snickering-kitsune - What a tasty morsel you'll make!
What a tasty morsel you'll make!

647 posts

On My Way To Work. First Day Nerves -_-;;

On my way to work. First day nerves -_-;;

More Posts from Snickering-kitsune

7 years ago

/Heading to bed now, all replies owed in my drafts for tomorrow ;)

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7 years ago


The ship is my:

I consider this ship’s feelings: Mutual | Mixed | Strange | Awkward | Platonic | Sibling-like | One-sided | They don’t really like each other |

I’d consider the relationship: Healthy | Awkward | Abusive | Doesn’t work properly | They’d never get together |

Children: No | Yes | They’d think about it

General Opinion:

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7 years ago

"It /is/ fun... And somewhat easy too" (Lene no)

"It /is/ Fun... And Somewhat Easy Too" (Lene No)

“Damn right it is! He walks right into most of it!”

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7 years ago

Reblog and see what color you get

Yellow: You are such a sunshiney person and my dash is always brightened whenever you post

Maroon: I wish you followed me

Teal: You make me happy ♥

Auburn: I love you

Burnt Sienna: I love you but it's a different color

Navy: We should talk more

Magenta: You are my favorite tumblr user

Fuchsia: Come catch these hands...with your own. I wanna hold your hand.

Dodie Yellow: You are literally my favorite person ever.

Cerulean: I would come to your house at 3 in the morning if you were sad bc you deserve to be loved and to be happy

Baby Pink: u so attractive??? how u do dat??

Barbie Pink: You are the best at everything i don't get how

Crimson: I wanna cuddle with you

Emerald: You are my inspiration.

Gold: I can't believe you exist. You're such a blessing to this earth

Silver: I can't believe we're mutuals

Aquamarine: You are goals

White: Your icon is goals

Black: Marry Me

Beige: Idk what to say except W O W

7 years ago

Send “🔪” for an unpopular opinion from the MUSE

Send “🗡” for an unpopular opinion from the MUN

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