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"But Hoseok Doesnt Cry, Not This Timehe Expected It. Deep Down, Digging Deeper Through His Heart, A Part

"But Hoseok doesn’t cry, not this time—he expected it. Deep down, digging deeper through his heart, a part of him knew he would be left behind, just like every other time before." I really loved reading this part. Hit me directly in the heart 😭

alone again — jhs


⟶ SUMMARY : Hoseok always ends up alone when the moon shines bright and the clock strikes midnight. Everyone eventually leaves him. And he isn’t surprised when you do, too. | pg-15

⟶ GENRE : angst, fluff, drabble

⟶ PAIRING : Hoseok x reader

⟶ WC : 1.1k

⟶ WARNINGS : hobi just needs a hug :(, angsty feelings, he thinks he is unworthy of love, hobi is deprivated of love, hints at infidelity, fluffy at the end !!

⟶ NOTE : i was in the mood for some angst, and i was lisening to chamber of reflection cover by youranxietybuddy, and this idea came to my mind!! I hope u all like this mini drabble with our lovely hobi <3 

please reblog or leave feedback if u like this drabble, it helps a lot !! ♡ 




The sky at night is a beautiful sight.

Poets would describe it as a blessing, but for Jung Hoseok, the night is a curse he felt ever since he was a little boy.

Every time the clock strikes midnight, the universe mocks him with the reminder of his loneliness and the way he is unlovable to every human walking the earth.

He’s an adult, pushing his thirties and never once has another human chosen to stay with him or just chose him. They always left him at night, and when the clock struck midnight, Hoseok was alone again. Just like every other night.

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More Posts from Softie00

2 years ago

kind regards

Kind Regards
Kind Regards
Kind Regards

kind regards — one shot [general masterlist]

this series (and this blog) are 18+ !! minors, please do not interact!!

• changbin x female reader; lee know is briefly featured.

• non idol au. workplace au. rivals to lovers (workplace rivalry). some physical description of mc, drinking, explicit language, explicit smut.

•  smut warnings (spoilers ahead) — dom!changbin, switch! reader, unprotected sex, sex in an empty public space, angry sex, elevator sex, use of pet names, lingerie, praising kink, dirty talk, slight degradation kink, dumbification, throatfucking, creampie.

• word count: 10.5k

Seo Changbin. Every time you get an email from me, you feel your blood boil. What a conceited, terrible human being. You have to work together, but it doesn't mean you have to like him. In fact, you only feel hate towards him. So what if you have no idea what he looks like, so what if you have never met him? Nothing could change your mind about him. Right?

• author’s note: Just a silly little one shot to take our mind off things. I wrote this completely for fun so I hope you can have fun reading it as well! Thank you for being here, sending lots of love your way. ♡

Kind Regards

You stare at your computer screen, hoping that if you do it long and hard enough, it will magically conjure up the word you’re looking for. It starts with a g, that much you’re sure of, and it’s an adverb. It’s not gradually. It’s not gaudily. You have right there, on the tip of your tongue, but frustratingly out of reach. 

You close your eyes and take a deep breath. You’ll find it. You’ll find it. 


Your eyes flutter open on your coworker, Gahyeon, who gives you an apologetic smile. 

“Are you okay?” 

“Yeah,” you sigh. “Just can’t find my words today.” 

“Hm,” she nods knowingly. “I hate days like that.” 

You slide a hand through your hair and sit up in your chair. 

“What’s up, Gahyeon?” 

“I just wanted your advice on something…” 

She circles your desk and puts a document on it, asking about the revision of a tricky sentence, offering you a welcome distraction. You discuss it for a few minutes before she heads back to her desk, long hair flowing down her back. You turn back to your screen, ready to get a good amount of work done before you head to lunch. Your fingers dance on your keyboard for a few minutes when you get an email notification.

Immediately, your blood grows hot and you stop typing. The notification shows you who the email is from: Seo Changbin, from marketing. 

You haven’t even opened the email yet but you’re already angry. You know his email will be dripping with his usual passive aggressive tone, blaming you for this and that, asking you to make corrections to something that has already been done and approved. You just know it. The guy is never happy with anything, especially not your work. He’s the only one, though. You work well with your colleagues, and your team manager likes you. You always hand in your work on time. You’re always meticulous. You care about what you do, and you make sure it’s well done. 

But this guy. 

Not long ago, one of his emails angered you so much you almost punched your computer screen. You almost took the elevator to his floor to let him hear a piece of your mind. Luckily for him you have some self-control - and you know he is still your senior in the company. You don’t want to lose your job over some loser who clearly has nothing better to do with his time than bring you down to raise himself up. 

It wasn’t always this way. You’ve worked at this company for years as a translator and never had any major issues with anyone, except for some classic bickering and gossip. Then this guy integrated the marketing department as a star talent and proceeded to make your life a living hell because he, too, spoke several languages and didn’t approve of your phrasing or your choice of words. 

It’s not the tone we are aiming for is the sentence you’ve read the most from him. Sometimes you hear it in your nightmares. 

You really don’t want to open the email, but you have to. Then you can treat yourself to a good lunch. You had planned on just grabbing something from the cafeteria, but you will definitely head out outside. A brie and spinach panini from the cafe next door, perhaps? Maybe even some sushi. 

You inhale slowly and click on your inbox. 

The email starts as usual. Dear Y/LN. It also ends as usual. Looking forward to your collaboration. You clench your fists, imagining they land on his nose and break it in a thousand pieces. The guy is polite - too polite. So polite you also want to break his teeth. You can just feel the arrogance oozing from his words. 

You read the content of the email and take a deep breath. It’s not too bad today, considering, but it still puts you in a bad mood. There is something I would like to suggest, he writes. 

Suggest it to my fist, you arrogant fuck. 

You stare at your screen, your face frozen into an expression of disgust. You hate every single word he uses. You hate that he puts his font just a half a point bigger like he has something to compensate for. You hate the little gray icon next to his name at the top that indicates the jerk still hasn’t uploaded his picture like the company requires. Maybe it’s best you don’t know what he looks like, because then your hate would know absolutely no bounds. 

You work for a big company. So big it occupies multiple floors of a sky-high building, and you’ve probably only met about 5% of the totality of your coworkers. That does not include the marketing team, except for a few faces you can recall from a Christmas party. That department is a floor above you, right on top of your head even, and the thought makes you rage. 

I won’t let you step on me, Seo Changbin. You can burn in hell. 

You imagine he’s a sixty-something year old guy with a fancy suit and a big watch, a family he does not know how to show affection for, and probably a mistress although his dick hasn’t worked properly in years. You just know he’s the sort of man to look down on women, to never say thank you to cashiers and to play golf with his buddies on the weekend. Hell, he’s probably a part of a country club of some kind. 

You’re probably taking all of this too far but you don’t care. 

You need to hate the guy. You want to hate him. It makes it easier.

With a sigh, you quickly reply to him, your tone cold and expeditive as always. You sign with your usual kind regards, words you’ve decided during a lonely night in your apartment after four glasses of wine. Just regards would be too easy, best did not convey your feeling and warm was just gross. Kind - that was perfect. Just the perfect amount of passive aggressiveness that could never be read as just that. 

You close your inbox, inhaling slowly. You’re not going to let the guy ruin your day. You are not. 

You get some more work done and ask Gahyeon if she wants to grab lunch with you. Minho yells from his desk that he’s coming too, so the three of you set off downstairs. 

In the elevator, you complain about the email. Gahyeon shakes her head, although smiling amusingly, and Minho lets out a chuckle as you spit out your murderous intents. 

“What are you laughing at?” you pout. 

“I was just imagining the day you’ll come face to face with the guy,” he says, eyes gleaming mischievously. “I need to witness this moment.” 

“Historical moment,” Gahyeon agrees. 

“It would be best for you to be there,” you reply. “I’ll need help getting rid of the body.” 

Once you’re sitting down with your platter of sushi not long later, you let out a sigh and plop one in your mouth. 

“So, are you guys going to the cocktail party Friday night?” Gahyeon asks you both. 

“You mean the thing with free food and booze?” you reply with a chuckle. “Why the hell would I miss it?” 

Minho shakes his head. “I can’t that night, I’m cat-sitting for a friend.” 

You glance at your friend, but then again, for such a sentence to escape his lips is nothing out of the ordinary. 

“You could bring the cat to the cocktail party,” you suggest.

“And what, put the poor thing on a leash?” Minho glares. 

You let out a laugh. “No leash. Just let it roam free. Hopefully my archnemesis will be there and the cat will scratch his face off.” 

You all laugh over your plates, covering your mouths with your hands so as not to be too loud. It’s a tendency you have - you’ve been warned before about making too much noise in this very restaurant. You love their sushi too much to risk being banned, so you do your best to be discreet. 

“Are you going, Gahyeon?” you ask your friend. 

She nods. “Probably.” 

Minho raises his eyebrows at her. “Hoping Mr Finance Department will be there?” 

Gahyeon blushes slightly. “Well…” 

You slap your hand on her arm, gasping loudly. “Oh my God, that’s still a thing?! I thought you were over him!” 

Minho leans towards you. “It was, but he broke up with Sunglass Girl.” 

“He did?!” 

“And he got a haircut,” Gahyeon whimpers. “I didn’t think it would be possible but he looks even more fucking hot.” 

“I can’t believe you didn’t tell me,” you say. 

You put a hand on your friend’s shoulder and look deep inside her hazel eyes. 

“Don’t worry, Gahyeon. I’ll be your wingwoman Friday night.” 

“That’s okay, Y/N…” 

“I promise you to get you close enough to count the beauty marks on his face.” 

“He has two.” 

“I thought just one,” Minho frowns.

“No, two,” Gahyeon assures him. 

“After Friday you can tell us how many he has on his entire body.” 

“Y/N!” Gahyeon cries out, hiding her face.

She can’t stop giggling, though, and neither can you - and as Minho starts to make soft kissing sounds, you all burst out laughing. 

When you settle at your desk for the afternoon, later that day, you’ve almost forgotten about your work nemesis. Almost.

Kind Regards

Kind regards.

Changbin lets out a scoff, scrunching his nose in front of his screen. Kind regards. He’s not an idiot. He can read between the lines. He knows exactly what that means, and it’s kindly fuck off. 

He’s not annoyed by it. Changbin knows better than to let things like that get to him. No, he’s definitely not annoyed. 

He just hates your guts. 

Before he closes your answer to his email, he catches a glimpse of your picture, right there, next to your name. It’s so small he can barely trace your features, but in a previous moment of weakness he opened the picture so it would be bigger and saw you almost too well. 

Wide doe eyes. Full lips. Smiling almost cheekily to the camera, wearing a black turtleneck. Wispy bangs grazing your forehead. Simple gold loop earrings. A faint white scar on the right side of your nose, probably from your childhood. 

Yeah. He might have looked at the picture a few times. 

It was just to get to know his enemy better, he swore to himself. That way, he had an advantage over you - he knew what you looked like, but you had no idea who he was. You could meet him in the elevator or the cafeteria and you would have no idea - but he would. It happened once. He saw you in the main hall of the building one morning, holding a coffee and wearing headphones. You were bobbing your head to the music, completely oblivious to the rest of the world. He tried really hard not to stare, but it was beyond him - luckily, you didn’t even notice him. 

Why would you, anyway? Thousands of people work in the company, hundreds of them wearing plain black suits like he does. Once Changbin understood that, he knew one day it would come to his advantage. He’s just waiting for the right moment. It will come. He just has to be patient - which has never been his strength, but for you, he trusts it will be worth it.

He takes the last bite out of his sandwich - homemade - and leans back on his chair. If only he could deal with someone else, if only you weren’t the translator assigned to his projects 90% of the time. At one point it started to feel like a joke, so much he wondered if someone was doing it on purpose. Your pettiness, your rude tone, it all rubbed off on him in all the wrong ways. He doesn’t do well with games and smugness, so you’re really testing his patience. Getting on his last nerve isn’t even covering it. Passive aggressive emails are starting to not be enough to convey his point. The fact that you’re pretty? It makes it even worse. You’re probably just a princess that thinks everything should be handed to her. He’s going to need to make himself very clear.

He just doesn’t know how. 

Of course it’s on his mind all day, and it pisses him off even more that he can’t focus on work because of you. You might be pretty but right now, for Changbin, you’re the devil incarnate and he needs to exorcize you out of his mind. Luckily, he has his gym bag with him so he can head right there after work. Small blessings.

At six o’clock, Changbin stands from his desk, gets his things and heads to the elevator. Many people have already left, which is why he likes to finish his day at six - it’s much quieter in the building and the subway. His briefcase in a hand, his gym bag on his shoulder, he gets in the elevator and sighs. A part of him just wants to get home, and another dreads the silence of his apartment. 

The elevator stops on the 11th floor - your floor. 

The chances for you to step in the elevator are slim, but present, so Changbin tenses a little, just in case. Good thing he does, because there you appear. Wearing a skirt and knee-high boots, your jacket around your arm, clutching your phone. His heartbeat immediately accelerates, and he has to violently remind himself that while he knows exactly who you are, you don’t. 

You step inside the elevator, giving him a small nod, and push the button for the main floor. 

It’s very silent. Changbin can’t help but glance at you - but you do the same at the same time, so both of you quickly look away. Leaning against the back of the elevator, you are pinching your lips, and you keep glancing at him. Changbin is more tense than he has ever been, keeping a solid frown on his face, his joints getting white at how tight he’s holding his briefcase. 

You pull out your phone and start texting frenetically. He keeps his eyes in front of him, hoping that the elevator would just stop to let somebody else in, but it’s well on its way to the main floor without interruption. He glares at you when you snicker at your phone. Are you talking about him? Are you making fun of him? 

He breathes out. Calm the fuck down. 

You have no idea who he is. 

And maybe it’s exactly why you are smiling like you are, stealing a few more glances. You’re not flirting, but he can feel it off you - if the context was different, you might have been. He’s trying very hard not to think about the fact that you smell really good. That your eyeliner is perfectly curved at the corner of your eyes, that he has a soft spot for knee-high boots. 

So as to set his mind right, Changbin recalls to his mind the email you sent him today, and all the ones before. All the arrogance and rudeness, all the times he wanted to punch a wall or yell at you. That makes it easier, just a little bit. 

The elevator finally pings at the main floor and he briskly gestures for you to get out first. You give him a cute smile.

“Thanks,” you say, your voice dripping like honey. “Have a good evening.” 

Changbin clenches his jaw and does not answer. You don’t seem bothered though, as you walk away with a spring in your step. Fortunately, you head towards the street, not the subway, and he lets out a sigh of relief. Truly, small blessings. 

Kind Regards

You stare at your closet and let out a long sigh. It’s not that you don’t have anything to wear, of course, but there’s just nothing you want to wear. You don’t care about impressing or seducing anyone, you just want to dress up for yourself, to feel good even just for a little while. 

You hesitate but eventually settle on a simple black cocktail dress you adore because it’s extremely comfortable and has pockets. You slip it on, wearing only your golden hoops as your jewelry, and let your hair down. It would do just fine. 

Gahyeon is waiting for you outside your building, which is only a few minutes walk away from the office. She looks insanely good in a red dress and matching lipstick, and you shower her in compliments. You make it to the building quickly, showing your identification to the security guard. The lobby is already quite busy with people from all departments, who are sipping champagne and catching up.

You and Gahyeon get a drink from the open bar, looking for Mr Finance Department in the crowd. Luckily, your friend has a radar for him and she spots him by the windows standing with his colleagues. He has gotten a haircut, and the short hair gives him an edgier look that really suits him. 

“All right,” you say, holding your friend’s shoulders. “You remember the plan?” 

Gahyeon nods. “Walk up to him, say hello, be myself.” 

“And, what else?” 

“Be direct.” 

You hold up a palm so Gahyeon can high five you, and she sets off towards her crush, nervously playing with the strip of her handbag. You look at her go, trying not to squeal as you watch the guy turn to her and give her a sincere smile. From what you can see, although you can’t hear, they seem to be hitting it off. You feel a rush of pride, like your evening’s work has already been done. Now you can just let Gahyeon enjoy herself, have a few drinks, and go home in peace. 

You head towards a quieter spot, considering going out to the terrace to enjoy the evening breeze when a familiar face stops you in your tracks.

“Oh, Y/N, long time no see.” 

It’s your boss - not the boss boss, but high enough on the company hierarchy so that he is not the kind of person you can’t ignore. You give him a polite smile although you’re not really in the mood for small talk. 

“How are you, sir? It’s good to see you.”

“Likewise, likewise. Now I wanted to mention to you the…” 

He starts talking to you about a recent project that he wants to expand, and you nod at him, listening more or less intently - and that’s when you notice the guy standing next to him. 

His black hair is slightly combed back, small strands falling back on his forehead. He’s dressed all in black, his shirt without a tie, and there’s an elegant, discreet watch on his wrist. He just emanates charisma. 

Sexy Elevator Guy. 

That’s the unoriginal nickname Minho gave him in your group chat when you told your friends about your encounter with a mysterious, brooding stranger in the elevator. 

All week you hoped to see him again, although you never really counted on it. You didn’t even know if he worked at the company - maybe he was just a visitor. But from his attire and the fact that he is standing next to your boss, you can guess he’s your colleague.

How delightful. 

Your boss seems to notice he hasn’t introduced you, and so he points at the guy, who has been staring at you since you appeared. 

“Oh, but you two must know each other, right?” your boss says. “Don’t you work together?” 

You frown. “Hm, I’m not sure..”

“Sure, we do,” the guy answers. 

You look at him in surprise and confusion. This smile - it really does look like he knows you. Is it because of the elevator? You don’t understand. 

“How delightful to finally meet you, Y/LN,” he continues, and your blood gets boiling hot. “Seo Changbin, from Marketing.” 



Oh, no.

Your heart drops at the bottom of your chest as you stare at him. Does he know who you are? He has to, smiling proudly as he is. You’re too shocked to feel angry, but you know it’s coming. 

“I -” you stutter. “I’m not -”

“Can you believe this, sir?” he laughs. “We’ve been exchanging emails for months but we’ve never met.” 

“Yes,” your boss nods, “well, that’s what happens with such big companies.” 

The two of them keep talking but you completely lose track, your eyes fixated on him. Seo Changbin. He is your nemesis? He is looking forward to your collaboration guy? You can’t believe it.

Yet you have to face it.

That’s him. Seo Changbin.

The guy you’ve been hating and insulting and plotting to murder.

He’s standing in front of you - and he is also Sexy Elevator Guy. 

No fucking way. 

“Excuse me,” you mutter and walk away without another look. 

You don’t care that you’ll come off as rude - you need some air. A lot of it, actually. You head directly to the terrace, stare up at the dark sky and inhale deeply. You feel dizzy, the wine coming up your throat. 

You can’t believe what just happened. It’s one thing to discover his identity - but you can’t get over the fact that he clearly knew who you were. He is playing with you. He’s had the upper hand this entire time. Of course he does, you realize. His picture isn’t on his profile, but yours is. How dumb you are.

Your eyes fixated on the horizon, you let out a bitter laugh. What a fucking dick. What an enormous piece of shit. You clench your fists, ready to go back in and punch him in the balls for humiliating you like that. Your physical idea of him might’ve been completely wrong, but it clearly wasn’t in terms of personality. 


At the sound of his voice, you spin on your heels, ready to spit venom - but he’s no longer smiling. His eyes are dark, his face serious, and he’s handing you a glass of white wine. 

“Noticed that’s what you were drinking earlier,” he explains. 

You squint your eyes at him. 

“Get the fuck away from me,” you hiss. 

He sighs, looking at you as if he is disappointed. 

“C’mon, now. Now that the cat’s out of the bag, maybe we can be professional adults about this?”

“Excuse me?!” 

“I’m talking about the attitude,” he says, raising an eyebrow nonchalantly. “We don’t like each other, and that’s fine. I don’t care, I don’t need to like you. But I’m tired of working with you feeling like a fight.” 

It’s like you sober up all at once, fixating on him a dark glare. 

“I don’t think I’m the problem here,” you spit out. “You came in and started criticizing my work like I don’t know what I’m doing. I’ve been working here longer than you.” 

“I’m still your superior,” he replies, taking a step towards you. “Whatever I say goes.” 

“You don’t have to be a dick about it.” 

“I’ve always been polite.”

“Polite, my ass. You’ve been looking down at me ever since your first email. I’m not stupid, don’t talk to me as if I am.” 

“If only you did what is expected -” 

You bark out a laugh, shaking your head. He stops.

“You did not just say that.” 

He squints his eyes and exhales deeply. “All I mean is, it doesn’t have to be that difficult. Just make the damn changes.”

“I do,” you hiss. “But you could ask for them a little bit more nicely.” 

“What, do you want every single email to come with a bouquet of flowers and a serenade? I have better things to do.” 

“You’re such a patronizing asshole.”

“And all you do is insult me. Why can’t you act like an adult for once?” 

“You know nothing about me.”

“I know enough.”

You take a deep breath. It feels like arguing with a wall - clearly, there is nothing to be done, and really, nothing to say. You just don’t get along, and that will be the end of it. You suddenly feel tired. You take the glass of wine from his hand. 

“Here’s one more insult for the road: fuck you.” 

You just want to go back inside, finish your drink and get home, but Changbin grabs your upper arm as you’re starting to walk away. He doesn’t do it gently, but it’s not rough either - you look up at him with spite. 

Or you try. 

Because Changbin is so very terribly your type, smells wonderful, and has the kind of voice to get anyone weak in the knees. 

Focus, woman.

“What?” you hiss.

“This conversation is not over.” 

“Oh, I think it is,” you laugh with scorn. 

“It isn’t,” he retorts, his eyes focused on you. 

He’s standing a little too close for your liking - you can’t help but glance at his lips. Plump. Inviting. 

“We have to figure out a way to work together. It’s not like we have a choice.” 

You lift your chin slightly. “If you don’t let me go this second, I’ll scream and tell everyone you’re a pervert.” 

He bites his lip, clearly holding back an insult, and you wish he would just say it. He doesn’t, though, and simply lets you go. You shake your hair out of your face. 

“I’m sick of the games,” he chews. “Tell me what you want.” 

You smile at him. “The games.”

He sighs and you chuckle. 

“Don’t think for a second you’ll get away with this trick you just pulled. If you thought I was difficult before, you have no idea what’s coming for you now, Mr. Seo.” 

He looks exhausted and slightly worried, but angry most of all. That delights you, and you finally walk away from him, finishing your glass of wine in one sip.

Kind Regards

He can’t let you walk away like this. 

This is all Changbin can think of as he watches you cross the terrace to go back inside. If it ends like this, then it will all be for the worst. You might follow up on your promise to make his life a living hell, or even worse, things might get awkward and even more tense. No, definitely, you and him need to continue this conversation and find some kind of agreement. 

He licks his lips, turning away from the building in annoyance. He never signed up for this when he decided to leave his previous workplace for this one - yes, the salary was better, and so were the benefits, but it was never about that. It was about challenging himself, about growing and learning in his workplace environment, about finding his place. You couldn’t get in the way of that. Nobody could. 

Changbin glances inside to make sure you haven’t left the building - he catches a glimpse of you near the bar, sulking. Good, he thinks, as he finishes his own glass. Let the both of you be miserable and angry, at least. 

The world feels so quiet out on the terrace, but when he steps back inside, his ears are filled once more with the sounds of music and conversation. Since there are a lot of people around, maybe it won’t be as easy for you to start spitting venom at him - but he doesn’t really count on that. He takes a deep breath, tries to settle his anger. Just a conversation. Calm, polite, reasonable. You can do that. 

However, as you lock eyes with him across the room, Changbin knows it won’t be that easy. Your eyes are full of fire, your mouth pinched in spite. It could be unattractive if only that black dress did not perfectly hug your curves and set his mind wandering against his will. 

“For fuck’s sake, can’t you leave me alone?” you whine. 

It would be so easy to fall back into the same energy as you, but Changbin holds on. He breathes in, leaning against the wall next to you. He’s not a difficult person. He doesn’t usually get into conflicts with people. Why he does with you is beyond him. 

“Look,” he says. “I just want to be able to work in peace.” 

“So do I,” you sigh. “But you never let that happen.” 

“How about this,” he snaps, turning to face you. “I hold back on the passive aggressive, but so do you.” 

To his despair, you only give him a smug smile.

“So you admit to the passive aggressiveness.”

“Is this what you pick up on?” 

“Didn’t you hear me earlier?” you say, frowning. “You humiliated me. Made damn sure I’d feel like a fool not knowing your face. I’m not going to let you walk away from that.”

“What the hell do you want from me?” 

You scoff. “You think I’m going to tell you now? No way. I want you to live in fear.” 

It’s entirely against his will, but Changbin laughs. He quickly frowns afterwards, sliding a hand across his face. The look of surprise on your face quickly fades away, though, to a certain revolt. 

“Are you laughing at me?” you ask. 

“No,” he sighs, making sure his face no longer holds any kind of laughter. “You’re just getting on my last nerve.” 

“Well you’ve been on mine for a certain time.” 

“It’s useless to talk to you, isn’t it?” 

“If you wanted to talk, why didn’t you just come and see me? Why did you have to do all that shit with the picture and the boss? Why did you have to mock me like you did?” 

You are so full of fire, Changbin can’t believe his eyes and ears. You’re like a flame he can’t look away from - a flame he desperately wants to extinguish for his own preservation, and yet one he desperately wants to graze with his fingers, even knowing he’ll get burned. 

Your conversation is going nowhere, Changbin is aware of it. Things have gone completely out of hand, so much it all feels like a fever dream. So confused between his different feelings for you, Changbin breathes out, pulling on his suit to replace it on his shoulders. 

“I need another drink,” he mumbles. 

Without him expecting it, tables turn - this time, it’s you grabbing his arm as he is turning away. He looks up at you in surprise.

“I have an idea,” you say.

Kind Regards

It might be the booze, or it might just be the adrenaline, but you find yourself dragging Seo Changbin by the wrist across the lobby, all the way to the elevators. To your surprise, he doesn’t even try to shrug you off, and you don’t let him go. 

You both get in the elevator and you push the button for the 12th floor. Changbin waits until the doors have closed and you stand in silence to ask. 

“Where are we going?” 

“Where do you think?” you sigh. “Your office.” 

He turns towards you, eyes dark.


You do the same, turning to face him. Your index pushes against his chest.

“You’re going to do something for me,” you state. “Even if I have to endure your shit, I’ll make sure nobody else does.” 

“I’m not going to - It’s not even - and how are you going to do that?” 

“Simple,” you grin. “Upload a picture.”

The doors of the elevator open on this perfect timing, and you wave your hand.

“After you.” 

He lets out a long sigh but he still leads you to his office. You’ve never been in this area of the building, but now is not the time for sightseeing. Besides, most floors look the same. 

Changbin opens the door to his office, and you follow him inside. It’s not a very big room, but it’s still wide enough for a large desk and bookshelves. There are two large windows, and the walls facing the rest of the floor are made of glass. Not much for privacy, you think. But then again, your own desk stands in the middle of a wide room, which you share with ten other people. 

You nod towards his chair. “Sit.” 

He rolls his eyes, but he does. You stand next to him, arms crossed, thinking about the fact that this was probably the spot from where he sent most of his day-ruining emails to you. You bite your tongue a little. 

“C’mon. Open the computer and upload the damn picture.” 

“I don’t have one.” 

“One what?” 

“A picture,” he explains. “An official one, I mean.” 

You groan. “I don’t give a shit. Find another one, it’ll have to do.” 

“I was told it had to be -”

“Hey,” you snap. “You’re in no position to argue.” 

He scoffs but he doesn’t answer, although he clearly disagrees. You don’t care you’re being petty, and that he’s being the bigger person - you’ve never had much of a reasonable nature. As Changbin searches through his computer, you walk around the office, staring at the window, staring at him, and then at his screen. You catch a glimpse of a group picture, of him with friends, smiling widely at the camera. 

He shakes his head but reframes the picture and uploads it to his email profile. You squint your eyes. 

“There. You happy?” he lets out. 

“It’ll do for now,” you say. 

He closes the windows on his screen, standing up. His shoulders are wide, his arms too. You remember that gym bag he was carrying.  

“Let’s go, then,” he says.

You chuckle. “Oh, do you think this is over?” 

He blinks at you, chuckling in disbelief. “Isn’t it?”

“Not even close.”

“All right, this is enough,” he growls, taking a step towards you. “I’ve done what you wanted, can’t you move on now?” 

“No, I can’t,” you spit. “You’ve made my life difficult ever since you’ve started working here and -”

“What about my life?” Changbin hisses. “You think your fucking tone and attitude has made my days easier?” 

“At least I’m not a self-righteous asshole!” you cry out.

“God, you’re fucking detestable,” he says. 

He’s standing too close to you now. All you can see, all you can smell, is him, him, him. The tension is so tightly drawn between your two bodies you feel like it can only snap. You desperately hold on to your end, though, because you’re scared of what might happen if you do let go - but it’s out of your control. 

Changbin breathes in, and his eyes linger for a second too long on your lips - and that makes the tightrope snap. 

He doesn’t kiss you first, but neither do you - it just happens at the same time. Your lips crash halfway in a feverish dance, and you can’t understand what is happening to you. It feels like your entire body just caught on fire, like everything makes sense, like every step you’ve taken, every word you’ve uttered, has led you to this moment. 

Changbin’s hand slides behind your head, holding the back of your neck, and your arms circle his waist to sprawl on his back. He kisses you deeply, breathing you in, and you can only collapse in his arms. 

Your hands go against his chest, and then in his hair, as he keeps pushing your head against his lips, as if to deepen your kiss, more and more. Your back hits the desk behind you, but you barely notice. All you can feel are Changbin’s lips devouring yours, his arms holding you close. You open your mouth wider but he’s quicker, sliding his tongue inside before you can do the same. 

A moan escapes your throat, vibrating against his lips, and he draws you in even closer. It seems like forever before you lean back, breathless, just in order to catch your breath. Your lips feel swollen already, but you don’t want to stop kissing him. Still, the slight distance gives you enough perspective to realize what is happening. 

“What the fuck am I doing,” you whisper, shaking your head. 

A part of you wants to slip away, just so you have time to put some order in your thoughts, but as you are about to do so, Changbin’s fingers, which had been resting on your waist, grab your chin tightly. You whimper. 

“Is this a part of your little game?” he says in a low voice, breathing heavily.


“Tell me the truth,” he hisses. “Are you playing with me now?” 

“What the fuck is wrong with you?” 

You angrily grab his wrist, trying to pull his hand away - but he is stronger than you. You struggle against him, gritting your teeth. 

“Answer me,” he insists. 

“Fuck you,” you spit out. 

He relaxes enough for you to push him away, squinting your eyes at him in anger. 

“Way to ruin the moment, asshole.” 

You do the only thing that makes sense for you in that instant - walk away. You’re ashamed and horribly angry at yourself for letting this happen. He’s attractive, yes, but he’s ruined so many of your days, made you feel miserable and worthless at your job. You have to hold on to your anger - and it has to be directed at him. 

Your heels make no sound against the carpet and it’s infuriating. You don’t hear anyone behind you either, so you guess Changbin has decided not to follow you. It’s probably a good thing, although now you feel entirely at a loss as to how your workdays will go. Should you be quiet? You scoff. No - if anyone should, it’s him. 

Your hand smashes the button for the elevator. It takes too long to arrive, but it does. You enter the elevator, push the button for the lobby and cross your arms. 

Fuck, if only he wasn’t such a good kisser. 

The doors are nearly closed when he comes in. He slides between them, stands in front of you. He’s not that much taller than you but someone in his demeanor makes you feel like he’s towering over you by several inches. 

“Just leave me alone, will you?” you hiss. 

He scoffs, shaking his head. There’s a wildness in his eyes, and you can’t look away from him. 

“Can you really blame me for asking?” 

“What the fuck are you talking about?” 

“About playing games,” he says, articulating each syllable. Each sounds angrier than the last. “You told me you’d make me regret what I did.”

You pout. “Aw, are you really that scared? It’s not my fault you made it your job to piss me off.” 

“Look who’s talking.” 

You stare at each other for a second. It’s like the tension has magically reappeared, unresolved. It’s clear you both want the same thing, but can’t bring yourselves to say or show it. You’re so angry at him. 

He takes another step towards you. Your faces are inches from each other - just a nod and his lips would be on yours again. 

“Fine. I’m sorry about the picture thing,” he says, his voice low and deep. 

“Just that?” you ask, arching an eyebrow. 

His smirk only curves half of his mouth, and it’s humorless. “Don’t push it.” 

You are the one to tilt your head forward, just slightly. 

“This does not mean I’m not angry at you,” you breathe in his mouth. 

“And we still need to talk about this,” he adds. 

“Later,” you nod. 

He turns to slam the button to stop the elevator, and as his body comes back to face yours, you pull him in your arms and kiss him. 

It’s even more desperate and angry than before, maybe because neither of you are held back by the surprise and doubt. It’s unsaid, but you hear it from his lips, it doesn’t mean anything. You’ve just both been tense and you need an outlet - what better than each other? 

Changbin pushes you against the wall of the elevator, his hands discovering your body. His warmth and his weight are completely enveloping you, and you push his jacket away. He shrugs it off, and the fabric of his shirt is soft against your skin. 

Changbin kisses you deep, like he’s been waiting to do it, like you’re not on top of each other inside a dark elevator outside of work hours, his tongue tasting of lemon and gin. 

One of his hands traces your hips and slides on your ass, squeezing softly. In a swift move, he lifts one of your legs and wraps it around his. It elicits a moan from you, your nails scratch the back of his neck. He growls in your mouth, biting your lower lip in answer. 

With his body pushed against yours, you can feel his hard cock, and he shifts you so it rubs directly against your wetness. You roll your hips, breathing heavily against his mouth. 

“You like that, huh?” he tells you. “Rubbing yourself against me.” 

“Easy, you’re so fucking hard already,” you retort. 

“Like you aren’t all wet for my dick,” he sighs, kissing your neck. 

You feel yourself clench at his words. When you don’t answer, only grab him tighter, Changbin chuckles.

“You are, aren’t you?” he whispers, his hands moving up your dress, lifting it slowly, warming your thighs. 

“Shut the fuck up.” 

He shakes his head, biting your earlobe hard. You let out a small whimper. 

“I’m gonna fuck that tight little pussy of yours so good you won’t be able to come into work tomorrow.” 

“You wish,” you answer, starting to unbutton his pants. “I’m not gonna let you go a day without getting an email from me. I’m going to fucking torture you.” 

As you mutter the words, you take his cock out of his pants and start to rub your hand around it. Changbin hisses, slightly bucking his hips. 

“You need a fucking lesson,” he sneers, pushing your underwear to the side to touch you. “I’m going to shut you up.” 

He is right - you’re soaked, but it seems to please him. He takes a few seconds to caress you, spreading your wetness, and inserting a finger inside of you. You let out a choked moan, wrapping your arms around his neck for a better hold. 

“That’s right,” he mutters. “That’s what I like to hear.”

He inserts another finger, stretching your walls, and moving his wrist in sharp motions. You breathe out erratically, grabbing onto his suit, his fingers curled inside your cunt. 

“Fuck, you’re so tight. Making me lose my goddamn mind.” 

You don’t want him to stop what he is doing, but you are craving the feel of his cock inside of you, so you tug at his hardness, kissing his jaw. 

“Fuck me already.” 

He doesn’t need you to ask twice, guiding himself against your entrance and penetrating you. You let out a choked moan, grabbing onto the wall of the elevator. He gives you time to adjust to his size, but he’s not being particularly careful either. 

“Holy shit,” you mutter in his ear despite yourself.  

“Fuck, I can feel my cock stretching you,” he grunts.

He thrusts his hips faster and faster, and in a matter of seconds he’s pounding into you. The elevator is silent except for the sounds of your heavy breathing and moans, and the lewd sounds of him fucking you, skin slapping against skin. 

Your nails dig inside the back of his neck again, and he grips your waist so tight you’re sure it will leave a mark. 

“Changbin, don’t stop,” you cry out. 

“So impatient,” he sneers, but he still doesn’t stop, like he can’t, like he’s a man possessed. 

He even accelerates, and you feel yourself coming. Your orgasm ripples through you like lightning. Your body shakes, your thoughts evaporate. Changbin fucks you deep, his breathing heavy in your hair. 

“I can’t -” he hisses. “I’m not -”

“Come inside me,” you surprise yourself whispering. 

You can feel his cock twitch at your words, and he comes inside you, hips bucking sharply, grunts escaping his throat like it’s hurting it. 

You stay like that for a few minutes, panting, recovering your breath. After a few seconds he takes a step back, breathing out. You got back on both feet, feeling dizzy and already sore. You both look like a mess, hair tangled, lips raw from kissing. 

You lean back against the wall, breathing slowly. He does the same on the wall next to you. You’re silent for a few seconds. 

“I have to go to the bathroom,” you say softly. 

Changbin nods. 

“Let’s go back up. There won’t be anyone there.” 

His voice is softer than you’ve ever heard - almost tender. You look at him, giving him a small nod, and he pushes the elevator button so it heads back upstairs. 

He lets you go to the bathroom alone, where you clean up, but he’s waiting for you outside. 

“All good?” he asks with a frown. 


You look down at the floor as he does, and then back at him - meeting his eyes in the process. The silence is awkward, but just like that, you find yourself smiling. Him, too. 

And then you start laughing. 

It’s not hysterical laughter, just chuckling. He looks almost shy, and you can’t stop giggling. You might even be blushing. 

“I don’t know about you,” he says, scrunching his nose. “But I feel a lot better.”

You smirk. “Took the words right out of my mouth.” 

He stretches a hand towards you. “Wanna go back to the party?” 

You nod. “Hell yes. I need a drink.” 

“So do I.” 

You head back to the elevator, and you let it head downstairs this time. Smirking to yourselves, you feel like the whole thing is unreal. 

But you do feel better. You don’t force your smile - it stretches on your face, plastered, almost annoyingly so. And Changbin. Fuck. You think he’s cute, with his cheeks still red and his neck a mess from the work of your nails. 

“By the way,” you say. “You look fucking hot in that suit.” 

“Right back at you. When I saw that little black dress I almost bit my fist off.” 

You grin. Changbin turns to you, placing a strand of your hair behind your ear. 

“Something’s not right, though,” he says. 

You frown as he leans towards you, whispering in your ear.

“I didn’t get to do half of the things I want to do to you. So once we’ve had a couple of drinks, I’m taking you to my place, and I’m giving you another lesson. And this one will last.”

You bite your lip as the elevator doors open on the main hall, which is still filled with your chatting coworkers. Nothing has changed - the world has kept on spinning. Changbin gives you a smile, and extends his arm. 

“Shall we?”

Kind Regards

Changbin does not bring you to his place. 

You bring him to yours. 

Both of you started to get impatient after just one drink, eyefucking each other over your glasses although you had both just came hard in the elevator. It was like something finally snapped inside him, and he could let his thoughts roam free, unashamed, unbound. 

The way your dress hugged your cleavage. The way your lips curled around the rim of your glass, begging to be kissed, begging to be fucked. All the things he wanted to do to you, that he had never let himself really think about, just proliferated in his mind. He could not stop thinking about how you moaned his name, how hot and humid you felt around him, how he wanted to slide his tongue on every inch of your skin. It made it difficult to focus on small talk with your colleagues. He kept feeling himself getting hard and he knew his pants were too tight for him to be able to hide it. 

So he waited until you finished your drink and stole you away. Your place was just a short walk from the building. You made it there quickly, miraculously able to hold off making out and grinding against each other. 

Now the front door is locked and you are alone. 

Changbin stares at you in the darkness of the hallway. You look so fucking beautiful with your hair still a little dischelved from earlier, your lipstick tinting your lips a shade darker, your heels giving your legs the shape of heaven. 

You take a step towards him and grab his hand, leading him to your bedroom. It’s small and cozy, most of the space occupied by a large bed - how perfect. It is unmade, the sheets tangled, a smell of lavender lingering in the air. 

You aim for a kiss but Changbin shakes his head. 

“Open a light,” he says. “I want to see you.” 

You nod and turn on the lamp on your bedside table. It infuses the room in a soft yellow glow, and Changbin licks his lips. Perfect. 

In a blur you find each other again, kissing passionately, feverishly. Changbin slides his tongue inside your mouth, toying with yours, drawing soft sighs from you. It’s a delightful sound he already likes too much. Eagerly, you remove his jacket, your hands palming his chest over the material of his shirt, and Changbin unbuttons it impatiently. 

“Fuck, you look so fucking good,” you chuckle at the sight of his naked chest, immediately tracing the defined muscles with your finger tips. 

His cock is already hard as a rock, pushing against his pants, but he barely thinks about it - he only sees you. 

He takes a deep breath, because he wants to pace himself, because he wants to take his time with you this time. You made him impatient before, you clenched around his cock too tight, you sounded too good - but he won’t let it happen again. So he tilts your head to the left so he can kiss your neck, slowly unzipping your dress. His fingers brush the skin of your back at the same time, and he feels you shiver against him. 

The dress falls on the ground, and Changbin takes a step back to admire your lingerie, simple black lace that makes the blood rush to his cock so hard he has no choice but to palm it, just to relieve it a little. 

“You like?” you say cheekily.

“I’m trying to decide if I want to keep it on you or rip it off,” he answers, shaking his head. 

You chuckle. “Want me to decide for you?” 

Darkness flashes in Changbin’s eyes, and he closes the distance between you again, staring down at you. 

“Listen, pet,” he growls. “Don’t think you have any control here. I make the decisions and you listen. If you don’t there will be consequences.” 

The smile doesn’t disappear from your face, and Changbin can see that you like it when he speaks to you this way. 

“A dom, huh?” you breathe. “How predictable.” 

“Just as predictable that a brat like you is a sub.” 

You pout. “Just for you tonight, sir.”

You slide a hand in his air and lean against his ear to whisper.

“One day you’ll find yourself handcuffed to the head of this bed and begging me to let you come. But let’s stick to tonight’s narrative.” 

Changbin can’t help but chuckle at your words, feeling something swell in his chest. He likes you a little too much, and it makes no sense. Hours ago the only emotion you created in him was anger. But then again he hadn’t really met you. 

“That’s right, pet,” he nods, taking a fistful of your hair. “Now you lay down on the bed like a good girl before I make you, huh?” 

You nod, and Changbin follows you to the bed, when you lay down. He removes the rest of his clothes, letting his cock spring free, and catches you staring at it, licking your lips. He chuckles. 

“Don’t worry, you’ll get your taste. But I’m having mine first.” 

He pulls your legs so you are laying on the edge of the bed, spreading your legs so can stand between them. He bends forward to kiss you, stroking your hair, and carefully removes your bra. You sigh as he circles his thumb over your sensitive nipples, massaging the other breast in his hand. Slowly, Changbin makes his way down your neck, his tongue drinking in your skin. He leaves a few kisses on your breasts, then on your stomach, and then hovers over your panties. 

“Changbin…” you sigh.

“Still all wet and full of me, are you, pet? Is this sensitive?” 

He pushes his index on the lace material, sending a shiver through your body.

“Y-yes. Fuck, Changbin, stop teasing me.” 

“I don’t think so.” 

He kisses you above the fabric, sliding his tongue over it. Even that way he can taste you, your wetness drenching your panties, and Changbin can feel his cock twitch. Fuck, he cannot wait to be inside of you again - but he has to be patient. 

“So good to me, pet. So good. Let’s remove that.” 

He takes off your panties and pushes your legs apart, taking in the sight of your soaked cunt, all throbbing and waiting for him. He hums appreciatively, unable to stop himself from stroking his cock at the same time. 

“You’re so fucking gorgeous. Now you don’t come without me telling you so, right, pet? You understand the rules?” 

“Yes, sir,” you breathe out.

From your voice and the way you are already heavily breathing, he can sense you are desperate for contact. Changbin finds himself unable to really torture you much longer, and sinks his lips into your cunt. 

You immediately let out a whimper, arching your back against his mouth. Changbin holds your legs apart, swirling his tongue around your clit, slurping you in. Your taste instantly gets him drunk, the feel of your juices coating his chin making him want to possess you right this second. But it feels too good to feel you writhing against his caresses, moaning his name. You grab his hair, pulling it, and it hurts a little but it’s the best kind of pain. 

“Look at that mess, pet,” he smiles against your pussy. “Has anyone ever eaten you out properly before?” 

“Fuck,” you breathe, and he stares at the way your chest moves, your nipples hard. It’s such a beautiful sight he gives your clit a few licks to reward you. “Nothing like you, Changbin. You’re - fuck - you’re making out with my pussy so well…” 

“Good, pet,” he chuckles. “Keep it up with the praise and I’ll let you come.” 

“Changbin, please…” 

He slides his tongue inside of you, teasing your entrance, and he can feel you clenching even this way - you must be close to coming, but you’re holding on, and he’s proud of you. He could edge you like this all night, if only his cock wasn’t starting to hurt him, aching for you. 

“Fuck, your tongue, Changbin - keep licking me like that, please, don’t stop…” 

“You want to come, pet?” 

“Yes, please, c-can I?” 

As he inserts two fingers inside of you and starts pumping them, his tongue pressed against your clit, you cry out in pleasure, pulling his hair. 

“Changbin, fuck, I can’t - I can’t -” 

“Come, pet, come all over my mouth.” 

And just like that you do, your hips bucking under his touch, your pussy throbbing in his mouth. He can feel your walls tighten, your legs trembling, and he doesn’t stop his caresses throughout your orgasm, so you can ride it as long as you can. 

Once you breathe out, your body sinking into the mattress, Changbin steps back, placing a kiss on the inside of your thigh. He wipes your juices off his chin and stands up to push your hair away from your face. You already look fucked out, your skin covered in a thin layer of sweat, your eyes glassy. 

“Holy fuck, that was amazing,” you say softly. 

“It’s not over, pet,” he replies, kissing your pretty lips. 

“Can I suck your cock, now?” 

“You’re asking so nicely, pet. How can I say no?” 

You grin, looking down at his erect cock. Changbin takes a deep breath, letting you smear the pre-cum on the tip and giving it a few tentative strokes. 

“I like your cock a lot, y’know?” you tell him. “So pretty and thick.” 

Changbin slides a hand through his hair, easing his breathing, as you take him in your mouth. You suck him well, bobbing your head up and down, taking the time to wrap your tongue around him. Your hand accompanies your movements, stroking his base, and Changbin groans at the sensation. He would close his eyes and bask in the pleasure you’re giving him if only it wasn’t so intoxicating to keep looking at you. Such a beautiful sight, seeing you suck him off like that after having eaten your sweet cunt. 

“Am I doing good, sir?” you ask, slapping his cock on your tongue. 

Changbin grins. “Doing fantastic, pet. I knew you would look good wrapped around my cock, but it’s even better.” 

“Did you think about it a lot?” you ask. 

He frowns. 

“You saw my picture,” you say, arching an eyebrow. “Did you imagine me with my cock in your mouth before, or did you just hate my guts?” 

Changbin laughs, holding your hair. “I think I spent most of my energy hating you so I wouldn’t think about you sucking me off.” 

“Hm,” you say with a satisfied smirk. “If I’d known what you looked like I would’ve come to give you a blowjob under your desk way before.” 

“Never too late,” he grins. “If you do that for me I might bend you over my desk afterwards.” 

You giggle, and Changbin feels that warmth in his chest again. He’s starting to like you a little too much, and it has nothing to do with the fact that his balls deep inside your mouth right now. You’re funny. Witty. Pretty. Even worse, you’re fun. 

“For now let’s focus, pet, yeah?” he says. “This is good, but I want more from that pretty mouth.” 

He guides you back, gesturing you to lay down on the bed upside down. Your head placed on the edge of it, he towers over you.

“You tell me if this is too much,” he whispers to you, and you nod - but you just open your mouth wide for him. 

He guides his cock back in your mouth, able to move as much as he wants. You gag a little as he goes deep in your throat, but you’re taking him well - and so, Changbin accelerates. He fucks your mouth, perhaps a little too roughly, but it feels so fucking good he can’t stop. 

“Fuck, look at how you swallow my cock, pet,” he says, breathing hard. 

“It’s because you fuck my mouth so good, sir,” you answer. 

He grins, bucking his hips, staring at your gorgeous body as he does. You’re touching yourself at the same time, your fingers pressed against your clit. Your eyes are watering, the saliva around your lips making his thrusts easier, and he’s dangerously close to exploding in your mouth. 

“Such a good little pet,” he groans. “Do you remember when I filled that cunt of yours, earlier?” 

You nod around his cock.

“This time I’ll make you choke on my cum,” he smiles.

You moan, the vibration sending him on the edge, and Changbin has to pull out from your mouth. 

“Don’t move,” he grunts. “I need to fuck you.” 

He climbs on top of you on the bed, making sure your head is against the mattress, and pushes into you without hesitation. It’s like it brings him clarity again, as much as the feel of you around his cock is making him more insane. 

“God, this fucking cunt. I’m never getting tired of it,” he chuckles. 

“Yes, fuck me deep,” you moan. “Make me feel that beautiful cock of yours.” 

He thrusts his hips inside of you, stretching you deeper and deeper. You pant against him, your nails digging into the skin of his back, but Changbin doesn’t care. He pounds into you, feeling sweaty and drunk on the scent and taste of you. 

“C-Changbin, fuck, yes…” 

“Where’s that praise, pet? I need to hear it,” he grunts. 

“I - I’m trying…” 

“Am I fucking you dumb, or what? Keep talking.” 

But he’s fucking so fast and sharp, and it’s difficult for you to find the words. Changbin can only stare at your face, your closed eyes, your parted mouth. Your lips are a little bruised, your hair a mess, your makeup smudged. You look like a dream. 

“F-fucking me so good,” you breathe. “I love your cock inside of me. Please, k-keep fucking me…” 

You’re clenching around him tightly, so close to your orgasm, and so is Changbin - he’s breathing fast, trying to hold off, but it’s getting more and more difficult. Once he’s inside of you he can’t think straight, and he’s getting impatient. 

“Fuck, Y/N,” he slips out, your name feeling smooth on his lips. “I’m going to come. Let’s do it together, yeah?” 

“Y-yes, please…” 

How he wanted to come in your mouth - but his cock does not want to listen, and he explores inside of you instead for the second time tonight. You come as well, shaking around him as he fills you up, moaning his name loudly, the sound echoing in the room. 

Changbin wipes his forehead, staying inside of you for another second. He tries to catch his breath, and opens his eyes to look at you. You are already staring at him, smiling softly. 

“I thought you wanted to come in my mouth?” you tease him. 

He chuckles, shaking his head. “You really get on my last nerve, you know that?” 

You both laugh.

Kind Regards

It’s yet another day at work. 

You twirl on your deskchair, typing your translation on a fair rhythm. You’re not particularly fast today, but you’re not slow, either. 

It’s just that your thoughts are a little elsewhere. 

You take a break to take a sip of coffee, and an email notification appears on your screen. 

Seo Changbin. 

You push your tongue against your cheek, smirking devilishly to yourself. You sent him a particularly fiery email a few minutes ago, and you can’t wait to see his answer. You click a little too fast on your inbox. 

Dear Y/LN, 

Your email has come to my attention but I am in a meeting and unfortunately cannot attend to your request. Please rest assured it will be my top priority once I get back to my office. I will make sure to personally attend to these matters. 

Ever yours,

Seo Changbin 

You bite your lip, trying to be discreet as you chuckle. You scroll down to see the email you’d sent him. Just a few meaningless words about asking for clarification about the dress code, and a picture attached. A picture you’ve taken from under your desk, displaying your blatant lack of underwear. 

You’re still playing a dangerous game - it’s just of another kind.

You send him a quick reply, your eyes shining. 

Looking forward to your collaboration.

Kind Regards

Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed it. If you had fun, please consider leaving a comment below or reblogging the one shot. Don't hesitate to use the tags. Big hugs and see you next time! ♡

• permanent taglist: @ughbehavior ; @upallnight-s ; @changbinluvr ; @rosexjimin ; @nasiaisan ; @lotus-dly ; @cb97percent ; @j-0ne25 ; @hwan-g ; @jhopesucker ; @leedunno ; @septicrebel ; @imtoooyoungforthisshit ; @sikebishes ; @sai-kida134 ; @sstarryoong ; @alexis-reads-fics ; @luvsskz ; @beautifulcolorgarden

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2 years ago

I want to read more changbin fics, anything with angst, smut, enemies, friends, anything of that man

Also would like to read some more longer fics on him preferably if anyone knows any!

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1 year ago

FREEZE 땡 CHAPTER #2 (18+!)


SYNOPSIS: Just like the theory of the butterfly effect states, our tiniest decisions today can cause unexpected effects on future events. You’ve always been sure everything could be calculated, but then you cross paths with him, leading to so many downfalls in your ordinary life.

CHAPTER SYNOPSIS: Still hurt from catching your ex cheating on you, your worst enemy promises you to help you forget him. But you can't completely accept his offer yet...


GENRE: angst, fluff, smut

CONTENT INFO: university!au, nonidol!au, architecturestudent!hyunjin, literaturestudent!reader, economicsstudent!changbin, enemies2lovers, strangers2lovers, bestfriend!jeongin, original side characters, yes I in fact included an Eminem/8 Mile reference/quote and I don’t regret it, Jisung is really annoying in this one

WARNING: reader has social anxiety disorder, detailed descriptions of anxiety attacks and panic attacks, consumption of alcohol, swearing (I can’t help it sorry), toxic relationship including jealousy and cheating, mention of therapy, reader is a hell of an emotional roller coaster (same), this chapter is VERY ANGSTY

SMUT WARNING: dom!changbin, switch!hyunjin, switch!reader, exhibitionism (mentioned), make out session, fingering, oral (m receiving), piv, unprotected sex (pls don’t be stupid), kinda rough, name calling (doll, slut, whore, pretty boy), degrading, aftercare

TAGLIST: @kaal-ee @chimmycupcake @heelover5 @speedybagelmongerpasta (let me know if you want to be added <3)

AUTHOR'S NOTE: thanks for the feedback on the first chapter!! the second one is here, i hope you enjoy :) pls keep in mind that English isn't my first language


The characters do not portray any of the skz members in real life, the names are just used for fiction. Also minors do not interact, this post contains mature themes. By clicking on “read more” you consent to nsfw content.


As you leave the house, the cold air hits your heated skin, still warm from when you had been inside the cottage, the encounter with Hyunjin increasing your body temperature even more. Everything is quiet now, birds and other animals long gone to sleep, while you both walk down the path, entering the woods. Rumbling with thousands of thoughts per seconds but at the same time without any thoughts at all, your head is spinning again. It’s not the usual anxiety build up, rather an ongoing process of feeling overwhelmed by your own emotions. 

Even though the night sky is dark, the stars brighten up the earth, helping you find your way through the not much densely forested area. Neither of you dares make the first move nor at least speak something, as you both transition into your shyer demeanours again. From time to time, you notice Hyunjin catching a glimpse, but he immediately shifts away when you look back. Unsure what your actual destination on this path is, you both continue walking, until Hyunjin stops in place when you approach a clearing with seating possibilities.

It’s impossible to accurately describe how kissing Hyunjin feels - it’s like a surprise firework on your birthday, the first sunbeams touching your face in spring, listening to your favourite song for the first time, electricity overflowing your whole body. Kissing Hyunjin is feeling at home, it’s being calm again, after the thunderstorms stopped.

It’s impossible to accurately describe how kissing Hyunjin feels - it’s like a surprise firework on your birthday, the first sunbeams touching your face in spring, listening to your favourite song for the first time, electricity overflowing your whole body. Kissing Hyunjin is feeling at home, it’s being calm again, after the thunderstorms stopped.

It’s impossible to accurately describe how kissing Hyunjin feels - it’s like a surprise firework on your birthday, the first sunbeams touching your face in spring, listening to your favourite song for the first time, electricity overflowing your whole body. Kissing Hyunjin is feeling at home, it’s being calm again, after the thunderstorms stopped.

Wanting to completely give in, just letting him guide you through the still innocent touches, you realise your thoughts are distracted. You don’t know what it is, since you try your best to concentrate on the kiss, but in the back of your mind, the only thing that appears is how Changbin did the same with her. Immediately pulling away, you break the connection. Hyunjin, definitely confused, just stands in place, as the watery line on your lower eyelid turns into tears, not soon after, he hears you crying, getting a flashback to when you first met.

Hyunjin immediately thinks he’s gone beyond your limits, his rare caring nature appearing again, hands now holding you by your shoulders, as he asks: “Hey- I’m sorry- I didn’t want to pressure you into something- I should’ve made sure you’re alright with that-“. His rambling is interrupted by your loud sniffing, as you rapidly shake your head. “No, no- it’s- I’m so sorry”, is all you can say, your vision at this point completely blurred out, as you abruptly turn around, no idea where you’re actually going, but you just follow the path back. It takes all your strength not to stumble over your own wobbly feet. Feeling a touch on your shoulder again, you spot Hyunjin right behind you, shock still on his face. “We don’t have to talk, we don’t even have to say a word to each other ever again, but at least please let me walk you back to the house- it’s dark outside”, he insists. Since there is no other possibility anyway, you simply nod and allow him to walk beside you again. 

The way back to the cottage is quieter than silence. Hyunjin never leaves your side, but still keeps enough distance, as he’s still convinced the fact he kissed you is what makes you feel like that. Of course, he’s not able to read your mind and since you don’t say anything, his bad thoughts multiply, running around in circles.

Entering the house, your breathing is at a normal pace again while Hyunjin is still occupied in his own mind games. Walking to the sink in the kitchen, he grabs two glasses from the cabinet above and fills them with tap water, handing you one of them. The cold liquid hitting your throat helps you with grounding, your attention slowly coming back to reality. Hyunjin shyly observes you, as you hastily chug down the rest, while he hasn’t even taken a sip yet. 

Before you yourself even realise you’re speaking, Hyunjin already hears you ask, voice demanding and louder than usual: “You want to get to know me too? Are you sure about that? I have a lot to talk about, but there’s no going back, once I start.” The warning tone in your voice at first frightens him, but there’s no backing off for him anymore, even though his knees are getting weak, the palms of his hands already sweaty. He just knows, he only has this opportunity to seize everything he’s ever wanted, so he captures it. “I’m as sure as I’ve never been sure about something else before.”

Putting the glass back down on the counter, causing a loud thud to erupt in the room, you sit down on one of the barstools and indicate to him to do the same. You gather all your strength, since there’s no going back for you either now, as you start to speak: “I think from the first time we both met at the bus station one and a half years ago, you already figured I tend to be emotional from time to time.” Hyunjin nods attentively, no sign of judgement on his face, so you keep going: “There are only a few people who know- of course him”, the thought of your now ex boyfriend makes shivers run down your spine, “my best friends Jeongin and Robyn as well as Felix are the only people I’ve ever told about my anxiety disorder.”

As you drop the most important information in such a casual way, Hyunjin is overwhelmed with the question of how to react. “For some people it’s a deal breaker, which is absolutely fine, but I will continue talking and when I’m finished, feel free to treat me the usual way again.” Hyunjin gulps. “Most of the time, my anxiety attacks are caused by social situations- maybe you remember when I first visited your shared apartment- that night I had a bad anxiety attack. I’ve been in therapy for almost two years now, but things don’t really get better. In theory, I know how to handle the attacks, but I’m not able to act like that in case it happens. It’s just-“ you take a deep breath, your gaze evading Hyunjin’s staring, “I’ve had enough of people treating me like I’m made of glass- like I can’t speak up for myself- I feel like, they think they can do or say anything to me, because I won’t tell them to shut up anyway and let them do what they want and- yes obviously with them I mean especially Changbin and-“.

A now furious look on his face, Hyunjin cuts you off mid sentence: “That’s because he doesn’t know- that’s because- that’s because that bastard never actually cared about you- damn-“ You don’t know why, but you’re suddenly bursting out into tears again. Still not sure how to handle the situation, Hyunjin decides to pull you into a hug, as your puffy face touches his chest, his hands slowly caressing the back of your head. “Shh, I’m sorry, I didn’t want to interrupt you nor scream at you,” he says, voice so quiet now, you could hear a pin drop. You don’t dare look at him, just squeezing him tighter, as he holds you in his arms. “Just so you know, I’ve already assumed you’ve experienced something like that”, he gulps again, unsure if he’s using the right words, “but since we’re not that close, I’ve been afraid to ask. I don’t want to downplay any of your feelings by what I’ll say next,” he begins, while carefully pulling you away, so he can look right into your eyes, “but- Y/N, you’re so much more than that- I’ve always seen that- and I don’t mean, that you could be more, no, you already are. Unfortunately, he’s just bringing you down and doesn’t help you grow.” His head turns to the side, an unsuccessful attempt of calming down. Eyes red and swollen, you just sit there like a small helpless puppy, waiting for him to continue, which he notices, so he directs his gaze on you again. “Your partner shouldn’t hold you down, they should be the best addition to your life, creating circumstances for you to become the best version of yourself, nothing less. That’s what you’re allowed to expect, that’s what you should look for, because it’s everything you deserve.”

Saying you are speechless, would be an understatement. Hyunjin makes you completely astounded by his words, feeling like the world has just turned upside down, but he doesn’t give you more time to reconsider your thoughts, when he continues: “And onto your mental health situation. First of all, I’m thankful you told me everything, I’m sure that’s not easy at all. You can always tell me anything you want, I will listen to it. I’m not here to tell you it will get better magically- but if you want me to, I can help you get through anxiety attacks and reassure you, just in case- or even help you get over phobias, if that’s possible, please correct me if I’m wrong, I-“, Hyunjin’s rambling was soon interrupted by you pulling him into a hug again, holding him so tight, as if your whole life belonged to him. 

“Thank you,” you sighed, “thank you so much. Don’t worry, everything you said was alright- I’m just overwhelmed, well, I still am, because I’ve never imagined such a reaction from you- or from anyone”, your words are quiet yet rambled, when Hyunjin hears you speak, bringing you even closer to him. “I’m just being honest with you,” he says, totally relieved he finally had the chance to be straightforward with you. Hyunjin didn’t even expect you to take his opinion so well, which enlightens a smile on his face.

While your bodies are still connected, holding tight onto each other, you certainly calm down from your roller coaster of emotions, the tears stopped running down your cheeks some time ago. It’s at this moment, you feel yourself getting tired, probably the aftermath of the whole evening. Hyunjin senses it, that’s why he guardedly lets go of you, as he asks: “Are you getting tired?” Suppressing a yawn, you simply nod. He softly patts the crown of your head, slightly stroking your hair, as he helps you get up from the barstool and guides you to the couch in the living room. When you sit down, you notice him rummaging in his suitcase, finding a shirt and shorts, which he hands you. Gettin up yourself, you toddle to the bathroom on the ground floor, to make yourself ready for going to sleep. 

As you enter the living area again, Hyunjin has already put blankets right beside the sofa on the floor, tucking himself under the sheets. Laying down on his bed, you take his unspoken offer to sleep there. He probably just wants to be respectful, since your interrupted reply to his kiss earlier still lingers in his head, unsure if he went too far, but you are in fact sure that everything you want at this moment is his body next to yours. “You know, there’s enough space for two people on the sofa.” Hyunjin shifts, turns in direction towards the sofa, pulling himself onto the outsides of his forearm, so he is able to look at you, as he answers: “I’m still a bit hesitant, because I don’t want to cross your boundaries again.” A noticeably confused look on your face, you reply: “Again? When did you cross my boundaries?” Sitting up now cross legged, Hyunjin scratches the back of his head. “Well- you abruptly stopped when- you know, when we were outside in the forest.” As the penny finally drops, you shake your head, a small laugh coming out of your mouth. “Oh- no, that had nothing to do with you, it was,” you take a deep breath, before you continue explaining, “because, unfortunately, my thoughts were still occupied by- you know, him- and it felt kinda unfair-“

Hyunjin got your drift now too, that’s why he stands up from his makeshift bed and crawls onto the sofa, bringing the blankets and pillows with him. Feeling his warm breath touch your skin, he’s now less than ten centimetres near you. Another thing, that doesn’t escape your nose, is the smell on his neck - you could swear you know this fragrance from somewhere. Still the both of you completely shy, Hyunjin gingerly lays his fingers on your cheek again, slowly caressing your soft skin with his thumb. Getting lost in his touches, you feel your eyelids close from time to time, your body completely exhausted. A pair of lips meets your forehead, as you slowly doze off to sleep in Hyunjin’s arms.

Sunbeams on your face wake you up in the morning, as your unfamiliar surroundings make you halt for a second. Everything eventually comes back to your mind, the memories of last night making you smile, until the part about Changbin follows. And the realisation you’re here with all your other friends. Abruptly standing up, you quietly find the bathroom on the same floor, rushing to get ready for the day - no one can find out, you slept in Hyunjin‘s bed last night! The previous twelve hours were filled with so many incidents, you’re sure your life has never been so dramatic before. 

When you leave the bathroom, Felix and Noah are already in the kitchen, preparing breakfast. In the corner of your eye, you see Jisung approaching a still sleeping Hyunjin on the sofa. “Good morning”, Noah greets you. Letting out a simple ‘hey’, you walk towards the couple, offering to help them with the food, as you boil some water for tea. “Did you sleep well?” Felix asks, a considerate look on his face, probably because of the way you two ended your conversation last night. You can see that Felix deeply feels sorry for how he talked to you, then it comes to your mind again - neither does he know about Changbin cheating on you nor any approach you made with Hyunjin. Hopefully, it will stay this way, also regarding your other friends. 

The next thing that comes to your mind is, that all your friends still think you and Changbin are a couple. Speaking of the devil, your ex boyfriend walks down the stairs, visibly weary, his hair still wet and dishevelled from taking a shower. When your eyes first meet, it takes all your strength not to cry again, the same counts for Changbin as well. You can see in his gaze, he wants to say something, he needs to talk to you, he feels demolished from all the mistakes he made, all the pain he caused you. But you promise yourself, not to give him, not to accept any apologies, not to let him ruin your life any more.

On one hand the day goes by very fast, since you all jump from one activity to another, but on the other hand, it’s extremely slow, because of the tense atmosphere between you, Changbin and Hyunjin. 

You haven’t talked to Hyunjin since you fell asleep in his arms last night, as he was the last one of the group to wake up. Feeling guilty of treating him this way, you catch a glimpse of him from time to time, but you’re sure there’s no possibility to talk about anything with him now, hoping he senses it. Thanks to your usual shy demeanour, your quietness doesn’t stand out. The only thing worrying you is that others might notice, the energy between Changbin and you is off. Luckily, Changbin mostly has conversations with Chan and Jisung, as they talk about their plans on future tracks, fighting over lyrics and producing ideas, uncomfortably loud. Noah stays with Hyunjin, as they exchange information about their shared interest in art, talking about different eras and museums they’ve been to or want to visit. With everyone, except for Felix and you, being occupied and absorbed in their chatting, it’s your chance to clear up the tension and tell the unspoken words to your friend. 

As you walk through the town, in hope to find a place for eating and drinking in the evening sun, Felix walks right beside you, both of you unsure how to start a conversation. He glances at you from time to time, at one point you reply to his attempts with a soft smile. Gaining confidence, while you both walk far behind all the others, Felix is the first one to speak: “I’m really sorry about the way I talked to you yesterday. Even though I don’t take back anything considering the content, I should have chosen different words and I was in no position to scream at you like that.” He warily turns his head to look at you, when he sees the warm smile still on your face, a sheeply nod following from you, he continues: “It’s just- you’re very important to me, Y/N, and with everything regarding your mental health, I’m- I’m just fearful, if he’s the right guy for you. Of course, I cannot judge your relationship, but I can give advice from an uninvolved perspective. But if you yourself are sure, he’s what’s good for you, I’m not holding you back, I-“

His sentence is cut off, as you interrupt him. “I broke up with him.” Felix halts in place, his eyes almost falling out, sincerely shocked by the statement you just dropped. “You did what?” He asks, and his voice is so soft, so quiet, you almost don’t hear him.  You turn around, since you took a few steps further than him, to look him in the face, suppressing any tear that formed on your lower lash line. “You were right, I caught him cheating on me with Isabella.” “I have so many questions.” Felix mumbles, causing a giggle to escape your mouth. “You can ask me anything, my only condition is that we pay attention to stay far behind the others, no one else knows”, you say, not realising your request was only half true. His first question catches you off guard, as you didn’t expect it. “How are you?” Gulping, you contemplating what to answer. “Okay, you can ask me anything except for that, but to summarise it - I think, I’m coping and somehow still avoiding it, since I haven’t fully realised what happened,” you admit. 

“Oh, sorry-“ Felix' apology is interrupted by Noah turning around and approaching the two of you, as they grab their phone out the pocket of their jeans, to show Felix a picture. “Look! Can you believe, Hyunjin drew this?” It’s at this moment, your eyes are blessed with the probably most astonishing art you’ve ever seen. Even though it’s just a simple pencil sketch, a still life of the cottage’s kitchen, featuring the barstools you sat on so often the past twenty four hours and the basket full of grapes, you are completely fascinated, how talented Hyunjin is. Felix thinks the same as you, totally impressed, as he showers Hyunjin with compliments. Severely touched by the words from his friend, he thanks him again and again, while his eyes wander to you. Since the both of you don’t want to seem suspicious, you act like the past version of yourself, that always used to ignore Hyunjin.

When Noah gets back to Hyunjin and both of them are far away from you again, Felix continues with his initial talking: “I don’t want to hurt you further with any asking and rubbing salt into the wounds, but I was just wondering- where did you sleep last night? It’s none of my business- I’m just worried you stayed outside or something-“ A small giggle erupts from you, gently nudging Felix’ shoulder. “There’s nothing to worry about, I slept in the living room-“, you abruptly stop your sentence, already sure how suspicious you sound. But luck is on your side today, since Felix doesn’t find anything weird about that. “Oh, so that’s why Hyunjin overslept? Did you make him sleep in the bathroom and when you got up he took his chance to get his bed back?” Felix assumes, a sigh of relief coming from you. “Yeah- I guess, i took my frustration out on him”, you improvise, not sure when exactly you got that good at lying. 

The group soon finds a restaurant, directly in the centre of the old town part. The cozy place luckily has a free table for the seven of you. When you approach the assigned seating area, Chan, Jisung and Changbin have already taken a seat at the booth, on their opposite are Hyunjin and Noah, as well as Felix joining the latter. Unsure how to handle this situation, Jisung decides for you when he speaks: “Don’t you want to sit down on our side of the table too? I mean, your boyfriend is here and he’s slowly getting on our nerves, please, Y/N, talk to him for a few seconds.” Chan laughs about the remark, while Changbin is as quiet as he was at the barbecue dinner last night, his gaze escaping yours. Since you don’t want to do anything that could be taken the wrong way, you simply nod and sit right next to Changbin. Neither of you know how to behave, but when the waitress comes to take your orders, the attention of the group isn’t drawn to you anymore.

It takes everything within you, to endure Changbin’s presence, from time to time you notice him looking at you. It’s uncomfortable, how near your bodies are, even though you’re just sitting right next to him, the outsides of your thighs touching each other, since the space on the bench is limited. “So, what are the plans for the night?” Chan askes the group, looking around, checking if anyone has ideas. “We should get buzzed, maybe play some drinking games”, Jisung suggests, while he takes a sip from his water. “I mean, it’s the last day before we get home, so that’s actually a good idea”, Noah says. Feeling the familiar anxiety bubbling in your stomach, you think about how this evening might end, considering you have to continue pretending you’re still with Changbin. Felix, from the opposite side of the table, gives you a reassuring smile. “Is Isabella coming too?” Jisung asks, a suggestive wiggling of his eyebrows follows. You know, he didn’t mean it in that way, that you understood it, since you remember Jisung finds her attractive, but the thought of her lets shivers run down your spine. “No, she isn’t”, Changbin quietly answers, to which Jisung simply nods, visibly disappointed.

Approximately an hour later, you come back to the cottage, the sun already set, which is why the group decides to gather around the sofa table in the living room. While Felix and Noah prepare drinks for everyone, you walk to the kitchen cabinet and bring crisps, all the others have already taken a seat. Since, not long after, Noah and Felix sit down next to each other at the end of the table, you soon join them. Taking a sip from your beer, you lock eyes with Hyunjin, his eyes turning dark as he observes your body up and down. Just from the gaze he has on you, you can feel your heartbeat going quicker - embarrassing to add, you realise his staring awakens filthy thoughts in your head.

“We should play truth or dare”, Jisung suddenly proposes. Since none of the others declines, you start the game, it’s Noah’s turn to ask Changbin first. “Truth or dare?” Visibly unimpressed by the fact the group is playing such a game, he chooses truth. Noah contemplates what he wants to know first, before he begins to speak again: “Have you ever had sex in a public place?” All eyes are on Changbin and you, since you both had been in a relationship for over a year and a half, the others naturally expect him to talk about experiences he had with you.

“Erm- yes, multiple times in the gym, for instance”, he admits, a chuckle coming from his lips, as you’re instantly brought back to the many encounters you’ve shared with him there, hoping you’re not getting weak because of the thought of it. But you can’t help your mind running through the memories, when he used to grab your hips, laying you down on the nearest surface on any chosen fitness equipment, just to pound into you with no mercy, making you cum underneath him so easily. You close your eyes, in hopes to get rid of the thoughts, which doesn’t work, even when it’s the next person’s turn. You somehow note that Jisung chooses truth, as Felix asks him something, but your mind is still occupied by only Changbin.

The rounds go on and on, some of the others even choose dares, having to do some ridiculous but funny tasks, but you’re still dazed off from the pictures inside of your head. Until someone talks to you.

“Y/N, truth or dare?” Jisung asks. You noticeably wake up from your daydreaming, obviously not expecting him to speak to you. “I- I choose truth”, you go with the safe choice. “Is there anyone in this room, you would want to sleep with, except your boyfriend?” At the way he emphasises boyfriend, your stomach turns, feeling like you need to throw up. In the corner of your eye you can see Changbin grabbing the rug under him, in order to suppress his jealousy, even though he’s not in any position anymore to feel that way. Then you notice Hyunjin staring at you, practically begging you to look at him or say his name, so he can run off with you, like he hopes you would and just tell everyone you’re not with Changbin anymore. When it’s already been half a minute and there’s still no answer from you, Chan interferes: “Hey, Y/N, you don’t have to answer Jisung’s stupid question, if you don’t want to”, he gives his friend a strict look, “we all know you’re head over heels for Binnie only.”

That’s it. That was your final straw. You don’t even realise your tears are already streaming down your cheeks, when Felix pulls you into a hug. “W-What’s going on?” Jisung asks, totally confused, now feeling bad about his question. Being in the arms of your friend, at least somehow helps you to breathe slowly again, but you still don’t dare open your eyes, when you hear Changbin confess: “We broke up.” His voice is so quiet, you barely hear him, the words broken in between. 

The shock on everyone’s faces is indescribable, no one knows whether to say anything and if, what exactly. When you first move away from Felix again, you can see that Changbin has tears in his eyes, definitely on the edge of crying. After a while of silence, Jisung is the first to speak: “I-I’m so sorry, I didn’t know…” Still sobbing, you turn around to look at him. “I-It’s alright, you couldn’t have known…” No one dares to ask what the reason for the ending of your relationship is, too afraid to cross even further boundaries. The mood is complexly ruined by now, but since it’s already late, Felix uses the situation as an excuse to go to sleep, Noah following him to their bedroom. “Man, I really didn’t expect that at all- I’m so sorry- I don’t know what happened between the both of you, but maybe you get the chance to solve it”, Chan says, with only polite intentions in his voice, while Hyunjin gathers all his willpower not to jump at him. 

Shortly after, Chan and Jisung go up the stairs to their bedroom, which leaves you only with Hyunjin and Changbin. You have to remind yourself that Changbin doesn’t know about your new encounters with Hyunjin, so you try your best to escape the latter’s glimpses. Abruptly, but also directly, Changbin begins to speak: “Y/N, can we maybe talk for a second?” 

You’ve sworn yourself, not to engage in any kind of approach he might make, independently of how nicely he would ask you, but you still somehow can’t resist. You’re just too polite yourself, wanting to at least give him a chance to explain what’s on his mind, since he’s been on the verge of tears all day long. “Okay”, you give in, “but only a few minutes, I’m tired already.” That’s all he wants and needs to hear, so he gets up from the floor and offers to talk in the bedroom, leaving a Hyunjin - who’s not allowed to act suspicious - behind.

When you enter the room, the memories from last night hit you again, almost making you bawl your eyes out, the urge to sink to the ground, just like you did yesterday. Slowly approaching you, even though he’s as hesitantly as he’s never been before, Changbin opens his mouth, but no words come out, so you encourage him: “Whatever you want to say, just say it, we’ve both been through hell the past twenty four hours, it can’t get any worse from here.” Changbin visibly gulps, takes a deep breath and tries again. “I know, it won’t make a difference- but I want you to know, that I’m sincerely sorry about what I did- and I don’t only mean last night, the thing with her”, the thought of catching him cheating on you let’s shivers run down your spine again, “but also how I’ve been treating you the last couple of months, you don’t deserve that.” You’re honestly surprised how truthful he is with you, even by what kind of words he’s choosing for what’s on his mind. 

“Thank you for your apology”, you reply, now confident enough to look at his face, seeing tears roll down his soft cheeks. “I don’t expect you to forgive me- or get back together or anything- but”, he begins, “can- could we hug- for a few seconds- maybe?” Changbin had been on your side for over one and a half years, that’s why you give in, not wanting to be the cruel one here, one little hug wouldn’t hurt, right? “Alright”, you reply, as you slowly walk towards him, your gaze on the floor, too afraid to look him in the eyes, since you might burst out into tears. Changbin slowly lays his big arms around your upper body, squeezing you tight, as your head tilts to land on his chest. At this moment, it’s like everything’s forgotten, like nothing matters anymore, you just enjoy having him so near to you one last time. “I love you”, he whispers and it’s so quiet, you almost don’t hear him, the fast pace of his heart beat drowning out his fragile voice, as he softly strokes your hair. “I love you, too”, you answer, not wanting to lie, it’s the last chance you have to tell him that. 

The pictures of the time you’ve spent together, keep running through your mind, unfortunately mostly the good ones, fooling with your mind. Of course, not everything has been bad, only the last few months the relationship got toxic, almost to the point you couldn’t recognise your once called ‘man-of-your-dreams’ anymore. Your friends had been right all along, Changbin’s initial goal has always been to show you off, but merely for the fact that this is how he expresses his love for you. One thing you can’t deny is that he kept his promise to remind you how perfect you are, to show you what you can’t see about yourself. He showered you with compliments, catered you to your every whim, enabled you to never worry about security or financial problems anymore by buying you whatever you wanted. He worshipped your body like you were a goddess, loving every tiny detail about you, knowing exactly what makes you feel good. For the same reason, you couldn’t get these images off your mind, when you sat downstairs with the group earlier. It has always been so easy to get lost in his touches, drowning in passion, blurring out all surroundings. He, in fact, treated you like a princess - well unless the toxic part began, including all the jealousy and cheating but your brain tricks you into ignoring it at that moment.

That’s why, when Changbin slowly lets go of you, as he keeps his eyes onto yours, you can’t help it, but close the distance between your lips. You swear to yourself, it’s just this one time, one last time until you say goodbye, but he immediately kisses you back, holding you so tight, you get lost in his touches all over again. His hands slowly find your hips, pulling you even nearer to him, your bodies might unite just by the lack of distance they have. You taste salt, when a tear runs down, unsure if it’s yours or Changbin’s, since you’re both crying at this point, afraid of letting go. Your arms soon embrace his neck, wanting to be even nearer to him, as you stand on your heels now. The innocent contact soon turns into a heated make out session, his hands wandering down to your ass to grab it, as your tongues fight for dominance, saliva mixing together, grunts escaping both your mouths. 

You both start stumbling towards the bed, before you first fall onto it, as your back meets the mattress, when Changbin crawls on top of you. His lips leave yours, just to wander down your neck, creating hickeys in the process, as your head falls back, unable to withstand the satisfaction. Moan after moan comes from your lips, when he hasn’t even started with what’s yet to come. You blame it on the small amount of alcohol you had drunk, when he carefully places his hand under the hem of your skirt, slowly going up towards your heat, brushing your panties. 

But suddenly it doesn’t feel the same as it usually did - it’s like you’re following a schedule, you already know what’s coming next. It’s like your head just did a one hundred eighty degree turn in the last seconds, the passion replaced with overthinking, when you finally realise what's actually bugging you.

It’s the same pictures again. The pictures that keep replaying in front of your inner eyes and when your brain has the upper hand again, your heart’s opinion becoming less and less important, the distraction reveals itself. 

Everything he does with you, he did with her last night. You feel disgusted, ashamed, like the second choice, you apparently are. Head becoming dizzy again, the thought of it makes you want to throw up. As his hands have by now already pushed your laces aside, you grab him by the wrist, abruptly separating him from your body. His eyes meet yours, shocked look on his face, when he gingerly asks: “A-Are you okay?” As he senses that you’re not, he immediately pulls away, sitting on the back of his lower legs to stabilise himself. You’re sitting now too, your gaze trying everything to escape his, when you feel yourself starting to cry again, not soon after turning into loud sobbing. Changbin is unsure if it’s appropriate to pull you into a hug, since he believes he’s gone too far, crossing your boundaries once again. Instead, he toddles to his backpack, pulling out tissues for you. You accept his offer, as you try to calm down, your breathing at a slower pace again.

Changbin sees the hurt in your eyes, as his are full of worry, when you try to explain: “I-I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have kissed you- I-I can’t do this, t-the pictures of her are still in my head-“ he shushes you, caressing your cheek. “Yes, I know, I’m so sorry”, is all he can say, crying with you now. Gathering all your strength, you sit upright again, cleaning your face with the tissue one last time, before you stand up and continue: “I don’t know, if I’ll ever be able to forgive you what happened, I- I just think I need some time for myself, I need to figure out what to do first…” When you look up, you see Changbin’s eyes are closed, his whole body screams regret. 

He’s never regretted anything so much, like he regrets last night. His gaze is still on you, when he offers: “You can sleep in this room tonight, I go downstairs and stay at Hyunjin’s.” When he says his name, your heart stops for a second. You totally forgot, that he’s still in the living room, maybe possibly already asleep, totally disappointed you went upstairs with your ex boyfriend. Everything’s getting too much, not only the past minutes with Changbin, but also the thought of Hyunjin now, that’s why you decline: “No, it’s alright, I wanted to go outside and catch some fresh air anyway- I know, you’re already tired, so please stay here.” He stands up now, approaching you. “Are you sure about this? You can still wake me up anytime, then I will leave this room.” You nod, not wanting to think about coming back to him, since you only want to be alone at this moment. “But please take care of you,” he adds. “Don’t worry, I won’t leave the lot, I’m probably just going to spend some time on the patio.” He gives you a last broken smile, when you pull down the door knob and leave your shared bedroom.

Trying to be as quiet as possible, in case Hyunjin already sleeps, but secretly hoping he’s still awake, you sneak down the stairs and enter the living area on the ground floor. The room is empty, perhaps he’s currently in the bathroom, so you leave the house through the back door and take a seat on one of the patio’s lounge chairs. The sky is even more filled with stars than it was the night before, brightening up the lot. You’re always impressed how different the air and view is from the big city you live in, the small town in the mountains that lets you escape into nature so easily, your thoughts about anything the past two days are soon in the back of your head.

What you, of course, haven’t taken into consideration, is that it’s possible to see everything happening on the patio from the living room, since the back door is made of glass. Hearing a creak, said door opens and a slightly confused Hyunjin joins you, as he sits down next to you on another chair. For a minute, neither of you says anything to the other one, you just observe the sky, appreciating the fresh air nature offers you. Unlike before yesterday, when he had always been busy with making you feel bad for being a part of this friend group, the energy between the two of you completely changed, now the absolute opposite - the former atmosphere was filled with uncomfortable tension, always on the edge of screaming at each other, but now - now it’s different. When Hyunjin is near you, you feel nothing but calm. It’s like you’re finally able to not hold your breath anymore, you’re sincerely secured and protected. You’ve never in your life thought, his simple but truthful words last night, helping you feel better about yourself, without glossing over actual obstacles, but only by being brutally honest with you instead, could change your perception about yourself. 

Changbin used to create butterflies in your stomach, but Hyunjin is different. He creates peace, just by simply sitting right beside you, you know you’re safe. 

But the peace he created is soon gone, when he begins to speak, his voice filled with anger: “Did you have a good time fucking him?” His blatant question visibly catches you off guard, as you shift in your seat to turn around and look at him. “W-What? W-Why would you think that?” You stutter, a scoff erupting from him. “Don’t play dumber than you already are, Y/N, I can see the hickeys on your neck and I don’t remember marking you last night”, he says, the tone of his voice strict and disappointed, his tongue brushing his upper teeth. Turning around again, you try to escape his piercing gaze, not quite sure why his vulgar choice of words lets the familiar sensation in your lower stomach appear, but you slightly push your legs together, in hope to conceal how easily he can turn you on.

The sudden motion doesn’t go unnoticed by Hyunjin, that’s why he now completely turns around to directly look at you. One of his hands finds your chin, pulling your face up with his index finger and leaving you no other choice than to get hypnotised by his gaze. His breath touches your soft skin, heating you up, even more than you already are. “Are you so desperate you go back to your ex”, he begins as his fingers wander towards your cheek, slowly caressing it, in complete contrast to his harsh words, “or are you two back together and you let other men touch you?”

You soon feel his lips on your jawline, going down your neck, leaving kisses and bites, possibly replacing the existing hickeys with his own. His touches are rough, unlike anything else you’ve ever experienced before. “I will ask again, doll”, emphasising the pet name, his hand now lands around your throat, slightly putting pressure onto the sides, “did you have a good time fucking him?” Your words get caught in your throat, the lack of oxygen making it hard to breathe, while little moans still have a chance to slip through your mouth, making him chuckle about your helplessness. Looking up at him with doll eyes, you answer, as he reduces his grasp: “I-I didn’t sleep with him- we just kissed, b-but I stopped before anything else could happen- and no, we broke up”. Giving you a pout combined with a look of fake empathy, he slides his other hand up your thigh, guiding it under your skirt. “So you still wanted him, didn’t you? It’s funny how everyone thinks of you as this innocent little girl”, he whispers in your ear, while brushing your already soaked panties and making your legs automatically push apart in the process, “but no one sees what a slut you actually are, when you so easily allow your worst enemy to touch you like that.” Every tiny approach of yesterday is forgotten, when he refers to you as his enemy again.

Painfully slowly he pushes away the lace fabric, his mouth wandering down from your neck towards your still covered breasts. His fingers softly caress your folds, immediately finding your bundle of nerves, drawing circles on it. Closing your eyes, you throw your head back, in order to withstand his seductive actions, but only making it worse, now fully captured by the passionate and hypnotising sensation he causes. “You like that, don’t you”, he says during rough kisses, “fucking pathetic, you’re already soaked and I haven’t even done much.” Sliding two fingers into your heat at once, he instantly makes you lose yourself in the feeling, your mind now completely occupied by him and only him. The slow pace at the beginning of his motions soon speeds up, uncontrollably loud whimpers escaping your lips as a reply. As his mouth wanders up your neck again, he uses his other hand to at first pull you closer to him, but then decides to sit down on your lounge chair as well. Your moans are mixed with the wet sounds erupting from under your skirt, but he drowns them out by placing his lips on yours, the kiss so soft and different compared to all his rough touches and words. Directly giving in, melting into the feeling of his skin on yours, you allow him to let his tongue enter. 

From how hungrily you kiss him, one could say he is like your oxygen, you need him to breathe, to live, to exist. You knew from previous encounters, you could easily give in, if the other person said the right things, but with him everything is different - it is like experiencing every little touch for the first time. It’s beyond impressive, how he captivates all your thoughts, as his sinful motions never stop, adding a third finger, while his thumb grazes you where you need him the most. Afraid to fall back, as a result of totally giving in, he catches you by placing his other hand on your back, his long digits continuing what they’re doing without any sign of interrupting.

But a little part of yourself doesn’t want him to get his way so easily with you. The way he teased you earlier, awakens the desire to mock him back: “Y-You’re still so annoying, Hyunjin-“ A scoff from his mouth cuts off your sentence, as he abruptly pulls out his fingers, leaving your body and you unfulfilled, making you whine. “I didn’t think you were that stupid”. Standing up, now in front of you, he squishes your cheeks together with his thumb and index finger, making you look up at him. “Sit up”, he says as you instantly follow his order, correcting your posture. “Maybe next time think before you speak, slut”, he continues, as his hand leaves your face, the sound of a fondling with a belt appearing, as you - not visually - notice him taking his pants and underwear off, still obediently staring at him with hopeful eyes, “but for now prove me you’re actually useful for something and open your mouth.”

You do as you’re told, sheeply parting your lips and allowing his tip to enter. Just now you realise how big he is, but you’re not surprised if you’re honest. Creating a makeshift ponytail, he guides you down onto his full length, making you gag in the process. His tone now completely changed again, he adds: “If it’s too much, tap my leg three times, okay?” As a response, you nod while looking at him, seeing a small smile on his face. After a few seconds, you start bumping your head up and down, obviously way too slow for Hyunjin’s likings, as he grabs you by your hair again, increasing the pace by bucking his hips into you, now practically fucking your mouth. When your moans add vibrations to your motions, you hear him whimper in irresistibility, Hyunjin now completely lost in the sensations you cause him, as his moves become sloppier. As he lets go of your head, you take your chance to pull away from him to breathe. 

Wanting to gain the upper hand for once, you stand up as well, slightly pushing Hyunjin’s chest as a sign for him to sit down on his lounge chair again. He instantly follows suit, falling down on the cushion, as you straddle his lap. Coming closer to his ear, while caressing his cheek with your thumb, you whisper: “Did you really think you’re the one in charge here, pretty boy?” Placing small kisses under his ear, you let your lips wander down his neck, as you open his shirt button by button. Spreading your legs even more to gain better access, you wrap your hand around his cock, giving it a few pumps, while your other hand is busy pushing your lace aside. Hyunjin does nothing but moan, closing his eyes as a result of trying to handle the satisfaction. “I-I need to be inside of you”, he’s almost begging at this point, letting a smirk appear on your face. “Look at you, I didn’t know you could be so obedient”, you chuckle at him, as you slowly sink down onto his cock, as the pain caused by how big he is slowly turns into a pleasurable feeling. Another groan comes out of Hyunjin’s mouth, as he feels your warm walls around him. Putting your arms around his neck for better stability, you begin to slide up and down his length, while you join him in moaning.

“I actually prefer you that way, finally shutting up for once and following my orders”, you tell him, increasing the pace, as he grabs your hips, his hands slowly wandering down to squeeze your ass. Being the dominant one was new to you - you would lie if you said, the idea never came up in your head, but with Changbin there was never an opportunity. You once tried to talk to him about your desires, but he immediately declined, not interested in it at all. 

But to your surprise your last sentence makes Hyunjin’s dominant demeanour appear again, seeing your words as a kind of challenge to prove he’s the one in control. Not soon after, his hand finds your throat again, making it hard for you to concentrate on your movements. Hyunjin immediately senses your helplessness coming back, as he says: “Aww, did you really think I would let you have the last word?” His other hand abruptly grasps your wrists, that were still behind his neck, when he orders: “I want you to get off of me again and lay down on the other lounge chair, face down.” Not amused by his switch in behaviour, you tease back: “What if I don’t?”

“Well, only good girls who know how to behave deserve to cum, so I wouldn’t challenge it…” Rolling your eyes in disbelief, you stop your motions and scoff. Embarrassed about the fact he convinced you to follow his desires again, you get up and do as you're told, laying down on your stomach, face towards the cushion, but you turn your head at him.

Hyunjin slowly gets up as well, as he walks behind you, positioning himself near your entrance. Grabbing your hips for better stability, he gradually enters you again, as your face meets the lounge chair. “It is hilarious”, he says during grunts, the pace immediately back to where it was, “how you say you hate me but still act like such a slut for me”. As moan after moan escapes your lips, one of Hyunjin’s hands grips your neck, holding you in place, as he orders: “Hands behind your back.” You immediately do what he wants, as his other hand slides around both your wrists, now completely responsible for your body’s balance, as he fucks into you, your face laying on the soft material of the furniture.

“Isn’t this better? Letting me use you and fuck your brains out, while you enjoy yourself being a whore?” The only response you can give him at this point are helpless whimpers, since your mind is long gone, you’re totally captivated by his filthy words and the way he holds you and pounds into your cunt, your walls clenching around him every now and then, particularly when he tightens the grip around your neck and wrists.

“You look so pretty underneath me- when I’m done with you, you’ll never be able to think about anything else again”, he tells you, but his words are interrupted by his own moans, you’re sure you’ve never slept with a man this vocal before, but you enjoy the confidence it gives you, soon joining him with your own sounds. At this point you’re pretty sure, the whole house hears you, even though you’re outside. A little part of you wants them to know - well especially Changbin - mainly for image purposes.

Now relentlessly fucking you into the cushion, as the sound of your bodies slapping together echoes on the patio, you try your best not to climax yet, not wanting anything of tonight to be over. “Fuck- close- gonna cum”, you try to inform him, but your words just sound like gibberish. Hyunjin wants to chuckle again, still showing off his dominant demeanour, but his movements get sloppier too, as he approaches his high, that’s why he gives in: “Be a good girl and cum all over my cock.” 

It’s fascinating how it doesn’t take you more than three seconds, that you immediately follow his orders again, as you reach your high, clenching around him. Hyunjin noticeably can’t resist anymore either - still holding you in place, which is quite astonishing considering the fact he’s out of breath too, he thrusts into you a few more times, before he paints your walls white with his cum.

As you both try to regain your strength, panting for air, he slowly lets go of your neck and wrists, but makes sure you don’t fall down or hurt you. Hyunjin pulls out of you, as you feel the mixture of your cum run down your thighs. He scoops some of the liquid with his fingers, you automatically turn around to look at him and open your mouth, as he puts his digits in, letting you swallow his juices. You stare at him with big eyes, the blonde visibly still flustered, as you give him a smirk when he pulls out his fingers again.

“I’ll be right back, wait here”, he says, as he toddles into the living room again, soon after bringing wet towels from the bathroom and helping you clean yourself. It’s unbelievable how a person’s demeanour can change by one hundred eighty degrees so fast. You’re still trying to come down from your high, as Hyunjin puts his clothes back on and gives you another shirt and shorts as sleepwear. When you change into your new outfit in the bathroom, making yourself ready for bed, he’s already set up the sofa bed again, placing enough pillows and blankets for the both of you.

You walk towards him, as he’s already in bed, joining him, by crawling under the covers. Hyunjin immediately pulls you into his arms, giving you a soft forehead kiss again, just like he did the previous night, right before you both doze off into sleep.

Unlike the day before, you are woken up by Hyunjin shuffling around in bed today. He moves away from you, freeing himself from your tight grip around his upper body, as you slowly open your eyes. Meanwhile, the blonde turns on the bedside lamp, illuminating the living space. Rubbing the insides of your eyes with your knuckles, now completely awake too, you ask him confused: “Everything okay?” Hyunjin turns around, staring at the ceiling now, his hands folded on his chest. “Yes- well, I can’t sleep anymore, I’m gonna get up already…”

Even though you’re half asleep still, you know he’s not telling you the truth by the way he nervously answers you. “Are you sure? Is something on your mind? We can talk- I’m already awake too.” Sitting up now, pulling the covers aside, he tries again, hoping to have enough courage to be honest: “I-I don’t regret what we did earlier- but just so you know, this was a one time thing for me- I rather want everything back to normal again”.

Your heart shatters in pieces, surprised about his sudden proposition, feeling your head instantly become dizzy. Unsure where to focus, you bring your gaze down your hands, that fidget with your rings. 

Hyunjin doesn’t know if he should comfort you, which could lead to him backing down, which is absolutely not what he wants at all. He would be lying, if he said he’s still not hurt about the fact, you almost gave Changbin a second chance, allowing him to kiss you and initially wanting to sleep with your ex. If there’s something Hyunjin can’t stand, it’s being someone’s second chance, particularly if he took all his courage to open up to you. Being in ongoing conflicts, just the general uneasy energy between the both of you, made it way harder for him to come closer to you and care for you, like he did on the first night of your vacation trip.

After contemplating for way too long, as your expectant look on your face pressures him to finally say something again, he decides that his pride is more important to him: “Don’t tell anyone about what we did, just let everything turn back to normal again. You hate me, I hate you. That’s how it’s always been. This is how it should be.”

Using every strength you still have left, you pull yourself together, trying not to burst out in tears, as you’re already at the verge of crying. You don’t look at him, in order to stay calm - at least from outside perspectives. Moving around again to face the wall, helpless about what you should do instead, you slightly nod and answer with the quietest ‘okay’ possible.

“Did you let the poor guy sleep on the bathroom floor again? Damn, Y/N, I didn’t know you could be so cruel, but I don’t blame-“ Jisung's voice is cut off by Chan pulling him away from the sofa. Opening your eyes, you balance yourself on the backsides of your lower arms, looking around in confusion. “Don’t listen to this brat. First of all, good morning, Y/N. I don’t want to pressure you, but you need to get up, we have a long car drive on today’s to-do list.” 

The sleepiness still visible on your face, you nod as an answer for Chan, as you get out of the bed and head to the bathroom, getting ready for the day.

When everyone is ready, every suitcase in the trunk of the van, you sit down on the back row of the vehicle, as Chan and Jisung join you. Since Noah is the driver again and Felix wants to sit in the passenger seat next to them, Hyunjin and Changbin have to take the seats of the middle row.

Having your main character moment, as you look out the window, admiring nature’s beauty for the last time, Chan considers talking to you. As he slightly turns around toward you, his voice as quiet as possible, even though the others don’t hear anything, everyone is busy with what they’re doing: “Are you alright- I mean, considering last night and everything with Changbin?” Woken up from your daydream, you look at him, unsure what to answer. You sheeply nod, giving him a warm smile, as you reply: “Yes, don’t worry, I will get over it, it’s for the best.” 

What Chan doesn’t know is, with your answer you subconsciously don’t even talk about Changbin. Of course, he doesn’t know and can’t know about it, but you use this conversation to deal with the other problem you have. 

“Y/N”, Jisung begins now and by what he says next, you get suspicious if he listened to what Chan and you talk about, “I’m still so sorry- I was being so insensitive yesterday, like multiple times, I’m sorry I hurt you with my stupid teasing-“ You reach over Chan to grab Jisung’s hand, a reassuring gesture of letting him know, you’ve already forgiven him. “If you need anything, you know, we’re always there for you”, Jisung comforts you and you know his words are truthful by the look in his eyes, still regretting how he behaved.

“Thank you”, is everything you say, as Chan grabs the hands of the both of you, while his other arm slides around your upper body, pulling you closer to him, “I will need some time but I will overcome this too.”

Hyunjin did in fact keep his promise. Changbin wasn’t on your mind anymore, because it’s completely occupied by Hyunjin now…


© J-0NE25 2022 | copying, translating or stealing my work is prohibited

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2 years ago



PAIRING: prince!minho x maidservant!reader GENRE: smut. fluff. angst. royal!au. forbidden love. CONTENT: 18+ minors dni. unprotected intercourse. major injury. pet names. WORD COUNT: 14.3k (and i could’ve kept going)

SUMMARY: you’re a royal servant, someone who was supposed to sink into the shadows and speak only when spoken to. power: you had none… except when it came to the crown prince.

NOTE: thank you to @lino-nyangi, @tasteracha, and @therhythmafterthesummer for beta reading and helping me edit this beast.


do not repost to other sites, including translations.

You’d never forget the first time you saw him. Pushed forward by the momentum of the crowd, you found yourself in a prime position to see the royal procession through the city. Leading an annual hunt in celebration of his birth, Minho sat astride his horse, offering small waves to the cheering crowd as he passed. It was only then, seeing him in the flesh that the reality of your new role as a royal maidservant finally sunk in. You were due to start the next day, to train while they were away and be prepared to serve when they returned.

Keep reading

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1 year ago

EASY (18+!)

EASY (18+!)
EASY (18+!)
EASY (18+!)

SYNOPSIS: You’re happy to get in this one class from the first semester you still haven’t attended because of struggling with organisation. The luck is soon gone when you find out your former friend, who’s already graduated, is going to be the professor. Offended in your pride about the fact a guy your age is teaching you, you try your best to prove him you’re the smarter one.

🍂 GENRE: fluff, smut, tiny bit of angst

🪨 WORD COUNT: 6.0k

📔 CONTENT INFO: minho x afab reader, nonidol!au, university!au, professor!minho, universitystudent!reader, both are the same age, enemies2lovers, frenemies2lovers, reader is a geology student so be prepared for random facts about rocks and volcanoes lol, also a very bad attempt of making a harry potter reference I don’t even know if anyone will notice it

🪐 WARNING: consumption of alcohol and making out under influence of it (they’re both tipsy)

🔥 SMUT WARNING: dom!minho, sub!reader, brattamer!minho, brat!reader, unprotected sex (don’t be stupid pls), fingering, piv, sir kink, exhibitionism (idk they’re in a public place), name calling (good girl, slut), degrading (little bit), spanking

✨ AUTHOR’S NOTE: not proof read, also English isn’t my first language pls don’t be mean to me thank you

🖇 TAG LIST: @chimmycupcake @heelover5

The characters do not portray any of the skz members in real life, the names are just used for fiction. Also minors do not interact, this post contains mature themes. By clicking on “read more” you consent to nsfw content.

EASY (18+!)

You’ve never been the best at sticking to regular plans, always trying to achieve things your own way. The same has counted for studying since the beginning of your educational career path. Some of your friends had already graduated, but thanks to the terms of your university, which allowed you to choose the order of attending courses yourself, and your non existent determination in finishing on time, you were now here, done with all your classes - even with the bachelor thesis - but still had to catch up and take a class and it’s exam from first semester.

The subject of it seemed absolutely boring to you, that’s why you decided to postpone it in your first year of university. And the following one. And the one after that.

You don’t even pay attention to anything regarding the class since the semester will start tomorrow and so does the first lesson.

You don’t even pay attention to anything regarding the class since the semester will start tomorrow and so does the first lesson.

You don’t even pay attention to anything regarding the class since the semester will start tomorrow and so does the first lesson.

You wake up completely wasted, getting to bed way too late the night before. As if this wasn’t already bad enough, you oversleep your first alarm as well, making your hurry so you won’t be late.

Luckily you at least get to university on time, but when you arrive, you realise your study appliances are still at home. To your disadvantage you don’t know anyone here. Which makes sense, considering the fact all these people are at least three years younger than you.

Your heart skips a beat when the door of the classroom opens and the professor steps in, revealing a familiar face.

This couldn’t be. That’s not possible. It can’t really be him.

Hoping no one notices, you bury your face in the palm of your hands and concentrate on pretending you're doing something on your iPad. The professor grabs chalk from the desk and writes down his name on the blackboard. You dare to look up, not believing your own eyes when you read the letters.

Lee Minho.

It’s in fact him. The guy who started university with you three years ago. The guy you used to compete with in every class you were in. It makes sense, he’s already graduated since you are the one who’s behind in her career path. Your attempt of praying he won’t recognise you soon fades away when he reads the list of the students name, chuckling to himself when he sees you’re on it too. Minho tries to keep this information to himself and starts with the educational part of the lesson, after telling everyone to make name tags.

“What is the difference, Ms Y/L/N, between a granite and a basalt?” Minho asks you. You feel dozens of pairs of eyes staring at the back of your head, being overwhelmed with such a task and the fact he casually called you for the first question. You look around, completely confused as you give an honest answer. “I don’t know, sorry.” Minho raises one of his eyebrows. “This knowledge is mandatory in my class, everyone got the email to already read the basic information to geology for beginners. You’re here to learn something, so everyone please do your research and participate.” He admonishes, sitting down on the table in front of the blackboard.

The class is over quicker than you’ve thought, but your embarrassment from the beginning is still there. Everyone around you grabs their stuff and so do you. Completely lost in your thoughts, you don’t realise all the others have already left the room when Minho calls you. “Y/N, nice to see you again”. You close your eyes in regret not getting out of the room faster and turn around on your heels, a fake bright smile appearing on your face. “Yes, I’d never thought you’d be a professor and certainly not for a class I attend.” He chuckles, walking towards you. “Well if I’m not wrong, this is a class for first semester students, isn’t it?” You nod and try to ignore the subliminal remark. “Yes, it is.” “Funny, how we used to compete with each other in every class and well, I remember you always trying to be better than me, unsuccessfully, and now we’re here and I’m your professor. You may have already noticed, but I was thinking about challenging you more than the other students, just for the fun of it. So you better be prepared for next week.” With this final statement, he gives you a wink, takes his belongings and leaves the room.

The weeks pass by without a Monday of Minho not asking you more questions than the other people in class. You can’t decide what buggs you more - the fact he’s teasing you with his stupid questions just to rub in your face, he graduated ahead of you, or that now everyone else in class thinks you two have something going on and Minho is trying to cover it.

Even though you know it’s a bit of a toxic trait, you use his constant provocation as a motivation to study harder like you’ve never done before, not even when the both of you attended classes together. Volcanology has never been your favourite subject in university, but the more you get into it, the more you read about the topics, you develop a liking for it, even annoying Seungmin with it. “You must have a crush or something on Minho, I’ve never seen you study so hard for a class before”, your best friend teases you. You ignore his constant bickering, telling yourself it’s just to get your grades up. “I don’t. I’m just taking my chance to get a good grade, because I’ll soon graduate.”

The next Monday you come prepared to class. Any unnecessary questions Minho would ask you, you’re sure you know how to answer. Entering the room, he’s already there as well as most of the fellow students. You sit down next to the new friend you’ve made over the last weeks. “Hey, how’s it going?” Jisung greets you with a warm smile. “Hey, I’m alright, what about you? Have you read the text for today’s lesson?” A caught look on his face, he admits: “Imma be honest, I didn’t. But not because I knew you would read it anyway.” He makes you chuckle. How could anybody be mad at him? “It’s alright, you are right, I, in fact, came here prepared, unlike others.” You give him a fake strict expression.

“So continuing where we stopped last week, can someone summarize the topic of the previous lesson?” Minho asks. The typical non-existing participation evolving in the classroom, Minho decided to test a random person. Well, that’s what he tells himself. He doesn’t know what makes him act this way - maybe the rivalry that’s still between the both of you or him just wanting to get your attention - but he calls your name. “Ms Y/L/N, could you please tell the class what we talked about last Monday.” Getting nervous about failing - you don’t even know why, your participation in this course does not determine your final grade - you shyly begin to answer. “Yes, erm- last week we talked about-“

Minho starts rolling his eyes, visibly annoyed by the way you’re speaking, so he interrupts you. “Talk a bit more unenthusiastic and I might wake up”. You can hear chuckling in the back of the room erupting. What a dick. How dare he talk to you like this? Bothered by his remark as well, Jisung shifts in his seat and grabs your hand as a reassuring gesture. Because you both sit in the first row, this action doesn’t go unnoticed by Minho, his stare wandering from your face to where your bodies connect. Jisung turns around, leaning a bit closer to you, and whispers. “You can do this, you’re the smartest one here.” You hold down a small giggle, hoping you don’t blush at his compliment.

Using the confident boost you just gained, posture now upright, at the last moment choosing to aggravate the situation, you continue talking. “That makes two of us. Where was I? Ah, right. The classification of pyroclastic rocks. We differentiate between blocks, lapilli and ash, considering the rock’s size. There are diverse types of deposition as well, for instance, we analysed pictures of two different ignimbrites, a solidified one, showing chemical zones, and a welded one, consisting of a coherent matrix made of ash. But the main topic of the previous lesson was learning what fallouts are.” Minho uses all his will power not to respond to your attitude. “Could you elaborate on this as well?” He asks you, covering up his built up anger. “Of course”, you go on, “fallouts are nothing more than the process of pyroclastic fractions falling out gravitationally, caused in case of the shrinking of the dynamic uplifting. Sometimes it’s possible that parts of the eruptive column of the volcano collaps, but we haven’t talked about that yet.” The last sentence being an attempt of showing him how much you know about a topic he hasn’t even taught yet, Minho is surprised, a visible equivalent look on his face - everything goes according to your plan. “Well done and thanks for the transition to today’s topic.”

It’s at this moment you realise Jisung is still holding your hand, your palms uncomfortably sweaty, so you apologise. “Don’t worry, I haven’t even noticed. I’m just totally fascinated by you being such a brainiac.” Sinking your head down, not knowing how to handle his admiration, you quietly thank him, getting all shy again.

Throughout the whole lesson, Minho refrains from asking you more questions. From time to time, you notice people observe the dynamic between the professor and you. Unsure how to handle the staring, you ignore them and concentrate on the tasks.

For lunch break Jisung and you go to the campus’ cafeteria. Considering the look on his face, you ask him what’s on his mind. “It’s nothing, definitely none of my business anyway.” He answers with a glare of curiosity. Rolling your eyes, you follow up on what he just said. “Come on, ask me what you want.” Jisung moves in his seat, insecure if he’s asking something he shouldn’t. “I think I’m not the only one who has noticed the weird dynamic between the professor and you, which makes me wonder if you two know each other. You sigh, creating the impression Jisung went too far. He instantly apologises. “I know, people talk. But it’s really nothing. We started university together three years ago. I'm actually in my fourth year and forgot about this class, that’s why I’m attending it now. He and I used to be in many classes together and competed in everything, arguing with each other every time we had the chance. I’m honest, I’m kinda intrigued that a guy my age is teaching me. He’s constantly making me feel insecure about my skills. I mean, secretly I already know he’s the smarter one, otherwise he wouldn’t be in this position now” Jisung’s facial expression softens, then turns into disappointment. “Listen, just because he finished university before you, doesn’t mean he’s smarter. There’s a difference between achieving a goal fast and being actually good at something”, he encourages you. “Do you think people could take the dynamic the wrong way?” Jisung shrugs his shoulders. “I don’t know. I can only speak for myself. What I noticed is that he makes you answer more questions in quantity and with a higher level of difficulty compared to the others. I was just worried he'd disadvantage you.”

Nine weeks into the semester and three more to go until the final volcanology exam, your best friend and you decide to attend the university’s summer party on campus. Seungmin isn’t much impressed by the idea but you soon convince him to go there with you.

The campus is more crowded than on usual busy days, because people from every department are here. You don’t know anyone, but Seungmin always stays by your side. While he buys drinks for you at a random temporary set up bar you look around, searching for familiar faces, when a girl from your volcanology class approaches you. “Hey, Y/N, you’re here too?” Ryujin greets you, holding a beer in one hand and waving at you with the other one. “Oh, hey!” She goes in for a hasty hug, definitely caused by the amount of alcohol in her body, since you don’t know each other that well, maybe have talked a few times. “So, you’re here alone or are you waiting for a special someone?” She asks, a suggestive wink appearing on her face. Fiddling with your bracelet, you give her a confused look. “No, I’m just waiting for my friend over there, he’s getting drinks for us.” You tell her. “Oh, a male friend? Well, you better not tell Mr Lee then, he might get jealous.” The blood rises up to your head, making you blush. “W-What?” You ask her.

Ryujin walks towards you, not wanting to make it too obvious what she’ll say next, even though the noises of the party drown out her words for eavesdropping ears. “Am I wrong with my presumptions? I’m not the only one in class thinking the two of you are hooking up. At least that’s why I assume he’s being mean to you, to cover up your relationship, so none of you get in trouble.” If Seungmin gave you the drink already, you definitely would have dropped it now. Speaking of the devil, your best friend appears, two bottles of beer in his hands. “Hey, I’m Seungmin”, he interrupts the conversation and introduces himself to Ryujin. “Hey, I’m Ryujin. You should definitely pay better attention to your girl.” With another suggestive wink, now addressed to your friend, she walks away.

“What was that about?” Seungmin asks you, a perplexed look on his face. “Oh, nothing. She’s just a girl from my class, pretty drunk, we don’t really know each other.” Seungmin nodds. “See, that’s why I didn’t want to go here. Only weird people.” You chuckle and jokingly nudge his shoulder. Seungmin soon joins the laughter, taking a sip from his drink.

Three beers later, Seungmin finally loosening up, you both decide to take part in a beer pong battle, knowing you’d be the best duo on campus. Convinced you can keep up with anyone, you gather at one side of the table and fill the cups with liquid. “Usual strategy?” Your best friend asks you. You simply nod, chugging down the rest of your current drink. Your heart starts beating out of your chest, too stunned to speak, when you see the opponent team arriving. “Oh, nice to see you here,” a tipsy Minho greets you. “Hi”, is all you can say. Filling up the cups for his team - consisting of him and a blonde guy the same height, just built a bit more muscular than him - he begins to speak again, but this time to your friend. “I think I haven’t introduced myself properly, sorry, my bad. I’m Minho. Y/N and I used to study together.” Without needing to look at him, you know Seungmin is suppressing any bickering remark he wants to make at this moment, but still smirking at the mention of Minho’s name. “No problem. Nice to meet you, I’m Seungmin, Y/N’s friend.”

The game begins, everyone lost in their actions, except for one person who’s constantly observing you. More precisely, how you and Seungmin interact with each other. For the both of you, it’s absolutely innocent. A bit of touching from time to time, may it be hugging out of happiness because you scored again, is totally normal and without any bad intentions.

It’s when Seungmin makes the final score, helping you win and embracing you in a big hug, that you see in the corner of your eyes Minho slowly walking towards you. Your best friend puts you down again, already confused about what will happen next. “Congratulations, good game- Y/N, can we talk for a second?” Minho asks you. Flabbergasted by his sudden request and tipsy from all the alcohol you had, you simply nod and follow him, leaving an even drunker Seungmin there alone. But at this moment you don’t care, you don’t even notice, you’re just obediently walking behind him, as he takes your hand when the place gets more crowded with people, almost impossible to get through. Minho abruptly stops, when you walk around a corner of a building far away from the party, but still on campus.

Still holding your hand, he spins you around, so your back crashes against the wall, but thankfully without hurting you, which is surprising considering how tipsy he is. All of a sudden he’s so near, you can feel his breath on your skin. Minho puts one of his forearms next to you, cageing you between him and the wall in the process. His other hand brushes your jaw, index finger carefully holding up your chin, so you’re on eye level with him. “I can’t even put into words how much you annoy me, it’s insane.” He tells you, attaching his lips on your cheek, as they slowly find their way down your neck. You give in, completely forgetting your surroundings thanks to his hypnotising actions. “I would have never thought, teaching a class is that hard, but your constant competition is getting on my nerves.” While his mouth is still on your neck, Minho’s arms trace down to squeeze your butt. The upper back of your head meets the wall as a reaction of losing yourself in his passionate touches, a small moan escaping your lips.Your noises are soon stopped, as he attaches his lips on yours for the first time, making butterflies erupt inside of your stomach. The mesmerising feeling is soon interrupted.

“You know what’s the worst part about all this? I don’t even want to admit it, but your knowledge and intelligence is intimidating to me. I would be lying, if I said I was the smarter one, when you definitely are-“ Minho suddenly stops all his actions, looking like a cat that was caught doing something forbidden. When his words register in your head, you slightly push him away, not believing what he just confessed. “What did you say, Minho? Did I hear that correctly?” You tease him.

Being the victim of his stupid drunk self, he’s now considering what he should do next. “I didn’t say anything other than you being annoying and pissing me off.” Rolling your eyes back in frustration, as you cross your arms, you answer: “Don’t play dumb, repeat what you just told me.” Minho turns to the side, covering his mouth with his hands, eyes facing the floor. “I don’t know what you mean, maybe you’re imagining stuff, like the stupid little girl you are.” He insults you, which makes you scoff out of fright.

“Minho, you’re pathetic. There’s finally a moment of you being honest with me, but you ruin it because you’re scared of rejection.” You tell him. Offended in his dignity, Minho takes a deep breath and walks away, leaving you alone in the dark. As tears build up in your eyes, you decide not to follow him and call Seungmin instead.

Your best friend quickly arrives and doesn’t hesitate pulling you into a hug, when he sees the grief on your face. “Did he hurt you? Did he do something you didn’t want?” Seungmin asks, to which you shake your head in contradiction. “No. Well, he didn’t physically hurt me, but insulted me- I don’t even know why I’m crying, it’s probably because I’m drunk and he’s just too much- like with everything- I just want this semester to be over and never see him again,” you sigh, now completely bursting into tears. Seungmin reassures you, by simply holding you tight and stroking your hair. “Everything will be over soon, I promise.”

The last three weeks just pass by, filled with you cramming for the final exam, usually meeting Seungmin in your study breaks or exchanging thoughts about the topics with Jisung. Doing everything possible, not to think about either how Minho left you at the party or how his lips and hands felt on your body, your whole life revolves around the exam now. Which is harder than you thought, since every tiny little note you took in class reminds you of him, even reading the words in your head in his voice.

When the final day comes, you do your best, knowing you prepared well for it. As the semester is finally over now, Seungmin and you attend more parties often, which results in him actually enjoying events like that, even more when he becomes friends with Jisung. From time to time you see Minho at these gatherings as well, you somehow get the idea, he wants to talk to you but rather quickly forget about it, when nothing like that happens. You’re still sure, he’s observing you from afar, but you don’t give in, still mad about the way he treated you.

Two weeks after the exam you get an email from your university, telling you the results can be found online. Feeling your heart beating a million times per second, you nervously get online and log into your account. Scrolling down, you get more tense and press on the button which says ”show grade”.

And there it is.


Saying you feel relieved would be an understatement. All the hard work definitely paid off, making you scream out of excitement, nearly crying happy tears. Grabbing your phone again to call Seungmin and tell him about the great news, you see a notification blow up on your device, an email to your university account, so you open it first.

Dear Students,

I’m happy to tell you most of the students in my class passed the exam, even though the results are improvable with some exceptions. As you know, it’s not possible to give back the test papers to you, since we have to archive them. If you have questions regarding your grades or the exam in general, you can come to my office next Monday (same time as our class) and we can talk about it in person. Please be patient in case many people appear.


Mr. Lee

No. The idea emerging in your head is ridiculous. It would be absurd to attend the appointment when you’re probably the person who scored the highest in this exam. Only three percent is wrong, what could that even be? Probably just a form error because Minho doesn’t want to admit you had everything correct. You have sworn to yourself to never speak to him again.

On Monday you find yourself in front of Minho’s office, still rethinking if it’s a stupid idea. Well, it definitely is, you can tell from the faces of the other students, which assume you had the 97%. That’s why you decided to come here a bit later, so people wouldn’t gossip around, which they already did, so it doesn’t matter anyway.

When the last person, who was in line before you, leaves the office, it’s your time to enter. You hesitantly open the door, a “come in” from Minho can be heard. The surprised look on his face tells you, he didn’t expect you to be here. “Hello. I have a few questions regarding my grade.” You tell him. “Sure, take a seat.” He tells you and points to the chair at the other side of the table. You slowly approach him and sit down, now looking directly in his eyes. Minho stays professional, treating you like any other student. “What are your questions exactly?” He asks, while handing you the exam. You flick through the pages, pretending to actually search for something, now realising you went here without a proper plan. “I was just wondering, why I have 97% on this test and what the missing 3% are. As I remember, there weren’t that many points to score, maybe like thirty something, so I’m confused how such a small amount can be subtracted from my grade.” Minho nods, grabbing the exam and skimming through the pages as well. He stops when he finds something and explains: “It’s mostly form errors, your style of writing isn’t academic enough. At some parts it sounds like a high school student wrote it”.

He’s definitely doing this on purpose, there’s no way he actually means it. This guy just takes any excuse so he doesn’t have to admit you’re good at something, maybe even better than he is. “I see.” Is everything you say in response. “Do you have any further questions?” He asks you, his gaze still focused on the test paper. Contemplating what you should do next, you remember the semester is finally over and you probably won’t see him again, since you don’t plan on doing your master degree at this university. “Yes, I have another question. But not about the exam.” Minho shifts in his seat, bringing his fingers together and placing his hands under his chin. “Today’s appointment is for questions about the exam only, I’m sorry.” He explains.

You imitate his gesture and never stop looking into his eyes, while he tries everything to escape your glimpses. “I don’t care, I don’t have the time. I want to talk now.” You insist. A slight groan of annoyance leaves Minho’s lips, his eyes rolling to the back of his head in the process. “Go on.”

“Why are you intimidated by me when I’m just a stupid little girl to you?” You ask him, shock appearing on his face as a result. “I’m not intimidated by you, I don’t know where you’re getting the idea from.” He answers.

Testing the limits, you get up from your seat and walk around the table, until you stand right behind him. “Mr Lee,” you begin, “I know I got the highest score in this exam, I even heard no one has ever had a grade better than 90%, I think I deserve an explanation.” You bend forward and your hands seize his upper body, embracing him from behind, while your lips slowly approach his neck, placing small yet soft kisses on his skin. Minho tries but can’t resist, as he quietly moans as a response to your touches. He makes you jump in place, when he suddenly gets up from his seat as well, now looking at your face. “I’m not intimidated by you, I repeat, but I’m certainly intimidated by the possibility of getting suspended,” he explains, while grabbing you by your waist, just to immediately turn you around and place you on top of his desk, your positions now switched, he glares from your eyes down to your lips, “that’s why I backed off that night.”

Grabbing your head for you to stand still, he suddenly places his lips on yours. You easily give in and kiss him back, the taste of him letting the butterflies appear in your stomach again. Carefully opening your mouth, you let his tongue enter. The innocent little touches soon turn into a steamy make out session.

His hands make their way to your blouse, hastily opening each button. His lips are on your neck again, just like they were the other night, bringing you back to that moment in your mind. “But even when I make sincere compliments, you can’t resist taking the chance to bother me by wanting me to repeat myself. You just can’t get enough, it’s like my attention is everything you need to function.” Slightly offended by his remark, you lie: “That’s not true. I don’t care about that at all.” You hear him chuckle, not convinced at all by what you're saying, as his lips go down, gently pressing kisses on your body, while his hands pull down your bra, breasts now on full display. “Continue telling that to yourself.” He puts one of the buds in his mouth, one of his hands playing with the other one, as a moan, louder than you expected, escapes your lips.

The way he touches you is captivating, as if you're already under his spell. Trying not to fully give in yet, you talk back to him: “You know, that makes two of us. You were constantly trying to get my attention in class as well, always letting me answer your stupid questions. I don’t think it’s just your way of competing anymore, Minho, I think you might like me.” Minho scoffs at your blatant note, bringing his head back up to glare into your eyes. “Just shut up,” is everything he can say. “Make me,” you tell him. Minho’s eyes swiftly turn dark, as he grabs your waist once again and turns you around, making you bend over the table, your back touching his chest now.

“Don’t tell me what to do. As far as I know, I’m the one in charge here,” he whispers as he lays his hands on the front of your thighs, slowly going up towards your wet heat. The rushed kissing on the back of your neck continues, making you squirm in pleasure. Pushing your soaked panties aside, two of his fingers enter you without hesitation, you’re surprised about yourself allowing him to get his way with you at such a fast pace. But neither of you care anymore, you’re too impatient to wait any longer. As his fingers remain inside of you, his other hand lands on your bundle of nerves to painfully slowly draw circles on it. “Are you going to answer me or what?” Minho mutters into your ear. “A-Answer what, you didn’t ask a proper q-question”, you tell him, trying not to get lost in the pleasure, without any success. “Are you gonna behave now?” He asks again, putting more pressure onto your clit, while passionately marking your neck with kisses and bites. “You wish,” you scoff at his demand, which earns you a slap on your butt, already feeling the red handprint evolving on your soft skin.

The next thing you realise is that his hand left the part of your body you need him the most. “I repeat, are you gonna behave now?” Gulping because of the satisfaction and pain he caused and continues on doing, you shyly nod and give him a small ‘yes’. Visibly not pleased by that, Minho demands again: “Yes, what?” Still trying to concentrate on both his touches and questions, you answer once again, a slight question mark at the end of your words: “Yes, sir.”

As a response Minho brings his hand from your butt to your clit again, continuing to satisfy you, confirming you said what he was asking for, his growing bulge pressing against your ass. “Finally you know your place”, he tells you, a mischievous giggle following, but you’re already too spaced out to hear him, “at the end of the day, you might be the smarter one, but I’m the one in control.” With that both his hands abruptly leave your body, making your head turn around in disappointment, a pout forming on your face. “Why did you stop, why are you teasing me like that-“ your question is interrupted by yet another slap on your sensitive skin, as you hear the fumbling of a belt, Minho’s pants and underwear soon meeting the floor after.

Rapidly pushing up your skirt and getting rid of your panties by almost ripping them apart, he puts a few strands of your hair behind your ear, his demeanour completely opposite now, asking softly: “Shh, it’s not teasing if I give you what you want. But what is it? What do you want me to do?” Minho’s hands roam over the sides of your body again, slowly caressing the skin. “I-I need you inside of me, sir”, you mumble shyly, causing a chuckle to escape from his lips. “Only because you asked so politely”, is what he answers right before entering your heat with the tip of his cock, slowly filling you up with his whole length. He pulls out immediately after, smearing the mix of your precum over your entrance, just to fully stretch you out again right after. He doesn’t bother starting with a careful pace, already moving steadily fast from the beginning, going even deeper.

“Fuck-“ you whine from the unbearable pleasure, while Minho wastes no time and brings his index and middle finger back onto your clit. Every once in a while he gives another smack to your ass, receiving groans from you. “You like this, don’t you,” he mutters in between kisses landing on your neck, “getting fucked by your professor in his office, while anybody could walk in and see what a slut you really are.” Every small noise is drowned out by your moans and the skin of your bodies slapping together, caused by his thrusting, sharp and fast. His filthy words make it even harder to think straight, you could only cum from his talking. He rolls his hips into yours, his fingers still rubbing your clit, as you get closer and closer to your relief. “P-please, let me cum, sir,” you’re basically screaming at this point. “Look at my little slut, finally begging for what she needs. But I’m not sure if she deserves it.” The way he’s calling you names and talks about you as if you’re not in the room makes it even harder for you to resist. “Please, I’m begging you, sir.” But his moves get sloppier too, so he decides to finally give in. He brings his other hand around your throat, slightly applying pressure to it as he orders: “Be a good girl and cum for me.”

Head spinning, you cum around his cock, as he continues thrusting into you to help you ride out your high, feeling himself getting closer too. Hot spurts paint your inner walls, as his constant moaning turns into a chuckle of success. Minho abruptly pulls out, but pushes the mixture of your liquids back inside with two fingers, not wanting to waste anything.

Getting back to reality, he brings tissues to clean you, a completely different attitude towards you know. “Are you alright? Do you need anything?” He inquires. You shake your head, a small smile appearing on your face.

Still dizzy, but back on your feet it’s the first time after entering his office, you deeply look into his eyes, unsure what he’s thinking about. Your worries are soon gone, when he’s the first to speak. “I was wondering, and I totally get if you don’t want to, if I could take you out on a date. I’m technically not your professor anymore and I’d like to get to know you better.” He speaks so shyly, with his new demeanour he is hardly recognisable. “I accept your offer, Mr Lee,” you can’t resist teasing him. Minho immediately covers his face in his hands in embarrassment. “Don’t get shy now, I just find it hilarious how much of a cliche it is for you to have a sir kink.” You both join in laughing. “But you enjoy it too.” He replies, placing a gentle kiss on your forehead.

EASY (18+!)

© j-0ne25 2022 | copying or translating my work is prohibited

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