An Ever-Changing Writer Creating Transformation Fiction. All Stories Are 18+
223 posts
Going Through An Exs Stuff
Going Through An Ex’s Stuff
After months of dealing with her boyfriend Daniel’s behavior, Claire had finally had enough. She was tired of having to deal with him ghosting her and just not being a reliable support system. Given her troubled childhood, she needed that for a relationship and he couldn’t give it to her. The final straw came when one of Claire’s best friends detailed how she caught him flirting with girls at a bar during one of the nights Claire was sick at home. Of course, Claire was furious and obviously couldn’t allow herself to remain with someone who had a wandering eye. That night, she immediately approached him about it. To both her shock and disgust, he smugly revealed the truth in graphic detail. Apparently, he had been cheating on her for months now with various women. To twist the knife even more, Daniel plainly stated that he really had no desire to be with her anymore. Obviously, her frustration was incredibly valid, which ultimately culminated in Claire throwing out her smarmy ex and crying herself to sleep that night.
It was the next day when Claire woke up bright and early and began the process of packing up Daniel’s shit. Despite falling asleep crying, Claire woke up that morning with a newfound determined nature. As a result, her early packing began so she could get rid of any memory of him and move forward with her life. In her haste, Claire frantically rushed around the apartment as she gathered any item that either belonged or reminded her of him. To her surprise, Claire was able to keep her composure as she felt no personal attachment to any item she found. However, this soon changed when Claire was cleaning out their drawers and she stumbled upon the pink sweater in his dresser. Holding the soft sweater in her hands, Claire had a moment of weakness as the tears began to flow down her cheeks. Her mind went back in time as she remembered the night Daniel wore that sweater for their first date. So many pleasant memories came to mind, but now Claire felt as if they were now forever tainted by her ex’s behavior. In her longing and desperation to remember the good times, Claire slinked out of her ratty t-shirt and replaced it with the bright pink sweater. As she wrapped her sleeved arms around herself, she gave herself a warm fuzzy hug that she had always so desperately wanted from her former partner.
As she did this and allowed for some tears to softly fall down her cheeks, she suddenly felt a weird shift occur in her bedroom. It felt like a timid earthquake, but she knew this was impossible given that she lived in the Midwest. Despite the slight jolt, Claire’s innate clumsiness sent her tumbling down to the floor. Upon the loud thud onto the floor, she quickly curled up into a ball to try and prepare for any damage. However, just as fast as the violent shaking began, it soon quickly ceased and a calmness manifested. When she looked up, Claire was surprised to see that there was no damage to the apartment. It was almost as if nothing had happened and no such earth-shaking jolt had occurred. Looking around, it seemed like the only thing in the apartment that had fallen was her clumsy body.
“Ow, what the fuck” she said, groaning in pain as she took note of the deeper voice coming out of her mouth. Sitting up, Claire put her hands against the floor and boosted herself up. It was at this point where Claire noticed something strange. Before her eyes, she watched as her hands were quickly morphing into something else. Looking at even the slight changes, it was clear that this was a far cry from her dainty fingers. The pink nail polish on her hands was quickly chipping away until her bare nails were now exposed. With the paint now gone, she watched in confusion as the long nails also began to recede into her hands. “Whoa, what the hell…” Claire said with her increasingly gruffer voice, noticing that every single ounce of femininity has been removed from her hands and replaced with seemingly the wide and weathered hands of man.
Before she could do anything in response, she felt an inverse tugging against her scalp, which caused her to moan in pain. As her hands moved to the source of discomfort, she could only gasp as she watched her inches of blonde hair being sucked into her scalp. With her original mane of hair now reduced to the equivalent of a bob cut, she could only gasp as she ran over to the full-body mirror in her bedroom to get a better look at the damage.
By the time she had walked into the room, the hairstyle of a man had replaced her glorious hair. As she ran her hands through the foreign hairstyle she now had, she couldn’t help but groan as she noticed the sheen of her intense hair care was removed entirely and her new style lacked any care or style whatsoever.
Watching the mirror still, she stared in awe as she watched her eye level raise inch by inch. With each inch, her body jolts as she’s ratcheted up way past her original height of 5’5”. After a minute or so of this process, it’s clear that Claire now stands at a grand 6’1” height. As she reaches this new height and takes into account her new hairstyle and hands, her eyes turn into wide saucers as she realizes what’s happening to her. Somehow, she’s slowly transforming into an exact copy of her ex Daniel.
These suspicions are only further confirmed when Claire groans in pain. With each passing heartbeat, it feels as if her chest is being punched incessantly. Due to the pain localizing in her modest breasts, Claire doubles over in pain. Through the pain and shortness of breath, Claire gasps as the breasts that once protruded from the thick sweater slowly fade away from existence. She grasps her breasts in a last ditch effort to save them, but this is to no avail. With minutes, the fleshiness of her breasts has been completely erased and replaced with a small set of pectoral muscles.
When a deep tremor of pain radiates from her groin, she gasps as she realizes what’s about to be happening. In both perverse curiosity and anxiety, Claire drops her underwear and watches as the nub of a cock head begins to push outwards from her feminine equipment. Inch by inch, a new dick emerges and upon looking at it, she’s reminded of all the times she had either had it inside her or pleasured it prior. It was incredibly uncomfortable to watch it slowly manifest on her own body, but despite this, Claire continued to watch. As her testicles manifested and her new genitalia immediately began to harden in response to her new reality, she was unsure of what to do. To conceal her growing package, she quickly pulls up her underwear and runs from the mirror. In an act of desperation, Claire quickly searches through Daniel’s box of remaining items for any form of more appropriate clothing. To both her relief and disgust, she soon found a red pair of briefs that he had once left there. Despite hating the fabric and color, the tightness of her new cock wrapped around her panties was too painful to bear much longer. Looking away after blushing at the sight of her impressive dick, she quickly swapped out her underwear and smiled as she let out an exhale. To her glee, the briefs were able to provide some relief to the uncomfortable woman.
The changes continued once more as they interrupted her moment of calmness. Once again, that intense pressure began to permeate through every inch of Claire’s body again. With only a few changes left, she watched as her body began to grow the exact muscles that Daniel had loved to show off. Her frail arms grew an arch as a small set of biceps to go along with her now wider forearms. With this intense exchange between genders, her neck thickened as it lost its dainty appearance. Her stomach rolls in discomfort as abdominals push forth from her originally toned torso, causing her to run her hands across the muscles. Her torso overall also expands as she loses her feminine shape. As she stares down, she watches as her torso grows wider and gains the broader physique of a man. Hip span decreases for the woman as well as her legs also reshape to gain the muscles of all the years of running Daniel did in his free time.
With all of the muscles grown and her now looking like the spitting image of Daniel, Claire had figured that the changes would subside. However, she was proven to be wrong as she began to grow squeamish from the various sensations pulsating throughout her body. As she looked down in confusion, she could only stare as her baby smooth legs quickly grew the hairy aesthetic of men’s legs. Inch-by-inch, body hair pushed through each follicle as her body finalizes its transition into the male sex. The hair runs down her body as it dusts across her new chest and arms. With now-hairy forearms, she notes just how manly she looks as she curiously flexes her muscles and chuckles in her now deeper voice.
As the changes seemingly finished, Claire fumbled around her apartment in a desperate search for her phone. Upon finding it under her couch, she gasps as she finds that her phone has also undergone a transformation. Instead of the bright phone case she once had, her phone had been completely replaced to be an identical copy of Daniel’s down to the basic clear case he had. Both in awe and to confirm what she’s seeing, Claire quickly opened up her camera app and began to take photos of her new body. Still uncomfortable with her new body, she shyly used the large sweatshirt to cover up her still hard boner.

Still in awe, Claire began to snap photos of her new body to try and get a better understanding of how she looked. However, as she continued to take photos at various angles, the newly created man was oblivious to the last set of changes settling in. With each passing photo, Claire’s personality and identity were slowly being chipped away and replaced with Daniel’s womanizer personality. By the twentieth photo, it was clear that the shy girl was gone and replaced with the cocky man she had just broken up with.
Before he could continue his self-indulgent photoshoot, the man jolted his head as he heard keys jingling from outside the apartment. Despite his indecency, Daniel was not flustered or rushing to get clothes. Instead, he sauntered over towards the door as keys were inserted and the door was unlocked. Upon the door opening, he was met with the annoyed face of his ex-girlfriend Claire...
As Daniel walked down the street to pick up the remainder of his items from his ex’s apartment, he couldn’t help but grow irritated at himself for his stupidity. Although, Daniel couldn’t quite decide whether he was upset that he was unfaithful to Claire or the fact that he was stupid enough to get caught. He supposed that he brought it on himself given how blatant he was to parade his various side pieces around town.
However, despite his annoyance about being caught, he couldn’t absolutely say that he was upset that Claire had found out. For several months now, he had felt them drifting away from each other, but after two years of being together, he felt like he didn’t want to consider that time a waste and just leave her. By having a side fling, he hoped that he could get it out of his system and grow closer to his girlfriend once more. But of course, one side fling evolved into multiple side relationships that required Daniel’s discreet investment into burner phones to contact his undercover lovers.
While continuing to stroll down the street, Daniel went back to that awful night as he pictured the look on Claire’s face when she confronted him. With mascara-stained cheeks as she sobbed and asked if it was true, it was one of the only times in his life that he had ever felt true remorse for his actions. He understood why she broke it off with him and made him leave, but he wished that he could have explained himself and tried to have her understand his reasoning. Like his friends often said during his college years, he had a way with the ladies and he figured he would have been able to soothe his girlfriend and remedy the situation before any further heartbreak occurred. But, he was unable to get that far as she pushed him out of the apartment and threw out a handful of clothes at him before slamming the door in a huff.
Regardless, a few days had passed and Claire had finally reached out to Daniel. It was strange to talk to his former girlfriend without the romantic pleasantries they used to share. Instead, he was sent a simple message to come over and pick up his shit and that was all there was to it. After trying to blow her off and tell her he’d be over later, the read receipt popping up on his text with no response left him worried about his property dealing with her heartbroken rage. So, given that he didn’t want her to destroy any of his prized possessions, he picked out the best clothes he had on hand to try and impress and woo his ex. Despite the pressing issue about worrying about property damage, Daniel finally left the place where he was currently crashing after an hour of preparation and began to head over. While he walked through the city towards their shared apartment, Daniel gasped as he felt heavy vibrations rattle his thin body and send him sprawling down onto the sun-baked concrete. However, as he looked around, every other person walking by was seemingly oblivious to what Daniel was experiencing. Trying to think of a logical answer, Daniel hopped onto his feet and brushed himself off. Given his drunken-fueled moping session the night prior, Daniel chalked it up to a brutal hangover side effect and continued on his trek to Claire’s place.
However, just like with Claire, this reality-shaking quake had life-altering plans for the oblivious Daniel as he strolled through the busy city streets. At first, the changes started out simple for the man. Any bystander who had glanced at the man would have noticed the man’s dark brown hair slowly beginning to lengthen and bounce and sway with each passing step. Upon reaching his shoulders, his dark brown hair began to quickly lighten as the golden sunrays transformed his hair into an equally golden blonde color. Oblivious still, Daniel tossed his long hair back behind his shoulder and made a mental note to get a haircut soon.
As he reached a corner and patiently waited for the crossing sign to light up, the changes in his hair soon ceased, leaving him with a glorious mane of hair that now dipped below his shoulder blades. With the wind blowing the hair in his face, Daniel’s body moved with a newfound muscle memory as he used a bright pink hair tie that had manifested around his wrist to tie his hair back into a tight high ponytail.
Upon finishing, he got the light to cross the walk and his pace picked up once more as he continued his journey. With his hair completely changed, the progression of his transformation continues as his face begins to slowly evolve. It started out simple, as his lips slightly inflated to give him a fuller set of lips. However, soon after, his face began to lose the angular muscular appearance as it smoothed out and gave him a softer look. His nose shrunk in size as it became more petite and girly along with his eyes lightening up to match Claire’s glacier blue color. The thick eyebrows that once defined his face also began to change, as they were magically trimmed into a more narrow appearance.
From the neck up, Daniel was now the spitting image of his ex-girlfriend. With an approachable and sweet face, it looked quite strange as his masculine body was further showcased by the tight leather jacket, plain white t-shirt, and form-fitting pair of jeans that he was wearing. However, that plain white t-shirt began to soon fit differently on his body as two fledgling breasts began to push forth from his chest. While having a more toned physique, it was strange watching the cocky man walk with determination while his chest began to grow more and more bouncy. With each passing step, the lack of any form of support soon made the man grow incredibly uncomfortable. No alarm bells rang for the man, but to try and make himself feel better, he zipped up his coat and hoped that the tight leather would prevent any more foreign bouncing. The hefty bouncing d-cup breasts were quite uncomfortable for the man despite his obliviousness to his situation, but as he zipped up the jacket and trapped the new additions, he felt temporary relief and began to pick up his pace once more.
With his chest now finishing growing outwards, the start of an hourglass figure began to appear for the man. Daniel soon inhaled in discomfort as his bones began to rearrange, causing his hips to push outwards to finish the alluring curves of a feminine figure. While this happened, Daniel’s set of abdominals began to fade away, leaving him with a soft toned stomach that now joined his torso in complete hairlessness.
The changes progressed further down Daniel’s quickly feminized body with his ass to become the next victim of the transformation. As his firm ass began to grow more pillowy and peach-shaped, Daniel groaned in discomfort at the increased bulk of his ass was straining the limits of his tight denim jeans. In an act of desperation, he pulled against the waist of his pants to try and remedy the discomfort he was feeling in the tight jeans. However, his desperate attempts at relief were soon fixed automatically as the changes progressed. With the changes now focusing on his crotch, the various inches of Daniel’s infamous dick was soon lost from the naked eye as the imprint in his jeans began to fade away. In actuality, Daniel’s sexual anatomy was completely reforming from the inside and pulling his male anatomy inside his body to reform it. Before long, both his shaft and balls had been completely sucked up into his newly created void as they were repurposed. His balls quickly were changed into a pair of ovaries that traveled deeper into his growing female anatomy and his shaft was hollowed out and changed to help form the vaginal canal.
With the essential parts of his anatomy changed, the transformation quickly began to finish up as it traversed down his legs. The angular muscle that was just beginning to grow from Daniel’s newfound obsession with the gym quickly disappeared as his thighs grew thinner and his calves lost its bulging muscle. To go with these newly feminized legs, all of his hair vanished from sight, leaving him with a freshly shaved set of smooth legs. With his arms, the transformation jumped back to the two limbs as they lost any form of muscle they once had. In tandem, the man’s thicker hands of his began to shrink and evolve. As this smaller size transformation occurred, any dry and weathered skin was quickly repaired until he was left with smooth and supple hands. To finish the changes, Daniel’s nails began to push forth from his fingers until they resembled talons in terms of their length. However, these nails soon became well-manicured as this magical force quickly filed them to perfection. To finish the physical changes, pink nail polish quickly manifested itself onto his new nails and gave it a new found sheen.
With these physical changes completed, the universe then began to try and remedy the awkward clothing that the newly created Claire was now wearing. Immediately, a bra began to manifest itself around Claire’s perky tits to secure them from bouncing anymore. With a leather jacket no longer working for Claire’s new appearance, the jacket soon contorted and glitched away from existence until she was left wearing the plain white t-shirt. However, that shirt was not safe from re-configuration either as it was quickly reworked into a light blue blouse that perfectly suited her new physique. With her underwear, the pair of boxer briefs she had previously been wearing quickly transformed into a soft material that now perfectly hugged her body without having an awkward bagginess due to her lost male anatomy. Inch-by-inch, the denim jeans began to ride up her legs until a skirt appeared on her body that perfectly matched with her blouse. Finally, the pair of Vans that she was previously wearing began to quickly readjust. Despite a few stumbles as her feet shifted into the new shoes, her haste continued as she walked her way into a brand new pair of stylish high heels.
After a few more blocks, Claire exhaled in relief as she found herself at the steps of her apartment. After buzzing herself in, she began to pace up the stairs and prepare to get this awkward interaction over with. However, as she walked up each flight of stairs, her personality began to quickly evolve to match her new body and life. No longer would she remember her life as Daniel, which was solidified as the memories of Claire transferred over to the new Claire and finalized the transformation. In response, her demeanor soon changed as well. The cockiness and annoyance that defined their old personality quickly began to shift into more of a slight anxiety and anger at the situation. Despite being crushed by Daniel dumping her, Claire was doing her best to move on from him. She wanted to remain strong and stand her ground in case her ex even attempted to try and remedy their broken relationship. She deserved better, and after sleeping on it, she was adamant about finding it once more after she allowed herself some time to move on.
With this new personality taking hold, Claire fished her keys out and slid her key into the lock. Upon unlocking the door and walking in, the distraught ex-girlfriend caught direct sight of her ex-boyfriend standing there in his infamous sweatshirt and a pair of red briefs. “What the hell are you doing? Why are you in your underwear in my apartment?” Claire stated, her voice perfectly showcasing her severe annoyance.
“Uh, hey Claire. I was just putting on some clothes from the box of stuff you had packed for me. I figured you’d like to see me in this sweater again. Maybe it could remind you of the good times rather than the bad…” Daniel stated, his head tilted low in faux-shame as he walked closer to his ex.
“Yeah, all of the times I remember are the bad ones now. I don’t want to waste time thinking about the few and far-between good times. Please get your shit and get out of my apartment.” Claire said as she tapped her high-heeled foot against the wood floor in frustration.
“If you say so hot stuff…” Daniel said as he let out a quick chuckle. “I’m sorry and all, but you don’t have to be a bitch about it” he continued in annoyance. “Well, I wouldn’t be a bitch if you weren’t an asshole who was constantly looking to get his dick wet…” Claire said, her tone growing higher as she lost some of her fortitude. “Now, get out of my apartment and take your shit with you.” She continued as she walked over to the box on the floor and kicked it across the floor until it bounced against the front door.
Now knowing that any chance of reconciliation was out the door, Daniel angrily huffed and walked over to the box. Leaning down, he threw on one of the pairs of shorts and gave a glare towards his ex. With her angry face remaining locked in that emotion, Daniel grabbed his boxes and attempted to turn the knob and open the door. After letting him fumble for a few moments, Claire stomped over to the door and pulled it open and pushed him out the door. Turning back towards him, she quickly grabbed onto Daniel’s free hand and pulled out the set of keys that he was clutching. Upon regaining his set of keys, Claire flashed a fake smile towards her asshole of an ex and waved him away. Once out of the threshold of the door, Daniel could only watch as Claire said nothing and slammed the door in his face
As the door slammed shut between the both of them, they each had separate reactions to their exchange. Locking the door as he left, Claire was unable to contain her rage at her pitiful ex. In response, she forcefully chucked his key across the room and screamed “ASSHOLE” at the top of her lungs.
With Daniel walking down the stairs and struggling to hold onto his boxes, he felt a hint of regret by his behavior. He didn’t expect Claire to so boldly reject him like that. It was quite the ego hit, which was really rare for the blissfully cocky man. Before long, he reached the bottom of the stairs and quickly made his way out onto the busy street. While walking down the street, it didn’t take long before Daniel’s wandering eye began to make its reappearance. At every possible red light, Daniel caught sight of all of the gorgeous women that were around him. Who needed a relationship anyway? With a city this big, Daniel theorized that he had plenty more fish in the sea to get in bed before he ever decided to settle down again. He was young, hung, and hunky, so why should he only devote himself to one person? As he continued walking, Daniel soon made plans to head to a bar and catch up on lost time by hooking up with someone out of the sea of horny women who would be itching to get with him.
As Claire calmed down and walked towards her couch, she pondered about what to do next now that this hurtle was finally over. While thinking, she couldn’t help but be thankful that there’s not a single trace of him left in her living space now. Upon this realization, she breathed a sigh of relief as she realized that she finally could start over. Despite Daniel’s behavior, she still had feelings for him deep down. So, she knew that she needed to be distancing herself from him as much as possible. To her, her strong stance in rejecting him was the only way to not have her falling back into his arms on a lonely night. As she drops into the couch and slumps into it, she groaned at the situation.
Why did she always have to fall for the bad boys?
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More Posts from Soul-controller
So I'm friends with a guy who is absolutely obsessed with chubby guys, and has a big crush on me, since I am one. However, he's kinda rude and abrasive otherwise, plus he looks kinda weedy. I was wondering if you could help me change his attitude for the better, maybe even give his body a makeover too?
Becoming What They Love: Chubby Chaser
Well, after reading this, I’m certainly down to help teach this guy a lesson. However, my changes to him shouldn’t be viewed as punishment. All bodies are beautiful and chubby guys like yourself are no exception. With the changes I have in mind, I’m hoping that a new body type will be extremely beneficial for your friend’s personality. In fact, I’d venture to bet that his lanky frame is actually the root of all of his problems. Let’s see if a softer build can help loosen him up and learn to enjoy life rather than being so critical!
I’m sure you’re quite curious to see what I have in mind, so here’s what I’m planning. Given that you are both quite close, I’ll hold off on the transformation until he’s over at your place and hanging out with you. With a front row seat to a transformation, I’m sure you’ll get quite a kick out of this!
As you opened your front door and let your friend into the apartment, you couldn’t help but feel a tingle of anticipation course through your body. Your friend felt a strange chill overtake his body as well as he passed through the threshold of the doorway and allowed for my powers to infiltrate his body. He shivered upon entering, but luckily didn’t make a big fuss out of the sensation.
Expecting an immediate transformation, you couldn’t help but allow a slight frown to appear on your face as you saw his thin and lanky frame remaining unchanged. But, magic is not an instantaneous kind of power like the farcical portrayals that are showcased in the media today.. It needs time to build before executing your desires, so you remained cautiously optimistic that the changes would still occur. In the meantime, you still were left to handle your friend’s normal personality, which was currently expressed as he ranted and made snide comments about others that had irritated him at his job. However, halfway through his rant, you took note of the loud growling echoing from within his stomach. Despite the loud echo, you took note of your friend being completely oblivious to the growling noise permeating from his stomach. Looking down, it was as if it was on cue that his stomach began to grow more and more distended.
While his body undergoes its transformation, you note that your friend is blissfully unaware of what’s going on to him. He continues to go on his rambling rant, but you pay it no mind and just continue to stare at his growing body. When you do take the chance to look up from his bulging stomach, a slight grin forms on your face as you take note of his fattening face. You watch as a slight double chin begins to manifest on his face while his neck grows wider in tandem.
Due to his unawareness, your friend doesn’t make a big fuss as his gut now firmly presses against the confines of his much smaller t-shirt. You take note of the tightness beginning to subside as a level of softness begins to appear on his body. His gut then begins to round out and droop down as he grows curvier by the second.
Your friend soon leans back onto the couch, which allows you to look at the sliver of flabby gut that now spills out from underneath his shirt. Despite previously not having mutual feelings for your friend, you can’t deny that he’s looking rather good so far. If he’s able to gain a new outlook that allows him to stop being so critical, you couldn’t help but consider the possibility of growing more intimate with him.
With his attention now focusing on the TV, you watch as his body moves on auto-pilot and he just awkwardly tugs on his tight t-shirt. After a few attempts to get his shirt to pull further down, your friend gives up and allows the shirt to just remain fixated around his belly button now. By this point, your friend had given up on finishing his rant as he became more transfixed on what was going on with the TV show playing. Allowing your jaw to drop in awe, you watch as he scratches his gut and chuckles as if nothing extraordinary is happening to him.
While leaning farther back into the sofa, your eyes wandered upward and took note at his chest, watching as his fledgling pecs grew more and more flabby and pressed forth against his shirt as well. You watch as his chest grows more and more flabby, staring as his body grows wider as his flabby pectorals begin to sag to the side.
As he continued to watch the random sitcom that was playing, you stared in admiration at the soft gut that bounced with every hearty laugh. By this point, his gut now spilled forth farther into his lap until the changes suddenly ceased.
Looking around at the state of your friend’s body, you stifle a chuckle as you stare at your friend’s chunky upper half and take note of his still skinny bottom half reclining in the chair. The magic soon works fast to remedy this discrepancy, as you begin to watch his thighs grow thicker and thicker. Given that he was only wearing a pair of athletic shorts, you can easily see his thighs growing wider and thicker as the material soon grows skin tight against his changed legs. The shorts grow tinier and tinier in comparison to his body until they now ride up close to his crotch and resemble more like a pair of briefs.
However, the fabric can only contain so much, which is evident when a loud rip echoes through the room. To your surprise, your friend is aware of the noise, asking you what’s going on. “Oh, I think you just ripped your shorts dude…” you stammer, curious to see if he finally freaks out. However, to your surprise, he makes no great fuss about it. “Oh, gotcha. I really need to get some new clothes huh?” he says, laughing and being surprisingly carefree in a way that you had never seen him be before.
Immediately, your friend sits up and begins to walk towards your kitchen. Looking in awe, you watch as his stance has automatically changed to accommodate for his bigger body now. As he walks, you look at his body and watch as his gloriously flabby body bounces and sways with each passing step. After a few minutes, your friend soon returns with a bunch of snacks in his thicker hands. Immediately, he slumps back into the sofa and offers you some snacks. Not wanting to ruin his carefree vibe, you oblige and take a few treats and join him in his enjoyment of the TV program...
By the end of the night, you come to realize how much you enjoy your friend’s new life and body. As a chubby guy, your friend is much less rigid and pretentious, allowing for a more humble and sweeter personality to emerge.
When it came time for him to head home, you offered him the opportunity to stay the night. This new version of your friend was beginning to completely change your perspective on him. Given the late hours, you soon began to be more openly flirtatious towards him. He took your jokes and flirtations well, often throwing another your way to showcase that he was still quite into you as well. It didn’t take much longer before you went in for a kiss, running your hand to the back of his neck. He ran his hands underneath your shirt and felt along your equally chubby body in admiration. Soon, one thing led to another and within minutes, you were both completely naked and admiring each other’s gorgeously flabby bodies in a whirlwind of passion and pleasure.
When you woke up the next morning, you were surprised by just how big of a smile appeared on your face when you saw him in bed next to you. You both locked eyes and smiled through your drowsiness, showcasing that this will most likely not be a one-night hookup.
After showering and having some more fun together, you both started to get ready to head out and go out to lunch together. However, as you began to get dressed, you noticed that your friend was incredibly bashful and shy. Curious, you asked what was going on and if everything was ok. “Yeah, but do you have some better clothes I could borrow?” he asked, holding up the shirt and shorts that once used to fit him. With the adorable look on his face, it didn’t take much for you to chuckle and lead him into your closet to give him a new wardrobe more fitting of his new body and life.

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Hi, I'm a very small old man. Recently I've been troubled by my young bodybuilder neighbor being rude to me. I don't think he deserves that big muscle, so can you transfer this young man's muscle and height to me? I want to teach him how to be 'polite' to an old man.
The Old Dog's New Trick
Sitting there gardening in the front yard of your house, you groan as you hear footsteps approaching. Nick was the hotshot young bodybuilder that was living a few doors down from your house, and to your annoyance, he loved to taunt you. Despite having no stable career and still living at home with his parents’, Nick’s ego had grown to incredible proportions as his body inflated with muscle. By the time he entered his first bodybuilding competition when he was 18, he believed that he was the king of the world. Being that you were an older man who clearly wasn’t as gifted in terms of muscles, he got off on taunting you in your weaker state. Approaching, the man was completely shirtless and wearing only a set of grey athletic shorts and a cocky wide grin.

Trying your best to ignore him, you continue to tend to your flowers while the shadow of his bulky frame above you blocks the heat of the afternoon sun. “How sad, an old man left with no friends but some ugly flowers…” he says, his hearty chuckle causing you to roll your eyes in frustration. “What do you want today Nick?” you ask, attempting to ignore his shady comments and get to the point of his visit. “Oh, nothing much. Just wanting to show off what a real man looks like to a wrinkling old fart like you!” he retorts, his voice dripping in pure unbridled cockiness. Despite your best intentions to ignore him and remain calm, he continues to taunt you and demand you turn to face him.
But as he moves his thick hand towards your shoulder, your body twists surprisingly fast as your older hand grasps around his wrist. Gasping in annoyance, the man attempts to pull away, but he suddenly finds himself unable to pull away. Looking up towards him, an annoyed look of disgust manifests on your face as you take in the bulky vision of the man. “You don’t deserve those muscles. You’re just a pathetic weak little man deep down…” you say, gritting your teeth as you feel pure rage coursing through your veins.
“Fuck you gramps, get your hands off of me!” he cries out, attempting to free himself from the iron-clad grasp you have on him. Looking down at your arm, Nick stares in disbelief as he watches your weathered skin begin to inflate with muscle as his quickly deflates in response. “Holy shit man, let me go! I’m sorry!” Nick cries out, but you’re refusing to loosen your grip. You wanted to teach him a lesson in the best way possible, so as he continued to freak out as his muscles dwindled and yours began to stretch the limits of your shirts, you knew that he was getting his just desserts.
With his arms becoming pencil-thin and his pectorals deflated until he’s completely flat-chested, you’re in complete awe as the inverse happens to you. Feeling your body fill up with such power and strength is incredibly alluring, which leaves you eager to continue the muscle drain. Staring at his exposed torso, you can’t help but grin devilishly at the man as his abs sink deep within his body and manifest onto your body instead. By this point, the man’s broad stance had been condensed inward, which only further showcased his flat torso and quickly-shrinking body. Still laying on the ground, you watched as your view of Nick grew closer as you grew taller and he shrank in height.
By the time the height had finished swapping between the two of you, the transformation had completed as your legs had exploded in muscle and replaced the former thick and flabby thighs you once had. Loosening your grip, you chuckled at the scrawny man who now looked quite strange while shirtless. “Looks like someone needs to respect their elders huh?” you said, a deep bellowing laugh intimidating the former bodybuilder to the point where he ran off crying back to his parents’ house.
Unfortunately for Nick, by the time he got home, reality had been partially warped to fit Nick’s new appearance. Instead of being an aspiring bodybuilder, Nick’s new life was that of a slacker. Having dropped out of college and moving back home, he was stuck in a dead-end job in retail that completely drained him of his joy. While Nick retained all of his memories about who he used to be, his parents had their memories altered to match their new reality. Instead of joy and encouragement about their son pursuing his passions, they now felt intense shame and disappointment in their failure of a child.
As Nick began to obsess over the older man who had stolen his muscles and rewritten his life, his family felt incredible disgust as they perceived the reason to be that their son had a daddy kink. Despite their best intentions to help sway him to find people of his own age bracket, they always found Nick going back to their older neighbor down the street. While they assumed that their child was being fucked by the buff older man, the reality of the situation was quite different.
Heading over to your house once a week, Nick couldn’t help but miss the muscles and life that were stolen from him. As a result, you made a deal with him that allowed him to come over and worship the muscles that were rightfully taken away from him. If he continued to do this, you vowed to give him back some of his muscles, but in reality you had no intention of ever doing this. To you, this was just another way of furthering his humiliation. Just a weak twig of a man appreciating the muscles of a real man, a man who had always deserved them...

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Heya, I'm a 20-ish asian guy working on bulking up for the past few months. Think you can help me out in getting some solid progress faster?
Becoming... A Cocky Jock
Upon pressing the send button and releasing your request into my magical inbox, you shiver as a slight chill runs through your entire body. Looking around, you watch as your surroundings grow blurry and distorted through your vision. You rub your eyes, thinking it’s some sort of side effect of sleep deprivation after staying up past 3 AM to send this specific request. One-by-one, you watch as items from your bedroom vanish from existence, leaving your room becoming less and less crowded. This process continues for about 30 seconds until you’re left in an empty room sitting in a desk chair. Like wrapping paper, the four walls that surround are then peeled away and a bright light rushed in and consumed you.
As you feel the searing bright light begin to disappear, you crack open your eyes, watching as reality begins to reassemble itself. Instead of a desk, you find yourself now situated at a round black picnic table. The small bedroom you once were in grows bigger as you suddenly find yourself outside in an empty field (sans the black picnic table). The heat instantly hits you, causing you to fan yourself and pray for some relief from the intense sunbeams. Your prayers are soon answered as roofing begins to emerge and connects to the several posts that manifest and push up to the sky like daisies. With this roofing now finished, you watch as a few more picnic tables are sprinkled under the pavilion and finalize your new reality.
Looking around in disbelief, you wonder where you are and why you’re suddenly outside. Your eyes glance down towards your phone, causing you to take a double take as you peer at the reflection in the screen. Instead of your normal face staring back at you, the face of a different guy is reflected back at you. “Holy shit!” you said, your lips puckering up as you continue to stare at your new face. Hell, even your new voice was different, replacing your normal voice with a deep baritone that seemed ill-fitting on this body. Despite not being interested in guys, you could appreciate the beauty of your new form.

Sliding open your phone with FaceID, you pull open your weather app to find your location. Upon looking at the sunny weather with 0% chance of precipitation, you soon realize that you’ve now found yourself in the wonderful city of Los Angeles. While most people would be in utter shock, you felt strangely excited about the possibilities. It was clear to you that this change was a product of your wish request, so you felt no desire to really sweat anything.
With no real idea what to do and an innate desire to explore your new body, you quickly pulled out your wallet from your short pockets and grabbed your ID. While fishing for it, you grabbed a set of car keys as well, which left you chuckling given that you hadn’t been able to drive back during your old life. With a grin on your face, you got up from the seat and walked to the parking lot, using the lock button on the key fob to show you the new car you had. After entering it, you drove off towards your new place of residence. Upon arriving at an apartment complex, you began to mount the stairs and quickly unlocked the door to the apartment indicated on your license.
Walking into the apartment, you were impressed by the large living space you now possessed. Despite not being too incredibly buff in this new body, your apartment was decorated in décor that promoted working out and living a healthy lifestyle. You chuckled to yourself, wondering what exactly the mysterious Soul-Controls had planned for you. Based on your apartment's design, it seemed like you were going to get your wish of being buff one way or another.
Thinking about yourself growing buff and muscular, you couldn’t help but find yourself growing hard at the thought. Both wanting to explore your body and also unleash this increasingly erotic experience, you began to strip out of your clothes and enter your bedroom. Falling back onto the bed, it didn’t take long before you were running your hands up and down your impressive equipment. This process continued off and on for the rest of the night, allowing you to take breaks to explore various parts of the apartment and different sections of your new body as well. As you soon came and grew tired, you made a plan to explore a local gym as the chapter closed on the first day of your new life.
The next morning, you quickly showered and got dressed as you prepared for a fun day at the gym. Looking for any indication of where to go for a workout, your eyes wandered to your car keys. Staring at the keychain and the few tags hooked onto it, you smiled as you caught a gym membership tag belonging to a gym that was only a block away from you. With a pep in your step, you bounded down the stairs and walked down the street and into the gym.
As you entered, you were shocked to be greeted with a warm smile from the two receptionists at the front of the gym. “Hey Justin, go right in!” they said, which both made you shocked and surprised. It seemed that you were a popular gym goer based on their reactions, it was just a shame that you didn’t have a body to showcase that determination. On top of that, it was really surprising to hear them refer to you by the new name assigned to this body and life. It was the first time anyone had ever directly addressed you, so it led your words to stumble as you at first attempted to correct them. “That’s not my-, oh uh, hey there guys!” you said, catching yourself and just trying to walk into the gym and avoid any confusion on their parts.
After quickly changing into a tank top and shorts, you headed out onto the gym floor and tried to decide what to workout today. Looking down at your body, you stared at your exposed arms and decided some arm workouts would be a valid choice. After finding a machine, you began a series of lateral pulldowns and struggled to handle the weight that was already setup on it. However, to your surprise, you soon found yourself feeling less strain with each pull. Looking out and towards the glass-covered mirrors, you began to inspect your body and watch your fledgling body somehow doing this workout with ease.
However, as you continued to stare, your eyes focused in on your arms as you began to notice a weird ripple shutter across both limbs. Staring in confusion, your eyes went from a narrowed glare to wide as you could actually watch your arms inflating. Yes, with each passing pulldown, your arms were growing thicker and gaining musculature that you could have only dreamed of. Inch by inch, your biceps grew thicker and thicker, causing an enthusiastic smile to spread on your face. Clearly, the magic you had wished for had finally kicked in and was able to transform you with every machine you used.
You continued to pull on the machine, the inflation like a drug leaving you eager to keep going. By this point, your forearms had grown much thicker as well, giving you an impressive set of arms. However, this wasn’t the only change that your body endured, as evident by the widening set of lats blooming on each side of your body. “Oh wow” you muttered under your breath, your body continuing to grow thicker and thicker under your control.

After several sets on this machine, you soon decided that this was enough growth for you at this current time. Based on how this magic was working, you just had to step onto this machine again and you could continue this growth. However, since this was already much more than you had ever had, you decided it was best to stop now and savor the growth (despite how much you desired to keep growing).
Sitting up, you shook your limbs, feeling the thick muscles bulge out and bounce as you moved around the gym. Despite gaining several pounds of muscle exclusively in your lats and biceps, people seemed as though nothing had changed. Given that you had no one to really react to your growth, you grew bummed. However, this allowed you to come up with a clever idea. Since only you realize the changes that your body undergoes, you might as well space out the changes to revel in those changes. After heading into the locker room, you quickly peeled off sweaty tank and caught a sight of yourself in the mirror. It was rather comical to see your huge arms attached to such a small and average body, but you weren’t feeling embarrassed in any way. In fact, you had this weird fire burning within you as you stared at yourself. Usually, you weren’t big on personal vanity, but incredible pride was beginning to cloud your mind. Now, you couldn’t stop thinking about just how magnificent those arms of yours were and how you couldn’t wait until you had a body that would perfectly fit these thick biceps.
As you began to move your arms and watch thick muscle bulge out from different positions, you couldn’t help but feel yourself growing hard by the sight of your new body. In fact, you were giving into the desire as well, slowly moving your hand down beneath your shorts until…
BAM! The sound of a locker slamming shut startled you and broke you out of your self-indulgent admiration. Looking around to make sure that no one caught you almost grabbing your dick in the locker room, you blushed in slight embarrassment, grabbed your gym bag, and exited out of the locker room. Waving goodbye to the blonde receptionist that greeted you this morning, you couldn’t help but notice the way she was staring at you… It seemed like she was into you, especially after today’s growth. Earlier, she just seemed friendly, but the eyes she made at you indicated a new desire beyond just simple friendship. Curious to possibly explore this later, you made a plan to come back in a few days and try out some new machines and get some more growth.
After enjoying a few days of staying home and enjoying the growth you’d gained in your arms, you soon decided it was time to undergo some more changes. Entering the gym, you smirked at the blonde receptionist once more, where a wide smile spread across her face. Enjoying the attention, a cocky grin overtook your face as you entered the locker room and changed into your workout clothes. Still proud of your impressive arms, you opted to wear yet another tank top along with a pair of shorts. Walking out to the gym, you quickly opted to go for the second most revealed part of your body: your small legs.
Hopping onto a leg press machine, you wasted no time beginning to work out. You chuckled as you began to push your legs to their limits, knowing that soon there will be no limit for you. The magic of your request seemed to time its arrival just as you thought about this fact. With a tingle that caused the skin across your legs to ripple, you now knew that the magic was underway and helping you grow.
With vigor, you continued to press against the machine, noticing just how easier the machine was getting for you. Looking down, you watched as your thin legs began to widen to make way for the musculature now beginning to invade the puny limbs. Your thighs began to thicken, causing you to readjust your legs to make room for the continued growth.
Finally, you could feel a tingle in your calves as they gained an impressive set of muscles that would clearly allow you to sprint up your apartment stairs and down the busy city streets with ease. The concepts of jogs sounded more and more appealing now knowing that you had a prime setup for them.
Despite assuming that the changes would end there, you soon began to feel a tingle in your ass as you continued to work out. As you sat there, you chuckled as you felt your ass begin to inflate slowly. With each passing repetition, your ass ratcheted up just a few millimeters as you gained a globular and buff ass. With this change now complete, you got off the machine and decided that was enough growth for the day. Standing up, you stared into the mirrored walls and took a glance at your new physique. It was incredibly impressive, especially paired with the thick arms you possessed. Your body was looking more and more muscular, which only led to you feeling more intimidating.

Immediately upon this thought, your brain begins to go on autopilot as you begin to make a series of poses in front of the mirrors. You flexed your arms, giving them a time to shine before moving your attention to your legs. Putting one further out, you pulled up your shorts slightly and stared at the impressive muscles you now had. In no time, you were turning yourself into a real beast of a gym-goer. While most people would be concerned about these poses coming so seemingly natural, you couldn’t give less of a shit. Your body was built and these poses just showed off what you had always known. Hell, you were Justin “The Beast” Lin, the most intimidating guy in this gym. Men were intimidated by you and the women were constantly thirsting over you, it was only natural for such a fine specimen like yourself.
With a twinkle of cockiness now almost permanently found in your eyes, you headed off to the gym and stripped down to change. Looking around, you stared at the fellow male gym-goers, many of them giving you annoyed stares while several had a look of jealousy transfixed onto their faces. You chuckled and smirked as you continued to change in the middle of the gym. After you put on your new clothes, you grabbed your bag and began to head towards the day. Looking back at the men still staring at you, you smirked at them. “Jealous much boys? How about you go pump some iron rather than continuing to check me out huh?” you said, giving them a cocky wink as you headed out and towards the reception desk.
Your eyes met with the blonde receptionist, who now had a different expression than a few days prior. Now, the woman had lustful eyes that showcased every inch of desire she had for you. “Hey babe, how about dinner? 8 PM at my place?” you said, winking at the blonde who rapidly nodded her head. “Great, see you then…” you continued, your voice going into a deep hearty tone that leaves her swooning. Looking back one more time, your eyes look her up and down one last time before you exit the building and head back home to prepare for an interesting night…

Read Part II Here
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Meeting Your Idol: Cody Christian
This is a request from one of my followers. If you have a story idea you’d like me to write, feel free to send it in here!

When you checked your mailbox one afternoon, you groaned as you flipped through the sea of envelopes. Of course, it was primarily bills, which only dampened your mood, but one strange envelope addressed from California was leaving you optimistic. As you walked back into your place and dropped the remaining stack of letters on the counter, you quickly ripped open the envelope to find out what was inside of it.
Inside was a letter, which you soon began to read with curiosity…
You are the grand prize winner of the sweepstakes to win an all-expense paid trip to Los Angeles! While you are here, you’ll be shuttled to the set of the hit television show All-American, where you will be able to explore the sets and meet all of your favorite actors.
Please prepare a bag and a car will be waiting outside tomorrow morning for your departure!
S-C Productions
“Holy shit!” you said, the letter falling from your hand as you jumped up and down in glee. Despite not remembering signing up for any contest, you were absolutely not going to look a gift horse in the mouth. You were about to head to California and meet your all-time celebrity crush: Cody Christian on the set of his show. You had been a fan for years, especially when he first appeared on Teen Wolf as the mischievous Theo.
Of course, once you first established that crush on the actor, you began to follow his every career move. Even when you weren’t interested in the show that he was in, you still tuned in to watch him and thirst for the hot actor. This was especially the case for you with the show All-American, as you were not the type of demographic to be drawn into a show about sports. But given that Cody was portraying the hunky Asher on the show, you somehow found yourself glued to the TV every week. Now, it seemed to you like all of those years of stanning was about to pay off. You were now packing a bag and preparing to meet your idol!
With haste, you quickly packed up your suitcase with your best clothes to try and fit into the LA scene. Sure, you also wanted to try and impress Cody, but you were eager to look your best to try and stand out in a land of buff studs and sexy models. Despite your insane excitement for the day ahead of you, you soon found yourself quickly passing out just as you got into bed and your head made contact with the pillow.
Before even the bright light of the early morning sun could invade your bedroom, a loud knock on the door caused you to jolt awake in shock. As you walked out and opened your front door, you came face to face with a well-dressed man, who began to ask if you were ready to leave for your trip. Due to the reminder of your upcoming trip, you soon broke out of your daze and began to scold yourself for not being ready to go. After asking for 15 minutes, you slammed the door and rushed into the shower, getting in and out in less than 3 minutes. You quickly ate a bowl of cereal as you got dressed, putting on a tank top and a pair of shorts in an attempt to dress comfortably due to the long flight ahead of you. Taking one last look in the mirror, you frowned slightly as you saw just how small you looked. Your body was incredibly frail to the point where even your tank top looked like it was several sizes too big while your shorts were only able to stay on due to the tied waistband. Quickly brushing your shaggy hair with your hand, you flashed your best attempt of a smile as you grabbed your bags and departed towards the airport.
The flight to LA was better than you expected, especially after seeing how it was portrayed in all of your favorite shows. As you exited the plane, you grabbed your luggage and began to walk towards the entrance of the airport. Luckily, there was a dorky looking man with dark rimmed glasses waiting for you with a sign that bore your name. When you approached the man, who introduced himself as Peter, he said that he was a worker on the show who was here to take you to the set for the tour and meet & greet.
The man then grabbed your bags and loaded them into his car, which turned out to be a surprisingly impressive black Escalade. Hopping into the passenger seat, your face lit up in excitement as he drove you past all of the sights in LA. Driving past the Hollywood sign, you smiled as you realized you were this much closer to meeting your idol. It was an incredible sight to behold as Peter drove you down the busy roads, the hustle and bustle of the busy city only increasing your excitement.
As Peter pulled into the side lot of the studio, you were practically jumping in your seat to try and catch a glimpse of Cody so you could tell him how much you loved his work. Of course, when you were unable to find your hunky celeb crush, you grew slightly disappointed from what you had planned in your head. To break you out of this daze, Peter quickly parked the car, where he then began to give you the rundown for what you would experience for the day. First, he would give you a tour of the studio and all of the sets for the show that weren’t currently being used for filming. After getting lunch, you would then go around and meet some of the actors on the show before they would allow you to sit behind the camera and watch their performances.
The tour itself was impressive, as evident by your wide smile as you saw sets of the show and began to recall scenes where Cody was in those same rooms. The lunch itself was nothing to write home about though, but it was at least a decent sub sandwich to last you for the rest of the day.
Finally, as the clock went off to signal the end of lunch, you grinned in joy as the time had come for you to meet some of the stars of the show. As Peter led you onto the set where the actors were currently filming a football scene, you gasped and threw your hand over your mouth as you caught sight of Cody. He was looking absolutely gorgeous in a grey crop top that displayed his thick biceps and impressive abs, which caused you to have to quickly adjust yourself to conceal your rapidly growing boner.
When the director calls cut on the scene, Peter leads you out into the set, introducing you to the cast and stating the reason for your visit. You smile and shake hands with several of the other co-stars, but as you turn towards Cody and try to speak with him, you’re immediately interrupted.
“Hey dude, it’s great that you won this random contest and all, but I’m in the zone with my acting right now. I’d love to sit and chat, but I can’t handle this right now.” Cody said, which caused you to try and speak to him and apologize for the interruption. However, before you can speak, he interrupts you and begins to talk once more. “I don’t care what you have to say man. Can you just get off the set so we can finish our scenes for today and I can go home?” Cody continued, his voice turning into a growl that showed off the level of intimidation that you had seen him display so many times on the TV.

Not wanting to piss him off further, you obey his request and begin to quickly walk off the set. As you walk back, Peter puts his hand on your shoulder, apologizing for Cody’s behavior and saying that he’s been a real diva on set lately. Despite Peter’s attempts to make excuses, you were rightfully furious. You knew that acting was a hard job and demanded commitment to the role, but his behavior was absolutely ridiculous. Sitting in the back in one of those director chairs, your mind was filling up with rage about his behavior. You weren’t even expecting much, so the least he could have done was say hi and listen to what you had to say. Needing a release, you mentally made a plan to try and visit Cody’s trailer after and give the hunk a piece of your mind!
While Peter attempted to cheer you up and show you new stuff about the set, your excitement had completely faded and you were just eager for the man to leave you alone so you could enact your plan. After the crew shut down filming for the day, you watched as all of the actors rushed off to their trailers to clean up and go home to rest. Five minutes after watching Cody leave, you asked Peter to point you towards the nearest restroom, which allowed you to quickly make your escape and head towards Cody’s trailer.
At first, you were incredibly worried that you wouldn’t be able to find Cody’s trailer, but Cody’s ego was able to help you out with that worry. As you walked down the backlot, you soon found a trailer with a headshot of your former crush taped up to the door. After taking a deep breath to collect yourself and prepare your speech, you quickly nodded your head in encouragement, ripped open the trailer door, and entered the premises.
Of course, as you entered up the steps and made contact with the hunky actor and his ripped body, the man’s expression wasn’t a happy one. “Hey, what the fuck are you doing in my trailer!” he said, seemingly annoyed that you had walked in on him shirtless. “Are you some sort of crazy fan trying to check me out?” he continued, that impressive sneer returning to try and intimidate you.
However, your rage refused to allow you to be shaken by his intimidation tactics this time. “No asshole, you were a dick earlier and I just wanted to let you know!” you retorted back, which caused him to turn towards you, his shirtless body displayed and showcasing his nice physique. “Well, I was working and didn’t need another interruption!” Cody responded, his eyes focusing in and glaring at you.
Despite his best efforts, you refused to bow down to his behaviors. “I wasn’t asking for much man. I just wanted to say how much I admired you and loved your work… I couldn’t even speak before you pushed me away!” you said, your voice now adopting a similar growl. “Well, I guess I’ll have to push you a second time. Maybe you’ll take the hint this time…” Cody said as he began to pace towards you and try to throw you out of the trailer. You knew that he was fully able to beat your ass and throw you out, but you still attempted to stand firm. As he reached you and pushed his arms out to grab onto you, you closed your eyes and tensed up to prepare for his retaliation. However, a weird sensation coursed through your body and a loud bang rang throughout the trailer from behind you.
Opening your eyes in confusion, you looked to find Cody no longer in front of you. You turned around and gasped as you looked at the sight before you. Cody was now facedown on the ground, his body slightly slumped down the stairs of the trailer. “Holy shit!” you cried out, in awe as to how he had gotten around you and fallen so severely. As you reached out and grabbed onto Cody’s wrist to check for a pulse, you gasped as a severe tugging sensation suddenly coursed through your body. You cried out in shock as your body grew numb and you lost all of your senses.
As you came to, you groaned as you felt the sensation of cold metal pressed against your cheek. Sitting up, you groaned as you lifted your head up and saw yourself slumped down the stairs of the trailer. “What the hell happened...” you said, your hand moving up to your head to try and remedy the throbbing pain that was suddenly radiating from it. However, as you watched your hand run through your hair, you gasped as you came face to face with the appearance of a modest bicep. “Holy shit!” you said, causing you to finally notice the different voice that was coming out of your mouth. You slowly sat up, your body aching as you had seemingly fallen as well. However, as you looked down upon standing up, you gasped as you realized two things. Firstly, Cody’s body was no longer on the floor and second, you were shirtless! On top of that, your shirtless body was now displaying a physique that was a far cry from the thin frame you usually had.
After searching through the trailer and opening every door, you soon found a bathroom where you turned on the light and screamed. Instead of your own face, you saw the gorgeous face of Cody being reflected back at you. “Holy fuck!” you cried out, watching as Cody’s mouth said the same words and a look of shock spread across his face. In shock, you moved your arms up and down, watching as the reflection of Cody did the same in tandem.
Looking down at your body, it was clear that somehow you had found yourself in the body of the hot-tempered actor! Despite your remaining anger towards the actor, this was a dream come true! You had always admired the man and now you found yourself inside of him and in control of his body! While staring in the mirror, you quickly opened the cabinet and searched for some sort of bandages. From Cody’s fall, he had scrapped up his arms and his wrists were aching from how he had fallen. Not wanting to deal with the constant pain, you quickly wrapped up your arms and wrists.
Now wanting to figure out what to do next, you slowly walked out of the bathroom and sat on the couch in the trailer. Trying to make sense of everything, you moved your hand towards your mouth in shock as you began to ask yourself various questions:
What should I do? What happened to my body? How did this happen?
Why am I in his body? How long will I be in his body?

Of course, you couldn’t come up with any answers, but you were sure that this had to be a dream. Despite trying to pinch yourself awake, it soon became clear that this was real life and you hadn’t somehow fallen instead of Cody.
Sitting there still, you soon began to realize that maybe this wasn’t necessarily a bad thing. It was clear from Peter’s statement that Cody had been an asshole on set lately. Was this some sort of karma for his behavior? If so, you realized that you had plenty of opportunities as this hot shot actor.
Firstly, you would need to remedy his image on set, but that seemed like an easy task for you to handle. Given that you weren’t an actor like Cody, there was a deep level of appreciation you had for the opportunities that Cody had so ignorantly taken advantage of. All you needed was to showcase that mentality and be kind and his image would be repaired immediately.
Secondly, you had always dreamt about being intimate with Cody. Sure, now you were inside his body, but in a way you will now always be intimate with him every time you jerk off or go out and hook up with some celebrity or big fan. Sure, it was weird to be inside the body of your crush, but you supposed that you shouldn’t take this opportunity for granted. In LA, your previous body wouldn’t have made much of an impact in terms of finding any partners. However, now as the sexy Cody, you were sure that any man or woman would practically throw themselves at you for a chance of you fucking them.
Lastly, this was an amazing opportunity to teach Cody a lesson in humility and common decency. You had hoped that he was still down deep within his body, watching you act as him and perfectly adapting to the life of Cody Christian. Maybe that would teach him to not be an asshole, although you knew that you weren’t going to willingly give this body up. It was possible that you would exhale your last breath as Cody and that was something incredibly erotic to you. “Serves that asshole right…” you said, chuckling as you began to imagine all of your important life events now being completed with Cody’s body rather than your own.
Now eager to get out of this trailer and explore what this new life has in store for you, you quickly entered Cody's closet and put on his best suit. As you grabbed a set of car keys and exited the trailer, you chuckled to yourself as an impressive sports car revved up upon hitting the start button. “Fuck yeah, now this is the life…” you said as you quickly hopped into the car and began to rev up the engine. With a car and body like this, you knew you were going to be one lucky man. Not wanting to conceal the new and improved version of Cody Christian, you put the car into drive, exiting the lot and entering your new life.

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Don’t Snoop On The Warlock Jocks
This story was a request story by @wannabetwink. If you have a story idea you’d like me to write, feel free to send it in here!
You knew you shouldn’t do it, but you just couldn’t help yourself. Despite your flabby body and complete lack of workout knowledge, you loved your job at the college gym. You couldn’t care less about the measly salary when you got such a prime view of all of the sexy college jocks that would enter to workout. Although most people would be offended by the fact that your supervisor didn’t want your non-athletic appearance greeting the clients, you didn’t mind it. This was especially due to the fact that your new job involved sanitizing the gym equipment and cleaning up the filthy locker rooms. Most people would be disgusted by having to clean up the mess after the endless jerk-off sessions that occur in the sauna and showers, but you didn’t mind it at all. This was as close as you’ve been to any action in years.
Another positive from doing these duties is the fact that it allowed you to snoop in the locker room and stare at the naked men after their workouts. Something about just the sight of their sweat-covered torsos was enough to get you rock hard and leaking into your work khakis. You had made it quite a habit now, with each shift leading you to snoop and stare for longer and longer periods of time at the various men. After months of doing it, it got to the point where you had your favorite jocks’ schedules memorized so you knew who to expect each day you worked. It was a bit alarming to see yourself falling into such a lustful obsession, but you didn’t stop yourself from leaning into your peeping tom tendencies.
One day, you were going through your normal snooping schedule while hiding in the corner of the locker room. You pretended to mop the floor, but you ignored the tasks at hand and continuously peered past the lockers and stared at the large group of men joking around and parading around fully nude.
As you lean further into the lockers, you become completely enamoured by one man’s dick. Usually you were quite the ass man, but just watching the way it bounced with each thunderous step had left you essentially foaming at the mouth. With your mind solely focused on the firm member in your field of vision, you didn’t notice your grip on the mop quickly slipping. The only thing that broke you from your state of thirst was the clanging and clattering of the mop against the tiled floor. By the time you realized what was going on, you looked up once more to see all of the men staring at you. Trying to play off being caught in the act, you quickly begin whistling and start rapidly mopping the floor to make it appear as if you’ve been working this whole time.
However, after a few seconds of hearing some weird mumbling that seemed like a foreign language, the men call out to you. “Hey creep, get your ass out here!” one voice cried out, its hoarseness echoing throughout the otherwise empty locker room and making you tense up out of fear. Out of nowhere, you look down in shock as your feet begin to move at their own volition towards the group. You gasp and try to stop yourself, but it’s no use. It’s as if you have no control over where your feet take you anymore.
After a few more steps, you walk right into the group of men, who now are clad into towels after the discovery of your peeping. They quickly surround you and their eyes narrow as they attentively stare at you. While they stare, you couldn’t help but grow a bit self-conscious as they size you up. Given your bigger size, it was quite humiliating to watch all of these buff men judging your appearance. Before your mind can wander further into shame, your attention is directly back to the men as they slowly begin to chant in a synchronized low tone. Despite your best attempts at trying to understand what they’re saying, all you can make out is some sort of strange gibberish in an unrecognizable language. You look around in confusion as the men slowly allow their emotionless faces to change into a devilish grin. At this point, you begin to sweat profusely as their piercing glares make it appear as if they have some sort of evil plan to punish you.
Soon after, one of the men steps forward, who you immediately recognize as being named Blake. Blake was the man you were caught staring at, the prime subject of your twisted tendencies. Despite never once talking to the man, you had completely memorized so much about his life. Your snooping both in the gym and online informed you of his life as a star football player and valedictorian at his high school. It was incredibly alluring to see someone who broke the age-old stereotype of a jocks having no intelligence. Plus, with his slicked back blonde hair, hulking frame, and husky voice, it was no shock that you found him completely irresistible. “So, what were you doing over there huh? Were you staring at us to get off?” he said in an inquisitive tone. You tried to shake your head no and remain calm, but you gasp as your mouth began on its own. “Yes, I snoop on the guys here all the time. Everyone’s too hot, it’s hard to resist honestly” You said, causing you to grab your throat in shock. You couldn’t deny it was true, but you were absolutely shocked by just how blatant your phrasing had been. “Yeah, that’s what I thought…” Blake said. “Well, if you’re getting off on us, we might as well get off on you as well… right boys?” he continued, turning his head side to side and watching as all of the jocks shake their heads in approval. “Glad we agree then boys, so who wants to go first?” Blake asks.
One man steps forward and deeply looks you up and down. As he stares, you couldn’t help but stare back and admire his sculpted features. With beautiful caramel skin that even glistened under the unflattering gym lighting, you couldn’t deny that you even felt an attraction to this man as well. However, your daydreaming quickly is broken as the man begins to speak. His silky smooth voice begins and says “I think he needs a new hairstyle. This long hair look isn’t a good one. How about his hair grows a bit darker and changes to something shorter?”.
As he finished his statement, you suddenly began to feel a weird tug come from your scalp. You couldn’t tell, but in one quick swoop, your hair was completely reformed. The long dirty blond hair that rested around your shoulders was no more. The hair quickly vanished from existence as a shorter hairstyle quickly reformed in its place. As the new hairs pushed out of your scalp, you were completely unaware of the fact that your hair was now a darker shade of brown.
Another man with green eyes and ginger-colored hair shook his head and did a swiping hand motion to his side. In your stationary state, you could only watch as the clothing on your body immediately evaporated off of your chunky frame. Now completely nude, you felt even more self-conscious as the sexy men continued to stare you down. “I think he should be almost completely hairless though. I don’t think he has the body to pull off such a thick pelt of body hair…” He said, which your body soon agreed with. Out of nowhere, the body hair that completely covered your body ripped off in a thick tug like it was taken off with a wax strip. You groaned in pain, but you couldn’t do anything else about it as almost every inch of your body had its hair removed. The only places that remained safe from this trimming was the hair on your scalp and your armpits.
“Yeah, that’s good. Let’s give him some pierced ears too!” a man chimed in from the back. Immediately, a twinge of pain occurs and you suddenly feel the heft of two stud earrings tugging downwards on the lobes of your ears..
“Well, that just looks strange now... We need to get rid of that flab too. If you want us to even touch you, you’re gonna need to lose some weight. You know what, I’m feeling like we could use a twink in our ranks. Let’s make that happen, shall we boys?” another man with brown eyes says to you. Immediately, your body complies to the order as it rapidly heats up and you groan in discomfort. That discomfort soon turns to searing pain as the fat quickly melts off his body. Your flabby chest melts away until you’re now completely flat chested. These changes continue down your torso as your gut fades from existence and a taut torso is revealed to the entire group. The changes continue downward as your thick thighs lose pounds of heft until your legs are completely slim. Due to this, you find yourself adjusting your body in response.
Given that you no longer need a wider stance to compensate for your thick thighs, you move your legs closer together and can only peer down in shock at the thin body you now have. Despite the fact that you didn’t want to be a chunky man, you certainly didn’t want to be a skinny twink either. All you ever wanted was to be a buff jock like those guys and now they’ve seemingly forced you to become this skinny and hairless twink. You wanted to cry, but you found yourself unable to as another man randomly begins to chime in with his own suggestions.
“You’re looking great man. But ooh, let’s change his personality too. I’d hate to have that peeping tom personality still bouncing around in that dumb noggin of his….” a man chuckles, his hearty laugh echoing through the room. “Given that he wants to snoop so badly, let’s give him an incredibly high libedo while making him completely dick-crazy. From now on, the only thing he’ll be able to think about is dick...” Immediately, an intense pain shoots through your head, rivaling the worst migraines you’ve ever experienced. From nerve ending to nerve ending, you can feel your brain painfully rewiring. Your years of computer programming intelligence slowly fades away until your mind informs you of your new major of journalism. Upon this new memory, several other smaller memories unlock informing you about your position at the school paper. You remember late nights where you’d write juicy gossip columns about the various scandals on campus.
The intensity of pain deepens and you snap out of your trip down memory lane as your mind goes blank as the changes slowly finalize. Upon the pain finally subsiding, you gingerly open your eyes and look around the room. Upon staring at the sea of shirtless jocks, your dick immediately begins to harden in response. However, despite their buff musculatures, you find that your eyes are only focusing intently on their towel-covered crotches. Despite its concealed nature, your mind can’t focus on anything else other than sucking it and hearing the deep moans of the various men.
In response to your fantasies, your dick reaches peak hardness and thus making its appearances blatantly obvious to the group. When Blake slowly steps forward, your eyes immediately narrow in an act of pure lust. “Oh wow, you’re better endowed than I expected…” Blake says as he peers at you and your throbbing dick. He then begins to taunt you as he wraps his thick hand around your shaft and playfully slides it up and down. “How about we remedy that a bit huh? I don’t think you’ll need it anymore given that you’re such a hungry bottom now…” He continued, adding in a sinister chuckle as you feel more changes occur. With your eyes breaking from their lustful glares and looking downwards, you can only watch in sadness as your surprisingly impressive dick begins to quickly shrink. Inch-by-inch, it loses its prestige until you’re left with a dick that now only looks to be a good 4” while firm.
“Wait you guys…” someone else says, causing you to forget about the disappointing package you now possess. “He’s too lanky now with all of that fat gone, let’s shrink him down a bit” the man states. An intense pressure begins to manifest on both your legs and your head as the changes start. Your 5’11” height quickly yet painfully changes until you’re now a petit 5’4”.
In response, the jocks all turn to look at each other while doing various head movements at each other. Despite your confusion, you grow more afraid as they slowly nod in agreement and begin to move towards you. You cringe and tense up as you prepare for more changes, but out of nowhere, you suddenly find yourself freed from your invisible shackles. You aimlessly walk around the tightened circle and stare at the various men that have wide grins across their faces. By this point, your mind is begging to accept your new life. They have given you a new lease on life and the ability to be around them constantly. It’s no surprise that you eventually gave in as each jock chuckle and drop their towels in unison…
In response, your new personality takes hold and gives a light chuckle as you slowly get onto your knees. With each man’s package revealed and slowly hardening, you take a deep breath and prepare for a long night of pleasuring each and every jock you had spent so much time admiring…
After hours of nonstop sucking and the occasional fucking, your post-coital high has your body lead the way until you suddenly find yourself at the doorstep of the fraternity that the jocks are a part of. You walk in and allow your body to navigation under cruise control until it leads you into a bedroom that you soon remember as your room. Despite your petit frame not fitting in with the rest of the jocks, they had accepted you into the fraternity as their personal boy toy. Of course, the jocks kept up appearances by being publicly sighted with various cheerleaders and other attractive women. But as you laid in bed and took a look at yourself with your phone camera, you couldn’t help but chuckle knowing that secretly you were the biggest catch on campus. Despite the jocks seemingly punishing you for your indiscretions, your lack of memory of the incident despite the sexual aspects left you as happy as could be. While you laid in bed, you were eager to get the attention of the jocks once more despite being completely worn out. As you snapped some photos and looked at your twink body, you couldn’t help but grow firm thinking about the next time they’ll all want you to service them once more...

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