40 posts
My Thoughts
My thoughts
Long text and it's just my opinion, xd, sorry for the writing, I'm not american
Well, it all started in January 2023, when Inside Job was canceled. I was pretty devastated and remained fandomless for like 6 months, until August 2023
Inside Job had a special place in my heart, the characters, the cast, the plots… Pretty weird I found it by searching Family Guy on Netflix. What pissed me off is that Netflix renewed it and then canceled it despite renewing it. It just makes me so angry. There was so much hype, so much potential… And it’s gone. Xd. Anyways, after seeing some fanart I found what I would consider my Inside Job’s replacement: Digman! I’m serious, this thing has somehow managed to fill that Inside Job hole in my heart, even though those might be shoes too big to fill for this series. Anyways, Digman! is what I would consider a mediocre series, which is way higher than promedium. Inside Job is an excellent series, where characters get developpement, plots work well and bring stuff to the story and the characters interact with each other since the main cast is quite large. In Digman! quite the opposite happens, the main cast seems to only be made out of the protagonist and the deuteragonist, like Inside Job but at least there Brett and Reagan talked with other people than themselves. In Digman! most of the time is either Rip or Saltine talking, also Saltine isn’t that much of a character since she’s so flat in terms of personality, like, you’re the deuteragonist, why don’t we know your family name. Reagan is so relatable at some point and she gets a great developpement through the series, even in the first part. Rip on the other hand get poor developpement and at last, he only changes a bit for the most stupid reason: he believes that anyone who bothers him is caring for him, which is kinda dumb to be honest since he’s literally told that he’s always wrong and others know what’s best for him. Now to the deuteragonists, there is Brett for Inside Job and Saltine for Digman!. Brett is such a loveable character that is so relatable, he’s a yesman, he’s hot, he has a tragic past, yet he’s still a nice guy. He got a great developpement through the show as he realized he doesn't have to change to please people and that his opinion matters, healing a bit of his family trauma at part 2 and learning to let go of his best friend just so she can be happy. Then we have Saltine, please what even are you. Saltine has by most people the most attractive design but according to them it is just because she doesn’t fit the artstyle and I don’t even understand what that even means. She’s such a flat character that even the support characters have more personality than her! She barely does anything on the series apart from saying the obvious, and triggering Rip’s traumas in ep 2 for some reason. The only time she played an important role was in episode 4 where she met Trisket, another archeologist assistant and they both became friends, which is nice and it was the moment where she had the most personality somehow. But overall, the only thing she does is state obvious things like saying that exploitation is bad and that snakes are dangerous, which is kinda pointless because there’s no need to explain that. I get why Rip seemed so bothered by her in episode 1 because oh my god, she’s kind of obnoxious. We don’t even know her family name! She’s the deuteragonist and we don’t know her family name. The only thing we know from her is that she's a bit of an inventor, she’s a college student, and her parents don’t support her choice of studying archeology, which I understand since what kind of horrible parents name their child after a cracker. This too few compared to Brett whom we know useless stuff about him that at least puts in value his past and personality. But I like both, Inside Job might be canceled, it might never have an end but at least I found something to replace it inside my heart. Something that brought me joy. Something that makes me hype for next season. Something. Digman! might not be the perfect show, but please, give it a chance. Also, whatever will happen in season 2, pls don’t be any romantic, Inside Job already traumatized me so much xd
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Emotional support white men 💫

Hi, world! I made a new chapter for my multifandom fanfiction. And if it contains spoilers of Inside Job Part 2 and The Cuphead Show Season 3. Actually, I got pretty sad because the end of Part 2 of Inside Job so I wrote this to cheer up myself (more like deal with sadness) , if you're gonna read it, translate it from Spanish to English.

Something of a Fanfic I wrote ( 1/3)
DIGMAN FANFIC BECAUSE NOBODY MADE ONE. WELL KINDA OF A DIGMAN FANFIC SINCE IT'S CROSSOVER https://archiveofourown.org/works/49813234/chapters/133615966