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Forced To Believe Chapter 35- Morgan's Answer
Forced To Believe Chapter 35- Morgan's Answer

Chapter Summary: Fed up, Morgan finally gives Punk an answer.
Words: 3,000+
------ 'Raw'
"Welcome to the final Raw of 2013! We are live in Richmond." Cole said as CM Punk walked out to the ring. "CM Punk has been so persistent to get a match with Morgan Lopez. I wonder if he will get a match on the final Raw of 2013."
Punk got in the ring and grabbed a mic as the crowd chanted his name. "I am fired up tonight and I am fired up to be here in Richmond, Virginia! This is the last Raw of 2013 and I am excited. 2013...saw a lot of good stuff happen to CM Punk. Saw a lot of bad stuff, happen to CM Punk too. Just like all of you, there's ups and there's downs. We go and wake up every morning with a smile on our face, don't we? Well, I mean, sometimes I don't have a smile on my face but, I started off the year as the longest reigning WWE Champion in the last 25 years. I went one on one with the Great One. Thank you."
"I went toe to toe, with The Undertaker at WrestleMania." Punk continued. "I made some friends in 2013, I lost some friends in 2013. I beat a friend with a kendo stick." he coughed twice. "Paul Heyman. But I can't honestly claim that 2013 was CM Punk's year. The goal is for you to always be bigger and better than you were the last year, I just don't know if 2013 was the year of Punk. Take a look at the landscape in the WWE and it's Universe. And there's three guys and one chick that I can honestly claim, that it was their year, and I'm talking about The Shield."
"Let's face facts ladies and gentlemen, back in 2013, The Shield has been unstoppable. Dean Ambrose, currently your United States Heavyweight Champion. Seth Rollins, Roman Reigns, former tag team champions. And there's Morgan, former Diva's Champion. I want to end this year right and start the new year off on a good foot. Iron sharpens iron, I have a proposition for The Shield. So at some point tonight, when our paths cross, because I'm sure they're here-"
"Yes, they are," JBL said.
Punk started to grin. "That was almost too easy."
The Shield walk down the steps and through the crowd while Morgan is in front of them. She tags some hands and jumps over the barricade in her Shield attire. Dean throws his title over the barricade and jumps over it while Seth grabs his belt and looks confused.
Morgan shrugs and holds his title when they all get in the ring. She puts Dean's belt over her shoulder and stands near the turnbuckle while the guys stand in front of Punk.
"Finish your thought Punk. Finish your thought, what were you gonna say?" Dean asked. "What's your big challenge? It better be a good one, you better give us a good reason, not to end 2013 by ending you, right now." he pointed at him
Morgan decided to mind her business and chill out. She wanted nothing to do with Punk, right now. He would cause more drama.
"Cool down. Look, the three of you can beat any one man, I think we've established that in the past 365 days," Punk said. "And I'm not taking anything from you as a unit. But when I said, Iron sharpens iron, I live to be the best and I wanna fight the best, one on one, so I wanna know who it's gonna be because out of one of you, out of the three of you, excuse me, one of you is the best."
"Oh~ you wanna do this again? You wanna do it again? Let's do it, right now and this time, I promise, I'm not leaving until I take a piece of you with me. Let's do this right now."
Punk laughed slightly. "Hang on...ha...Dean, I wasn't-I wasn't talking to you, I was talking to Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins."
Dean looked offended and the crowd started to cheer.
"I've already beaten you like half a dozen times," Punk added. "And what I'm saying is, it wasn't easy, but I did it."
"You think that's funny?"
"No, I don't think it's funny"
"You think it's funny?"
"I think it's the truth-"
"You think I'm a joke!? You think you can talk to me like that!?" Dean got held back by Roman while Morgan looked warily at the situation.
"I don't think you're a joke, Dean Ambrose, I just think you're the weak link! And I wanna find out who the strong one of The Shield is. Everybody's talking about Roman Reigns, Roman Reigns, Roman Reigns look at me when I'm talking to you!" Punk demanded while the crowd 'Ohs' in response.
Roman was trying to calm down Dean but turned his head to Punk.
"Is it you?" Punk wondered. "Are you number one in The Shield? Are you the man"
"Hey!" Seth interrupted. "You wanna know who the best is?"
"Yeah," Punk replied.
"You're lookin' at him. I'll fight you, tonight. I'll fight you. Tonight, let's do it." he said as Roman gave him a look.
Morgan looked at them and started to get upset. Punk was just playing with their heads, to try to put them against each other.
"Oh, it's you? Cause all I hear anybody talking about is Roman Reigns." Punk recalled.
Roman stepped up to Seth. "What are you talkin' about?" He asked.
Dean kept pacing around, still annoyed at what Punk told him earlier.
"You don't think I can take him?" Seth asked.
"It ain't that, you're falling for his games right now," Roman exclaimed.
"That's not it."
"You know I'm the best."
"I can take him tonight."
"I'm the man. I'll take him."
"Let me take him, all right? No bones on you my friend. I can beat him, he calls himself the best in the world, I'm better than him." Seth said as Dean stepped up to them, scratching his head. "I want to prove it tonight."
The crowd started to chant 'Roman Reigns' while Seth said "Listen, you'll get your time."
Rollins turned his attention back to Punk. "Let's do this."
"Enough!" Morgan yelled and everyone turned to look at her and the crowd cheered. "What are you doing?! Don't do this!"
"What are you talkin' about?" Seth asked.
Morgan grabbed a mic from a producer and gave Dean his title. "Am I the only one with some sense here? You're falling for his games. He's getting in your head. There's no weak link in The Shield. We don't need to prove anything. Let's not get worked up on this." She tried to reason with her teammates.
"Ah...I forgot about a certain woman..." Punk spoke up as everyone turned to him. The crowd begins to chant Morgan's name. "The Outspoken Diva of The Shield...you kind of remind me of myself, setting off pipebombs and whatnot."
Morgan narrowed her eyes at Punk and turned her attention back to The Shield. "Guys, we don't need to do this. Let's not let Punk get in our heads-"
"Morgan." Punk interrupted.
"He's doing mind games-"
"He's not going to break us apart-"
"Morgan, look at me when I'm talkin' to you! You and I have some unfinished business!"
She started to look annoyed and slowly turned to him. "Your persistence is annoying the crap out of me."
"Oh is it?"
"I don't want nothing to do with you"
"You don't?"
"I don't need to prove myself to you."
"You sure about that? Don't you want revenge on me? To give me a backfire? Don't you imagine slamming me to the mat with the Morganizer? I know you do. You would enjoy that, would you?"
She glared at him. "Whatever you are going to ask me, it's a no."
The crowd started to boo at her answer while Punk began to ponder. To try to get on her good side, he decided to use his charm on her by walking up to her. He grabbed her hand and took her away from The Shield.
"What the hell are you doin'?" Dean's possessiveness started to get the best of him. His irritation started to grow while he got held back by Roman.
"She can handle herself," Roman stated
"Morgan..." Punk decided to get on one knee and held one of her hands as she looked confused. Ambrose started mouthing off as Seth and Roman held him back. "Morgan Lopez...you're beautiful, you're hype, you're wild and I see the passion you have in the ring. Out of these men, you show the most heart and soul. The way you move, the way you take risks, it's one of the reasons you stand out from these men and all the WWE divas. Just like you showed me at TLC...Did I charm you yet?"
"No. That was corny." She replied in a blunt tone.
"Okay. You know...I think about you every night..." He grinned while her eyes widened in shock and the crowd cheered loudly in amusement.
"Uh..." She was about to take a step back but Punk had a strong grip while Dean started yelling at him.
"...I think about you in the ring with me every night." Punk continued. "You charmed now?"
"No, but you've creeped me out."
"Darn...okay, look, you are the only diva that I want to be in this ring with...so, Morgan Lopez, will you...make me the happiest man in the world and have a match with me?" he grinned and the crowd chanted 'Yes! Yes! Yes'
She sighed and ran her free hand through her hair. "What a proposal..." She muttered and looked around at the crowd and then at Punk.
Dean decided to grab her and pull her to him as Punk released her hand.
"She's not doing it." Dean declared.
"Oh, I'm sorry, since when do you speak for her? She has a mind of her own, guy I beat twice." Punk retorted and stood up while Morgan started to look conflicted. "Come on Morgan, don't tell me you're going to say no because of Ambrose. Does the WWE Universe want Morgan and I to have a match?"
The crowd cheered loudly in response. Morgan shook her head, saying no while Dean released her.
"Ah...I guess the guys always want to outshine you. You always want to do their dirty work and don't want to take a risk and shine on your own. It looks like you need your team to be successful." Punk added.
The crowd 'Oohs' and Morgan started to look annoyed. Punk turned around, silently counting down to her breaking point.
Morgan marched over to him and turned him around. "Listen Asshole!" She yelled, getting in his face. "I'm tired of you provoking me, I'm tired of you taunting me. You want a match?"
"Yeah, I do!" Punk replied.
"You want a friggin' match?! You want a match against The Outspoken diva of the WWE?!" She got held back by Dean and Seth.
"You know what? You're on!" Morgan yelled as the crowd exploded. "I accept the damn offer! Happy now!?"
Punk grinned. "Gladly."
"She's nuts," Cole exclaimed. "Going up against CM Punk?"
"She can beat him," JBL said.
"If it means I can shut you the hell up, then I'll fight you, and I'll beat you. If you want to face me so badly, then you got it," Morgan said. "I'm done with this. But let me tell you this...you're going to regret it. Win or lose, I'm going to come at you hard, so don't go easy on me."
"Don't worry, I'm going to teach you some manners since you can't control that mouth of yours." Punk stated as the crowd 'Oohs'
Morgan smirked and was about to lunge at him but got grabbed by Roman.
"Uh oh!" Cole exclaimed.
"Morgan's at her breaking point." King looked on.
"Not tonight. Don't do it." Roman tried to reason as Punk laughed at her.
"Come on, Morgan. Show me what you got. Let's go." Punk provoked as she tried to break free from Roman's hold.
Seth and Dean try to reason with her to calm her down as well.
"Let me hurt him! Let me knock him out! Just one hit, one punch! Let me go!" she yelled.
"Gentlemen and lady, please!" A voice said and Brad came out as Roman released Morgan. "As the general manager of Monday Night Raw and on behalf of The Authority, I'd like to wish everyone a happy new year! And speaking of wishing, why don't we go out in style? Tonight, Morgan, you will go one on one with Rosa Mendes. And CM Punk, you will face, Seth Rollins. So get me a referee out here because that match starts right now!"
Roman and Morgan were annoyed while Seth smirked.
The Shield get out of the ring to watch Seth go against Punk. Punk tries to do the GTS on Seth early but he slides out of the ring and bangs on the announce table.
"You all right dude?" Morgan asked while she walked over to him with Roman & Dean.
"A game. A game." Roman stated as Morgan nodded.
"I got him, all right? I'll take care of business." Seth said
While Seth and Punk have a back and forth match, Morgan keeps her distance from Roman and Dean. She was still heated from Punk's remark and didn't want to lash out at anyone.
"Hurt him, Seth. Break him," she said.
Meanwhile, Dean was biting his fingers while watching the match, still angry about Punk. Punk gets on the top rope but Morgan smirks in delight when Seth throws him off and lands outside the ring.
"CM Punk bouncing off the barricade and just like that, Rollins has taken over," Cole said.
Roman and Dean walk over to Punk and Dean sits down near him, pretzel style.
"Oh, it hurts now, huh? Get back in the ring." Dean taunted.
"I got him, Ambrose," Seth said.
Punk crawls back into the ring and Seth begins targeting his ribs while he yells out in pain.
"Break his back," Roman said as Seth put him in a submission with his knee on his lower back.
Morgan looks on in delight as she watches Punk in pain. She enjoyed watching him suffer. It was music to her ears to hear him yell and scream in pain.
Seth continues to target the ribs by standing on his back. Moments later, Punk begins to make a comeback by hitting him with headbutts but Seth throws him to the ring post. Morgan calms down and walks over to Dean and Roman.
"Are you okay, now?" Roman asked as he and Dean looked at her.
"I'm just peachy," Morgan replied.
Punk throws Seth to the turnbuckle and goes for the running knee but Seth catches him in a powerbomb hold. He throws him to the turnbuckle and pins him.
"Here's the cover and Punk kicks out a two!" Cole exclaimed.
"Damn it!" Morgan banged on the apron. "Son of a grape!"
"Come on..." Seth grumbled. "Stay down Punk. Just stay down!"
The Philly Diva runs her hands through her hair as she watches Seth miss the blackout. Punk tries to kick him but Seth ducks and kicks him in the head to pin him for another two count.
"Put him away. Let's go. End it!" Roman shouted.
Seth does the GTS taunt and is to do the GTS but Punk hits him with a running knee on the ropes and clotheslines him. He rolls out of the way before Punk can do the diving elbow. Punk walks over to him but gets his head thrown onto the middle turnbuckle.
"Smart!" she complimented.
Dean starts to get in Punk's face, but then the ref tells him to back off. Morgan holds Dean's arm and tries to calm him down and moments later, he does. Seth jumps off the top rope to give Punk a crossbody but Punk rolls them over and gives him the Anaconda Vice.
"The Anaconda Vice!" Cole exclaimed as the crowd got hyped. Dean slides into the ring while Punk releases the hold and tries to hit him. "And Ambrose, trying to get involved."
"Dean!" Morgan yelled in annoyance while Roman tried to ask him what was he thinking.
Seth tries to hit Punk with his finisher but Punk counters and puts him in the GTS position again. Ambrose gets back on the apron to distract the ref while Seth hits Punk with the Skywalker and pins him. The ref turns around and starts to count but Punk kicked out at two.
"As I feared." She bit her lip.
Seth turns his attention to his partners and gets annoyed. He starts yelling at them while Morgan shakes her head and facepalms.
"He was tryna help!" Roman noted.
Seth turns his attention back to Punk but gets thrown out of the ring and on to Morgan, Roman and Dean. Punk is about to run through the ropes but Seth hits him with a forearm. He jumps onto the ropes and is about to dive onto Punk but is caught in the GTS.
"The winner of this match, CM Punk!" Justin announced.
Morgan, Dean and Roman recover and she gets in the ring to help out Seth, while Roman gets in the ring to stare down Punk. Dean was at ringside, biting his fingers and silently seething.
"CM Punk surviving tonight," Cole said.
Punk points at Roman and Morgan as he walks up to the stage. Roman turns his attention to Morgan and she looks at him before they both turn their attention to Punk on the stage. Morgan narrows her eyes at Punk while he does his GTS taunt.
"Two members left. Who will face CM Punk next?" Cole wondered.
Morgan was sitting on some steps, wearing a black bandana over her straightened black hair and was deep in thought when Roman arrived and sat next to her. The crowd gives them a nice reception as they sit in comfortable silence and she lets out a sigh.
"I need to stop getting provoked by Punk all the time. You were trying to calm everyone down but he got inside my head after I tried to reason with you guys. But the only question on my mind is...What if I can't beat him?" She asked in a low voice. Roman turned his head to look at her while she looked straight ahead. "Then what? Will everyone move on and forget I exist? Will the fans forget about me trying to wrestle WWE Superstars? That's my fear when I go out there."
"I don't know about you but you would earn my respect. And I know Chyna will be proud of you too." Roman replied as she turned to look at him. "You wrestled guys in the past and you are continuing that in the WWE. Who cares if you lose? Show them you can withstand Punk's moves. Win or lose, I'll be by your side-"
"That's the problem. I don't think I can do it with you guys at ringside. There is a 90 percent chance that Dean is going to interfere-"
"I'll try to make sure he doesn't-"
"Like that will help. I love him but he can get angry pretty quickly. I just don't want that to interfere in the match and cause a DQ." she stood up but Roman gently grabbed her wrist.
"Morgan...I'm not going to let you go through this alone. I know you want to prove yourself, and you will. Win or lose."
She sat back down and sighed. "Thank you." She laid her head on his shoulder.
"Don't thank me." He put his head on her head. "We're a team and we are going to stick by you. We all know how important this match is for you. We know it and we are going to be a ringside, cheering you on."
"You're so good to me."
He looked down at her. "You are too."
"No, I'm not..."
"Why do you say that?"
She stood up and so did he. "Because I can never give anything back to you. All the stuff you do for me; the advice you give me...the support you give me...I don't think I can ever repay that even though I wish I could return the favor. But, maybe one day...one day I'll try to return the favor somehow."
"You don't have to repay me for anything. Just keep a cool head tonight."
"No promises."
Roman chuckled. "I'm not surprised."
"Thanks for listening to me." She fist bumped him and started walking away as the camera followed her.
"Morgan, in action, next," Cole said as they went to a commercial.
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More Posts from Smolwritingchick
The Bangtan Gal Chapter 51- Dope

Chapter Summary: BTS film and promote Dope. Jen supports Black Lives Matter and talks to Namjoon about his comment about Tae and J-Hope's "too black" skin color. Jen reveals a hidden talent and celeb crush during SBS PopAsia TV.
Words: 7,000+
Genre: Just a warning that there is a little angst in this and also mentioning Sandra Bland. Angst but the chapter ends with fluff!
------ “Wow, I look like shit this morning.” Jennie laughed as she checked herself out in the vanity. She sat on a chair, while the stylist began preparing the makeup.
“You need to sleep! I’m starting to see bags.”
Jennie looked at who the words came from. It was Janae, an African American stylist she’s known since her Amity days. Big Hit decided to hire her so she could work on Jen’s hair and makeup. She was also there to aid and guide the stylists on what to do with Jen’s hair if she wasn’t around, so they wouldn’t damage it like they accidentally had done. Janae freaked out when Jen had told her that her hair was falling out. But it wasn’t any of the stylists’ fault. They just weren’t used to her type of hair and she had to keep that in mind.
Janae is a 28 year old stylist who mainly worked with Amity but recently branched out. She was light skinned, naturally a light brunette and curvy. Huge animal lover, too.
Jen grinned sheepishly. “I may have stayed up to finish catching up on one of my shows.”
Janae rolled her eyes. “You have not changed. You’re still that same teen staying up late when you damn well know you have to get up early for a music video shoot. What am I gonna do with you? Haven’t you learned your lesson?”
“It was worth it, but I have no idea what to do with my life now because I have to wait until the next season. I...I don’t know what I’m going to do for the next few months. This is horrible.”
“What’s horrible are these bags. You should be getting more sleep.”
“It’s too early for lectures, Nae.” She sighed as she got her makeup done.
“Ah, another music video. I like that this will have various concepts with the outfits. Reminds me of that one song from Amity that you guys did.”
“Heh, yeah...” She murmured as her mind drifted to the pleasant memories of the group.
‘Why does fame negatively change people?’ Jen pondered.
The five of them were so tight. Occasional misunderstandings and arguments here and there but that’s normal with friendships. But as the popularity grew, some wanted more opportunities, and they started to forget the concept of what a group effort means since they wanted to always be in the spotlight. Solos were given, but opportunities were lost.
But Jen had no regrets. What’s done is done, it is what it is.
But she had hoped that maybe one day...they could...
“You alright, babe?”
Jen looked up. “Huh?”
“You spaced out.”
“Oh, I do that. It’s nothing.”
“How long have I known you?”
“Since I started my teenage years.”
“Right. So, I know what you were thinking about. And it’s okay to think about it. Hailey, gosh she used to be such a sweetheart. Trinity and Layla too. Now they’re snobby little female dogs who want everything for themselves, forgetting about those who helped them be who they are today. I hope they can repent and wise up. And I hope one day the five of you can at least rekindle. You ever think about that?”
“Sometimes. But all I think about is punching Hailey in the face, the next time I see her. She did throw a drink at me last year. Badmouthed Bangtan...the list goes on.”
“Yeah, Angelina beat you to that. You know fans have been asking for a reunion. Even if it’s just one song. Maybe one day. Once you all are older and wiser, you can leave the bitterness behind and move forward. Even if you don’t remain friends, at least be cordial. I know that you want to stomp her ass into the ground. Angelina does too but violence isn’t the answer...yet. Now if she tries you...okay then maybe it’s the answer. Amity is on their World Tour, right now. They should be in South Korea around November.”
“Oh, I’m sure Hailey will be visiting. Angelina is supposed to be coming to visit around that time too. All hell is going to break loose.”
“Oh dear, five together? The hostility is real. I think I should be there so none of you won’t kill each other.”
For the first concept of the Dope MV, the members were to dress as business people wearing white shirts, black pants, and a black tie. While being filmed together, the members discussed that this is a one take version and the music video will be using computer graphics.
Shooting went on for the group dance as Jimin lip synced and walked to his spot while the members joined him for the dance. The dance was fast paced, powerful and fun.
For the first take, while the members ran away after dancing in the beginning, Jennie accidentally tripped and stumbled on the floor. She started laughing with the members while Yoongi and Jin helped her up.
“Aish, you’re so clumsy. Are you all right?” Yoongi asked.
“She ate too many smarties, today. She probably has a sugar high.” Jin giggled.
“I’m good! My shoe was untied.” She explained.
“Uh huh, sure.” Yoongi kneeled and tied her shoe for her.
The group dancing progressed, getting filmed numerous times to make to make sure things were top notch.
Once J-Hope’s verse came on yet again after the dance break was over, the members ran away. Jennie ran with Jungkook and they caught one of the cameras filming them behind the scenes. They goofed around, dancing and lip syncing J-Hope’s rap.
While Jennie’s personal stylist retouched her makeup, wiping the sweat off her, she watched the film of the choreography to analyze her movements.
“Munchkin, make sure your arms are strong,” Hobi advised as he watched the film with her. “You put them down a bit early. Remember, it’s like this.” He demonstrated.
She nodded and made a mental note. “Okay. I got you.”
For the next concept, the members switched to their individual occupations. Jennie changed into an orange and pink tennis dress with safety shorts, matching wristbands, a headband and Nike sneakers. Straightened with curls at the end, her hair was in a ponytail, with her hair resting on her shoulders.
“Channeling my inner Venus and Serena Williams, today. I’m a tennis player for this. Pretty Dope, don’t you think?” She beamed at the camera while being fanned by one of her stylists. “Thank you for the fanning, it’s so hot in here from all that dancing.”
Finding Jungkook, she hit his back with her tennis racket, to get his attention. Playfully looking serious, he reached into his pocket and took out his handcuffs, turning around.
“Miss, you’re under arrest.” He grabbed her wrist, placing her hands behind her back.
“For what?” She exclaimed
“Hitting a cop and first degree beauty. You have the right to remain silent.” He placed the handcuffs on one of her wrists.
“You’re such an idiot, get away!” She tried to playfully fight him off but to no avail.
With another camera filming them, Jennie showed off the handcuffs behind her back. “So, I got arrested today by Officer Jeon Jungkook. He didn’t even give me a warning.”
“First of all, she hit me with her tennis racket. How disrespectful was that?”
“I was playing around! What is my bail?”
“Your bail is to buy me lamb skewers.” He answered with a mischievous grin. She answered by playfully rolling her eyes.
After their banter, Jennie showed off her small spot which had a tennis court, behind the scenes. It looked like an area of a tennis tournament.
“So here we are. Jennie Williams, the Williams Sisters’ cousin, here representing them as a tennis player. There are supposed to be tennis balls falling from the ceiling in this take. Surely, it’ll go well. One take filming is harder than I thought, yo. All this running, making sure you’re on time with the song. It’s challenging.”
As they begin filming in their costumes, the members are constantly running around to their spots and waiting while they continue to film their individual scenes.
Jennie was right after Rap Monster’s verse, as she waited by her area with the tennis court. She started sniffing, feeling like she had to sneeze but the sneeze wouldn’t come out. And ironically, just as the camera shifted to her to start her verse, she paused.
“AEH-CHOO!” She covered her mouth, while the director yelled cut. The members started laughing at how loud her sneeze was. “My bad, y’all.”
“This is exactly why I was destined to be your friend. We both have loud sneezes. So cute!” Tae giggled, hugging her from behind
“Ew, no, my sneezes are horrible.” She laughed, receiving a tissue from one of the stylists.
After cleaning her nose, they redo their one take filming. Once Rap Monster finished his verse, the camera moved up to Jennie who had her tennis racket over her shoulder. Twirling around, as the skirt of her dress flowed, she hit two incoming tennis balls.
“I’m sick, I’m sick, earning every day.” She lip synced into the camera, ruffling her ponytail. “I’m lit, I’m lit, shuttin’ every mouth.” She placed a finger to her lips, looking around, while tennis balls started falling from the ceiling, behind her.
“Indomitable, I’m still gettin’ better. You say I’m a little complicated but I’m a go getter.” She patted her chest, looking up and down at the camera. “Ain’t nobody do it like me. When I strum, you can’t keep up. Fellas, scream louder, let it ring.” She put a hand to her ear.
“The haters gettin’ nervous, they should take a seat. You’re in our domain now, Bangtan still gonna do our thing. Let’s go!” She hit another tennis ball, straight into the camera as it transitioned to V.
Quickly running to her spot for the group dance, she exhaled, bouncing up and down, excitedly. Her favorite part of the dance was when they kicked, leaned forward and bounced their head from side to side. ARMY will definitely notice that she gets a little extra with the dance move.
For their final scene, after 6AM, the members perform the choreography one last time.
“Okay, cut!” The director announced.
The members applauded and cheered, that they could finally go home. They were exhausted. But their hard work had paid off.
“WOO!” Jennie shouted.
“Ahhh we’re going home!” Yoongi yelled, shaking one of the cameras filming behind the scenes.
For the jacket shooting, she took photos of herself tossing a tennis ball up in the air, while the photographer took a shot of the ball in mid-air, with a big smile on her face.
As she continued to take photos, she gave off a competitive, fierce vibe. As the photo shoot progressed, with her tennis racket, she placed an arm over her head and held the top of the tennis racket while her other hand touched the bottom. Then posed with the racket over her shoulder.
For Show Champion, they were outside this time. Jennie got permission to wear attire different than what she usually wore and wanted to wear something supporting Black Lives Matter.
Her hair out in curls, she wore a black shirt, knotted in the front that said, Black Lives Matter. With black jeans that had a flower print on one leg, she wore fishnet tights, which came up over her stomach. She also added some black fingerless gloves, black boots and a black choker.
Catching up with her parents, they informed her of what had been going on lately in America, involving the deaths of African Americans. It pained and frightened her to hear what was going on.
When it was time to perform, Rap Monster kneeled in front of a camera on stage, winking at it.
Hm? eoseo wa bangtaneun cheoeumiji?
Getting up to the stage, Jungkook begins the song.
Ayo ladies & gentleman
junbiga dwaettdamyeon bureulge yeah!
ttan nyeoseokdeulgwaneun dareuge
nae seutaillo nae nae nae nae seutaillo eo!
Walking up to stage next, Jimin sings.
bamsae ilhaettji everyday
niga keulleobeseo nol ttae yeah
ja nollaji malgo deureo maeil
I got a feel, I got a feel
All the members ran up to the stage, meeting up with Jimin and began to dance as fireworks from both sides of the stage, blasted out.
nan jom jjeoreo!
a jjeoreo jjeoreo jjeoreo uri yeonseupsil ttamnae
bwa jjeoreong jjeoreong jjeoreonghan
nae chumi daphae
modu bisiri jjijiri jjingjjingi ttilttirideul
narangeun sanggwani eopseo
cuz nan huimangi jjeoreo haha
Ok urin meoributeo balkkeutkkaji jeonbu da
jjeo jjeoreo
haruui jeolbaneul jageobe jjeo jjeoreo
jageopsire jjeoreo sareo cheongchuneun sseogeogado
deokbune moro gado dallineun seonggonggado
sonyeodeura deo keuge sorijilleo jjeo jjeoreong
V bounced up to the front, catching one of the cameras, as he started to sing.
bamsae ilhaettji everyday
niga keulleobeseo nol ttae yeah
ttan nyeoseokdeulgwaneun dareuge
I don’t wanna say yes
I don’t wanna say yes
sorichyeobwa all right
momi tabeoridorok all night (all night)
Cause we got fire (fire!)
Higher (higher!)
I gotta make it, I gotta make it
geobuneun geobuhae
nan wonrae neomuhae
modu da ttara hae
geobuneun geobuhae
jeonbu naui noye
modu da ttara hae
As the members dropped low, Rap Monster stood up to rap.
samposedae? ohposedae?
geureom nan yukpoga joheunikka 6posedae
eonrongwa eoreundeureun uijiga eopsdamyeo
uril ssak jusikcheoreom maedohae
wae haebogido jeone jugyeo gyaenen
enemy enemy enemy
wae beolsseobuteo gogaereul sugyeo bada
energy energy energy
jeoldae ma pogi you know you not lonely
neowa nae saebyeogeun natboda yeppeo
So can I get a little bit of hope?(yeah)
jamdeun cheongchuneul kkaewo go
Standing back to back with Rapmon, they turned around so she could be in the front and she twirled.
“I’m sick, I’m sick, earning every day.” She sang.
Dropping down into a split, which was one of the fans' favorite parts of the Dope performance, she flipped her hair on one side, then the other.

When she went down, the members kneeled too, dancing behind her.
“I’m lit, I’m lit, shuttin’ every mouth. Indomitable, I’m still gettin’ better.” She closed her legs and got up, catching one of the moving cameras and maintaining eye contact with it. “You say I’m a little complicated but I’m a go getter.” She patted her chest. “Ain’t nobody do it like me. When I strum, you can’t keep up. Fellas.” She gestured behind her. The members gathered around her, appearing enthusiastic, while she shot a smile. “Scream louder, let it ring!”
Looking around, she pretended to look worried as she sang like she was talking to the members. “The haters gettin’ nervous, they should take a seat.”
The members nodded in agreement and continued to have fun on the stage. Turning back to face the cameras and crowd, she continued, “You’re in our domain now, Bangtan still gonna do our thing. Let’s go!” She jumped up, highly.
bamsae ilhaettji everyday
niga keulleobeseo nol ttae yeah
ttan nyeoseokdeulgwaneun dareuge
I don’t wanna say yes
I don’t wanna say yes
sorichyeobwa all right
momi tabeoridorok all night (all night)
Cause we got fire (fire!)
Higher (higher!)
I gotta make it, I gotta make it
“Geobuneun geobuhae.” She sang with Jimin. “Nan wonrae neomuhae. Modu da ttara hae. Jjeoreo!”
She sang with V next, “Geobuneun geobuhae. Jeonbu naui noye. Modu da ttara hae. Jjeoreo!”
ireon ge bangtan seutail
geojitmal wackdeulgwaneun dalla
maeiri hustle life
I gotta make it fire baby
ireon ge bangtan seutail
geojitmal wackdeulgwaneun dalla
maeiri hustle life
I gotta make it, I gotta make it
nan jom jjeoreo!
Say what!
Say wo~ wo~
Say what!
Jennie was in her room, checking out her phone. She smiled at the positive feedback on her performance for Dope. Seemed like her split stunned viewers. She was touched. When their choreographer told Jennie about the split, she was skeptical at first. But Jimin and Jin had helped her gain more flexibility for a few months now and it worked in her favor.
Jennie had been trying to stay in touch with what was going on in America, and what recently happened was the sudden death of Sandra Bland, which caused her to become saddened. Horrible death it was, as she read the full details.
She worried about how bad it was getting in America with the police brutality. She would worry a bunch for her family and called her mom, to vent to her about it.
“So, are you gonna be next? Are you going to get killed next? Am I going to be killed next?” She exclaimed, as her throat tightened, tears threatening to fall.
“Jennie, breathe.” Her mom told her.
“What about dad? What happens then? What if he gets pulled over for something ridiculous and arrested for it? What the hell is going on? It’s getting worse, things aren’t getting better. This is shady as hell, what have we done to deserve this?”
“Jennie. Your father and I are fine. Your sisters are fine, we’re safe. I know this is scary and heartbreaking.” Her mom decided to give the phone to her husband so he could try to calm her down.
Which seemed to work because Jen’s dad always knew the right things to say.
“Yes, sweetheart?”
“Please...just be safe.”
“I will.”
“I love you.”
“And I love you.”
After getting off the phone with her parents, Jennie saw that Angelina was tweeting various tweets about the situation, expressing her anger and frustration over the alleged suicide. As well as the trending tweets about the Sandra Bland death.
Deciding to post a photo she took the day she wore her black lives matter outfit. It had her posing with her fist up in a black power salute, tweeting and posting on Instagram with the caption
‘Stay woke...Black Lives Matter #SayHerName #JEN’
Angelina instantly retweeted her photo, ‘Right on, girl #SayHerName’
On one side, the majority praised Jennie for her photo but on the other side, there were some people, mainly antis, criticizing her for the photo, thinking it was too political and she shouldn’t post things like that on BTS’ Twitter.
‘She shouldn’t have worn stuff like that while performing’
‘Why is she doing this?’
‘She’s all the way in SK, but still woke. Love her’
‘Too political, she shouldn’t post things like this’
‘Shouldn’t you be practicing dancing instead of posting these photos?’
‘She WOKE. Why do you dare question her?’
Jennie ignored any ignorant comments on her feed and focused on the positive. Those protesting what she strongly believed in, she didn’t care what they thought. They can stay mad, but she won’t stay silent about this serious situation. She was proud of her heritage and won’t fear speaking up about it.
And she was not going to apologize for posting the photo.
She was just extremely worried about her family and friends back home.
Because despite the brutality that’s going on in the news, you never know when it’s going to be someone that you know. And she had hoped that this would stop because innocent lives were being taken away.
In Melbourne, BTS sat through another interview, promoting the Red Bullet tour. Each member was exhausted and didn’t get much sleep that day. Jennie sat behind Jin, while they were being interviewed. She remained silent for most of the interview, watching the others answer questions. She had her days where she missed that normality of life. Being a simple teen. Not having cameras in your face all the time.
“What was your first impression when you all first met each other?” The question was asked by an interviewer.
“When I first saw V and J-Hope, I couldn’t see them because they were too black. When the nights get dark, I couldn’t find them.” Namjoon answered
J-Hope had fake laughed, trying to brush it off, while Tae smiled from embarrassment. The rest of the members shifted uncomfortably after some laughter from the audience.
Jen’s stomach dropped from his sudden comment as she slowly turned her head to stare at her leader in disbelief. Raising her eyebrows in surprise, her facial expression turned solemn.
Glancing at him up and down, she tried to keep her thoughts in check and continued to stay professional.
But her words slipped out.
“Excuse me?”
Namjoon’s expression showed regret at his poor choice of words as he glanced at her and turned back to the interviewer.
Jen started smiling bitterly before staring at the floor to space out. She started bouncing her leg up and down at a rapid pace as she felt herself becoming irritated.
Why too black?
Of all things to say.
What’s that even supposed to mean?
Throughout the rest of the interview, Jen sat there, with her eyes watery. She wasn’t sad. She was getting mad and had a habit of tearing up when angry. Overall she was worried and frustrated about the fans seeing this and how they would feel about their colored skin because of his unexpected answer.
As soon as the interview was over, she was the first to get up from her seat, storming off. She went into their dressing room, exhaling sharply as she paced back and forth, trying to calm herself down.
‘Too black? Are you out of your mind!?’ She screamed in her head.
How could he say that?
Why would he say that?
“Ennie.” Taehyung’s voice was heard. He smiled softly and walked into the room. “Are you all right?” He placed his hands on her shoulders to stop her from pacing.
“Never mind me, are you okay?” She asked him.
“I’m fine.” He shrugged.
“Are you really? Because you always keep making me sad, Tae.”
“Like you apologizing for your tanned skin. Especially whenever we’re somewhere where there’s a lot of sun. But you don’t need to do that. There’s nothing wrong with that. And I wish that all of you guys would see that just because you’re a little tanned or colored, doesn’t mean that anything is wrong with you. And Namjoon’s comment just...made me very upset.”
Namjoon walked into the room, relieved that he found her. “There you are. Why did you storm off like that?“
Once she heard his voice, she frowned. “You got a lot of nerve.” She retorted, causing them to widen their eyes. “Too black, huh? Then what am I?”
“J-Jennie, it’s okay.” Taehyung nervously laughed and tried to make a joke to lighten up the mood.
“Nah, nah, Tae it’s not okay. Stop making it seem like this is okay. I want to talk about this. I see it everywhere and I just want to talk to you personally about this, Namjoon. Because I have a problem with what you said a few moments ago.”
Before Namjoon could speak, she stopped him.
“No, you said enough. Please, just let me speak.” She asserted, as he exhaled and waited for her statement.
“You know I lost count of how many photos have been whitewashed of me since I got here. But it hasn’t just happened in South Korea. It’s happened at home, too. A lot of times. With Amity. Angelina and I, we're the darkest members of the group. Angelina is darker than me. During our debut and months after, she would cry herself to sleep almost every night because she was constantly criticized for her dark skin. She and I were always getting our makeup retouched every 15 minutes for a music video or photo shoot because people wanted us to look lighter. They even made our skin lighter in our photos.”
“But Angelina, she had it way worse than me. It was like every five minutes they wanted to put more powder on her face. And no matter how much she tried to hide her annoyance and claim she was fine, she wasn’t fine. And as the months went by, she learned to embrace and love herself. And I wanted to be just as confident as her. Understand that no one should berate someone’s skin color or make it seem like one shade is superior to others. I don’t want any ARMY or anyone, in general, to deal with that. And what you said, just brought all those thoughts back.”
“Jennie, it was just a joke.”
“Well, I’m not laughing.” She firmly responded. “Do you see any sign of amusement on my face?”
Namjoon let out a sigh and shook his head.
“You don’t get it, do you? The stuff people go through because of their skin color? I may not have it as hard as others but it still hurts dealing with things like whitewashing and constant comments about how unattractive my skin is. You know some people bleach their skin or want to bleach their skin because of even worse comments? Some people even use skin lightening products regularly. It pains me to see that.”
“When you say things like that, it can cause some to hate their skin. They possibly want to bleach it, wish to be lighter, or feel bad about their color. I’ve seen and heard all these things about people feeling anxious about their skin. They’re called horrible names, like burnt toast or that we don’t need to be in the sun. Because they feel as though their skin isn’t attractive. Like there’s something wrong with them. Like they have something to be ashamed of because their skin is colored. Scared of what people may think of them when their skin is just a little tan from the sun. Society claims that you need to have a certain skin tone to be called attractive. But it’s all bullshit because there isn’t just one shade that’s beautiful. It’s all shades.”
“I wanna know what was going through your head when you said that comment. I’m the darkest member here. I can’t relate to you guys. I’m not Korean. I’m not a guy. I’m me. Proud of my melanin, like to show it off, like to not be whitewashed and enjoy seeing fans look overjoyed to see someone who looks similar to them in K-Pop. Whether it’s my hair, my body size, or my personality. When you said that comment, I really thought you would know better. With that high IQ of yours, I’m astonished that you would even think of something like that. Yet alone say it in English with no hesitation.” She felt her tears of frustration coming as her eyes began to burn. “High IQ and you don’t see anything wrong with what you just said? How hurtful that was?”
“There is no such a thing as being too black, " she firmly said. "It’s okay to have melanin! Colored skin is beautiful! There is nothing to be ashamed of for it. I don’t appreciate what you said back there. We should be proud of who we are, no matter our skin color or body size. But things like this make it harder for people to accept who they are. People are more sensitive than others. And I don’t want that for anyone. No one should feel like that.”
“I understand.” Namjoon nodded. “I should’ve been more mindful. I’m sorry, Jennie. I should have considered your feelings. Everyone’s feelings. Please forgive me.”
“Don’t apologize to me. Apologize to Taehyung and Hobi. And then apologize to ARMY.” She requested and left the room.
In the hotel room, Jen ironically shared the room with Namjoon. But she was nowhere to be found, all night. Namjoon chilled on the bed, thinking about what she had said.
He did what she told him. Talked with Hobi and Tae, and then issued a tweet about the comment, apologizing if he had hurt anyone’s feelings.
‘She’s still mad at me?’ He sighed.
Meanwhile, Jennie walked back to the hotel with a box of pizza in her hands. She wanted to shop for some souvenirs to send to her family and wanted to get something to eat for her and Namjoon.
On her secret Tumblr, she was fully aware of ARMY’s various reactions towards what Namjoon had said. Someone even decided to make a video with the screen going grey. The audio would say, “At this moment Rap Monster knew...he fucked up.” and then it went to where she said, “Excuse me?”
It amazed her that people were so quick to make memes and vines.
Taking her key out, she opened up the door, walking in with a smile. “Hey! I got pizza. Don’t tell the guys, this is just going to be ours. If they make surprise visits, we’ll hide it.”
“H-hey. Thanks. I was just about to order room service.” He sat up on the bed.
“Glad I came just in time.” She placed the box on the bed.
Namjoon watched her get situated as she went to the bathroom to change into her pajamas. She looked fine but he still felt like he needed to say something.
“Before we eat...can we discuss what happened earlier today?”
“Yeah, shoot.” She took a seat on the bed.
He exhaled. “I never meant to hurt you. It was...a poor choice of words.” He responded with regret. “What you told me opened up my eyes to learn that I was in the wrong. I didn’t mean to offend anyone.”
“It’s okay. Really. It’s okay.” She responded softly and sat next to him, hugging him. “You’re human. I get that. Let’s just be mindful of saying certain things. We all make mistakes, we all say things that are out of line. But in life, we learn, grow, and change.”
“You’re right.” He smiled and took a slice of pizza from the box.
She rested her head on his shoulder as they watched what was on the hotel TV. With the slice in his hands, Namjoon let her take a big bite and then he took a bite afterward.
“Look at the bright side, at least Jimin still has no jams.” she giggled.
“I heard that!” Jimin shouted from the door, ceasing their laughter. “I saw you brought pizza, I want a slice! Open the door before I tell the others!”
The sound of Jimin’s voice caused NamJen to scramble off the bed and find a hiding place for the pizza.
The next day, BTS attended SBS PopAsia TV for an interview. A small audience attended, as they were asked fun questions, such as picking an Australian animal that best represented them and impersonating each other. Jungkook mimicked the way Suga would dance in Bulletproof PT 2, Jimin impersonated the way Jin eats and V went on about how Rapmon acts in the intro of Dope.
“This is Jimin, the majority of the time and in the Dope music video.” Jen dramatically performed the way he ran his hands through his hair, as everyone laughed
“All right, can each of you show us a hidden talent?” Andy requested.
J-Hope started first, and decided to show a hidden action performance, like Mission Impossible, causing everyone to laugh and applaud. Jungkook impersonated Iron Man, V showed off the elephant on his arm, and Suga told everyone that he didn’t have anything hidden because he showed everyone everything.
Rapmon impersonated Marge from The Simpsons. “Andy, I wanted to take a selfie with a Kangaroo but were no kangaroos in the room. Do you know how Kangaroos sound like? Sounds like Kang, kang kang!” He impersonated to loud cheers.
“D’OH!” Jungkook yelled out of nowhere.
“Everybody, Marge and Homer.” Andy gestured to them, to another round of applause. “Miss Bangtan, what about you?”
“Um...I showed you the guitar and DJ skills. Um...oh, wait, I have another. It’s kind of goofy. I never told anyone this before but I have a secret talent in juggling.” She revealed.
“Wow, juggling?”
“Uh huh. I believe I got it from my mom because she’s always juggling eggs in the kitchen and I get so scared she’s going to drop them. I love my eggs in the morning.” She laughed. “She taught me at a young age. I thought it was fun. Whenever I’m bored I would juggle.”
“Can we see a demonstration?”
“Yep. I came prepared. These are tennis balls that I signed, I’m planning on throwing them out to the crowd at the end of the show. So I can juggle these before I give them away. And fair warning, I’m a bit rusty. I haven’t juggled in a few years.” She took out a bag of tennis balls.
Standing up, she started with three and began juggling. Concentration was on her facial features as she effortlessly tossed the balls up in the air in a circular motion.
“Toss me another.” She requested.
“At any time?” Andy grabbed a ball out of the bag
“Yep. Anytime you’re ready.” She responded.
Seconds later, he tossed the ball and she easily caught it to juggle the four of them. ARMY looked on, impressed as they cheered.
“Can you go faster?”
“I’ll try.” She increased her speed as she watched the balls.
“Can you take one more?”
"Do it! And don’t let your dreams be dreams!” She happily accepted the challenge.
“Do you think she can do it?” Andy turned to the crowd who cheered in response. Tossing Miss Bangtan another ball, she continued to juggle all five. “Wow!”
Ceasing her juggling by catching the last ball in the air, she smiled and bowed at the applause. Sitting back down, she put the balls back in the bag.
“I can beat that,” Jungkook murmured.
“Oh, you can? Do it.” She responded in Korean.
“What’s going on?” Andy asked.
Namjoon chuckled and translated. “Jungkook is trash talking. He said he can beat that.”
“Ooooohhhhhh.” The crowd looked on.
“Well let’s see the Golden Maknae try.” Andy requested.
Jungkook managed to get up to four balls but when Andy tossed a fifth, he couldn’t get in time. Jungkook was low key frustrated that he couldn’t one-up her as his competitive side came out.
“Can’t win everything, Jungkook. Good effort though!” Jennie teased him.
The Golden Maknae shot her a playful glare in response. For the rest of the day, he couldn’t get the thought of losing to her juggling, out of his mind.
“All right, who is your current celebrity crush?” Andy asked
“Oooohhhhh!” The crowd responded.
“Andy,” Yoongi said, shaking his hand.
“Anyone else?” Andy asked.
“Rap Monster,” Jin said, giving him a bro hug to loud cheers.
“Nice. Anyone at the back? What about our Miss Bangtan? Any celeb charm you?”
“Shawn Mendes.” She revealed to loud cheers. “I admire him. I love the way he plays the guitar, his music is dope. It would be so cool to perform with him one day. Even meet him. I’m hoping to cover one of his songs, soon. I’ll perform it on a V-Live. I hope you all check it out when I’m able to have the time. It’ll be fun!”
“You heard it here, keep a lookout for a V-Live of Jennie covering a Shawn Mendes song!” Andy shouted out. “What about the others in the back?”
“J-Hope,” Jimin answered, playfully smacking him on the arm.
“There’s a Hollywood actor. Tom Cruise.” J-Hope responded
“He doesn’t even know who he likes.” Yoongi pointed to Jungkook, who smiled shyly.
“Oh yes, he does.” Jimin teased the Golden Maknae, who earned a glare in response from him.
The translator revealed that Jungkook couldn’t remember the actress he liked and went with Hugh Jackman and Iron Man.
As the interview went on, the members tasted Vegemite, which Jennie and most of the members thought was not the best tasting thing in the world. Jin requested to go against Andy in Rock, paper, scissors, to taste Vegemite. They stood back to back, Jin raising a rock up in the air, while Andy put out scissors. Jungkook mischievously changed Andy’s scissors into paper so Jin could lose, while everyone laughed.
“Oh man, sorry Jin.” Jennie giggled
After the show, the members sat with Andy for a fan chat. “First question, what is the most precious to you?”
“BTS and ARMY,” J-Hope responded.
“Family.” V dramatically answered.
“My turn.” Jin grabbed the mic from him. “Money.” He answered, getting chuckles in acknowledgment.
“Food,” Jennie responded bluntly with no hesitation while the guys cackled.
“Question number two. What’s the most memorable moment during your trainee days?” Andy asked.
Jennie took the mic. “Although I wasn’t there the entire time like the rest were for our trainee days, I would have to say that the most memorable moment was hanging with V because whenever we could, he would show me a lot of places around South Korea, various hangout spots and restaurants so I could immerse myself more in their culture. It was a blast.”
V’s eyes lit up at the mention of her saying that. It made him feel cherished that she named hanging out with him her most memorable moment of their trainee days. A boxy grin came across his face, returning the smile that she was giving him.
“When we took the vocal test, I sang out of tune,” Jungkook responded. “I’m still very embarrassed about that.”
“Good chat.” Andy quickly responded, to laughter as he went to the next question. “How do BTS members spend their free time among yourselves? And how do you have fun with each other?”
“We have mad schedule, so we just sleep and eat many food. Eat food. And just sleep. Yes, all member.” Jin responded in English.
“Jin, I love your English,” Jennie praised. “Very well done.”
“Thank you, thank you. I know.” He responded confidently.
“No, no, no!” Jimin and J-Hope protest and they’re handed the mic. “We game, game, game!”
“Y’all a mess.” She laughed as she watched them pretend to shoot around.
“Seems to be a very common trait. Everyone seems very tired and needs to sleep. Who do BTS think is the funniest one? And who do you think is the bossiest one?” Andy asked.
V started to act randomly and talked gibberish while Rap Monster explained that he didn’t get that much sleep and seemed to speak all in gibberish. Jin asked Rapmon if he could hit V and got permission to do so. Finally answering, the members thought that J-Hope was the funniest and Rapmon was the bossiest.
“Next question, what is BTS’ ideal girl.”
Yoongi said, “City girl.”
“Me too!” V added.
“Pretty girl,” Jin responded
“Sexy girl,” Rapmon spoke.
“Nice girl,” Jungkook responded.
“I think I know a nice girl around,” Jimin whispered to Jungkook in a teasing manner, causing the Golden Makane to tell him to knock it off.
“Cute girl,” Jimin responded on the mic.
“Oh! Smart girl.” J-Hope happily answered.
“Jennie, what is your ideal boy?” Andy handed her the mic.
“Nice boy.” She responded, nodding in approval.
“Ah, did you hear that, Jungkookie?” Jimin whispered and nudged him on the arm. Jungkook smacked him on the arm so he could be quiet.
After Andy ranked who the most handsome member was, he asked J-Hope about his experience holding a snake. “If you were stranded on a desert island, what would you take with you?”
“Helicopter,” Jin answered.
“I’d take J-Hope. He talks 24 hours a day, I won’t be bored.” Rapmon answered
“Water,” Jungkook answered.
“I would take a camel,” J-Hope responded.
“I’d take my guitar. Something to occupy me with.” Jennie said.
“Car,” V answered.
“But you’re in a desert,” Andy stated
“Sports car.” V grinned.
“911,” Yoongi answered.
“One more question. What does BTS think of Australian fans?” Andy asked.
“Yesterday we had our concert in Sydney. The fans were very passionate and they sang along. If we have the chance we would like to visit Australia again.” Yoongi replied.
The next morning, Jennie was so excited to go back to America. The members knew how much it meant to her to be able to have BTS concerts in her country.
Just before boarding the plane, she took a selfie and tweeted, ‘US ARMY...your Bangtan Girl is coming home. It’s LIT! Let’s show the boys how we get down in the USA! #JEN’
Arriving at the JFK airport, Jennie couldn’t hide her excitement as she was the first member to get off the plane. “I’M BACK!” She shouted, causing some passengers to glance at her and chuckle.
“I told you we shouldn’t have let her eat all those smarties.” Yoongi sighed and walked past her, while the other members chuckled at her anticipation.
Hopefully, this time while she’s back in America, it’ll be a more pleasant trip instead of what happened with the Sasaengs.
At the baggage claim area, the members grabbed their bags from the baggage carousel and went on with the security guards and managers. But of course, yet again, Jen’s bag had yet to appear.
“I swear this is a trend. This always happens when I'm excited about something. My bags always go missing," She shook her head.
“I’ll stay with her. We’ll meet at the van.” Diana notified Sejin, watching him go along with the members.
The two heard the loud screams and cheers from ARMY who waited for the members to arrive.
“You know, I always wonder about the people that board the plane with BTS, think when they see all these screaming fans, in packs, waiting for them. I’d be like, what the hell?” Diana laughed with Miss Bangtan.
“It’s still taking me a while to get used to, that’s for sure.”
“Let’s hope for a successful Red Bullet tour here.” Diana smiled and grabbed Jennie’s bag for her.
They proceeded to walk, to where the crowd was. The screams were getting louder and fans finally spotted Jennie, as she watched them go crazy. ARMY at the airport quickly started tweeting updates on what was going on
‘Jennie has been spotted! Maybe she was waiting for her bag?’
‘She’s here! Finally! Queen has arrived to slay my existence’
‘Munchkin is safe and sound! All smiles, she’s so pretty in person, I cannot!’
Miss Bangtan waved eagerly at the fans. Proceeding to walk, she felt a tap on her shoulder.
Confused, she turned around, meeting a pair of familiar hazel eyes and a friendly grin.
“What up, stranger. It’s been a while.”
The caramel skin, the fresh cut, it was definitely Kevin, an old friend from American Hustle Life.
“Oh mah God!” She yelled, wrapping her arms around his neck, and embracing him tightly.
This unmistakably caught the attention of everyone. Fans continued screaming and proceeded to take videos and photos, occasionally yelling out her name and other fan shouts.
ARMY continued their tweets:
‘Some guy just approached Jennie. I think she knows him, she’s freaking out in a good way.’
‘OMG she’s so happy to see this guy. Is this her boyfriend??’
‘I think Jennie got herself a man! He’s hot FYI, I’m jealous!’
‘Wait, I think that’s Kevin from AHL! OMG, they still keep in touch!?’
‘OMGGGG Kevin got hotter from AHL. I’m not surprised they’re still in touch’
‘They’re still friends!? The ship is sailing!’
Once Jennie had hugged him, Kevin let out a deep laugh, wrapping his arms around her, taking a few steps forward, side to side, as he stumbled from her sudden hug. She was overwhelmed with joy that he was here.
“The heck are you doing here!?” She pulled away with a big smile, covering her mouth.
“Hahah, I’m waiting for my flight to Chicago with my friends. We went to New York for a concert because one of my friends lives here. And great news, I’ll be at the Chicago Red Bullet concert. I'm looking forward to seeing you there. I got some friends that are big fans of BTS.”
“Yo, we gotta hang, we have a lot to talk about.”
“’ight, bet. I got a lot of stuff to tell you, too. Nice to have you back home, again. Oh, here. Since I found out you would be landing here, I wanted to give you this as a welcome home and I missed you gift.” He handed her a dozen wrapped yellow roses
“Ahahahah, you so corny with this. This is too sweet of you. Thank you!” She happily accepted them.
ARMY added more tweets as they continued to watch them
‘RED ALERT! I think Jennie has a boyfriend! Black love! GOALS!’
‘AHHHHH they’re so cute!’
‘He gave her flowers! Jennie is dating!’
‘Stop starting rumors, they’re probably just friends! It’s been over a year since they’ve seen each other’
‘Kevin from AHL came to see Jennie! So sweet! Can my future boyfriend/best guy friend do this for me?’
‘Kevin brought her flowers, y’all! My heart!’
‘They mad cute tho if they’re actually dating’
‘Wait, R they dating?’
‘Look at how she’s looking at him! They’re dating!!
‘Guys they’re just friends! They’ve been friends since American Hustle life’
‘Then why would he give her flowers?’
‘BREH Yellow roses mean friendship! They’re great friends!'
‘I still ship them! I don’t care!’
‘As long as she isn’t dating any of the BTS members, I’m happy. I would rather see her with Kevin instead’
‘Don’t start these dating rumors, no one is dating!’
“Y’all about to get dating rumors because of this, FYI.” Diana shook her head, amused at the sight.
“As if I’d date this nerd.” Jennie joked.
“Yeah, sorry, smartie addicts aren’t my type.” He played along
“Boy!” She smacked him as he laughed.
“Oh, there’s smarties in the flowers, too.”
“For real?” She looked deep into the flowers and saw them. “Come through! Thank you, this is so nice of you. I ran out of smarties on the plane.”
“I’m not surprised. I won’t keep you long, your fans are eager to see you. I gotta go to where my plane is boarding so I can get my window seat. I’ll see you in Chicago. Tell the guys I said what’s up.” He flashed her another smile and left
After receiving some gifts from fans, Jennie and Diana walked to the van, while the eager fans followed them, videotaping and taking photos. Jen took a seat next to Taehyung, setting the yellow roses on her lap as a bright smile was still on her face. She was happy to be home and happy to see so many fans elated to see BTS.
“Smartie,” Yoongi called out, interrupting her thoughts. “Where’d you get the flowers?”
“Did one of our fans give them to you?” Hobi asked.
“You can say that. You know him.” She replied.
“We do? Who?” Jimin asked.
“Kevin gave them to me. He says hey. Remember him from American Hustle life?” She informed them.
“Oh yeah! Him! How is he?” Namjoon asked.
“He’s good. He’ll be at the Chicago show. So sweet of him to do this. I wasn’t expecting him to be here, today. Like, wow.”
Hearing their conversation, Jungkook poked the inside of his cheek with his tongue and glared out the window, watching the buildings go by as they made their way to the hotel.
He was upset.
Jealousy was an understatement. He was bothered by the fact that Kevin brought her flowers.
He remembered him. All too well. Who wouldn’t?
Jungkook began to feel insecure about himself and all the doubts came back to haunt him. He glanced at Jennie who was still smiling. Kevin was the one to make her smile so widely.
‘He brought her flowers. Next, he’s gonna take her out to dinner and ask her out. He’s done more than I ever have and I know her longer than him. This is pathetic...’ He thought anxiously.
The Golden Maknae started to google what yellow roses meant. The meaning behind it.
They were roses, did Kevin want a relationship with Jennie?
Did Kevin kiss her?
Is he planning to kiss her?
Is he slowly trying to lead to a relationship with her?
What did ARMY see?
Jungkook’s mind began to panic as he kept thinking about the possibilities.
Yellow roses meant friendship.
Good. But it still wasn’t enough because his insecurities were still there. He went on Twitter to search under Jennie’s name, wondering what ARMY had seen at the airport. As he feared, ARMY speculated that something was going on between Kevin and Jennie. It annoyed him that ARMY tweeted how cute they were together and called Kevin her boyfriend.
It seemed fishy that he so happened to be at the airport when BTS arrived. Maybe he wanted to stay friends and slowly work his way up to pursue a relationship with her. That had to be it.
He wasn’t like Kevin. Kevin had done what Jungkook wanted to do and more. The fact that he waited for Jennie at the airport and gave her flowers in public like that...
‘Why can’t I be like him?’ He thought with annoyance.
Because Kevin was everything Jungkook was not.
Was Jennie into guys like Kevin?
Does she like Kevin?
“Jungkookie!” Jimin called out his name, interrupting his negative thoughts. “I asked if you wanted to eat with me and Taehyung.”
“Yeah...” The Golden Maknae murmured.
“Good. We have a lot to discuss.” Jimin mentioned.
He, too, was annoyed at the fact that Kevin had given Jennie flowers. Kevin was ruining his ship and Jimin refused to let that happen.
The Bangtan Gal Chapter 46- BTS Festa

Chapter Summary: BTS celebrate their 2nd anniversary as a group
Words: 6,000+
----- For this year's FESTA, the members wrote about each other. V wanted to do Jennie's so he wrote her profile after writing J-Hope's.
Ennie's profile written by Tae Tae
Name- Jennifer Walker
DOB- November 10th 1997
Author Introduction- Hello! It's V! Your first and favorite friend out of the members!
In BTS, Jen's Role Is- Being the wild card of BTS
Nickname- Ennie
Specialty- Charisma, quick learner
Body Size- Her butt is bigger than ours
Habits- When she's nervous her fingers get fidgety. Twitches her nose like a cute hamster.
Pros- She's outgoing and kind. If you're shy, she'll bring you out of your shell in a heartbeat. Great friend
Cons- She has a habit of tripping over things lately. She's not the best person to be around when angry, hehe.
Jen's Charm Point- Her smile
A Song That Matches Jen Well- Fighter by Christina Aguilera
Animal- Hamster
Color- Purple
TV Program- Running Man
Character- Hamtaro
BTS song that comes to mind when you think of her- War of Hormone
Points similar to me- Gaming, acting hyper, meat,
Ennie is the best at this- Making me happy
What is rapping to Jennie- Passion, freedom to express yourself.
I am better at this than Jennie- I WILL be the first to be a part of Cypher before you. So, I choose rapping kekekekekekekeke.
Out of 100, Jen's looks are – Out of this world~! The scale is broken! Ennie is so beautiful
When does Jen look happy- When she's with me!
When does Jennie look the most exhausted – When she works out with Jungkook. The Golden Maknae never goes easy these days. I always scold him for pushing her to her limit.
Something I hope Jen achieves- I hope she achieves in rapping
The part of Jen I'm most jealous of- her smile, perseverance and her special connection with fans
If I was jennie...- I would go enjoy the rap lessons she gets from Suga Hyung
To Jennie- I'll never forget the day I approached you while we were still trainees. To see you now, and how much you've grown, I'm proud of you. I love being goofy around you, despite us getting nagged by Jin, but I care about you a lot and will always be there for you. I love you, Ennie!
When it was Jen's turn to write a profile, she volunteered to write about all the members instead of just one.
Name- Jung Hoseok
DOB- 2/18/94
Author introduction- Hey, hey! It's your munchkin here!
In BTS, his role is- being the sunshine of the group
Nickname- Hobi, J-Nope
Specialty- Dancing
Habits- All those crazy sound effects he makes
Pros- Optimism, great dancer, great personality
Cons- He seems to not be the best person to be around when grumpy, he nags A LOT. Maknae line can't catch a break
His charm point- His sunshine personality
A song that matches him well- Barefeet youth
Color- Green
TV program- Running Man
BTS song that comes to mind when I think of him- Cypher
Points similar to me- Optimism
What is aegyo to him- He is the definition of Aegyo
He is the best at- dancing
I am better at this than him- English
Out of 100 he is- Not even 1,000,000! BROKE MY SCALE! So handsome!
When does he look the most exhausted- When he can't sleep
When does he look happy- Now, dancing
Something I hope he achieves- All the goals he has in mind for the future
The part of him I'm the most jealous of- His dancing ability
Something I want to do with him- Have a dance battle with him at a BTS Concert
If I was him- I would teach Jennie his technique for dancing, lol. Help a sista out!
To him- Hobi! You are so handsome and you are a phenomenal dancer. Thank you for always boosting up my mood when I'm not at my best, and I hope your dancing gets recognized more. Love you!
Name- Min Yoongi
DOB- 3/9/1993
Author introduction- Smartie here! Let's get this started!
In BTS, his role is- being a grandpa, fixing things in the dorm
Nickname- Infires (I had to LOL. Love u Yoongi!)
Specialty- Basketball, rapping, composing
Habits- Sleeping
Pros- Rapping ability, great at sports, cares a bunch even though he doesn't say it, he shows it by his actions.
Cons- Can get grumpy at times, sleeps a lot
His charm point- His adorable gummy smile
A song that matches him well- Wake Up by BTS
Animal- Turtle
Color- Black
BTS song that comes to mind when I think of him- Tomorrow
Points similar to me- Passion for music
What is music to him- Everything
He is the best at- Rapping
I am better at this than him- Basketball (Okay, I had to. I love you, lol)
Out of 100 he is- Not even 100! Waayyyy more than 100! BROKE MY SCALE TOO! Have you seen that cute smile!?
When does he look the most exhausted- when he dances
When does he look happy- when he sleeps, lamb skewers
Something I hope he achieves- become a great producer to your satisfaction
The part of him I'm the most jealous of- His rapping ability
Something I want to do with him- Have a song with him. He could rap while I sing. Or we can both rap together.
If I was him- I would enjoy rapping
To him- Suga! We have such an interesting friendship, don't we? Let's continue our rapping sessions. Thanks for taking the time to help me. And thank you for creating such great music for BTS.
Name- Kim Seokjin
DOB- Born 1992 Dec 4th
Author introduction- It's your sweetheart, Jennie!
In BTS, his role is- effortlessly being flawless
Nickname- Shoulders
Specialty- Great looks, nagging, dad jokes
Habits- Apparently he sleep talks, them dad jokes tho?
Pros- High laugh, singing ability, visuals
His charm point- Beautiful looks
A song that matches him well- I believe his voice sounds great in ballads
Animal- What's the most beautiful animal out there? That relates to Jin
Color- Pink
BTS song that comes to mind when I think of him- Fun boys
Points similar to me- We clean
What is dancing to him- He isn't the biggest fan, hahah
He is the best at- Taking flawless photos
I am better at this than him- dancing (No shade, no shade, no shade)
Out of 100 he is- Not even 1,000,000,000! BROKE MY SCALE TOO!! WORLDWIDE HANDSOME!
When does he look the most exhausted- When dancing
When does he look happy- When he eats and isn't dancing hahaha
Something I hope he achieves- Buying a building
The part of him I'm the most jealous of- His relaxed nature
Something I want to do with him- Be on a cooking show
If I was him- I wouldn't be nagging at Jennie
To him- Jin, your vocals are out of this world! Continue singing, you are appreciated and you are TALENTED!
Name- Kim Namjoon
DOB- 94/09/12
Author introduction- It's Nie Nie here!
In BTS, his role is- being the coolest leader in the world
Nickname- Namjoonie, Joonie
Specialty- Smart
Habits- SNORES
Pros- Smart, rapping
Cons- dancing, (Can I put snoring as a con? No shade, no shade, no shade)
His charm point- His dimples
Animal- Fox
Color- Gray
TV program- Problematic men
BTS song that comes to mind when I think of him- Hey, what's your dream
Points similar to me- Hard working
What is dancing to him- Just have strength
He is the best at- Being smart
I am better at this than him- Running
Out of 100 he is - Not even 100,000!! THE SCALE IS BROKEN! Him and his handsome self! You see them dimples!? HELLO!?
When does he look the most exhausted- When dancing
When does he look happy- When rapping
Something I hope he achieves- creating great raps
The part of him I'm the most jealous of- musical talent
Something I want to do with him- Let's go camping someday
If I was him- I would enjoy his talent for rapping
To him- You are so precious to BTS. Thank you for being a great leader. I hope you see what I see when I tell you that you are a blessing to BTS.
Name- Jeon Jungkook
DOB- 9/01/97
Author introduction- THAT'S MY BEST FRIEND!!! JENKOOK for DAYS!
In BTS, his role is- The GOLDEN Maknae
Nickname- Kookie, nerd (no shade, no shade, no shade)
Specialty- Strength is out of this world
Body size- All I know is, his muscles continue to grow, ladies beware (RIP Fangirls)
Habits- He tilts his head a lot and pokes his cheek with his tongue
Pros- Great at everything, handsome, gives great hugs
Cons- I tend to lose when we game together.
His charm point- His laugh, smile and derp faces.
Animal- Bunny
TV program- Running Man!
Character- John Cena
BTS song that comes to mind- Rise of Bangtan
Points similar to me- Gaming, singing, dancing, persistence, hates losing
What is aegyo to him- He hates it, lol
He is the best at- Everything??
I am better at this than him- Nothing??? Okay, English and video gaming (No shade, no shade, no shade)
Out of 100 he is- 100 doesn't come close. Jungkook BROKE MY SCALE! He's so handsome!
When does he look the most exhausted- When we work out together
When does he look happy- When he does what he wants when he pranks the members
Something I hope he achieves- Improving your skills in singing and dancing
The part of him I'm the most jealous of- He WINS EVERYTHING! I can't catch a break. And he's the GOLDEN Maknae. I'm jelly, lol.
Something I want to do with him- We still gotta go to the beach together in America!
If I was him- I would be happy to be the golden Maknae of the group.
To him- I am So proud of you, Kookie. Your voice touches many and your efforts in BTS are always appreciated. Stay healthy and eat well.
Name- Park Jimin
DOB- October 13th 1995
Author introduction- Chim Chim, it's your Ennie!
In BTS, his role is- Great at singing and dancing
Nickname- Chim Chim
Specialty- Getting angry at Jungkook, hugging me all the time, singing and dancing
Habits- Acts cute all the time unintentionally
Pros- Cares a lot
Cons- I wish you would give yourself credit when it's due. You're amazing in what you do, Jimin!
His charm point- Eye smile
Color- Yellow
BTS song that comes to mind when I think of him- We are bulletproof PT2
Points similar to me- Doesn't like to lose, enjoys dancing
What is rapping to him- Skeptical
I am better at this than him- Age (No shade, no shade, no shade)
Out of 100 he is- Not even 10,000,000!! Jimin BROKE MY SCALE TOO!! Him and his fine self!!
When does he look the most exhausted- when he practices a lot
When does he look happy- When he's with the members and eats good food
Something I hope he achieves- Anything you want to achieve, I'll support you
The part of him I'm the most jealous of- His passion
Something I want to do with him- I would love to dance together with you in a performance
If I was him- I would enjoy complimentary dancing
To him- Jimin, you are a great singer and dancer. Please make sure you understand that. I am so proud of you. Make sure you eat well, Chim!
Name- Kim Taehyung
DOB- 95/12/30
Author introduction- It's Ennie!
In BTS, his role is- being the weird one
Nickname- Tae Tae
Specialty- Goofing off, being weird, making me happy
Habits- Does a lot of weird things
Pros- Great at making friends, loves being happy, outgoing
Cons- has a lot of accidents
His charm point- Cutest boxy smile out there
BTS song that comes to mind when I think of him- Cypher
Points similar to me- Passionate about rapping, hyper, enjoys eating and making friends
What is rapping to him- He REALLY wants to be a part of Cypher
I am better at this than him- Video games
Out of 100 he is- Not even 10,000,000,000!! TAE BROKE THE SCALE! There is no denying his handsomeness!!
When does he look the most exhausted- when he plays around too much
When does he look happy- When rapping Cypher
Something I hope he achieves- Being a part of Cypher one day
The part of him I'm the most jealous of- His intense facial expressions on stage and in Music Videos
Something I want to do with him- We should spend more time with each other. I hope you don't think I forget about you when I hang out with the other members. Forgive me <3
If I was him- I wouldn't be so weird (Hahah, no shade, no shade, no shade)
To him- Tae, I'm always supporting you. You're my first friend that I made in Korea, and you have welcomed me with open arms. Love you Tae! Let's spend more time together, soon!
For 2015′s FESTA, the members decided to film a radio show for ARMY to celebrate their second year together.
Suga sat at the table in front of the camera, beginning the start of their video, and opening up the show.
"... for 2 years, we've been loved so much. And we are trying hard to pay you back with our efforts doing our best in music. I don't know if we killed it without dance moves...hmm...don't know! However, what we can be sure of is that there are more listeners to our music than before. How lovely that is? Now we are preparing for our second Muster, which will be a lot bigger than the first one with you all, ARMY. Now you are three times bigger than last year. Aren't you excited? This is BTS' second birthday with ARMY, who makes our every day beautiful and more beautiful. Here's the first song!"
So 4 more plays in the background as the members take their seats with their scripts in their hands. Jennie sat in between Jimin and Jungkook. There was a small camera on a stick floating around, and she took it from Jimin, to play around with it, waving and having Jin and Rapmon video bomb her.
"Hello! This is DJ Suga of BTS KKUL FM 06. 13." He announced as everyone applauded and did their trademark greeting. "So, Bangtan Boys self-produced surprise! R?" Suga looked confused as he tried to read the script. "What is this...?"
"You are the DJ! I think we need a new DJ!" J-Hope exclaimed.
"Suga, you had one job." Jen put him on blast as he tried to explain something wrong with the script
Suga got back to the script, continuing his statement, "The real live show! The visible radio show! KKUL FM is now here for you." He said to a series of applause.
"Eeeeeeeee wooooooooo~!" Hobi yelled loudly into the camera.
"Please...calm down," Rapmon spoke.
"I heard it is such a special day today! Please explain." Suga requested.
"Today! Is! Our! Second anniversary!" Rapmon happily announced.
"WOO!" Jennie applauded heartily with the members.
"AHHHH!" Hobi yelled, throwing up two peace signs at the camera.
Jimin suddenly brought out a cake and set it on the table. The members started to sing Happy Birthday but Jimin stopped them because he hadn't lit the candles yet. The members were disappointed, telling him that he should've already done that.
"I mean, I haven't been to this bakery for a while. I just found out that the candles are inside here. I never knew." Jimin tried to explain
"People! It's one notable tip, if you are buying the cake from Two Some Place, you can find the candles inside the knife!" Suga informed.
After Jimin lit the candles, the members clapped and sang, "Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear BTS, happy birthday to us!"
As soon as they all blew out the candles, each member covered their nose because of someone's bad breath.
"Uh, someone's breath!" Hobi pinched his nose.
"Ew, whose breath stinks!?" Jennie grumbled.
"It just got into my nose," Rapmon complained.
"Guys, calm down. Happy birthday to you all. Do you remember we made our wishes at this time last year?" Suga asked but none of the members remembered. "I know you wouldn't remember anything, so I prepared. Actually, there are some wishes that came true from last year."
"I think this was the one. Maybe something about our concert?" Hobi asked
"Our first win?" Jennie spoke up. "Getting first place?"
"Yeah, I agree with Ennie. We got ranked number 1 at a major show." Jimin stated.
Looking down at the script, Suga read, "Um, so, why don't you raise your hands when I tell you the wishes from last year?" He looked up at the members. "Excuse me, did you read the script at all? Please read beforehand!"
The Maknae Line started laughing at Suga's scolding while Hobi protested, "You said you were not going to follow it. That's what you said!"
"But I can use it as a guideline. You said it was going to be real!" He yelled, mimicking Hobi as the maknae line continued to laugh. "Why would you need reality here?"
"We don't have it in our script!" Jin pointed out while Suga tried to show everyone that it was in the script.
After they bicker, Hobi went to read the script, "Of course! One of them was to have our own concert, from last October, starting from the concert in Seoul!"
"Oh my God, who wrote the script?" Suga exclaimed. "Ah, alright, we don't always need to follow the script but I need to follow the big picture. Let's do something like Raising one's hand."
After everyone raised their hand, Rapmon continued to follow the script by reading but got cut off by Suga. "No, I didn't mean that. Just look at the big picture. It's so obvious that you didn't read it at all!"
"You told me to follow the script!" Rapmon yelled, slamming his hand on the table, causing everyone to burst out in laughter.
"No, I mean be natural! It was nice but too tight. Now, let's clear things up. Hope, Rapmon and Jungkook got their wishes. Jimin, Jin, V and Jennie couldn't get it. Rapmon's wish was that he wanted to buy lots of clothes."
"Of course." Jen let out a chuckle. "Expect a lot of Kim Daily photos, ARMY. A LOT. Prepare. And you better give me photo creds!" She pointed to her leader.
"I will! I just forget!" Rapmon tried to explain.
"Uh huh. Sure."
"Jin wanted to buy a building." Suga pointed out that his wish hadn't been fulfilled yet. "Um...maybe in 60 years or more?"
"60 years look so far. Maybe in 30 years." Jin corrected him.
"I believe Jin can do it. Just take it one day at a time. I'm rooting for you to buy a building very soon." Jennie encouraged him.
Jin smiled gratefully and thanked her.
"V's dream was to drive." Suga pointed out. "What was Jimin's?"
"I think mine was also driving. Driver's license!" Jimin answered.
"Jennie's wish was to have a BTS tour in America. But looks like it'll get fulfilled in July because we'll be having the Red Bullet tour in New York, Dallas, Chicago and LA."
"Cannot wait! I'm so excited for that." She beamed.
The members began to talk about their first win and how they weren't aware of anything, just surprised and awkward.
"So, what was it like? The first place?" Suga asked.
"We all looked very happy on the stage. I think I was really happy to see us excited about it." Jimin said.
"Yeah, my stomach dropped when I heard the announcement. I tried not to cry as I was trying to help Jimin with his tears of joy." She smiled at him and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Surreal is how I would describe our first win. We worked so hard for this moment and dreamed of winning it, y'know?"
The members nodded in agreement. "On our way home, I felt a bit empty somehow. Thinking how hard we tried just praying for it. Jennie would always have us together to pray and we brought up praying for our first win." Suga said. "We just never thought we would win it. Like, would we really be able to get it?"
"Yeah, we just couldn't believe it. Especially because our leader was crying. " Jimin said.
"I didn't," Rapmon replied.
"I see." Jimin chuckled.
"Yeah, it was so dramatic! The percentage of the text voting was very high. It was all from our fans, ARMY."
"For ARMY, thank you!" Hobi shouted as they applauded.
Suga had requested everyone to switch their parts for I Need U since it didn't get aired.
"I need U girl!" Suga sang loudly, out of tune, causing everyone to crack up in laughter.
Jennie placed her head down on the table. "I cannot!" She laughed.
"I call Ennie's verse! I got this!" V happily announced as she sat up. "You probably won't care what I have to say, but I'm still waitin' for you on my birthday!" He started shouting her verse, as she continued to laugh. He started to reach out for her, dramatically continuing her verse, "...I ask myself why do I stay when you always play me for a fool. This situation sucks because I thought everything was cool. How could you be so cruel? You used to treat me like I was your jewel. Now I'm nothin' to you but a simple tool."
"This guy..." She shook her head.
"I wish we could break through this! All we've done was fall through the mess that you created. Is this how things will always be? I'm so frustrated, Aggravated, Devastated..." V grabbed her hand.
"What do you gain? To cause me so much pain? It's putting a strain on my broken heart. But I can't let go, Because you're my everything..."
After the chorus, Jungkook, effortlessly rapped Rapmon's verse, as the members get hyped.
"I need U girl!" Rapmon sang in a high pitched voice while everyone cracked up and clapped their hands.
"Naegen geureol yonggigaeobseo. Naege majimak seonmureul jwo. Deoneun doragal su eobtdorok-AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHOWWWWWWWWW!" Suga screamed out as they all laughed again.
Jennie ended up having to fall out of her seat, and sitting on the floor because she kept laughing so hard. Tears were streaming from her face. After all, this situation was hilarious. After the song was done, she got back in her seat, wiping her tears.
"We made our wishes last year, why don't we do it again, this year?" Suga requested. "This year. The wishes for the year 2015."
"I have one. I want a bigger concert than we did before." Jimin wished.
"Another one?" Suga looked around as V and Jin raised their hands
"Let's go from the old people." V gestured
"Yeah, age matters," Jin said.
Jungkook stood up and started dancing to EXID's down and up, and Rapmon followed his movements. But Hobi started thrusting up and down while singing. "Old, young, old old, young."
"What in the world?!" Jen chuckled.
"What!? What's that for?" Rapmon laughed.
"So weird~!" Suga chuckled as Rapmon repeated Hobi's movements.
After they settle down, Jin told everyone his wish, "There's something I want to do. I would love to be on the eating shows this year so that I can eat a lot of delicious food in Korea."
"Let's dream big. How about winning the best singer?" Hobi requested. "Or how about best food?" He joked.
"You are too much, today." Suga pointed out and turned to the female member. "Jennie, what's your wish?"
"Well...I'm going to dream big." She trailed off. "I want BTS to win a Daesang."
"That's really big." Rapmon looked at her in surprise.
"I know it sounds crazy, and we don't think we can do it but something in me says that as long as we continue to work hard, remain humble, and love what we do, we'll do it. I don't care if it's in a year or two or more, that's going to be my wish from now on. For BTS to win a Daesang."
"What about you, V?" Suga asked.
"I want to go to Han-river with you, riding bikes." He requested as everyone loved the idea.
"I want to learn various kinds of martial arts." Jungkook wished. "Wing Chun Gyeon!" He made a fighting stance for the camera
"Yeah...that's a nice one but I mean as a team," Suga mentioned.
"Ah for our team. Why don't we learn Wing Chun Gyeon?" He happily requested as everyone laughed.
"Let's see which one's easier? The best singer or Wing Chun Gyeon?"
"How about you, Suga?" Jin asked.
"I have one. I want to be the DJ for the radio show. And for us, we want to perform at the bigger place. Really, you have to dream big. Maybe at the Jamsil Stadium? I know it doesn't make sense." He laughed.
"That's too big." Hobi chuckled.
"I apologize."
"Can I change my wish?" Jungkook requested.
"Wing Chun Gyeon style performance?" The members assumed, causing Jungkook to laugh
"I wish we all could make one song each for our new album this year." Jungkook wished
"So, you mean you want all of us to produce at least one song for each on one album?" Suga asked as Jungkook nodded.
"That's not a bad idea. I like it." Jennie nodded. "That would be really fun actually. Creating a solo song or something."
"I want to say something, sorry. Don't you want to know mine?" Rapmon asked after watching everyone speak.
"Oh, you didn't say yours?" Hobi asked
"You just asked everyone but me!" Rapmon laughed. "Does anybody care about me? I would love to buy more clothes and um...one more mixtape. Also, for our team, let's go on a trip together!"
"Book it! I wanna go on a trip! That would be so fun!" Jennie happily encouraged the idea, high fiving Rap Monster with Jimin.
"Jungkook and Jennie are still underage. They can get their ID cards." Suga pointed out.
"I have one already," Jennie informed.
"Me too, I got it but I just hate the picture. I really hate the picture." Jungkook replied
"You know I don't like mine either." She turned to Jungkook. "I may want to get another one, and retake the picture, too."
"But that's the fun part of the ID cards! You can never get a good picture." Jin said.
"I never saw a person who's satisfied with their picture," Rapmon said.
"And kids," Jin looked at the two Maknaes. "When you get your driver's license, surely it'll be more terrible."
"Oh joy." Jen shook her head.
"Oh, and Jimin, he's now 21 and became manly. A bit more than before." Suga pointed out as the members started to make fun of how he had a habit of running his hand through his hair.
"There's a dancer he loves, Brian Puspos. And he's copying him." Jungkook said.
"In my opinion, I don't copy anyone. It's me, so, shall we talk about something else?" Jimin sassed, surprising the members.
"Wow!" Jennie laughed
"Yeah! What a man!" V cheered
"Oh, there's something else. We moved." Suga revealed that they moved to a new place and the members applauded. "Guys, how are you feeling about it?"
"Perfect! Perfectly amazing!" Rapmon enthused
"It's lit!" Jennie cheered.
"We now have roommates. Before, all of us shared one room. Jennie still has her own little room though." V pointed out as they discussed what they would like to do in the new dorm.
"We need to play Smash Bros, soon. Like all of us, so we can test our friendship." Jennie announced.
"Yes! Let's do that soon!" Jimin happily agreed.
"Okay then, maybe that can be a bit awkward so I will ask you several questions. Close your eyes and let this be anonymous. The statement is, I like my roommate but I sometimes envy other rooms." Suga looked at the guys closing their eyes but Jennie as she watched since she still had her own room.
"Wow!" Jennie commented as she watched Jungkook and V raise their hands.
Jungkook pointed out that rooming with Rapmon, there was always music in the room.
"Because of that, we're suffering," V said.
"Yeah, I can hear the music from my room. Great music taste by the way." Jen complimented, earning a smile and thank you from the leader.
After the commercial break, laughter, and funny stories, the members go through everyone's boards about the members who wrote about each other. First up was V and Suga read some of the written words.
'A new sloth.'
"I think I know what it means. I didn't write it but he looks like a sloth." Jin said
"I wrote it," Hobi spoke up. "Recently, V became very slow. Especially when I try to wake him up. He never gets up."
"Ears? What's that about?" Suga asked
"Look at him! His ears are too big!" Jungkook revealed V's ears as the members laughed.
'Please eat with us.'
"For example, most of us are not picky about food. Of course, there's some food we can't eat. V, he can't eat beans. Actually, he's picky. So, it's really difficult for us to decide what to eat. Rap Monster's being very mature about it though. However, V is different, he has to go to the restaurant he wants to go to, unlike Rapmon who would just order something else or find another restaurant." Suga mentioned
'Thanks for being my first friend in Korea and for being your goofy self. You're adorable, I love your fashion sense and you always boost up my mood with your cheerfulness.'
"This is obviously Jennie." Suga pointed to her and the members instantly agreed.
"What!? I didn't think it would be that obvious!" She tried to explain.
"Aw, Ennie!" V stood up and hugged her from behind tightly, cheek to cheek.
"Yah, don't squeeze her to death." Suga scolded before V sat back down. He looked back at the board at the various comments.
'Genius, fool, talent, awkward, monkey.'
"I think he's more like a monkey than a sloth. A handsome monkey." Rapmon said.
"Yeah, every one of them suits him actually. Sometimes he's very smart, sometimes he is a fool, sometimes he is full of talent. But he can be awkward. Oh my God! Oh well. It's anonymous." Suga went on.
The next board is Jimin.
'Please put away your bags and the bandanas. They are everywhere. That sounds filthy. I thought you were very clean.'
"I think this is what we need to hear from his roommate." Hobi pointed out as V explained his reasoning.
Jimin's bandanas are always in the bathroom and leaves them there after taking a shower.
"You know what? To each his own. Do you, Jimin." Jennie chuckled while the members questioned his choices.
'Slow and a dance teacher'
"Well, you know. He's always late and goes out of the room at the end. He's spending so much time cleaning. I think you guys can empathize with me." Jin spoke. "I believe you all think the same. For the people who can't dance like me, he's a great dance teacher. So, I wrote slow and a dance teacher."
Suga revealed Jin's board. Mostly there was the word pig on the board, causing everyone to laugh and joke around about it.
'Why do you eat so much? You look really happy when you are eating though.'
"Alright, next is J-Hope's," Suga revealed.
'The weird sleeping habit.'
"Did you write this?" Hobi asked with a laugh
"No!" V giggled. "It was yesterday at around 2 in the morning or maybe three? He was sleeping when I was out of the shower and he kept doing this." V started to touch his arms slowly, mimicking how Hobi sleeps
"PFFHAHAHAHA!" Jennie's loud laughter was heard.
"Look, it was very odd," Jimin spoke up. "V was sleeping too. I just got out of the shower and he was like..." He started slowly touching his chest while pretending to sleep.
"Oh no!" Jen commented.
As the members started describing it, V showed them the photo and then to the camera.
"Since I was young, my mom petted me while I was sleeping," Hobi revealed. "I sleep really well when someone pets me."
"So, there's no one and you are just touching yourself?" Rapmon asked
"Um, I don't know. I don't know if it's my sleeping habit or not. I was sleeping! So, I have no idea."
'A decision by God?'
"I wrote it. I think J-Hope is like a decision by God to our group." Jimin said as the members joked that J-Hope being in the group was making things worse.
"Maybe we could've won the first place sooner if he wasn't in the group. Like 10 months earlier." Suga teased. "Oh well. I'm joking. I think J-Hope always makes the lively mood of our group."
'Too hyper these days'
"I second that! I didn't write that but I love his hyper ways, though. It's in a good way. His hype nature makes my day." Jennie responded.
"Let's see Miss Bangtan's." Suga revealed her board as the members checked out the various comments written about her.
'You're good but you can do better. There's always room for improvement'
"I wrote that about myself," Jennie revealed. "Just a little message to myself. I know I'm good at what I do. But I know that I can get even better as long I continue to practice and work hard to the best of my abilities. So, I hope I'm able to improve my singing and dancing skills, very soon."
"You will. You have improved a lot since debut." Rap Monster reassured
"Her harmony and blend of her voice with ours improved too. It sounds like one voice when she sings with one of us. Jennie actually helped out with the harmony whenever two or more members were singing together in our songs. She was so strict about that." Jimin giggled.
"I don't like how that sounds, Jimin keep your voice where you're at, but Kookie I need you to take it down one pitch. Once you two do that, you'll hear your voices clash." Jimin quoted her.
"Ah, yeah. I was so irritated that day. I kept hearing them sing together and I'm like, I don't hear their voices clashing melodically like it should." She chuckled.
"She was so happy when we got it right," Jungkook commented.
'Hamtaro reminds me of you.'
"I wrote that!" V happily revealed. "Me loving anime, I came across that anime recently. Doesn't she resemble a hamster? It's so cute!" He giggled as the members agreed.
Jennie covered her face from embarrassment.
"Yeah, especially when she eats. Cutest thing." Jungkook murmured.
"ARMY, pay attention to how she eats when she's getting filmed next time. You'll know what we're talking about." Jin pointed out.
"I wrote that," Suga revealed. "I remember you were so timid during the times we would shoot our music videos. And with me teaching you about rapping, you're so serious about it and learning quickly. I'm proud of you. Watching you grow with us since you move from America to here."
"Aw, Suga, thank you." She smiled
"Next, Jungkook!" Suga revealed his board.
'A Muscle pig'
Hobi laughed loudly with the members. Money was also written and Hobi revealed that the designer at the salon would give them cosmetics and it would always go to Jungkook since he's crazy about cosmetics.
"Do you use them all?" Suga asked
"I do." Jungkook grinned
"I think it's his hobby. Collecting the cosmetics. Like Jin and J-Hope collect toy figures. I think it's like that to him. Maybe displaying the cosmetics makes him feel good."
"Rap Monster!" Suga revealed his board.
'Aggressive raccoon'
"Raccoon? Ha!" Jennie laughed
"What is this!?" Rapmon exclaimed, grabbing the post-it note, and tossing it at V.
"Why the raccoon?" Jen asked
"He looks like it," V answered to laughs
'Tempted to strangle you with my pillow because of your loud snoring'
"He really does snore loudly. I think we all feel that way." Jimin agreed.
"See!" Jennie shouted.
"AH! You wrote that!?" Rap Monster yelled, pointing at her
"Yep!" She smirked.
'Punching. Hitting people while he's dancing'
"Oh my gosh, yes, that. He accidentally smacked me in the face while we were in dance practice." Jennie revealed
"I said I was sorry!" Rap Monster whined.
"I remember that day, hahah. Jungkook, V and Jimin ganged up on Rapmon for doing that. Maknae line gets so protective of Jennie." J-Hope giggled
"Squad!" She high fived the Maknae liners
'You are the best'
"I wrote it," Jimin revealed. "It looks like Rap Monster is always worried and stressed out."
"Yeah, if he gets serious he's always moving his chin like..." Suga demonstrated.
"I looked at it carefully." Jungkook pointed out
"Why are you watching me? Why do you like me so much?" Rap Monster accused, jokingly.
"I like observing you, really."
"Do I make my chin like this?" Rap Monster started moving his chin all around, as everyone laughed.
Suga revealed his board.
'Lamb skewer'
'Too bouncy'
'A sloth'
"Doesn't he look like a saint sometimes?" Rapmon asked
"What is this?" Suga questioned the notes on his board.
"He reminds me of a grandpa." Jennie giggled
"Why? I'm only 23. You all know that I do my best. I just sleep a lot."
'Suga eat healthy and have some vitamins'
"He has a lot of healthy foods and vitamins. And he does eat them well." Jin guaranteed
"Thinking about you all, it feels like those two years passed in a second," Suga added. "This is the special day. It's our 2nd anniversary. So, a special guy gave us a message. It's an audio message."
The members turned to the audio that was being played.
'I'm so proud of you all. Even though there are so many schedules, you guys are not complaining. Please stay like that and I won't want anything more from you.'
Hobi and Rap Monster started making loud noises as they continued to listen
'Well, maybe it's because you are all very stressed out, you are having a hard time getting up in the morning when we have some schedules. Especially, Jeon...Jung...kook...'
Jungkook sat back in his seat, throwing his head back as he clapped his hands while laughing with the members.
'I'm really having a hard time waking up too. I'm a lot older than you and it's very difficult for me to have the same schedule with you. However, waking you up makes me 10 years older. Please wake up early and let's start our day at the right time.'
Jungkook took the camera to give a message to Manager Sejin. "I may wake up a bit later than others but I don't arrive at the car at last." He grinned
"I'm sorry but you really are giving us a hard time," Jin said
"You never wake up even though we yell at you or shake you like this." V started hitting the Golden Maknae.
"Sejin! I'll do better!" Jungkook announced
"Yeah, let's do better for our manager," Hobi said
"We should also be really nice to the people around us. We should keep our first intention."
After they played Boys with Fun, Suga announced that the show was almost over and requested to have a little speech. One by one the members give messages to ARMY.
"Ah, I'm not always good with words. So much has happened in two years and it's all because of you ARMY." Jennie began her speech with a smile. "Every day is a new adventure for BTS and I wouldn't have it any other way. I hope you continue to support us and I hope next year more of our wishes will be fulfilled. Let's remain happy and healthy. Happy 2nd anniversary! Woo! Thanks for spending 2 years with us. Time really flies when you're having fun."
Suga was the last one to say his speech, "It's been two years. Maybe that can be such short years for people. If we were working at some company, we wouldn't even be able to get the assistant manager title. So many things happened in 2 years. It was such a short period of time but at the same time, it was quite a long time. Thanks to ARMY, you've been there all the time. You are with us every second, I hope this lasts for 20 years. If possible, 200 years."
"200?" Jennie raised a brow as the members laughed with her
"Well, it's the 21st century."
"I don't want to live that long," Hobi said
"Yeah, that's too much," Jen added
After they bicker, Suga continued his speech, "To the 200th anniversary! With our fans like my family, oh, well. You are my family I love you! By the way, BTS Festa, which is for celebrating our 2nd anniversary, is almost done. Right, and we'll meet you all at our second MUSTER. There will be lots of fun performances. Please look forward to it. Alright, really. It's time to say goodbye. This was SUGA SUP-D, the professional DJ. Wasn't it fun? I don't know how it will seem to you later, but it was really funny for us. Next time, it will be a bit different. Well, there was a bit more adult talk this year. This show grows up as we are growing up."
"Talking about growing up, shouldn't the DJ grow up, too?" Rapmon asked.
"I don't grow up anymore. My growth plate is useless now."
"Well, for whom need the pure and clear radio show-"
"Stop it!" Suga cut Jungkook off, slamming the script down as he stood up. "Why do we need the script!"
"Finally! We're done!" Jennie tossed her script in the middle as the members did the same
"Yay! It's done! Woo!" Hobi cheered.
"Hey, calm down. We should really say goodbye." Suga said. "Thanks for listening! It was BTS KKUL FM 06.13MHZ. See you later! Bye!" He closed as the members waved and presented finger hearts to the camera.
Forced To Believe Chapter 34- Tribute To The Troops

Chapter Summary: The Shield attend Tribute To The Troops as Morgan and Tamina continue to go at it
Words: 3,000+
------ 'In The Ring'
Before the match, Morgan tweets '#OutspokenArmyGirl has arrived!'
The crowd cheers once The Shield get out of the army tank.
"Now that's an entrance," JBL said.
Instead of wearing black like The Shield, Morgan wore an attire like Trish Stratus's at Tribute to The Troops when she teamed up with Ashley but it was a dark green color. She also wore a Shield themed hat with her fingerless gloves. And her hair was also straightened and still dyed black.
"This is a six man tag team match, set for one fall. Approaching the ring first, accompanied by Morgan Lopez, at a total combined weight of 707 pounds, Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns, The Shield!" Justin announced as The Shield jump off the tank.
"Hey, look at Morgan, she's not wearing black tonight," JBL called out as she tagged some hands while The Shield walked through the crowd.
"This is interesting. I bet she's representing the troops." Cole replied.
Morgan gives her hat to a little girl as she jumps for joy and thanks her. She smiles at her and heads to the barricade. Dean helps her get over the barricade and she stands on the apron, resting her elbows on the ropes while the guys stand by her, in the ring.
After Rey and the Usos make their entrance, Dean turns to Morgan, lifting her chin to give her a long kiss on the lips.
"A good luck kiss from the Outspoken Diva," Cole observed as she grinned and jumped off the apron to watch the match.
"Now that is love right there. My favorite couple. True love, Cole." JBL cheered.
"Okay then..." Cole said as the bell rang with Ambrose getting the upper hand on Jimmy.
When he gets on the top rope, Jimmy throws him off and tags in Rey.
"Nice!" Seth complimented when Dean hit Rey with a headbutt. "Oh!" He exclaimed when he hit Rey with a chop to the chest.
When he throws Rey to the turnbuckle, Rey catches him in the 619 position as the crowd gets hyped.
"And Ambrose is gonna take a breather," Cole said when Dean rolled out the ring.
Morgan walks up to him to help him out but Rey runs towards them. Ambrose decides to grab her by the waist and turns his back towards Rey coming at him.
"I'll try not to make this hurt." He mentioned before Rey kicks him in the back as he falls on top of her but not too hard.
"You see? He took a hit for her." JBL praised.
"Dean needs to keep things PG." Cole teased as Dean was hovering over her in an intimate position.
He got up and helped her up. "You okay? I didn't hurt you, did I?"
Luckily she felt no pain in her ribs and that was a good sign "No pain." She smiled at him but then saw Rey running towards them again.
Dean decided to gently push her out of the way and got kicked down. Rey slides out of the ring and hits him with a splash before throwing him back in the ring.
Later on in the match, Jimmy Uso gets a tag from his brother and begins to take control of The Shield. Ambrose was leaning on the bottom turnbuckle as Jimmy yelled 'Uce!' and the crowd replied to his chant. Morgan decided to yell 'No!' while the crowd replied to his chant. Jimmy runs and hits Dean with a running hip attack and gets on the top rope.
"Uh oh, we're about to have ourselves a flying Uso!" JBL exclaimed.
Seth gets kicked in the face by Jimmy and he falls off the apron. Ambrose takes advantage of the distraction and makes Jimmy fall off the ropes. The Shield start to take control of him while the crowd was chanting 'Uso' loudly.
"Put him away boys, put him away," Seth said as Dean tagged in Roman.
They throw Jimmy to the ropes but Roman gets kicked by him while Dean gets thrown out of the ring. Jimmy plants Roman with a DDT and the crowd gets hyped. Roman tags in Seth and he runs and hits Jey off the apron. He goes to hit Jimmy with a splash but nobody is home as Rey gets the tag. Rey starts doing his signature moves and pins him after he hits Seth with a move off the top rope.
"Shield are gonna lose here-oh and Ambrose saves the match up," Cole said as Dean broke the pin.
One of the Usos gets in the ring and hits him with a kick in the face. The Uso taunts Dean and turns around, only to be speared by Roman.
Morgan shook her head. "This is why you should watch your back! Nobody listens to me these days. I'm trying to help you out here." She said, thinking that she was trying to warn someone not to open a door in a scary movie.
Roman turns his attention to Rey who is at the turnbuckle. He runs to him but stops himself by grabbing the ropes as Rey moves out of the way. He puts Rey in a powerbomb position but gets thrown out of the ring by him. Rey gets on the ropes and hits Seth with a hurricanrana to put him in the 619 position.
"Who are you gonna call!?" JBL shouted.
"619!" Cole answered as Rey hit the 619 and a splash off the top rope to win the match.
Morgan tweets 'Even though we lost, we had an awesome entrance. #ArmyTanksRule'
"Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome, Morgan!" Justin announced as the crowd cheered
"She's back!" JBL happily said as she walked down the ramp. She tags some hands and heads to ringside where the commentators are. "How are you?"
"I'm doing awesome. I can't wait to watch these divas go at it." She said as saw Tamina in the ring along with the Total Divas, AJ, Alicia, Kaitlyn, Rosa and Aksana.
"It's nice of you to join us Morgan," Cole said.
"Thanks for having us." she grinned.
"Yep." A raspy voice said behind him as he jumped and turned around.
"Dean? Why are you out here?" Cole exclaimed as he had a headset on and sat next to Morgan.
Ambrose gives her a quick kiss and turns to Cole.
"I love this couple..." JBL said.
"Tamina and I need to have a little talk once she wins or loses this match," Dean replied.
"A talk? That doesn't sound safe." Cole said as the bell rang
They watch as Eva Marie eliminates Jojo.
"Darn..." Morgan said. "I wonder how long it'll take for Eva to get eliminated."
"As long as she doesn't stare and drool at me, I'm good. She's not my type." Dean shrugged.
"Oh really? And what is your type, Dean?" she looked at him.
"My type...is called Morgan Lopez."
"Ha, I'll accept that answer for now."
"Do you and Eva still hate each other?" Cole asked.
"We're being cordial with each other. No more drama, thank goodness." Morgan replied. Tamina kept giving her dirty looks while she took control of Kaitlyn. "What? Is that supposed to scare me?"
"She's just jealous that you got a man like me." Dean boasted.
"Haha, I believe it," JBL replied.
Morgan watches as Tamina tries to help AJ eliminate some divas.
"And there she goes. Tamina doing AJ's dirty work...again...this is getting old...Every single week it's the same. I'm convinced she's a puppet." She shook her head in annoyance. She started to see Kaitlyn going on a spearing spree with Eva, Aksana, and Alicia. "Jeesh, I'm so glad I'm not in that ring. I've had enough spears, this year."
"How have you and Kaitlyn been lately?" Cole asked.
"We haven't talked to each other ever since our argument. But, I can see her being herself again and getting out of AJ's little mind game since I see them wrestling in the ring now." Morgan replied.
"Do you still want to be friends with her?" JBL asked.
"Absolutely. I love the girl like a sister. We've been through a lot and we aren't going to let our fight get in the way of our friendship. We always do this stuff. We're giving each other space right now. Sooner or later, you'll see us together again. Don't worry, it's not the end."
"Well, it's the end for Kaitlyn because she just got eliminated," Cole said as Tamina helped AJ eliminate her.
"Why is she helping her in this match? Then what's gonna happen when they are the last two? Is Tamina going to eliminate herself for AJ? She's such a puppet..." she retorted. "For real for real."
As they continue to watch the battle royal, Cameron and Naomi get eliminated by the Bellas, and then Alicia gets eliminated by Natalya. Eva smacks Natalya's butt to get her attention and slaps her in the face.
"Yikes. Well, that was Eva's death wish. Bye! See you next week!" Morgan waved. "I have a strong feeling she's going be eliminated in a matter of seconds."
Natalya returns the slap and tries to eliminate Eva by picking her up and putting her onto the ropes.
"No way! No freaking way." The Outspoken Diva said in shock as she watched Eva kick Natalya in the stomach to eliminate her.
"Wow..." Dean retorted.
"Natalya, eliminated," Cole exclaimed.
"Wow, I guess I underestimated Eva. She is holding her own. I'm impressed. I thought she'd be eliminated already. She proved me wrong." Morgan said.
Tamina picks up Eva and tries to throw her out but Eva counters the attack and manages to throw her out as the crowd gets hype.
"Oh my gosh, Tamina got eliminated by Eva Marie!" Cole exclaimed.
"That's embarrassing..." Morgan laughed.
Tamina shoots Eva a glare and stands up. She is about to leave ringside but turns her attention to Morgan.
"You think that's funny?" Tamina pointed to Morgan, near ringside.
The Outspoken Diva smirked. "Yep."
"I could break your face."
"Yes, I can."
"Yes, I can!"
"Morgan, you are so lucky you're not in this match."
"Oh, I'm lucky? I'm lucky?" she stood up.
"Uh oh," Cole said.
"You think that's a good idea?" JBL asked. "Bad ribs and all?"
"First of all, you're lucky! You're lucky, I'm not in that ring, trying to kick your head off and gut your eyes out!" The Philly Diva retorted.
Tamina marched over to her and was about to get in her face but Ambrose blocked her way. "Ah ta ta taaa. Let's not blow things out of proportion here. If you do, you're gonna get into some serious problems, sweetheart. Touch her and you'll regret it."
"You honestly think I'm scared of you?" Tamina snapped.
"You should be..." Ambrose growled, shooting her a murderous glare as she took a step back.
"You know what? It's okay." Morgan put one of her hands on his shoulder. "You know what, Tamina? If you are going to do something, just do it. I'm ready for ya."
"She's leaving." JBL looked on as Tamina started backing away.
"I think you scared her, Dean." Morgan looked amused and he smirked. "Thanks for saving me the trouble. It would have been chaos if we decided to fight."
"Anything for you," Dean replied and hopped over the barricade but all of a sudden, Tamina started to walk back
"Wait, she's not done," JBL said.
"You think you're so tough with your boyfriend around?" Tamina slapped the headset off Morgan's head.
"Whoa!" JBL yelled loudly.
"Huh? You think you're tough?" Tamina pushed her back down her seat as the Philly Diva looked annoyed.
Tamina smirked at her and started walking to the end of the ramp.
"Morgan, are you all right!?" Cole exclaimed.
Dean hopped back over the barricade, about to go after her but stopped once he glanced at his girlfriend. He watches as she starts laughing manically, slowly rolling her neck.
"I'm excited..." She wickedly grinned, running a hand through her hair.
She stood up with a serious facial expression and began taking off the tape on her stomach as the crowd got hyped.
"Wait a minute, you're cleared!?" Cole exclaimed as she nodded.
"Got cleared after The Shield's match. And if you THINK I'm going to let her get away with that, you're wrong, my dear," she replied and put her hair up in a ponytail.
"Dean, aren't you going to stop her?"
"Nah, I love it when she's mad," Ambrose smirked. "It's pretty hot if you asked me."
Morgan begins speed walking after Tamina.
"Hey!" she yelled, making Tamina turn around.
Her eyes widen slightly as Morgan spears her to the ground and starts unloading on her.
"Here we go!" JBL exclaimed with the crowd cheering.
"All the frustration and anger that built up inside of Morgan is now coming out," Cole said.
Morgan picks her up and starts striking her with elbows in the face but then Tamina grabs her by the neck and throws her to the apron and then to the barricade.
"Jeesh, Tamina!" Cole exclaimed.
"They want to kill each other!" JBL shouted as Morgan managed to fight back but then the refs ran down the ramp to try to separate them.
"All right, shows over." Dean took off his headset and grabbed Morgan off of Tamina while the refs held Tamina.
"Morgan! Morgan, I'm going to kill you!" Tamina yelled
"You're done! Done!" Morgan yelled back. "You and me, one on one!"
"You're on!"
Dean held Morgan from behind and whispered in her ear "You'll get her. Don't worry."
Morgan tweets 'TaminaSnuka You sure want me? #YouDontWannaGoToWarWithMe'
Tamina tweets 'WWEMorgan101 You made the biggest mistake of your life, putting your hands on me. I want you in the ring.'
'Okay. #TheWaitIsOver' Morgan replies.
Tamina replies 'Good. I get to hurt you. Badly. I can't wait.'
'Oh TaminaSnuka You just got me #Excited #LetsGoToWar'
Morgan then tweets 'It's official. TaminaSnuka and I are going to go at it on Raw. I'm #Healed #NewAndImproved. #ReadyToBelieve?'
Morgan also tweets 'I won't lose this battle against Tamina. #BelieveInMe'
'WWE Exclusive Video'
Roman sat on one of the backstage storage boxes, relaxing after his match and saw Morgan walking backstage with Natalya.
"I still can't believe you and Tamina went at it. You sure you're up for it?" Natalya asked.
"Hell yeah, I'm ready to kick her ass. I can't wait for Monday. She is going to get it. She needs to know that her mouth of hers is going to get her in trouble." Morgan replied.
"I can say the same to you, Morgan."
"Touché." She chuckled. They see Roman sitting and Morgan grinned at him. "Hey, what's up Ramen noodles?"
Roman playfully glared at her while Natalya giggled and walked away. "Don't call me that."
"Okay, can I call you Roman noodles?"
"No. Don't call me that or else."
"Or else what? What are you gonna do? Spear me?" They chuckled at their inside joke. She sat next to him and laid her head on his shoulder. She sighed. "I'm tired."
"Heh, I bet. I saw you out there."
"Ha. There's a Brie Mode, and now there's a Harley Mode in the WWE. Things are going to get interesting." She chuckled and closed her eyes.
He looked down at her. "You know, I'm still sorry about that spear."
"Roman, I thought we've been over this. It was an accident. I forgive you." She replied, opening her eyes while he leaned his head on top of hers.
"I just feel like I should make it up to you."
"You already did. Your promise and when you support me." She removed her head from his shoulder and they looked into each other's eyes. "You're always there for me and it just makes me happy that I know someone like you. I know we had our bad times when I wasn't a part of The Shield but we have a bond that no one else has. I got a special bond with Dean, I got a special bond with Seth and I got a special bond with you. All different and I cherish them all. Just like I cherish you. Don't think for a second I'm angry at you for that accident."
"Morgan..." He trailed off, at a loss for words and she held his hand.
"Okay? I don't want this to get in the way of what we have. Now, can we please get past the apologies and move forward?"
He smiled at her. "All right."
"Great. Now, I need to vent. And you're the man I need right now." She stood up and stood in front of him.
"I'm all ears."
She sighed and started pacing around. "Tamina...I just want to rip her hair out and drag her all over the arena. She loves hurting people, huh? Well, let's see how she likes it when I hurt her! She always does this. Always wants to get the last laugh, I don't think so! No! No! And no! Morgan gets the last laugh, it's not the other way around honey." She vented as Roman looked amused and nodded in agreement.
"She wants to give me cheap shots? When I wasn't even ready? Put her hands on me? Touch me? After she backed off because of Dean? Well, you know what? I'll give her a cheap shot to the head!" She started breathing heavily as she paced back and forth. "I want her head on a plate!"
She threw a punch and it hit Roman in the face. "Oh my gosh, I'm sorry! Roman, are you okay!? Ah, friggin' A!" She put her hands over her mouth. She moved the hair from his face and touched his cheek while he chuckled.
"At least it wasn't a kick with heels along with a low blow," he replied
She sighed out of relief and released him but he grabbed her hips and pulled her back to him.
"Morgan. Save the violence till you get in the ring. Let all the emotion out in the ring. She wants a reaction out of you but can't back it up when you strike. Don't let her get in your head. Okay?"
The Outspoken Diva nodded, taking his advice. "You're right."
"Good. You need backup?"
"Actually, could you tell Seth and Dean I want to be alone when I wrestle her? This is something I need to do on my own."
He released her hips. "Okay."
"Great! Thanks, Romey, you're the best." She hugged him.
"Romey, huh?" He was amused as she released him.
"Can I call you that? Please? With a grape on top?"
"All right, I'll accept the nickname. Just don't say it in front of everyone else."
"No promises."
"Morgan..." He narrowed his eyes at her and stood up as she laughed.
"Okay! Okay. Well, I should be going. Pound it." She put her fist out. Roman grinned and pounded her fist. "Wait, make it explode."
They pounded their fists and then opened them.
"Nice. See you later." She kissed his cheek and walked away
Morgan tweets 'Tamina, be ready for #HarleyMode on Raw'
Favorite Hashtag?

Wild…and not even done editing and posting chapters. I wrote so much over the years 😭 can’t wait to continue! 💜💜

The Bangtan Gal Chapter 54- Rekindle

Chapter Summary: Jungkook finds the perfect way to ask Jennie for forgiveness as each member of BTS help out. Jen starts getting jealous for a change. JenKook finally get the members back for taking photos of them while sleeping on the plane by a Nerf War with Jungkook dressed as Captain America.
Words: 11,000+
Genre: Absolute CHEESE AND FLUFF with all members with MAJOR Jungkook fluff! :)
Author's Note: CHEESE. Absolute CHEESE. This is a straight-up CHEESE fluff fest with 3 gallons of randomness I added. I switched some things up and added some stuff for this one! I LOVE this chapter soooo much! We got wrestling, we got Jennie slowly showing feelings, we got TONS of cute fluff! This was so random but one of my favsss. I always thought of this one as one of my best chapters. It's so cute and I love rereading it. I hope you feel the same as you read. Enjoy and have a wonderful day! :)
It took Jennie five minutes to walk to the destination. Walking to the court, she noticed Yoongi dribbling and practicing shooting hoops.
“Check!” She heard his deep voice and immediately caught the ball he threw at her. “First one to get 10 points wins. If you win, you get the next note. If you lose, well, we’ll just have to go a couple of rounds until you finally beat me.”
Jennie stood there baffled. “What? Are you kidding me? I’m not even in my gear!”
“I don’t care, Smartie. Let’s go.” He got in position with an amused grin.
Looks like Yoongi wasn’t going to take no for an answer.
“Fine. You asked for it.” She checked the ball and he threw it back.
As she began to travel while dribbling, she watched how he moved, going on a defensive route.
“I wonder what the kid has in store for you, today. Gotta beat me to find out.” He tried to grab the ball while she dribbled but she spun around and jumped to make a shot.
The rapper watched, impressed as the ball made it through the basket.
A small smirk came across his face as he said, “Looks like you really want that note. Win for the kid. I know he’ll be happy to see you. And I know you’ll be happy to see him, too.”
“Thanks for the motivation.” She managed to defend her side and block his shot.
“You improved, smartie. But I wonder how the kid would react if he found out you kept losing to me and couldn’t beat me to go on to the next destination.” He taunted to rile her up more.
His taunting provoked her as she became more competitive, stealing the ball and jumping up high to shoot. They watched as the ball soared through the air and went through the basket.
Yoongi started to become genuinely astonished at how her skills had progressed. “All right, I let you get that point.”
“I dunno ‘bout that, Suga.” She teased.
As the game went on, the two tirelessly aimed to get shot after shot, determined to win. Yoongi had the ball, and turned around, making Jen trip on her feet and fall on her behind. She watched with disappointment as he made the shot.
“Gosh darn it!” She fussed.
“You’re getting slow on your footwork. Don’t be sloppy. You all right?” He helped her up.
“Yeah, I just want to win.”
“You and the kid are the same.” He shook his head with a low chuckle.
“Where is Jungkook? Do you know?” She asked as she stayed on him while he dribbled.
“Now, why in the world would I tell you?”
“Because you love me and I’m one of your great friends?”
“I never said that.” He bluntly responded.
Taken aback, she stood there, deadpanning while he took advantage and easily got another shot. “Well, damn, Yoongi! That was foul!”
He began to laugh wholeheartedly. “I hope you know that I was just fuckin’ with you. I just wanted to get another shot. And you fell for it.”
He began dancing around goofily which caused her to laugh out loud.
“Stop! This is supposed to be serious! I want to win!” She playfully pushed him away.
She got a giggle in response as she got a glimpse of his gummy smile.
“Hey. Of course, I love you, smartie. You’re family,” He shrugged as he saw another smile come across her face. “Now less talking, more winning for me.” He tossed her the ball.
“You wish. Today, you’ll be the one taking the L for a change.”
“I love your persistence.”
As they continued to play, they were tied and were going for the last point. Both with nine points, they just needed to get one more shot. Yoongi felt confident that he could catch her with his strong offense and make an easy shot. Jennie, on the other hand, felt like if she could stay on her defense, she could win this match and catch him off guard. One thing is for sure, they both needed to keep an eye on the ball.
Jennie made sure to never let the ball out of her sight as she hurriedly followed Yoongi who dribbled across the court. The Daegu rapper had tried to confuse her by jumping up to shoot but she noticed that the ball didn’t leave his hands and turned back around.
“Game over.” He finally shot the ball.
Defeat was evident in her eyes as Miss Bangtan watched the ball fly in the air. But thankfully for her, the ball hit the backboard instead and bounced down into her arms.
“Tough luck!” She called out, dribbling quickly to the other side of the court.
Yoongi muttered out a curse in surprise and ran after her, trying everything he could to stop her, but it was too late as she jumped as high as she could and shot the ball with all her strength. The ball went straight into the basket, giving Jennie the W for this basketball game.
She sighed out of relief and curtsied in front of him while he let out a laugh.
“I believe you have something for me.” She happily requested. Her smile got so big as she watched him accept his defeat.
“Congratulations, smartie. Here.” He took Jungkook’s note out of his basketball shorts pocket and handed it to her.
“Thank you. Good game, Yoongi.” She bumped fists with him and took a seat on the bench with him to rest up.
Yoongi took out a bottle of water and a small towel for Jen from his gym bag before taking out his own. After wiping the sweat from her face, she took a big gulp of water, to quench her thirst after the workout she just dealt with. Yoongi always pushed her to her limit when it came to basketball.
Opening the note, she began to read
All right!! You did it! I had a feeling you’d finally beat Hyung! It must feel good to finally beat him. I know how hard you try when you two play against each other.
More reasons why I cherish you:
You keep me on my feet when it comes to pranking and gaming. (I still need to get you back!)
You always know what’s bothering me even if I say that I’m not bothered. Being the Golden Maknae and lead vocalist can be hard. But you always encourage me and hold me down.
You accept people at their worst. (You never judge anyone when they’re down)
Your thoughtfulness. (I watched you saving whatever money we receive from Big Hit to help your sisters’ college tuition. The smile on your face, when you kept putting money in the jar, made it clear to me that you enjoy doing things like that. You have a good heart.)
His words made her smile again. He really must’ve been watching her. She thought she kept herself hidden as she saved money for her sisters. She noticed two words that needed to be unscrambled.
Kbie raitl
“Bike Trail.” She confirmed as he texted her the address. “Let me guess, Taehyung is there?”
“You would think,” he said and opened the camera app. "Let's take a picture,"
The two happily smile for the camera while Yoongi tweets with the caption, ‘Wow. She FINALLY beat me one on one in basketball. Brings back Rookie King vibes. Good game, smartie. #SUGA’
“Thanks, Yoongi.” She kissed his cheek and stood up.
“Yeah, yeah.” He struggled to stop smiling at her affection.
Heading over to the bike trail, passing pedestrians who were jogging and riding their bikes, she saw Namjoon waiting for her, with two bikes against the railing he was leaning against.
Her eyes lit up as she approached him with a big smile. “Oh wow, I thought it’d be Tae.”
“Nah, he really wanted bubble tea,” Namjoon responded with a chuckle and embraced her.
“I’m happy to see you, Namjoon. So, what’s the task?” She pulled away.
“No task. I just want you to free your mind and unwind. Let’s just ride some bikes together. It’s a nice day.”
“Really? I like that. Okay.”
“We are so busy that we never take time to notice the scenery in front of us. How beautiful the day is. So, let’s enjoy the day and clear our minds from the idol life.”
“I love that idea.” She took one of the bikes.
“Wait. Safety first.” He placed a helmet over her head and secured it for her. “Is it secure enough?”
“You sure?”
“Good. Ladies first," he smiled and got on his bike.
Getting on her bike, she rode along the trail while he followed from behind. As they rode around, following the trail, they felt the warm breeze around them as they admired the landscape. From the clear, blue skies, to the random pedestrians they would pass. It was a nice, humid, summer day.
Namjoon was right. They really don’t take the time to see the beauty around them and how peaceful things can be.
After biking, they sat on a bench to rest, taking off their helmets. “How are those rap lessons with Yoongi?” He asked as they relaxed and watched the sky.
“They’re getting better and better. I’m really happy with my progress,” she answered confidently.
“Good. Yoongi is truly happy about you getting better at rapping. He speaks highly of you when he’s with me and J-Hope.”
“Aw, really?”
“Don’t tell him I said that. He’ll kill me. You know how he is.”
“I’ll keep it to myself. I still can’t get over your mixtape. You worked so hard on it.”
Namjoon smiled at her praise. It made him feel good that she enjoyed it.
“Do You is my favorite. I listen to the song when I’m working out. It’s on my workout playlist. It gets me so hyped. I’m patiently waiting for the next mixtape you do.” She added.
“I'm glad you’re so supportive of me.”
“Of course, this was a big accomplishment for you! I love watching the members branch out and do their own thing while still being together in the group. I hope to see the other members do their own thing soon.”
“Anything that you have in mind? Solo stuff?”
“I would like to when my vocals get better. I do have a lot of stuff on my computer that I work on from time to time. It'll happen when it happens. Hey, can you rap for me? A little bit of Do You?”
Namjoon shyly laughed and covered his face. “Really? Now?”
She nodded and started patting her thighs to mimic the beat of Do You, waiting for him to rap a verse. “Haters gon’ hate and players gon’ play!”
“Mufuckas keep mufuckin’ all day!” He rapped with her. “Follow my shit, my friend and I’ll pay. Naega neo daesin chim baeteojulge twe. Do you, do you, do you, do you, do the fuck you want, do you, do you, do you, do you.”
The two shared a laugh as she leaned her head against his shoulder.
“Here.” He took Jungkook’s next note out of his pocket and handed it to her as she pulled away from his shoulder.
Taking the note, she looked at the folded paper before turning back to her leader. “Hey, Joon?”
“Thank you. You are always so kind and make me feel at peace.”
Opening the note, another smile came across her face as she read what Jungkook had written.
I hope you enjoyed your time riding bikes with Hyung! It's a wonderful day, isn't it?
Reasons why I cherish you:
You tolerate my memes and actually send me memes back
Seeing you happy on succeeding in the smallest things makes me happy
I didn’t want to say anything but, remember you talking to that Shin guy, who disrespected you? I saw everything and had a talk with him, too.
“You did?” She murmured in surprise as she kept reading. She was curious about what he said to Shin since she thought she handled the situation quite well.
I still hope to this day that he isn’t bothering you and I hope you know that I’ll always protect you. All of Bangtan.
‘YMG’ was the scrambled word
“Gym.” She confirmed.
Namjoon stood up and stretched. “Let’s go together. I’ll take you there. I want to get a front row seat for this.”
“Whatchu mean?”
“You’ll see.”
His big smile was all that she needed to see, to figure out that something big was going to happen.
As soon as NamJen headed over to the gym, they noticed that no one else was in there. It seemed like someone rented the place for a little while so they wouldn’t be disturbed. As they kept walking, they saw a wrestling ring, while Jin, Jimin, Hobi, Taehyung and Yoongi were talking among themselves, sitting on chairs near the ring.
“Wait, why are all of you here?” Jennie’s question made the members turn to her.
“Finally!” Jimin rejoiced, clapping his hands together.
He looked pleased the finally see her.
“We’ve been waiting for you!” Jin added.
“I wanted a front row seat for this. There was no way I wanted to miss this.” Yoongi remarked.
“And I’m recording!” Hobi grinned, gesturing to the video camera in his hands. “Bangtan Bomb~!”
“So...what do I have to do?” She crossed her arms.
“You, missy, are going to be wrestling today,” Namjoon revealed while Yoongi handed him a referee shirt. “And I’m going to be the ref.”
Jennie raised her eyebrows in surprise. “E-excuse me? Wrestling? This ain’t WWE!”
“It will be today!” Jimin giggled.
“Pretend that you’re Goldberg!” Taehyung called out.
“Nah. I’d rather be Jazz. She was badass in the WWE Ring and wasn’t called the baddest bitch for nothing.” She shrugged. “So...who am I going up against?”
“Gotta find out. Go change!” Jimin handed her a gym bag and gestured for her to change in the locker room.
It looked like Diana had gathered some gym clothes for her to wrestle in.
After choosing her entrance theme, which was Sasha Banks’ Sky’s the Limit, to play along with this randomness occurring, she walked out through the curtain they put up by the door. Strutting out with swagger and sunglasses on her eyes, she decided to portray Sasha Banks, performing her trademark taunt as the members continued their loud cheers.
“This match is set for one fall! And it is for Jungkook’s next note and the K-Pop Championship! Introducing first! From America, she is our beloved, extraordinary Miss Bangtan, Jennie!" Jimin announced, holding a toy WWE Championship that was brought from a local Target.
Jennie outstretched her arms and spun around, nodding confidently. “The BOSS is here!" she placed the sunglasses on top of her head and strutted down to the ring, flipping her hair.
“WOOOOO!” Yoongi cheered, clapping loudly, jumping up and down.
“Ahhhhhhh~, that’s my munchkin! I raised her!” Hobi shouted.
“WE raised her!” Yoongi shouted back.
“Ennie! Ennie! Ennie!” Jimin and Taehyung chant.
They were so hyped up, it caused her to laugh as she got inside the ring. This was completely random but it was nice to do something goofy for a change. This was fun and the match didn't even begin yet.
Getting on top of the middle ropes, she outstretched her arms before patting her chest.
“The next K-Pop champion, right here! The boss!” she shouted to the crowd.
Jumping off the ropes, she stood in a corner of the ring, patiently waiting to see who she would be wrestling.
“And introducing her opponent...!” Jimin announced.
Shawn Michaels’ theme song came on the portable speaker, which caused Jen’s interest to intensify instantly as she listened to the familiar lyrics.
I think I’m cute
I know I’m sexy
I’ve got the looks that drive the girls wild
I’ve got the moves that really move ‘em
As soon as she saw who walked out of the curtain, she dropped her jaw while the boys immediately started booing. Namjoon, standing in the middle of the ring, covered his face and shook his head, feeling second-hand embarrassment while everyone observed Jin strutting out, blowing kisses in a feather boa with a T-shirt and shorts on.
“Oh, my God...no he didn’t.” She covered her mouth.
What the hell is going on???
“From South Korea, built with handsome shoulders and a handsome face, handsome Jin!” Jimin announced in giggles while the members continued to boo him.
“You can boo me all you want but I’m still flawless and handsome! No one can compare! I'm a sexy boy! I'm not your boy toy!” Jin blew a kiss right in front of the members before heading inside the ring and taking off the boa.
After his entrance theme song faded out, he faced off with Jennie in the middle of the ring.
“Sweetie, you are wrestling me, today! Gotta beat me to win the next note and the title.” Jin smiled.
Was this an early birthday gift?
“Oh my gosh, I get to beat up Jin!?” Jennie’s eyes widened with glee, turning to Namjoon who nodded in response. “Are you serious?! This is great! Let’s do this!”
In the background, she could hear the members cackle hysterically from her reaction. Jin was startled that she was so excited to fight him.
“H-hey!” Jin’s ears began to get red. “This isn’t supposed to be something you’re proud of! I raised you! I watched you bloom into a beautiful young woman and all you can say is how happy you are to beat me up!?”
“I mean...” She grinned sheepishly and shrugged. “I always wanted to.”
“I see how it is. Well, listen up little girl!” He poked her chest.
“Oooooohhhhhhhhhh!” The members looked on at the sudden gesture.
This was not going to end well.
“That is no way to treat the oldest member!” he went on. “But you are no match for Handsome Jin! I’m bigger than you and stronger than you! I will teach you some respect little girl! Do you know who I am!?”
“I’m sorry, what?” She brought her attention back to him which made him fume even more since she wasn’t listening to any of what he was saying.
“She just ignored me!” He sputtered. “How dare you!?”
“How dare you!?” Miss Bangtan mocked in a high voice.
“Don’t mock me!”
“Don’t mock me!” She mocked again.
“All right, all right. Enough. I want a clean fight. Either win by pinfall or submission.” Namjoon announced. “Ring the bell!”
Jennie and Jin circle around each other in the ring.
“Well, well, well, short little Miss Bangtan,” Jin quipped, taunting her with their height difference. “How’s the weather down there? Don’t you wish you could be as flawless as me?”
Looks like Jin was playing the “Heel” aka the bad guy for this match and she was the “Face” aka the good guy. To add to the bad guy persona, Jin continued to trash talk while she rolled her eyes and put a hand in front of his face.
“Excuse me! I am talking to you! You dare place your hand in front of this handsome face!?” He pushed her hand away and shoved her lightly, making her take a few steps back.
“Hey!” Taehyung stood up and called him out. “How dare you touch Jennie like that? Don’t push her!”
“Yeah!” Hobi yelled as he continued to film. “Meanie!”
“Hush!” Jin turned his attention to the crowd, yelling at them for their commentary.
As soon as he turned around, she ran and jumped right on top of him, making him stumble backward. The assault knocked him over his back while she repeatedly gave him strikes to the face.
“Ahhhhhh! Watch the face! Watch the face! Get her off!” He yelled over the members’ cheering, desperately covering his face.
“All right, get off before you get disqualified,” Namjoon warned as she finally got off him.
“What was that for!?” Jin exclaimed, backing up to sit by the corner.
“Sorry.” She giggled. “We’re still friends after this, right?”
“Depends on how hard you hit me!” He stood back on his feet but was assaulted again when she attacked with a backhand chop to the chest.
Yelling out in pain, he rubbed his chest, staring at her, baffled.
Provoked, he decided to give her a backhand chop to the chest in return, causing her to yell, “Ow!”
“You hurt me, too-ahhh!” He yelped when she slammed him back down to his back. "Why did I agree to this? I need a moment!" he groaned and rolled out of the ring, resuming his bad guy persona.
“Oh, come on!” Jennie complained.
“Boo! Get back in the ring!” Yoongi remarked with annoyance. “You suck! You suck! You suck!”
"You suck! You suck!" Jimin joined in.
“I said I need a minute! I’m going to win anyway-ahhh!” Jin yelled when Jennie grabbed a hold of his hair, pulling him back so he could crawl back into the ring.
He tried to beg for mercy after she released him but then caught her by grabbing her leg to make her fall down. Getting behind her, the oldest member wrapped an arm around her neck, placing her in a headlock submission while the members chant for her to not tap out.
“Do you submit?!” Namjoon asked, watching closely.
“No!” She yelled as she placed her hands on the arm that was tightly squeezing her neck.
She couldn’t give up right here, there was someone special to her, waiting for her and she couldn’t let him down. She was eager to see him and refused to let Jin stand in her way.
The members start clapping to motivate her. It looks like the guys watched a few wrestling matches to understand how the crowd reacted as she slowly got to her feet with Jin. She dropped down on her rear, making her head hit his jaw as he released the hold and stumbled back.
Getting back on her feet, she tried to kick him in the stomach but he caught it and shoved her back, causing her to fall on her butt, again. The oldest member started laughing at her and turned to the members who were booing him.
“You are looking at your new champion!” He gloated, blowing kisses.
When he turned around, his eyes widened when he saw Jennie diving off the top rope, landing right on top of him as he fell on his back. Adding insult to injury, she got back on the top rope and dropped an elbow on his chest before pinning him.
Namjoon went down for the pin. “One! Two! Kick out at two!”
“AHHHHHHHHHH~! Why did I agree to this!?” Jin screamed over the guys’ laughter when he was placed in an armbar.
She had a tight grip and he was not going anywhere as they were in the middle of the ring.
“Tap! Tap!” she yelled, using all her strength in the submission.
“Break his arm!” Yoongi yelled.
“We have a concert and a comeback soon! We need his arm!” Namjoon exclaimed.
Poor Jin was dying. If only he hadn’t lost that rock, paper, scissors game against the members, he wouldn’t be wrestling her, today. He thought this would be easy. But she really wanted that next note.
“Call the match! Call the match!” Jin yelled when he finally tapped out. “Call it! Call it!”
“Is he tapping?” Namjoon pretended not to notice.
“NAMJOON~!” he started kicking his legs, frequently tapping out. “CALL THE MATCH!”
Namjoon laughed and gestured to Jennie to release him. “All right, that’s enough. He tapped out. Winner!” He raised Jennie’s arm up in the air.
“Here is your winner! And the new K-Pop Champion! Jennie!” Jimin announced as the members cheered happily and jumped up and down, hugging each other in celebration.
Namjoon handed her the title and she raised it up in the air, in victory.
“Ayeeeee! That is what I’m talking about! You knew how this was gonna go! The Boss always wins!” She celebrated.
The members ran into the ring and Taehyung picked her up to sit on his shoulders while she raised the title up in the air.
“Handsome Jin! How do you feel about being defeated by Miss Bangtan?” Hobi asked behind his camera.
“Okay, I could have beaten her. I just went easy on her. She had luck on her side.” Jin tried to explain, getting back to his feet.
“Um, if I remember correctly, you don’t need luck when you’re the boss. So, no. You just couldn’t handle The Boss.” Jen quipped
“Jungkook owes me paid meals for a year after this.” He took out the note from his pocket and handed it to her. “Good job, sweetie.”
“Hahah, hope I didn’t hurt you, too much.” She got set down by Taehyung.
“Let’s...not...talk about that.” He rubbed his poor arm.
“And I got it all on film!” Hobi gleefully chimed in.
“You love seeing me like this, don’t you?” Jin tried to hit Hobi, who screamed in fear.
Before she read the note, the members wanted her to take a couple of photos to post on Twitter. First, she posed alone with the title, then she posed over a defeated Jin who pretended to look knocked out on the wrestling mat, and then a group selfie with all the members.
After taking a shower in the women’s locker room and changing into a grey sports bra, snug white hoodie, dark blue jeans, and grey Nikes, she opened up Jungkook’s note while sitting on the locker room bench.
Looks like you had fun beating up Hyung. I can't wait to watch it on film.
Reasons why I cherish you:
You come before all the girls I know in my life. (Well, except my mom, kekeke)
That made her chuckle softly. “And you come before all the guys except my dad.” She said softly.
You look at me for who I am. Not as an idol. But as a human being. As Jeon Jungkook on stage. You make me want to become a better person.
Go right outside the gym. There’s a red envelope on the bench. It’ll have the rest of what I wrote.
After the members offered to bring her new title and bag of clothes back to the hotel, she made her way outside of the gym to see the red envelope that Jimin had placed a few moments ago.
She took a seat and opened it, exhaling sharply as she took out the friendship ring. She examined the black ring and began to space out.
She remembered the time they were in class together in SOPA. He noticed that she was wearing the black friendship ring on her right index finger.
“You’re...you’re wearing it.” He whispered happily to himself.
“Huh?” Looking at what he was staring at, the realization hit her. “Oh, the ring! Yeah, of course. I wear it every day, actually...ever since you told me you cherished me and our friendship, it got me thinking. I couldn’t help but wear it every day. I guess...it’s because I’m really lucky to have a
friend like you in my life.” She blurted out.
Widening her eyes, she covered her mouth.
“Sorry, sorry, too much? I can take it off if you want.” She took her hand back and was about to take it off her right index finger but his warm hands stopped her.
“No. Don’t.” He said softly, pushing the ring back on her finger. “It-it makes me...very happy to see you wearing it. I wear my ring every day, too. Let’s continue wearing our rings every day.” He showed her his ring on his right index finger.
Snapping back to reality, her eyes began to sting and her chest tightened.
Come to think of it, Jungkook still wore his friendship ring despite the fight. She never saw him without it these past few days. It was still on his finger. Her heart pounded as she braced herself for what he had written next.
‘You said give it to someone else but I can’t because this ring was specifically made for you and you are the only Golden Girl I see wearing this...not Hayoon or Eunha.
Nothing can ever replace you and no one can make me as happy as you. I made a promise to cherish you. Let me keep it. You are so precious to me, I’m scared to lose you. I’m pretty darn proud to announce you as my Golden Best Friend. And I hope you are too...I can write more but there are too many reasons why I cherish you.
This is my last note. I think you know where I’m waiting for you...I hope you come. If you don’t and if you’re still mad at me...I understand.’
On the bottom of the note, he wrote turn over, and once she turned it over, she recognized that he drew cute comics of him and her together.
The first comic had her approaching him in his room, asking him about Iron Man. When their friendship kicked off.
The second was when he had given her the friendship ring.
The third was singing War of Hormone together.
The fourth was the scene of them eating lamb skewers after school
The last one was them holding hands with the caption Golden Duo.
It all began to be too much for her as the tears started to fall. She couldn’t handle this anymore and wanted to see him immediately.
How could she not come to see him after all of this?
She missed him.
She quickly wiped her tears and reread the last part of the note.
‘I think you know where I’m waiting for you.’
“Yeah...” She sniffed. “I know exactly where you are, you big bunny.”
She stood up and placed the ring back on her right index finger
Seated on a big towel, with his knees to his chest and arms crossed on top of his knees, the Golden Maknae watched the sky. It was almost time for the sun to set and the salty ocean air filled his nose.
He enjoyed checking the Twitter updates, smiling to himself as the warm breeze relaxed him. He giggled once he saw the wrestling pictures.
She looked so happy.
But he was still nervous.
Was she still mad at him?
Maybe his note was too vague and she didn’t know where he was.
He glanced at the strawberry pocky box on the towel, next to him and exhaled as he softly sang Nothing Like Us.
“Lately I’ve been thinking, thinking about what we had. I know it’s hard, it was all that we knew, yeah. Have you been drinking to take all the pain away? I wish that I could give you what you deserve. Cause nothing can ever, ever replace you. Nothing can make me feel like you do. Yeah, you know there’s no one, I can relate to. I know we won’t find a love that’s so true. There’s nothing like us, there’s nothing like you and me. Together through the storm.”
Abruptly, he felt a back lean up against him as he stopped singing. He lifted up his head once he heard a delicate voice behind him,
“There’s nothing like us, there’s nothing like you and me. Together.”
He began to smile softly, feeling his anxiousness go away. “I’m glad you’re here.”
“Me too,” Jennie answered. “I missed you.”
“I missed you, too...”
“Glad to hear.”
“I’ve been asking myself how I got so lucky to have a friend like you.”
“The feeling is mutual, Jungkook.”
“When I...think about you crying and hurting, it hurts me...a lot. And I can’t undo what I said to you.”
She shook her head. “It’s...it’s fine-“
“No. No, it’s not Jennie.” He turned around and sat behind her, wrapping his arms around her in a back hug. He began tearing up and his voice got shaky. “These past few days just haven’t been the same. I’m not happy because you’re not happy. All those things I said...that’s not cherishing. Forgive me. I know I hurt you-“
“Well, I hurt you, too.” She turned to sit in front of him. “I hurt you, too. I’m wrong about what I said, too. Not everything is your fault. You didn’t deserve all those things I said, either. I wish I could’ve handled the situation better, and spoken to you more calmly. I could’ve used my words differently, and calmly heard your point of view but, my emotions just got the best of me. It was petty.”
“I miss you,” she said softly. “A lot. I miss talking with you and hanging out with you. I miss how things used to be before we fought. It was selfish of me to say that hanging out with you isn’t a big deal. You’re a huge deal to me, Jungkook. Always. I’m sorry, too. When I’m in a rut, you’re there. No matter what, you always take time out of your day to help me with anything. Even if it’s something simple. Lamb skewers are very delicious, and I want to get some more with you after school when we go back. Just...thank you. For everything. What you did today, really boosted my mood and made me realize even more how lucky I am to have you in my life. All of Bangtan. You, seven guys, are a piece of work but you’re my family and welcomed me into your lives.”
He smiled as they sat beside each other, turning back to look at the ocean. Grabbing the box of pocky, he handed it to her with the package already opened and said, “I can’t eat these without you.”
She happily took a stick and leaned her head against his shoulder. “Let’s work on making sure this doesn’t happen again.”
“Right. Let’s make sure whenever we disagree, it won’t be as bad as this one.”
Leaning forward she pressed her lips against his cheek as Jungkook felt his face warm up.
“This was really sweet. And here.” she took out a banana milk bottle and handed it to him. “I know how much you like banana milk...so I picked up a bottle before I came here.”
He happily accepted it and helped himself to the drink. “I was actually craving one of these.”
“Golden Best Friends know best.” She nudged him as they shared a laugh, eating pocky and watching the ocean. “Today has been a long ass day. You had me all over the place. But it was so fun and worth it.”
“What was your favorite part?”
“Come on, a chance to wrestle Jin in the ring? We need to do that, again. That was so fun.”
“How’d you defeat him?”
“Ronda Rousey Armbar.”
Jungkook laughed loudly. “I cannot wait for hyung to show the film. We should watch it on the big screen when we’re back home.”
“Good idea. So you really meant all those things you said in those notes?”
“That and more.”
“What are the other reasons?”
“I’ll tell you when I’m ready.”
“Well, don’t keep a girl waiting, too long.”
“I won’t. I promise. I just need some time to get all my thoughts together.”
After they finished snacking, she stood up. "Come on! The sun is setting and I want to take some photos!"
Jungkook laughed and began filming her run down near the water as she jumped around happily. His laugh made it to the video and once he posted it, ARMY began to ask questions.
‘I was wondering where Jungkook was! That was him, right?’
‘Omg was that Jungkook in the background? They’re talking again!?’
‘That was definitely Jungkook!’
‘Finally! No more fighting.’
When Jennie took out her phone and started filming the ocean, suddenly Jungkook ran in front of the camera and she turned to film him goofily running away like a ninja from Naruto.
“ARMY, what are we going to do with him?” She asked on camera
After posting the video, she approached him. “Gosh, Kookie, you’re a mess.”
Once she realized what she had said, she felt her face warm up. "Ah, I forgot you don’t want me to call you that.”
His ears perked up from the nickname. He missed her calling him that.
“You can call me Kookie but on one condition.” He requested.
He grinned playfully and raised his eyebrows. “You admit that Iron Man is better than Captain America.”
“Oh, there is no way in hell.” She walked past him as he started to laugh.
“I guess you won’t be calling me Kookie anymore, then.” He shrugged.
Turning around she exclaimed, “Jungkook, you know Steve Rogers is way better than your little Tony STANK.”
“Hey! You take that back!”
“Tony Stank Ass!”
He narrowed his eyes. ”It’s STARK! Tony’s suit is the best, too! Not that stupid CAPSICLE!”
“HEY! You wish! Steve Rogers is the best. And he’s not stupid!”
“Guess no more Kookie for you.”
“Fine! Iron man...is...better than Captain America. Happy?” She grumbled, crossing her arms.
“I got that on film, too.” He giggled.
“Hey!” She tried to grab his phone while he held it to his chest, leaning back. “Give it! Delete that!” Jumping on his back, she tried to snatch it away but to no avail.
“No way! This is staying forever! Let go or I’ll post it on Twitter.”
Jen immediately jumped off. He wasn’t bluffing either. “I swear, one of these days...”
“One of these days what?” He teased.
“I might just kick your ass, that’s what.”
“I doubt that, baby girl.” He covered his mouth.
“Ah!” She called him out, pointing at him. “I didn’t give you permission to call me that, yet.”
“Fine. What do you want?”
“Hm...” She pretended to think.
“What? You want a video of me saying Captain America is better than Iron Man?”
“Nah, I have something better. I want you to agree to wear something for me.”
“I agree. Now, what is it?”
“Yes, you’ll fit it quite nicely. There’s a local costume shop around here. Let’s go there. I’ve been wanting you to wear this certain costume for a while.”
“Pssh, all I need to do is wear a costume? Fine. Let’s go.”
Walking around the streets of LA, Jennie periodically looked at her phone on the map app to make sure they were going the right way. “All right. It’s down this street. Follow me.” She mentioned as they crossed the street.
Once they walked into the huge costume shop, Jungkook wandered around to check out the various costumes.
“Do they have any Iron Man costumes?” He asked which caused Jennie to snort.
While she went to look for the section of the specific costume, Jungkook continued to browse around, thinking of Halloween costume ideas.
Noticing Jungkook wasn’t with her after a while, Jen decided to go find him and saw him looking awkward in front of two girls in their late teens. One with brown hair and another with raven hair. They immediately took a liking to his good looks and decided to boldly approach him.
The two looked like tourists who had no idea who BTS was. Just browsing around, and having fun for the summer.
He looked uncomfortable with the girls. And the language barrier didn’t help.
Jennie’s jaw clenched as she watched them. The raven-haired girl placed a hand on his shoulder, getting a feel of his muscles and the brunette had a flirty smile on her face, trying to subtly show how big her chest was.
They were trying too hard and it was cringeworthy.
And it lowkey started to piss Jennie off.
It high key started to piss Jennie off.
And that fake ass giggle coming from the brunette made her even more irked.
“Ugh, really?” Jennie rolled her eyes.
The way they were up in his personal space as he shyly averted his eyes with a forced smile and tried to respond in any type of English he could, made Jen exhale sharply through her nose. The two girls were too forward.
But two can play at that game.
Time to act petty.
“So, you around here?” The raven-haired girl leaned in close.
“I think he’s a little shy.” The brunette mentioned.
“That’s so cute. Has anyone ever told you that you have such a cute smile?”
‘Keep it classy, Jennie. Don’t be rowdy. Don’t make a scene. You’re representing BTS. Keep it as classy as possible.’ She thought to herself as she walked up to them, standing behind Jungkook.
Clearing her throat, she grabbed Jungkook by the arm, forcefully pulling him away from the raven-haired girl, to make him stand next to her instead.
“Babe! There you are! I was looking for you!” She spoke in English, wrapping her arms around his arm and turned to the girls with a smile, “I see you met my boyfriend.”
Jungkook snapped his head to her in shock, looking Jungshooked.
The girls, on the other hand, looked displeased. One because Jennie had interfered in their mission to target Jungkook and two because he was apparently taken.
“Boyfriend?” The raven-haired girl asked with disappointment.
“Yes, ma’am. Long distance relationships are tough but we’re doing just fine. He’s visiting for a while.” Jen glanced at them up and down with an intense stare which caused the brunette to take a step back.
This was really petty of Jennie but she couldn’t help it. She lowkey enjoyed it.
The raven-haired girl sighed and turned to her friend, murmuring, “It’s always the ugly girls that get the hottest guys. I just don’t get it.”
“I’m sorry, what was that?” Jen raised a brow. “You want to say it to my face instead of mumbling under your breath?”
“She said ugly girls like you always get the hottest guys,” The brunette spoke up. “Look at him and look at you. There is just no way. You’re not even good enough for him. How much did you pay him?”
Jennie shook her head at her statement, releasing Jungkook. It was sad people were like this in the world. “You know, it’s a shame to see beautiful women like you have such bitter, ugly personalities. Ever think that everything isn’t about looks? That people look deep in the personality department? You say I’m not good enough but he thinks I am. And I know I am.”
She stared them down, standing in front of Jungkook as he continued to look at them back and forth, trying to understand what they were saying in English.
“We’re happy. I’m not leaving, he’s not leaving. I am his and he is mine. So, do me a favor and back off my man.” Jennie demanded calmly.
Both girls were shocked at her explanation and chose the wrong guy to flirt with today. Their faces got red with embarrassment and they couldn’t even say anything back.
“I’m sorry that you don’t have someone that loves you like my boyfriend but don’t take it out on me.” Miss Bangtan frowned. “I’ll be praying for you. I hope that your life gets better and you find happiness within yourselves and then find yourselves a good man. But this man right here is taken and we’re both very lucky to have each other. So please, respect our relationship and back off.”
Jungkook only got bits and pieces of what Jennie was saying in her foreign language, but he got a clear idea of what she meant by the word “boyfriend.”
Both girls quickly apologized with their egos hurt and left the store to think about their lives after Jen’s statement.
Jennie huffed and rolled her eyes while walking deep into the costume shop and Jungkook followed her. She was still feeling some type of way watching them all up on him like that.
“I hate people.” She grumbled.
Jungkook on the other hand, couldn’t help but smile at the fact that she called him her boyfriend and her man. It sounded so genuine even if she was trying to get him out of that uncomfortable situation.
He kept staring at her as he followed her around. It felt nice to see her like this. So defensive and protective.
‘Is she jealous?’ He pondered.
It sounded too good to be true since he was always the one to get jealous of guys so close to her.
“What?” She asked with annoyance when she caught him staring.
'Yeah...she's jealous. Cute...' he thought, amused.
“You okay?” He asked calmly.
“Yep.” She answered briskly.
“You sure?”
“Are you mad?”
“Just a little irritation.” She grumbled.
She shouldn’t be surprised. Jungkook is a handsome guy. Heck, all those posts she sees on Tumblr of fangirls swooning over how hot he is, she had to admit that they weren’t lying. She shouldn’t be thinking of her best friend in that type of way but as they were getting older, she was starting to realize just how handsome he was and it was a little overwhelming because they’d been friends for so long.
But what stood out to her most wasn’t his looks. It was who he was as a person. How sweet he could be. His angelic vocals, his respectfulness. Even his adorable smile. She enjoyed seeing him laugh and his funny faces are one of many icings on the cake.
Seeing all these girls swooning over him, it was bound to happen.
She should be happy he’s getting the attention from women but...for some unknown reason, she felt a sense of jealousy. She had no idea where it was coming from and she couldn’t control how felt a few moments ago.
Jen noticed that some other girls around the store were occasionally glancing at him, checking him out, too. But clearly, they were looking at him like a piece of meat. But he was worth more than just someone to fool around with.
Next, she began to wonder how she’d feel if he started dating someone. Maybe a female idol or something.
Would she be sad? Happy?
The main concerns she had were, would they spend less time together because his girlfriend is his top priority?
Will there be no more movie nights and game nights because he wants to go on dates with his girlfriend and spend the night with her instead?
Will there be no more sleeping on beds together when going to each others’ rooms?
She didn’t want to think about that. It was something she was so used to that it became a routine and she didn't want it to stop.
“Lots of girls staring at you.” She unintentionally mentioned in a blunt tone as she walked around to search for the costume, she had in mind.
That came out harsher than she anticipated. She didn’t mean to say it like that.
Jungkook didn’t pay the women any mind and kept his eyes on Jennie as he followed her. “Oh really? I didn't notice.”
She turned around and lightly punched him on his hard chest. "Really? Jungkook, almost every girl in this store is staring at you. You don’t see that? Mister International Playboy?” She turned back around to browse.
“I guess because I’m just looking at you.” He whispered to himself, looking at her back. When he saw her turn around, he spoke up, “Those girls make it too easy. I like the chase and I know the chase will be worth it in the end with the girl I want.”
She looked at him and something in her heart fluttered at his intense gaze. It was like he was talking directly to her. She shook her head and let out a chuckle, getting that ridiculous thought out of her head.
“Well, whoever that girl will be, I hope she’s prepared for you and your nonsense.”
'You are,' he thought.
“I’m pretty sure she will be.” He spoke up and grinned.
“Ah ha! Here it is.” Jen’s mood was boosted when she found the costume. She took it off the shelf and revealed it to be Captain America’s costume from The Winter Soldier movie. “This bad boy.” She showed it off with a smirk.
Jungkook widened his eyes. “No. Absolutely no way, I could never betray Iron Man like this. Just let me say that Steve Rogers is better.”
“Oh. I guess I’ll just let the others call me baby girl then. Maybe Jimin and Tae will like to call me that.” She teased.
“I-I’ll delete the video so we’re even.”
“Please!” He pleaded.
Jungkook groaned and snatched the costume. He looked at it and exhaled. “...only for you.”
“Yay! Try it on. There’s a dressing room in here.”
After waiting five minutes, Jennie started laughing as she recorded him walking out with a playfully annoyed look.
“Oh yes, this is very nice, ahahaha!” She giggled. “Give ARMY a full look at the costume. Turn around, show it off.”
“I am going to kill you,” Jungkook grumbled. “You’re not getting away with this.”
“Ahahaha, I think I already did!”
After buying the costume, she made him wear it while they made their way back to the hotel. Taking out her phone, she tried not to laugh while she secretly filmed him. When he looked down at her phone he tried to take it from her as she broke out in laughter.
‘Captain Jungkook reporting for duty!’ She posted on Twitter and her post got various comments from ARMY on how funny JenKook was together and caused shippers to ship them more for how cute their friendship is.
Back at the hotel, Jennie went on her Instagram and checked out the recent comments. Some asked if she was okay and was glad that she and Jungkook were talking again.
She decided to respond with a quick selfie of her relaxing on her hotel bed with the caption, ‘Idol life is exhausting. So please remember that we are not machines and that we have feelings too. I try my best to eat when I can. I’m doing just fine, don’t worry. Your Bangtan Girl is A-OK. I’m happy and content.’ Which pleased many fans around the world.
After taking a trip to Target, Jennie made her way to Jungkook's room with a large bag of Nerf guns. He quickly let her in, still in the Captain America costume.
“Okay, I have an idea.” She grinned mischievously.
“I like that look. What’s that?” He pointed to the bag.
“I went out to buy Nerf guns. I'm ready to continue the prank war," she showed them off as his eyes sparkled in delight.
"This is awesome! Why'd you wait this long to do something so cool like this?"
She looked at him with a smile and lightly quoted the Captain America movie, "I guess I was just waiting for the right partner,"
His eyes softened as he let out a laugh. "I'm honored you chose me to do this with Agent Carter,"
"I'm sure you won't let me down, Rogers. So, do you remember the guys taking photos of us sleeping on the plane? You want to get them back?"
Jungkook smirked softly. "Definitely,"
“Great! Let’s do this.”
Putting a hand Nerf gun in her pocket, she held a big one while Jungkook placed two handguns in his pockets and held a big one.
“Who is our first target?” He asked while putting the ammo in the big gun.
“Let’s start with Tae.”
“Fine by me.”
“One more thing, Rogers," she took out Captain America’s Shield from the bag.
“Are you kidding me?” He deadpanned, glancing at the shield and then back at her.
“Come on. You gotta look the part.” She giggled
"Only for you," he replied as she placed the shield on his back. “One of these days, I’m going to make you wear one of those Iron Man costumes.”
“Ha! That’ll be the day. Are we ready to proceed?"
Getting into character, Jungkook nodded. "Yes, ma'am,"
"Good. Come on. We got a mission.”
Walking out of the room, they headed over to the room Taehyung shared with Namjoon. Knocking on the door, Jennie and Jungkook pressed their backs against the wall, out of sight, waiting for the door to open.
Once Namjoon opened up the door, he looked to the left and didn’t see anyone.
“Charge!” Jennie shouted and ran into the room with Jungkook, firing away, causing their leader to fall on the floor. “Take care of Tae, I got him!” She jumped on top of Namjoon, to keep him from escaping
“What the hell!? What is going on!? Get off!” He started laughing.
If it was a war they wanted, then they would get one. Because ever since that wrestling match at the gym, Namjoon had been in a playful mood. He tried to steal Jen’s gun as she tried to pull it away from him.
Meanwhile, Jungkook, ran into the bathroom to see Taehyung in a towel. The Golden Maknae attacked him with the Nerf darts, causing Tae to try to run away from the assault but ended up stumbling back into the shower. Taehyung’s laughter was heard loudly as Jungkook ran out of the bathroom, grabbing Jennie to escape the room.
Namjoon got back on his feet to see Tae quickly changing so he could get in all the action. “Prepare yourself, Taehyung. They’re going to get it. That was a preemptive strike. But it will not happen again on my watch.”
Back with JenKook, they dashed to Jin and Hobi’s room, stifling their laughter. Knocking on the door, Hobi answered it and started screaming when Jennie started shooting him.
“AHHHHH!” He ran back into the room with her running after him, jumping right on top of him
“Ahhhh! What is going on!?” Jin hid under the bed to try to avoid being shot at.
“Nerf war!” Jungkook announced, dragging him out of the bed.
Loud screams, laughter and shooting sounds were heard around the room. After the assault, the troublemakers ran out of the room to go after Suga and Jimin last.
"We need to buy some Nerf guns. Let's go! They can't get away with this," Jin said, getting ready with Hobi.
With Jennie and Jungkook, they walked towards Yoongi and Jimin's room.
“This may be a little hard because Yoongi may retaliate,” Jen warned.
“I’m sure we’ll be fine.” He reassured and knocked on the door.
Jimin answered it and was delighted to see JenKook together. It looked like the plan worked.
“Hey, guys-ahh!” He yelped when he was shot, running away to try to find some cover. “What is this?!” He laughed in confusion.
Jennie turned to the bed to see Yoongi napping, unaware of what was happening.
“Time to prepare my funeral.” She announced and began shooting at him.
He quickly woke up, bothered, and then got hit on the forehead with one of the Nerf darts.
“Son of a b-“ He dashed off the bed.
“Oh shit!” Jennie quickly opened the door and dashed away with Jungkook.
An angry Yoongi ran after them with Jimin trailing behind.
“Get the fuck back here!” Yoongi yelled. The Daegu rapper was running faster than usual and it made Jennie start to panic.
“Fall back! Fall back!” Jungkook yelled.
Jen tripped and fell, rolling over the floor a couple of times before quickly getting back on her feet.
“Keep running! Keep running, I’m fine! I’m fine!” She shouted before Jungkook could stop and ask.
“Hyung! Wait! I have a plan!” Jimin managed to calm Yoongi down. “Come back to the room, I got something to get them back. Don’t worry. Let’s gather the other members. They may have Nerf guns but let's go buy some too! We need to get them back."
20 minutes later with JenKook, they hid around the floor and tried to remain alert if any members would try to find them.
“You think they’re coming for us?” She asked with anticipation.
“I think so. They’re probably going to be sly about it. Keep on your toes.” He warned as they walked around the hallway, cautiously.
Jennie stopped walking and placed an arm in front of Jungkook to stop him. “Kook...” She alerted as they saw Jimin and Yoongi with huge Nerf guns.
“Jungkookie! Ennie! Thanks for that sneak attack. But now we’d like our revenge now, hehehehe.” Jimin waved.
“You have a plan?” She whispered to him.
“Yes. I do have a plan.” He announced.
“What’s that?”
“Attack.” The Golden Maknae started shooting at them.
He made use of the Captain America Shield, kneeling with Jennie, to block their shots. The battle was intense as both teams continued the assault. Jungkook moved forward while she watched his back.
Jennie yelped when she was suddenly grabbed by Taehyung from behind as he tried to yank the gun out of her hands.
Quickly, she escaped his hold and shot him right in the chest.
“I’ve been shot!” He dramatically fell to the ground.
The Golden Maknae turned around to see the commotion behind him, impressed by Miss Bangtan’s offense.
Turning around, Jennie saw Namjoon aiming to shoot Jungkook from behind.
“Kook, duck!” She yelled and quickly shot Namjoon, who dramatically fell down.
“All right, time to go!” Jungkook scooped her up in his arms, bridal style.
He started running, aiming to head to the elevator while Jen wrapped her arms around his neck, continuing to shoot at the members who tried to run after them. Jimin went down when he was shot but she couldn’t manage to hit Yoongi at all.
Running right into the elevator, Jungkook set her down and quickly pressed the top floor button while Jen mashed the close door button.
“Hurry up! Hurry up! Hurry up!” She exclaimed as the door finally started closing.
Once it shut just in time before Yoongi could get inside, they sighed out of relief and relaxed. Jungkook took off the Captain America helmet and ruffled his hair.
“That was close.” he huffed as his chest rose and fell at a rapid rate. “You okay, Agent Carter?”
"All thanks to you. I'm fine,"
“Thanks for saving me out there.”
“Always. I got you,”
"I got you, first," he quoted Iron Man with a smile.
The elevator stopped and they noticed that it was not on the top floor yet as they saw Jin and Hobi once the doors opened. They all widened their eyes and yelled in shock. Jin and Hobi quickly tried to get inside while JenKook desperately tried to push them out the door.
Once they managed to get in, the door closed and continued its route to the top floor. Jennie jumped on Hobi’s back, putting him in a headlock as he screamed and tried to get her off. And Jungkook managed to playfully beat down Jin with no mercy.
“I raised you two! This is not how you treat the oldest member!” Jin exclaimed as he tried to block Jungkook’s hits.
When the elevator opened again, thanks to Hobi pressing one of the floors, Jin stumbled out of the elevator. Jennie, off of Hobi’s back while Jungkook went after him, got her leg grabbed by Jin as he tried to pull her out of the elevator.
Miss Bangtan started laughing and desperately tried to hold onto the elevator while Jin continued to drag her out.
“Kook!” She yelled for help
“I got you!” Jungkook grabbed her hands and started to pull her back inside the elevator.
Hobi started pushing the Golden Maknae out of the elevator next while Jin released Jennie as she went back in. The oldest member grabbed onto Jungkook instead. This time, Jennie tried to grab a hold of Jungkook, making sure he didn't stumble out of the elevator.
This was exhausting. They just won’t quit and leave the 97 Liners alone. All they wanted was a little revenge.
Jennie shoved Hobi out of the elevator and thankfully it closed so it could be a two on one assault against Jin. JenKook beat him down and he stayed on the floor, exhausted.
“You win! You win! I can’t do this anymore.” He gave up.
Once the elevator opened again, unfortunately, Namjoon happened to be on the floor and he quickly helped Jin while JenKook tried to wrestle him. Their guns were taken away by Hobi, so they were defenseless and had to use their hands instead.
“H-hey!” Jennie exclaimed when Jin managed to drag her out of the elevator to separate her from Jungkook.
Namjoon continued to block Jungkook's way from going after her while Jin started dragging her away.
“Jungkook!” She yelled but the elevator door closed with him still inside with Namjoon.
Jungkook felt a sense of annoyance. Of course, they would want to separate them. And now he had to deal with Namjoon as he tried to wrestle him. When the door opened again on the next floor, he made a run for it while the leader ran after him.
The Golden Maknae bumped into Taehyung and Jimin and he thought that he was done for but they went on to gang up on Namjoon instead.
“Find Ennie! I got this, Jungkookie. Go with Tae.” Jimin giggled, wanting Jennie and Jungkook to spend more time together.
To Jennie, she was over Jin’s shoulder while she tried to kick and squirm her way out but to no avail. She was already exhausted from running away and wrestling the members. After five minutes, she saw Jungkook nearby and he signaled her to remain quiet.
She watches as he and Taehyung snuck up on Jin. Taehyung decided to distract Jin and convince him to give Jennie to him instead. Once he set her down, he got attacked by him and Jungkook as Jin yelled about how much of a traitor Taehyung was.
Taehyung gestured for Jennie and Jungkook to hurry up and leave as they ran to the elevator and watched the doors close.
“Okay...” Jennie huffed. “This isn’t going to work. Take off the costume.”
“This is too noticeable. As much as I love you in that costume, if we’re going to be stealthy, you can’t wear it. It’s too much exposure.” She began taking off the brown leather suspender.
Unzipping the top for him, she let him take over as he took the entire costume off, leaving him in his street clothes.
“So glad this is a reversible hoodie.” She unzipped her white hoodie and took it off her, turning it inside out so it was black. Putting it back on, she leaves it unzipped while she places her hair in a ponytail. It looked like a new outfit, already.
Jungkook averted his eyes when he caught a glimpse of her chest and his face turned pink.
As she zipped up the hoodie, she placed the hood over her head. She turned to him and placed his hood over his head since he was wearing a light hoodie under the costume.
Once the elevator stopped back on the floor they stayed on, they walked out.
“All right. Move now. Move fast. Put your arm around me.” She said as they kept their heads down, walking hastily.
Walking through the hallway, their mission was to be able to escape everyone by going back to Jennie’s room. However, it seemed like that wouldn’t be happening because she could hear Namjoon and Hobi nearby.
“Crap...” She grumbled. “Stay there. I have a plan. I hope this works and they can walk the other way.”
With Jungkook staying behind, he watched as she walked down the hallway with her phone against her ear. Her back was turned away from where Namjoon was walking.
Changing her voice, she ended up letting out a sob in English, "What!? What do you mean you're breaking up with me!?"
This caused Namjoon to quickly turn and go the other way, not wanting to be near the commotion.
“How dare you break up with me over the phone!? Excuse me!?" she went on, dramatically crying, while Jungkook tried his best not to laugh at her antics.
Once Jen managed to see Namjoon going the other way with Hobi, she dropped her act and sighed out of relief. Turning to Jungkook, she grinned. "Mission accomplished. Come on, maybe we can find Diana’s hotel room and hide out in there for the rest of the night. The members aren’t going to stop until they find us.”
“Good idea.”
They soon heard more members around the area, most likely Yoongi and Jin near the end of the hall. Hearing their voices getting closer, Jen backed Jungkook up against the nearest wall.
“I have another idea. This can go either good or bad. And I’m hoping for the good. And only if you’re comfortable with it.” She explained.
“What’s the idea?”
“Okay. Wrap your arms around me.”
“Like Natasha Romanoff said to Steve Rogers, public displays of affection always make people uncomfortable.” She reminded, thinking about the movie. “You need to get touchy with me. So...can you act like we’re dating?”
He blinked at her. “Act like we’re dating?”
“Yeah and maybe look at me like you would look at someone you love? Like...IU. You’re always fanboying about her, which I always think is cute. Pretend I’m IU.”
After a moment, she began to rethink her plan. Looking down, she nodded to herself. "Is that too much to ask? Okay then let's-"
She was cut off when her chin was suddenly lifted up to meet his gaze. She couldn't take her eyes off his mesmerizing stare as her stomach flipped once again.
Jungkook made them switch places so she was now against the wall, maintaining eye contact.
There was that feeling again. Her body felt warm and her heart was starting to feel weird. Feeling his strong arms around her waist, she averted her eyes as he pulled her closer.
"This okay?" he asked softly.
"Yeah. That’s good. Re-ally good.” she stuttered.
'She's nervous again...cute...' he thought.
“I don’t think couples are supposed to be nervous around each other.” He teased, making her stomach flip again.
How obvious was she?
“I’m not nervous,” she affirmed
“Then look at your boyfriend, honey.” He responded softly, playing the part with his confidence growing.
With those words, she couldn’t fight that broad smile on her face. Looking up, she held his stare and saw that adorable smile up close. A sense of joy came over her and she decided to wrap her arms around his neck. Standing on his toes, she leaned up close to him, pulling him down closer to her face as he pressed his forehead against hers.
“Your girlfriend is looking at you. Happy, Jungkook-ah?” She said his name affectionally, smiling sweetly.
Jungkook’s pupils dilated. “Don’t do that...”
“Why not?” She teased. “Am I making you nervous, now?”
‘It’s because I can get used to you saying my name like that and it’s getting harder to resist kissing you.’ He thought to himself as he glanced at her lips.
Before he could say anything out loud, they heard Jin’s voice get louder. From the position they were in, it looked like they were about to kiss. They were playing the part of a couple showing affection in public well.
Jin walked around. “Let’s try this way-” He said but then began to back away once he saw them. “A-actually let’s go this way instead.”
He turned away uncomfortably and left with Yoongi.
Even after the members left, Jennie and Jungkook stayed where they were, looking into each other's eyes.
After a little while, she spoke up, "Kookie?"
"...I think they left,"
"...Sorry, I didn't notice,"
It seemed like they both reluctantly pulled away and Jungkook took a step back.
Suddenly, they noticed a maid near them with her cleaning equipment. And Jennie recognized the woman as Miss Joyce who she had seen before when she left Jungkook's room.
"Good evening," Miss Joyce greeted, glancing at the two. She gave Jennie a knowing look, smiling sweetly, pleased to see that they made up.
She definitely heard and saw all of that and Jen remembered the conversation she had with her about Jungkook not being her boyfriend and how they had a fight. And it looked like Miss Joyce's prediction of them making up came true.
The Golden Duo greeted her kindly in response.
'Not your boyfriend, huh? Adorable kids...' Miss Joyce chuckled to herself and walked down the hall.
Letting out a sigh, Jennie began to walk in the direction of Diana's room with him.
"Okay, to Diana's room we go," she announced.
"Yes, ma'am," Jungkook replied with a grin.
"So, you still uncomfortable?” she asked, quoting Natasha.
He let out a chuckle, playing along, "Uncomfortable isn’t even the word to describe what I’m feeling.”
They shared a laugh and before they knew it they arrived at Diana's door. Jennie knocked a few times until she opened it, shaking her head.
"You two are going to be the death of me, do you hear? I know y'all got noise complaints from your Nerf battle. I heard a lot of yelling," Diana teased.
"Ah, we'll take the blame. It was worth it," Jennie chuckled as she walked in with Jungkook. "Can we hang here until the heat dies down?"
"By all means. I'm headed out anyway to go to the gym downstairs. Make yourselves comfortable,"