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sorry professor i did not do this asisgnemtn becuase i was too sad! NO consequences please. goodbye
HEARTBREAKING: Poor girl has to get out of the soft warm bed even though she is so so so so comfy
Every time I think about the MrBeast crew, they seem weirder. Like, just four guys in fucking North Carolina. Like. Tell me one millionaire, one janitor, one minecrafter, and one bisexual guy doesn't sound like the start to a joke.

Part 1 Part 2 <- this post

reviews of the whaley house from ghost files are in

i am living for these captions both as a fan of ghost files and as a swiftie
hiii!!~ :3 i’m not sure if your request box is open, but I was wondewing if you could write me a fanfic where wilbur is in an estabwished relationship with the reader, but the reader has weawwy bad gas that they try to hide (*≧∀≦*) nyah~! that would be weawwy awesome! owo tysm!!!~♡
(also,, you can call me 🫧anon >.<)

pairings: wilbur x reader
description: wilbur comforts reader with bad gas / irritable bowel syndrome
pronouns: she/her
genre: butt clenching fluff , hurt with comfort
warnings: mentions of illness (ibs), insecurity, swearing
wilbur walked into your shared apartment, expecting to see you laying on the couch waiting for him. instead, he was met the distant sounds of your moans. wilbur’s heart dropped to his stomach as he assumed that all of his nightmares came true. he swiftly ran through the apartment, hitting his gangly man limbs on so many things. as he ran to the bedroom, tears started to run down his face. wilbur heaved the bedroom door open only to find no evidence of cheating. his eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he checked every room in the house, but only being met with even more confusion. the moans got louder as he approached the bathroom. “surely she isn’t cheating on me in the bathroom?” he thought, but doubt plagued his mind. he cracked open the door only to hear the sound that plays in spongebob when they come across something vile. he peaked his head in to see you gripping the sides of the toilet, butt ass naked, and the color drained out of you. he ran forward, concern on his face as he watched you push out a gargantuan shit. he cupped your face, forcing you to look at him. you cracked open an eye and he wiped the tear that was running down your face.
“everything will be okay, my darling” he whispers comfortingly, but you can barely hear him over this mahoosive dookie.
you cried out in pain as the astronomical crap continued to erupt out of you. he sat there with you, running his hands through your sweaty hair. finally, the number two came to a stop. you immediately slumped over in exhaustion, barely managing to use the bidet. after cleaning yourself up, wilbur picked you up and carried you to your shared bedroom. he laid you down, carefully, as to not hurt your ass. he laid next to you, wrapping his arms around your sleepy body. you cried from the pain you just experienced. wilbur cooed quietly, wiping your tears and reassuring you that he was there.
“wilbur…?” you called out.
“yes, darling?” he responds, hands playing with your hair comfortingly.
“thank you for comforting me, i’ve been struggling with ibf since i was born and it’s been really hard. i love you.”
“anything for you y/n, i love you more.”
you sighed in content and let out a loud, stinky, heart stopping fart.
author’s note:
hey guys! this is my first fic i’ve ever written so i hope you like it!

i heard this in their voices

episode 23
pappa and mama respectively

*goes insane*

literally my favorite type of tweet
grumpy x sunshine/outgoing prompts
feel free to use :))!
character a waking up like “GET UP GET UP THE SUNRISE IS SO PRETTY THE BIRDS ARE CHIRPING AND THE CLOUDS ARE PINK” and character b being like “you know what else is pretty? sleep.”
^^but them still getting up to watch the sunset (and still ending up only watching the other character because they are so in love)
“i love it.” “i think i just puked.”
what it looks like once they start rubbing off on each other
“WOE IS ME!” *dramatic fall* “woe is most definitely not you, get up.”
grumpy one just does everything the sunshine one says. like they cannot for the life of them say no
“let’s dance in the rain?” “but… hypothermia…”
grumpy character going over the top for sunshine characters birthday even though they aren’t used to all of that
we’ve heard of grumpy guy and sunshine girl but what about the other way around !!!!!?’!,!;!;!
“i thought you were mean for the longest time. but you’re the sweetest person i’ve met.”
alternatively ^ that could be said about the sunshine character
one constantly has bags the size of pluto under their eyes and the other always glows… literally
“i’m glad we met.” “i’m not so opposed to you either, i guess.”
grumpy one is most often stoic but the cliche moment where we see that stoic mask drop…
Stupid Writing Hack: If your sentence doesn't sound quite right to you, and you're not sure how to make it flow better, read it in Ryan Bergara's Buzzfeed Unsolved Monologue voice. Then adjust your writing accordingly. It works wonders

a collection

get your bingo cards ready!
just like me fr
Fun fact of the day:
Kyoya enjoys taking really hot showers to practice burning in hell.

i see nothing non platonic about this
Tamaki would be the kind to kiss all his homies good night and see nothing non platonic about it
no one is immune to the opening guitar riff of shissou from ouran high school host club

i found a flower field today!

NASA’s Webb Space Telescope Reveals Astounding, Unprecedented Views of the Universe