snakegorl212006 - Random Things
Random Things

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180 posts




You’re a victim of a funny thing called circumstances. Your parents weren’t as well off as you believed throughout your childhood. Due to your parents' terrible money problems, they sold you off to some wealthy family…or two...assuming it’s just 2… On your 18th birthday you were sent off to live in a seamlessly empty property unknowingly to you, 7 clans of vampires settled on agreement some time before your arrival to “share”the human sold to them just to contain the “peace” . I wonder how long that’ll last.

----------------------------------vampire au masterlist-----------------

Welcome to your new home(warning:it’s short not a long read)

Welcome to your new home pt 2

Late night Invitation(warning:it’s short not a long read)

Lord Vanrouge(warning:it’s short not a long read)

Feast with the 7 lords 1 and 2 

Rare Blood pt 1 and pt 2

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More Posts from Snakegorl212006

1 year ago

The “little things” they do  (Pomefiore)

The Little Things They Do (Pomefiore)

--------------Epel--------------------------------------------- “Uug i can’t stand him” epel groans as he aggressively carves another apple “always nagging like he’s my mom or something.” he huffs as he finishes the final details “why do you stay with a man like that” epel mumbles. He and vil got into a heated argument again. Only god knows what they’re on about this time but it was way too early for any of that. “Well..maybe he’s just looking after us” i stated “sure sure, ‘taking care of us’. Do you truly believe that” he asked “well he has made sure i’ve eaten and have a healthy-ish sleep schedule” i replied “i wouldn't blame you for you thinking such things though” i mumbled as i leaned back on the apple tree. “Why do you always defend him… have you forgotten what has happened here” epel asked. His expression saddened “I’m not defending him entirely-. How about this? How about i ask him to lay off” i suggested “by yourself” epel asked “no it’s fine. You shouldn't” epel said as he picks up another apple “why. Don’t you want him to get off your back” I asked “yes but i don’t want you to go by yourself with him” epel replied “why not. Vil hasen’t-” “i don’t want you to die again ok gosh” he huffs angrily “epel.. Did you have a nightmare or something” i asked with a slight sigh “you don’t….I guess you can say it’s a nightmare” epel mumbled “do you want to tell me about it” i asked “ were hurt really bad.blood was everywhere and-” epel paused “I don’t want to talk about it anymore” he said. “Just don’t trust vil with anything. Don’t even dare.not even rook alright. Trust me. It’s for the best” epel said as he looked at me dead in my eyes “ok.. I won’t…. How about we made some dessert over with trey. I think he can make some apple pie.” i offered, which made him smile “gosh you’r the best. Always know how to make lil ole me happy” epel said as he grabs my hand “lets go then” epel adds as he drags me up and away to heartslabyul. Must be one nasty nightmare for him to act like that.

----------Rook--------------------------------------------------- “Bonsoir, mon cher” a voice spoke behind me, shocking me out of my skin “oop. Sorry i never meant to scare you” rook said “it’s fine just don’t do that again. Anyways what brings you here” i asked “I enjoy visiting the gardens in,the now, Savanaclaw wing. It brings me much nostalgic memories” he smiles “say may I be of aid. I also do enjoy a little garden work” Rook asked “well leona isn't going to do it so might as well. “Parfait! Je vous remercie, mon cher” he replied, kissing my hand before warding off somewhere else. I can never get used to his eccentricness. While planting some new plants that came in i came across something hard.I digged deeper to see something white…my stomach turns praying to anyone that this isen’t what i think it is “i suppose i made that one too shallow” Rook spoke which made me jump, tripping on the water hose making me fall. Rook grabbed that white thing and to my horror. It was a human femur “you know this place was the original garden Vil and i use to bury our victims to sustain the plants. We kinda stolen this from Roi de Fort and his crime schemes” rook said as he examines the bone “Don’t worry. You weren’t buried here. But if you desire it mon cher-” Rook stated as he look down at me “nonononononono. I'm fine. Just put that back i i need to go-” i replied then he laughs “you have that same reaction too~ ma parole, is this what you call daja vu. Not to worry. I’ll finish this from here” Rook reasured as he picks up the shovel and buries back the bone. I left for him to continue hiding that….”how many bodies are even on this property”

------------Vil------------------------------------------ “Vil, are you here” I asked as I entered the wing. Apparently he hasn't been himself lately even got epel concerned. Rook asked me to go have a chat with him. Make him feel better I suppose. “vil.Are you alright” I asked, waiting for some signs. When there was no answer I pulled out the necklace from my shirt and followed the vibrations. This leads me to his room. I knocked “vil. Is something wrong” i asked. The door opened to see vil looking less than himself. His hair all shriveled, eyeliner running down from his eyes overall he looks pitiful. “Is there anything i could do” i asked and he sighed “just….sit down” he said sounding more irritated. Did epel and him get into another argument? I entered his room to see a mess. But I ignored it and sat on the bed. Vil walks to the vanity and starts his nightly routine in silence. “You know. You look like someone i knew” Vil said as he brushed out his hair “you know i feel like this’ll be a common occurrence” i replied which made him smile a little “what were they like” i asked “Schön…” he smiled as he finished up. “What happened to them” I asked “oh, it was an accident…” he replied rather quickly “that’s all you need to know.” he said as he turns off the lights “if you wouldn't mind. Can you stay here tonight? I’ve been having trouble sleeping as of late. Perhaps you can keep me company.afterall you did come here to make me feel better” he asked. I thought about it and nod “nothing funny ok” I replied. He grabs my hand and lays down next to me. I took off my shoes and slept next to him.  I was awakened by a shift on the bed. I couldn't open my eyes or even move but all i heard was soft sobs as tears on my chest “i'm sorry... I’m so sorry…” I heard vil say “this won’t happen. Not again” he adds as he holds me tight “I promise.I will obtain that happily ever after you so desire. Things will return to normal….I promise” Vil mumbles more as I feel his grip tighten “I’m not letting you relive that nightmare...Not again…”

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1 year ago

Diasomnia  Journal Entries

DiasomniaJournal Entries

---------------Malleus Draconia----------------------------- -Called him Tsunotarou/Hornton for the longest time -Vil,surprisingly, told me his actual name -despite being a ghost who’s supposed to reside and be found mostly in his own wing, he’s actually mostly founded in the woods outside my house -i did some digging to this guy and all i see are legends -malleus was cruel and cunning individual -he ruled the land with a iron fist and would punish anyone getting in his way -i asked him about it to which he only made him said -”even now stories. The only history they see of me is only filled with blood and brimstone” -he tells his own story and the many names he has been called. -over the years even after death, people seek any means into destroying him   -i asked him what made him bite the dust (and then explaining that i'm asking him how he died as he doesn't know who Queen is.) -he told me he placed a curse on these grounds which cost him his life -whatever ritual he did permanently made him part of this castle of a wing -though,especially after what happened to my door, i don’t underestimate the guy -but he acts like a complete and total sweet heart -unlike azul who half of the time he’s most likely faking, he’s completely genuine -but i would say. Possessive should be his middle name -literally would not like for me to leave at all -i sometimes accidentally overhear conversations between lilia and him about some diabolical plans to lock me away or finding out some elaborate way to get an attachment. -i’m hoping still i don’t have to figure out what he’s like when he doesn't get his way (Aka; me not consenting to have an attachment.)

-----------------------Silver------------------------------ -that explains why there’s so much wildlife -something about this guy literally makes him the embodiment of every disney princess -he’s also a little sleeping beauty -not only he has a pretty face but, he’s prolonged to sleep spells -he says he always had this problem as long as he could remember -he sometimes pops out of nowhere and i blame lilia and malleus for this behavior -an illness is what got him unfortunately -he’s also very sweet. -he protects me from lilia’s cooking(forever grateful) -silver also comes to me for advice as lilia,unlike everyone else here, keeps up with modern times -i had to become his personal google translator so he can understand his father lilia -he’s also almost as gullible as kalim -I just happen to idly spin my broom stick around and now Silver thinks I know my way around weapons,specifically a sword. -he had a desire to train with me one day -i asked him what killed him and he told me he got caught with a plague -i felt bad for him for he’s genuinely pretty sweet -terrible way to go down that’s for sure -he told me that lilia saved his life with a last minute attachment,by choice, which allowed him to become a ghost -”sebek and others though i recovered fully due to this no knowing the truth that i was just a ghost like lord malleus and sir lilia”

------------Sebek Zigvolt------------------------------------ -loud -ill tempered -borderline racist -has a high distance for humans which is ironic to say the least -bost about his abilities often and love to talk about malleus -he is super smart and knows a lot in terms of core subjects -he actually doesn't walk around with that heavy armor 24/7 -very protective of his master and idolized him -i did ask him how he pasted which got him boating how he was slain by the hands of his master -i said i was sorry and he got angry and said “Being slain by Wakasama is the greatest honor a warrior could achieve” -i played along and apologize -he’s strong and often helps me with cleaning and arranging things -he expressed great happiness when i gifted him a old painting of malleus(who i bought from sam) -aside from the usual complaining and worshiping the grounds that malleus walks across, he’s really……obsessed with my demise -half of the time i can’t comprehend if he hates me or wants me to become a ghost like them -i mean i’m human and he doesn't like me much but he always is present and advocates with any idea on how to get me to turn into one of them…

--------Lilia Vanrouge------------------------------- -a cryptic old man with the personality and body of a young man in his early twenties - i also feel like he really wants me dead, yet he treats me like he’ve been best friends for the longest time -likes to tell interesting stories of his youth and his time with malleus -he actually gains a camera at some point in time and took pictures which weren’t half bad. -there is a painting somewhere in this wing were a old full body portrait of lilia back when he was army general(still tying to find but he keeps actively moving the dang painting 😤) -based on this i can confidently assume that they have been alive for over 700 years -he said i wasn't far off yet never elaborated further -he makes many,and i mean many, attempts to make me feel comfortable in the Diasomnia wing -this involves in locking me in the wing possibly taking the same idea from jamil’s attempts -bats sometimes flutter around him which ended up being one more creature to take care of -for some odd reason he’s more connected to modern day news ,topics and trends. -he has requested to have a laptop but the way the wing is set up, he has to used electrical outlets from other wings -which then he elightens me of the capacity of the ghost that resides here -this is when i figured out about their paranormal magic and energy usage -this explains on how malleus was able to travel to the woods outside the main house and how some ghost actual know each other -for example leona,who hates him, and vil knows about malleus

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1 year ago

The “Little Things” they do(Savanaclaw)

The Little Things They Do(Savanaclaw)

--------------------Jack------------------------ I assumed he ran out of energy again. The gym was a mess. Weights everywhere,water on the floor, even bars. Almost like a hurricane passed though. Not wanting a mess I began cleaning. Putting weights in the correct spot and order, bars on handles and water cleaned up. While finishing up i felt a cold heavy weight on my back. Although I was a bit startled, I had a feeling it was jack behind me. I sighed slightly and began walking him out of the gym and to his old room. Surely ghosts need rest. I plopped him down on the bed even though he's barely visible. He looked like some miserable dog with his ears down, almost defeated expression. I felt bad. "I’m gonna leave so you can chill” I said as I stood up and began to leave the room “I'm sorry” jack mumbled. I turned around to see he'd faded out. Wonder what he’s sorry about. ---------------------Ruggie----------------------------------- “Ok this is getting ridiculous” i mumbled. “Ruggie” I called out the ghost “yesss” he answer as he peeked through the door “have you been rearranging or stealing my clothes” i asked “hmmmm… maybe” he replied “seriously?” i asked “nope” he smiled and i sighed “can you just give them back” i asked “what would you give me” he smirked mischievously “i have nothing of interest unless you want me to make you food” i offered “hmm.. Donuts and your attention for a day.” he said “ok fine just give me my clothes back” i huffed he smiled widely and disappeared.

The day has gone by and as promised, Ruggie would give my things back by tonight. Once I returned to my room, a large pile of clothes and other miscellaneous things layed on my bed. The more I sifted through, the more disturbing the items got. Cloths to my underwear to missing soap bottles to my chapstick/lipsticks. What was he doing with all this --------------------Leona--------------------------- “Chess? Sure I doubt I remember how to play” i stated “don’t worry about it just sit down” leona said. I shrugged and sat on the table across from leona. There on the table was a classical chess set. “You go first,” Leona said. We committed plays back and forth. We barely spoke so the birds in the gardens occupied the focus atmosphere. “It’s kinda random you invited me here” i said as i placed down a pawn “ghost around here invite you all the time. How is this any different” he replied playing down his rook “well.. You barely acknowledge my presence nor care to move out the way when I’m cleaning the wing so i assume you want nothing to do with me” i replied “well you suddenly appeared in my manor how else was i supposed to react to you” he scoff “should i just leave then” i teased as i placed down my piece. Suddenly he grabbed my wrist and twisted it forcing me out of my chair “leona what the-” i was interrupted by coughing. My body felt weak and dry causing me to cough violently “leave then i have no choice but to kill you” he spoke calmly as he moved his pieces “checkmate” he started dropping my wrist . my body regained normal functions and that dryness faded away although that didn’t stop the coughing. I looked down at my hands and the floor to check for signs of blood,fortunately there was none… when i turned back to the table to scold even yell at this guy he’s already left the scene. What even was that?

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1 year ago

Tseng Headcanons


----dating them includes----------------------

-Office trips Being a turk and all Tseng would mostly be locked up in his office so you normally go over to the shinra building to spend some time over there

-Secret but also not so secret relationship He wouldn’t go around saying he’s dating you but he also is not the person to keep it locked away. The only reason he’s not to open about it is because your Aerith’s biological sister and doesn't want anyone like hojo to take you away

-dates Dates,depending on the month, are pretty common between you two. You normally improvise random places to go and never fail to surprise Tseng. One day you saved enough money to buy a reservation to a restaurant and he absolutely enjoyed it. But he wouldn’t mind a small stroll in the woods.

-Encouragement Things get tough on all sides so both of you become each other's beacon of light. If one of you is down you have the other picking you back up. In short you are his you’re counselor and you are his counselor

----How do they get your attention---------------

He would straddle you on his lap. No matter if you're in his office or at his home you would straddle you on his lap if you get your attention. Sometimes if he feels like it he would rub your back with his cold hands or nuzzle your shoulder. He would not do that to you unless he’s really busy but he doesn't mind if you do it as it calms him.

---What happens when there jealous-----------------

- the most rational person - he actually aspects this to happen and knows how to deal with the situation - lf a person is flirting with you he’ll calmly tell them your taken -if it’s a creep he’ll politely tell them to screw off and belittle them, just a little -he wouldn't make any irrational decisions

--How would they react when there S/o says "I love you"-------

-would have the conversation recorded not gonna lie -it gives him some comfort and reassurance -if you say I love you to him you’ll get yourself a kiss -low key looks like he isn’t phased by it but he gives a small smile though


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1 year ago

Exploration(final part)


Exploration(final Part)

My heart drops when I approach this wing. Might as well be a castle. Grim cowers behind me sensing the same bad vibes as me. I clutched onto the flashlight ortho gave me and put on my brave face “you can do this. You can-” i jumped as the door opened. I sighed and i causley entered the wing. As soon as I entered the door slammed shut behind me. Nope nope nope nope. I cave sam will just have to get the 6 wings and i never have to never do this again. I turned the handle. It didn’t budge. I can hear grim meowing from the otherside. Wait…..he’s outside. Ok ok ok ok…. Let's get this over with. I can only assume grim is trying to find another way in. I turned on the flashlight and pointed at the lobby.  When I pointed the light upwards I spotted a slight shadow walking downstairs which made the light flicker. I froze. When the lights worked back again the shadow was gone. I gulped as I began trembling up stairs. Up stairs I felt nothing but cold sweat as I held on my forever vibrating necklace. “You human over there” A voice boomed through the silence. I jumped over the loud voice as I turned to see a young man dressed similarly to a knight decked in armor. His eyes glared at me which pierced my soul. “The young master wishes for your presents. It would be shameful of you if you make him wait longer” he scolded as he bore his fangs. Lord have mercy im freaking terrified. The more i owleshly looked at him the more inrage he became “Im i not speaking in the common tongue. Are you too dumb to understand the words which flow through thine mouth? Or perhaps you barely know how to move.fine i shall escort you myself” he declared which snapped me out of that minor moment of fear and stepped back “Are you making plans to escape!? YOu run away from our lord! Have you no shame. You stay there I shall escort you WITHOUT incident” He exclaimed. Yep imma book it. I ran away as I heard thumping and the clustering of armor as that loud knight ran after me. I turned the corner sliding in the progress because of the rug which ended up tripping the knight on the way which gave me time to loop back around and practically jump down the stairs. The back door. The door to the  gardens should be open. I ran through the hallway in the middle of the stairs “cease Your running human” his voice boomed again as i used what’s left of my adrenaline and stamina and burst through the back door and ran all the way to the garden woods. I have no idea how far I was but I was wheezing and panting as I tried to catch my breath as my heart ran miles. I collapsed on my knees needing some form of rest.hissing was heard from a distance. I looked up to see a swarm of bats and grim hanging from the scruffle. Great, I have to rescue him this time. I huffed as I regained some of my stamina. I grabbed back my flashlight and checked if it still worked,lucky it still does, and began my journey through the woods. I continued walking to where I reached the center where there was a large dome. Maybe not as big as savanaclaw’s but it was massive to say the least. I entered the dome and searched for grim. As soon as I entered the flashlight stopped working. I had to rely on the moon as I searched for that cat. Then I heard a squeak. A bat fluttered past me. It was smaller than what I've seen. I followed the small creature to see if it knew the way. A clearing was presented before me where a guy stood in the middle holding grim. I could tell that guy was smiling “my my. How did you get here little one” he asked grim, who squirmed in his hands. Then a cold hand covered my mouth and pulled me away from within the bushes. My blood went cold and I squirmed around myself as panic set in though my body not knowing what’s going on. We tripped on a branch and fell but it got me into more trouble as he began caging me with his arms “stop. You’re making this worse for would be better for both of us if you calmed down” a voice spoke sternly. Then that man came around the bushes to see me and this perpetrator holding grim who was clawing at his cloak “silver, you’re being too rough with them. Keep this up you’re going to scare her to death, we can’t have them dying right now” he said. I was let go automatically as I shuffled away from him. Silver had a handsome face and beautiful purple eyes. He looked down “I'm sorry,” Silver said,as he got up. He walked over to me and helped me stand. “I assume this little guy is yours” the other man asked as he held grim up to me. Grim automatically jumped in my arms. He’s just as shaky as I am “oh where are my manners? Lilia vanrouge. Am at your service highness” lilia said as he bowed and silver bowed with him “highness?” i questioned “you do own this now properly yes. Therefore you technically rule these lands, no?” lilia said as he placed his hand underneath his chin, grinning at me with a bright smile “right. Our lord would like to meet you in person. He’s gathered enough energy now; perhaps our conversation can last overnight” lilia said. Lilia linked his arm around mine as he began to lead me out of the dome “Staying here isn't that bad. Beds are always made to fit your comfort and preference” he lists as he continues to drag me along. “You know your highness, our lord talks very highly of you since you’ve arrived and took charge of the place. Thanks to you It’s cleaner than I’ve ever imagined, "Lilia complemented. I awkwardly nodded as we followed along to the main building. We walked to the dining room where silver pulled out a seat for me. Lilia sat me down and patted my head “our lord should be around somewhere. We’ll find him so wait right here.” lilia said as he left the dining room with silver following behind. I looked over the corner and they were gone. Grim pawed my chest and meowed. I looked down at grim who’s paw was pointing at something. Almost like a miracle or a mistake on the ghost’s part but regardless the door was wide open.I looked to the left and to the right. No one was here. With that said I booked it.


I slowed down when I reached closer to the main house. I huffed as i catched my breath. I dropped grim who was tight in my grasp. I was in the back of the main house woods and the path to ramshackle isn’t that far. I relaxed a little and I started walking. “Beautiful night isn't it” a voice spoke next to me which made me jump. Next to me was a very tall male with jet black hair. His eyes glowed a lime green as he stared down at me.The most pecural thing about him is the horns above his head. “Ah I’m sorry. I tend to have that effect on humans like yourself” he said as he stepped back a little. “No no. I just didn’t see you here.” i replied, feeling a little bad “why are you out here this late at night” i asked. He smiled as he replied “Roaming around these woods provides me with can’t do too much when you're dead”   I just nod “who are you?” i asked once more “You don’t know” he asked “should I know?” I questioned back then I sighed  “well It's late and sleep is all I want right now. So just don’t freak me out ok” i said as i began to leave back. The tall male walks and catches up to me “may i accompany you. It’s dangerous at night.” he asked. I thought for a moment then remembering that the main house is made out of some ghost repelling crystal. “.....ok” I said. His eyes lit up slightly as we continued walking “so what’s your name anyways” i asked “i shall not tell you” he replied “so what do i call you” i asked once more

“Whatever you desire”

                                          “Whatever?” “Anything you wish”

                                                                     “You’re giving me too much power”

“How so? I just grant you permission to call me any name of your choosing”

   “We just met and you trust me way too much” I sighed. We reached the door and he had a slight frown “If you wish we can return to where I reside in” he asked “no I’m fine. I had enough traveling for one day and I'm really tired. Thanks though” I replied as I slowly backed away. I head inside the house while waving goodbye. Grim meowed as I sighed a breath of relief.

In the morning I showered and got dressed so I could head down to Sam's shop and report my initial findings. When I exited the door there was a slash mark on the floor. When I turned to close and lock the door, a larger scratch like burn mark was left there. Could it be that ghost? Is that what happens when they try to get in. I touched my neck and realized I forgot that necklace.i ran inside and grabbed the piece of jewelry. After that I made my way in town with a book of stories to tell. Sam’s gonna get a crack out of this one.

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