somepunaboutspace - Spin the wheel
Spin the wheel

600 posts

Somepunaboutspace - Spin The Wheel - Tumblr Blog

6 months ago

How to show emotions

Part VI

How to show insecurity

not holding/breaking eye contact


crossing their arms

trying to cover up their body

making themself seem smaller

playing with their hands

hiding their hands in their pockets

holding their head down


clearing their throat

biting their nails

biting their lips

nervous laughter


How to show being offended

stiffening up

hard line around the lips

frozen stare

narrowing of the eyes

turning their head to the side

quickening heartbeat

turning red

making themself bigger, ready to fight

How to show compassion

gentle and soft smile

relaxed facial features

softening of their eyes

openly showing how they feel

leaning towards the other one

nodding along, not directly interjecting, but encouraging

deep breaths inbetween

gentle touches to comfort

How to show being pleased

big smile/grinning

laying head slightly to the side

moving one shoulder up

pursing their lips while smiling

very open body language

leaning back

Part I + Part II + Part III + Part IV + Part V

If you like my blog and want to support me, you can buy me a coffee or become a member! And check out my Instagram! 🥰

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6 months ago

They’ll never do a Hitman level set in a Furry Convention because gamers would absolutely ruin it but imagine. like the target isn’t a furry he just owns a hotel that happens to have one every year but you can disguise yourself in a fursuit and some guy will ask you “what species is your sona” and 47 would be like “a wolf. i always felt a connection with…hunters.” and then diana would be like “let’s see if you can sniff out some information, furrty-seven” and then he comes to my house and kills me for writing this

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6 months ago

judy hopps is a cop who leverages a strangers felony tax evasion to get him to put his life in danger and work around the clock so that she can keep her job

she then presumably helps him cover up his crime to get him a job on the same police force

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6 months ago

idk if this is controversial or not, but I really like when non-professional writing like fic has hints of author bleedthrough when it comes to like, what different people assume is common knowledge. Like sometimes I’ll be reading a fic and it’ll just be obvious that the person writing it is either obsessed with medicine or has been to medical school, because they’ll use terms that are just a shade too technical without explaining them. It’s never the super specific stuff that they’d know other people are unaware of, it’s always the things that once you’ve known it for a while you forget it’s niche knowledge. It’s fun because as a fanfic reader it reminds me of how this is a fun hobby community, where everyone has their own thing going on outside of fandom. Everyone’s got their own specialties and they can’t help but write that into their work sometimes

6 months ago


Ding Ding Ding, Metta Redesign Again (last Time Hopefully)

Ding ding ding, Metta redesign again (last time hopefully)

Before you ask, he does have his goofy ass tail ribbon things, I could NOT be bothered-

Extra human ver under cut

Ding Ding Ding, Metta Redesign Again (last Time Hopefully)

This isn't as much as a general redesign as it is a fic-specific design. Himb

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6 months ago
Ding Ding Ding, Metta Redesign Again (last Time Hopefully)

Ding ding ding, Metta redesign again (last time hopefully)

Before you ask, he does have his goofy ass tail ribbon things, I could NOT be bothered-

Extra human ver under cut

Ding Ding Ding, Metta Redesign Again (last Time Hopefully)

This isn't as much as a general redesign as it is a fic-specific design. Himb

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6 months ago

not the bell tolling LMAOOOO 🙈 i wonder for whom 🤔

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6 months ago

Man, I’m glad Gravity Falls is getting this resurgence.

I still miss it

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6 months ago

what are some ways to describe people other than eye and hair color

I am assuming you are looking for physical descriptors. Here are some examples. I may just make a different post on psychological descriptors.

Arms: Long, Muscular, Pudgy, Short, Skinny, Thin

Back: Bent, Hunched, Ramrod Straight, Rounded

Build: Anorexic, Athletic, Beefy, Brawny, Burly, Chubby, Coltish, Compact, Fat, Gangly, Gaunt, Gawky, Haggard, Heavy-set, Herculean, Husky, Lanky, Lithe, Muscular, Obese, Overweight, Petite, Rangy, Reed-like, Scrawny, Skinny, Slender, Slight, Solid, Spindly, Statuesque, Stocky, Strapping, Sylphlike, Taut, Thickset, Thin, Trim, Underweight, Voluptuous, Well-built, Willowy, Withered

Cheeks: Blushing, Bold, Curved, Dimpled, Bold, Curved, Dimpled, Disturbed, Glorious, Glowing, Hairless, High (cheekbones), Hollow, Honey, Livid, Pale, Pallid, Pink, Plump, Puffy, Radiant, Reddened, Rosy, Rounded, Ruddy, Shining, Smooth, Soft, Sun-burnt, Sun-bronzed, Sunken, Sun-tanned, Tanned, Tearful, White

Chin: Angular, Bony, Bumpy, Chiseled, Defined, Doughy, Firm, Protruding, Round, Smooth, Soft, Square, Strong

Ears: Jug-like, Large, Protruding, Tiny

Eyebrows: Arching, Bushy, Emphasized, Near, Spaced, Thick, Thin

Eyelashes: Artificial, Beaded, Beautiful, Blinking, Dark, Dark-fringed, Dense, Dusky, Heavily-fringed, Long, Mascaraed, Sandy, Sooty, Sopping, Tear-drenched, Thick, Uplifted

Eyes: Almond-shaped, Bright, Bulging, Expressive, Frightened, Gentle, Languishing, Little, Luminous, Made-up, Round, Shining, Shortsighted, Smart, Stunned, Thin, Wide, Woeful

Face: Baby, Blood-stained, Bold, Chiseled, Contorted, Dead, Expressionless, Fair, Familiar, Fierce, Flat, Frightened, Furrowed, Honest, Indifferent, Little, Pale, Poker, Pretty, Radiant, Rough, Ruddy, Sallow, Square, Stained, Swollen, Trim, Weather-beaten, Wry

Feet: Athlete's, Big, Flat, Pigeon-toed, Small, Sore, Stinky, Stubby, Swollen

Fingers: Gnarled, Long, Short, Stubby

Finger Nails: Bitten, Broken, Claw-like, Dirty, Hooked, Long, Painted, Sharp, Talon-like

Hair: Afro, Bald, Beehive, Braided, Bristles, Bun, Chignon, Coiffure, Combed, Corkscrew, Corn rows, Cowlicked, Crew cut, Curly, Disarrayed, Disheveled, Dreadlocks, Dry, Flattop, Flecked, French braid, French twist, Fringe, Greasy, Grizzled, Knotted, Layered, Locks, Matted, Messed up, Mohawk, Mussy, Muttonchops, Neat, Oily, Page boy, Perm, Pigtails, Plait, Pompadour, Ponytail, Ragged, Receding, Ringlets, Ruffled, Shaggy, Shorn, Shoulder-length, Skinhead, Spiky, Split-ended, Straight, Tangled, Thick, Thinning, Tidy, Topknot, Tousled, Twisted, Uncombed, Unshorn, Untidy, Wavy, Wiry, Wisps

Hand: Big, Elegant, Small

Height: Big, Knee-high, Medium, Short, Shoulder-high, Sky-high, Small, Tall, Towering, Waist-high

Legs: Amputated, Bandy, Bony, Bowed, Brawny, Bulging, Fluted, Gartered, Gouty, Graceful, Hacked, Hairy, Jagged, Knotted, Leaden, Long, Lower, Muscular, Pitiful, Rickety, Shapely, Shivering, Short, Sinewy, Slender, Slim, Spindle, Stockinged, Sturdy, Thin, Thread-like, Tinder, Tiny, Toothsome, Tree trunks

Lips: Blue, Cracked, Cupid's Bow, Downturned, Dry, Fat, Full, Grim, Large, Luscious, Parched, Parted, Red, Ruby, Small, Smiling, Thin, Wet

Mouth: Arch, Ascetic, Baby, Cavernous, Churning, Compressed, Cooing, Coral, Cracked, Cruel, Delicate, Dumpled, Distended, Dry, Fine, Firm, Frothy, Full, Funnel-shaped, Gaping, Grim, Handsome, Hungry, Insistent, Irritable, Large, Luscious, Munching, Musty, Perilous, Puckered, Querulous, Relaxed, Resolute, Sardonic, Sensuous, Serious, Slobbering, Small, Sulky, Sweet, Tender, Thin, Wide, Winsome, Wrinkled, Yawning

Neck: Bullnecked, Elegant, Long, Short, Swan-like, Thick

Palm: Broad, Oval, Rectangular, Square

Skin: Acned, Alabaster, Albino, Apricot, Black, Blemished, Blistered, Blooming, Blotchy, Blushing, Bronzed, Cadaverous, Calloused, Caramel, Clear, Craggy, Cream, Ebony, Fair, Flush, Freckled, Glowing, Greasy, Ivory, Jaundiced, Leathery, Lily-white, Lined, Milky, Mottled, Nut-brown, Olive, Pale, Pallid, Pasty, Peeling, Pimpled, Pink, Pitted, Pockmarked, Red, Rosy, Rough, Ruddy, Russet, Sallow, Scabby, Scarred, Smooth, Splotchy, Spotty, Sun-burnt, Tan, Wan, Waxen, White, Wrinkled, Yellow

Stomach: Bulging, Distended, Empty, Firm, Flabby, Flat, Heroic, Hollow, Lean, Paunchy, Protruding, Unbounded

Teeth: Artificial, Black, Blunted, Buck, Canine, Chattering, Clenched, Clinched, Compressed, Crooked, Dagger-like, Dazzling, Decayed, Deciduous, Extracted, False teeth, Feeble, Ferocious, Filed, Flashing, Fluoridated, Foam-laced, Fractured, Gap-toothed, Gleaming, Glistening, Glittering, Gnashing, Goofy, Grinding, Hooked, Horrid, Ivory, Jagged, Lacquered, Large, Milky, Mottled, Neglected, Pearly, Perfect, Pretty, Protruding, Razor-like, Sharp, Shining, Short, Small, Snowy, Sore, Spaced, Straight, Sweet tooth, Tender, Tiny, Toothless, Toothy, Ugly, Unrelenting, White, Wisdom, Wolfish, Yellow

Hope this helps! If it does, do tag me or send me a link to your writing. I'd love to read your work.

More: On Character Development

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6 months ago

What are some chronic illnesses that can only occur in a fantasy setting?

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6 months ago
somepunaboutspace - Spin the wheel
6 months ago

Help us save our lives from the scourge of war in Gaza 🍉

From October 2023

The cost of living has risen dramatically and means of subsistence have become scarce. We can't even get drinking water or food.

We collect these donations to provide the minimum basic needs of life and help create safety and peace for me and my family who do not deserve to live in such horrific situations.

Donate to Help Karim and his Family Have a Better Life and Future, organized by Denise Pratt
I’m Denise. I live in Washington State in the U.S. I’m organizing… Denise Pratt needs your support for Help Karim and his Family Have a Bett

Please donate if you can! Support, participate strongly

Current progress: €3,180/€40,000

The campaign was documented by @90-ghost.

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6 months ago
Donate to Save Dr. Farhat's family from genocide in Gaza, organized by Farhat's  Family
In the heart of war-torn Gaza, lies the poignant tale of Dr. Husam Far… Farhat's Family needs your support for Save Dr. Farhat's family fro

✅ This GoFundMe Verified on this list by @el-shab-hussein @nabulsi 🔍💯

Save Dr. Farhat's family from genocide in Gaza

 This GoFundMe Verified On This List By @el-shab-hussein @nabulsi

In the heart of war-torn Gaza, where destruction and loss are a daily reality, lies the deeply moving tale of Dr. Husam Farhat and his family. Amidst the relentless bombardment, Dr. Farhat faced an unthinkable tragedy: the martyrdom of his beloved sisters, Inas and Amal, along with their husbands and children, and his brother Mustafa. This devastating loss shattered not only their dreams but also their hopes for a peaceful future.

 This GoFundMe Verified On This List By @el-shab-hussein @nabulsi

As the bombs tore through Gaza, Dr. Farhat's world was further shattered by the destruction of his beautiful home and his office—places that once stood as symbols of stability and success. The home, filled with cherished memories, and the office, where he dedicated countless hours to his work and aspirations, have both been reduced to rubble.

You can witness the extent of this devastation through the video below ⬇⬇ which shows some heartbreaking images of what was once his home and office.

The Campaign: A Beacon of Hope

We have launched a GoFundMe campaign titled "Saving Dr. Farhat's Family Towards Hope" to raise the necessary funds to provide them with a chance at a safer, brighter future. You can support this cause by visiting and sharing the campaign link:


Why Your Support Matters

Your voice is powerful. By sharing this campaign, you help stand up for human dignity and compassion. Every donation and share brings us closer to providing Dr. Farhat's family with the safety they desperately need.

 This GoFundMe Verified On This List By @el-shab-hussein @nabulsi

Today, we stand poised to make a difference. Our goal: $29,500 to ensure Dr. Farhat's family's safe evacuation and support as they rebuild their lives in Malaysia. This includes permits, transit fees, living expenses, and housing rent, according to the following details:

Permits and toll fees are $17,500

Travel expenses from Gaza to Egypt, one month’s rent, and other supplies: $1,500

Flight tickets to Malaysia: $1,600

Rent and other expenses for 5 months in Malaysia: $8,044

GoFundMe fee: $855.8


Join Us in Making a Difference

We urge you to join us in this mission of hope. Let us come together to support Dr. Farhat's family and demonstrate that humanity shines through acts of kindness and solidarity.

Thank you for your compassion, your time, and your commitment to freedom and justice.

With deepest gratitude, Dr. Farhat's Family

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6 months ago

Save our life,please!! 🙏🏻🍉🥺

Hello again, I am Aseel from Gaza, I live in war, fear and destruction, we have been living for almost a year now but we do not know how long, we have been displaced from our home more than 11 times,

every time I was displaced to another place I prayed that this would be the last, but then came the idea of ​​​​forced exit to search for safety where there is no safety, we got very tired and our bodies were exhausted, we no longer had the energy to continue, we lived hunger, thirst, cold and all the difficult conditions that humans cannot imagine,

we did not imagine that a day would come when we would live all of this, I lost my family and my childhood home, even my friends are no longer there, I was left alone!! I am looking for salvation from death, I fear death and I dread it, the idea is terrifying to leave your dreams, ambitions and the life you planned for and go from this world, we do not deny death but we do not want to live it now,

I had a beautiful life, suddenly I do not know how I lost my life, we live in a tent that can only accommodate 3 people, made of nylon that no human can bear, just standing in it for more than two minutes during the day is enough to melt you, in addition to insects, diseases and lack of privacy, imagine all this!! Can you live??

Things here are more difficult than you imagined, reality is painful

We wake up every day to the smell of death, I have been surrounded by tanks and helicopters more than 4 times, each time I do not know how to survive? It seems that my death has not come yet

I do not want to die!! 🥺

Please help me save my life and get out of here, life is impossible

Your donation will save my life, it is the only way, hand in hand we can achieve the goal please

My campaing vetted by




Save Our Life,please!!
Donate to Support Aseeel Fight for Life and Family in Gaza, organized by Aseel Asad
Hello, I’m Margaret Brown, located in Seattle, Washington. I’m organizing … Aseel Asad needs your support for Support Aseeel Fight for Life

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6 months ago

⏰ 🚨 attention please🙏🚨

Dear friends and compassionate supporters,

This is Eman Zaqout, from Occupied Gaza, Palestine. I am a Biotechnologist ,🩸💉 and scientific researcher 👩‍🔬contacting you at a really desperate moment.

I am seeking your assistance to raise funds for saving our lives, facing the starvation in Gaza 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 and help me achieve my doctoral degree dream after being awarded OWSD PhD Fellowship for inspirational women 👩‍🎓

 Attention Please
 Attention Please
 Attention Please
 Attention Please

Just like any motivated and loving life woman, and for years, I poured my heart and soul into my work at Al-Shifa Hospital and Turkish Palestinian Friendship Hospital👩‍⚕️, as Biotechnology Specialist serving cancer patients with compassion and skill💉🩹

 Attention Please
 Attention Please
 Attention Please
 Attention Please

I also gave medical lectures to students at different universities and training centers in Gaza👩‍🏫👇

 Attention Please
 Attention Please
 Attention Please

As a result of my outstanding grades in my study and the excellent performance in my job, I have been a holder of different scholarship and I am active participant in many research visits and scientific missions💪

The last scholarship as at McGill University in Canada three months ago before the starting of the genocide in Gaza.😫

 Attention Please
 Attention Please
 Attention Please


My life changed dramatically when Israeli military launched a sweeping war against Gaza. My home and our neighborhood in the North have been destroyed along with our belongings and precious memories early in this crisis😣💔

 Attention Please
 Attention Please
 Attention Please
 Attention Please

My job and my husband's job are gone. Israeli military forced us to evacuate from the north Gaza to the south where they claimed it would be the safe zone but it is not at all. Our sweet home and neighborhood have been destroyed 😥😭💔

 Attention Please

Forced to flee with nothing but the clothes on our backs, today, we find ourselves sheltering in a displacement camp lacking access to sanitation, medical supplies, food and drinkable water. I will not talk a lot about the dire and unbearable life we have to go through, as no word can express it fairly 🥺😣

 Attention Please
 Attention Please
 Attention Please

The good news in the midst of this tragedy, that I am one of the 22 women from the developing world who have been awarded OWSD- PhD fellowship to pursue my PhD study in Malaysia🍉💪. But now I am stuck in Gaza unable to achieve my dream because Israeli army has occupied and closed all the border crossings 😭💔

 Attention Please

Meet 22 fellows awarded OWSD PhD fellowship

This genocide has been 10 months of hell and horror. We have reached a point where there is no hope left for us here in Gaza, where we are unfortunately just waiting for our turn to die 💔


I refuse to succumb to despair, holding on to the belief that brighter days lie ahead 🖤🤍💚💖

With your kindness and generosity🥺, I hope to survive the genocide and reclaim the path to achieving my doctorate 💉🩸

Your compassionate aid would mean the world to me and my family.🥺🙏🍉✌

Donate to Help my family survive famine and have secure life, organized by Mazin Fakak
Dear friends, family, and compassionate supporters, My name is Eman Za… Mazin Fakak needs your support for Help my family survive famine an

Please note that our campaign is vetted

Thanks @90-ghost.. link here

Thanks @dlxxv-vetted-donations.. link here

Thanks @northgazaupdates2.. link here

Thanks @aces-and-angels.. link here

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6 months ago

And just when I think I'm finally normal about gravity falls Alex comes out of the woodworks and suckerpunches me into superhell

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6 months ago
Time For Our Second, Definitely-human-nothing-to-see-here-sir Protag! Have An Omnisun Girlie

Time for our second, definitely-human-nothing-to-see-here-sir protag! Have an omnisun girlie

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6 months ago
Finally Got Around To Putting The Final Details On The Girls Redesigns Yipppeeee

finally got around to putting the final details on the girls redesigns yipppeeee

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6 months ago

never mind the fact that claiming all palestinian fundraisers are scams is like an insanely racist thing to do, i'm filled w so much resentment that these people genuinely refuse to admit the utter harm that resulted directly from propagating this rhetoric. it's insane how many asks i get on a daily basis of people questioning the validity of the palestinians who're hard at work verifying these fundraisers so whole families can get the chance to live. not that the people who're so quick to question it actually wanted to help to begin with, but is this the kind of environment we want to normalize on this website. baselessly attacking people who're being firsthand affected by a genocide . is this really the hill we want to die on. it's actually shameful

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