces,” Jin added with a smile.
“Today’s photo shoot was really fun.” Jimin grinned.
“Leave no, leave.” Suga shoved him away.
Jimin continued to talk despite Suga continuously shoving him. “Thank you for supporting us until the end. Please keep loving BTS in the future.” He giggled as Jin placed a hand on the camera.
Pulling Jin’s hand away from it, Jimin placed a kiss on the camera.
“I hope you look forward to next year’s Season’s Greetings!” Jennie went on as Suga turned the camera to him, getting all up close.
“I’m back~!”
“Aye! I wasn’t done!” She pushed him away with J-Hope. “Look forward to next year!” She happily shouted before getting put into a headlock by Suga.
“Please look forward to season’s greeting!” J-Hope grinned.
“Why do we always interrupt each other? We should help each other.” Jimin pondered.
It seems like he had the most sense around here.
At the KBS Song Festival, Jen was already dressed for the It’s Tricky stage with the rest of the members.
Leaving the dressing room, she found herself in the mix of all the business of the show and various groups preparing for their stages. She didn’t want to be stuck with the members, she was always with them. She wanted to find some familiar faces and if not, make a few new friends.
“Hey, hey.” She heard a familiar voice and turned to see Taeil from Block B.
“Taeil! It’s been a while.” She pulled him in for a hug.
The last time she saw him was at the MAMA Awards. She was pleased to see him doing well.
“It has. Good job performing Danger earlier.”
“Thanks, I’m looking forward to your stage, tonight.”
“It’s gonna be a fun one. I’m surprised you’re not with the members, right now.”
“I’m trying to make some friends here.” She sighed.
“I think I see Bora, from Sistar is over there.” He pointed out to her at the refreshment table.
“I see her. All righty. I’ll see you before the show is over, all right? Tell the guys I said hey.”
“You got it.”
Turning her attention to Bora, Jen made her way to her. “Excuse me.”
“Yes?” Bora turned around with a smile.
“Bora, right? From Sistar?”
“That’s me. You’re from America, right? BTS’ Bangtan girl?”
“Yeah, it’s nice to meet you. I was wondering if we could hang out or something. I’m trying to meet new people.”
“And get away from the boys?” She teased.
“That too!” She shared a laugh with her.
“Well, of course, we can hang out. Dasom, she can speak English too.”
“Oh really? Nice.”
“Yeah, I’m sure she’ll love to talk to you. I was on my way back to the girls. Follow me, I’ll introduce you to them.”
Meeting Bora and the rest of the Sistar members went smoothly for Jennie. They were extremely sweet and Dasom was eager to speak with her. After hanging with them, she bumped into AOA’s Jimin, Mina and Choa. Jen thought that Jimin’s voice was unique and complimented her and even found out that some of the members played the guitar, eagerly suggesting that they should play together something. Maybe she could learn a few things from them. Networking was always a great thing.
Walking around backstage, she went back to the refreshment table, to grab a small plate of cookies.
“Hey, Jennie!” A deep voice filled her ears.
She turned to see a guy smiling brightly at her.
“Hi!" she greeted happily. "You look familiar...you wouldn’t happen to be a part of GOT7, would you?”
“You’re correct. I’m Jackson Wang. It’s nice to meet Miss Bangtan.”
“It’s nice to meet you too! I have been trying to get to know some new people. Get away from the guys.”
“Hahah, I wonder how they’ll feel about that. You know, I have a friend who’s really infatuated with you. He talks about you all the time. Now I see what he means about you having a cute smile.” He blurted out before getting smacked in the head by Mark who stood behind him. “Ow!”
“You are so gonna get killed now. You blab too much.” He scolded and turned to her. “Sorry about that. Ignore him. I’m Mark.”
“Jennie. Nice to meet you. Well, Jackson, whoever your friend is that’s infatuated with me, I’m flattered.”
“Friend? What friend? I said too much, ignore what I just said.” Jackson laughed nervously. ‘Oh, he is gonna kill me.’ He thought to himself.
Back to the boys in the BTS dressing room, Namjoon was on his phone, as usual, scrolling through Twitter until he found photos posted by Jennie, with the caption, ‘Friends!! Having a great time tonight! #Jen’
The photos consisted of her posing with Sistar, the AOA members she met, and Block B. ARMY was already tweeting how awesome it was that she was with them and how happy they were that she met them.
“Unbelievable...” He let out a chuckle. “This little girl is friggin’ everywhere. She’s gonna end up knowing everyone if she keeps this up.”
“She’s trying to get away from us.” Jimin pouted as he checked out the photos on his phone.
“Well we’re all guys, I’m sure she wants to be around women.” Jin reassured.
“She was just with Block B, hyung,” Jungkook informed.
“Oh.” Jin paused. “Never mind then. She’s trying to get away from us.”
As the night continued, the boys were on standby, getting ready to perform. Jungkook adjusted his USA hoodie and turned his head, only to frown at who Jennie was talking to.
The sound engineer guy? Again? Now, what did he want?
Jimin and Tae were joking around, while Jungkook continued to scowl, watching his every move.
“Hyung.” Jungkook spoke, catching their attention.
“What’s up, Kookie?” Jimin asked.
“Isn’t it that guy?” The Maknae pointed out bitterly. Tae and Jimin looked his way to find the guy getting a little too cozy with her.
“Unfortunately...” Jimin let out an annoyed sigh. “Now what does he want?”
Jennie stood with Shin as they caught up on how they were doing in their lives.
“I’d like to take you out on a date.” Shin’s sudden statement almost made her choke on her spit as she stared at him in disbelief.
“Date? Me? Uh, I dunno.” She nervously laughed it off.
“I’m serious. I really want to get to know you better. You’re really cute.”
“Ah, um, well, I think it’s best if we remain friends.”
“For now?” he smiled, hopeful.
“Jennie. We gotta go.” Jungkook suddenly popped up and grabbed her by the hand, staring right at Shin, unable to hide his irritation. Shin glanced at their hands and back at Jungkook as his smile went away.
Regrouping with BTS, Jen and Jungkook stood by each other. All that was on his mind was Shin and he couldn’t stop the urge from asking Jennie, “Are you...interested in him?”
“I mean, he’s cute. But I only think of him as a friend.” She shrugged. “You think I should give him a chance?”
Jungkook looked down at his feet, pausing before answering. “If the guy you’re with makes you happy, then I’m happy.”
Chuckling to herself, she shook her head. “You don’t want me to date him, do you.” She declared.
“I-I just...I...”
“Hey.” She placed a hand on his shoulder as he met her eyes. “I trust your judgment. If you think there’s someone better out there for me, well I’ll go with your judgment and wait for the guy. I’ll turn Shin down gently.” She turned to watch Ailee performing on the screen as he stared at her.
She watched Ailee perform with admiration and love in her eyes. “Oh mah God, this woman is a goddess. I would love to perform with her one day.”
Her statement made Jungkook smile.
“You are such a fangirl.” He teased.
“Do you hear how beautiful she sings? How amazing she is?! Do you know what an honor it would be, to be on the same stage as her? Singing with her? Think of IU. You’ll understand.” She said as he nodded.
“Why don’t you introduce yourself?”
“Oh no, I’m nowhere near ready for that big step. I’m not worthy.”
“Oh stop.” He laughed
“That’s like me meeting Beyoncé. I’m not prepared to be slayed. One day. For now, I want to try to cover one of her songs. But my vocals need extreme improvement to be able to be on her level. I bet it’ll take me a few years.”
“Hey, don’t be discouraged. Whatever song you choose to sing of hers, just make the song your own. Don’t try to sound just like her.”
“Yeah, you’re right Kook.”
2015 started pleasantly as Jen stood backstage at KBS Music Bank, walking around to find GFriend’s dressing room. It was January 16th, the day of their debut.
When she finally got to the room, she opened it, while saying, “Hey, hey!”
“Jennie! You’re here!” Hayoon rushed over to her.
“You bet I am!”
“Jennie! Glad, you could make it!” Eunha happily greeted and she went to hug her with SinB.
Jen was well acquainted with the two of them because they were former Big Hit trainees. She was elated to finally see them debuting.
“How are the guys?” SinB asked.
“They always wonder how you two are doing. They’ll be thrilled to see you.”
The other members stared at Jennie, smiling politely. “Oh, I’m sorry. I’m Jennie from BTS. I wanted to support Hayoon, Eunha and SinB in GFriend’s debut. They're friends of mine. It’s nice to meet you. I came here with some goodies. You can eat them after the show.” She handed them small goodie bags.
“Aw, you didn’t have to do this.”
“I was bored so I decided to go shopping and make small goodie bags. No big deal.” She shrugged with a smile.
GFriend was already dressed up and ready to go. They were nervous, but with Jen there for encouraging words, it made them happier.
As Jen was backstage, she watched GFriend’s interview as they were in the waiting room. Hayoon stood in the back, looking adorable as ever with her hair in a high ponytail.
Jennie had high hopes for GFriend and hoped the members’ careers in the group would be nothing but successful. When they finally performed Glass Bead, she was blown away at how in unison they were with the dance moves.
“Oh, I sure as hell am not gonna be able to dance like that. Hayoon, what the hell?” She chuckled to herself.
“Yas, girl, get your lines!” She soon said as Hayoon began to sing.
After they headed backstage, Jen met up with them, gleefully celebrating with them on their successful debut.
“Now that is what I’m talking about! Amazing job. You ladies did well.” she cheered.
“Thank you so much for being here. You have no idea how much this means to me, to have your support.” Hayoon hugged her tightly.
“Of course, Yoon. How do you feel?”
She pulled away. “The butterflies are gone. I’m so happy. I feel good.”
“I was nervous during my debut as a member of BTS. You’ll get used to performing. Now, about this dance though...okay, Hayoon, there is no way I can dance that dance.”
“Hahah, Yes you can. I’ll teach you soon.”
“Eh heh heh, no, I’m gonna look like an awkward person. Like how the heck did you do those kicks? And act all cute like that? Ya’ll did that. That was a great debut.”
Next Wednesday, at SOPA, Jen sat in her seat, waiting to see what her score was on the English test she took last week. As the teacher handed the papers out to the students in her row, she looked up, surprised at the frown on the teacher’s features.
“I’m surprised at your test score, Ms.Walker. You’re usually our A student in this class. Is everything all right?”
Confused, Jennie took the paper but automatically groaned in disappointment at the failing grade she received.
“I’m fine, I guess I didn’t study enough. I’ll do well next time. It’s not the end of the world. It’s just one bad grade.”
The teacher nodded at her response and continued to give out the rest of the tests. Jen looked back at her score.
A 33%? What went wrong? She studied.
For lunch, sitting with her group of friends, Jen sat across from Hayoon while the rest of the students, including Eunha and SinB, were engaged in their individual conversations, studying for a test during the next period and getting their homework out the way.
Hayoon watched Jennie with concern as she played on her phone. “You are not okay. You’re getting faint dark circles. Are you all right?”
Looking up, Jen shrugged, bluntly replying, “Nothing but a little bit of insomnia.”
Hayoon frowned at her response. “Why aren’t you sleeping? And aren’t you going to eat?”
“Eh, I’m not that hungry.” She replied nonchalantly.
“Jennie, you haven’t eaten all day. You should eat something. Don’t do this to your body like that. Especially as an idol with constant scheduling.”
“Yoon, I’m fine.”
“How many hours of sleep did you get?”
“I guess two hours? I don’t remember.”
Hayoon gaped at her in disbelief. “You’re overworking yourself for your next comeback?” She declared. It sounded more like a statement than a question.
“I don’t call it overworking. I call it pushing myself.”
“And where exactly did you get this pushing from?”
“I...people’s expectations.” She admitted with a sigh.
“Jennie, you’re good at what you do, don’t overwork yourself because of some ‘fans’ expectations.”
“It’s not just that, the hate is getting a little worse, unfortunately.”
“Didn’t Rapmon tell you to ignore it?”
“Easier said than done.” She snapped, taking Hayoon by surprise before she understood what was going on.
“Insomnia? Irritation? Lack of appetite? You’re stressed and you’re exhausted but you don’t want to admit it. Your body can’t run 24/7, Jen.”
“I’m not stressed... I just have a lot on my mind...”
“The hate is on your mind.” She declared.
“I just...I’m really getting targeted these days, ever since that Instagram dispute.”
“I hope you know that none of what they say is true.” She handed Jennie the rest of her lunch. “I had a big breakfast, so I’m not that hungry. Please eat.”
“Hayoon, I’m not-“
“EAT.” She demanded in a stern tone.
Letting out a sigh, Jen took her chopsticks and popped a dumpling in her mouth.
“Happy?” She asked with her mouth full.
“Manners.” She reminded her. “I’m glad to see you finally eating. Let’s talk about something more positive. How was the Wake Up Tour?”
Recently BTS has a small Japan tour. Although she had no idea how to speak in Japanese, there was a translator for her and she spoke in English apologizing for the language barrier. She promised the fans that she would try her best to learn more Japanese so she could be prepared the next time BTS went to Japan. The Japanese fans were respectful and supportive of them, and she had a blast.
As soon as the opening beats came on for Wake Up, Jen swayed side to side to the beat, in her groove. Looking at the crowd, who waved their light sticks side to side, she smiled. Their Japanese tracks were fun to perform.
“Aye!” Rapmon shouted.
“Wake up!” She sang with Jungkook as they all waved their hands side to side with the audience.
“Wake up. Wake up. Wake up.”
“Let’s go!” She heard Rapmon say as he began his rap. She danced along to the groovy beat, having the time of her life with the rest of the members as she stood in between V and Jimin
Bankan ga tsutsumu asa o
Subete owareba yoi to sura omoi
Mata michi hazushisou ni natta sono toki
Kikoeru oya no koe “okinasai, mou!”
Singing under his rap, Jen harmonized, “AIGHT MOM saa, ima tatsuze MA FAM, MA FRIENDS sore ni MA FANS.”
As Rapmon continued his rap, Jen looked around. All those fans that came to see them perform. She’ll never get used to it. Their energy was infectious.
Karawanai asa JUSS KEEP ON & ON & ON &
Juss keep ON & ON & ON &
Juss keep ON & ON & ON &
Juss keep ON & ON & ON & ON & ON & ON & ON, let’s go!
“Wake up.” She sang, waving her hand side to side with the rest of the members.
Me o samashite, hora
Minna ga matteru no sa
Jikan wa naikara.
Hitasura hashiru no sa
“WAKE UP! WAKE UP!” She sang with the rest of the members.
As Suga rapped, Jen continued to nod her head to the beat of the song. She was sweating just like the rest of them from the previous performances. Some of her hair stuck to her face, but the smile never left.
Me o samashite, hora
Minna ga matteru no sa
Jikan wa naikara
Hitasura hashiru no sa
She waved her hand side to side again with the members, singing in a low, smooth voice, “Gotta live my life.”
“Life~” She heard Rapmon in the background
“Gotta take my pride.”
“Gotta shine my light.”
“Gotta live my life.”
“Gotta take my pride.”
“Gotta shine my light.”
WAKE UP hi, nobotte
Odoroku ryou kyou no yotei
Shinshin tomoni mou kakousen
BUT, itsu no ma ni ka ishou matotte
Getting into J-Hope’s rap, Jen continued to dance around. As the chorus came on again, Jen sang with Jungkook for the rest of the song as their voices clashed for a harmonizing sound, “WAKE UP.”
Me o samashite, hora
Minna ga matteru no sa
Jikan wa naikara
Hitasura hashiru no sa
“Gotta live my life. Gotta take my pride. Gotta shine my light.”
“Gotta live my life.”
“Gotta take my pride.”
“Gotta shine my light.”
As the song began to end, Jen and Jungkook spent the last of the song harmonizing again together, “ Ooooooohhhhhhhhh.”
Juss keep on and on and on and
Juss keep on and on and on
Juss keep on and on and on
Juss keep on and on and on and
Smiling at the memories, she put another dumpling in her mouth. “The concert was everything.” She answered.
After school, Jen found herself in an unoccupied practice room, alone at the Big Hit building. She was panting, sweaty, and exhausted from overworking herself once again with the I Need U choreography. Her whole body ached, begging for her to stop and rest. Punching the dance floor with the side of her fist, she let out a sigh of frustration.
“Why am I not getting this right?” She sat up pretzel style, running her hands through her hair that was tied in a bun.
She was frustrated at herself because she couldn’t get the emotion of the dance, while the rest of the guys seemed just fine. Hobi helped her and she even stayed with Mr.Son for more help but she felt like she was a lost cause. Maybe she should sit out of this comeback while the boys take over.
She had a lot on her mind for the past few weeks. Maybe she wasn’t getting it because her mind wasn’t on the dance, it was on other things.
‘She’s so slutty for dancing like that. Like really? That’s not cute, she can’t even dance. Why is she in the group? So tacky. She’s nothing without Amity’
She shook the negative thought out of her head. That fan comment made her want to change her War of Hormone lyrics to say her and she instead of I and my. And why she didn’t want to dance with Jungkook anymore. She’ll never get over the disappointment on his face. She felt so bad.
She couldn’t help but notice the sadness in his voice when he murmured, “You don’t want to dance with me, anymore?”
Mr. Son was genuinely surprised that she didn’t want to go through with the dance with Jungkook as well. He enjoyed watching them dance together because their chemistry was something he hadn’t seen from anyone in a long time and they both had a blast together. Ever since the Instagram fight, it looked like the Hailey and other bitter Amity fans were coming after her, calling both Angelina and her angry black women who are jealous that they aren’t a part of the group anymore and of Amity’s success without them. They even went on a full rant on how unprofessional they acted and what example they were showing for younger girls.
To see people say she’s nothing without her old group pushed her to work harder because she felt like she wasn’t at the level she should be. That she was more than just the cute baby of Amity. She had a lot of talent up her sleeves, and Big Hit was the company for her to showcase them in the future when she was good and ready.
‘All those pretty female K-Pop stars and then there’s Jennie...’
‘I swear this girl tries too hard. She’s really forgettable in the group’
‘Every time I hear her sing, I lose brain cells. And she wants to rap? Please just no. Stop while you can.‘
‘Where does she get her confidence from if she’s the ugliest member of BTS?’
‘Oh wow, so Jennie can apparently, DJ now? So boring. Next thing you know, she can fly.’
‘Can she be kicked out of BTS? No gorillas allowed ugh’
‘Why does her hair look so nappy? Does she have a comb? Like ew, unattractive’
‘She’s so annoying. Her laugh is annoying. Her smile isn’t cute at all. Why are we supporting this troll?’
‘She’s the least pretty of the group. Maybe she should get plastic surgery and fix her face’
‘I guess they’re just putting anybody in K-Pop groups these days...’
‘She’s a wannabe K-pop idol. Why is she even here?’
‘When are BTS going to disband? They’re a flop. Having that stupid girl in the group isn’t going to help them either. Did they make her a member for publicity since she’s black?’
“Why am I even here...?” She murmured as she looked at herself in the mirrors in front of her.
It was overwhelming. She never dealt with any of this stuff before until recently and it was starting to become hard to handle. It was getting hard to ignore because everywhere she went, she would see it on social media.
There will always be haters. But why did these anti-fans have to be so harsh and waste their time writing hateful things? Didn’t they have anything better to do?
Jen knew she wasn’t the only member dealing with hate. It broke her heart to hear that people called Hobi and Namjoon ugly. And even wanted Hobi to be kicked out of the group.
“And I guess I’m the next victim...”
It was harder than she thought to be an idol. But something told her to keep going.
She snapped a photo of herself, in the mirror and tweeted, 'I feel like I should push myself harder...I’m lacking. Please bear with me. #JEN’
Not even five minutes later, she looked back at the Twitter account to see that the members had replied, along with the spam of ARMY giving her encouraging tweets and I love yous.
‘Fighting Jennie! #JIN’
‘I have smarties waiting for you back at the dorm. I’m always proud of you. #SUGA’
‘Have strength, Ennie! ChimChim loves you! You’re important and valued. #Jimin’
‘I love her more! I met her first! Go Jennie! I’ll always support you my Nike loving friend! #V’
‘Don’t be discouraged, just keep swimming. #JK’
‘Munchkin! Don’t give up! Keep going. #JHOPE’
‘Even during our darkest moments, we must find the light. Stay strong, JW. #RM’
Jen smiled at their sudden responses and exhaled.
“I’ll be okay...I hope..."
Back at the dorm, Jen was greeted by the members who were watching TV in the living room.
“Munchkin! You want your smarties?” Hobi beamed.
“Ah, no thanks.” She smiled apologetically as the members sat there dumbfounded at her response.
“Something is up. She never dismisses smarties.” Yoongi murmured as she headed into her room.
After taking a shower, Jen laid on her bed and heard a hard combination of knocks on her door.
“Come in!”
There stood Jimin with a bright grin on his face as he shut the door and took a seat on her bed.
“Now you know we’re gonna have a conversation after you rejected smarties. You’re stressed.”
“No, I’m not.” She let out a sigh.
He suddenly placed a hand on her cheek, examining her face. “Developing dark circles.” He observed. “Are you sleeping?”
“Kind of. I nap.” She shrugged.
“You’re not sleeping.” He declared. “What’s going on, Ennie?”
“Okay, I’m a little stressed.” She admitted.
“When’s the last time you ate a full meal?”
“I don’t recall-“
“That’s not good.”
“I’m okay. I’m not hungry. I can’t force myself to eat.”
“Come on, Ennie. Please, you gotta eat. I don’t like seeing you like this. It makes me sad. I want you to be happy.” He pouted
Suddenly, she felt her eyes start to sting as she attempted to wipe the developing tears. “I just...”
“Please tell me. Vent to me. I don’t want you to be sad.”
“Everything is starting to get overwhelming. I have too much stuff on my mind. I want to make sure I’m at my best for this comeback, but all this hate coming at me left and right recently is starting to distract me. I don’t understand why I’m getting all this heat from these antis. People said they want me beaten, hanged, even worse. Why? What have I done? Cause I know damn well if I was lighter, they wouldn’t say half the things. And maybe if I didn’t leave Amity on bad terms, some of the fans wouldn’t be so resentful towards me. I understand racism is gonna be everywhere, unfortunately. But my gosh, hanged? Next thing you know I’m gonna get even more death threats. What have I done? What have I done wrong to deserve that?”
“We are definitely gonna talk to Bang PD about this. Threats are not okay. None of this is okay.” He responded in a serious tone as he held her hand, giving it a tight squeeze.
“I just wish I was mentally stronger. I don’t like to surround myself with negativity like that. That’s why I took a break from social media. I haven’t updated since my Instagram of getting followed by EXO.” She went on. “It’s like every time I go online, it’s oh how much I hate you, people creating photos of me getting hanged, like that is truly disgusting. It is 2015, why are we still at this level of hatred? I just have so much to prove, I’m working as hard as I can but it’s always underappreciated. It makes me think that I’m lacking.”
“Do you feel like you’re lacking? Or do you feel like you’re lacking because of some haters saying you’re lacking?” He suddenly asked, which got her to ponder.
"Was this all worth it?”
“Jennie, don’t say things like that. Everything you went through, got you here. To be a member of BTS. You wanted to do this. Don’t give up now just because of a handful of bad seeds trying to discourage you. You didn’t join BTS as a publicity stunt. You’re just as important as the rest of us. Just like when Hobi went through with the hate, you will get through this just like he did. Me, the members, Big Hit and ARMY will be there to protect you from anything. Trust in ARMY and believe in their love for you.”
She nodded and took his words in. Jimin was always such a sweetheart. His selflessness was always appreciated.
“Thank you, Chim.”
“Always. Now, enjoy these smarties with me.” He let her go and took them out of his pocket, handing her a few rolls.
“It’s been a while.” She grinned and popped three pieces in her mouth.
“There’s that smile. Now come on, you have to eat something.” He grabbed her hand and took her out of her room.
Next Monday, waking up earlier than the others, Jen headed to practice early for a head start on cleaning up the I Need U choreography. Her insomnia seemed to get worse because she hardly slept last night as she kept thinking about what she needed to work on for the next comeback.
She just wanted to be on the go 24/7, but failed the realize how much of a toll it was taking on her body.
Today she would learn her lesson.
Two hours later, the rest of the members came in as they began their long practice for their upcoming comeback. Throughout the whole morning, Jennie began to have a headache. It was irritating but she chose to endure it and dance through it.
“Jennie, you’re getting sloppy with your movement. You all right?” Mr. Son called her out, looking concerned.
“Sorry. I’m good.” She reassured, trying to shake off the sudden dizziness.
As they all get back in position, they begin the dance once again, starting from the chorus.
I need you girl
Wae honja saranghago honjaseoman ibyeolhae
I need you girl
Wae dachil geol almyeonseo jakku niga piryohae
Neon areumdawo
I need you girl Neomu chagawo
Holding her head, the dizziness and pain began to be too much for Jen’s body to handle, and started to shut down.
'Oh no...not again...' she thought as she ended up collapsing on the dance floor and began to feel herself losing consciousness.
Meanwhile, the boys heard a loud thump over the music and turned around to see Jen knocked out on the floor as they scrambled around to her in panic.
“Is she okay!?”
“Let her breathe!”
“What happened!?”
“Give her space!”
“Call 119!”
“Shit! Jennie! Hey! Stay with me!” She faintly heard Namjoon shout as everything faded to black.
Next Chapters!
Hi! I’ll see y’all next year in January 2024 for more uploads! So happy new year and have a safe new years! Super excited to be enjoying New Year’s in NYC this time! 😁 and I want to thank you all for checking out my stuff. Whenever it’s lurking, liking or reblogging, I appreciate you taking the time to give my creativity a chance as I put myself out there again for fanfiction 🙏🏾
The Bangtan Gal

And What If I Don't? (Out to dinner with her family, Jen is questioned about her personal life as a few family members want her to date someone within her race. But she questions what the problem is with not. JenKook spend a night in the dorm alone while the guys are out.) Major Jungkook fluff! Another one of my favorite chapters ❤️
BTS Now 2 (Jennie gets an allergic reaction to Pineapple as she teams with Hobi for BTS Now 2)
Our First Win (Jen joins V, Rap Monster and Jessi in an episode of Hello Counselor. BTS promote their new album and get their first set of wins)
He's Smitten (Jungkook’s white shirts go missing. Jen gets noticed by Baekhyun. Bam Bam finally meets Jennie at Dream concert. Jennie and Jungkook go against each other for dodgeball at school. Jennie checks out Jungkook’s English.) (GOT7’s BamBam fluff and major Jungkook fluff! One of my favorite chapters❤️)
Forced To Believe

This will be after I post the remaining 3 chapters from the previous post about upcoming chapters for Forced to Believe 💯
In Due Time (Morgan visits NXT to team with Bayley. Goldust continues to be an issue for Morgan. CM Punk is on The Shield's radar. Melanie and Jon spend Thanksgiving together with Melanie's family)
Trying To Gain Momentum (Morgan continues to have targets on her back while Punk butts heads with her)
The Slammy Awards (Melanie celebrates Jon's Birthday. Ambrose confronts Morgan on why she has been lying to him. Problems arise when Ambrose's attitude problems start to annoy Morgan and the rest of his teammates. CM Punk makes a shocking request at TLC)
That Was A Miracle (The Shield face CM Punk at TLC. Ambrose continues to be on thin ice with Morgan) (definitely one of my favorite chapters!!)
The Answer Is No (CM Punk continues to annoy Morgan with his ridiculous request. Morgan's rivalry with Tamina heats up again)
Tribute To The Troops (The Shield attend Tribute To The Troops as Morgan and Tamina continue to go at it)
Never mind! I'll post some chapters today since they're pretty much done. Might as well post em. Stay tuned! :) hope you're enjoying the day!

Forced To Believe Chapter 26- Revenge Is Sweet

Chapter Summary: Eva and Morgan continue to have problems. The Wyatts begin to get into The Shield’s business. Morgan begins to be on Luke Harper’s radar
Words: 11,000+
Morgan was stretching her arms backstage as the crowd cheered. While the Philadelphian was stretching, The Shield walk over to her and she turned around.
"Hey." She greeted.
"We wanted to wish you luck tonight. We hope you win." Roman said as she fist bumped him and Seth.
"Thanks guys." She smiled and met Dean's gaze.
Seth and Roman got the memo and left to give them some time alone.
Dean wrapped his arms around her waist as she wrapped her arms around his back and rested her head on his chest. Once he released her, he kissed her
"Good luck in your match tonight." he smiled
"Thank you."
'In the ring'
"This match is set for one fall and it is for the Divas Championship! Introducing first, the challenger, from Union City, New Jersey, AJ Lee!" Lilian announced as AJ skipped down the ring.
"The queen of Crazyville, AJ Lee, sets to take on Morgan," King said.
Morgan's theme came on as the crowd erupted in cheers. "And her opponent, she is the Divas Champion, from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Morgan!" Lilian announced.
She walked out in her shield attire and grinned at the crowd. She twirled around while holding up the title.
"Oh, I love it when she twirls." King grinned.
"You say that every time she walks out." JBL retorted.
She tagged some hands before getting in the ring. She got on the turnbuckle and raised up her title as does her taunt with her right hand. She lowered her right hand in front of her and did The Shield's pose before jumping off the turnbuckle.
Morgan looked at AJ leaning on the ropes before she gave her title to the ref. The ref raised the title and called for the bell. The two women circle around each other and lock up.
"The Shield will not be a part of the match up. If Morgan wins, she continues her reign as Divas champion-OH! What a shot by AJ." Cole exclaimed as AJ gave her a spinning kick in the face. She went for the pin but Morgan kicked out at two. "As I was saying, if Morgan wins this match, Stephanie will be forced in the ring with her and cannot force her into any more matches and she must leave her alone."
"We all know that Morgan wants to get her hands on Stephanie. After all she has done to her." King said
Later on in the match, AJ throws Morgan to the turnbuckle and starts unloading on her as the ref pushes her back. Morgan takes advantage and kicks her in the gut and grabs her for a butterfly DDT. She was about to pin her but then Stephanie runs down the ring as the crowd boos.
"What are you doing here?" Morgan asked angrily. She was pretty banged up by AJ's moves.
"I'm watching the match," Stephanie smirked.
Morgan turns around and gets caught in the black widow.
"Morgan's caught!" Cole exclaimed.
"Tap out Morgan! Tap out!" Stephanie yelled. Morgan was about to tap but then Jane ran down the ring.
"What is Jane doing here?" Cole asked before she grabbed Stephanie by the hair and brought her down as the crowd cheered.
"What!?" King screeched.
"Tap! Tap!" AJ yelled as Morgan kneeled.
Jane turned her attention to Morgan. "Come on sweetie! You can do it!"
"Looks like Jane has been playing Stephanie all along," JBL said.
Morgan fights out of the black widow as the crowd cheers. She rolls out the ring but then AJ starts to have a fit. She storms out of the ring and throws Morgan to the barricade.
"You are supposed to tap! That is supposed to be my championship! Mine!" AJ exclaimed before unloading on her.
"AJ! Get back in the ring! 4!" The ref continued to count.
She picks Morgan up by the hair but then Morgan fights back and starts giving her punches to the face and throws her back in the ring. She hits her with some clotheslines before giving her a flying crossbody. She then picks her up and hits AJ with a knee to the gut and hits the backfire on her. She pins her for the win as the crowd cheers.
"Here is your winner! And still your Diva's Champion, Morgan!" Lilian announced as Morgan held her head and got her hand raised.
Morgan grinned and taunted the crowd while Jane jumped up and down, cheering for her.
"Stephanie has to get in the ring with Morgan," King exclaimed as Jane got into the ring to hug her daughter.
Stephanie holds her head and is shocked at the outcome of the match while she is at ringside, on the floor. She gets up and starts to walk up the ramp but then Jane runs out of the ring as the crowd cheers. Jane grabs her and throws her in the ring as Stephanie is on her knees before Morgan.
"Please! Don't do anything!" Stephanie begged and started apologizing as Jane got back in the ring.
"Look at her, trying to suck up. She brought this on herself." Cole said as King agreed. Morgan and Jane look at each other and then back at Stephanie. Then she watched as her mom started to attack Stephanie. "Look at Jane go!"
"That's Jane power right there," JBL said as Morgan looked amused.
After Jane was done, Morgan waits for Stephanie to get up to give her a clothesline. She picks her up and taunts the crowd before giving her a backfire. Morgan spins on her right knee before stopping herself in front of Stephanie's fallen body.
"I know that had to feel good for Morgan and Jane." JBL added
"And the mother-daughter duo has gotten their revenge on Stephanie," Cole said as Morgan and Jane hugged again.
'WWE Exclusive Video'
Renee Young was with Morgan and Jane who were sitting on a crate, laughing at what they did to Stephanie. "Right now I am here with Morgan and Jane Lopez. I gotta say, what happened out there?" Renee grinned.
Morgan chuckled. "It was a plan all along. My mom fooled Stephanie. We made the plan."
"How'd you come up with it?"
"It wasn't hard. Stephanie seems to love to hurt me and do anything to get under my skin but in the end, she started it and I finished it."
"Yes, and I'm really happy this is all over and my daughter can finally continue her career without any more Stephanie drama." Jane smiled.
"We heard this will be your last night in the WWE. Will this be the last time we see Jane in the WWE?" Renee asked.
"No, she'll return one day. For now, she'll just keep supporting me from home." Morgan smiled. "I love you."
"Aw. I love you too," Jane smiled and hugged her
"Well, there you have it. Thanks for taking the time to talk with us." Renee smiled.
After the interview, Renee helped Melanie take a photo of her and Jane hugging and Melanie tweeted 'Stephanie got what she deserved. She will never break our #MotherDaughterBond #ILoveMom #MomsAreTough'
'Later on HIAC'
Melanie and Jane watch Jon's match against Ettore Ewen (Big E Langston). Melanie winced as she saw Jon's chin cut open and Ettore's eye cut.
"Ooh. This match is getting real." She looked on in amazement.
"They are pretty talented," Jane commented.
After Jon's match, Melanie decided to see how he was doing. She started walking to the doctor's office and saw cameras following her. She decided to get in character a little.
Once she went inside the office, she saw Dean sitting down. "Hey. Sorry, I wasn't there to support you." She gave him a small smile and sat next to him.
"It's no problem." He chuckled.
"How's your chin?"
"I've been through worse."
"I'll kiss it to make it better." She kissed his chin but then he yelled 'Ah!' "Oh my gosh, are you okay!? I'm sorry!"
He started laughing. "Just messing with you."
"Dean! That's not funny!" She slapped his arm.
"You fell for it." He chuckled and kissed her on the lips.
'After the show'
Melanie drove Jane to the airport. "Can't believe you're leaving." She frowned as she parked her rental car at the airport.
"Oh sweetie, I'll be cheering you on from home. Plus, your father and I need some loving."
"Oh no! Too much information!" Melanie exclaimed. Jane giggled as they both got out of the car. She grabbed Jane's bags from the trunk and hugged her. "I'm going to miss you."
"I'm going to miss you too sweetie. It was so nice being a part of the WWE for a while. I cannot wait to come back if they want me to. I have to go. Don't want to miss my flight. Love you!" She kissed her on the forehead.
"Love you too." Melanie gave her a sad smile and waved goodbye to her as she walked inside the airport.
'Next day, Raw'
The titantron showed The Shield on the screen. "Tonight could be the most important night in the history of The Shield. I'm being forced to defend my United States Championship against Big E Langston. If Big E has a stock, I'm buying it. He's a human bulldozer and I felt that last night." Dean pointed to his stitched up chin. "But make no mistake about it Big E. It was a privilege to give you a few minutes of my time at Hell in a cell, it was a privilege for you to share a ring with the United States champion Dean Ambrose."
"Last night, we made a mistake. We underestimated the potential of Big E Langston. But tonight we have an opportunity to rectify that mistake. Tonight guys, we get back to basics." Seth said.
"Look, I'm gonna defend my US title successfully, the only championship The Shield has left is the US title," Ambrose smirked. Morgan cleared her throat and The Shield turn their attention to her. He nodded. "Right." He said before looking at the camera again as Roman, Morgan, and Seth look at Dean as he continued to be cocky.
"How do you forget that?" Seth snapped. "She had one hell of a match last night "
"Seth, it's fine." Morgan touched his chest to calm him down.
"I am gonna get the job done like I always do 'cause I'm the United States champion," Dean went on as Morgan glanced at Seth and Roman giving Dean dirty looks. She was getting a little worried. "I am the baddest man alive. Believe that!"
After a long period of Roman looking at Dean, he turned his attention to the camera. "Believe in The Shield!"
'In The Ring'
After some back and forth action, Dean's match against Big E ended up as a DQ once Roman Reigns decided to pull the rope back, making Big E fall out of the ring. The Shield but Morgan jump Big E. Morgan gets in the ring but then the Usos run down the ring and start fighting Roman, Seth and Dean. They throw The Shield out the ring and Morgan looks at them as they turn their attention to her. They all turn their attention to the stage as Eva Marie walks down the ring in her wrestling attire and the crowd boos.
"It's Eva Marie!" Cole exclaimed. Eva smirks while Morgan has her arms out, waiting for her to come into the ring.
"Do something! I'm right here. What are you gonna do?" Morgan taunted as Eva got in the ring and got in each other's faces.
The Shield, Usos and Big E look on intently, wondering if they should stop things or let them argue. Eva and Morgan start yelling at each other until Morgan shoves her face back. Eva turns around and tackles her down as the crowd cheers.
"Catfight!" King screamed in a high pitched voice.
"This is not a catfight; this is a brawl!" JBL exclaimed as both divas relentlessly hit on each other.
The Shield quickly get in the ring to try to break it up. Morgan gets pulled off of Eva by Rollins and gets backed up into a corner by him, while Ambrose and Reigns help him hold her back.
"Get off of me! Get off!" Morgan yelled as she tried to break free of The Shield's hold. Eva was being held back by the Usos and Big E right across from her. "Seth! Back up! Get off of me!"
"Calm down, calm down." Rollins said in a calm tone.
"Wow, you don't see this every week. We should have this more often!" King looked on
"These two really hate each other," Cole said.
"Relax, Morgan, relax," Reigns added.
"Don't tell me to calm down! She needs to get her ass kicked!" Morgan yelled as she tried to squirm her way out of The Shield's hold.
She manages to break free from their hold and run towards Eva. Eva escapes Big E and the Usos hold and spears Morgan to the mat and starts fighting her again.
"It's on!" Cole yelled.
"Woo Hoo!" King cheered
Eva managed to give her a couple of hard hits to the face until Morgan turned things around. Eva's hard hit managed to leave a red mark on Morgan's face. Seth grabs Morgan off of Eva and pushes her to the ropes and holds her tight while holding her and the ropes as she tries to break free. Meanwhile, Dean and Roman were arguing with Jey Uso and Big E.
"Control that ring rat of yours!" Dean yelled.
"We didn't know she was gonna come out!" Jey Uso shouted.
"Seth, get off of me!" Morgan yelled.
"Not until you calm down..." he responded.
There was something about his calm voice that made her less angry. She gave up trying to break free of his hold while Eva Marie got out of the ring. Seth managed to get Morgan out of the ring but quickly grabbed her by the waist before she could run after Eva.
"This ends right here! Right now! Tonight! I'm gonna teach you a lesson!" Morgan yelled.
"Bring it on!" Eva yelled back.
"Hang on! Hang on!" Brad Maddox said, walking on the stage. "Get those women calmed down!"
"Hey, Brad is back," JBL said.
"We haven't seen him since Morgan gave him those chair shots," Cole reminded.
"I got a real simple solution. That match is now a 4 on 4 match. I want to see it right now." Brad said.
"What are you talking about?! I don't have to listen to you!" Seth yelled.
"Brad Maddox just ordered a 4 on 4 tag match. Divas vs. Divas. Superstars vs. Superstars." Cole announced.
"I like it!" JBL said as Raw went to a commercial break.
After the commercial break, Morgan watches as The Shield take control of an Uso. When the Uso fights back and hits Dean with a kick, Eva Marie shoots her hand out for a tag as the Uso looks at her. He decides to tag her in as the crowd boos. Eva blows Dean a kiss as Morgan shakes her head and gets tagged in by Ambrose.
They lock up and Morgan takes control and grabs her by the hair and throws her down.
"Give her no mercy, Morgan!" Dean cheered on.
Eva stands up and elbows her in the midsection. She runs to the ropes but Morgan runs after her and when Eva turns around, Morgan gives her a knee to the gut.
"Nice!" Seth cheered
Morgan drops her down with a backbreaker. She drags Eva to the middle of the ring and is about to put her in the breakdown but Eva manages to grab the ropes. She gets dragged neck first to the middle rope by Eva as she holds her neck in pain. Eva takes advantage and pins her but Morgan kicks out at two. She starts to take control of Morgan and then taunts the crowd by flipping her hair and blowing kisses.
While Eva is taunting the crowd, Morgan recovers and hits her with a clothesline and then dropkicks her. She was about to grab her for the backfire but Eva escapes and quickly tags in one of the Usos.
"Seriously?" Morgan retorted as an Uso got in the ring.
Morgan tags in Seth. While they wrestle, Eva tries to distract Seth while Roman and Dean are wrestling Big E and the other Uso at ringside.
Morgan gets in the ring. "Dude!" She called out before running to Seth.
He caught her and spun her around as Morgan gave Eva a kick in the face as she fell off the apron.
"Wow, what a move!" King exclaimed as Seth set her down.
Morgan gets out of the ring and puts her into the breakdown.
"They aren't even tagged in!" Cole exclaimed.
"Morgan wants to make her suffer." JBL looked on.
"Are you going to stay away from my boys!? Are you gonna stop messing with me!? Are you gonna stay away from my man!? Are you gonna mind your own friggin' business?!" Morgan leaned back as Eva yelled 'Okay!' and submitted.
Meanwhile, Seth brings his knees up when an Uso is about to do a splash and tags in Roman. They were about to double suplex him until the other Uso caught his brother and they hit them with a kick in the stomach. Morgan gets in the ring to help Roman as he leans on the middle rope, recovering from the Usos kick. Seth runs to the Usos but they duck and give him a kick, making him fall out of the ring.
Morgan steps up to the Usos and gives them both slaps in the face which gets them angry. They look at each other and then at Morgan as her eyes widen.
"Grapes!" Roman yelled as she moved out of the way and he went on to spear the Usos.
"Oh! A double spear by Reigns!" Cole exclaimed as Reigns pinned one of the Usos for the win. "Distraction by Morgan gave Roman the advantage."
"Yeah!" Morgan exclaimed as she high fived Roman.
"The winners of this match, The Shield!" Justin announced as Dean gave Morgan her title while he had his title in his hands.
Morgan turned her attention to Eva who was holding her right arm while standing up on the ramp and blew her a kiss.
'At the ending segment of Raw'
Morgan looked amused as Stephanie and Triple H walk down to the ring as The Shield got in the ring too. After Triple H's promo about Randy Orton, Orton gets in the ring. Stephanie was about to speak but she stopped when she heard the crowd chant 'Morgan got you'
Stephanie sighed and turned her attention to the Philly Diva.
Morgan flashed her a grin. "Hey, how ya doing?"
Stephanie rolled her eyes and turned her attention back to the crowd. "Okay, so she beat me up. I'm still standing here. Now...to more important things. Randy Orton isn't just our champion, he is everyone's champion. Which specifically means, Randy Orton represents all of you. So I'm asking you to show the WWE Champion the respect he so richly deserves." She said before giving Orton the mic.
"Having this title, being WWE champion, makes me simply put, better than you," Orton said.
"Wow..." Morgan mouthed.
"Do you have something to say, Morgan? Cause I'm tired of you talking behind my back." Orton snapped.
Morgan got handed a mic and spoke as the crowd cheered for her, "Oh trust me, you do not want to hear what I have to say. And I don't talk behind your back. I say stuff to your face. Get your facts straight."
Orton glared at her. But then, The Big Show's theme came on as the crowd exploded.
"What!?" Cole asks. "Can it be "
"It better not be!" JBL exclaimed as the Big Show marched down the ring.
The Shield but Morgan run out of the ring to attack Big Show but then The Usos and Rhodes Brothers attack them. Morgan got out of the ring, running away from The Rhodes brothers and Usos.
The Shield are shown on the titantron. "Jimmy...Jey...I'm getting a little sick of ya." Dean said as The Shield agreed. "The Shield is getting a little tired of the Usos sticking their noses in our business. We've beaten you time and time again, we've proven you're not contenders, you're not threats. Ya'll just speed bumps and tonight...it's no contest."
"It seems like they can't get the memo. Looks like we have to kick their butts once again." Morgan retorted.
"The Shield united. We can beat any tag team on planet Earth, we've proven it over and over and over, and tonight, we prove that the Usos are no exception." Seth said.
"I'm gonna speak up for The Shield right now." Dean began as Morgan and Seth turned to him while Roman glanced at him. Roman met Seth's and Morgan's eyes while Morgan shrugged at Roman. Rollins didn't look too pleased. "Tonight, the United States champion and Seth Rollins are gonna make sure that justice gets served."
"Believe in The Shield," Roman said to end the segment.
'In the ring'
Morgan and Roman manage Seth and Dean. Dean and Jimmy start the match.
"Come on Dean," Seth said before Jimmy tagged in Jey and they did a double team move on him.
Dean fights back and tags in Rollins but Jey quickly takes control. Once Dean fights back and tags in Seth, Jey throws him to the turnbuckle and runs to him but Seth moves out of the way.
"That's how you do it," Roman said once Seth began to get the upper hand.
"Yeah! Go, Seth!" Morgan cheered.
Later, Jey was outside the ring after Dean threw him out. Roman was walking towards him until Big E's theme came on which made him upset.
"Are you kidding me!? No way! No way! He should not be here! Tell him to leave!" She argued with the ref.
"The Usos got themselves some back up," JBL looked on.
"Do what you want, step up." Big E said to Roman who is standing with Morgan and Seth.
"Get out of here!" Seth exclaimed.
Morgan started to get annoyed and was about to walk up to Big E to hit him but got grabbed by Seth.
"Who do you think you are!?" she yelled.
"Looks like we have the guys all even. The Shield doesn't seem too happy." Cole said before Smackdown went on a commercial break.
After the show comes back on, The Shield takes control of Jey.
"Justice!" Dean yelled on the apron as the crowd boos.
"Come on Uso! You can't handle the best! You can't handle the best." Seth got on the middle rope and jumped off of it but Jey counters and does a Samoan drop.
"You gotta get in. You gotta get in." Roman urged Dean as Morgan agreed.
Jey tags in his brother while Seth tags in Dean.
"Tags are made. Jimmy Uso and Dean Ambrose." Cole said.
Jimmy quickly takes control by doing his signature moves. He hits Dean with a kick in the face and pins him but then Seth breaks it up. Jey gets in the ring and gives Seth a spinbuster. Roman gets on the apron but the Usos hit him with a double kick.
Morgan goes to help Seth and Roman but quickly moves out of the way as Jey dives on top of Roman and Seth outside the ring.
"Cannot catch a break," Morgan mumbled.
Meanwhile, in the ring, Jimmy pins Dean in a roll up for the win.
"Here are your winners! Jimmy and Jey, The Usos." Lilian announced.
Dean takes his frustration out on Jimmy and throws him out of the ring but gets clotheslined by Big E.
Morgan gets in the ring. "Hey! Put him down!" She exclaimed. Big E put him down and turned his attention to her. "This is all your fault! If you didn't come out here, we would have won!" she shoved him.
"I wouldn't do that Morgan," Cole warned.
Morgan pushes him again and then slaps him in the face. She turns around but then the crowd cheers once Big E picks her up.
"Big E isn't gonna stand for that." Cole looked on.
She tries to fight her way out of his arms but then Roman slides into the ring and hits Big E's leg as he kneels and drops her. Morgan crawls over to the turnbuckle and sits at the corner, recovering from what just happened. Roman rolled Dean out of harm's way and went to grab Morgan by her hands to pull her up to her feet.
"You all right?" He asked.
"Yeah, thanks." She responded but then Roman slowly turned around.
He and Morgan turn their attention to Big E and The Usos across from them.
"Come on!" Big E provoked. "Come on!"
"Bring it on!" Roman yelled.
"Wait, wait, Roman, stop." Morgan grabbed his arm. "Don't do this right now. Hey!" she exclaimed as Roman tried to walk towards the three guys but Seth and Dean restrained him.
"Not today! Not today!" Seth tried to calm Roman down.
"I love it! Let him go, let him go! That's a big tough guy, Roman Reigns." JBL said while the crowd was loving it too.
"Morgan, Seth and Ambrose trying to be the voice of reason here," Cole said.
The Shield get out of the ring as the crowd boos, wanting for Roman and Big E to go at it.
'Next week on WWE Main Event'
Tonight, Melanie was planning on dropping the Diva's Championship to April. She was excited to see what Creative had planned for her without the title.
In the ring, Morgan and AJ circle around each other. Morgan was set to defend her title against AJ in a lumberjill match.
AJ and Morgan lock up but then AJ kicks her in the gut and throws her down on the mat as Morgan holds her head. She watches as AJ skips around the ring.
"Mind games are being played," Miz said.
Morgan gets up and clotheslines her as the crowd cheers. She mocks AJ by skipping as the crowd laughs. AJ starts to get angry and runs to spear her but she moves out of the way while AJ runs into the ring post. Morgan starts to take control of her at the turnbuckle and then throws her out the ring. Later on, AJ starts to take control of Morgan and puts her in a headlock submission.
"That champion is going to be mine Morgan...my title is going to come back into my arms. Where it belongs. Not with you." AJ said as she started to get angry and fights out of her hold.
Morgan gets on the apron, about to do a high risk move but Tamina grabs her legs and brings her down while AJ distracts the ref.
"Oh! Tamina taking advantage of the distraction." Josh said.
The face divas start to argue with the heel divas as AJ gets out of the ring and throws Morgan back in. She skips around before pinning her but Morgan kicks out at two. She puts Morgan in a camel clutch and the Philly Diva stands up. AJ wraps her legs around her stomach and holds her neck in a headlock. Morgan grabs her by the hair and throws her on the mat as AJ holds her back.
After AJ and Morgan give each other moves back and forth, AJ kicks her in the midsection and runs to the ropes to try to kick her again but Morgan ducks. She tries to kick AJ but she ducks and AJ gives her a spinning kick in the face as she falls on the mat.
"What a kick by AJ." Josh exclaimed.
AJ pins Morgan for a two count. Morgan gets up but then AJ gets on her back and tries to give her another submission. Morgan sighs out of frustration loudly. She backs up to a turnbuckle to get AJ off of her. She starts giving her clotheslines but then Tamina grabs her legs and brings her down.
All the divas start to fight the heel divas as the crowd cheers.
"And the divas go at it!" Josh yelled.
Morgan gets on her knees but is hit by a shining wizard by AJ. She takes advantage and grabs Morgan into the Black Widow.
"Morgan's caught!" Miz exclaimed. Moments later, she was forced to tap.
"Here is your winner! And the new divas champion, AJ Lee." Lilian announced.
AJ let out a crazed laugh and grabbed the title, raising it up in the air.
Morgan held her arm and looked disappointed while AJ got out of the ring and was greeted by the heel divas.
The Philly Diva glares at Tamina while getting helped by the face divas.
"Because of the distraction by Tamina, AJ is now the new Diva's champion," Miz looked on.
'WWE Exclusive Video'
Morgan is walking backstage, still disappointed in the match. She wiped the tears, threatening to fall from her eyes and saw Seth.
"Come here." he wrapped her arms around her tightly, as she hugged him back.
"I feel like I let everybody down. I let The Shield down, I let Philly down, I let the divas division down, and I let the WWE Universe down." She said with disappointment.
"Hey." He sternly spoke as he released her. "You did not let anyone down. You tried your best. Let it motivate you to continue being the best diva you can be. You don't need the title to prove that you are worthy of being here." He reassured her with a smile and wiped her tears.
"Thank you, Seth. Really. Thank you for always being there,"
Morgan tweets 'Upset that I lost but that motivates me. I lost to the better woman. Congrats AJ. 116 days as Divas Champion. I'm proud of it and I hope I get a longer reign the next time I win the championship back.'
'Next Week, Monday Night Raw'
Orton was backstage in the medical room, being tended by a doctor. The doctor was putting ice on his shoulder. Orton had just been put into a table by the Big Show earlier this evening.
The doctor tries to raise up his arm. "How does that feel?"
"How does it feel? You see what happened to me out there?" Randy retorted, still in a foul mood from getting his ass kicked.
The Shield but Morgan walk over to him.
Dean puts his hand on the doctor's shoulder. "Peace out for a minute. Go take a walk." Dean gestured as the doctor left.
Seth stands next to Dean while Roman stands next to Seth. Morgan arrives and stands next to Roman but The Shield don't notice since they have their attention on Orton.
"Sup man?" Seth greeted with a smile.
"What's up? What's up you say huh? Where the hell were you guys?" Orton asked. "Oh, I don't know about an hour ago? You know when I was in the ring getting my ass handed to me by the Big Show? Did you see what he did to me?"
"Champ..." Dean spoke
"Obviously not because you wasn't there " Orton vented on while Morgan stared at him with a confused expression.
He was out of it. She couldn't believe how much whining he's been doing, blaming others for his problems. She rolled her eyes and ran a hand through her hair
"...You didn't come for my rescue like last week." Orton threw the pack of ice off his shoulder and started to get upset. "We beat his ass last week! And now I'm getting my ass chokeslammed through a table! Where were ya?! What Dean!?"
"Randy...it's none of your business where we were."
"Look man...we don't work for Vickie, we don't work for Brad Maddox, we don't work for Kane," Seth added.
"And we damn sure don't work for you," Roman remarked.
"Yeah..." Morgan retorted as she crossed her arms and looked away from the guys.
A pause occurred as the crowd cheered for Morgan. She noticed the silence and looked to see the guys looking at her.
"What? Why is everyone staring at me? Do I have something on my face? What? What did I do?" she looked down at her attire and sighed. "Okay, I look weird in a cowgirl attire, don't judge me. I was doing a photo shoot for Raw Country next week. So, you can stop looking." She waved them away.
The staring began to be too much and she started to blush out of embarrassment. "Okay, awkward! I'm out of here. You, you and you." She pointed at Dean, then Seth and then Roman. "Handle this...big baby." She gestured to Orton and walked away.
Roman and Seth turn their attention back to Orton. Seth noticed Dean staring at Morgan walking away and nudged him as he quickly turned back to Orton, clearing his throat.
"Feel better all right?" Seth said to Orton.
"Heal up," Dean said as they walked away, leaving Orton angry.
'Later, Backstage'
Morgan is walking backstage and gets stopped by Tamina and AJ. "Oh look, it's the bitch who decided to cost me my match on Main Event. What the hell do you want?" She snapped as Tamina was about to step up to her but AJ got in between the two.
Morgan did not like Tamina. Not one bit. She wanted to grab her by the hair and bang her head to a wall. She was so angry at her for making her lose the Diva's Championship.
"No fighting. Anyway, hi Morgan! See this?" AJ showed her the title. "This is mine. And it's back where it belongs. To me."
"Woopy doo." Morgan retorted. "You only won that because of this chick, right here." She pointed at Tamina.
It's been a while since Tamina and Morgan faced each other. Tamina was more intimidating than ever. Morgan was wondering how tough she had gotten in the ring.
She was competition.
"Don't blame me, sweetie, you got distracted." Tamina looked amused.
"Oh...so, you think you can give me cheap shots and get away with it sweetie?"
"I know I can, sweetie."
"Well let me tell you something..." Morgan got in her face as they glared at each other. "You better give it all you got, Snuka."
"Oh, I will and I am gonna hurt you so bad, you'll run back to that boyfriend of yours...who was it?" Tamina looked at AJ.
"Well, I don't know..."AJ grinned at her.
AJ had a feeling another Shield member was getting a little too close with Morgan. She would have to keep a close eye on that for mind games in the future.
"Tamina, I may not be intimidating to you, but I'm gonna make sure you get your ass kicked," Morgan said.
"Oh really? By who? You're gonna make The Shield go after me like you always do?" Tamina asked
The Philly Diva smirked. "Nope. I'll show you on Raw Country. Just watch your back."
Morgan tweets, 'I'm getting sick of Tamina. She better #WatchHerBack on Raw Country. Things are going to get Morganized.'
'Next Week Raw'
Morgan was at ringside while she watched The Shield go at it with CM Punk and Daniel Bryan. She was back in her Shield attire and saw Punk and Dean starting the match. They lock up but Punk throws him to the ropes, only to be taken down by a shoulder tackle. Dean rolls his neck before running to the ropes, only to be kicked in the face by Punk. Punk tags in Daniel and they do a double suplex on Ambrose.
"Let's go, Dean!" She cheered on.
Dean started to gain momentum by taking Daniel down and tagging in Seth. She winces as Seth is put into a submission by Daniel before tagging Punk back in, making Punk kick Seth in the chest.
"Wonder what Morgan has planned tonight. The Authority is on vacation." King said as Roman got tagged in and took control of Punk. "I mean, she lost the championship and she's having problems with Tamina. What do you think is going through her mind right now?"
"Yeah!" She cheered as Roman double clotheslined Punk and Bryan.
She loved the United Kingdom crowd. They were loud and entertaining to listen to.
"I think Morgan is just focusing on The Shield right now. She knows what she's going to do next week on Raw. I'm just curious about what she is going to do with Tamina. It's been a while since they faced each other. They both have improved so much over the months. It's going to be an interesting battle if they face each other in the ring soon." Cole said as Roman took control of Daniel and tagged in Seth.
Daniel manages to fight back and throw Seth and Roman out of the ring. He tags in Punk while Dean gets tagged in. Punk wears Ambrose down with some signature moves and the diving elbow. Punk pins him but Seth breaks up the pin.
"Phew. That was close. Seth look out!" Morgan warned but he got hit by Daniel's diving drop kick.
Seth falls out of the ring and Daniel dives out of the ring, almost throwing Seth into the crowd. As soon as Daniel gets up, he gets clotheslined by Reigns.
"Almost took his head off!" Cole exclaimed as Morgan high fived Roman.
The duo turns their attention to Punk, diving out of the ring, Morgan quickly moves out of the way as Punk attacks Roman.
"Bodies are flying everywhere," King exclaimed.
Punk traps Dean in the anaconda device but then The Wyatt Family's intro comes on out of nowhere as the lights go out. The lights go back on to reveal, Seth and Morgan helping Dean up while they are in between Luke Harper & Erick Rowan and Punk & Bryan.
"Oh my god!" Cole exclaimed.
Punk and Daniel's eyes widen while Morgan turns her attention to the big men. They were so scary looking. She slowly stands up with Seth and Dean. Bray Wyatt was outside the ring, and so was Roman. Punk pushes Seth while he and Morgan stumble into Luke Harper.
"Real mature." She glared at Punk and turned her attention to Luke.
Seth was not happy when Luke pushed him out of the way. She could see Seth breathing heavily out of anger. This was not good. He and Luke faced each other while Seth started to point at him.
"I want them! I came to get them!" Luke pointed at Punk and Bryan. "I don't want you!"
"You put your hands on me!? Who do you think you are!? This is our match!" Seth yelled in his face as Luke showed off a wicked grin and nodded. "I don't know why you're here, what do you think you're doin' out here!? We had a match!"
"I came to get them! I came to get them!" Luke yelled in a hoarse voice. Dean pushed Seth back and tried to calm him down.
Morgan turned her attention to Luke. "Hey! Don't think you can just come here and interrupt The Shield's match!" She was about to hit him but he grabbed her forearm. She was taken aback at the sudden action.
Maybe she should have thought things through. She thought the Wyatts were here to pick a fight with The Shield. Maybe she should have listened to what they had to say.
"Oh no." JBL said. Morgan tried to pull her arm back but Luke wouldn't release her. He pulled her to him. "Morgan maybe should have kept herself out of this situation."
"I am not here to fight you!" Luke yelled in her face.
"I'm not here for you!"
"Then why are you here?!"
He had her forearm gripped pretty tight. There was no way she could escape. She was creeped out by Luke, especially with Erick standing there with that crazy looking mask on. It was like a horror movie. A horror movie she did not want to star in. The way they looked at her creeped her out as well but she saw that they did not want to hurt her.
"I came to get them!" Luke pointed at Punk and Daniel.
Realization hit her. The Wyatts wanted Punk and Bryan. Dean and Seth saw she was grabbed by Luke and quickly came to her rescue. Morgan looked at them with worry. The last place she wanted to be was with a bunch of guys, wanting to rip each other's heads off.
"Get the hell off of her!" Dean and Seth yell while they grab her other arm and try to pull her to them.
Luke grabbed Morgan to him as the crowd was loving it.
"Stop it! I'm not a toy!" Morgan exclaimed. The crowd was chanting 'Yes!' when Luke pulled her to him and 'No!' when Seth and Dean pulled her to themselves.
"Poor Morgan, she's being grabbed like a doll," King said.
"I don't want to die!" She yelled, being pulled back to Luke. "I don't want to die!" She got pulled back to The Shield.
"Wouldn't want to be in her shoes," JBL said.
"Stop! I'm only 26!" Morgan continued to yell as she got pulled back to Luke. "Don't rip me in half!"
She got pulled back to The Shield once again.
"I don't think Morgan would want to be in Morgan's shoes," Cole exclaimed.
"Get your freakin' hands off my girl!" Dean glared at Luke before Luke released her as she stumbled into Dean's arms. "You all right?"
"Yeah." She replied.
Seth started arguing with Luke again before Dean and Morgan tried to push him back.
"Are you kidding me? You're gonna come here and you're gonna put your hands on The Thorn of Justice?" Seth pointed at her.
"He was trying to explain something to me! If you were just friggin' listen!" She tried to explain but then Dean got in Luke's face. "Would you guys calm down for a freakin' second?!"
"I don't even know who you are." Dean said in Luke's face while Seth got in his face as well. "But I'm not going to be nice to the people who touch what I know belongs to me. Touch her again, see what happens."
Morgan was about to give up trying to separate these guys. "This is such a guy thing..." She retorted.
There was no way she could stop this fight if they wouldn't even listen to her.
Luke slaps Dean's hand off his chest.
"Don't you touch me." Luke said.
Erick starts to get provoked and turns his attention to Dean as they both get in each other's faces. The crowd starts to get hyped. Seth and Morgan tried to push back Dean as a shoving match started to occur.
"Dean, listen to me. Calm down okay?" Morgan got in front of him and put her hands on his cheeks.
"All right, all right." Dean said as Seth held him and Morgan released him.
Dean and Luke turn around and back off.
"They aren't gonna do it they are!" Cole yelled as Dean and Luke turned back around and punched each other.
"Oh my god!" JBL exclaimed
"Woo hoo! Woo hoo!" King cheered as the crowd exploded in cheers.
Morgan face palms as Dean & Seth fight Luke & Erick.
"For crying out loud!" She yelled, throwing her arms up in the air. She shook her head and leaned against a corner, crossing her arms. "This is ridiculous..."
"Haha, Morgan looks like she's saying 'Screw it, do what you want, I don't give a damn anymore, you won't listen to me. " JBL said.
While she was watching them fight, she couldn't help but feel a little angry inside. Just because she's a girl does not mean they shouldn't listen to her.
'At Ringside'
"Hey!" Roman yelled, getting Bray's attention.
Bray takes his hat off as Roman walks up to him.
"Get yo' boys and that rose out of here." Bray pointed to the ring, looking at Seth, Dean and Morgan.
"Get their asses out!" Roman yelled. "I'm not gonna ask you again. Get their asses out."
He grabs him by the shirt and shoves him back but then Bray hits him in the face and starts to fight in the ring.
"That is it! Enough!" Morgan screamed.
Roman grabs Erick off of Seth as both teams regroup. The Shield were still trash talking to the Wyatts and Morgan started to get even more irritated.
She turned to The Shield. "Calm down! Calm down, right now! Enough of this BS! Get your freaking act together!" She pointed at them.
Morgan got so frustrated while she kept looking at The Shield and Wyatts argue back in forth that she decided to scream with her hands on her head. It got the Wyatts' attention. The crowd was cheering loudly once again. She removed her hands and was breathing heavily from the yelling and screaming. Some hair was on her face as well. She turns her attention to The Shield again and gives them a stern look.
"That scream. Morgan is angry." Cole exclaimed.
"You all just pissed me off! Every single one of you! Instead of fighting, why don't you three just listen?!" She yelled. The Shield was about to protest but she cut them off. "Get your damn act together. Do you hear me? I said do you hear me!?"
The Shield reluctantly stopped fighting with The Wyatts and obeyed her.
"I'm tired of this, think of a resolution instead of escalating the conflict!" She got in the middle of the two teams and had her arms out, trying to separate them while the crowd chanted 'This is awesome!'
"Enough is enough." She continued.
"Morgan, trying to be the voice of reason here," Cole observed.
"You are going to listen to me whether you like it or not, I will kick each and every one of you if you don't shut up and listen." Morgan looked at both teams. "Now, give them a chance to explain." She said to The Shield, calming down a little.
Bray started to agree. "The rose with thorns is right!" He yelled, still trying to keep his men in check.
She turned to Bray. "State your purpose here, without violence." She demanded.
She was a little intimidated by the Wyatts since they were tall and looked disturbing but she had to be the peacemaker and listen to their side.
"We aren't the ones you want. I'm saying, we have a common enemy! We have a common enemy!" Bray yelled at The Shield and over the crowd cheering loudly.
Realization hit the male members of The Shield as everyone in the ring turned their attention to Punk and Bryan.
"Uh oh." Cole said.
The two teams get out of the ring and go after Punk and Daniel but they slide in the ring. The Wyatts and The Shield surround the ring and jump Punk and Bryan. The Usos, Goldust and Cody run into the ring and brawl with the Wyatts and Shield while Morgan watches from outside. Once
The Shield are thrown out of the ring, she rushes over to them as the faces stand tall in the ring.
"A chaotic ending for Raw. Guys, the question is this though, what will happen when the Authority returns to Raw Country live from Nashville." Cole looked on
"I can't wait for next week. What a night." JBL exclaimed as Raw went off the air.
Morgan tweets 'Never again will I play #TugOfWar with The Shield and Wyatts.'
'Buying myself some lemons, halls and hot tea to soothe my throat. That screaming messed me up. #ScreamQueen!' Morgan also tweets.
'Tuesday morning, at Jon and Melanie's Hotel Room'
Melanie was asleep while Jon was getting ready to go to the gym. "Mel, you gotta get up," he said.
"Five more minutes..." She mumbled and put a pillow over her head.
"You said that 15 minutes ago."
"I'm tired..."
"Well...I had something to do with that." Jon smirked to himself, reminiscing on last night.
"Yeah, it's your fault."
"My fault? You were the reason."
She removed the pillow from her head and sat up with some covers covering her upper body.
"Because of that cowgirl outfit. You almost got me hard while we were working on screen." He confessed as Melanie started laughing. "Not funny."
"Haha, yes it is! Wow, that's a first. I'm taking a shower."
"Can I join?"
"Nope." She stuck her tongue at him and rushed to the bathroom.
"All right, and when you want it, I'll be waiting to hear you beg for it," Jon replied while he leaned on the bathroom door.
"Bluff!" she yelled from the bathroom as he chuckled.
After Melanie was done, she put on green sweatpants, a black sports bra and a green sweat jacket over the sports bra with sneakers. "Ready?" She asked, while she put her hair in a ponytail.
"Yeah." he opened the door. "Ladies first."
"Such a sweetheart." she kissed him on the cheek and walked out the door. The couple hold hands while walking down the hall and after a few moments, they see Joe with a GameStop bag. "Oh my gosh, did you get COD Ghosts!?" She rushed up to him.
Joe chuckled and took the game out. "Hell yeah."
"Yeah!" Melanie high fived him. "I'm playing with you."
Melanie tweets 'Woo! WWERomanReigns got #CODGhosts today. #VideoGameMode #LetsPlay'
A fan asks 'Who's the better gamer WWEMorgan101? You or WWERomanReigns?'
'Lol, the one and only WWERomanReigns. #RomanIsABeast' Melanie replies.
'OMG! Thanks for replying to me! You are so cool!' the fan replies back.
'Aw, no problem. :)' Melanie replies to the fan.
A fan tweets 'I hope WWEMorgan101 gets another title shot.'
Melanie replies 'One day :)'
Another fan tweets 'Can I please get a retweet for my birthday?'
Melanie smiles and retweets and replies 'Happy birthday! Hope you have a rocking day :)'
The fan replies 'Thank you so much! You are the best! You made my day!'
Melanie tweets 'Going to the gym. #NoPainNoGain'
'To The Gym'
Melanie sees Colby chatting with Joe. "Yo dude." she grinned and hugged Colby.
"Aye, it's Melanie. What's up?" Colby asked while she stuck a piece of paper that said 'Kick me' on the back of his shirt.
"Oh nothing, just getting a kick out of you." she released him and kicked him in the leg.
"Ow! The hell was that for?"
"Prank war is back on."
He removed the paper from his back that said kick me. "Slick...don't worry, I'm going to get you back."
"I'll be waiting." She walked away and went to lift weights.
Jon was sitting down on a bench, shirtless and sweating from his workout and watched her.
A few minutes later, she caught him staring. "Take a picture, it'll last longer. Aren't you supposed to be working out?"
"I did, and I saw you staring at me."
"Oh yeah, seeing you sweating and shirtless, really turns me on." She joked again. "Now if you excuse me, I gotta work out."
"Well, let's just say, we're gonna have a workout tonight...in the bedroom."
"Cute." She chuckled while he walked away. She set the weight down and saw Brie and Nikki walking over to her. "Hey!"
"Hey, Melanie. The girls are working out over there. Wanna join?" Brie smiled.
"Sure." she followed them and met up with Nattie, Eva Marie, Jojo, Trinity, Ariane, Celeste and Victoria. "What's up?"
The divas greet her. "How's the working out coming along?" Celeste asked, sweating from lifting weights.
"I can't do as many weights as you but I'm managing. You do inspire me to work out more."
Celeste smiled at her. "Aw, thanks."
After the divas stretch and do their workouts, they sit down on the floor and have their girl talk. While Melanie was chatting with the girls, Colby walked up behind her. He grabbed a long piece of her hair and she heard the sound of scissors.
"What the-" Melanie turned around and saw Colby smirking at her and holding up a piece of brown hair and scissors that he got from his gym bag. "Colby! You cut my hair!?"
He started laughing and Melanie began to chase him.
"It's a joke, it's fake!" he exclaimed and showed the fake hair with its tag.
"Colby, you jerk!" She slapped him on the arm as he laughed.
"Can't believe you fell for it." Celeste laughed. "Poor Melanie. I don't think you're on your game today."
'WWE Main Event'
Backstage, Dean finished taping up his hands. Morgan walked up behind him and covered his eyes. "Guess who?"
"Hm...Chyna." He smiled.
She laughed and uncovered his eyes as he turned to her. "Cute. Ready for our match, tonight?"
"Born ready."
"Great. Now, let's go slowpoke!" She started walking but then he wrapped an arm around her shoulder and walked with her.
"Who you calling slow?" He smirked.
'To The Ring'
Dean and Morgan walk out. "This is a mixed tag team match scheduled for one fall, introducing first, representing The Shield, Dean Ambrose and Morgan Lopez!" Lilian announced.
Once Dean and Morgan walk through the crowd, Morgan jumps in the ring and gets on the turnbuckle to do her taunt to the crowd.
"Let's go!" She yelled as the crowd cheered.
She grins and lowers her hand down and does The Shield taunt before getting down. She decides to sit on the top turnbuckle while Dean stands in front of her, waiting for their opponents. She massages his shoulders while Dolph Ziggler and Alicia Fox get in the ring. She gets off the turnbuckle while Ambrose holds her from behind and starts whispering in her ear.
"Ambrose and Morgan talking strategy, coming up next, Morgan and Ambrose will face Dolph Ziggler and Alicia Fox, when we return to Main Event," Josh said.
'Ding Ding Ding'
"And here we go. The ladies will be starting this mixed tag match. Morgan Lopez, the first and only female member of The Shield and also the girlfriend of Dean Ambrose is ready to face the foxy Alicia Fox. These two have history together." Miz said as Josh agreed.
Morgan and Alicia circle around each other in the ring. Alicia puts her hands into a heart and smiles at her before breaking the heart and glaring at her.
"Ooh, I'm so scared." Morgan retorted before they locked up.
Alicia grabs her into a headlock.
"What should Morgan look out for while she is in the ring with Alicia?" Josh asked.
"Her legs. Alicia has improved a lot lately. She executes beautiful dropkicks and her scissors kick has gotten more deadly. I fear for Morgan's teeth tonight." Miz answered.
"Alicia takes control," Josh said as she took down Morgan with a clothesline. She goes for the pin but Morgan kicks out at 1. "I have to agree, Alicia's long legs give her an advantage but these two know each other well. They've had a wild rivalry that escalated to a WrestleMania match."
"Yes, and that match was awesome," Miz said. "These two hated each other. They had wild food fights and backstage attacks and brawls. Morgan was not the one to be attacked from behind and she loved getting the last laugh. She showed us." He continued. Alicia throws Morgan to the ropes and dropkicks her. "Beautiful dropkick by Alicia!"
Alicia puts her into a headlock but Morgan fights back and elbows her in the stomach. Morgan starts giving her clotheslines and then throws her to the ropes. Alicia ducks her spinning kick while she is running towards her and kicks her in the mouth as Morgan holds her mouth in pain while she is down on the mat.
"Ouch...I hope Morgan didn't lose a tooth." Josh looked on and cringed.
"Every time Morgan wants to fight back, she can't because Alicia is always in control. She needs to dig down deep." Miz said.
"Come on, Morgan." Dean gripped the ropes. Alicia grabs her by the hair but she quickly counters and stands up. She hits Alicia in the stomach with her knee and gives her a DDT. "Atta girl."
She grabs Alicia and throws her to the turnbuckle. She runs and gives her a dropkick and Alicia slides down to the bottom turnbuckle.
"Morgan's fighting back," Miz said as she hit Alicia with a running knee to the face.
She then grabs her legs while Alicia holds the middle ropes. Morgan pulls her up and slams her down while Alicia releases the ropes.
"Stay on her, Morg." Dean encouraged. "Don't let her go."
Alicia and Morgan were standing up and Alicia decided to punch her in the face. Morgan returns the punch and they start punching each other back and forth as the crowd cheers 'Yay!' for Morgan and 'Boo' for Alicia. They go to clothesline each other but end up clotheslining each other at the same time as they both fall on the mat.
Dean and Ziggler had their hands out for a tag. "Come on, baby," Dean exclaimed as he tried to encourage her to give him a tag.
Morgan and Alicia manage to tag in their partners. Morgan slides out of the ring to recover. Later on, Morgan was back on the apron, watching Dean give Ziggler a knee to the midsection. He puts him on the middle rope near her and starts distracting the ref. Morgan takes advantage and gives Ziggler a kick in the face as he holds his face in agony.
"Ooh! Did you hear that?" Josh asked as the crowd reacted to the sound of the kick.
"She's dangerous like Ambrose. They were made for each other. That's one unpredictable pair." Miz said
Ziggler fights back and gives Dean 10 elbow drops before pinning him. Morgan gets in the ring and breaks up the pin.
"And Morgan saving the match," Josh said.
The ref orders her to get back on the apron and she obeys. Alicia gets off her apron and walks over to her. She grabs her left leg and brings her down but Morgan lands on her feet. Alicia is about to clothesline her but she ducks and kicks her in the midsection. She then throws her to the barricade.
"Not today sweetie," Morgan said.
She gets on the apron and gets a tag from Dean. They both give Dolph a double DDT while the ref was complaining. She gets out of the ring and throws Alicia back in the ring. She picks her up and gives her a backfire. She was about to pin her but stopped herself and looked at the turnbuckle.
"What is she going to do here?" Josh asked as she got on top of the turnbuckle. Morgan executes a moonsault on Alicia as the crowd cheers. "Wow. Nice moonsault."
"3! Ring the bell!" The ref yelled as The Shield's theme came on.
"Here are your winners! Dean Ambrose and Morgan Lopez." Lilian announced.
Morgan gets up and is picked up by Dean as she chuckles. She grins and caresses his face as she wraps her legs around his waist and gives him a long, passionate kiss.
"Guess they can't wait to get a room huh, Josh?" Miz asked as Josh chuckled.
"What a night it has been so far for Main Event." Josh said
Morgan tweets 'You can't run away from justice #JusticeHasBeenServedOnceAgain'
'Next Week, Hours Before Raw Country'
Melanie tweets 'Raw Country! Gonna party tonight! #CowGirlStyle'
Melanie and Sarona (Tamina Snuka) were in the ring. Melanie had a chair in her hands. "Okay, so, hit her like this." Melanie motioned her chair gently to Tamina's back as Stephanie nodded. They were making sure they had everything handled for tonight's diva fight. Melanie and Sarona were both used to being hit with chairs since they'd been practicing all evening.
"Hey, can we practice the part when you push me?" She asked as Sarona nodded and smiled.
Sarona was one of the coolest people she had worked with. She loved her strength in the ring and can't wait to wrestle her again soon. She was so talented in the ring. It was an honor working with Jimmy Snuka's daughter.
'Backstage, Raw Country'
All members of The Shield and Orton were in a locker room, looking at the TV. Morgan had on the same cowgirl outfit she had worn for her photoshoot. Dean was smirking at the TV, watching Big E celebrate with the fans after his win against Curtis Axel. He had just won the Intercontinental Championship. Morgan showed a small smile. She was happy for Big E.
Orton turned his attention to The Shield. Morgan had her arms crossed and was standing next to Roman at the end but the camera didn't show her yet.
"So tonight we have a new IC champion. Let's just hope that on Survivor Series, there is not a new WWE champion. Now I talked to the Authority. We're all on the same page and we have an understanding. You, The Shield, will have my back." Orton said.
"If that's what the Authority wants, that's what they'll get. But if we have your back, you better have ours." Roman replied.
Morgan cleared her throat as the camera revealed her with The Shield and Orton. She unfolded her arms. "As long as you don't whine like a big baby, we'll have your back. Excuse me." She retorted and left while Randy and The Shield watched her walk away.
Orton sighed. "You need to control her."
"S-" Dean began but Seth cut him off.
"She's fine just the way she is," Seth spoke up as Dean and Roman looked at him and then agreed. "And if you weren't so cruel to her, and apologize to her, she wouldn't be acting this way towards you."
Randy knew Seth was right as put his championship onto his shoulder. "I'll talk to her...soon."
'WWE Tout'
WWE decided to let WWE post a tout video of Morgan. "What's up Morganteers? It's The Shield's girl. Morgan Lopez. I just wanted to say that I hope Tamina watches her back tonight. She'll never know what hit her." She winked and walked away.
'Ooh, Musical chairs. My kind of game but without the musical part. #Chairs #TimeForSomeExtremeMeasures' Morgan tweets.
'In The Ring'
The Bella twins theme faded in the arena after they got in the ring. "And last but certainly not least, please welcome, Morgan Lopez!" King exclaims in the ring.
The Bellas, Jojo, Eva Marie, Summer Rae, Cameron, Naomi, Rosa, Kaitlyn, Alicia Fox, Tamina, and Aksana were already in the ring, in their cowgirl outfits.
'I've had enough, I'm taking you down'
The crowd cheers loudly when Morgan walks out on the ramp with a grin and twirls around while doing her taunt. She starts walking down the ramp. Every time Morgan gets in the arena and hears the fans cheering for her, she can't help but feel blessed. If it wasn't for the fans, she wouldn't be in the WWE right now. She was grateful for everything she had accomplished so far.
"Morgan seems to be in a good mood tonight." Cole said, looking at her grinning and tagging the hands of some fans.
She walks on the steps and gets in the ring by the middle rope. She gets on the turnbuckle and gets on the turnbuckle and does her taunt.
"Let's go~!" She yelled as the crowd cheered. She lowers her hand down in front of her, to do The Shield's taunt before opening her hand, making an explosion gesture with her hand. She jumps off the turnbuckle and gets ready. Tamina glares at her while Morgan smiles at her and waves. "Hey, how ya doing?"
"Hey, Morgan, can I see another twirl? Just one more." King asked.
"Sure." She smiled at him and twirled around again. Alicia, Aksana, Summer Rae and Tamina start hating while Morgan looked amused.
"Thank you. I love it when you twirl."
"Yes, you told me that 8,000 times already."
"Sorry. Well ladies and gentlemen, tonight on Raw Country, we're gonna have ourselves a special little game of musical chairs." King announced as the crowd cheered. The chairs were already set up in the middle of the ring. "It's gonna feature all the divas, the divas from the reality show and the other divas who didn't make it." he continued as the non total divas started to roll their eyes.
"Haters..." Nikki said as Brie agreed.
"Ladies, let's get this game going!" King exclaimed.
The music starts playing but some of the divas start to argue and not move.
"Um, are we gonna move?" Morgan asked. None of the divas were walking around. "M.O.V.E!"
"Who are you yelling at?" Alicia snapped.
"Hello!? Go! March!" she snapped back.
The divas start to slowly move but then the music stops. Morgan quickly sat down, next to Kaitlyn while Natalya was left standing. Natalya looks disappointed and Alicia starts waving goodbye.
"Okay, let's start the music again," King said as Natalya got out of the ring.
The divas stand up while one chair is taken away. The divas start walking around again. The music quickly stops and everyone sits down. Alicia got bumped by Naomi's butt when they were both going for the same chair. Alicia was the only one not sitting down while Morgan was sitting next to Summer Rae.
"Snooze you lose," Morgan said to Alicia as the divas waved bye to her.
The music starts again but then the divas start pushing each other. Morgan decided to remove herself from the conflict.
"Hey, hey ladies." King tried to calm everything down. "Y-you gotta keep walking."
The music stops and Nikki pushes Kaitlyn out of her seat and a fight breaks out. All the chairs were scattered around but just one. Morgan looks around and rushes towards the chair to sit on it as the crowd cheers. She crosses her legs and looks at her nails.
"We have a winner!" King announced
All the divas look at her. Feeling the attention, Morgan looked up.
"What?" she asked.
Tamina steps up to her and pushes her as she falls backward off her chair.
'Oh!' The crowd exclaimed.
"Jeesh!" Cole shouted.
The non total divas but Kaitlyn started laughing at Morgan and that was when the Total Divas attacked the non total divas.
"Now you've done it." Morgan stood up
"Musical chairs has broken down." Cole said. "Divas everywhere. Get out of there King."
Tamina starts fighting with Natalya and takes her down. Morgan grabs a chair and waits for Tamina to turn around. Once she does, the crowd 'Ohs' when Morgan whacks her with it in the face while the Total Divas are throwing out the Non Total Divas. Tamina stumbles and turns around as Morgan whacks her back.
"She just hit Tamina with a chair!" Cole shouted.
"I don't think Morgan cares," JBL said.
Morgan drops the chair and hits the backfire on Tamina, on the chair as the crowd cheers. The Non Total Divas drag Tamina out of the ring as she holds her head and glares at Morgan.
The Total Divas Theme, 'Top of The World' comes on as the Total Divas stand tall in the ring.
"Yeah...you may wanna ice that." Morgan chuckled at Tamina and tapped her head.
"This isn't over!" Tamina yelled.
"You started it! I'm gonna finish it!" Morgan yelled back
Fans Tweet,
'This segment sucked until Morgan hit Tamina with a chair. Highlight of the segment!'
'Worst diva segment ever until Morgan grabbed a chair.'
'Pointless segment until Morgan proved me wrong.'
Morgan tweets 'That looked and sounded like those chair shots hurt TaminaSnuka #ThatsWhatYouGet #NeverMessWithTheThornOfJustice'
'Later on Raw'
The Shield walk through the crowd while Morgan had on her Shield attire. She smiles at the crowd and tags some of their hands while Justin Roberts introduces them.
"It was a year ago at Survivor Series when all 4 members of The Shield debuted." Cole said as they jumped over the barricade and regrouped in front of the announce table.
All of a sudden, the Wyatt family's intro came on.
'We're here'
Morgan watches the Wyatt family slowly walk down the ramp.
"This is going to be interesting." She mumbled with her arms crossed as the lights came back on.
She could hear Bray chuckling as the Wyatt family walked over to The Shield. It was so creepy. That chuckle was disturbing.
The Wyatts meet up with The Shield as both teams stare each other down. The Wyatts looked away to get on the apron but Morgan noticed that Luke Harper was looking at her longer, than the other members, which made her ponder.
'Ding Ding Ding'
"Let's go baby!" She cheered for Dean. He was starting the match against Jimmy Uso. Moments later, Jey and Roman Reigns take on each other. Then, the faces take control of Roman. "Come on Roman!"
The Shield start making quick tags until Luke decided to tag himself in by tapping Seth on the back. Luke gets off the apron to face one of the Usos that was hurt outside the ring.
"What's your problem, huh?" Seth shouted as he got out of the ring.
"Stop. Don't." Morgan held him back.
"We're a team here," Luke said.
"I agree!" Morgan nodded and tried to reason but then Roman and Dean helped her hold back Seth as the Wyatt family came to Luke's aid. They all started arguing while Morgan rolled her eyes. "Forget it...I'm not wasting my breath anymore."
The crowd chants 'Fight' as the argument starts to escalate. The ref breaks it up and the crowd boos once Luke gets in the ring.
"Are we going to hear Morgan scream again? Last week was hilarious." JBL said
"I hope not." Cole replied. "I brought my earplugs just in case."
Daniel Bryan tries to make a tag to one of his teammates since he was beaten down by The Shield and Wyatts tagging back and forth. Seth, Roman and the Wyatts get in the ring and knock down their opponents off the apron. Morgan starts laughing at the opposing team until Goldust stands up and turns his attention to her, walking over her way.
"What? What are you gonna do?" She asked with a smug look. Goldust takes a deep breath and breathes in her face as she stumbles back. She automatically got creeped out. "Back off! What is up with me and mad men this month?" She exclaimed as the crowd laughed.
"Uh oh." JBL said as she backed away from Goldust and started to get chased by him. The Shield try to come to her rescue but Punk and the Usos take them down.
Luke gets out of the ring and stands near the announce table, watching Morgan getting chased
"Get him away from me!" She shrieked as the crowd was enjoying the sight
"Run Morgan! Run!" King cheered on.
She trips and falls near Luke as Goldust starts to stalk over to her. He does his deep breath taunt as she scrambles back.
"Get away from me!" She yelled.
Goldust looked amused until Luke came out of nowhere with a running clothesline.
"What a clothesline!" Cole exclaimed.
Morgan's eyes widen and snaps her head to Luke who has his attention on Goldust. Luke slowly turns to her and stares.
"He just saved Morgan." JBL looked on.
"Why would a member of The Wyatt family want to save a member of The Shield?" Cole asked as Luke had his hand out.
Morgan reluctantly takes it as he helps her up.
"Are you all right?" He asked in his hoarse voice.
"Yeah. Why'd you save me?" She asked.
"I don't know." He vaguely replied and turned his attention back to the match, leaving Morgan in wonder.
Near the end of the match, CM Punk gets tagged in and cleans house.
"Here we go! Air Punk!" JBL exclaimed as Punk hit Ambrose with a diving elbow.
He puts Dean in the GTS position but he escapes it. Bray Wyatt distracts Punk and that allows Dean to grab him from behind. Punk counters Dean's attack and puts him in the Anaconda Vice. Luke and Erick break the submission up but then the Usos throw them out of the ring and hit them with a dive outside the ring.
Dean and Punk get up and bump backs. They quickly turn around and Punk sets him up for the GTS once again before Dean escapes it and hits his finisher on him.
"Yes! Pin him!" Morgan cheered. Dean goes for the pin but Goldust breaks it up. "Are you kidding me!?"
As soon as Goldust stands up and turns around, he gets speared by Roman.
"Spear!" Cole exclaimed.
Cody gets in the ring and hits Roman with the Cross Rhodes. Seth gets in the ring and attacks him with a powerbomb on the turnbuckle. Then Punk and Daniel do a double team move on Seth and throw him out of the ring. And then, Punk hits the GTS on Dean for the win.
"The winner of this match, Jimmy and Jey Uso, Cody Rhodes, Goldust, Daniel Bryan and CM Punk." Justin announced.
Fans tweet:
'Morgan has been attracting some weird guys lately. Lol.'
'Lol, Goldust chasing Morgan. #RunMorganRun'
'Yikes! Luke saving Morgan? Something is not right.'
'Awesome save by Luke for Morgan.'
Morgan tweets 'This is interesting. So, I guess I attract weird, disturbing, crazy, bizarre and eccentric men now. #IAmAttractingMadMen #IDigMadMen'
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