Idia Shroud X Reader - Tumblr Posts
Y/n’s into nerdy freaks
Idia: *talking about nerdy shit*
Y/n: mmmm fucking nerd~
Idia: W-what?
Y/n: keep explaining I’m gonna get undressed
Idia: 0o0
I’m so normal about idia 😌
TWST Incorrect quotes#684 HELLOOOO NURSE
In the NRC Infirmary
Jamil: I have to say, I’m a little embarrassed for you... Idia: This is a sports-related injury! That makes me cool! Jamil: Tripping over a basketball on your way to the bathroom is not cool!
Both Jamil and Idia HARD-stare at each other, Till they both sighed and gave the subject a rest
Idia*Crossing his arms*Come to think of it Jamil, why we came to the infirmary, I-Im fine-
Yuu*Wearing a nurse uniform, is helping the staff today for extra money and sees Idia and Jamil*What seems to be the problem?
Idia*Moaning in pain in the hospital bed with pink hair*MY HEART PURPLE!?-MY LEG INSIDE OUT!?-

– basically idia's married life with mc
Hehe 🥴
*looking at Idia as he rambles about charisma stats* yeah okay but like... Pathetic loser gamer boys are kinda *lip bite*
So wholesome and fluffy 🥺❤❤❤
When your on your period
Dorm leaders; Riddle, Leona, Azul, Kalim, Vil, Idia, Malleus
Female reader !
Warnings; mentions of blood, cramps and period stuff under the cut
Notes; a post no one saw coming hshshs. Im not dead :] wrote this before my break, not caught up with story or lore
Riddle Rosehearts

Among all the dorm leaders, Riddle is among the best and dependable when it comes to taking care of his girlfriend during shark week.
He even marks it down on his calendar so he can prepare in advance beforehand :'D
In the beginning he will be inexperienced, confused but determined to help you in any way possible.
The only female figure in his life was his mother who rarely touched upon the topic of periods. But after the first and second times, he becomes really reliable
He has a lot of patience and handles your mood swings fairly well. Though there are times you may catch a glimpse of surprise in his eyes, your mood switches unexpectedly.
Where did all these emotions come from? He can only imagine
Speaking of which, Riddle has come prepared for any and all moods you may be feeling.
Upset? He has some sweets and herbal tea ready for you.
Sad? No matter, he's coming back with some fluffy blankets and promises of snuggles.
Angry? He's taking out the emergency snack box he's got store
Riddle also has tea suited for any pains you may experience! Ginger tea for any cramps, honey lemon tea if you're feeling particularly nauseous, and some lavender tea for headaches.
He has some meds if that's what you prefer though !
He even asks Trey to prepare more sweets than usual, all in hopes to distract you from the pain.
Anyone who touches your tarts are dead
He gets Heartslabyul, mainly Ace and Deuce to tone down their mischievous antics, preventing any other distractions or bothers that may hinder your day.
He's a bit bashful when it comes to buying pads. He'll still do it but avoids eye contact with the nearby people while dawning little blush on his cheeks. He even stocks up on some heating pads if that helps with his girlfriend's pain.
" My rose, is it that time of month? No need to worry, I'll ask Trey to prepare some tarts; would you like it with less sugar or more?"
Leona Kingscholar

Not the best, oofles
Leona, when it comes to taking care of his girlfriend while she's on her period, can be a bit of an ass. Added on that his understanding of such can be limited
But that's not to say he's entirely oblivious, he understands the key aspects to it.
He still makes an effort though, you're his girlfriend after all and seeing you twist and turn in pain only causes him to be in a foul mood.
Makes the argument that you wake him up but that's not entirely the truth
He thought that some teasing may help lighten the mood. But that very much did nothing to mend the situation. If anything his behavior may make you more annoyed at first.
For the most part he leaves you alone unless you explicitly state you want him to be with you and vice versa.
His worst fear? His usually calm(?) gf snapping at him cause you run out of sugar packets
He can't really keep up with your mood swings, if anything the sudden shift in behavior only makes him annoyed as he struggles to understand what you want. Dw he gets better with each month but man doesn't know what you wa n t.
He makes the effort to tone down any teasing and blunt nature(though as nature does it can slip out without warning).
Whatever you need he's spending Ruggie to get it while he keeps you company. This includes pads, need any? Ruggie will get it for you, poor guy
Though Leona isn't opposed to getting you pads and other things himself if ruggie can't do so.
When it comes to sleeping, he resorts to resting on your stomach hoping that his added body heat combined with a heating pad will help soothe you
Prepares some warm foods he thinks would help comfort his girlfriend such as soups and nutritious meats, all cooked to your liking.
He makes sure you eat it too and not skip on any meals. Imagine him over your shoulder tapping his foot impatiently as he nudges the spoon to your lips
keeps a close eye on your body language, picking up any discomfort you may be displaying and when he notices these signs, he is quick to send Ruggie off to pick up medication or heating pad depending on the situation
" I prepared you some soup, I believe it will help with the cramps. Now eat up, I'm not leaving till you're alright."
Azul Ashengrotto

Panics, a lot
His girlfriend will have to explain what periods are
Probably thought you were dying with all the blood leaving your body. And when he found out that was something you had to deal with early in the month? in disbelief and yet still curious about human anatomy
Having to endure terrible pains for extended time? 'Your very strong my dear'
On one hand Azul is dependable; however, he has moments where he is unsure of what to do since periods don't really occur within the Coral Sea(at least that's my hc).
But he very quickly masters what he should do when that time of month draws near
He notes that you should drink plenty of water with some pain killers if need be. He has a glass set beside your bed and that will never be empty, he will be constantly refilling it as needed.
Can't handle your mood swings. He's a patient person but seeing his girlfriend's behavior change every few minutes makes him internally panic and at a loss of what to do.
Especially when you cry. He made be compelled to cry as well :<
Thankfully, he has the entirety of the Monstro Lounge at his aid. He can cook you up some quality meals that will help with your period, both nutritious and easy to the stomach. Along with the many meals, Azul also buys you a lot of snacks, many of your favorite types
He offers some messages whenever his girlfriend gets some cramps. His fingers are nimble on your shoulders, feet, and hands, trying to distract you from the pain.
He really hopes this works because he doesn't know what to do otherwiseeee
He isn't one to become really embarrassed when it comes to buying pads since he isn't really aware of what it is, and seeing as it will help his girlfriend he doesn't give it much of a second thought. Though he does become uneasy at some of the stares he gets.
Although he panics at times, Azul puts aside a lot of time to keep an eye on his girlfriend, his eyes attentive to any of her needs. At some point he even starts to mark it down on his calendar with little reminders to bring you food, water at random intervals throughout the day
" What are they called again? Pads? Alright, I will be back with a pack soon. In the meantime, I have drawn you a bath, I hope that will soothe your aches until I return."
Kalim Al Asim

Clueless boy but still tries his best :D
Though clueless Kalim does have a moderate understanding of periods and what to do. He has many younger siblings, and periods are a normal thing that occurs and one shouldn't be ashamed of it
However, because he has grown used to the aid of servants, when it comes to taking care of his girlfriend he can be a bit lost but gives his best attempt nonetheless
Kalim is going to do everything in his power to make sure his girlfriend is comfortable. He will build a little nest of pillows and stack some blankets of different varieties. Still feels uncomfortable? No need, Kalim will buy a ton more pillows with extra fluff.
Will spoil you so rotten
Is bewildered by your mood swings and comes to understand that there will be times you want to be alone and other times you want to be affectionate. Regardless, he remains calm with a smile on his face, hoping his happy nature will at the very least ease his girlfriends worries
Feeling hungry? Kalim will buy the entire snack section of the store. He doesn't know what to get you so why not buy everything? He has a snack ready for you at any given moment.
You could be sleeping and upon waking up, you'd be met with a pile of your favorite snacks beside, with a little note from Kalim(filled with little doodles <333)
Kalim becomes heart broken when he sees you in pain. Clutches you close to him, resting his head on top of your own. Let's you squeeze his hand whenever the pain becomes overwhelming
He is not even the slightest embarrassed when it comes to buying pads. And like the snacks, he buys many packs since he isn't sure which one will be the best, pick your favorite !
During the process, Kalim becomes more clingy(unless you need space, that's perfectly fine as well !)sticking by your side for as long as he can.
He cuddles with you more and rest against your torso during the night, giving light pecks
Kalim lets you get onto his back if your feet ache or in too much pain to move. He even takes you on a magic carpet ride if the pain becomes too much, using it like as a distraction
Whatever you need he'll get you <3
" The new pillows I ordered came in, wanna switch them out? I read these ones were made specifically for periods."
Vil Schoenheit

Like Riddle, Vil is very dependable during these times and handles the situation with care. He is always preparing a few days before the start of your period(as he marks it on his own calendar), just to be ready for anything his girlfriend may face
Does his own research and looks for the best methods to help someone during this time of month.
He even goes to his agency to let them know he may be busy for the next few days tending and caring for you ♡
Vil will buy the highest quality and most comfortable pads and tampons out there. He carries some on his person in case of an emergency along with a pair of pants or shorts. And with the pads he also carries some medication, making sure you take the medicine at the right hours.
No need to worry about heating pads or tea, he's already got those pre ordered and it's the top of quality and does wonders
Vil becomes very observant to what you're eating, cutting back any caffeine or spicy foods and instead giving you a light meal with fruits.
Will seduce you into healthy eating habits 😙
takes care of any work you need to finish, such as any laundry, cleaning or any school stuff as you rest.
Something he isn't the best at though is when it comes to your mood swings. It can be unnerving sometimes, especially if you're upset. Vil tries to keep a straight face during these moments but his brows furrowed together every so often.
Vil takes his girlfriend to get a message whenever her body starts to ache along with other self-care activities to distract you from the pain.
Meanwhile at home, he is cuddling with you in bed, rubbing shapes on your back, sweet whispers meeting your ears as you fall asleep
" All the pain will be gone soon, sweet potato. Right now focus on the sound of my voice, how what does a luxury spa day with messages sound to you hmm?."
Idia Shroud

Help him, he doesn't know what to do and panics a lot
Idia has zero knowledge on what periods are, with the exceptions of some things mentioned in anime and read online but he's still clueless on what to do.
It's a process of trial and error, noting what works best and what he needs to alter and fix.
Your mood swings make him p a n i c. The look of surprise is easily readable on his face like an open book, his eyes widening in surprise as he arms bunch up to his chest.
From that point he is always anticipating for your mood to change and tries to do anything to prevent you from getting upset, cause let's be real, you're scary when mad.
He even goes through the effort to clean his room a bit so his girlfriend can easily find her things without getting annoyed with the mess(not that you had a problem with it in the first place)
Idia gets you lots of snacks, especially sweets. He has a stash hidden in one of his drawers, it's his 'girlfriend is hungry, panic button' saved for these times of month.
He also buys a weighted blanket, many of them, all with the purpose to provide heat during the night
He tries to give you messages but it can be rough sometimes as his movements become shaky, sometimes pinching you involuntarily.
Idia places a hot towel on top of your stomach when the cramps become too much, changes it occasionally when bringing you a glass of water + medicine
He tries to distract you by gathering all your blankets and pillows and creates a nest around the couch, and puts on a nice anime to watch while you cuddle against him, munching on the many candies he has store away
Idia pefers to buy the pads and tampons online. But since shipping takes a few days, he was forced to exit the den that is his dorm room and go to the store. He runs in quick, grabs a few packs before dashing away- next time he resorts to buying it online in advance
May become a bit of a broken record, asking you daily if there was anything you need.
But feels like the proudest person alive when it all pays out in the end in the form of cuddles and affection from his girlfriend <3
" Do you need anything? I- I have some candies, we can share if you like. Ah… I don't know what I'm doing."
Malleus Draconia

Malleus, as a fae can he probably smell blood and was concerned at first. If you're bleeding does that mean your hurt? Then whoever hurt you will face the wrath of the dragon fae.
Much like Azul, his girlfriend would have to teach Malleus about periods and that it's an normal thing that happens every month.
Malleus' response was to look at your stomach and poke at it a few times, like that's going to stop the blood. Good attempt tho 😗👍
Although not very knowledgeable in what periods are, he becomes a master of taking care of his lover within the first few months- he's also another one who tracks her period and marks it down.
If you thought Kalim was spoiling, Malleus takes it to another level. It's a sea of pillows and blankets with him, always having a new pillow to try out if the last one was too bulky or something.
He tries to make the atmosphere as cheery and light as possible to mask the situation, every morning you wake up with a vase of flowers and a little glass of water.
Malleus holds some medication, heating pads, tampons and any other thing you need on his person while you're both in public, he doesn't want you to worry about a thing.
He buys lots of ice cream during these days among your other favorite snacks and goods. May end up overdoing it and buying more than needed but at least your stock up for next month-!
Gives some of the best messages!! Works out any aches you may have, easily soothing the pain you may have.
Kisses your stomach, he knows it won't help with the cramps but maybe it can help his girlfriend feel even a little bit better. Each kiss is gentle and soft, perhaps a bit feathery to your skin
Malleus handles your mood swings pretty well. He was surprised at first at how quickly you changed moods based on a small little thing but he learns to adapt and change whatever is bothering at you in a given moment
Many dates ! Takes you on panics under the moonlight, walks around the school and other activities that will work to distract you from the cramps and stiff feelings
Compliments. Many many many compliments. With mood swings can come with some undesired thoughts about one's self. Malleus will always voice his love for you and the worth you have. A day will never pass in which he forgets to do so <33.
" My treasure, though you may see yourself as undesirable, I see the most beautiful person in this world. I truly wished I could take away your pain."
Poor Idia... we should've told him :(((
Ace... you are in BIG trouble young man.

PAIRING: Idia Shroud x reader
SUMMARY: Recently your friends have found you seemingly more distracted- you payed more attention to your phone and would always sneak out at night to go who knows where- eventually, ( Ace) they all jumped to the conclusion that you were seeing someone. Now for the real question, who exactly was your partner??
INCLUDES; First years shenanigans, gender neutral reader, established relationship, 2nd Person POV, SFW, Crack-ish fluff
Additional Notes: Here's my part of the writing collab @dulcesiabits has hosted! this was tons of fun!!!

"'s- all of this-" he gestured towards the chart
"- really necessary???" Epel questioned, raising his brow doubtfully at the redhead in question, the chart currently in front of them marking everyone at nrc who the prefect knows and has talked to.
"Hah?! What do you mean by that?! Of course it is!!" Ace huffed out, annoyed that none of them was getting it. "Y'know it's none of our business right?" Epel shot back, still skeptical about it all.
"-and besides, they would have told us if they were seeing anyone." Jack shrugged, finally voicing out his skepticism about the current situation at hand. Sebek nodded, along with deuce, all mutually agreeing that this was pointless, to Ace's dismay.
Ace let out a groan "Cmon guys! Why else would they be going out so often huh???? They barely even look at us anymore! they're always on their phone smiling!" He cried out, pointing to the chart, a determined frown on his face.
The rest of the group had started to look at each other, defeaning silence falling upon the once loud room.
"Well-...." the half fae started, his usual defeaning voice wavering. "I are correct on that one, human. They did skip lunch with us today-" Sebek stated, trying to act unbothered, but it was evident on his face that he did miss your presence, even if just a bit.
"-And the day before that.." Deuce added, furrowing his eyebrows, pouting slightly.
"See?! And worst of all! they didn't tell us about it! I mean! We're their best friends! we should know this!" Ace yelled out, eyeing his two other friends Epel and Jack, who weren't as convinced.
"Well...I guess??? They have been on their phone more..." Epel mumbled under his breath.
Jack, (being the only sensible one) shook his head sighing.
"Well then, why not just ask them directly instead of-"
"No!!" Ace interrupted, a mischevious look on his face, pointing to the chart that he had prepared. "We'll snipe out everyone who had been talking to them more recently!" he concluded, snickering at his 'oh so genius plan'.
Jack grumbled, 'of course.' he thought to himself, an exasperated expression on his features.
Focusing at the chart in question, they all had started to discuss your potential partner, all sharing their theories and thoughts.
"..Riddle maybe..???" Deuce said, unsure of his own thoughts. You have been spending more time with him, he thought, counting back to all of the unbirthday parties you've personally helped him with, and how you two would study together sometimes.
"Ew!! no! Riddle??? Our housewarden?? No way." Ace grimaced, shuddering at the thought of you getting together with Riddle of all people. "Besides, they act like siblings! That'd be weird." He finished, shaking his head at even the slightest possibility of Riddle being your partner.
Epel sighed, marking an "x" on riddles face with a red sharpie. "That marks him out then" He said, looking at all of the people at nrc left.
Oh boy. This is gonna take a long while.

A long, long hour has passed since their little investigation had started, all of them equally tired.
"Ugh- this is pointless!" Ace cried out, looking at the chart in front of them, various red marks scattered all over the list of people. "At this rate we should've just asked them!!" he sighed, his frown deepening.
"Geez- it's like...That wasn't what Jack suggested from the very beginning" Epel deadpanned, an exhausted look on his face, a headache forming from all of this romance-nonsense.
"Shush! Anyways- all we need to do is follow them till they lead us to the culprit!"
"Stop talking like they're datin' some criminal!"

"...This is a bad idea..." Jack grumbled under his breath, ears drooping down as he frowned. "Shh! quiet down! they're gonna hear us!" Ace hissed in a hushed tone. Before the two could start bickering, they quieted down when they heard your voice accompanied with Grims cheers, now listening intently to the two of you.
"Nyahaha! I told ya he'd beat ya at that game! your artifacts 're nothing compared to him!"
Grim cheered, laughing at your loss as you
glared at him. "Aren't you supposed to be cheering me on?! You were even freaking out when I told you we were together!!" You cried out, exasperated by your friends behaviour. "Hmmm,, well! Yeah...But," He stroked his chin as if deep in thought and pointed his finger at you. "-He promised me he'd buy me tuna if he won! So I approve of him now!" He finished, snickering as you look at him as if you were about to commit murder.
Sighing, you defeatedly pulled out your phone when you heard your notifs go off.
"You can always win next time ;) But your artifacts are just...sad,,,I can come there to get you better ones k?"
"..I mean- given its only you and Grim there..Right????"
You read the message, a smile forming your features as you imagined Idia fumbling over his messages with a flustered look, laughing quietly you sent your boyfriend a response.
"Yep yep!! I'll set up the game rn!"
Read: 5:56PM
Putting your phone down, you were about to set up the equipment when you were interrupted by a loud voice.
Ace was the first one to yell out, appearing suddenly inside your room as the others showed themselves as well. Causing you (and Grim) to shriek in terror.
"Ace?!!" You and Grim simultaneously yelled out as your clutched your shirt in an attempt to make your heart beat calm down.
"-And everyone else?! What are you even doing here??!" You questioned, the unexpected guests in your room now looking at each other with a guilty look on their face as you waited impaitently for an answer.
"Hah?? Shouldn't we be the one asking questions????" Ace narrowed his eyes at you, a betrayed expression painted on his face.
"Ehhh? what are you on about?" Grim shot back, confused (and annoyed) by his friends sudden appearance.
"You didn't tell us you had a boyfriend!" He replied offended, pointing his finger at you. Your eyes widened at the reply, making a silent "oh" with your mouth with Grim snickering at their reasoning.
"..Oh- I uh- never told you..???" You said sheepishly, looking at your friend group with a guilty expression. Ace nodded frantically as the others did as well. "Uh yeah! you've been skipping lunch with us- and ditching our hangouts, and worst of all you didn't even tell us why!" He cried out
"Wh- hey!! I did tell you guys!" You offendedly shot back at him
"Well..-You did say you were with a friend.." Deuce muttered, "Which was a lie!" Ace finished, refusing to look at you. Shaking your head at his antics, you simply stated that you were friends, until recently so. Causing him to gaze at your direction again. "Oh." Was all he said as the others glared at him. "Yeah- "oh." Now- was that all you wanted to talk about? I kinda have a-"
"Wait! you never told us who it was!" Deuce suddenly yelled, as Ace nodded his head approvingly. "We've sorta been guessin' for an hour now." Epel stated, embarrassed to admit what they've been doing for the past hour. Sebek was the one to yell out this time. "Human! You have yet to tell us who is courting you! I bet they aren't even worthy of you! Unless, of course they're Lord Malleus..B-but even so!"
Jack, being the only sensible one calmly asked
"Who are you dating, prefect?" He raised his brow, anticipating your answer.
"Oh- It's actually-"
Hearing the door open behind you, followed by a confused scream, everyone immediately turn their heads towards the person in question.
"Ah! Idia!! you're here!" You greeted him, apologizing for your friends sudden visit, knowing he likes being alone.
Grabbing his hand gently, you finished your sentence. "It's Idia!" You proudly stated, earning a confused "huh?!" from everyone as your boyfriend in question had melted from the intense glares of disbelief of your friends, now hiding behind you, his hair tinted in a shade of pink., overwhelmed by the chaos surrounding him.
"IT'S IDIA?!????"
They all yelled in unison as Ace slid to the ground, followed by Sebek shaking his head disaprovingly, Epel currently questioning your taste in men, Deuce congratulating you (even if he's still shocked) and Jack sighing exasperatedly at everyone.
Shaking your head at their antics, you return your focus onto Idia, who could only mutter out one thing;
"Idia.exe has malfunctioned."
"H-huh? Idia are yo-IDIA PASSED OUT!!!"

Author's Notes: Man I thought writing for idia would be easy since I kin him sobs; I do love Idia vv much- Our local shut in deserves some love too! though I did get writers block halfway through, so I hope this is still a good read despite that!
omg VTuber MC.....
Alright victims look. Dig out your ears and hear me out on this one.
V-tuber MC.
Look, the bills have to be paid in some way, right? A time-flexible job would be ideal, no? And if there an added layer of anonymity added to the job, won’t it be a perfect side-hustle?
Imagine streaming every week after classes, playing games or perhaps showcasing a certain talent of yours? Singing, drawing, dancing … whatever you’ve got. The list just goes on. Maybe you just sit down with your viewers, and have a light-hearted chat.
Talking about your friends and experiences seems to be well-welcomed, on your streams. Well, some of your experiences in Night Raven College are just… ridiculous. Having to run after a chaotic bunch of friends is exhausting, so at least those wacky experiences turn into good stories for the internet.
Everything is kept anonymous, of course. People get nicknames to cover their identities, and people think all of these tales come from you playing as the character they portray.
Now imagine Idia just stumbling across your streaming account. Perhaps he was bored, one day after class… and lo and behold, you were streaming right after class as well. Streaming some… story based game.
At first he joined just to have some background noise while he gamed. Idia told himself he’ll just lurk, maybe judge your gameplay for a bit. Yet he found himself clinging on to your every word, focusing more on your laughter then the controls of the console in his hand.
He ended up losing every match he played that day, but your follower count steadily went up by one.
Idia soon found himself tuning in more and more, looking forward to the days you were free to stream. They miraculously mirrored his quite closely, what a wonderful coincidence! He was still very much a lurker, but occasionally his trembling fingers will type out a word of encouragement or two, in the chat.
He likes the way you say his username, the way you read out every letter he typed. You remember him, oddly enough. Aways perking up whenever his username flashes across the screen, grinning away like an idiot.
Idia can’t say he doesn’t like it, though.
He keeps a keychain of you on his bag. A subtle design, never your model outright. Maybe it’s a small plushie of your fan mascot, or the logo of your avatar. Either way, he takes it with him everywhere, thumb stroking it whenever Idia’s thoughts wander.
Wonder what happens when one day, he stumbles across you in the hallway. Bags stuck together because your keychains tangled, and he saw you had the exact same one? The moment you open your mouth, apologising profusely… Idia knows. You’re the streamer he’s been faithfully watching ever since that day.
Oh no, he’ll never dox you outright. Idia knows all too well how badly parasocial relationships tend to go, and he would never want to scare you off. Somehow, one way or another, you end up sharing a class with Idia.
Now, he was fully planning to hide in the corner throughout the lesson… but you sat in front of him. Slipping your phone out of your pocket, before booting up… a game. He’ll never normally make the first move, but the moment he saw his favourite game pop up on your screen, a hesitant sentence slipped right off his tongue.
“I play that game too.”
Beaming at him, you spin around. Clutching your phone in your hands, excited to find another game enjoyer in the same class. You asked some friendly questions about what character he played, how far along the quests was he, and other gameplay related questions.
Idia had fun, discussing the game with you. Talking all the way until the teacher walked in and gave both of you a nasty glare. You slid right back around, but not before scribbling something quick onto Idia’s palm.
You wink at him, before folding up his fingers into a fist. Once your back was turned, Idia couldn’t help unclenching it to take a peek.
Your friend ID code, scribbled out in your favourite colour on his hand. Ending with a cute little heart. Great Seven, you were adorable.
Guess he’ll have to actually be serious about this game, for once.
Twisted Wonderland Characters Signing Your Shirt
So when I was in primary school, on the very last day of term, the year 6 leavers would sign each other’s white school polo shirts with felt tips as a sort of parting gift before we all went our separate ways to secondary school. I thought it might be cool if the reader shared this tradition with her friends at NRC.
Warning: I write reader as female
I literally had no idea what to write for bat grandpa and Silver so I just didn’t write them. In return, I’ll add snippets of Trein, Crewel, Vargas and Sam
Word Count: 8k+
Keep reading
"But i wanted to
with Idia Shroud"

It was so peculiar, the way that any time you'd mention something you enjoyed or whatever piqued your interest. You'd be in a rush to class in the mornings and nearly trip over whatever it was your heart seemed to desire at a given moment.
There was never a sign given or offered for who this generous sender was. You were never able to thank them for their kindness, but they did know. All too well.
Any time you'd barge into his room and flop into his bed after dodging the messy floor, he'd have a wicked grin. Idia Shroud was a good friend of yours, because despite all his talks of hating "normies," he seemed to tolerate you most of all.
But this time, it was differently delivered, unbeknownst to him. After hearing your sorrowful tale of how you can't handle the thought of this person never talking to you genuinely, he couldn't help but indulge in your wishes.
As he finished trying to write his neatest on the paper, Ortho entered his space. His darling little brother offered to deliver it and who was he to object the chance to lay back this time?
But Ortho did have a plan. He couldn't endure the pain of you each keeping your feelings hidden deep out of fear. So he'd assist in speeding up the process!
When you barged in this time, you didn't flop into his bed. Instead you just closed the door and stood there for a few moments until he spun his chair around. "So uhhh- why are you just-?'"
"You like me?" His heart dropped instantly. Confidence meter down all the way to zero. Negatives even. "Is that what all the gifts were about? Or is this your way of teasing me?"
Still speechless, his mouth hung slightly agape. In a daze, he couldn't form the proper words or explanation in time for your feelings to appear rational.
"I don't need your pity, Idia. Or your snide remarks. If you have nothing to say for yourself, I can-," he shrieked.
"H-hey! It's not like that!" He almost tripped trying to get out of his position in his chair.
"Then what?"
You wanted to believe it was an attempt to show you that his feelings were true, but it was so difficult to believe. He must've seen that as he considered what to say. "I just...wanted to I guess?" Seeing your confused expression closer pushed him to keep going. "Because I think you're pretty cool, you know."

For the 100 followers event:
May I humbly request honeysuckle, red rose, and pink rose for Idia Shroud? Fluff please. Man I really hope I did this right *sob*
Not sure if the message part was for the character or you so both lol. For Idia: I love you sm fr 💙
And for you: CONGRATSSSSS! You deserve it 👏

‧₊🦋˚✧A Bouquet for you My dear✧˚🦋₊‧| Pt. 4 | I love you till the moon and back
Characters: Idia Shroud
Summary: Sending Idia Shroud Honeysuckle, Red Roses, and Pink roses
Warnings: Just pure fluff
Taglist: @nightshade-clown, @lucid-stories

Sending the chosen flowers to Idia Shroud... Loading now...
[■■■□□□□□□□] 30% [■■■■□□□□□□] 40% [■■■■■□□□□□] 50% [■■■■■■□□□□] 60% [■■■■■■■■□□] 80% [■■■■■■■■■□] 90%
Now sent! Would you like to wait for a response?
[> Yes] >No
Idia was walking back to his dorm, coming back from his club. He was socially drained and so ready to log into his games and do his dailies. That was until his gaze caught a delicate vase full of beautiful colored flowers. He stared at them, unsure as to why they were outside his dorm room. After contemplating what he should do, he just decided to gently pick it up and bring it into his room.
After placing it on his desk, he just stared blankly at the flowers. He studied the vase, wondering if someone pranked it. He memorized each and every petal, leaf, and stem on each of the flowers. The set-up looked gorgeous, he admitted to himself, but nothing in his mind was making sense. He fixed his posture as he brought his head into his hands, so hold it.
Idia was curious as to why anyone would send him flowers like this. His mind couldn’t wrap around all the possibilities. He thought it was a prank, someone secretly recording him just be completely rejected. Suddenly, his eye’s caught a small tag attached to the vase. He turned it gently and softly read it to himself.
“To…Idia…From Y/n? Huh? Why would Y/n send me these? Couldn’t they have just texted me?”
He sighed and gave up the internal fight on whether he should read the note Y/n had sent him. His hands shook as it gently brushed against the soft petals of the flower. They were so soothing, helping him to read the note Y/n had written. His eyes widen the deeper he read, not knowing how to feel about it. All he felt was his face become warm and his heart beat faster.
I love you so much, Idia! You’re so amazing and captivating. You have this hidden beauty within you that just has me in a choke hold. I have never felt this intense admiration and love for someone before. You’re so beautiful, and I can’t have asked for anyone better. Nothing in my mind could ever drive me away from you. My love for you rivals the love of the sun and moon! I love you to the moon and back.
Honeysuckle: True Happiness
I could only ever wish for your true happiness and for happiness within our relationship. I can only ever think of your gorgeous smile and your cute giggle. I value you and your happiness so much, and I want to make you happy. I would do anything for you to give me your smile every day of every second. Your happiness makes my heart flutter, and I just find it so cute when you get so excited. You plague my mind all day and night, nothing lives more rent-free in my head than you. You just make me so happy, and I hope I make you feel the same.
Red Roses: True Love
When I’m with you, my heart is all a flutter and my mind is stuck in daydreams. I want to live till my dying breath with you. You are my only love that I ever wish to have. You make me dizzy when you’re around, and I love feeling as if I’m floating when you smile at me. Hearing your voice soothes me so much, I can never be sad around you. When I’m with you, everything is bright and full of sunshine. I never feel sad when I’m around you, I feel whole. You complete me, you are my moon.
Pink Roses: Comfort
Tears seem to cease when I feel you in my arms. Your embrace grounds me so when I feel myself spiraling. Nothing makes me feel so much better than cuddling with you. All anxiety just dissipates when I feel your calming aura surround me. You don’t realize how much you make me feel better and how much warmth you give me. I couldn’t ask for anyone better to bring such a calm to the storms I feel. You bring so much ease and stability to my life, and I hope to bring you the same feeling. I hope to be your rock, because you are mine.
— Your dearest love, Y/n
You sending him this bouquet sent Idia into a full on pink color, from hair to the tip of his toes. He couldn’t process the fact that someone out there loved him this much. He couldn’t process that someone could feel this much about him, in general. Idia managed to walk to Ramshackle without passing out and knocked on the door. You pulled him into the dorm and softly cuddled him on the couch.

Do not repost or translate without my explicit permission! Reblogs are welcome!
Hello! Mind if I send in a request? How about some headcanons for the reader making cute little plushies for the overblot squad?
SUMMARY: You decide to make plushies for the overblot squad. How do they react?
WARNINGS: None that I am aware of!
COMMENTS: ANON I want you to know that this prompt randomly smacked me over the head at like 10 pm a couple nights ago and I have not been able to get it out since even though I haven’t been able to write until now. I hope you enjoy it!!
Part two - Prefect making the plushies clothes and accessories - can be found here. Part three - their reactions when the plushies are stolen - can be found here.

Riddle absolutely loves it, please don’t mistake his silence for displeasure. He thinks it is skilfully made and quite adorable, really! He’s just… a little concerned. Does making a plush toy of the Queen herself count as sacrilege…? He’s racking his brains for any rule or law that would prohibit this adorable little toy’s existence, yet none come to mind. Does that mean he gets to keep it…? He really hopes so.
After a few days of diligent research into the matter, he determines that keeping such a cute thing is not against the law, and is overjoyed to find that he gets to keep it. After some deliberation, he decides to leave it on his desk - out of view from Cater, who would almost certainly want to take some “cammable pics” for Magicam. This way, the toy can sit on his desk and remind him of his studies… and also of you. Almost every time he sits down, he finds his eyes wandering to it and can’t help but smile.

Heh, this is kinda cute. He doesn’t mind the plushy at first - it’s cute, but he finds the expression on your face as you give it to him much cuter. Of course he’ll keep it - it’s soft and squishy enough to be a pillow, so he’s eager to try it. Especially if it means skipping class.
As he attempts to fall asleep next to said plushy, however, he realises something - the plushy smells like you. He’s a beastman, with a heightened sense of smell. Even if the plushy doesn’t smell at all, it still smells of you. As a result of this realisation, the plushy now lives on his bed. He begins to find it frustrating to sleep without it, although he’d never be caught dead sleeping in the grounds with it. You’ll just have to replace it then instead.
(Ruggie has so many blackmail photos of Leona sleeping with the toy prepared just in case)

Prefect, this is magnificent! Imagine the money you could make off of these! Hm? What do you mean they aren’t for sale-? It’s just for him…? Oh. Give him a moment, his brain just crashed. He doesn’t quite know how to respond. He loves it, and he loves you even more, but that doesn’t mean his brain is capable of forming a response, especially when you give him a big smile. Give the poor guy a minute.
He leaves it on his bed. This man definitely cuddles it while he sleeps. He gets easily distressed when it isn’t there. After a rough day at work or school, he’ll talk quietly to the plush until he feels better. If worse comes to worst, he’ll hug the toy and cry as he needs to. He loves it so much. It’s almost a new friend to him - something he finds great comfort in.
(The Tweels are no longer allowed in his room. When they inevitably come in anyway, he swears them to secrecy.)

Is that the Sorcerer of the Sands… as a plushy? For him? Thank you, Prefect. Jamil doesn’t have a whole lot of plushies - he never particularly saw the point. But he’s absolutely charmed by this one — and by you. And the fact that it’s the Sorcerer of the Sands? You definitely knew him well. He’s smiling and shaking his head as he takes the plushy. You’re so cute, it’s so endearing.
At first, Jamil isn’t quite sure what to do with it. He can’t quite sleep if it’s on his bed - it reminds him of you too strongly - so he settles with leaving it on his desk. Occasionally, in his rare free time, he’ll sit at his desk and play with it, like a grown adult finding a lost but treasured toy again. It always reminds him of you. When life calls him back, he’ll set the plushy aside for now and get to work. It will be waiting for him.
Just like you, he hopes.

Prefect! He didn’t know you could sew. It looks amazing! It’s for him? You’re very sweet, he’s very in love. He loves the plush toy so much, no matter if it has any imperfections. It was made by you, of someone he looks up to, for him. He hates to sound like Rook, but to him, that makes it the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen.
He’s so proud of you. Vil is taking that plush EVERYWHERE. It’s always in his bag no matter where he’s going. Anytime someone questions it, he shuts them down immediately. No one will dare slander something that his beloved made for him. In fact, he uses every opportunity to sneak the plush into photos for Magicam. Whether he’s holding it, it’s nearby or in the background, it’s always there. People start looking for it in all of his pictures.
If you’re okay with the plush being online, that is.
If you’d rather it stay private, he’d kiss your forehead or hand and tell you he understands. The plush toy then stays in his room, on his vanity table. Looking at it makes him feel like a teenage schoolgirl. He supposes it’s alright to indulge in such silliness occasionally, hm?

Wow, you made him a marketable plushy? Of one of the Great Seven? He wasn’t expecting you to have such a normie hobby. Oh, but that’s not a bad thing. He’s extremely grateful, but extremely awkward - does this mean he has to get you something now? What kinda thing would you like? Ah, wait, was that not the appropriate thing to say? Ortho’s giving him the “shut up and be polite” look.
Please don’t be offended if it seems like he doesn’t like it when he receives it. He actually really, really does. He decides to make it his new “gaming buddy”, making him a little custom headset and fake controller and sitting it next to him while he games. He’s stunned to silence when the lil guy’s presence improves his gacha rolls by, like, a LOT. He was already taking pretty good care of it, but now he’s being WAY more careful with it.
Occasionally, Ortho will catch him talking to it. Idia genuinely loves the plushy - and you - a lot. Even if Idia doesn’t quite know how to show it, Ortho does - by recording Idia’s conversations with the toy and showing them to you. Idia is mortified.

Oh? My child of man made me this… adorable plushy? My, how generous of you. He’s absolutely in love. If you thought he was attached to his tamagotchi, just wait and see. Malleus is NEVER letting the plushy leave his presence. Lilia had to take it away to clean it once and it stormed for a week. He loves it so much - and you so much more.
He absolutely treats the plushy as a human, and asks the others to do the same. Occasionally, he (or rather, Lilia using his phone to assist him) will send you a photo of him and the plushy doing something together, such as having a tea party or a picnic. Almost always with the caption, “Dear Prefect, would you care to join us? Kind regards, Malleus.”

♥Thank you for reading!! I hope you enjoyed it!!♥
Hello how have u been I was wondering if I can request a slightly part 2 of the reader making the overblot squad cute little plushies so wha if the reader makes the plushies clothing and accessories like for vil’s plushie little fake makeup and same clothing he has sorry if my English is bad I’m still learning
SUMMARY: You decide to make the Overblot Squad’s plushies clothes! How do they react?
WARNINGS: None that I am aware of!
COMMENTS: Oh my GOSH this is such a cute idea!! And no worries Anon, your English is just fine :D I hope you enjoy it!!
Part one - Prefect making the Overblot Squad plushies of their respective Seven member - can be found here. Part three - their reactions when the plushies are stolen - can be found here.

You made his plushie some… clothes? He didn’t even know you could remove her current ones! He would never think to try something so scandalous on his own! Especially not with a plushy of the Queen of Hearts!! Ah, wait- he meant no disrespect! He just meant that he wouldn’t- uh… He’s just gonna stop talking now.
You have to show him how to change his plushy’s clothes – he refuses to figure it out on his own in case someone walks in – but once you show him it’s not like that, he’s more comfortable with it. He doesn’t change things around a lot – maybe whenever you make him a new one. He keeps them all safely in a box under his bed. Occasionally, he’ll take them out just to look at. Seeing them always makes him smile.

You decided to make the powerful, feared and mighty King of Beasts… a hat? And slippers? Hah, you got guts, Prefect. He’s gotta say, he respects it. Alright, he’ll indulge you. He’s slightly surprised at how small yet detailed the accessories are. There’s something slightly endearing about such small clothes… maybe that’s one of the reasons why people like children? Tch. He can’t relate.
Nonetheless, it’s amusing to him what kind of accessories you think of. He’s also not the type to change up the doll’s outfit a whole lot, but he’ll stash them all around his room. Much like the toy, they all smell of you. It’s starting to annoy the other Beastmen. Ruggie’s strongly considering having an intervention.

Prefect… these are adorable! Are you sure you don’t want to sell these? Ah, r-right. Please forgive him for forgetting they were for-... for his eyes only. Please stop looking at him and let him regain his composure. He absolutely loves them! He hopes you know how much of a friend the doll has become to him. He’s starting to tear up, you’re so kind. Give him a minute.
Azul has designated different clothes for different purposes. Before bed, he puts his doll in her pajamas. When he wakes up, he selects her outfit for the day and changes her into it. He does this almost ritualistically every day. Floyd and Jade have teased him for it, but surprisingly, Azul doesn’t seem to mind.

Oh? You made his Sorcerer of the Sands doll some different outfits? Pft– that’s so cute. He didn’t mean to laugh at you – he’s delighted, really! He just… can’t believe that you’d spend precious free time doing something like that. Hey, come on, he’s not judging you or anything, but free time is precious, right? You should spend it more on doing what you want to do. Still, though, he loves the clothes - and finds your cute little pout adorable.
He definitely keeps them with the doll. Whenever you make him new ones, he’ll pick up the doll and change the outfit. Otherwise, he’ll only change them a couple times every so often. This has given him an idea though. Maybe you’d like a doll too? Then you could match. Although, Ramshackle dorm doesn’t really have a mascot… maybe he could make you a ghost? Or a plushie of Grim?
(Didn’t he say that spending ‘precious free time’ doing something like ‘that’ was wasted? Point it out to him and he’ll get flustered and walk off in a huff. He will return with a plush and an apology for you two days later. He enjoyed making it a lot.)

You made his doll clothes?! He’s trying not to squeal like a teenage girl. He didn’t know that his doll could change clothes!! Oh, prefect, he loves you so much. He’s going to ask you to make so many clothes, you better be prepared for what you’re getting into!
He, like Azul, changes the clothes all the time and will often just sit down for like an hour and change the doll into perfect outfits. As you could probably guess, Vil LOVES using the doll to try out new looks. Whenever he’s designing an outfit or a piece of clothing, he always asks you to make a small version for him to try out on the doll. This helps him to be able to practise styling them and getting an idea of how the finished piece would look.
His favourite kind of outfit to ask for, however, is anything that reminds you of fashion from your homeworld.

You made his marketable plushie some marketable clothes?? Oh my gosh. That’s adorable. It’s so small! Looks like those itty bitty cutey kitty clothes– AH– ahem. you didn’t hear that. He definitely wasn’t just having a total fanboy moment. no siree… do you think you could make him an outfit from his favourite anime? that’d be cool, he guesses.
He’s DEFINITELY gonna make the little guy cosplay his favourite characters. Maybe that’d improve his gacha roles even more? Oh he is 100% down to help too. Any clothes that require metallic details he is WELDING that stuff together. It’s so cute how invested he gets in this. Ortho loves seeing his brother get so passionate about this too!

Malleus is DELIGHTED. He was not aware that his little friend could change outfits! How adorable! He loves you so much! He is this close to buying an actual, fully sized wardrobe just for them! …But Lilia talks him out of it. Actual, fully sized wardrobes take up a surprising amount of room. So, he ends up getting two, miniature wardrobes. Which fills about the same space. Lilia’s not sure his advice really worked.
Malleus will now dress up his dolls for tea parties, picnics, or whatever outings they decide to go on. He is constantly surprised and delighted by whatever you make him, although he’s not very good at suggesting ideas. One of the few ideas he came up with was fashionable about a hundred years ago and was a very complicated piece of clothing. However, when he received the outfit, he took great measure to ensure that no harm would ever come to it.

♥Thank you for reading!! I hope you enjoyed it!!♥
Hello there! I came across your blog and enjoyed reading your post about the Overblot Squad Plushie Parts. I was wondering if you would consider writing a Part 3 where the Squad discovers that their plushies have been stolen. It turns out that the culprits are their Vice Dorm Wardens - either Kalim (since Jamil is Vice Dorm Warden) or Ace (since Trey wouldn't do that). I'm curious to know how the Overblot Boys would react to this situation. Have a pleasant day/night!
SUMMARY: Someone took the Overblot Squad’s plushies! How do they react?
WARNINGS: T*cked in Riddle’s section, sorry if Malleus’ wasn’t that good, writing his was really tricky.
COMMENTS: Hehehehe as soon as I read this my immediate reaction was “oh they’re screwed.”
Part one - Prefect making the Overblot Squad plushies of their respective Seven member - can be found here. Part two - Prefect making the plushies clothes and accessories - can be found here.

He. Is. Ticked. ALL of Heartslabyul is on lockdown until he finds whichever culprit was bold enough to steal something from him! And stealing something that his beloved made from him? Heads are going to roll.
Riddle literally stops people from leaving Heartslabyul and searches every room himself. He, unsurprisingly, finds plenty of contraband, but doesn’t find his beloved plushy anywhere. He’s almost in tears. He really doesn’t want to tell you he lost it, but all hope seems to be lost-
That is, until Ace hands back the plushy with a sheepish apology. He explains that he had to drop something off in Riddle’s room and accidentally knocked the toy into the trash can. He stole it to clean it and was gonna sneak it back. He didn’t think Riddle would notice that quickly!
Ace still loses his head, but only for a week instead of a month, since he had good intentions. Riddle remains snippy at Ace for months afterwards, though.

Walking into his room, Leona realises that something is wrong. You - or at least, the plush you made for him - is missing. He spends around an hour searching his room for it and ends up being extremely irritated when all traces of it are gone. He doesn’t want to admit to his dorm members that he actually misses it, so he tries to sleep without it for a couple of days.
This makes him even more irritated.
Eventually, he wears himself down enough to ask Ruggie what had happened to it. Ruggie groans and explains that the smell of you coming from the plush and accessories was waaay too much for any normal beastman, and that he (along with other Savannaclaw members) had gotten fed up with it and hidden them.
Leona offers Ruggie 2,000 thaumarks to return them. Ruggie doesn’t think twice.

Azul is sobbing ALL DAY. He is INCONSOLABLE. Octavinelle is getting embarrassed at the fact that their dorm leader - the best and brightest among them - is an uncontrollable mess over the fact that his toy is missing. But what can he do? That’s his best friend, gone! He’s looked everywhere and he can’t find it! What will his Angelfish say? He can’t bear to imagine the look on your face when he tells you he lost it!
He literally pays people to help him find the toy, yet no matter how much money he throws at them and no matter how hard they look, it’s just gone. It’s almost like someone stole it… no, he can’t think like that. If someone really did steal it, he’d probably never get it back! He just wants to hide in an octopus pot.
The Tweels are torn between thinking it’s hilarious and wanting Azul to shut up already. Eventually, Jade returns the plush, explaining that he thought it was fascinating and wanted to study it closer, yet didn’t think Azul would agree. (He also wanted to see Azul’s reaction to his favourite plushy being missing.) Azul is in TEARS of RELIEF and hugging that plushy. He refuses to let it out of his sight anymore. It will go with him (almost) everywhere. Floyd thinks the whole situation is hilarious and will NOT stop teasing him about it.

Jamil at first doesn’t seem like he’s phased. However, those who know him notice the ticks; the muscles in his face twitching with annoyance whenever he’s asked to do anything and the sarcastic comments he often thinks and not says become mutters under his breath instead. He becomes a lot more aggressive in his tasks - forgoing the typical, painstaking care he usually takes for finishing his tasks quickly and shutting everyone out.
He remains this way for several days. People start to get vibes from him and avoid him, which annoys him even more. He just can’t get it out of his head. Why is he so annoyed? Is it because every time he thinks of the missing doll, he thinks of you, upset at him for losing it (whether you actually are or not)? …maybe. He won’t let himself admit it either way.
A couple of days later, Jamil finds the doll - sitting on Kalim’s bed. He’s immediately interrogating Kalim. Kalim happily explains that in trying to help out Jamil, he decided to try and help clean his room. He knows that the doll means a lot to Jamil, so he wanted to get it cleaned for him! Jamil appreciates it but he’s also this close to losing his temper. Please, just, next time, tell him first, okay? sheesh.

Vil is going to lose his mind. His doll has gone missing. He cannot find it anywhere. He’s already torn apart his room at least three times and called every single studio he’s done a photoshoot in or acted for in the past two months, asking if anyone had seen it. Yet no traces have been found. He has a headache.
On top of that, Rook has been acting particularly frustrating recently - constantly checking up on his mood and popping out of the most random places. It’s almost as though the universe has coordinated this on purpose.
Upon confronting Rook, Vil finds out that his theory was correct; Rook did in fact steal the plush. Apparently, he’d “wanted to see the beauty of Vil’s yearning for the precious thing his beloved made for him,” and so he’d hidden it for a while. Vil’s this close to shaking him by the shoulders, but at least he’s got the plush back.

Pookie? Pookie is missing! Uh oh, that ain’t good. He’s gotta find him, quick. The gacha banners are about to change and he already pre-farmed the mats needed for the character he wants. How’s he supposed to hit those 0.6% odds while without the Little Guy?
He’s tearing apart his room, trying to find the skrunkly before server reset. There’s no way he would’ve taken the toy outside to touch grass, right??? So it’s gotta be in here. Except it’s nowhere to be found.
He’s about to give in to some totally cringe behaviour - going and looking for it outside - when Ortho shows up, holding the marketable plushie. Idia is snatching it from Ortho and spinning it around the room before flopping on his bed, before realising how cringe he just was. At least he can do his gacha rolls now?
(Ortho’s really confused. He just took it to wash. Did he do something wrong-? Oh well, as long as his brother’s happy now)

As soon as Malleus discovers the plush toy is missing, the rain starts. As he continues to look and ask around for it and doesn’t find it, the rain gets worse. Eventually, NRC has a full-blown hurricane on its hands.
The weather stays like this for a good two days. Classes have been cancelled as asking students to walk across campus in that much of a downpour would lead to a school-wide riot. And Malleus is still sulking in the corner about his missing plushie.
That is, until a sheepish Lilia surprises Malleus with the plush. He explains that it must’ve fallen in with the laundry and gone through the wash. Since the weather has been so erratic lately, it had to go through the dryer too rather than be dried by the sun, which is why no one noticed where it was for so long.
The rain instantly clears. Malleus hugs his plush and decides to take her to visit you. All is right in the world again.

♥Thank you for reading!! I hope you enjoyed it!!♥
Mc/Yuu that when given genuine affection from their friends such as a small gift or just being told that they enjoy being around them, they just get really quiet and look at their friend with shock and disbelief, tearing up a little bit and just going "...oh..." in a real small voice.
Bonus points if they're not usually emotional like this.
It would be fun if it was the overblot gang since they just got some gifts themselves, or maybe ADeuce duo...idk man, I just want some wholesome friendship, I feel like there aren't enough fics like that in this fandom-
WARNINGS: Can be read as platonic or romantic, some of these might be longer/shorter than others, all of them care about you but (almost) all of them are bad with Emotions. also there are slight references to book 6 in Idia’s section if you squint
COMMENTS: AWH this is such a cute idea! And yes, there should definitely be more wholesome, platonic fics! Also, sorry these are short D:

Wait, crap, you’re tearing up? He just got you a present- are you okay?? He’s low key worried about you, unsure if this is just you being extremely excited about his (amazing) gift or if there’s something else going on. Either way, he’s quick to figure it out and reassure you as best he can. He’s torn between feeling bad about making you cry and being happy you liked his present so much. Either way, he pulls you into a hug and rubs patterns into your back until you feel better.

You’re crying?! Ohhhh crap oh crap oh crap- he doesn’t know what to do! Was his present that bad-? Once you reassure him and tell him you love it, he relaxes a little bit but is still clearly distressed. He isn’t very good at figuring out why you’re reacting this way, but his genuine care for you shines through and helps you feel a little more comfortable in his own way.

Wh-what?? Did he do something wrong-? He did a bunch of research, so he had assumed that this gift would be something you’d appreciate, not tear up over! Riddle is. Confused. And scared. He’s new to this whole “having friends” thing, and he thinks very highly of you, so the thought of messing up is pretty scary. He’s at quite a loss of what to do. When you reassure him and tell him you’re okay, he’s very relieved. He makes a note of how much you appreciated the gift and is determined to do more for you. If he has to get used to having friends, he wants you to get used to receiving the affection you deserve, too.

Awh, come on. You’re seriously tearing up over this? He ruffles your hair affectionately, giving you space to process your emotions while staying nearby. He doesn’t quite get what all the fuss is about - all he knows is he got you something and then you “exploded into tears” (you did not, he’s exaggerating). He sits with you until you feel better and tries to think of ways he could give you stuff without you “freaking out” like this. Maybe some money left in your pockets would be a good idea…

As soon as you tear up, he wants to go hide in his octo-pot. He knew it, it was a stupid idea. He should’ve gone with the other present idea, maybe then you’d be less disappointed. If you even still want to be friends with him after this. The moment you explain that you’re really happy, however, his mood does a complete 180, attempting to both comfort you and gloat a little at the same time. He would pat you a little awkwardly on the shoulder, wanting to express he appreciated your vulnerability. He’s definitely making notes on things he could spoil you with.

He freezes. Dang, he thought it was something you’d like. If not, that’s okay, he did keep the receipt. You can take it back to the store and get a refund if you’d- oh? You liked it? He’s another one that would try to comfort you and feel smug at the same time. The thought of making anyone but particularly you so happy is a little jarring to him, and your way of expressing emotions is definitely unexpected, but he’s glad he got you this. Maybe he’ll get you something better next time.

For once, Vil is speechless. For a moment he just kinda stands there in surprise, before sweeping you into his arms for a hug - completely ignoring how his clothes might crinkle. He didn’t think you would react that way, and - although he’s pretty sure you’re happy - he wants to comfort you anyway. Once you confirm you’re actually happy, he thinks your reaction is sweet and endearing and pure. He’s definitely buying you more things if this is your reaction to it,

The moment you say “oh” and start to tear up he’s internally going say sike rn. Bro was not prepared for Emotions. He can hardly handle his own feelings, why’d fate dump him with someone else’s?! Especially since they belong to someone he cares about. He’s not real good with other people, let alone taking care of them. He wishes Ortho was here - he could google Top 10 Ways To Comfort A Friend Who Randomly Starts Crying. Idia kinda just ends up patting your entire head awkwardly and saying “there there” through his tablet. He knows it’s pathetic, okay?

He’s utterly confused. He followed the Human Customs of buying a gift for someone you care about, why are you displaying a negative reaction? Was the gift not satisfactory? Lilia said this would be enough, although perhaps he should’ve gone with his original plan and bought you significantly more. Were you perhaps disappointed? Once you reassure him, he almost laughs. He thinks your reaction was very cute, he will be buying you significantly more things. Prepare yourself.

♥Thank you for reading!! I hope you enjoyed it!!♥
Any Weight - Idia
Author Notes: So I really didn't know what I was going to post today in terms of oneshots, so this happened. This fic has been sitting my google docs for quite while and honestly started out life as practice for writing Idia. I wrote this and edite it while listening to the song "Heavy in Your Arms" by Florence in the Machine. As per usual, reader is gender-neutral. I hope you enjoy!
Type: Gender-neutral reader/ sfw/ fluff with angst/ comfort/ romance highly implied/ Spoilers for Ignihyde Chapter
Word Count: 1539

Idia shifted slightly as you leaned against his back, reading some book as he farmed one of his games. And in easy, quiet moments like this, with the weight of your body resting gently against his, feeling like a silent but ever-present promise, it was easy to forget the truth of his situation. Of his life.
But Idia was cursed. It was a weighty, but simple truth that had hung over his head for his entire life. Because he’d never known a life where he wasn’t cursed.
Idia was cursed to remain chained to the Island of Woe, to S.T.Y.X., and to guard the remains of those who’d fallen prey to their own magic and dark thoughts, just like he almost had back when you’d come all the way to S.T.Y.X.’s headquarters after Grim and your friends.
Idia was also cursed to never be able to feel darkness’s embrace, which could hide even the greatest of shames, until the light inevitably came. Because his hair always shone that cold blue light on him. Never letting him hide away from the gaze of all those who looked upon him in horror or disgust and saw all of his many flaws.
Idia was even cursed by his own personality. Unable to tolerate being around others without shutting down and drowning in their silent gazes. Judgmental, fearful, and sometimes pitying, no matter how he felt about it.
It was disgusting, infuriating, and so many other things that left him filled with ire towards anyone and everyone who didn’t understand him or his life. If they were going to gawk at him, then he would mock them for their naive, stupid views, and avoid them. There was no use in bothering with people who would never care.
After all, his life had been decided for him from the very moment he’d been born.
And all of those reasons, as well as so many others, were why he’d pushed you away initially. A laughable thought now, considering you were sitting on his bed, with your back pressed to his in a gentle reminder of your presence that, rather than causing him to tense like so many did, made him relax into the silence that rested easily between the two of you.
But when he’d first met you, he never would have imagined this. Not with how you’d seemed so strange.
A weirdo, to be sure, with the way your gaze had never held that crushing weight that threatened to smother him that so many others had.
Some person from another world who apparently had far greater concerns than a flame-haired freak that lived in some other dorm. And, to an extent, Idia had been able to respect that.
It had quickly become obvious that you were more than just a weirdo, though. If nothing else, you were capable of handling and surviving numerous overblots. And even as he was getting to know you, it had already been clear to Idia that you were capable of so much more than him.
And that was still clear to him even today. Because if he was a curse, then you were more akin to a blessing.
A blessing who stepped in and stopped overblots from destroying their victims rather than studying the remains of those who were already done for.
A blessing who could see people at their very worst, and still accept them.
And finally, you were a blessing in that you had a personality that was like a balm to introverts. A person he could just be himself around without having to be surrounded by the multitude of people who’d already noticed your calming demeanor.
In reality, Idia knew you weren’t a blessing. Something so good could never survive in a school like this one. And he’d experienced firsthand exactly how much of a pest you could be.
But even with that knowledge, there were still moments when you were like a protagonist with the way you stood out so glaringly from the crowd.
Of course, Idia stood out from the crowd as well, but never in a remotely good way.
At odds with this, your only supposedly negative quality was that you lacked magic. And while it did make your life a pain sometimes, you never let it bother you. Not like how Idia let his negative qualities and anything he lacked burden him.
And it was a heavy burden. A heavy burden that Idia knew made him equally heavy and unpleasant to be around. Because Idia was no fool. He knew his presence, his friendship, and even his very existence was a weighty one. He could easily drag a person down to their doom with the curses that trailed after him, like an entourage that couldn’t and wouldn’t go unnoticed.
And all of those reasons, plus a myriad of others, were why your presence here, with him, right now ought to be strange. But it wasn’t. In fact, it was perfectly normal for you to hang out with him in the solace of his room. Sometimes gaming with him, and sometimes just doing your own thing in silent companionship.
The selfish part of him clung to both you and your presence even as he continued to face his game in silence.
Were he just a bit bolder, it would be easy to imagine himself turning to face you and wrapping his arms around your neck, with his fingers curling around your temple as if they could crown you as he cradled you to him.
But what could he ever crown you with other than the knowledge that you deserved far better?
It was his way of betraying you, and he knew that. His betrayal was one of the reasons he never tried to cross the dotted line that strained to keep you and him from growing any closer. Similarly, it was the reason the silence remained between the two of you as Idia pondered all of the oddities that were your relationship with him.
Because you supported him. Embracing him in your arms like he was weightless, rather than the way he knew he had to be a chain tangling itself around your ankles, threatening to trip you up and drag you down.
But you didn’t let him sink, and you didn't get pulled down by him.
It was like you were a hero in some tropey anime. Willing to plunge into the very deepest of sorrows and pull him out. Never fearing the chances of drowning in the deep darkness of his curses, but also not shunning the light that revealed all. Good and bad.
Or if you did fear it, you didn’t let that fear hold you back. And perhaps that thought was even more alarming. Because that meant you cared about him enough to not let fear hold you back.
Either way, you seemed to just accept both his good and bad traits. Taking it all on with a smile not unlike the one you’d worn when you’d first forced your way into his life.
You’d shrugged off his moody words and met his gaze with your smiling one, “Nobody’s perfect, and it’s not like you’re the only guy at NRC who has overblotted or has caused me problems.”
You were definitely still a strange one, but Idia could no longer view that strangeness as bad. How could he when you could somehow look at the chains that surrounded him, binding him to his curses and doing their best to condemn him and those he chose to tie himself to, and smile in the face of it all?
But as frustrating as your strange but oddly charming weirdness was, it made him want to do better.
To support you just like how you supported him. To let you know that even in this world that was not your own, you weren’t alone.
If you could willingly walk into that never-ending light that constantly showed his every weakness to the entire, unforgiving, and uncaring world, then he would hide you in the darkness and carry you when it hurt too much.
Because he knew it hurt, even if you hid it well with that smile that only seemed to truly fail you when you were facing an overblot or when the mention of your home came up.
Even if you were strong enough to carry him and all his curses, Idia knew it hurt and that the nights were long for you.
In fact, it was obvious to him.
Because that weight you carried was why, even after having made friends and forged yourself a family, you still sought your own world. And he recognized that weight’s presence. How could he not when he was all too familiar with carrying a burden all his own?
But you would never be too heavy for him. Not when he was used to carrying the weight of his own curses.
He could carry you, and you would never drag him down. In fact, he doubted your feet would ever even touch the ground. Because, just like how the weight of you leaning against him was more of a comfort than a burden, he knew that, if it was you, he could carry any weight.
Okay so i saw this thing on YouTube and my mind went straight to Jade and Idia from twisted wonderland

Look at the baby mooshroom I swear these exist in twisted wonderland and nobody knows and Mc would 100% be the one to discover them and then Jade and Idia would want to ‘Adopt’ it
Both Jade and Idia be like: what is that? *Starring at the Mooshroom with absolute intentions of adopting*
Baby Mooshroom: *hiding behind it’s new mamma figure* Mooo *Pecking at them cutely*
Mc/yuu: MY Mooshroom son his name Is Red *unaware she just stared a war*
Jade and Idia will fight for the for the right to be the Mooshroom baby’s dad and Yuu/Mc will no the wiser
Meanwhile Lilia is coming for your child
Also credit to KaypeaCreations on YouTube they made the Mooshroom baby
Link to video
My heart can’t handle the adorableness. Love your writing @twstlibrary , would love to see Lilia for the next one with Deuce, Silver and Rook💖💖💖
May I request the dorm leaders with an s/o that tends to cuddle up to them in their sleep 😳
O u i 😳 BUT I WANNA WRITE ONE FOR DEUCE AND SILVER TOO... I need a third character though hmm any suggestions, my lovelies?
Deuce, Rook, Silver ver. (coming soon)
Dorm Leaders | Gender-neutral reader | Headcanons

Riddle is a very light sleeper, so he'd jolt awake the moment he feels your warmth latching to his side. He would instinctively reach for his magic pen only to stop midway when he remembers that he had allowed you to sleep with him in his room tonight. He immediately relaxes and retracts his arm.
His gaze flits over to the side of the bed you were resting on, and he goes completely red in the face upon seeing you cuddling up to him. He's still trying to get used to this sort of intimacy, so his mind just goes- blank- He's at a loss for what to do next. Such an innocent boy lmao
Riddle wanted to wake you up so that you would stop clinging to him in your sleep, but he wouldn't be able to bring himself to do it - because how could he, when you looked so peaceful pressed up against his side? It'd be cruel of him to disturb the serene expression you wore, so he'd opt for stiffly lying there until the morning sun greets him through the gap between his curtains.

Jokes on you, Leona is actually the one cuddling you in his sleep. He's naturally attracted to the warmth of your body that's akin to fire in the hearth during winter - so before you could even fall asleep yourself, you'd be tightly wrapped up in his limbs as his face nestles on top of your head.
He's a heavy sleeper, yet despite that he's pretty guarded in his unconscious state. The slightest movements you make will cause his arms to lock around you, but when you suddenly cuddle up to him one night, his eyelids flutter open.
Leona is somehow awoken by the feeling of your arms slithering around his torso, and he would be a bit surprised to find you holding him as if he’s a life-size teddy bear. He would definitely be a jerk about it and tease you later in the morning - but for now, he'll wrap his tail around your thigh and enjoy the moment as he falls back into another deep slumber.

Although he wouldn't be as startled as Riddle, Azul would be easily awakened from slumber upon feeling your body curl into his side and instinctively assumes that you're cold. Since he's a cold-blooded creature, he had made sure to prepare thick blankets in his wardrobe and gets up to grab them for you...
... only to be tugged back to the mattress by your hand that's clinging to his shirt. He tries not to make too much noise as you bury your face in his chest, and he could feel his face become unbearably hot when you smile adorably in your sleep.
He lies on his side for a good second whilst staring at your serene expression, before expelling a quiet sigh. As someone who is touch starved, Azul doesn't mind you cuddling up to him. He slowly rubs his cheek against your head, wordlessly reveling in your warmth.

Another one who cuddles you in his sleep. Ever since he started dating you, Kalim cannot fall asleep unless you're next to him on the same bed. Jamil was at wit's end when Kalim kept complaining about not being able to get a good night's sleep, and that was when the vice dorm leader had the bright idea of asking you to sleep with Kalim every night.
He sleeps like a rock so he won’t feel you cuddling up to him. He would only notice you pressing yourself against his side when he needs to go to the toilet, and the heart-warming sight of you looking so comfortable as you lie close him made his chest tighten in a good way.
Kalim wouldn’t be able to resist the urge to hug you. He’s not going to be gentle about it either; he’ll literally throw his arms around you and mush your face against his chest, which would definitely startle you awake. He’ll apologise for disturbing your sleep and after he uses the toilet, the two of you would doze off in each other’s arms.

Vil often sleeps while facing away from you and would be stirred awake by you snuggling against his back. Like Azul, he’d initially assume that you’re cold and sits up to ask you if you require an extra blanket - he can’t have his sweet potato feeling uncomfortable now, can he?
He falters upon noticing your hand that is clutching his shirt and then chuckles softly. So you only needed something to cuddle while sleeping? If that will help you sleep better, then he certainly doesn’t mind being your cuddle buddy. After lying down again, he’d gently pull you against his chest before kissing your forehead.
As his eyelids flutter shut, he slips one hand underneath your shirt and traces soothing circles on your back. Although he can’t see it, he could feel the contented smile that appears on your lips. Vil will ensure the quality of your sleep, so just leave everything to him.

Idia goes to bed quite late because his gaming sessions tend to keep him up past midnight. By the time he’s done gaming, you’d be fast asleep on his bed and he’s careful not to disturb you as he joins you under the covers. He silently admires your sleeping face before closing his eyes...
... but they quickly open in confusion when you duck under his left arm abruptly. Are you still awake after all- He immediately freezes upon feeling you burrow into his torso; his sleepiness is thrown right out the window and he’s suddenly wide awake. What kind of limited-time event is this? He’s not prepared to play through it yet!
The CG of you cuddling up to him is too much for him to mentally process, and the tips of his wispy blue hair flicker with a light pink colour when you bury your face in him while mumbling his name. Idia is so flustered that he's unable to get a wink of sleep, but the price he had to pay for that experience is totally worth it.

Malleus tends to just lie down on his bed while holding you protectively in his arms. The opportunity to gaze upon your slumbering face doesn’t come by often, especially since you’re kept on your toes with the multitude of tasks Crowley dumps on you. Being able to see you resting is gratifying enough for the fae prince.
When you cuddle up to him for the first time, he’s caught off-guard. With wide eyes, he watches you snuggle closer to him before curling into his chest like a newborn baby seeking their mother’s warmth. He recovers from his initial surprise rather quickly and releases a breathy chuckle. He then leans down to leave an affectionate kiss on top of your head.
The faintest hint of a blush is present on Malleus’ cheeks as he thinks about how you trust him enough to show him this adorable side of you in your sleep. He relishes all of the affection you shower him with, and this situation is no different. Expect to wake up in a tangle of limbs with his face buried in your chest the following morning.
I wish that was me kissing their cheeks especially Riddle❤️💋😘 Thank you for doing my request @glass-cage-of-emotion-12
So happy requests are open, can you do headcannons with the dorm leaders for a reader who kisses them on the cheek when taking a photo together please. Thank You!
Couple photos with the dorm leaders!
Riddle Rosehearts
Everyday is a hectic day for Riddle. Punishing rule-breakers, perfecting homework, studying for the next pop quiz. It's all too east for someone to sneak up on him and catch him off guard.
Cater catches him by surprise this time.
He smiles stiffly, the best he can do with the short time he has to compose himself. But all that effort is wasted when he feels a light kiss to his face.
His eyes widen, mouth hanging open in surprise. Cater captures the sight perfectly onto his phone.
He is not amused. And very flustered, red faced and all.
Cater laughs and takes another photo, joking about posting it on Magicam. Or at least he hopes Cater is joking.
You better not have planned this with Cater, or it's off with your head!
Leona Kingscholar
He just wants a nice nap on a sunny afternoon in the greenhouse. Is that too much to ask? He growls at the poor first year holding up a camera shakily.
It doesn't matter who wants to take his photo, yearbook photographer or not, he's annoyed nonetheless.
He just sits there and doesn't smile. "Well? Take the photo."
But then you skip over and plant a kiss to his cheek and his mood heightens considerably. He pulls you close for a few more pictures with the smuggest grin you've seen all week. And you've seen many of them.
Don't think you can escape even after the photo taking session is done. You were the one who started it.
Azul Ashengrotto
Another busy day at the Mostro Lounge. Dinner rush is in full swing, with customers coming in an out, waiters rushing about, madol flooding in-
Unfortunately, Floyd is causing trouble again.
He rolls his eyes when Floyd bursts into his office with a camera, whining at him to say "cheese~". He decides to indulge Floyd for now, hoping he'll get back to work in return. You coming over and planting a kiss to his cheek was not part of the plan.
He bluescreens for a hot minute.
Floyd cackles for a bit, then turns to run off for more fun.
Before he can run too far, Azul demands for a more professional photo to be taken of you both, holding you in place with a huff.
Kalim Al-Asim
It's a bit of a lazy day for Kalim. He lounges by a fountain, basking in the sun. Everyone's hustling and bustling about with their homework, so he doesn't have anyone to talk to.
But then you run up to him with your phone held out, begging for a selfie. If it's you asking, how could he say no? He perks up immediately, his boredom gone already.
He flashes one of his bright smiles, pulling you close to his side. He wasn't expecting you to turn and kiss his cheek. But fun surprises are always welcome!
But you can't be the only one getting all the fun. He insists on taking another photo, with him kissing your cheek this time!
Vil Schoenheit
Vil has made it a bit of a habit to take photos of himself throughout the day, then select the best ones to post on his Magicam. With you being such a big part of his daily life, of course you would turn up in his posts.
A thriving meadow, a near cloudless sky, a basket sitting atop a red checker-printed blanket. The perfect picturesque picnic date.
Vil takes out his phone. "The lighting is good right now."
You scoot closer to him as he arranges his phone on a selfie stick. Three, two, one...
You manage to kiss him in time, pulling away with a cheeky grin.
He doesn't give you the pleasure of seeing him caught off guard, reviewing the photo with a thoughtful hum. "This is will do nicely."
Idia Shroud
With great love for an anime series comes a great need to express said love. In Idia's case, it was in the form of cosplay.
After 10 minutes of begging, he finally let you see him in his new dashing suit.
"Tanaka-chi looked so good in it, I just had to try it for myself," Idia mumbled as you gushed over him.
"Let's take a photo!" You pull out your phone. "To remember how handsome you look."
"E-Eh? I can't do that!" Idia whimpered, shrinking into himself. "There's no way I can replicate Tanaka-chi's brilliant smile."
"You don't have to replicate Tanaka-chi's brilliant smile," you laugh, tugging him to your side. "You just have to be yourself."
With a click of your camera, you capture his perfect grin just right.
Malleus Draconia
"This is what technology has come to?" Malleus holds up your phone, watching as a Santa beard appears on your face.
"Yup! That's the Santa beard filter," you laugh. "Isn't it cute?"
"..Yes," he holds the phone to your face, smiling when a beard appears on you as well.
"There are other filters too," you swipe to a cat filter. "This one's my favourite!"
"Is that so?" Malleus stares at the cat whiskers on his cheeks.
"Let's take a photo! You look really good with this one," You cheer eagerly, bumping his arm playfully. He doesn't refuse.
The smile on his face when you kiss his cheek quickly becomes your favourite picture of you both.
Thank you for doing my request @courtlyharlequin ❤️❤️❤️
Hello! Your writing is amazing💗💗. Could I request some headcannons with the dorm leaders reacting to see their s/o sleeping beside them when they wake up in the morning (Super Fluffy). Thank you!
By Your Side

A/N: Ueee thank you! I see you around a lot in my notifs so I can tell you really like my stuff. Thank you for always supporting me hehe ♡
Riddle Rosehearts:
He's never really shared his bed before. Riddle is a bit of a picky sleeper. He's not a light sleeper, but he can't fall asleep unless the conditions are right. He can't fall asleep unless he's laying down on his back. There can't be too much noise when he's trying to fall asleep otherwise he'd be wide awake- not matter how tired he is.
So naturally, waking up with you by his side, he's a little startled. Riddle doesn't flinch or scream, but he is taken aback. He slept well. With you?
You look so at peace when you're asleep. So serene, so still and calm. Did he look like this when he was sleeping with you too?
He held his breath as he heard you stir in your sleep. A wave of relief soon washed over him as you didn't wake from your slumber. He didn't want to get caught staring at you. That would've been embarrassing!
His eyes glance towards the clock on his nightstand.
Ah well... a few minutes wouldn't hurt. Riddle smiled contently and pressed a chaste kiss on your forehead before pulling the covers over the both of you, making sure you're both nice and snug. After all, there's no very important date to be late to.
Leona Kingscholar:
The botanical garden fostered the perfect environment for napping. There was the perfect amount of shade and sunlight for a certain lion to find a moment of solitude and solace.
A moment meaning an hour or two... or three. Leona preferred his naps long. Thirty minutes isn't enough to equate to a nap. Thirty minutes is only enough time to close his eyes and ponder some thoughts. It takes a lot for Leona to fall asleep. However, when he's out, he's out.
Still, he's not a heavy sleeper either. So how on earth did he find himself in this predicament? You clinging onto him like a monkey hugging a tree trunk...
Leona recounts what happened before he fell asleep. Or, at least, what he remembers before he fell asleep
You came to the garden looking for him and found him in his secret spot Then, you said something about another thing. And he said something witty. What was it again?
Oh yes. You said that napping on grass looked uncomfortable and in response, he pulled you into his arms. His eyes dart back to your sleeping figure. Heh, you sure did look comfortable
Azul Ashengrotto:
Azul jolted awake and gasped for air. A nightmare? He can't even remember what it was about. His hand snaked through his hair, aimlessly combing it in a soothing motion while his other hand found itself on top of his heart, feeling it race a thousand miles an hour
He inhaled and exhaled, trying to calm himself. It's just a dream. You're okay. Inhale. Ex- Wait a minute. He's not the only one breathing here
His stormy gray eyes travel to the source: you.
You who slept without a care in the world, somewhere far away. Seeing your face made any leftover shivers and chills dissipate. An angel, truly. Just one look at you and he's grounded. Everything is going to be alright.
Whatever Azul dreamt about earlier was just a dream, but you? You're a reality. Though he may believe that sometimes, being with you feels like a dream, you're real. You're real and you're with him.
That's all the matters. He knows that no matter what, you'll always be there to greet him the next time he opens his eyes.
And with that, Azul intertwines his fingers with yours and finds himself succumbing to his own drowsiness.
Kalim Al-Asim:
Sunlight seeped through Kalim's bedroom window. Jamil would usually wake him around this time, but it's the weekend so he was left undisturbed. Still, Kalim is used to being awake at this time and today was no different.
Well... there was something different- you. You were peacefully snoring by his side. Not full on snoring, but little kitten snoring. It was something he found adorable.
Here at NRC, his bed was a little lonely. Back home, he would sleep with his siblings all the time whether that be slumber parties in their rooms or letting them sleep with him for the night because of a bad dream. Kalim can't really do that here because most people in the dormitory tend to mind their own business and wouldn't dare to disturb him even if they had a bad dream. It was also one of those "too old for that kind of stuff" things
But at least Kalim knows you're comfortable with sharing the same bed as him
Is it because the bed is warmer? Or that you feel safer with him next to you? Is it him that feels safer? Perhaps the feeling is mutual...
Vil Schoenheit:
Waking up next to you is something Vil has to get used to. Sharing the same bed is a norm for most relationships- dating, marriage and whatnot. He shouldn't be so surprised... but he is. For some reason, he is.
Is it because you're one of the few people he truly trusts? Wholeheartedly? Or one of the few people who've seen his face without makeup and still think he's as beautiful as ever.
Or because you have this tendency to watch him when he sleeps and get extremely flustered when he catches you, telling you he's been awake the whole time?
When Vil wakes up before you, he takes some times to brush out the flyaways framing your face. He wants to take the time to admire you and your beauty as much as he can.
Then, he gently shakes you awake. Vil isn't one to snooze as he has a busy schedule and he wants to kiss you goodbye before his time is spent on other things
But even if he is busy, those first few moments in the morning with you mean the world to him
Idia Shroud:
Like Riddle, Idia doesn't share his bed much. Well, he used to share it with Ortho when they were little, but you know...
He's a very closed off person when it comes to touch despite being so touch-starved. It takes a lot for Idia to truly let someone in. He's alright at keeping things surface-level. But sleeping next to each other? That's another story.
The first time he ever woke up with you by his side, it felt like a weight was being lifted off of his shoulders. He felt... at home. It felt comfortable, safe and sound.
You breathing and being so close to him was enough to turn his hair red, but it also made him want to scream into his pillow. He can't do that though. That would wake you up.
Instead, Idia settles for pulling you closer, hugger you like a giant pillow. He wants to relish and savor this moment. He doesn't know if he can have something like this again if he lets go.
It's nice. This love thing you two have going on... Not that he would say that he's in love.
Malleus Draconia:
The fair folk don't require sleep like humans. They can sleep, but it's not necessary to sleep. It's more for recreation. Nevertheless, Malleus is allured by the concept of sleep.
What an honor and an absolute pleasure to have you, a human, to trust him enough to sleep with him.
When humans sleep, they're exposed to many external forces that could potentially harm them. Other people, the environment, and so many more things.
So when you fell asleep on his shoulder, his eyes widened. Tut, tut, child of man. Malleus worries for you. Have you been sleeping well? He's heard of some instances where humans fall asleep because they were too exhausted? It makes sense though. But for now, he'll keep you safe.
What he didn't expect was to fall asleep himself not long after. And surprisingly, you're still in a deep slumber when he's wide awake again.
Perhaps a new hobby of his is watching you sleep. Not in a creepy way, but he just finds it so fascinating. The way your lashes flutter, the way your body rises and falls to the rhythm of your breathing. The way your heart beats.
Humans are truly delicate creatures, but he supposes that's the beauty of them
Dorm Leaders (minus Vil) reacting to the reader calling them Beautiful

I may be sick but my head is overflowing with writing ideas so I have to do this. I’m excluding Vil because Vil already knows he is beautiful, so all the Vil simps don't be upset ok. Enjoy :)
Riddle Rosehearts🍓
🍓"!?!?!!?!?!!" Riddle was left stunned at what you had said, and his hair strands jumped up in shock.
🍓Him? Beautiful? That word was never brought up whenever someone would talk about him or mention him. Riddle has been called many things like "smart", "talented", "strict", and cough cough "short" (even though he despises that word), but he has never been called beautiful before.
🍓After Riddle calmed down, he would look at you with judging eyes, most likely thinking you were joking and it was a prank suggested by Ace or Floyd, but as he kept looking into your kind eyes, he realized you meant it truly.
🍓Cue a blushing Riddle, as he looked away from you, embarrassed then looked back at you again: "You are very bold, Y/N. Most people are afraid to say anything to me, yet here you are, casually calling me beautiful."
🍓If you tell Riddle, you will never be afraid of him and will always find him beautiful, yelp good job, you just broke Riddle, as he will turn red all the way up to his ears and neck, and his eyes will become watery, as he will be feeling emotional from your sweet comment.
🍓Everyone in Heartslabyul will notice that Riddle will be in a joyful mood the day after you called him beautiful. He will be smiling more and be less strict with the rules. Heck he even let Ace go with just a warning, instead of collaring him.
Leona Kingscholar🦁
🦁You and Leona were both hanging out near a tree in the botanical gardens, with you reading a book for class and Leona sleeping next to you. As you gazed at Leona's peaceful face, you called him beautiful then went back to reading your book.
🦁Well that woke up Leona from his nap. Leona eyes both opened up in shock and he glanced towards you, not expecting, you the Herbivore, to call him beautiful.
🦁The smirk on Leona's face will be huge, as he reached his hand towards your face, moving your head for you to look at him. "Heh, you expecting to butter me up with compliments, Herbivore? You just calling me that so I can help you with your assignments."
🦁Shaking your head, you told Leona that you were stating a fact and that he really was beautiful. You even said that you found him very beautiful the day you stepped on his tail, yet you didn't say it out loud.
🦁This mans ego was already big to begin with, and you had succeeded in making it even bigger. Leona still had that smirk on his face, but his face was slightly flushed and he was giving you bedroom eyes.
🦁Leona quickly got up off the ground, grabbed you while flinging you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and began speed running back to his dorm. Good job Y/N, you have woken the beast and he was going to take his time with you and expects to hear more compliments about how beautiful he is.
Azul Ashengrotto🐙
🐙"CRACK!" Azul glasses had broke the minute you said that comment to Azul as both him and apparently his glasses were in shock from your comment.
🐙Azul was just on his desk, finishing some documents, and you had just walked into the room to give him some tea and then all of a sudden, said that to him.
🐙Azul immediately didn't believe the word that came out of your mouth. He honestly thought the twins had set you up to this as a way to mess with him. Feelings of insecurity began to rise in Azul as he told you not to lie to him, as he was never called beautiful once in his life, especially to how he was bullied during childhood due to how he looked.
🐙You told Azul that you don't joke about stuff like this, as you walk over towards Azul and place your hand on his cheek. You tell Azul that he is beautiful, including his merman form, and he shouldn't believe the hurtful things that he was called in the past.
🐙Azul started to sob uncontrollably at your kind words, as he moved closer towards you and pulled you into a hug, with his head on your chest. Your words had a big impact on Azul as he slowly started to build confidence and appreciate his merform a bit more instead of hating it.
Kalim Al-Asim☀️
☀️Kalim wasn't really fazed by your compliment as he always complimented everyone he met, so it didn't come as much of a shock when you called him beautiful.
☀️Still this adorable sunshine boy was very happy and gave you a giant bear hug, and offered to give you a ride on his magic carpet.
☀️You accepted the offer and both you and Kalim flew around Scarabia. After a while, the both of you stayed on the magic carpet and just hovered above while looking up at the starry sky.
☀️Kalim turned towards you and noticed you were staring at him and he asked what was wrong. Feeling shy, you turned your head away and apologized saying you were staring at him cause he was really beautiful
☀️He blushed this time and felt butterflies in his stomach. Kalim was starting to realized that you calling him that made his heart ache. He hugged you again and gave you many smooches on your face.
Idia Shroud🎮
🎮 “CRITICAL HIT!!!!!!!” Idia had literally clutched his chest and collapsed from his bed in utter shock
🎮you were in Idias room, watching him during one of his gaming streams. You liked watching him play in person because you get to see many of his expressions especially his smile which he didn’t always do, and you found his smile very beautiful, but you had accidentally said that out loud in front of him and he had heard you
🎮Idia’s mind was racing a thousand thoughts a second, but he eventually snapped out of it when you had tapped one of his legs that was still dangling on the bed, asking him if he was ok
🎮Idia got up slowly like a zombie and sat back down on his bed, cross-crossing his legs while pulling his hoodie up over his head, hiding his face from you. “P-player 2. You can’t be serious. Me? B-b-beautiful? No way.”
🎮Heaving a sigh, you grabbed Idia’s face and told him to look up at you. Shocked, Idia looked up at you, not expecting you to touch him like that. You began complimenting his hair, his face, his smile, his voice and you go on to tell him that he can keep denying he is beautiful but you will continue to call him that no matter what.
🎮His neon blue fire hair started to glow bright pink, as his heart began to skip a beat at your words. You smiled at him and wrapped your arms around him in a hug. Idia stayed still like a statue, but he slowly melted into your hug and gave you a quiet “thank you.”
Malleus Draconia🐲
🐲 “…..” Malleus was left baffled by your words. The both of you were strolling near an abandoned building, observing the structure and admiring the gargoyles. Malleus was going on and on, taking about how beautiful they were and you had agreed with him, while also saying he was too
🐲Malleus was a crowned prince and also one of the strongest mages in the world, so he is often feared by others for his magic and intimidating aura, but then you, a magicless human, who had just arrived to this world out of nowhere, called him beautiful, without any fear or hesitation
🐲Silence filled the air, as both you and Malleus stared at each other, until you broke it and looked away from Malleus, embarrassed at having said that, but you turned back to Malleus in shock as he started laughing
🐲 “Hahaha, Child of Man, you are a strange one indeed. Never has someone called me beautiful before. It is a very odd feeling, but I don’t detest it. Thank you.” Malleus made his way closer towards you and patted your head, smiling kindly at you.
🐲Blushing, you looked back at Malleus with a smile and said your welcome. Malleus continued to gaze at you with loving eyes, as he leaned closer and gave you a kiss on the forehead, and then he disappeared, leaving behind glowing fireflies.